Bikini Beach Spring Break
- 5 years ago
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Even though their options were vastly different from most of their peers, the girls had a tough time deciding what to do for Spring Break. Amber really wanted to get in some face time with all of her friends – specifically me, Christine, and Allison – a plan that appealed to all of us, but was impossible unless we all went to Hawaii. Unfortunately – after ditching them for Christmas – she had promised her parents that, if she could afford it, she would be home for Spring Break, and it would have been really hard to explain being able to afford two weeks in Hawaii but not a trip home.
That actually made it easier for the rest of us as well. With Allison still in school; Amber with her parents, Bastion behind bars, and Phoebe staying with Spencer pending the finalization of all her paperwork; Lizzy and I decided it would be a good time for me to get to know my future in-laws. The trip to Hawaii would have allowed us to introduce her to my parents, but since I hadn't even broken the news of my engagement to them, I was kind of glad that it hadn't worked out.
The Yosemite Valley is an incredible sight any time, but this Spring – following a mild winter, and therefore blooming early – it was nothing short of spectacular. It's a different kind of beauty, but, even in the dead of winter, it is ... awesome to behold. I don't know this experientially; I'm just repeating what Lizzy told me. Even though I had lived in California most of my life, I'd never actually been there before. Our family had been camping a couple times when Allison and I were little – mainly in and around the local mountains – and I knew my way around a campsite, but it was nothing like this. It didn't take long to figure out how it had been picked to be the country's first National Park. Lizzy's sister, Molly, was way jealous that we were going without her, but she was stuck at home being tutored to make up for her poor performance in Algebra, and Betty was staying home to keep an eye on her.
The change in Duke Street, when we stepped out into the semi-wilderness of Yosemite, was striking. He was like a different man; still strong and confident, but there was an ... alertness ... about him, as if he knew where every living thing for a mile in every direction was, and what it was doing. I don't think a mouse could have made it through camp without him knowing it. I mentioned it to Lizzy to see if it was just my impression – apparently it wasn't.
"He's always like this the first day," she said. "Something about the woods that pushes the 'Ranger' button in his head. I guess it's because it's so much like the jungle. He'll be fine by tomorrow."
He rigged up a really cool suspension system that held our beds about fifteen feet in the air, and, about an hour after we turned in, he sent us a text message to be very quiet, but to look down. There, below us, was a mother black bear with two cubs, rooting through the bushes. As we watched, one of the cubs pulled out a package of marshmallows that Duke had hidden in the underbrush, and the fun started. Within seconds, the cubs were wrestling for the sticky sweets and, before you knew it, they were covered in white goo. It was hysterical to watch and almost impossible to not laugh out loud at.
When we got up the next morning, Duke was already awake, sipping a cup of coffee and watching the world wake up.
"Good morning, daddy," Lizzy said, as she hugged his arm and snuggled into his side. "Thanks for last night; that was fun."
"You're welcome, sweetie," he said, kissing the top of her head before pulling a second cup out of the backpack next to him. "Coffee?"
"Duh!" she said.
"How about you, David?"
"No thank you," I answered. "Never acquired a taste for the stuff."
"You're not one of those tea people are you?" he asked.
"Only on social occasions," I said, "and even then I prefer green teas."
"Don't know what you're missing," he said. "I don't know what it is, but there's something about sipping a fresh cup of hot coffee in the morning that just seems to start the day out right."
I gave an understanding "Hmmm", before saying, "I know what you mean. It's called a caffeine addiction, and I'll stick to a five mile run and a glass of orange juice."
"You're a sick young man, David. I can't imagine what Easy sees in you."
"Me either," I said with a smile. "All I can say is, 'thank God love is blind.'"
"Amen!" he agreed, toasting me with his cup.
Lizzy just sat quietly, smiling and drinking her coffee through the whole exchange. We hiked into the upper park to see Yosemite falls, spending the second night close enough to hear the roar but far enough away and upwind so that the spray couldn't reach us. Still, just the proximity of that much rushing water brought the temperature down several degrees, and I was glad I had Lizzy to keep me warm. I promised myself, and Lizzy, that we'd make time to do things like this more often. Walter stopped by the next day and spent most of the time exploring the park – invisibly of course – by our sides. We were careful not to stare or speak out loud so as not to attract attention and make Duke wonder at our sanity. If we needed to speak to him, he merged with me; otherwise he spent most of his time padding through the surrounding brush.
