Black Beauty Usha
- 5 years ago
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The Breaking of Usha
By Shabbadew2002
Contact me at [email protected]
Arrested and Interrogated
In India, Usha Pillai was a Brahmin woman frustrated by her life. Widowed at 40, she began to look for ways to make life more interesting. Secure financially, she hungered for something in life to give it meaning. Affairs with available Indian men of her own caste were not appealing to her. She tried it once and found herself bored. And it was unthinkable to have sexual relations with men of a lower caste.
She eventually discovered excitement and adventure in the political ferment of the times. She became active with a study group associated with the Congress Socialist Party and soon found herself drawn into underground, subversive activities. The police had her and her cellmates under surveillance for some time. When her cell targeted a journalist for assassination, and Usha knew something of the plot, she was suspect by the police. The masses of India, at that time, constitutes a seething volcano of revolutionary discontent which needed only for Marxist leadership to set off what would have been history’s greatest revolution. The establishment Indians and the British were both interested, for different reasons, to see that this did not happen. It was in this milieu that Usha became embroiled in political intrigues.
Eventually she would be interrogated by the British authorities. She had served as a courier and her group was known to be violently opposed to the British Raj. But that came later. At that point in time, the murder of the journalist, Dhaval Subramanium, was topmost on the minds of the Madras Police and this is how on a hot September day in 1938, Usha found herself arrested and brought in for interrogation.
Her interrogator was Ganesh Nayar. He was heavyset man, divorced and 48 years old. He had been a tough policeman for more than twenty years. It was his job to extract confessions from suspects and he was very good at his job. His fearsome reputation earned him the nickname the ?Tiger?.
Usha had been a spoiled and pampered woman. Now she was to be treated in a way that was horrifying and degrading. The policemen who arrested her were, for the most part, fairly well behaved. They baited her with what might happen to a woman who had betrayed her caste. To a man they were opposed to the radical Socialists and therefore hated what Usha stood for?And therefore, Usha too.
When they brought her into the police station, she was still handcuffed and this was a terrible tribulation in and of itself. Usha was kept in a cell, handcuffed and not permitted to sleep for the whole night. She begged to be allowed to contact an attorney, but this was denied her. She was given salty food to eat and very little water. Soon, the heat of the cell, the tightness of the cuffs, the terrible food, the sleep deprivation and her anxiety became overwhelming and she began yelling. At this, two men came into her cell and gave her a beating. Usha was shocked by the suddenness of the violence. She could not conceive that a man would strike her that way. The way a man would hit another man – not a woman!
They took turns hitting her in the stomach. Blows with their fists to her belly. One man held her with her arms behind her back and the other aimed his balled up fist and slugged her right in the pit of her stomach. She went ‘oof’ and sagged each time. The man holding her would let go and she just sagged to the floor. Then, they would pick her up and repeat the torture. When one punch landed right in the solar plexus, the breath went out of her and she was momentarily paralyzed. She sagged and slid to the floor in a heap, moaning.
When they were done, she was a mess. She ached and exhausted from the cruel beating. They left her sprawled out on the cot in her tiny sweltering cell. She gasped for breath and began a little girl weeping. When she tried to sleep, a guard came in and slapped her awake. Or poured cold water on her. They would not let her sleep. After two days, she was a physical and emotional wreck.
That’s when Ganesh showed up. He had a young policeman with him, Kamal Rao. He was very dark and skinny. He had a pocked marked face, thin with a cruel twisted smile that made Usha think of a ferret or a mongoose. Ganesh, by comparison, was a large man who looked like an overweight banker or meat-cutter. His face was puffy and his hair was thinning. But his manner was very quiet and professional. He began by ordering Kamal to remove her handcuffs.
?There, that’s better,? he said.
?I have been mistreated,? Usha began?..
Ganesh listened impassively. He didn’t say anything, but just listened as Usha heaped accusation upon accusation upon him, the police department and the government. But Ganesh began to work subtle questions into the conversation. He wanted to know what she knew about the Subramanium’s murder. Slowly, but surely, Usha began to implicate herself in small ways. But as time went on, the bigger questions were not answered. And that’s when Ganesh broke off the interrogation. He left her there and came back the next morning.
This is what he said to her on that lazy, hot morning:
?I know you know who ordered Subramanium’s murder. I want names. I will get those names. If you don’t give them to me, I will hurt you. Do you understand??
Usha, at that point, went on the offense and began a diatribe about the police and the government. It was at that point, that Ganesh said to Kamal, ?let’s take her downstairs.?
They took Usha down to the basement. There was a room there that had been set up for the ?deeper interrogations?. Pushed and shoved down the hallways and then down the steps into the dark confines of the basement, Usha began to become anxious. When they got to a door and Ganesh opened it and Kamal pushed her inside, she was very nervous.
The room was mostly empty. There was a small desk and chairs against the wall. And a cabinet on the far wall. The floor was concrete with an ominous drain in the middle. The overhead beams were wood, but Usha didn’t see the hooks embedded there. Ganesh sized up his subject. Usha was of average height for a mature Indian woman of that time. She was plump?.a true Indian ?Auntie?. A pretty round-faced, brown-skinned voluptuous woman. She had beautiful eyes, full lips and was about 160 centimeters tall. She was heavy breasted with wide hips, full thighs and large buttocks.
She was clad in a sari and a choli (midriff hugging blouse). The scarf she wore, when she was arrested, which was called a dupatta, and was used to cover her head and drawn over her breasts was still in her cell. She was attractive with black thick hair and a round, pretty face. Ganesh came over and stood in front of her with his hands on his hips.
?Take off your clothes,? he ordered her.
?ABSOLUTELY NOT,? she retorted.
He had Kamal strip her naked. First the sari and then the choli. Next the petticoat, then the bra and finally, her panties. Usha was wearing European cotton underwear that hugged her ample butt cheeks tightly. No one but her husband and her maid had ever seen her in them. She began screaming and hurling raw words. Ganesh ordered her gagged. The first thing he was going to do use on her was the anundal.
