ObsessionChapter 2 free porn video

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Megan saw a commercial on TV. She didn't know what they were trying to sell, but she was fascinated by the little boy who heard his father say he would miss the boy's face while he was gone on a trip. The little boy promptly loaded every picture of himself he could find into his father's luggage for him to find when he checked into the hotel room at his destination. Megan wanted to do that too.

When Kyle found her, Megan had the two albums full of pictures of her and her little brother's earliest days ready to put into one of her mother's suitcases, along with a dozen framed portraits of the two children. Kyle smiled, instantly recognizing what the little girl was up to. He explained to Megan she had a great idea, but all of these photographs would be too heavy for her mother to carry.

The youngster understood "heavy." A slender little girl, almost everything was too heavy for her. She quickly gave up on her desire that her mom take all the pictures with her. Instead, they decided on one framed 8X10 of each child. Kyle was holding the one of Todd in his hand while he reopened one of Peggy's bags. Megan demanded hers go into the other one, the larger of the two pieces already packed and sitting on the bed, and Kyle couldn't think of any reason why not, though he would have put both in a single case had he been doing it. He ran the dual zipper back on both bags so the photos could be included in his wife's luggage.

He turned over several items of clothing to find a nesting place so the glass front on the picture would be cushioned. He was patting some lacy undergarments back into place when a thought struck him. He looked closer. The suitcase contained virtually every one of Peggy's delicate, sheer nightgowns folded precisely and placed carefully in neat stacks. There was a big mound of bikini panties and her only two thong panties, one of which she hadn't yet worn, to his knowledge. Thigh stockings, sexy bras, and a variety of small clutch purses filled the case to the brim.

Suspiciously, he unzipped and looked in the garment bag hanging on the closet door and found three evening gowns and cocktail dresses along with several business outfits. In the small overnight case, he found all of Peggy's makeup and her jewelry case with her best necklace--the one she almost never wore for him, though he thought the string of pearls looked fantastic nestled against her tanned neck. There was a small plastic bag tucked into one corner of the jewelry case.

"Mommy, mommy... come an' see what I did." Megan ran downstairs calling for her mother. "I put my and Todd's pictures in your suit... case," she proclaimed proudly.

Kyle could hear her all the way back upstairs in the bedroom. He stood and walked to the chest of drawers. There was an easy chair against the wall just there and he sat down, waiting for his wife to appear in the doorway. He could hear her coming. Peggy was scolding Megan for messing with her luggage. Her voice sounded anxious.

When she came into the bedroom, she didn't see Kyle at first. He was partially hidden by the bulk of the chest of drawers and he held himself still. Peggy's voice altered, becoming more conciliatory when she didn't see her husband beside the open luggage.

"Care to explain, Peggy?" Kyle asked quietly. Peggy flinched when he spoke, jerking around to face him while he was still in the process of standing. Her face was pinched and white. A guilty defiance began to build on her features.

"Explain what?" she said, stalling. Kyle's lips twisted with annoyance. He saw Megan just inside the door and didn't say anything. Only just barely avoiding shouldering his wife aside, he ostentatiously repositioned Megan's 8X10 in the middle of Peggy's carefully folded nightgowns and zipped the luggage closed.

"There!" he said dramatically. "Megan, yours and Todd's pictures are going with your Mom on her trip," he assured her. Grinning happily, Megan raced out of the room and was soon plunging down the staircase to find her brother and let him know what she'd done. She was that way. She never did anything at a slow pace.

Kyle stood back and stared at his wife. She was someone he didn't know anymore. He wished someone would introduce them so they could get on with their lives.

"What's going on, Peggy?" he asked.

Peggy had been taught the old axiom by her mother that the best defense is a good offense. She followed that advice as often as she could.

"Nothing's going on," she answered firmly. "What's wrong? Why all these questions?"

"Peggy, you've got all your best evening wear all packed up and ready to go," Kyle remarked, "along with your best jewelry, all the sexy underwear you own and two pair of dancing shoes. Every other business trip I've seen you go on, you've taken an old flannel t-shirt thing to sleep in and told me it was all you needed. You've got enough stuff here to go out every night of your stay and then get into your sexiest nightgowns to keep on partying. That is what you have in mind, isn't it, Peggy?" His wife had begun shaking her head no before he was half finished.