"This is truly a grand place, my Lord," he said. "With such beauty available, I have to question why you spend your life surrounded by concrete and pavement."
"That is a question man has struggled with most of his existence, Walter," Lizzy said. "It is beautiful, but, for most people, there is not enough challenge here to hold them. Don't get me wrong, it's very hard to actually 'live' out here, but it's a boring sort of life, with so much of your time spent just struggling to exist ... Most people prefer a life that challenges the mind more, saving places like this for recreational enjoyment. And, while one day it might be nice to spend more time in places like this, right now, Jimmy's work requires him to be elsewhere."
"Sad but true," I said, "and I would like to spend more time in places like this, but, for now, I'll have to be content with the odd vacation."
Had I known what was going on in Vegas at the time, I would have been much less content with the timing of this particular vacation.
While I had secretly hoped he was just desperate, I was fully prepared for Wallace to be pulling my chain for the fun of it. What I wasn't prepared for, was the truth.
"Alright," I said, calmly, once we were behind closed doors. I must say the sight of him sitting at the table in his orange jumpsuit, shackled at both ankles and one wrist to the heavy chair they had provided, almost made the trip worthwhile, regardless. The chair itself was as far from the door as the room allowed. They hadn't wanted to even leave the one hand free, but he had indicated we might be here for a while, and, unless I wanted to hold his water for him... , and the guard was armed, after all. "We're here, just you and me, no recorders, and only the one guard. What's this all about?"
"I told you" he said, "it's about the truth."
"And why exactly should I trust you to tell the truth about anything?" I asked.
"I will leave it up to you to decide, after you've heard what I have to say. It's safe to say you know more about what's been going on here than the locals?"
"That depends on which part you're talking about," I answered. "If you're referring to the events leading to your arrest, then no; I don't have any additional information. If you're talking about your ... let's call them, extra-curricular activities ... then yes, I know more than they do, but nowhere near as much as I would like to."
He had been watching the guard – who was standing just inside the door – ever since we walked in. He raised his voice slightly and said, "You may as well sit down, officer; we're going to be here a while; I don't expect you to take my word for it, but I have no intention of trying to escape. Also, you look like you're in pretty good shape, so you could probably reach me before I managed to get free. Even if I did, I'm pretty sure you could take me."
The guard ignored him but looked at me and said, "Ma'am?"
"You can relax, officer; I don't think he asked me all the way here from Washington just to attack me."
"Thank you ma'am," he said, taking a seat and pulling out what looked like a portable game of some kind.
I turned back to Bastion and said, "You were saying?"
"You know about the recent series of accidents?"
"You don't believe they were accidents?"
"No more than you do," he said. "I'm certain you've checked the statistics for the greater Las Vegas area and seen that we are up slightly in deaths per capita. While the increase does not exactly match the recent figures, it is close enough to be questioned. I'm also quite sure you've had someone run the numbers on the odds of so many people from one church dying suddenly in random accidents?" It wasn't a question, and he didn't wait for an answer. "They were murdered."
"You have proof?" I asked. This was getting interesting very quickly.
"Of course not, the way it was done wouldn't leave any physical evidence; there is one possibility, but it may already be too late to find it. You'll have to ask the medical examiner. You have of course considered the possibility of, shall we say, professional involvement."
"My, you really are being direct here, aren't you?" I asked. This was definitely not what I had expected.
"There is little point in being evasive at this point," he said. "You have – quite literally – a smoking gun."
"Then why bother?"
"Two reasons," he said. "Mostly revenge; I want you to find the person who did this."
"Did what?" I asked. "So far we have a string of accidents that – while I will admit they defy all statistical probability – have all been investigated and verified to be exactly what they seem."
"Come Sandra, you don't believe that any more than I do. I would like to see justice for my people, but, more than that, I want him caught for doing this to me."
"You're saying you were set up?" I asked. "You must be kidding."