This was a purely Eastern torture often used by tax collectors to extract money. It only required a length of rope. He and Kamal gagged her and then tied her into an unnatural and painful position. They bound her wrists behind the back and then forced her head down. The rope was passed around her neck and around her ankles. Then this was tied off forcing her torso and her big, fat, floppy tits down onto her knees. The cruel position forced her stomach onto her full thighs and her thighs against her calves to compress her into a ball. Being deprived of sleep had rubbed her nerves raw and she was soon in agony.
Ganesh left her with Kamal. After an hour in this position Usha’s whole body baked with fiery pain, especially her neck, back and legs. Every once in awhile, Kamal would sit on her back to increase her torment. Usha whined, moaned and whimpered. Her vocalizations only increased with time, but the gag prevented her from saying anything, but mewling like a tortured cat. Usha tried to go inside herself to escape the agony, but the distress the position created make that impossible. She felt like someone was starting to howl deep inside her mind and the longer she was left to suffer the more this sound increased in her head. She felt she would go ‘mad’.
The bondage was very intense and had been known to break many suspects, but Usha was strong, willful and determined to ride it out. For periods she would feel that she could stand it, but then a particular spasm or cramp would hit and she would struggle and this only made things worse. When Ganesh returned to the room, Kamal was sadistically sitting on her back, baiting and taunting her. Usha was groaning in pain and muttering through the gag. Ganesh, frustrated, could see that she would require more ?persuasion?. He would use more direct methods next?.
Then he and Kamal untied Usha. She collapsed on the floor moaning when she was released. They hauled her to her feet and tied her to a wooden chair with her hands cuffed behind her and her ankles bound to the legs of the chair. He pulled out the gag unceremoniously?. The position thrust her tits forward provocatively. He and Kamal pushed the desk over until it was right in front of Usha. Then they got her positioned so that her fat tits were laying on the desk.
Ganesh went to the cabinet and came back with a silk sock filled with sand, a bottle of water and a pair of pliers. He set them down on the desk so that Usha could see them.
?Are you going to tell me who planned Subramanium’s murder,? he asked her?
When she shook her head ‘no-no-no’, he opened the bottle and used it to soak the sock, wetting the sand inside. Then, as she watched him in horror, he used the sock to beat her tits. First one, and then the other. Each time he struck her the sound it made was a wet, dull ‘thud’. Followed by a groan from Usha. The concussive pain made her wince and tears sprang to her eyes. Kamal stood behind her pushing her forward so she could not pull her tits off the flat surface of the desk. She watched Ganesh raise his arm?.it seemed like it was all happening in slow motion and then when he brought his arm down, the film speeded up like some crazy movie. As the wet sand filled sock hit, the tender tissues in her tits, the milk glands, were being bruised and beaten to a pulp.
To escalate the torment, Ganesh dropped the sock on the desk (it landed with a wet ‘plop’) and then got behind her. He held her by the shoulders as Kamal took the pliers in hand and went to work on her nipples. Usha had big, dark brown nipples, the size of a shelled peanut. He pinched, pulled and twisted them until she began howling in anguish. He had all the control right there in his hand. He grinned maniacally as he took each large brown nipple in the jaws of the pliers and then squeezed and squeezed. The jaws pinched some of the areole as well and when he pulled the pinioned flesh out as far as it would go, Usha began wailing like a stuck pig. She screamed into the gag like a lunatic when he gave each tender nipple a sickening little twist.
This went on until Usha’s nipples were so swollen and distended that any more torture would permanently injure them. As it was, she would be unable to touch them or put on her bra for the rest of the day and well into the next. This was when Ganesh brought out the kittee. The kittee was an Indian relative of the European thumbscrew. It was a wooden screw press somewhat like a lemon squeezer. Between the plates the more sensitive parts of the body, like a woman’s tits, could be squeezed by an interrogator often to the point of fainting. He went to the cabinet and took out a kittee.
He came back and set it on the desk. He untied the cord holding the rag gagging her and asked her if she was ready to talk. When she didn’t answer him, he then asked her if she knew what it was on he had just laid on the desk.
When she shook her head, ‘no’, he held up the kittee.
?Do you not know what this is,? he asked her smiling for the first time?
She didn’t. So, with just the faintest smile playing on his heavy features, he painstakingly explained its function. Usha’s eyes went wide as he told her what he planned to do. She had not uttered a word up to that point.
Finally she said, ?No, please do not do that to me,? I am a Brahmin woman. It is an abomination. You cannot do that,? she opined.
In answer, he had Kamal grab and hold up her left tit; and then he applied the kittee. When he had it lined up, he began screwing down the plate and compressing Usha’s left tit. When it became very tight, she began whimpering and then moaning out loud.
?All you have to do is tell me the murderer’s names,? he suggested to her.
But, she resisted. So, they applied another kittee to her right tit. Then, he used both of them fully. Tightening it down on one side and then the other. Then releasing the pressure?.only to tighten it revoltingly again and again - making Usha groan in agony. He tormented her breasts until Usha thought she would go mad. She bawled and shrieked so much that Ganesh had Kamal gag her again, this time with her own panties.
But, she didn’t tell him the names of the men she knew had plotted, planned and then executed Dhaval Subramanium. So, he had no choice?.he had to wind up the pressure on Usha to the next level.
He and Kamal got her on top of the desk. Next, they tied her in the most obscene position for a woman that there is: with her wrists bound behind her back, her legs were pushed back and over her head to be tied to the corners of the desk.
Then they got a rope around her waist and pulled it towards the opposite end of the desk and tied it to a cleat there. Now, her back was partially bowed and her knees just touched the desk top. In effect, the position trapped her in a horrible mockery of the position for a gynecological examination, or for a torturous pelvic exam. If she lifted her head she was staring at her hairy pussy, obscenely displayed. If she looked left and right she was staring at her ankles and calves. This position was shaming and would soon become very painful.
