Best Served Cold
- 4 years ago
- 19
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~ Best Served Cold, The Night After ~
"Now, about that little fantasy of yours. Let me tell you what a bad girl I've been."
She stripped off her nightshirt, crossed her leg over me, and straddled me seconds after that. It surprised me - how she seemed to know she could get me hard so soon after our talk about our time with her 'lover', Stephan. She wiggled her hips a little, letting my erection grow under her, centering it between the lips of her drenched sex. Then she was still, looking down at me expectantly as if she was waiting for me to begin.
"Well, don't you want to know?"
I was sure she was teasing. She wasn't.
She leaned forward, suspended over me on her outstretched arms. Her eyes locked on mine as though she was sifting through my thoughts. She wasn't just waiting, she was studying me. I wondered if it was to predict what I might say, or whether she was deciding what secrets to reveal. How could she have healed so quickly? Was our marriage really as fragile as I still feared?
"I already asked you that," I told her. "I mean, whether you really fucked him."
She pressed her hips into me and held them there. I pushed against her instinctively, thrusting upward just once, testing, unsure of what she wanted. More silence, frozen there together, straining against each other, crotch to crotch.
"Have you thought about it? Imagined what it might have been like? I mean, if you could have watched us there, in the room?"
"I can't stop thinking about it," I admitted, "after all the things he said, and how you told me yourself he 'owned you'. It's just that I keep trying to believe none of it happened, but I can't. It was too real, watching his hands on you, watching you kiss him. I do imagine his hotel room, the bed, him undressing you, and you wanting him to fuck you. I can even see you together fucking, in my more desperate moments. After that, just before you come, it all goes black. I just can't go there."
"Have you really forgotten I've come with other men? Before we were married?"
"But that's not the same, and you know it. It's the thought of your face when it happens, the sounds and look I know so well, all while I'm rejected and afraid I've destroyed our marriage. How can you even compare the two?"
She sat up again and placed a finger against my lips.
"Shhh... shhh... shhh..."
I stopped ruminating out loud, regretting it had let my erection fade. Her body towered over me, so naked and beautiful, now so willing and forgiving, but still ripe with answers I might not want to hear. When she felt my cock shrink, she reached between her legs and ran her fingertips lightly over the head until she brought it back to life. I ached to put it inside her and chase all the unresolved chaos away.
"Think back, to the night you wanted to hear about the men I was with before you. I told you about having sex with them, most of them I guess, and all the things about them you wanted to hear. Remember the hot guy in college who almost made me come just looking at his gorgeous, naked body? And how effortlessly I orgasmed two or three times with him every time we did it? And just after I started my first job, the older man at my office who seduced me? How he tied me to the bed and played with me for such a long time? How I had to beg him over and over to fuck me? When I told you that night, you were so hard, and went a little crazy when we fucked. I'd never seen you like that before. I never told you, but that night stayed with me. I loved you like that - letting your fantasies take you over, fucking me like someone I didn't know. It was the best sex I've had - with anyone, ever."
I was stunned.
"But, you said so much last night, about how you did things with him we never did, that you'd do anything for him. You said you wouldn't be my wife while you were with him upstairs, that you were his and he could do anything he wanted to you. I didn't imagine all that. It was real. I was there."
"You hurt me, David. I had too much to drink. I wanted to hurt you back. They were just words to do that. I'm not even sure where some of them came from."
"So, you did fuck him. I - I just can't believe you'd do it."
"I didn't say I fucked him. I said I wanted to hurt you."
"So you didn't?"
"What's important now is that I think you know how it hurts to be betrayed. Just like the men from my past, the strangers we've fucked are incidental, as long as they're strangers. Joanna is history, gone from her job and your life from what you've told me, just like my old lovers. I'd rather not know more about her. I just want her to stay a stranger."
"Like Stephan?"
Linda paused, again finally smiling down at me.
