Stuart, Celibate free porn video

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Stu recalled Donnie cutting the longelectrical cord of Stu?s bedside lamp,peeling back the insulation from the bare wires ?N



Stuart had to talk to that kid?he had to get the CAGE? off?the tight rings locked around his penis were driving him crazy. Which was worse?


?Taffy?s confusion over Stu not being able to take off his pants? Or the fact that whenever Stu got an erection looking at?mostly men, but that hopefully was a phase, whenever his dick got hard, it was unable to fully erect in the crippling steel rings of the CAGE.


And then in the middle of the night, Stu would get nocturnal erections, or try to get them, and wake up in pain as his dick couldn?t expand in the smallness of the CAGE.


?Five times a night Stu would have to take cold showers?especially last night, when he?d been tortured with some of the memories of what Donnie O?Hara had put him through, because of Stu?s desperation to have the cock cage removed.


Stu recalled Donnie cutting the long? electrical cord of Stu?s bedside lamp,peeling back the insulation from the bare wires ?Now for your nipples to have a bit of fun, dude? Donnie had said softly, and he?d shocked and re-shocked Stu?s nipples as the young commodities broker had screamed.


?Stu had gritted his teeth as Donnie had brushed the electric wires once more across the sensitive nipples, before throwing Stu on the be, unlocking the CAGE.


?And now I will make your penis dance!? And the strap had fallen again and again, before Donnie had thrown it down, laughing, and ordering Stu to suck the teenager?s long, thick cock til Donnie had cum again and again. But what could he do? Stu?s mouth still tasted eating Donnie?s turds, mixed with cigarette butts, in a bowl of milk?super cereal, eh?


And at the end of that weekend?the boy had finally let Stu jerk off?but had stopped him at the last minute! And then Donnie had locked the CAGE again??Maybe next week, if you?ve earned it, Mr. Ambrosio.?


Four months. This had been going on for FOUR MONTHS. But it was over as of today! Stuart would be firm.


Stuart tried to look firm today? as he knocked on Donnie's front door. The memory of Taffy's lipgloss was still in horrible it had been, telling her he couldn't take off his pants...she thought he was a religious nut!


Donnie's mother opened the door. "Hello, Mr. Ambrosio, what can I do for you? I'm just off to go shopping?" Stu smiled gameley. "I...wanted to see Donnie, Mrs. O'Hara. Is he in? It's about the newspaper delivery." Mrs. O'Hara gave Stuart a knowing look...sort of a Suuure it's about the delivery.


They were a strange family. Strange that Donnie had recognized the package on top of Stu?s mailbox. ?Oh, you?ve got a cock chastity tube, huh, Mr. Ambrosio? They?re complicated little things?I?ve got a little time.?


Stu had told the kid to mind his own business, but after two days of trying to assemble the CAGE himself, he?d waved Donnie over, and offered him a few bucks to put it together after his route. ?It?s just a fun thing to fool around with, heh heh.? Stu had told the kid.


Stu recalled that when Donnie had helped Stu assemble and put on the CAGE he'd told Stu "Yeah, this is easy. My dad wears one. Ma went out of town, and Dad gave me a hundred bucks to pick the lock so he could watch a Dr. Fellatio tape and wank it."

But then Donnie had pocketed Stu's key.


"Donnie! I need that key! This is just an um..experiment" Stu had roared. "C'mon, Mr. Ambrosio" Donnie'd grinned, "You couldn'ta got the thing on without me, and you know you need a keyholder. See you soon."


Now Mrs. O'Hara was smiling openly. "Well, I'll be gone all afternoon, and my husband is, you could say, tied up with a project in the attic. Oh, speaking of that, thanks again for helping Donald, Jr. do that wonderful work in our basement Thursday night. Oh Donnie? Your friend Mr. Ambrosio is here to see you, dear!" With a wink, she was gone.


Donnie came down. "Bye, Ma!" Donnie had obviously heard the Thursday remark, and was laughing, silently.


?On Thursday, Stu had dropped by, and Donnie had promised he might unlock the CAGE if Stu would help him with a little housework.


"Gotta de-mildew the basement, man" the kid had said, grinning


 Stuart remembered scrubbing the walls and floors with detergent and water, as Donnie slashed his back with a malacca cane.


There had been plenty of water damage and Stu had carried carpets to be cleaned as Donnie had screamed at him viciously. "Get moving Cerdo!" Cerdo meant pig in Spanish,and Donnie was in third year Spanish at Aaron Burr Academy.


As Stu had removed silt and dirt stains from the walls with a hose, Donnie had grabbed the hose from Stu and shot him in the face with it. "You are the laziest man I have ever known!" Donnie had roared, before kicking Stu into the wall.


"No, sorry, man...not going to unlock." Donnie's verdict had been at the end of all Stu's work, negative. "Maybe Saturday, my mom'll be shopping and Dad's doing time in the attic, you know?"


Now Donnie smiled and stretched his biceps in a Goo Goo Dolls t-shirt that Stu recalled from four weeks ago, when Donnie had taken Stu out to the woods seven miles from town.


?He?d stripped Stu naked and cuffed Stu?s wrists behind his head, and driven off in Stu?s car, and it had been an interesting project, poor Stu getting home. Though Donnie had allowed Stu to masturbate to orgasm the next day before re-locking the CAGE?guilt?


Now, Donnie leaned against the doorjamb, his braces glinting as he grinned at poor Stuart. ?So, you came over to help me with my homechores, Stuart?? Stu rolled his eyes.


Not even ?Mr. Ambrosio? anymore. Not even the pretense of respect. ?Donnie?I?ve come by to get the key. I?m sick of this now.? Stu tried to look firm. He was, after all, much taller than Donnie, who had just turned eighteen. ?Donnie, I had some interest in chastity training, because I read something about it in the media, and I thought??


