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Macom was basically an agricultural planet. The location made it ideal for an interstellar transfer hub. If you weren’t a farmer or worked at a space port there wasn’t much else to do.

I was eighteen and had finished my basic education. My father felt that was all a farmer needed. Anxious to get off what I thought of as a backwater planet I went to work at the space port as a freight handler. My uncle was the Cargo Master and he helped me get the job.

After a year of boring work, I was ready for a change. A free trade freighter came in to replenish their supplies and take on any freight deliver job they could pick up. They needed a new freight handler because their man had been injured in an accident. I took the job though my uncle advised against it. He said this wasn’t a good ship to be on, but I wouldn’t listen. The fact that they dumped the injured handle at the space port should have told me the kind of ship it was, but I was young and anxious to get off world.

Ship board life was even more boring. In transit between stops there was only make-work to do. The Owner/Captain made sure I stayed busy. The ship had an extensive library so I studied in my spare time. When I finished the studies to become an apprentice cargo master I asked the captain for the certification. He exploded all over me. He said he only needed a dumb freight handler not an apprentice and he wouldn’t certify me because he wasn’t going to raise my pay.

My friends on the ship warned me that I was on thin ice but with nothing else to do I continued studying. This time I chose astronavigation. I knew that every interstellar ship was required to have a Certified Astrogater, a Certified Engineer and a Certified Pilot.

I was twenty-two years old and had been on the ship almost three years when we landed on Forester. Forester was on the fringe of the settled worlds. Even more back water than my home world Macom. We offloaded our cargo and waited for the Captain to find a new one. It took a week. After loading the new cargo, the Captain called me to his office.

“Jason you are a competent freight handle but you’re too ambitious. I can’t afford you.”

“I’m willing to work for a freight handler’s pay. What else do you want.”

“I’ve found a replacement. I’m dropping you here.”

“I’ll never find a ship here. At least let me stay until we hit a better planet.”

“We lift in an hour. Pack your bag and be off the ship. You’re dismissed.”

So, there I sat on an out of the way planet without a ship and only my savings to live on until I found another. Checking my comp record I found that the Cargo Master and the Astrogater had both upped my status to apprentice, also the port had fined the captain for dumping me without cause.

I found an inexpensive room. It wasn’t much more than a one room flop with a shower, not really meant for long term housing and I hoped it wouldn’t be. The Port Master only hired laborers as day labor when needed. I looked for off port jobs but the locals weren’t very friendly to off-worlders. Trying to stretch my funds I ate at a medium-priced bar and grill. The waitress was a young girl from the local farms. She was friendly and we chatted when she wasn’t busy. Frieda was looking for a way out just as I was. She made sure I knew she wasn’t a prostitute but she occasionally shared a bed and some showed their gratitude. As a friend she shared mine sometimes without expectations. On her collar she wore an astrogater pin that was give to her by a ship’s astrogater when she told him she was studying astronavigation. We often talked of catching a ship that could use our knowledge.

I’m not much for drinking or gambling but I could nurse a beer for a long time. The locals drank a spiced beer which was just a beer with local spices added in. I found out the hard way that the spice did more than add flavor. You definitely went for a trip that alcohol didn’t give.

The gambling was mainly comp games. You entered your account and the amount you were willing to wager. Luckily it wouldn’t let you lose money you didn’t have. If you wanted to bet with goods they could be valued and entered.

I had picked up some odd jobs around the port but was nearing the end of my money. I decided to chance the price of a meal on a game. Surprisingly I won. After a few more rounds I won enough to last me another ten days.

Five days later a ship landed. The Port Master warned me to stay clear because it had a bad reputation. I was desperate but when I saw the crew I knew the warning was real. They were unkempt and dirty. They swaggered around trying to look tough. The fact that there was twice as many as a ship that size would require was a sign of a pirate or at least someone up to no good. The only woman of the crew was clean if not neat and she wasn’t drinking. Maybe she was the one to watch out for.

Looking around the bar I noticed most of the regulars had left. Only the old lady that spent a couple of nights a week there and myself remained. The ship’s crew were gathered around the gaming table drinking and gambling. At the end of each game the winner had to buy a round of drinks for the other players. They finally talked me into playing a round. Amazingly I won. After buying drinks I still had enough for another game. Winning some and losing some I was ahead enough for me to live for a month. I set that aside as a reserve in my account. The beer was having an effect on me. I realized that Frieda was serving me watered down beer while the rest were drinking double spiced. If I remembered I would thank her in the morning.