"No, I'm quite serious, but you'll have to hear the whole story before you understand why I say that. I'll get into the how later; let's start with the why. You know about the girls?"
"Do I know about the girls? Nothing concrete, or I'd have had your ass ages ago, but I have a pretty good idea what you've been up to."
"How many do you know about? Adults, too."
"Perhaps a dozen all together."
"Then you knew nothing," he said, smiling and shaking his head. "Would you be surprised to know that every single one of the people – from the church that is – that died recently was involved?"
Surprised didn't begin to cover it.
"You can't be serious?"
"Oh, but I am. What did your statisticians say about the odds of each and every one of those accident victims leaving behind one or more children – all female – and what are the chances that in all of those accidents, not a single one of the children was with them when they died?"
Good lord! He was serious! This certainly changed things. For one thing, we had no idea that many people could possibly be involved in a situation like this. That made the sample group even smaller; we were no longer dealing with members of the same church, but members of a much smaller group within the church. The addition of the daughters ... no way this was random chance! We had had our suspicions before, the leading candidate being Hampton and Malcolm's mysterious source, but so far we hadn't had any luck at all in identifying who he was or whom he was working for. The idea that he may be a freelancer was tossed out almost as fast as it came up. Why would a freelancer even get involved? Freelance talent was in it for one thing and one thing only: the money, and there wasn't any here to be had. There was one very surprising conclusion the tech people had drawn, but...
"I see the shock on your face, Sandra; this pushes your numbers well past the wildest of probability. So let's see just how far out you're willing to stretch. How surprised were you to discover that all of those people had recently – within the past few months, in fact – laid the groundwork for another family to adopt their children if something should happen to them?"
By changing the subject, he was purposely handing me time to think about this, why?
"We were surprised," I admitted. "Personally, I was more surprised to hear them cite you as the reason. Apparently, one of your sermons moved them to consider what most people never do; the what-ifs of life."
"Yes, I know; a brilliant move, to use something like that to cover his tracks."
"Cover whose tracks?" I asked.
"I'll get to that later; I'm not through with the current discussion yet. There are more; they weren't all killed."
"More?" I said, shock and alarm clear in my voice. Christ! How big was this? "Do you think they're at risk as well?"
"No, they were meant to survive."
"That makes no sense," I said. "If someone was killing all of the people involved, why would they stop?"
"Two reasons: First, these people are different; they weren't voluntary participants; and second..."
I held up my hand to stop him.
"Wait, what do you mean they weren't 'voluntary participants'?"
"They were being coerced."
"Coerced?" I said. "Right, they were being coerced into molesting underage girls."
"Yes," he said, and there was that ... feel to his voice that suggested that no matter how far-fetched it may sound, he was telling the absolute truth.
"I won't go into all the specifics, but primarily through a combination of blackmail and intimidation."
"Really?" I said, the sarcasm coming through just as well as the alarm had moments before. "By whom?"
"Don't be naïve, Sandra, by me, of course. Who else do you know that could have pulled it off?"
"No one," I admitted. "No one including you! There is no possible way you could have kept this many people under such strict control."
"Not as far as you know," he pointed out. "Obviously I had help, but that was only part of it. The rest I'm afraid you'll have to wait to find out. Besides, how else would I know about it unless I was behind it? Now, do you want to hear the rest or not?"
"Oh, I'd love to hear the rest; by all means, continue. You said there were two reasons."
"Yes, he needed a safe place for the girls to go after their parents were dead."
Of all the...
He held up his free hand to forestall the objection he saw coming.
"Hear me out; I will admit that this part is conjecture on my part, but I have had considerable time to think about all this recently, and, based on what little I know about him – which is not much – I think it all fits."
"He? You keep saying, 'he'. Are you suggesting that all of this was done by one man?"
"A boy, actually, I doubt if he's even old enough to vote, and he's not working completely alone, there are two girls – roughly the same age – helping him, but there is nothing to suggest that they are more than helpers, barely more than window dressing; he is the only one that matters."
"You seem to know quite a bit about him? Who is he?"
