A Dish Best Served Cold Ch. 06 free porn video

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This chapter is light on erotica. It became necessary to set up the denouement, which involved some character building, some history, and some planning, but little in the way of sex. If you have been following the story, I hope you will still appreciate this and come back for the climax and planned surprises. Jb7


Pete Adams and Rosa Montero were just about to turn into the parking lot at Carruthers Machine Tool when a cherry red Cadillac came tearing out of the drive, nearly sideswiping them. Pete caught the angry visage of Don Pieters glaring at him as the Caddy sped by.

‘Holy shit!’ he cried. ‘I wonder what bug chewed its way up his ass. Lee said they were going to increase the pressure on him. Looks like they were successful. I can’t wait to hear what they did.’ He glanced across the seat to his fiancé, to get her reaction.

Rosa was looking out the back window, after the Caddy, shaking her head. ‘When I talked to Max yesterday, she said it was just going to be a nudge.’

‘Lee told me a bit ago he planned to screw Max in front of Don. If some guy had the balls to try to do that to you now, I don’t think I’d react in any sane manner. There would definitely be the need for an ambulance.’

‘Just as long as it was for him, there’s nothing they can do to me worth you getting injured or worse. Understand?’ she asked, taking hold of his arm and reaching up to kiss the side of his neck. He looked at her, with a smile that didn’t rise above his lips and nodded.

After parking in the visitor lot, they hurried through the blustery late October winds off Lake Erie into the plant and made their way to the executive suite. Ashley was just coming out of Lee’s office and saw them coming in. She turned around to give him a heads up. When Pete and Rosa approached her desk, she smiled and told them, ‘Max and Lee are waiting for you in Lee’s office. Go on in.’

‘Hey, partner, morning, Max. What’s been going on? Don nearly side swiped us on the way in, he was in such a hurry.’

‘Morning, guys. Would either of you like some coffee?’ Rosa raised her hand and nodded. ‘Max? Pete?’ He got nods from both. He hit the on switch on the inter com. ‘Ash, would you grab a pot of coffee and bring in cups and fixin’s for five.’


‘Yeah, I’d like you to sit in while we talk about this morning with Pete and Rosa.’

‘Do you really need me, Lee? I was going to go over and work with Virginia, to take advantage of Don’s absence. She said he told her he was on his way to Northport, to straighten out some accounts and might be gone the rest of the day.’

‘That’s probably better than you being in here. Go ahead. We’ll handle the coffee.’ Max was already on her feet, headed for the door. Rosa quickly joined her.

Pete waited until they were gone to ask, ‘Did you really poke her in front of Don?’ Lee nodded. ‘But, she’s your sister…’

‘Can’t help it. I’ve been in love with her since we were fifteen. Every woman I’ve been with, in one way or another, has been her, or like her. What can I tell you?’

‘Not a fucking thing. Can’t blame you, I think if she were my sister, I’d do the same thing. No offense, but I know I would, given the opportunity. All I’d have to do is find some way to placate Rosa.’

‘You two okay, now?’

‘Yeah, damnedest thing. Monday, when we were making up, I told her I couldn’t conceive of wanting someone else, ‘n’ she ran off a list of situations where she could accept it if I had another woman, one of which was swinging. Trading partners with another couple. Like we did Monday morning.’

‘She did! And did she suggest anyone for you?’

‘No, but she wouldn’t stop tickling me until I came up with my short list.’

Lee saw the door begin to open. ‘I’d like to hear that, too.’ He picked up the envelope with the annuity information and tossed it to Pete. ‘Here’s the annuity I told you about.’

‘Do you know if you guys have a copy of the contract issued to the individual annuitants?’

Max replied as she put down the tray with the coffee, ‘I’m sure we have one in personnel. I think the law requires it in case any employee wants to examine it.’

‘Could I get a copy?’

‘Sure, I’ll call Margo.’ She picked up the phone, punched in some numbers and spoke briefly to the person who answered. ‘She said she’d have a copy for you here in a few minutes.’

‘Lee, now, what the hell happened here this morning to make Doofus go tearing out of here like the Old Nick was biting his ass?’ Pete demanded.

‘Okay. First, Rosa, what do you know about the situation?’ Lee responded.

‘Me?’ Rosa looked at him over her cup. ‘I know Don somehow forced Max into a marriage she didn’t want, that he was attempting to take over the company, and using it, apparently, to launder money for some mobsters. Is there something else I should know?’