The crowd around the table began to thin as some lost interest, ran out of funds or became too drunk to continue. Looking at my account, I had a good portion of the money in the game. Thinking that I didn’t dare quit with this rough crowd I decide to start losing. No matter how badly I played it seems I won most of the larger pots. It was down to the Captain and me and he was almost out of funds. I decided to take a break and unload some of my excess beer. Maybe the break in the game would break my winning streak.

When I got back from the restroom the Captain had added more funds to his account. I told him it was getting late and we should call it a night but he insisted on one more game. Keeping only my reserved living money I bet the substantial balance that was in my account.

I won.

Because of the large amount the bartender made sure we both thumb printed the transaction. As I turned to leave I felt a blow on my skull and I was falling into a dark pit.

I woke up in a tiny dark smelly space. The sounds told me I was on a ship and we were under way. My head was two sizes to big. Even with the watered-down beer I’d had way too much to drink. If I didn’t find a head soon I was going to add my own stench to the already odorous compartment.

The hatch was locked. I knew that waiting would not improve my situation so I keyed the intercom.

“If anybody can hear me, I need to use the head soon.”

“I’ll be down in a minute.” It sounded like the woman on the crew.

“Please hurry.” It never hurts to be polite.

A few minutes later the hatch was unlocked.

“Head’s across the passage, then come to the bridge.”

The passage and the head could have used a good cleaning. After I relieved myself I headed for the bridge. The ship was quiet. Maybe the crew was sleeping off the spiced beer.

On the bridge, the fact that only a few seats were filled didn’t surprise me. Who filled those seats was the surprise. In the engineer’s chair was the female crew member, in the pilot’s seat was the old woman from the bar and in the astrogater’s seat was Frieda.

“Where’s the crew?”

“We’re it.”

“Somebody better explain.”

“I’m Katie, you won the ship last night.”


“The Captain was also the owner. He put the ship up as collateral. He didn’t set the value very high so when you both went all in you won the ship.”

“How did they let you take off without a crew?”

“I’m an engineer and I found Frieda listed in the comp as a probationary certified astrogater. Mattie is a pilot. She retired but decided she didn’t like that planet. You’re now the Captain.”

“So why did we leave so fast and what about the rest of the crew?”

“You don’t want or need any of them. When they wake up they will realize they’re all broke. The Captain had used the ship’s account as his own for so long he didn’t think that it went with the ship. I figured we’d better be gone before they woke up and caused trouble.”

“Where are we headed?”

“We have two cargo contracts. One is paid on delivery and the other is prepaid, bonded and certified. You’ll need to help Frieda. She’s never been in space before. The bonded cargo is first.”

I helped Frieda calculate our next jump. Neither one of us had actually done this job before so did what we had studied and pray it was right. Ships normally take several short to medium hyper jumps. With longer jumps you stand a higher chance of hitting something. Most people think that space is empty. There is a lot of debris and junk floating between solar systems, you never jump inside a solar system because the gravity has attracted way too much trash. That’s where a pilot has to be sharp. In system hitting something can damage your ship. At hyper speeds even hitting a small object will instantly turn you into just more space junk.

After we were in hyper Katie showed me around the ship. The Olakana was an old medium sized freighter. In the spaces Katie worked it was neat if not clean, other spaces showed no effort at all. The bonded cargo was in a small store room, about a hundred large crates listed as medical equipment. They had been sealed and certified before they came on board. Any inspector would just check the seals, not open the crates. The money was in our account but could not be accessed until we could show proof of delivery. The other cargo was large agricultural machinery. The ship had two shuttles and there was room for more when the bays weren’t full of bulky cargo.

Talking to Katie as we walked the ship I learned a lot more. She had come on the ship as a certified engineer. Out of necessity she had learn piloting and cargo handling. She also kept the records and did most of the trading. As the only woman on the ship she had been used hard as the ship’s whore. She had been looking for a way to escape. She didn’t say, but I believe she was the one that talked the drunk Captain into wagering the ship.

Katie encouraged us to study the other jobs on the ship so we would be able to fill in or back each other up.