"Imagine a dream, David:
Imagine I meet a handsome stranger I can't resist. Think of him as faceless, with a perfect body, and, the thing you men always obsess about, a huge cock. It's lunch time, and we go to that same bar to have a drink. One drink becomes two, he invites me upstairs to fuck, and I can't say no. It's dirty and quick and he fucks me like an animal. We get dressed and leave after an hour, and I never see him again.
"In your dream, do I come?" she asked.
"Um, sure. I can see that - or at least imagine it."
"So, what do you see?"
"I see your legs around his back, your body stiffen for an instant like it always does, then your eyes close and you moan, very loudly, while you come."
"And in your dream, if my sex with him was wonderful, and I think about it all day until I come home to you, and it makes me devour you like a rabid whore that night, would you want to fuck me right after you wake up from that dream?"
"I guess I would...yeah."
"Your cock is definitely telling me you would. And I'd really like it inside me now..."
I'm not sure we fucked like the memory of her best fuck ever, but she rode me like a demon on a mission to fix us.
Brief flashes of the night before returned to me as I looked up along her smooth belly and full, quivering breasts.
"She went to her knees the first time I asked. I can still see her small fingers unzipping me, fumbling with my belt. And later, again, in the park, how her diamond sparkled in the afternoon sun."
"Something happens to me when I take him in my hands. I could play with his cock for hours. God, David, if you only knew how wet I am just thinking about it."
"A wife's sexual emancipation can be very arousing. Linda's a beautiful woman, a seething reservoir of untapped potential. Witnessing the results when the floodgates are pried open can be exhilarating, even life-changing, if you'll allow it."
"I want you to know that another man touched me in ways that made me dripping wet - a man so beautiful, so skillful at what a woman needs, that I'd do anything for him."
"Just imagine your own lovely wife satisfied again and again by another man - so willing to submit, to crave the taste of him, so eager to surrender herself to the indulgent bliss of his cock burrowing its way deep into her belly. I'd bet your pulse jumps a little at the very idea. Tell me I'm wrong, if you honestly can."
Suddenly, she leaned over me again and lay on my chest, still thrusting furiously up and down on my cock. I felt her mouth against my ear, her breath hitting me in ragged gusts. She delivered the halting words with as much effort as she could summon.
"It doesn't matter - who I've fucked - or when - or where. I'm yours - all yours."
I lost control and emptied myself into her.
~ The Past - Dark Confessions ~
Sex had never been a problem for us in our past. At first, it was usually vanilla, sometimes with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Linda had never been shy about what she needed, but was more comfortable showing me than telling me. I wasn't much different - until that night years ago when we had returned from our anniversary dinner at a new upscale restaurant. We went to bed early after just a little too much wine, and for the very first time, I had asked for her fantasies.
"Um, I really don't have any. Well not many," she had answered, with little apparent interest.
"That's OK. Just tell me one of yours, and I'll tell you one of mine," I had offered.
She turned toward me and rose up on one elbow, peering over at me with suspicion.
"What brought this on? Is there something you need to tell me?"
I had hoped it would go a different way.
"It's nothing like that - like a confession or anything. We've never done this, and I'm in the mood to hear something sexy about you. C'mon, just one of your deep, dark, dirty secrets? Something I'd never guess."
She frowned a little. I wondered if she was thinking of something too dark and dirty to tell me, or whether she was merely annoyed by the idea.
"Um - why don't you go first? Then maybe I'll know what this is all about."
She was still there, still looking at me with raised eyebrows, somewhat amused, as though she thought I might back down if she batted the request back at me.
"Well, you know how curious I've always been about you and your past boyfriends. You never give me much of an answer."
She rolled her eyes and sighed.
"And I keep insisting there's nothing to tell. Nothing 'dark and dirty' at least. Yes, I had sex with four or five old boyfriends. Some of it was just OK, and some was great. Is my history with old boyfriends part of your fantasy? Because it isn't that dark or dirty, no matter what you might think."
"It's not that. Not exactly. My fantasy is watching you have sex with someone else, now, when we're married. I hinted at this before. I guess you didn't take me seriously."
Her expression had grown more sober. She squinted at me before she spoke.
"So, who would this be, exactly? I mean, would you really want to do this?"