‘Are you aware of my relationship to Max?’

‘You mean besides being lovers? I gather you’re some degree of cousin from what I’ve heard.’

Max spoke up, softly. ‘I’m carrying his baby…’ she paused, ‘my brother’s baby.’

Rosa’s eyes opened wide in wonder. ‘Wow. That’s …none of my business.’

She turned back to Lee. ‘Is there a reason you thought I needed to know that?’

‘Full disclosure, I guess, to give you the chance to withdraw now, if it bothers you. When this is done, we’ll probably be moving back to Cedar, where we would be interacting socially as well as professionally. If that seems like it might bother you, it would be best to know now.’

‘Like I said, it isn’t any of my business. You have a weird sense of humor sometimes, but otherwise,’ she smiled, ‘you’re okay. And Max, you’re the kind of person I always wanted for a big sister. You just have strange taste in men,’ she added, with a big grin.

Max returned the grin with a hug. ‘Thank you. As for my taste in men, I can’t help it. Would it help to know we’re twins?’

‘Ohmigod,’ exclaimed Rosa, rolling her eyes and clutching her breast, obviously over emoting. ‘You poor child!’

‘Okay, Sarah Bernhardt,’ interrupted Lee. ‘That’s enough.’ he said sternly, but smiling. ‘But, thank you, Rosa. Your acceptance of the relationship means a lot, to both of us.

‘This morning. I called Don in to inform him that he could no longer share Max’s bed, even if she was going to continue, for a bit, to live in his house. He was also told he was losing the secretary he’d had for five years. She was being promoted and transferred. In her place, he was being given Ashley for two days a week.

‘I had already cleared it with Ash, that she would agree to have sex with him once a month. There were some constraints put on that relationship which were spelled out to him.

‘Just as all that was finished, he got a call from the Northport Trust Bank. When he slammed down the phone, he screamed at Max and stormed out of this office, and the plant.’

‘You left out the most interesting bits, Lee. If you’re going to tell a story, tell the whole story,’ admonished Max.

He raised his eyebrows, questioning her. ‘You sure?’

‘Wasn’t that part of the reason behind your question to Rosa?’

‘Ennnnh, yeah, I guess. While I was giving this news to Don,’ he hesitated.

‘He was fucking both Ashley and me, in front of Don.’ interjected Max. ‘It was one of the best orgasms I’ve had in a while.’

‘He didn’t!’ gulped Rosa

‘You didn’t!’ laughed Pet e.

‘Both of you?’ continued Rosa. ‘Well, that I believe, but in front of…Wow! But why did he take off so fast?’

‘Yesterday, while Lee was messing around with my secretary and her daughter, I sort of hacked into Don’s home computer, and found his slush fund, the one Ashley suggested he and the bank must have to cover losses when they play the market. It was over $250K.

‘I, uh, returned the money he said he stole, it’s sitting in a blind account I
set up in the Caymans a few months ago, before I went out to talk to Lee. I also used part of it in a donation to the local Community Fund, in his name.

‘I all but emptied his personal checking account and added enough from the slush fund to make up a $250K donation. I think that left him about ten thousand.’ Max spoke in a low soft voice, as if confessing to her parents she had done something shameful.

Lee, Rosa and Pete sat looking at her, dumbfounded. ‘Holy shit,’ came from Lee, in a voice no louder than Max’s.

The sentiment was quickly echoed by Pete and Rosa, who added, ‘Way to go, girl!’ eliciting a smile from Max, who continued.

‘The call from the bank was probably to inform him that someone had raided his accounts. I’m kind of surprised they found it so soon. There hadn’t been any traffic in or out of the account in over a month.’

‘Depending on what investments they’ve been playing with, the market has been fairly soft, at best, lately,’ Pete pointed out. ‘The Dow was down over 500 points yesterday.’

Lee broke in, ‘Max, call Mr. Murphey. Have him file the divorce papers, this afternoon if possible. Then go home and get your stuff together and either come to me or go to Dad’s. I don’t want you to have anymore to do with Don, not unless there’s someone around to help keep him in check.’

She nodded. ‘Want some help?’ asked Rosa. Max smiled and nodded again.

