DominionChapter 22: Occultation free porn video

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Just as it was, one year ago in the Augusta battle, the defenders of the human race had to suffer the freezing January air on their faces as they stared down the forces of Dominion. It was late in the morning with heavy overcast, and the western sky was smudged with the wings of the unholy. The soldiers, men from the last free nations on Earth, shivered in their boots, not just from the winter sting, but from what they were up against. They had seen the footage of the Augusta battle, they knew what the spawn were capable of. What’s more, they had seen that beam of energy that Dominion launched. It soared over their heads, brighter than a bolt of lightning.

Having feasted on a decadent breakfast that perked up his sour mood, Dominion sat in the throne room, watching the nearing coast with his outsight. He was rather surprised that the UN had figured out his plan to invade Normandy, but he was overjoyed as well. After all, he picked this spot for historical irony, so his invasion force needed an enemy firing down on them, otherwise, there would be no point. Not even in the battle of Stalingrad had so many men been gathered. This would be the greatest battle in history, as well as the last decent fight Dominion could expect from the human race. Well, decent in the sense that they wouldn’t half-ass it. Their efforts would amount to nothing.

First came the navies of every nation, hundreds of gun-bearing vessels spread across the sea. The smaller boats, closer to the water, were coated in ice from the ocean spray and the winter wind. Every weapon onboard these ships was aimed upward and unleashed. Gatling guns, heavy artillery, and missiles were fired into the sky towards Dominion’s forces. Their aim was focused on the sphinxes, trying to blast them out of the sky, but their flight did not rely on machinery or aerodynamics. The undersides of the sphinxes were bombarded with explosions and bullet holes, but they were built to withstand such attacks and maintain hull integrity.

Upon reaching the fleet, the sphinxes shined their lights upon the smaller vessels, lifting them up out of the water and into the air. The men onboard tried to escape by jumping into the water, preferring to take their chances in the deathly cold ocean, but as soon as they stepped into the light, they were hooked like fish. The screaming men were separated from their ships and drawn into the sphinxes for processing. Then, the floating boats, held in suspension within the light, were dropped onto the larger vessels like anvils.

The same power that lifted them up fired them down with force beyond simply gravity, pulverizing even the largest ships and dooming them to the bottom of the ocean. When the men came out to try and escape their sinking ships, they were once more caught in the light and collected. This was repeated over and over again until the entire armada was destroyed, with most of the troops captured.

Now came the air force, thousands of planes, jets, and helicopters. They unleashed their payloads, so many bullets and missiles that not even Dominion’s outsight could keep up. He could feel the silver in every round and ordered the vultures to retreat to the sphinxes while the hulks protected them. The hulks used their telekinesis to stop and destroy the missiles, but the silver-coated bullets were completely immune to physic powers and had to be either dodged or endured.

Like in the Augusta battle, all these hulks had been layered in molten metal that fused to their exoskeletons. While not enough to actually stop the armor-piercing bullets, they did slow them down enough to prevent them from reaching the muscles underneath their bone armor and protected them from silver shrapnel and mercury fumes.

‘Kill them all,’ Dominion ordered.

Galvanized by their Master’s command, the hulks abandoned defense and focused on offense. They met the airborne fleet head-on, dodging bullets and knocking the crafts out of the sky. Smoke darkened the clouds and wreckage dirtied the sea as helicopters, jets, and planes were demolished by the mighty fists of the hulks, or shot out of the sky by blasts of psychic energy. The spawn were meticulous in their slaughter, not letting a single pilot or passenger escape. Ejection seats were seized in the air with the screaming men still buckled in, though most didn’t even have the chance to bail before Dominion’s monsters smashed through the windshield.

While the most agile crafts tried to overcome the hulks in a dogfight, the heavily-armed bombers and gunships went after the sphinxes. They assaulted the floating fortresses with everything in their arsenal, but their thick metal hides endured the onslaught. The vultures were redeployed, now shielding themselves with psychic energy to make them invisible. They latched onto the planes like parasites and used their beaks to disable their engines. Rather than simply letting them fall out of the sky, the planes were carried back to the sphinxes so that the pilots could be extracted and imprisoned. Not one soul was to be wasted.

