ComrieChapter 65 free porn video

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The Command Staffs weekly status review was wrapping up when Sarah said, "I think we should have representatives from each of our clans attend Lorelei and Earl's TV show."

"We agree," replied everyone.

"Sarah's and Maureen's Clans, we need you to monitor Phoenix during the show," said Eileen, drawing puzzled looks from the other clans. She smiled as she added, "We will be one of the groups being interviewed."

After everyone had conveyed their congratulations, Kelly of Keriann's Clan asked who the other groups were.

"Nancy's, Sue's and Leann's Clans," replied Eileen. "Lorelei felt that this gave the widest range of backgrounds of those who joined our family and have been here a long time. She and Earl are already thinking that there will be at least one or two more shows."

"In fact, Lorelei had enough interest expressed in participating that they could do at least five more shows," added Maeve of Sarah's Clan. "The interviews will last about 20 minutes each, then the segment will close with all four groups participating. Rehearsals went very well."

"So that is what the children were talking about," said Alena.

"Could be," replied Joyce. "I believe they were the audience for one of the rehearsals."

"Okay, now it makes sense, since I didn't associate what they were telling me with a TV broadcast. So much has happened since we arrived that I find it difficult to keep everything straight."

"As you can see," said Sarah, "we have the same problem. Our telepathic ability doesn't keep us from overlooking things; usually they are items that don't directly affect us at the time. As that is a judgment call, our mind-link, or shared thoughts tend to keep us from overlooking critical items."

Alena noticed that the other clan members were nodding their heads, agreeing with Sarah's comments. She said, "I find the concept of mind-link appealing. There have been many times since Scott was killed that I felt very lonely. The children know it almost immediately, and try to cheer me up."

"Children are very perceptive readers of body language," said Judy. "Sometimes their skill is such that you think they are telepathic, even when they are not using that ability."

Sarah's Clan was at breakfast two clock cycles after the TV show when Aoife said, "I heard the response to Lorelei and Earl's show has been very positive."

"That is good news," replied Sarah. "Are they going to do more shows?"

"Yes," said Tara. "After checking with the Communications groups, Lorelei and Earl committed to four more shows. They will use our staff, since they had more problems with the two cameramen the director insisted on bringing. When the director heard about his cameramen being sent home he became rather belligerent, so they sent him back as well."

"Melinda," added Terry, "was very suspicious of the three as soon as she met them at the airport. After the latest incident, she asked security to treat them the same way we did other spies."

"How was that?" asked Alena.

"They will remember their visit here, but their perceptions were altered so that it will seem to have been a dream. If they try to describe their visit, they won't be able to find the right words. Also, the video tape they are taking back only has scenes of space on it." Alena had a puzzled look on her face.

"The memory alteration is done using a special aspect of our psionic ability. Changing a person's perception of something is relatively easy to do as a group, though it is nearly impossible for an individual to do correctly."

"Why a group and not an individual?"

"Basically, because you have to be sure you don't create any internal conflicts, and it needs to be completed as quickly as possible. By using a group, the impact of the changes can be assessed while they are in progress."

"That makes sense."

Alena and Sarah's Clan chatted among themselves as they finished breakfast. Aoife noticed that Alena had been pretty quiet since they spoke about Lorelei's show.

"Alena," said Aoife, "are you bothered by what we did to the cameramen?"

"Oh, no. I am not sure I would have been that kind to them."

"I sense that something is bothering you. I suspect we can help, if you want to share what it is."

"You know," replied Alena, blushing.

"No, not really. We wouldn't know without specifically looking," said Sarah's Clan. "We just know that something is bothering you. You have come to mean a great deal to us, and we would like to help if we can."

"Okay. First, we have decided to become an Órarduine, but you probably knew that from the way the children were acting."

Joyce laughed, and replied, "Yea, we kind of suspected that you were going to stay from the way they acted. They really seem to like it here, and seem to have fit right in with ours."

"I guess what you are sensing is me trying to sort through all the things that need to be done so we can move here. I am a bit apprehensive about going back to close things out." Many of Sarah's Clan had puzzled looks on their faces. "One of Scott's friends has been pursuing me since he was killed. Actually, it is more like stalking. Ray frequently just shows up, and doesn't take the hint to leave. He has been pestering me to go out with him. Frankly, I have never been particularly comfortable around him. The children tolerate him, I think because he was a friend of their father's. So, basically I am concerned about what he might do when he learns we are moving here."

