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Story by Tom Maseau

nikita was lying in her Teacher?s bed. She had been in this bed before, but never without Him. It

was the first time she was spending the night alone in His house, and in His bed.

He had offered her to stay in His house during His yearly stay abroad. Last year, when she was still

a student in one of His classes, she had told Him that she had been staying for a few weeks in the

Puntegale, an appartment building more or less next to the school building. Friends of her?s had

offered her to stay there as they were out of the country for a holiday. she had told Him how much

she enjoyed being on her own, away from her parents, and not having to spend three hours of

travelling every day going to school in the morning and back in the evening. This gave her Teacher

the idea of asking her to stay in His house, which was also in the neighbourhood of the school,

during His absence.

He had told her that it wasn?t entirely up to Him to decide whether she could stay in the house or

not, but they would deal with that problem in a later stage, He said. ?Let?s first see if you like the

place, and if you are comfortable staying there?, He had told her.

nikita was lying in His bed now, and she liked being here more and more by the hour. she had

enjoyed cooking her dinner earlier, and she had also enjoyed eating it lying in the bed, having a tray

on her lap; just like those few times she had had dinner here with her Teacher. Now she had just

started watching a film on the big television screen in front of the bed. she had difficulty

concentrating though. she was looking around at the books that were on the shelf to the left of her,

but they were too far for her to read the titles. Under the bookshelf was the cupboard with the closed

door. He had told her that she could go anywhere and do and use everything in His house, except

for this cupboard, since it contained some of His private belongings.

she smiled as she was thinking of this, because she knew very well what those private belongings in

the cupboard were. He had used some of them on her very body on the occasions they had been

together in the bed before. she turned over towards the cupboard and opened the door. The sight of

the things inside brought pleasant memories to her, although some of the items she recognised had

actually hurt her as He was playing His sexual games with her. She took the little whip that He had

used to make her obey Him. she recalled the marks on her body that stayed there for days. she bent

it as if to test its flexibility. she slapped her own hand with it, and noticed that it was exciting to her.

she put it back, because she didn?t want to distract herself from her little exploring activity in her

Teacher?s cupboard.

her eye fell on a pack of printed paper, on top of some books in the cupboard. she took it because it

looked like a manuscript or a script for a movie.

she went through the first few pages, and couldn?t believe what she was reading. It was the story of

how her Teacher had invited her to stay at His house. He was called ?Maestro? in the story though,

and the student?s name was ?tina?. She read a more or less exact account of how things had

happened. Her meeting her Teacher last year in the class room, the mutual attraction they had felt,

and the meeting later in the street where she had blushed like a little girl and their months of

exchanging emails afterwards. Then His idea of her staying in His house, her accepting etcetera.

She was astounded to read about herself lying in His bed on her first evening alone in His house,

and the description of how she was going through the books that were in the cupboard that He had

told her not to open?

At this point nikita put the manuscript aside. she needed some time to allow her brain to get used to,

and actually believe what she had been reading. And even more; she needed to prepare mentally for

the rest: the story she had seen so far was only the beginning of the manuscript. Next she would

read the rest of the story? starting from THIS moment in time? she felt that maybe she should

pinch her self to make sure she wasn?t dreaming.

In order to gather her thoughts together and to get a grip on the situation she decided to go to the

kitchen to get a glass of water, and then come back to the bed to read the rest of the story.

she did just that. she went for the glass of water, came back to the bed and switched the television

off. Never had she been so anxious to read anything in her life.

The story she read was surprising and bizar to her. It told how the student girl ?she?-found out

through some research on the internet how her Teacher had a secret second life, in which He was a

servant and sex slave to a woman called ?DC?. DC liked to have sex with girls as well as with men,

so She ordered Her servant to provide Her with a girl that she could use to fulfil Her desire: to be

orally satisfied by a young and pretty girl. If the girl would perform well, DC would allow her to

stay in her Teacher?s house during the months that he ?Her servant-would be abroad.

