Duke Pt. 04 free porn video

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Duke was seconded to spend a fortnight in Dubbo, working at the head office on the mining company that employed him at Thompson. He was filling in for the executive electrical engineer (planning and infrastructure) while he was on holiday.

The company provided him with one of the ground floor apartments it maintained for visiting VIPs so he took Misty with him. Before he left the three mothers came over with cakes and filled biscuits tins for him to take with him and joined him for a ‘farewell’ drink, Debra leaving baby Duncan in the care of her husband for the first time. After only one drink and the women helped him clear away, Duke left, not wishing to arrive in Dubbo and run into a driving breath-test road block. Where he lived guys drove after driving provided they could find they keys and find the vehicle’s ignition lock… or could find their vehicle, er more or less. The truth was it was common knowledge country cops had a quota of drunk drivers to fill.

Duke welcomed the break because life had become rather too routine and without excitement. When jerking in the shower he often thought about pushing his dick between Gina’s big tits but she’d made no effort to have the sexual encounter she’d claimed she was owed the evening she’d found him giving Gretchen an anal ravishing.

He called at head office. Most people had left for the day but the CEO saw him chatting up the receptionist and called him in. By the time Duke pulled his eyeballs from Nancy’s cleavage and got her phone number and entered the CEO’s office, Neville Copeland had already poured two heft whiskies.

‘Sit down and thanks for helping out. It appeared inappropriate to bring in any of the mine managers to fill in for Charlie and when we went through alternatives you were first choice.’

‘That’s bullshit Neville.’

‘No fair dinkum mate, it was you by a country mile. I thought I ought to be frank with you. Charlie is not on holiday. He’s gone to Sydney for a big investigation, scans and all that crap. He has cancer bad. You may have to be here for a couple of months before we find a replacement.’

‘Why not appoint me?’

‘You? But you live like a king in Thompson in that flash house of yours and women, married and unmarried, sneaking in through the backdoor at nights, or so the whisper is?’

‘I’m not against relocating.’

‘We are looking at opening a mine 500 miles out in the desert.’

‘I’m against relocating.’

‘Ah a man I feel I can trust. I always know where I am with you, not like some of these wimps who have to have a committee meeting before they can give a decision.’

‘Well enough of this crap,’ Duke smile. ‘How’s Jean’s leg, is she back show jumping yet?’

‘She’s into light training thank god. I had weeks of near-hell living while that leg was immobilized. It’s obvious to me just how much riding means to her so I’ve backed off telling her to retire. Anyway thanks for asking. I tell her you enquired. For some reason you continue to impress her.’

‘She must have been studying the outline of my dick.’

They laughed and clinked glasses for the second time and said cheers.

Neville said, ‘Are you free tonight?’

‘Well to go out for a drink but not to take you whoring because you’re married.’

Neville laughed and politely excused himself and made a call.

‘Hi I have Duke with me. He’s just arrived.’

‘Ah good, that was my thinking. Just a minute.’

He turned to Duke and said Jean had invited him to dinner. Duke nodded.

‘He says yes, thanks for the magnificent offer, that he looks forward to hearing the latest filthy jokes from you. I’ll be home in fifteen minutes. He’ll arrive at 7:00 after settling into the apartment.’

The apartment was airy and opened out on to a communal pool. It was beautifully appointed and Misty explored and returned to stand by the fridge, signally her acceptance and reminding Duke it was her dinnertime. He unpacked a can of food he’d brought with him. She almost turned her nose up at it because it wasn’t fish but he growled and she began eating.

He ran and bath and drinking soda water called Gina’s cell phone number. She’d slipped the number to him as he was leaving so he guessed this was the reason.

‘Gina De Vito speaking.’

‘Are you free to speak?’

‘Yes the others are watching TV.’

The apartment is luxurious. I’m wondering if you can sneak away and join me for a night or two?’

She sounded hesitant. ‘I have a girlfriend in Dubbo. I could get away for one night without raising suspicion. I’d need to spend some time with her and to explain my reason for being in Dubbo.’

‘That’s okay. If anyone in your family felt the need to call you they would call your cell phone that would be with you wherever you were.’

‘Oh yes, of course. That makes me feel somewhat relieved.’

