Practical Occult free porn video

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Standard disclaimer here: Not meant for children, don?t make money with this and you are free to post it on free boards as long as you notify me of it. This is my first story, so be gentle. Practical Occult By Arice McQueen "Hey, what this?" I ask myself as I grab an old dusty book from the shelves. It was vacation and most of my friends had gone to visit their family while the rest went to resorts. I was the last living member of my family. My parents had died a few years before in a car-crash and after getting to college I could finally leave the orphanage. I'd been hanging in my room for most of the day, when out of boredom I decided to visit the library. When I was younger I used to read all the time, but since college the habit slowly died out. New friends, studying and getting used to my new life in the dorm took up all my time and my love of books disappeared to the background. But now that I had nothing in hand I had decided to give the school library a visit. The old book was covered in dust. After blowing off the dust, the title became clear, "Practical Occult". "Hmm, this is bound to be interesting," I think to myself, while I check out the book at the counter. Once back in my room, I grab a drink and sit down at my desk to see what the book had to offer. It seems to start out with some basic exercises to train the mind, and set it in the right mood for the more advanced stuff. It also mentions some bits and pieces that were required for the rituals. I need some candles, a crystal, a water basin, and an altar. My bedroom table will suffice as an altar, but I need to buy the other stuff. I quickly head down to the mall to get the desired items. The book starts out with some warnings and precautions. Since this all looks rather boring, I decide to skip the boring stuff and turned pages until I find the first exercise. Breathing Exercise To bring you into the right mindset for our spells, you need to perfectly control your breathing. Lie down, head facing north. Remove any constricting clothing and jewellery. Then relax and breathe in while counting to four. Then hold your breath, breath out, and keep it out, while counting to four on each step. Continue in this matter until it feels natural. This seems easy enough. I remove all jewellery (my watch), and lay down on my bed. Carefully following the instructions I start to breath in the specified manner. After losing my concentration a few times, it began to feel more normal, until finally it felt natural to breathe this way. After about half an hour I decide that it?s about time to move on to the next exercise. Relaxation Now that you have your breathing under control, we need to start with relaxing your body. While breathing in the aforementioned manner, focus on your left foot. Try to feel the foot as a separate part of your being. Once you feel it, just let it relax, and move your thoughts up your leg doing the same exercise. Continue this until you've relaxed your entire body. Once more I start the breathing exercise. As soon as my breathing is steady again, I start to focus on my foot. ?Feel the foot,? the book said. After a bit of trying it seems that the best way to feel the foot was to tighten all the muscles in it, and then slowly release them. A soft tingling feeling remains, as I go on to the next body part. After my left leg came the right, then my torso, my arms, and finally my neck and face, completely relaxed I lay there on my bed for I don't know how long. When I start to come out of my state of relaxation, I realise it?s dark and I suddenly noticed my stomach telling me that I was quite hungry. As I walk into the kitchen my thoughts remain on the book the entire time. I set the oven to preheat and have to fight down the urge to continue with the book. First something to eat I tell myself. While I sit at my desk eating a pizza I finally give in to my curiosity and grab the book again starting to read the next exercise. Concentration To completely empty your mind, start with the first two exercises. Then just relax, and let your thoughts drift away. Don't try to force thoughts away, but instead tell them that they will be dealt with at a later time. After a while, the thoughts that come to you will lessen, until your mind will be completely at ease. This can be quite hard the first few times. To make it easier, try sitting at your altar in a comfortable fashion, and focus on the flame of a candle while doing this. Once you have this under control you'll be in a trance. This trance is the start of all other spells and rituals in this book. Figuring it will be easiest and fastest to start with the candle, I light one, and set it down on the bedroom table that I had dubbed my altar. After a few minutes of positioning cushions and the table to find a comfortable way to sit, I start once more. Once completely relaxed I began with the latest exercise. I try to focus on nothing but the flame. I wondered what my friends where doing at that moment. They were probably having a lot of fun on the beach or such. Recognizing the thoughts as unwanted, I tell myself that I'll have plenty of time to think of them later. Next are some thoughts about school, with which I have a bit more trouble. But after a while, these thoughts went as well. Almost. My thoughts lingered on Eline, a pretty but quiet girl from my class. I had been smitten with her for quite a while, but was too shy to ask her out. Finally I manage to get rid of these thoughts as well, by promising