- 3 years ago
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Kit stood in front of the brownstone building, looking up at the entrancedoor with trepidation. She had been standing outside for more than fifteenminutes, gathering the nerve to ring the door bell.
She glanced down at the scrap of newspaper she had seen in the morning news.
Are you missing something in your life?
For a life changing experience
Contact Melanie
312 Stone Street
Discreet inquiries only
Kit really didn't know why the ad had attracted her. As a successful model,she had much of what most women envied: fame, fortune and extremely good looks.Her short, blonde hair gave her an almost boyish look but her body from theneck down disproved that notion quickly. A firm 36C with narrow waist and beautifullong legs, Kit was much in demand by such agencies that handled Victoria'sSecret, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, and Abercrombie & Fitch. She had beenincluded in last year's issue of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue andhad received so much fan mail that the agency had hired a half dozen peopleto respond with copies of her autographed picture.
Still she felt unfulfilled. Her current significant other, Ray, was kind andgenerous but a rather unexciting lover. Despite their frequent love-making,Kit yearned for the type of orgasm she read about in romantic novels: the mind-blowing,scream producing sensations that signaled the maximum orgasmic achievement.
She returned the scrap of paper to her purse and smoothed her short, blackwool skirt. Running her fingers through her short hair, she climbed the stepsto the brownstone and rang the door bell.
After a short pause, the door opened and Kit was faced with an attractiveyoung brunette dressed in a white T-shirt, running shorts and sandals.
?Hi! Can I help you??
?Uh. . .yes. . .I'm here in response to the ad in this morning paper. My nameis Kit Mu. . .?
?Whoa! No last names, please! At least until we have a chance to talk further.Come on in. My husband is busy right now, but you and I can visit. My nameis Melanie. Come this way, Kit.?
Kit followed the attractive woman through a short hallway into a large livingarea, charmingly furnished with soft, comfortable chairs and couches. A smallfire burned in a fireplace and Melanie chose a seat next to it, indicatingthat Kit should take the one facing her on the other side.
?I'm pleased that you responded to our advertisement, Kit. We don't oftenresort to that means to secure new members but we've recently sustained a dropin membership and my husband, Dax, felt that it was worth a try.?
?Membership?? Kit replied. ?I wasn't aware that this was a club. What do youdo here??
?Before I get into that, Kit, tell me a little bit about yourself. What wereyou looking for when you decided to respond to our advertisement??
?Well, I'm not really sure. I have a very successful business life and mypersonal life . . .well, it lacks a little something. I hoped that you mightprovide me with an experience that would enhance that aspect of my being.?
?How do you feel about bondage? Torture? The sadistic/masochistic lifestyle??
?Wow! I don't know! Of course, I've fantasized from time to time, but I'venever experienced anything like that! Is that what you do??
?In a manner of speaking. We have a small organization that meets once eachmonth where our members engage in various role-playing situations that involvethose aspects that I have mentioned. We call ourselves the Sanctuary. The groupis roughly divided 50-50 between men and women and their ages run from themiddle twenties to 55. Our membership is confidential and we take great painsto keep it that way. It includes professionals, top business executives andartists. May I ask what you do for a living? .?
?I'm a model.?
?I could have guessed that,? Melanie smiled. ?You may want to consider thepossibility that participating in our sessions could possibly interfere withyour profession. While we make certain that nothing that happens can permanentlyinjure anyone, some of our members do carry the marks of their involvementfor several days after our meetings.?
?Could I attend one of your meetings??
?Only if you decide to become a member. As I said, we take great pains tomake sure that our membership remains completely confidential. We have an initiationfee of $3,000. and our monthly dues are $500.?
?That's a lot of money!? Kit exclaimed.
?Yes, the initiation fee is high on purpose. A few of our new initiates havesecond thoughts after their first meeting and the fee is to encourage themnot to quit. After they have attended several of our sessions, we find thatthey become more than willing partakers.?
?I'd like to think it over, if I may.?
?Of course, we would want you to be certain before you submitted your application.Our next meeting is the weekend after next. If you decide that you would liketo join, your initiation would take place at that time.?
?Gosh, you're giving me goose bumps!? Kit exclaimed.
?I don't want to scare you, Kit, but you really need to think seriously aboutthis.?
?I will. And, thank you for your time.?
?Not at all. I'm delighted to have met you.?
Kit agonized over her visit with Melanie all week, blowing hot and cold overthe prospect of joining the club. The weekend with Ray helped make up her mind.
After a candlelight dinner, Ray returned with Kit to her apartment and beganto hug and kiss her. The wine Kit had consumed at dinner had really gottenher in the proper frame of mind and she found herself responding vigorouslyto Ray's attention. Quickly they were in bed with each other and Ray mountedher without hesitation. With a few quick strokes he spilled his seed insideher and rolled over, breathing heavily.
Tears formed in Kit's eyes as she turned away from Ray, frustrated by hislack of concern for her pleasure. When Ray got up and left thirty minutes later,Kit was resolved to call Melanie the next day.