"No, that's not what I have in mind," she retorted. "Look, in case you haven't noticed it, I'm moving up in the firm. I have to be ready to attend formal... functions at a moment's notice and I have to look good when I do. That's part of being in management, you know." Her voice was challenging. She figured she had a good argument to throw at him. "And I wanted to take my nightgowns... hell, I don't know... because I just did," she added.

Kyle didn't bother to ask about the sexy underwear and thigh highs. He took the plastic bag from the bureau top where he had tossed it earlier and opened it slowly. He threw the pack of twelve condoms on the bed in front of his beloved wife. Her eyes followed the arc the package followed in the air. When it settled on the bed, she recognized what it was and her face flushed a brilliant crimson.

"I... I don't know where those came from," she said. She must have heard how lame it sounded even as she said it. Kyle took the two sheets of paper from the bag and pretended to read them.

"Well, the cash register receipt is dated yesterday, my dear... and this copy of a credit card receipt has our Visa credit card number on it," he told her in icy tones. His wife wilted, sinking to a seat beside her two bags.

"Kyle," she almost whispered, "you've got to see it with my eyes... please." Kyle looked at her, aghast at what she was saying. She wanted him to agree she had a right to go off and fuck some guy because she still considered he had deliberately had sex with Ann.

"Kyle, I've to get even... that's all I want... I just want us to be equal again so we can get beyond this, honey... okay?" she said plaintively. She was pleading for understanding. It occurred to him almost instantly that only her mother would, or could, understand Peggy's need. He shook his head.

"Peggy, look... whatever Ann and I did was totally by accident. Neither of us had any intention of cheating on you and Paul. It... was... an... accident! Nothing more, nothing less. If you go off to Chicago with the idea in mind that you're going to sleep with some man to "get even," you're doing something way... way beyond what Ann and I did.

"You would be cheating on me in such a cold-hearted, calculatingly cruel, and selfish way that it would end our marriage instantly. Is that what you want, Peggy? Do you want a divorce?" Kyle asked seriously. Peggy's face grew pale.

"NO," she said forcefully. "I do not want a divorce. I just want us to be equals in this marriage, Kyle Aaron. We have to be equal or there will come a day I will get a divorce, do you understand that."

"Fine," Kyle answered. "You had a car accident in the Prairie View parking lot way back when, doing something you shouldn't have been doing. I had an accident on Ann and Paul's backyard deck, doing something I shouldn't have been doing. Guess what, dear? We're even! We're equal again." His tone was sarcastic. Peggy glared at him.

"Those aren't the same and you know it," she said hotly.

"You're right," Kyle retorted. "When you were buying a dress we couldn't afford, you lied to me. You told me you wouldn't buy that damned dress and you got caught by having a car wreck.

"That's the big difference. You lied. I haven't though. I haven't lied to you about a damn thing and Ann and I were totally up front about what happened. Actually, dear, by your standards I should have done something really nasty to you for buying that dress, getting in an accident, and making our insurance rates go up. It's not too late though. What do you think I should do to you huh?"

"I took the dress back," Peggy said weakly. Kyle snorted.

"The damage... to my trust in you and to the car... had already been done, Peggy," Kyle said quietly. "I repeat... what should I do to you for lying to me and wrecking the car?"

He watched as his wife shook her head helplessly. Her eyes were wide, the rage glowing deep inside them. Kyle gave up. With the training her mother had given her, Peggy could no more answer his questions than she could sprout wings and fly.

"Yeah... well... I don't know either, Peggy," he said somberly. "I'll say it again... do you want a divorce?" he asked. "I'll pretty much understand if you do," Kyle told her. "I won't agree with you, but I'd understand it," he added.

Peggy shook her head again. Her eyes were brimming with tears now. He didn't know if they were tears of rage or whether she was distraught at the mention of a divorce.

"In that case, Peggy," he said, "I'm not going to let you do something that would absolutely make it impossible for us to do anything but get a divorce. I will not let you go to Chicago and climb into bed with some guy so you can "get even," do you hear me?"

It had to be said, but it was probably a mistake. Peggy recovered quickly while he spoke. She thought she could put together a good line of defense on this subject.

She ignored the evidence of the condoms, and her immediate reaction to seeing Kyle toss them on the bed. She'd come close to admitting their purpose at that moment. Now she swore she'd had no such idea in mind. What she'd said had just been an angry reaction to him badgering her and it took that path because his infidelity was always on her mind.