myself I will take action with her. I?m not quite sure yet on how to manage that, but I was set on finding out. Only the flame remained, the single focus point of my entire concentration. When I get out of my trance I once again notice that I have been "gone" for quite a while. It?s already past midnight and the candle had gone out. I decide to get some sleep and continue in the morning. Once I lay in bed, I was still so relaxed that sleep caught me within minutes. The following morning I wake up quite refreshed. I had dreamt about Eline and though I won't go into detail, let me just mention that I wouldn't have minded if it were real. After grabbing some breakfast, I open the book again. It seems I?m done with the basic exercises, and ready to go on with the big stuff. After reading the first few spells I became a bit disappointed - a love spell, a luck spell, a friend spell - all spells which didn't have any direct noticeable effect. Sure, I could cast a love spell, but when I'd actively go after the Eline, would I get her because of the spell, or just because my self-esteem was given a bit of a boost by the thought the spell worked? Finally I find a spell that catches my fancy. This one is bound to be interesting. Out of Body Experience This spell will enable you to use your astral self to travel away from your body. This ritual works best if there are no obstacles on your body like clothing or jewellery. Enter the trance. Once your mind is empty, focus your thoughts on a point about 50 centimetres above your head. Keep your complete concentration on this point. Then slowly try to shift your consciousness towards this point. Imagine what it would be like to see from this point, try and picture it, visualize it. If you do this correctly, you vision will slowly shift from your body to the point. Once you have this vision, try and rotate it 90 degrees, so that you would be looking in front of you, instead of upwards. Then picture your body where your vision is. Now try and move your hand. Don't actually move your physical hand, but imagine your astral body holding out its hand. If this succeeds, slowly step away from your physical body. You now have an out of body experience. To return to your body simply imagine yourself in the place where your physical body is. This exercise might require some practice before it succeeds. Yes, this is what I want. A spell with a direct result, no doubt if it succeeded or not. I'd either astral travel or not, no maybes involved. I once again lie down on my bed, the candle in sight for help with concentration. After attaining the trance, I start to focus on a spot in the air about half a metre above me. After going cross-eyed a few times, I manage to retain my attention on this spot. I start imagining what it would look like from that point - the ceiling a bit closer, the bed gone from vision, not seeing the lower parts of objects around the bed. As I tried to imagine it, nothing seemed to happen. Until I suddenly realized it did work, and I now seemed to be floating above my bed. This went easier than I thought it would. I try to look forward instead of up, and this also went well. Then, as instructed, I try to move my hand and suddenly find myself back on the bed with my hand raised above me. It seemed I had gotten overconfident, and raised my material hand instead of my astral one. A bit more cautiously, I began again, and this time I succeeded. I slowly step away from my body. I am now in astral form; I finally have proof that there is magic, or at least something very close to it. Curious to try out the limits of my newfound form, I stepped towards the door. Still thinking like my material self, I try and grab the doorknob. Not expecting that there would be no interaction with the door, my hand passes through the knob. Lacking the resistance I expected I tumble through the door, ending up in the hallway. Still a bit dazed I look around. Slowly I start to realise what just happened. Testing it out I walk through the door several times. This offers some unique possibilities. Let?s see if anyone else here is home. I check all the rooms in the dorm, but unfortunately, no one is home. There must be something I can do. A grin creeps on my face as I suddenly get an idea. Why not check out the girls? dorm? I immediately set out towards the dorm across the street. This is the fifth room I?ve checked, and still no one at home. Feeling rather silly about it all, I walk into the next room and promptly forget to breath. Eline is sitting on a couch reading a book. She looks as beautiful as ever. I move towards the couch, wanting to sit next to her, when suddenly a siren goes off. Eline stands up and walks to the window to see what?s going on. Looking outside she gasps. Getting curious I try to look as well, but Eline is blocking the view. I stand there for a moment, wondering what?s going on; when I realized that it didn't have to be a problem. Since I was astral, I could just pass through her to see what was going on. Standing in exactly the same spot as Eline, I look out the window. Smoke is coming from the other dorm. Wait a minute! Are those flames coming from my window? A burning pain wrecked my body, and I passed out. Slowly I awaken. I open my eyes and notice something is wrong - definitely wrong. The ceiling is another colour to the one I was used to. I look and see that I?m not in my own room, but still in Eline's. How did that happen? I try and sit up but only manage some jerky motions. Hey! Stop that! Eline?s voice says. I try and look around but can?t manage it. My