?Melanie?? Its Kit. I've thought it over and I would like to join the club.Can I bring my check to your next meeting??
?That would be fine, Kit. I'm glad you decided to join us. I believe you willfind the experience unlike anything you've ever felt before.?
?I'm sure of that, Melanie! That's why I decided to join.?
The following weekend seemed to take a month to arrive, but Kit finally foundherself in front of the brownstone Friday evening at 8:00 P.M. Her knock onthe door was responded to by Melanie. Unlike the T-shirt and shorts she hadworn at their first meeting, she was draped in a beautiful white silk gownthat buttoned at her throat and extended all the way to the floor. Sleevelessand slit down the side, it exposed her small but firm breasts when she turnedto let Kit through the door.
?Here's my check,? Kit said. ?I have to tell you; I'm very nervous!?
?As to be expected, Kit. Come on, I'll get you changed!?
Melanie led Kit down the hall toward the back of the brownstone and into asmall dressing area, equipped with steel lockers.
?You can put your clothes in any of these that aren't locked. There shouldbe a gown in there for you to wear. Be sure that that is the only item of clothingyou have on when you are finished. I'll wait for you in the living room wherewe first met. There are some things we need to go over before you join therest of the group.?
Kit opened the locker door and saw a pale blue robe, similar to the one Melaniewas wearing hanging inside. Nervously, she removed her own suit, blouse, braand panties and slipped the robe over her shoulders. The only fastener shefound was at her throat and when she took a step, the gown parted and revealedher naked body. Kit had never been shy about revealing her body when posingfor pictures, but somehow this seemed quite different. She felt a sense ofarousal as she surveyed herself before a full length mirror. Still tan froma recent swimsuit shot in Cancun, Mexico, the pale blue robe accentuated herbody. When she turned sideways, she breathed in sharply as a full view of herbreast could be seen through the large arm-hole.
Breathing deeply, Kit left the dressing area and returned to the living area.She was surprised to find a man seated next to Melanie, dressed in a blacksilk robe just like the one she and Melanie wore. Kit thought he was quitehandsome with blazing blue eyes and dark hair. A pencil thin mustache gracedhis upper lip but he had not succumbed to the popular ?Fu-Man-Chu? look thatso many of today's men wore. He stood when Kit entered the room, smiling andextended his hand.
?Hello, Kit, I'm Melanie's husband, Dax. Welcome to the Sanctuary.?
?Thanks! I think!?
Kit was a little taken back by the size of Dax. Although she stood a tall5'10?, Dax was at least a head taller. His powerful body was evident even coveredby the gown and his muscular arms caused a little internal tremor in Kit. Wordlessly,he motioned for her to sit across from the two of them.
?First, let me get some information from you, Kit. Is there anyone we cancall in case you are unable to, in the faint possibility of an unlikely eventthat would require outside assistance??
?Well, no, not really. I have no family here. My only sister lives in Clevelandand I haven't talked to her in over a year. Is that really necessary? You'rescaring me a bit!?
?No! No! No!? exclaimed Dax. ?This is just a little formality that we askall of our members. You've signed the waiver absolving us of any liabilityso there's no concern there. Some have given us phone numbers of relativesor friends but many have not. It's simply up to you.?
?OK, then, no, I don't have anyone.?
?Alright. Now, have you ever been treated for any sexually transmitted diseases?Have you been tested for HIV??
?No! NO! Golly, no!?
?Good! Now, our meetings generally last until late Sunday afternoons. Willthat pose a problem in any way with you??
?No, I planned to be here the entire weekend. There's nothing to prevent mefrom doing so.?
?Good! Now, finally, we ask our new members to play the role of submissivetheir first time here. Whether you remain that way in future meetings willbe up to you, but we feel like anyone who wishes to be a dominant must be awareof the emotions that a submissive experiences during each session. With thatin mind, we have some additional attire for you to wear.?
Dax stood and Kit saw that he held a small black bag in his hand. When heopened it, he took out several strips of black leather with shiny rings sewninto it.
?Let me have your hands, Kit,? he said as he took one of the leather strapsin his hand. Kit watched patiently as he placed the strap around her rightwrist, locking it tightly with a small lock. The steel rings were on each sideof her wrist. As Kit inspected the first strap, Dax placed the second on herleft wrist.
?Now, for your ankles,? he said, as he knelt at her bare feet. Lifting hergown slightly, he placed a strap around each of her ankles just like he haddone to her wrists. Kit began to feel strangely aroused while she stared downat her two encased ankles.
?I have one more,? Dax remarked, ? but you'll have to unfasten your gown.?
Stunned for a moment, Kit hesitated but then reached up and unclipped thegown at her neck. Melanie reached over her shoulders from her back and pulledthe gown apart, exposing Kit completely. Dax calmly took the last strip ofleather and circled Kit's neck with it until it fit snugly against her flesh.A dog leash was taken from the small black bag and clipped to one of the steelrings that had been mounted in the front of the collar.