She was also becoming very tired. The lack of sleep combined with the horrid tortures they had already inflicted on her had weakened her. So, when Ganesh took out a baton
and smeared it with oil and red, hot pepper and then worked it into her vagina, Usha was already on the ‘edge’. When he introduced a second baton, similarly daubed, into her rectum, she began screaming. But he wasn’t done. Not by a long shot. He was determined to break her and following this he slowly and sadistically inserted a thin oiled rod, smeared with the hot pepper, into her urethra. He began fucking her with the three rods in turn. First the one in her pussy, then the one shoved far up her asshole; and finally he violated her peehole with the thin rod. He took his time and raped her with the burning shafts.
She began squealing, then screeching and finally screaming, screaming and screaming! Kamal ultimately propped open her mouth with a wooden gag and rubbed some of the fiery pepper on her lips, tongue and gums. Usha had, by that point, descended into HELL! The scorching pepper scalded the most sensitive areas of her body: the delicate mucous membranes in her mouth, vagina, asshole and piss tube. She imagined the pepper was causing blisters everywhere and this image, as much as the actual pain, undid her. She had been close to breaking and this pushed her over the edge.
She began trying to be heard?.to be understood?.she wanted to confess?.but the wooden gag and the effects of the pepper on her mouth and tongue had paralyzed her. She blubbered and slobbered; but nothing but gibberish came out. Still, Ganesh got it. He understood; and took the gag off - then offered her a balm?.a cupful of an antidote?a blend of water and herbs that would put out the fire.
He told her what it was and asked her if she wanted it. She did. And then he asked her if she was ready to give him names. She nodded like a madwoman, ‘yes-yes-yes’. So, in the end, Usha was broken. She gave up her friends in the cell?.her fellow travelers and confessed, like the broken penitent she was, to cleanse her soul. But her troubles were just beginning. Little did she know.
Sexual Humiliation
They tossed her into a cell and threw her clothes in after her. Usha collapsed into a heap and fell into a deep sleep. She was drained and shattered. Physically, she was all aches and pains. Her mouth, pussy, asshole and peehole still felt the aftereffects of the cayenne pepper. Her shoulders, back and neck ached. But eventually, she fell asleep. She was awakened five hours later by ?Tiger? Nayar and his ferret faced accomplice, Kamal who, by the time Usha had really opened her eyes and was awake, had his zipper down and his thin, nasty cock out of his trousers. Usha stared at his cock, so close to her face.
She stared, like a hypnotized bird, at the slit and the foreskin partially covering the head. Ganesh grabbed her head and made her open her mouth to take Kamal’s prick. She, as a Brahmin woman, had never sucked a cock before. Auparishtaka – the act of sucking cock was forbidden to Brahmins ( ??.The auparishtaka, or mouth congress, should never be done by a learned Brahman.?- Kama Sutra II.9, p.128.)
Kamal got her to lick, kiss and then suck it. It was Ganesh who pushed and pulled her head on Kemal’s prick – to make it a face-fucking nightmare. Usha was in a trance now
anyway. Ganesh held her by the chin and her head and yanked her around so that she took Kamal’s cock all the way into her mouth – making her gag. And then he pulled her head back like she was a doll. The cock popped out and she coughed; and a torrent of thick saliva poured from her mouth. She barely caught a breath before Ganesh forced her mouth back onto the cock all the way to the root. She gagged and convulsed and as she took Kamal’s cock, it was just what he needed - and he began ejaculating.
She was made to keep it in her mouth until the last salty-sweet drop was on her tongue. When Kemal was done cumming, Ganesh let go of her. His own cock was hard. She was half sobbing and gasping. She tried to wipe up the mess from her lips and Ganesh got ready to enjoy her mouth.
?I’m going to fuck your mouth too,? Ganesh said to her.
He dropped his trousers and shorts and got right over her. On her knees, like a back-alley whore, he used her. He held his brown cock in the one hand and grabbed her hair with the other; and forced his fat, uncircumcised cock into her mouth - and had her suck it for awhile. He was so hopped up that he quickly shot his load. Usha was slobbering so much that it dripped down onto her tits. He pulled out as he was ejaculating and sprayed her face. The hot streams of semen splashed on her lips, cheeks and chin.
This made her gag, but when he came, he began reaming her mouth methodically and you only knew he’d cum by the fluffy cloud of cum that appeared on his cock and her lips as he stroked in and out of her mouth. It began to dribble down her chin. When he was done, he shook the remaining drops off on her face.
There was a huge, obscene blob of semen on the left side of her face. Strands of her hair were embedded in it. Semen ran in thin rivulets down her sweaty neck. Ganesh had made her look like a cheap back alley whore. He brought out a mirror and shoved it in front of her face to make her look at herself.
?Look at yourself – you’re a ganika (a whore),? he said to her.
This made Usha sob softly. Ganesh next smeared the cum all over her face; wiping up the excess to deposit it in her mouth. She gagged like she was going to throw up. She was still on her knees. He barked something and Kamal took a position in front of her. Both men held their cocks like they were getting ready to piss. And then they did. They aimed their streams at Usha’s mouth. Ganesh kept her mouth open with two fingers and as her mouth filled, it poured out to run down her chin and wet her tits and belly. She had to swallow some of it and after she did, she sputtered, gagged, coughed, groaned and then began sobbing. When they were done, both shook their cocks so the remaining drops of urine landed on her. Ganesh let go of her then. Ganesh and Kamal also spit on her.
Usha felt she was going to vomit. She tried to control her gag reflex but it was too much and she threw up. In the end, she was wet with semen, saliva and urine everywhere. They left but came back several hours later. Then they raped her.