muscles don?t seem to react in the same way. ?Eline, is that you?? I try and ask, but no sound comes out of my mouth. To my surprise she does answer. ?Of course it?s me! Who else would it be?? This really puzzled me. Not so much the answer, but the fact that my lips moved. Although the voice was definitely Eline?s, the words seemed to come from my mouth. My lips started to move again: ?I think the big question is, who are you??. I try and speak my name, but again not a sound crosses my lips. ?You? What are you doing here? And where are you? How did you move my arms like that?? Once more I try to speak and say, ?What do you mean where I am. Apparently I?m on your couch, unable to move!? This is getting truly frustrating. Suddenly my body seems to jump up from the couch and stare down at it. Nothing in the movements feels normal. And I don?t even mean the fact that I?m not in control (besides some jerky motions). Weights shift where none should be and the height seems different. My head looks down at the couch and my lips start moving once more. ?There was nobody on the couch besides me! Now confess and tell me where you are!? Looking down at the couch I see part of my body. Or rather, part of Eline?s body. Half in shock I finally put one and one together and (try to) say ?Apparently, I?m in your head. How am I ever going to get back my own body in the dorm?? I suddenly feel fear rising up and my/Eline?s voice says ?Oh my god? I remember now! I was watching a building on fire when I started to feel light-headed. That building was the boy?s dorm!? Figuring that I can speak up for whatever reason I try to think at her. Oh my god. My body is still there! Would you please go there and see if I?m all right? ?Okay, but afterwards I want an explanation!? she responds. Good thinking at her is enough to make myself heard. I Promise I?ll tell you all as far as I can make sense of it, I thought at her. Now please hurry. Even while I asked it she grabs her jacket and heads for the door. A few minutes later we arrive at the dorm. An ambulance stands in front of the dorm as well as several fire engines. Eline speaks to a fireman and asks what had happened. ?From what we found, a kid left a candle on while he went to sleep. Luckily the rest of the apartment was empty, or there would have been a whole lot more casualties?. MORE casualties? Does that mean I died? A tear drops down Eline?s cheek as she asks the fireman who the boy was and if he survived. ?I?m afraid the boy didn?t make it. He was gone before we even arrived. I don?t know the boy?s name but his apartment is number 3F.? My heart sinks as I hear my room number. Depressed we head back to Eline?s room. Can I talk back to you this way as well? Eline asks. So it seems I reply, even my thoughts sounding sulky. Look, I know you are very depressed about this, but I?m completely in the dark here what happened and I would appreciate any information you can give me. I explain how I had found the book, and that I had been trying to proof that magic did exist. I also told her that my own dorm was empty and that I came to see if anyone was at home. I sheepishly admit that peeking at the girls in the other dorm was part of the reason why I had come there. To my complete surprise Eline starts grinning instead of getting angry. I would have done the same thing with the boys? dorm. Surprised at her honesty I suddenly realise that I normally would never have admitted about the peeking. Huh? I should act outraged right now, but somehow I can?t play that fa?ade with you. Do you think it might have anything to do with this mind-speech stuff? That sounds as logical as anything, I reply, what we think is directly heard by the other. There is no room to make up lies and stories. Makes sense I guess. Could you try and tell me a lie? I love you, she sends to me. Holding my/our breath I ask her: Was the lie or the truth? I feel our cheeks glowing as she answers The truth? This is like my greatest dream combined with my worst nightmare. I finally find my love loves me as well, and there isn?t a single way we could have a normal relationship. Don?t hate me because of this, she pleads. Please, say something. I realise I had retreated in my thoughts and had been silent for several minutes. Hate you? How could I ever hate you? I have loved you for several years now. And there isn?t a single thing we can do about it now. Once again I let myself sink into a depressing mood. Snap out of it! She says. We may not be able to have a normal, physical relation, but the way I see it, we?re stuck together. I can?t imagine anyone else I?d rather be stuck with for the rest of my life. Realising that she has a point my mood return somewhat. We returned to her dorm when something sprung to my mind. There was something I could do for her. May I try and move your body? I ask. Uhm? I guess so? she replies, a bit uncertain. I tell her to relax completely and as I feel the muscles losing tension, I try and lift her arm. She instinctively moves it back. Sorry, she says, Please continue. I once again move her arm and this time it works as planned. Carefully standing up I almost fall over. Eline grabs control again and prevents us from falling in the nick of time. Don?t forget that you have breasts now. Your centre of gravity has changed a bit. Blushing at the thought, I try again, a bit more careful this time. After a shaky start and walking through the room a couple of times I set the next part of my plan in motion. How about I cook a romantic dinner for you. That?s one of the few things I will be able to