Alison started to speak, but Alena continued, "Then there is the group I work with. Two of the programmers are jerks, overly friendly, sexist, and extraordinarily incompetent. They never do quite enough to justify me complaining to the boss, who is a nice guy. A couple of times they have groped me, but always when no one was around. I would prefer to not leave the boss with an unfinished project as the one I am currently working on is pretty important, both to him and the company. Besides, he really cut me some slack when my husband was killed, and he didn't squawk too much when I asked to extend my vacation here."

"How about this?" responded Maeve. "The children stay here, while Tara and I go back with you. I am sure the three of us can make quick work of getting you moved. We can likely help you finish your project as well, so you don't leave your boss hanging."

"Wow, you guys would do that for me?"

"Sure! You are very special to us. I guess we should also take Briana and Cass with us, just in case things get out of hand."

"Maeve," asked Tara, "why don't we take one or two of the cats with us?"

"Cats?" said Alena.

"Oh, that's right, you haven't met them. We have a group of cats that look very much like full grown lions. Right now, they are part of our security group on New Comrie. Around us and our friends they are just like large friendly cats, though anyone with bad intentions sees a different side. We can connect to our lions telepathically when we need to."

"I appreciate the offer for assistance, but the project is classified."

"If you're comfortable with it, we can assist you telepathically," replied Maeve. "This would avoid any security clearance issues." Alena had a puzzled look on her face.

"I'll need to think about that," replied Alena.

"Was there anything else?" asked Aoife, with a slight smile.

Alena looked at each of their faces, as she began to blush from her forehead to her chest. "Yes. There is another question. Would you accept another spouse into your clan?"

"If it was you," came the quick reply by Sarah's Clan, in unison. Alena sat there with a glazed look on her face as their response registered. When she didn't react, Sarah's Clan continued, "Alena, are you okay?"

Alena shook her head, then said, "You said, 'yes'!"

"Of course, we said, yes! Your request to be a part of our clan makes us delightfully ecstatic." With that, they all moved to pull her into the center of a group hug.

"I was scared to ask. I don't know why, because I was almost certain you guys would say yes, but even with telepathy there is always the chance of misreading feelings. This is one of the greatest moments in my life. What happens next?"

"We need to bring you into our mind-link," said Sarah. "To do that, we need to spend some time together, and this morning would be a good time."

"Wonderful," said Alena, with tears running down her cheeks.

"Mom, we love you," said her children, startling her. "Now we have lots of brothers and sisters to play with, and lots of mommies to hug. Best of all, we now have another dad to help us." Sarah's Clan laughed on hearing the enthusiasm in the children's thoughts.

"We can go back to our suite after this morning's general meeting."

"Can we go to Earth tomorrow?" asked Alena. "We should be able to do everything in two days, or perhaps three. I would really like to get the project at work finished before I resign. Besides, asking for, and then taking, an extended vacation has probably caused more problems."

"That would be fine," replied Maeve. "So you're comfortable with us helping you with your programming project."

"Yes." Maeve raised an eyebrow. "If I understand mind-linking correctly, once we establish the bond, we will be one."

"That is correct."

Alena was holding hands with Sarah and Maeve, as she walked with Sarah's Clan to their suite. Her thoughts about joining Sarah's Clan and the Órarduine kept jumping from one thing to another so quickly that she felt bewildered.

"Relax, Alena," said Sarah. "We love you. We are ecstatic that you are joining our clan."

After entering their suite, Sarah and Maeve drew Alena into a hug and then everyone joined in. Alena had tears of joy in her eyes as she felt her connection grow with each of her new spouses. The words 'her spouses' echoed through her mind and each one brought her joy.

After a few moments the circle opened and Sarah said, "Let's sit on the bed." Sarah and Aoife had Alena sit between them as they formed a circle on the bed, with every member of the clan touching the person next to them.

"Alena," said Sarah, "we were thrilled to hear your request a few moments ago. We have felt that you would be a good fit almost from the time we met you. Our approach to forming family units, or expanding them, is unique. Our next step is to bring you further into our family's mind-link. In some respects that process has already begun."

"I thought that us sharing thoughts was the mind-link," responded Alena.

"It is in part, but the clan link is more than that," said Aoife. "A clan's mind-link is essentially an expansion of normal telepathy. A clan's mind-link is a total sharing of ideas, memories, and senses."

"Wow," said Alena.

"To bring you fully into our mind-link, we first need to establish an open connection between you and each one of us individually. It is easier to add one link at a time. The reason for adding the additional links one at a time is so that each of us can organize the new information and set up the critical links." Alena nodded. "Let's start with me."