"I know very little: he's young; he's very intelligent; he's very careful; and he is probably the most dangerous person you will ever encounter."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because he – working alone – managed to do what no one else could; think about it Sandra, even you – with all the resources at your disposal, and with all the time and energy you've put into catching me – had barely scratched the surface of my little world. He managed to learn everything, and destroy it, all in a single year. I can't say for sure how long he has known what was going on, but I first became aware of him last March. You're the expert here, Sandra; given what you know about all this, how good would you have to be to do all this? Infiltrate an organization this secretive; discover who everyone was; sort out the good guys from the bad – based solely on whether their participation was voluntary or coerced, and how could you be sure? – make arrangements for the children; and then kill all the bad guys without leaving a single clue that you were ever there?"
No one was this good.
"Christian, you have lost your mind," I said. "Do you have any idea how ridiculous this all sounds?"
"Yes," he said calmly, "I do. But what if I'm right?"
"You're not right," I said, shaking my head. "It's simply not possible."
Good God! Could he really be that good?
"It is possible," he insisted. "Write this down..."
He rattled off an elaborate string of numbers, letters, and symbols, correcting me twice when I wrote a character incorrectly.
"That is one of the passwords to the server they took from my apartment. I'm sure they told you about the video cameras ... Several of the files contain the information that was used to blackmail the surviving members of our jolly little band, along with ... other activities over the years. I'll warn you, the punishment sessions may be hard to take, but they served their purpose: the girls would do almost anything to not have a starring role in one, so would their parents. Do you know about Autumn?"
This was a surprise.
"The girl you sold to the... ?"
He held up his hand to stop me.
"Please, don't go there."
He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. When he opened them again ... I didn't think it was possible...
"I couldn't bear to kill her, but I couldn't let her continue to defy me. After Amanda died, she became unmanageable, saying that, if they were supposed to be our slaves, then it was our job to protect them from outsiders, and, if we couldn't, then..."
Oh my god! He didn't seriously expect me to believe he loved her?
"Look at the files; you'll see that I have told you the truth."
"You know that the DA is going to want to be there," I said, "and once he sees it, he's going to want to press additional charges."
As chuckles go it was a good one; starting with his head forward and his body shaking slightly, ending with his head back and grinning broadly before he stopped and said, "I'm facing twelve counts of first degree murder, with possible special circumstances of lying in wait. There is nothing in those files that can get me in any worse trouble."
"Is that why you want the DA to see it?"
by Quiver Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at a first person narrative. But I figured this would be a good candidate for it, because this story is actually based on a true story from my past! Some identifying and personal details have been altered, but overall this is a surprisingly accurate recounting of some true events. This story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters...
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
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It began innocently enough. This was my first year at college and I was determined to do all the stuff that college kids do. Isn’t college about experimentation and finding yourself? And isn’t a girl entitled to have some fun? I hadn’t dated much in high school. I’ve always been shy, and I knew I needed to spread my wings. So I decided to go to Florida for Spring break. The roommate the school had assigned to share my apartment (my parents signed the lease) wasn’t available to accompany...
College SexAt the end of the week before Spring Break was about to start, Ruthie received an envelope from her father in Nebraska. She dreaded to think of what it contained. Sure enough, it was an airplane ticket. She sighed from frustration, because the last place she wanted to spend her week of free time during Spring Break was Lincoln. Well, second to last. Culiacan was at the absolute bottom of the list of places she'd want to go. Ruthie had been hoping to travel a bit with Mike, perhaps going as...
Jason stood back and watched the group of girls enter the hotel bar. Spring break was in full swing and the hotel was filled with young, beautiful, scantily clad females and boisterous, horny young men. At thirty-three Jason remembered clearly the excitement, the complete casting off of inhibition that transpired with spring break. Though it was a waste of his time and he resented it, Jason Kourkoulis had been dispatched from his home in South Beach to keep an eye on his half sister while she...
Für die meisten Studenten war der Spring Break die ausgelassenste Zeit des Jahres und aus allen Teilen der USA machten sich die Studenten auf, um nach Cancun, Miami, Panama Beach oder an ähnliche Orte zu fahren, um dort zu feiern, zu flirten und natürlich Sex zu haben. Dies galt auch für sieben Teenager, die in einem Wohnmobil nach Süden fuhren. Die vier Männer und drei Frauen waren alle zwischen 18 und 22 und mehr oder weniger mit einander befreundet, aber das spielte keine große Rolle, denn...
