Consciousness Revealed free porn video

There was a young fellow named Bill,
Who took an atomic pill,
His navel corroded,
His asshole exploded,
And they found his nuts in Brazil.
I was created long ago.
Time means little to me, but I can remember in great detail all the different minds that I came in contact with. I have even noticed a difference in ethics and beliefs between the first minds I entered to the ones I currently peruse. Though there are many differences with all the technological advances, I never took notice.
How long I lay dormant, I have no idea. The last mind that I looked into placed me away in a small wooden box, cigar box is what he had thought to call it. Without a mind to link to, I had no consciousness, no "life". So it was probably a very long time till I again awoke.
As soon as the hand grasped me, I awoke and linked directly into the mind of the person who had touched my hardness. I "saw" the old cluttered shop and the piles of dusty objects left from an age bygone by looking through the mind I linked to. I was one of those dusty old objects.
Next I discovered the mind of who had touched my physical form thus letting me link mentally to him. It was a young man, and he was searching for gifts for his family and his girlfriend. Money was short, thus he was looking in the back of this old pawn shop for fitting gifts.
An old woman stood next to the man waiting on him, ready for any questions he may have. Then I discovered that the young man thought me too "plain" for a gift and I quickly linked through him to the old woman.
"That is a very nice ring." Self preservation can be strong at times. I certainly didn't want to return to nothingness. Already in the brief glimpse into this mans mind, I had discovered so many changes to the physical world since I last was conscious. "Came from an estate down south somewheres."
The young man spoke up, "Its a little too masculine for my mother or girlfriend though."
The old woman nodded in agreement, "Perhaps, but why not for yourself? How about the whole cigar box for just the price of that ring - it has a rather nice pendant and a broach?"
I anxiously read the young mans mind, and knew of his reluctance. So I had to push the situation a little more. The old woman continued, "I'll tell you what, take the ring for yourself, as your Christmas gift. Free."
"Free?" The young man was just a bit startled, and I noticed that little was ever free in his world.
The old woman laughed, "Sure, just promise to wear it all the time?"
The youngish man was slightly startled, but I could realize his mind was contemplating the gift. And my surface was not too obnoxious or dandy that it may actually look good on his hand.
"But I think its real gold, you can't give this away for free?" I could read the mans mind, and knew he now wanted me, so I just caused the old woman to make a sound and wave as she turned to go back to the counter towards the front of the store. To the young man, it appeared as if the deal was done.
The young man, his name was Joey MacPhearson, slide me upon his middle finger on his left hand.
I had finally returned.
My power isn't in controlling the one who possessed me. No, my creator knew the dangers in that. But I controlled all those within my consciousness, by linking to the one who possessed me. I can be controlled, given commands, but none have done so for many years - the knowledge is lost. And I don't communicate directly nor can I reveal myself, as my creator wished. I could only read the mind of the one who possessed me and could only control those around him.
Joey was now my Master, my owner.
I've had many different Masters over the years, male and female. Most never knew that I was there to help with there lives. Joey would have my help for as long as I was in his possession. Possibly, he may never realize that his good fortune is due to me and not luck or fate.
Well, Joey returned home with a small pile of presents and retreated to his room. As abodes go, his was rather small and though cosy, I knew I would help my Master live a life better than the one he currently has. It is what I was designed for.
The young man who wore me rushed out after hiding the presents beneath his bed and went to another house upon his block. "Hey Bill you in?" Joey was speaking up at a closed window. A head popped up and had hand waved my Master around to the rear of the house.
Joey and Bill eventually made their way into the house and the family room in the basement. They talked about animated topics which I could see little point in relating. I did control Bill long enough for him to blurt out, "Nice ring!" Vanity is a terrible thing, but its also self-preservation.
When a noise from upstairs interrupted the two teens, Bill made a rude noise and said, "Its just my sister." My Master's thoughts changed immediately and he pictured a thin pale late teen in a wet bikini. He had watched her sun bath in the backyard, enjoying her thin boyish body, long brown hair and her cute face. A recent memory obviously. And I knew its was Bill's sister that my Master thought of. Her name, "Shelly".
There were little differences from my earlier male Masters to Joey, nearly all had active sexual imaginations. Which was fine, it was my duty to help in every way I can.
So, I helped my Master. Bill yelled up, "Shell, can you come here a second?"
Nothing was heard for a few moments then the same thin pale teenager came bounding down the stairs. "Get it yourself dweeb." She ignored my Master. Wrong. Turning and smiling, "Hello Joey, having a good Christmas?"
"Ah, yea. Nearly finished my shopping." Bill just arched an eyebrow, while it seemed my Master was less than deft around girls.
Shelly smiled hugely at my Master then retreated back upstairs. Bill shook his head, "What's up with her?"
While Joey had followed Shelly with his eyes until she disappeared, and then spoke up, "I'll get the cokes." Then preceded quickly upstairs.
In the kitchen, Shelly stood with her back to my Master, cleaning some pots. I could read the desire in my possessors mind. "Oh, hi again."
My Master mumbled, "Just getting the cokes."
She dried her hands on a towel and beat him to the fridge, "Here I'll get them for you Joey."
Two cokes later. "Thanks Shelly."
Turning to leave Shelly called out, "Did you want anything else?"
Master mumbled yet again, "No thank you." But I could read his nervousness when he saw the look in his best friend's older sister's eye.
He was just about to retreat back downstairs yet again when Shelly again stopped him with a question, "Could I get your opinion on something Joey?"
"Ah, sure." She walked over near him then pulled up her skirt and placed a bare foot upon a chair. Shelly took his hand and placed it upon her exposed and naked thigh.
My Master was aghast, unable to talk and surprised. First, the sight of the long slim leg rocketed through his brain, and then his hand on her skin was beyond his experience. Something out of a fantasy.
Shelly moved his hand, beneath her own, down her leg. She rubbed his hand across his calf to her ankle then started back up, on the inside of her leg this time. She took her hand from his when it was about upper middle thigh. "Is my leg smooth Joey? Does it feel nice and soft?"
