- 4 years ago
- 38
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... .Es klingelt.
... .Du ?ffnest die T?r
... .und erkennst mich nicht.
... .Ich weiss, dass Du zuhause allein bist.
... .Ich weiss, dass Du Dich Befehlen nicht widersetzen kannst.
... .Ich weiss, dass Du Befehle erwartest -
... .Du brauchst sie.
... .Ich blicke Dir direkt in die Augen.
... .Du blickst erwartungsvoll zur?ck und
... .senkst verstehend Dein Haupt.
... .Ich schlage Dich ansatzlos und mit brutaler Macht in Dein Gesicht.
... .Du knickst ein.
... .Unter dumpfem St?hnen verharrst Du in gebeugter Haltung.
... .Ich warte auf Deine Reaktion.
... .Sportlich und intelligent wie Du bist, willst Du nach unten wegtauchen und Dich mit einer Rolle vorw?rts meinem Zugriff entziehen.
... .Weil ich Dich aus Deinen freim?tigten Berichten kenne, bin ich vorbereitet
... .und treffe Dich mit einem sauberen Fusstritt volley in den Bauch.
... .Du scheinst f?r einen Moment emporzuschweben.
... .Deine schweren Br?ste verweilen entsprechend ihrer physikalischen Tr?gheit f?r einen endlosen Augenblick in ihrer Ausgangsposition, bis sie lang und immer l?nger gezogen eine perfekte Tropfenform bilden und dem restlichen Leib aufgrund ihrer Elastizit?t folgen m?ssen.
... .Dieser geht krachend auf der Schwelle zu Boden.
... .Ein Schwall Blut quillt aus Deinem Mund, sabbert blasenwerfend ?ber Dein Kinn und sickert in Dein offenherziges Dekollet?.
... .Deine wei?e Bluse, welche mir ?brigens sehr gef?llt, saugt sich langsam voll und bildet einen bizarren, roten Fleck aus.
... .Du bist ohnm?chtig.
... .Ich trete ?ber Dich hinweg.
... .Ich greife mir Deine Fesseln und ziehe Dich in die Wohnung.
... .Nichts r?hrt sich im Treppenhaus.
... .Dein Kopf poltert ?ber die T?rschiene.
... .Darin bleibt ein B?schel Deiner langen Haare h?ngen.
... .Ich reisse es raus, werfe es weg und schlie?e die T?r,
... .lasse Dich liegen und trage meinen eisernen Werkzeugkasten ins Wohnzimmer.
... .Ich sehe mich um und pr?fe die Gegebenheiten.
... .Ich gehe zur?ck und schleife Dich ebenfalls dorthin.
... .Ich gehe zum K?hlschrank und hole mir ein Bier.
... .Ich wei?, dass Du dort stets einige Flaschen f?r Deinen Freund bereith?ltst.
... .Eine Billigmarke.
... .Vermutlich betrachtet Dein Freund Dich selbst als genau das.
... .Er wird heute nicht kommen.
... .Das hast Du mir auf SL gesagt.
... .Keine St?rung f?r mich - keine Hoffnung f?r Dich.
... .Ich setzte mich in den einzigen Sessel, kippe das Ges?ff und werfe meine Augen auf Deinen K?rper.
... .Ich sehe Dich nicht.
... .Ich sehe durch Dich hindurch.
... .Ich sehe, was ich von Dir wei?.
... .Ich erkenne Dich und Dein Begehren.
... .Bin erregt - so kurz vor dem Ziel.
... .Ich ?ffne meinen Rei?verschluss und lasse meinen Schwanz frei.
... .Er freut sich.
... .Er wedelt.
... .Ich leere die Flasche.
... .Ich streife meine Schuhe ab
... .und meine Str?mpfe
... .und trete vor Dich hin.
... .Ich lege meine rechte Fu?sohle auf Dein Schambein,
... .streichle Dich und erh?he den Druck.
... .Du beginnst Dich unter mir zu winden.
... .Im Schlaf.
... ."Wie eine H?ndin!" muss ich denken, "eine Troph?e - a real slut!"
... .Mit dem Fu? schiebe ich Deinen prallen K?rper quer durch das Zimmer.
... .Kurz vor der Wand steigere ich den Druck nochmals und presse Dich mit Gewalt dagegen.
... .Dein Kopf knallt hart auf,
... .Dein Oberk?rper ruckt die Wand hoch.
... .Du wachst nicht auf
... .oder tust Du nur so?
