- 2 years ago
- 30
- 0
Half and hour later seated at the sSs BBQ Barns Steakhouse with Duke, their knees touching, Lisa said she was so excited.
‘The house is much bigger than I expected and better. You have negotiated a great buy. I think that fourth bedroom at the back looking out to the pool should be converted into a recreation room with a bar and sliding glass doors installed giving direct access to the deck and a great outlook to the pool.’
Duke looked at her with interest. ‘That was my thinking. It would alter the flow of the house but who cares? It’s a practical development. I could make it smaller to add a changing room with shower and toilet. I noticed the wastes lines already reticulate from that side of the house so that conversion would be a breeze.’
They talked excitedly and held hands.
After leisurely coffee, Lisa said, ‘Can we go back to your apartment for sex?’
‘Sure. I thought you would have said to make love?’
Lisa giggled. ‘The term did spring to mind but then I wondered if you knew what that meant.’
Sporting a huge grin Duke stood and held out his hand.
Misty greeted them and after she was fed Lisa looked at Duke deeply and he began undressing her.
‘You know I haven’t had a decent look at your tits yet.’
Lisa said solemnly, ‘And your other point of focus?’
‘I’m also interested in belly, legs and ass.’
After removing the bra and licking Lisa’s breasts, the nipples responding, he said, ‘Do you mind if I leave your hold-ups?’
‘So you like fucking women with their stockings on?’
‘Well I find hold-ups sexy and did I say anything about other women?’
Lisa coloured and said no and he grinned and said it was okay, he didn’t want to hide anything from her. He lifted her on to the leather sofa in the lounge.
Duke closely inspected the shaved pussy.
‘Do I pass inspection doctor?’
He said it looked good enough to eat and swooped down and sampled a mouthful.
Lisa squealed.
When he finished she held up his dick and inspected it, bringing a stupid grin to Duke’s face.
‘Why don’t you try eating it?’
She sunk down to do that, murmuring, ‘Oh boy, do I like doing this.’
Later she straddled him, facing him and inserted his dick slowly, they both watching what was happening. When she was ready she said, ‘I’m expecting you to move your ass and play with my swinging boobs.’
‘Oh I’m sure you won’t be disappointed,’ he leered.
Lisa ended up staying the night and got what she wanted again at a 5:45 when the alarm went off, set to give them time for a leisurely wake-up.
A fortnight after that memorably evening, Duke and Lisa went to Neville and Jean Copeland’s farm to attend their 25th wedding celebrations along with thirty other couples. Those of Duke’s fellow executives attending had not met Lisa previously and there was great interest in her including from partners. Two invitations to bring Duke to dinner were issued and Duke was pleased to hear that because it indicated acceptance. He was keen to see Lisa develop friends outside the medical establishment.
Lisa’s parents were among the last to arrive, Bert Fulton having come home late after assisting his men strip down a clogged water pump under one of the windmills. She was astounded to see her mom after greeting her make a beeline for Duke and was all over him. Jean and Patricia monopolised him for the best part of an hour and a couple of times when their eyes locked Duke winked at Lisa and that had her experiencing feelings she could not recall ever having for a guy.
Lisa took her father aside and said, ‘Dad keep an eye on mom. She’s all over Duke. What is this?’
‘It’s just women’s stuff darling. You’ll learn it in due course. Those two talk on the phone every day about you two. It’s mainly made-up crap, sheer speculation, but it began beefing up when Jean began passing on reports about you two being seen together. Then came real hard news about Duke buying the Simpson’s property and you going to inspect it and what a delightful young couple Eva Simpson said you were.’
‘Oh god, sorry dad. We were saving that as a surprise. Duke takes over the property on Friday week and I’ll be moving in with him. We were going to surprise you by inviting you for dinner the next night.’
‘Well no skin off my nose. Now you know why your mother and Jean are all over Duke. They want to know all about his plans for the house and how good you are in bed.’
‘Well I did make that last bit up but don’t be surprised if Duke tells you he was grilled about that. You know what country women are like.’
‘But Mrs Copeland lives mostly in the city these days.’
‘Her heart remains in the country dear and there will be no changing that. Women born and reared rural tend to retain that notion of origin wherever they might relocate and in thinking like that are almost as bad as men. Oh now those two women know you are having sex regularly with Duke I expect Jean will invite you to call her Jean because she has confirmation you are one of them.’