Donnie laughed. ?You?re a perv! You?re a slave! If you wanted that thing off your dick, you could buy BOLT cutters, man, don?t make me piss myself.? Donnie spun on his heel and ambled to the kitchen, his slender buttocks twitching in his loose jeans.


?Why do these kids wear those damn baggy pants? Stuart fumed, thinking of a TV show that said they liked to mimick prisoners, who had to wear baggy pants because they couldn?t have belts.


Stuart followed Donnie into the kitchen. ?Goddamnit, I don?t want to destroy my chastity device, I just want to unlock it and besides, my fianc?e, Taffy is wondering why I can?t screw her..because I can?t take my pants off and show her this goddamn thing on my dick!?


?Not to mention the tattoo, right Stu?? Donnie was falling over himself laughing as Stuart blushed. ?Or did you have that removed already, Stuart?? Stuart gritted his teeth and stared at the floor.


?You know I did, Donnie, you?ve whipped my butt since then.? Fifty-two days ago, Donnie had ordered Stuart to get ?I FUCK LITTLE BOYS? tattooed in bright colors on his left buttock, for about a $140 fee. The price of an orgasm?


Thirty-three days ago, right before his company beach trip, Stuart had spent seven thousand dollars to have the tattoo lasered off?and there was still a bright red mark. Stu looked at Donnie with furrowed brows. ?The key, mister. We?ve had enough of this. I?m going to talk to your dad about this if it keeps up??


Donnie looked frightened all of a sudden. ?No, not my Dad, Stuart. You?re going to talk to my Dad?he?s up in the attic?? Stu tried to look conciliatory. ?Well, just give me the key, Donnie?


Donnie?s eyes became big and Bambi-like. ?No, come see Dad. He?s real strict.? Donnie led Stuart up to the very top floor of their house, and then up a ladder into the attic.


Donnie waved Stuart in. ?Tell Dad what a bad boy I am?? Stuart started. There was Donald O?Hara, Sr., respected? Air Force colonel, bound and gagged, naked on the floor?and on his penis was a CAGE just like the one Stu had on.


The same thing, a series of standard nickel-plated steel rings connected by a leather strap over the colonel?s struggling hard penis.


Donnie giggled, and pointed to his blushing father. ?And note, Daddy has? the ball stretcher and separator on his testicles. I had to help Mom with that one.? Donnie smirked at Stuart. ?So what do you think the old man will do to me??


Suddenly Donnie?s fingers came up and twisted Stu?s nipple through his Brooks Brothers burgundy pullover. ?Get downstairs, you little queer. There?s been enough bullshit.?


Stuart hurried down the stairs, with Donnie lightly kicking his bottom. When they?d gotten back down to the living room, Donnie grabbed Stu?s burgundy pullover in a small fist.


??I am so sick of your bitching. You know goddamn well that you?d die if I gave you your keys back. You want them??


Donnie reached into his jeans and pulled out the chastity keys. ?You want these keys?so you can jerk off and put the thing back on and take it off? Take them!? Donnie held the keys out, and Stuart reached for them, but then dropped his hand.


??I-I just??What was wrong with him? Didn?t Stu want the keys? SLAP! Donnie?s hand flattened Stu?s lip in a cruel backhand.


?All that trouble for nothing. What the fuck?s wrong with you?? Donnie snapped his fingers, and Stuart, lower lip trembling, unbuckled his pants and pulled his belt out, handing it to the boy. ?Drop ?em now, queer.?


Stu shamefacedly pulled his pants down. He? hesitantly pulled his underpants down as well, and bent over the couch.


?WHACK! ?Thank you, Master Donnie, may I have another?? WHACK! ?Th-thank??WHACK WHACK WHACK! The belt fell implacably across Stu?s buttocks a few times. ?Take it all off, Stuart. You make me sick.?


Stuart stripped naked, trembling, and Donnie began laughing as he saw Stu?s erection bulging relentlessly in the CAGE. ?What a homo like you wants with a fianc?e is beyond me, man.? Donnie? reached in his pocket and brought out a couple of clothespins, which he snapped on Stu?s nipples, and Stuart cried out!


? Then Donnie locked Stu?s hands behind him with cuffs that seemed to appear out of nowhere??Now, Stu, I?m going to unlock you.? Donnie?s changing voice was assured as he unlocked Stuart.


?And can I cum, Master, please?? Stuart was begging, as he felt the beautiful hands of the young man gently stroking and massaging his large cock. ?It?s been so long, Donnie? please let me cum?I?m so hard.?


?But Stuart? Donnie said softly. ?You just had a chance to have the keys yourself?you coulda gone home and taken the goddam thing off and pounded your pud into puke, dude?.but you?re a fool, man. Seven times in the last four months I?ve offered you the keys back, but you never remember that you?ve refused them?maybe you don?t wanna cum.?


He was right, Stu thought wretchedly. All Stu could remember was the wanting, the needing?and how much he needed this nasty boy to be in charge of his orgasms. ?B-but can I cum tonight, Sir?? Stu?s eyes were begging, and Donnie toyed with Stu?s cock, meditating on God knows what?bands, piercings, girls? Whatever boys wanted. And Stu would make sure Donnie got whatever it was?


Donnie stroked Stu?s cock for a few moments, and Stu began breathing faster as Donnie stroked just a little faster??You like that don?tcha?? Donnie asked in a velvety tone, tickling Stuart?s frenum with vigor. Oooh yesss. ?You want to cum, baby?you want to make a mess in your little man?s hand?? Donnie?s voice came softly in Stu?s ear.


THWACK! Stu winced as Donnie?s belt landed on Stu?s groin full force, WHACK THWACK! Two more times on Stu?s glans and his cock limpened.