It took three jumps and about four weeks to our first delivery. As we approached Wilhome we felt something wasn’t quite right. There was no space port so we couldn’t take the ship down just the shuttles. We loaded the cargo on one and prepared the other to make the initial contact. Another ship was in orbit but would not respond to our calls. Playing dead was one of a pirate’s favorite tricks. Putting our ship in a different orbit we used a shuttle to check out the other ship.

Approaching cautiously, it appeared that the ship had been rammed by a shuttle. From the angle it did not look like an accident. We found no life on board. The bodies looked like sudden decompression was the cause of death. We put a nav beacon on it. Frieda and Mattie started to download and scan the ship’s comp logs and Katie and I headed down to make contact with our buyer.

On the ground we found a society barely into the industrial age. Wilhome had been settled long ago but had fallen back into the dark ages. The culture was now recovering but a civil war had broken out. Our cargo was for the losers. We were met with hostility until we explain we were just delivering cargo. The ship above had transported mercenaries for the losing side.

The language was basic but had undergone a major shift. Katie could barely make herself understood but I was completely baffled. The officials wouldn’t deal with a woman. We decided she would act as an interpreter. That meant she would bargain and I would show approval or disapproval according to her hand signals. An agreement was reached and we would bring down the cargo the next day.

Back at the ship we decided there was a lot to salvage from the disabled ship. No cargo but supplies and spare parts. We found several ship’s systems we could pull and use to upgrade our own ship or to sell. We moved the Olakana over next to the disabled ship and Frieda and Mattie started the transfer while Katie and I returned to the surface.

Half of the crates were unloaded then we made them sign the release. We would have to go to a Federation port to have it cleared but Katie was sure we would be ok. While we were unloading the rest of the crates the first ones were unsealed and opened.

Medical supplies? If you wanted somebody dead. Weapons, old technology but way ahead of what this planet had.

We hadn’t told them these were prepaid and they immediately started to bargain. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? We were offered a lot of precious metals and had agreed on an amount when Katie saw workers playing a board game. She walked over to look. It was a cross between checkers and chess. The board was polished stone and the pieces were wooden topped with colored stones. Katie started to haggle. The outcome was we would take two hundred of these “chess” sets but we had to take eleven cats too. That seemed like a strange bargain. Cats had been with man through all of his wanderings in space. Every ship had them to keep the vermin that came on board with cargo under control. I was odd that I hadn’t seen any on the Olakana, maybe it was to filthy even for cats.

We stowed and secured the metal and packed the chess games as they came in. They wouldn’t let us leave until they brought the cats. Finally, they arrived.

WAR CATS. These were the surviving mercenaries. I had heard of them before but never seen one. War cats look like a cross between humans and felines. They walk upright and are covered in short fur. There were six males and five females. The males stood about six inches taller than me. The females were about my height. They were all warriors. The proper term was Warrior Cats but had become shortened over the years. They could fight with tooth and claw or any kind of weapon including modern tech. Just standing near them made me cower.

It may have been the poor communications or the language barrier but this was not what Katie and I had expected. Armed guards marched them aboard our shuttle. Without a sound they all strapped in and prepare to lift. Even not knowing where they were headed they seemed glad to leave Wilhome alive.

Cats were unable to speak human languages; their vocal cords just weren’t built that way. Communication was by sign language, though they could understand our speech. Most people think they are not very intelligent. To use the weapons they could use and fighting as a team indicated most people might be wrong.

I needed to make some decisions fast. Behind me was a small army of the toughest most dangerous fighters anywhere. I did not want to have any misunderstandings.

“We did not plan on having you aboard but we will furnish quarters for you until we can get you to a Federation port. We have cargo to deliver so it may take some time. Let us know if you need anything else.” Their eyes were watching me but not one made a sound or a move. I hoped they understood.

When we arrived at the ship Katie led them to the crew’s quarters. We were all in officer’s quarters so they had them to themselves. That night I made sure to secure the hatches between the two areas.

The next morning Katie and Frieda started to disassemble the systems we could use from the wrecked ship. Mattie and I moved the supplies and began searching the ship for any other useful items. The ship had three more shuttles that we could use or sell. We would need to shift some of the machinery to make room in our bays. We found weapons and equipment for the cats and decided to take that too.

I was in our cargo bay deciding what I could do to make space when I noticed one of the cats watching me. It made me nervous but she didn’t seem aggressive. When I started to shift the cargo, she left. A few minutes later I had four cats. The larger males began helping me. The moving went a lot faster with their help, they were much stronger than me.