manage. She briefly takes over again to smile replying I would love that! I hate to admit it, but I?m not much of a cook and can hardly manage to boil an egg. That?s a deal then, I reply, I love to cook, and I have had no complaints about my cooking so far. We do need to do some shopping first though. After getting the vegetables and meat we needed I started cooking. Eline, who as she said was not quite a cook, found herself enjoying the cooking, if only as a spectator. During dinner Eline came up with an idea. How about we sneak into your room tonight and see what belonging of you we can salvage? In my mind I saw the image of Eline tiptoeing through the boys dorm in the middle of the night. While grinning at the thought I had to admit that she did have a point. We had no real relationship prior to our joining and thus no way of getting any of my stuff in a legal way. So in the middle of the night Eline put on her darkest outfit. I got quite turned on on the sight of her naked body, but thankfully Eline didn?t seem to notice. Grabbing a black jacket she said, Let?s go. We arrive at my former dorm. I tell Eline the location of the spare key, and she opens the door. 3F I think the fireman said, is that right? She asks me. That?s right I said, we need to get to the third floor. We?d best take the stairs; the elevator makes a lot of noise. When we arrive at the second floor we suddenly hear a door open above us. We freeze and wait, our heart stuck in our throat. When after a few minutes it remains silent we go upstairs again and arrive at my door. Or rather what?s left of it. Police lint ?bars? the room but poses no barrier as we lift it and step in. My room is hardly recognisable. The charred frame of my bed is only barely still standing, smoke stains are everywhere and a lot of the furniture is half burnt. Tears well up in our eyes until Eline takes over again. I hate to interrupt this, but we are not safe here? Can you pen it up until we are back outside? Now, what items do you want to take with you? I go through my CD?s to get my most cherished ones and get a couple of my favourite books. Unfortunately the practical occult book has been burnt beyond recognition. Maybe the librarian will be able to tell where it came from. It might offer a solution to our predicament. After getting all I needed Eline asks me if I?m ready to go. Almost, I answer. I move a cabinet over, which is much harder then it used to be. Underneath I get an envelope and place it with the rest of the stuff. I push back the cabinet, and we leave my old room, most probably for the last time. Okay, now you got me curious, what?s in the envelope? Eline asks me. Check for yourself, I tell her. She opens the envelope and promptly forgets to breath as she get several hundred bucks from it. I was saving it to buy me a car but I think my former body has little use for it now. We?ll have to decide what we do with it. What we?ll do now is head to bed, Eline answers, it almost half past one! Once in her bed I feel quite warm. Suddenly I feel dampness between her legs. I ask her if we shouldn?t go to the toilet before sleeping. She starts blushing furiously and answers, Uhhhhmm? that?s not it?Here I am, in bed with the man I love, and I cant do anything with it?Slowly I realise what the dampness means and a kinky idea enters my mind. Don?t be mad at this, but there might be something I can do?I feel our face shift into a puzzled frown for a few seconds.. What do you mean? She asks. If you?d be willing to give up control for this, I could uhh? help out. After a few moments of confusion a sly grin takes the place of the frown. Go ahead, she says, just be gentle. Picking up control I slowly ran her hands across her body. A tingling feeling soon spreads out from where I touched her. As I circle her nipple I can feel them growing harder. The dampness between her legs increases and a void seems to be screaming to be filled. Eline is constantly moaning in my mind, but since I have control only my moans are to be heard. Although I know what to expect as I place her hand between her legs I am still startled at the missing of that familiar peace of autonomy. All thoughts of that disappear from my mind as her fingers find that little knob of pleasure. I gasp as I continue to rub her fingers across her clit. Suddenly a wave of ecstasy flows over me, and I rest my hands. Don?t stop now my love, Eline tells me, there is so much more. Here, let me show you. Eline takes control and enters her fingers into the void between her legs. I mentally gasp at the alien feeling of being penetrated. Instead of the tension going down after that first climax it keeps on building. I ride the feelings of Eline?s ministrations, unable to move myself but completely caught up in the action. It is the most erotic feeling I have ever experienced. Soon I experience a second climax, and a third. Then, when I think it can?t get any better she starts rubbing both her clit and diving her fingers in even deeper. The ground shakes and fireworks explode as a mind-blowing orgasm swipes me of my feet. Quite exhausted we lay there, simply enjoying being together. I think this just may turn out alright after all, I say. Yes, sighs a contended Eline, although this is in no way what I hoped what our relation might become, I think this might just work out right. --- So much for now. There might be a sequel to fill some of the gaps, and to explore how they react to former/ new friends. There is also the librarian and the money, which have been left open as hooks to a possible sequel. Arice McQueen