After a hard day at work I looked forward to the weekend off. It was also spring break where many of the local college boys and girls would do their partying all day and all night long, keeping the whole neighborhood awake. It would also be the return of my neighbor, Lisa, who recently came home, anxiously starting her spring break in a high note. Lately I had been avoiding her, hoping she forgot about me and moved on. Hard to believe it had been a year since the two of us got together and I...
My quarterly examination schedule was crazy. I'd drawn two exams on Friday while almost everyone I knew left early for their spring break. That left only Victor and me to have pizza and beer. We talked mainly about the architectural class we were in. I knew he was looking forward to staying in my apartment with Gladys for eight nights, and saw no need to ruin his spring break by telling him that another company had purchased the Omaha building. In some respects, I envied him. He would work...
Spring Break is, ideally, a gigantic powwow of not-yet-adults baring their bodies and rubbing their skin together as it drips with clear ocean water like they are in a Gatorade commercial (and maybe they are), while muffled hip hop surrounds their souls like an ecstatic Stockholm Syndrome and colors flash in the sunlight that never goes away as beer cascades through the air in slow-motion. But that isn’t what my spring break was like, exactly. By the time my bud Dirk and I arrived at the beach...
Group Sex“Mr. Smith. We will be transporting you to the designated transfer point,” the pilot told me. “Estimated arrival in forty-five minutes.” Where am I going now? I still have a few days before I’m supposed to be home to go to Lenny’s pool party. I hope his little sister and her friends aren’t seriously expecting me to screw them. The helicopter flight turned out to be completely uneventful. We went over mostly rural land before landing on top of a large building. My gear was unloaded onto a...
Chapter 1 I was finished now with Suzy. Rachel and I had worked to help her learn about sex, not only the physical aspects, but the emotional giving and taking, as well. In the end Suzy had partnered with Brian, and, from what Rachel had been telling me, they were behaving like rabbits every day. “Brian’s dad bought him a car,” Rachel began, “so he’s driving to school every day. Suzy says they are either fucking or sucking each other off every morning and again after school. Hell, yesterday I...
WELL make another check on the Fuck-it List, see pictures "Spring Break"Beautiful spring morning sun was warm wind was calm my cock was itching to get some rays. Laying nude in the sun has always been a turn on for me. Filling the warm rays of the sun relax my cock and balls. WOW it feels so good to nude bathe. Ray called and asked if I had any plans for the day. I told him that I was doing it right now "nude bathing". He said "sure like to see that". Told him "cum on". Shortly after Ray call...
Chapter 1 I was finished now with Suzy. Rachel and I had worked to help her learn about sex, not only the physical aspects, but the emotional giving and taking, as well. In the end Suzy had partnered with Brian, and, from what Rachel had been telling me, they were behaving like rabbits every day. “Brian’s dad bought him a car,” Rachel began, “so he’s driving to school every day. Suzy says they are either fucking or sucking each other off every morning and again after school. Hell, yesterday...
Group SexCamden, Becky, and I caravanned to the commercial airport two towns over. We all had tickets on a flight with a major carrier, so we did the standard luggage check-ins and the like. Ava got checked over twice by security, but they found nothing because her passport and boarding pass were all she had. Ellen got checked over four times. Once behind the partition. They had her strip to her panties to carefully look for anything hidden. I found out that someone sent them information that Ellen...
The dorm was almost empty. The few friends I had made during myfreshman year had gone home or to Florida for the traditional springbreak revelry.My room mate in the dorm had gone home to Long Island. Going home toWyoming was out of the question for me since my parents were scrimpingto pay my college expenses and couldn't afford plane fare. My roommate invited me to his house for the week but I declined. His constantarrogance and subtle insults about living on a ranch in "Indianterritory" was...
Spring Break By Ricky I suppose it's rather trite to say your first time with a woman can sets the pattern sets the pattern for your whole life. I know it was true for me, but the pattern included more than sex, it changed my whole attitude toward women and life. I was 18 and very green, having grown up in a rather conservative family, and had only dated a few times since entering college. Away from home and despite the normal adolescent male longing to find out what was...
