BethChapter 36 free porn video

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August 3, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke shortly after 6:00, wide awake after a good night’s sleep. Seeing that Rhee was still out of it, I crept out of bed to my PC and wrote most of yesterday’s diary account. I will finish it after practice, as reliving yesterday’s fellatio instruction has gotten me excited and Rhee is rousing.

[Added August 4]

As Rhee was waking, I threw the sheet off her and planted my face between her legs.

“Hey,” she said, “I have to pee. Save that for a few minutes.”

I thought about a shower and agreed enthusiastically. We traded places on the throne, then stepped into the shower, both wearing shower caps. We washed each other which led to other interesting and fun interactions, resulting in nice morning orgasms. Dad and Mom were both gone when we got downstairs, so we fixed ourselves breakfast, dressed, and headed to practice.

As we stepped out the front door, Rhee said, “I don’t want to get into it, now, as I don’t want to get turned on, again, but last night ... Oh. My. God.”

“Yeah, I know just what you mean. We’re each going to make love with Dad. I hope that it’s sooner, rather than later.”

“You and me, both, but I’m already getting worked up, so let’s table this and talk about something else.”

“Okay. Saturday. Do we come home with the tournament trophy?”

“Unless GV comes up with a spectacular counter to our Sanderson defense or we forget how to play our brand of soccer, I find it difficult to see how we don’t go to the state tournament. Five weeks ago, I would not have been so sure; Heather is the difference; there’s no doubt.”

“Agreed. Next year, with the DWP front line ... I like our chances at state enough this year, but I think that with Civia, we have a chance to take it all.”

That discussion took us to the pitch, where we began stretching while chatting with Civia and Ann. When Coach arrived, she pulled Civia aside to explain the Sanderson plan to her and seemed thankful that we had already apprised her of the bones and much of the details of the plan. Civia and Coach ran us through an hour-long scrimmage of the amended plan, starter offense against starter defense and midfield, backups filling in the rest of the slots. Kanda and Dakota have really come into their own of late. Though they were matched against the starting midfield, they did a reasonable job of holding their own. Haven did, too, but she’s got a couple years’ experience on those two, so we expect her to do well.

With our wider skill set and better speed across the offense than GV’s, we probably did better against the Sanderson plan than GV might, but the D did hold Rhee scoreless. Of course, Heather and Mia both scored goals, with Heather getting two (including a lovely outside-left shot that curled away from Brianna and caromed off the far post).

Coach ended the scrimmage, had us all run another two laps of the field, then gathered us to critique the Sanderson Plan. We decided that we didn’t think any tweaks were necessary, because we felt that our planned frequent substitutions at the left midfielder slot would negate much of the impact that our right wing (Heather) had had on the defensive plan. Coach sent us all home a bit earlier than usual and promised a short practice tomorrow, which will consist mostly of warmup, laps, and discussion of the two game plans for Saturday.

Unlike last night, the goings-on at home with the family were tame, although still quite pleasant: dinner, a movie, and a short game of Uno. Rhee and I, however, spent quite a bit of time rehashing the recent sexual “events.” We got ourselves worked up reliving them and conjecturing about the future. A mutually satisifying multi-orgasm session sent us to the Land of Nod.

August 5, 2017

[Written August 7]

Both Dad and Carol drove the 1.5-hour trip to New Paris, because we were taking Gracey and Liya home with us after the tournament. Mrs. García was taking them to the game but had to leave after the first game to go to a meeting where she was presenting a paper tomorrow. Apparently, she had considered having one of her co-authors present it so she could be there for both games, but Gracey had convinced her that it was important enough for her career to justify her missing the second game. Mrs. Nadhi was scheduled on one of the large celestial telescopes for the next few nights, so she was out of town, too. Sandy rode with Carol, while Rhee, Heather, and I rode with Dad.

All the teams had to be checked in by 8:30, so we had to leave early, even though our first game didn’t start until noon. We all watched the GV-Paradise game, which was really good. While a back-and-forth affair, Sanderson was the difference, scoring a hat trick, with Dowdell getting a goal, and one of their fullbacks icing the game with a goal in the last three minutes on a set play off a corner kick. We might have expected a benefit out of Charlize playing the entirety of a hard-fought game, however, she would have a long breather between games, negating much of the possible impact.

As we expected and suggested by the result of our last meeting, Watermelon Mountain did not really have a chance against us. By the 35th minute when the last of the starters (Brianna) was on the sidelines, we were up 5-0, with Rhee and Heather each notching two goals, but with Ann starting off the scoring with one of her rockets from well outside the penalty box. I spread my three assists around, one each to the three scorers.

We brought the starting offense and starting wing midfielders on beginning around the 75th minute but left the backup D in because we wanted the starting D rested for the game against GV. Before that, Tonda scored twice and Lissa and Dakota once each (the latter being Dakota’s first competition goal), while Mia scored – interestingly enough, on an outside-right shot that burned the grass into the right corner – in the last minute to bring the final score to 10-1.

The mood in the locker room was happy, but not uproarious, as we expected to win, and to win handily. Dakota was certainly happy, and many of the team drifted by to give her a back pat or a hug in congratulations.

“Gather ‘round,” Coach called. She immediately had everyone’s attention.

“Okay. The easy part of the day is over. I’m happy to see that none of you has gotten carried away, as we still have GV to play. While I want you to be confident against them, I don’t want to see any cockiness. That is a good team.

“Attagirls go to many for this game. Chief among them, once again, attagirls go to the entire contingent of backup midfielders. Again, you showed your stuff, showed that you could control the tempo, control the game on either side of the midline. Three cheers for Haven, Kanda, and Dakota!”

Now, there was uproariousness! [I know. It is not a word, but it fits.] The three all got lots of back pats, high fives, and voiced congratulations and thank-yous.

“Other attagirls go to Marli for a couple great saves and to the backup offense, which would have scored as many goals as the starting offense if Mia hadn’t gone and ruined it in the last minute!”

There was much laughter.

