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I'm really glad you came back. There's still a lot I want to tell you, and I was afraid that we wouldn't get the chance, but here we are. Ain't it great how life works? Anyway, yeesh. I have a story to tell ya about the days of my youth. Well, not so much youth. I mean, I was in college then, back at the old University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, but well, compared to now, I was young.

It was a great time then, back in 1982. Reagan had just begun to fuck things up but good in Washington, and things in Athens were seething. It seemed that the entirety of Clarke County was up tearing Ronnie apart in words or in speech, and I was one of them. Oh, man, you should have been there then. REM was still working for peanuts playing gigs at the 40 Watt Club and living in the old church on Oconee Street, the street where I lived. Peter Buck, their guitarist, had just quit working at Wuxtry, the hippest record store in all of the great state of Georgia. They were going up to Charlotte, NC to record their first album, "Murmur." It would be released the next year. The town was buzzing, things were happening and the University kids, myself among them, well, we were so alive in ourselves, pissed at our parents, of course, but living a life that was at the same time both humble and grand.

The summer of 1982 was the beginning of it all for me, really. Summers in northern Georgia are wonderful things. The sun beats down, but it is relatively dry. The bugs chip and whizzle in the kudzu vines, which grows over anything that lays still for a day or so. And things in the Summer, well, they're slow. Lazy. They take their time. Summers in northern Georgia seem to enjoy their own company and they aren't in any hurry to be rid of themselves, so the days stretch to weeks, long meditations in the heat. And it was around that first week of the Summer of 1982, in Athens, GA, that I met Nicky, and that's when everything changed.

I had a relatively normal life. I mean, I knew that I was a boylover, although it never would have occured to me to call myself that. I didn't know any other boy-lovers, so naturally I couldn't easily identify or put a fine point on what it was that I felt. I had no one to sort it out with. I knew I was different from any of my friends, those long-haired kids that grooved to Love Tractor at Tyrone's on Saturday nights. But just what made up the matrix of my difference I couldn't really say. It was just there, and like a goo d Georgian, I accepted it, and didn't say a word.

And it was hard. Athens has always been a liberal town, very politically and culturally up-to-snuff, and I was very attracted to the boys there, sons of the native Athenians and the professors. They had a strange blend: a mixture of earthy Southern charm and a general, all-encompassing savvy that belied their young eyes. When you're born and raised in a sociocultural arena, you aren't like other kids, and the Athenian boys were the exceptions to every rule. Starting at around nine years old, they grew their hair out, became restless, and their minds, soaking in the stimuli around them, expanded forming thoughts and opinions that most older teens outside of town couldn't even touch.

Nicky was one of the kids that I used to see all the time around at Wuxtry. I worked there for a brief time, APB (After Peter Buck), but -in that short time I came to know just about everyone in town. Wuxtry then was somewhat of the Athenian apothecary. People came there to get their fix. The Clash, The Pretenders, John Cougar. We had it. And the new bands, too. REM, Pylon, the Flat Duo Jets, and of course, Athens' home kids, the B-52's. Everyone had to admire the B's, even if they were just a little embarassing, but hey, they were a success up in New York, which was more than anybody could say for any of the other punks around the old burg.

Nicky would always come in asking for the new stuff. And he always came to me. Now, Athens is no different from any other college town. All your Ann Arbors and Chapel Hills have this sort of bubble of arrogance around them, and Athens did too. So more often than not, you'd ask a sales clerk a genuine question, and you'd get a glorified sneer in your direction. And Christ, that was never more practiced than at Wuxtry. Ignorance when it came to music was a cardinal sin. And well, when Nicky first came in, he was a sinner.

He didn't know much about the tunes. He wanted to know, he really did. He wanted to be a part of all this excitement he saw the college kids indulging in, but being just a kid, he found it hard to squeeze his way into the clubs, so he took his pains to Wuxtry. Celia, one of the girls I worked with, laughed at him when he first asked her what was new and good. I had noticed him as soon as he came in. I was arranging the 'd' section of the 45's when he stepped through the door frame. What struck me was just how perfectly pretty he was. He was still a junior high kid, from the looks of it. Twelve, maybe thirteen. It was a scorcher that day, and like most of his friends, he had his grey t-shirt off and tied around his waist by the sleeves. His hair was long all over, coming down in a luxurious swoop over his left eye, a condition which allowed him to punctuate his sentences with a head flip, giving anyone privy to his conversation, for an instant, a glimpse of both of his green eyes. His hair, I judged, would normally be that mousy brownish blonde color that so lovingly graced my head, but the sun had done some w ork, and streaks of blonde coursed through it.

Anyway, Celia had laughed at him and went back to doing whatever it was she was doing. Nicky kind of frowned, obviously dismayed, but not too suprised. He surveyed the store, looking for someone else who looked properly kooky enough to work there. His eyes met mine across the floor, and I raised my eyebrows to let him know that he did, in fact, have the attention of an employee. He kind of smiled, flipped his hair, and bounced over to me.

"What's up?" I asked when he finally stood in front of me.

"Uh... hi."

My god he was pretty. His lips were full but taut, and sort of stuck out in a perennial pout. His chest was soft looking and smooth, and it glistened with the sweat that he had worked up outside under that sun. But he didn't smell of sweat, he smelled, well, rather sweet, like the sweetgrass in the fields outside of the town. Maybe he hung out there, I certainly didn't know. He bit his lower lip slightly, as if mustering up some courage.

"Uh... I'm just trying to find somthing new, ya know."

He speech was soft and slightly husky, and his words leaned and sagged in a graceful southern drawl. Like the heat of summer, his words had little desire to be rid of themselves. I surveyed the boy, trying to get a general idea of what he might like, but you know, this was Athens, it could've been anything from John Cage to the Beach Boys.

"New? Just anything? Something specific?"

His eyes skitted around the posters and flyers taped around Wuxtry's slightly claustrophobic interior. He brushed his hair away with a hand this time, and his eyes looked into mine. "You know, something cool."

"I can do cool."