That night when we all returned to our ship I found the others had cats following them. The oldest male, the one that seem to be in charged had been following Katie. Other males had followed Frieda and Mattie. They helped when they could and Katie was impressed with the engineering ability of her helper. She called him John. I started calling my shadow Mia. Mattie had Jim and Frieda had Carl. We knew that wasn’t their names but they started answering to them.

Katie told me the cats that were not following us were cleaning our ship. They started in the crew’s quarters and were expanding out from there.

We naturally started talking to them and we picked up on their signs and language. Seeing what we were doing they started making suggestions most of which were very good. It took about a week to get everything shifted to our ship. Without the cat’s help it would have taken twice as long.

The bridge and the officer’s quarters were now spotlessly clean and it really felt good. The rest of the ship was being clean one area at a time. A ship is a large space so I knew that it wouldn’t happen overnight.

When Frieda and I began to figure our next hyper jumps, Mia and Carl were looking over our shoulders. It was a little strange but they seemed to be studying what we were doing. One evening I found them all setting with Mattie on the mess deck learning how to read.

We had four jumps to our next stop. The cats were studying right along side of the rest of us. Katie gave them each a comtab so they could write messages to us. It seemed natural that the cats became part of the crew.

On our third jump, Tony, the head of the cleaning crew came and asked Katie and I to come with him. He showed us a large pipe crossing a main corridor. It was marked as fresh water.

He then showed us the pipe where it came through into the compartment. It was only four inches not the ten inches like in the corridor. The compartment on the other side also had only a four-inch pipe. We shut down the water to that section and Katie and John disassemble the pipe in the corridor. The four-inch pipe ran through it. When Katie emptied out the larger pipe it was loaded with diamonds and other precious stones.

“In all the years I’ve been on this ship I never knew this was here. I don’t think the Captain did either. He would have sold them off.”

“Are they worth a lot then?”

“Jason, you don’t know stones, do you?”

“No, but jewels must be worth something.”

“If we get to a port without a lot of taxes and tariffs these could buy a ship. I guess you don’t know why I traded for the chess sets?”

“Katie you’re the trader. I just went with what you said.”

“The chess boards alone are worth more than our heavy equipment cargo and I’m betting the decorative stones on the chess pieces are worth twice that much.”

“So, we’re rich?”

“Only if we find the right place to sell or trade. Let me think about it.”

As the Olakana entered the next system for our delivery to Smythe we received a weak distress call. It seemed a little fishy to get a destress call this close to an inhabited planet but by law nobody could ignore a call for help. We moved in closer but not to close and contacted them. They said they needed some repair parts for their communication and navigation systems. They were willing to buy or trade for them. Most ships carry spares for these essential parts so that was also suspicious. We had extras because of our salvage on the last planet. We asked if we should deliver them and they said they would send a shuttle. They wanted to land in our shuttle bay but we told them it was full off heavy cargo. They would have to connect to an air lock. This would make the transfer more difficult but be safer for us. If things went sideways we could blow the lock and they would be swimming in vacuum.

Katie and I were suited and waiting at the lock. We had six of the cats suited and out of sight. You could tell they were surprised to see us suited. Three of them entered and left the hatches between the shuttle and the ship open. The leader pulled a stunner and five more came charging aboard. They had expected a merchant not a squad of war cats. In seconds they were prisoners. John took three cats into the shuttle to clear it.

We secured the prisoners in an unused cabin. John and I took the squad of cats on their shuttle and headed for their ship. We landed in the shuttle bay and stormed the bridge. Only one person was left on board. After securing their communications so no message could be sent we looked the ship over. It was not supplied or equipped for any long voyages. They were probable based on the planet. Leaving Carl and Tony to secure the ship we returned to the Olakana.

Smythe had a port where we could land and unload. We left our three extra shuttles parked in orbit and contacted the port for landing instructions. We didn’t mention the pirate ship and the port operator seem surprised to hear from us. That told us a lot about the pirate’s contacts.

When we landed the Cargo Master was waiting with a large crew to unload us. We only open a small hatch. The cats were armed and waiting out of sight.

“Open the bay so we can get you unloaded.”

“You can inspect the cargo but we need to get paid before it’s unloaded.”

“That’s not the way we do business.”

“That’s the way we do business. On the last planet they had a war going on and we had trouble getting paid so now we get paid first.” Well, it was almost true.