In Northport, at the Northport Trust, Pasquale ‘Patsy’ Caruso, manager of Special Customer Accounts (individual accounts in excess of 200K) was trying to figure out what had happened to his good friend’s personal bank account.

Someone had hacked into his password protected account and transferred $250,000 directly to the Riverview Community Fund. Ordinarily, such a transfer had to be manually handled, giving him the opportunity to check with the account holder to be sure it was a legitimate transfer, and not being done under duress. Somehow, whoever had done it, had bypassed all their safety protocols. When he had called Pieters at work, his reaction told Patsy it was a surprise to him to find someone had cleared out his account.

He clicked on the account to investigate the recent usage. He saw the transfer of nearly a hundred and fifty thousand dollars into the account immediately before the transfer to the Riverview Community Fund. When he saw the source of the deposit, his face went pale and he felt the acid pour into his stomach. He hit the printer icon and hoped his life insurance was up to date.

Pete was sitting at Max’s desk, using her computer to access some employee records regarding their annuity donations. He looked at the data on the screen showing Mrs Bridges’ record. He re-read the contract, then clicked on various icons on the screen, to get their definition. Scratching his head, he stood up and went to the connecting door to call Lee.

With Lee looking over his shoulder, he pointed out the anomalies, explaining how Don had been able, more or less legally, to take over a hundred thousand dollars from the 350 employees, two and half dollars a month at a time.

‘What he has done, it appears, is created some kind of amalgamation of a deferred immediate annuity. Instead of the employees paying into a single annuity contract which accumulates value over the years, each month, out of their fifty dollar premium, the company, and more about that later, takes five percent in establishment costs, and sets up a whole new paid up annuity.

‘The contract specifies that the annuities do not begin to earn interest for a year, until the accumulated value reaches $600, which only can happen if that is the premium amount, the way this is set up. All they’ll be getting back is their aggregated premiums, less the set up charges.’

‘What did you mean ‘more about the company’?’

‘This contract, these annuities are managed by the Northport Trust Bank, the same…’

‘That son of a bitch!’ Lee turned away from the computer and began to pace around the office, swearing to himself.

‘Do you know any honest insurance reps?’ he asked Pete, finally. ‘Someone we can turn this mess over to, and get a decent product for the employees? You said what they did was basically legal. Is there anything in what he’s done that’s actionable?’

‘Not being a lawyer, I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think so, in fact, in managing the company to drive down the price of the stock, we’re probably more at risk for censure than he is.’

‘Bullshit! How about the letters to stock holders, with the blatant lie about problems with SEC?’

‘Certainly unethical, I don’t know about illegal. You could always file a complaint with the SEC or even with the local DA. If there’s a crime, they’d schuss it out. Or you could bounce it to your company attorney. That’s one of the things you’re paying them for.’

The inter com on Patsy Caruso’s desk buzzed. His secretary was calling to warn him that Don Pieters had just come in, looking like a storm cloud. A minute later, said storm cloud was barreling past the secretary into Patsy’s office. Before saying anything, the banker got up and walked to a cabinet across the room. He opened the doors, revealing a wet bar.

‘Scotch? Bourbon? Canadien?’

‘Jack, if you got it, JB, if you don’t. On ice.’

The banker poured two drinks and carried one to his distraught visitor. ‘Any idea who raided your account?’

‘That fuckin’ cunt I’m married to.’ He drained his glass and handed it back to the banker, who waved him to the bar, where he poured himself another.

‘What are you going to do? You do know she gave a quarter mil to the Community Fund in your name?’

‘Wha…how in hell did she…Oh Fuck! No! She couldn’t! The slush fu…’ The banker was nodding his head. ‘Oh shit! I’m fucked! Marco will…’ he looked at the banker, imploring him with his eyes.

‘I haven’t notified him yet. If the market recovers this week, even just a little, we may not need to tap it very much. There’s about ten grand left. This morning we were down fifty. Do you have any equity in your house?’

‘Yeah, what ever you have after three months, what’s that, three-eighths of a percent of the mortgage.’ He tossed off his second shot.

The banker winced. ‘Ouch. I was thinking the bank might give you a loan, but with no equity… I’d be fired for making an unsecured loan that big.’

‘Thanks for the thought. Anyway to recover the money?’

‘Afraid not. The money was accepted as soon as the circuit was completed.’