“Seriously, that front line played very well, and I want to single out Alex’s sweet assist on Tonda’s second goal. However good that assist was, I think that there was a better assist today and I’d like to see if anyone else noticed.”

[Rhee insisted that I include this part.]

Ann and Tonda both started speaking, and, realizing that they were stepping on each other, both stopped. Coach called on Tonda.

“I think that it was Beth’s pass to Ann.”

“I’m glad that you saw that, Tonda. Would you care to explain your reasoning?”

“I don’t really know how she did it. She had just blown by that midfielder with the old kick-the-ball-one-way-and-run-around-the-defender-the-other-way trick. I noticed Ann charging up behind her and was thinking that she should lay the ball back for her, but I didn’t see her turn and look, so figured that Beth didn’t see Ann. However, she made a great fake as if to pass to Rhee, which sucked the center half that way, opening a huge slot in the D. Beth must have seen Ann, because she made a great backheel right to where Ann was going to be about five yards outside the box. In my experience, that was one of the best assists that I’ve ever seen in person. All Ann had to do was keep it between the uprights and below the crossbar and at least a couple yards away from the goalie.”

To my embarrassment, Ann spoke up.

“I agree with Tonda. I was hoping that Beth would turn and see me, because I had a good angle even before she sucked that center half out of my way. When it looked like she was going to try to force it into Rhee, I almost gave up, but thought that I might get a rebound or be able to help keep the ball in play. I was pleasantly surprised when she laid that ball out perfectly for me. Tonda was right. Once Beth sent it back to me, unless I screwed it up, it was a sure thing. I also agree with Tonda that that was the sweetest assist that I’ve ever personally seen, and I am happy that I was able to make it work out for Beth.”

I felt my face burning as a bunch of hands were laid on me and Lissa hugged me.

“I agree with all of that,” Coach said. “I’ve been involved in soccer for longer than any of you have been alive and, while possibly not the best assist I’ve ever seen, it is right up there among the leaders. Beth hates it when she’s singled out for praise for something that she considers part of her job, but if any proof is needed as to why she’s the offensive quarterback, that assist provides it.

“She had obviously noticed Ann at some point, probably in her phenomenal peripheral vision, but what did she do? She didn’t give the defense any clue what she was going to do by obviously looking at Ann. She also could have laid that pass back to Ann sooner, but she worked out a way, on the fly, you will notice, to move that center half a bit more out of Ann’s way before she laid it back.

“Field awareness is probably the hardest skill to teach, because it’s only partly physical: having good peripheral vision. Most of it is mental, being able to keep track not only of where everyone is, but more importantly, where everyone is going to be. Ann did not have to slow down or speed up or alter her stride. That pass hit Ann’s right foot at precisely the right place and time. Making that pass so perfect requires a mind that can do trigonometry on the fly: multiple bodies in motion with different vectors and velocities.

“This is the same skill that enables good dribblers to do their thing and why we’ve moved Lissa to sweeper, backing Beth up. To dribble past or through more than one defender in close proximity requires that same spatial awareness and being able to track multiple defenders and teammates at the same time. Think of it this way. A move that puts the ball in a certain place might well work on getting past the first defender but give the ball away to the second defender. A good dribbler in traffic has to keep both, or more, defenders in mind, even when dealing with the first one.

“Anyway, I digress. Attagirl to Beth for a spectacular assist to get our scoring started. That attagirl was simple compared to coming up with whom to award the game ball. I’d like to give it to the backup midfield, and I will do something for them as a unit. However, one of those three made just a bit more difference than the others. She made a couple of crucial stops deep in our side that turned away dangerous penetrations by Watermelon, initiated two counterattacks that resulted in goals, and scored one herself. The game ball goes to Dakota Brigham!”

There was much rejoicing and back-slapping. Dakota looked stunned. Though she is part of the Kanda-Dakota duo that is nearly always seen together, Kanda is the leader. However, as has been evident in the past few weeks, Dakota has really come on. All the playing time she has gotten of late has given her much more confidence, as it has for the rest of the backups, but she has probably come further than any of them as she used to be the weakest of the midfielders.

Coach had organized a car-pooling effort to get us all to a restaurant for a late lunch/afternoon snack, after which we returned in time to watch the second half of the Paradise-Watermelon Mountain game. Paradise would probably have won, regardless, but we had seemingly shredded Watermelon’s confidence, as Paradise won 8-2. Watermelon had played Paradise much closer in their previous meetings.

The game, thus, held little interest for some of us, and Rhee, Heather, and I joined Gracey and Liya who were talking with Dad and the Moms. Being a bit more private than the restaurant, the three of us received hugs and congratulations from the adults.

Dad decided that he would embarrass me further by saying where all could hear, “I saw that pass you made early in the game to Ann off which she scored that sizzling goal and thought that it was a pretty good pass. Gracey tells me that it was one of the best assists that Coach has ever seen. Though I’ve tried to learn this game of yours, I guess I don’t really understand and was hoping that you could explain it.”

I stared at Dad, trying to think of some way to explain the pass that did not sound like bragging, but Rhee jumped in.

“Oh, no, Dad. You won’t get a valid explanation from Beth, as she’s too afraid of being seen as egotistical, even though she’s probably the least egotistical person I know. Coach explained it well in the locker room. That pass was a result of Beth’s peripheral vision combined with her field awareness, knowing where everyone around her is and will be. As Coach explained it, Beth, though she was heading upfield, had obviously seen Ann behind her charging up from her fullback position, almost certainly with her peripheral vision.

“However, that’s not the difficult part of it. That brilliant mind of hers figured out that she could suck the center half out of position and out of Ann’s way by faking a pass to me, even though I was reasonably well covered, as she knows that defenses tend to collapse on me because of my scoring history. The center half fell for it, moving a couple yards in my direction. Then, without ever actually looking at Ann, so that the defense couldn’t anticipate her plan, she made a difficult, but amazingly pretty, backheel pass right onto Ann’s charging rocket-launcher of a right foot. Coach said that the mind that could do that could do some complex trigonometry on the fly.”