And I smiled at him. I wanted to reach out and pat him on the shoulder to let him know that I had no intention of tarring him and throwing him out, but my words seemed to do it for me, for he relaxed with a sigh and smiled. "Okay. All right, cool."

All the best things in Athens then were still on vinyl 45, and I set the kid out the door with a handful of them. I tutored him for a good half hour on the new bands and the new, different sounds they were making, and he followed me around, listening to me as a pupil would, his one visible eye rapt with attention, his head nodding with every other sentence. His friends had all gone and left him there, apparently giving up on him about fifteen minutes after they came in.

About midway through his tour of the local 45's, I introduced myself. "Oh, hey man, I'm sorry. I forgot." I outstretched my hand. "I'm Emmet." He took my hand and squeezed.

"I'm Nicky." He smiled again, and it wrenched a huge grin out of me. He had a great smile, one that lit up his whole aura. And he was so fascinated with all that I was telling him, and just as fascinated with the fact that I was willing to tell him, he was silent until I cashed him out.

"Thanks alot, man," he said. "That's really neat, ya know."

I tried to see both of his eyes, but that was rather impossible. "What's neat?"

He held the 45's up and smiled. "You know, these. And all that other stuff. You know. It's just kinda cool, you know?"

My heart did this sort of dive and recover. He was just so damn adorable there, shirtless, with that soft shock of blonde-brown hair over his eye, and that... that smile. I reached my hand out again. "I know, buddy. Hey, you know, anytime. Right?"

"Sure." He flipped his hair back and walked out the door.

Celia looked at me from her position at the next register. "Looks like you made yourself a little friend."

I smiled. "Looks like it, doesn't it?"

I walked slowly down Jackson street. Anyone who knew me then could have told you that this practice would get me killed, this walking down the street with my face buried in a book. Back then, I never went anywhere without some sort of novel or something, I really didn't care what. If my attention went unoccupied for a second, the book came out.

"Hey, bookworm!"

Two hands grabbed me around my chest from behind. I dropped my novel and stumbled over it, spilling onto the sidewalk in front of the camera shop. "Emmet! My god! I'm sorry!"

I looked up and saw, standing above me, my beautiful friend Eliza, her hands covering her mouth, her face contorted in what I was sure was a mixture of panic and an uncontrollable desire to laugh her ass off. I stared at her for a second, shaking my head. "Great," I said, finally breaking into a smile. "Just great."

"Emmet, my god, I am so sorry. I feel like a total moron."

"Yeah, well, you are."

I got up and immediately Eliza grabbed me in a hug. "I hope, after all that we've been through, that you could find it your heart to forgive me."


That was enough for her. She pulled away, laughing. "Well, you gotta admit that was funny as hell."

Eliza had been the first person I had met in Athens when I got there from Macon in 1980. I dated her for a time, and when we both realized we just weren't attracted to each other, it fizzled out. Her next relationship was with a girl, as had all her subsequent ones, so I figured that either I was her last stand before she totally admitted to her homosexuality to herself, or it was just so bad that she figured she might as well give up on men altogether. We had remained friends since then, mostly because I could relate to her: her acceptance of the card she was dealt was definately an inspiration, but what attracted me the most was her vibrancy, her total resignation to the way things were. Nothing phased her, not even when I had eventually told her that I liked boys.

"Really?" She had gasped. "I would never have picked you as being the gay type. I mean, Christ, you did wonders for me in bed." She nudged my side.

"No," I said, calmly but with a definate tremor in my voice. "Not men. I'm not gay, Eliza. I like, you know, young ones."

"How do you mean?"

I looked up at the trees in the quad, and around me, and we were alone, just Eliza and I. "I think I like boys, Eliza. I mean, they turn me on. In a big way."

Eliza was very calm and composed. "How old are we talking about here, Emmet?"

I scratched a seemingly ruthless itch on my nose. "Uh... , you know." I couldn't say it.

"No, I don't think I know."

I gazed into her brown eyes, eyes so brown they were almost black. She wasn't making this easy for me.

"Well, I guess I like it when they're before puberty kind of. You know, like eleven or twelve."

She sank back down against the tree. "Christ, Emmet."

"I know..."

She caught herself. "No. It's okay with me, kiddo. I mean, sexuality is one of the few things in this fucking universe that we can't understand, but just be careful."

"Oh, I don't know if..."

"What attracts you to them? The boys, I mean."

I stopped, biting my nail. I just couldn't look at her, and I kept my eyes on a squirrel that was digging in the dirt "I don't know."


"I don't know. I mean, I've thought about it, thought about it a lot, and I can't put my finger on it."

"You find them sexy, though, right?"

"Oh yeah, sure. But that's just a part of it. And in the grand scheme, I think a rather smallish part. There's something there, I don't know."

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

And I had to laugh at that one. "I don't think that I could get any more personal" I chuckled.

Eliza smiled placidly, like a psychiatrist or a talk show host.

"Were you..."

I cut her off. "No, never. Never. No one ever touched me, molested me, hurt me, abused me. Nothing."

"You've gone through this before, haven't you?"

"This conversation?"


"Oh, about a gajillion times in my head."

"Have you ever done anything?"

"With a boy?"


"No... no, never. I don't know if I would. I mean, lord knows I'd like to, but... you know."

Eliza leaned foward and kissed me. "No, I don't know. But just be careful, Emmet. I love you. Just don't do anything stupid. If anything ever happens, make sure it's mutual, okay?"

"Oh, god, I could never force anything on anybody. I'm not a molestor, Liz."

"Shhh... shhh. I know you're not, Em. I would never think that you were. But just... you know, make sure that you and... your partner... both have clear heads." And she smiled at me.

"As clear as yours?"

"That, lover, would be impossible." And we hugged and held it for a long time.

And so anyway, Eliza and I were standing in front of the camera shop and I was doing my best to brush the dust off my clothes, but it didn't seem to be working. Eliza was still giggling a bit under her breath. I kept shooting dirty looks at her, but she knew I wasn't serious.

"So what did you drag your sorry self out here for anyway?" I asked her, my tone more jolly than anything.

"Well, I just wanted to see if you wanted to come to Tyrone's with me tonight. Pylon's playing."