‘Have you done this before?’

‘Ah yes but not for some years.’

‘Well at least that’s experience and means you will be unlikely to make slip-ups. Gina I’ve thought of this possibility ever since the first time I saw you.’

‘You only see my boobs you ram.’

‘No it’s also your bright personality, your smile and your wide mouth and flowing hair.’

‘Omigod, stop it. You’re on the verge of making me adore myself. I better go. I’ll think about this. It might be several days before I call.’

Duke thought he should call Nancy the receptionist and find what he could arrange for tomorrow night. He’d invite her to meet him at a bar but in all probability she’d say no she’d come to the apartment, they could fuck and then go out to dinner. He checked his watch… oh shit almost time to go. Ten minutes later he arrived at Jane and Neville’s apartment. The Copeland’s also had an 80-acre farm 35 miles out from Dubbo where Jean had a female resident manager to run the horse-breeding programme and where Jean spent a couple of days most weeks training her horses and maintaining fitness for equestrian events. Duke was unaware this would be one of the most defining nights in his life.

‘Oh hi,’ Jean said, coming to the door using a stick but she appeared to have no limp or sign of weakness.

‘This is just an insurance thing,’ she said, waving the walking stick. ‘My muscles on my healing leg are weak and in favouring my good leg it’s like learning to walk. I could topple without warning unless I keep my mind on the job. Neville drinks please.’

They chatted, catching up on what everyone had been doing socially and then when they were seated at the table Jean said, ‘Tell me about your women Duke.’

‘What?’ he said, jaw dropping.

‘I’m worried about you. Do you always wish to be a bachelor?’

He sighed and said it seemed to be inevitable.


Both the Copeland’s almost leaned forward waiting for the answer.

‘Because I can’t keep hold of a woman, that’s why.’

Neville eased back into his chair, looking a little disappointed, but his wife’s eyes flashed behind her spectacle and her chin jutted forward and she said, ‘Do you care to explain that?’


‘Because I’m interested.’

Duke looked as if that reply appeared non-threatening. ‘If you must know we start with a huge bang and then the excitement subsides. Later we both yawn and before long say goodbye to end the relationship, usually some feeble pretext being offered.

‘I thought so.’

Neville refilled their wine glasses and the two men looked at Jean waiting for her explanation.

Jean asked, ‘Have you ever proposed to one of your women?’


‘Do you buy them gifts?’

‘Well yes, the longer-stay ones. I buy them flowers, perhaps some sexy underwear.’

‘I mean expensive gifts, like jewellery?’

‘Of course not. What for?’

Jean sighed. ‘For goodness sake Duke, you’ll never marry at this rate. All you are saying to these wo
men is I want your body. In buying sexy underwear you are saying you want pussy dressed up.’

‘Jean,’ Neville said nervously.

‘Shut up. You were almost as bad and if I had failed to assess your money-making potential I would have dump you like Duke’s women dump him.’

Duke disputed that. ‘Fair go Jean, women never really dump me, er most women don’t.’

‘Oh no, so where are they now?’

Duke looked at Neville as if appealing for intervention but Neville stood and said he’d get another bottle of wine.

Duke used his table napkin to dab his forehead.

‘How many women have you lined up to visit you at the apartment?’

Duke thought the interfering bitch but then decided what the heck and so he spoke truthfully. ‘One is in the wings waiting for an invitation and the other is making arrangements.’

‘Is that one married?’

Duke looked at the tabletop and whispered yes.

‘Jesus Duke, have you had a lobotomy? How the fuck do you intend to marry a married woman?’

Neville was entering from the kitchen but on hearing that outburst swung around and returned to the kitchen.

‘Well it’s not like you think. This woman caught me with another woman, one of her friends, and although it wasn’t said the price for keeping the first woman’s mouth shut was for me to have a night with her.’

‘Was the other woman married?’

‘Er yes.’

‘Jesus Duke I give up. You might be good at your job and perhaps you perform brilliantly at sex, and that wouldn’t surprise me, but your tactics are flawed with holes large enough to drive trucks through them. To you a relationship with a woman is on a single plane, sex. Don’t you understand women are multi-dimensional? Tell me do you take a woman out to dinner?’

‘Yes of course.’