Actually, she said, she'd bought the condoms for Linda at work and forgotten to give them to her. Linda had a yeast infection and didn't want to give it to her husband and she'd asked Peggy to pick up some protection from the drugstore for her. Peggy had been so rushed yesterday afternoon she didn't remember to take the condoms out of the bag containing the makeup she'd bought for the trip. She'd meant to give them to Linda yesterday afternoon. It was all very simple and Kyle shouldn't be getting so hyper about a silly memory lapse.

Kyle knew the medical reason was bogus. His older sister had once let it slip she'd asked a doctor once when she suffered from the same problem. There was no way a man could be infected that way. Kyle said nothing though. His wife had passed a new threshold in lying and he was having trouble getting accustomed to it.

Peggy saw the disbelieve on Kyle's face and it infuriated her. She started in on him, bringing up Ann again but simultaneously denying she was thinking of getting revenge.

All right, she said. She took all the nightgowns and sexy undergarments from the luggage and stuffed them back into drawers in her bureau. Two of the evening gowns and the cocktail dress went back in the closet. She'd prove to Kyle she wasn't planning anything, she said. When she was through, everything fit in the largest of the suitcases and the garment bag. She put in one additional pantsuit she hadn't had room for before.

"You understand, don't you, that I'll see any purchases you make in Chicago on the credit card or bank statements?" he said quietly. Peggy's face went dead white. He knew he'd figured out why she was surrendering so quickly and easily.

"You're going to regret the day--"

Peggy broke off whatever she had been about to say. She crammed her flannel nightshirt into the case and viciously zipped it closed. Dodging around Kyle, she carried the heavy bag out the bedroom door and parked it on the landing close to the stairwell. She'd tumble down the staircase if she tried to carry it downstairs and she knew it. Without looking back, she continued down the stairs with her back held abnormally stiff and unforgiving.

"Brad! How's it going, pardner?" Kyle asked one of his oldest friends. He had gone out to the garage to make this cell phone call. He didn't want Peggy listening in. It would only make her angrier.

"Good... good... how 'bout you, big guy?" Brad asked jovially. He had good reason to be in a good humor. He'd built up a law practice from scratch to a firm with fourteen senior partners and scads of junior attorneys, legal assistants, interns, and what not. Kyle didn't think Brad knew anymore how many people worked for him.

"I'm doing pretty good," Kyle said. "Not as well as some... but better than others." Brad chuckled. Kyle had never tried hard to accumulate a hoard of money, but he owned the Fox TV franchise in town, a radio station, and had an option on two more TV stations outside the metropolitan area. Okay... most of the money had come from the trust fund his late father had set up, but he hadn't lost any of that seed money. In fact, he was doing quite well in a low-key sort of way.

Brad had done better, but both were happy with their accomplishments and, more importantly, they remained close friends since they'd met in elementary school. Kyle wasn't Brad's biggest client, but he was the most valued.

Their association had been strengthened when Kyle became the blocking fullback running interference for Brad playing running back. That had been a long time ago--back in junior high and then in high school. They'd been a good team then; they still were. Each knew secrets about the other no one else was aware of.

"We need to get together for a good feed," Brad remarked. "What say you and Peggy come over for a little barbeque Sunday... how 'bout that, son?" Kyle hesitated

"Well... that might not be for the best," Kyle said slowly. "I'm having to call you because there's... well, something about Peggy that I need to discuss with you." Brad instantly changed gears and readied himself to work through a problem with his friend.

"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that," Brad said briskly. "What can I do for you, Number 42?" That had been Kyle's jersey number. Brad had worn 22. Brad was reminding Kyle of their many years of close friendship. It was a comfort.

"Well... it's not to the stage where I have to hire you to represent me in divorce court... not yet," Kyle said. "But I was hoping I ask for a favor from you, if you don't mind."

"Name it," Brad answered. He said nothing else.

"You are on good terms with old Jake Bruckmeister, right?" Kyle asked. Bruckmeister and Son was the accounting firm Peggy worked for as a senior analyst.

"Sure," Brad returned quickly. "He was one of Dad's closest friends before he died. One of his granddaughters is a clerk in my office during summer breaks from law school."

"Well, I was wondering if you could call him and relay a concern I have... that the morality clauses in his firm's employee contracts are not being... uh... enforced as rigorously as they could be." Kyle was speaking carefully. He'd rehearsed the words in his mind. He hoped they were coming out the way he wanted them to.