"No shit, really? Damn... I'd like to, Liz, but I'm busted. Really, babe, I'm flat 'til Thursday."

"What's the matter? Wuxtry not floating the boat?"

"Yeah, right. Not on what they pay me."

"Well, that's never stopped you before. I'll float you this time if you want. Meet me there, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. You got it. Pylon's great."

"You think I don't know that? The show they played the other week with REM was not to be believed. Down at the 40 Watt. Me and Michael are starting to really get to know each other, too. He's really nice. Flaky, but nice."


"Yeah, I don't think you know him. He's the guy who sings for REM."

"Oh, yeah, I've seen him around town, he comes into Wuxtry all the time, but never talked to him. Kinda quiet, ain't he?"

"Yeah, he is. Got a great singing voice, though."


"Well," Eliza said, snapping the conversation line, "I'll see you tonight then, right?"

"Sure. Yeah, sounds great."

"Great. See ya."

"What time's the show?"


And with that, she walked away down Jackson Street, her flowered dress blowing behind her in the dry wind of the Georgia summer. We had talked about my love for boys many times after that first day in the University of Georgia quad, and she had come to a very good understanding of me and how I felt, and above all, I think she respected it.

By the time 5 PM rolled around, the afternoon had waned to that tenative time when it was no where near getting dark, but the daylight was becoming stagnant and strained, like it was tiring out and waiting for the darkness to get its ass in gear and releave it of it's duty. I had been in a funny mood ever since I had run into Eliza, mostly from thinking about that day on the quad, but also making those plans put me in that state of listless waiting. You know, the way you feel between the time you get up and the time the Christmas party begins and you can open your presents. Just useless existance, or so it seemed.

I had taken a walk out of town, down one of the numerous veins of country road that surrounded Athens, passing some old abandoned homes with yards overrun with kudzu, past large houses built for college professionals. And dammit, I had forgotten my book. I hated that. That meant that I actually had to occupy my mind with bonafide thought, and well, you know as well as I do what that thought was. Nicky. Yeesh. Ever since I had seen him earlier that afternoon at Wuxtry, I couldn't get my mind off that beauty. He was so attentive, so rapt with fascination over the facts that I was giving him. Music history. The Sex Pistols, The Velvets. All the stuff he needed to know, and wanted to know. I could see his green eye dance with the possibility of it all, the other eye of course being masked by that charming shock of soft blonde-brown hair.

And Eliza's year-old question kept coming back. "What attracts you to them?"

I said it to myself aloud. "Emmet, what attracts you to them?" I thought of Nicky, about what attracted me to him specifically. I figured, hell, I'd narrow it down to an example and start from there. Nicky... Well, yes, physically he was beautiful. Soft skin, hairless. I was careful to spy on him reaching up for a record on a high shelf, and there had been no hair under his thin arms. I had felt a surge with that. Okay, so he was aesthetically beautiful. Was that all?

"No," I answered myself aloud. I mean, I saw at least twenty pretty boys a day in Wuxtry and not one of them had joggled my psyche like Nicky had. There was something more to it. Perhaps it was the way he followed me, listening. Perhaps. But, I didn't even think that was all of it. There was something behind his eye, that bright green eye, that I couldn't put a finger on. Something that hinted at something else. A desire to know more? A curiosity? No, that wasn't it. An...

"Oh, DAMMIT!" I cried out. And then I looked around to see if anybody had heard me. No, of course not. Sound doesn't carry well in the Georgia countryside. What isn't absorbed by all the greenery is drowned out my the chatter of the insects. I was genuinely frustrated. I looked down at my fists and noted that they were clenched.

"Christ, Emmet," I said to myself. "Get a grip." But my mind thought back to Nicky. Nicky, Nicky. What was his last name? I didn't know. I wondered just how old he was. I wondered what he looked like out of his black jeans, if he was a virgin. And then I actually sneered at myself. I felt utterly pathetic. He's just a boy, man. Just some kid. Get a grip, Emmet, man, you're gonna lose it. But I can't help it. I can't get him off my mind. Well, you're gonna have to help it. What can I do? He's so beautiful, so... Just shut up. You see? You should've brought your book.

And I walked back into town, back to Wuxtry where I would sometimes hang out when I had nothing else better to do. Hell, everyone else in town did it, why not the employees? Celia was the first to notice me there. "You know," she sneered. "It's really sad when you're here and you're not getting paid for it."

I blinked slowly and chuckled through my nose. "Tell me about it." She laughed and began to walk back into the office when she turned and said, "Oh, by the way, your little friend was in here looking for you."

"Oh, I know. I ran into her on Jackson Street. We're gonna go see Pylon tonight. Wanna come?"

"Huh? No, no. Oh, no, I've already talked to her. Yeah, she was looking for you, too. No, I mean that kid you talked to today. The blonde kid. He was looking for you. He wanted to talk about some record or something he got today. Don't know what was up with it. He said he'd be back later."

I licked my rapidly drying mouth. "Didn't you tell him that I wasn't working 'til tomorrow?"

"Oh, no." She stretched and yawned. "Didn't even think about it." And she disappeared into her office.

I stood there for a second, trying to comprehend just the general kookiness of the whole situation. Ain't that a bitch? I thought. And then I couldn't help but smile. He was looking for me. I weighed each word. He... was... looking... for... who? Who dear lord? Me!

"You gettin' lucky or somethin' tonight?"

I turned around. The blurb had come from Hamilton, the definitive Georgia college yokel. He had come from a piss-poor white trash family on shear brain power, and everything, from his long, stringy hair to his embarassingly thick accent gave no clue to the hypergenius underneath the hickish image he projected.


"Sorry, buddy, but you look plum stupid."


"Huh?" he echoed. "Huh what? You're standing there with the stupidest grin I ever done seen on your face. What's up with that? You just get some pussy?"

I laughed at that one. "You're always so fucking eloquent, Hamilton." And I walked away, smiling.

"Yep, that's why I make the big bucks," he drawled at my back.

"Too bad you're jobless!" I yelled back and stepped out of the door.