‘Huh?’ Don asked, ‘Oh, the computer hookup. Yeah, I understand.’ He set his glass down on Patsy’s desk. ‘Well, I gotta go find a bridge to jump off, or something.’

‘Under the circumstances, I hate to add to your worries, but I have to let you know, there has been a computer at Carruthers accessing the records of the annuity holders we service at your company.’

As the banker watched, he could see the blood drain from Don’s face. For a few seconds, he thought the troubled man was about to pass out. He watched him stagger to the door, lean on the jamb for several seconds and walk on through it to the bank’s lobby.

It was four-thirty when Don staggered back into the Carruthers office suite. From their position nearly directly across from the door, Mrs Bridges and Ashley saw him lurch toward Lee’s office and buzzed his intercom to alert him to his impending visitor. Lee stuck his head into Max’s office and gave Pete a heads up.

‘Where is my cunt of a wife?’ Don drunkenly demanded, careening into the office.

‘I have no idea,’ answered Lee, making eye contact with his intruder.

‘She’s fuckin’ ruined me.’ He lunged toward the chair where he had sat that morning, watching his wife being fucked by the man standing before him. ‘Ya wanna know what that bitch did? She robbed me, took ev’ry friggin’ dollar I had, ‘n’ even some that didn’ b’long t’ me.

‘This mornin’ you (burp) said yo
u wanted her. Fine, you c’n have the fuckin’ bitch. I wash my friggin’ hands of her.

‘Ya oughta know, tho’, there are others she’s tangled with, stealing my money. They’re gonna want theirs back, or they’ll wanna take it out in trade, ‘n’ they don’t trade fair.’

‘What do you mean, Don? Who?’

‘Marco, that son of a bitch they call the Angel. Angel, my ass. If he’s got a halo, it’s cinched tight around his asshole. I (burp) don’ like touchin’ other men, or bein’ touched by ’em, but ya don’ see me wipin’ my hands affer I shake hands wi’ s’m’on’.

‘Him’n his two goons, they’ll come fer her. I seen ’em in action. I was there when a guy come in, tryin’ to welch on a bet. They brought in his wife and tol’ him to sit down.

‘They handcuffed the poor son of a bitch to the chair. Then Marco walks up to the wife — nice lookin’ black girl, young, about twenty, slim, like Maxie, not as tall. He tells her the guy owes him some money, and he’s behind on his payments…

Marci looked at her husband, questioning him with her eyes. Rog looked at the floor, unable to face her. ‘That’s not the problem,’ Marco went on, ‘I don’t care if he ever pays it, but I do need the interest paid, one way or another. That’s where you come in. If he can’t pay the interest, then it’s up to you.’

‘Me? I don’t have any money to…’

‘Then you can work it off. You could come in a couple of times a week…’

‘No!’ shouted Rog. ‘Leave her out of it!’

Ignoring the outburst, Marco kept on talking to the girl, his voice soft, non-threatening. ‘If the interest isn’t paid, your man might have an accident, maybe fall, hit his face, and get a black eye.’ Marci heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and turned to see Rog slumped in his chair. When he straightened up, the bruise on his face was already starting to form. ‘Or break a rib…’

‘No!’ she screamed. ‘Wha…what would I have to do?’ She turned back to face Marco.

He reached up and, with the back of his fingers, lightly caressed her breast, stroking it where he suspected the nipple was located. ‘Probably nothing you haven’t already done. It would depend who was here when you came in. Sometimes the boys need some extra incentive, sometimes they just need someone to play with. Occasionally, I have a guest who needs someone to share his bed…’

She shook her head. ‘I couldn’t do that, not overnight, please…’

Marco reached up and began to unbutton her blouse, looking into her eyes. ‘No other limits, then,’ he said. She hesitated, then, sobbing, nodded.

He tugged her blouse out of her waistband and slipped it off her shoulders. Reaching behind her, he pulled her to him and unfastened her bra, then dropped his hands to her ass and explored it over her skirt. In the background, Rog could be heard sobbing and shouting curses at Marco.

Marco found the zipper to her skirt and pulled the tab down to the bottom, then pushed the skirt off her slender hips. Marci stood there in her loose bra and lilac colored bikini panties, the shade a pleasing contrast with her café-au-lait skin. Marco pushed her back, pulling the bra away from her chest.