‘Before or after sex?’

‘Well after and then we rush home for more sex.’

‘Oh my giddy aunt. Neville, stop skulking in the kitchen and get the fucking wine in here.’

Neville marched in and said confidently, ‘Could you please tone down your language darling, you are not in the company of your horsy cronies.’

‘Oh yes, sorry guys. I just got so exasperated.’

For more than an hour over dinner Jean attempted to bring Duke up to speed about women and that included what she perceived as their general likes and dislikes and dwelt on their expectations.

During this entire confrontation, Duke gave no sign of being irritated at her being so personal or scathing. That would have been partly due to them getting to know each other very well two years ago when her mother was dying and Neville was at an international mining convention in Brazil. An SOS went out to company executives and managers for a driver, Duke had been the volunteer chosen by Jean to drive her 2210 miles to Perth and eight days later drive her back again. Jean had a fear of flying and was almost as bad about trains and that was astonishing for someone almost fifty-five who jumped horses fearlessly.

After dinner Jean was yawning and said she felt exhausted.

‘Little wonder, you talking almost non-stop for almost three hours,’ Neville complained. ‘Slip off to bed, we won’t mind. We could relax.

‘No I’m fine. You clear away.’

‘I’ll assist,’ said Duke. ‘And Jean, for the record let me say I appreciated the help you attempted to give me tonight. I think you have set my mind in motion and I’ll be making some fundamental changes to my personal life and certainly will adjust the ways in which I deal with women… er… romantically. I have been approaching them like a piece of meat, haven’t I?’

Jean shrieked in laughter. ‘Duke you raised that disgusting image and mentioned romance almost in the same breath, how could you?’

Neville and Duke operated efficiently, Neville loading the dishwasher and putting things away while Duke washed pots, pans and the gravy boat. They went into the lounge to find Jean asleep. Neville threw a light rug over her and put out the light and he took Duke to the veranda and then fetched coffee.

‘Gosh mate I’ve never seen Jean go at anyone like a dog at a bone as she did with you tonight. I’ll get her to phone you tomorrow to apologize.’

‘No forget it. She rang my bell a few times tonight. I honestly believe I’ve been behaving like an idiot, not seeing beyond the end of my dick.’

‘Well if you are sure…’

‘Absolutely so just forget it huh?’

Neville continued this serious tone. ‘Look Duke you’ve set my mind going. If Charlie’s on his way out I will consider you as a possible replacement. I’ll brief my executive team to keep an eye on you while you are here as a temp and tell them why I want you assessed. So good luck and try to deliver well. I’ll speak to Terry King tomorrow and tell him you may be required to remain here for up to two months and to ensure your deputy at Thompson is property supervised and supported. I fly to Sydney later tomorrow to check on Charlie and his wife and family.’

Duke drove off carefully, having consumed a considerable amount of liquor over the past few hours. He arrived at the apartment and parked in the basement without incident. As he walked around outside with Misty and waited for her to do her business, he thought yes he owed Gina and would proceed with her but he’d not date the receptionist who was just being a slut while waiting for someone who really appealed to her to come along. Well until now he’d been acting exactly like that, but no more.

He was working next morning on finalising specifications to place for selected suppliers to quote on a replacement electrical supply standby generator for the company’s Marton-Wells mine when he took a call from Jean.

‘Look I wish to apologize for last night. I got on to your case and my tongue then ran amok.’

‘Thanks for calling but no apology is necessary. If you had made only a few comments then this would have probably have come to nothing. As it is, my mind last night began grinding away, working out new strategies and how I present myself to women.’

‘Well thanks for letting my off the hook Duke. I’m only trying to help. If you like I could introduce to some young women, although most of my close contacts are horse families but not all of them.’

‘That’s fine. Providing they have great breasts and legs and…’


‘Oh yeah, as I was about to say providing they are fit to go kayaking and motor-cycling trail riding and… er… like opera and ballet and can hold down an intelligent conversation and are morally sound and…’

‘Now you are in danger of going right over the top. I’ll see what I can do because I really owe you for what you did for me, getting me to Perth while my mother could stil recognized me and could converse coherently even though that lasted only a few hours. Now this is very confidential…’

‘Okay it remains between you and me.’