Dammit! I thought to myself as I trotted down the street Dammit! I missed him! I missed him. But you didn't know he was gonna come looking for you. Oh fuck you, I missed him. But he said he was coming back, you know. Huh? Remember, Celia said he was coming back. Wait for him. I could do that. Yes, you could do that.

And like a Nazi, I did a two-step 180 degree turn back in the direction of Wuxtry. I planted myself on the sidewalk outside with my back against the building and my legs folded against my chest. And I waited.

After ten minutes or so Hamilton came trotting out, noticed me on the ground and stood there, his legs apart and his hands on his hips. "What the livin hell is the matter with you?"

I looked up at his hulking shape. It was a lot cooler in the shade he provided, but it didn't smell any better. "Not a goddam thing."

"I'll tell you one thing, Emmet, you're about fucking wierd if you ask me." And he dashed off down the street, his greasy long hair flopping against his back with each step. I watched him walk away. He got as far as the corner when he turned and faced me, his right arm in the air, waving. "Puuuuuuusssssyyyyyyy!"

I just shook my head, folded my arms, and laid my head down.

"Who was that?" a voice said.

"Just an asshole."

"Ain't you workin'?"

And I looked up, and there he was. Nicky. Still shirtless, in those black jeans, looking down at me in the early evening sun. "Hi!" I said. "Nicky, right?"

"Yep." And he sat down next to me. Well, that was unexpected, I thought. "Why'd he say 'Pussy?'"

I chucked at hearing the boy's voice form that word, pussy. Just wasn't used to it, I guess. "I dunno. I think he's under the impression that I got lucky or somethin'."

The boy flipped his hair and smiled. Dammit! That smile, Gawd! "Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Get lucky?"

"Oh!" I must have been blushing. "No, no I didn't."

Nicky chuckled, a high succession of little laugh bursts. God, he's so damn charming. "Oh, okay." He was still smiling. "I just, you know, wanted to come back and say thanks and all."


"Yeah, you know, for today and all."

"Well, it's my job, ya know."

"Yeah, well, it's everybody's job, but nobody does it."

"Well, not everybody's as cool as I am."

Nicky flipped his hair back and with his hand held it back. I fell into his eyes, two pools of pure truth and emotion. And, my god, this was just on a sidewalk! "I know," he said. "I mean, you're nice and all, and you know a lot about music and I really don't. I mean, I'd kinda like to learn about music and stuff, 'cause when I hear it I really dig it, I think it's cool, but I don't like to just go pick up anything."

"Well," I said, "that's kind of the point to it all. You know, just going and picking up stuff. Testing the waters, like."

"I really can't afford to do that, though. I mean, I don't like everything."

"Do you have a job?"

"I mow people's lawns sometimes."

"Oh, okay."

We sat there in silence for a few seconds. He was looking at street activity, the very different people walking up and down, but I, I was looking at him. What a beautiful, beautiful boy. He had come back. Come back to thank me, and to ask me more. He had come back to see me. Me. This boy. This beautiful, charming boy.

"Tell you what," I said, trying to sound spontaneous. "If you want, everytime we get a new shipment of new stuff, I always pick it up, regardless. I got so many records at home it ain't even funny. If you want, you can borrow some, you know, see what you like. And if you like it, you know, come buy it."

"No kidding?"

I was overflowing with just pure, indescribable joy. This boy, in that instant, had become my friend. "Sure, kid. No problem." And I reached out and ruffled his hair. The second contact we ever made, after the handshake earlier.

"That would be so incredible. Honestly. Oh, wow, that's great." He was as happy as I was.

"You can come over anytime. I live on Oconee."


"Now what?"

"Can I come over now? And, you know, pick some out? If it's okay..."

Oh yeah. Oh fucking yeah. "Sure, yeah. Feel like walking?"

"Yeah. That's all I do."

"Okay, sure, come on." And me and my new friend walked up Jackson street toward Oconee talking about the Velvet Underground, and how, well, how they were the start of it all. And in the music of Wire and Television you could hear their influence. Even Bowie had dedicated a chuck of his style to them. And man, when Nico sang "All Tomorrow's Parties," you couldn't help but just get a chill up your spine. She get's into your head on that one.

And the boy listened and learned and absorbed, and by the time we got to my apartment on Oconee, he trusted me enough to tell me that the first time he heard "Pale Blue Eyes" this afternoon, he cried so hard, cried his beautiful eyes out. And he could do nothing but smile then, when I said, "You know, that song could have been written about you."

"But my eyes aren't blue."

"Yeah, but everything else is the same."

And he smiled again, oh god that smile, and in that instant I understood what it was that was behind his eyes that had eluded me so well this afternoon. It was something that I have always wanted but so far had not been able to receive. It was understanding.

"Well, this is it. This is my place." I gestured grandly about the room, revealing to Nicky his first sight of the most boring place of residence anybody had ever seen. You see, I was living this sort of pretentious art-school lifestyle (despite the fact that my major was business), and I was cultivating this sort of minimalist thing in my apartment. I slept on the thinly-carpeted floor (which for some reason never caused me any discomfort), and had nothing on my white stucco walls save for a mimeographed photo of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Don't even ask me why that mimeograph was there. I don't think I could even have told you who Oppenheimer was. Some drunk pal of mine had stuck it thre one night and there it had stayed.

Nicky looked around. "Wow," he said. "It's really cool. Kinda white, ya know?"

"Uh, yeah. I don't have much use for pictures, ya know."

"Who's the guy?"


"The guy, there. The paper." He pointed at Oppenheimer.

"Oh, I dunno. Some physicist or something."

"Oh." By now the boy was so used to Athenian quirks that he simply accepted the strangeness as status quo. "Okay, cool."

By that time I was already digging into my refrigerator. "You want something to drink? I got like three kinds of Coke here." In Georgia, no matter the brand or flavor, all sodas are Coke.

"You got a Dew?"

"Yeah, sure." I fished it out of the Frigidare and handed it to Nicky, who by then had aready discovered my closet of records, boxes and boxes of stuff, stacked high. There hadn't even been room for clothes. His eyes went from the boxes to mine, his head turning in slow motion. "This is incredible... are these all yours?"