Through tears, Stu begged, ?Why, why did you do that? Why did you hit my penis, Master Donnie? In the past four months I got a tattoo for you, I bought you a Vespa, an Ipod, a Blackberry?why do you hate me, Sir??


But Donnie?s nails were tickling Stuart?s cock into a full blown erection again and Donnie?s tongue was running circles in Stuart?s ear. What a great young man he was? and maybe Donnie would give it to Stu in the ass as he?d done a few nights ago? but why oh why was Donnie so mean?


Whack! The belt fell again on Stuart?s tortured cock. Stu burst into tears.


?Well, don?t be upset, Stu?you don?t take the keys, why should I jerk you off?? Donnie asked innocently.


Suddenly Donnie?s knee slammed forcibly into Stu?s testicles and the young commodities broker fell on his knees weeping. Donnie dragged Stu by the hair to a couch, and sat down.

?What do you want now, Stu-bum?? Donnie asked lazily. ?Your cock, Master?? Stu asked hopefully. He felt ridiculous, cuffed and naked on his knees in front of the kid.


On the first of last month, Donnie had had Stu suck off eight of his male friends while they?d all watched a Pearl Jam concert video?But Donnie?d kept his own dick in his pants?he?d stood behind Stu as he sucked each boy?s dick, whacking Stu with Mrs. O?Hara?s carpet sweeper, and warning Stu of dire consequences if he bit down on anyone?s dick?


Since then, Stu felt his cocksucking abilities were even better, and he hoped fervently that Donnie would give him a chance?but now Donnie was waving his muddy soccer boots at Stu.


?Lick them off?like you licked your shit off my dick when I corn-holed you on Monday.?? Stu obediently began licking the cleats clean, gagging on the foul mud. But he was a good cleaner, and soon Donnie?s boots looked as if he?d just bought them!


?Now, lick all of Ma?s used cigarette butts out of the ashtray?uuugh!

?And now I want you to rinse out your mouth?open up!? Stu opened his mouth, and Donnie pulled out his cock quickly, and began urinating. ?Now catch every drop, Stuart?I don?t want any piss on my Mom?s rug!?


?Stu?s mouth was as open as it could get, but a few drops hit the Oriental rug, and Donnie?s belt landed ten or twelve times on Stu?s butt, causing the commodities broker to cry once again. He felt as if he might vomit, from the bitter urine, but knew that this would only lead to more tears, and the repeated WHACK! ?Thank you Master Donnie?? was more than enough to bear!


?But after the whipping was over?Hallelujah! Donnie looked as if he was going to take his own pants down.


But Donnie was holding out a key again. ?Take this upstairs to the attic, and unlock Daddy and give him a nice blowjob?he?s not cum in 180 days, but Ma told me I could give him a treat, if I liked?so go give Daddy some relief?and then you can come back.?


Donnie quickly locked Stu back in his own CAGE before giving Stu the key to Donald Sr?s crotch prison. Half an hour later, Stuart returned, with humiliation on his face for having serviced another slave. But he gave Donnie back his key, and Donnie re-locked Stu?s own cuffs, and blessedly removed Stu?s CAGE once more.


And now would Donnie?. ?Kneel, Stuart!?


Yes! Donnie unzipped and dropped his jeans? ?Now, Master?? Stu couldn?t believe it. ?Well, not yet. Suck my balls a bit?and then you can??


?And finally? Stu?s mouth took hold of Donnie?s long, pink cock, and began slurping greedily. This was so much more pleasant than sucking the colonel?s old, wrinkled member.


?I may let you cum?? Donnie said ?Or I may not?? But Stu was barely listening now.


?We?ll negotiate the orgasm honey?? Donnie?s voice came gently. ?Just let?s see how your wee-wee kissing skills are today?and then we?ll do some scrubbing of the floors?Dad can help when I unlock him. Did I ever tell you about what a good blowjob Dad gives me? You are probably still fucked up over sucking Dad?but he can really suck a cock himself, that guy.? Stuart made a face around Donnie?s cock, and the boy didn?t miss it.


Suddenly, Donnie grabbed Stu?s ears and began slamming the cock down Stu?s throat again and again as Stu choked desperately. ?You don?t need a gag reflex?fag like you, Stuart?why can?t you suck like my Daddy does??


Stu was jealous but silent, as he had the boy?s dick in his mouth, and he would for at? least another hour?




Stuart had to talk to that kid?he had to get the CAGE? off?the tight rings locked around his penis were driving him crazy. Which was worse?


?Taffy?s confusion over Stu not being able to take off his pants? Or the fact that whenever Stu got an erection looking at?mostly men, but that hopefully was a phase, whenever his dick got hard, it was unable to fully erect in the crippling steel rings of the CAGE.


And then in the middle of the night, Stu would get nocturnal erections, or try to get them, and wake up in pain as his dick couldn?t expand in the smallness of the CAGE.


?Five times a night Stu would have to take cold showers?especially last night, when he?d been tortured with some of the memories of what Donnie O?Hara had put him through, because of Stu?s desperation to have the cock cage removed.


Stu recalled Donnie cutting the long? electrical cord of Stu?s bedside lamp,peeling back the insulation from the bare wires ?Now for your nipples to have a bit of fun, dude? Donnie had said softly, and he?d shocked and re-shocked Stu?s nipples as the young commodities broker had screamed.


?Stu had gritted his teeth as Donnie had brushed the electric wires once more across the sensitive nipples, before throwing Stu on the be, unlocking the CAGE.


?And now I will make your penis dance!? And the strap had fallen again and again, before Donnie had thrown it down, laughing, and ordering Stu to suck the teenager?s long, thick cock til Donnie had cum again and again. But what could he do? Stu?s mouth still tasted eating Donnie?s turds, mixed with cigarette butts, in a bowl of milk?super cereal, eh?