They bent her over and kicked her legs open. Ganesh, wearing just an undershirt, went first. Holding his erection in one hand, he approached Usha as if he were an executioner. He rubbed the head all over her pussy – spreading her labia.....teasing and thumping her clitoris until he made her whimper.
Only then did he push his cock into her hole. He worked it in....enjoying the feeling of conquest and pleasure as he filled and stretched her. Then he began to thrust slowly at first - and then faster and harder. When he got it inside her to the root, his fat cock touched something very deep inside. Usha felt him stretching and then thumping a sensitive spot at the bottom of her vagina. The more he did that the more that hot feelings went up to her stomach and down her legs.
It was a shameful thing, but she found that she could not control herself. Soon, she began to grunt in time, humping and pushing back against him – as a complement to his forceful thrusting....then groaning and finally crying out as she came. When he pulled out a river of semen gushed from her hole to drip down to the dirty concrete floor.
Then Kamal raped her. He was quick and jerky like a rabbit. He added his cum to her already messy sex-hole. Then, after him, another young policeman showed up to violate her. Before he got his chance, Usha was lifted and placed on the bunk face up, her buttocks at the edge. Her legs roughly pushed back so she was spread open like a Bombay whore. Her sex was glistening and wet in dim light. It looked like she was inviting all of them to rape her.
There were hands everywhere on her, feeling her up, pinching, and probing. There were fingers in her asshole; and the smell of sex was overpowering. The sensations were too much for her and she came again when this last policeman had his way with her.. The first time with ?Tiger? Ganesh and then with the young policeman who sexed her last but very hard and deep. Usha was very loud. Her cries and moans left no doubt as to what she was feeling. Her vagina became open and sloppy with semen.
In her confession she had also admitted being a courier for the cell. Ganesh, wanting to curry favor with the British authorities, betrayed her to them. He called and told the military commander in charge of intelligence that in the course of his interrogation of a witness, he had uncovered a cell of subversives, revolutionaries and terrorists. He would send Usha over to them so they could ?interrogate? as well. He was done with her. She had supplied him with the names of those responsible for the murder of journalist, Dhaval Subramanium. He would arrest them and his record will be benefited. Usha was just the butt end of a case that he was on his way to solve.
The British
Usha had always found the British soldiers very interesting. She often wondered about them. They were so different in appearance and manner. She had even daydreamed about them?highly erotic daydreams She had fantasies and the difference between the cultures added to her erotic feelings. Foreigners, like the British, had different customs and were not part of the Indian world. Now, she was caught like a rabbit in a trap. Ganesh sent her to the provincial Military Governor. There would be no exotic, erotic fantasies for her. Because there was a complication: the actions of the cell she was part of had resulted in several British soldiers being wounded.
She was sent to the British dressed not in her finery, but in gray, cotton prison clothes and after her ordeal at Ganesh Nayar’s hands, she was not the same woman she had been. She was brought in to Colonel Dewhurst’s office. He was the provincial Governor. After a few perfunctory questions he turned her over to his intelligence Adjutant, Major Turpin who grilled her. It was only then, that Usha realized that she was in another hot pickle.
?Madam, you have taken action that resulted in injury to three of His Majesty’s grenadiers; there is a price to pay. I want information about that whole Socialist gang of rebels. You will tell me.?
Usha realized that she had very little to bargain with if she didn’t want to end up in the dank bowels of a British prison, so she stubbornly refused to disclose anything. With that, Usha was remanded to the custody of two soldiers. She was taken to the garrison for ?interrogation?. Usha, the Brahmin widow, was about to be thrown head-first into another cruel world. The garrison was really a military fort with barracks for the troops, an armory, mess hall, parade field, offices and a jail. The Adjutant was a rough sort who’d been in South Africa before being posted to India.
?I am going to have Sergeant Major Trubshaw assist me,? he informed her.
With that, he sentenced her to another terrible ordeal. Trubshaw, like Ganesh, had a fearsome local reputation. A tall, burly, whiskered burly Scotsman, he was a born sexual sadist. Usha was about to be delivered into the hands of a man who delighted in torturing suspects. Indians knew him, in the province, as a man who devised cruel punishments for disorderly soldiers, wayward Indians and anyone else who fell into his hands. Two soldiers escorted Usha. It was a formidable little building with its own courtyard, set in the back of the garrison compound.
The senior corporal took her to a cell and told her, ?Just sit here.?
Usha sat there fidgeting and wondering what to expect. Within 10 minutes, Major Turpin and Trubshaw arrived. Usha was immediately frightened by Trubshaw’s size and appearance. He looked menacing. A scar graced his cheek, a battle souvenir.
?I’ve wanted to meet you,? he says to her ominously. ?You’re the wench who got Sgt. McFarland and two of his mates wounded.?
?First thing,? Major Turpin says. ?Stand up over there,? he said - pointing to a spot.
He walked around her taking in her plump form. Trubshaw nodded as the two young corporals who escorted her, also showed up. One was tall, blonde and skinny from the Midlands and the other was a short, dark Welshman.
?Take a gander boys; this plump pigeon’s here for singing lessons,? Trubshaw said to them conspiratorially.
They guffawed at that. Now she was in a room with four foreign soldiers who had her at their disposal. Most of her experience with men had been limited to timid Indian males of her own caste. Turpin continued to question her, but Usha underestimated the British. She thought that because they were foreigners, they could not be as cruel as Madras policemen. That she was not facing the same fate. Major Turpin soon disabused her of that stupid idea. When she was not cooperative, preparations were made by the two corporals.
The Whipping Bench
They set up the whipping bench in the courtyard. She would be bent over on the bench, gagged and whipped. The Sgt. Major would get to use his favorite instrument, a knotted cord whip. Attached to a wooden handle, it held five thin cords – 61 centimeters in length with four or five knots starting at the tip. The cords were well soaked in urine to increase the stinging effect. At the appointed time, the Brahmin woman was marched out into the courtyard. The spectacle had attracted a swarm of local teenaged boys and a fair amount of off-duty soldiers. Everyone wanted to see the Brahmin bitch whipped. The bench sat in the courtyard awaiting her.
