- 4 years ago
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August 3, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
I woke shortly after 6:00, wide awake after a good night’s sleep. Seeing that Rhee was still out of it, I crept out of bed to my PC and wrote most of yesterday’s diary account. I will finish it after practice, as reliving yesterday’s fellatio instruction has gotten me excited and Rhee is rousing.
[Added August 4]
As Rhee was waking, I threw the sheet off her and planted my face between her legs.
“Hey,” she said, “I have to pee. Save that for a few minutes.”
I thought about a shower and agreed enthusiastically. We traded places on the throne, then stepped into the shower, both wearing shower caps. We washed each other which led to other interesting and fun interactions, resulting in nice morning orgasms. Dad and Mom were both gone when we got downstairs, so we fixed ourselves breakfast, dressed, and headed to practice.
As we stepped out the front door, Rhee said, “I don’t want to get into it, now, as I don’t want to get turned on, again, but last night ... Oh. My. God.”
“Yeah, I know just what you mean. We’re each going to make love with Dad. I hope that it’s sooner, rather than later.”
“You and me, both, but I’m already getting worked up, so let’s table this and talk about something else.”
“Okay. Saturday. Do we come home with the tournament trophy?”
“Unless GV comes up with a spectacular counter to our Sanderson defense or we forget how to play our brand of soccer, I find it difficult to see how we don’t go to the state tournament. Five weeks ago, I would not have been so sure; Heather is the difference; there’s no doubt.”
“Agreed. Next year, with the DWP front line ... I like our chances at state enough this year, but I think that with Civia, we have a chance to take it all.”
That discussion took us to the pitch, where we began stretching while chatting with Civia and Ann. When Coach arrived, she pulled Civia aside to explain the Sanderson plan to her and seemed thankful that we had already apprised her of the bones and much of the details of the plan. Civia and Coach ran us through an hour-long scrimmage of the amended plan, starter offense against starter defense and midfield, backups filling in the rest of the slots. Kanda and Dakota have really come into their own of late. Though they were matched against the starting midfield, they did a reasonable job of holding their own. Haven did, too, but she’s got a couple years’ experience on those two, so we expect her to do well.
With our wider skill set and better speed across the offense than GV’s, we probably did better against the Sanderson plan than GV might, but the D did hold Rhee scoreless. Of course, Heather and Mia both scored goals, with Heather getting two (including a lovely outside-left shot that curled away from Brianna and caromed off the far post).
Coach ended the scrimmage, had us all run another two laps of the field, then gathered us to critique the Sanderson Plan. We decided that we didn’t think any tweaks were necessary, because we felt that our planned frequent substitutions at the left midfielder slot would negate much of the impact that our right wing (Heather) had had on the defensive plan. Coach sent us all home a bit earlier than usual and promised a short practice tomorrow, which will consist mostly of warmup, laps, and discussion of the two game plans for Saturday.
Unlike last night, the goings-on at home with the family were tame, although still quite pleasant: dinner, a movie, and a short game of Uno. Rhee and I, however, spent quite a bit of time rehashing the recent sexual “events.” We got ourselves worked up reliving them and conjecturing about the future. A mutually satisifying multi-orgasm session sent us to the Land of Nod.
August 5, 2017
[Written August 7]
Both Dad and Carol drove the 1.5-hour trip to New Paris, because we were taking Gracey and Liya home with us after the tournament. Mrs. García was taking them to the game but had to leave after the first game to go to a meeting where she was presenting a paper tomorrow. Apparently, she had considered having one of her co-authors present it so she could be there for both games, but Gracey had convinced her that it was important enough for her career to justify her missing the second game. Mrs. Nadhi was scheduled on one of the large celestial telescopes for the next few nights, so she was out of town, too. Sandy rode with Carol, while Rhee, Heather, and I rode with Dad.
All the teams had to be checked in by 8:30, so we had to leave early, even though our first game didn’t start until noon. We all watched the GV-Paradise game, which was really good. While a back-and-forth affair, Sanderson was the difference, scoring a hat trick, with Dowdell getting a goal, and one of their fullbacks icing the game with a goal in the last three minutes on a set play off a corner kick. We might have expected a benefit out of Charlize playing the entirety of a hard-fought game, however, she would have a long breather between games, negating much of the possible impact.
As we expected and suggested by the result of our last meeting, Watermelon Mountain did not really have a chance against us. By the 35th minute when the last of the starters (Brianna) was on the sidelines, we were up 5-0, with Rhee and Heather each notching two goals, but with Ann starting off the scoring with one of her rockets from well outside the penalty box. I spread my three assists around, one each to the three scorers.
We brought the starting offense and starting wing midfielders on beginning around the 75th minute but left the backup D in because we wanted the starting D rested for the game against GV. Before that, Tonda scored twice and Lissa and Dakota once each (the latter being Dakota’s first competition goal), while Mia scored – interestingly enough, on an outside-right shot that burned the grass into the right corner – in the last minute to bring the final score to 10-1.
The mood in the locker room was happy, but not uproarious, as we expected to win, and to win handily. Dakota was certainly happy, and many of the team drifted by to give her a back pat or a hug in congratulations.
“Gather ‘round,” Coach called. She immediately had everyone’s attention.
“Okay. The easy part of the day is over. I’m happy to see that none of you has gotten carried away, as we still have GV to play. While I want you to be confident against them, I don’t want to see any cockiness. That is a good team.
“Attagirls go to many for this game. Chief among them, once again, attagirls go to the entire contingent of backup midfielders. Again, you showed your stuff, showed that you could control the tempo, control the game on either side of the midline. Three cheers for Haven, Kanda, and Dakota!”