‘Neville told me over breakfast that Charlie might not last a month, it’s that bad. You are to be offered the position. As you know there is no deputy for head office electrical infrastructure as Neville runs a tight ship as instructed by the board. So I suggest you begin thinking about selling your property in Thompson. You have finished all the work you had planned on that house, hadn’t you?’

‘Yes apart from a small lean-to laundry. Um are you that sure I’ll succeed Charlie?’

‘Well Neville is and he alone makes the appointment. So do nothing to blot your copybook between now and the time comes to replace Charlie.’

Duke worried about having that affair with Gina. Her husband Carlo was a senior manager at the Thompson mine. If Gina and he were found out his copybook, as Jean called, it would be truly blotted. He sighed thinking if he pulled out after raising Gina’s expectations, injecting some real excitement into her life, she could turn on him and that could have repercussions anyway.

He called David Bateman, a mate who worked in re
sidential real estate sales in Thompson.

‘Hi it’s Duke. How’s baby Susan going?’

‘Oh hi. Well she’s putting on weight and Brandy and I are getting much more sleep at regular hours.’

‘Good, good. Listen I’ve been seconded to Dubbo for a while and want you to list my house for sale and suggest the market price. Go in, the house is unlocked. I want it advertised for a month on Wednesdays and Saturdays in double column ads in The Central Western Daily that covers Orange and environs and the Daily Liberal here in Dubbo and place a big sign on the property and of course advertise in the Weekly Thompson Gazette. I’ll return to Thompson on Saturday and pack my stuff and place it into storage. You take the front door key hanging on the keyboard in the kitchen and I’ll lock the house when my stuff is trucked off because I don’t want squatters moving in. Got all that?’

‘Yes. I know the house well. I’d say market it at $315,000. If that house was in Dubbo you’d probably get another hundred grand, but that’s how real estate goes. I can get it professionally appraised if you wish.’

‘No if I get $310,000 after paying agency commission I’ll be happy because it’s mortgage free. It was a rundown bummer when you sold it to me for seventy-two grand three years ago.’

‘Yeah, yeah. Well you spent big money and a hell of a lot of time on half rebuilding it and what you have done taught me more about recognizing potential. I’ll take some photos and draw up a marketing plan. You make any amendments and on Saturday you can sign the listing and the agency contracts and hand me the cheque and then I’ll help you pack. Now give my your address for courier delivery.’

Duke dug deep into Charlie’s files and found a heap of non-actioned requisitions dating back several months so discussed them with the director of operations. That meeting lasted two hours and Frank said as Duke was leaving, ‘Good work for not ignoring this file Duke. As I said the requisitions go back to about the time Charlie got really black news about the Big C.’

That comment suggested Neville would get to hear that that discovery and that made Duke feel pleased, knowing it would probably be raised as a team meaning to ensure other executives were alerted. It was, at Friday’s team meeting at which Duke attended. His subsequent discovery of numerous emails and a pile of written complaints about non-action over requisitions was also reported and the meeting discussed how to avoid that action being repeated in any department.

Mid afternoon on Tuesday Duke received a call from a female who identified herself as Lisa Fulton. She described herself as the daughter of a friend of Jean Copeland.

‘Mrs Copeland said you are new in town and so I’m calling to invite you to late dinner tonight.’

‘Well that’s a wonderful invitation. We could get pizzas and eat at my apartment.’

‘That won’t be necessary,’ Lisa said a little primly. ‘I’ll meet you at the restaurant and will drive myself home.’

Oh crap, Duke thought. He’d delivered a huge sexual innuendo to a lady whose mum was bound to be a close buddy to Jean. Well he’d attempt to bail himself out of the licentious mire at restaurant, making himself out to be a real gentleman.

Lisa turned out to be rather cute with nifty puppies, er breasts, and a great bedside manner. She was a house doctor at Dubbo Base Hospital. She boggled when Duke handed her flowers and appeared not to know what to do with them and neither did the waitress when Duke asked for a vase.

‘Please fetch a water jug, that will suffice.’

Both women glanced appreciatively at Duke Caine, problem solver.

‘I-I never been given flowers on a first date,’ Lisa said colouring when Duke said without thinking he was glad there would be more dates.

