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We were just another couple that led a dual life, our vanilla existence as husband and wife and our too infrequent secret life as Mistress and slave. With our busy schedules it was difficult to find free time for our ?sessions.? We both enjoyed this time but it just seemed to take a back seat to just about everything else in our lives. Though every so often Jan would come up to me and say ?Begin preparing the dungeon for a session, call me Mistress.?

From that point on in the day I was to assume the role of slave to my Mistress. I would address her respectfully and await her instructions. I have to admit my execution wasn?t always perfect but I always game for a little punishment anyway. Today was just such a day.


Preparing the dungeon consisted of converting our bedroom into a play room. I would screw eyehooks into the ceiling positions, organize the toys on top of the toy chest for her choosing, arrange candles around the room and take a thorough shower. I would typically shave my pubic area clean, shave my face and choose some of her favorite underwear for me to wear and of course put on my cock ring. This night was no exception until she approached me coming out of the shower,


?Dress up, we?re going out for dinner and drinks tonight.?


This was very exciting news but also a little terrifying. Mistress and I are equally adventurous inside the bedroom but she is definitely more so outside it. And she had been threatening to take our ?secret life? into public. I have to admit the idea was titillating but it is not something I could ever instigate myself. She was definitely the leader when it came to having the guts to make a bold move.


With my chores complete and my cock ring in place Mistress came in from her dressing room. She looked amazing. She was wearing Tall leather boots, a tight fitting ankle length skirt and starched white shirt with her corset just peaking through the open top buttons. And to top it all off a jet-black straight-haired wig. ?Absolutely stunning. She walked up to me and whispered into my ear, ?I can?t wait to get back here to fuck you, I am very excited tonight. But until then you?ll be wearing this at all times.?


She handed me a dog leash. I knew where it attached to.

?Put it on now and be a good slut. Every part of that chain will remain hanging out of your fly tonight. If you need to hold your jacket over your crotch that is fine but you?d better be ready to hand me that leash at any time and if its not attached to the cock ring there will be hell to pay.? And I could tell she meant it.

?Now let?s get that on.? And with that I dropped my pants and underwear and hooked the chain to my ring. I string the leash through my underwear and button-fly pants. She immediately grabs the leash and begins walking.

?Let?s go slave, we don?t want to be late.? We were down the stairs and out the door without hesitation.


We arrived at the Lounge and immediately the valets approached and opened both doors.

?Good evening sir? one said, ?Good evening ma?am? said the other.

There was no time to hide the leash.

?Be a dear slave and carry your leash until we get inside.?
I was completely embarrassed. The first two people in the world to know my wife sometimes calls me slave were a couple of valets. I sank into my seat as Mistress began walking to the door.

?Here?s your claim check, ?slave.? The valet said to me.

?Yeah thanks? I said grabbing my jacket and holding it in front of my former secret running to catch up to Mistress.

I opened the door for her and we went inside. The Lounge was a local swanky restaurant and bar with an upscale clientele and a classy atmosphere. It definitely suited Mistress but I was just glad it was dark inside.

?Coat check sir?

?Yes, do you wish to check your coat slave.?

?No thank you, I?ll just keep it with me just in case.? In case of what I don?t know. It was all I could come up with that quickly.


Mistress was really settling in well into her role.

?Isn?t this fun slave?? she whispered to me as we waited on the hostess.

?Lets get a table in the bar area. I want to people watch and be people watched.?

I just wanted to go home.

Once we were settled into our table mistress instructed me to hand her my leash. As I did the waitress approached.

?Can I offer you two some drinks, sir would you like to see a wine list??

Mistress said, ?He?s not really capable of making decisions for us so I will be handling the ordering tonight and yes I?d like to see a wine list.? She shows the waitress the leash which she doesn?t seem to understand and just says ?Sure, It?s nice to see a powerful woman once in a while.?

Mistress ordered a nice bottle of wine, our appetizer and our meals. It was strange but very exciting. I really love being her slave but its just not practical given our busy lives.


Over dinner we discussed many topic all of which surrounded how poor of a slave I was.

?Maybe I need to get help from another Mistress. Someone who could break you, get you to understand your role better. But that would be embarrassing to me. You do not represent your mistress well slave.?

?I?m sorry Mistress?

?It?s a little late for that, something has to be done.?

?Maybe I should get another slave. Give you another boy to compete with.?

?I don?t think that?s a good idea mistress.?

?Hmm, Afraid of a little competition slave? Or are you afraid I would make you suck his cock like you suck mine??

Just then Mistress says, ?do you see that woman that just sat down back at the bar? I though I noticed it earlier but now I?m sure, she has a collared slave necklace on. I saw them on the internet. I was going to get one for you so you could display your devotion to your mistress but I didn?t think you deserved it.???

?She?s been at the bar all night all alone, I think she was stood up. Slave, go over to her and see if she would like to join me for a drink.?

?Are you sure Mistress??

?Slave go now!?

And off I went with my jacket folded in front of my like an old fashioned waiter, ?Excuse me, my, my mistress would like to know if you?d care to join her for a drink.?

The woman looks around me at Mistress Jan who waves back.

?Sure I guess, it doesn?t look like my date is showing up. Did you say Mistress??

?Yes, she is my Mistress and I?m her, um, well??


?I?m submissive too, and she is beautiful.?

?Well she?s taken?

?Really, I didn?t think that is how these things worked.?

What?s your name??

?Holly Hobby?

?Good Abby it is?