Now, there was uproariousness! [I know. It is not a word, but it fits.] The three all got lots of back pats, high fives, and voiced congratulations and thank-yous.
“Other attagirls go to Marli for a couple great saves and to the backup offense, which would have scored as many goals as the starting offense if Mia hadn’t gone and ruined it in the last minute!”
There was much laughter.
“Seriously, that front line played very well, and I want to single out Alex’s sweet assist on Tonda’s second goal. However good that assist was, I think that there was a better assist today and I’d like to see if anyone else noticed.”
[Rhee insisted that I include this part.]
Ann and Tonda both started speaking, and, realizing that they were stepping on each other, both stopped. Coach called on Tonda.
“I think that it was Beth’s pass to Ann.”
“I’m glad that you saw that, Tonda. Would you care to explain your reasoning?”
“I don’t really know how she did it. She had just blown by that midfielder with the old kick-the-ball-one-way-and-run-around-the-defender-the-other-way trick. I noticed Ann charging up behind her and was thinking that she should lay the ball back for her, but I didn’t see her turn and look, so figured that Beth didn’t see Ann. However, she made a great fake as if to pass to Rhee, which sucked the center half that way, opening a huge slot in the D. Beth must have seen Ann, because she made a great backheel right to where Ann was going to be about five yards outside the box. In my experience, that was one of the best assists that I’ve ever seen in person. All Ann had to do was keep it between the uprights and below the crossbar and at least a couple yards away from the goalie.”
To my embarrassment, Ann spoke up.
“I agree with Tonda. I was hoping that Beth would turn and see me, because I had a good angle even before she sucked that center half out of my way. When it looked like she was going to try to force it into Rhee, I almost gave up, but thought that I might get a rebound or be able to help keep the ball in play. I was pleasantly surprised when she laid that ball out perfectly for me. Tonda was right. Once Beth sent it back to me, unless I screwed it up, it was a sure thing. I also agree with Tonda that that was the sweetest assist that I’ve ever personally seen, and I am happy that I was able to make it work out for Beth.”
I felt my face burning as a bunch of hands were laid on me and Lissa hugged me.
“I agree with all of that,” Coach said. “I’ve been involved in soccer for longer than any of you have been alive and, while possibly not the best assist I’ve ever seen, it is right up there among the leaders. Beth hates it when she’s singled out for praise for something that she considers part of her job, but if any proof is needed as to why she’s the offensive quarterback, that assist provides it.
“She had obviously noticed Ann at some point, probably in her phenomenal peripheral vision, but what did she do? She didn’t give the defense any clue what she was going to do by obviously looking at Ann. She also could have laid that pass back to Ann sooner, but she worked out a way, on the fly, you will notice, to move that center half a bit more out of Ann’s way before she laid it back.
“Field awareness is probably the hardest skill to teach, because it’s only partly physical: having good peripheral vision. Most of it is mental, being able to keep track not only of where everyone is, but more importantly, where everyone is going to be. Ann did not have to slow down or speed up or alter her stride. That pass hit Ann’s right foot at precisely the right place and time. Making that pass so perfect requires a mind that can do trigonometry on the fly: multiple bodies in motion with different vectors and velocities.
“This is the same skill that enables good dribblers to do their thing and why we’ve moved Lissa to sweeper, backing Beth up. To dribble past or through more than one defender in close proximity requires that same spatial awareness and being able to track multiple defenders and teammates at the same time. Think of it this way. A move that puts the ball in a certain place might well work on getting past the first defender but give the ball away to the second defender. A good dribbler in traffic has to keep both, or more, defenders in mind, even when dealing with the first one.
“Anyway, I digress. Attagirl to Beth for a spectacular assist to get our scoring started. That attagirl was simple compared to coming up with whom to award the game ball. I’d like to give it to the backup midfield, and I will do something for them as a unit. However, one of those three made just a bit more difference than the others. She made a couple of crucial stops deep in our side that turned away dangerous penetrations by Watermelon, initiated two counterattacks that resulted in goals, and scored one herself. The game ball goes to Dakota Brigham!”
There was much rejoicing and back-slapping. Dakota looked stunned. Though she is part of the Kanda-Dakota duo that is nearly always seen together, Kanda is the leader. However, as has been evident in the past few weeks, Dakota has really come on. All the playing time she has gotten of late has given her much more confidence, as it has for the rest of the backups, but she has probably come further than any of them as she used to be the weakest of the midfielders.
Coach had organized a car-pooling effort to get us all to a restaurant for a late lunch/afternoon snack, after which we returned in time to watch the second half of the Paradise-Watermelon Mountain game. Paradise would probably have won, regardless, but we had seemingly shredded Watermelon’s confidence, as Paradise won 8-2. Watermelon had played Paradise much closer in their previous meetings.
The game, thus, held little interest for some of us, and Rhee, Heather, and I joined Gracey and Liya who were talking with Dad and the Moms. Being a bit more private than the restaurant, the three of us received hugs and congratulations from the adults.
Dad decided that he would embarrass me further by saying where all could hear, “I saw that pass you made early in the game to Ann off which she scored that sizzling goal and thought that it was a pretty good pass. Gracey tells me that it was one of the best assists that Coach has ever seen. Though I’ve tried to learn this game of yours, I guess I don’t really understand and was hoping that you could explain it.”
I stared at Dad, trying to think of some way to explain the pass that did not sound like bragging, but Rhee jumped in.