Dale’s Decent Continues – Spring BreakAs I mentioned in my other stories, after catching me sucking off one of my Frat Brothers, my roommate Mark turned me into the campus cockslut. He seemed to take delight in degrading me by having me service ever larger groups of men. By mid-semester, I had fallen into a routine. I usually sucked off Mark as soon as he woke up, followed by 5-6 other ?regular customers? who came by for service before going to morning classes, I returned to the room at lunch...
My phone woke me up, and when I checked it was Tami. "Happy Easter!" I heard her and her host family call out. I looked at the clock. It was six-thirty in the morning. I tried to remember if she was five or six hours different. Anyways, it was too damn early for Sunday morning. "You are all evil. You do realize it is the crack of dawn here," I complained. "I know, but you love me, anyway. We are off to see historic folk dancing by the Morris Dancers. They assure me it is an English...
APRIL 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Do it, Ben. Do it. Gimme your jizz. Cum for your nasty slut. I wanna feel you dripping down my chest. I'm just gonna put my shirt on when you're done. I'm gonna eat dinner with my dad knowing that I've got your dried spunk on my chest. Do it, Ben! Cum!" I growled and leaned back, feeling the compression in my balls as I readied for ejaculation. Adrienne started hunching her body up and down even faster, squeezing her massive breasts around my long prick,...
“They shipper accidentally gave you the wrong load. You were supposed to go to Charlotte, not Miami” my agent said, obviously scared of me. “Well you need to tell them I expect to be paid for my trip down here, the layover, and wherever they decide to send me. I am running a business, not a charity.” “Just sit tight and I’ll see what I can do.” I hung up, clearly in anger. I had just spent a week pulling a load from Oregon to Miami. I have already been sitting at the Pilot Truck stop for...
Chapter 1- The Dean's Wife Mark was facefucking Joyce as he talked on the phone with her daughter Cindy She'd be over later to join them he thought , right now the cheerleaders had got together for a social mixer. Eat it slut he yelled as he hung up the phone . Fuck you are a great cocksucker Joyce , too bad the Dean can't experience all the time like i do he smirked (knowing that she was mind-controlled ) she tried to say something but couldnt cause her mouth was full of wang. Mark...
Spring Break---On the Road With Dad---Pit Stop It was Spring Break my Jr year. I had moved in with dad back after Thanksgiving. At 19 now, I had been out of HS for two years. Lots of running, swimming, and weights were still the daily routine, keeping the bod looking hot. At 6', and 160 lbs, still slim, and sporting that awesome 8-pac of abs, it looked hot as fuck just above that big bulge, where I was packing 10” of thick jock meat. Dad commented that he had a short run this week, so I asked...
Author's note: Katrina is still in medical school. The significance of herpsychiatric training and practice will reveal itself in subsequent episodes.This is Katrina's 1 st episode (obviously), and myfirst story. Feedback is very welcome. I will consider it carefully. Feel freeto email me directly with suggestions. If you prefer f/f only content (my personalfavorite), you can skip this episode and head straight to Episode II – HerTrue Nature. The first two episodes are, for the most part,...
I'm a small woman. I swear I'm 5'1" but all my friends just smile when I say that. Well, I am 5'1", if I really stretch and pull myself up as far as I can. I don't weigh very much either, less than 100 pounds. My dad is Portuguese and my mother's Greek, so you know I've got dark hair and an olive complexion. In fact, my skin is one of my vanities. I've got the most perfect skin, olive-brown and clear, so clear you can almost see through it. I'm also conceited about my breasts....
I moved to Fort Lauderdale last winter; it was a great deal for me. I kept working for the same company I was with but now in a much nicer and much warmer climate. I worked from home and bought a small bungalow of the type you see a lot of in Florida. One thing that set my house apart from the others close by was that the former owners put in an in-ground pool, something that I had on my 'must-have' list for a new place to live. It was December when I bought it so I really hadn't gotten to...
March 1978 For the first three of weeks of March, the usual pattern continued, at least for the most part. Jennifer sat with us at lunch and was cordial to me. We hadn’t talked and it was really gnawing at me. Melanie counseled patience. Because I couldn’t do anything else, I’d simply have to be patient. I had my tutoring sessions with Melanie, played chess with Mary, messed around with her a few times, and went on double-dates with Pete, Melanie, and Anna. And of course, dinners at...