Alena and Aoife focused on each other, and opened their minds to each other. The other spouses smiled as they watched the expression on Alena's face change as she established her links with Aoife. Once their links were established, Alena said, "Wow. It's like I can see myself. I can feel me touching others besides Sarah and you."

"Yes. You are seeing yourself through my eyes. You are feeling my leg against Joyce, who is on the other side of me. Can you see the difference between your visual perspective and mine?"

"Yes. The sense of touching Joyce is as if it was me touching her, but the feeling is different. I also know the sensation is coming through you. This is awesome."

"Yes, it is. Our sharing now extends to our memories ... all of our memories. We can look through each other's memories as if we were looking at our own. When looking at another's memories, you need to remember to take their point of view at the time into consideration. If you are doing the search, it will take longer to find and bring up a new memory. This is basically because each of us indexes our memories differently. Generally, we haven't found much need to go looking for a specific memory in one of our spouse's minds, as sharing memories is usually done as a group."

"So you will be able to see everything I have ever done?" A look of concern flickered across Alena's face.

Aoife quickly responded, "Yes. Our connection will grow over the next few hours, once it is fully active you will also be able to see all my memories, the good, the bad and the ugly. We all have them. With our mind-link, it is easier to share the whole memory, including those aspects we have difficulty putting into words. Again, remember to take into account the point of view, since it can make a difference in the perspective of the event."

"So this total sharing of thoughts, senses and memories is really what you implied when you compared each spouse to being individual facets of a virtual sphere representing the clan?"


"Should we continue?" asked Aoife.

"Oh my, yes, let's continue! I have never been a part of anything as beautiful as this. So what's next?"

"Go to the next spouse in the circle and repeat what we did. Take your time to get everything sorted out before moving on to the next spouse. Each spousal link will feel unique. Rusty's will likely feel quite different from the rest of us."

Alena then began establishing her clan mind-link with her other spouses. After each connection was opened, and her links established, she paused to evaluate how her link with the newest spouse compared to the others. Each time a link was established with a new spouse, both shared some random memories with everyone. After establishing her mind-links with several spouses, Alena noticed that they were forming quicker than they had in the beginning.

Alena completed the circle by opening a mind-link with Sarah. Sarah reached over and drew Alena toward her for a kiss. As Sarah's lips touched Alena's, Sarah let all of her spouses' sense their lips touching. Alena's eyes snapped open when she realized that she could feel herself being kissed by Sarah, along with feeling her spouses. Shifting to hold Alena's head gently in her hands, Sarah began to caress Alena's lips with her tongue, before sliding it into Alena's slightly open mouth. Their tongues gently caressed one another. The sensations they felt added to their passion. Sarah drew back and began to place small kisses around Alena's face, as Aoife began to kiss Alena's neck and shoulders on one side. Joyce moved so that she could caress the other side of Alena's neck with kisses. Alison moved to kneel behind Alena, so that she could slide her arms around her, cupping her breasts in her hands.

While Aoife, Joyce and Sarah continued caressing Alena's face and neck with kisses, they shifted slightly to let Sally and Terry begin caressing her nipples with their tongues. Alena's arousal grew with each additional caress. Her other spouses joined in by caressing her legs. Each caress added to Alena's arousal and then radiated out to the others. Fingers slid between Alena's wet labia, to gently caress her lips and occasionally dip into the mouth of her pussy. Another set of fingers were gently caressing her clit and its hood, with the cream from her labia as lubricant.

With the clan's focus solely on Alena, her arousal rose rapidly, until she was panting. Her nipples were puffed out and so hard they ached. She suddenly gasped and stiffened as a small orgasm washed over her. The orgasm reverberated among her spouses. Alena placed a hand behind Terry and Sally's heads, pulling them tighter to her breasts.

"My, god," thought Alena, "I can feel everything."

"Yes, it is one of the benefits of our mind-link." Just as Aoife finished sharing her thought, Alena experienced an even more intense orgasm, and again, each of them felt it. Aoife nibbled Alena's ear, while Sarah caressed the other side for her neck. Maeve moved to plant light kisses on Alena's lips.

"Rusty, I need you inside of me," pleaded Alena. With that, the clan began to shift, while continuing their caresses of Alena. Alison and Claudette assisted Alena in straddling Rusty's hips, and then Rusty placed his hands on her hips, to steady her. She looked into his eyes as she reached down to grasp his cock. She lowered her hips until its head was nestled between her wet labia, then she slid it through the trough between them, prompting a shudder. After moving his cock to the mouth of her pussy, she relaxed letting her hips settle, so that he slid into her. Her moan was echoed by all of her spouses, as each felt the warm sensations of him. Once he was fully embedded in her, she paused to savor the feeling.

