SusanChapter 7 free porn video

On Saturday morning when Susan awakened, something was wrong. As she emerged from her sound sleep she realized what it was: Jeff was not beside her. Moreover, as she began to gather her wits about her, she realized that it was even more strange since today was Saturday. This was the day that always began with necking and petting followed by anything she could think of to try to get him to fuck her. Because she was never successful, all that happened was that Jeff would spend hours feasting on her delicious cunt while she repeatedly went down on his cock to try to drain his heavy balls. She was never successful in that either.
Then Susan remembered something he had mentioned about playing golf with some guys so she relaxed. As she was about to doze off again she became aware of Colette kneeling beside the bed holding a cup of coffee out to her. But something looked out of place. Then Sue noticed that Colette was holding the saucer in both hands with her left hand strangely positioned in front of the dish.
Susan saw it and gasped, "Oh, my darling! It's utterly gorgeous!" There on the third finger of her left hand was a diamond ring with a stone as perfect as Susan's and nearly as big. "What happened? When did it happen?" Sitting up in bed, she patted the bed and Colette jumped in beside her.
"It was this morning. Our darling master has sold me to my new lord, Jim Fletcher, as his body slave! Oh, Sue, I can hardly wait. It's official — my new master gave me this ring as a sign — but it doesn't take effect for about a month. Darling Sue, it's just so neat!"
"But Colette, how could Jeff sell you into slavery? You're free, my darling sister. What happened?" Susan protested.
"I gave myself to him," Colette said softly. "I belong to Jeffrey Collins to do with as he will. Now he has answered my prayers by selling me to Dr. Fletcher." Looking at Susan she said, "I certainly hope he received a good price for me, too." By now both girls had had two cups of coffee each. Then checking a clock she said, "Now come on, sleepyhead. We're going to be late. I have strict instructions about you from your master, too."
With that Colette dragged Susan out of bed and into the bathroom. Sharing a shower, Colette found she just loved to run her hands all over Sue's magnificent body. It never occurred to her that Susan loved to feel her feminine perfection as well. After the shower, Colette gave her sister a perfect massage using quantities of musk oil. Then sitting her in front of a mirror, she created the most incredible hairdo imaginable, even using strands of pearls that she twined into Susan's golden hair. Susan was utterly flabbergasted at what was happening. While this was going on, all she was wearing was a white lace bikini and white stockings held up with lovely blue garters set high on her perfect thighs. Standing her up, Colette slipped a white lace-trimmed dress over her head, then fastened a priceless triple strand of matched pearls.
While Sue just stood there, Colette slipped on a beautiful pale green dress of her own, put on her emeralds, and then, taking her by the hand, hauled Susan out of the apartment and out to the elevator.
Steve Sloan was waiting beside the opened door of the limousine. When Susan appeared he said, "Miss Andrews, it's an unbelievable pleasure for me to drive you like this. You're an angel!"
"I'm a body slave, Steve," she replied softly. "I'm like a piece of dirt and we both know it." Then she took his chin in her hand and gently kissed him on the lips. The flow of the purest love almost caused him to fall on his face. While still dazed by the power of her kiss she said, "Thank you, Steven Sloan, for being such a good actor. Anyone seeing you with me would almost think I really was Mr. Collins' fiancée. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it."
"And I can't tell you how much I love being able to drive a real angel around town."
She just smiled warmly and got into the car followed by Colette. While they were driving, Colette engaged her in conversation about her upcoming slavery to Jim Fletcher. The situation was humorous in that each girl knew the truth about the other but not about herself. As a result, it was all Susan could do to keep a straight face while her sister was close to tears at the prospect of being sent away from Jim when he finally found the girl he wanted to marry. Just then the car pulled up at the side door of their church. Leading the way while holding Susan by the hand, Colette escorted her into the vestibule. There she carefully arranged a white bridal veil trimmed with pearls over her face, then gave Susan's hand to Jim Fletcher who was standing at her side.
Susan was utterly stunned. She had no idea what was going on. Then she saw Caitlin Fitzpatrick standing in front of her. The little girl was holding the most magnificent bridal corsage Susan had ever seen. "Thank you so very much for allowing me to take part in your wedding, Miss Andrews," the little girl said. "This is the very biggest thrill of my whole life!"
To her continued shock, the strains of The Wedding March rang out in the little chapel. Colette began to walk up the aisle. After an appropriate interval, Caitlin grinned the happiest grin Susan had ever seen and began to walk slowly, also. The little girl's pride and happiness were obvious even watching her from behind. Jim Fletcher then extended his arm and she started to walk beside him while still in a daze.