“Yes,” said Dad, “multiple bodies in motion, multiple vectors, differing velocities. The math is complex, but athletes seem to be able to do it with ease. Think about an outfielder catching a fly ball. He, or she, has to determine where the ball will be when he or she can catch it. That means estimating the parabola of the ball’s travel, though it’s not strictly a parabola, as air resistance and wind both impact the true shape of the ball’s flight.” He turned to me. “That is not meant in any way to demean your ability to put the soccer ball precisely where it needed to be. I mentioned all that only to point out how difficult what you did is.” Dad wrapped me in his arms. “Now that I understand what was involved, I’m even more impressed with you, Beth. Did you purposefully try to move that center half out of the way? Tell me the truth.”

I pressed more fully into Dad’s chest and nodded my head against it.

“I am impressed with the capabilities of human brains, in general, but particularly with your mind, in how quickly you can figure out a plan of action, all while running, keeping a ball under control ... with feet, for crying out loud, anticipating how a defense in general and particular defense players will react, calculating where a teammate will be and when, and using a body part not designed for the task to impel that ball backward at a particular speed and with particular direction. It all seems impossible when one breaks down all the parts of the play that are required for success, but skilled players of all sports seem to do it with ease. That’s why we mere mortals marvel at professional and other skilled athletes at the things they do, precisely because they seem impossible. And they are ... for us mere mortals.”

I dropped my head further and complained, “Da-adddd.”

Rhee was the first to pile on, followed closely by the rest of The Gang. Of course, it was Liya, among The Gang, who took me to task.

“Girl, you have no cause for embarrassment. You should be proud, and it’s okay to be proud! It’s not okay to point out to others how wonderful you are, but it’s okay to be proud, to be happy with your abilities. While some of that is innate, most of it is practice. Practice, practice, and more boring practice. Most of the world’s humans are not willing or don’t have the time to put into that practice. So, buck up. Hold your head high and be proud of what you accomplished for your team. Yes, it’s your job, but not everyone can do your job. So, be proud!”

“She’s right, Honey,” Dad said quietly. “Be proud of your accomplishments, whether anyone notices or not. Liya is particularly right about the job aspect. No matter what your job is, remember that not everyone has the physical or mental capabilities to do that job. If you do it well, that is cause for pride. Not overweening pride, but pride nonetheless.”

I looked up into his eyes for some time and saw only honesty and sincerity. Perhaps, I thought, I have gone overboard in the other direction concerning my accomplishments. I told myself to cogitate on Liya’s and Dad’s words.

I squeezed Dad extra tight. “Thanks, Dad.” I gently pulled out of Dad’s arms and forced my way through Rhee to Liya and hugged her tightly. “Again, Liya, you have helped me. You’re my secret alter-ego. Keep kicking my butt when I get like that. I really treasure you and your positive impact on me.”

Both Moms gave me hugs and congratulations and then conversation drifted to multiple subjects among different sets of conversants. Heather pulled me aside.

“Don’t poo-pooh this. That was a helluva play. What no one said in that scrum with your Dad, though I’m sure that Rhee knows it, is that you’ve become a stronger team leader as the season has progressed. Oh, you were good before, but it’s obvious to me that you’re more confident in both of your positions, sweeper and team captain. Part of that is probably due to your greater knowledge of, thus higher comfort level with, all of us. I am more-and-more glad that there was an open slot on this team when we moved here. Soccer has changed for me from something that I liked but whose primary purpose was to get me out of the house to something that I truly enjoy. You are part of that change, particularly of that enjoyment. Though I was a bit nervous about teaching outside-foot shooting, I wound up enjoying it. I also greatly enjoy being on this offense. Then, there’s my incredibly better personal life. I’ve said it before, but, thanks, Beth.”

I must have looked like a gaping fish, because I certainly did not know how to respond to that. Was I better at my team jobs now than I was earlier? That would almost have to be true, at least a little, as experience always imparts more capability. But enough that Heather could notice it? And I am not downplaying Heather’s discernment capability, because she has that in spades. I don’t feel that I am all that much better at my team jobs, but she was right about my comfort level, and that has to play a part in ability. Another item for future cogitation.

All this ran through my mind in the time that it took for Heather to get exasperated with my non-responsiveness and to emulate a Rhee hug.

“Beth, you are wonderful, and Rhee is right: You need more capability to accurately assess both your ability and your impact on those around you. Liya was also right: You are The Gang’s center of gravity. Not only are you going to have to get over worrying about it, you’re also going to have to accept it. I have never met anyone like you ... someone with so much capability that uses that capability and doesn’t realize it. However, you are also right: Any one of us could lead, but we let you do so. Sort of. Notice, however, that all of us do lead ... when we beat you to understanding a situation. But also notice that those situations are nearly always times in which you waffle over putting yourself forward. Please, get over that.”

Then she grinned at me ... with those sparkling blue eyes.

I shook my head. “I guess I have some self-analysis and thinking to do. Thanks, Heather.”

I saw Coach motioning me to her, Civia at her side. “Please start herding the cats to that out-of-the-way spot over there.” I nodded, returned to Heather, and asked her to help in cat-herding, which we accomplished anon.

“I’ll go over our game plan while you get your stretching done.” Coach proceeded to remind us of the details of the complex plan of double-teaming Sanderson on our side of the pitch. [See Chapter 28 for details.]

“Emma, Haven, Kanda, Dakota. When you’re on the field in the left-half slot, though your primary task is to play that position, also very important is giving Zahira or Sophia help with Dowdell, their right wing. Because so much of our midfield will have extra duties in this game, counterattacks will be more critical than usual. Though good at them, this team has never focused hard on counterattacks. Fullbacks and, particularly, midfielders, if you get possession, I want your first thought after making sure that you retain possession to be offense. Look up. Find Beth. Find Mia. Find Heather. Find Rhee. Find one of them. If you can, get the ball to her. Because of the new wrinkle in our Sanderson Plan and our confidence in Gracey’s and Abby’s abilities to shut down their left wing, Zala ... and Dakota when she’s playing there, can be more offense-oriented. So, fullbacks, halfbacks, when you look up, look also for your right half. If you’re being pressed and can boot it, boot it down Heather’s side, she just might catch up with it. As I’ve said before, our offense kicks ass! They can do their job, even when outnumbered. So, get the ball going forward.