After nikita ended reading the story the blood in her brain was rushing around even faster than

before. The story had been exciting her a lot, both sexually and otherwise. Was this a fantasy of her

Teacher? In one way it had to be. On the other hand, the beginning of the story had been an exact

description of reality so far. Was the rest of the story a description of things to come? she got

confused of the matter and decided the best thing she could do now is to try not to distract herself

from the matter. she put the television on and spent the rest of the evening watching movies. By the

time she went to sleep the adrenaline in her body had gone back to it?s normal level. she had

decided that her Teacher had a mind that was even kinkier than she already knew it was, and she

enjoyed the idea that He had such a vivid imagination. she thought of Him and DC after she had

turned the television off and was lying and fantasising in the dark about that absurd but sexy story.


Next morning nikita woke up as she was still in the middle of a dream about her Teacher and DC.

she decided to try and continue the story of her dream, but as her brain was getting clearer, she

started to feel uncomfortable again because of the fact that she couldn?t be certain about the reality

level of the story. she remembered that He had told her that the final decision about whether she

was allowed to stay in His house wasn?t His?, or at least that he had to consult someone on the

matter. Could this be the mysterious ?DC?? According to the story it would have to be? How

could she find out? Should she behave from now onwards in accordance with the story she had

read, in order to find out, or do something else? Should she forget about the story all together, and

see what would happen? Certainly the last option was the right option, since she wasn?t supposed to

have read the story in the first place. On the other hand? the story, and reading the story had been

very exiting to her. Would she like it if that story, or something similar, would actually come true

and become a reality in her life? she had to admit that she wouldn?t mind having something similar

happening to her actually. she decided that she would go for a positive approach, and the most

positive approach would be to make it happen, however unlikely that would be. But how was she

supposed to have the story become reality? Maybe she should have a closer look at the story in the

manuscript, and see how the student girl in the story exactly got to do the things she did? she

decided that that was what she was going to do. she would get up, have breakfast, get a shower and

get dressed, and then study the manuscript for clues of what to do next.


nikita was sitting at the table in her Teacher?s house, with the manuscript that she had found in the

cupboard next to His bed in front of her. Asking her Teacher what to do wasn?t an option, she felt.

The girl in the story had gotten into touch with ?DC? on her own, and besides, telling her Teacher

that the first thing she had done in His house was doing the one and only thing He had told her NOT

to do, didn?t seem to be a smart movie anyway.

she read in the manuscript that the student in the story had found out about her Teacher?s secret life

and ?DC? by doing research on the internet. she looked for more clues in the story that she might

use in her search. she read that the girl in the story visited DC three times a week. On Tuesday

morning she had to visit Her early in the morning. DC would still be in bed, and the girl had to get

naked and join DC in Her bed, so that DC could play with her breast for a little while, until She had

enough of that. Then She ordered the girl to go down: to move her head down under the blanket

between Her legs, so she could work on Her with her tongue. After having satisfied DC in this way

she would be immediately dismissed. she would have to get dressed, and leave the house, so DC

could go back to sleep.

A similar routine would take place at the end of the week. On Fridays she would have to present

herself at DC?s house in the afternoon. DC would be dressed very sexy as She received the girl,

wearing high heels and stockings and a tight skirt. She would be wearing lipstick and sometimes

carry a little whip in Her hands, which She would never have to use since the girl was already 100%

obedient to Her. DC would tell the girl to undress, and she would watch her taking her clothes of.

As usual she would start Her interaction with the girl by feeling and softly squeezing her breasts.

This would arouse Her so much that She would then be ready for the girl?s tongue to finish Her of

in the usual way. She would lay down on the bed or sit on Her couch, lifting Her skirt to allow

Herself to spread her legs, and have the girl sit on her knees in front of Her. The girl would put her

face between the soft white thighs, and work with her tongue to give DC what She liked best in this


On Wednesday DC would receive the girl at Her office. According to the story DC worked for a

cosmetics company that had it?s main office in the centre of town. Wednesday would be the day

that She was alone at the office, and ready to get Her favourite ?fix? there. The girl would show up

at the time that DC had established, and after the usual breast stroking routine she would make use

of the girls tongue again. One time while She would be lying on the big table in the centre of the

office, an other time she would be lying on the floor, or sitting on Her knees as the girl would be

serving Her with her tongue from behind or underneath. And as always, as soon as the girl had

taken Her to where She desired to be taken, the girl afterwards had to get dressed as soon as she

could, and disappear. DC was a very friendly and sociable person generally, but in matters

concerning her licking slave she was the opposite. She would simply have her do what she came

for, and then bluntly DC would send her away again.

