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We sat in Angela's architectural firm's presentation room. Dad and Mom were there, of course. Angela and a partner from her firm named Bob Daniels sat with us. Stan was front row center armed with his marketing plan.

After some preliminary enquiries, we'd decided that we'd prefer to work with Wells Fargo Bank. Two executives from Wells Fargo sat at the table with us, Mr. Joshua Peyton and Ms. Maria Canella. Peyton was local, in his mid-thirties, fit and tan. Canella had flown in from the home office for the presentation. I put her age in the mid-fifties. Like, Peyton, she was fit, but looked like the responsibility of her job or a stressful personal matter weighed heavily on her. She wore a navy wool business suit, with slacks, though, not a skirt.

We were ready. Bound presentation books rested on the conference table in front of each attendee. We'd spent a bundle preparing the books. They covered every detail. The narrative copy was well-written and proofread, not once but three times. The photography depicting the various renderings and design boards in the books was professional, and the captions for the photographs were easy to read. We'd rehearsed the presentation, not once, but three times over a three-day period, improving with each rehearsal.

I'd start off the dog-and-pony show presenting the preliminary designs for the project. Then I'd introduce Bob Daniels and Angela to discuss their architectural firm's involvement in the project, and they'd list the engineers that had been engaged to round out the design team. Dad would take the floor next to detail development issues and problems and our solutions for the problems. Then he'd move on to construction costs and schedules and list the subcontractors that he'd hire as the general contractor, at which time he'd turn the presentation over to Stan, who would present our marketing plan. I'd take the floor again for the question and answer period.

The presentation proceeded as rehearsed. I dazzled them with the preliminary designs. Dad's presentation was as professional as any developer presentation I'd witnessed during my life as Aaron MacDonald, and the construction numbers not only worked but were also corroborated in the presentation book with preliminary bids from material suppliers and sub-contractors. Stan's presentation was outstanding. Like me, he was familiar with slide show and PowerPoint presentations, and his sales prattle was just right, not too hard-sell, not too soft. I noticed the bankers were impressed when Stan stated that we'd presold two units at this stage, but I found out later that it was the money we were willing to plow into the marketing effort that really impressed them. Then I took the floor again.

"Questions? Comments?" I said.

"I have a comment and an admission," Maria Canella said. Of the two representatives from Wells Fargo, she'd impressed me the most, and it hadn't taken me long to figure out that Peyton answered to her, not the other way around. "Your presentation is the most professional and comprehensive for a project of this size I've ever seen. That's my comment. Now my admission, I came here today expecting an amateurish presentation, at best, and was prepared to turn your loan request down without looking any deeper." She smiled. "Now we must look deeper. Your presentation didn't include your financial statement, Garth."

"The financial statement for the LLC that will develop the project, and a financial statement for the corporation I use to operate my general contracting business are included in the presentation book," he said. "This is my first development and my first job as a general contractor, so I knew I'd be required to sign personally for the construction loan, so I also included my personal financial statement as well as a resume listing my previous construction experience. The inn is free and clear, which after demolition, provides equity of $3,300,000, or the appraised value of the land. The appraisal is included in the presentation book. If you study the development costs, you'll see that I deferred payment of half the value of the land until each unit sells, at which time I'll add additional land costs in the construction draws for sales realized during each draw period. Katy, Debra, and I also have bank accounts and other investments that total over $1,000,000. We have no debts."

Joshua Peyton said, "Garth, you'll be the general contractor for the project as well as the developer. I noticed that you're taking fees for both activities. Wouldn't one or the other be sufficient?"

"For my needs yes, but if I didn't take developer fees, for example, then that would say to you and me and everyone involved that my time and effort as a developer has no worth," Dad said. "I can't and won't say that. I wear two hats on this project. I should be paid for both functions. Besides, as a developer, I'll have expenses that aren't covered by the general contractor fees."

"Good answer," Maria said. "If you'd caved on the issue, I would've had some doubts about the potential success of the project." She looked at Stan. "Your marketing plan impressed me, and I was happy to see that you've presold two units, but the amount of funds committed to advertising, promotion, and sales really impressed me. You did an excellent job getting these folks to allocate that much money to market the project."