“We’re going to do it our way or you won’t get paid at all.”

“The ship stays secured. In an hour if no one is here to pay us we lift.”

In about a half an hour the buyer of the equipment showed up to inspect and pay us.

When we opened the bay doors, eight war cats in full battle dress waited to supervise the unloading. The shock on their faces was priceless. Half the freight crew turned and ran. Even though half the crew was gone those under the watchful eyes of the cats unloaded quickly. We lifted as soon as we could close the bay doors.

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3 years ago
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My cuck roommate

Several years ago I split with my long time GF, Miki. It was a friendly break up so I agreed to be the one to move out of our place. My long time friend Chris happened to be looking for a roommate at the same time. He had been going through a divorce and it had finally gone through. So I ended up taking the room. This was before I met Miku so this is a recounting of some of the time between them.Now the twist of this was that he was Miki's ex. If you've read my other stories you may have read...

2 years ago
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The Wives

The Wives *Last Saturday, my wife and our best friends Joyce and Tim for a get-together with our mutual friends Gabriella and Justin invited me. We have known each other for about 5 years now and regularly go out together.As usual, we had a very enjoyable dinner. We polished off several bottles of wine and were feeling rather silly. We were telling each other stupid jokes and laughing it up. After the coffee we retired to the living room. I thought that things would mellow out but Joyce was on...

4 years ago
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My First Experience In The Train

Hi all the readers, mera naam rajat hai and main chandigarh se belong karta hun, meri age 24yrs hai and main currently job karta hun, mere cock ka size maine aaj tak measure nahi kiya kyunki aaj tak mujhe gigolo banne ke zarrurat nahi padi but haan kuch selective ladies ke saath maine kafi acha bed time spend kiya hai. Khair yeh un dino ki baat hai ja main apni studies ke chakkar mein bombay mein rehta tha family meri aaj bhi chandigarh mein hi rehti hai aur main apni classes ki wajah se month...

3 years ago
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Carries Story

Carrie's Story by Marci Manseau Chapter One - In the Beginning My name is Charles Ankersby. Well, at least it used to be, and this is the story of my life. It tells the tale of how I came to be Carrie Miller. No, you're wrong. This isn't just another autobiography of a transsexual. I'm a transgerderist and, if you're not aware of it, that's a whole different thing. It's an almost true story. It happened just the way I'm going to tell it to you. I have changed some...

2 years ago
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Body Swap Part 2

I turned on the nightstand lamp. I sat on the edge of the bed looked around the room. I studied the evidence that remained from our sexual act only hours before; the wadded cum rag on the floor; my pussy and thighs, which were sticky because of my squirting; the damp spot on the sheets; the fragrance of ejaculation in the air. Seeing the verification of our dirty encounter divided my mind. Partly, I felt disgusted, unable to shake the what-the-fuck-did-we-do mentality. Contrarily, I was also...

2 years ago
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The Beginning Of Wonderfulness

Chapter-1 I was shivering. I couldn’t make out if it was shame or fear or anything else. I went to the bathroom and stood under the strong shower hoping that it would wash away my current feelings. I was even afraid to take off my clothes. It was all the more strange to be under the hot shower after drenched by the cold rain. Unable to bear much more of this, I came out of the shower, dried, and opted for the unusual habit of sleeping doses with a glass of milk. I could only remember placing...

3 years ago
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Dad Takes Me Calling

In most ways, I'm just a pretty normal kid, fourteen, five-seven, light brown hair, brown eyes, slender build, no, not athletic, particularly, just pretty ordinary. But I have had something rather out of the ordinary happen that occurred a few years ago that I think you'll enjoy hearing about. I sure enjoyed it happening to me. And it still is. It started on a warm, kind of sticky summer night, Dad said he was going next door to fix a plumbing problem our neighbor's had asked him to look...

3 years ago
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Craigslist Missed Connections BBC

He answered my Missed Connections ad on Craigslist. This was the first time I'd ever created an ad like this and didn't realize I'd get so many responses from guys other than the one I was writing about, especially since there aren't that many black men in this area. But here I was, flirting with him via email. He asks me if I'm a BBW and I respond that I don't really know the exact specifications to fit this category, therefore I'm not sure how to answer. So he has me email him a picture and I...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day Sex Story with Paris

I kissed her face from above, kissing it all over as her body squirmed in front of me. My hands wandered down her face and neck until they reached her nipples, still kissing her my fingers teased her breasts. Her hips started to buck ever so slightly. Moving around the table I pulled a chair up to the left of her and started to suck her nipples. Kneeling on the chair I leant over her and softly bit and sucked as my hand massaged her ample breasts. It was our first Valentine’s Day together....