“Oh, no, Dad. You won’t get a valid explanation from Beth, as she’s too afraid of being seen as egotistical, even though she’s probably the least egotistical person I know. Coach explained it well in the locker room. That pass was a result of Beth’s peripheral vision combined with her field awareness, knowing where everyone around her is and will be. As Coach explained it, Beth, though she was heading upfield, had obviously seen Ann behind her charging up from her fullback position, almost certainly with her peripheral vision.
“However, that’s not the difficult part of it. That brilliant mind of hers figured out that she could suck the center half out of position and out of Ann’s way by faking a pass to me, even though I was reasonably well covered, as she knows that defenses tend to collapse on me because of my scoring history. The center half fell for it, moving a couple yards in my direction. Then, without ever actually looking at Ann, so that the defense couldn’t anticipate her plan, she made a difficult, but amazingly pretty, backheel pass right onto Ann’s charging rocket-launcher of a right foot. Coach said that the mind that could do that could do some complex trigonometry on the fly.”
“Yes,” said Dad, “multiple bodies in motion, multiple vectors, differing velocities. The math is complex, but athletes seem to be able to do it with ease. Think about an outfielder catching a fly ball. He, or she, has to determine where the ball will be when he or she can catch it. That means estimating the parabola of the ball’s travel, though it’s not strictly a parabola, as air resistance and wind both impact the true shape of the ball’s flight.” He turned to me. “That is not meant in any way to demean your ability to put the soccer ball precisely where it needed to be. I mentioned all that only to point out how difficult what you did is.” Dad wrapped me in his arms. “Now that I understand what was involved, I’m even more impressed with you, Beth. Did you purposefully try to move that center half out of the way? Tell me the truth.”
I pressed more fully into Dad’s chest and nodded my head against it.
“I am impressed with the capabilities of human brains, in general, but particularly with your mind, in how quickly you can figure out a plan of action, all while running, keeping a ball under control ... with feet, for crying out loud, anticipating how a defense in general and particular defense players will react, calculating where a teammate will be and when, and using a body part not designed for the task to impel that ball backward at a particular speed and with particular direction. It all seems impossible when one breaks down all the parts of the play that are required for success, but skilled players of all sports seem to do it with ease. That’s why we mere mortals marvel at professional and other skilled athletes at the things they do, precisely because they seem impossible. And they are ... for us mere mortals.”
I dropped my head further and complained, “Da-adddd.”
Rhee was the first to pile on, followed closely by the rest of The Gang. Of course, it was Liya, among The Gang, who took me to task.
“Girl, you have no cause for embarrassment. You should be proud, and it’s okay to be proud! It’s not okay to point out to others how wonderful you are, but it’s okay to be proud, to be happy with your abilities. While some of that is innate, most of it is practice. Practice, practice, and more boring practice. Most of the world’s humans are not willing or don’t have the time to put into that practice. So, buck up. Hold your head high and be proud of what you accomplished for your team. Yes, it’s your job, but not everyone can do your job. So, be proud!”
“She’s right, Honey,” Dad said quietly. “Be proud of your accomplishments, whether anyone notices or not. Liya is particularly right about the job aspect. No matter what your job is, remember that not everyone has the physical or mental capabilities to do that job. If you do it well, that is cause for pride. Not overweening pride, but pride nonetheless.”
I looked up into his eyes for some time and saw only honesty and sincerity. Perhaps, I thought, I have gone overboard in the other direction concerning my accomplishments. I told myself to cogitate on Liya’s and Dad’s words.
I squeezed Dad extra tight. “Thanks, Dad.” I gently pulled out of Dad’s arms and forced my way through Rhee to Liya and hugged her tightly. “Again, Liya, you have helped me. You’re my secret alter-ego. Keep kicking my butt when I get like that. I really treasure you and your positive impact on me.”
Both Moms gave me hugs and congratulations and then conversation drifted to multiple subjects among different sets of conversants. Heather pulled me aside.
“Don’t poo-pooh this. That was a helluva play. What no one said in that scrum with your Dad, though I’m sure that Rhee knows it, is that you’ve become a stronger team leader as the season has progressed. Oh, you were good before, but it’s obvious to me that you’re more confident in both of your positions, sweeper and team captain. Part of that is probably due to your greater knowledge of, thus higher comfort level with, all of us. I am more-and-more glad that there was an open slot on this team when we moved here. Soccer has changed for me from something that I liked but whose primary purpose was to get me out of the house to something that I truly enjoy. You are part of that change, particularly of that enjoyment. Though I was a bit nervous about teaching outside-foot shooting, I wound up enjoying it. I also greatly enjoy being on this offense. Then, there’s my incredibly better personal life. I’ve said it before, but, thanks, Beth.”
I must have looked like a gaping fish, because I certainly did not know how to respond to that. Was I better at my team jobs now than I was earlier? That would almost have to be true, at least a little, as experience always imparts more capability. But enough that Heather could notice it? And I am not downplaying Heather’s discernment capability, because she has that in spades. I don’t feel that I am all that much better at my team jobs, but she was right about my comfort level, and that has to play a part in ability. Another item for future cogitation.
All this ran through my mind in the time that it took for Heather to get exasperated with my non-responsiveness and to emulate a Rhee hug.