‘That’s bullshit dad. I’m not of her generation.’
Later that evening Jean told Lisa, ‘You must call me Jean darling. I’ve been hearing about your and my handsome hero Duke.’
‘Thank you Jean,’ was all the near speechless Lisa could say for the moment.
More than two months later, with renovations to the house almost finished, Lisa arrived home grim-faced.
‘Hi darling, oh look at that grim face. Did one of those two kids you worried about not make it?’
She moved away and faced Duke, trembling. ‘It’s almost as bad, the end of us I’m afraid. The next step in my training will be in residency at Broken Hill.’
‘Jesus, for how long?’
‘A year minimum and then I may be rotated elsewhere or I might be required to stay put for another year or two before being rotated.’
‘You don’t like it do you? Well neither do I. I fought to stay here and even pleaded just for a year but to no avail. I move to Broken Hill in two weeks.’
‘Here let me hold you.’
‘No I don’t wish to be touched,’ Lisa said, not knowing what she wanted until Duke dropped his hands, shrugged and said he guessed what will be, will be.’
Lisa’s expression turned thunderous and she ran from the room.
Duke climbed the ladder and resumed painting, attempting to curb his anger… why the fuck had Lisa decided to become a doctor. He just couldn’t understand it.
Lisa had the week free before she was required at Broken Hill and Duke said he’d arrange to take some time off to be with her but she said don’t bother. She finished up at the hospital on Thursday and he attended a restaurant farewell for her with some of her hospital friends and back home that night she wouldn’t touch him. When Duke arrived home next evening he found she’d packed and gone leaving a note.
‘I believe this is the best way to say goodbye. This is making me depressed and I can’t afford to start my new job being depressed. I’ll spend my last week with mum and dad and leave for Broken Hill from there so won’t see you again. This is how I want it so don’t come after me. Lisa.’
Duke nursed Misty and drank beer until he felt tired enough to go to sleep. He was now feeling depressed. Why the fuck couldn’t he hold on to women. What was wrong with him?
Lisa’s mum called him a few days later to ask how was his getting on. It was one of those conversations that went nowhere, and they both knew it.
‘I am so, so sad it had to end like this,’ Patricia cried as she was about to end the call. She sniffed, ‘Bert and I though you’d be the perfect son-in-law.
A couple of days later Jean made one of her rare appearances in the office and after a few minutes with Neville entered Duke’s office and said, ‘Come on, grab your jacket, I’m taking you to lunch
While they were eating Duke buckled under her probing and said there must be something wrong with him, being unable to hold on to women.
‘Rubbish it’s just circumstances. With Lisa it’s my fault for arranging her to call you. I should have told you it would be five years or more before she can settle down. Blame me… go on, call me a stupid bitch.’
‘You’re not that and we both know it,’ Duke said. ‘I can tell you this: something will come up.’
That proved to be correct but it would be sometime before Duke would realize it was happening.
* * *
For a few weeks Duke drank too much and was prepared to fuck any women who looked at him twice. For six Friday nights in a row he had wall to wall sex with Bell but then she said she didn’t wish to continue in that manner with Duke because he had no intention of marrying her.
‘How do you know that’s true?’ he said, handing her a towel.
‘Because I’m not your type.’
‘Oh yeah, and what’s my type.’
‘You really don’t know?’
‘I have no idea.’
Bell smiled and said, ‘I see your head lift and you almost freeze when you spot one of them. They are always blonde, lithe with lovely and fairly prominent boobs, are long legged and when they look at you they don’t usually immediately look away as most women do, I daresay involuntarily. You have immense sex appeal Duke and in your case it’s how the opposite sex reacts to you.’
‘That sounds great but it also sounds bullshit.’
‘Duke you listen to me and listen carefully. I make a minimum of $250,000 a year managing a real estate sales team and selling premium-priced properties myself. I do this because I’m a great judge of character and know how to close a negotiation with a great sense of timing because I know how to read people. I’ll say no more.’
‘But is enjoy having sex with brunettes and redheads, many of whom are better than natural blondes so why should I listen to you?’
‘I’m not talking about your craving for pussy Duke. I’m talking about the type of woman who will be the ideal bride for you. It’s time you became a family man.’