"Yep," I said, barely able to mask the pride. "They're mine."

Nicky approached the boxes like a relgious pilgrim to an icon. He pointed up at the top box. "Can I?"

I couldn't stop smiling. "You want the top box?"


I stretched up and god the box down with a grunt, and slam, dropped it at Nicky's feet. Like a child at Christmas (well, he was as child, I told myself) he tore the box open and began to go through my collection. I went to the other side of the room and planted myself in the huge green chair that I had bought from Sandy Phipps for $10. I watched the boy go through each and every record in the box, taking each out with surgical care, with each disc a soft "Wow..." escaping his lips. I watched him for an hour, his form, his perfection. The way he looked, the way he smelled, the way he looked at me. He hadn't even noticed me sitting there, sitting there and loving him with each passing breath.

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When I woke up the following morning, I immediately became aware of the situation. It was difficult not to notice the pretty white cotton and lace nor the fact that I was wearing it. I quickly recalled the events of the previous night, feeling ashamed at having been caught masturbating. I knew that Beatrice somehow wanted to make a point by telling me to wear her nightdress, but I had no clue why. I rolled over to see her watching me. She was wide awake, looking as beautiful as ever with her...

2 years ago
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Estrogen Ocean

To borrow a phrase from Jeff Foxworthy, “I live in a Sea of Estrogen.” My story seems strange to me, even though I’m living it. The interesting thing is how I got here. It all started with my divorce.My name is Tau. Don’t ask, my parents were on a strange kick that I never did understand. The story kept changing over the years, so no laughing; it is my name. I’m just a little past forty and was married for just over twenty years. We simply drifted apart in many ways and once my younger daughter...

Group Sex
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My First Pet My Naughty Pet

Really sorry to al those that have patiently waited on this, some real life things got in the way of my writing. but here it is now. I hope it was worth the wait. This story is about the first time I had to discipline my pet. As always, any and all comments are welcome, enjoy. It had been two weeks since my pet had agreed to be mine, to give herself completely to me and do anything I told her to. We had spent the time trying out more of the things Steven had taught me, as well as a few things I...

4 years ago
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Sun sea and sex with my slutty girlfriend

We booked one of those package holidays, you know the type, a big hotel in the South of Spain, with a couple of pools and a couple of bars, adults only. Relatively young crowd, not quite 18-30s but generally couples and groups in their 20s-40s. Our room was a little out of the way, in a self-contained courtyard area with around 30 rooms over two levels all facing inwards. We were up on the second floor, and we had a great view of all the other rooms.When we first arrived, in late afternoon,...

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The Making of a Young WomanChapter 3

Barbara was staying over one night when Robbie called and asked if we’d like to go to St. Martin with him and Bridget. He had a French customer that wanted to meet there. Not a difficult decision since it was winter here! We were soon in First Class on our way towards the Equator. The two-bedroom suite overlooking Marigot Bay was wonderful. Barbara and I, both topless, hit the beach ASAP while Robbie and Bridget found the client at the hotel bar and talked business. After a fine dinner with...

2 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 14

"We you basically know all there is to know. I was to push through invoices every 4 to 6 weeks for up to just under sixty thousand dollars. I did hear them talking about bribing some guys to screw up your production." "There is one more thing. The order that Monique talked to you about in her e-mail, it is not going to be a real order. They are going to jerk you around. Asking for re-designs again and again and after you've spend a bundle on those, they will just cancel it." I took a...

4 years ago
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Fuck Me Harder Skald

It was dark by the time I got to the farm, the gravel crunched under my tyres. I wondered how I would have found this place if I did not have the GPS location in the Sat Nav. Across a field, with a few bored sheep, I could see a modest hill, at its top a fire flickered and a figure was kneeling backlit by the flames. Standing at the base of the hill was a tall woman, dressed in a long woollen black dress that reached down to her feet. Her grey hair fanned down her back, and she appeared to be...

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The Voices in my Head part 10

My name is John Stevens. I'm nineteen years old, six feet tall with a slender build, blond hair, and pale blue eyes. Overall, I'm a pretty normal guy except that I'm diabetic. It's nothing serious yet, I don't have to take shots, just a couple of pills every day. I like to read, making me a bit of an outcast with most of the kids my age who prefer more active pastimes. As a result I don't have many friends. Peter and I had been in the same class since kindergarten and by a quirk of...

3 years ago
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The day I met Riya

My heart was working slightly overtime as I knocked on the door that read room no. 304. The door was directly at the top of the flight of stairs, and despite the underlying excitement, I had this deep-rooted anxiety that all eyes are on me everyone would know I was about to do something wrong! Rewind: Riya and I first connected over the Internet about three months ago. It was a casual funny comment (which is my usual modus operandi) that got her to respond. Typically, internet chat yields a...

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Unlimited exposure and delightful experiences8230

Hi. I am Manish from Kholapur and did my Engineering from Pune. I got a placement from a top software company and ironically they placed me at Coimbatore. I came to Coimbatore and rented a house is Peelamedu. The ground floor was occupied by Saikumar and Priya and they had two children and the first floor by me. There was a huge open space in the first floor and also a separate water tank above my house. On the corner of the first floor near my house, they had special facilities to wash the...

3 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 2 Girls Just Wanna Have FunChapter 3 Making Babies

It had started as they trekked across Nebraska. With the addition of more partner wives, not to mention concubines, the puppy pile had become an important intimacy for Michael, his wives, and their companions. Usually spontaneous, it was also called when the sponsors felt a special need for closeness or to discuss something important concerning them all. Family sex was often slow and romantic, but when Rachel, Cathleen, and their Pixie were on deck, total raunch was also a frequent visitor....

4 years ago
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Ecstasy In The Blue Mountains

As Fran slept, her hair falling across her face, Geoff splashed water on his face before he walked out onto the balcony. The beach was empty in the early morning light, the sun only beginning to glitter on the water which stretched out before him.He turned back into the bedroom, lowered himself onto a chair, and began doing triceps lifts. After three sets of ten, he moved to ab crunches. On vacation, the regimen would be relaxed, though he would run in the late afternoon and then lift weights...