My Master tried to speak but nothing came out. Shelly was two years older than he, and for as long as he can remember, she was in his fantasies. But touching her leg, had just ruined all those fantasies. Reality was much better.
His hand dropped from her leg. I deemed more direct action was in order. Shelly smiled at her brothers best friend then spun around and lifted her skirt up to her waist. Looking over her shoulder she asked, "Take my panties off for me Joey?"
All that came out as a reply was "Yea". His hand shook as he hooked a finger into each hip and pulled the white cotton garment down to her ankles. Shelly stepped out of it.
"Do you like my bum Joey? Touch it if you want." She arched her back and her firm almost boyish bottom was facing my Master.
It took a few seconds before he placed a quivering palm upon the curvature of her pale ass. Just at that moment a voice from below, "Joey what the hell are you doing?" My Master pulled his hand as if it was on fire from Shelly's skin and turned to leave.
One last parting question from the young woman, "Joey?" He stopped and looked at her, words still did not work from his mouth. Shelly stepped forward and pressed her recently discarded cotton panties into his palm then leaned forward to kiss lips quickly. "A gift." Joey turned and ran down to the basement, hiding the panties in his jeans until later.
The next day was more insightful into my Masters daily life. His mother who was, if anything, too protective of Joey and he was becoming resentful. His father, whom barely noticed his son, which was fine by Joey.
During this time, I merely watched and learned a little bit about my Master. How better to learn how to help him.
It was the next evening, the second day that Joey had possessed me, when he finally met his girlfriend for a date. Her name was Deb, and though Joey was crazy about her, she obviously did not feel the same. That was my first adjustment, she now was the perfect companion for much of the evening. Joey, in fact was startled at her change, but was rather pleased. When finally, the two of them sat outside her parents house, in Joey's mother's car, is when the awkwardness again returned.
It seemed, their relationship had not passed heated kissing and a feel or two. Joey, of course, wanted more and his dates often left him frustrated. Well, of course you may realize, this was the perfect moment to help my Master.
As they kissed, his hand went to Deb's breast and squeezed her above her sweater. Normally this lasted just a few seconds before she pushed him away, but of course that will not happen as long as Joey has me in his possession. She had tiny but firm breasts and he could feel the bra beneath her clothes. When my Master felt a hand upon his bulging jeans, he jumped in surprise.
He actually pulled back in surprise, breaking the kiss. She just looked down at her hand before looking up into her boyfriends eyes. "Take it out please Joey?" She had this near desperate look that I was proud of.
Master then asked a rather silly question, "Take what out?" If I could sigh, I would have.
"Your 'thing'... your cock." She whispered the last word. My Master was more than a little surprised, and just a bit excited. He quickly unbuttoned his jeans and pushed the two sides apart. His boxer shorts were pushed down and his young hard cock sprang up. Deb gasped out then tentatively reached out and grasped the pale hard male member. Her tiny hand touched it everyone, as if testing it and it was probably the first cock she had ever seen or touched. Then she squeezed and stroked it while Joey groaned in response.
"It is so beautiful Joey!" She looked very pleased, but never took her hand from him. In fact she was stroking his penis rather expertly, though I know my Master never realized it.
It took only a few moments before Master suddenly gasped and his body became taunt and a thick wad of man cream shot out the head of his cock. He came with gusto and Deb milked him until the last spasm raked his cock. I know that Joey was embarrassed, and was staring down at the mess he had made. I had to ensure this was positive memory to him.
Deb lifted her hand from his cock and stared at the drops of pearl-coloured come on her skin. She smelt it, all the while my Master watched in surprise and embarrassment, then tentatively licked a drop. Her face lit up and then she started to lick and suck the remainder of his orgasm from her fingers. After, when her hand was clean, she helped her boyfriend put his pants back on. Then they made another date, "soon please Joey?"
That was the first time that my Master removed me. I have no control over him when he wore me, and had no consciousness when I was not in his possession.
I again regained consciousness sometime later, possibly just the next day. It was Joey that again possessed me, slipping me again on his middle left finger.
It seems, my Master was not amused. His mother was in a bad mood and had been taking it out on him, so much that she insisted he cancel his date that evening with Deb. He was very angry.
The door to his room opened and his mother came into the room and I could tell she was again about to berate my Master. That just can not happen. She suddenly stopped with her mouth open as she was about to start on him again. My Master, at that moment, was more embarrassed at his near undressed state than angry. "Get out mom!"
Though not naked, he was still self conscious of himself. She looked at him then turned quickly and left. Afterwards, when he was dressed, they met back in the kitchen. She spoke gently to her son, "I'm sorry Joey. I will respect your privacy from now on."
After the last hours of discontent, this gentle comment left Joey a little unprepared. "Ah... thanks mom." She came forward and the two of them hugged.
It was at that moment that I read something in my Masters mind. It was the feel of her large soft breasts against his chest and her covered skin beneath his hands. So I did my duty and Melony, my Masters mother, did not break off the hug. In fact, she kissed his neck several times gently while her grasp firmed.
Again, I realized my Master needed a little persuasion. Melony reached out and took her son's hand and moved it from her back down to her round ass. I could tell Joey was more startled by this action than by Shelly's or Deb's. Some part of him knew it was wrong yet a stronger, animal, emotion enjoyed the intimate touch. Finally, after a few awkward moments, his hand moved down and grasped her ass firmly.
I knew he was testing her, and his mother moaned gently into his neck effectively passing his test. Then both his hands descended to her ass, a cheek in each hand. He rubbed, squeezed, pulled and molded the round full ass cheeks all the while his own mother kissed and groaned into his neck.
It was several minutes later when he dropped his hand and pulled back from her. Joey bent down to kiss his mothers cheek, but her face turned and he found himself kissing her lips. It wasn't a kiss that he had ever given to his own mother before but closer to how he kissed Deb. There mouths opened and they tasted the other for nearly a minute before my Master pulled away and just looked startled at his mother.
