Imprisoned free porn video

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Imprisoned The stocky interrogator entered the strange prison with a briefcase on his side. Matthew Shaden had been in this profession for twenty years and he had never seen a complex quite like this. The main prison was quite small and the entire exterior of it was covered in a silver chrome- colored metal; the glare that shined off of it was almost blinding. There was only a couple armed guards patrolling the exterior fences. At the door, he was greeted by the warden, a grizzly bearded man who looked to be in his 40s. "You must be Mr. Flynn, the warden of this fine establishment." Matt reached out his hand. The warden smiled and shook his hand. "Call me Flynn. I've been expecting you, Mr. Shaden." Flynn invited Matt inside. "I'm sure you have been briefed about our prisoner?" "Suspect is Layla Caveleri. 23. Under investigation for the possible murder of his boyfriend, Jonathan Peltz," Matt responded. "Mostly correct. But there's more to this case than you've been led to believe." Flynn signaled for Matt to follow him. "Come this way sir, the district attorney's waiting for you." They walked down a narrow hallway and into a hollow chamber. There was technical equipment and monitors everywhere and Matt could scope out at least five cameras in the very same room. Flynn opened a door and invited Matt into the office room. The prosecutor, Nick van Kleef, was standing there. "Ahh the famous Matt Shaden. I have to say, I'm honored to be in your presence," Nick exclaimed as he moved to shake Matt's hand. "You flatter me sir," Matt smiled, "Now, what do you need me to do? I assume you want me to get some answers from her, maybe get a confession?" "Indeed, but there's a bit of situation. We haven't been able to get anything from her. My men seem to go into a trance when they try talking to her. They only snap out of it when they leave the room. That's why we had to call you. We don't know how she's doing it but we suspect it has to do with her appearance. Matt, have you seen what Layla looks like?" "No, I have not," Matt admitted. "I don't see why that would matter though." "A week ago I would have agreed. But now..." Nick paused for a couple seconds before continuing, "Layla's a very beautiful woman, almost inhumanly so. And as much as I am ashamed to admit, I can't help but feel attracted to her. She has such gorgeous brown eyes..." Nick's eyes seemed to go into a daze. "Hey! Snap out of it," Matt firmly shoved Nick's shoulder. "Oh thanks. Sorry about that." Nick shook his head. "Anyways, we need your help. Can you speak with her? Maybe you'll have more luck." "Of course I will. That's why I'm here. But why not ask for a female interrogator or heck a homosexual male one?" Matt asked. "We've already called for one but she had to call home sick at the last minute," Nick explained. "She could be bedridden for another week and we're already running out of time. You have to do this Matt. I have the utmost faith in you considering your reputation." "Thanks," Matt responded. "Very well, where is she Flynn?" The warden responded "She's in solitary confinement. The room's padded with 4 inches of steel and lined with 6 cameras. The only furniture besides the table is a bed. Nobody is allowed inside the room. We can't afford to have more of my men fall under her spell. We feed her by slipping food under a small door in the wall. It's quite inhumane but desperate times call for desperate measures right?" "Right, lead the way," Matt responded. The warden nodded and opened the door. They walked down a hallway towards the door to Layla's room. He placed his key in the keyhole and warned "You can still back out now. As you can see with the honorable district attorney back there, people who meet Layla tend to get rather ... smitten with her." "I think I can handle a girl," Nick exclaimed flippantly. "So you say, so you say." Flynn laughed as he unlocked the door. Before he opened it, he shook Nick's hand and said, "Don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck Mr Shaden." "Thanks," Matt replied before entering the interrogation room, briefcase in hand. Flynn closed the door behind him with a loud click. It was dark as midnight. There was silence when suddenly the ceiling lights flickered on. Sitting at the table in front of him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Layla