Reaching the altar, Colette carefully lifted the veil off Susan's face. Turning, she saw Jeff standing so proudly beside her. They went through a full nuptial Mass, even though there were very few spectators. At the exchange of vows, Susan was so proud to say that she swore to "love, honor, and obey you, Jeffrey Collins, until death do us part!" The wedding ring Jeff slipped on her finger was a ring of perfect diamonds. To her astonishment, when the priest asked her for a ring to give to Jeff, she shook her head but Colette was standing there with a heavy plain gold band in her fingers. She slipped it on Jeff's finger and he kissed her.
When he did, he whispered in her ear, "It's not exactly a ring through the nose, but it's close." She grinned and it broke the tension she was feeling.
Finally the ceremony was over and there were the joyful sounds of "The Wedding March" from Lohengrin ringing through the chapel. Leaving the chapel, again Steve Sloan was standing holding the door of the limousine. As soon as they were seated, he ran around the car, jumped in his seat and they sped away.
"What just happened, beloved master?" Susan asked quietly. "What did you do to me?"
"What have you been pestering me about for months, my adorable slave? What?"
"I want you to fuck me, Master. I want it so desperately!"
"Well, that's the answer," Jeff said. "What's the problem."
"But I don't understand," Susan said as she slowly shook her head. "And you still haven't told me what happened."
"Susan Collins, I know damned well you're smarter than that. You know exactly what happened. You're now my wife. That means that I may now carry you to our marriage bed and take your virginity." Then Jeff appeared to be hurt and with his lower lip stuck out said petulantly, "And I only did it 'cause I thought you'd like it. Didn't you like my little surprise?"
"Jeffrey Collins, are you trying to tell me that you've just made me ... your ... your wife!?"
"If you're not, I'm going to want some money back from that priest. That's what he promised to do. And he promised to make it look real official, too, just like a real one!" He snapped his fingers and added, "And for that matter, the county clerk would have to give me my five bucks back, too. Boy! He'll really be sorry!"
Then he took Susan into his arms and melted her with a kiss. "My darling," he said softly, "this is what we're going to be doing for the rest of our lives." Then he just held her tightly and said, "My darling bride, I apologize. You see, from the very first day, this is what I've been dreaming of doing."
Then, in whispers, he told her of his dating experience and his vow to try to find a true virgin. When he was contacted by Simon Anthony who was desperate for money, he acted. "But, my darling wife, you've proven to be so far beyond my wildest dreams, I just didn't know what to do."
Then he looked very solemn as he said, "By the way, do you remember when we went to the museum with that atrocious gay exhibit? I said you were signatory on my accounts. You were. And you still are. Only now, my darling, the accounts are yours, not mine. On Monday morning, first thing, my attorneys will file papers turning all of my assets over to you. Everything I now own will be yours. What this means is that you're free to throw me out in the street while keeping everything. It was the only thing I could think to do to try to make up for the slavery I inflicted on you. So now, my darling Susan, my fate is in your hands."
"If that's so, my husband ... Oh, Jeff, that sounds so wonderful! My husband! Darling, I really can't believe it." But then with the loveliest smile he had ever seen she said, "But if you kiss me long enough and hard enough, I might start to believe it..."
The two just continued to neck in the back seat while Steve continued to drive. He headed the car down a ramp into a subterranean garage and stopped at an unmarked door.
There waiting for them was the most beautiful black woman Susan had ever seen. After Jeff helped her out, the woman extended her hand and said, "Good morning, Mrs. Collins." Then with the most beautiful smile Susan had ever seen she continued, "Our little angel, Caitlin, told me you're the most beautiful woman alive. Do you know what? I think she may be right! I'm Ellie Duncan, the Taylor's maid. Welcome."
With that she pressed a hidden switch and elevator doors slid open. For Susan it was almost like being back in their own home. This elevator car was also magnificently paneled in cherry.
After sensing it smoothly come to a stop, the doors opened, and Susan was immediately greeted by a woman who could only be Caitlin's mother. Except, thought Susan, she can't possibly be. She's no older than I am! The woman was five feet eight with a cap of wavy black hair in an incredibly cute gamine cut. Her blue eyes were incredible. They were so vivid and at the same time so utterly loving.