She smiled gently, motherly, "Thank you honey. I'm sorry to be such a grump today." Melony again reached out and took his hand, placing it palm forwards directly upon her breast. "Will you forgive me dear?"
He barely heard the question and just watched his hand. His mom's breast was so different from his girlfriends, the only other breast that he had touched up to that point. To begin, it was very large, round and soft. She squeezed his hand upon her and the flesh easily molded to his fingers. Master even felt the poke of his mothers nipple into his palm.
Finally he gasped out, "Mom I don't believe your doing this?"
"Doing what dear? You are doing it." She smiling softly at her only son. Melony let her hand drop from his, and he didn't pull away. In fact he squeezed her firmly and she moaned, "Hum... that feels good honey"
I knew what my Master wanted. Melony asked gently, "Would you like to see mummies chest?" Joey only nodded enthusiastically.
Melony stepped a foot back then quickly pulled up her blouse and threw it upon the floor. She wore a cumbersome white bra that was rather unattractive to my master. So, his mother quickly reached behind and then with a quick wiggle of her shoulders the garment fell to the floor.
Joey looked upon the first live breasts of his life. They were huge, he thought, and they were not as high up on her chest as they had been in the bra. The nipples, light brown and over a inch in width pointed directly towards him. Or rather to his crotch, which he was very conscious of. Since his hard penis was pressing obviously outwards.
"Come to mommy baby." Melony reached out and drew her son towards her. Then gently, with a hand behind his head drew his face down to her right breast. My Master opened his mouth and softly covered her wide nipple. As he sucked and then licked his mothers pale flesh, his hands came up and played with both tits, his mouth moving back and forth between each. Melony, all the while, simply stroked her son's hair and groaned when a action stood out from the rest - like when he first tried biting her gently.
My Master wanted more and I was about to deliver it to him when the door to the house opened and Joey jerked up from Melony's chest. "Dad's home." He was nearly frantic. Of course, I could have controlled the situation, but I could not control my Master. "Hurry mom, put your clothes back on." I thought it prudent to do as he asked, as the mood was now long gone.
Melony quickly and effortlessly put her garments back on. "Go to your room till supper dear." She winked at him then turned and walked out of the kitchen to welcome her husband home.
How long I lay without consciousness, I have no idea. But I knew the holidays were over and my Master was again going to school. I quickly discovered that he was a little surprised at all that has happened to him, with regards to the ladies in his life. I scanned his memory and discovered that while I lay dormant, his mother had apologized for her actions that day and now tried to stay away from her son in embarrassment. While Deb, had gone out a few times with her boyfriend she would not even allow his hand to touch her breast.
You see, even though I have full control of other people while my Master possessed me, the control is only good for as long as I am worn. Very few of my past Masters, equated their good fortunes to wearing me.
I also realized, that everything that was happening was causing him a little guilt - especially after the response to those two ladies in his life. I knew I had to correct the problem, and fast. That very evening as a matter of fact.
The phone rang and Joey answered, "Hi Joey its Deb!" He immediately forgot his book that he had been reading. No matter how confused he was about his relationship with his girlfriend, he truly did care for her. "I was feeling a bit lonely and wanted to chat with you."
"Are you alone?"
Joey answered, "Yes."
"I am too. Know what I'm wearing?" No "Nothing!" She giggled playfully and my Masters imagination tried unsuccessfully to picture his girlfriend naked. "Would you do something for me?" Yes. "Take it out Joey please?"
"You mean my cock?"
"Yes, your cock. Please take it out." Okay, done. "Know what I'm doing now?" Nope. "I'm imagining my hand on your cock as I rub myself." Again, more girlish giggling.
Master moved his hand down and grasped himself, "I'm stroking myself."
She groaned into the receiver and Joey's cock jerked to hardness, "God Joey I wish I was there. I would like to see you touch yourself!"
"I would like to see you also."
Deb giggled again, "Wanna know a secret?" Sure. "I play with myself nearly every day." It as Joey's turn to gasp. "And I always think of your cock and come when I do it." Try as he might, my master could not picture Deb masturbating - but it was very exciting idea to him.
Masters ego just took a boast, obviously I'm a successful servant. Yet, I had only just begun.
Just as Deb asked, "Would you stroke him for me?", the door to Joey's room opened and in walked Melony in her nightgown. Her pale creamy skin with her curly bright red hair made her look nearly angelic. She didn't hesitate and didn't allow Joey time to even react before she closed the door behind her and put a finger to her lips to silence her son's protest. Just when he was about to drop the phone and roll over to his his erection, his mother came over and sat on the bed. One of her hands held his hips in place. The other hand, reached up and pushed the shoulder strings of her gown off her shoulders and the garment fell down to her waist.
Again, my Master had an unrestricted view of his mothers heavy breasts. This effectively stopped any protest he may have voiced and he sat watching her. It was only a few seconds since Melony had entered the room, but she moved over and knelt between her sons spread thighs. My Master watched in amazement and surprise as his own mother moved forward and allowed his hard cock to slip into her mouth.
He groaned very loudly. The pleasure obvious.
"Hello? Joey?"
"Oh, sorry Deb."
"Are you enjoying this?"
"God yes!" He watched his mothers face move up and down upon his manhood. Her red hair fanned out and matched the red hair between his legs. Her eyes were closed and she looked very relaxed even while the six inch tool moved in and out of her mouth.
"I'm touching myself for you Joey, thinking its your hand." A groan from the other end of the phone. "Your going to make me come soon you bad boy!"
"I want to do something naughty Joey. Want to know what that is?" Yes please. "I want to suck your cock!" He simply groaned. "God, I think I'm going to come soon. Please stroke yourself Joey, come with me please." She was nearly pleading and Master could hear her heavy breathing and short little gasps of pleasure.
Just about that moment, Melony moved her face up until only the crown of her son's cock was in her mouth and she hefted her heavy breasts up and placed the cock between them. Master started to pump his hips up, moving his cock in and out of her mouth and deliciously between those huge fleshy globes.
"I'm going to come soon Joey. Oh god I need your cock! Come with me Joey come... with me!"