Stan said, "I didn't have to twist any arms for the money allocated for marketing, Maria. If anything, Debra pushed the issue more than I. She understands marketing. For someone her age, with no experience in marketing, she's phenomenal."

Maria turned to me. "You're also a phenomenal architectural designer."

"Thank you," I said.

Maria picked up the presentation book and said, "We'll study this, but I can assure you right now that Wells Fargo wants your business. We'll get back to you next week with a construction loan proposal."

The bank performed as promised. Dad accepted their loan proposal. He had no reason to do otherwise. The terms and conditions they offered fit our needs and were even more favorable than I had expected.

Mom was happy, too. We closed the inn. She vowed that she'd never put herself in a situation again where she had to serve ungrateful, demanding sourpusses.

After the presentation to Wells Fargo for a construction loan, Angela asked me to stay, stating that Bob Daniels wanted to speak with me about another subject.

I was thirsty. Angela offered soft drinks, coffee or iced tea. I asked for a glass of tea. "No sugar and a wedge of lemon if possible," I said.

"No problem," she said.

Bob didn't open the subject of the meeting while Angela retrieved our drinks. He talked about the outstanding success of the presentation. He was an interesting man. Short, thin and wiry, he was a dapper dresser, close to sixty years old, I guessed. He wore his still thick but pure white hair long, but it wasn't shaggy. He was the managing partner for the firm but was not charismatic. He led with his tenacity, Angela had told me. He went at any problem from all sides until he found a solution.

When Angela returned with our drinks, I took a large swallow of iced tea and smacked my lips. "I needed that. Talking dries out my throat. Bob, Angela told me that you wanted to speak to me about something. What's on your mind?"

"Daniels, Harrison & Billings is a good architectural firm," he said. "We are not, however, an exceptional firm. We're not exceptional for one reason. We're weak in creative design. Boyd Harrison is a good designer, but he isn't an exceptional designer. Tom Billings is more an engineer than an architect. I'm a better business manager than a designer. Angela, here, is probably the best designer in the firm. She's been elevated to partner, by the way."

"Angela! Congratulations!" I exclaimed.

She grinned.

"On the other hand, you, Ms. Oakman, are an exceptional designer," Bob said.

"Maybe so, but I am not a licensed architect," I said.

"This is true," Bob said. "But that issue can be handled. We'd like to engage you as a design consultant for the firm. Because of licensing requirements, your work out of necessity will be presented under the banner of our firm but would also include your name as the designer. Such an approach circumvents licensing requirements."

"I hope you're not talking about a fulltime job, Bob."

"Not at all. Believe it or not, most of our clients don't want exceptional design. Their top priority is cost of construction. Other clients want what I call tried-and-true design. Anything ground breaking or different would frighten them away. I'd say only about two or three clients a year have the taste to appreciate exceptional design." He grimaced. "In the past, we've tried to satisfy clients with taste, but almost always fell short, not seriously short, but nonetheless we didn't perform to the discerning design requirements of the client."

"What kind of projects are you talking about?"

"Private contracts, mostly expensive custom homes, but right now we have a client who wants to develop a garden office project for professional tenants. He's turned down two of our preliminary designs already. Angela says you could knock his socks off if you designed the project. I tend to agree with her."

"Do I have to do the work in your offices?" I said.

"No, except for a weekly design review meeting, which I think would work best in our presentation room," he said.

"What would be my cut of the fee?" I said.

"That would vary. The firm must cover our expenses and make a profit after paying your fee, though. This arrangement must work for both of us, or it won't work period."

"What is your fee for the garden office project?"

"Three percent of the construction costs, which the developer estimates at $15,000,000."

"What would be my cut?"

"Three-fourths of one percent," he said. "Approximately $112,500 for less than one month's work."

I nodded. "I wouldn't want to be responsible for supervising the production of working drawings, drafting the specifications, working with engineers beyond the preliminary design stage, or be involved in any inspections," I said. "And most of all, I wouldn't want to hold the client's hand. I'll consider your proposal, Bob; in fact, I think I like the idea, but when the client signs off on the preliminary design, I'm finished."