nikita got excited as she was reading about DC on Wednesdays. All descriptions of the different

days turned her on sexually, but what excited her about the Wednesday description was the

mentioning of the clue she needed. she felt confident that the place where DC worked, the head

office of the cosmetic company in the centre of town, was going to take here further in her search to

find out about DC, and if the story she had been reading was fantasy or more than that.

she got ready to go and find the yellow pages, and look for cosmetic companies, as she vaguely

remembered that she had recently seen a business card of a person working for a cosmetics

company. Where did she see that business card?! Suddenly she remembered. It had been on top of

the cupboard next to the bed. The same cupboard she opened last night to find the manuscript in

that had controlled her thoughts ever since, even during her sleep. she hurried to the cupboard and

found the card where she had seen it before.

The card read: ?Patsy York, management assistant XXX-cosmetics?, followed by telephone and fax-

numbers, and email and normal address information. Could this Patsy be the mysterious ?DC? from

the story she read? Would this Woman have her Teacher as a sexual slave and servant, and would

She be the person her Teacher was referring to when He said that He had to consult someone else in

order to be able to give her the definitive green light to live in His house during the months of His

absence? And would this Patsy or ?DC? require ?in return for Her consent-that she, nikita, like the

girl in the story, visit Her three times a week to have sex with Her? nikita was dying to find out. But

like the evening before all these thoughts were hardly credible to her, although putting all the pieces

together seemed to lead to no other conclusion than the one she had just reached. She thought it

would be wise to suppress her burning desire to take the phone and call the number on the card. She

decided to wait for now, and get in contact which Patsy or ?DC? as soon as she calmed down.

Half an hour later nikita felt she was ready to call. she took the phone and dialed the number. her

heart was pounding as she heard the phone ringing at the other end. Suddenly she heard a friendly

female voice. ?XXX-cosmetics group, this is Patsy??

nikita instantly liked the voice of the person she was talking to. it brought back the very strong

erotic feelings she was experiencing last night as she was going through the story, the story she was

living at this very moment.

?Good morning?, she answered, suddenly aware of the fact that she wasn?t really ready at all for this

conversation. ?I?m looking for someone ?. that works in Your office??

?Who are you looking for?, Patsy asked.

?I?m not sure ?? the girl said hesitantly.

?Do you have a name??

?Yes ?, well, no ? I mean? I think Her name is ?DC??

?DC??, Patsy asked with genuine surprise, may I ask where you got this name from?

?It?s a bit of a long story?, the girl said.

?I bet it is. Can you tell me why you want to talk to DC?, Patsy asked the girl.

?That too is actually a bit of a long story?, nikita answered, ?and I?m not sure if this is the

moment?, especially over the phone?

?I understand?, Patsy said. ?I?m sure that you are right that certain things are better discussed person

to person, and not over the phone. I believe I know, at least more or less, what you want to talk

about. Maybe we can make an appointment to meet?

?I don?t know??, nikita answered in confusion. The fact that the bizar theory seemed to be true, and

the fact that the connection she had made between the story and the business card turned out to be

successful was overwhelming to her.

?Where are you?, Patsy asked the girl.

Suddenly a gulf of awareness and assertiveness pushed nikita?s confusion aside, and she answered:

?I am at my Teacher?s house. He told me that I can stay in His house if DC approves of me?.

?I see?, Patsy said. ?And now you want to meet DC to see if She can approve?.?

?I know She will approve, Madam?, nikita said. ?I know what it takes to get Her approval, and I am

confident She will not be disappointed?.

?Ha, ha! That sounds very good?, Patsy said. ?I will set up an appointment for you with DC. Do you

have any preference about a date??

?I am looking forward to see her both on Tuesday mornings, Wednesdays and Friday afternoons,

Madam. Since tomorrow will be Wednesday, maybe I can see Her in Her office tomorrow??

?Very well?, Patsy said. ?I will make sure that DC will be ready for you tomorrow afternoon. What

is your name??

?My name is nikita, Madam?

?And you are quite sure what you are coming here for tomorrow, nikita??

?Yes madam, I know that my Teacher is gone for a few months, and so is DC?s servant. I think that

DC and I will be able to help each other during H/his absence, Madam?.

?That sounds very good, nikita, I?m sure DC is very much looking forward to meet you tomorrow?.