“Beth, you are wonderful, and Rhee is right: You need more capability to accurately assess both your ability and your impact on those around you. Liya was also right: You are The Gang’s center of gravity. Not only are you going to have to get over worrying about it, you’re also going to have to accept it. I have never met anyone like you ... someone with so much capability that uses that capability and doesn’t realize it. However, you are also right: Any one of us could lead, but we let you do so. Sort of. Notice, however, that all of us do lead ... when we beat you to understanding a situation. But also notice that those situations are nearly always times in which you waffle over putting yourself forward. Please, get over that.”
Then she grinned at me ... with those sparkling blue eyes.
I shook my head. “I guess I have some self-analysis and thinking to do. Thanks, Heather.”
I saw Coach motioning me to her, Civia at her side. “Please start herding the cats to that out-of-the-way spot over there.” I nodded, returned to Heather, and asked her to help in cat-herding, which we accomplished anon.
“I’ll go over our game plan while you get your stretching done.” Coach proceeded to remind us of the details of the complex plan of double-teaming Sanderson on our side of the pitch. [See Chapter 28 for details.]
“Emma, Haven, Kanda, Dakota. When you’re on the field in the left-half slot, though your primary task is to play that position, also very important is giving Zahira or Sophia help with Dowdell, their right wing. Because so much of our midfield will have extra duties in this game, counterattacks will be more critical than usual. Though good at them, this team has never focused hard on counterattacks. Fullbacks and, particularly, midfielders, if you get possession, I want your first thought after making sure that you retain possession to be offense. Look up. Find Beth. Find Mia. Find Heather. Find Rhee. Find one of them. If you can, get the ball to her. Because of the new wrinkle in our Sanderson Plan and our confidence in Gracey’s and Abby’s abilities to shut down their left wing, Zala ... and Dakota when she’s playing there, can be more offense-oriented. So, fullbacks, halfbacks, when you look up, look also for your right half. If you’re being pressed and can boot it, boot it down Heather’s side, she just might catch up with it. As I’ve said before, our offense kicks ass! They can do their job, even when outnumbered. So, get the ball going forward.
“Midfielders. We have just spent a week of practice moving every one of you around, playing each of the three positions. I am confident of your ability to adapt and, most importantly, to think. To remember what each position’s specific task in this game is. Center half’s almost sole responsibility in our half of the field is Sanderson. Don’t give her wiggle room. Left half, position play, but help out on Dowdell. If they sub for her, then position play. Right half, offense. Work with Beth and Heather.
“Mia, that leaves you as something of a pariah out there on the left side by yourself. Expect to see little action on that side, as most of the outlet passes from the D will be to the right. However, you should also expect their D to almost forget about you. I expect, as per usual, that their D will concentrate on Rhee and, now that they know how dangerous Heather is, on her. I’m sure that you and your devious mind can find a way to make them pay for ignoring you.
“Beth, you and the rest of our offense is our first line of defense. Get us some goals. Get us a lead. With a multi-goal lead, we can sit back and defend. Without a lead, we have to balance O and D, possibly giving Sanderson more wiggle room than we would like to allow her. As you know, with wiggle room, she will hurt us.”
Coach slowly looked around at each of us. As her gaze visited each team member, that girl stood and straightened to her full height; a few nodded. My understanding is that this team has not been in this game, the tournament final, in seven years.
With the field empty and GV obviously at their benches, Coach led us over to ours. Ann and I got the typical pre-game drills going, then I wandered over to Coach.
“Coach, you seem nervous.”
She looked at me for a few seconds, looked up and around, then responded. “I guess I am. I’m confident of this team, but I’ve never won this thing, and been in this game only once before. We lost a heartbreaker, and the team that beat us, New Paris, actually, lost in the first round at state. I was pretty sure that we could have beaten that team, then, Centerville, as we matched up really well against them. That was my first year here. Just getting to the final got me a bonus and a contract extension. My contract is up this year, but I have reasonable confidence that I’ll get a new contract.
“I don’t want you worrying about any of that, though. I want that mind of yours focused on getting us some early goals. I know that you don’t need the reminder, but do keep your eye on Mia. I suspect that if you are right-side focused early on, they’ll almost leave her alone.
“So, I suggest taking any shot at a streaking Heather. Without a streak, make Rhee give their entire D a workout. Get her shots, even if they’re not good ones. I want that D of theirs to collapse on her. I know that she won’t like it and could get frustrated. It’s your job to keep her on keel, despite any frustration. Okay?”
I nodded, but a bit tentatively.
“Beth, I’m not really worried about the outcome, though I do have concerns about Sanderson. Rhee knows that part of her job is to attract their D. Just remind her of it. If they start collapsing on her, that’s the end for them. Heather and Mia and you will eat them alive. In fact, I want you to quietly go talk to Heather and tell her that if she gets an early chance to streak, to take it. However, also tell her that I want her to be ... umm ... benign until we see that the D is concentrating on Rhee. Then have her open up. I want her slashing through the D, giving Rhee and, particularly, you pass options. If we can manipulate that D in this way, we’ll get them to overload on their left, and that will pop Mia free.”
She looked around again, then, even more quietly said, “Can you imagine what we could do to this defense if we could suddenly put Civia at left wing about halfway through the first half?”
I looked in Coach’s eyes for quite a while. “I can imagine that you’re pissed off right now. I know that I am. GV would stand no chance against a DWP line. They wouldn’t need me. Civia’s a natural playmaker. I suspect that you’ve already thought of these, but I have two ... umm ... thoughts about your plans for her.” When she nodded, I continued. “When I graduate, you’ll put her at sweeper, yes?”
“Yes. The other?”
“If you haven’t already, when will you initiate whatever paperwork is required to get a middle-school girl to play for the high-school varsity team?”
Her eyebrows shot up. “You know about that?”