?This is Abby Mistress?

?Hello Abby, Mistress Jan or Jan depending upon your preference.?

?Mistress Jan would be fine with me if it?s fine with you ma?am. I was collared once.

?Yes, I noticed your jewelry, Was you say??

?Yes, Master and I were together for three years. But about a year ago he was transferred to China. He works for Boeing. Anyway, I was finishing grad school and just wasn?t ready to commit to a long-term relationship. I still have many things to experience.?

?And why are you here tonight?? Mistress asked


?I was supposed to meet a friend of a friend but he just called and said he?s getting back with his old girlfriend. What drama. He was full-time vanilla anyway. It wouldn?t have lasted. But you know sometimes you just have the desire to be with someone you know.?


?Yes, I?m starting to understand exactly what you mean.? Mistress said. ?to be honest, I am looking for to expand my slave holdings. If you?re interested, we could begin this evening. We?ll just see where the experiences lead us.

?Yes it does interest me Mistress. It interests me very much. But when your slave approached me at the bar he said you were spoken for.?

I sank in my chair

?He did, did he? To be honest that is part of the problem. He is a very poorly behaved slave. And sometimes I lose interest due to his lack of sincerity and respect. I am looking for a slave who has experience. Someone from whom this sorry excuse for a slave can learn.?

?Well, I?ll deal with him later. Are you prepared for me to take you to my dungeon now slave girl??

?Yes Mistress.?

?Good, lets go. You two get the car, I have to use the powder room. Slave girl, take his leash, maybe he?ll be on his best behavior for you.?

?Wait, no. I don?t think that is a good idea.? I said.

At this point slave, be happy you?re not walking home alone. Get the car slaves?

And with that Mistress handed my leash over to slave girl who rejoiced in running ahead of me so the chain was fully extended for everyone to see. It seemed like everyone was looking at me. I even heard a woman at the bar say ?I should get something like that for you Nick.?






After Dinner





By the time the car come around I was back in Mistress? hands. When I opened the door for her to enter she said, ?no, I?ll ride in the back seat with slave abby. We have some catching up to do.?

As I started our drive home, they began to talk.

?Have you ever considered being owned by a Mistress slave.?

?I have and if I found the right mistress I am definitely open to it. But to be honest the biggest concern I would have is that I would miss the feeling of master inside of me.?

?Not to worry, there is more than one way to tame that tiger.?


Once we pull into the garage mistress said, ?First open slave girl?s door then both of you come to mine.?

We open her door and she raised from the back seat, ?slave girl, once we enter my domain you are my property. You will do exactly as I say and never hesitate to follow my orders, in spite of what you may witness from this slut. When you leave tonight I will decide if we have a future, if we do and you accept any such invitation you will be my property until I decide to release you. Do you understand??

?Yes mistress,?



Once we entered the house

?Slaves kneel!?

Each of you may worship a boot. ?

Slave girl beat me to Mistress? boots and began kissing.

?Slave boy, you?d better shape up.?

After a few minutes of kissing her boots mistress said ?Slave, open a bottle of red and have a glass waiting for me in the dungeon. I want you to show slave girl to the dungeon. You both will strip naked and don?t even think of looking at each other. Wait until my arrival, in silence. Slave boy, I will need you out of the way for a while. One second thought, leave your underwear on, take the handcuffs from the trunk and connect yourself to the ceiling hook with a latch. You may remove your leash but don?t you dare peak at my new slave. As for you? Mistress said looking at slave girl, ?he will show you where to put your clothing. After you strip, present yourself in an appropriate manor. I will be up in a little bit, I just have a few things to take care of.

Is that understood??

?Yes mistress.?

?Yes mistress,?


It seemed like it was an hour before Mistress finally entered the dungeon but it was probably only 15 minutes.

She?s dressed in a corset, black silk panties, fishnet stockings and heels. She is still wearing here straight hair black wig and has a crop in her long gloved hand. She looks at slave girl who is kneeling on the floor with her hands together, palms down and reached out as far as they will go. Her full breasts are on her knees and she is looking directly into the floor. Mistress moves across the room saying ?slave boy, I think I should help you fight the urge to view my time with slave girl.? She reaches me and places a blindfold over my eyes, grips my already hard cock through my underwear and whispers ?I will allow you one eye of vision so you learn not to become jealous over me. I possess you, you do not possess me, Do you understand??? ?

?Yes Mistress? I say as she releases my cock causing it to bounce to upright attention.


?Good? she says as she walks over to the table grabbing a glass of cabernet. Taking a sip she eyes her new prize.

?My my, don?t you look pretty.? ?She walks over to slave girl, circles her from above like a hawk her prey. ?Your Mistress just paid you a compliment slave girl, I think it?s only polite to acknowledge the compliment.

?Yes Mistress, Sorry Mistress, Thank You Mistress.?

Very good slave girl. I can see you have been trained well.

It is clear Mistress enjoys what she sees. ?

?You may kiss my foot? she says as she slides her healed foot between slave girl?s outstretched arms and up to her face.

Slave girl began kissing furiously. She started at the tip of her shoe, then worked her way up to her 5? heal. She kissed her way up one side and down the other.

?When your Mistress offers you a compliment it is appropriate to thank her do you understand slave girl? And at that moment Mistress? crop whistled down onto the slave?s exposed ass.

CRACK! Her ass called out and she let out a high-pitched screech before responding to the crop with an almost militant ?Thank You Mistress? and continued kissing her foot without missing a beat.