And at the end of that weekend?the boy had finally let Stu jerk off?but had stopped him at the last minute! And then Donnie had locked the CAGE again??Maybe next week, if you?ve earned it, Mr. Ambrosio.?


Four months. This had been going on for FOUR MONTHS. But it was over as of today! Stuart would be firm.


Stuart tried to look firm today? as he knocked on Donnie's front door. The memory of Taffy's lipgloss was still in horrible it had been, telling her he couldn't take off his pants...she thought he was a religious nut!


Donnie's mother opened the door. "Hello, Mr. Ambrosio, what can I do for you? I'm just off to go shopping?" Stu smiled gameley. "I...wanted to see Donnie, Mrs. O'Hara. Is he in? It's about the newspaper delivery." Mrs. O'Hara gave Stuart a knowing look...sort of a Suuure it's about the delivery.


They were a strange family. Strange that Donnie had recognized the package on top of Stu?s mailbox. ?Oh, you?ve got a cock chastity tube, huh, Mr. Ambrosio? They?re complicated little things?I?ve got a little time.?


Stu had told the kid to mind his own business, but after two days of trying to assemble the CAGE himself, he?d waved Donnie over, and offered him a few bucks to put it together after his route. ?It?s just a fun thing to fool around with, heh heh.? Stu had told the kid.


Stu recalled that when Donnie had helped Stu assemble and put on the CAGE he'd told Stu "Yeah, this is easy. My dad wears one. Ma went out of town, and Dad gave me a hundred bucks to pick the lock so he could watch a Dr. Fellatio tape and wank it."

But then Donnie had pocketed Stu's key.


"Donnie! I need that key! This is just an um..experiment" Stu had roared. "C'mon, Mr. Ambrosio" Donnie'd grinned, "You couldn'ta got the thing on without me, and you know you need a keyholder. See you soon."


Now Mrs. O'Hara was smiling openly. "Well, I'll be gone all afternoon, and my husband is, you could say, tied up with a project in the attic. Oh, speaking of that, thanks again for helping Donald, Jr. do that wonderful work in our basement Thursday night. Oh Donnie? Your friend Mr. Ambrosio is here to see you, dear!" With a wink, she was gone.


Donnie came down. "Bye, Ma!" Donnie had obviously heard the Thursday remark, and was laughing, silently.


?On Thursday, Stu had dropped by, and Donnie had promised he might unlock the CAGE if Stu would help him with a little housework.


"Gotta de-mildew the basement, man" the kid had said, grinning


 Stuart remembered scrubbing the walls and floors with detergent and water, as Donnie slashed his back with a malacca cane.


There had been plenty of water damage and Stu had carried carpets to be cleaned as Donnie had screamed at him viciously. "Get moving Cerdo!" Cerdo meant pig in Spanish,and Donnie was in third year Spanish at Aaron Burr Academy.


As Stu had removed silt and dirt stains from the walls with a hose, Donnie had grabbed the hose from Stu and shot him in the face with it. "You are the laziest man I have ever known!" Donnie had roared, before kicking Stu into the wall.


"No, sorry, man...not going to unlock." Donnie's verdict had been at the end of all Stu's work, negative. "Maybe Saturday, my mom'll be shopping and Dad's doing time in the attic, you know?"


Now Donnie smiled and stretched his biceps in a Goo Goo Dolls t-shirt that Stu recalled from four weeks ago, when Donnie had taken Stu out to the woods seven miles from town.


?He?d stripped Stu naked and cuffed Stu?s wrists behind his head, and driven off in Stu?s car, and it had been an interesting project, poor Stu getting home. Though Donnie had allowed Stu to masturbate to orgasm the next day before re-locking the CAGE?guilt?


Now, Donnie leaned against the doorjamb, his braces glinting as he grinned at poor Stuart. ?So, you came over to help me with my homechores, Stuart?? Stu rolled his eyes.


Not even ?Mr. Ambrosio? anymore. Not even the pretense of respect. ?Donnie?I?ve come by to get the key. I?m sick of this now.? Stu tried to look firm. He was, after all, much taller than Donnie, who had just turned eighteen. ?Donnie, I had some interest in chastity training, because I read something about it in the media, and I thought??


Donnie laughed. ?You?re a perv! You?re a slave! If you wanted that thing off your dick, you could buy BOLT cutters, man, don?t make me piss myself.? Donnie spun on his heel and ambled to the kitchen, his slender buttocks twitching in his loose jeans.


?Why do these kids wear those damn baggy pants? Stuart fumed, thinking of a TV show that said they liked to mimick prisoners, who had to wear baggy pants because they couldn?t have belts.


Stuart followed Donnie into the kitchen. ?Goddamnit, I don?t want to destroy my chastity device, I just want to unlock it and besides, my fianc?e, Taffy is wondering why I can?t screw her..because I can?t take my pants off and show her this goddamn thing on my dick!?


?Not to mention the tattoo, right Stu?? Donnie was falling over himself laughing as Stuart blushed. ?Or did you have that removed already, Stuart?? Stuart gritted his teeth and stared at the floor.


?You know I did, Donnie, you?ve whipped my butt since then.? Fifty-two days ago, Donnie had ordered Stuart to get ?I FUCK LITTLE BOYS? tattooed in bright colors on his left buttock, for about a $140 fee. The price of an orgasm?


Thirty-three days ago, right before his company beach trip, Stuart had spent seven thousand dollars to have the tattoo lasered off?and there was still a bright red mark. Stu looked at Donnie with furrowed brows. ?The key, mister. We?ve had enough of this. I?m going to talk to your dad about this if it keeps up??


Donnie looked frightened all of a sudden. ?No, not my Dad, Stuart. You?re going to talk to my Dad?he?s up in the attic?? Stu tried to look conciliatory. ?Well, just give me the key, Donnie?