"If you could say, for instance, that I had some reliable information that... uh Mrs. Peggy Whitely and one of the guys going with her to the Chicago conference are thinking of hooking up... and you could say that would... mmmmmnnn... let's say call the company's policies into question... well, the effectiveness of those morality clauses. They really should be prohibiting such a thing..."

"Got it," Brad said with alacrity. "When does Peggy leave?"

"Three hours," Kyle replied.

"Plenty of time," Brad said. "You don't want her to go?"

"Nope," Kyle answered. "She had a pack of condoms in her luggage and she is still bound and determined she's going to get revenge for that thing with Ann Blakely I told you about. You remember?"

"Yeah... 'nough said," Brad remarked. "I'll make the call when we get off the line. I'll try to see that it doesn't get back to her that you're the one making this happen too... but you're going to need to get ready for some fireworks anyway," he said in an amused tone.

Kyle hadn't thought of that. He'd been intent on salvaging what he could of his marriage. He hadn't come to terms with her escalation of lying yet. It was true she usually threw a fit when things didn't go her way. There was no denying Peggy was going to be livid whether she found out about Kyle's part in the cancellation of the trip or not. The thought bothered him, but he was still going to work on saving the marriage. He sighed. It was loud enough for Brad to hear. Brad chuckled.

"Hey, I appreciate it, Brad," Kyle said sincerely. It was time to end the phone call and let his friend do what he could in Kyle's behalf.

"Not a problem," Brad protested. "This is nothing. If we have to file for divorce... well, we'll call it even for that time you blocked the defensive end in the Seguin game, okay?" The lineman had been about to cut Brad in two when Kyle had taken him out with a nasty little block that left the defensive end laying in a heap the field.

"I would still owe you for the linebacker on the next play though," Brad continued. The linebacker had been intent on getting even for the humiliation of the defensive end. When Kyle took his legs out from under him, he'd swapped ends, cartwheeling in mid-air and landed, dazed, flat on his back. Brad had dodged left and raced down the sideline for a tying touchdown. Kyle laughed. It was his first since his daughter had made him chuckle earlier.

"Okay, okay," Kyle said. "Someday you got to let those go, friend."

"Huh-uh," Brad replied quickly. "I view the preservation of my wonderful, if no longer perfect body, as a really great thing... and you were in charge of preserving it for many a season, big guy."

Kyle laughed again and changed the subject to something more neutral. They talked for another few minutes. They agreed to meet for lunch somewhere in town in a week or two. They decided Kyle would call Brad when he knew what his schedule would be and then they ended the conversation. Kyle punched the off button to kill the connection. Thoughtfully, he strolled back into the house, dropping his cell phone into his right front pocket as he walked.


"Mrs. Whitley? This is Sam Macmillan."

"Hi, Sam. What can I do for you?" Peggy asked. Sam was her immediate supervisor, a man she disliked for being the man he was, as well as for being in a position in the company she wanted. She knew she could do a better job than Macmillan was.

"Well, Junior asked me to call and let you know you won't be representing Bruckmeister and Son in Chicago, so... that's what I'm doing," Sam said succinctly.

"Junior" was Jake Bruckmeister, Jr. He had been working his way up through the various offices within the firm, obviously being groomed to take over when his father finally agreed to retirement. At the moment, Junior was running the corporate analysis group where Peggy worked. Generally speaking, whatever Junior said needed doing got done very quickly. No one wanted to irritate the future CEO and president. On the other hand, he rarely bothered himself with such mundane tasks as determining the selection of attendees at minor training conferences and seminars. Peggy was incensed; her anger flared immediately at the interference from the man.

"Are you there, Mrs. Whitely?" Macmillan asked.

"You're taking me off the trip?" Peggy asked in a strangled voice. "Why? Is there something I don't know about?" This last was delivered with suspicion.

"No, not that I know of," Sam replied. "No one's told me anything," he added. "But I will need for you to come into the office tomorrow morning as usual since you aren't going... or would you like to take some annual vacation time?" Peggy heard it now. She could hear the amusement in his voice.

Sam wasn't a bit dismayed one of his people wasn't going to the training. She could picture him chuckling quietly to himself at her misfortune. It enraged her even more than she already was.

In his office on the fourth floor of the downtown office building, Sam Macmillan was indeed smiling into space. He was more than a little pleased Peggy Whitely wasn't going on the trip. Peggy had no idea the word had gotten around she wanted Sam's job. With the lack of training this conference would have provided, he would be fully justified in downgrading her quarterly performance report due next Thursday.