Watching my mistress controlling another slave was quite a turn-on for me.


?That?s enough slave. I think its time for us to get a little better acquainted?

And with that mistress took a seat on the overstuffed crushed red velvet upholstered chair. She sipped her wine, ?stand up and let me take a look at you.?


Immediately she stood up kept her arms to her side and never lifted her eyes off the ground.

?Come over here and twirl for me.? She approached and as she slowly turned mistress dragged her crop over her body. First over her full, slightly dropped breasts then her right shoulder, around her back and across the pronounced red welt on her ass, over her left hip and finally on her tightly trimmed pussy.


?Be a dear and bring me the leather paddle. Now lie across my lap, there you are good.?

?You?re much lighter then my other slave.?

?Hold my wine slave, and be sure not to spill a drop.?

As she took her glass Mistress began to spank her with an even rhythm from one side of her ass to the other. Slowly she built up momentum until the constant sound of flesh on flesh filled the room.

?Do you enjoy this slave??

?Yes mistress,?

?Do you need to be more severely punished slave?

?Yes mistress,?

With that mistress grabbed the leather paddle and reigned down a flurry of swats on slave?s ass. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK... Slave girl?s hips were gyrating on Mistress? lap, her ass was beat red and Mistress could feel slaves entire body tensed up above her. Mistress continued for a full two minutes.

"I know this must hurt slave but I can't have you enjoy yourself too much, then you'll just disobey me to enjoy being punished and we can't have that slave can we?

?No mistress,?

?I think I have a little problem with that already with another slave.?

?Now let?s look at what we have accomplished. Very pink, very nice. In your past experience have you ever had a spanking this severe??

?Once Mistress.?

?And did you deserve it than as well??

?Yes Mistress.?

?Well I think we have come to an understanding then. What is that I feel on my lap slave? Stand up!?

She quickly stands and faces mistress.

?turn around and spread your legs, keep your knees straight and touch your fingers to the floor.?

She does as instructed.

Boy we really got your ass a beautiful shade of pink but what is this leaking out of you? I did not give you permission to let your pussy fluid leak onto me now did I? And before she had a chance to answer mistress brings down her paddle on slaves right ass cheek one more time.

"No mistress"

Then why did you do it. Is it because you are a slut and are just in need of a good fucking slave? Mistress reaches between slave's legs and buries two fingers deep into slaves soaking wet pussy. As she enters slave lets out a long deep moan pushing back slightly onto mistress? hand to get the fingers a little deeper in her hungry snatch. She strokes her hand back and forth, they?re be plenty of time for that a little later, What do we have here, mistress pulls her fingers out and slips one finger into slaves tight asshole. This time slaves moan is high pitched and says "thank you mistress"


Slave, do you desire to smell my pussy? Yes mistress. As she walks around slave, grabs her by the hair tilts her head upward and slowly rubs her nose up and down the obviously swollen mound still covered in black silk. Do you enjoy the aroma of my pussy slave? Yes mistress, thank you mistress. Slave, if you were instructed to lick my pussy how would you do so. Show me now slave. Mistress? said impatiently. And slave girl with her hair still tightly within mistress? grasp places her tongue on her mound and slowly followed the not so hidden line of mistress? swollen lips up to the top of her pussy and down the other side, ending with a slow swirl near mistress? rosebud. Slave gently repeated the motion twice more before mistress pulls her head away by her hair. Very nice slave, mistress almost whispered.


I have a theory, slave boy, she looked over to me for the first time in a long time as I hang from the ceiling with my cock busting out of my tight boxer briefs, does a sufficient job of satisfying me with his mouth but I have a feeling a slut slave such as yourself may have some additional insight into the art of satisfying your mistress. Are you worthy of pleasing your mistress with your tongue slave girl?? Yes mistress, please mistress. I think it may be time to test my theory. Remove my panties and place them over slave boy?s head the return to me immediately. I do almost feel badly for ignoring him so tonight.?


Slave girl slid Mistress? panties off her legs and she stepped out of them as she sat back down on her overstuffed chair. Slave girl came over to me. I gave her a mean look as she stuck out her tongue in return and then pulled mistresses panties over my head being sure my eye was clear so the torment of her satisfying my mistress can continue unobstructed. As jealous as I was of slave girl it was quite a treat to have Mistress?s very wet crotch covering my nose and mouth. The scent was intoxicating and though I didn?t have permission I licked in hopes of getting a taste of the pussy I so loved to worship.


When slave girl returned to mistress she had one leg over the arm of the large soft chair and the other leg spread wide. It was clear what mistress wanted but slave girl showed complete obedience returning to stand in front of Mistress awaiting additional instruction.

Good girl, now get down here and pleasure your Mistress. ?

Immediately she dropped to her knees and leaned into her pussy. Very gently she traced the same path as before, each time with a little greater force. It was clear Mistress was enjoying herself as she slid down a little more into her chair to afford slave girl complete access to her beautiful flower. As slave girl began to move her head with greater force I saw a look of deep satisfaction wash over Mistress?s face and my jealous feelings faded away. For I wished that could be me satisfying Mistress the important point was that Mistress was feeling satisfied. As her slave that is all I could ever wish for. I hoped I could provide all of Mistresses needs all of the time but it was now clear to me that I could not. And helping Mistress be completely satisfied is my sole purpose for being as her slave.