“Yes. I remember an 8th-grade boy played on East’s varsity basketball team.”
Coach shook her head, then smiled at me. “Beth, you really would make a great coach. And, yes, I’ve already gotten things started with Civia, though I haven’t, yet, asked her, so please keep it under your hat. If you’ve thought of this wrinkle in the rules, you must have also thought, you and that sidekick of yours, Rhee, about an 11-year-old on a high-school varsity team. Have you?”
“Yeah, Rhee and I talked about it. We find it amusing. We also think that she could make the team, perhaps even as a starter. We’ve already started the process of involving her in our gang of friends. I don’t think that she has good friends, and she’ll probably need such if she finds herself on a high-school varsity soccer team at age 11. Any of us on this team will stick up for her, even against the seniors, who will probably have serious doubts.”
Again, Coach shook her head. “And, here, I thought that I was being so devious and holding my cards close, when you’ve already figured it out and gotten your henchpeople on the job. Thank you, Beth. I hadn’t thought about things from the perspective of Civia’s needs in such a situation. Getting her a supportive set of friends, particularly friends that will be important to that team, will be very helpful. That was superb thinking!”
“Thanks, Coach. As you may have figured out by now, I like to think, to anticipate.”
“Yes, and that’s what makes you such a good sweeper and such a good team captain. By the way, I meant what I said in the locker room. That assist on Ann’s goal was phenomenal. The pass was good, but the design of your play is what elevates it to superlatives.”
I colored a bit but kept my head and eyes level on Coach. “Thanks, Coach.”
“Okay, Captain. Get your butt out there and quietly let our front line know our plans.”
I nodded and rambled over to where Rhee and others were practicing through passes; I pulled Rhee aside.
“Rhee, we’re going to make the first part of this game frustrating for you.”
“Yeah. I figured that you’d plan on getting me the ball whenever you could early in the game to get the usual collapse-on-Rhee thing going. I’m cool. I won’t blow up like I did in that first Paradise game. I understand it, now. I suppose you want me taking whatever shots I can manufacture, yes?”
I nodded. “To balance that a bit, I’m going to tell Heather to streak with abandon. Coach would like to have a couple of quick goals. Please be prepared to support her. She’ll know to use you as an outlet, which might get you a goal. In fact, please plan on trailing her on streaks, not initiating them. Oh, and you might want to ignore an open Mia a time or two early on.”
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Hi I am also regular reader of ISS it is very good EROTIC SEX Site. I am asking my exp. Of this site because of this site I get lot of contact and joy too. But all the way I keep secrecy of my sex partner who is having very good status in society, community and with relatives too. I am from Mumbai suburban side. Here there is very higher middle class people locality and rich locality. It is two years back story when I produce my student story on this site. I get good response on my e-mail id – ...
The slut gasped, kneeling naked and panting like the little bitch she was. The blindfold she wore held her trapped in darkness. The ropes woven intricately over her forearms held them securely behind her back. Welts covered her body from her whipping. Her nipples were red, puffy from the. Her pussy dripped with her juices like a true slut. “And now my little cum slut, it’s time for your reward,” the silky voice came from out in the darkness. Suddenly the fleshy shaft of what could only have...
First off, I’ll tell you a little about myself. I’m 21 but still in college, 6’1 and workout all the time. Light brown hair, blue eyes and never been embarrassed about my 7.5 inch dick. My girlfriend at the time, name not important, was a cheerleader and has gorgeous blonde hair, blue eyes, just over 5 ft and about a 100 pounds. Her body was a knock out, perfect round ass and perk 34 C’s. It started out as a summer vacation to the beach with her family. We all went down to an island in the...
I sat in my favourite seat and my youngest granddaughter Carol knelt at my feet with my cock in her hot mouth. I looked down at her pretty face when my daughter Clare walked by. "She's not bothering you too much dad, is she?" she asked. "No, no," I crocked. "If she does just shoo her away," she advised and walked on. I wasn't in any hurry, happy for her to suck my cock all day. "Come on granddad," she said now holding my cock in her hand, "my jaw is aching." "Use your tits on...
Dave however noticed none of it any more. If she was lucky, he would give her the five minute weekend bang and then fall asleep. Susan tried so hard to be understanding. Dave was working close to seventy hours a week or more some weeks. That included a day on the weekends. His only day off he was either working out side or doing reports in his study for work. Susan, tried so hard to be understanding of what Dave was doing for both of them. She would cook dinners, only to eat alone. ...
to check up on him. "Computer, where is Lt. Barkley?" "Lt. Barkley is in Holodeck Three" came the smooth voice of the computer. Deanna pursed her lips in annoyance. Reg was supposed to be staying away from the holodecks and should have required special permission to use them. On the other hand, Reg was also a very good engineer and could probably bypass any safeguards that were put on them. Troi signed and got up, heading out the door and for Holodeck Three. When she arrived, the...
I had taken the red-eye flight so many times between L.A. and Boston that when I finally had an opportunity to take a business trip to London and had to be in Berlin the following day for a meeting with the marketing director of our Germany office, I jumped at the chance to take the train and actually see the countryside.I didn't want my boss to worry so typed out a quick text: "Hey Karen, I'll be in around 2:00 tomorrow, I'm taking the train. Let's plan on a late lunch."I was surprised...
SeductionUncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 6Continued from.. Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 1 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 2 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 3 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 4 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 5Uncle...