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Practice Makes Perfect

With a sigh you thread your finger through the d-ring at the top of my hood, pulling me off your she-cock. You bring your face down to mine and you look into my eyes. "I know you'd never sucked cock before you met me, and you are doing better than you once did, but you have no rhythm as you suck my she-cock.""I am sorry Mistress, I am trying my hardest," I say barely concealing my disappointment in my failure."I know boy -- you try hard, but you need much more practice, and I am not sure I can...

3 years ago
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Practice Makes It Perfect

Practice Makes It PerfectBy: Londebaaz Chohan Joseph and Irene had difficulty but they finally found the address. They had known Nick for some time, Nick was more into ‘Alternative’ lifestyle and as a Master owned some slave girls. These days he had only one. Nick was also into throwing a lot of play parties but he preferred to throw ‘by invitation only parties’ and tonight’s party was by invitation only. Joe and Irene were together for some years but still had an open relationship. They were...

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Practicing More Than Scales

I began piano lessons when I was six years old. It started when my mother met a new friend who was a piano teacher and thought that her son could use some exposure to culture and refinement. Well, I actually loved it. The music, after all, she taught the classical piano repertoire, was new to my ears and much of it quite lush and beautiful, so melodic. I was an eager student and just loved my lessons and even my practice. Miss Snyder, Diane Snyder, was the same age as my mom, twenty-six, when...

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Practice Makes PerfectChapter 2

So, Vicky came over to Chloe's the next day and went to see Ethan. "Oh, hi, Vicky. Are you here to see me?" "Ha, ha, you want a blowjob, don't you?" "Oh, yeah, would you?" "Well, maybe. My friends want to know if you would judge another blowjob contest. Like the last one." "Oh, god, yes, when, now, I'd do it anytime." "I'll let you know. In the meantime, I'll practice on you if you want." Instantly, Ethan's pants and briefs are around his ankles and Vicky is sucking...

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Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect Coffee isn’t really my thing. I say that a lot, and it’s mostly true, even though I stop to pick up a latte on my way to work, every day, at the same coffee shop. Sometimes I sit in the coffee shop on the weekend too, just to get out of the house while I work on a few things, using their wireless connection. But really, I’m not big on coffee. I guess it’s easy to think otherwise, but I never have more than one a-day. Well, two a day, at most. The best thing about...

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Practicing to Cam With My Twin Sister

Macie looked up at me one more time and giggled again. "You're sure we won't regret this?""It's just our bodies, just touch like anything else. Better even, right?" It was true, only we'd both only ever been with boys, and she is my twin sister after all.Macie and Marcy, the Freuhaf twins. That was us. We've always been adventurous, and shared a room and done all that twin stuff. Now that we are heading to college, Macie had this idea about camming together. She read somewhere that twin...

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Practice with a Camera

This story is real only the peoples names have been changed for privacy. Also if you have not read the first two installments of this series please do otherwise it will not make much sense. Several weeks after being at Ashley's vacation house and filming our sexual expedition her mom was planning on going back for another three day weekend she had off of work. Her husband David was going to be out of town for work and their son was spending that weekend at his friend's house so they could do...

3 years ago
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Practice Makes Pervert II

Practice Makes Pervert II By David Terry Sue Ryan and her husband Tom were a little more than half of the way to their hotel when his cell phone rang. Glancing apologetically at his wife, Dr. Ryan answered the call. After several minutes of talking, Tom angrily flipped the phone shut. "Damn it'" he swore. "Clark insists on meeting tonight to go over the plans for the new rotating intern schedules. He doesn't think the coverage is adequate, despite the fact that we hashed...