... .Im Schritt Deiner hellgrauen Businesshose macht sich ein dunkler Fleck breit.
... .Ich kann nicht erwarten Dich zu benutzen,
... .zu gebrauchen, nach Belieben zu sch?nden -
... .Deine Seele will ich sezieren.
... .Will Deine Votze studieren.
... .Sie riechen.
... .Dich lecken.
... .Dich restlos leersaugen!
... .Ich zwinge mich, noch einen Moment in der inneren Betrachtung zu verharren.
... .Ich habe die Zeit - ich will sie auskosten.
... .Als meine Eier zu schmerzen beginnen und ich mich dabei ertappe, dass ich gedankenverloren angefangen habe meine Vorhaut in tr?umerischen Intervallen auf und ab zu schieben,
... .erhebe ich mich.
... .Sanft sch?ttle ich die Bilder ab,
... .die ich jetzt nicht mehr brauche!
... .Von nun an kann ich mir in der Wirklichkeit alles von Dir selbst nehmen!!!
... .Noch etwas benommen ?ffne ich den Werkzeugkasten.
... .Laut l?rmend, um wieder zu Besinnung zu kommen,
... .greife ich mir, in dem Bewusstsein von meinem perfekt austarierten Plan abzuweichen,
... .ein frisches Skalpell,
... .einen Schraubenzieher,
... .zwei Kabelbinder,
... .die Bohrmaschine und
... .einen geeigneten Holzbohrer.
... .Es wird Dir nichts bleiben.
... .Ich nehme mir alles!
... .Zuerst bewege ich Deinen K?rper in eine f?r mich bequeme R?ckenlage und spreize Deine strammtrainierten Beine weit ab.
... .Ich nehme zwischen Deinen F??en Ma? und r?cke den Sessel ans Fenster.
... .Ich montiere die Gardinenstange ab, werfe den Stoff in die Ecke und bohre
... .an den entsprechenden Stellen zwei L?cher
... .durch die Stange.
... .Ich lege sie so unter Deine Fu?gelenke, dass ich diese leicht
... .mit den Kabelbindern, die ich durch die L?cher ziehe, fixieren kann.
... .Dergestalt Deine Schenkel auf Abstand gehalten, beginne ich mit der Operation.
... .Ich kniee mich zwischen Deine Beine - nicht zuletzt um zu verhindern, dass Du sie spontan anwinkelst.
... .Den R?cken gesenkt, lasse ich mein Gesicht etwa 30 Zentimeter von Deiner Votze entfernt in ihrem Dunstbereich schweben - leicht erhaben.
... .In meiner rechten Hand blinken und blitzen Lichtreflexe auf der Klinge des Skalpells.
... .Mit der Linken streichle ich ?ber Deinen Schamh?gel und f?hle wie unglaublich nass Du notgeile Sau tats?chlich schon geworden bist.
... ."Bei Notgeilheit hilft nur noch Notschlachtung!" lache ich in mich hinein.
... .?berzeugt davon, dass Deine Reflexe auch im Zustand der Bewusstlosigkeit noch funktionieren, beginne ich, Dich hart zu reiben.
... .Ich bin gespannt:
... .1. ob sich Deine Clitoris unter Deiner Hose abzeichnen wird, wenn sie erigiert ist, und
... .2. ob sie wirklich so lang ist, wie Du sie beschrieben hast.
Fortsetzung folgt.
Hi Guys, Thank you for your response for my last story of how I seduced and Fucked my bhabi (sister in law). For those who did not read the last story here is a quick background. My name is Kunal and the my Bhabi’s name is RINKU and the story of how I turned my real BHABI my own elder brothers wife into my PERSONAL SLUT. My Bhabi has been married to my brother Sidharth for almost 11 years now and they have two kids. Let me describe Rinku to you Guys, she is 5ft 7 fair and slim, the most...
Angela certainly had fun masturbating herself to three complete strangers in the train last night. She had the best orgasm in months. What next, Angela? Angela talking to herself...Hope Jim doesn't find out...that gets her excited hiding this from her husband, Jim while she does naughty things with other men. She is an exhibitionist. It was a weekend, and she decided to go the shopping centre. Wore a low cut blouse, skirt and high heels. Again, did not wear bra and panties. Jim did not go as he...