?That?s my good slut. Suck my pussy slave. I want to come all over your face.? Slave girl moaned something and then really began to grind her face into Mistress?s swollen mound.

?Yes, suck it bitch? mistress breathed, yes, suck it, suck it. Then Mistress grabbed her hair and began grinding her hips into slave girl?s face screaming ? yes, yes, my bitch yes?.? And in a giant climax Mistress screamed a long Yeeeesssssssssss?.. and pushed slave girl away from he pussy. She leaned back into a heap of sweaty sex in her chair to catch her breath. I could see mistress?s pussy still throbbing from across the room. How I wanted that to be me giving her pleasure I was happy to see her in ecstasy. Always the obedient one slave girl just remained kneeling at the Mistress?s feet with her eyes down awaiting anything.?


?I think you have earned a special treat slave, lean over the back of my chair, I?ll be right back.?

Mistress left the room and I looked over to slave girl. Neither of us dare speak but she gave me a mean look and again stuck her tongue out at me. She seems to be a real bitch and I don?t like her but it looks like I?m going to have to get used to her as she seems to bring Mistress a great deal of pleasure. Just after she lowered her head again Mistress returned wearing her black strap on cock and carrying her crop. She stopped as she was passing me and rubbed her cock against my bulging underwear, ?slave? she whispered into my ear, ?your treat tonight is watching me fuck her and wishing it was you? ?Yes Mistress? was my return whisper. She took three stinging swipes of my cock with her crop as she walked over to slave girl.

?Well I must say, you?ve turned out to be a well behaved slave. Slave boy could learn a lot from you and I think it would do him good to observe a well trained slut first hand. What do you think of that.?

?Yes Mistress, thank you mistress.? Standing next to her Mistress lowered her crop across her ass a few times sharply.

?Are you interested in becoming my property?? ?

?Yes Mistress, very much Mistress.?

?Well we will see, Kiss it? Mistress gestured her cock in front of slave girl?s face.

?Yes, we will see.?

?You do seem to be enjoying yourself slave. Your pussy is dripping wet.?

Mistress slides two fingers into her and begins stroking.

?Would you like me to fuck that little slut hole slave.

?Yes Mistress, please Mistress.?

With that Mistress plunges her cock deep inside of slave girl?s pussy.

?YEEESSSS MISTRESS! THANK YOU MISTRESS!!? she screamed as mistress grabbed her hips and pulled her prey closer. As she pounded her pussy she reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair. This forced slave girls ass even further into the air and her face visible again to me. Her eyes her closed but a look of excruciating delight covered her face. Her entire body shifted forward into the chair with every thrust Mistress put forward. How I wished that were me. Maybe some day I would get my chance but for now Mistress had her hands and cock full. ??

As Mistress continued to thrust she yelled out ?Cum you slut cum now.? And moments later slave girl let out the loudest scream I have ever heard, YEEEESSSS!, YEEEESSSS!, YEEEESSSS! As she collapsed into a heap over the chair.?


Mistress pulled out and looked over at me, come clean off my cock slave boy. This is the only way you?ll will ever taste another pussy. That is, unless I replace you. Stay on your toes boy because she is a keeper.




We were just another couple that led a dual life, our vanilla existence as husband and wife and our too infrequent secret life as Mistress and slave. With our busy schedules it was difficult to find free time for our ?sessions.? We both enjoyed this time but it just seemed to take a back seat to just about everything else in our lives. Though every so often Jan would come up to me and say ?Begin preparing the dungeon for a session, call me Mistress.?

From that point on in the day I was to assume the role of slave to my Mistress. I would address her respectfully and await her instructions. I have to admit my execution wasn?t always perfect but I always game for a little punishment anyway. Today was just such a day.


Preparing the dungeon consisted of converting our bedroom into a play room. I would screw eyehooks into the ceiling positions, organize the toys on top of the toy chest for her choosing, arrange candles around the room and take a thorough shower. I would typically shave my pubic area clean, shave my face and choose some of her favorite underwear for me to wear and of course put on my cock ring. This night was no exception until she approached me coming out of the shower,


?Dress up, we?re going out for dinner and drinks tonight.?


This was very exciting news but also a little terrifying. Mistress and I are equally adventurous inside the bedroom but she is definitely more so outside it. And she had been threatening to take our ?secret life? into public. I have to admit the idea was titillating but it is not something I could ever instigate myself. She was definitely the leader when it came to having the guts to make a bold move.


With my chores complete and my cock ring in place Mistress came in from her dressing room. She looked amazing. She was wearing Tall leather boots, a tight fitting ankle length skirt and starched white shirt with her corset just peaking through the open top buttons. And to top it all off a jet-black straight-haired wig. ?Absolutely stunning. She walked up to me and whispered into my ear, ?I can?t wait to get back here to fuck you, I am very excited tonight. But until then you?ll be wearing this at all times.?


She handed me a dog leash. I knew where it attached to.

?Put it on now and be a good slut. Every part of that chain will remain hanging out of your fly tonight. If you need to hold your jacket over your crotch that is fine but you?d better be ready to hand me that leash at any time and if its not attached to the cock ring there will be hell to pay.? And I could tell she meant it.

?Now let?s get that on.? And with that I dropped my pants and underwear and hooked the chain to my ring. I string the leash through my underwear and button-fly pants. She immediately grabs the leash and begins walking.

?Let?s go slave, we don?t want to be late.? We were down the stairs and out the door without hesitation.


We arrived at the Lounge and immediately the valets approached and opened both doors.