“Midfielders. We have just spent a week of practice moving every one of you around, playing each of the three positions. I am confident of your ability to adapt and, most importantly, to think. To remember what each position’s specific task in this game is. Center half’s almost sole responsibility in our half of the field is Sanderson. Don’t give her wiggle room. Left half, position play, but help out on Dowdell. If they sub for her, then position play. Right half, offense. Work with Beth and Heather.

“Mia, that leaves you as something of a pariah out there on the left side by yourself. Expect to see little action on that side, as most of the outlet passes from the D will be to the right. However, you should also expect their D to almost forget about you. I expect, as per usual, that their D will concentrate on Rhee and, now that they know how dangerous Heather is, on her. I’m sure that you and your devious mind can find a way to make them pay for ignoring you.

“Beth, you and the rest of our offense is our first line of defense. Get us some goals. Get us a lead. With a multi-goal lead, we can sit back and defend. Without a lead, we have to balance O and D, possibly giving Sanderson more wiggle room than we would like to allow her. As you know, with wiggle room, she will hurt us.”

Coach slowly looked around at each of us. As her gaze visited each team member, that girl stood and straightened to her full height; a few nodded. My understanding is that this team has not been in this game, the tournament final, in seven years.

With the field empty and GV obviously at their benches, Coach led us over to ours. Ann and I got the typical pre-game drills going, then I wandered over to Coach.

“Coach, you seem nervous.”

She looked at me for a few seconds, looked up and around, then responded. “I guess I am. I’m confident of this team, but I’ve never won this thing, and been in this game only once before. We lost a heartbreaker, and the team that beat us, New Paris, actually, lost in the first round at state. I was pretty sure that we could have beaten that team, then, Centerville, as we matched up really well against them. That was my first year here. Just getting to the final got me a bonus and a contract extension. My contract is up this year, but I have reasonable confidence that I’ll get a new contract.

“I don’t want you worrying about any of that, though. I want that mind of yours focused on getting us some early goals. I know that you don’t need the reminder, but do keep your eye on Mia. I suspect that if you are right-side focused early on, they’ll almost leave her alone.

“So, I suggest taking any shot at a streaking Heather. Without a streak, make Rhee give their entire D a workout. Get her shots, even if they’re not good ones. I want that D of theirs to collapse on her. I know that she won’t like it and could get frustrated. It’s your job to keep her on keel, despite any frustration. Okay?”

I nodded, but a bit tentatively.

“Beth, I’m not really worried about the outcome, though I do have concerns about Sanderson. Rhee knows that part of her job is to attract their D. Just remind her of it. If they start collapsing on her, that’s the end for them. Heather and Mia and you will eat them alive. In fact, I want you to quietly go talk to Heather and tell her that if she gets an early chance to streak, to take it. However, also tell her that I want her to be ... umm ... benign until we see that the D is concentrating on Rhee. Then have her open up. I want her slashing through the D, giving Rhee and, particularly, you pass options. If we can manipulate that D in this way, we’ll get them to overload on their left, and that will pop Mia free.”

She looked around again, then, even more quietly said, “Can you imagine what we could do to this defense if we could suddenly put Civia at left wing about halfway through the first half?”

I looked in Coach’s eyes for quite a while. “I can imagine that you’re pissed off right now. I know that I am. GV would stand no chance against a DWP line. They wouldn’t need me. Civia’s a natural playmaker. I suspect that you’ve already thought of these, but I have two ... umm ... thoughts about your plans for her.” When she nodded, I continued. “When I graduate, you’ll put her at sweeper, yes?”

“Yes. The other?”

“If you haven’t already, when will you initiate whatever paperwork is required to get a middle-school girl to play for the high-school varsity team?”

Her eyebrows shot up. “You know about that?”

“Yes. I remember an 8th-grade boy played on East’s varsity basketball team.”

Coach shook her head, then smiled at me. “Beth, you really would make a great coach. And, yes, I’ve already gotten things started with Civia, though I haven’t, yet, asked her, so please keep it under your hat. If you’ve thought of this wrinkle in the rules, you must have also thought, you and that sidekick of yours, Rhee, about an 11-year-old on a high-school varsity team. Have you?”

“Yeah, Rhee and I talked about it. We find it amusing. We also think that she could make the team, perhaps even as a starter. We’ve already started the process of involving her in our gang of friends. I don’t think that she has good friends, and she’ll probably need such if she finds herself on a high-school varsity soccer team at age 11. Any of us on this team will stick up for her, even against the seniors, who will probably have serious doubts.”

Again, Coach shook her head. “And, here, I thought that I was being so devious and holding my cards close, when you’ve already figured it out and gotten your henchpeople on the job. Thank you, Beth. I hadn’t thought about things from the perspective of Civia’s needs in such a situation. Getting her a supportive set of friends, particularly friends that will be important to that team, will be very helpful. That was superb thinking!”

“Thanks, Coach. As you may have figured out by now, I like to think, to anticipate.”

“Yes, and that’s what makes you such a good sweeper and such a good team captain. By the way, I meant what I said in the locker room. That assist on Ann’s goal was phenomenal. The pass was good, but the design of your play is what elevates it to superlatives.”

I colored a bit but kept my head and eyes level on Coach. “Thanks, Coach.”

“Okay, Captain. Get your butt out there and quietly let our front line know our plans.”

I nodded and rambled over to where Rhee and others were practicing through passes; I pulled Rhee aside.

“Rhee, we’re going to make the first part of this game frustrating for you.”