He started to grunt, "Oh yea, I'm gonna come. I'm going to shot in your mouth Deb!"
"Oh yes Joey, thats what I want. Come in my mouth, all over my face, cover me baby!"
Just about that moment, is when my Master did indeed start his orgasm. The first blast shot down the back of his mothers throat before she lifted her face from him. The next spurts of ejaculate landed upon her smooth white breasts. And she milked his cock until Joey had nothing else to give.
A few moments later, "Oh baby... hello Joey, are you there?" Yes. "Did you enjoy that as much as me?" Deb was giggling.
Melony was still kneeling between Masters legs, but sitting up, her eyes were locked down upon her chest as she rubbed the thick come into the pale flesh of her breasts.
"Oh yea!" Was Joey's reply, and I knew he definitely enjoyed what had just happened.
Without looking up, his mother pulled her nightgown back up. The come already creating wet spots and stained the satin fabric. Without looking at her only son, she crept out of his room.
"Me too! We finished at the same time baby, isn't that neat. God that felt great Joey." Yes, it did.
Its not wholly surprising that my Master was more interested in female attention than that of other desires, like money or fame. Throughout the ages of my consciousness, it has been the same. Young men of his age often had carnal thoughts regarding any women that they come in contact, even for only a moment.
Of course, nothing would have happened between Joey and his mother, no sexual contact I mean. Yet, that is my objective - to pleasure my Master. And deep down, Master had been interested in the only woman under his roof.
Perhaps it was some coincidence, as I know he never correlated a connection, but Joey wore me for several weeks afterwards.
Suddenly my Master found that his grads at school sky rocketed, with little effort mind you. That he was now the best known and most popular teen in his high school. Teachers never even called upon him to answer questions in class. Life, was good for my Master.
At home, his mother suddenly gave him space but was now a very loving and caring woman. No sign of guilt or shame existed for what she had done a few short weeks ago. In that time, my Master had not done anything overtly sexual with her, expect he grabbed her ass when they hugged. Also his father was barely ever home, deciding to spend time out of the city for work rather than return. He was gone twenty-five days out of every thirty.
His girlfriend gave my Master two more hand jobs since their phone call. Deb now called my master almost nightly and masturbated for, and often with, him. It was from a different direction that my consciousness was focused. Joey, my Master, often fantasized about one of his female teachers. A Ms. Miller. She was tall, had long brunette hair, long slim legs which she usually wore nylons and a short skirt, firm conical breasts which were high upon her chest and her face was thin with high cheek bones and very attractive. So, for the last weeks, for one hour per school day Ms. Miller flirted with my Master. Everything from laughing at his littlest remark, always placing a hand upon him wherever she was near, allowing him generous glimpses of her long legs or down the top of her blouse.
As much as Joey enjoyed these flirtatious moments, each time we getting more daring more sexual, as he kept wanting more. The last day, when Ms. Miller laid a hand upon him, it landed upon his crotch. It sat for a few seconds and squeezed once before she said, "Sorry Joey", and moved it to his knee. She didn't look sorry at all. And it was at that moment that I knew my Master was tired of the game of flirting with the thirty-something year old woman.
So, Ms. Miller handed Joey a small note as he entered her classroom that next day. When class ended, and thus the noon break began, Joey waited till all others were gone - and with a little persuasion from me to rush. Then Ms. Miller stood and locked the classroom door leaving the two of them alone.
No words were spoken, but she started to pull her tight skirt up her legs. Slowly it moved, until dark bands were revealed mid-thigh and Joey discovered stockings and soon enough, a garter belt. Quietly my Master sat in his seat, silently watching the little striptease of this fantasy woman. Finally the dark skirt was bunched up about her waist, and the sexy undergarments of his dreams were revealed.
Naturally Master compared her to the two other woman in his life and found her legs and hips much more attractive, mature yet very sexy. His mothers body was fuller, rounder, softer though still attractive. Deb was still thin, a tiny girl with short cute legs. Ms. Miller had long shapely legs and I knew that my Master was enthralled with them.
His attention was also focused to the black patterned see-through panties that his teacher wore. He could see the dark brown hair beneath the garment and knew immediately what it was. At that moment, it was the first live pussy that he has ever seen.
Ms. Miller came right up to her pupils desk and quickly pushed off my Masters books. They fell to the floor already forgotten. Then she effortlessly sat down on the edge and then quickly lifted her legs and sat a three inch black heel upon each arm of my Masters chair.
Master was numb, not knowing or even thinking about moving. Just sitting excited with desire for the sexy woman before him. So I knew I had to add to the scenario and Ms. Miller spoke up, "What is it you want me to do for you Joey?" She was practically panting her words out. Nothing, in either his mind or action revealed to me what his desire was. "Do you know how much I want you Joey? How long I've fantasized about this moment?"
She lifted one leg and rubbed the inside of her silk-clad calf against his cheek. Of course, if I had known what my Master desired, she would have been doing it. But so comatose was he that I was now using Ms. Miller to fish out what his desires truly were. She stole one of her hands down between her legs and stroked outside the see-through black panties.
"Is this what you want Joey? To watch how I touch myself?" Finally a reaction, my Masters mind sparked at that last question, so I went with it. "Is that what you want, to see how I pump three fingers into my hot wet cunt when I'm alone?"
Her hand was becoming more agitated above her panties. The leg that was next to my masters face now rested upon that shoulder. Joey had a very clear and close view of his instructors crotch. I knew he was very interested in what she proposed.
"You want to see that don't you Joey?" She moved her hand beneath the panty and though it was shadowed, he could see her fingers slip up and down the length of her vagina. "You want to see how my juices flow from my cunt and how I love to lick my fingers clean, don't you, you dirty boy?" Master saw that one of her fingers suddenly disappeared and now realized, with a start, where it went. Ms. Miller groaned and arched her back which pressed out her round breasts towards her student.
Master finally came to life, he reached forwards and pulled the panty to the side, revealing his teachers hand and her trimmed pussy. "Yes! Can you see my cunt now Joey? Can you see how wet you have gotten me?" She groaned from deep down in her throat and shoved her sex closer to the edge of the desk, very close to my master.