On the surface, Bob's proposal sounded ideal, but I worried. I'd be sliding back into the kind of work I performed as Aaron MacDonald, work that had not satisfied all my professional needs.

"Angela will work with you to prepare the preliminary designs, and then she'll take over from there, including babysitting the client," Bob said.

I looked at Angela, grinned and said, "We work well together."

"We do," she said, returning my smile.

"What's the timing on the office project?" I asked Bob.

"I understand you're currently doing preliminary work for a residential compound for you and your family and some adjoining acreage for another home and a small horse ranch. If you'll take the time to present the condo project to the client as an example of your work, I think he'll accept a delay until your current work is finished," Bob said.

"Okay, let's try it," I said. "Please schedule two hours with the client for tomorrow or the next day at his convenience, and I'll make the presentation. If he'll accept a delay for..." I sighed. "I forgot; we're moving into a rent house on the first of April. The world is too much with me, Bob. I won't be able to start work on his project until about April 7th. If he'll accept that much delay after seeing my work, send a consulting contract to my attorney, Shelly Melton, for her review."

"You'll be doing the work on spec. The contract will stipulate that you won't be paid unless the client signs off on your preliminary design," Bob said.

"I understand, Bob. I wouldn't have it any other way," I said.

Hank answered the door.

"Hi, Debra," Hank said. "Are you here to see Sue?"

"I am, but I'd like a short conversation with you, as well."

"No problem. Let me tell Sue that you're here," he said, and then looked back over his shoulder and added, "She might be asleep."

"If she is, let her sleep, and we'll talk about your little horse ranch."

He offered me something to drink, and I asked for iced tea.

"Can do. I made some sun tea," he said. "Can't make sun tea in Idaho this time of year. Your mother showed me how it's done. I'll check on Sue first. If she's asleep, I'll pour a glass for myself and join you."

I sat in the living room to wait and chuckled. Sun tea and a blazing fire in the fireplace. The dichotomy made an interesting picture. I suddenly realized that I liked living in Sedona. Ely was too damned cold, probably like Pocatello, Idaho. And Phoenix summers can boil your brains. Not to mention the awesome eye candy Sedona offers in every direction.

"Sue and Candy are sound asleep," Hank said when he returned. "I'll get us our drinks."

"May I help?"

"No, sit tight. I'll be right back."

He returned with our drinks in large, frosty glasses, and took a seat on the sofa facing me.

"How is Sue doing?"

"Improving every day. She gets tired easy, though; that's why she's napping now. I'll be forever indebted to you, Debra, for saving her life. Your mother told me you were having a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that you killed that poor excuse for a human being."

I didn't know my mother was aware of my inner battle about taking a human life. Shows how much I know.

"For a while, I forgot that the commandment that says thou shalt not kill really means thou shalt not murder," I said. "I killed him, but I didn't murder him. I did have a debate with myself about whether the final kick that broke his neck was absolutely necessary, but I believe if I had it to do over again, I'd do the same thing. He was injured but still conscious. He still had that knife in his hand, and he was close enough to Sue to raise the knife and plunge it into her body. A split-second, that's all the time it would have taken. I couldn't let that happen. I just wish the kick had broken his jaw, not his neck. For a short time after the incident, the personal trauma of taking a human life made me lose faith, mostly faith in my own humanity, but I pulled myself out of my personally induced pity party and celebrated Sue's recovery—and mine. Hank, I managed to handle the post traumatic stress caused by the event. Sue might not be able to do that. She was injured much more seriously than I, and although I stopped the creep before he could rape her, rape was involved. It might be wise for her to get some professional help to cope with the trauma mentally."

He nodded. "I've been thinking along the same lines myself, but I haven't broached the subject with her."

"What subject?" Sue said. She was standing at the entrance into the living room from the bedroom wing of the house.

"PTSD therapy," Hank said.

"Huh?" she said.

"PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder," Hank said.

She sat on the sofa next to her father instead of next to me on the loveseat. I was probably wrong, but I sensed that Sue had retreated from our previous intimate relationship.