Group Sex
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Metamorphosis The Story of Marilyn MonroeChapter 5

Audrey and I needed to make our first cut. I gave everyone a lunch break. Some stayed. We huddled up and discussed whom we were keeping. If she would take it, Darlene would make a wonderful Gladys, getting to sing two first act songs. We were still short men, but we still had plenty of talented people to cast this show from. We went to the car and created our cut down list, and printed and posted it on both doors to the theatre. We sat on the edge of the stage watching all kinds of...

2 years ago
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excuse my language or pardon my french but

my God, but that is like say, or how you say like scary. this particular afternoon for something like six, or seven days before a, or the thanksgiving day holiday for this calendar year of two-thousand, & eighteen, twenty-eighteen whereas i'm watching that being of a news-story about a mad-shooter had went upon a shooting-spree upon the southside of the city of metropolitan Chicago, Illinois, u.s.a. before that being of the closing of the day for that being of the five o'clock p.m. hour. I...

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Mother in Law Punishes Husband

When I was growing up my mum did the housework and dad brought in the money and all the families I knew were the same. So it was a surprise to me that my wife expected me to help with dusting, vacuuming and washing up, etc. I was just nineteen, my beautiful wife Sally was the same age and other than this housework business we had a great life together.I was in good shape and whenever I could I would be out on my bicycle, especially when Sally started to get out the cleaning equipment. I didn’t...

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False SignsChapter 9

The packing didn’t take Taylor long, considering he had only the one duffle bag and he’d just thrown out one set of clothes he’d brought with him. Even with that, he was only a few steps behind Whitaker when they checked out and both were on the curb when yet another non-descript black SUV pulled up with a male agent Taylor hadn’t met, driving. He and Whitaker made a bit of small talk, but that quickly fell off. It seemed there was little secret being made of Whitaker being yanked home by...

1 year ago
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The Interview

My wife, Lisa, and I met at the same workplace and, whilst it was years after, she told me about how she was hired. Lisa was 27 when she applied for the job and didn't think for one second she stood any chance of getting it. She was under qualified, at the time out of work and had no references but really wanted the job and saw it as a great opportunity to get other jobs of the same ilk once she got her foot in the door. The job in question was a call center operator for a large company based...

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Fucked A Bhabhi I Found On Internet

Hey guys… This is Rohan, ready with another true incident which happened when I was in college..Ya I had a gf that time and that was the only time I cheated on her..Heroine of this story is Seema… A busty babe of 29 years old (at that time) …I was 18 at that time. So coming to the story… It was the time when my gf had gone to her relative’s to attend a function and as her family had no idea about me, she asked not to msg or call at that time.. I was also having sem breaks so was getting bored...

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Everything is not Black and White Part One

It had been a couple months since I had seen Ellie. We had talked and texted each other, flirting and sharing ideas, etc like normal. She was excited about our last visit and wanting to know if that had stirred any thoughts or desires for me. Of course it had and I was honest with her about that. I had a lot of thoughts running through my head about what might lie ahead for us. We had made plans to go to dinner and then go to a bar we both enjoyed. It is not a club where you can go and have sex...

Group Sex
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 19

Bob and Hank watched as the traumatized young ladies were pampered by Bob's "harem" as he had started to think of them. He estimated that they were all around twenty years old. Blonde, brunette and red head. They had similar features and he guessed they were sisters, or cousins at least. They stood between 5'2" and 5'8" tall. He could see that Dana and her crew had taken most of the upset out of the three. After a short time, the women started heading straight for Bob. "Uh oh," Hank...

3 years ago
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Denises Tale 1

I know all about familiarity breeding contempt, so I make sure that nothing becomes too familiar between my husband and I. To keep things hot we explore different some would say unusual areas of sexuality including exhibitionism and, more recently, threesomes with other women. My husband usually joins in these threesomes, though sometimes he just watches, but either way Al really gets off on it. Ill never forget the first time I went down on a woman it was so hot! And Al got to see the whole...

2 years ago
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Femail order part 2

As we walked back home I kept thinking about Julie. She had recognised me. She knew I was male. But she hadn't been fazed to see me in a dress and heels, showing off my pretty legs, wearing make-up and a far from boyish hairstyle. On the contrary she had seemed pleased to see me. Was she pleased to see me as a person, or was she pleased to see me dressed as a girl? I hoped it might be both. I remembered what we had done on our dates. What would it have been like if I had been the one...

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Imagination Chapter 3

Chapter 3 "You are probably wondering what is happening and why you are here" "Please tell me what..." "Be quiet! I will tell you when you can speak. Until then I require silence or you will be punished!" Her tone was such that I decided that perhaps I had better behave, at least for the time being. After all, I was in no position to do anything about it at the moment and although I didn't know what her punishment would be, I wasn't keen to find out! "Sally and I have been...

4 years ago
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The HandshakeChapter 5 A Taken Advice

Ken: Aaron was smiling as he told me after our handshake to confirm his thanks, “I’ve said my thanks to you honestly. Your video publication was the most important that I could get rid of that cheating skank cunt in time to find a better woman and now I’m the proud daddy of two kids. As you told us, you weren’t her first lover, but your video was the most important clue to find out her true nature.” After a little pause, one of his friends spoke, “After a difficult divorce, I lived alone...

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Marina SM in Mas Pere Strips


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Affair With SisterInLaw In Bangalore

Hi to all readers. This is Mr. K (pseudo name) from Bangalore. Thank you for good responses for the previous story. The central character for this story is my sister-in-law – Rashmi (name changed). She is married to my cousin brother. As they got married few years ago only, they don’t have any kids so far. My sister-in-law is just flawless with silky white skin, 5 feet 6 inches height and she has the right amount of flesh in the correct areas. She has big round ass and her figure is 34-26-36....

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MILF and Family Ch 01 Mum and Daughter

This story was told to me by one of my previous lover. How true it was, I had no idea but I knew some parts were true from the way things seemed to match and the photos he had shown me. Knowing his charismatic ways and bad boy character, it was not surprised that he really did it. Words used were pretty nasty and crude as this guy loved to swear. Stomach it if you can. Skip it if it is not your cup of cake. Before he met me, he was involved with another married woman with three daughters. And...