3 years ago
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Sex with my teacher from india hydarabad

when i was in degree first year that is the first day of college me and my friends went to college on time for our welcome all the teachers are at the enterance gate then i suddenly saw a beautiful lady welcoming all the students she was very fair and had a good structure by luck she came to my class and told the she is our class teacher i was very happy that she is my class teacher she ask all the students to tell their names all students told their names along with me as i was a brillient...

2 years ago
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Feels Like Rain

    We stand together on your porch, looking out across the prairie.  Green signs of spring are just beginning to show in the late afternoon light of this March day.   I sigh as your arms settle around mine, and you breathe into my hair.   It has been too long since I was able to relax in your embrace, share a bottle of wine, and just listen to the sound of your voice.   I can feel the tension melting away, as the heat from your body seeps into my skin.   In the distance, the sky is...

4 years ago
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A family of LovePart III

Kayla and James still had fun on the days James didn't go to Alicia's house. They'd do about as much as he did with Alicia, kissing, licking, sucking, feeling. Months rolled on and they were soon to be back in school. One day, before the school year started, Kayla drove her little brother to Alicia's house so he could spend the day there, it was a twenty minute drive, but she was driving slow. She hated bringing him to her house, but she had to do it. This time, though, James sensed her...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 10

The Pleaser was popular with my girls after that. It took a little time but one afternoon Tara disappeared into the back, and when Edwina went to check on her, she discovered Tara using the Pleaser all by herself. Somehow that encouraged Edwina to experiment and later Tara and Cary reported that their little sister had figured how nice the electronic boyfriend could be to her. The trip to New York wasn’t as fun as I’d hoped. The driving was painful because we spent all day - every day –...

1 year ago
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Dior Escorts

DiorEscorts sounds like it’s got to be full of some really high-class sluts, but what’s really in a name? I mean, sure, they can borrow a name from a prominent, expensive, luxury fashion designer, but I’m not sure just anyone can turn it instantly into their own brand of magic. Gianna Dior certainly made it work for her, but how many unknowns have languished in obscurity despite tacking on a famous name. (By the way, if you haven’t seen me banging Gianna over at PornDudeCasting, you’re missing...

Escort Sites
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First Threesome1

We’d been talking about including a plaything in our bedroom for some time. This was the first person we’d met. I’d lost the coin toss fair and square so this time we’d met a guy. Of course technically he was for both of us… Steve was eyeing Jen like a lion looks at a Gazelle. I knew he wanted her badly. I knew I did too. It was time to take this to a more private location. “Steve, I’m not sure I can get her upstairs on my own without getting mauled in the elevator. Care to accompany us...

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April varsity holidays

The first semester of my 2nd year at varsity came to an end, and it was also school holidays. I was still in contact with Krystal the 17 year old matric girl who's brother I was coaching cricket. After taking her to a hotel room once and fucking her we continued chatting and on another occasion when we met up she sucked my cock, but I really wanted to fuck her again. It was a Monday night when we messaged each other making plans for Wednesday. We planned that I would pick her up from the mall...

2 years ago
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Punishment the ending

As Thomas entered the abandoned house, Veronica's screams filled his ears. She was naked on the table, Joey and Ethan fucking the shit out of her ass and cunt. Blood was smeared across her face from where Chad, her brother, had broken her nose. Thomas took of his clothes and glared at her. “You are the last sister to endure this punishment. How does it feel?” She sobbed as the guys moved away and allowed Chad to stand between his baby sister's spread legs. “Please, Chad. Stop.” He...

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Sissy Teaches Me Part Three

Sissy opened her legs a little more as I leaned up to get a better feel of her perfect divide. As I did, I felt the dampness of the towel under my naked ass. It was soaked. I really did cum. A lot.I actually looked down between my legs to see the wetness there between them. The towel was a lavender color, so when I looked, the darker color of the purple showed where my sexual liquid had poured out of me. It was no little spot. It was huge. I had no idea I could cum like that. I had no idea that...