"I'll just say it. I do need professional help dealing with the mental trauma of that terrible night," she said. "I've been having nightmares. And I have a question. I'm very angry about what happened to me. I've incurred huge medical expenses. I can't work, and I work on commission, so I've lost income. What do we know about the rapist? I saw him. He was well-dressed. He looked prosperous. If the rapist left any assets behind, I want to be reimbursed for my losses. And if he left a lot of assets behind, I want some of them for my pain and suffering." Sue looked at me. "Does Shelly handle this kind of legal work?"

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Hoop Dream By J.L. Williams Jack Salmon looked up at the clock, there was ten seconds left in the game. Plenty of time to drive for a lay up or dish off to Bill Devers, his center. This was Jack's favorite part of basketball, down one point, with him in control of the game. Jack faked left, began his drive down the free throw lane, his basketball vision saw the opposing team's center move to block his shot. Jack never hesitated, a no look pass to his center turned into a thundering...

2 years ago
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The Power of the Mind

My name is Verionica. I'm 22 years old, and I just finished college. For the past few weeks I've been having the same dream. I was laying, naked, on a slab of some cold material. I was strapped to the slab, with my legs spread apart. Then, two masked people would walk in with some kind of vial. Naturally, I was scared shitless, so I would keeping fighting them when they tried to inject whatever was in that thing. Every time I had that dream, I somehow succeeded in knocking the vial out. Until...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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The Trade OffChapter 30

Charlie. I looked down at the young girl in amazement. None of my ancestors had any coloured blood so if she was related to me there must be a story there or a scam was about to take place. Still she was beaten, badly bruised and frightened, so something needed to be done to help her. Lucy was the first to move and she went forward and took the girl in her arms. "What has happened to you?" she asked. "You look if somebody has beaten you up." "It was my stepfather," the girl said....

1 year ago
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Id Love to Rule The World

Your life was pretty normal until your 18th birthday. It was just you, your mom and your Grandma living in sunny California. You weren't rich, but lived a comfortable upper middle class life. When your father died he left behind quite a bit in life insurance. Honestly you like to think of it as the most worth while thing he's ever done. While your home life was pretty nice, school was another story. When everyone found out you were not only a lesbian but you also had a dick, they avoided you...

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The Nazis BoyChapter 2

I awoke to the smell of bacon frying and dishes clamoring from the kitchen just meters beyond the curtained doorway. My stirring caused him to open his blue eyes and he smiled pulling me back into him. Feeling his hardness pressed against my lower back, I feared he would again wish to penetrate me. I dared rolling over to face him, my hand took his member and he smiled. Repositioning himself on his back was a great relief. I went down on him despite where it had been a few hours prior. I...

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Life Under MistressChapter 7

Eric was 23 now, Sharon 27 and Monica 25. He had his first bachelor’s degree in psychology behind him and was going after his masters now. He was going for an electrical engineering degree now too. Larry was into Gene-Editing now with the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society (OTC). Scientists who hoped to bring together expertise from different angles of oligonucleotide research and create synergies to help the field accomplish its full therapeutic potential. Their vision of gene-editing...

3 years ago
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Me And my Awesome Indian Mom

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated stories like theseGuys!To understand this New Fictional Story of mine, U must know the meaning of few Indian words, which will be constantly used herein:-'Mangalsutra'- A necklace worn by women as symbol of her marriage.'Saree'- A Beautiful Dress, which a majority of Indian Women wear.'Blouse'- A Sexy Bra, worn with 'Saree'.'Pallu'- A piece of cloth from 'Saree', to cover blouse.'tilak'- A Red Colored circle, made from powdery stuff and applied...

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Loves MastersChapter 4 Flying Solo

The rest of the week, we all went to class when we weren’t doing the tutoring thing. I used the knowledge copy a lot that week in small doses to keep everyone on top of their classwork. Stan tried to pull some more shit at practice on Wednesday, and I ended up pulling him aside and tweaking his doggy programming. He really wasn’t a bad quarterback, and I felt I needed to balance what we had done to him. And Suzi told me to do it. I made a deal like what I had with the ring slaves with him....