The girl started to extend her hand but instead broke down in tears, hugged Susan tightly and whispered, "Welcome, Susan Collins! I'm Kelly Fitzpatrick, Caitlin's mother. I want to thank you for saving my little girl's life..." With that the beautiful woman just broke down completely and bawled in Susan's arms. Then with a great effort of will the woman regained control and eased away. "I'm terribly sorry for ruining your day like this," Kelly said. Then she swallowed hard and said, "But we all love her so!"
She smiled and said, "There's someone else here I would like you to meet." Taking Susan by the hand she led her over to a woman who was down on her knees with her back to Susan while she was talking with Caitlin and admiring her dress. With her weight back on her heels and her back erect, the woman was roughly the same height as the little girl.
Caitlin looked up, gave Susan a beatific smile, and said, "Grandmom, I would like you to meet my savior, Susan Collins. Isn't she beautiful?"
When the woman rose gracefully and spun around, Susan almost fell on her face. The woman, also five feet eight, had blue eyes that were as vivid as her own, along with a curly cap of golden-blonde hair cut in a boy's style, very short on the sides and back. But at the same time, the woman just radiated femininity, love, grace, purity and great joy. Moreover, she looked to be no older than Kelly Fitzpatrick — her daughter! The woman made no pretense of shaking hands. Instead she just took Susan into her arms and proceeded to melt their lips together.
While their lips were together, Susan felt the woman's tongue probe her mouth and meet her own. When their two tongues came in contact, both women felt an incredible jolt of electricity and a flow of the purest love. Rather than feeling lightheaded — her usual reaction to such a powerful kiss — this time Susan felt joyous. It seemed like the woman was just pouring joy into her body. When they finally eased apart, Sue looked into the woman's eyes and almost drowned in them.
"Hello, Susan Collins," the woman said in the most wonderfully musical voice Sue had ever heard. "I'm Andy Taylor, and I love you very much. Thank you for saving the life of our adorable little imp."
Caitlin had been watching the two embrace. Now with a marvelously happy smile, she spread the skirt of her dress wide. "Mrs. Collins, isn't this just the most gorgeous dress for a little girl you've ever seen?" It was pure white trimmed with seed pearls and lace. Although very simple in design it featured the little girl's incredible natural beauty. On top of her dark hair was a lovely circlet of fresh flowers. "My Aunt Nita got it for me." With her eyes wide with excitement and happiness the girl added, "She's the fashion director at Bergdorf Goodman. Don't you think she was very nice to me? She knew the reception was going to be here and knew how desperately I wanted to participate in some small way in your wedding, so this is what she did. Isn't she neat?"
Only then did Susan find out that Andy and Kelly, learning of the wedding and knowing how much Jeff wanted the whole thing to be a surprise, offered to have the reception at their penthouse. The reception was utterly magnificent. Colette whispered to Sue that she'd wanted to help but had been forbidden to. All arrangements were made and all of the cooking was done by Andy and her daughters personally.
As the afternoon passed, Susan slowly started to accept the fact that she was now actually married to Jeffrey Collins. "My lord and master," she asked, "now that I'm your wife do I need to ask permission to kiss you? Or to go down on you? Or to fuck myself on your glorious cock? Do I, sir?"
For an answer, Jeff pulled her close, mashed her body to his and tried to crush her lips. Then he put one of his big hands on her bun, squeezed hard and lifted. "Argh!" she screamed and felt herself lifted up on tiptoes. Then she just wriggled her tits against his chest while trying to mash her cunt against his constrained cock.
When everyone turned at the sound of her cry, she blandly announced, "That was just Jeff squeezing my ass. I hope no one minds."
Then turning to Jeff she said, "But, my darling master, although you squeezed my ass and even made me wet my pants with my love juices, you never answered my questions. May I fuck myself?"
"Of course, my darling," Jeff answered quietly. "You can fuck yourself anytime you want ... As long as you don't wake me up doing it, of course."
"Oh, boy!" Sue exulted, "Jeff says I can now fuck myself anytime I want to!" Just then she looked down and saw Caitlin looking up with her huge and gorgeous blue eyes. "Oops!" she exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, darling. You shouldn't have heard that."
"Why not?" the little girl asked innocently. "Since you're now so beautifully married, Mr. Collins is certainly going to fuck you tonight, isn't he? Although I've never seen him, I'll bet he's got a huge cock and marvelous cum-filled balls, just like my dad."
Looking very serious she continued, "You know, as often as I've seen it, I still don't know how Daddy does it. His cock is so big and so long while Mommy's cunt is still so small and so tight. And that's after three children, too. I guess it's because she's always so wet. All she has to do is glance at Daddy and her cunt is running rivers."