VoyeurPlease read my first part to get more details about me. If I say about me, you will continue with this part. I just want you to read my first part, leave comment and continue with this. Genius rite :p First, thanks a lot to the readers who read my 1st part and also others who replied over email. Also suggested to add some spice. Let’s see how far I can commit. I got few friends in a short period of time. Love you guys. Let’s jump into the continuation. I reached home after getting my asshole...
It was Sunday morning and I was laying back in bed reliving in my mind the experience of Saturday afternoon. I had fucked the boss's daughter Kate on my office desk. She was only 18 yrs old, but she was one hell of a fuck. She came onto me with a "Show me yours, and I'll show you mine" challenge, which I naturally accepted. The elation of my fuck with this young lady was tempered when I remembered that we had been watched by her mum (my boss's wife). Me fucking her might have been more...
Sandi moved in that next weekend, not ALL of her clothes and stuff, but enough for her to feel at home at my, I mean OUR house. Mandy and Patty came by before that, however, and both apologized for what they realized was essentially showing off their pet stud. I inquired as to Barb and Patty chimed up: "She's gotten over it and now she's wondering if she can have another chance." I didn't gloat ... Patty hadn't been surprised at what I had done, after all. "Sorry, girls, I'd...
"No, no, no," I screamed. "Please. No," I begged, I pleaded with David. I could not take this any more.I was sitting on a kitchen chair, impaled on a nine inch dildo, my hands tied behind me, my legs tied to the chair legs, I was basically immobile. And I was blindfolded.My tormentor was not really hurting me. Actually, far from it. A vibrator was being held against my chastity cage, and I was getting closer and closer to release. And I knew that it would not be pleasant when it occurred. I...
WILLOW TREE by FARAH DAYE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A romantic story about a young couple who trades body and soul when struck by a force of nature. They shared an illicit love but they never expected to swap lives literally. The switched lovers struggle to escape indifferent spouses, a circle of cruel and dangerous witches, and the threat of permanent separation. Farah Daye, a transgendered artist, wrote this story. Farah has blended little bits of her own life and dreams into this...
It wasn't the first time Cody had woke up in a strange place or bed. It was however the first time he'd found himself alone without some unknown young slut besides, or under him. He tried to sit up but couldn't move....he was still naked, which was normal, but now he was tied down, spread eagled to a hard wooden table, fuck he wasn't even in bed. His mind raced thru what little he remembered about last night. There was the young blonde, hell, she was barely 15 if she was a day, trying to...
I went on a business trip that took me away for 4 nights.On the first day we were put into teams and I had a female colleague from another office on mine.N****** was 5’4” , short black hair and everyone was commenting on her tits. As you will find out later I was able to check them out at 34EE and firm as hell at age 28.We sat together in the meetings and soon our legs would be touching each other. In the evenings we would all have dinner and drinks and her and I got closer, laughing, joking,...
Taking a break from shoveling the compost into a small trailer, Pepper watched John and Sally ride out of the compound on their way to move the horses from one pasture to the next. He looked over at Carl and said, “I’d like to learn how to do that.” “Do what?” Carl asked looking up from what he had been working on. He wondered what Pepper wanted to learn. “Ride a horse,” Pepper answered. “I guess we could do that after you finish spreading this compost around the orchard,” Carl...
Back at Applebee's the Hooters party was starting to break up – which is to say, some of the girls were actually partially dressed. Heather, her left arm wrapped securely around Cassie McCallister's waist, used her free right hand to switch on the mounted TV in the banquet room. She waited anxiously, but turned on the TV exactly when Renee said she should. Expecting to see a soap opera or a Euro soccer game or someone opening a storage locker, she was surprised to see Aimee, a news anchor...
Akash and I had just come out of the men’s room, having seen each other take a leak and taste our own pee. I had been watching Akash and his wife necking at a nightclub for the last hour or so. This nightclub was in the hotel I was staying in and had gone in for a few drinks and dinner on a Friday night. “Hi, I am Akash, do you want to have some fun?” he held out a hand. The unwashed one that was just a few seconds back playing with his cock and carrying pearly drops of pee to his lips. I shook...
Kelly: Hey did you study for this quiz at all? You: Not really, I was just getting ready to. U? Kelly: I've been up all fucking night. I still don't understand it. I'm in the class room now, want to come help me study? You: Sure. B there in a few. I locked my phone and hoped off my bed onto my dorm room’s dirty floor. I quickly started to throw my text book and notes in my backpack. My roommate was in class for the next two hours, so I had been watching porn with the volume up...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Only after Barbara had gone did Laura see the folded piece of paper with Trina Townsend's phone number on it lying on the floor by the sofa. She had quickly retrieved it when it had fluttered out of her bra, but then in the heat of really torrid fucking with Barbara, she had lost track of it. But now she picked it up and looked at it, wondering if she would ever see Trina again. And so she was in almost total shock two days later when Trina actually called. "This...