I shook my head and smiled.
"Absolutely not. It's a fantasy. I love your body - I'm absolutely addicted to it. I can't see you naked without getting at least a little hard, like when you get dressed in the morning, or undressed at night, or when you're in the tub, all wet and soapy, and call me in to tell me something. Don't you notice how I stare? Or when I try to steal a peek when you may not suspect it?"
"Oh, I notice all right. It's nice that you never stop wanting me. I guess I should tell you that more often, especially when you're perving around the house hoping to catch me naked!"
She grinned at me and softened a bit. I could see her nipples stiffen through her nightshirt and tried not to stare.
"But it's not just that. I want to watch your body while you have sex. I want to see what I can't see when I'm in the same bed fucking you. And I'm fascinated about how you might respond, what you might do with another man. I doubt I could bear really watching you and him together, but it's still a fantasy. That's it. That's all. I just imagine it."
Linda thought for a long time. She looked down over the sheet to see if I was hard, then back at me again after I knew she saw I was. "So, if you never want to actually go through with any of it, what will you do about it? Will you always just think about it and never tell me again?" she asked.
"I think what we should do is hear your fantasy now. It's your turn, remember?"
She had flopped down on her back beside me and let out an exasperated sigh. The bedside light was still on, and I studied her profile as she stared at the ceiling. There was always something about her face in profile that stopped my breath for a second, especially when she lifted her chin just a little with lips slightly parted. It was both elegant in its fine features and high cheekbones, and childlike in her expression of wonder and innocence. It hadn't changed at all from her college years, up through that very night.
"It was my very first job after college. Yes, I know. We were engaged. But there was this slightly older man who hit on me relentlessly. I told you a little about him before. Remember? He was slim and athletic, very good looking, and so charismatic. He never asked if I had a boyfriend, and I don't think he cared. From the instant Jordan and I met, I was mesmerized by him, in a way that made me warm between my legs. I tried to ignore all of it, both his advances and the feelings I had for him.
"Eventually, we went to lunch together, and then it was almost every day. He invited me to go with him to a party one Friday night. You were away on business. I was lonely, so I went with him. The more time I spent with him away from work, the harder it was to resist him. By the end of the night, I was in love - or thought I was. He took me home, and we fucked. But not just that once. We did it every Friday night you were away, although there was never another party as an excuse.
"He broke my heart in a way. It was never anything other than sex for him. But I was so drawn to him, so obsessed. I was terrified you'd call off our engagement if you find out, but you never knew."
Linda had gone silent, still staring at the ceiling. Minutes passed as I tried to think back for any clue that she had been with him. It had been too many years, and all my Friday nights from that time were hazy or forgotten. There was nothing I could remember that would have given her affair away, even in light of the obsession she claimed had overwhelmed her.
"So, is that the kind of fantasy you wanted?"
Her voice was fragile and weak. Did she regret confessing to me, or had the obsession returned to haunt her?
"It's not exactly a fantasy though, is it?" I asked quietly. "Is there more?"
"He tied me to the bed, David. He played with me until I thought I might pass out from exhaustion and the need to come. He made me beg him to fuck me, and when I did he told me it wasn't enough. Other nights, he'd make me crawl across the room with my wrists and ankles tied, then suck him. He'd masturbate while he watched me squirm and inch my way across the carpet, then complain how I'd disappointed him when I struggled to get his cock in my mouth with my hands tied. He always used a condom when we fucked - I was terrified I'd have his child instead of yours and you'd never know. Oh God...the times I sucked him, there was so much semen I'd choke on it and he'd punish me and I wouldn't get to come at all that night. I don't know how much of it I swallowed by the time we stopped - gallons? It sounds so disgusting, doesn't it? But David, I wanted it. I craved it - all of it. At times, I would have given up our life together just to know it would never stop. But it did.
"The obsession never left me, David. But I found the obsession wasn't for him at all. It was to be played with, controlled and used by a powerful, charismatic man, to have those same crushing orgasms as when I struggled against the ropes and knew I pleased him. All this time, I've chased it away, found solace in the wonderful sex we have together, but never told you. So that's it, David. That's my fantasy. Is it deep and dark enough for you?"