It had a step for her to kneel on and then the senior corporal drew her wrists forward and secured them to a wooden stock at the head of the bench. A leather strap was buckled across the small of her back to hold her in place. This made her big ass stick out, ready for punishment. The Welshman pulled down her cotton pants and her ass was now on display. Buttocks spread; she endured the taunts and jeers of the crowd.
?Filthy bitch?. Whore,? they called out to her in Hindi and English.
The Welshman then took his time and spent 5 minutes masturbating (kshobana – masturbation) her in public to humiliate her and amuse the crowd. Hoots and hollers erupted when he spread her ample cheeks and her purple labia to expose the pink vaginal sheath and her brown asshole to the crowd. Each display made the crowd go wild. Every time he did that, Usha wanted to die from the humiliation.
The Welshman used his fingers to spread her moist pussy flaps open so the yard loungers could see everything. Usha hid her face between her arms as he casually humiliated her in front of the local Indian boys and a handful of soldiers. She wanted to die - she was so mortified. Then he gagged with a block of rubber attached to two cords; and tied it off around her head. Satisfied that she was secure, Trubshaw came over measure her fat ass with the thin whip before he cocked his arm and began letting the lash find its mark. He concentrated on her cheeks where they met her fleshy thighs. He also tried to make the knotted tips reach her crack and hit her pulpy sex lips and tender asshole. He succeeded several times. Usha’s agonized, strangled cries rent the air along with her sobbing.
She wept steadily as Trubshaw lashed her two dozen times. When he was done, her buttocks and the backs of her thighs were criss-crossed with thin nasty weals. Where they’d overlapped, little spots and smears of blood were visible. They left her in her bonds weeping for a few minutes. Then the tall, skinny blonde corporal with the prominent Adam’s apple came over with a brush and a pot.
The pot contained a mixture of olive oil, salt, hot pepper, and urine from the privy. The corporal painted her wounded buttocks with the mixture. Instantly she howled through her gag. And fresh tears sprang from her eyes as he carefully applied the ?balm? to her hot cheeks. They left her there for a bit on display. Flies soon began to torment her. Landing on her smelly butt cheeks and crawling around. She wriggled her ass and this made the onlookers hoot, clap and holler. When they unshackled her and stood her up? she fell, she was so overcome. They allowed her to pull her up pants. Humiliated, she did so, like a child being corrected by its parent.
They brought her over to Major Turpin again. He questioned her and when she maintained her silence, she was taken back into the garrison and brought to a spare, bare room. There she was made to strip and they put a blindfold on her. Now, naked and blindfolded, with her wrists tied to her elbows, she was made to stand before Trubshaw.
Pussy and Ass Torture
He rubbed her pussy so that her large clitoris (her yoni-linga) erected out of its folds and when it was swollen sufficiently, he attached a small wooden clamp. It was painful to have a powerful clamp squeezing the most sensitive nerve-laden part of her body and Usha reacted.
She wiggled her hips and began to whimper and moan. ?Oh please, Sir?. please take it off??
Trubshaw leaned in close and said, ?You stand perfectly still, your ladyship or I’ll make you wish you were dead - you understand??
Usha blinked her eyes rapidly and said, ?Yes, Sir?.
?NOT SIR, you stupid wog. I’m not an officer. You call me Mister. You understand??
?Yes, Mister,? Usha said frightened.
The clamp was attached to a very short, thin cord to a knob covered in boar’s hide. The knob was mounted on a short pole and fixed so that it put the knob right at the level of Usha’s hairy Venus Mount and vulva. Boar’s hide is notorious for its nasty hair, sharp and stiff. It’s more like very thin quills than hair or fur.
To rub up against it was a torment. They pushed her forward to let her feel it. Feeling the sandpaper-like hide scraping her womanhood Usha pulled back ?. stretching her clitoris painfully as she did so. Already it was a nasty situation for her. One of the corporals, the skinny one, was stationed behind her with a short wooden dowel into which a needle had been sunk so that only a sliver protruded from the end. This ?persuader? was to be used as a prod on Usha’s fat buttocks. He swabbed Usha’s buttocks with raw turpentine, using cotton. He dipped the needle in turpentine as well. This served two purposes: it prevented infection and increased the torment. Nothing stings like raw turpentine.
Then the torture began in earnest. Usha pulling on her clitoris to keep away from the irritating knob received a painful sting in her fat butt cheeks and reacted? involuntarily thrusting her hips forward right onto the knob again. Then more questions from Major Turpin. And with each refusal, Usha found the needles so tormenting that she jerked her hips when she was barely jabbed with the tip. Her buttocks were soon stippled with little wounds where the needle had penetrated.
The skinny corporal really made her hop by working on the deep cleft of Usha’s cheeks where it sloped in towards her asshole. The flesh there was very tender. Being jabbed made her lurch forward, against her will. Soon her hairy Venus Mount and inner thighs were rubbed raw by the boar’s hide. Just to touch the flesh there was a torment. Usha had to repeatedly bump up against the devilish knob to escape the needle. Dipped in turpentine, the needle soon had her whole ass on fire.
She cursed, begged and whimpered as the sadistic torture went on with Usha eventually sobbing like a little girl. It was mental torture too as she tried to endure the jabs of the needle and not rub herself on the knob, but she couldn’t. It was hellish for her. They kept at it for 20 full minutes until Usha thought she would go insane. She begged to be allowed to suck their cocks, begged for them to fuck her in her yoni?..anything except to endure any more of the fiendish torture. But, she was determined not to betray her comrades in the movement. She had been able to rationalize being forced to give up the names of the men who killed Dhaval Subramanium. But, now trying to hold onto her pride, she was doing everything in her power to not betray the others in the movement to the hated British colonialists.