He stood there a moment, admiring her conical breasts, capped with chocolate kiss colored puffy nipples. He reached out and rubbed his thumb over her left nipple, disappointed when it didn’t react. ‘Take off your panties, girl, and get down on your knees,’ he ordered, his voice hard, cold.

From where he was standing, young Donnie Pieters saw a look of resolve and resignation settle on the face of the young black woman as she pushed her panties down her thighs. With a pitying look over her shoulder to her man, she knelt before the fat man and reached for his belt.

‘…while the rest of us watched, Marco and his two collectors fucked every hole that poor bitch had for nearly three hours without a break, once, all three of them at the same time. My job was to make sure her husband watched it happen.

‘I know my cock isn’t huge, but compared to Marco, I’m a fuckin’ horse. I don’t think she knew he was even in her, not even when he fucked her ass. You ever see a hamster fuck? That was Marco. In and out about a dozen times in three or four seconds.

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Disha8217s Fun With Friend 8211 Episode 3

Hello friends this is Soham back again with my wife’s experience as promised. For those who don’t know me please click on my name above or search my name on the IPE browser. I am back with Disha’s 3rd experience. You can write your feedback on For all those who don’t know, my wife Disha, is 26 year old with 32B breasts. Prior to this incident, my wife had sex with an internet friend Aditya and a threesome with 2 waiters in Himachal which u can search and read. Disha was slim when we married...

1 year ago
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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Soon ENF

Jo stroked her hands down the back of her thighs to release some of the sand that had stuck to her moist skin. The perspiration of the morning's play glued her loose t-shirt to her back, and it hung low over her bikini briefs. Yvette had already moved off down the beach and, after shifting her feet into her sandals, and retrieving their bags, Jo followed.Yvette was a little shorter and curvier than most of the volleyball players in the tournament, and not as good. She would not have been...

2 years ago
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DiSH 4 Holiday Party

After the debacle that was the DiSH Thanksgiving dinner, Ken came to the Holiday party alone. The hall that the group had rented in local firehouse was decorated for Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Ramadan, and other holidays that he didn't know. He saw a group of guys he was friends with at the DiSH meetings and made his way to their table. All the women seemed to remember what happened at the Thanksgiving dinner for none would speak to him. The guys were talking and munching on bowls of...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 32 Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

November 22, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s OK?” Abbie asked. “I think this is one of those special occasions which allow it. Samantha showed good judgment.” “Thanks! I’ll tell Jason when he gets here this afternoon!” Samantha had offered to fly Jason and Abbie to New York for the Winston Cup Banquet so that they didn’t have to mess with commercial schedules and worry about logistics with the Hooters team. That meant Jason would arrive today as planned, rather than wait...

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It was a write-off, she was sure of it. There was surely no way the car could be driven ever again, the front end had a huge dent in it and engine parts and various dark fluids continued to fall onto the road as the pick-up truck hoisted the mangled wreckage onto it's back."Honestly." she asked, turning to the pick-up driver, "How bad does it look?"He raised an eyebrow at her and removed his baseball cap."Little lady, you're lucky you're still breathing."'Little lady?' She hated that...

3 years ago
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Divorce is a Dish Best Served Cold

John's life had been a shitstorm for the past year. He had found out that his loving wife of 16 years was an adulterous slut. Susan had been fucking his next door neighbor for almost 3 months. John had come home early on their anniversary to share a romantic dinner. He was surprised to find his wife naked and on her knees in their bedroom begging that little dicked, prick Ron to cum in her mouth. As it turned out Ron would not be fucking anyone for a very long time. John beat the living shit...

1 year ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 23 A dish best served naked

As Gemma Sloper came out of the BBC Television Centre building in White City I opened the car door and waved. She saw me, and the car, and surprise and pleasure spread across her face. I had got from my seat and had opened the passenger door for her by the time she reached the car. "Wow ... a Porsche!" she said, running a gloved finger along the sleek wing before getting in. There was a flash of thigh as she swung herself into the leather upholstered seat. I got in beside her and turned on...

3 years ago
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The LottoChapter 15 Dish served Cold

We spent a couple of days planning my 'Karin Revenge' plot. Sandi, having a much better fashion sense than I, selected the casuals that I would wear. Besides outfitting me with some very understated 'bling'. She also sent me to an very upscale "Gentleman's Salon" that I didn't even know existed. good reason: they didn't advertise or even have a sign on the building they were in, just served those 'in the elite'. Evidently they run a D&B on all new clientele. When I was...