“Yeah. I figured that you’d plan on getting me the ball whenever you could early in the game to get the usual collapse-on-Rhee thing going. I’m cool. I won’t blow up like I did in that first Paradise game. I understand it, now. I suppose you want me taking whatever shots I can manufacture, yes?”

I nodded. “To balance that a bit, I’m going to tell Heather to streak with abandon. Coach would like to have a couple of quick goals. Please be prepared to support her. She’ll know to use you as an outlet, which might get you a goal. In fact, please plan on trailing her on streaks, not initiating them. Oh, and you might want to ignore an open Mia a time or two early on.”

Same as Beth
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Kalie was barely five three if that. One glance would tell anyone she was as Neanderthal as she could get, but her features were not nearly as coarse as those of the men. If she wasn't pretty in the face there ain't a cow in Saltillo. Even though she was short she had a lot of female hidden in her rudimentary clothes. There were two big titties swaying under some animal's former hide and though she was wearing some type of skirt it was short and as she moved around I got a peak at heaven...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Stella Cox AssReaming PussySquirting Hookup

Sexy brunette Stella Cox matches with director Bryan Gozzling on an online dating site. Decked out in a skin-tight top with her fleshy jugs oozing out, she meets the dominant stud. Bryan fingers her tender pussy as she giggles gleefully, then takes her back to his place for some aggressive anal sex. Stella squirts in orgasm! The director spits in her face while he pumps her sphincter, simultaneously mashing her cunt with a dildo. After a ferocious rectal reaming with sloppy ass-to-mouth...

3 years ago
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In A Dark Dank Basement

[This one's dedicated to SuperCutCinema, for making such awesome videos!]I didn't have any trouble finding the address, thanks to Google Maps! I typed it in, and---there the marker showed up almost instantly! I parked in the alley, as per instructions, and I let myself in through the back fence gate, and then to the basement door in this other guys house, where he said he had his private glory hole set up. 'Take the stairway down,' he had texted earlier, 'then take a quick right, and under the...

4 years ago
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Naa Family Tho Naa Anubhavalu

Naa peru raju mee andariki telisina peru nenu ISS pedda veera abhimanini.Indulo stories anni chaduvutu untanu anduke naa life lo jarigina anubavalu rastunnanu meetho share chesu kovali story nachite comments pettandi ………… Nenu M sc Complete chesu Lecturer ga cestuna…Maa sontha ooru Allagadda,Kurnool district andhrapradesh.Idi naa chinnapatti anubhavalu….Maa intlo nanna,amma,mugguru akkalu inka nenu untamu…naku 10yrs unappudu maa life anukoni incident okati jarigindi ade maa amma nanna accident...

1 year ago
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A Breeches PlayChapter 5

Apart from a small cabal of people filming a web series in the hall, the hotel was a great deal quieter than anyplace else had been. Of course it was night, and Sandy and Kelly had narrowly avoided the security guard who was checking registered guests against a list. Sharing a room might be standard convention practice, but it was also highly against the rules of the hotel. "They're getting harder to dodge all the time," Kelly complained as Sandy fumbled with the door key. The damned...

2 years ago
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Turning PointsChapter 8

She heard him rise early and shower. Just as she had done dozens of times with Allan, Kerri pulled the covers over her head, as a child would do to ward off the monsters of the night. There simply was no defense. She knew he could take her any time and any way he wished. His footsteps in the hall grew closer to her door and she trembled, but, thankfully, he moved on past and into the kitchen. After a few more minutes she heard the front door slam. Kerri waited several minutes to make sure he...

1 year ago
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BangBus Clara Trinity Clara Rides The Bus

We spot Clara right outside the gym. She’s so hot trying to get in the closed business, so we chat her up. She seemed hesitant; a c note convinces her to stay. We eventually got her in the van. Once inside the van, She takes off her top to reveal her perfect tits and tight body. She tells us she’s turned on by watching a man jerk his cock. Luckily for her, Tyler Steel is already on the job. She turns around to see his giant erect cock. She gets to work worshiping his dick. She goes...

3 years ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 26

When I went over to the family's bungalow this morning, I was surprised by Danny. He had told me that he wanted to do it, but I had never expected that he would go through with it, but he did and showed up without any clothing on his body. Okay, he looked a little shy about it, but it seemed that he was determined to go through with it. I noticed that Danny tried to hide himself from the people inside the dining room, but when he saw that girl from yesterday looking at him, and that she...

1 year ago
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Degradation of slave Day 1

Degradation of a Slave – Story 1 “Down slut… on your knees, bend forward with your forearms on the floor. Lift your ass higher… I want to see your hole. Good slut. Now stay in position, do not move.” He reaches for the crop while telling her what he plans to do to her. Discipline her, command her, fuck her hard in all her holes. “But first,” he says as he walks to the far side of the room, “you will crawl.” He hears her moan softly, then sees her moving forward. Coming closer, crawling nearly...

3 years ago
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A DaemonHorn BladeChapter 8

The first significant threat of danger came a few days later, on their fifth day of the voyage, as the crew was putting out the dinner campfire, and nearly everyone was preparing their bedrolls along the shore. Knowing that he was unlikely to get any sleep, yet once again, Rowan volunteered to take the first camp watch, to stay up until the moon was in the center of the night sky. One of the crewmen, Tashyl, was taking his turn to hold a similar watch onboard the boat, in case trouble came...

1 year ago
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The Young Master Chapter 4

"I can explain..." I was standing in a French Maid outfit, with a sissy's cum still dripping from my chin because as usual she missed a spot, and I had just been caught bent over a desk getting pounded from behind...all I needed to make it the perfect shit storm was for Dale to notice my cock was stick disturbingly hard in my panties for some mind boggling reason... "Heh...this should be great. Okay, explain yourself." If Dale's grin grew any wider, his face would have split in two, but...

4 years ago
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The Cleaners Dilemma Part 1

It all started one Friday morning. I had travelled down to my weekend retreat on the Cornish cost the night before so that I could confront my cleaner who only worked for me on Friday mornings. I had incontrovertible evidence that she had been stealing bottles of wine from my collection kept at the apartment. If it had been a few bottles of plonk I would probably have not pursued the matter but these were expensive vintage bottles of Chateauneuf Du Pape that I stored at the apartment to be out...