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Practice Makes Pervert III

Practice Makes Pervert III By David Terry Dr. Tom Ryan woke up Sunday morning to the smell of coffee, the sound of his wife quietly singing and with a very strong morning erection. Reaching down to adjust his stiff cock into a more comfortable position, his hand felt soft silky material covering his manhood instead of his normal cotton boxers. As he raised the bedcovers and saw the shimmering silver gray chemise covering his chest and the matching tap pants tented with his...

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PracticeBy: Londebaaz Chohan Although Rosie did not have a good experience and it was pretty painful when she was ass fucked for the first time but still she enjoyed it. It was just being inexperienced of the whole process which made her think many times if being ass fucked was for her. Her ass did not feel normal for many days after being fucked and every time she thought to get her ass fucked again, she could feel her ring squeeze and sphincter getting tightened but she knew George, her lover...

1 year ago
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Practice Session

Amanda was nervous. She had saved her virginity for the "right" guy to come along and tonight, she will be giving it up. Christopher was the perfect boyfriend. Although more experienced that she was, he was such a gentleman when Amanda had said she'd like to wait until the "right moment", until she was sure that she was ready to make love to him. He had lovingly obliged. She couldn't take it any longer. Her anxiety was eating her alive. She wasn't sure if she would be able to satisfy...

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Practice with a Camera

This story is real only the peoples names have been changed for privacy. Also if you have not read the first two installments of this series please do otherwise it will not make much sense. Several weeks after being at Ashley’s vacation house and filming our sexual expedition her mom was planning on going back for another three day weekend she had off of work. Her husband David was going to be out of town for work and their son was spending that weekend at his friend’s house so they could do...

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Practice Makes Pervert V The End

Dr. Tom Ryan had just cum. His cock, which should have gone soft, had not. Tom knew it was because moments after shooting his seed into his wife's mouth, she had pulled the sheer white, ruffled panties up his legs and settled them into place about his waist. It was not just the panties that made him remain hard. It was the stiff petticoats of the maid's outfit brushing against the panties ruffles. It was the tight long line corset, squeezing and molding his body and the dark...

3 years ago
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Practice Makes Perfect Jennis First Blowjob

Who was this girl? Just minutes ago, Missy was giving me an incredible blowjob. Now she was casually reminding me to make sure I turned over to balance out my tan lines as she sipped from her glass of water like nothing had happened. I was looking straight up at a nearly perfect sky for a September weekend day, feeling the warmth from the sun beating down on me. Three months ago, I was playing dress-up with this girl as a dare and somehow it had progressed to being her little sex project. Part...

2 years ago
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Practice Makes PerfectChapter 3

Julie and Natalie are best friends, often hanging out together, and often (always, really) talking about sex and the one penis each has seen. And, indeed, sucked on. So, Ethan is often an object of their discussions and desires. "We ought to kidnap Ethan and suck him to death," Julie says to Natalie. "At least I know you're kidding, Julie. But he'd probably be happy to die that way. I wish I'd won so I could have gone all the way to making him cum." "Yeah, god, his sister, of all...

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Practice Makes PerfectChapter 4

Of course, Natalie and Julia know what they are doing with Ethan, and Chloe knows what she is doing with her brother, and Vicky knows of her fun with Ethan, but they only vaguely suspect all the attention that Ethan is getting from them all. There are little clues, just no direct evidence. Chloe is the one to broach the subject. "Are you three still fooling around with Ethan?" "Why do you ask?" poses Vicky. "Well, I have an idea but only if you three are still doing stuff with...

2 years ago
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Melody Lost From HomeChapter 2

I couldn't think. I had been royalty setup! The uncle of Melody Jones had fixed me good! I couldn't just return the girl, as she was known to be dead, identified by her uncle! The only people who could identify her were both dead; again I had to assume that her uncle had killed them too! The only question was why? I had to read the information that Bill had sent me! 'Melody Jones; Age 11; (picture attached) Parents John and Martha Jones both deceased — cause motor accident — police...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 22

Julie's tongue was sticking out between her soft pink lips, lightly clamped between her teeth, as she concentrated on the needle. She was nearing completion of her work on the dress she planned to wear to Raul and Barbara's wedding. She had found the dress at a used clothing store. It required repair and tailoring work to fit her properly, and the multiple colors in it had her frequently re-threading the only suitable needle she had. She sighed, wondering what it would be like to buy new...