?Good evening sir? one said, ?Good evening ma?am? said the other.

There was no time to hide the leash.

?Be a dear slave and carry your leash until we get inside.?
I was completely embarrassed. The first two people in the world to know my wife sometimes calls me slave were a couple of valets. I sank into my seat as Mistress began walking to the door.

?Here?s your claim check, ?slave.? The valet said to me.

?Yeah thanks? I said grabbing my jacket and holding it in front of my former secret running to catch up to Mistress.

I opened the door for her and we went inside. The Lounge was a local swanky restaurant and bar with an upscale clientele and a classy atmosphere. It definitely suited Mistress but I was just glad it was dark inside.

?Coat check sir?

?Yes, do you wish to check your coat slave.?

?No thank you, I?ll just keep it with me just in case.? In case of what I don?t know. It was all I could come up with that quickly.


Mistress was really settling in well into her role.

?Isn?t this fun slave?? she whispered to me as we waited on the hostess.

?Lets get a table in the bar area. I want to people watch and be people watched.?

I just wanted to go home.

Once we were settled into our table mistress instructed me to hand her my leash. As I did the waitress approached.

?Can I offer you two some drinks, sir would you like to see a wine list??

Mistress said, ?He?s not really capable of making decisions for us so I will be handling the ordering tonight and yes I?d like to see a wine list.? She shows the waitress the leash which she doesn?t seem to understand and just says ?Sure, It?s nice to see a powerful woman once in a while.?

Mistress ordered a nice bottle of wine, our appetizer and our meals. It was strange but very exciting. I really love being her slave but its just not practical given our busy lives.


Over dinner we discussed many topic all of which surrounded how poor of a slave I was.

?Maybe I need to get help from another Mistress. Someone who could break you, get you to understand your role better. But that would be embarrassing to me. You do not represent your mistress well slave.?

?I?m sorry Mistress?

?It?s a little late for that, something has to be done.?

?Maybe I should get another slave. Give you another boy to compete with.?

?I don?t think that?s a good idea mistress.?

?Hmm, Afraid of a little competition slave? Or are you afraid I would make you suck his cock like you suck mine??

Just then Mistress says, ?do you see that woman that just sat down back at the bar? I though I noticed it earlier but now I?m sure, she has a collared slave necklace on. I saw them on the internet. I was going to get one for you so you could display your devotion to your mistress but I didn?t think you deserved it.???

?She?s been at the bar all night all alone, I think she was stood up. Slave, go over to her and see if she would like to join me for a drink.?

?Are you sure Mistress??

?Slave go now!?

And off I went with my jacket folded in front of my like an old fashioned waiter, ?Excuse me, my, my mistress would like to know if you?d care to join her for a drink.?

The woman looks around me at Mistress Jan who waves back.

?Sure I guess, it doesn?t look like my date is showing up. Did you say Mistress??

?Yes, she is my Mistress and I?m her, um, well??


?I?m submissive too, and she is beautiful.?

?Well she?s taken?

?Really, I didn?t think that is how these things worked.?

What?s your name??

?Holly Hobby?

?Good Abby it is?

?This is Abby Mistress?

?Hello Abby, Mistress Jan or Jan depending upon your preference.?

?Mistress Jan would be fine with me if it?s fine with you ma?am. I was collared once.

?Yes, I noticed your jewelry, Was you say??

?Yes, Master and I were together for three years. But about a year ago he was transferred to China. He works for Boeing. Anyway, I was finishing grad school and just wasn?t ready to commit to a long-term relationship. I still have many things to experience.?

?And why are you here tonight?? Mistress asked


?I was supposed to meet a friend of a friend but he just called and said he?s getting back with his old girlfriend. What drama. He was full-time vanilla anyway. It wouldn?t have lasted. But you know sometimes you just have the desire to be with someone you know.?


?Yes, I?m starting to understand exactly what you mean.? Mistress said. ?to be honest, I am looking for to expand my slave holdings. If you?re interested, we could begin this evening. We?ll just see where the experiences lead us.

?Yes it does interest me Mistress. It interests me very much. But when your slave approached me at the bar he said you were spoken for.?

I sank in my chair

?He did, did he? To be honest that is part of the problem. He is a very poorly behaved slave. And sometimes I lose interest due to his lack of sincerity and respect. I am looking for a slave who has experience. Someone from whom this sorry excuse for a slave can learn.?

?Well, I?ll deal with him later. Are you prepared for me to take you to my dungeon now slave girl??

?Yes Mistress.?

?Good, lets go. You two get the car, I have to use the powder room. Slave girl, take his leash, maybe he?ll be on his best behavior for you.?

?Wait, no. I don?t think that is a good idea.? I said.

At this point slave, be happy you?re not walking home alone. Get the car slaves?

And with that Mistress handed my leash over to slave girl who rejoiced in running ahead of me so the chain was fully extended for everyone to see. It seemed like everyone was looking at me. I even heard a woman at the bar say ?I should get something like that for you Nick.?






After Dinner





By the time the car come around I was back in Mistress? hands. When I opened the door for her to enter she said, ?no, I?ll ride in the back seat with slave abby. We have some catching up to do.?

As I started our drive home, they began to talk.

?Have you ever considered being owned by a Mistress slave.?

?I have and if I found the right mistress I am definitely open to it. But to be honest the biggest concern I would have is that I would miss the feeling of master inside of me.?

?Not to worry, there is more than one way to tame that tiger.?