?You look marvelous!? Dax exclaimed as he stepped back and stared at Kit. ?Readyto join our group??
?If I don't move soon, I'm going to faint right here,? Kit grinned, pullingthe robe closed and fastening it at her neck. She could feel the leash brushingagainst her breasts and the sensation quickened her breathing. She was sureshe was blushing as a slight tremor ran through her body. Fear of the unknownwas an aphrodisiac that Kit had never experienced before.
?Let's go then!? Melanie exclaimed, grasping Kit by the arm. The two womenfollowed Dax out of the room and down the hallway.
At the end of the hall was a door leading into a large room where as manyas two dozen people were assembled. With drink glasses in their hands, theywere joking and laughing as they visited with each other. All were dressedin gowns of different colors and Kit couldn't help but notice that every oneof them were quite attractive.
?Your attention, people!? Melanie cried. The group hushed and turned towardthe trio curiously.
?This is Kit, our newest member. Please introduce yourselves and make herwelcome. She will be a submissive tonight, of course. Remember your first nightat the club and treat her accordingly.?
Several of the people rushed toward Kit, smiling, and extended their hand.Kit noticed that some of the women and a couple of the men wore leather strapsaround their wrists just as she wore. A woman named Alice seemed particularlyattentive and escorted Kit to the bar where a naked woman was dispensing cocktails.Needing some fortification, Kit ordered Vodka on the rocks and drank it downquickly. The warmth of the alcohol steadied her somewhat and she asked foranother.
?Careful, sweetheart,? Alice advised. ?You don't want to get drunk. That wouldspoil everyone's fun.?
The two drinks seemed to have a calming effect on Kit and she was soon laughingand joking with everyone as if she had been a part of the club for some time.The real purpose of the club seemed to be forgotten as she mixed and mingledwith everyone, just as if she were simply at a cocktail party.
?The dungeon is ready!? Dax announced. ?Whenever you wish, you may proceedwith the meeting.?
Some of the people began to make their way out of the room. One of the menwho Kit had struck up a conversation with came to her and grasp her arm gently.
?Care to join me, Kit??
Kit stared up at his gray eyes and immediately felt overwhelmed. Her kneesgrew weak and her heart began to beat rapidly. This was the point of no returnfor her.
?Alright. . .? she replied.
?Alright, master,? he instructed.
?Yes. Yes! Alright, Master!? Kit involuntarily bowed her head and thoughtabout curtsying but decided that it would be too much too soon.
The man, whom Kit remembered introduced himself as George, reached betweenthe folds of her gown and took the leash that hung from her collar. Smiling,he led her from the room and into the hallway.
The rest of the group were descending a stairway and George led Kit the sameway. At the foot of a long series of winding steps, Kit found herself in aroom larger than the one they had just left. The walls were covered with stoneand imbedded in the stone were rings, chains and other means of restraint.The lighting was indirect and subdued. The room seemed especially warm to Kitand a sheen of perspiration formed on her flesh. Glancing about, she saw severalpieces of equipment that startled her: Pillars, posts, crosses, racks and tablesequipped with leather straps. There was even a medieval rack, complete withturnbuckle at one end. A roaring fire that Kit realized was causing so muchheat was blazing in a pit near the center of the room, casting eerie shadows.The effect was almost hypnotic on Kit and she scarcely realized that Georgewas leading her toward a steel tripod near the fire pit.
As she stood beneath the tripod, she felt her arms lifted high over her head.Looking up, she watched as George attached her wrists to clips hanging fromthe top. Her toes could barely touch the floor when he had finished and shelooked at him in dismay. Calmly, he bent down and spread her legs apart untilhe could fasten the straps around her ankles to the lower part of two legsof the tripod. Upon doing so, Kit's gown opened wide, exposing her naked bodythat glistened in the flickering light.
Anxious, Kit reddened at her sudden nakedness but no one seemed to be concernedwith her besides George. When he reached up to her neck and unclasped her gown,she hung in all of her glory before her new master.
Without speaking, George folded the gown and placed it in a chest next toone of the walls. While he was doing so, Kit saw several of the women beingstrapped to specially built chairs that spread their legs wide apart and liftedtheir bodies up, exposing their sex in a most lewd manner. Most of the groupwere removing their robes and pursuing their agenda without regard to others.
George came back and grasped Kit's head, pulling it forward toward his own.His lips met hers and a deep kiss started her heart to beat rapidly. She couldfeel his naked flesh press against hers and his rock-hard cock pushed againsther thigh. His hand reached down and cupped her left breast, stroking it gentlyand lightly pinching her nipple. Kit was breathing hard now and a little moanescaped her lips as his hand traced softly down her stomach to brush againstthe soft hair of her pubis. Kit wanted him to fuck her so bad, she could screambut she held back nervously.
?You are my slave, Kit,? he whispered softly. ?Before we leave, you will bebegging me to fuck you. You will open your body up to me with whatever orificeI demand. Whenever I command you to do something, you will do it without hesitation.Do you understand??