was wearing a orange prison outfit that somehow still looked sexy on her. She appeared to be sleeping; her lovely head lied sideways on top of her elbow. Matt shook his head. He couldn't let his libido take control. Remembering his job, he cautiously sat down on the chair across from her. Matt gently shook Layla's shoulder to wake her up. He couldn't help but notice her perfect young moist skin, her elegant high cheek bones and her slim upturned nose, her arched eyebrows and her glossy red lips. The air seemed to be brimming with her intoxicating feminine scent. Matt could feel his libido rising in his blood. In spite of himself, his dick began to expand in his pants. Layla lifted her head from the table. Her dainty eyelids fluttered and revealed two stunning brown eyes that seemed to light up the room. Her voluminous brown hair fell to her shoulders in a graceful flourish. She brushed a lock of hair from her face and yawned. When she saw Matt, she smiled and licked her lips. She leaned forward shoving her perfect cleavage closer to his face. "Hello handsome," she whispered provocatively. "Hello Mrs. Caveleri," Matt responded trying to remain professional. "I'm Matthew Shaden but you may call me Matt. I have some questions for you." "Sure, mister Shaden. I'd love to answer your... questions." Layla grinned playfully. Her bare feet had somehow found its way to his crotch. Matt could feel her cute toes tickle his hardening penis. "Please stop that," Matt demanded with a blush. "But you're so hot." Layla pouted looking at him innocently with puppy dog eyes. Matt blushed even more. He moved his chair backwards a couple inches to get away from her. As he was looking down under the table, he noticed how long and perfectly shaped her legs were. His cock was now completely swollen and there was a visible tent in his pants. "Stop playing around!" Matt demanded with exasperation as he sat back down and straightened out his pants. He opened his briefcase and took out some files. "I think I'm beginning to like you Matt." Layla smiled sexily. "You have so much more self-control than the other men." She leaned forward closer only inches from his face and whispered alluringly, "One of the other guys... Nick I believe only lasted five seconds! He came in his pants right as he entered the room. So pathetic right?" Matt closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Her rosy scent was beginning to muddy his mind. After a couple seconds, Matt exclaimed, "I'm going to have to ask you sit down ma'am." "So professional," Layla laughed as she leaned backwards on her seat, "Fine, I'll answer your questions. But only because you're so cute." Her hands moved to gently fondle her bountiful breasts as she stared at Matt lustfully. "Where were you at 10pm on July 22, 2014?" Matt inquired ignoring her flirtations. "I was at home," she continued with a mischievous grin and added, "Masturbating." When Layla slid one of her breasts out her prison outfit, Matt eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets. It was one of the most perfect things he had ever seen. It was round, perky, and adorned with a pink nickel sized nipple. Matt was having a hard time concentrating. Layla was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. She was perfect in every way and now she was masturbating for him? He knew objectively that Layla was just toying with him, but his lust was absolving all reason. "Was your boyfriend, Mr Peltz, with you?" Matt finally managed. Layla continued fondling herself. "Of course," she smiled wickedly, "I do miss him..." She glanced down at her crotch. "Perhaps you can fill the hole he left behind" she cooed as she gently rubbed her covered vagina. Matt could feel pre-cum building up inside his pants. He was only seconds from losing all control. He mustered all of his willpower and asked with a frustrated tone, "Did you kill your boyfriend ma'am?" "That's ridiculous. I'm just a weak little girl." Layla grinned with a not so innocent smile. "If it wasn't you than tell me who else could have killed him. There was no evidence of burglary or forced entry. We spoke to Mr Peltz friends and family and he didn't have any enemies of note. He was just a software engineer for Christ's sake. No one had motive except you," Matt recited. "Looks like you got it all figured out Mr. Shaden." Layla laughed with a ravishing smile. She popped out her other breast