But, in the end, they broke her and Usha spilled her guts to the British too. Seeing how a pubic whipping and the boar’s hide had not broken her, they regrouped. They untied her and threw her in her cell for the time being. Usha cringed and waited for what was next. It wasn’t long in coming. She tried to steel herself and when the two corporals came for
her about an hour later. She had made up her mind. She had taken the worst they could dish out, she felt. ‘I can laugh and spit in their faces. I am a survivor’, she thought to herself.
They took her to the dark room. Major Turpin was there and he supervised Trubshaw and the other two non-commissioned officers. She was still naked and they put her on a table on her back. The lanky blonde corporal held her wrists over her head. The Welshman put a pole under her knees and pushed her full thighs back to her tits. Then Turpin handed something to Trubshaw. Usha tried to see what it was.
It was an ivory dildo, purchased in the market - about 20 centimeters long and 13 centimeters in circumference. Trubshaw oiled it and brought it over to Usha to display it. She saw what it was and knew. She had one very similar. The thought that it might be forced into her vagina was humiliating, but she knew this was an experience she could handle and survive. But that’s not where the dildo was going. Trubshaw carefully separated her labia to expose the pink vestibule of her pussy. He peered closely and found what he was looking for: the tiny pink opening to her bladder?.the urethra?.her peehole.
He used the tip of his big pinky and got some of the secretions from her vagina to wet it. Then he worked it into the orifice to open it some. When Usha felt him rooting around THERE, she gasped and held herself rigid. The feeling of being violated in that private hole was very uncomfortable and unnatural. Then, the big Scotsman worked the tip of the dildo into the opening. He got the tiny opening dilated and then he pushed it IN.
The effect on Usha was instantaneous and dramatic. She tried to arch her heavy hips and ass off the table and groaned so loud that the Major came over and shoved a rag into her mouth to stifle her. As Trubshaw worked the big dildo into her tight piss tube all the way to the sphincter guarding her bladder, she was stretched and pulled and discovered what a really ?tight hole? is indeed. She made sounds the men had never heard before. Her howls sounded ?otherworldly?. The pain was so overwhelming and shattering that Usha passed out. She lost consciousness. The blonde corporal had to slap her awake, at Turpin’s command. He took the rag from her mouth.
?She felt that, didn’t she,? he opined to the group. Trubshaw chuckled.
When she regained consciousness, Turpin pressed her for names?names?names. She stared at him with the wide, hunted eyes of a poor jungle creature caught in the hunter’s trap and said nothing. When Trubshaw approached with the dildo again, she began screaming and begging. It did no good. He worked it back into her hole and this time he twisted it as he reamed her out. Her shrieks, yowls and wailing was pitiful to hear. She slumped into unconsciousness again. Only to have the torture repeated a third time.
It was this third torturous rape of the most private hole of all that broke her resolve. She began to babble like a village idiot and Turpin motioned to Trubshaw to take the device from her hole. When they let go of her her, she slumped on the table like she was dead. They had exhausted her physically, mentally and spiritually. She was like a piece of meat and told Major Turpin names, locations and anything else he wanted. If anything, Usha found the British soldiers even more cruel than the Madras police?
Usha afterwards felt violated, humiliated, and just plain destroyed. She was kept in the garrison captive for four weeks. As an informant, they squeezed everything they could out of her and when they were done, she was released. But not before Sergeant Major Trubshaw had used her. He went to her jail cell, made her strip like she was a courtesan and stand naked before him.
She had to spread her legs at his command. When he rubbed her hairy bush and tickled her labia ? her pussy, her yoni really begins to weep its honey. Her womanly secretions could be smelled in the close confines of the room.
?Fancy your twat being stroked, princess,? he taunted her.
Usha’s understood the cruelty in his words, and was overwhelmed by the lewd comments he made about her and her body. Her embarrassment at her nakedness was her last desperate attempt to hold onto some shred of dignity. She begged him to treat her like a ?lady?.
?I am a proper Brahmin woman. A widow and mother,? she said, hoping to arouse his better instincts.
Trubshaw’s response was to laugh at her and examine her breasts. She closed her eyes as he cupped, kneaded, and squeezed her tits in turn. Her pussy started immediately to lubricate, much to her embarrassment. She knew he was going to touch her yoni. Usha had discovered that she was capable of responding sexually and involuntarily to rough treatment. Trubshaw continued his examination by pulling on her nipples. Usha’s nipples were very dark brown, almost black, very large with wide aureoles. They grew puckered and hard with excitement as he handled them. When she opened her eyes he was staring at her and she saw the cruelty there. He had a gleam in his look that frightened her.
He added twisting to his manipulations of her nipples. It hurt but Usha was overwhelmed by her sexual response to his rough treatment. She had read many of the Indian love books as a bored widow and thought she knew her sexuality well. But the way Ganesh and Trubshaw had treated her was a whole new experience. Trubshaw then turned his attention to her loins, and Usha sucked in her breath as he pawed her buttocks and reached around underneath her fat cheeks to cup her yoni. She gasped.
The big Scotsman said, ?You’ve a hot cunt, your ladyship. We’re going to get along fine.?
He then came around the front? slapped her thighs open wider and began to explore and finger her hot wet sex. He ran his big index finger down the wet seam exploring her full fat labia and found them sopping wet when he separated them. Usha moaned in response. In her world this was yoni-kshobana, masturbation of her genitals. Her yoni exuded a heavy musky sexual odor. Trubshaw found her a tasty plump treat and looked forward to enjoying her in all the ways that a jailer can enjoy a female captive. He found her bean-sized clitoris and rolled it between his forefinger and thumb. Usha groaned in response. He continued to manipulate her cunt until he felt she was getting ready to cum.
?Open your eyes, slut,? he commanded her as he began to frig her vigorously.
Usha was forced to look right at him as he rubbed her labia and clitoris hard until she came on his hand. Victory for him! She moaned and squealed as she came. And she clamped her legs together on his hand; then grabbed his wrist and forearm with both her hands to keep from falling.