?Yes. . .?, Kit sighed. She was certain that her pussy was dripping her juiceson the floor beneath her.
?You were to respond ?Yes, Master'?, George replied. ?For that oversight,you must be punished!?
?I'm sorry, Master! Please don't punish me! Fuck me instead!?
?Hush, you little whore! I will decide when and what to do with you! For yourimpertinence, you will receive ten strokes of the whip! After each one, youwill tell me what number it is and thank me. Then you will ask for the nextone to be harder.?
?Oh, God, Master, I can't! Please don't do this! I want to quit! I want togo home!?
?Its too late for that, you little bitch! More of your whining and I willincrease the punishment! Now, don't forget to call out the number! If you don't,we'll start all over again!?
George disappeared behind Kit and she began to tremble in anticipation ofthe pain she knew would soon follow. She could see other men plunging theircocks into restrained women and even one who was fuck the ass of a young manbent over a low bench. The orgy was in full sway but Kit was the only one whowas about to be tortured.
George had selected a long, fiberglass rod that tapered to a point and wasextremely flexible. Pencil thin, the weapon could inflict severe pain but wouldnot damage the flesh permanently. He returned to face Kit who was now tremblinguncontrollably.
?Please,? she whispered. ?Don't whip me! I'll do anything you want if youwon't whip me!?
?You'll do anything I want anyway, my dear. You need a lesson in obedienceto make you a better slave.? George reached up and cupped Kit's breast, lightlypinching her nipple and stroking her stomach with the whip. Kit moaned in acombination of terror and desire. Her nipples grew larger and harder and, toher amazement, her pussy became sopping wet. The entire situation was so bizarre,the eroticism overwhelmed her. Around her an orgy was in full progress andhere she hung, naked, her voluptuous body about to receive ten lashes thatwere certain to render her a screaming, quaking, compliant servant to a manshe had met only hours before.
George gave her a long, lingering kiss that sent shivers through her bodybefore disappearing behind her. Kit tried to brace herself for what she thoughtwas coming.
The whistling sound of the whip swished a fraction of a second before herlower back exploded in pain. Kit gasped as her body surged forward and herbrain tried to absorb the unbearable pain. Nausea swept over her and she swallowedseveral times to keep from throwing up. She shook her head in disbelief, wonderinghow she could ever suffer nine more strokes.
Remembering George's admonition, Kit called out in a croaky voice, ?One! Thankyou, Master! Please make the next stroke harder!?
The second came, landing just below where her butt cheeks joined her thighs.Once again, Kit's body surged forward and began to shake uncontrollably. Acry came from her throat and tears began to stream down her cheeks. She beganto sweat heavily and fought to get her breath.
?Two . . .,? she whispered, ?Thank you, Master. . .Oh, God!. . .Please makethe next one harder. . .?
A long period followed and Kit began to wonder if George had taken pity onher and stopped the punishment. Her breathing returned to normal and the painslowly dissipated. Without warning, the whip sliced again across her butt cheeks,sending her once again in a paroxysm of agony. Unable to control herself, Kitscreamed at the top of her lungs while she shook vainly in hope of lesseningthe burning fire that stoked her body. She began to sob hysterically.
?Oh, God! Please! I can't stand it! You're killing me! Oh, God!?
?Shall I start over, Kit?? the voice behind her asked, softly.
?Oh, God! Please,(sob) Master(sob), make the next one(sob) harder. . .ohhhh,jesus.?
Through tear-filled eyes, Kit saw Melanie and Dax standing before her. Melanie,naked, save for a small triangle of leather covering her sex that was suspendedby a silver chain around her waist, and Dax, clothed only on a small thong.From the narrow strip at his waist hung a whip.
Several of the other members had stopped what they were doing and had gatheredto watch Kit's torment. Kit fought to control herself, embarrassed that shewas behaving so pathetically.
The whip struck again and once more Kit's body exploded in manifestation ofher anguish.
?AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!? she screamed. Her body began to buck so hard it threatenedto tear her arms from her shoulders. She tossed her head about hysterically,snot running from her nose. Her tits were flying in all directions but Kitwas only aware of the unbelievable agony coursing through her body.
She tried to speak but only coughing noises came from her throat. Frantic,she tried even harder.
?Fo. . .Fo. . .Four!? she stammered. Was it only the fourth? Surely she hadlost count and George had started over again. ?Tha. . .Thank . .you. . .Master!? Hertongue was not working properly as she tried to mouth the loathsome phrase.Swallowing hard, she groaned. ?Please make the next one harder.?
George paused for a while, allowing Kit to recover a bit. She saw that theentire membership had stopped what they were doing and had gathered to watchher punishment. Two of the men were openly masturbating and several of thewomen were squeezing their breasts and rubbing their nipples with far awaylooks in their eyes. Suddenly, Kit became conscious of a growing sensationwithin her unlike anything she had ever experienced before. The pain becamesomething to seek, not to run from. It was cleansing her from all of the pretensionsshe had accumulated through the years. She had found her niche. She was a slave,open to whatever use anyone wished to make of her. She raised her head andnodded at Melanie, a faint smile on her lips.