and exclaimed, "One problem though. Jonathan was a complete loser. He couldn't get a girlfriend even if he tried. And what makes you think he was murdered? You guys didn't even find a body. Let me ask you something Matt. Have you ever considered that Jonathan and I were the same person?" "No... that's impossible. Jon is a man and you..." Matt swallowed nervously. "You're a gorgeous woman." His cock was about to explode. "Indeed I am a woman now but I also used to be a man. I was able to transform myself using magic you see." She grinned with a gleam in her stunning brown eyes. "Magic? Magic doesn't exist." "Oh, but it does. How else is it possible that I can be so inhumanly gorgeous?" Layla laughed as she played with her perfect breasts. "There was this pink potion. I bought it from this weird shop at the mall. The old man who owned the store said it would help me find my true love. When I drank the potion, I was somehow transformed into a girl. At first, I despised being a woman but when I saw what effect my new body had on men..." She looked at him mischievously as she clenched her breasts in her hands. Matt couldn't take it even more. She was just too beautiful. His eyes rolled up into his head and his mouth opened up in orgasm. Hot cum spurted into his pants. "Did that really just happen?" Matt thought to himself. His face grew redder than a watermelon. "I have to say you lasted a lot longer than all the other guys." Layla smiled as she got out of her seat. She took off her shirt and seductively pulled down her pants. Without the baggy prison clothes to hide her genetically perfect naked body, she was even more stunning and breathtaking to look at. She had a tight round ass and curves that wouldn't end. Her bare midriff was adorned by a cute bellybutton. Her slender long legs were perfectly shaped and toned. "I think you deserve a reward," she beamed affectionately as she sat on top of the blushing man who was now completely under her spell. She moved in for a passionate kiss so sublime that Matt's head began to spin. He felt like he was in heaven and Layla was his guardian angel. Pleasure pulsated through his body and his cock rose to attention once again. After a couple minutes of kissing, Layla grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her bed with a surprising amount of strength. "Let me be on top," Layla demanded as she pressed Matt's arms down onto the mattress and whispered seductively "Trust me it will be better this way." She pulled down her frilly panties revealing her hot cunt. Smiling infectiously, Layla unzipped Matt's pants and pulled out his hard shaft. She carefully slid his dick inside of her and began fucking the shit out of him moaning in pleasure as she did so. Matt screamed in bliss as she watched Layla's perfect breasts bounce in front of him. Not too long afterwards, Matt came again. This time his cum spurted deep into Layla's tight pussy. She moaned loudly before launching into orgasm herself. She seemed to be in a state of total bliss, her mouth opened in a sexy o-shape. Matt could not imagine the pleasure she was feeling. Layla rolled off of him with a comfortable splat. "We sure put on a show." Layla smiled as she pointed at the cameras. Matt grimaced. He knew he would be fired for fucking the suspect like this but he would have done the same thing a million times over given the chance. Layla had been the best fuck he had ever had. There was a clamoring at the door. "Ooo... looks like someone's in trouble," Layla giggled. The handle turned and a very furious man entered. The warden screamed, "What the fuck are you doing!" Flynn marched up to the bed as if to punish Matt. His expression changed when he saw Layla's beautiful outstretched body lying on the bed. Flynn was absolutely speechless; his jaw fell to the floor. He had seen Layla on camera before but never in person like this. Her overpowering perfume and heady scent struck his nose like a lightning bolt and her radiant smile seemed to make all his troubles go away. He felt his anger subside as pure lust replaced it. "Hi mister, I don't believe we've met before." Layla smiled as she lifted herself gracefully out of bed. "My name is Layla." She smiled warmly as she stretched her hand out towards Flynn. She looked down at her naked body and giggled playfully "Sorry you had to see me like this. I seem to have misplaced my clothes." "I'm the warden of this