‘Unless you’re married.’

‘God no, I’m in the last lap of formal training. I don’t really have time for men, I’m only doing this as a favour…’

She stopped, blushing furiously.

‘For Jean?’

Lisa nodded.

‘Well she believes she owes me. Let me tell you why.’

Lisa listened fascinated and at the end she smiled and said, ‘Why are you drinking water?’

Duke knew but no way would he tell her he was attempting to reform. ‘Er it’s a real health drink isn’t it?’

She giggled and said did Duke wish to hear what she thought.

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Waiting for someone to discover All of those things that she needs Until she tenatively whispers to him And a plan of sorts is agreed{I can see that she's nervous She's not sure how much she should say Yet when she utters thoughts on her mind I can see her eyes light up, joy on display}Slowly but surely, giving herself to him For she needs to serve and obey Training becoming a little more intense With each and every passing day{I can see it in her face, she's overwhelmed Knowing that this is...

4 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 30

That evening, Megan lye in bed rubbing her aroused clit thinking about how good it felt today when Derrick fucked her. Her cunt wasn't sore even though he fucked her more than once. After getting her finger slicked with her cunt juices, she rolled on her side and brought one leg up, then reached around and began inserting them into her ass. As she wiggled her fingers inside of her ass, she massaged her clit even harder, and had to push her face into the pillow to muffle her moans of...

3 years ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 18

"In order to help your self-image," the Doctor explained, "I'm going to do a little bit of 'body sculpting'; your breasts are kind of small, so I'm giving you hormone injections to build them up. Sorry I didn't wake you up beforehand, but I was hoping I could do it as quickly as possible..." Tonya was short of breath; she grasped for words. "No... No, I... I... I thought... you were... a... a snake..." "Personal opinion, Tonya?", the Doctor replied, grinning. "Oh, no, no,...

4 years ago
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Monster Maidens and Transformations

MONSTER, MAIDENS and TRANSFORMATIONS (a Gothic Story) By Geneva Berthold, a young Bavarian businessman, meets a pretty young woman called Ursula in a tavern. As part of their pillow talk she tells him a fantastic story that has a surprising connection. Note. This has one story (a rather long one) set in another story. To show speech in the character Ursula's narration, I could have used multiple quotation marks but, as this would get complicated and perhaps confusing, I have...

1 year ago
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Older Women Make Good Lovers

When you are in sales you always meet women. Some are ok but others really get your attention. I was making a sales call at this one particular company one day on my route. I was showing some of my line when she came up behind me as I was showing my products to the other women in the office. She put her hand on my shoulder to lean in and see the catalog. There was something in the touch that got my attention. As I would drop by each week we would chit chat and as every week pass by we would...

Straight Sex
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Fun in Vegas

We were planning a trip to Vegas. All of us are big gamblers, so we would prefer to spend our money at the tables, and hopefully bring home more of it than we had originally. As a result of this, we agreed to all stay in one room, and just kind of take shifts sleeping. Nobody really sleeps all that much when we're in Vegas anyway. This means that we had 8 people in one room, 4 officially, don't tell anyone ;). I'm a guy, 26, tall and in pretty good shape. The rest of my friends were a mix of...

Erotic Fiction
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Mairi Heavy Figure Wali Best Friend Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera naam Sunny hai mairi umr 23 saal hai aur mera lund 8 inch kah hai ur kaafi sakht ur mota hai bilkul clean shaved but hard aaj may aap logon key saath apni life kah aik mzedaar din share karna chahta hoon aisa din meri life may aaj tak phir kbhi bhi nahi aaya yeh aaj sey aik saal pehley ki baat hai jab mai bsc final year may parrha tha. Tab meri dosti aik hot or sexy larki sey hue uska naam tha dipti who haal hi may chandhigarh sey delhi sift hue thi ur final year key liye...

2 years ago
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A Redhead in Thailand

Ally sat at the end of a cheap hostel table listening to young Westerners discussing the nuances of social circles back home. She focused more on the slowly advancing time of her iPhone than the chattering of her friends, as her mind lingered on the afternoon’s events, the wrong turn down the sleazy side street of Soi 6, and a young Thai prostitute she’d encountered. An unfamiliar wild streak built within, and she wished away the monotony of another night in a hostel with Westerners. She was...