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Best of Friends3

It was a Tuesday, sunny and warm. School passed by quickly, luckily, and I grabbed my bag from my locker. Adam met me halfway down the hall, and we walked side-by-side to the exit. I saw a girl from my grade, Jessica, walking up to me and I stopped. “Hi, Cody!” she said softly. She didn’t try to talk quietly, it was just the way her voice was. “Whats goin on, Jess?” she smiled up at me and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. “Well..I was wondering. Did you maybe want to go to The...

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Mustang Sally

Mustang Sally By Heather St. Claire They say love is eternal. They say love can accomplish impossible things. Tom and Sally Fuller, a retired couple living a seemingly ordinary life in the city of Westport, are an amazing testament to love's power. It's hard to find a starting point for their story, because it's really a loop of time....The best place to begin may be in the year 2008. Tom Fuller, sixty-three years old and twice a widower, had just sold his insurance agency,...

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Wild Adventure

My name is John Simmons I am 62 and a retired Tugboat Captain. My wife Kim is 52 ten years younger then I and still a nice looking woman for her age. We have a 16-year-old granddaughter named Tammy. We look forward to school letting out each year because Tammy comes to visit us for the summer and we take our yearly vacation. This year we decided to go to the Wild Adventure theme park in Valdosta Georgia. Over the years Tammy has become best friends with our neighbor’s Jane and asked if she...

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Erotic Drive

Erotica Drive As we drive along the highway, I put my hand on your leg just above the knee and caress your inner thigh, feeling the softness of your skin with my finger tips. Slowly, I stroke my fingers back and forth and your skin feels warm and smooth to my touch. Your slender legs part a little more, and I gradually move my hand up your inner thigh, inch by sensuous inch, making little circular motions and lightly caressing your skin with the tips of my fingers. My hand finally reaches the...

4 years ago
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My Perfect Return Gift

I slowly strolled towards his door. 'If I know Gillian, she didn't waste any time,' I thought before I stopped in front of it. 'I hear moaning in there now. Damn, did Gabe actually go for her? I know she is sexy, but would he fuck her after what we had?'I clenched my fists for a moment and felt a few drops of sweat falling from my forehead.I hit my palm with my right had a couple of times. 'Damn it; maybe I am jealous. I don't even know for sure that they are having sex in there, but I feel...

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Shouldnt Have Peeked

It’s a busy weekday morning in the office, but nothing I can’t handle. Lists dwindle as the 'things to do' get dispatched. A nice, uneventful day so far. While I’m figuring out which item gets next priority, my tummy does a crazy flip. It’s done that intermittently for the past three days so I know damn well it’s not the mango I had with breakfast. I motor through another item on the agenda. Done.For some reason, a racing pulse has decided to keep the tummy flip company. I know only too well...

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nephew loves my tits

Hi there! My name is Beth. This story is about how opened Pandora’s Box, and man, did I love what was inside. I’ll start by telling you alittle bit about myself, I’m rather tall for a woman, close to 5’10” but I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not small, by any means, actually I’m quite heavy. Clothes can be quite expensive for me, as I have to buy plus sizes, the upside to this, is my breasts are actually quite huge by today’s standards, 46DDD to be exact. I don’t really care for them, but the...

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The Complete Travel Kit

Copyright© 2005 by Kien Reti The Complete Travel Kit for Sexual Adventure® contains the following: Three bars of ultra-deodorant bath soap. A squeeze bottle of waterless hand soap. 5 compact absorbent paper-fiber single-use bath towels. A shaving kit with 20 single-use razors and two cans of shaving foam (suitable for use by either sex). A bottle of mouthwash and a small spray can of mint breath deodorizer. Two sticks of high-strength underarm deodorant. A spray can of room deodorant. A...

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Jasons QuestChapter 25 Jason Julie

It was midmorning when Jase and Julie debarked the river steamer well below Waco, just in case Jesse and Marie had taken up land that far south. Their intent was to follow the Brazos up river until they found some trace of the other couple. However, their first priority was to buy a third horse, one for Julie to ride, and then purchase provisions to stow on Jase's pack horse, Brax. Baylor, Jase's buckskin, weathered the boat trip better than Brax but Brax soon found his land feet again....