prison but just call me Flynn. Please don't apologize. This is my fault. I shouldn't have barged in on you," the warden blushed, "you are very beautiful ma'am." Matt rolled his eyes. Flynn was such a burly looking man that to see him reduced to such an impressionable form by a woman no less... it was just pathetic. He sat up on the bed and zipped his pants up. "Thanks for the compliment sir, that's very kind of you," Layla hugged Flynn, making sure to squeeze her breasts on his chest. When Flynn wasn't looking, Layla playfully winked at Matt which made him blush again. Layla released Flynn from her slender arms. "Can you let us go, warden?" Layla looked at Flynn with puppy dog eyes, "I'm just an innocent little girl and Matt didn't do anything wrong." "Yes of course ma'am" Flynn said in a trance. There was a visible tent in his pants. He unlocked the door and let them outside. "Thank you Flynn. You've been so helpful." Nick felt a pang of jealousy as he watched Layla kiss the red-faced warden in the cheek. Layla smiled "Can you do me one more favor sir?" "Anything," Flynn replied obediently. He had a look of pure adoration on his face. "Can you lock yourself inside? It would please me very much," Layla whispered in a seductive tone. Unable to break away from her charms, Flynn responded, "Of course ma'am." He walked robotically inside Layla's former room and locked the door. When the locking mechanism clicked shut, Layla giggled happily and hugged Matt affectionately. "What did you do to Flynn?" Matt asked with a dazed expression as he cautiously returned Layla's embrace. "Nothing that he didn't willingly do on his own." Layla smiled mischievously. "By the time he realizes what's going on we'll be long gone." "Err... are you doing what you just did to Flynn on me?" Matt asked nervously. "Mmm, I'm really not doing anything special. Any girl could do it, if they were as attractive as I am." Layla smiled hotly. "The reason you're not feeling it is because you have self-control which is more than I can say for most men." She slid her seductive fingers across his sculpted chest. "Soo... is it true then? Are you... are you actually a man?" Matt inquired. It was such an awkward question to ask to such a jaw-droppingly beautiful girl. "Who are you calling a man?" Layla bent her head at an angle and puckered her lips. "Uh..." Matt blushed. Layla giggled melodically and answered, "Of course it's true. My name used to be Jonathan but now it's Layla. I know it's hard to believe but you'll just have to trust me." "Right... but if you didn't kill anyone, how did you end up in jail?" Matt asked. "Well, it's a long story but basically I was framed by this envious little bitch of a cop. Jonathan was missing and I was a convenient target. I guess that's what I get for sleeping with her husband," Layla laughed. "Anyways that's in the past. I have you now." "What do you want with me?" Matt inquired. "I need you to protect me from all those jealous girls," Layla explained, "and anyone else that I can't seduce with my womanly charms." "Why me? Why not Flynn or some other guy?" Matt asked with a confused expression on his face. He desperately wanted to be with Layla but he was concerned about her intentions. "For the same reason you are able to talk to me right now. I don't want a bumbling fool protecting me," Layla whispered, "I want a real man who can satisfy me not only sexually but intellectually. Can you be that man Matt?" She looked up at him with a longing look. "Of course I can Layla," Matt answered quickly as he gently brushed her lovely brown hair. How could he not want a ridiculously hot girlfriend? As far as he cared, Layla was beautiful, funny, and intelligent. Perhaps she used to be a man, but that was in the past. All that mattered was the now and right now he wanted take Layla on a date. "Let's go then," Layla squealed happily. She took him by the hand and they walked out of the building and towards the jail gate. They were stopped of course, but the male guards were no match against Layla's seductive charms. Hand in hand, the newly joined happy couple skipped off into the sunset. Epilogue: Nick van Kleef was wearing a piece of Kleenex on his exposed cock. He had masturbated over ten times to a looped video feed of Layla fondling her breasts. He was just about to orgasm again when he was interrupted by the very attractive female mayor, but that's another story.