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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 12

The Baron and Baroness were seated in the study while Steffan brought tea. "Of course as soon as the offspring is born I will have no further use for her so, if you would like to have her back..." "No," mused the Baroness while the Baron nodded agreement, "she will have exhausted her usefulness. There is other fair game for the taking." "If that's the case then I..." From the nearby stables came Adrienne's bloodcurdling scream and the neighing of a horse. "I think we are about...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 15 Guys and Gals

May 27, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “This is more like a fraternity party than a baseball game!” Elyse laughed, as we sat in the bleachers at Wrigley Field watching the Reds play the Cubs. “Just be quiet and drink your beer!” I teased. “That’s one thing we couldn’t do at Riverfront! We were too young. Of course, the Reds were so good we wanted to watch the game. I think drinking is the only way to get through games these days!” “They might have a chance today,” Stephanie said. “It’s only 2-1...

2 years ago
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Die Klassenlehrerin

Ich bin Lisa eine bildschöne junge Frau von 27 Jahren und hatte mit meinen 172 Zentimetern und meiner schlanken, hochgewachsenen Statur eine wahre Modellfigur. Wer immer mich ansah, war von mir begeistert. Denn ich hatte neben meiner beeindruckenden, sehr weiblich Formen lange, hellblonde Haare und die unvermeidlichen tiefblauen Augen in einem absolut ebenmäßigen Gesicht. Ich achte sehr auf meine Figur, ernähre mich sehr bewußt und war, dank meiner zahlreichen sportlichen Aktivitäten, mit...

4 years ago
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Kylie and Chrissy

"Stop... we really shouldn't be doing this" "It's just a bit of fun. Now just hold still while I do yours" "Ok, but only for a few minutes, what if we get caught?" "They won't be home for hours, just relax" "How long have you actually been doing this?" "A while... do you like it?" "I don't know. Doesn't your sister know? "Nah, why would she?" Applying a final layer of lip-gloss to his friend's lips, Chris leant back and passed a vanity mirror to Kyle, "what do you...

2 years ago
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A Mad Mad Mad Mad Marvel Universe

“It’s all over, Tech!” Batman declared. He glanced to his right and saw Commissioner Gordon fleeing the Mad Hatter’s warehouse lair with the Mayor’s daughter, Catherine, in tow. The kidnapping of the Mayor’s daughter had gripped the city. It had taken Batman days to find the Hatter’s lair. When he finally did track down where Jervis Tetch was hiding the innocent Catherine, he discovered the college-aged girl wearing a frilly powder blue and white ‘Alice’ dress. She was having tea with the...

1 year ago
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Locker Room Encounters

The pay that his boss gave him per hour wasn't the best but Jake didn't mind, the job came with other added "bonuses." Jake would often wear his favourite tight speedo shorts and the word "tight" was a bit of understatement. Swimming countless laps of the pool over the years had done Jake a ton of favours and the countless stares directed at his muscular figure bulging out of his speedo did not go unnoticed. On this particular day he noticed a couple of seniors Hailey and Jennifer...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Ashley Adams Jayden Cole The Loud Librarian

Sex-obsessed Ashley Adams loves to be bold and go out in public without wearing panties. Today is no exception as she spends time at the library catching up on her reading. But Ashley has her eye on more than just the pages. She’s sneaking glances at Jayden Cole, the hot librarian. In fact, Ashley can barely keep her eyes off of Jayden and licks her lips hungrily at the thought of her. Ashley takes a deep breath and makes her move, asking for Jayden’s help. The librarian asks her...

2 years ago
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my best friend3

When I was in my late thirties, I had a really good friendship with a lady called Lynn. We got on instantaneously on our first meeting, similar likes and dislikes and good company. I knew she was a lesbian and I confess some of my lonely masturbation sessions were helped along by closing my eyes and fantasising that Lynn was with me. We had been friends for many years and never once did she show any interest in me and to be honest how would I react if she did, probably run away in blind...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 2

When you’ve died a lot, you get almost accustomed to waking up in some other body, in another place and at a different time. I KNEW it was me in the body lying on that hospital bed, but I also knew everything else was not me. Rather than babble something that would define me as mentally suspect, I shut my mouth and opened my eyes and ears. My head was full of all kinds of extra information that had no anchor. It was just there. For instance, I knew that the lovely woman smiling down at me...