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One Helluva DayChapter 6 The Truth

"Mr. Jenkins... Tom, come on, wake up. There's no time for sleeping now." As he reluctantly pulled himself from the depths of his almost coma-like state, Tom realized that it wasn't Peggy's voice he heard. For the second time that day he awoke in a state of confusion. What he saw when he opened his eyes didn't help. It looked like a fog bank had rolled over the patio while he had been napping. Everything was cloaked in a white haze, and he could only see a few feet away. Tom felt even...

2 years ago
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The Journal of a Young Escort

Prologue: When I was eighteen I choose to work as an escort, I preferred to call myself an adult companion; but that was not where my companionship for money started.  It started when I was sixteen. Before I start some things about me you should know.  I grew up in Savannah, Georgia, and grew up rather privileged with material things and social standing.  Social standing and family pedigree can still be a big deal in a city like Savannah and I had both.  From my mother’s side of the family, I...

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racheal the babysitter part 2

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the telephone ringing. I was still outside next to the pool and Racheal nowhere to be seen. I got up, quickly put on my clothes and ran for the phone which had been ringing for at least 30 seconds or so. I picked up the phone and said ''hello'' '' jeff its me dad, Ivery been calling for the last hour but nobody was picking up. Anyways I just want to call and say that we had a car crash, and that we won't be back untill wednesday, tell...

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Mary Jane Becomes Sex Slave

Spiderman has been New York's hero for a long time, capturing villains like Doc Ock, Green Goblin and the Punisher. But 2 villains had learned of his secret identity, Electro, master of electricity and Sandman, the villain with the power to change his whole body into sand. They came up with a simple trap to accomplish the goal of grabbing him, and demanding his red headed model/actress wife ransom him with that gorgeous body of hers. They were going to lure him to a warehouse on the docks and...

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Stephanies Tale

Stephanie carried the empty glasses to the kitchen and placed them next to the sink to be washed. Mr. Franklin was known to sometimes present extravagant gifts as a reward if things went exceptionally well, and she was sure he would be pleased with her help as he seduced Ms. White. As she returned to the back bar, Stephanie smiled at the pleasant soreness left by Ms. White's mouth and fingers. "How'd it go?" Peter asked. "Very well. I think Mr. Franklin will be pleased. He asked for the...

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Daughters Exboyfriend PT 2

He didn’t move. Elliott didn’t have to move. She was sleeping right there, next to him. She was as naked as she was last night. He smiled at her figure, holding her soft and fuller figured mature body against him in the morning. It was like being in another world to him. But he was smiling as he looked at her soft, almost silky curves that he could see, and he was ready to go at it with her again. Last night, he’d just made love to her. He couldn’t believe it. He had sex, good sex too, with...

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caught in drag

I used to go over to their apartment most days during the week. They both worked and the place was all mine. Normally, the first thing I would do was double lock the door from the inside so that they couldn't open the door without me unlocking a deadbolt from the inside. That way I knew I wouldn't be walked in on unexpectedly. Then I would strip naked and head for the spare bedroom. The queen sized bed had a footboard and a headboard. I needed the headboard because I figured out a way...

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Big Dick Contest

During the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college I returned home for a few weeks to visit my folks and get together with my old buddies from high school. My friend Dan called me up and invited me to hang out and get drunk at his apartment. Dan was a year older than I was and since he got a factory job instead of attending a university he could afford his own apartment, a nice car, etc. We had been good friends in high school. We both wrestled and played football. In high...

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Deal Chapter 2

She could even stand beside the bed, but if she tried to take even one step the chains pulled tight against the bed which was heavy oak and bolted to the floor. On one side of the bed was a table with a large tray of food and drink, enough to last her several days, and on the other side was a large basin of water and a stack of towels. The manacles were padded and never hurt her wrists in the slightest, but there was no apparent way to remove them. She was too tired to worry about it at the...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 11

I pulled into the lot, parked, and killed the engine. It felt good to be back. I climbed out and grabbed my backpack from behind the seat. 'This ought to surprise Robbie and Tami, ' I thought, grinning to myself. Surprising Monster Girl was never easy and almost worth a week of suspension if I could. I walked in the front door and stopped in the main hallway. I was kinda surprised that it didn't feel different. The hall was mostly deserted. I glanced at my watch. Second period had started...

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My first time with my grandparents

All of my stories are true. They are real and a few possibly embellished a little to add effect. Most to all of what you will read consist of incest, animal sex, and interracial sex. Some violent sex, piss drinking, gangbanging, a touch of necrophilia, and a many other categories of good ole America whore sex. Be WARNED If you do not like please do not read. First My Grandparents; Chapter 1: My parents trusted me to an extent but they did not trust me with other people at all,...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 49 MVP

I headed over to the dining area for whatever meal it was; time had lost all meaning between jet lag and round-the-clock sex. To my surprise, Bud was attacking a stack of pancakes that resembled the Sears Tower. “Looks like you’ve sobered up,” I said, sitting down and enjoying the whiff of maple syrup. “I was trying to drink away the pain,” he said with a mouthful. “But it turns out the only thing that could make it go away was the love of a good woman. Good thing one came along on the...

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DoorToDoor SalesmanChapter 3

Betty had thought that the morning would never come. All night long, it seemed to her, she had lain awake, her thoughts seething with disbelief and anger over what had happened. Doug slept on unconcernedly beside her, and the knowledge that he was apparently untroubled by what he had done, added fuel to the fire of her fury. When at last dawn had come, she had risen wearily, and this morning, the brandy was very welcome in her coffee. She had just finished her second cup when Doug had come...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mia Evans The Perfect Creampie

Mia Evans looks good enough to eat as she struts down the stairs in a silky sheer red nighty that makes it simple to see her thong beneath. The brown-eyed redhead is all sex as she takes a seat, spreads her thighs, and lets Renato fuck her with his eyes while she displays herself blatantly on the stairs. When she gets back to her feet and closes the distance between them, Renato wastes no time pressing his lips to hers and carrying her to the couch. Unveiling Mia’s lush breasts, Renato...