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Hi readers, this is Atul once again with a new story. You may think that it’s a fiction, but believe me, it’s a true incidence happened in my life and that too in this year only. My readers must have read my earlier story about Shilpa, my cousin’s BIL’s wife, with whom I enjoyed for 8 days and made her pregnant. This story is related with Shilpa only not directly but she was the main instrument to make this miracle happened. So here I go, after Shilpa gave me good news that she is pregnant...

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Beauty and The Plug

As always I need to thank my editor, BeachBaby179 for her many contributions to this story. She always cleans up my stories, fixing my errors and inconsistencies and making the story much better than it would otherwise have been. Thank you, BeachBaby179. * ‘Now, I can’t wait to take a shower,’ I thought to myself. I had just finished mowing my yard, and the hot Georgia sun was blazing down. I had started about 9 am on this Saturday morning, and had just completed the front and back yard...

1 year ago
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Upside Down Family

Hi, friends, this is Rathode and it is my another sex story. My father works in a biotechnology lab he got 3 to 4 honors from the big university of India, USA, England, and Singapore. He recently took a project, guys this project changed our entire life, let me give some brief introduction to my family. My family contains 4 members, 1) Sundar Mohan Pande- my father, Age- 51 very energetic and brilliant. 2) Gowri Pande- my mother, Age-44 very beautiful, very active and have loving...

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My Girlfriends Dad Part IV

Instinctively I looked around for something to cover myself, but the cabana was bare except for a couple of pillows on a small chair near the window. I jumped up and scooted to the chair, sat down and put a pillow in my lap.“What the fuck, man?”Dan looked at me for a second, then started to chuckle.“What are you hiding for?” he asked. “It isn’t the first time Tina watched us.”“Where is she?”“In our bedroom. Waiting for us.”“Whaattt?”“This was just Round One,” he said, rolling off the air...

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Katie fucked by two generations Dad n younger man

Father and son seems more like something from a porn movie script rather than a Christmas do. I was fucked by my junior colleague and his uninvited friend last year after a Christmas drink - see an earlier story.i cannot believe that it is Christmas party time again. This year my pimping boss promised me to a client after our evening do, well I sort of volunteered. Anyway I somehow found myself sat between a father and son. Dave, a deputy director like me and his son Oliver, a recent graduate...

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Degraded Tenn Part 2

Three of the four guys that came for the gangbang were all large older black men, covered in tattoos and each one standing over six foot three and weighing well over two hundred pounds, the fourth black guy was the youngest at twenty three and only about five foot nine, and maybe one hundred & seventy pounds, but Tyler said he had the longest cock he had ever seen on a human. His name was Johnny, but in the joint his name was Long John Silver, because of his extra long cock and his silver...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Mom

One I can't ever remember not having strong affection for my Mom. She had been a model for lingerie briefly when she was just out of High School, and Dad was still courting her. She had a few pictures of herself in those sexy outfits around the house, and growing up they were always in my mind. Her auburn hair was always loose and long, around the aquiline nose that made her look a little exotic. Big eyes, a wide, sexy mouth that seemed to permanently smile at me. Men always looked at her,...

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ColorsChapter 7 Key Lime Green

Leia finished telling her story and waited for Samantha's response. She couldn't believe how easy it had been to tell her everything. "So how long did the colors stay vivid for you?" "Almost a week. That all you have to say?" "Sweetie, it isn't anything new in my world. " "But I fucked over my friend." "It would appear you did, love." Sam looked sympathetic, which was not the reaction that Leia had been expecting. "But that's SCREWED up! You're sitting here and saying...

3 years ago
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Fernanda Teenage Lust

I had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...

First Time
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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 5

Warning - while there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, there is a scene with a nude Jade West in it]"Are you Madame Clara?" Amy asked as a peculiar mousey looking woman made her way into the inn's foyer. She was younger than Amy had expected, but one look at her eyes, and her age showed tremendously, and her body language showed that she was instantly uncomfortable but seemed to be fighting through it."Yes…" she said with a sweet smile, looking at Amy and then to Savanna....

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Definitely Not Gay Yet

Lucky me. My company's annual convention was in Vail, Colorado this year. My family had been planning a winter ski trip and I thought I'd take the chance to scope out Vail as a possible site. The convention was scheduled so that we attended meetings through lunch and had the afternoons to explore the town, ski, or network with fellow employees. As it turns out, I did some serious networking, but I doubt the new contacts I made will help my business and I definitely won't be adding them to my...

4 years ago
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Bua Ki Ladki Rupa

Hi dosto, main iss reader hu par aaj pahli bar kuch sare karna chahta hu, agar koi mistake ho toh plz mujhe batade ya koi tips de taki agla galti ha ho.. mera naam nitin hai aur main mp ke rewa sehar ka hu,meri umar 22 saal, height 5f 10in,aur lund 8in ka hai,main chennai se engg. kar raha hu, ab sidhe story me aata hu…ye baat tab ki hai jab main 10th class me tha, main ghar me akela parents ke saath rahta tha,bcoz mere koi bhai behan nhi hai..ek din main school aur coaching ke baad ghar...