Duke watched Bell drive off and they waved. Perhaps that would be the last time for them. He sat drinking coffee for two hours looking for the logic behind Bell’s comments. But that didn’t made him feel superior, far from it. As much as he tried he couldn’t fault what she’d told him. Bell had seen something that had been in front of him for years, practically half his lifetime. He now knew why he took a second look at some women and knew it wasn’t just because they were blonde.’
Perhaps he should migrate to California and find Honey. He sighed thinking home-grown was best.
Three weeks later Duke had settled back to a normal rate of drinking booze and had not having been with a woman since Bell’s farewell lecture and had been thinking he’d not care if he only ever used his dick for peeing, Neville said he was off to a mining convention in Tasmania. Jean had been booked to go with him but had a stomach upset.
‘That’s a lie,’ Neville said. ‘I saw her specialist on Monday at Rotary and he said he’d cleared her to begin riding again, taking it easy.’
Neville asked Duke to go to the convention with him.
‘Why not take Nancy with you?’
‘Because she’s found the man of her dreams and doesn’t want to have sex… Jesus, what am I staying?’
Duke laughed and said provided Neville had the accommodation switched to single rooms he’d go.
‘Done but I’ll keep the suite just in case. I’ll get Nancy to book you a superior single. It’s time you met some of the top brass in Australian mining.’
* * *
On the return flight from Tasmania to Sydney after what they agreed was a very worthwhile three-days but neither being specific, Neville said to Duke, ‘Jean and I will be in Sydney on Wednesday to meet out youngest and her youngster. Sandi’s husband left her last year for an actress and he drowned when swept off a chartered yacht in high seas off France. Sandi was holding down a great job with an international marketing agency as well as being a young mother employing a nanny but finally it’s proven too much for her so she’d coming home.’
‘What a cow of a thing to happen to her but at least it was not her who died. Lisa had told me you have two daughters, one living in London and the other older one married to a guy involved in making whisky near the top end of Scotland.’
‘Yeah it’s a family distillery and she’s happy there and unlikely to return home. Her two youngsters are both at school now and she’s gone back to work as an accountant near where they live.’
Jean called on Saturday afternoon. ‘Hi I surprised you are home rather than being out whoring. Patricia says Lisa has confirmed it’s all over between you two.’
‘Yeah so what’s new? Why are you calling? Haven’t you better things to do?’
‘Use that tone on me young man and I’ll be over to kick ass.’
‘Sorry Jean, I’ve taken this one a little badly.’
‘Well I want you off your arse and over here for dinner and to try to brighten this household. I have my darling little sunshine granddaughter here and also something that is supposed to be a happy mother and my delightful youngest daughter.’
‘Oh yeah. Well if it’s anyone who’s been kicked in the guts it’s your daughter. Neville mentioned it. If she’s still bad watch her Jean and work hard to pull her around. You won’t want her doing anything silly.’
‘Duke that’s your job. Neville and I have tried but without success. She’s always been over-sexed. I think you might grab her attention and re-ignite her.’
‘Me? You’re dreaming Jean. I’m the guy who before too long depresses women. Try a horse whisperer and you might have better luck.’
‘Are you accepting my invitation to dinner or do I have to come and get you and drag you here?’
Duke laughed, glad to be involved in social interaction again. It had been a lonely time for him. ‘Are you back to brutalizing your horse Jean? You sound to be generating excessive aggression.’
‘God you men, Neville told you I’m permitted to ride again. You two gossip like old women.’
‘I’ll be with you in thirty minutes Jean. You’re a good mate and I don’t have many.’
‘I can understand you being short of male friends. None of their women are safe with you around.’
‘Thank you Jean. Now be a good girl and return to your kennel.’
The front door to Jean and Neville’s ground floor apartment was open and when a cute blonde appeared, Duke guessing she looked to be almost five. He thought this must be something stage-managed by Jean, confirmed when the kid said, ‘Grandma said I can call you Duke.’
She held up her arms and said to lift her.
Duke obliged, lifting her over the child safety barrier across the open doorway.
A blonde with prominent tits wearing only a bra and a tiny panties come running to the door crying, ‘Bonnie where are you. Christ who are you?’
The mother saw Duke holding the child and snapped, ‘Put down my daughter instantly.’
‘No, I’m holding her by invitation.’
‘What? That’s nonsense.’
‘It seems more rational than you greeting me dressed inadequately like that.’
‘His name is Duke mummy and Grandma asked him to dinner. Do you like him?’
‘No and stop staring at my breasts like that Mr Whoever you are?’