?Thank you, Madam, see You tomorrow then?.

nikita put down the phone and got aware of the weird intensifying itch ? in her stomach and


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Mary mary quite contrary

I walked into The Flamingo Lounge on the Block. I was bored at work, so I took the afternoon off last Friday to see the dancers. Hell, to touch and fondle the dancers. It was early June, and warm, over 90 degrees, so the street was quiet. I hurried to get from my car in the parking garage to the coolness of the basement bar. The Flamingo Lounge, like most of the clubs on the Block, was a nude club. You could go in and just watch the ladies dance, if you wanted. The ladies come by and talk to...

4 years ago
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The perfect little slut

I dare say we've all seen someone on the pages of xhamster that presses our buttons. You know, that instant " I have GOT to fuck her!" ( or maybe him, depends who's reading this)Well I got talking to a guy on here who enjoys, and I mean enjoys, watching his wife being fucked by other guys. The more I spoke to him the more I was certain this wasn't a guy saying he has his wife fucked but DID have her screwed in front of him. And the more pics of her taking part in group sex sessions the more I...

2 years ago
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Lunch Date

Braxton leaned over the tub, reaching inside with a crumpled piece of toilet paper. He wiped over the holes of the round silver drain cover, extracting some human hair, along with the remnants of his latest load of jism.Some brown hair and white pearls of semen were on top, but a majority hung intertwined below the drain cover. With one hand, he wrapped most of the scum in the toilet tissue and then used his bare fingers to pinch-and-pull until the drain’s surrender was complete. He walked over...

3 years ago
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Horny big black kid

Salma is 32 year old, she is 5 ' 5 " tall, weighs about 115 pound, and a 34D 25 36 figure. while She's got a lovely figure, it's her pert ass and firm toned leg's are her asset, we'v been married for 9 year's. and were born in bangladesh but lived in london since we were childs, Salma works for an accuntancy firm, and i run a small business... we have a good sex life an enjoy role play and fantasy games, and although it's forbidden in our religion we always read erotic stories of...

2 years ago
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My Friday Night in Tenerife

My evening at Ken and Karen’s BBQ was rushing by and before the end of it I needed to resolve the conundrum that offers from Dave and Ken had caused me. Ken wanted me to have sex with his much younger wife, Karen because he liked to eat her pussy straight after she'd fucked another man. Dave, on the other hand, had asked me to double up his wife, Claire. DP was, apparently, something Claire had fixated on recently and they thought I was the ideal candidate for their first experience. Dave and...

2 years ago
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Additional Education

Synopsis: Sarah comes from a low-income society and is aiming at higher education Synopsis: Sarah comes from a low-income society and is aiming at higher education. Unfortunately she lacks funds and sells her body for clothes, talking time refill for her mobile phones and expensive books for her education. For a while it works, but then there is the law to take into consideration.Additional educationMr. Ellis Sarah had for some time dated Mr. Ellis ? an unmarried wealthy businessman....

2 years ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience I Blew My Chance

"There's a train leaving to Sprawlish Rabbiton in five minutes. If I get on it, and make it back for the Nine O'Clock to Shedclip, how long will I have in Sprawlish Rabbiton, please?"The ticket inspector winked at me."Long enough for a cheeky pint.""That's exactly what it's for," I smiled. "I'm hoping to meet up with someone.""A cheeky pint and a snog," he laughed."You're good!" I blushed, shocked that he knew exactly what I was up to."I do this all day, every day," he told me. Quickly, he...

First Time
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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 8

In the morning, she was awakened by the loud screech of a dive bombing sea gull. There were dozens of them surrounding her. They seemed quite surprised when she moved. Lisa laughed as she watched them fly. They were so big, so close, so beautiful. She felt the sudden urge to soar in the air, although she never actually cared to fly, before, since it was easier to simply levitate. She had never felt a need to fly, even though she had always known how. Standing up, she cast around with her...

3 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 57

As we strolled arm in arm towards my home, an idea started to form in my sex obsessed mind. I would introduce Lena to the joy of being fucked by a man. When we entered the house, Lena was all over me, kissing, stroking, groping, desperately trying to get our clothes off, without letting go of my body. We were both half-naked when I managed to drag her upstairs and pull her in to my spare bedroom. I left her there saying, "Now Lena, honey, wait here for a moment, I'll be right back." I...