2 years ago
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The Dannye Tease

Dannye was my seventeen year old step-sister. She became my step-sister when my dad married Marianne, my new step mom. My real mother had abandoned our family for another guy, and while my mom and I were still close, that special bond we had never really solidified as I got into my teenage years, especially since her new husband didn’t want “bratty teenagers” around his house. I was happy when my dad married Marianne, because for the very first time in a long time, there wasn’t a lot of...

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Five Vials Third Vial Pt 1

Saturday. James woke up thinking about sex. He drifted gradually awake, with images from his dream passing through at the edges of his memory. He couldn't remember precisely what the dreams were about, but small details remained with him. They panned across his awareness like a slideshow before they faded, closeup images accentuating the smooth curves of some mystery woman. The sloping bulge of a breast as it was pushed up by a tight corset; the downward slope of a feminine lower...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Sara Diamante Stud Moving Man With BBC Stretches Out All of Sara Diamantes Holes

Despite being sexy as hell, it’s been a while since Sara Diamante has been properly dicked down—and she’s feeling it. On a Monday, she’s moving out of her apartment, feeling exceptionally horny, when she’s delighted to find out that the moving man she’s hired is a black guy. As he starts doing his work, she strips down and starts pleasuring herself in preparation for his cock. When the moving man comes back into the room and sees what she’s doing, he’s utterly powerless to refrain from fucking...

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I fell asleep thinking about Michelle dominating me this weekend and wake up thinking about it as well. It scares me yet turns me on so much I can hardly stand it. I roll over reaching for Michelle and she is gone and that is when I realize it is entirely too light outside. I look at the clock and see it says 10:00. I find a note by the clock that reads, My submissive slut you looked too peaceful to disturb this morning and I do want you well rested for this weekend remember. Don’t worry I...

Group Sex
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CastawayChapter 31

Actually we each woke the other both times, and were glad we had. It was after 8:00 a.m. when I finally clambered out of bed, leaving her snuggling back in under the covers. I took another quick shower—the first one had been at 3:30, which we'd shared—and shaved, and then dressed with frequent glances at the breathtakingly gorgeous woman who lay in my bed. To remember the joy we'd shared all night, including when we'd only slept, was almost more than I could bear. When I finally emerged...

4 years ago
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The Sexy Story of Leanna Part Four

The two prior days we had started out in the loft to the left but today, Lea steered us straight into the bedroom on the right, again, giving me that vixen smile of hers. “I wore something special for you today, love,” she growled, “something you won’t soon forget!” She pushed me against the bed causing me to sit on its edge and slipped into the bathroom while telling me she’d be right back. I wasn’t sure if she’d want to undress me or not but thinking about how aggressive she’d been acting...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Fit

I’m only 25. I don’t get out that often. There wasn’t much to do where I came from so I figured this was my time to see what was out there. I decided to treat myself to a bar hop in Hollywood. That’s where dreams come they say. I knew that the city would have plenty to offer. With thousands of people from all over the world coming to LA, there has to be something to do and someone to meet. Perhaps, a night out at a club was the way to go. I checked out some nearby clubs around the...

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Oh Miss 8211 What A Fuck 8211 Part 5

Always strive to stay happy, be jovial, shun negativity and adopt positivity. Stay in others’ hearts because that is the best place to live. Live happily and make others happy. This is what I have learned with my experience of writing. All comments, feedback and chat on hangouts at . Devika was heating up. I kept all thoughts aside and concentrated on the delightful job at hand. Fucking a lovely girl as long as possible. I made my way up to the best part of a women’s body, her boobs. I began to...

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Return from Sally IslandChapter 6

I had to send Sally back to the bathroom for her missing bra. I hated doing it, but the blouses I had purchased for her the day before were simply not adequate to the task of containing her breasts — not without some help from undergarments within. I explained to her that we could shop that day with an eye toward outfits that might allow her to lose the bra. But not this particular blouse. Not without some protection against being attacked on the streets of Honolulu. I called the law firm...