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I had just started my junior year when I auditioned for a part in the school play, OUR TOWN. I was cast as a father, Mr. Webb. Howard Goldman was cast as my son Wally. He was a sophomore, shorter than I, and with his blond hair and blue eyes, looked nothing like swarthy, Sicilian me. Howie and I hit it off from the start. We had lunch the same period, so I invited him to eat with my friends and me. They weren't too keen on having a sophomore eat with us, but I persisted. He soon won them...
Bobby JoTina and I had been friends since college, more years than I cared to count. She had gone through marriage, two children, a burgeoning business, and finally divorce. Unfortunately, her ex had run afoul of some guys that don’t play nice. One night they came to their door with baseball bats looking for her husband. That was enough for her. Since divorce she had a few relationships, but nothing worth remembering the week after.The local papers had been full of ads for weeks announcing the...
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Jared was a usual early riser and was surprised when he woke and it was just after 8 o'clock. He made quick work of shaving and showering and just as he was getting out he heard the room phone ringing. "Hello?" "Coach Winslow, it's Elmer Hollins, Boge's father. I work some nights at O'Hare and saw you come in last night and thought you might looking to see Boge. I called him this morning and he said he never heard from you and I was wondering if you had a hard time getting in touch...
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I woke with a hand on my cock. It wasn’t mine. It wasn’t Julie’s — she was asleep next to me with the cheeks of her bum pushed against my thigh. “Who’s that?” I whispered. “It’s me, Anna” came the whisper back. “What are you doing? What do you want?” “I’m feeling your lovely hard cock, silly. And what I want is you. You’re the only one who’s not fucked me yet and I’m still horny.” “I can’t refuse such a lovely invitation but Julie’s asleep and pretty fucked in every sense of the word so we’d...
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Max was not greeted with the same degree of enthusiasm, nor was he as welcome. Max had been a typical teenager. As one of the ‘town lights’ he and his cronies pretty much ran things to suit. But ... on his 18th birthday, he was summoned to a mysterious meeting at the courthouse. “Today, you are an adult,” said the sheriff. “When you walk out the back door you can and WILL be charged with assault and intimidation if you so much as look crosswise at a minor. You have gone as far as we’re...
Nearly five months had passed since Tani and Steve's return and much had been accomplished in that time. Tani's belly was really swelling now and she was finding it difficult to hide from her three lovers. She was wearing camis all the time now and she replaced them each time with ones that were increasingly baggy. Finally she approached Mika and Naomi asking them if she could stay with them using the excuse of long training hours and having to come to the village each day anyway. Mika and...
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GayWe all do it, masturbate that is, every day for some, once a month for others, but a recent poll said that 90% of all the women in the U.S. masturbate and the other 10% are liars! Now, being a very liberated lady of the 90's, I admit to having an on going love affair with the middle finger on my right hand. Unlike the very unpredictable male, my trusty middle digit is always, ready, it's never tired, it never wants to talk when it's over, and best of all, it...
My friend’s wife, Allison, has always been a hot commodity in my circle of friends. She has big C cups, a pretty face, and has always been generally fit. Unfortunately, she and her husband Tom are quite modest, and she rarely flirts or even shows off her cleavage. When we go to the beach together, she will be the only woman there in a one-piece swimsuit, despite her amazing body. I’ve known Tom and Allison since college (25+ years), and though I’ve always lusted after her body, I’ve never been...
I'm standing in the line at the grocery store, waiting to pay. There are two people ahead of me, and some one behind me. I am day dreaming, my hands full. The person behind me is doing something with a plastic bag, but I'm not paying attention until I feel a hand slip between my thighs, run up to my buttocks and for a brief moment, a thumb is pressed against me. In my surprise, my body stiffens and I turn my head to regard the woman who is already leaving the shop. Did she just...?She pauses at...
One night my loving wife told me she was in a good mood for hard sex; involving other men of course. Ana asked me to get some black guys to fuck her.I made just two phone calls and set things up.Then I told Ana the next night we would meet some old mates from my former office. All would be black guys…My sexy wife happily agreed. On that Friday night, she came down the stairs wearing a tiny black halter top, her shortest jean skirt, and a pair of golden stiletto heels.She looked really like a...