?Liked that? did you now,? he taunted her.
Usha kept quiet as her body subsided from her orgasm. In her culture this was yoni-dusta, the sexual defilement of women. ‘This was what I been waiting for my whole life’, she thought to herself. Her destiny in a way. She was becoming a toki, a slut. Trubshaw forced her to her knees and lowered his trousers. Usha’s eyes were wide as his cock came into view. ‘It’s a mahalinga, a big one’, she said to herself. Her late husband’s linga was small and brown and he always inserted it furtively into Usha’s yoni. He would cum too quickly.
Trubshaw’s organ was formidable. He grabbed her by the hair and made her kiss and lick his ball sack, the shaft and the plum-sized head. As the tip leaked, Usha thought to herself: ‘I hope he doesn’t cum in my mouth. Trubshaw was pleased as she became more submissive in spite of herself. ‘She likes it’, he decided. He made her suck it slowly until he felt himself ready to cum. Then he held her head as he ejaculated into her warm mouth. Jet after jet of his thick ropy cum flooded her mouth. Usha swallowed and the taste filled her mouth. She was sickened that he’d used her mouth to relieve himself.
Trubshaw pushed her away so that she sprawled on the floor. He still had a raging erection. ‘It’s so big and red’, she thought to herself. ‘And still hard’. Trubshaw had plans to fuck the plump hen and withdrew a ‘French letter’ or sheepskin condom from his shirt pocket. Pulling her up, he pushed her over to the bunk. Then he bent her over and rolled the condom over his thick cock. Following this, he rubbed her fat pussy lips. Then he teased her wet smelly cunt with his big cock. He rubbed the head over her labia and clitoris and all around the mouth of her juicy peach.
It was a very hairy cunt with thick fat brown inner labia that quickly ran to hot pink inside. As her arousal continued, Usha’s cunt lips thickened and became purple; and she flowed heavily. The big Scotsman took his time in the privacy of her cell to fuck her. Usha got very excited by his organ, his mahalinga, and unconsciously yearned for penetration of her womanhood. When he worked his cock into her hole, he gave her a through reaming. In fact it was the best and longest fuck in her forty years. Trubshaw pounded her very wet and deep vagina (Usha had a bhosra - an exceptionally large and deep vagina) until Usha began to cum continuously. She wailed like a banshee in heat. You would’ve thought someone was cutting a cat’s throat.
Afterwards, Trubshaw brought her naked into the guardhouse and gave her a shot of brandy to revive her. The soldiers, some dressing?others lounging around, got up and crowded around her - very interested at the sight of a fat Indian whore. Trubshaw made her get on her knees. She had to suck the cocks of two squads of grenadiers. Seeing her naked had produced many raging erections.
Trubshaw informed her, ?it’s your duty to relieve the pressure in the King’s soldier’s balls.?
Usha’s eyes flew open as she realized that she was going to suck and swallow semen from fourteen men. They practically face-fucked her as all the men spurted their hot seed, in turn, into her warm mouth. Her mouth filled with the taste of their seed. It dribbled from her lips and down her chin. Her jaw and mouth ached when it was done. Some of their semen had landed on her face and tits. Trubshaw made her wipe it up with her fingers and lick them clean.
?Can’t have his Majesties’ soldier’s jism left out for the flies,? he said laughing.
Usha was sickened by having to perform oral sex to completion on all the men. ‘I hate it’, she said to herself as she began to weep?
Following this tribulation, Trubshaw presented her with a small jar of olive oil. Usha, through tear-stained and puffy eyes, looked at him with questions in her eyes.
?What do you want me to do with this, Mister??
?This is for your pota slut - your shit hole. Me and my boys are going to bugger you royally now.?
This was especially degrading to a Brahmin woman. This was a sex act only for the lower castes. This would have branded her a kali gandee (black butt-hole), a woman who takes men’s cocks up her anus.
?OH?NO?.Please?Mister?please?.NOT THAT.?
He wanted her to take it up the ass willingly. When she wouldn’t, Trubshaw and the two corporals made her climb up on a table to sit on a square board, which was fixed to the top of a table. Handfuls of sharp gravel had been glued to the board’s surface. It was a very uncomfortable perch. Her naked buttocks felt each piece as it dug into her flesh.
They tied her thumbs together and pulled her arms overhead to loosely tether them to an overhead rafter. Then they tied her ankles together and secured them to the tabletop. Sitting, knees bent, her arms over her head, all of her weight on her buttocks, Usha felt the sharp gravel on her butt cheeks, her perineum, and her cunt too. Any movement on the stones was a torment. But this was not the most terrible thing. The corporals took turns, when she moved or even squirmed, slapping her tits with a thin split bamboo cane.
Usha was ordered to keep still and hold her painful position seated on the gravel. Which was difficult enough, but Trubshaw had a cruel extra dimension to be added. The skinny one, using a small stick as a dauber, dipped it into a pot of honey and applied several small daubs of honey on Usha’s round belly, some in her belly button and on her inner thighs too. Then the short Welshman brought out a jar of ants.
?Oh??.no??.please??,? Usha begged when she realizes what they were for.
With the honey daubed all over her belly, Usha realized where the ants were going. The corporal opened the jar that had about six-dozen excited black ants inside. Opening it?. he upended it onto Usha’s tummy. Once the ants started to swarm all over Usha’s belly, there was no way she could keep still as they ran all over her driven by the smell of the honey. They scurried this way and that; while a whole clump of them clustered around her belly button feasting on the honey there and driving her crazy. They headed down for the honey on her thighs and Usha cried out.
She squirmed against her will, grinding her tender bottom on the gravel, causing her to cry out in agony. And this earned her another smack on her nipples with the split bamboo cane. Hitting her dark brown nipple quickly, the three ends of the bamboo split as they blow lands pinches her nipples. Usha’s nipples were very sensitive and the cane tormented her. She was soon sobbing and her tears dripped down to wet her tits. They would let her struggle with the ants awhile. She couldn’t stop squirming.