With a priceless little grin she continued, "You know, it's really funny sometimes. I can't count the number of times we'll go to a movie and when we leave the theater, the crotch of Mommy's Levi's is soaking wet. She blames it on Daddy, but he claims it's because Andy didn't do a very good job with her toilet training."
"Have you ever seen your mother and father making love?" Susan asked fearfully. She didn't know what Caitie would answer, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know, either.
With the most beautiful smile Susan had ever seen the little girl replied, "Oh, yes, Mrs. Collins! In fact, since I came home from the hospital, I guess I've been taking advantage of the situation shamefully. Mom and Dad are so happy that I'm back home with them now..." Just then Kelly Fitzpatrick came over with a very tall, very big blue-eyed man with dark hair and introduced him as her husband, Kevin. Seeing her mother and father, Caitlin just held up her arms and her father scooped her up.
When she was at his level, she wrapped her arms around his neck and melted her lips against his. "Daddy, I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be home again."
Looking at Susan she said, "This is the very best." Tears of joy started to stream down her face but she tried to smile as she said, "Daddy is so strong he can bend a steel beam with his bare hands, but he's so tender and warm and loving ... Daddy was the very worst when he knew I was dying.
"Mommy could cry and let her sorrow out, but Daddy didn't. I'm not sure he even can. He just kept it inside, and I could feel it eating him up. He would have cheerfully given his life for mine." Turning to him, she buried her face in his neck and said, "You're the very best daddy in the whole world!"
While his daughter burrowed in his neck, Kevin shook hands with Jeff and then kissed Susan. "Isn't there some line about 'out of the mouths of babes?'" he asked with a small grin. "In this instance, I guess it's true. There are no words for Kelly and me to use to tell you what you did for us." Then he smiled warmly and said, "I understand you saw one of Caitlin's little talks with God. What did you think, Mrs. Collins?"
"It's Susan," she said with a smile, "Unless you prefer Slave, or Hot Cunt, or ... But you get the idea. Maybe just Sue? But in answer to your question, I certainly did. Moreover, I think it's fair to say that I saw God directly and immediately answer those prayers. But why do you ask, Mr. Fitzpatrick?"
"Kevin, or Kev, or you dumb Mick, or ... Would you care to try again?"
Sue grinned and repeated, "But why do you ask, Kev?"
He winked and continued, "You see, Sue, Kelly and I have our finest lovemaking when Caitie is in bed with us. Now she even helps." Gently lifting the little girl's head from where it was still burrowed in his neck, he asked softly, "Do you want to tell your savior about it?"
The little girl lifted her head, but before doing anything else she melted her father with a kiss on his lips. Then she snuggled in his arms and said, "Since I've been back from the hospital it's been the very best. The last time was outstanding! First, I got to lubricate Daddy's cock with love juices I took from Mommy's cunt and used to wipe all over his huge weapon. Then, with Mommy on her knees — that gives the deepest possible penetration — I guided his huge weapon into her sheath. You should have heard her as she wriggled her ass while he moved his cock! Daddy puts Mommy on his cock the way a fisherman would hook a worm."
When she said it, Kelly just crossed her eyes, but then rapidly nodded her head. "She just screams as he penetrates just as far as he can go. Actually, Mrs. Collins, Daddy is so huge the last time I went to the other end of the bed and just watched carefully. You see, Mommy screams so much her mouth is open a lot and I wanted to see if I could see Daddy's cock coming out her other end." With the broadest grin the Collins had ever seen the girl said, "I couldn't see it, but I don't think it missed by very much."
This time Kelly stuck her tongue out but again nodded vigorously.
"But the very best was right after," Caitlin continued. "Daddy no sooner finished pumping his cum into Mommy's cunt when he put his cock, still all wet and slippery, but still as stiff and strong as a piece of steel pipe, up her ass. All she had to do was to relax her anal ring for a second and then, with the neatest little popping sound, his cock was right in. This was my chance. I slid under Mommy's body, positioned my mouth at her cunt and got to slurp up all of the glorious juices flooding it and dripping out of it. It was a perfect mixture of her love syrup and Daddy's luscious cum." The girl licked her lips and said, "Utterly delicious! But when Daddy started to cum in Mommy's ass, it triggered another massive orgasm in her that resulted in me getting to drink her syrup pure. They're so warm and sweet and luscious!" Then she grinned and added, "It wasn't all play, though. This time Mommy passed out and almost crushed me to death under her body—"

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