By the time the air force was defeated, Dominion’s army had entered the range of the long-distance artillery. He heard the cracks and saw the bombs fly, thousands of them, all heading for his airborne militia. He snapped his fingers and his flying fortress began to glow. Electricity curled around the buildings of the ascending tiers, reaching the central palace. The crackling coils arched between the two spires like a Jacob’s Ladder. From the tips of the spires, the lightning was released and spread across the sky like a net. The clouds looked like they were set ablaze from the charge, the light blinding to those who looked at it. Assaulted by this wave of plasma, every airborne round detonated in the air, with nothing the human defenders could do to stop it.

‘Begin the ground assault.’

The hulks dropped out of the sky and landed in the water. Their dense bodies, coated in metal, sank like stones, but they were immune from things like drowning. They walked across the ocean floor, smashing through sunken ships and aircrafts, and reached the coast. The soldiers in their bunkers tried not to soil themselves in terror as they watched the titanic beasts walk out of the sea and take their first steps onto the beach.

They opened fire, both with machineguns and rocket launchers, raining hellfire down upon the invaders. The bunkers had been so heavily armed and stocked with so many weapons—guns, on top of guns, on top of guns—that they were hidden behind a wall of light created from the combined muzzle flashes. So many bullets filled the air that their flights were producing their own wind current, and the spark of the tracer rounds was enough to induce an epileptic seizure. Within the first ten seconds of firing, the troops were standing in an ankle-deep marsh of ejected casings.

However, while any human army would be quite literally turned into bloody pulp, the hulks took it all in stride. The silver bullets neutralized their healing, but they had an inhuman pain threshold and their powerful bodies could never be hindered by any number of such shallow injuries. Even rockets, if successful in breaching their exterior defenses, were still just shrugged off. Maybe a few of the beasts might take a knee to try and heal themselves if they sensed danger to their S2 Engines, but really, the only thing actually slowing them down was the combined kinetic force of all the bullets.

The beaches had landmines every few feet, but the hulks were so heavy and dense that when they stepped on them, it was like an M80 firecracker going off under a tractor tire. Upon coming across the anti-tank barriers, the hulks were anything but hindered. They simply picked up and threw them like they were made of Styrofoam. The barriers, made from crossed I-beams, struck the bunkers with more force than a wrecking ball, smashing concrete and crumpling the men’s weapons. Then the hulks reached the soldiers and resumed their slaughter.

With the beach defenses cleared, the rest of the spawn began to disembark to join the battle. They moved past the destroyed bunkers and met the main infantry force, more than a million armed men hiding in trenches and behind walls of sandbags. The hulks played decoy, drawing fire while the sentinels and wolves went to work. They thundered across the battlefield like a stampede, their mighty fists splattering men cowering behind sandbags, and their massive feet eviscerating the skulls of anyone foolish enough to raise their heads out of the trenches.

The sentinels were fast, faster than the troops could have ever imagined, dodging bullets, leaping over barriers, and killing with demonic skill. They’d snap men’s necks, skewer their brains with their long fingers shoved into the eye sockets, or even pierce chests and rip out hearts with their bare hands. When the soldiers fired upon them, they’d disappear behind cover or even use slain soldiers as shields.

The wolves stayed low, hiding in the trenches and going for surprise attacks. Soldiers in a trench would look ahead to the trench in front of theirs, and see men suddenly drop out of sight while screaming bloody murder. The way they zigzagged across the battlefield, clearing one trench and then moving on to the next, it almost looked like they were advancing across a board game.

The soldiers, their fingers stiff from the cold, their noses filled with the stink of blood and frozen earth, screamed in terror while shooting at the oncoming wave of death. Their breakfast, unfortunately, the last meal they’d ever eat, was beginning to rise into their throats as they were poisoned by fear. Orders were shouted in a vast spectrum of languages, many of which were cut off when the commanders giving them had their throats ripped out.

Men who were wounded, whether minor or fatal, collapsed and played dead. They didn’t even bother trying to get back up and resume fighting, for they had realized that there was no point. They couldn’t oppose this, they could not defeat it, they couldn’t even resist it. They wept and vomited from their helplessness, from the agony of the giant cavity where their last bit of hope for the human race used to be.