3 years ago
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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 21

Joe and Katrina had one more night together in Dublin. Where he took her around the world so to speak at her insistence, depositing cum in pussy, mouth and rectum. Talking after. Exchanging poetry late into the night. Neither slept much before the early morning flight to Amsterdam for the final show of the European tour. Joe spent the morning after their arrival catching up with sleep. Moe and Chandi joining him around noon bringing brunch. Liang needing to head home earlier. The three made...

2 years ago
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The Forlorn Lovers1

Carter reached into the trashcan, searching for food. He didn’t care what it tasted like or what condition it was in; he just wanted something to ease the empty throbbing in his stomach. His whole body was racked with pain and he wanted at least one part of his body not to hurt. He was standing under a graffiti-covered bridge while the rain hammered outside. While he didn’t make a smile or even a grunt, he was relieved to find a half-eaten hotdog. He walked outside and sat on a bench,...

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Sues massage in Salt Lake City

This is an e-mail written to the man who joined my wife and I in our first and second threesome. This accounts the third adventure we recently enjoyed when she joined me on a business trip to Salt Lake City. Sue is 46, a mother of two lovely girls, tall (5'8"), weighs 120 pounds, has long thick stunning natural red hair, 36C breasts with continuously hard 1 inch nipples, large thick pussy lips and she loves to suck a cock almost as much as she enjoys being fucked. She works out regularly and...

3 years ago
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My sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...

4 years ago
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First O

I could hardly wait to put on the beautiful new things John given me, but I carefully showered and shaved even though I couldn't find even the tiniest trace of roughness on my legs or underarms. I didn't want him to feel anything but smooth skin when he touched me, and I wanted him to touch me a lot. All his touches so far had been exciting and wonderful. I wasn't absolutely positive, but I was pretty sure that I'd like him touching me all over. Everywhere. I was almost certain I'd like that. A...

3 years ago
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Birthday Blowjob

Sit back and relax, let me take you on a journey. I’m going to blow your mind, as I suck your cock. It’s your birthday after all. Let me give you the best of gifts, ending with a creamy mess. With you sitting in your comfy chair, eyes closed and slow breathing, I kneel before you with an excited grin. I want to please you, the best I can. I drop kisses down your chest, leaving you with a pleasurable desire for more. Don’t worry though, I’ll get there. My lips trail down your soften skin,...

3 years ago
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Sex with the EX

I had to admit that I was surprised when my ex phoned me that afternoon to invite me over to her place -- our old place -- that evening. When Sonja and I split up 6 months earlier we didn't exactly part company on the best of terms. We had been together for almost seven years and I truly believe we were both certain that we had found our soul mates. For Sonja, it was her second go round at marriage and she brought two young k**s into our relationship. I had also been married once, but...

2 years ago
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Varanasi Jaakar Choda Bhabhi Ko

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends. Mera nam rocky hai. Bht din baad main fir se apni story lekar aaya hu. Mjhe puri umeed hai aap sab ko meri story pasand aaegi. Aur pichli stories ke response aache the. Thanks for that. Ab main sidha story par aata hu. Ye baat 3month pehle ki hai. Jab main mumbai gaya tha apne cousin ke shaadi mein. Har koi ladka shaadi mein jaata hai ye soch kar ki kisi ko ladki ko pata kar kuch kar ne ka mauka mil jaae. Main b yahi soch kar gaya tha. Vaha bht se...

4 years ago
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The New House

On any given street in any given neighborhood, there lives an empty house. No one really remembers how old the house is, usually reckoning that it's been there forever. It looks old, the yard unkempt, the eves and gutters slightly rusted, the paint slightly peeling in spots, or the windows a bit covered over by dust. No one really remembers when the people that used to live there moved out, either. Usually referring to the last occupants in phrases like "some odd years", or "way back when", all...