Once we pull into the garage mistress said, ?First open slave girl?s door then both of you come to mine.?

We open her door and she raised from the back seat, ?slave girl, once we enter my domain you are my property. You will do exactly as I say and never hesitate to follow my orders, in spite of what you may witness from this slut. When you leave tonight I will decide if we have a future, if we do and you accept any such invitation you will be my property until I decide to release you. Do you understand??

?Yes mistress,?



Once we entered the house

?Slaves kneel!?

Each of you may worship a boot. ?

Slave girl beat me to Mistress? boots and began kissing.

?Slave boy, you?d better shape up.?

After a few minutes of kissing her boots mistress said ?Slave, open a bottle of red and have a glass waiting for me in the dungeon. I want you to show slave girl to the dungeon. You both will strip naked and don?t even think of looking at each other. Wait until my arrival, in silence. Slave boy, I will need you out of the way for a while. One second thought, leave your underwear on, take the handcuffs from the trunk and connect yourself to the ceiling hook with a latch. You may remove your leash but don?t you dare peak at my new slave. As for you? Mistress said looking at slave girl, ?he will show you where to put your clothing. After you strip, present yourself in an appropriate manor. I will be up in a little bit, I just have a few things to take care of.

Is that understood??

?Yes mistress.?

?Yes mistress,?


It seemed like it was an hour before Mistress finally entered the dungeon but it was probably only 15 minutes.

She?s dressed in a corset, black silk panties, fishnet stockings and heels. She is still wearing here straight hair black wig and has a crop in her long gloved hand. She looks at slave girl who is kneeling on the floor with her hands together, palms down and reached out as far as they will go. Her full breasts are on her knees and she is looking directly into the floor. Mistress moves across the room saying ?slave boy, I think I should help you fight the urge to view my time with slave girl.? She reaches me and places a blindfold over my eyes, grips my already hard cock through my underwear and whispers ?I will allow you one eye of vision so you learn not to become jealous over me. I possess you, you do not possess me, Do you understand??? ?

?Yes Mistress? I say as she releases my cock causing it to bounce to upright attention.


?Good? she says as she walks over to the table grabbing a glass of cabernet. Taking a sip she eyes her new prize.

?My my, don?t you look pretty.? ?She walks over to slave girl, circles her from above like a hawk her prey. ?Your Mistress just paid you a compliment slave girl, I think it?s only polite to acknowledge the compliment.

?Yes Mistress, Sorry Mistress, Thank You Mistress.?

Very good slave girl. I can see you have been trained well.

It is clear Mistress enjoys what she sees. ?

?You may kiss my foot? she says as she slides her healed foot between slave girl?s outstretched arms and up to her face.

Slave girl began kissing furiously. She started at the tip of her shoe, then worked her way up to her 5? heal. She kissed her way up one side and down the other.

?When your Mistress offers you a compliment it is appropriate to thank her do you understand slave girl? And at that moment Mistress? crop whistled down onto the slave?s exposed ass.

CRACK! Her ass called out and she let out a high-pitched screech before responding to the crop with an almost militant ?Thank You Mistress? and continued kissing her foot without missing a beat.


Watching my mistress controlling another slave was quite a turn-on for me.


?That?s enough slave. I think its time for us to get a little better acquainted?

And with that mistress took a seat on the overstuffed crushed red velvet upholstered chair. She sipped her wine, ?stand up and let me take a look at you.?


Immediately she stood up kept her arms to her side and never lifted her eyes off the ground.

?Come over here and twirl for me.? She approached and as she slowly turned mistress dragged her crop over her body. First over her full, slightly dropped breasts then her right shoulder, around her back and across the pronounced red welt on her ass, over her left hip and finally on her tightly trimmed pussy.


?Be a dear and bring me the leather paddle. Now lie across my lap, there you are good.?

?You?re much lighter then my other slave.?

?Hold my wine slave, and be sure not to spill a drop.?

As she took her glass Mistress began to spank her with an even rhythm from one side of her ass to the other. Slowly she built up momentum until the constant sound of flesh on flesh filled the room.

?Do you enjoy this slave??

?Yes mistress,?

?Do you need to be more severely punished slave?

?Yes mistress,?

With that mistress grabbed the leather paddle and reigned down a flurry of swats on slave?s ass. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK... Slave girl?s hips were gyrating on Mistress? lap, her ass was beat red and Mistress could feel slaves entire body tensed up above her. Mistress continued for a full two minutes.

"I know this must hurt slave but I can't have you enjoy yourself too much, then you'll just disobey me to enjoy being punished and we can't have that slave can we?

?No mistress,?

?I think I have a little problem with that already with another slave.?

?Now let?s look at what we have accomplished. Very pink, very nice. In your past experience have you ever had a spanking this severe??

?Once Mistress.?

?And did you deserve it than as well??

?Yes Mistress.?

?Well I think we have come to an understanding then. What is that I feel on my lap slave? Stand up!?

She quickly stands and faces mistress.

?turn around and spread your legs, keep your knees straight and touch your fingers to the floor.?

She does as instructed.

Boy we really got your ass a beautiful shade of pink but what is this leaking out of you? I did not give you permission to let your pussy fluid leak onto me now did I? And before she had a chance to answer mistress brings down her paddle on slaves right ass cheek one more time.