‘That’s your fault for growing such lovely ones and flaunting them at me.’
‘God you are impossible. Bring Bonnie in, close the door and put her down.’
‘Yes ma’am. Don’t get dressed… come to dinner like that. Jean suggested to me you were innovative and exciting. I can now see what she means.’
‘Do you only talk nonsense? I’ll thank you for not talking to me.’
‘I’ll talk to you Duke [she pronounced it as Dooke]. My name is Bonnie Copeland-Jones and I’m nearly five and my best doll is called Victoria.’
‘I have a cat called Misty.’
‘Misty, that’s a funny name. What does it mean?’
Before answering Duke looking at the scowling mother who was standing with her arms folded that only served to push her fat puppies ever higher.
‘Turn round and give me a back view. You have a wonderful figure for a mother.’
Sandi stared at him coldly.
Duke turned back to Bonnie. ‘In England you had stuff that looked like a cloud had fallen to the ground and stayed around and it was hard to see anything from the windows. That is called a mist. My cat is grey and I thought of mist and called her Misty because that sounded better than Mist.’
‘Mummy did you hear that?’
Mummy turned and walked off without answering. Looking at the great ass Duke felt his mind turn misty but he thought, rude bitch.
‘I don’t think mummy heard you darling. Please take me to grandma and granddad.
Sandi didn’t appear for pre-dinner drinks and Jean sent Bonnie to fetch her when everyone was asked to sit up for dinner.
Sandi appeared. It was obviously she’d thrown on a shirt and pair of shorts and hadn’t even bothered with make-up or to fix her hair. She stared at the visitor as she approached the table.
Duke heard Jean behind him sigh and then he had a snap vision: this dejected, untidy woman was just as Bell had said it would be. Sandi was blonde, lithe with prominent boobs and… his recall hesitated and then it was if he was hearing Bell’s voice: ‘And long legged and when she looks at you she won’t immediately look away’.
From far away Duke hear himself saying, ‘Am I not worthy of you presenting yourself groomed for dinner? You also know doing that would please your mother.’
Sandi turned and left the room. Neville sighed and said, ‘You’ve messed up pal. That’s her gone for the night.’
‘Perhaps not,’ Jean said. ‘Let’s wait.’
Neville poured the red wine and they chatted, working to involve Bonnie and a few minutes later Sandi walked in wearing high heels, a tight white dress with a high neckline. She wore make-up and her hair was pinned up.
‘My mummy looks like a princess again,’ Bonnie laughed. ‘Mummy Duke said I shouldn’t sit by him, I should sit by you because you are my mummy.’
‘Duke sounds a nice man darling. Dad I think I’ll have some wine tonight, just half a glass. I’m feeling a little better. I guess that comes from Duke challenging me. Everyone has bent over backwards to me nice to me and I kinda lost it and went soppy with a touch of bitch. Thank you Duke. I guess you are very good with women.’
Jean smiled warmly and took her daughter’s hand. ‘Darling thank you for making the effort and yes what you say about Duke is true. He’s the guy who took me all the way to Perth when your grandma was dying.’
‘Oh yes. Let me see what you said about that when you wrote me when sitting with Gran. He is loud, uncouth and immoral but such a scream and… well that’s enough.’
Jean smiled and said. ‘You have a great memory darling. I went on to say but he also exhibited warmth and compassion and had cheered me no end and the feeling was growing that I wish he’d been my son.’
Duke spluttered on his wine and everyone laughed including Bonnie but then she said, ‘Why are we laughing?’
‘Because Duke began blowing bubbles into his drink,’ said her grandfather.
Later Sandi took Bonnie off to bed as the child was almost asleep in her chair and when Duke was about to leave Sandi said she would go with him to his vehicle.
‘I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you earlier this evening…’
‘It’s okay,’ Duke said, cutting in. ‘I’m aware you are a bit unsteady on your feet at the moment after what has happened to you. Your mom should have told you I was coming with instructions to attempt to cheer you. I made little progress tonight and expected that but will make progress if you give me the opportunity.’
Sandi smiled faintly. ‘You’ll have sex with me and then disappear.’
‘Right, let’s agree no sex before three Saturdays from tonight. Let’s just come together in friendship with you aware that my role is to assist restore your confidence. Mentally you are a battered woman Sandi and you must accept nothing is likely to change any time soon unless you make a huge effort and accept assistance. You obviously have made some effort because to me Bonnie shows no signs of being mentally a battered kid.’