4 years ago
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My Way or the HighwayChapter 3

The more I thought about it, the surer I became that it was one and in same person. Regretting not having the boys for some afternoon delight, blubber lips was a viable option for a quickie. My cock insisted that I get out of bed, my nuts conquered, and I left the room in search of him. No longer in the diner, I spotted him in the gift-shop. Nonchalantly making my way towards him, browsing at the tourist junk as he was, finally side by side. "So, we meet again!" I said with surprise,...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Hannah Hays Makayla Cox Love Potion

Makayla Cox is enjoying a lazy lie about in bed as she wears just a sheer robe and an equally sheer demi-bra and thong lingerie set. Little does she know that her stepson Logan Pierce is spying on her and stroking the sausage as she finally gets dressed in a button down shirt and a miniskirt. Logan moves on to creeping on his stepsister Hannah Hays as she dries off from her shower. Determined to have one of the hot girls living with him, Logan looks up a recipe for a love potion and sets out on...

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A Walk on the Wild Side

" ... and for those just joining us, you're listening to the Arnie Crew Show here on WKTX Talk Radio," the twenty-five-year-old woman said into the microphone. "I'm Stormy Knight, sitting in for the ailing Arnie Crew. Our guest tonight has been Crystal McKay, known to many of you as the First Lady of Adult Video." Stormy smiled at the tall fortyish redhead sitting across from her at the console. Almost twice her age, Crystal was dressed in jeans and a low cut white T-shirt. A shirt that...

4 years ago
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My First Job 8211 New Beginnings

By : Beast Of The Fall The following story is a continuation of a true account, but the names of the characters have been fictionalized to protect their identities. You all must have read all about my interview and how I got the job at XYZ Informatics, Pune. If not please read the beginning at Now to continue with the story: For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Rashmi. I am from a small town in Kerala. I...

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Teen Diaries 13 Becoming a Star

My name is Cheyenne. I’m sixteen and have been working to become a famous singer since I was little. My mom has taken me to years of singing lessons, auditions, and festivals trying to make this happen, but so far nothing has really gone my way. I really do have a good voice and I’m very pretty. Last year a talent scout from L.A. said I was talented and that my body was perfect, except my boobs which he said were too small. So my mom paid and signed the waiver for me to get implants under...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 491 Less Talk More Sex

More foreplay, less fuck. The four virgin women from Ava’s family didn’t want to use names. Each desired to rid themselves of their cherry and do all we could to impregnate them. The girls didn’t even rub themselves off with any regularity. While hot, wet, and horny, they seemed tighter than any virgin where I was their first. Each took a long time to relax enough for me to rid them of that thin membrane. The sperm in my precum fertilized the eggs inside them that I got them to ovulate. I...

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The Anniversary Gift

   "Are you sure you want to do this babe? You don't have to you know." Solomon said wrapping his arms around Karen from behind.    "Positive, babe." Karen said whipping around to face her husband. "Besides, I kinda want to do this. Sounds fun, and everything I do to him, I can do to you afterwards" Solomon swallowed hard at that thought. "Besides, he's made his position clear." Karen giggles as her hand found Solomon through his pants, growing from arousal, and kissed him...

2 years ago
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Divine Afternoon

Just as we agreed, I arrive at the main entrance to your hotel. You are there in a pastel pink sundress with a floppy straw sun hat with a matching pink ribbon. An angel. You immediately recognize my van from the description and wave. You did not need to. I could have found you in any crowd. The Bell captain opens the door. You smile at him. He helps you step up. I am sure he just wanted to touch your perfection before you rode out of his view. We smile and make small talk. Your show went...

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TwentyOne Part 2 of 3

Birthday-girl Brooke accepts a dare to hit on the suave English businessman she and her friends encounter at a New York club. But when Gavin - the gentleman in question - invites her back to his suite at the New York Plaza hotel, she wonders if she's just a tad out of her depth...“So,” Brooke's new companion asked her as they set off and she scuttled in her heels to keep up with his broad strides, “first time in the Plaza?”She could hear innuendo in everything he said now. “Yes.” Conversation...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Eliza Ibarra 02282021

Eliza has recently been having a pen-pal affair with an inmate from a state correctional facility. Her husband loves to share his hot wife with other men and gets off when she reads the sexual acts the felon would like to do to her if he ever gets out of prison. One fateful day that is exactly what happens as Eddie and his cellmate Musa break out of prison and make a beeline over to Eliza’s house. Surprised at first that the prisoners have come to her house, Eliza is also worried they may...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 2

Mona Stivers was, as her husband Frank phrased it, "in the mood." In her own words, she was horny. But one did not use such common street language around Frank. Frank was above such things. Mona contained herself during the campfire dinner that night, waiting until the two families eventually drifted into their various tents. Then she walked to the river and bathed. The bath was the first phase of her plan to seduce her own husband. After all, a woman who smells of a days hiking and...

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My first time with a woman

I have always been attracted to women but it wasn't until my freshman year of college that I acted on it. I had been with a few guys but had always fantasized about what it would be like to be with a woman. One night at a party I was playing a drinking game with a bunch of other people. I don't remember the full details but I had to kiss another girl as part of the game. At first it was just a quick peck on the cheek but the crowd wanted a bit more. We gave a quick kiss on the lips. Even though...

4 years ago
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Naa Mani Naa Dhya Ni Part 4

Hi mitrano kashe ahat sagle majet naa.. Mitrano mala maza stories che kup kup mail milale mala saglyani kup chagle chagle rep dele mi saglyacha abhari ahe. Mala tumhi ashach pathimba dya .. Mi ata tumcha vel n vaya ghalavta story la surwat karto.. Mi ani pooja ne kup masti keli . Poojala mi lavdaa hatat pan dila ani tondat oan dila ani ticha kadun mi maza lavdyach pani halun kadal. Ani tiche lahan limbu naa chagala ragadal ani chokal ani tichya lahan puchila sucha mi chola ani tich pani kadal...

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