The last thing they dared hope for was that these unholy monsters would walk right by without checking to make sure that they were dead, that the battlefield would be abandoned, and under the cover of night, they could crawl away and find a place to hide for the rest of their lives, but that wasn’t the case. As ethereal beings, the spawn had had an innate skill for differentiating the living from the dead, just as easily as they could tell hot from cold. They could sense the souls still present in the bodies, still yet to be collected, and performed a very thorough mop-up.

Then, the world trembled. Everyone, human and spawn alike, shuddered as an aura, divine in its intensity but spine-chilling in its inhumanity, washed over the earth. The battle was halted, no one moving other than to blink. All was silent, save for the insidious laugh echoing through the throne room.

“Ishtar! Adam! Blight!” Three of his four horsemen appeared before him with their heads bowed. The fourth was where he already needed to be. “I leave the remainder of the battle and the UN to the four of you. As for me, I have a date to get to.”

“Yes, Lord Dominion!”

Then he launched himself into the sky through the oculus overhead and rocketed southeast, flying so fast that he created a sonic boom. He crossed France and the Mediterranean and entered Africa. He zeroed in on the epicenter, in the heart of the Sahara in northern Chad. He dropped out of the sky, landing on one of a billion sand dunes in the sea of arid earth. All was quiet, but the power he could sense was coming from straight below.

“How long are you going to keep me waiting?”

He replied with a pulse of energy of his own, identical to the octopus’s, like he was teasing this new Guardian with the death of its kin. Whether or not it actually felt rage towards Dominion or the octopus’s death, the Guardian made itself known with a continent-shaking earthquake. The Sahara trembled with violent force, leveling all of the sand dunes. Below the desert, the tectonic plate was being broken by something bursting free. A great fissure opened up across the landscape, large enough to swallow entire megacities. The pyramid Dominion had made out of New York could be dropped into the abyss without ever touching the sides. So much dust was kicked up from the activity that it blocked out the sun, but even without his outsight, Dominion sensed the new presence, sensed the arrival of the Guardian simply by the air being pushed out of the way.

Then, the dust cloud settled with unnatural force, as if every grain of airborne sand was forced to prostrate itself before this child of the Old Gods. Yet while the dust cloud was gone, the sun remained blocked. Floating just under the vacuum of space, with a wingspan that could be measured in miles, was a gargantuan angel-like being. Its body was like that of a moth, with an insect’s abdomen, but instead of multiple legs, it had a single pair of arms, with hands resembling the feet of an eagle. Its head looked like a turtle shell, with a single glowing eye visible within.

The Guardian floated with an upright posture in the sky, levitating with telekinesis, rather than its unflapping wings, and casting its vast shadow upon Dominion and the landscape. From a mouth he could not see, it released a blaring, almost mechanical drone.

“Well aren’t you a sight to behold? And to think you’d wake up and put on this display for little old me. Unfortunately, it would have been better for you to remain slumbering in the—”

The ground underneath Dominion exploded, sand and dust sent skyward in a great mushroom cloud. Dominion dispelled it and cleared the air. With pursed lips, he looked down, seeing that the end of his foot had been vaporized. The explosion had been the result of an energy blast drilling straight through his foot and continuing down and striking the ground. The blast actually contained very little energy, at least compared to Dominion, but it was so heavily condensed that it was like an armor-piercing ethereal bullet. As his wound was mended, Dominion glanced up at the Guardian, its unblinking eye focused on him and transmitting otherworldly bloodlust.

“Huh. It’s very rude to interrupt people when they are speak—”

No more warning shots, the winged being unleashed a firestorm of energy blasts from its wings down upon Dominion’s location. He shot off across the desert to avoid them, but the creature’s reaction speed was too great. It was already anticipating where he would end up and firing down. Shots were piercing Dominion’s body and riddling him with holes faster than he could regenerate. He boosted his speed even further, but an omnidirectional wave of blasts was raining down upon the planet.