I was created long ago.
Time means little to me, but I can remember in great detail all the different minds that I came in contact with. I have even noticed a difference in ethics and beliefs between the first minds I entered to the ones I currently peruse. Though there are many differences with all the technological advances, I never took notice.
How long I lay dormant, I have no idea. The last mind that I looked into placed me away in a small wooden box, cigar box is what he had thought to call it. Without a mind to link to, I had no consciousness, no "life". So it was probably a very long time till I again awoke.
As soon as the hand grasped me, I awoke and linked directly into the mind of the person who had touched my hardness. I "saw" the old cluttered shop and the piles of dusty objects left from an age bygone by looking through the mind I linked to. I was one of those dusty old objects.
Next I discovered the mind of who had touched my physical form thus letting me link mentally to him. It was a young man, and he was searching for gifts for his family and his girlfriend. Money was short, thus he was looking in the back of this old pawn shop for fitting gifts.
An old woman stood next to the man waiting on him, ready for any questions he may have. Then I discovered that the young man thought me too "plain" for a gift and I quickly linked through him to the old woman.
"That is a very nice ring." Self preservation can be strong at times. I certainly didn't want to return to nothingness. Already in the brief glimpse into this mans mind, I had discovered so many changes to the physical world since I last was conscious. "Came from an estate down south somewheres."
The young man spoke up, "Its a little too masculine for my mother or girlfriend though."
The old woman nodded in agreement, "Perhaps, but why not for yourself? How about the whole cigar box for just the price of that ring - it has a rather nice pendant and a broach?"
I anxiously read the young mans mind, and knew of his reluctance. So I had to push the situation a little more. The old woman continued, "I'll tell you what, take the ring for yourself, as your Christmas gift. Free."
"Free?" The young man was just a bit startled, and I noticed that little was ever free in his world.
The old woman laughed, "Sure, just promise to wear it all the time?"
The youngish man was slightly startled, but I could realize his mind was contemplating the gift. And my surface was not too obnoxious or dandy that it may actually look good on his hand.
"But I think its real gold, you can't give this away for free?" I could read the mans mind, and knew he now wanted me, so I just caused the old woman to make a sound and wave as she turned to go back to the counter towards the front of the store. To the young man, it appeared as if the deal was done.
The young man, his name was Joey MacPhearson, slide me upon his middle finger on his left hand.
I had finally returned.
My power isn't in controlling the one who possessed me. No, my creator knew the dangers in that. But I controlled all those within my consciousness, by linking to the one who possessed me. I can be controlled, given commands, but none have done so for many years - the knowledge is lost. And I don't communicate directly nor can I reveal myself, as my creator wished. I could only read the mind of the one who possessed me and could only control those around him.
Joey was now my Master, my owner.
I've had many different Masters over the years, male and female. Most never knew that I was there to help with there lives. Joey would have my help for as long as I was in his possession. Possibly, he may never realize that his good fortune is due to me and not luck or fate.
Well, Joey returned home with a small pile of presents and retreated to his room. As abodes go, his was rather small and though cosy, I knew I would help my Master live a life better than the one he currently has. It is what I was designed for.
The young man who wore me rushed out after hiding the presents beneath his bed and went to another house upon his block. "Hey Bill you in?" Joey was speaking up at a closed window. A head popped up and had hand waved my Master around to the rear of the house.
Joey and Bill eventually made their way into the house and the family room in the basement. They talked about animated topics which I could see little point in relating. I did control Bill long enough for him to blurt out, "Nice ring!" Vanity is a terrible thing, but its also self-preservation.
When a noise from upstairs interrupted the two teens, Bill made a rude noise and said, "Its just my sister." My Master's thoughts changed immediately and he pictured a thin pale late teen in a wet bikini. He had watched her sun bath in the backyard, enjoying her thin boyish body, long brown hair and her cute face. A recent memory obviously. And I knew its was Bill's sister that my Master thought of. Her name, "Shelly".
There were little differences from my earlier male Masters to Joey, nearly all had active sexual imaginations. Which was fine, it was my duty to help in every way I can.
So, I helped my Master. Bill yelled up, "Shell, can you come here a second?"
Nothing was heard for a few moments then the same thin pale teenager came bounding down the stairs. "Get it yourself dweeb." She ignored my Master. Wrong. Turning and smiling, "Hello Joey, having a good Christmas?"
"Ah, yea. Nearly finished my shopping." Bill just arched an eyebrow, while it seemed my Master was less than deft around girls.
Shelly smiled hugely at my Master then retreated back upstairs. Bill shook his head, "What's up with her?"
While Joey had followed Shelly with his eyes until she disappeared, and then spoke up, "I'll get the cokes." Then preceded quickly upstairs.
In the kitchen, Shelly stood with her back to my Master, cleaning some pots. I could read the desire in my possessors mind. "Oh, hi again."
My Master mumbled, "Just getting the cokes."
She dried her hands on a towel and beat him to the fridge, "Here I'll get them for you Joey."
Two cokes later. "Thanks Shelly."
Turning to leave Shelly called out, "Did you want anything else?"
Master mumbled yet again, "No thank you." But I could read his nervousness when he saw the look in his best friend's older sister's eye.
He was just about to retreat back downstairs yet again when Shelly again stopped him with a question, "Could I get your opinion on something Joey?"
"Ah, sure." She walked over near him then pulled up her skirt and placed a bare foot upon a chair. Shelly took his hand and placed it upon her exposed and naked thigh.
My Master was aghast, unable to talk and surprised. First, the sight of the long slim leg rocketed through his brain, and then his hand on her skin was beyond his experience. Something out of a fantasy.
Shelly moved his hand, beneath her own, down her leg. She rubbed his hand across his calf to her ankle then started back up, on the inside of her leg this time. She took her hand from his when it was about upper middle thigh. "Is my leg smooth Joey? Does it feel nice and soft?"