?Can’t keep still,? they jeered and taunted her.
And give they gave her the inevitable smack on her breasts. They alternated from one to the other and Usha began to yell every time the nasty bamboo landed. Some blows pinched the nipple and squeezed the flesh sharply. The feel of the ants was awful as Usha felt their scampering over her belly and thighs much worse than ticklish; it was very disturbing. The Welshman got the stick and dipped it in the pot of honey again.
This time he smeared some on Usha’s cunt. At the top where the labia come together and meet her clitoris. Soon the ants were crawling around on Usha’s cunt. Driving her mad. She begged to be released and promised to do anything sexual they wanted. She used the language of the streets and sounded like a whore. She had descended to her own private hell.
Usha’s breasts were covered in weals. Her nipples had swollen in response to the dozens of painful smacks she’d received. She was not be able to touch them without crying for several hours. When she told Trubshaw that she would take their cocks in her shit hole, they released her. She brushed the awful ants off her violently when she was released. Usha didn’t want to go back on the ?stones? again. So, she had to anoint each of their cocks; and following this humiliatingly apply the oil to her anus too. She was made to stick her own finger in her asshole to lubricate her shit hole. Then Trubshaw made her lick her finger clean. Trubshaw was first; his cock was so big it hurt when he forced open her tight brown sphincter. Usha’s pota had never been penetrated. She cried during most of the next hour as they took turns reaming her asshole. Her anus swelled up to comic proportions as they abused her. They made her rub her clitoris as she was ass-shagged and she climaxed? adding to their amusement and her shame.
Toward the end of her incarceration, Trubshaw has only to threaten her with being put back on the ?stones? and she responded by saying, ?I’ll do anything you want.?
Music to Sgt. Major Trubshaw’s ears.
?Will you fuck the whole platoon, slut,? he taunted her?
?Yes. All of them. Let them fuck me, fuck me, fuck me please,? she said – accepting her degraded position.
?Moro kona bithore rojo, poka'? she said to him which means: ‘throw your semen into my pussy hole’.
Trubshaw was as good as his word. Soon he’d lined up the whole Grenadier platoon – all four squads. Usha was bent over a table in the guardhouse and Trubshaw gave the men condoms on their way in. Each man was given five minutes to do his business. They shagged her unmercifully. Many of them when they had cum, went around to Usha’s face, pulled of their condom and made her lick up the contents. Some even turned the condom inside out and made her suck it completely clean.
It took more than 4 hours for all forty-two men to fuck the plump Indian widow. Her pussy, when was over, was swollen to a gross size from all the hard fucking she got. She came almost continuously, after the first hour, as they fucked her. There was so much semen and juices from her pussy, that she was a disgusting mess, when it was over. They brought in a regimental hound at the end.
Trubshaw led him, by his leash, around to Usha’s dripping, oozing swollen cunt. There was a thick ring of accumulated secretions all around her hole. Lathered she was. Trubshaw let the dog loose. The dog’s cold nose and hot, wet tongue soon had Usha cumming. She was mortified as this was something only a lower caste person would do. This broke her spirit completely.
Trubshaw enjoyed making her suck his cock as soldiers and Indian tradesman came in and out of the garrison. Usha, during her incarceration, was degraded down to the level of the lowest prostitute. She hated the sexual abuse and especially the humiliation during the four weeks she spent in the garrison. Released, she vowed to never again run afoul of the authorities again. However, she was detained and questioned for courier activities again only nine months later?.
?2010 Shabbadew2002. All Rights Reserved.
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Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestThelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...
Hi, this is Rahul again back with another story. Plz, dm me on Instagram at id – naughty.Fantasy or email me at for gf’s pics trade, fantasy talks, to see the pics of the girl in the story and more…. This time I want to share an encounter with my gf’s hot roommate. Let me describe my gf first…She is petite 5″3 with stats of 32 28 32. She is hot and her size is like a doll…So I make her my fuckdoll often ;) I like small petite girls but sometimes I get in the mood to fuck tall and hot girls as...
Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...
Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...
Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...
Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-Fifrom my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...
When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...
“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...
"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...
Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...
The next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...
Hope you like Esther's latest installment! ESTHER FOUR By TamarainRubber I obediently followed Esther down the long narrow hallway that led into an enormous room filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, soft whispers and a bevy of leather-clad women and men dolled up as maids, rubber babies, and crossdressing sluts like me. Strangely enough (and very much to my pleasure), there was little if any evidence of the S&M parties I had only read about, but never...
The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...
Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...
Fantasy & Sci-FiEsther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...
When Esther had woken up the next morning laying next to Romeo, she almost freaked out, but the all of the memories from the night before flooded into her brain."Oh god." She sat up and looked at Romeo's sleeping figure next to her, his teal hair was tossed about the pillow, and he chest heaved up and down, Damn he is so hot, she thought, I acted kind of crazy last night, her face burned, ugh, what the fuck was wrong with her these days? She felt Romeo's body shift a little and her heart sped...
Esther II By TamarainRubber I had found the woman I had been dreaming about, hoping she would be my lover for years to come. Esther was the first real lady I had encountered who actually seemed to be honest about wanting to share my passions. I prayed that I would not be disappointed. From how she reacted, I didn't think I would be, but I was the planet's biggest skeptic. For the past four hours, Esther made me try on an incredibly sexy collection of female fetish wear that...
Chapter 1 – The Birth of a Goddess Zeke cracked his knuckles and spread out his fingers. They touched the black glass in front of him and the desk lit up. A white keyboard appeared and he started to type on the touchscreen desktop. His fingers bounced around the screen, typing across the keyboard of light. You see, Zeke was a genius beyond his years. He was currently eighteen and in his second year of college. His masterful mind crossed with a youth of video games made him into one of the...