Dominion focused his outsight, zeroing in on the source of the blasts. Its wings were feathered, but the feathers themselves weren’t ordinary. The shafts were hollow with an open end at the tip, and the hairs branching out were glowing in sequence. He saw the blasts being fired from the openings of the shafts; the feathers were cannon barrels of ethereal energy, and the hairs seemed to help compress the energy before firing, taking what would have been a blast only strong enough to singe his skin and turning it into a weapon of maximum penetration. It had billions of feathers, each one firing in perfect synchronicity, and it seemed to be able to control the path of the blasts like guided missiles.

He was taking too much damage, he had to counter! While zooming over the sand, Dominion brought his hands together and began charging a planet-killer blast. There was no escaping the onslaught, so he had to grit his teeth and bear the enemy attacks to fire his own. He pointed his hands at the angel and unleashed his power in a mile-wide laser, darkening the sky as it outshined the sun.

The angel swerved out of the way faster than Dominion had anticipated, bordering on teleportation. The blast soared into space and he swung his gaze around, trying to find his target. He chased after it with a blast, like trying to hit a moving target with a jet of water. Regardless of how fast he swung his hands, the angel dodged every time, without even flapping its wings.

Then, it shot across the sky and appeared directly over Dominion, and before he could react, a volley was set loose straight down onto his position. Dominion cursed as the blasts rained down on him, chopping him into pieces and opening up a great crater in the desert. As dust filled the air, the splattered remains transformed into liquid shadow and burrowed under the ground.

From the abyssal fissure that the angel had created in its ascension, colossal tentacles reached out of the darkness and into the sky. They were the tentacles of the octopus, just as large and powerful as when Dominion fought it. They lunged for the angel, but without showing any hesitation, it began firing from all of its feathers at once and directed the blasts at the tentacles. They ripped through the spongey flesh without issue, spilling black blood and sending liquified flesh pouring like rain. So many blasts were being fired at once, that before the tentacles could even reach the angel, they were eviscerated beyond regeneration.

The angel then focused its attack on the fissure, expanding it in its search for Dominion. Away from the blast area, great pillars of stone, the size of skyscrapers, broke free from the earth and were launched towards the angel. Without even looking, the angel redirected a portion of its bombardment to shoot them out of the sky, crushing every piece of stone into dust.

Deep under the ground, Dominion tried to plan out his next move.

‘Its defenses are so great that it can nullify just about any physical attack, and it’s fast enough to be able to dodge ethereal attacks. It’s generating a psychic field to prevent me from teleporting, and if I try to get close any other way, I’ll be shot out of the sky.

Well, at least I’m no longer bored.’

Reports came in to the UN from the battlefield, but as much as they wanted to cry, no one had any tears left to shed. The human race had failed, Dominion had won. There was no weapon they possessed that could stop him. Humanity’s future was nothing but enslavement and inevitable extinction.

Then they got an alert, sightings of the sphinxes. They were forming a ring around Paris about forty miles in diameter and had deployed some kind of barrier, just like in the American cities, and were closing in. Citizens were forced to abandon their homes as the barrier advanced, crushing houses and flattening the land like a giant iron. They flocked into Paris, disorganized, frantic, and screaming. The world leaders looked out the windows and saw the streets swarming with refugees, with everyone screaming in fear and begging God for protection. So pitiful, so fragile. To think that the human age had reached its end.

Then the area around the building went dark, and looking up, they saw a lone sphinx floating overhead, casting its own barrier to keep them locked in. The men and women all exchanged fearful glances. Their time had come, time to meet the Devil himself. They still had one final nuclear bomb down in the basement. It was coated in silver, something that would hopefully prevent its detection, and the chairman of the EU had the detonator. Even if the bomb didn’t kill Dominion, just managing to catch him in the blast would be a respectable last act of defiance by the world. Plus, everyone within the blast radius would probably be better off dead than enslaved.

The building shook as something struck the roof. Just like that messenger, someone broke through the ceiling and landed in the center of the room. However, rather than the one figure they hoped for, three appeared. A towering muscular man, wearing a metal skirt. A gorgeous woman with demonic features and an alluring outfit. A fully-suited SS officer, missing all swastikas and nazi symbols, as well as his face.