3 years ago
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Breast and Nipple Orgasm

Ladies – Have You Ever Had An Orgasm With Attention Only To Your Breasts?I have been fortunate to give a couple of women orgasms with me only giving them attention to their breasts and her delicious nipples. It does not happen to every woman I know but I know it sure can. The first time it happens to her surprises her but it is real. The beautiful look on her face, the way her skin flushes, and those lovely sounds, such a wonderful moment. No touching her pussy during breast play but after...

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Dog day afternoon1

“So where are we going Marco?” “It’s not far now.” I said as we drove along the leafy country lanes outside Worcester. Rose was excited and probably a little nervous as I had promised her ‘something you have never seen or done before’ which given the range of her experience was hard for her to believe. Eventually the satnav directed me to a long driveway with an old Victorian house, shaded by deferential pines, at the end. “C’mon, we are just in time.” I said as I parked my...

2 years ago
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Magic Depot Changed My Life

'Magic Depot Changed My Life' Today I'm wearing Sally Cooper - DNA from the nearest Magic Depot superstore of course. I'm hoping that appearing as the popular newsreader will put my interviewee at ease, more than my normal male self would have done. I have arranged to meet her in Anna Miller's, where she works as a waitress. It's an appropriate venue. Anna Miller's is a restaurant that is a version of a chain of restaurants in Japan, that itself imitates western restaurants. So a...

2 years ago
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Mixed MessagesChapter 9

When we got home, we dropped our backpacks in our rooms and the girls came out into the hallway naked. They seemed to have gotten quite comfortable being naked around me and each other. After seeing them that way, I reluctantly told them that they should get into light tops and shorts at least for a while, along with their ribbon collars, of course. I specifically prohibited any underwear, though. I felt we needed to determine first off whether or not Adele would, in fact, show up. If she...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Makeout Part 8211 2

Any aunties and females in Delhi who would like to enjoy, can contact me Once kara and Abhi were done, they were laying on the bed exhausted for about an hour with Abhi’s dream girl, Tara laying right next to them with her hormones high as fuck. Abhi had already decided that he would be making Tara crave for him so much that she would never say no to him ever. Once Abhi regained his strength, he went out and got some stuff with him from the kitchen which included honey, chocolate syrup and...

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Gretchen8217s first time

Succumbing to the male who was younger and in actuality wasn’t the buffed handsome movie star male image the twenty-eight year old woman wanted as her life-long companion. Even if only for a dinner date or watching a flick from the time she was of sufficient age to date, her escort was always the muscle type of male who stood six feet or more as she herself was tall and didn’t want to dwarf her companion. Her striking beauty permitted her to select those males who stood out on an...

1 year ago
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My elder sweet sister

This story is completely fictional! Hi! I am raju from banglore I am 19 years old a collage student there are four members in my family my father is a 40 years old businessmen most of the time he remains out of the city for the business my mother is a good looking woman she looks sexy still at the age of 36 she is having a very tight body she regularly visits the she is also doing a job in a govt. firm she leaves the home sharp at 7.00 in the morning and comes back in the evening at 5.00 the...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Jennifer White Jennifer White gets some 8220help8221 from her stepson while her husband is stuck in China

Jennifer White’s stepson is back home from college today and she’s excited. Her husband has been stuck in China since Covid-19 hit and she’s just happy to have a man in the house again. After they catch up a bit he decides to take a shower and Jennifer hasn’t seen cock in so long that she can’t help but spy on him. As soon as she sees, she can’t help but touch herself, but he catches her in the act! They have an awkward conversation but she explains that she...

3 years ago
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Magic Kingdom At The Character Breakfast

Long title, realtively short story. Another quickie for me. I decided to experiment and try to stretch my meager writing talent by doing something new. I tried to write a story in flashback. I usually write, for the most part, in linear time. I need it for another story that I'm working on. Tell me if it works Raven Captain Webster's the Magic Kingdom: At the Character Breakfast By Raven I watched my Husband Geoff parade around the restaurant in the Polynesian Village with...

2 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 11

For the past three years Meiersdottir had gradually detached herself from Eden Rescue. She remained chairperson of its board and nominal CEO, but Heisinger and Igwanda—AC—had between them taken over virtually all aspects of operational management, and her regular presence was no longer needed. Given her advancing years—she'd be 113 on her next birthday, which was only two months away—making the daily trek to the organization's offices was increasingly difficult for her, and she was rarely...

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