My Master tried to speak but nothing came out. Shelly was two years older than he, and for as long as he can remember, she was in his fantasies. But touching her leg, had just ruined all those fantasies. Reality was much better.
His hand dropped from her leg. I deemed more direct action was in order. Shelly smiled at her brothers best friend then spun around and lifted her skirt up to her waist. Looking over her shoulder she asked, "Take my panties off for me Joey?"
All that came out as a reply was "Yea". His hand shook as he hooked a finger into each hip and pulled the white cotton garment down to her ankles. Shelly stepped out of it.
"Do you like my bum Joey? Touch it if you want." She arched her back and her firm almost boyish bottom was facing my Master.
It took a few seconds before he placed a quivering palm upon the curvature of her pale ass. Just at that moment a voice from below, "Joey what the hell are you doing?" My Master pulled his hand as if it was on fire from Shelly's skin and turned to leave.
One last parting question from the young woman, "Joey?" He stopped and looked at her, words still did not work from his mouth. Shelly stepped forward and pressed her recently discarded cotton panties into his palm then leaned forward to kiss lips quickly. "A gift." Joey turned and ran down to the basement, hiding the panties in his jeans until later.
The next day was more insightful into my Masters daily life. His mother who was, if anything, too protective of Joey and he was becoming resentful. His father, whom barely noticed his son, which was fine by Joey.
During this time, I merely watched and learned a little bit about my Master. How better to learn how to help him.
It was the next evening, the second day that Joey had possessed me, when he finally met his girlfriend for a date. Her name was Deb, and though Joey was crazy about her, she obviously did not feel the same. That was my first adjustment, she now was the perfect companion for much of the evening. Joey, in fact was startled at her change, but was rather pleased. When finally, the two of them sat outside her parents house, in Joey's mother's car, is when the awkwardness again returned.
It seemed, their relationship had not passed heated kissing and a feel or two. Joey, of course, wanted more and his dates often left him frustrated. Well, of course you may realize, this was the perfect moment to help my Master.
As they kissed, his hand went to Deb's breast and squeezed her above her sweater. Normally this lasted just a few seconds before she pushed him away, but of course that will not happen as long as Joey has me in his possession. She had tiny but firm breasts and he could feel the bra beneath her clothes. When my Master felt a hand upon his bulging jeans, he jumped in surprise.
He actually pulled back in surprise, breaking the kiss. She just looked down at her hand before looking up into her boyfriends eyes. "Take it out please Joey?" She had this near desperate look that I was proud of.
Master then asked a rather silly question, "Take what out?" If I could sigh, I would have.
"Your 'thing'... your cock." She whispered the last word. My Master was more than a little surprised, and just a bit excited. He quickly unbuttoned his jeans and pushed the two sides apart. His boxer shorts were pushed down and his young hard cock sprang up. Deb gasped out then tentatively reached out and grasped the pale hard male member. Her tiny hand touched it everyone, as if testing it and it was probably the first cock she had ever seen or touched. Then she squeezed and stroked it while Joey groaned in response.
"It is so beautiful Joey!" She looked very pleased, but never took her hand from him. In fact she was stroking his penis rather expertly, though I know my Master never realized it.
It took only a few moments before Master suddenly gasped and his body became taunt and a thick wad of man cream shot out the head of his cock. He came with gusto and Deb milked him until the last spasm raked his cock. I know that Joey was embarrassed, and was staring down at the mess he had made. I had to ensure this was positive memory to him.
Deb lifted her hand from his cock and stared at the drops of pearl-coloured come on her skin. She smelt it, all the while my Master watched in surprise and embarrassment, then tentatively licked a drop. Her face lit up and then she started to lick and suck the remainder of his orgasm from her fingers. After, when her hand was clean, she helped her boyfriend put his pants back on. Then they made another date, "soon please Joey?"
That was the first time that my Master removed me. I have no control over him when he wore me, and had no consciousness when I was not in his possession.
I again regained consciousness sometime later, possibly just the next day. It was Joey that again possessed me, slipping me again on his middle left finger.
It seems, my Master was not amused. His mother was in a bad mood and had been taking it out on him, so much that she insisted he cancel his date that evening with Deb. He was very angry.
The door to his room opened and his mother came into the room and I could tell she was again about to berate my Master. That just can not happen. She suddenly stopped with her mouth open as she was about to start on him again. My Master, at that moment, was more embarrassed at his near undressed state than angry. "Get out mom!"
Though not naked, he was still self conscious of himself. She looked at him then turned quickly and left. Afterwards, when he was dressed, they met back in the kitchen. She spoke gently to her son, "I'm sorry Joey. I will respect your privacy from now on."
After the last hours of discontent, this gentle comment left Joey a little unprepared. "Ah... thanks mom." She came forward and the two of them hugged.
It was at that moment that I read something in my Masters mind. It was the feel of her large soft breasts against his chest and her covered skin beneath his hands. So I did my duty and Melony, my Masters mother, did not break off the hug. In fact, she kissed his neck several times gently while her grasp firmed.
Again, I realized my Master needed a little persuasion. Melony reached out and took her son's hand and moved it from her back down to her round ass. I could tell Joey was more startled by this action than by Shelly's or Deb's. Some part of him knew it was wrong yet a stronger, animal, emotion enjoyed the intimate touch. Finally, after a few awkward moments, his hand moved down and grasped her ass firmly.
I knew he was testing her, and his mother moaned gently into his neck effectively passing his test. Then both his hands descended to her ass, a cheek in each hand. He rubbed, squeezed, pulled and molded the round full ass cheeks all the while his own mother kissed and groaned into his neck.
It was several minutes later when he dropped his hand and pulled back from her. Joey bent down to kiss his mothers cheek, but her face turned and he found himself kissing her lips. It wasn't a kiss that he had ever given to his own mother before but closer to how he kissed Deb. There mouths opened and they tasted the other for nearly a minute before my Master pulled away and just looked startled at his mother.
She smiled gently, motherly, "Thank you honey. I'm sorry to be such a grump today." Melony again reached out and took his hand, placing it palm forwards directly upon her breast. "Will you forgive me dear?"