They landed with perfect posture, not even bending their knees. Everyone silently cursed at this turn of events. They wanted Dominion, not his henchmen.

The woman stepped forth. “I am Ishtar, servant of Lord Dominion, the high priestess of the one true God. We have come here to accept the world’s surrender to our glorious ruler.”

Same as Dominion
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Have You Seen My Wife Lately

I confess. I am an exhibitionist. But, not in the way you would ordinarily think, because I don’t like to expose myself, but my wife. I enjoy having my wife seen nude (accidentally or otherwise) by other men. Oh, and I like to watch her being watched, so I guess I am a voyeur too. These are not made up stories but just some of the hundreds we have experienced, I hope you will enjoy them, I know I have. My wife is a beautiful blonde, 5’8′, green eyes, a fantastic body, all over tan and very...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed 2

Since her encounter with Mat and Troy Janet had been conflicted, she knew she had screwed up big time. These guys were going to take advantage of her situation to the fullest. They had given her a very hard spanking that had left her ass red and sore for three days, that and the fact it took two days for all of Mat’s cum to leak out of her. Her dilemma was if this was ever discovered her and her husband Roy’s lives would be ruined, no doubt he would divorce her she’d lose her kids and be...

3 years ago
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CadeChapter 18 Alternate Plans

When he was not looking for a job, Cade spent his free time sorting through the garage and basement. He ruminated about his dead grandfather Walt, and his deceased father Dusty. He couldn't help wondering what his life would have been like if his father had lived, and if he had known his grandfather better. Callie drove the truck into town frequently to run errands. Cade knew most of her reasons for going to town were excuses designed to get her out of the house, but he figured she deserved...

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Titty fucking my granny

My name is Jack. I live with my mom. My grandparents live right around the corner so I go there a lot. My grandmom has very big tits (36DDD) and most of the time she shows cleavage. It ALWAYS gives me a boner. I"ll usually go to the bathroom to jack off and relieve myself. Well this is a story about the one time I couldn"t take it anymore.Let me describe myself. I"m 18, 7 and a half inch dick. Six pack. That"s about it. Now let me describe my grandma. She"s 51. She"s skinnny. She has, like I...

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Dr takes her vitals

Wrote this for a friends wife tailored just for her. Patient and dr. I take total advantage of you at my office. Using you and your body at my pleasure......Twice a year you go to your regular check up. And every time its the same ordeal. Lay down try to relax and then the ultimate all clear have a good day bit. But this time when you go to the office they mention that the dr is running a couple min late. No worries you think as you make your way to the private room and dress in the paper gown....

4 years ago
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Getting a Room FChapter 6 Establishing Limits

After Pastor Jake had rescheduled their marriage counseling, Carolyn told Bill that she didn’t know what she thought about future kids. Then she put him in the bedroom while she studied in the kitchen. When she had done what she could, she went in to get her robe and things. He looked up from where he was lying on the bed when she came in, but they kept their silence. When she came back in her robe, he got up and took his own robe into the bathroom. She inserted the diaphragm, got into bed,...

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TRANSCOMP 1. A Chance of a New Life "I walked out of the Monastery over seemingly the most incidental of issues." "Fr Superior asked me to separate the Calf from the Cow, I explained that the calf was too young, both would fret. They need another couple of weeks together." "He being self-assured, cocky, belligerent said: 'DO IT.'" "Naively, I tried to explain that separation at this time was unfair, and as I was known as the expert on cattle, expected to be heard." "But...

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My First Sex Experience

MyFirst Sex Experience I always knew that I am a lesbian, and never been able to imagine myself kissing a guy or touching a guy, I was always attracted to one women and one women only, she is my step mom, a gorgeous blond with brown eyes with an amazing body d cup breasts and nice ass and long legs. She was married to my dad when I was only 9 years old and she loved him and me and it was the only mom I ever had. And because I really loved her and desired her I never told her that I am a...