Donnie?s eyes became big and Bambi-like. ?No, come see Dad. He?s real strict.? Donnie led Stuart up to the very top floor of their house, and then up a ladder into the attic.


Donnie waved Stuart in. ?Tell Dad what a bad boy I am?? Stuart started. There was Donald O?Hara, Sr., respected? Air Force colonel, bound and gagged, naked on the floor?and on his penis was a CAGE just like the one Stu had on.


The same thing, a series of standard nickel-plated steel rings connected by a leather strap over the colonel?s struggling hard penis.


Donnie giggled, and pointed to his blushing father. ?And note, Daddy has? the ball stretcher and separator on his testicles. I had to help Mom with that one.? Donnie smirked at Stuart. ?So what do you think the old man will do to me??


Suddenly Donnie?s fingers came up and twisted Stu?s nipple through his Brooks Brothers burgundy pullover. ?Get downstairs, you little queer. There?s been enough bullshit.?


Stuart hurried down the stairs, with Donnie lightly kicking his bottom. When they?d gotten back down to the living room, Donnie grabbed Stu?s burgundy pullover in a small fist.


??I am so sick of your bitching. You know goddamn well that you?d die if I gave you your keys back. You want them??


Donnie reached into his jeans and pulled out the chastity keys. ?You want these keys?so you can jerk off and put the thing back on and take it off? Take them!? Donnie held the keys out, and Stuart reached for them, but then dropped his hand.


??I-I just??What was wrong with him? Didn?t Stu want the keys? SLAP! Donnie?s hand flattened Stu?s lip in a cruel backhand.


?All that trouble for nothing. What the fuck?s wrong with you?? Donnie snapped his fingers, and Stuart, lower lip trembling, unbuckled his pants and pulled his belt out, handing it to the boy. ?Drop ?em now, queer.?


Stu shamefacedly pulled his pants down. He? hesitantly pulled his underpants down as well, and bent over the couch.


?WHACK! ?Thank you, Master Donnie, may I have another?? WHACK! ?Th-thank??WHACK WHACK WHACK! The belt fell implacably across Stu?s buttocks a few times. ?Take it all off, Stuart. You make me sick.?


Stuart stripped naked, trembling, and Donnie began laughing as he saw Stu?s erection bulging relentlessly in the CAGE. ?What a homo like you wants with a fianc?e is beyond me, man.? Donnie? reached in his pocket and brought out a couple of clothespins, which he snapped on Stu?s nipples, and Stuart cried out!


? Then Donnie locked Stu?s hands behind him with cuffs that seemed to appear out of nowhere??Now, Stu, I?m going to unlock you.? Donnie?s changing voice was assured as he unlocked Stuart.


?And can I cum, Master, please?? Stuart was begging, as he felt the beautiful hands of the young man gently stroking and massaging his large cock. ?It?s been so long, Donnie? please let me cum?I?m so hard.?


?But Stuart? Donnie said softly. ?You just had a chance to have the keys yourself?you coulda gone home and taken the goddam thing off and pounded your pud into puke, dude?.but you?re a fool, man. Seven times in the last four months I?ve offered you the keys back, but you never remember that you?ve refused them?maybe you don?t wanna cum.?


He was right, Stu thought wretchedly. All Stu could remember was the wanting, the needing?and how much he needed this nasty boy to be in charge of his orgasms. ?B-but can I cum tonight, Sir?? Stu?s eyes were begging, and Donnie toyed with Stu?s cock, meditating on God knows what?bands, piercings, girls? Whatever boys wanted. And Stu would make sure Donnie got whatever it was?


Donnie stroked Stu?s cock for a few moments, and Stu began breathing faster as Donnie stroked just a little faster??You like that don?tcha?? Donnie asked in a velvety tone, tickling Stuart?s frenum with vigor. Oooh yesss. ?You want to cum, baby?you want to make a mess in your little man?s hand?? Donnie?s voice came softly in Stu?s ear.


THWACK! Stu winced as Donnie?s belt landed on Stu?s groin full force, WHACK THWACK! Two more times on Stu?s glans and his cock limpened.


Through tears, Stu begged, ?Why, why did you do that? Why did you hit my penis, Master Donnie? In the past four months I got a tattoo for you, I bought you a Vespa, an Ipod, a Blackberry?why do you hate me, Sir??


But Donnie?s nails were tickling Stuart?s cock into a full blown erection again and Donnie?s tongue was running circles in Stuart?s ear. What a great young man he was? and maybe Donnie would give it to Stu in the ass as he?d done a few nights ago? but why oh why was Donnie so mean?


Whack! The belt fell again on Stuart?s tortured cock. Stu burst into tears.


?Well, don?t be upset, Stu?you don?t take the keys, why should I jerk you off?? Donnie asked innocently.


Suddenly Donnie?s knee slammed forcibly into Stu?s testicles and the young commodities broker fell on his knees weeping. Donnie dragged Stu by the hair to a couch, and sat down.

?What do you want now, Stu-bum?? Donnie asked lazily. ?Your cock, Master?? Stu asked hopefully. He felt ridiculous, cuffed and naked on his knees in front of the kid.


On the first of last month, Donnie had had Stu suck off eight of his male friends while they?d all watched a Pearl Jam concert video?But Donnie?d kept his own dick in his pants?he?d stood behind Stu as he sucked each boy?s dick, whacking Stu with Mrs. O?Hara?s carpet sweeper, and warning Stu of dire consequences if he bit down on anyone?s dick?


Since then, Stu felt his cocksucking abilities were even better, and he hoped fervently that Donnie would give him a chance?but now Donnie was waving his muddy soccer boots at Stu.