She's ultimately a female version of myself, except she's very tiny like my mother. We both have dirty blond hair (mine falls in my eyes, her's falls to her waist), and grey blue eyes. But I know her eyes, delicate and feminine, circled by the black lace of her eyelashes. She's stunning and she knows it too. She's not beautiful in they way a sports illustrated model is with big tits and ass. She's got a tiny body with delicate B cup breasts and a round firm ass atop a set of legs, the...
Well to start with I am 40years old, I have been a widower for the last 5 years, my wife dying in a car accident. My parents are dead and all I have left is 1 child my lovely daughter and my sister and her two children. My daughter is 20years old now and lives in town, with my sister. After my wife died we both sought of kept to ourselves, tho my memories would still flood in of my little girl. On the other hand, my sister is 32years old and has 2 daughters, on her own, her husband died of...
---- Corporate Merger by Mushrambo ---- It all started when the firms brought in that "efficiency expert" in order to help with the merger. One really couldn't blame them for it, bringing together two companies which had been rivals for their entire existance was no easy feat. But with corporate mergers, there always came layoffs. Which is why Aaron was sitting in this board room now, opposite his counterpart from Croft Global. The two companies boards were reviewing every...
Consciousness came in a slow progression as her mind distantly registered the repeated and extremely annoying sound of a phone ringing somewhere. It seemed to go on forever. Starting and stopping whenever the sweet oblivion of sleep took her, dragging Miranda kicking and screaming back into semi wakefulness every few minutes. "Just leave us alone," she muttered grumpily, blindingly reaching behind her for a pillow and holding it against her ear as the phone downstairs rang again, blessedly...
Pictures – Just For You! I had never considered posting any pictures of myself on my profile page, just because I didn’t want to. I like the thought of being anonymous, mysterious if you like, hence the profile picture of a dark character. I have nothing to hide, I mean I’m not hideous or anything like that, just a normal bloke. You could say I never considered striking up a conversation with anyone either, but that seemed to be the first rule that I broke. Pictures of me, ended up as the...
It started when I found a profile from a Dominant Female on Slave Selection. She was seeking full-time live-in slave. The prospective slave would have to sign an agreement becoming her total property. If accepted, the slave would not have to work but would live in her home 24/7 under her total control.This was exactly what I was seeking. Or, at least it sounded like it. I immediately responded by message and expressed my willingness. I begged the Mistress to tell me how to proceed. She sent...
Svegliarsi la mattina dopo tra le braccia di Achref, ricevendo una cascata di baci di uomo innamorato, fu meraviglioso. Negli ambienti gay, si dice che gli uomini arabi siano in apparenza amanti piuttosto rudi, interessati solo a fottere un bel culo, ma che poi in privato si lascino andare a espressioni di incredibile dolcezza e tenerezza. Achref non faceva eccezione. Nei cinque anni in cui per lui ero stata prevalentemente, appunto, un culo da penetrare a piacimento, comunque mi aveva...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 9, 2010) Chapter 2 - Tonight with Sarah Carerra The next few days passed slowly, but I was glad for the calm that had settled after the concert was over. It was a good break from the full- throttle schedule that I had been...
The senior executives of Sabre Corps sat patiently as the next interviewee entered. After Donald Donaldson took over the company two years previous, Sabre Corps had gone from being the runt of the weapons manufacturing business to being the go-to company of the US Military. Such massive expansion of course required a pretty dramatic increase in personnel and for this reason, Zoe Shepherd was now sat across from Donald and his two associates ready to interview for the position of PR...
Marcie had decided to stay for dinner, but she was happy to give Sam a lift over to Gina's house. It seemed that neither Gina's father nor her stepmother were home yet, but Sam saw the curtains move in the window of Gina's room as he got out of the red Miata and waved his thanks to Marcie. Gina opened the door and dragged him inside before he could knock. Sam rocked back against the door as she leaned into him, pressing her body against him in a passionate kiss. "Hi," Sam said when...
Vor einiger Zeit erhielt ich von einen geilen Kerl eine Anfrage zu einem Date.Er schrieb mir, das er ein aktiver Kerl sei und mein Profil sehr geil findet. Er würde mich gerne zu sich einladen würde, wo er mir dann mit Dildos und seinen Fäusten gerne mein Loch dehnen und fisten würde.Mir gefiel diese Einladung, da ich sehr gerne passiv bin und mir gerne mein Loch bearbeiten lasse.Also verabredeten wir uns für den Abend um 19 Uhr. Ich sollte aber pünktlich um 19 Uhr, mit gespültem Loch, bei ihm...
Hi friends..Im mr.X and im going to narrate my first love experience with my best friend monisha to all of you..Im 18 years old and so she is..We both are from the same college and same department..The interesting thing is we both studied together from class 6.. She is my best friend and i’ll do anything for her.. I had never seen her with a bad eye.. But one fine day there was a party for the second year students at our college..Everyone planned to dress well and show off.. I wore a nice...
Joshua watched as the pretty teen obediently swallowed the load he’d just finished pumping into her mouth. The movement of Alice’s throat as she took his cum down into her stomach made his cock lurch in excitement; he felt powerful. Powerful and guilty. He’d basically just raped the poor girl’s face after all - it hardly mattered that she would have no clue it happened. He would know. Through his drunken haze, Joshua was aware that the taboo nature of what he’d just done - the very...
After supper we went over to see what he wanted. “This came in as Robert was leaving - he said to call you after it was unencrypted if it looked important,” he said as he put the deciphered communiqués on the screen. The first one was from Jaed to Tiam and included pictures, descriptions and diagrams of his chosen method to deliver death and destruction. It was a new slant on a bicycle bomb. In the Middle East, Africa, China, Indonesia and most third world countries bicycles were the most...