2 years ago
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Snowbound with a fun cougar Part 2

I followed her up the stairs, admiring her shapely ass in her silk PJ bottoms. Enjoying how we had quickly settled into our roles as Dom and sub. When we approached her bedroom she gestured for me to go in first, "After you, sir." she said as she looked at the ground. I entered her bedroom and pointed to the king size bed, telling her "You're a bad girl and you need to be punished! Get on all fours so I can give you a proper spanking!"Sheila slowly walked to the bed, got up and all fours and...

2 years ago
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At the DIY Store

William browsed the array of batteries on display. Each little pair trapped in their own clear plastic and cardboard prison. He ran his finger along the row before him, then descended to the next one, searching for the correct size. Around him, a handful of other shoppers had also decided to spend their Saturday at the out-of-town DIY store on this typically drizzly English spring day. He found the right ones and dropped two packs into his basket, the same lime green colour as the store logo....

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Ladies night out

'Hey honey, i'm off out now!'I glanced around quickly, Julie had been upstairs for the past half hour after her shower, putting the finishing touches to her hair, makeup and outfit. My jaw dropped! She looked drop dead gorgeous! And her outfit was more risque than normal. She was wearing a top she had brought a couple of months ago, but so far hadn't worn, because after buying it, she went a little shy. She obviously had more courage tonight! The top in question was a black backless halterneck...

3 years ago
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stay the course part four Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club

Stay the course: part four: Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club Please read the previous chapters to this story, it helps for the story line. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my collar wondering what had given it away. I felt my face a deep red when I realised that in my playing with it I had turned it right around so that the ring for my leash and the lock was visible. I just stared at Robert at a loss for words. Robert was still smiling at me then he whispered, “It’s ok Taatiana, I...

1 year ago
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A Birthday Treat

Anal, bisexual I strolled into the hotel lobby and looked around. John was no where tobe seen.“Hmmm, now where is he?” I muttered to myself.It was my forty sixth birthday that day, and I wasn’t feeling too greatabout it. I was sure I detected more lines on my face that morning.To help lift my spirits, my husband had suggested that he take me outfor lunch, so we had arranged to meet in the lobby of the Tiffany Hotel,before going into their excellent restaurant.As I stood there, John was sat in...

2 years ago
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Storm Rages

The rain is coming down hard and has been for quite a while. A shiver runs up and down his spine as the cold rain finally makes it through his weather resistant cloak and soaks into his clothing underneath. He stops his trudging through forest to look around him. He knows that if this storm continues and he does not find shelter he will likely not survive the cold night. A soft orange glow catches his eye in the distance off to his right. Suddenly a bolt of lightning lights up the area brighter...

3 years ago
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The perfect day

The perfect day… The time was drawing near. He would have the house to himself! The realisation of a whole 4-month's planning would now come to fruition. It had been a while since he had gone out all dolled up, and now was a fresh opportunity to see his progress as a woman. He had been busy – his make-up collection had swelled considerably, and the addition of several choice pieces of clothing had excited him no end. All his paraphernalia was brought down to the master bedroom where magic was...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e13 Mikayla Walsh 18

We fade in on a busy London street ... On one side of the street, a mix of four and five level Victorian buildings, three or four levels of offices and flats above shop-fronts. Red London buses moving past our camera. We pan around until we are looking over the street, between a few old trees at an old English church ... Then we cut to outside the church, panning to the left we can see the glass fronted PUTNEY PASTRIES, a bakery/café that’s attached to the side of the church – the new...

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straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right? Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All during training (which included some 15 other people) they spent lunches together, eating in the cafeteria...

2 years ago
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Complete Humiliation

Anyone who Sammy passes will feel strong urges to humiliate him in a variety of ways regardless of their sexuality. Through Wedgies, pantsing, stripping, nudity or other sexual acts. Will he find a, way to break the curse? Sammy woke up on a warm Monday morning. He was already sweating from the crisp Australian heat. He went to his walkin bathroom, stripped off his muscle shirt and blue boxers and took a shower. Sammy admired his slim 19yr old self in the mirror. He felt up his slightly visible...