While Alena was savoring the sensations of his cock, Sarah moved to place her pussy over Rusty's mouth. She then reached over and pulled Alena's head to her, so they could kiss. As they began kissing, their other spouses moved so that they could caress Alena and each other. Together they drifted toward a shared orgasm as they focused on sharing the physical side of their love for each other. Alena began to slowly flex her hips, so Rusty's cock caressed her sheath. Sarah coached Alena on how to use the muscles of her vaginal sheath to give his cock more intense caresses. Soon each of the women began to have mini-orgasms. As each orgasm occurred, they would pause before beginning their caressing again. The orgasms quickly grew in intensity as each built on the previous one. As each of Alena's orgasms crested, her sheath holding Rusty's cock would tighten, locking them together.

When Rusty thrust his hips up and released his cum, it triggered her biggest orgasm. Alena screamed into Sarah's mouth as it peaked, then her breathing stopped momentarily. Her actions were matched by the other spouses, and the room became very quiet. Alena slumped against Sarah, trapping Sally's and Terry's heads between them.

When Alison recovered, she pulled Alena back toward her, letting Sally and Terry extract themselves from their entanglement. Jill, Janet and Aoife eased Alena over to Rusty's side, so that she was lying on her back. Sarah slipped over next to Alena, and wrapped her arms around her while touching Rusty. Aoife lay down on the other side of Rusty as they recovered from the intensity of their mutual orgasm. Alison and Tara quickly moved to lick the mixed cum from Rusty's cock and balls. Erin and Claudette moved to collect the cream flowing from Alena with their tongues while she was still in dream land. Once all the cream was cleaned from Rusty and Alena, they all lay on the bed cuddling each other and giving each other an occasional caress.

Sometime later, Alena began to stir. "Is it always that intense?"

"It can be," replied Sarah, as Rusty turned and kissed Alena. "Are we ready to start again?"

"What?" exclaimed Alena, as she broke her kiss with Rusty. "I think I need more rest." Everyone began chuckling.

"I guess youngsters are soft nowadays," replied Aoife, causing more laughter.

"Hey, I'm not that much younger than any of you." They all chuckled at Alena's quick response.

"Alena," said Sarah, "every time we share our physical love it is intense. It is not unusual for the first to pass out for a few minutes. We usually continue sharing until everyone who wants a ride on Rusty has had their turn. Each successive orgasm comes quicker, with the same level of enjoyment, but it is also a little softer, if that makes sense. Our sharing today had some special aspects to it, as it was your first time."

"Alena, I love you," said Rusty. "I love all of you. To have all of you love me is a blessing I am grateful for every moment of every day. Our children just add to the blessing."

"This is awesome. I can feel the emotion in Rusty's expression of his love for us. Wait, I can see each of our thoughts and senses much more vividly than earlier. The Gods and Goddesses have blessed me beyond ... oh ... this is just awesome. I love all of you more than I can say, but I know you can feel it."

"We love you," said Sarah's Clan in unison.

Alena then gave each of her new spouses a passionate kiss. Turning back to Sarah, Alena kissed her as she ran her hands over Sarah's shoulders and up to her neck. Placing her hands on each side of Sarah's head, she broke the kiss and then began placing kisses all over her face. Alena kissed and licked Sarah's ears as she motioned for Sarah to raise up so that she was on hands and knees over Alena. Alena then began placing kisses down Sarah's neck on one side and then the other. She then began kissing her way to Sarah's breasts until she reached her nipple. Everyone felt Alena's surprise as her mouth filled with milk when she sucked a nipple into her mouth.

"Sarah, your milk tastes heavenly. How much can I have?"

"As much as you want. We are all lactating."

Alena continued to suckle on Sarah's nipple, as she responded with, "Gee, I knew that. I really like the taste of your milk. Do you all taste the same?"

"Pretty much," replied Rusty.

Alena moaned as Joyce placed her mouth over Alena's pussy and slid her tongue through the crease between the labia. When Joyce pulled back slightly, Alena flexed her hips up, pushing her cunt against Joyce's mouth. "You are very tasty," said Joyce.