?Lick them off?like you licked your shit off my dick when I corn-holed you on Monday.?? Stu obediently began licking the cleats clean, gagging on the foul mud. But he was a good cleaner, and soon Donnie?s boots looked as if he?d just bought them!


?Now, lick all of Ma?s used cigarette butts out of the ashtray?uuugh!

?And now I want you to rinse out your mouth?open up!? Stu opened his mouth, and Donnie pulled out his cock quickly, and began urinating. ?Now catch every drop, Stuart?I don?t want any piss on my Mom?s rug!?


?Stu?s mouth was as open as it could get, but a few drops hit the Oriental rug, and Donnie?s belt landed ten or twelve times on Stu?s butt, causing the commodities broker to cry once again. He felt as if he might vomit, from the bitter urine, but knew that this would only lead to more tears, and the repeated WHACK! ?Thank you Master Donnie?? was more than enough to bear!


?But after the whipping was over?Hallelujah! Donnie looked as if he was going to take his own pants down.


But Donnie was holding out a key again. ?Take this upstairs to the attic, and unlock Daddy and give him a nice blowjob?he?s not cum in 180 days, but Ma told me I could give him a treat, if I liked?so go give Daddy some relief?and then you can come back.?


Donnie quickly locked Stu back in his own CAGE before giving Stu the key to Donald Sr?s crotch prison. Half an hour later, Stuart returned, with humiliation on his face for having serviced another slave. But he gave Donnie back his key, and Donnie re-locked Stu?s own cuffs, and blessedly removed Stu?s CAGE once more.


And now would Donnie?. ?Kneel, Stuart!?


Yes! Donnie unzipped and dropped his jeans? ?Now, Master?? Stu couldn?t believe it. ?Well, not yet. Suck my balls a bit?and then you can??


?And finally? Stu?s mouth took hold of Donnie?s long, pink cock, and began slurping greedily. This was so much more pleasant than sucking the colonel?s old, wrinkled member.


?I may let you cum?? Donnie said ?Or I may not?? But Stu was barely listening now.


?We?ll negotiate the orgasm honey?? Donnie?s voice came gently. ?Just let?s see how your wee-wee kissing skills are today?and then we?ll do some scrubbing of the floors?Dad can help when I unlock him. Did I ever tell you about what a good blowjob Dad gives me? You are probably still fucked up over sucking Dad?but he can really suck a cock himself, that guy.? Stuart made a face around Donnie?s cock, and the boy didn?t miss it.


Suddenly, Donnie grabbed Stu?s ears and began slamming the cock down Stu?s throat again and again as Stu choked desperately. ?You don?t need a gag reflex?fag like you, Stuart?why can?t you suck like my Daddy does??


Stu was jealous but silent, as he had the boy?s dick in his mouth, and he would for at? least another hour?



Same as Stuart, Celibate Videos

3 years ago
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Stuart Returns To The Bed And Breakfast

Stuart Middleton, aged fifty-five, was eagerly returning to the bed and breakfast in the wilds of northern Scotland that he had first stayed at three months previously.On his previous visit, he had had his fantasies fulfilled by firstly having his bare backside tawsed by a woman and later by not only applying the tawse to the woman's backside but also by having sex with her. The woman, who ran the establishment, was Hannah Shackleton and she had now reached her sixty-sixth birthday. Hannah was...

4 years ago
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Stuart part 6

I smirk as I rush into the generously-sized dance studio that has been Krystie's second home for almost two years. Between the ages of 4 and 10, I would find myself in such a place twice a week, with my legs clad in the same pink tights and my body covered by the same style of leotard as the fifteen women currently dancing in the studio. Back then, I would have paid anything to never have to set foot in one of these places again, but today, someone else's needs come before my own. "Oh,...

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Stuart part 9

It's said that every step you take in your life leads up to one moment, one defining point of your life that you can look back on and say 'this is who I am, this is my contribution to the world'. If this is the case... Then it's a very strange set of steps that led me to where I am today. "God, I don't know why I'M so nervous," I mumble as I fidget in my seat. "It's not like I'm going to be the one dancing up there..." "You wouldn't really suit a tutu anyway," Jamie retorts, giggling...

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Stuart part 1

My name is Claire Olivia Milton. Or at least... It used to be. I was born on 2nd March 1990, the second daughter of three, to two loving parents. My father is a manager at a big investment firm, my mother- 15 years his junior- was his secretary until she fell in love with him, got married and had three kids. Growing up I wanted for nothing- I lived in a big house, was spoiled rotten, went to the best schools... And yet, from a very young age I knew something was wrong, not with my...

2 years ago
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Stuart part 3

I take a deep breath as I enter the vast hospital and quickly find my way to the clean private room, briefly stopping when I see the middle-aged man stood outside. "Hi Mark!" I say to the smartly-dressed man, who greets me with a handshake and a smile. "Hello Stuart!" the man warmly replies. "Jamie's currently being seen by her nurse, but she should done any minute." "That's why you're out here instead of in there, then?" I chuckle. "Yep," Jamie's dad says. "Thought I'd give the...

4 years ago
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Stuart part 5

"Jamie?" I ask as I open the door. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here," Jamie says breathlessly, "because I love you, Stuart." My legs start to wobble as I hear the words I've longed to hear, but in my head, I know what I'm hearing is too good to be true. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, steadying my nerves before replying. "You love me... but?" I ask. "No buts," Jamie says with a smile and a playful roll of her eyes. "Plenty of 'and's, though. I love you AND I want to be...

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Stuart part 7

"Aah..." I moan, hissing with pain as sensation returns to my body- the primary sensation being pain. Pain in my mouth, under my arm, my head, my stomach... But the worst pain is in my groin. "Stuart?" A familiar female voice calls. "Stuart? Can you hear me?" "...Mum?" I ask, opening my eyes and staring into the face of the woman who gave birth to me twenty-five and a half years ago. "Welcome back, son," mum says. "Did- did-" I hoarsely whisper. "Shh," mum urges. "Try not to...