4 years ago
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Tony and Fiona help with my first 3way

It was quite interesting when I had just got divorced, the sexual world was at my feet. In the last days of my marriage I had had fantasies of getting me and my wife hooked up with another guy. When I had left, I kept in touch with those I had met on chat-sites, except of course now I was the single guy. There was a bloke who went by several names but who was really Tony. He was married to Fiona and he had the same fantasy about a threesome as I had, when I was still married. We hooked up a...

4 years ago
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Body Heat

Body Heat Blmorticia ‘Fuck!’ David exclaimed as he unpacked our suitcase. ‘What’s wrong, love?’ ‘I left the extra blankets at home on the table,’ he said with anger still in his voice. ‘Don’t worry babe, I’ll keep you warm, besides what’s better than body heat?’ I said in a devilish tone. He cracked a smile and went back to unpacking our things. We had just come from my parents’ house informing them of our relationship. When we told them we were living together, my father nearly had a...

3 years ago
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REVERSI?Reversal of Roles; black becomes white. Reversi – a game of mind against mind, strategy is everything, winning and losing comes down to the very last move.?Politics Darkness had claimed the city, spreading its wings over the streets and buildings bringing the streetlights into full bloom; glowing orange against the inky-black backdrop.  The man at the window wasn’t admiring the poetic perfection of the night, nor the beauty and promise that it held; all he could think about was how late...

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Rose is a special friend of mine who has been single since she was in her 30's. She is also my hookup person.She attends swinger parties with her fuck buddy Tom and lesbian orgies with her other fuck buddy Joan. She knows where all the action is everywhere. I met her at a fundraiser I attend every year. I go with a few friends to help out with concession stands, games and other things. We got assigned to the same booth. At that time she was 45 years old and I was 59. We hit it off right away....

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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 3

Mike left for Seattle Sunday morning after breakfast. Shortly after he left, Michelle and I satdown to talk about the weekend. “Honey,” Michelle started, “I need to know, what are you really thinking about me and Mike?” I paused for some time, trying to think how to answer her question. “Babe, there hasn’t ever been anything hotter than watching you and Mike together, especially last night. I don’t know how to explain it more than we’ve already talked about, but I can’t get over the thrill of...

3 years ago
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Sonia Sharma A Dirty Whore 8211 Diwali With Nephew And His Friend

Hii friends mai sonia sharma ek baar phir haazir hai aap logo kai bade lund ko apne teeno chedo se chodne kai liye. Guys aap logo kai mail se mai bahut encourage hoti hu or isi liye maine apna new part itni jaldi post kiya hai guys sirf aap ke liye , friends is part ko samajhne kai liye aapko meri previous story jiska title hai “sonia sharma a dirty whore: diwali celebration with nephews friend” read karna hoga guys. Ye story uske aage ki hai or last story mai aapko mere baare mai sari details...

2 years ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 22 Gang aft aglay

Bands played, flags fluttered, and crowds cheered as I marched proudly along the Avenida Avenue Andalucía at the head of my battalion. It was the 1st of October 1823. Cadiz had surrendered a week previously and the French Royal Army now made a formal, triumphant, entrance. That the citizens were cheering was surprising, as I doubt there were any monarchists lining the streets, but supposed even the most ardent of republicans were thankful the daily cannonade was now at an end. The columns of...

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Sex With Hot Bhabhi 8211 Part II

Hi friends and reader this is Jeva, I am happy to receive reply from my prev. post here now I am back with my new 46 yr old rich aunty exp. She called me after read my story she had thick black dark hair and olive tan complexion. She was reminded me of a Romanian gypsy. She was petite in stature big breasted with a thick butt. She was wearing high heels, black stockings and a mid thigh skirt that was tight around the waist that showed off her round thick butt. Her legs were on the beefy...

4 years ago
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Exciting Sex With Fiance In Nightclub

There are a lot of incidents that happened with my girlfriend (fiancée – Anshi). My fiancée is a very nice girl, she is Indian (so am I). People stereotype Indians a lot, at least in Britain. But that does not matter because she is a very simple and lovely girl. We gave our virginity to each other. I do watch porn though, what to do, I am still a guy. Coming back to the night of the incident. At that time, we were living in the UK and one Friday evening, we decided to go to a pub and chill...