As had her sister before her, Victoria Preston turned her nose up at the down-market area while looking from her car to the tired looking bookshop across the road. Then she looked back at the couple of rough looking youths who seemed to be hanging around the entrance. Looking at her watch and unaware Sean Brady was looking down at her from an upstairs window, Vicky eventually decided she was now late enough to perhaps keep Sean on tenterhooks as to whether she would turn up or not. So after...
Daniel shot her a grin and whispered in her ear. "It's okay, babe, I know she's your best friend. We'll let her tag along for now." A gorgeous blonde walked a few strides behind the young couple, her slender figure rushing to keep up. "Guys...slow it down!" Aubrey whined. Kayla rolled her eyes so that only Daniel could see. The truth was that she had been looking forward to spending a little alone time with Daniel in his dorm room. Opportunity knocked - how else could one...
On a night out at the sex club, Nicole searches for the ladies room to powder her nose, only to find herself in one of those dingy backroom gloryholes she’d only read about in her favorite smutty novels. While at first, she is somewhat taken aback, she quickly becomes horny at the thought of fucking a mysterious dick and begins removing her clothing and playing with herself. Just as she’s really getting into it, the cock she’s been waiting for appears. She excitedly begins stroking and sucking,...
xmoviesforyouAfter the dancing on stage with the drags slowly dies down. I was able to finally meet Darrell, still in costume as Victoria. While in makeup and outfit, I was to address him as Victoria. We had a drink and talked standing near the bar. The music was very loud, so we took turns shouting into each other's ear. I liked the way Victoria looked at me. I jumped every time when I got my ass grabbed by some stranger as we talked. Victoria laughed and I felt I was being tested. We talked for about half...
College coed Dani Blu has a meeting at hunky professor Filthy Rich’s house and confesses that she’s always had a crush on him. He takes the grand opportunity to start kissing the brunette beauty and fondles her perky titties over the floral print dress that soon comes off enabling him to suck on bare nipples and get access to trimmed pussy. After the young student gives her teacher a blowjob, it’s a nonstop pussy fucking session that she had only fantasized about until this...
xmoviesforyouThank you so much for all these years you have written to me. I’m hoping that this finds you well, and that you are happy. I also hope we can meet someday soon. You’ve always wondered why I’m here, and I have been sort of reticent about telling you. Not because I’ve done anything really wrong, but some people have funny notions of what is wrong or right. But we’ve been pen-pals all this time and so, since this will probably be my last letter to you, I figured you should know. I won’t...
Alyssa sat in the Co-pilots chair, plotting the course to Olympus shipyard. She was reflecting to herself on the remarkable recent turn of events. Of course, there was all that business with her body changing so dramatically, her new boobs being a constant source of delight. However, there was something else that she had been finding far more surreal. She had begun to hear voices. It had started off innocuously enough, a week or so after she had been forced to escape from Karron and John had...
Wednesday Evening (your birthday) The day passes achingly slowly. You work retail and your sex-addled brain considers the masturbation potential of every item. You’re very creative and your need makes you fantasize about being spanked, penetrated, clamped, bound, and made to suck on a surprising array of objects. In the quieter moments, you try to imagine what’s in the gold box. You know it’ll be sexy, and can picture a lot of things that you hope and fear are in there, ruling some out due to...
The official reason for taking the attic bedroom was its atmosphere, but the real one its view. Only from there I could watch May taking sunbaths. Last year I had been able to spot her a few times, had limited access though, as back then it still was a study. A few times watching her and playing with my penis. And doing it again and again while reviewing my own mindcam.Now it was May only but the sunbeams were warm and May was there. The first good day of the year and my eighteen year old...
Introduction: My Horse Experience Hi Readers I would like to add another adventure in the sexual world that my new husband has shown me&hellip, So since Ive met and marry Garry who is older than me, he has introduced me to a world of sexual fantasy that I could only dream of, I am now classed as a Party Girl / Slut and I enjoy this new reputation with pride. The following story is one that I have just got to share with the readers of this forum&hellip, Garry had come home from work one day...
New Age by Wendy H "Well, it's about time," Dad said impatiently. He and I had been waiting for my Mom and my sister to get ready for dinner for what seemed like an eternity. "I swear, you women are all alike; you can never get ready on time!" Visibly angered, Mom retorted, "You have no idea what women go through for the sake of beauty!" "Yeah, Dad", Jenna, my sister, added. "Girls are expected to be pretty, and that takes time." I laughed derisively. "Well, it...