Sarah then rose up slowly, with Alena following her nipple as she continued to suckle. Sarah placed her hands behind Alena's head, to help her maintain contact with her nipple while she moved to straddle Rusty's hips. Once Sarah was in position, she lowered her hips slightly, and then shivered as she felt Erin slide his cock head between her labia. Erin then placed it so that its head was at Sarah's opening, surrounded by her, wet, swollen labia. Sarah lowered her hips more, pushing him deeper between her labia. The muscles in her labia twitched, caressing its head as her cream ran down his shaft. Continuing to lower her hips, her labia grasped and released his cock until it entered her.

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The next day Sam found it hard to believe that it had really happened. Surely it had just been a vivid dream. But he could smell the faint scent of aroused womanhood in his sheets and on his body. It was strange. He doubted Jenny made a habit of leaping into bed with any patient who couldn't sleep, but she hadn't hesitated to do so with him. Still, a part of him seemed to find it perfectly fitting that she should. There were more tests that day, all as inconclusive as those the day before....

3 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 9 Jonathon

"Mmmm, that feels so good," I told Jackie. "I'm glad you came in to see me. I was going to go to your room, but I didn't think it would be a good idea with Mo there." "My sister would have loved it. She has a crush on you, almost as bad as I do." Jackie began stroking my cock from the base to the head. She stopped, pulled the blanket back, and stared at my member. Sliding down, she started to move my cock around and look at it. "Your cock is so nice, although I really don't have...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 10 Deus Ex Machina New Boundaries

Alice had heard mention of the term Sybian but had never seen one or fully understood what one was or did. Seeing it, she started to make presumptions about its use. Kat detected her lack of comprehension, and saw that Wendy also gave the device a questioning look. Kat explained, “Ladies, you straddle the saddle and put your pussy, especially your clit, on this little rubber beaded pad. There’s this dildo, too.” She placed a dildo into an orifice on top of the sybian so it locked in...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Venice I Don8217t Care If My Boyfriend8217s Jealous

Were do I begin? Ummmmmm, well let me just say this – HOLY MOTHER OF ALL FUCKERS everyone and the sky is not the limit for this girl because she’s already a shooting star, a supernova explosion, and if you want to see her debut anal casting? Well, it’s over at and of course she took it up the ass like all good submissive sluts do. It’s titled: “How We Fucked The Pizza Deliver Girl,” and yes, Cam delivered this pizza delivery girl some Painal for a creampie pussy...

2 years ago
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My first fuck by Susan Shelton

I was 18 the first time I had sex and it was with a married man twice my age. He had been giving me lifts home from work where we both worked for a few weeks. There was a long leafy road we drove down every day and that's where my sex life started.I had a couple of boyfriends from leaving school and we had kissed and I had my tits touched over my bra but nothing more, maybe that's why they never lasted. I wasn't going to give my virginity away so easily.The guy from work used to joke and flirt...

1 year ago
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My beginning and pathway to group sex Part 9

Continuing story. Please read Parts 1 – 8 first to understand where I am in my development.   My ‘at school’ boy responded to my challenge of finding somewhere better by inviting me to his house the next day.   Both his parents and his older sister worked, so we had a couple of clear hours after school to be alone.   He told me during the day that we could go to his house, and I was on edge all afternoon in anticipation.   I knew what I wanted to try.   Later, at his house, we went to a...

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KineticChapter 19

Time: Tuesday, August 1, 2006 2:00 PM After a hectic, transition-filled June, the month of July turned out to be peaceful and relaxing. Melanie and I were both surprised to discover that being legally married has changed our relationship in subtle ways. We had thought of ourselves as secretly married even before the wedding, had pledged lifetime commitments to each other years ago, but still... I guess at the core humans are very social animals. Expressing our union to the world in our...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 32

i went back to bed all day and was soon woke up by harvey after his detention i said in a sleepy manner "i dont wanna get up" harvey put his hand up my t shirt and said "come on babe get up i wanna go out with you tonight" i said "go where" harvey said "your see" i got out of bed tired and put on a jacket and a pair of pants and said "im ready babe" harvey took my hand and took me to his car i got in and went back to sleep on the passengers side when harvey woke me up he said "babe...

1 year ago
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My first wife

She was always ready to fuck. I met my first wife at work. I was manager of a distribution warehouse for a TV manufacturer during athe advent of color TVs in the early 70s. She came to work for me as a 16 year old typist /clerk in the despatch office, she typed the invoices and delivery dockets for all goods leaving the warehouse. We were work acquintances for 2 years, she was attractive, average build, then I was invited to her 18th birthday, it came out of the blue, she was dating a guy so I...

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A Beggars Tale

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to posting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Beggar’s Tale by Night Owl(Story Content:...