3 years ago
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Nothing Butt Friends

The phone call came through in the middle of the night, while I slept. It must have rang five times and then it went into my voicemail, waiting until the morning for me to see it. It was her. It had to be. The number on my call display was from overseas, and from what little I know about country codes and direct overseas dialing, it had to be from her. We had met online, and soon became friends. The friendship soon turned to talk of a more intimate nature, and then progressed to exchanging...

3 years ago
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Seducing And Fucking My Hot Married Neighbour Kavya

Greetings to all ISS readers. This is Kumar writing again from Bangalore. It feels good to have another opportunity to share a new story with the readers once again. I have got good responses from many of the readers. I would appreciate the support and encouragement from the readers, as it keeps motivating writers like me to share the stories and present them interestingly. The story I am sharing today happened some time ago when we were in lockdown. I was at home and my family went to our...

2 years ago
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Martys Massage

by lingusMarty's MassageI had a problem. Not a big problem but a problem nonetheless. Itwould turn into a big problem if I didn't come up with somethingsoon. My wife Marty's birthday was just ten days away and I didn'thave the foggiest idea of what to get for her. What made mattersworse was that Marty absolutely refused to give me any hints.A few years ago Marty and I stopped telling each other what wewanted for our birthdays because we were getting in a rut. We bothalways seemed to ask for the...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Valentines Gift

The Perfect Valentines Gift Part 1-Weekend at the Cabin Megan began to awaken as Ryan moved about the room getting ready for work.She opened her eyes, squinting against the lights. "Happy Valentines Day, sweetheart," he said to her as he saw her naked bodybegin to stir underneath the covers. She sat up and brushed her tousled hair from her face as Ryan looked towardsher. He smiled and wondered if she knew how attractive she was like that, withoutthe makeup and the jewelry. Megan stretched and...

2 years ago
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lara the milf

i came back from my jog feeling good, all sweaty. as soon as i opened the door i could smell it. i could hear them talking and laughing, my son trent and someone else in his room, hanging out and listening to music, partying like school k**s. his door was open so i went to say hi. you guys having a party? i said as i stood at his door, oh, hey mom! trent said all casual, his friend’s eyes opened real wide as he checked me out in my little runner outfit, super tight, little shorts, tight tank...

3 years ago
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Daisy punana ch 5

================================================================= NOTE: Due to too many storylines going on at the same time, I am going to split the "daisy" story off from the "punana" story. Here's the map: Daisy modified (no chapter mark) is all punana Daisy modified ch 2: is all punana Daisy modified ch 3: introduces RL Daisy and includes a few scenes with punana Daisy modified ch 4: picks up RL Daisy's story and gives a last glimpse of punana then they split: Daisy...

1 year ago
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Ethan and Brenda

Ethan watched the customers walk away from the counter with their trays of food, and his mouth was watering. One more time, he scanned the menu board, trying to decide how to get the most out of the last four dollars and seventeen cents he had this month. This would be his last decent meal for the month before his parents sent him another check for food and expenses. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone lining up behind him and turned to say hi. The person behind him was a young...

2 years ago
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Only needs to say YES

I met her here one day when a casual "hello" was sent to her. She had caught my attention through her personal profile. I sensed that she was prime, made to be owned, used and a worshipper of her lover.We began the usual chat but something clicked as she realized that at the other end of the keyboard was someone that could satisfy her cravings...The conversation turned to what many consider primal: a Man overpowering His female and regarded by many as BDSM.Fact is that in our times, the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Emotions 3

I had to stop talking to Dom. It was difficult but necessary. He could make me do things and I knew I shouldn’t send him any more pictures of my red ass after spanking it for him. It didn’t matter as other men continued to message me on the board. Some were not worth replying to but others peaked my interest. I named my favorite “The Player”. He was different than Dom. He seemed to like me more. But he is so rational! So logical. His first few messages sounded a familiar tone:...

4 years ago
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Fun In Peshawer University

I got the admission in the university of Peshawer – Pakistan…I complete my Inter from one of the college in Multan….by the way my name is Musaveer….I am 18 years of age….and is first time I am away from my home…and living in University hostel..I am 6′ tall with white complexion and slim sporty body….and I forget to mention that I like boys…though I am not virgin anymore….I break my seal with some Barber…when I went to cut my hair…I was in 9th class at that time……daily I used to go to meet that...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Oh No Not Dorothy 3

Chapter # 3 So far Ricky had tried on over 20-different outfits. Some were just a plain skirt and blouse set, yet others were kind of plain looking dresses with a plain not to lacey slip under it. They also had Ricky try on a couple of really cute, frilly, and lacy party dresses ,which they all knew was not a dress that Dorothy would wear in the play. They just wanted to see how Ricky would look in such a cute looking outfit. To their surprise Ricky looked absolutely adorable in the...

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Rileys New BikiniChapter 7

You’d think that the mood would have been serious. I mean serious things had happened. There was every indication that serious things would continue to happen. Not so much. That night, at supper, Riley looked at her mother and said, “Hey, can I borrow the car tonight?” “Where are you going?” asked Amanda. “Not that car,” said Riley. “The car.” “Oh,” said Amanda. She glanced at me, but not as if she was looking for input. “Just make sure the tank is full when you bring it...

2 years ago
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Debbies Defloration Part 1

A beam of light falling through a gap in the curtains disturbed my restless, fitful sleep. It hurt! Oh God, it hurt! My head felt as if an elephant was using it as a trampoline; my eyes seemed to be glued shut; my mouth had been used to store old sawdust and as for my tummy… Was it morning? If I could open my eyes, I might find out but they remained stubbornly closed. I raised my fists to my face and rubbed my eyelids. The grit holding them closed fell away but not without a few malicious...