“Honey,” Mom asked at the other end. “ Are you coming home this Christmas.” I looked reluctantly at the phone in my hand. I had no intention of going home. There could be no better way to ruin a holiday than to go to my hometown, a remote hill town far off in the north. People say its a beautiful place, may be. But in this season, at the end of December, when whole town will be covered under tons of snow and with the sub zero temperature it does not look like a dream holiday to me. Further our...
IncestIntroduction: Wanting to supprise her father on fathers day Jessica decides to give him a meat-girl barbeque, but when the town butcher shop runs out of meat-girls Jessica find herself on the sharp end of the spit. Fathers Day Roast Story: #32 Copyright 2005 Written: June 12 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Mom? Jessica called out as she was...
When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...
MatureWe went through elementary and high schools at the same school though often in different classes. She was a sister from another family. Laura was a bit of a tomboy and regularly roamed with us boys in the neighborhood. She could rough and tumble with us, but alone she seemed quiet and shy. She loved to play in the woods with us, but was an avid reader as well. We went to colleges in different towns. We texted now and then, but we only saw each other sporadically. Laura had developed into a...
So when the summer began I was home alone alot while my dad was at work, and I just do the regular sit and watch tv or eat something, play games you know normal kid shit. One day my dad came up to me and said I should get out more. He hated when I didn't do anything, he would always nagg at me for not going out. So he was sitting in his chair looking bills or whatever while he was doing thst he had asked me. Dad - "So what do you plan on doing today?" He asked. J - "I don't know, I was...
Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had.A little about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown k**s and why I did what I did is still a mystery to...
My wife was out of town for a few weeks recently and I was getting no sex whatsoever. I tried to restrain myself but on one particularly horny night I figured I would go out to a bar as a distraction if nothing else. I dressed in slacks and a long-sleeve shirt, and strolled down to a new bar that opened up not far from my house. I hoped I could down a few drinks and forget about the fact that my wife still had a week to go. Maybe watch a game on the bar's tv's.When I got I there the place was...
Part 4Our afternoon carried on we walked down to the all wandered around until we stumbled across le Vie En Rose a cute lingerie store when we walked in it was almost empty we wandered around one of the sales girls came by and said hello “Did you guys need any help?”Maybe in a bit Tish said“Well if you need anything”Tish stopped me cold in the store “I want you to pick out 3 outfits 3 really sexy outfits for me I mean mind numbing balls exploding out fits 3 out fits you would be proud to send...
Professor Gilbert took a long look at her male colleagues. All of them were trying hard to look open-minded and progressive; all of them supported the experiment. But in her heart, Gilbert knew that even her colleagues are nothing but male chauvinistic pigs, ready to attack her any moment. He saw them cringe when she described all the details of giving breast implants and additional cosmetic procedures to her test subjects forcing straight students to become centers of male attention....
Ch. 5 Community services Author’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any likeness to...
“Well that was easy,” announced Rosie, two hours after Colin had left the bridge for a shower. “What was?” asked Colin as he emerged, freshly showered and wearing a clean jumpsuit. “It appears that the slave ship AI has been through this before and has happily accepted you as the new owner,” said Rosie, her voice tinged with disgust at the other ship’s willingness to roll over. “So what have I just acquired?” asked Colin. “It was an Artist -class replenishment ship for the House Rutger’s...
Friends: Deleted Scenes - Moving DayA gloomy haze hung within the purple walls of Rachel and Monica's apartment. They had lost a rash betting contest to the guys, and now they found themselves forced to pack and move to a smaller, dingier place.Monica was in the living room trying to lift a heavy box, when Rachel walked in from Chandler's new bedroom."Hey, Rach, can you give me a hand with this box?" she asked."No! Put that box down!" Rachel demanded. "We are not going anywhere! This is my...
After the passing away of Harry — he features in my earlier journal entries — my interactions with Joe or Gary were little more than that of saying hello at the gym. But I sensed Joe still had feelings for me. He often tried to talk to me but my times at the gym were less frequent and, in my small town, people talk and it’s not worth risking my relationship. So that’s why I moved on….~~~~~I was at the local coffee house when, from behind me, I heard my name being called. It was Joe. I gave him...
CheatingOn Monday, Helena went to her own bank and finally got a cheque book in the way she wanted it. Catching a cab to the local bank in Tugun, She asked to see the manager. The female Manageress came out, Helena shook hands and asked to speak in private, She was taken to the managers office. Helena explained “She has two good friends Bill and Ben with their wife’s Janet and Julie. I know they bank here and would like to payout their mortgage. I do not want their financial details but what would a...
in camera [ɪn ˈkæmərə]adv & adj 1. in a private or secret session, not in public 2. (Law) Law (formerly) a. in the privacy of a judge’s chambers b. in a court not open to the public. Official name for sense 2: in chambers [Latin: in the chamber] * I blame Leanne’s job for how we got snared in Victorias web of deceit and control. At least that’s what started the unfortunate chain of events. Leanne is everything to me. I call her the ‘Baby Bears Breakfast’. Not to tall and not too short....
Finding myself suddenly single. my mind was torn between what I lost and what possibilities were out in front of me. at my age. Between bouts of depression, and loneliness I started fantasizing , maybe I’d meet some cute young girl who wanted an older established man. I’ve always had a thing for young girls. It’s something I’ve only ever admitted to myself and online anonymously. In chat rooms or now like this. Growing up I think the sight of little sis and some little cousins running around...