When the whip struck her again, she didn't cry out. Instead she grunted fromthe force of the blow and thrust her body forward in a defiant reaction thatwas an erotic display of submission. Her eyes were blazing while sweat drippedfrom her flesh. Proudly, she uttered the words, ?Five! Thank you, Master! Pleasemake the next one harder!?
Instead, George dropped the whip and walked around to face Kit. Wrapping hisarms around her, he kissed her hard and long. Then he said softly, ?You haveperformed admirably, Slave Kit! There is no further need for punishment tonight.You have earned your pleasure!?
George grasped her breasts and began to rub them gently, tweaking her nipplesuntil they became hard as rocks. When he slipped his cock into her wet pussy,Kit immediately had an orgasm. George continued to fuck her while she was hangingby her wrists until both he and Kit groaned in a simultaneous climax.
She was released from the tripod and carried to a table that consisted offour narrow boards, hinged at the middle. Each board held one of her extremitiesand they were quickly fastened so that she couldn't move. Her lower extremitieshung over the edge of the table and her legs were spread wide apart. The womanAlice bent over her and began to suck on one of her nipples while another ofthe men positioned himself between her legs and rammed his thick cock intoher pussy. Sensations like she never knew existed flooded Kit's brain as thetwo worked on her tirelessly.
Her orgasms were coming one after the other. The man between her thighs stiffenedand she could feel his seed filling her pussy. She clamped down on his softeningcock, trying to keep it inside her but he withdrew only to be replaced by another.Kit moaned in delight as her stomach
Rose to meet the new lover. A cock appeared before her eyes and she instinctivelyopened her lips to receive it. The smell of lust filled her nostrils as shesucked and licked at the massive shaft in her mouth while her body rocked fromthe assault on her cunt.
She felt hands grasp her butt cheeks, spreading them apart, and a tongue beganto explore the tiny hole found between them. Kit had never experienced anything like that and the sensations were overpowering. Another orgasm threatenedto rob her of consciousness when hands groped her breasts. More hands strokedher naked flesh, sending sensation after sensation to a brain that was alreadyoverloaded.
Kit was in a delirium of lust. She lost count of the orgasms she experiencedas they became one continuous climax. She felt something warm hit her faceand realized that men were standing around masturbating and shooting theircum on her body. The tongue in her ass had been replaced by a cock and Kit,for the first time, experienced being fucked in all three orifices of her body.She could fee the two cocks rubbing against the thin wall of flesh separatingher pussy from her bowels It was too much. Before Kit passed out from exhaustionshe heard herself shouting, ?FUCK ME! FUCK ME! OH, GOD! FUUUUUUUCCCKKKK MEEEEEEE!!!?
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"Hi, uhh... is that John?" "Yep. Who's that?" "Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty." "Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys." "Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember." "I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?" "You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?" "Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?" "Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the...
The next morning I opened my eyes to find Vera on top of Nathan, both still sound asleep. I studied their faces again, trying to find common traits to their features, but quickly found my attention being diverted to Nathan's face by itself as it slept. Something kept tugging the back of my mind, a nagging feeling of familiarity yet I couldn't put my finger on it. I spent the longest time trying to recall ever having met him before somehow, then tensed up when the thought occurred that it...
"…a new Art, one must ask themselves the following questions. First, ‘Is this Weaving truly necessary?’ Second, ‘Is it safe for me—physically, mentally, and emotionally—to Weave at this moment?’ And finally, ‘Will this Weaving put any persons, animals, or property at risk of possible harm or other adverse effects?’ Of course, these questions are but guidelines, as other dynamics may also be important factors to consider, such as…" “Aaaugh!” you groan, leaning back in your chair and rubbing your...
FantasyPlease email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 30 - Collaboration I woke up Saturday morning happy. Things in my life seemed to be going well. Paul seemed to be growing again, and hopefully he would find someone who could return his feelings. I had...
Ulrich Geller, a young man barely in his twenties, worked fast in the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Orders had to be process, but all he could think about was the coming 10 AM break. The other men working in shipping moved fast, too. He’d never seen packages readied so fast. They were sending out the various electronic components the Institute produced to pay the bills and support the creation of the Halos. At 10 AM, the shipping department would enjoy another round of...
I can still remember my father’s face as he handed me over to the grim faced nurses on our doorstep. “What are you doing?” I asked, turning and fighting to break free as he shoved me into their arms. “Where are they taking me?” Two autocops stood on standby at the end of the gate, waiting to see if I’d run. I took one look at the line beside the house before remembering my wristhook was still in my bedroom. My father scowled at me. “I found the letters,” he said, reaching into his pocket and...
LesbianAfter reading so many stories on this website and others over the years, I thought I would take the opportunity to share some of my experiences and memories if for no other reason than for my own Amusement but hopefully it will be of interest to the community at large so I would appreciate any feedback you have to offer. Also I'm using voice recognition so I apologize in advance for any errors.I am remembering today a relationship that I had that was spawned through the days of an AOL chat...