"Okay... I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning," Peggy trilled into the phone. She wasn't about to let this Macmillan creep see how dismayed she was. She pressed the disconnect button on her cell phone and stared out the kitchen window.

This meant she and Roger, the only unmarried guy of the four who were going to Chicago, weren't going to find any time alone in a hotel room so she could finally get even with her husband. Roger hadn't known anything about it, of course, but he would have gotten lucky the second night in the hotel. Peggy doubted he would have turned down the opportunity. Tough luck; he wouldn't be getting any now. Then her eyes narrowed as she thought of her career. She'd been scheduled for, and needed, this training for her next step increase in salary. That was going to be delayed now, and it wouldn't look good in her personnel file. It pissed her off.

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He Loved Her but Something Didnt Add UpChapter 2

After my wife died, I sold our house. Too many memories there. I had tears in my eyes constantly so I bought a little pier and beam two bedroom house for me. I didn’t need anything more. I had plenty of money to buy anything I wanted but I just didn’t need a big house. I went home and thought about our conversation and went over what she had said regarding our feelings. Does she really feel something for me? She has no idea, I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. The next day, I...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 154

These are compliments of Fmwarmac Years ago someone in California... Years ago someone in California hollered “Gold,” and people drove from all directions. That’s the way they still drive in California. What do you want for Christmas? The Santa Claus at the mall was very surprised when a young lady about twenty years old walked up and sat on his lap. Santa doesn’t usually take requests from adults, but she smiled very nicely at him, so he asked her, “What do you want for...

2 years ago
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The Redhead Downtown

Colleen reveled in being a slut when the opportunity availed itself. I saw her as she rounded a corner of a building downtown, wearing high-heeled boots, a matching skirt and blouse, a big purse perched on a shoulder.  It was late in the afternoon.  She was 5'8" 5'9",with thick pale thighs, ample ass and matching bosom, easily 40dd, curly red hair to her shoulders, big sunglasses, voluptuous and appealing, even more so as she smiled at me and walked up to me as I waited for a trolley. "Hi."...

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The Chinese Mahogany Desk

Mr Anderson was a dignified man. In his early forties, he was respected throughout the community as The All Girls Vittoria Academy’s Headmaster. With salt and pepper hair he was not an ugly man, but he was not a smoking hot young one. His look was distinguished, powerful. All Girls Vittoria was a prestigious school, a school that Mr Anderson took pride in. The school valued student appearance with great importance, as the girls, aged from 14–18, were each required to dress in regulation...

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A Night With My Girlfriend8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

Hay guys, this is your boy Ronak. Thank you for your amazing feedback on my previous story. This is going to be the continuation. So I suggest you guys read the previous story before reading this one about breaking virginity of my girlfriend’s sister. Anyway, let’s hop into the story. It’s been a week since I spent my night with my girlfriend’s sister Priyanka. I have been masturbating a lot, thinking about her tiny wet pussy and juicy, firm boobs. We started talking on social media, and...

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The Neighbours Knickers Part 2

I was quietly wandering around my neighbour’s room again. Justine’s parents were away from Christmas until well into the New Year. They were rich enough to be able to do things like that. Justine wasn’t away – but she was at work, which gave me time enough to do the things that I loved to do, the things that I needed to do. I had a new sexual habit which meant I needed everybody out of that house. I wanted to indulge myself. I needed to indulge myself. It was Christmas after all. Justine...

2 years ago
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The Grantham ClinicChapter 16

The seventeenth-century hunting lodge once belonged to a duke, until his descendants fell on hard times and the estate was broken up and sold. The lodge nestled deep within a hundred acres of dense woodland. Hunnicutt had purchased it anonymously from developers in the early nineties and had it completely renovated for use as a country retreat. He offered it as neutral territory for Morbius to meet and appraise clients, and subsequently for those clients to review their prospective...

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Horny Little Women Pt12

From that point forward, wedding talk persisted exclusively during their time together as Heather busily planned the perfect day down to a tee. In fact, it got so much that Matthew was quite glad of the break when she disclosed her plan to visit relatives in Cebu City to break the news. Overjoyed at the prospect of hosting a couple of English guests, he commandeered the limousine to pick them up in style from the airport. Winding down the blacked-out window, he gestured his guests over....