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Into The Woods 0

He answers almost instantly. His masculine, smooth voice filling my head. Same as you. Now what is a pretty girl doing alone in the woods? I hear a dark chuckle after that makes me gulp. I can feel the hackles along my back rising. I don't like this.. please let me up. I was just going for a walk and looking for dinner. He doesn't answer. Instead, he bites down on the nape of my neck, almost causing me to yelp. He roughly pushes me forward then pulls his head up, forcing me to crouch...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 4 The Tour Mobile

Lana returned from her private fuck session with Ron later that evening with a big blissful smile on her face, and a very red, well spanked butt. In general, 'the Orgasm Queen' was no submissive, but Lana did have a very deeply buried submissive side that only 'the Master' new how to occasionally tap into. It was possible that Lana's blissful smile was a bit too big because when she walked into her room to find Hannah there alone (Ana had spent most of the afternoon and evening at...

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Spizoo Stacy Cruz Loves Playing With Strangers

Stacy Cruz is a beautiful babe who loves fooling around with strangers at night. She loves hanging out in the bar and waiting for a lucky stud to come and have a taste of what she has to offer. Stacy doesn’t need to wait long for a hot stud. The handsome lad, Angelo Godshack approaches Stacy as soon as he walks into the bar. The horny duo shares a passionate kiss before Stacy drops to her knees to give Angelo’s big cock a sloppy blowjob. Angelo returns the oral pleasure by licking...

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Bisexual Roommate And Hot Gangbang

Hello everyone, my name is Anuj and I am from Gurugram. This story is not mine but of a fan which he sent me. I will tell this story in his own words. My name is Vishal. I live in Bangalore, I am 27 years old and work in MNC. I live in a flat in Bangalore, with college friend Rahul. My roommate Rahul works in another company. We live in a flat which has 2 bedrooms, an open kitchen, a dining room with a TV and a sofa set. This flat belongs to Rahul. My story starts one year back when only Rahul...

Gay Male
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Visit from SisChapter 3

The day had been a full one. The plane trip and the tryst with Roberta were followed by an afternoon at the UN and the Museum of Modern Art. Then there was dinner and a Broadway musical with her brother. All of them had taken their toll on Amy. Always a sound sleeper, she was completely exhausted by the time she hit the pillow. Thus, it was all the more surprising that Amy found herself lying awake, wondering what had awakened her. She heard a giggle and a heavy thump. She realized that the...

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Shadowgirl I think I have put more time into outlining this story ahead of time than any other story. I know that I have some stuff hanging, but this story came to me very quickly and then fleshed itself out in my head long before I started to put it on paper. It is derivative of a number of sources, especially the various versions of the Batman, but I hope I have done some honor to him and Bob Kane, the genius who created him. As I write this, I don't even know if it will be...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Lily Larimar February 2021 Flavor Of The Month

Lily Larimar has an active imagination, and with the Big Game coming up, she likes to envision herself in the halftime show. She recruits her step uncle, Damon Dice, to help her out. Once Lily has primped and preened sufficiently, she has Damon start snapping shots of her so she can create her halftime show. In her imaginary music video, Lily strips down to some hot lingerie. Drawing Damon into her fantasy, Lily play whips her step uncle and then drags him to the bedroom where she starts...

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Mums Friend Dorothy The Rematch

“Hi. We're going for lunch. Want to join us?” It was my mother talking. She had just found me leaving her friend Edna's house, she and their other friends Dorothy and Grace having just “happened” to park in Edna's street to walk to the pub.As I left her house this time we had just enjoyed an incredible morning of water sports as part of our programme of taking the self-consciousness out of sex and just doing whatever we wanted, the more taboo the better. What we had nominally been doing was...

2 years ago
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Reality Twins Lily and Logan Commence Relation

Lily slowly rolled her nude body off the bed and began stripping it of the sexually soiled sheets. She could not believe that she had forgotten the towel, but her twin brother, Logan, was so far embedded in her brain and making her so horny, she gave no thought about having the one item that would soak up her inner core as it was expelled from her tiny opening. Lily balled the sheets up in her arms and almost walked out her room, naked, with them to go to the laundry room. That would have been...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 26

“What? He is not after me – that’s absurd!” I was pretty sure she was riding my cock and yanking my chain all at the same time. Multi-tasking, as it were. Accomplishing yet a third simultaneous task, she reached back beneath us and found my balls, which she gently squeezed and stroked even as her pussy tightened on my hard shaft. “Ah, but maybe he is! I have it on good authority that Derek likes the hunky guys just as much as he likes the pretty girls, and you, my sweet husband, are one hunky...