4 years ago
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HusbandWife Or BoyfriendGirlfriend 8211 Part 3

Hello Junta, the responses have been really supportive. Here is the third part. Do read the previous parts if you haven’t yet from the links mentioned above. Let’s continue. Her skirt was up to a height that could access her legs up to knees. Above it, nothing was even visible. I took her other leg and started doing the same. And reached her knees She was getting in the grove. I put my hands inside her skirt and started massaging her thighs. Kissing her calves. Every time I moved upwards on her...

2 years ago
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Gaoon Ki Doodhwali

Hello doston main phir se aa gaya…. naye email id ke saath… aur meri nayi kahani ke saath. aasha karta hoon aap ko yeh kahani bhi utni hi pasand aayegi….Main apne bhaiyya ki shadi mein gaya hua tha. Wahan mili mujhe ek gaon ki gori Phoolmati…woh ladki behad khoobsurat thi…chalo detail me jata hoon… May 24 ko mere bhaiyya ki shadi thi. main apne ghar se 20 tareekh ko hi chale gaya..kyonki gaon me aksar ladkiyan aasaani se apna sab kuch de deti hain isliye maine jaldi jana theek samjha. Main jis...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Mellanie Monroe See HIM Lose His Mind

We’ve got another “Double Debut” today here at See H?️M Fuck, as we welcome young hung stud Johnny Love (fka Johnny The Kidd) and curvy cougar Mellanie Monroe ❤️ to our outdoor/indoor set for this week’s update. After our newest director Big ?? Lou helps us get to know a little about HIM, Johnny stands and strips with Mellanie’s assistance, and you know she just had to sample goods – both front & back. Mellanie then gets HIM all nice & slick ? making sure that...

3 years ago
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Backstage with britney spears nothing can happen

"So tonight at the metro arena, britney spears will be playing her one night only show so we can announce the winner of the competition to win backstage hour meet and greet with britney herself. And the winner is *drum rolls*Yes as you can expect, I won the competition, I have always had a crush on britney spears, girlfriend seemed eh about me going alone but at the end of the day it's just a concert and knows I genuinely listen to her music, she doesnt know I won the competition but I wasnt...

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Holiday Fun

I have been in Phuket for the past few days, all for a wedding which was held tonight. My friends and I are walking through the street away from the festivities, and decide we don't want the night to end just yet. We're all a little fuelled by the amount of alcohol we've had to drink, and we all choose a bar to crowd into, to continue the night of fun, even though it's almost 1am.As we walk into the bar, I can't help but glance around the streets. I am hoping for one thing, even though I know...

4 years ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 36 A Long Distance Relationship Does Nothing for the Body

Wednesday morning Garrett was at the door to my suite by eight-thirty. He had two other techs from his office with him. Dale and Amy were younger than and not nearly as experienced as Garrett but eager to help. As it sat right now, with the main system as damaged as it was and completely shut down, they had very little to do. It would be to their benefit to get the system back up and running as quickly as possible. While Garrett and I were removing and sorting components on Tuesday the hotel...

3 years ago
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Forced LustChapter 4

Butch looked around the living room, nonchalantly tapping his gun on his thigh. Connie and Keri lay on their backs breathing hard, Connie with her forearm draped over her eyes and Keri exactly how she had been when she climaxed, except her legs had straightened and fallen to the floor. Judy couldn't tear her eyes off her daughters. Jeff was also staring at the girls, his young dick standing tall. Butch envied the boy's youthful stamina, but decided everyone needed a break -- especially...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Kristen Scott Petite Beauty

Short hottie Kristen Scott shows off her plentiful assets as she shakes what she’s got while doing a striptease for Tyler Steel. From peeling her bra from her small perky all naturals to slipping her panties down her legs, Kristen does whatever it takes to capture Tyler’s interest. From there she’s quick to open her sweet mouth for a wet and wild blowjob and to push her boobs together for a titty fuck. Now that she’s nice and warmed up, Kristen hops onto Tyler’s stiffie to ride him like her own...

2 years ago
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Meri Mummy Chudi Dost Se

Hi this is Rahul saxena from Kota mai bhi iss ka fan hu 4 salo se iss ki stories pad raha hu is site ke bare mai maine apne kai or dosto ko bhi bataya tha or unhe bhi iski stories kafi achi lagi thi or aaj bhi ve iss ko follow kerte hai per mujhe nahi pata tha ki in stories ko pad ker hi mera dost meri mummy ko chod dega or humare hi ghar mai Mere mummy papa ke bed per aaj mai apko batane ja rha hu ki kese mere dost ne mere hi ghar per meri mummy ko choda or ye chudai aaj bhi chal rahi hai....