"No mistress"

Then why did you do it. Is it because you are a slut and are just in need of a good fucking slave? Mistress reaches between slave's legs and buries two fingers deep into slaves soaking wet pussy. As she enters slave lets out a long deep moan pushing back slightly onto mistress? hand to get the fingers a little deeper in her hungry snatch. She strokes her hand back and forth, they?re be plenty of time for that a little later, What do we have here, mistress pulls her fingers out and slips one finger into slaves tight asshole. This time slaves moan is high pitched and says "thank you mistress"


Slave, do you desire to smell my pussy? Yes mistress. As she walks around slave, grabs her by the hair tilts her head upward and slowly rubs her nose up and down the obviously swollen mound still covered in black silk. Do you enjoy the aroma of my pussy slave? Yes mistress, thank you mistress. Slave, if you were instructed to lick my pussy how would you do so. Show me now slave. Mistress? said impatiently. And slave girl with her hair still tightly within mistress? grasp places her tongue on her mound and slowly followed the not so hidden line of mistress? swollen lips up to the top of her pussy and down the other side, ending with a slow swirl near mistress? rosebud. Slave gently repeated the motion twice more before mistress pulls her head away by her hair. Very nice slave, mistress almost whispered.


I have a theory, slave boy, she looked over to me for the first time in a long time as I hang from the ceiling with my cock busting out of my tight boxer briefs, does a sufficient job of satisfying me with his mouth but I have a feeling a slut slave such as yourself may have some additional insight into the art of satisfying your mistress. Are you worthy of pleasing your mistress with your tongue slave girl?? Yes mistress, please mistress. I think it may be time to test my theory. Remove my panties and place them over slave boy?s head the return to me immediately. I do almost feel badly for ignoring him so tonight.?


Slave girl slid Mistress? panties off her legs and she stepped out of them as she sat back down on her overstuffed chair. Slave girl came over to me. I gave her a mean look as she stuck out her tongue in return and then pulled mistresses panties over my head being sure my eye was clear so the torment of her satisfying my mistress can continue unobstructed. As jealous as I was of slave girl it was quite a treat to have Mistress?s very wet crotch covering my nose and mouth. The scent was intoxicating and though I didn?t have permission I licked in hopes of getting a taste of the pussy I so loved to worship.


When slave girl returned to mistress she had one leg over the arm of the large soft chair and the other leg spread wide. It was clear what mistress wanted but slave girl showed complete obedience returning to stand in front of Mistress awaiting additional instruction.

Good girl, now get down here and pleasure your Mistress. ?

Immediately she dropped to her knees and leaned into her pussy. Very gently she traced the same path as before, each time with a little greater force. It was clear Mistress was enjoying herself as she slid down a little more into her chair to afford slave girl complete access to her beautiful flower. As slave girl began to move her head with greater force I saw a look of deep satisfaction wash over Mistress?s face and my jealous feelings faded away. For I wished that could be me satisfying Mistress the important point was that Mistress was feeling satisfied. As her slave that is all I could ever wish for. I hoped I could provide all of Mistresses needs all of the time but it was now clear to me that I could not. And helping Mistress be completely satisfied is my sole purpose for being as her slave.

?That?s my good slut. Suck my pussy slave. I want to come all over your face.? Slave girl moaned something and then really began to grind her face into Mistress?s swollen mound.

?Yes, suck it bitch? mistress breathed, yes, suck it, suck it. Then Mistress grabbed her hair and began grinding her hips into slave girl?s face screaming ? yes, yes, my bitch yes?.? And in a giant climax Mistress screamed a long Yeeeesssssssssss?.. and pushed slave girl away from he pussy. She leaned back into a heap of sweaty sex in her chair to catch her breath. I could see mistress?s pussy still throbbing from across the room. How I wanted that to be me giving her pleasure I was happy to see her in ecstasy. Always the obedient one slave girl just remained kneeling at the Mistress?s feet with her eyes down awaiting anything.?


?I think you have earned a special treat slave, lean over the back of my chair, I?ll be right back.?

Mistress left the room and I looked over to slave girl. Neither of us dare speak but she gave me a mean look and again stuck her tongue out at me. She seems to be a real bitch and I don?t like her but it looks like I?m going to have to get used to her as she seems to bring Mistress a great deal of pleasure. Just after she lowered her head again Mistress returned wearing her black strap on cock and carrying her crop. She stopped as she was passing me and rubbed her cock against my bulging underwear, ?slave? she whispered into my ear, ?your treat tonight is watching me fuck her and wishing it was you? ?Yes Mistress? was my return whisper. She took three stinging swipes of my cock with her crop as she walked over to slave girl.

?Well I must say, you?ve turned out to be a well behaved slave. Slave boy could learn a lot from you and I think it would do him good to observe a well trained slut first hand. What do you think of that.?

?Yes Mistress, thank you mistress.? Standing next to her Mistress lowered her crop across her ass a few times sharply.

?Are you interested in becoming my property?? ?

?Yes Mistress, very much Mistress.?

?Well we will see, Kiss it? Mistress gestured her cock in front of slave girl?s face.

?Yes, we will see.?

?You do seem to be enjoying yourself slave. Your pussy is dripping wet.?

Mistress slides two fingers into her and begins stroking.

?Would you like me to fuck that little slut hole slave.

?Yes Mistress, please Mistress.?

With that Mistress plunges her cock deep inside of slave girl?s pussy.