3 years ago
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Birthday Celebration

My boyfriend had been asking me for weeks what I wanted for my upcoming birthday. After a few pleading attempts to at least give him a clue as to what I might like, I finally got up the courage to ask for something that I had been wanting for quite some time. A spanking. I told him that I wanted a birthday spanking, an actual spanking. Not just a few passionate swats during sex. I wanted him to give me an actual punishment. I had only been spanked a handful of times as a kid but for as long as...

3 years ago
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Watching and fucking my twin sister

It was late at night, probably around 2am. I was usually waking up around then to go for a pee. Normally I would just use my ensuite however it was being re-plastered from some water damage. This meant I had to walk across the hall to use the family bathroom, mainly used by my twin sister. As per usual Jess had left it in a right mess. There was makeup everywhere and clothes all over the floor. I was dying for a piss. I pulled my cock out from my boxers and aimed for the bowl knowing that if I...

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Dee abused in public

We had finished our lunch, paid and tipped the young waiter, we left, leaving the woman’s boyfriend, he sat on his own. He was on the phone, arguing, probably trying to make it up with his girlfriend. We took the short walk to The George. A nice little town pub with panelled walls and the doors at the rear open and a delicious breeze ran through the rooms. Dee sat down in the corner and I went to the bar to get the drinks. As I stood waiting, the front door opened and the woman’s head peered...

2 years ago
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New York College Adventures An Outdoor Adventure

Heres the next story! I listened to your posts, and I tried my best to add more detail to the sex. Hope you like it! Just in case youre new to my adventures, all of what I write down in 100% REAL, and they are events that occurred not too long ago (I started having sex with guys in mid-October). You should definitely read the others before getting here! And you should be able to recognize this guy from an earlier story ,) More stories are going to be written, so please be patient! And keep...

3 years ago
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Healing HandsChapter 10

With the psycho doctor gone, and the young man’s condition stable, I knew I had to get out of there before I passed out. I headed down to the ground floor and out of the hospital, to the car where Frank and Maggie were waiting. I managed to get in the back seat and close the door before the fatigue finally took me from consciousness. When I awoke, I was in bed back at the refuge. Anita was laying there next to me, her hand draped across my bare chest. They had taken the recording device off...

4 years ago
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Come for Me Kaitie

Introduction: My first story. Please dont write anything rude or mean, thanks! Plot: Kaitie is staying with her mothers old friend, Charlie. When Kaitie needs help with a science project of hers, Charlie accidentally buys too much rope. What could possibly happen? This story is fictional and doesnt portray any realise people I own this story. Katie closed the door and walks into the living room, letting her school bag fall to the floor. Im home? She walked over to the fridge and searched for...

4 years ago
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My daughters tutor II

Well, we had already seen each other nude, we made out and our boobs had pressed up against each other. After all that Amber threw out the idea of actually having sex but did I really want to fuck my daughter’s tutor? ‘In that case Amber, what do you say we take this party into my bedroom?’ I asked. ‘I like that, Roxanne, I’d much rather fuck a MILF, than go to another boring party,’ Amber replied. So we were both pumped up for this. We both stood up, I put my hand out and we slowly walked over...

1 year ago
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Chastity To Slutness 8211 Part 2

In the first part you read that son took his widow mother along with him to attend a training program. He took her as his wife and on the first night in hotel he succeeded in fucking mother. Then he enquired from mother about her sex affairs . Mother confirmed that she had no sex after death of his father. Son enquired about others…. “Who was that other lucky man, second cock in your life. “ She smiled and again it seemed that her eyes have gone into space . “Not second, he was the first cock...

1 year ago
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MylfDom Mia Lelani Maid For Submission

When our stud needs his house cleaned, he calls a special service to send over a maid with the thoroughness he requires for the job. They send the impeccably hot Asian babe, Mia Leilani, and she seems to fit the bill. He tells her that she must call him Master and cannot look him in the eyes as she cleans. When she slips up, he punishes her, spanking her ass with a black leather crop. She moans as he spanks her on her hands and knees. Then, he picks her up and fucks her hard on the kitchen...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 18

The plan fell apart before it even got started. Early in the morning, Corec had tracked down some of the fishermen who worked the local lakes, and found one that was willing to sell him a large net. Then he’d bought a heavy crossbow, wishing he hadn’t sold the last one. While he was doing that, someone at the Three Orders chapter house helped Treya find a local farmer who knew where the drake was nesting, and could take them to it. Bren, the guide, led them north up the Farm Road for an...

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