1 year ago
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AmberChapter 1

It is about nine in the morning and the neighborhood is still relatively quiet. Leon steps onto the porch with a cup of coffee and waits. Any minute now his daughter should be pulling up. It is one of those typical summer days. School is out for the kids and he has the whole summer off to spend with his daughter. Leon is a history high school teacher for Appleton Heights High. As for his daughter, Amber, he gets her every summer. His ex-wife divorced Leon when their daughter was four. Leon...

4 years ago
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We left the relative shade of the peristyle garden with its white marble fountain depicting Venus, a ewer hoisted on her shoulder. The trickling figure stood in the centre of a shallow square pool, surrounded by smooth flag stones and then by a grassed border skirting up to a colonnaded cloister that hemmed the garden in, providing a screen to the outside world. I took her small hand in mine to lead her away from the site of our tryst, to the coolness of the house I had had built in a Roman...

2 years ago
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Blaze Part 2

Awake again Unlike her previous awakenings, Jess regained consciousness in a single moment. Her mind was remarkably clear and there was no confusion as to where she was. The now familiar green glow was all she needed to know that she was back in her hospital room. The memory of the attacking Lycans and Vampira were still fresh on her mind and the fears and remnants of the pain that had nearly undone her came rushing back. She felt totally defenseless and alone. Depression, her old...

1 year ago
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LANewGirl Sweet Sophia Returns

A drop dead gorgeous blonde enters our studio this week. She saw our “MODELS WANTED” ad and was curious to give it a try. After the usual “self intro” for the agencies, our new Model strikes poses after poses. When our Photographer, who is attracted to blondes, gets an erection in his pants, he asks her if she likes hard cocks. She replies YES. “Do you like to ride them?” YES “Do you like to cum on them?” YES. So, she proceeds to wrap her lips around the stiff cock and begins sucking on it. She...

2 years ago
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True Marriage Spanking Story

This is a true story. I've always had an interest in spanking and a few years ago asked my wife if she would let me spank her. She wasn't really into it, but is an amazing woman and said yes. We decided as I was just wanting to spank her and there was no roleplay, "stop" would simply mean stop rather than using a safeword. Seemed a little less weird that way.We got the kids to sleepovers and had a nice dinner and after an awkward glass of wine on the couch, I asked if I could spank her now. She...

3 years ago
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Monoped Muse Ch 01

[i]Every longer story needs an ouverture, and “Black Ice” forms the upbeat for this one. Please read it as such, I’ve only allowed scoring after chapter 3, feeling you should read the whole thing before giving any scores. I’m much indebted to Damppanties and Alex- The_bragis for commenting on earlier drafts of this story. Hope you enjoy! PaulX35[/i] [b]I. Black Ice[/b] – “Fucking hell,” she said to herself. The view out the window wasn’t promising. From a slate grey sky the fine rain...

4 years ago
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After school detention lesson part 3

Introduction: young boy teached best mate how to do it whilst finding unexpected love. Part 2 can be read here: Ive taken all your advice and wrote part 3. Hope you like it. PART 3 When Will and I arrived at my house we went straight up to my bedroom. I can tell Will is extremely confused at what havejust happened. He sat on my bed and said when she began to touch me I felt so… so… oh never mind so what? Horny? I replied....

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Sweet Dreams

In this story, you will be able to take the role of the main character August who finds himself in the world of one of the many TV shows, video games, and movies out there, either as himself or in the shoes of one of the main characters. Could be based around certain episodes or details, the show/movie/game entirely, or just completely made up from scratch! There are a lot of different worlds to be explored before August wakes up... (Side note: I'd highly recommend starting the game in 'Score'...

3 years ago
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A shocking surprise in the showers

After a long and stressing day at my office, I called my sweet Ana and told her I would spend some time at the gym; some workout would help me to relax.Once there, I made a complete circuit with other people and then I went to the swimming pool, for making several rounds. After enjoying a nice warm shower, I decided to spend another while at the sauna. I went in to the steam room and left my long towel hooked outside.The heat was nice and I sat down there to enjoy the warmth. Some moments...