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The Lovers

This is my first story. Feedback is welcome and appreciated. Enjoy. ***** We talked all evening, talked until there was nothing more to say. Until there was just the moment, a timeless oneness. You reached over, took my hand in yours and walked me into the bedroom. We stood facing each other in front of the bed, holding hands, our eyes locked. Your beauty, the intimacy, it took my breath away. My heart ached for you. Those magical blue eyes held me spellbound, I don’t know how long we stood...

2 years ago
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My House My RulesChapter 36

Allison led the parade of creatures through the front door. "Welcome to our home, friends. I can already see we need more room to receive guests of your august stature." Felix, standing rather tall even as he sat on his haunches, "It is small as dens go." Smiling a toothy grin, Denali said (or, more precisely, thought), "Are you suggesting we are too big to visit now?" "In a word, yes, if more a few of you guys drop in. All twenty of us will fit around our dinner table. Three of you...

3 years ago
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Meri Girl Friend K Sath 4 Day In Mount Abu

Hy friend ye story meri paheli story hai iss pay or may iss k regular reader hu story reade krte karte muje bhi likh ne ka man hu va to likh ta hu jo koi bhul ho jay to sry.. Mera nam Chintu patel hai or may Ahmedabad Gujarat ka rhene vala hu may 21 sal ka hu or may eng ka student hu may body se hata katha hu meri hight 6 feet hai or dekhane may smart hu meray lund ki size 7 inch lamba or 3 inch mota hai.. Ab may mer gf ki bat krta hu uska nam Nisha hai or vo meri clg may meray sath padti hi...

2 years ago
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A trip to the mall

Of all the things Jenny had imagined about a society crashing before it actually happened what she had expected least was the degree to which she enjoyed it.She had fought, shot and killed people, stolen food and supplies and now she was sitting in the back of an almost empty supermarket and masturbated because she damn well could, and frankly Jenny wasn’t sure which of those felt best.The survivor’s guilt she had read so much about was more of a survivor’s pleasure, the pain and grieve where...

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The Girls ClubChapter 6 Tony Becomes a Girl for the Night

Tony opened the door to the main bedroom. Sally was waiting for him. Her eyes lit up, as Tony with a broad smile of welcome on his face strode across the room taking her into his arms. Lifting her off her feet, as he kissed her. The smell of her perfume filled his nostrils; the feel of her body as he took her in his arms, had brought him once again to instant hardness, despite his morning exertions with Anne-Marie and Sandra. Sally was by any standard a very attractive young lady. She was...

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The Fat Cow

The story started several years ago. After having three kids I was not the slender sexy wife I had been when Jerry married me. I had put on some weight and I admit to having a somewhat 'beaten down look' after spending all day trying to handle three kids all under the age of five. There were times that I was so whipped that I didn't have the energy when Jerry got home and wanted to play. It wasn't his fault and I don't really think that it was mine. It was just life the way life was....

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How I Set Up A Drip Irrigation System For Nalini

I glanced at Nalini’s phone and saw a page loading but on the top of that page, it read ‘Discounted eBikinis’. I guess she was planning on buying one but it never occurred to me that she would be the person to buy one let alone wear one. I let it pass since I had a meeting and had to get to a meeting room. A few weeks later, as I was talking to her, Nalini showed me some snaps of her kitchen garden. There were some tomatoes, cucumbers and green chillies. We got talking about work and how she...

3 years ago
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Parents AwayChapter 6

Around 8am Pam and Tom came around for breakfast. Pam explaining what occurred last night and laughed, We walk in, Jill, Neil and Eddy were sitting at the dining table waiting for us with a box of tissues in front of them. Tom announced to them about our engagement, they broke out into tears. Cuddles and hugs all around. Eddy was so pleased. Later she told us, she had a warning from a person, that she did not know weather to kill or hug, and all they were told was, to have a box of tissues...

3 years ago
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Buisness trip with dad part four

The clock was not even seven in the morning, and dad just left for another meeting. I checked the info folder for the hotel and understood that the welnnes area was opening at 10, but the pool already from 07.00.Quickly I grabbed my bathrobe and went down to the ground floorwhere the wellness areawas located. I was there already before seven, and it was open, so I went inside. Completly alone and I got to the saunas for a quick shower. I got out of the shower and decided to go butt naked to the...