He barely heard the question and just watched his hand. His mom's breast was so different from his girlfriends, the only other breast that he had touched up to that point. To begin, it was very large, round and soft. She squeezed his hand upon her and the flesh easily molded to his fingers. Master even felt the poke of his mothers nipple into his palm.
Finally he gasped out, "Mom I don't believe your doing this?"
"Doing what dear? You are doing it." She smiling softly at her only son. Melony let her hand drop from his, and he didn't pull away. In fact he squeezed her firmly and she moaned, "Hum... that feels good honey"
I knew what my Master wanted. Melony asked gently, "Would you like to see mummies chest?" Joey only nodded enthusiastically.
Melony stepped a foot back then quickly pulled up her blouse and threw it upon the floor. She wore a cumbersome white bra that was rather unattractive to my master. So, his mother quickly reached behind and then with a quick wiggle of her shoulders the garment fell to the floor.
Joey looked upon the first live breasts of his life. They were huge, he thought, and they were not as high up on her chest as they had been in the bra. The nipples, light brown and over a inch in width pointed directly towards him. Or rather to his crotch, which he was very conscious of. Since his hard penis was pressing obviously outwards.
"Come to mommy baby." Melony reached out and drew her son towards her. Then gently, with a hand behind his head drew his face down to her right breast. My Master opened his mouth and softly covered her wide nipple. As he sucked and then licked his mothers pale flesh, his hands came up and played with both tits, his mouth moving back and forth between each. Melony, all the while, simply stroked her son's hair and groaned when a action stood out from the rest - like when he first tried biting her gently.
My Master wanted more and I was about to deliver it to him when the door to the house opened and Joey jerked up from Melony's chest. "Dad's home." He was nearly frantic. Of course, I could have controlled the situation, but I could not control my Master. "Hurry mom, put your clothes back on." I thought it prudent to do as he asked, as the mood was now long gone.
Melony quickly and effortlessly put her garments back on. "Go to your room till supper dear." She winked at him then turned and walked out of the kitchen to welcome her husband home.
How long I lay without consciousness, I have no idea. But I knew the holidays were over and my Master was again going to school. I quickly discovered that he was a little surprised at all that has happened to him, with regards to the ladies in his life. I scanned his memory and discovered that while I lay dormant, his mother had apologized for her actions that day and now tried to stay away from her son in embarrassment. While Deb, had gone out a few times with her boyfriend she would not even allow his hand to touch her breast.
You see, even though I have full control of other people while my Master possessed me, the control is only good for as long as I am worn. Very few of my past Masters, equated their good fortunes to wearing me.
I also realized, that everything that was happening was causing him a little guilt - especially after the response to those two ladies in his life. I knew I had to correct the problem, and fast. That very evening as a matter of fact.
The phone rang and Joey answered, "Hi Joey its Deb!" He immediately forgot his book that he had been reading. No matter how confused he was about his relationship with his girlfriend, he truly did care for her. "I was feeling a bit lonely and wanted to chat with you."
"Are you alone?"
Joey answered, "Yes."
"I am too. Know what I'm wearing?" No "Nothing!" She giggled playfully and my Masters imagination tried unsuccessfully to picture his girlfriend naked. "Would you do something for me?" Yes. "Take it out Joey please?"
"You mean my cock?"
"Yes, your cock. Please take it out." Okay, done. "Know what I'm doing now?" Nope. "I'm imagining my hand on your cock as I rub myself." Again, more girlish giggling.
Master moved his hand down and grasped himself, "I'm stroking myself."
She groaned into the receiver and Joey's cock jerked to hardness, "God Joey I wish I was there. I would like to see you touch yourself!"
"I would like to see you also."
Deb giggled again, "Wanna know a secret?" Sure. "I play with myself nearly every day." It as Joey's turn to gasp. "And I always think of your cock and come when I do it." Try as he might, my master could not picture Deb masturbating - but it was very exciting idea to him.
Masters ego just took a boast, obviously I'm a successful servant. Yet, I had only just begun.
Just as Deb asked, "Would you stroke him for me?", the door to Joey's room opened and in walked Melony in her nightgown. Her pale creamy skin with her curly bright red hair made her look nearly angelic. She didn't hesitate and didn't allow Joey time to even react before she closed the door behind her and put a finger to her lips to silence her son's protest. Just when he was about to drop the phone and roll over to his his erection, his mother came over and sat on the bed. One of her hands held his hips in place. The other hand, reached up and pushed the shoulder strings of her gown off her shoulders and the garment fell down to her waist.
Again, my Master had an unrestricted view of his mothers heavy breasts. This effectively stopped any protest he may have voiced and he sat watching her. It was only a few seconds since Melony had entered the room, but she moved over and knelt between her sons spread thighs. My Master watched in amazement and surprise as his own mother moved forward and allowed his hard cock to slip into her mouth.
He groaned very loudly. The pleasure obvious.
"Hello? Joey?"
"Oh, sorry Deb."
"Are you enjoying this?"
"God yes!" He watched his mothers face move up and down upon his manhood. Her red hair fanned out and matched the red hair between his legs. Her eyes were closed and she looked very relaxed even while the six inch tool moved in and out of her mouth.
"I'm touching myself for you Joey, thinking its your hand." A groan from the other end of the phone. "Your going to make me come soon you bad boy!"
"I want to do something naughty Joey. Want to know what that is?" Yes please. "I want to suck your cock!" He simply groaned. "God, I think I'm going to come soon. Please stroke yourself Joey, come with me please." She was nearly pleading and Master could hear her heavy breathing and short little gasps of pleasure.
Just about that moment, Melony moved her face up until only the crown of her son's cock was in her mouth and she hefted her heavy breasts up and placed the cock between them. Master started to pump his hips up, moving his cock in and out of her mouth and deliciously between those huge fleshy globes.
"I'm going to come soon Joey. Oh god I need your cock! Come with me Joey come... with me!"
He started to grunt, "Oh yea, I'm gonna come. I'm going to shot in your mouth Deb!"