Mr. Pete is really excited for his massage this afternoon. In fact, he’s so excited he can’t stop blabbing about it to his buddy on the phone. When Tiffany Watson walks into the room, he hangs up the phone as she sits down next to him and greets him with a kiss. When she runs her hand on his jeans, she notices he’s already hard. They start making out passionately on the couch. She climbs on top of him as he grabs her ass and slaps it. He’s always loved her ass and loves...
xmoviesforyouSliver in my Heart By Kyrie Hobson This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2010 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including...
Trent sleeps straight through his alarm. The day before after the incident with Thane, he took off the costume and stuffed it in his bag pack. He didn’t touch it the rest of the day, though Arlyne called for him over and over. Her voice was a constant nagging that never seemed to cease. When he got home he shoved it under his bed and tried to block out her voice. The problem was, she was in his head. Eventually he fell asleep. Whether he was able to because she finally quit or he somehow...
Are you in need of training in the fine arts of pleasing women? If so, contact the Mistress at 570-4869. I will make sure that when I am through with you that you will know EXACTLY how to make your woman happy. This sounded heavenly to Ryan. All of his girlfriends told him he was selfish, never seeing to their needs. And that he was too quick, rushing into intercourse, never getting them ready. He thought foreplay was overrated, if you want to have sex, then have sex. Why bother with other...
BDSMEngland "As the morning dawns I lay here next to my sweet angel and I can feel her warmth and softness." "Her soft breathe tickles the hair on my chest as I hold her in my arms." "In rest I watch my beauty and try to see her as other men do." " I see them watch her, under lidded eyes, captivated by her beauty, sweetness and a sensuality which exudes itself from every pore in her body as well as the core of her very essence." "I too am...
IncestIn the August before my senior year of high school, my family and I went on vacation with the Williams’ (Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Cory, Lauren and Carly) and the Romas (Mr. and Mrs. Roma, Tommy and Vicki) to Miami. We stayed in one of those timeshare communities. It was four stories of condos around the exterior with a pool in the enclosed interior. It was all within about a hundred yards of the beach. On Wednesday all the guys were going to play golf, but I had other plans. The night before,...
Hello Friends This is Ajay from kerala . This is my first story in ISS . I am a regular reader of this site. Am an unmarried man on 27 .This is an incident happen during my college days in 2005. Some of the names In the story had changed due to some personal reasons. This is a real story. Since being my first story please forgive the mistakes. U can contact me I had completed my BE degree in a remote village at Tamil Nadu . I liked the place and people very much . I was staying outside the...
I was on the bay front finishing the last of my 3 mile run. Feeling like I was getting older at my ripe age of 29, I tried to run at least 3 times a week and also workout 3 times a week. My wife Laura loved the results as my 5'8" frame was very toned and tanned. She also liked me to be clean shaven, so I removed most of my body hair to please her. It was fine except when I was in my running shorts which made me a little self-conscience. As I began to cross the street from the bay front, a large...
I woke slowly, after all it had been a rather tiring evening and night. I could feel muscles that I hadn’t used as much for years slowly groaning as my consciousness grew. But the feelings was great, and lying there quietly I relived the last 12 hours, since coming back with Karen. Not surprisingly perhaps, but pleasingly for me, my cock also grew as I remembered the feelings those two women had given me. The light was clearly coming through the gaps in the curtains, and I could see the outline...
Group SexI woke up to a text from Amber “Morning baby how’d u sleep?” I got up and headed to the bathroom to relieve myself not texting her back. I was standing there doing my business and remembering the awesome night I just woke up from. I got done and headed to my room to get my crap ready for the hard day before me. Grabbing my phone there was another text. I flipped open my phone and saw it was another one from Amber. “Hey sexy hope I didn’t wake you but I need to talk to you.”
March 18, 1994, Apple Orchard Bed-and-Breakfast near Montpelier, Vermont “This place is fantastic!” Gina gushed when they returned to the great room. “We certainly think so,” Katy laughed. “Steve, are you healthy enough?” “For you, always,” I grinned, knowing what she meant. I got a strange look from Gina, who knew Katy was lesbian and in a committed relationship. I winked at Katy, stood up, and walked over to her. I took her in my arms and looked deeply in her eyes. “You’re up for it?”...