4 years ago
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Daddy It Hurts

It wasn't the first time we had an argument, but it was the first time we had a problem because I was going out with a boy. I was standing in front of the sink washing the dishes since daddy had cooked for us, and he was getting ready to go out with his friends. I had just got home from school when we decided to cook and have dinner together. I just had the time to take off my jeans and switch for a more comfortable pair of cotton shorts, but I kept on the buttoned-down white shirt I liked....

1 year ago
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Becky and Me

I never really considered myself a lesbian, in fact I love boys. I especially loved the way a sweet creamy skin I knew that I simply had to taste her luscious pussy. We were in the community shower cleaning up after phys Ed. She and I were kind of the stragglers since everybody else had left to go to their next class. I knew that both of us had free periods next, so we could take our time and shower as long as we wanted. Got did I want to do more than shower though. I watched, in fact I gazed,...

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Wife Fucked by Teen Virgin Part 2

Sorry it's been a while since the first part but here goes with what happened the second night.When we woke up the morning after my wife was fucked by a teen virgin with a massive cock my wife was still pretty sore from the pounding she took. While I am not small this k**s dick was huge and her pussy took some punishment. My wife made breakfast at the tent then went for a shower, as I was sat there Tom passed on his way to the kitchens. As he was by himself I called him over and thanked him for...

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Golden GirlChapter 7

On Thursday, Mom and I rested all day and all night. My rest was interrupted three times by Billie and Stevie. Mom's rest got disturbed by her daddy's cock when he stopped by to tell us how things were with Grandma. He told us that she was getting mentally ready to drop her facade, but cautioned me to start slowly and take charge as I had with him. We agreed to spend the next day with them until it was time for my date with Brad. I skipped school on Friday. Mom and I ate breakfast...

2 years ago
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Fall From Heaven

Fall From Heaven BLURB: A man is entranced by an impossibly sexy woman at a club and brings her to his apartment. He has no idea that his life is about to be changed forever. --- I couldn't believe my luck. She was leaning against me, one arm twined with mine, her head resting on my shoulder as I fumbled with the keys in my rush to get the door open. I felt drunk. Her intoxicating scent wafted around my head, smelling sweetly of cinnamon, filling my mind with steamy thoughts...

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Next time son

A few nights ago, I was super horny, and since my fat wife won’t do anything about it, I decided to hit up one of the local ABS... but it was so late, they were all closed. I checked the parking lots around back; there are usually at least a few cars parked way after closing, but this night there was nothing. So I figured, the local Walmart is 24hr - let’s see if I can’t find something to do there. After all, by this point, I was about ready to do whatever just to get off. You probably know the...

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Cumbucket Slut

My lil slut always dressed just like that a little size 6 slut never wore panties she loved windy days her lil skirts flipping up her nice lil ass and bald pussy for all to see. Her flashing got me to a point the I WANTED TO SEE HER USED BY MANY MEN I asked her about it but she wasn't interested but I was so I set up a plan If she wanted to dress act and look like slut I was going to watch her used like naughty lil cumbucket I told her of band I wanted to see south of river Always trying to...

Group Sex
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Sex That Made Her Pregnant 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys, this is Mohan, I am gonna to tell you my first-time experience with my owner’s daughter. Coming to me, I am 6ft 1 in of height, fair and have a huge dick which can satisfy a girl. Now coming to the store, I just completed my graduation and went to Bangalore in a search of job, my friend already had room where I too started to share the space with him, in Bangalore we need to pay lot of money for room advance, that’s why I was sharing the space with my friend who was working there...

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Our MMF Fantasy Thats Gonna Cum TruePart

Once the three of them got together, Jordan became a lot more comfortable than she had originally thought she could be. The last hour had gone by in an orgasm filled blur, and she was hoping to keep the juices flowing. Her invitation to be taken into the bathtub had been a bit of a joke at first, but once the words were out she hoped it would be taken seriously. It was a fantasy she’d never had fulfilled-being fucked over and over again in that hot, soapy water. It was something she’d dreamed...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Summer Day Caught Camming

Teen exhibitionist Summer Day is home alone with her stepdad Charles Dera when she decides to start a webcam session. Her parents don’t know about her secret job camming online, but Charles finds out when she accidentally leaves her bedroom door ajar. She doesn’t notice him walk past her room, but the sight of her putting on lingerie stops him in his tracks. Charles lurks in her doorway watching her climb onto her bed seductively and undress in front of the webcam on her laptop....