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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

2 years ago
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Best Served Warm

  ~ Best Served Cold, The Night After ~"Now, about that little fantasy of yours. Let me tell you what a bad girl I've been."She stripped off her nightshirt, crossed her leg over me, and straddled me seconds after that. It surprised me - how she seemed to know she could get me hard so soon after our talk about our time with her 'lover', Stephan. She wiggled her hips a little, letting my erection grow under her, centering it between the lips of her drenched sex. Then she was still, looking...

Wife Lovers
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Served Cold

She blew into my office like an ill wind. All cleavage, legs and bad attitude. She made quite the entrance. Strawberry blonde, beautiful were it not for the ice chip eyes and the red lipstick slash of a mouth that kept spouting insults and curses at the rate of a hundred per minute.She stood with a hand on hip, the other red-nailed, waving about like a talon accentuating every curse."You lousy no-good piece of shit, Micky!" she hissed. Angry looked good on her. All pouts and heaving bosom. "He...

1 year ago
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A Dish Best Served Cold Chapter Two

Chapter Two - The Two Steves The events that transpired at the Eta Lambda Pi frat house caused Felicity Benson to permanently take possession of Francis Benson's psyche. Francis Benson couldn't deal with what had happened to Felicity but Felicity had the courage to process what had happened to her and drive the shame and bitterness deep inside her subconscious. Any self-doubt about Felicity Benson's gender had dissipated. She was and always would be Felicity Benson now and...

2 years ago
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Best Served Warmer Part 1

                     Sequel 2 to "Best Served Cold"  A year had passed since the night I had paid for my infidelity. It was winter again, and the season resurrected ghosts from the time I sat across from Linda and Stephan in the Excelsior hotel bar. Linda and I had walked home through the city streets together in the snow. At the time, I feared it was the end of us, but we had found a new beginning by summer. Early snow flurries teased me with returning memories of that night, along with all...

Wife Lovers
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Best Served Cold

"Will that be all Miss?" the Sales lady asked as she finished scanning the last item. "It will be for now...unless you happen to have a riding crop...I'm planning on having a bit of fun with a few old acquaintances." Felicia said with a devious smile and handed the sales lady her credit card. She finished at the sales counter and laughed as she peered into the bag. An amazing set of thigh high leather boots, an underbust corset and sexy black lace bra, and a sexy lace thong were its contents...

4 years ago
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Best Served Cold

The setting sun washed the clouds with vermillion and gold as the buckskin walked out on the shelf of rock. The main street of Whiteriver looked different, and the rider was surprised to see a line of trucks that filled the street for almost three blocks. Alex studied the trucks through his binoculars. The stories about Phoenicians gave him pause, but when you separated fact from speculation, there really didn't seem to be much to worry about with them. What they were doing in Whiteriver...

3 years ago
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Best Served Cold

The lounge was crowded. It was Saturday night, and the barflies were out in swarms. We took the booth at the end of the room, hidden slightly from the crowd in a corner recess that hinted at false privacy. Exactly two drinks later he settled in next to her, drooling at my wife as he would a juicy steak. "My God, you look delicious tonight, Linda." My wife stared at him with wide, hungry eyes. She had finished her second of two drinks in the time it took me to finish one. Drinking was...

2 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 37 Best Served Cold

Clegg drove the van up to a comfortable looking detached house just as night was falling. He tossed me Carol's handbag. "You'll find a door key in there, I guess," he said. "No point in busting the door in if we don't need to." Sure enough I found a key and went off to open the door while Freddie checked out our cargo. I went back to the van as Clegg was dragging the two girls to the van's tail board. "Cut the tape on their ankles," he said, "and we'll get them inside." Soon...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 6 Revenge is a Dish best served cold

Harry went from his room and into the Library "Hermione What should we do to the ones who Betrayed us?" Harry asks as he enters. Hermione Looks up from the Huge book in front of her. "Well we can get a Piece out in the paper. We can name all names. And we should contact the twins." She says. Harry Replies," Well I already sent Fumbledore a nice tainted box of Lemon Drops. I surpose we can use this Rita Skeeter for our Mud raking." "Harry what do you mean tainted Lemon Drops?" She...