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Oh BrotherChapter 5

I awoke to the sound of light surf on the beach and the smell of breakfast on the griddle. Pentwater! I had to look. It was a very familiar green canvas tent with a green canvas floor. Inside pole construction and a Nickel Coleman 220B two mantle lantern with the asbestos tent shield. God Damn! It looks just like the lantern I found in an abandoned barn in the woods ... I got out of my sleeping bag. I must have been really tired. The lantern. Oh Yes ... the lantern. The Coleman Lamp &...

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Permanent change of life

A permanent wave leads to a . It was very lonely in my room, but it had been lonely in allof the rooms I had lived in. My Mother and Father had been killedin a car, bus accident during my first semester at college, SinceI had no other relatives and no money of my own I had sold theirhouse and with the life insurance money and the settlement fromthe bus company, I was relatively well off. I had decided tocontinue at college and was able to live well and pay all of mytuition. But now having...

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Mera Affair Anupriya Ke Sath 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hun aap logon ke liye new sex story. Jismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise maine Shashank Chopra (27years) ki newlywed wife Mrs Anupriya Chopra(25 years) ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni new sex story batata hun. Jaisa aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha ki kaise Shashank Chopra ne meri wife Aditi ko uske sath extramarital affair shuru karne ke liye ready kiya....

4 years ago
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Peeping Tomcat

Your wife looked in the mirror, she thought she looked really sexy, Black PVC dress, black stockings and black court shoes. Reflected in the mirror she could see out through her bedroom window, she noticed the curtain twitch in the house opposite, she turned round and looked. She thought she could see someone watching her, from the house opposite; in fact she was certain she could see the outline of some one. ‘I’ll show them’ she though, and rather than pull the curtains she decided to put on a...

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Leveling Jessica Up Part 1

My name is Jessica Gilman, and I was definitely not a girl you’d take a second glance at if you saw me on the subway. And no, it’s not because the guys here in New York are particularly polite -- far from it. In fact, I’d see them ogling some blonde 20-something with a tight blouse and short skirt almost every day on the ride to school. Nope. I was not that girl. Far from it. Call me what you want. Ugly. Plain. Drab. Unremarkable. Brutish. I’d heard it all. I was not attractive. I was...

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Introduction: …ohhhh I looked at him…….. &hellip,..My daughter Samantha, or Sam was popular in school. There were always girls sleeping over at our house. They giggled, laughed ran thru the house and kept my refrig., empty of any snacks and soft drinks. I loved hearing them having such a good time&hellip,..but&hellip,there was much more to it than that. Sam was a very horny girl. The word spread quickly that a sleep over at her house and she would give you a finger orgasm anytime. I found this...

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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 9

Harriet Roberts was standing there beside Admiral A.J. Chegwidden's office desk and she finally started talking and asked him something that she'd never imagined before she'd be able to say to him. "A.J," Harriet stammered out, knowing how bizarre it was that she was on a first name basis with her boss, a Navy admiral, but even more how bizarre it was that she was about to ask him to father a baby with her. "Please just hear me out and then you can respond. I want you to fuck me and...

2 years ago
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Tail Blazing

Tail Blazing----------Finally, Dad had succeeded in purchasing the adjacent farm after several months of negotiations with Widow Johnson, whose family homesteaded the farmland and surrounding woodlands since the late 1800's, more than tripling our holdings. There was a single stipulation that the widow's family would keep possession several acres of land, a recently built home near the highway and its small barn and outbuilding."Frolic, it's official now. The Johnson's place is now the Wonder's...

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Dirty Sex With My Friend8217s Mom

Hi friends, I’m Vicky, 22 from Mumbai a good looking boy with a 5 and a half inch hungry cock. I’m a regular reader of ISS and a big lover of sexy ass any girl/women urging for sex plz do contact me I’m ready to worship your ass. It’s my 1st story so forgive my mistakes. Let’s come to the story, this incident happened in last monsoon that is a year ago. I was doing 3rd year of my graduation along with my close friend Jason but he was in a different college. The heroine of the story Ruby my...

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Flatmate Susanna says: - There are so many aspects of this story that I yearn to be true, the whole sharing a flat with a TS, going out together, being appreciated by a heterosexual man, even being fucked by one like a true woman. But like most of us the aspects that are true are the bits about the late night walks, the furtive and secretive dressing up; this is my fantasy writ large and if only I could make it come true! Robert lived in Hampstead during the week, sharing a flat...

