Divorce Is A Dish Best Served Cold free porn video

John's life had been a shitstorm for the past year. He had found out that his loving wife of 16 years was an adulterous slut. Susan had been fucking his next door neighbor for almost 3 months. John had come home early on their anniversary to share a romantic dinner. He was surprised to find his wife naked and on her knees in their bedroom begging that little dicked, prick Ron to cum in her mouth.
As it turned out Ron would not be fucking anyone for a very long time. John beat the living shit out of that traitor. He broke his right arm, fractured his leg and snapped Ron's collarbone when he threw him down the stairs. As angry as he was he could not bring himself to hit Susan. He watched her expressions proceed from surprise, to shock, on to fear, over to relief and settle on a cool, smug superiority.
"John I am sorry you had to find out this way, but maybe it is for the best. Our marriage does not excite me anymore, I think it is time we both moved on while we can still be friends."
John wanted to beat that tone out of her voice, to teach her just what kind of friend he could be, but he was too hurt emotionally, too weak from his wife's unexpected betrayal to give her the beating they both knew she so richly deserved. So he just stood there like an impotent, spineless, de-dicked, pussy-whipped fool and cried for the woman that he loved, and the marriage that was lost.
Tears don't last forever, and when they were spent John was able to concentrate on revenge. Susan's lawyer wasted no time contacting him to begin divorce proceedings. John made good money as a senior computer technician in a large pharmaceutical company. He had been with them since he was 19 and participated in their aggressive 401 k, ESOP and ESPP plans. John was now 36 and had over $350,000 in assets. Susan and her lawyer wanted half. No way he was going to let her fuck him again. So the war began.
Susan demanded $2,000 a month in alimony and child support. John's lawyer countered with $0 in alimony and a petition for sole custody of their 15 year old daughter Jennifer. The look of terror on Susan's face at the thought of losing her only child almost made John giddy with anticipation and revenge. Taking Jennifer away would break Susan, it was the cruelest blow he could strike. It was the most evil thing John had ever conceived.
It was an evenly matched custody fight to start; but once the Judge ruled that John would only pay Alimony for 6 months, that Susan would receive 1/3 of his 401 plan when he RETIRED, Susan's position began to weaken. She had not finished college, and had not held a full time job in her life.
John's job allowed him to do much of his work from home. He only had to go in to the office two days a week, and for meetings or emergencies. The judge asked Jennifer who she would prefer to live with. While she clearly loved both of her parents very much, it was also clear that she was hurt, betrayed and very angry at her mother's slutty behavior. After reviewing the case for several days the Judge decided that "awarding sole custody of the minor Jennifer Pressman to her father John Pressman was in the best interests of the child."
The scream that Susan let out was one of complete despair, and absolute denial.
"Noooo! Please don't take my daughter from me, anything but that. John I'll come back to you, we can go in to counseling, I am sorry, my God don't take my baby from me", she babbled.
No one could blame John if he felt sorry for her now that it was over. Despite what had happened this battered, sobbing creature had been his lover, partner and best friend for 16 years. To feel some remorse would be natural, to have some lingering goodwill despite all of the vicious and hurtful attacks of the past several months of hell would be a sign that one day John could forgive her and maybe even salvage a measure of friendship. He crossed the courtroom and held Susan in his arms. She fit snugly against his body and leaned into him as they had done a thousand times in the past. He gently stroked her hair and smiled down at his wife. He kissed her softly on the cheek and tasted her salty, heartfelt tears. He gazed deeply into her beautiful face and for a moment they were both oblivious to their surroundings, to the lawyers, and bailiffs, to the Judge and Court Reporter, and even to the smiling tearstained face of their daughter.
John leaned even closer to her and said, "I am going to fuck our daughter Susan, I will make her my sex slut. I am going to bury my face in her cunt and nibble on her clit. I will train her to suck my dick and like it, no, to NEED it. If she is a slut like you she will love living with her daddy. If she is not then I am going to rape our little girl, I am going to break her, to hurt her the way I want to hurt you. Every time I fuck her ass I will tell her that it is your fault. Every time I beat her juicy little butt I will tell her that it is because of you. Your precious daughter is going to hate you Susan. There is nothing that you can do about it. Fuck you and die."
John said all of this in a quiet tone that only Susan could hear, he said it while he continued to pat her lovingly, consolingly. Susan listened in stunned horror, she did not move or even breathe while he spoke. When he finished John put his arms around Jennifer and smiled a vicious little grin at Susan as they left the courtroom. Susan took a deep breath and collapsed.
John began seducing his daughter that very night. As soon as they got home he went to his room and asked to be left alone. He knew Jennifer would be worried by this, and sure enough it was not 10 minutes before she knocked on his door to check on him. Jennifer had never seen her strong, proud father cry before. When she entered his room he was curled up in the fetal position, and sobbing.