?YEEESSSS MISTRESS! THANK YOU MISTRESS!!? she screamed as mistress grabbed her hips and pulled her prey closer. As she pounded her pussy she reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair. This forced slave girls ass even further into the air and her face visible again to me. Her eyes her closed but a look of excruciating delight covered her face. Her entire body shifted forward into the chair with every thrust Mistress put forward. How I wished that were me. Maybe some day I would get my chance but for now Mistress had her hands and cock full. ??

As Mistress continued to thrust she yelled out ?Cum you slut cum now.? And moments later slave girl let out the loudest scream I have ever heard, YEEEESSSS!, YEEEESSSS!, YEEEESSSS! As she collapsed into a heap over the chair.?


Mistress pulled out and looked over at me, come clean off my cock slave boy. This is the only way you?ll will ever taste another pussy. That is, unless I replace you. Stay on your toes boy because she is a keeper.





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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...

4 years ago
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Mrs Goodytwoshoes

“I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never said.” “Well, we were embarrassed, and we didn’t think that he would...

4 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...

1 year ago
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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

3 years ago
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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....

3 years ago
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Ariel the Hitwoman

Hitwoman. Ariel the Hitwoman. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, violent, snuff, nec, urination, scat, humiliation, lingerie, toys, BDSM. Summary: Ariel is a glamorous hitwoman, addicted to money, kinky sex and haute couture. She is also a vicious sadist.  Part 1. Ariel and Olga. 1. Ariel examined her voluptuous body in the three way mirror. She was fresh from her perfumed bath. Her silky skin was rubbed with scented oils and lotions; her nipples were tingling from...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Sex Night With Diana Antwoine

Diana had this fantasy before and tonight Antwoine was going to fulfill it for her. The room was very dark a security light from the backyard caused a sliver of illumination in her room, but just barely. Diana usual bed attire was a satin pajama top (no pants) and a pair of devilish socks. Antwoine knew this.Antwoine was wearing all black, ski mask, t-shirt, running pants, running shoes. He did not wear underwear or socks. Antwoine came through the backyard gate toward her bedroom, which...

4 years ago
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I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...

4 years ago
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Souvenir from Westworld

Copyright© 2001-2005 by DB. I remember Westworld before the troubles happened. I was fortunate enough be able to go more than once before the Big Crash, and later the Big Scandal. Like too many good things in life, you come to count on them always being there. Then suddenly you turn around, and they're gone. I've loved westerns all my life. When I was young, it seemed that was all that ran on television. My grandfather taught me to shoot starting when I was six, and I can't say how...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart X 3 Threesomes and Twosomes

"Tim, I want to ask you something," Suzi started before our third hour class a week later. "But you have to promise me you will tell me the truth about how you feel about it." "Shit. This doesn't sound like I want to hear it, but okay. I promise. You want to go someplace private?" "Uhm, yeah. I can't get this out of my head. Let's go upstairs." Nobody noticed us leave as the tardy bell rang, nor did the few people passing notice us holding hands climbing the stairs. She was...

1 year ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

1 year ago
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What It Takes to Succeed in Slutworld

Note: Please activate Game Mode for the best experience! It is Sunday, September 4th, and the golden sun of a late-summer afternoon is streaming into Natalie's window as she lies on her bed reading, getting ready for the start of school. Stretched out on her bed with a mug of tea and her phone on the table next to her, she's got her summer reading book open on her knees: Basic Anatomy, Sexual Education, and Sluttery for Women. Nat turns the page and keeps reading as she takes another bite of...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

1 year ago
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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
1 year ago
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Scat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...

Scat Porn Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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All day crossdressing twosome

This experience was a twosome with my closest tranny friend.We got together one Sunday morning and transformed ourselves fully into hot sexy sluts. We were both wearing well stuffed bras, suspender belts, crotchless panties, stockings and high heels.We lay on the bed together kissing and stoking each other. We had made sure we had full balls for each other, so we were very horny.I got a pair of handcuffs and we closed them tight around our genitals, joining us closely. The twist was that the...

3 years ago
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DaughterInLaw Tricked Into Sex Twosome

Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with...

2 years ago
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Athens of the North

Not sure why the call Edinburgh the Athens of the North. It is one of the finest cities with its sassenach castle over-lording the fine buildings and green spaces, though the weather is somewhat cooler, and the olives only grow in the Botanic garden hothouses. However it was one of these rare Scottish summers when it was actually hot (in the mid to high 20s), and we were reclining on a grassy slope in Princess street gardens watching the amazing talent go by, some sunbathing below in low cut...

4 years ago
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Athens of the North

Not sure why the call Edinburgh the Athens of the North. It is one of the finest cities with its sassenach castle over-lording the fine buildings and green spaces, though the weather is somewhat cooler, and the olives only grow in the Botanic garden hothouses.However it was one of these rare Scottish summers when it was actually hot (in the mid to high 20s), and we were reclining on a grassy slope in Princess street gardens watching the amazing talent go by, some sunbathing below in low cut...

2 years ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

“ARRRGGHHHH!!!” Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of all. *C-CRACK C-CRACK...

4 years ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

*WHIPCRACK* "ARRRGGHHHH!!!" Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of...

3 years ago
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TV Listings for the TG Network

If you would like to archive this story elsewhere, please contact me and ask permission first. However, any story ideas that appear in here, or in the review section, are "Free Game" for development (Unless the author specifies otherwise in their "review"). "Thanks for your support" (Hey, there's an idea for a TG commercial...) gregri [email protected] "TV" Listings for the TG Network By Gregri Copyright 2000 The TG Network: "Television for New Women". (Lifetime is a...

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