4 years ago
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Stuart part 2

"Who needs BOYS anyway?" Krystie- my ex-girlfriend- yells over the noise of the crowded Parisian nightclub she, Jamie and myself have found ourselves in. "I'll try not to take that personally!" I yell back, handing the two girls their drinks and escorting them back to their table in the club's VIP area where Krystie immediately raises a toast. "To being single!" The tall, attractive woman says. Jamie, Krystie and I clink our glasses together, but I can't help but comment on...

1 year ago
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Stuart part 8

"Mmph," I moan as I feel a gentle breeze blow on my left ear, worsening the thumping headache caused by the alcohol I drank last night. "Wake up," a familiar voice whispers, before the breeze on my ear resumes. "Stop that," I moan. "I'm on holiday, I don't want to wake up..." "WE'RE on holiday," my fianc?e reminds me, her blowing turning from a gentle breeze into a hurricane as she blows directly into my earhole. "Ugh," I moan. "Can I at least shift this hangover first?" "Tell y...

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Stuart part 4

"I dunno man," Keith moans as we fight together on a virtual battlefield. "I just feel that I should be there, you know? I mean, it is MY child..." "It's your decision," I say. "You know Charlotte would love to have you there, it's just whether or not you could stand being in the same room as her for a prolonged period of time..." "You know, it's funny," Keith sighs. "For all she did... I do still love her." "PLEASE tell me you're not going to crawling back to her..." I moan as...

3 years ago
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Stuarts graduation

So after nearly two years of meeting Stuart on days off. We and more importantly he, had grown in both our sexual experiences. I, in the fact he made me have sex with him outside. We'd stop in places either on the way to mine or taking him back home. Sometimes both. On one occasion he just said "pull over" got out and walked into some wooded area. I of course followed. He reached on opening, pulled his joggers down and bent forward presenting his peachy arse. I needed no instruction. Just...

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Stuarts rude awakening

Thought I'd right this after chatting to a guy about past experiences. It's my recollection from several years ago, so forgive me if I forget things as I go along.First met Stuart through a hook up site. If I remember it right, it was called Guyspy. I'd used it for some time, got lucky now and then, had some real time wasters, but that was to be expected and mainly just a lot of chatting to lads from all over. You see my bio was simply. Older man just looking for legal teens and early twenties...

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Stuarts further education

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3 years ago
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STUART'S PSYCHOLOGIST "Take them down, the shameful little boy that you are!" Stuart couldn't believe Dr. Townsend was talking this way. And right in front of Moira, too. She looked horrified at Stuart's therapist, a muscular silver haired, pinstriped John Forsythe look-alike--yes, he looked very much like Forsythe's "Blake Carrington" character on Dynasty. ? Dr. Townsend had always intimidated Stuart a bit, from the first time he and Moira had gone for therapy at Dr. Townsend's...

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Mixing Pleasures

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Aunt Sue Part 3

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Kitten Tales Part 1

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The System

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Six Times A DayPart 106 Dreams

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A Shopping Affair

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Friends Swap Chapter One

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Lea has lived with her dad all her life with no mother. Her mom walked out when Lea was three years old and her dad raised her. When she was five her dad began playing with her sexually. He started by kissing and licking her young pussy and then putting a finger in her. He taught her to kiss and lick his cock before she began to suck him. Being naked with her dad was just natural to her as he had used her for years. By the age of twelve they were having deep sex almost daily. He loved her tight...

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RoomersChapter 6

I was way pissed as I stood in the bay window trying not to listen. May oughta be a good month, and now I had to make choices. Shoot for her, shoot for Candice, or try and reconcile them, keep on dreaming about both barrels. Well, fuck number three: I'm not the dam' United Nations. Her voice went on and on, kinda like a soprano chain-saw and she was red in the face, looking angry. First time I'd ever seen her like that and it wasn't pretty. ' ... And last night she brought someone back...

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Outward BoundChapter 32

The bridge was crowded. Everyone that could come up with an excuse, and some that couldn’t, were standing around. I was in the command chair. April stood to my left, and Agnes stood to my right. There had been some discussion that she be seated in the command chair. Until I pointed out that the bridge was my command, and I should be the person sitting in that chair. I did suggest that another chair be brought in for Agnes. But she laughed and informed everyone that she wasn’t so old or...

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Azalea Ch 04

I know it’s been awhile. I do intend to finish this story, but I still have a way to go. If you’re reading this and haven’t read the other chapters the characters might be a bit hard to follow so you might want to start at the beginning. That being said some characters that seem to be taking a bit of a Non Consensual/Reluctance turn, although there is none of it in this chapter. There are many talented authors on Lit that I suggest you peruse if this doesn’t appeal to you. This story is being...

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Fun Time With My Crush

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 36

Still Johanna: Semester's over. Christmas break. And this was new. Ever since I started school, Christmas break was with Mom and Dad, even in college. Well, this year, people, it's different. Little Johanna Elise Solheim is now Mrs. Randall Jackson and with that status comes a whole new life. Christmas dinner. "Do you think we can manage something close to a Christmas dinner, Stoney?" He smiled. "Yeah, I think we can do that, in a restrained fashion." "Turkey. Little one. With...

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Jias Awakening Ch 5 Anal exploration

It had been a couple days since the girls had come over, and I relived that experience of taking Jia's cherry over and over. It was keeping me quite keyed up and wanting more, but I hadn't heard from either of the girls. Then on the third day, I was relaxing at home watching some movies when I heard a light knocking. I went to see who was there and there stood Jia wish a sheepish look on her face, wearing a denim skirt and button up blouse. I invited her in of course and we sat down. ...