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You've had a long day, wasting away at the computer as you feverishly try to finish a research paper. You rub your eyes and stretch, cracking your spine as you do so. A pair of warm, soft arms envelop you, and your body stiffens in shock. "Hey . . . " Her voice makes your cock jump slightly in your pants. You go to spin the computer chair around, but she stops you: "I don't want to interrupt you. Just thought I'd give you some company." You smile and continue to work, her...
Saturday evening I was relaxing in a hot oily bath after my husband and I put our daughter to bed. He showered while I bathed and once he got out the shower, I noticed that his cock was semi hard. I asked what's making him hard and he replied saying the thoughts of fucking your sexy ass as I told you a few days back. I laughed as I replied really now? He walked up to me and gave me a kiss and then said yes as soon as you out the bath, I'm going to get hold of your ass.His cock had grown harder...
In your dreams It was winter, the cold blustery weather made Luke feel lonely even in this crowded city of Denver Colorado. Days like this often made him think about the happiest day of his life. That lovely spring morning, all his family and friends had gathered to celebrate his marriage to his beautiful wife Zoey. He remembered the smells in the air, the families joining together laughter and fellowship, and all having a marvelous time. Drinks clinking, the band Zoey had to have...
This is the continuation of the novel "Empyrian". Please make sure you've read chapters 1-31 before proceeding! Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is reading! Still LOTs more to come!! - Alice CHAPTER 32 The real reception was one week later in the Summer Palace itself. To say that this was the...
So, I am walking down the street holding the hand of a beautiful woman who, just five minutes previously, had her hand down the back of my jeans caressing my lace panty-covered arse and finger fucking my asshole. The once hot cum in the front of my panties is now cooling against the front of my crotch as I try my best to walk, still weak at the knees, down the street. I am still unable to believe the brazen way in which Emmy just had me like that in the darkened corner of a public bar, yet here...
FetishMs Marca / Mother and I Part 5 The doctor handed the drive a 100 dollars and said thanks and hurried him out of the room. The silence in the room was like a funeral the air seems to be sucked out of the place. I could hear my heart beating. What do you say, mother say something I never been here before. Mother never looked at me just out the window at the darkness than as she was about to speak the doctor called the waiter over ‘See if my table is ready my guest have arrived and...
I quaffed the whole flask off in one go and regretted it instantly. The taste, which was as foul as the smell should have led me to expect, shocked me into the realisation that in a moment's frustration and despair I had swallowed some rank concoction of unknown composition and potency. I half expected to collapse to the ground in agony like someone in a hackneyed Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation scene but, to my relief, I could sense no immediate ill effects beyond the memorably vile taste....
The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...
I had another night of restlessness, but this time I was plagued by nightmares. I dreamt I was drowning and woke up gasping for air. I managed to fall back asleep, but then I dreamt my tooth was loose and when I started wiggling it the tooth fell right out in my hands, only to then have all my teeth start falling out. I was relieved to wake up and feel my teeth still intact, but it was four in the morning and I couldn’t fall back to sleep. I read some, and then decided to go for a run before...
The party was a rager!At the house I share with my roommate,the party we had was a huge hit!So much in fact,my buddy just went home with his girlfriend to her house,he won't be around for awhile as they're heading out of town. NICE.Now,I have to clean this mess up?I walk disgusted into kitchen for a beer and I spy a note on the fridge: Hey man,Sorry to leave ya with the mess,so I also left you a present. The bottle of "special" stuff is in the my room. Before I left, I gave some to...
Mind ControlSitting in my car daydreaming, listening to the music and waiting for my Daughter to come out of school, there is a tap at the window. It startles me and I jump, looking out I see the Headmaster, Mike Johnson so I put down the window and he apologizes for surprising me. He informs me that Sarah will be a little late because she has some project she wants to finish up and then asks if I would like to join him in his office for tea while we wait. I accept his invitation and he opens the door to...
Throughout the whole story, there's one thing that I never clarified about Marlene and me: the exact nature of our relationship. If you've been keeping up, you know that it's intimate, to say the least. But the background in this is we met by accident. It was a warm October. She was finishing her drink and leave the lounger as it had become quiet. We were the only two people at the fancy bar, both dressed and not knowing that there was some big single's shindig across town. So, I sat beside...