"Oh yes Joey, thats what I want. Come in my mouth, all over my face, cover me baby!"
Just about that moment, is when my Master did indeed start his orgasm. The first blast shot down the back of his mothers throat before she lifted her face from him. The next spurts of ejaculate landed upon her smooth white breasts. And she milked his cock until Joey had nothing else to give.
A few moments later, "Oh baby... hello Joey, are you there?" Yes. "Did you enjoy that as much as me?" Deb was giggling.
Melony was still kneeling between Masters legs, but sitting up, her eyes were locked down upon her chest as she rubbed the thick come into the pale flesh of her breasts.
"Oh yea!" Was Joey's reply, and I knew he definitely enjoyed what had just happened.
Without looking up, his mother pulled her nightgown back up. The come already creating wet spots and stained the satin fabric. Without looking at her only son, she crept out of his room.
"Me too! We finished at the same time baby, isn't that neat. God that felt great Joey." Yes, it did.
Its not wholly surprising that my Master was more interested in female attention than that of other desires, like money or fame. Throughout the ages of my consciousness, it has been the same. Young men of his age often had carnal thoughts regarding any women that they come in contact, even for only a moment.
Of course, nothing would have happened between Joey and his mother, no sexual contact I mean. Yet, that is my objective - to pleasure my Master. And deep down, Master had been interested in the only woman under his roof.
Perhaps it was some coincidence, as I know he never correlated a connection, but Joey wore me for several weeks afterwards.
Suddenly my Master found that his grads at school sky rocketed, with little effort mind you. That he was now the best known and most popular teen in his high school. Teachers never even called upon him to answer questions in class. Life, was good for my Master.
At home, his mother suddenly gave him space but was now a very loving and caring woman. No sign of guilt or shame existed for what she had done a few short weeks ago. In that time, my Master had not done anything overtly sexual with her, expect he grabbed her ass when they hugged. Also his father was barely ever home, deciding to spend time out of the city for work rather than return. He was gone twenty-five days out of every thirty.
His girlfriend gave my Master two more hand jobs since their phone call. Deb now called my master almost nightly and masturbated for, and often with, him. It was from a different direction that my consciousness was focused. Joey, my Master, often fantasized about one of his female teachers. A Ms. Miller. She was tall, had long brunette hair, long slim legs which she usually wore nylons and a short skirt, firm conical breasts which were high upon her chest and her face was thin with high cheek bones and very attractive. So, for the last weeks, for one hour per school day Ms. Miller flirted with my Master. Everything from laughing at his littlest remark, always placing a hand upon him wherever she was near, allowing him generous glimpses of her long legs or down the top of her blouse.
As much as Joey enjoyed these flirtatious moments, each time we getting more daring more sexual, as he kept wanting more. The last day, when Ms. Miller laid a hand upon him, it landed upon his crotch. It sat for a few seconds and squeezed once before she said, "Sorry Joey", and moved it to his knee. She didn't look sorry at all. And it was at that moment that I knew my Master was tired of the game of flirting with the thirty-something year old woman.
So, Ms. Miller handed Joey a small note as he entered her classroom that next day. When class ended, and thus the noon break began, Joey waited till all others were gone - and with a little persuasion from me to rush. Then Ms. Miller stood and locked the classroom door leaving the two of them alone.
No words were spoken, but she started to pull her tight skirt up her legs. Slowly it moved, until dark bands were revealed mid-thigh and Joey discovered stockings and soon enough, a garter belt. Quietly my Master sat in his seat, silently watching the little striptease of this fantasy woman. Finally the dark skirt was bunched up about her waist, and the sexy undergarments of his dreams were revealed.
Naturally Master compared her to the two other woman in his life and found her legs and hips much more attractive, mature yet very sexy. His mothers body was fuller, rounder, softer though still attractive. Deb was still thin, a tiny girl with short cute legs. Ms. Miller had long shapely legs and I knew that my Master was enthralled with them.
His attention was also focused to the black patterned see-through panties that his teacher wore. He could see the dark brown hair beneath the garment and knew immediately what it was. At that moment, it was the first live pussy that he has ever seen.
Ms. Miller came right up to her pupils desk and quickly pushed off my Masters books. They fell to the floor already forgotten. Then she effortlessly sat down on the edge and then quickly lifted her legs and sat a three inch black heel upon each arm of my Masters chair.
Master was numb, not knowing or even thinking about moving. Just sitting excited with desire for the sexy woman before him. So I knew I had to add to the scenario and Ms. Miller spoke up, "What is it you want me to do for you Joey?" She was practically panting her words out. Nothing, in either his mind or action revealed to me what his desire was. "Do you know how much I want you Joey? How long I've fantasized about this moment?"
She lifted one leg and rubbed the inside of her silk-clad calf against his cheek. Of course, if I had known what my Master desired, she would have been doing it. But so comatose was he that I was now using Ms. Miller to fish out what his desires truly were. She stole one of her hands down between her legs and stroked outside the see-through black panties.
"Is this what you want Joey? To watch how I touch myself?" Finally a reaction, my Masters mind sparked at that last question, so I went with it. "Is that what you want, to see how I pump three fingers into my hot wet cunt when I'm alone?"
Her hand was becoming more agitated above her panties. The leg that was next to my masters face now rested upon that shoulder. Joey had a very clear and close view of his instructors crotch. I knew he was very interested in what she proposed.
"You want to see that don't you Joey?" She moved her hand beneath the panty and though it was shadowed, he could see her fingers slip up and down the length of her vagina. "You want to see how my juices flow from my cunt and how I love to lick my fingers clean, don't you, you dirty boy?" Master saw that one of her fingers suddenly disappeared and now realized, with a start, where it went. Ms. Miller groaned and arched her back which pressed out her round breasts towards her student.
Master finally came to life, he reached forwards and pulled the panty to the side, revealing his teachers hand and her trimmed pussy. "Yes! Can you see my cunt now Joey? Can you see how wet you have gotten me?" She groaned from deep down in her throat and shoved her sex closer to the edge of the desk, very close to my master.
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