Sarah's group returned to their quarters then freshened up as they prepared for bed. Once lying down, they cuddled close to each other. "I already miss Alison," said Joyce. "Oh but I am with you," said Alison. "I can feel everything but the warmth of actually touching you." "Didn't Betsy give you anesthesia?" asked Judy. "No, I ask her not too. She told me that I had to remain completely relaxed otherwise I would be sedated and it would likely lead to a longer time in bed. I...
His hand slipped easily into hers as they sped off into their future.The chapel bells still could be heard in the distance and the sky was the most beautiful blue that either of them had ever seen.Rosalie still had her long and overly intricate wedding dress on. She loved the way she looked and felt in it.They had intended on keeping the wedding cheap and simple. Her mother had taken her to look at wedding gowns and she tried several that were in the hundred dollar range, Then finally on the...
SeductionI finished washing the dishes and and fed sage I washed a shaved passing Lynn's room I could hear groaning and the sound of the vibrator buzzingI took off my bra and knickers and got dressed , sage was sitting by the front door so I got his lead and took him over the parkOn the way home , i stopped for a pint and sat outside in the sunshine , thinking how shit my life was , knowing my wife was being pleasured by two strangers to me.My phone rang ,bit was Lynn asking where I was, and asked for...
I go to Los Angeles a fair bit for work and stay in the OC.I was feeling pretty horny and jumped online and found a place that I might find a cock or two. It was 24/7 sex shop and read a couple of reviews saying there were some gloryholes so thought that is a place to start.It was a pretty quiet area and the shop was really well stocked with the normal porn videos, toys and all the stuff. The video booths were out the back and it was about 8pm and there were a few guys hanging around so made my...
"I hope you don't have to leave to early, maybe even spend the night? I've provided a toothbrush in the bathroom," she said smiling as she unbuckled my belt and slid the zipper down, then dragged my pants to the floor. "Mmm, I like a man who wears boxers. Even a man who doesn't," she said as she pulled them down. "Oh, look here, I remember this. This is pretty much what started our friendship. Hmm, that makes it a little difficult to tell people how we met. Maybe we should dream up...
"Hey, Hon," Ted called "what do you say we go out Saturday night? A little dinner, maybe a movie?" Ted and Jill were in their thirties, married for 12 years and very happy overall. Sex was conventional with a little oral thrown in for good measure. Lately, though, Ted has been getting "ideas". He's been surfing several Internet porn sites and has found that he likes the idea of B&D, anal, spanking, dildoes and vibrators. He was determined to get as much of this introduced to their...
So a week or so later I decided that I didn't want to be in the fraternity...not that it wasn't a good one and such but I wanted to continue on my studies more instead of partying. So I talked to the fraternity brothers and they said it would be okay but I would have to take the walk of shame....I said okay. A day later I got a call from J.W the black man who I did that initiation task with and told him that I was gonna leave the fraternity. He said to me that I have to do what I needed to do....
I've never posted a blog or sotry on here before, so thought it was time that I gave an insight into my role as a porn star and male escort - starting with my later role, focusing on a couple who first booked me to give the small dick cuck of oa guy's girlfriend a truly enjoyable big cock expereince!We have had a number of meetings since that first meet, paying for me to pleasure the female, Ali, whilst the guy would watch on stroking his tiny cock, in awe of how I made his partner cum from...
Susan and I were filled with anticipation as we arrived at Victoria’s house. We had been invited to what the written invite referred to as a “Sexy and Intimate Dinner Party”. Victoria was renowned for her unusual, and always different, dinner and cocktail parties. She certainly did not like doing things the way other people did them. You never knew what to expect, but you always enjoyed them and could say that you’d had a new and exciting experience.My wife, Susan, was looking incredible. She...
ek mast chudai by: PRIYANSHU EK MAST CHUDAI ye meri pahli kahani hai.mera naam priyanshu hai..ek aurat ki vasana ki kahani hai .wo aurat koi aur nahi meri mummy hai.jinka naam manju hai. age us samay 30 saalaur fig 38 -28 -36 thi.rang gora dekhane me south ki actress namitha jaisi lagati thi.pita ji ka transport ka bissunes tha.mummy aksar sex karane ki talash me rahti thi,kyonki pita ji saal me ek ya do baar ghar aate the.mummy ki talash jald hi khatm ho gayi. hamare ghar ke thik samane...
In retrospect, Charlene couldn't even be amused at Derek's genuinely funny reaction to the situation. It was like something out of an X-rated cartoon: hopping on one foot, trying simultaneously to pull on his pants and leave the premises, once losing his balance and falling till he reached out to grab Charlene herself in order to steady himself -- and succeeding only in gripping the thrusting firmness of her left tit. His hand came off the swelling breast as if it were on fire. What she...