"Oh daddy" she cried as she ran to comfort him. John sat up on the edge of the bed dressed only in his underwear. Jen wrapped her arms around him and stood between his legs. Her father clutched her to him and cried into her soft, round breasts. John appeared to be innocently accepting his daughter's caress but in reality he was rubbing his face into Jennifer's nipples. Occasionally he licked her through her shirt. His hands were lightly cupping his daughter's hard, round ass.
"I loved her so much and now she is gone, I have lost everything. Your mother is the only woman I have ever loved, I have been so lonley without her. I am sorry baby but I don't think I can bear to sleep in this bed without her, ALONE for another night." John sobbed.
Jennifer was crying too now. Why had her mother done this, why was she such an unfaithful slut? She began to worry her father might do something to hurt himself.
"Don't worry daddy you will always have me, I am your girl. I will sleep here with you tonight daddy so you won't be alone. I still love you, even if mom doesn't."
John laid back as his daughter quickly removed her clothes and crawled into bed wearing only a bra and lace panties. She snuggled close to him, as he spooned her tightly. Soon they drifted off to sleep.
John woke up first. For a moment he was disoriented and thought it was Susan laying beside him, that it was Susan's ass that his morning hard on was pressing against. For a moment he thought the past year had been a bad dream, and that he had his life back. But reality slowly settled over him, accompanied by the familiar feelings of rage at his wife's betrayal and the compelling, consuming need to hurt her and keep hurting her; until she felt the kind of soul wrenching, gut crushing pain that he lived with every day since he discovered her and Ron. Thy had fucked in his house, in this very room, in this fucking bed.
A part of the kind, decent man he used to be was ashamed of what he planned to do to his only child. She deserved far better than this, she should have been allowed to keep her innocence, her naivete, her trust in the purity of her father's love. Sadly that kind, decent man was almost completely gone now and what remained was not strong enough to control his anger, slake his thirst for revenge, or defeat his lust for his sweet young daughter's Susan-like body.
John reached over and put Jennifer's small, soft hand in his briefs. His cock quickly grew to its full 8.5 inches. Then he gently nudged his 15 year old daughter awake.
"Good morning da... Oh what have I done, Daddy I am sorry I didn't mean to touch you there!" she exclaimed as she tried to remove her hand from her father's penis.
John did not let her.
"Honey it's ok I do not mind you holding my penis. Jen it is only natural that you would be curious about sex. I know we have talked about the basics but have you actually felt or seen a man's penis before?" John asked her.
"No dad of course not!". John smiled as he held Jennifer's hand tight against his cock. He wanted to shoot a load on her tiny, warm fingers, and watch her play with his spunk, but he managed to control himself.
"I think it is important that you are comfortable with your body, and understand how adult sex really should be. Most father's teach their daughters how to have sex AFTER they teach them how to drive; but you have been forced to grow up very quickly in the last year, and are no longer a little girl, so I am going to let you start having sex a little earlier than your friends. After all you are the woman of the house now. I will be expecting a lot out of you, it is only fair that you get to enjoy the good stuff too. You will no longer have a curfew, you may drink and use drugs in moderation if you decide to, and I will be giving you your own credit cards to spend as you see fit. Mom cannot afford to make the payments on the Miata so when you turn sixteen next month it is all yours. How does that sound?"
Jennifer could not believe her ears, she really was a woman now. Her friends were going to be so jealous.
"It sounds great Dad... but I am just not sure about the sex part. You mean you will be having real sex with me... all the way?" she stumbled.
John tousled her hair and said, "Of course I will be fucking you kiddo. I am looking forward to it. Tell you what I'll make you a promise we will try it 3 times. If you decide that you do not like sex, and want to go back to being a child with no credit cards, no car, and a 9 pm curfew you can. Is it a deal?"
Jennifer thought for a moment and said, "Ok daddy".
John smiled and said, "Lets get started. For this first time I am going to do most of the work. It is important that the man prepare the woman for sex. I am going to teach you how to kiss, then I'll suck on your tits and taste your girl juices before I fuck you. Just relax and enjoy it. If you have any questions just let me know. "
John pulled his daughter close to him and began to softly kiss her neck and lips. He waited until she was comfortable and started kissing him back before he began sucking on her pouty lips and licking her teeth and tounge. As the young girl's kisses became more passionate, more demanding John deep frenched her. This went on for some time.
Next John unhooked Jennifer's bra and peeled it off.
"Oh Jen look at how beautiful your tits are!" John said, as he reached out and began gently massaging his little girl's soft, barbell shaped breasts. Jennifer's breathing became ragged as he teased her long pink nipples errect. Her moans grew louder as he licked, nipped and sucked her breasts for the next 10 minutes. John slowly licked and kissed his way down Jennifer's flat stomach, stopping briefly to suck her outie belly button stub.

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