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Mysterious Hypnotic Spiral Hypnotizes Mom

Susanne Butler was settling in for the night in her house, she was Caucasian, she was 62-years-old, she was 5'8, shoulder length long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing underwear, a long satin silk nightgown, she was also a loving divorcee mother to her 18-year-old teenage Daughter named Katherine, she's also Caucasian, she's 5'7, brunette hair, hazel eyes, her 16-year-old son named Peter, he was also Caucasian, he was 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes, her 3-year-old Toddler son named Mark, and...

Mind Control
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My Sister And I Part 2

“I’m not sure I can do this,” I said as Anna and I made our way downstairs. We were both dressed again after our little sister on sister experience. My pussy was swollen and hurt a little from the massive cucumber and I was dead nervous. For some reason it didn’t feel wrong that our mother had said we should suck our dad. After all, we had always been an open family. Anna often had Tim over before the pandemic and they would make out in front of us for example.Mom and Dad did the same on the...

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The Man in the Dress

Based on the James Thurber short story "The Unicorn in the Garden". This may be archived/posted anywhere: just give credit where credit is due. The Man in the Dress By Pretzelgirl Once upon a magical shining morning a man who sat at a breakfast table nodded a silent "Good Morning" to his wife who had just crawled out of a long night's hibernation. She cocked an unfriendly eye at him. "Herbert," she said. "Why are you wearing my clothes?" With an uncharacteristically high...

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Teacher ne chodna sikhaya

Hello dosto mera naam sameer hai mai abhi 27 saal ka hu ye baat 9 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 12th ka exam ki tayyari kar raha tha tab mai ek 35 saal ki awrat se tution parh raha tha 10 dinotak to thik se parha magar ek din meri jindagi hi badal gayee hua ye ki tution jaate samay rashte mai paani aane laga aur mai bhing gaya aur kapre mai kichar bhi lag gaya kisi tarah mai teacher ke ghar pahuch gaya.Teacher bhinga dekh mujhe kapre utaar ke sukhane boli aur ek towel de di mai kapre utaar ke...

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Idivettu Gracy 2

Thudarunnu.,Thudarnnulla raathrikal kittunna samayanghalil Gracey yente bedil thanne aayirunnu, idivettumaayi mikka samayanghalilum vaakku tharkkanghal aval naattilekku thirichu poakumennu bhaashani, nee yenghane ottakku kunju maayi poakumennu avanum; kaariyanghalude updation aval yennum parumaayirunnu.. angane 18 divasangal kazhinju adutha divasam raavile idivettu pokunnen munne vilichu kaariyangal dharippichu 2 divasam koodi maathrame thaamasikkan pattu, yevidennu vachaal vendadhu cheydhollan...

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A Lawyer Becomes A Saint

My name is Charles Havers Jameson. A tall, good-looking black gentleman with a body that both sexes can’t help but stare at. I’m the man who’s going to dazzle you with the story of his life. I’m a senior partner at Darwin & Jameson, one of the top law firms in the Boston Area. I love my job. Practicing law is what I do. The firm got started ten years ago. I had just passed the bar exam when my former roommate and college buddy James Darwin approached me. He attended Morehouse College with me...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn’t in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a mewling sound, wanting to go back to sleep. I wiggled my hips. There was something in my butt. Thick. A...

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The Training of Lucy prologue

"Hello, Lucy. Nice to see you at last." Lucy had just walked into the room. It was a fairly standard, but nicely furnished hotel room. A king-sized bed took up most of the space, across from an armoire, with a TV in it. At the far end of the room, was a window with its curtains open to let the afternoon sun was stream in. Since they were on the 23rd floor, it was, at best, unlikely they could be seen. Lucy was wearing a rather form-fitting black evening gown. She felt quite overdressed, and it...

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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 4

I woke up before the alarm went off in the morning and took a quick shower. I got dressed in the sexy little dress that I had already decided to wear today. I looked in the mirror once I had it on. It only came down to mid thigh and I was very conscious of my lack of underwear. I could see the outline of the small rings in my nipples through the material of the dress. Then I turned and the light hit me just right and I could actually see my nipples! I blushed, but I resisted the temptation to...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 09Chapter 9

[Charlie writes] We stayed at Bordeaux only for the evening. No one left the planes. Andrea and I sat in the cockpit area holding each other lost in our grief. Late that night, Tomas led Bobbi to us. He said, "Let us return to Milan and bury them among friends. It is the better thing to do." He stopped for a moment. "Signor Charlie, you must lead us. Please take charge." Bobbi said, "Brother, we need you functioning. Tomas is right. Take us back to Milan. Please, Charles, Andrea, we...