Hi friends I am a new writer of ISS but I have been reading stories from many years n have now finally decided to post my real sex experience with real sister. Now let me describe my sister. The first thing I would really like to tell about her is that she is very hottttttt. Her figure is 34-24-36. She has very big boobsss. Now let me start the story it happened when I was around 18yrs and my sister was 20yrs. We are a middle class family and we stay in a two bedroom-hall-kitchen flat. My...
IncestEveryone came out to meet the helicopter. Linda and Tom walked up to Tracy and said, “I hear you had a busy week?” Tracy said, “I was just the referee. Meg, Rose, and Pam started this.” Tom said, “How come the smallest one is always in the most trouble?” Meg said, “I heard that!” And they laughed. Tracy said, “We have done a lot this week and when we get a minute, I will fill you in.” Linda said, “Julie is doing a great job,” and Tracy agreed. She then asked if we hired her and...
Hi i m fr Surat , aaj me aapke liye nahi real story laya hun dosto mene apne didi k nadand k mama sasur k ladki ki chudaii kese keri wo aaj bataunga dosto 1st to wo hamre baju k ghar me rehte the mene usse meanz dipali ko kabhi buri nazar se nahi dekha tha 1st to mujhe yeh jab pata chala ki wo didi k relative s the to hamre pariwar & unke pariwar me realation kafi or ache ho gaye the … Sso aage ki baat me & dipali k pitaji hum dono Share[bse] ka kaam kerte he so meri unse achi patathi thi so...
IncestThe rain was on the rampage again, hammering roof and flooding downspouts, drowning ears with a sound like TV static, overcome occasionally by walls groaning with the gusting wind... ... and punctuated with soft cries and slapping flesh. "Oh yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. Yeah. Just like that. Yeah. So good! Yes, there! Mmmh Mmmh Mmmh Mmmh..." The sexy elf leaned forward and bounced several kisses on her faux-eskimo's salty bald head; he tried to bite her nipples as they did jumping jacks...
If there is one thing Alison Avery has learned from her past seven years spent being a bikini barista is the importance of customer service. The consumer experience is everything. Coming to Los Angeles to seek work as an actress she needs a side gig and quickly gets scooped up to be a Boober driver. With tits and an attitude like this, it’s the dream job for Alison. When Rion King gets into his ride-share car he is astounded at the massively titty packed girl who he is lucky enough to...
xmoviesforyouNote this is not my story the original story is from an author called Tsunami_Shocker all reviews will be sent to her after i check them first for any foul language. Thank you and enjoy "The Switch." The Switch By Tsunami_Shocker Ash woke with a start. It had been 3 years since he had begun his Pokemon journey and he was now a gym leader, thanks to Brock. But one thing had been bothering him. He kept having these same dreams every single night. The ones where he was...
A month ago I started watching videos of men who would give up their wives to other men. It had not thought of watching videos like that before but some of them were not bad that day.But last week I was traveling out of state for my job and a guy I was selling to began talking about his wife. It was a little strange to hear him say how his wife was able to stay attractive even after they had c***dren. Then he pulled out his cell phone and started showing me a couple pictures of his wife and I...
It was a cold Tuesday afternoon grey clouds covered the sky like a cotton blanket. It was winter just before tax season I had been on the investor hunt for years for my company and finally I had meet Max while tattooing On Miami Beach. We partied and got fucked up after he got a tattoo at the Tattoo shop I worked at Ru Tattoos. Russian ink studio. Max was from aboard we will say... Kool accent and laid backed. Nice 6'2 built 30 dirty blond with the Build of a Viking. I sat and watch women just...
I went into a deep sleep of which I have no recollection. The first thing that I became aware of was dreaming that Susan was fondling my still raging erection. I remember feeling so happy that I was going to get my wet dream about Susan. I dreamed that she began pumping my tool as she had learned from watching me. She had said that it was so clear in her mind and that she would probably never forget the first time that she saw a guy shoot his orgasm in front of her while watching her do...
I had just got home from work at about seven thirty that evening. I was a little nervous at what I would find waiting for me at home, so I took a deep breath and removed the keys from the car ignition.I guess I should explain a little first. About a few weeks ago my mum and I started to embark down a path that one could describe as unusual. I am twenty four years old and have had only one girlfriend in my life and she didn’t last long, basically because I was a little shy. I think we kissed...