4 years ago
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The centre

12 year old Abdul was at the local day centre for immigrants he was the only immigrant there everybody else had gone he was waiting for his brother to collect him. 16 year old Mandy was the last volunteer in the centre it was her job to lock up she had already locked all the doors and closed the windows. Mandy had a reputation for being a rough girl and was only at the centre because she was doing unpaid work as a punishment for a crime she had committed. Mandy got a towel and as went to the...

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Thick Mickie the MILF

“Hello, how are you?" Jordan said, behind the camera.“Fine, how are you, sweetheart?"“Good. Good. We got a sweet one, do we? Would you mind telling the masses what your name is?” he said.“Sure. Mickie. Like the song, ’Hey Mickie,’” Mickie said, with a smile. “But, you’re kind of young, aren’t you?”“I know the song. You got jokes, do you? So, Mickie, I ask all the women that come here this. What made you do porn?” Jordan said.“Well, believe it or not... This isn’t my first time doing...

3 years ago
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Unexpected ConsequencesChapter 3

The next morning around 7:00, our parents left for the country club because they both had early starts for the golf and tennis tournaments. As soon as they were well out the door, I went to Julie's room and woke her and Lisa. I told them to not shower and to put on the skankiest outfits that they had. I told Lisa that if she hadn't brought anything skanky looking, she could borrow something old from Julie. I promised to explain over breakfast. When they got to the kitchen, I told them to...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood NymphoChapter 5

After their first fuck, Tammy and Jay fucked each other at every opportunity. Usually they sneaked into each other's room after their mother had gone to bed, to suck and fuck for hours. Sometimes they ditched school and spent all day fucking each other on the huge bed in their mother's room. It wasn't long before Tammy's girlfriend, Chris, wanted to meet Jay. She'd heard so much about him and his sexual skills that all she could think about was getting his hard prick into her hot pussy....

2 years ago
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A Horny Friend

Author's Note: If this story seems familiar to you, that might be because I originally published it to this site as five separate-but-related stories, and you may have already read one of those stories. However, I have chosen to further edit and republish those five stories as one complete novelette-length story, comprised of five separate chapters (appropriately being referred to in this story as "milestones," instead of "chapters"). And just for the record, this story is as true as...

4 years ago
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Valentines Card

Introduction: True love for a man is all about submission to his lady Happy Valentines Day, My Love, Let me tell you how I love you. I love, worship, and adore you with all my heart and soul. I love watching men watching you. It fills me with pride. I watch their eyes dip down your blouse, lighting up as they gaze upon your breasts. I watch their heads turn as you walk by. I love your power over them. I love your power over me. I love preparing your bath. Making you ready for your lovers....

3 years ago
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Enjoy the Ride

My sister was, Jewel, 18. I was 20. But we lived together so we could both go and work and our parents didn't want us to be alone so they slapped us together and plopped us down in this apartment. There were small problems. We didn't talk much so we hardly knew each other. And there was also the silence that would stretch for hours on end. I would leave the house for a few days and come back only to find her dozing on the couch or studying in her bedroom. She was a strange a quiet person that...

3 years ago
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Facebook Ne Di Mujeh Mast Lady

Aap sab lund walo aur chut walio ko namaskar!!! Dost thoda apne baare me bata deta hu fir story pe aunga. Mai ek sales professional hu aur solution dena mera kaam hai aap sab jante hi ho sales job ke bare me. Ab story pe aata hu 10 saal pehle mera divorce ho gaya tha to akela hi life guzar raha tha.Facebook pe activity karna bahut achcha lagta hai.Aise hi ek face book pe friends ke sath chat kar raha tha..Kuch male aur female ko request bhej raha tha..Kuch ek mahine baad ek lady meri request...

1 year ago
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Four timesOne night My first True story part 2

Nick and I sat on the bed recovering from my great first time and our amazing orgasms. As I sat there I could still feel myself dripping from my orgasm a mix of his sperm and my cum juices. A massive wet patch on the bed to remind me of how amazing and explosive it all was. I still couldn’t get over how good it had been.It had been nothing like what I had been told about how my first time would be: ‘Be prepared for pain’ ‘Its never great the first time but it gets better’. How wrong they’d...

3 years ago
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Nina Punished at the Tennis Club Again

Diane was annoyed when Mrs K telephoned her to tell her that Nina had lied to her about going to play tennis before attending the detention and Diane suggested she should be forced to attend the tennis club today, with her, with the threat of another punishment if she didn’t.So, when Nina came downstairs the following morning, still feeling the cane welts she had received both from Diane during the day and from Mrs K before being sent to bed early, she really didn’t have the courage to argue...

2 years ago
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Missing the Cut

                                                                                                          Missing the Cut                                                                                 By                                                                           Lex Ludite                                    Chapter 1 (revised)        At  nearly 14 Micky, short for Maxine, Wilson was getting more coverage on the men's tour than they were. Using sponsor exemptions, her father was...

3 years ago
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A Lady and a Lieutenant

Someone was knocking on the door. Graham lazily turned his head to face mine, he was resting on my chest. His arms were wrapped around my shoulders, and mine were draped over his. I looked down at his face. His eyes were closed but from his darkened skin, and rough day-old stubble I knew they would not be the young bright green they had been years before. They would be just as vast, and just as warm to me, of that I was sure. Again, ever so slightly, he stirred and rustled the fabric of my...

3 years ago
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Tights from the Receptionist

I've already posted a true blog experience about how when i was in my mid 20's i worked in a large office and managed to get hold of a large number of pairs of navy tights (pantyhose) from an older female who was in her early 40's that she had discarded and left in her locker when she used to go out jogging at lunchtimes so she must have always brought fresh ones to put on when she got back and ended up leaving the other ones in her locker which i eventually took all the pairs from after she...

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