2 years ago
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Nilesh ki aunty

Main nilesh, 22 years ka hoon with average body. Main abhi apana pg kar raha hoon aur ek mnc me executive ka kaam karata hoon. Main iss ka fan hoon(aunty story). Aur iss members ka bhi jinhone apni real story hum jaisoke saath share ki. Unhise prerana lekar main apni story pesh kar raha hoon. Waise to main ye story english me he likhana chahata tha. Par jaise ke muze desi story pasand hai issi liye main desi language mein hi likh raha hoon. Mere pados mein ek family hai. Jisme husband – ramesh...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Ki Phli Chudai

Hi to all ISS reader friends this is krish from bhiwani Haryana main ek engineer hu or achi job kr rha hu, yeh meri iss pr phli story h ye story meri or meri girl friend ki h m b iss ka fan hu bhut sari stories padhi h nd regulars padhta hu to muje b lga ki m apna experince share kru. Meri girlfriend Nisha age 21 yrs old with height 5 feet 3 inch boobs 34 inch kamar 28 nd gand 36 joki muje sbse jyada pasand h gora rang ekdm sexy ldki h phle m apne bare me bta du meri height 5feet 7 inch h...

3 years ago
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Late Arrival to a Party All Ready Started

Though I do like a drink, sometimes I abstain totally and act as the good samaritan to drive my friends from the town where we live into the city. One night I went with my then girlfriend and some of her mates. The night started on a pretty strange footing. I met up with them at her house. Her parents were away so I just walked straight in expecting to find them all sitting in the living room, drinking vodka and giggling. As per usual on nights like these. They weren't in the living room...

1 year ago
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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 25

The first Board of Directors meeting of the Oculus Group Inc. was set for Monday at one in the afternoon. It was late enough for James and the girls to get back from school, but early enough for them to have plenty of time to cover all of the topics that needed to be discussed. The first order of business was for Donovan Manning to have them all review the mountains of paperwork he and Stacy had generated! In addition to the business license, the consultants certifications, insurance forms,...

2 years ago
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Getting It on With SamanthaChapter 10

Samantha and Pete had been intimately and sexually involved with each other for over two years. Their brother/sister incestuous sexual relationship had begun when Samantha was 14 years old and Pete had first fucked her and he had even been the one who'd gotten to have her cherry pussy. The two of them had quickly grown into very hot sexy lovers with each other and nothing had diminished their sexual desire and frequent times of fucking and sucking together in all the 24 months or so that had...

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Becoming my Neighbors Slave Toy

This story is based on true events. It contains femdom, CBT,. When my older next door neighbor lady taught me to be her toy. Since I was about 14 I was noticing our neighbor Deb Fisher and her 19-year-old daughter Megan. However Deb did a lot more for me. She was 42 and looked great, one look at her and my cock became instantly hard, and I think she knew it. She was about 5’10” and weighed about 140 pounds. She had long legs and a wonderful tight ass. She had red hair that went a few...

2 years ago
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Diversion Part 6

"Let's not think about that yet. I just want to enjoy the time I do have you and don't want to think about goodbyes yet." "Me either love. So now what do you want to do?" he flashed me this childish grin, "let me guess... Fish?" "You got it. Good lord baby we know each other pretty well. Are you okay with doing some more fishing my love?" "Yes of course..." We get minimal clothes on and grab our poles. We throw our lines in and are conversing as we fish, when it happened. It not being entirely...

Straight Sex
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Dragon Age Slaves

Chapter 1: Bethany Hawke teaches someone a lesson Chapter Text Bethany had had just about enough from Isabella; and thought of a way to teach her a lesson. All she needed to do now is getting her alone; somewhere isolated and quiet. They were on a mission to stop a band of mercenaries that had been attacking anyone who dared to walk this particular trail. Just then Isabella said something that cut into her thoughts; something that made her very mad. That is it she said to herself, this has to...

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Lauras Execution

Laura’s Execution(The very sexy execution of a beautiful girl - simply for wearing tights)Part 1: A Cruel SentenceLaura's trial lasted less than five minutes.  Her name and age were read out for her to confirm followed by the charge of pre-emptively resisting rape to which she pleaded not guilty.The judge looked Laura up and down savouring the look of terror in her luminous brown eyes and leered at her ample cleavage  and finally took in her long luscious smooth  nylon encased legs.“The...

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She is Beautiful Chapter 9

I awoke, feeling a warm wet mouth on my dick which, thanks to Viagra, was rock hard again. It was still dark, but someone had opened the curtains allowing the glow of city lights to bathe the room in a soft glow. I looked down to see Bryce sucking my cock, slowly easing it down his throat and back up again. How wonderful to get woken by a world-class blowjob! Every man should experience this treat at least once!I glanced over and saw that it was 5:30 in the morning … Excellent – plenty of time...

Group Sex

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