2 years ago
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A Great Day

Slowly I raked the leaves out of the pool, my mind occupied. I heard the chatter of Carlita, my stepdaughter, and Bradley, a supposed friend. They were in the hot tub. It was a cool Saturday morning, and I was getting the pool ready for summer. My name is Clay Newton, and at twenty-four I am a widower. My wife, Sonia, passed away eighteen months ago from cancer. I had married her when Carlita was fifteen. Carlita was eighteen now, and a few months away from graduating high school.I had married...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Sexual Athletes at ART CINEMA a report from Doc E

We just LOVE this couple. Our fantasy is to have a foursome ON STAGE at Art Cinema with them!. READ that story of a public fuck session at ART'S:Over the past few months we have visited the Art Cinema in Hartford and taking baby steps leading up to her taking on a bunch of guys downstairs. It started with our first visit where we stayed in the balcony and played in front of the other couples there. Then a few weeks later we played with another couple in the balcony. Next we ventured downstairs...

1 year ago
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That night

She was standing at the bar in a white leather mini skirt and a hot pink bikini top. She looked to be about 22, with long blonde hair. She was maybe 5’6” with a body most women would die for. She looked to be around a 34c, with a flat tummy and a perfect butt. I‘d known girls in high school and college that had experiences with other girls, but I never felt that way, and hadn’t wanted to try anything of that nature. That is, until now. Just looking at her stirred feelings inside of me that I...

4 years ago
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At The Pool Kaylies First Time

Ever since my wife left us, I’ve spoiled my daughter Kimberly, “Kim”. Not that she wasn’t already spoiled before, as she was an only child. But I just found it more and more difficult to say no to anything that she asked for, for anything that she wanted to do, or anything that she did. So when she announced that she, or rather I, would be hosting a pool party and sleepover at our house for her high-school graduation, I gave in.Fortunately, the crowd turned out to be a little thinner than I...

First Time
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Dating Daniellereposted fix

Introduction: The introduction of a teen to slut stardom This is the first part of a multi-part story…if the feedback is good I will post more. Though this is based on factual events it is strictly a work of fiction and the names have been changed to protect the innocent. DATING DANIELLE (The making of a slut) Danielle was the daughter of my employee at the convenience store I managed. At 11 she was cute as a bug and just starting to develop as a woman. Her small breasts were mere bumps at...

1 year ago
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Buying the Family Next DoorChapter 9 My Girls Take Their Mark

I used my girls sparingly the rest of the week. The following Sunday, I had them come over for an early dinner. During dinner I allowed the teens to drink all the wine they wanted. The last glass of the evening contained more that wine. I had crushed a mild sedative and mixed it into each of the girls' wine. They were soon giggly from the buzz they had going. After dinner, I stood and spoke to them. "Girls, I want to ask you something. Have you noticed your mother has a "G" on her...

1 year ago
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Miserable Monica

Monica was the senior secretary, and the oldest of the female staff, in the company I was working with. Monica was in her late forties and had been with the firm for over twenty years, longer, in fact, than the office junior, Emma, had been alive and she was as miserable as sin. Now whether she had always been like this or it was something that her, rather turbulent, life had forced upon her was open to debate, and it must be admitted that we did debate this on a Friday lunch-time down at the...

1 year ago
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My Maria

This is for you Dave. I live in a city along the Interstate 880 corridor in Northern California. Houses here are close together on what are called zero lot line boundaries. My house faces the street but over the fence my neighbor’s backs into mine. I can see in the back bedroom window which is 4’ tall and 6’ wide with no curtains. The home is owned by a Latina couple, Maria and Carlos who are in their late 20’s. They have been living there a few months. I met them because we share a common...

2 years ago
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Lost Empire 31

"Is anything wrong Shelby?" Derrick asked after hearing the hesitation in Shelby's voice. "No, it's not so much as anything is wrong though I do have a question." Shelby again hesitantly said. "You know that you can ask me anything Shelby." Derrick informed her. "I was wondering, now that almost all of the boxes we found are regenerated. The time is almost upon us for Lucy's return. Derrick, she risked so much for you, I believe she would do everything she could for you....

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DeborahChapter 21

They were both tongue-tied again, conscious suddenly of the extent of their love. Both were mature and had experienced great grief from their former love lives and yet here they were, head over heels in love again: revelling in each other's minds, characters and personalities. They were passionately in love too, both desiring the physical relationship that was to come but neither quite ready to consummate it yet. "Coffee?" she asked finally. Richard shook his head. "No thanks!" he...

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