I had fallen in love with the island when I was a child of eight; lying just off the coast of Cape Cod. I always thought it had been named after me; that’s what my mother told me anyway. I know it wasn’t true, but it just felt like it was. As a family, we spent our holidays on the island and I remember it as the place where I conceived Jason, my son.As far as the family were concerned, we were late developers, too late really, as it turned out. My husband, Joshua, at the tender age of...
SupernaturalXi Pegasi Colony One August 20, 2057 “If you think I’m going to stay here one more minute, think again!” Lenna swung her legs over the side of her bed and sat up. “I may not be a neurosurgeon, but I’ve convalesced all I’m going to!” Devin sat up in his chair. “Look, I think they’re just worried about you. It’s only been two weeks.” “I’m going nuts in this place,” she turned on her husband, who had begun to grin, “and you’d best not comment about that.” “Maybe I can help,” Faith said from...
By : Sweetrenu Dear readers, Hi, this is Renu again. It had been a long time I could not meet you all through my writings. Sorry for that. Now be ready to enjoy the erotic journey with my experience. Hold dicks in your fists and lady readers are requested to insert some thing long stout in your oozing slits and enjoy. After enjoy the first night while my husbands absence with my FIL. He shoving his rampant tool in my dripping cunt he told me how he enjoyed his daughter Sangeetha and how she...
I woke up freezing. Lying naked on your bed all night without any covers will do that. At about the same time as I was pulling blankets over me I suddenly remembered why I was naked. “Do you feel that hard bump, near the top? That’s your clit. That’s what you want to focus on.” “Amy… Oh my God, Amy!” “Just relax, just let it happen.” “Augh… augh!” Last night, my best friend Minda and I had gotten a little experimental. One thing led to another, and before I...
Mark saw Victoria off to work the following morning and went straight to the office. Alison had beaten him to it and welcomed him warmly. He asked her whether the general had anything urgent to deal with. "No," she said. "Why?" "I want to borrow his office for half an hour." "What on earth for?" Mark told her the story of the Summer Ball. She was utterly appalled. "I want to be able to discuss it with Colonel Wilson where we won't be disturbed." "What's going to...
Author's Note: This story is kind of a continuation of "My New Mommy!" This story is been re-edited and I hope it makes for better reading. "My New Twin Sister!" By Miranda C. Rose A little background on Tiffany: It has been 11 year since Jim started a whole new life as Tiffany Rose Masters, though she does not really remember too much of Jim's old life. Every now and then in her dreams, she end up seeing some bits and pieces of his past life. However, when she wakes up in the...
Dedicated To My Friend Sir_Jim The Thorny Rose was only a few miles away from the exit and right at the edge of downtown. Not completely seedy, but not situated in the upscale part of the City either. It was a typical bar that mostly catered to regulars and locals. Most likely it was the same story as all her other previous dates, if you can even call them that. Always the same fuckin’ scenario he thought. Mom excited that a man wants to take her out and show her a fun night on the town. Guy...
The next morning I listened to my lone message, it was from my mom, and then sat sipping my coffee. I spent the early afternoon running errands and picking up groceries for the week. I didn't even approach my computer to see if Cole was on-line where we first met or even whether he had sent me an IM. I decided that I probably wouldn't hear from him. He told me he would be working so I shouldn't torture myself by checking. Besides, I wasn't that type of girl and wasn't about to become...
Justin’s family went up earlier in the day to visit family and he was getting a ride with his Aunt Krista later in the afternoon. Justin was rather excited because it would be just him and her. Justin has always had sexual fantasies of her; he always was fucking the shit out of her and layering her face in his warm hot cum in his dreams but they have never come true. However he wishes they did he always wanted to be with a older women. Justin was watching some porn before his Aunt came;...
John weaved his way through the crowd and was relieved to find that William had secured a small table in the corner. ‘What’s up with our bar?’ William shrugged, ‘A work party or something.’ Their regular cocktail waitress made her way over and asked John if he would like his usual martini. After gratefully accepting her offer, John inquired about William’s favorite topic. ‘So how are things with Tracy?’ ‘Things are going very well,’ William said. ‘We’re going to Albany this weekend and I’ll...
I visited a particular happy ending parlor a couple of times and, while you can get almost anything at a full service place, sometimes less really is more.I had been to this particular oasis from reality but most of the staff had moved on as the former owner, C, had sold the biz. She had a real talent for inducing an almost transcendent state with the way she moved from deep massage into soft sensuous touch.When I returned the second time after the changes in staffing, another new girl answered...
I’ll be presenting a few Idylls here and there showing scenes and stories of the beginning of Keyes and Bree’s relationship. . Lightening shot up his spine. It was like every cell in his body was turned to light. The laugh wafted through the air again and he immediately turned in the direction of the intoxicating sound. Before he knew it, he was walking. Just two aisles over, near the back wall, in the huge bookstore. There was giggling now. When he stepped around the corner, he saw her, a...
Hello frieds, how are you all, I am saurabh from delhi. Yhn main aapko ek story sunane jaa rha hn jo ki satya ghtna pe adharit h..Ye story abhi kuch din pehle ki h jo ki mere saath hui. Ye ek true story h delhi ki. Yhn pe 1 couple h aur ek main. Ab aate h story pe. Maine ek fake id banyi hui h chootchatnewala k naam se. Aur kai sare groups join kiye h 3some aur unsatisfied females k naam se. Mane ek msg chora tha group me ki”Koi chudne kiye m kal subah se sham tk free rhnga apne room pe agar...