I thought we were quite done with these, but it seems that my publishers, 'The Daily Heil Publications Corporation', have a different opinion. We batted it back and forth for a few days without reaching much of a conclusion so they sent a couple of their brown-shirted and heavy-booted 'representatives' around to pay me a visit. Well, after a completely unjustifiable trampling of my hyacinths and the crystal clear implication that they were going to go all Kristallnacht on my greenhouse, I...
TabooYes it was embarrassing, but I knew that no real harm was done. After he got his shit and left, I finished what I had been doing. I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on TV shows on line. I did keep up with them, but not to the extent that I couldn't miss a few episodes and catch up later. When bedtime came, I was alone again, and I was fine with that at the moment. I knew that the time would come, and it wouldn't be that much longer, when I need that rush. The one that sex of any...
Our perfect night would depend on if we got out the bedroom or not.> >> > > >> > But i like to be casual so i think out the bedroom would be laying around with you maybe a red wine or two and finding out what your deepest fantasies are.> >> > In the bed room, hmmmmmmm. Where do i start. I guess by slowly taking your clothes off and lying you on the bed. I would kiss your navel and work down to your thighs.> >> > As you are spread out on the bed i...
“Where have you been young lady?!” I turned slowly towards the voice to see my dad sitting on the couch, an empty glass in his hand, a half-empty whisky bottle on the side table. Anger flashed in his dark eyes as he rose, slightly unsteady, to his feet, his presence menacing as he stalked over to me, six feet tall, dark eyes and hair, his body lean and muscular, like a Jaguar with prey in its sights. “Well young lady?” He asked stopping in front of me, towering over me. Fear crept through...
My Redhead TammyEntirely fictitious. Not my story but had to post.Tammy was just seven when her mother died. It took a long time for both of us to adjust to the void in our lives but it also brought us closer together. We became more than just father and step daughter, we were best friends. Now, at 17, Tammy was becoming a beautiful young woman, slim and redhead like me but with her mother's quick smile. She was even beginning to show signs of her mother's voluptuous figure.A few weeks ago I...
These events happened in November of last year. Let me explain. I am seventeen, blond, tall, long-legged, ample and firmed bosomed, slim and I’m told, very good looking. I had arrived in Bangkok from a sixteen day tour of Vietnam & Thailand itself. It was scheduled to be a three day [ two nights ] stopover before heading back to mum and dad in Dublin. My only problem was that I had been mugged of my handbag in a market the very next morning! Money, cards all gone. This left...
As I lift you up to carry you into the bathroom I lean into kiss you, a little dirt rubs off on your cheek. You are nervous at first, but as we reach the doorway to your bathroom you start to enjoy the way your lips feel, the way your body is pressed against mine. I lean against the wall beside your shower and with one hand reach in to turn on the water. You part your lips for the first time and your tongue cautiously run it over my lips, they taste a little salty. I slowly part my lips,...
She rolled over stretching her arms out as the sun peaked through the blinds casting warm light over the bed. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw him lying there beside her. Her eyes studied every curve of his face, the fullness of his sexy lips and his long lashes that lay rested against his face. She cuddled up to him taking in his smell, feeling the warmth of his body. She was amazed how something as simple as the smell of him and the touch of his skin could make her feel more safe and...
[Epilogue - Jack] As you can see, this story has grown in the telling. I'm sure more adventures will occur over the coming years. I will write of those in the future and add to this history with help from others, particularly Janice. Tom and Vic have trained pilots and Pintlala provides maintenance people to keep them running. Bennie and our Janice are happy in their marriage and move between the two communities regularly as do their partners. The only one who isn't a pilot is Melissa....
Gorgeous hottie, Jasmine Wilde, feels shocked after knowing that her husband is cheating on her with another man. The beautiful babe with an eye-catching tattoo on her right forearm can’t believe what she just heard from Quinton James. While the two are talking seriously on the couch, Jasmine can’t help but touch her sexy feet. Her sex life with her cheating husband has not been good so far, and being alone with her best friend’s husband makes her feel wet and naughty. Unable to...
xmoviesforyouPetticoat and No Panties JunctionIt was just another Friday at the Shady Rest Hotel just North of Hooterville. The hotel was located about half way between Pixley and Hooterville but they did most of their shopping at the Sam Ducker’s General Story in Hooterville. Their main source of transportation was a small train, the Cannon Ball, which made several trips between Hooterville and Pixley each day.The hotel was run by Kate and her three daughters, Betty Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Billie Jo. Their...
When my Mum, sister and I used to visit my Aunt we would often stay for a few days. It was a good few hours drive so we would just visit now and again usually for the weekend. My Aunt had 3 rooms in her house. Her own room where she would sleep alone, her daughters room which had bunk beds so her and my sister would sleep in there. That left the spare room and a double bed for me and my mum. In the winter time it was cold and not uncommon for me to cuddle into mum to keep warm. One night I woke...
I first discovered sucking dick at Best Friend Park, and when I was able to drive, I found out about the gloryholes at Stone Mountain Park. But it wasn't until I had a car and went to the mall at I learned about cruising. The mall is called Northlake Mall in Tucker, Ga. I remember it started with me going into the Sears men's room and seeing several men standing the urinals, and me slipping into the last stall to read the graffiti. I ignored the guys while I read and stroked between my...