1 year ago
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Who knew what the river would bring Part 3

By now the Meat Straw Thor was back in his shorts and he was standing up again as he raised the throttle on the boat engine when he said, “Baby, I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again… you give great fuckin’ head!” Needless to say he had gotten a little distracted and ended up slowing the boat down to the point that we were actually just floating back down the river. With a thoroughly mischievous smile, I raised my eyebrows at him, coupled with a sassy little head bob that silently...

4 years ago
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Sometimes Crime Does PayChapter 2 Serving My Time

Saturday morning I showed up fifteen minutes early. If Mrs. Martin was giving me a break, I wanted to take full advantage of it. I would have replaced the roof on her house if she had asked. Instead, she led me to the garage and pointed me to the lawn mower. It was just a push mower; power mowers were still rare in those days, so it took me an hour or so to cut the grass. She then asked me to trim some shrubbery in the back yard. By the time I finished it was almost eleven. When I finished,...

1 year ago
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The Beach with you

So next Friday, I give you directions to meet me at my old favorite beach just south of Bunno, I tell you to wear something light, white, not too nice with nothing on underneath... the 90 minute trip down and our usual conversations have you on the edge of frustration and trembling with anticipation and excitement... Would I really ask you to wear something so specific if I wasn't going to break our "rule" and finally give in to both of our deep sexual drives.. Surely not... When you get there...

Erotic Fiction
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 11 Party Prep

None of that changed the fun that what was ahead of me today so I grabbed a crock pot then went to the grocery store and got the ingredients for my famous pizza chili and specialty pizzas. The thought of cooking for the girls and impressing them with my culinary skills was almost as intriguing as fucking them all day long. Then I thought, almost, but not quite. I also bought Mary Ann two dozen roses as a special surprise then stopped at the beer and liquor stores and bought a variety of...

2 years ago
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Totally Fucked On Halloween

It was halloween and I knew exactly who I was going to be. I was done with vampires and monsters, plugs and sockets. No, tonight I was going to be the ugliest woman alive. I knew I would never be an even passable woman, and that is what made this all the more fun. I was an attractive man, but one that could never, even remotely be made to look like a woman, so why even try. And that is what my costume would be all about.I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had hit most of the tranny...

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Danas Revenge Part 5

Dana's Revenge ? Part 5 ? by: Tweak (This is the continuing story of a man who is forced to live like a woman for the next two years by his jilted ex-girlfriend. Along the way his 'secret' has been revealed to four other women who are joining in his training.) After dropping Laurie off I ran by the tanning salon and ran into Stephanie who seemed to be in a better mood than usual. I asked her why she was so happy today and she merely responded "just because". I thought there...

3 years ago
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How I Became Marquis de Carabas

A new take on an old tale. All characters are over the age of 18. —- I well remember the day I first noticed her watching us bathing in the river near the castle. On hot summer afternoons, our father sometimes let my older brothers and me leave our chores at the mill for an hour or so and run down to the river to cool off and have a bit of fun. He was kind to us, father, as he aged. I think he knew that, when he soon died and left us parentless and poor, life would be hard on all of us. He...

3 years ago
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The Box

Moving a heavy box, Eliza wipes sweat off her forehead. She has been cleaning out her grandparents’ attic for almost three hours now. They have always been something like pack rats, keeping anything and everything they have found. Though, now that her grandfather has passed and her grandmother is moving into a retirement home, everything has to go. Grabbing another box, something that was propped against it fell onto the floor, sending a flurry of dust at the teen girl. This triggers a coughing...

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My moms discipline3

My mom Sarada, age 38 years with longest sexy nose, 42-38-44 sizes, very sexy woman. From the very beginning I find her very cruel, sadistic and sex maniac. In front of us, she fucks with her boy friend Kiran along with her friends Janaki, Sudha. They all fuck together encouraging each other. My dad, unfortunately became impotent, became her feet slave and obey her orders. At the age of 7, One day when saw her fuck with kiran, my rod was erected and I went into bath room and masturbating....

4 years ago
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Can You Hear Me Now Little Fuck Bunny

Fuck the anytime minutes! The early Christmas present from her boyfriend Dan, a cellphone with scads of extras, wasn't what Sandra wanted. "But honey bunny, you know how crazy hectic the world is now," Dan had said. "Even if I can't get away to see you, we can talk. Now don't look so glum—it plays Christmas carols, too!" Yup, the usual cacophony before Christmas. Santa's hot-line never had a chance to cool off, but somehow Sandra got through first try. "Santa's Secret Shop. Elf...

4 years ago
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Daughters Friend Part 5

I haven’t been on a real vacation in a long time. I went into full super-Dad mode once Claire was born and my wife passed. No time for yourself when you’re a single father with a newborn. I planned on going on a worldwide adventure once Claire started college, but life got in the way.More like, her best friend and I started a relationship and I became too consumed with her phenomenal body to think about leaving. But now I was getting antsy. I love California, but I’ve always been a guy who...

2 years ago
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The Night the Teaser Got Teased

I had her dress in a tight, sheer top and a very short mini-skirt but didn't tell her where we were we were driving towards town, we pulled off the main road into a secluded area, where I had her get out and lean across the hood of the car. Seeing that she'd worn her tightest, tinyest white g-string (my favorite~without me telling her to), and she needed to be punished, so I roughly pulled the panties aside and slammed my cock all the way up her ass with no lube. I told her that...

4 years ago
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Slut Wife Live Webcam

As you know I can never get enough public exposure. I love exposing myself to as many people as possible. I would love to be on display 24/7 like a zoo a****l. Except in my case any visitor would be welcome into my cage to have their way with me. Once I stumbled onto a website where there were cameras in every room of a normal house. The site user could click onto any camera and watch whatever was happening in each room. I wanted to be on that website. Id love to be naked and being watched no...