Over the next week, Mr. Michaels at random times sent each girl texts with demands for photos or videos. It might be a topless pic pinching a nipple or sticking a finger in a pussy, or a short video of a boob drop or twenty seconds of masturbating. Sarah got one while studying in her room to use the dildo to get off in under two minutes. Jenny had to insert a butt plug and keep it in during 1st period and then send a video of her removing it in the bathroom. A couple were for the two girls...
Dave woke early the next morning, shared breakfast, and said goodbye to all of Anne's family. They wished him well and he thanked them several times for their warm hospitality. Anne drove him to the airport where he kissed her goodbye and promised to see her the following week at Wake Forest. Dave flew away with the sure knowledge that Anne had a wonderful family and a hard-working background. The day was very long as he had to bounce around two countries trying to find connecting flights...
The sun shines brightly but gently on an anonymous stretch of beach. On the beach man and woman stand together with a large white dog sitting between them. They are both tall and blond, beautiful people by all appearances, the woman is slightly taller than the man, who stands about six feet tall if someone were to measure him. The man is carrying a professional video camera and wearing a blue Speedo that is tightly molded to the bulge of his cock and balls. The idyllic scene and beautiful...
Pam Maguire wiggled sleepily against the warm body she was snuggled against. She yawned and started to mumble something to her roommate Kim McCall about whatever they had been doing last night when she realized something. The body she was laying against was definitely feminine. However, the bottom that was pressed her midsection was considerably more rounded and softer than her roommate's taut cheerleader's butt. Kim's breasts were modest, much like her own. The generous orb she held cupped...
It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...
VoyeurWaiting at the airport about to board your flight to Mexico, you tell yourself to make the best of the situation. A week ago the big trip your friends had been planning fell through and your spring break had almost been ruined. You called home to see if your mother was going to be around the next week so at the very least, you could go home for the break. To your surprise, she had desperately wanted a vacation and wanted to know if she could instead join you. Reluctant at first, you agreed,...
IncestIt was her freshman year at college and it should have been exciting. The new adventure of being away from home, making new friends and embarking on her education. When she texted me she was anything but excited; frustrated was more like it. She had just caught a break for a while as her roommate had gone out with her parents. You see, her roommate didn’t even like to discuss sex, let alone do anything about it. Olivia had tried to talk with her new ‘roomie’ about sex and learned of her total...
FetishApril, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Tuesday morning I woke up next to Jennifer, gently removing my hand from her pajama-covered breast, where I’d apparently moved it in my sleep. She stirred, grasped my hand and moved it back. I squeezed once to acknowledge that I was OK with it and Jennifer snuggled back against me. “This feels nice,” she whispered. “It does feel nice!” I teased. She laughed and I felt her hand move, then grab mine and slip it inside her pajamas so that I was cupping her...
It was by chance we met. It was the right place, and the right time. For this, I would be eternally grateful, even though we never saw each other again after that night. Like many others, I was in the Hamptons for Spring Break. It was a welcome change, even though going had not been my first choice. As we got closer to the sun and the sea, however, my mood began to change and I started to look forward to it. Perhaps it was this mood that set things in motion. I had cast off (albeit...
Tory and Trent planned to spend their Spring Break with Mitch to help him pack some things and bring what they could back with them. They arrived early on that Saturday morning starting their break. And, after helping Mitch sort and pack for most of the morning and early afternoon, the trio decided to take a rest. On the spur of the moment, Denise called and invited Tory to dinner and a movie. With Tory out, Mitch offered to take Trent out to Manzetti's Pizzeria. Trent suggested inviting...
She looked up at me, tears running down her cheeks, and with a look that clear as day said, "No, please God no." I looked down at her and the look on my face told her more than words ever could. She watched as I unbuckled my belt and let my trousers fall. She moaned, "No, no, no, please no" as my boxers fell and when I forced her legs apart she cried, "No, you can't, please don't do this to me." There was one final, "No, please don't" as I worked the head of my cock between her cunt...