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Bahno Ki AdlaBadli

Hai mai Ashit. Mai Patna district ka rahne wala hu. Mai kuchh dino se hi ISS ko padh raha hu. Maine ak raj ki bat chuppa ke rakhi hai jo aj tak kisi ko nahi bataya. Par ISS parhne ke bad mujhe kuchh himmat hua hai tab jakar mai ISS me apni pahli kahani ko likh raha hu jo akdam sachhi hai. Ye meri real story hai. App log please ye kahani parhkar mujhe jarur mail kariyega ki yah kahani apko kaisi lagi. Please ise end tak jarur padhna. Mera E-Mail ID hai :- Mere ghar me ham 4 log rahte hai Mai...

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Use Me

Exhibitionist Exhibitionist? For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be naked in front of people, to display my body to an audience, to be seen nude.?? It's always be a recurring theme in my sexual fantasies, and has always been very strong. I first had detailed fantasies from about the age of 13, when I began puberty, and my body began to change. ? To begin with, I imagined that I was at school, changing after a P.E. class, and I would be the one who would not attempt to hide...

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A Lifelong Affair pt 2

I couldn't belive I had finally "got me some", it was just as good as my wild imagination. While I had always thought about fucking my sister Lilly I really never anticipated it would happen. All those years back when we had the opportunity to play in bed and explore each other we were engaging in foreplay before we even knew what that was. I did learn a lesson back then, the lesson was patience. I'm not sure what, if anything, Lilly ever learned from our early experiences but I think...

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Good Night Kisses

When we got back to the hotel room, Brian immediately went to his laptop and began downloading pictures of the elk. They had been magnificent creatures and he wanted to see his shots on the larger screen of the laptop. As I got ready for bed, he called me over to look at a particularly good shot several times. I was thrilled for him, of course. Snuggled underneath the covers, I had a beautiful view of Brian’s profile at the hotel room’s small little dining table. His face glowed in the soft...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 9 A Startling Development

The next morning, I printed out the scanned copy of our winning Powerball ticket, while Alicia was fixing breakfast. Alicia’s fertile period had passed, and the intensity of our lovemaking had also decreased. Last night, we made love at a relaxed and sedate pace. The frantic need to impregnate Alicia was gone. As I headed for the dining room table, I could smell the heavenly aroma of waffles and bacon. I love the crispy crunch of the bacon Alicia prepares; the flavor is outstanding. Her...

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They talk for a brief moment. The apartment is darkly lit. There is a drop cloth on the floor, something a painter would use. There isn't much furniture so it was either moved before we came, or this person lives very simply with only a couch, television and stand. He asks if I want something to drink I shake my head no but do not make a sound. I am looking around while my friend puts down the bags we have brought. My friend turns to tell me to take off my clothes and lay on the cloth so...

2 years ago
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Be nice to nurses

Some time back , after a motorbike accident , I had to go into hospital for an operation to improve the condition of my knee and lower leg. I managed to get the third party insurers to pay for this rather than wait for the already overstretched NHS. I never thought that the stories about the shenanigans in hospitals were true but after having the operation my mind was changed by a young nurse - a cute little blonde of about 23 or 24 - who came into my room to ask if everything was OK. I...

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Private Dancer

So my sister Missy was a stripper. So what. I had some problems with a few of my friends when they found out; endless questions and defense of her character. It was even worse if friends actually saw her perform. I had a real falling out with a friend who, drunk, asked me if I ever wanted to fuck her. That stuff was tough to deal with, but, hey, I was her brother and it was my job to defend her. She was an adult and could do what she wanted.And being a stripper doesn't automatically make you a...

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Gaby Part 5 Gabys Revelation

Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

4 years ago
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Educating Cathy Chapter 05

I had planted the seed by suggesting she get a massage. I convinced her that I could watch what a masseuse did so I could do it in the future. My real plan was to have her seduced into a lesbian encounter like on the videos we had watched. I had found a website with personal services. I then locate a woman offering “special” massages. Oil and body to body massage. I rang her and said my wife wanted a massage and I wanted to watch. She said fine, she often did that. She gave me her address and...

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