3 years ago
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Gay College Roomates Part One

Junior year started out in a new apartment, new friends, new experiences... I was straight at the start of the year, and slowly I became VERY bisexual to completely gay by my senior year. First it started with my batshit crazy girlfriend...Crazy girls are the best lay, and my girilfriend at the start of the year was insane. She was very curvy, huge DD tits, blonde and always horny. Even when we broke up I couldn't quit fucking her, which kept getting me into trouble. My roomates would complain...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 80 Arrest and Extradition

May 18, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “As I said last time, today we’re going to talk about decision making and how to make good decisions. I think we’ll start with what I think has to be the easiest decision with the least controversy - is it ever OK to drive drunk?” “No!” came a chorus from several of the students. “And yet, people do that every day,” I replied. “And they die or kill people because of that bad decision. You have to ask yourself why people would drive drunk; and often it’s...

3 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 31

Trouble erupted over the next few days as practical issues raised their head. No one had thought through the detail of what the legal position was in terms of the civil servants who were keeping Scotland running. Scottish farmers relied heavily on grants that they received from the Scottish Government. It just so happened that September was the normal time for Scottish ministers to authorise these payments, but every minister was in custody in England. The civil service in Scotland also had...

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Chyoas Metaverse

I was recently watching an episode of The Office, where Dwight was playing a game called "second life", where he pretended to have the life he aspired to. At a certain point this concept takes a turn where Dwight's avatar creates a game within the game, called "second second life". It reminded me how a CHYOA author made a story with a character based on her, or rather, based on her avatar. I said "we can make a religion out of this", and started planning my next cool story... We are not going...

2 years ago
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Navy LarksChapter 3 Tony Stands in for the Bridegroom

Next morning Tony awoke to a sort of orderly confusion. Debbie had left his bed sometime earlier, he showered and dressed and went down to the kitchen for Breakfast, but Debbie looking quite bleary eyed after her late night with him sent him back to his room to change into civvies. She followed him, to help him select suitable clothes, which was a bad move because it took quite a long time to complete the task. She was amazed at his stamina and he at her enthusiasm, and it was with great...

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Whitneys Naughty Relatives Ch 02

Whitney’s Naughty Relatives – Chapter Two by BrettJ © 2012 Whitney was enjoying the ride in her aunt’s little red Corvette. Ophelia had told her she found sexy cars just as pleasurable as good food, good wine or sex. “I thought about driving professionally,” Ophelia smiled at her niece as she let her sunglasses slide down her nose. “Then I realized it was too much like work and I do like a life of luxury.” She giggled. Whitney and her seductive aunt had grown very close in the few weeks that...

1 year ago
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Now What

I could feel the lumpy stucco through the tape as I pressed it smooth against the wall. The last time we talked it didn't go well. I stumbled all over my feelings for her and nothing was fixed. Tearing another piece of tape, I stared at her picture. “You are going to be my motivation,” I said to it, as though I would actually see her again. I knew I wouldn't, but even then, after all that had happened, I couldn't let go. . . I dropped my right shoulder, and the backpack dangling from it slid...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Gavin and the Three Blondes

17 year old Gavin Ambrose struggled to keep quiet as he tightened his grip around his erect cock. The High School bathroom had become a recurring stage for his quick masturbatory sessions. Every Monday before 2nd period, every Wednesday before 4th period, and every Friday before last period. These were the best times to relieve his tension, because these were the times before English class- before he'd see Ms. Reed. Gavin found concentration nearly impossible in this blonde goddess'...

1 year ago
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Couple Encourages Wifes Desirous Boss

My name is Judy, and now at forty-three years old, I’ve been reminiscing about how so willingly my husband, Don, who is now forty-five, and I seduced ourselves into a cuckold relationship with my boss and others, beginning three years ago in our hometown of Houston, and continuing to this day.I’ve been an administrative assistant to business executives since graduating with my associate degree in business at the age of twenty, and Don is an electrician, who went to two years of technical...

3 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 40 Breakfast for the Beast

There was no sign of Jake when we returned to the Liddington house. The desk in his office was clear of the papers that had been scattered across it when he’d invited me in two nights ago, his laptop bag wasn’t anywhere to be found and his closet and chest of drawers had been almost emptied. “If he doesn’t come back to get the rest of this rubbish tomorrow, I’ll take it to the charity shop on Monday,” Christine said as she looked through the collection of clothes that had been left...

2 years ago
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Life Of A Teenager

Hi, this is about the life of a teenager. I always compare the woman in the story to actresses. I hope you guys like this story. Please browse the actress’s name when reading the story. My name is Jack. I finished my junior college just now, and I am on vacation. I am an only child, and I am very good at my studies. I learned about sex by watching porn with my friend Rajesh. One day he told me that fucked his uncle’s daughter. That made me think about my uncle’s daughter Nivetha Thomson...

1 year ago
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A Hard Day At Work Deserves A Hard Fuck

Jan texts me saying she's having a bad day at the store. I tell her to come over after work, and I'll help her unwind. She comes over wearing a white blouse, green pencil skirt, and red Valentinos. She looks stressed out.I hand her a glass of wine. One laced with an aphrodisiac. She's telling me about her day and how awful it was. I nod and smile but don't really give a shit. I'm just pouring more wine and waiting for the d**g to take effect. I know when the d**g starts working because she says...

2 years ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 13 Matts Predicament

It had been a long night ... a very long night. Edgar had several months of built-up lust and longing to satisfy, and since he was the one who found Matt, Maria and Melina had agreed he could have access to him first, for as long as he could keep going. Edgar was not a tremendous sexual athlete, but everyone can be Superman in bed for one night when a rare occasion presents itself. Again, it wasn’t that Matt disliked getting fucked by Edgar so much ... in fact, much of it did feel quite good...

4 years ago
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Christi The Typical Wife

This is a story about a typical housewife, with a typical family in a typical suburban setting. The 32 year old housewife’s name is Christi. Christi shares a house with her husband Mike, that’s me, and our 5 year old son. Christi is an exotic beauty with long dark hair and lovely big brown eyes. During Christi’s pregnancy with our son, she put on a few pounds. For years she struggled with diets in order to lose the weight and get back her shape. Recently, with determination...

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