IncestWhen I first heard of Sumo Search, I thought it was a site for gay fatties. I guess you could use it for that, since they’ve got listings for male, female and trans escorts selling their services in your area. I have to say, though, I was pleasantly surprised to find the place full of way more hot chicks than fat dudes.Despite the weird-ass name, SumoSear.ch is an escort site that aggregates listings from other sites like MegaPersonals and SkipTheGames. The whole idea is to save you time...
Escort SitesIt was another physical match between WWE superstars John Cena and SethRollins, leaving both men exhausted and drenched in sweat. Cena slammedRollins down on the mat with an AA, the younger man's back arching andtight muscular body tensing as a result, before Cena hauled his huge bodyon top of Mr Money in the Bank for the pin and yet another victory.John celebrated in front of the divided crowd, half cheering half booing,before making his way backstage. He could feel his already half hard...
‘So I’ll find what lies beneath Your sick twisted smile As I lie underneath Your cold jaded eyes Now you turn the tide on me ‘Cause you’re so unkind I will always be here For the rest of my life’ -Breaking Benjamin ‘What Lies Beneath’ She lasted two and a half hours before things started falling apart. Her walk with Sam had been a welcome diversion, the sun was shining and though there was a cool crispness to the air that was very much unlike Pasadena, it was still a beautiful day. They cut...
When I read what Michael has written about Kelly having 13 guys in a night I remember that time. I wasn’t there when it happened because we were just neighbors that would say hello in passing and we did not become friends yet. But I remember Kelly telling me about it a couple of times. I thought when she said she had 13 guys she was going to say it was too many or they wore her out or never again or something like that. What she said has been something I always thought about. Michael has...
Representing Viet Nam, this first-generation American was placed on this Earth for one reason – to serve man. A virtuoso in the art of lovemaking. Vina Sky lights up the screen with her charm and perfect body. There is literally nothing she is not good at as she goes full throttle on Rion King’s stiff steaming love rod. Deepthroating and holding that cock down her throat is a skill she is quite fond of and she relishes the opportunity to show it off. Through a myriad of positions he...
xmoviesforyouI just got a new job offer and I moved into a new house in a new city. Anyway on my fith day there in the morning I was drinking some coffee and went to look out the window. I saw my wonderful good looking neighbor sitting on her back deck. I knew she was single because I knew pretty much everyone on the street by now. So I got dressed in some clothes and went over there. I greeted her and started a conversation. After talking for a while she invited me in for a drink while she changed. I had...
LesbianI had an hour to kill so I told my wife where I was going, I climbed on my Road King and headed out to the reservoir to get my shit together and formulate what I was going to say. There is a spill way that the water management people would open from time to time to regulate the height of the water in the reservoir. When they opened it, the water crashed through with a force not to be believed. The water churned and splashed as much as fifty feet in the air. Despite the high energy the...
The next morning, Chris reminded Stephanie he was going out of town for a few days the following week.Stephanie teased him, “I wonder what a naughty wife will do with her husband out of town? Maybe she could get together with one of her lovers? Maybe even find a new one?”Chris felt a twinge in his crotch thinking about the last time he was away on a business trip, and Stephanie had the shoot with the hung black model right in their bedroom. After the shoot, she even fucked the model and Jeff’s...
CuckoldHi friends, Me suresh from chennai age 24 this story is how I helped a married girl in getting baby by real sex her name is Anusha ( fake one) age 27 her size is 36b and hip 32 a hot structure . As this how I got the mail through my story on Indian sex stories actually she is from bombay and I’m from chennai .so it all started just as a formal chat from mail and we got introduced in hangout and became close friends finally she opened up and said her life story as her husband has less sperm...
Hello dear friends, this is Ramesh kmar pawar i am sharing my real true sex experience of my own life.this is my third story .i belongs to small village near chandigarh but i along my mom and two sister live in chandigarh for education and my big brother at college hostel and father live at village to look after his farming and milk dairy business. Dear friends i received lot many e mails , i read all but it is not possible to reply all the e mails.some women/girls asked that having sex with...
IncestIt was the first day of college.I was unpacking, I noticed my roommate was already moved in. I wondered who she was then I knew. She walked in like she owned the place, and with looks like that she did. Her long curly blond hair just barely touched her perfectly round bum. Her bum was barely being covered by her shorts. She was short but a cute short. She is 5’1 with a perfect set of round perky breast. Her breasts were nicely shown off by her fitting light blue t-shirt. They were more than...