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Three Square MealsChapter 84 Revenge is a dish best served cold

The Raptor raced through the city, weaving through the skyscrapers with what a casual observer might consider to be reckless speed. Alyssa rolled the gunship to the right around a huge well-lit arch, then slammed back the throttle, retro-thrusters on the front of the Raptor flaring in an orange blaze to slow its speed. The sparkling white ship dropped towards the ground, another orange burst at the last moment bringing them to a perfectly controlled stop on the tarmac. John was running...

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Reality is a Dish Best Served Warmed Over Slightly

Reality is a Dish Best Served Warmed Over Slightly By Bill Hart John Burroughs cautiously knocked on the front door of the house. After the long and exhausting month of running himself ragged researching and seeking an explanation for the odd reality fluxes that had inexplicably begun plaguing the world five weeks earlier, he was glad to finally be home again - provided, of course, this house was actually his home. But he'd been kept so busy over the last month, he had neither seen...

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DiSH 1 Memorial Day Picnic

Ken joined Divorced Self Help about a year ago in the midst of his breakup. He had only recently started to join in the social activities that the group puts on the social calendar each month. Bowling, Miniature Golf, and game-nights at members' homes were common, but the two holiday picnics each year drew just about everyone. Last year, he had been to DiSH's Labor Day picnic and had a pretty good time, but he was still too withdrawn to participate in the slightly amorous party games that...

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DiSH 2 Labor Day Picnic

The summer was ending and Ken hadn't been to a DiSH social event since the Memorial Day Picnic a few months ago. That day was one of the most memorable events in his recent life. He had joined one of Amy's risqué games and had ended up with Jenna, the group's sexpot (every college class, company department, and social group seemed to have one for some inexplicable reason), sitting on his face while catching and throwing water balloons. Afterward, Jenna had dragged him into the woods...

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Best Served Hot Part 1

 Sequel 4 to "Best Served Cold" The holidays arrived and departed as they always have, with last minute shopping, wrapping presents, and the obligatory visits with family and friends. We didn't talk at all about Michael, but he was still on my mind nearly every day. We planned a small New Year’s Eve party at our place with fifteen or twenty guests. "Are you going to invite him?" I had asked. "I'd like to meet him if you want me to, but with our friends here, I'm not sure how it would go.""I...

Wife Lovers
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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

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A Dish Best Served Cold Ch 07

Lee and Max get some good news, and some not so good news. They settle things with the bad guys. Fate takes a hand, while someone out of Rosa’s past appears and causes a crisis. Includes a double occurrence of forced non-consensual homosexual sex. If you find that objectionable, sorry. Otherwise, enjoy. Jb7 A Dish Best Served Cold Ch. 7 Max lay back on the exam table, her feet in the stirrups. Squirming around, looking for a comfortable position, she wondered, not for the first time, “Is this...

4 years ago
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Best Served Warmer Part 2

   Sequel 3 to "Best Served Cold"  I suppose I should have been more anxious about Linda's party, but by then I had been inoculated against much worse horrors than her admitted attraction to Michael. I did find her relationship with him laced with eroticism, and their long friendship and Linda's evidence of his honorable character were a calming influence on the stories I wove about them in my head.I made a pizza, drank some beer, and watched TV to pass the time. I wasn't tempted to 'jerk off',...

Wife Lovers
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Best Served Warm and Buttered

Mark reached across me to grab his watch off the nightstand. "Sorry, babe," he said. "I got a ten o'clock tee time." This was not going to be a day for cuddling, the only one of my subtle and not-so-subtle suggestions that he ever seemed to remember. He pulled his spent cock out of me and gave me a slap on the rear. "You're still a damn good piece of ass, Kath." I could feel the mattress, freed of his weight, regain its shape underneath me. "Don't let anyone tell you you ain't...

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Revenge Is Best Served On Bed

Hello, friends. This is my new sex story narrated in a dramatic way. Scene 1 Feeling the cool breeze, with a satisfied and accomplished feeling, I was gazing at the sky. As I was enjoying the moment, I suddenly heard faint footsteps getting close to me. A smile crept up my face. I know who it is. As the footsteps got near, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up, bringing the owner of the hand into my lap. I gently kissed on her neck while she shyly blushed. Leaning on my chair, I held...