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The Triad and the Gorgons Hypnotic GazeChapter 2 The Gorgons Sex Toy

Fiona – Dev-Lek, The Kingdom of Haz I screamed. The gorgon's dull-green hand muffled the sound. My heart beat with terror. The gorgon Euryale had plagued the mining town of Dev-Lek for a week or more. Many miners were missing, presumed transformed into stone, and a half-dozen of the local prostitutes had also vanished. That was different. Gorgons seduced and transformed men into living statues for them to always preen around. They did not abducted women. But Euryale was different. Earlier...

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Royal Affairs

While under the rule of Duke Gabrius III, Aethasia has become a prosperous country. Homelessness is nearly nonexistent, and there hasn't been a famine in decades. The duke is a very well respected man, so the talk of his declining health has been kept to a mere whisper amongst the people. None of them care to admit it, but in his old age, they know he won't be fit to rule for much longer. Luckily for him, his heir to the throne had already taken command of the military, and would be ready to do...

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Crossdressing Domina gets a new slave

I have been a crossdressing Mistress for several years now. I have a petite body and always looked good in a dress. I take on many slaves but my favorites are other men who look great in dress. This is a story about my favorite slave I have ever trained. I had been anticipating the arrival of my new toy all week, and he was moments away. My new slave, eager to be trained under my heels. The first time I saw him I had brief fantasies of my hands and mouth exploring every inch of his petite and...

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A long night in Jeromes arms

Home alone again, naturally; my loving hubby away on a business trip.That afternoon I had a warm shower and then I lay on my bed completely naked. I had decided to take a rest before meeting my black lover Jerome…I spread my legs wide open and touched my freshly shaved smooth pussy; pulling my lips apart I felt my clit that had become swollen slightlyThen I sighed softly and rubbed my clit very gently, as my mind was being consumed with what would be happening later in Jerome’s arms…It always...

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Brotherly Love Part 4

Day Three found me waking up with Benny’s morning wood firmly pressed between my ass cheeks with his arm over mine and his head behind mine.  He was obviously sleeping by the sound of his breath and given that we both had already agreed to being able to wake the other with just about any kind of sexual activity, I reached for a little dab of lube on the nightstand and then smeared that lube at the entrance of my love channel.  Then I gently positioning his cock at my opening and slowly pushed...

4 years ago
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Lost Empire 32

0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry To Grow -------- 0301 0908 0098 (Lucy) It had only been one day, just one day and he was already bored out of his mind. True he'd probably accomplished far more in that one day than any other but hell! When he'd sighed at the mountain of papers that Mary said he needed to sign he...

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Honey, I been having a secret from you for a few years and want to now tell you. Remember I used to chat much on Y Messenger with a lawyer from Chicago? His hair was red and he had nice chubby body and come to Philippines, Korea , Japan and other places sometimes for work. We chat about our lives and he was married and had two teenage k**s. We chat sexy too and see each other body with web cam ; his cock get hard and he cum, and I let him see my pussy too when I play with it for him....

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Scarlet Skies Her Fantasy

What’s up, TeamSkeet fans? It’s time for another Labs update – for this experiment, it’s all fun and games. We’re letting Scarlet have her fantasy, and she wants Josh to make her cum hard. The two play Tapout, where Josh has a limited amount of time to do everything he can to make Scarlet cum. She thinks she can outlast Josh and avoid giving him the satisfaction of victory. But Josh is confident in his abilities to make her legs quiver with excitement. Who will be victorious in this episode?...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 7

I completed my walk, ate breakfast and started on my designs for the hoist. I had finished the preliminary designs when I felt someone behind me. I looked around and there was Barbara. But before she had always appeared in front of me, what gives? “Hello Barbara, how are you this morning or is it afternoon already?” “Good morning to you too Bob, no it is still morning, but barely. I have good news for you, ny superiors have accepted your proposal and everything you have asked for has been...

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Going GoingChapter 12

It turned out that Jim Beatty was very involved in the local Elks club. He was a past president and remained on the board. The club's property included a woodlot of about five acres. The woodlot was something like 400 feet wide and 550 feet long. The trees in the woodlot averaged about sixteen inches in diameter and were well spaced apart. The club maintained the lot by periodically clearing out fallen branches and debris. Jim felt the woodlot would make a perfect venue for the paintball...

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