Wife Lovers
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Sexual escapades 2

OK, there is a girl in our office called Ayesha. Well in HSBC Hyderabad, we have quite a few Ayesha’s, but this one is in Academy with me, is dusky in complexion and almost 5 feet 8 inches tall. She is quite well built and infact, if she had been 5 feet 3inches tall, she would be considered very fat. Her face is attractive and lips have the sexiness of a teen. Nothing much else really. The reason I wanted to fuck this tall, stocky, dusky babe is because every experienced fucker knows that fat...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 2 Back to Work

"Boy, Allison wasn't kidding when she said vacation was over," Shannon said when we got together that night. We were in the cabana, sitting in the little sunken area with our feet in the warm water, watching the colorful fish swim below us. "You call this a vacation?" I asked. "I've been looking every night for any hint of where the killer disappeared to; two nights a week taking Angela, sorry Amber, to see Bob, spot checking the other girls on the list just to make sure he hasn't...

4 years ago
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The Student Becomes the Master Part 1

It was nearing the end of yet another boring day in college, I was thankful that it was Friday and that in a few hours the weekend would be here. As I left the second before last lesson of the day, packing my bags I remembered which class I had next, and couldn’t help but smile. You see around about mid-term the regular I.T teacher had gotten sick and had to leave us, which wasn’t surprising seeing as she had to be about 100 years old and looked as if a sudden gust of wind would shatter her...

1 year ago
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Finally shared my wife

For years I had been trying to get my wife to let me share her with another man. She was convinced that it was a bad idea. Several months ago, I had her lay in bed naked. I laid next to her and fingered her while I told her my fantasy of another man coming over, getting between her legs and making love to her while I laid next to her watching, smelling and eventually tasting the result of the event. She really enjoyed this and had really intense orgasms. After one of these sessions, she laid me...

3 years ago
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In the forest

We had been busy the night of your arrival and were now preparing for another night of fun. It was a warm night and I had been making plans and arrangements while we were in the club last night. This was all unknown to you and as my sub cum slut you were there to do as I ordered you. You had spent the day around the house naked doing various chores and making me food as I planned your night of pleasure.I had let you suck my cock while I ate the food you prepared and as a treat I had cum in your...

4 years ago
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Living Heart Pt 4

My thoughts swirled around all the information my former lover had left me. I stayed in bed until the sun's last rays had disappeared over the horizon. Grace had not come home. There was a note by the bed. 'I will be home late; I have a few things at work that I need to finish. Yours, Grace.'I was grateful for the lengthened moment of peace. My desire to feed was the foremost thought in my life. Sex with Grace had heightened my need to feed. I was skirting disaster, certain that if I bedded...

2 years ago
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Voyeur Dream came true

What she saw from the train was an eye opener. The train pull in to the platform and the driver announced that there would be a fewminutes delay to allow an incoming train to clear the line. I glanced out the window, bored, and was about to glance at my phone to check my Facebook account when I spotted a girl in a slip and a bit of a baby bump. She appeared medium height and a slender build, bump aside. Her red hair was in a ponytail. It was that time of night when it was too early to go home...

4 years ago
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Laid And Blackmailed

Hello all, I am 30 years young, strongly built, athletic guy from Mumbai. I run my little business, which is financially rewarding and at the same time not too taxing either. This leaves me with ample time to keep in touch and meet up with my friends and family. Having passed through difficult times during my younger years, I am quite at ease with life now and I try to instill positive thoughts in everyone that I come in touch with, and the ones who are a bit down due to various problems. My...

2 years ago
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Late Night Conversation

Late night Conversation "Hey, what's wrong?" "I'm scared." "About what?" "About what we talked about today." "The... changes you'll be going through soon?" "Uh-huh. Its really going to happen? I'm going to change into a woman?" "Yes. But it'll be okay. I'm a woman, and I do fine." "Its not that. Its just ... everything about me will be different. The way I look, the clothes I wear, even how I think about things ... like boys and men, right?" "True, but why is that...


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