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A Week At Papaws chap 2

Monday – Training Begins – Obedience It hasn’t happened in some time but today I was up with the sun, getting veggies from my garden and some fresh mushrooms from the cellar and set about making a couple of omelets for us, we had a lot to get started today. I have the table set, and a tablet next to her plate, I even baked some cinnamon buns. Always the Chef, guess I wanted it to be nice. As I am finishing up the eggs, she kinda plods into the kitchen, looking like she had just crawled back to...

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Rache eines gehrnten Ehemanns

Ich hatte gerade meinen Abschluss in Informatik an einer renommierten Universität gemacht. In der kleinen Stadt, in der ich die meiste Zeit meines Lebens gelebt hatte, gab es damals jedoch fast keine Jobs auf diesem Spezialgebiet. Deshalb musste ich dorthin gehen, wo es eine Arbeitsmöglichkeit gab. Ich hatte einen Cousin in der nächsten größeren Stadt, also rief ich ihn an. Ich erklärte das Problem, dass ich eine Unterkunft brauchte, während ich auf Jobsuche war. Er sagte, ich könne gerne bei...

4 years ago
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The Start of Something New Part 1

The Start of Something New? By RJH I can't believe our parents did this to us. My twin sister and I have to go spend our summer at an Aunt's house that we have never seen before. We have a lot of relatives we have never seen before just pop up now that my parents have hit the Jumbo Lottery. Melissa (my sister) and me (Mark) both know, as well as my parents; that these relatives are out for a share of our fortunes. My parents, though, are not the best parents in...

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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 14

SAPPHO SEDUCED BY PRETTY PETRA TO A SWEET SEXY TASTY TWOSOMESeeing in her eyes how horny she is, I tell pretty Petra what sexy Sappho longs for most nowAs my great granddaughter was out for an evening of non-stop dancing at her hot dyke disco, IPut my other sexy secretaries to work on some tasks for the sex shop, while I take time to talkPraising sweet Sappho for her openness and dedication, I inform for a daring dirty dream of herHoping her hot reaction will inspire me for an action for her...

3 years ago
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How I Was Seduced By My Roommate

Hi all, I am very new to this site. I started to see this stories three days before only, I don’t wanna hide my secrets that’s why I wanna share to all and give pleasure. First of all, I apologize u all for my poor vocabulary and grammar. But I think my story would give real pleasure at the end though its mistake. I am Vaibav, 23 years old, currently staying in Pune. It’s my true experience which was happened during my final year engineering. (Two years ago) and also it was first time to lose...

Gay Male
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I never even asked for his name part 2

Sex: it's probably, no ... definitely the most intimate bodily activity that you can undertake with another human being - besides giving birth to one I guess! And yet, we can sometimes indulge in sexual acts with strangers with very little preamble.As for the nudity that's required for (most) sexual contact, well most of us spend a good deal of our lives fully clothed in order to protect visual access to our most personal bodily parts. I guess they're called our "private parts" for a good...

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My Sister 8211 My Wife

Thanks for reading my earlier story “Love of my life” ( ). That was about how my sister and I expressed our love for each other and shared intimate moments. Today, I am writing about how we got ‘married’. So after spending couple of weeks discovering each other physically, emotionally and experiencing the heights of love and lust, I returned to India and she stayed back in London continuing her studies. We decided we won’t...

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I had been fucking his dad for over two years. I loved the feel of his long thick cock as it entered any of my fuck holes. Today I took the son back to my toy room. I took of his shirt and let my robe fall to the floor and I was now naked. I undid his jeans and jerked them down below his knees. He was semi hard and had a big dick like his dad. I took his hands and put them each on a tit and then I began to tongue kiss his mouth as I reached for his dick. It took no time to get him rock hard. I...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Two

Introduction: To make sense, start from the beginning…. Chapter Two ____________________________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette door prize I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine oclock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resorts Managing...

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