5 years ago
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I am not going to describe in narcissistic detail what I look like, the size of my breasts, the colour and/or length of my hair, and all the other rubbish that the usual so-called “erotica” online is usually filled with. You can imagine whatever you want from these basic details: I’m in my late thirties, moderately plump, and of medium height. I am single, bisexual, of mixed race, have a college degree, and work as an office manager. I love reading, goldfish, hard rock, and walking in the...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 6

Learning to fly is addictive: John Gillespie Magee, Jr. (9 June 1922 – 11 December 1941)was an American aviator and poet who died as a result of a mid-air collision over Lincolnshire during World War II. He was serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force, which he joined before the United States officially entered the war. He is most famous for his poem, "High Flight." Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 01

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and you can see Peggy’s profile and photo under...

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One In The Same

It was all very likely inevitable anyway. After all, Maggie and George lived in the same townhouse. Downtown and a mile north of the theater district, they owned the old stone upright outright, were its only occupants, and so had the entire place to themselves. They lived in the same building but in separate apartments, on different floors, as a reluctant and ill-defined nod to propriety; she on the 2nd floor and he on the 4th, with the 3rd floor between them sound-proofed and dedicated as a...

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Brads Bitch

bisexual – gay – reluctant – domination – feminizationThe phone rang. I pulled it from my jeans pocket and saw that it was Brad. Shit! I really didn't want a call from him right now. Maybe I should just ignore it. But somehow he always knew when I'd just ignored his calls. And then that was even worse.I answered it, thinking only fleetingly about "the speech" that I'd composed and honed over the years and knew now that I would never actually give. I don't know why I even thought of it anymore....

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SusanChapter 7

On Saturday morning when Susan awakened, something was wrong. As she emerged from her sound sleep she realized what it was: Jeff was not beside her. Moreover, as she began to gather her wits about her, she realized that it was even more strange since today was Saturday. This was the day that always began with necking and petting followed by anything she could think of to try to get him to fuck her. Because she was never successful, all that happened was that Jeff would spend hours feasting on...

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College Ragging 8211 Part 1

Note: Ragging is an offence under penal code and is against law. We do not support ragging. Hi all, This is Shalini. I have met a guy on an online sex chat website and we have been chatting since quite some time. This story is the role play we did on the chat and is completely fictitious. The story excited me so much and I thought I will let you all enjoy it. This story contains series of episodes which I will be posting whenever I can. This involves humiliation, seduction etc. So, if you...

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MyPervyFamily Quinn Wilde Making Amateur Sex Tape with Stepsis

Sis has been complaining to me that she never has enough money. Maybe if she actually did her chores around the house, mom and dad would be more generous with her allowance! Lucky for her, I have a really good idea for us both to make some cash, but it’s gonna take some convincing to get my sister on board No one has to know that we’re related!! But it’s wrong bro! What if someone I know sees it I promise that nobody you know will watch it Ugh I’m not so sure about...

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The Look of Love

Blowing out the match she pauses, smiles, she hears his key in the front door, perfect timing as always, her nipples harden in anticipation. ‘Hi hunny I’m home,’ he announces stepping through the door. When there isn’t a reply he drops his hat, coat and briefcase on the couch as he walks through the living room and down the hall to the bedroom. The door is ajar. Pushing it all the way open he is delighted by the smells: her scent, her perfume as it mingles with the fragrant candles. He steps...

5 years ago
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Blast from the past 2

Introduction: Birthday Surprise! Blast from the past part 2: Birthday Surprise! This part of the story isnt true, although I wish some parts were&hellip,happy reading. It was Saturday November 3rd, the day before Doms birthday. I havent heard much from him since I met his mom. He said Katie (the girlfriend) didnt suspect anything, but she was still pretty pissed about it. I couldnt believe that she wasnt blowing up my phone. I know if the situation was reversed that is probably what I would...

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CommunityChapter 50

Okay, here's a real Cajun recipe (Author's note: Ever since Cajun food started figuring in my stories, I've gotten requests for a gumbo recipe. Here's one from a blog by a friend of mine. If I wrote recipes, it would be something like this. One more note: through the power of the Internet, you can order ingredients such as file' and prepared roux from online. Google "Cajun grocer".) First, let me state that I was raised Cajun, although Dad's got 50% German Swiss ancestry. It is not...

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