I married my High School sweetheart when we were in our early 20's. We had been dating since we were in our mid-teens, and while we occasionally did some heavy petting, she wanted to "save" herself and the most I was able to do was play with her tits. While in the Army I had lots of sex with women, an occasional shemale, and I couldn't wait until I was able to fuck my long-time girlfriend. She also seemed primed for a lot of fucking and talked a lot about finally "doing it" once we were...
Chapter Two: Now and Then The first thing I want to tell you is, I'm not really gay. I know you're laughing. But the truth is when I walk down the street, I don't look at men, I don't find them attractive. I look at women. The way they dress, the way they move, the way they act. I want to be like that. I want to be sexy and beautiful, too. And men? Well, men are only there to make me feel more like a woman. To make me feel real. So, I tolerate men. I suck their cocks, I let them fuck...
A week later, everyone in The Circle sat in the living room enjoying a cocktail before we had a dinner based on some of the leftovers from the prior week's Graduation Party that had been frozen to preserve them. Bob said, "So what was the fallout from the party? Anyone want to start?" Tracy said, "I got so loved, I could barely stand up for two days. I did my first train – about a dozen guys. It was fabulous, and I think I'll do it again, but no time soon." Ellie laughed, "I was the...
Getting off at the exit– Part 2 Ally grinned at me, not without some hidden meaning to her smile. She started off with her mouth. I caught myself wondering what the HELL has gotten into her?! She has sucked me 3 times, in the almost 3 years we had been dating. Of the 7 inches I am, she got down about 5. And then she came up, almost to the point of letting go of the head– and plunging down once again. Of course, it goes without saying that I quickly forgot about that– and just enjoyed the fact...
I remember her words. And that voice.“Do you want to fuck me, big boy?” She said such dirty things, which turned me on, but her voice had that squeaky cartoon-duck timbre—just barely female, just barely adult—which turned me off.I heard her voice before I first saw her, sitting in another booth at the roadside diner.“Mama wants a big sausage with her eggs, not a patty or some skinny little links,” she was arguing with the waitress to no avail. She was alone but kept a mumbled conversation going...
Straight Sex(Still five years ago) Alex Chatris woke up with a start. She knew she had forgotten to do something, but now she couldn't remember what it was. She reviewed what she had been doing. It wasn't about Mr. TenInches, she felt confident of that. She flicked on the all-news channel on the TV. The airwaves were filled with the story of a man in South Boston who had seven sex slaves in his basement and had confessed to many more that he had killed in the past decade. They were searching his...
I was working for the WWE and loving it but they were not thrilled with my take- no- prisoners attitude and actions. I didn't have issues with many wrestlers. The Big Show was -holding a grudge for not being able to knock me out and me being able to knock him out. He was pretty much the only one, but every so often he'd have a tag team partner that'd side with him, and or at least pretend to, so they could keep from being knocked out. Now, there are very few people out there who couldn't...
Back at the Grotto, Carol is continuing to watch these events. “Carol, oh Carol, you have watched these events 10 times already.” That was Filene pulling me away from watching yet another time. “Training tomorrow. We will be practicing ‘Seeing Ahead’. You should try to visit your school and notice anything that has changed since you attended.” Muttering, “Even I know better than to talk with cops”, I promised Filene I would be ready. I started practicing. I found my school soon enough and...
Months had passed since Paul's first sexual experience with his stepmother and they had only met at public affairs so there hadn't been any chances to reflect upon what had happened that very special night. Paul's father frequently worked away on business and could be gone for weeks at a time. Wondering when he may get another chance to impress his stepmother, Paul had been patiently waiting to see if she would ever contact him to babysit again. Much to his surprise that chance would be sooner...
MILFThe Wrestler I have been coaching at a local wrestling club for about three months now and it is getting harder and harder to do. The reason&hellip,Angela. She is the owners daughter and she is fifteen. She is absolutely beautiful. She stands 56 and is a light skinned Puerto Rican. Her upper body is strong but pales in comparison to her legs. They are toned and muscular yet still maintain a sexy feel. Her lips are full and when she smiles, I cant help but shudder. Her perfect teeth combined...
My problem, when I really considered it, was not Tony. Obviously, I would need his support, permission, encouragement, call it what you will. But the backing of my husband wouldn’t be needed if I couldn’t find a giant cock. I mean, how do you go about such a quest? It’s one thing to walk into an adult store and buy a huge black dildo - like Tony had done - but where do you get the real thing, the human model? They’re not sitting on shelves waiting for some horny 35 year old to come along and...
InterracialI suggest you watch the "Delicate" music video by Taylor Swift to get the general idea of the story. Feel free to add on to the story as well. Taylor sighed as she stared back at the mirror. For once she just wanted to be herself, but her four body guards outside the luxurious bathroom would never let her out of their sights. Sometimes Taylor hated all the fame, all the money, sometimes she wished she could go back to being herself. Taylor glances...