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Fucked Girlfriend8217s Bestfriend In Oyo Room

Hi friends! My name is Divine and I’m here with another story and I hope you will like this one. This happened last week. I’m in last year of my graduation and fortunately, I have a girlfriend since second year. So, coming to the story. The name of the girl in this story is Vaishnavi. She is my girlfriend’s bestfriend and they are like sisters. One day, my girlfriend and I were casually talking and I asked my her to have sex with me. But she said I won’t do it till marriage. I tried to convince...

3 years ago
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Disha Patani Jaise Dikhne Wali Aunty

Toh Doston mera nam hai Nimku aur mera lund ka size 7inch hai jo aunty ya ladki intrested hai mail karen Toh story pe aate hai. Aunty ka naam hai Afsana bilkul Disha Patani jaise Dikhti hai. Unka figure ummm muth nikal jaye dekhte sath aisa hai 40-36-39 hai. Chuchi toh itna bada hai ki lagta hai bra phad ke nikal jayega.Gand toh itna bada hai ki uffff!!!! kya bataun. Unka Chat(terrace) thik mere ghar ke bagal mein hai. Jab woh kapde phelane chat pe aati hai mein unko naap leta hun. Unke bade...

1 year ago
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Best Enjoyed Cold

BEST ENJOYED COLD BEST ENJOYED COLD by Velvetglove   STANDARD DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT ?Best Enjoyed Cold? is an original work of fiction and fantasy. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality, and any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. It contains vivid scenes of non-consensual sex and violence so please do not read any further if such things offend or provoke you. As ever with this author?s writings, this story does not contain descriptions...

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My Bestfriend

So here I am....my bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...

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Justice Is Served

JUSTICE IS SERVED By Trixie Delabarte [email protected] Ray and Carl were always up to no good. They were always shoplifting and started breaking the law at a young age. Recently they robbed a gas station attendant at gunpoint, and got away with it. They eventually decided to take their criminal ways a step further. It was a slow summer night for a taxi driver named Phil. Phil was in his late 20's, and engaged to a wonderful lady. He was currently driving taxi to get through...

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Justice Served

The digital readout of the alarm clock showed 2:38 AM on a Friday morning as I groggily reached for the phone. "Please help me, Jimmy," the soft voice sobbed. "They hurt me. They hurt me real bad." A cold fist clinched over my heart as I recognized the voice of my baby sister. "Where are you, Angie," I asked as I instantly became fully awake. "I don't know," she wept. "I think there are still two of them here. They're going to rape me some more." "Leave your phone on but...

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How I Fucked Both My Gf And Her Bestie

Hi, guys and girls… I am a guy from Mumbai. My age is 21. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall And I have an athletic figure and have a dick which is 7 inches long and 3 inches thick. If any girl wants to meet me and wants to have fun can email me on … Also, i would love to have your feedbacks here. Starting with the story… I ll tell you the story in Hindi so that you all can really feel it and enjoy it. Yeh story hai 2-year purani jab mai aur mer gf date kar rahe the pehle toh batadu mai ki mujhe meri...

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The Bestiality Cruise Part 1 The Cat

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly cat! Prologue Are you fucking kidding me? was my reaction when my mother informed me that every single one of my female relatives had gotten together and offered me a five-day cruise for my eighteenth birthday. The only downside was that they were coming along for the trip. But that was fine, because I had been so busy with my studies that I had barely spent any time with them at all. It would be like a five day birthday party. Little did...

1 year ago
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A Dish Best Served Cold part one

   I have known of her, her entire life through family.  I hear about her, and the things she is doing so I do know about her poor decisions and her lack of motivation.  I have on occasion looked at her social media just to see how she has changed throughout her life.  There are some pretty revealing picks and comments.   That"s a little about Hanna, Now me.  I am just an average, 52 year old guy, 6'1 well built and 215 Lbs. Mostly grey hair and blue eyes.  I am retired from the military...

2 years ago
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Meine beste Freundin

Meine beste Freundin, und wie ich sie hintergehe Anika (18 J) ist meine allerbeste Freundin und ich ( Katja 18 J)schäme mich ein bisschen, weil ich es mehrfach mit ihrem Freund getrieben habe. Alles fing mit dem Zoff bei mir zu Hause an. Mein Alter war ständig besoffen, vögelte unter anderem mich und meine Freundinnen, bis eines Tages Mutter dem ganzen ein Ende machte. Sie schmiss den verkorksten Alki und den Rest der Familie einfach raus. Da ich nicht wußte wo ich übernachten sollte, fragte...

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