She turned away from me and turned off the light. I could hear her sobbing. I spooned against her and wiped the tears from her cheek, but there were so many. They had been my words back then, the same words she'd use with me much later.
"It doesn't matter - none of it matters - you're mine, all mine."
~The Past II - Diving Deeper~
Linda had been fine the next day. But I wanted to make sure she knew I didn't think less of her because of one fantasy, or any of her past that had brought it to the surface.
I had come home early and had made a huge pan of paella with fresh seafood. Linda was home before it was ready, and she went to the bedroom to change. Back then she still wore blouses and suits that warned other men she was all business. If she had had a hard day at work, she would slip into her usual nightshirt before dinner and be ready for bed by 9:00. I watched her close her lips around the extra-large shrimp and take bites from their firm, white bodies, savoring the buttery flavor of the rice and spices. Granted, I had been preoccupied with her story from the night before, but watching her there across the table, obviously naked under her shirt, had filled me with images of her helplessly but eagerly submitting to her former lover.
"I loved your fantasy last night. We should share things like that more often. I wish I had known sooner. I thought about it all day."
She looked surprised for a second, then tried her best to hide it.
"I shouldn't have been so upset. I just didn't know how you'd react. It's the only fantasy I've had that's lasted for years, I guess, and I've always thought about telling you. The time was just never right. I'm glad you don't think I'm a freak."
"You know me better than that. At least you should. Maybe I should remind you how beautiful and sexy you are more often. Anyway, why would you ever think that?"
She stopped eating for a few seconds and looked down into her lap. She had never been embarrassed by sex. This was so unusual for her. I couldn't imagine what else she could be hiding.
"Sometimes, I think about what I must have looked like - crawling around on the floor, begging to be fucked to the point of exhaustion, and God, there was just so much semen on so many nights. If someone had seen me... And then, just when I cringe and want to curl up in a ball and hide from all of it, I want it again. It's like something in my blood. It builds and builds until I masturbate to thoughts of those times with him, and then it all goes away for a while. Do you think that's horrible?"
"I don't think it's good that you've hidden it from me for so long. And I think you should let go of the idea that it's something to be ashamed of. You may not understand why, but I think all of your stories about him are very, very exciting. Seeing you like that would have had me hard in an instant - not only because I always love seeing you naked, but because seeing you let go, abandoning all the things that might keep you from being completely open and satisfied when you have sex, well, I can't think of anything I'd love more."
"You're not just saying that? Even though my fantasy is so slutty? Ugghh, I can't believe I still want all that, even now and then."
"I'd like to help if I can. Instead of living with so much frustration, maybe you'd feel better if we could play with it a little. I think I know enough to get started, but you'll have to tell me what you want. Can you do that?"
She could.
I had tied her wrists to the headboard that night and teased her for an hour. I remember her eyes when I brought out a large dildo we had bought months before but had rarely used. I told her to close her eyes and imagine it was him, and that she'd have to beg for every inch if she ever wanted to come. I gave her less than that, a half an inch at a time until she thrashed and pleaded for more. When the dildo filled her, he told her to raise her hips off the bed to capture even more of it. She eagerly complied, and I worked her clit gently between my fingers until she came. I watched her tremble and gasp, praised her all the while, and assured her she had pleased him.
She was limp and sweaty when I untied her. She smiled at me, and wanted me to fuck her. "After all that?" I asked.
"Especially after all that," she told me. "I want you inside me. Now I want to watch you come."
She simply relaxed under me and watched as I buried myself in her, over and over. I closed my eyes as she urged me on.
"He felt so good inside me, David. Did you like watching us? Did you like watching me come for him? Did you? Did you? I want you to watch him fuck me, David. I want you to watch me. Watch me suck him. Watch me come for him..."
Her stark submissiveness shocked me a little. I had never heard those words from her, or the same tone of her voice. She had made herself intentionally meek and docile, a willing receptacle to service me just as she had serviced him.
I felt her fingers circle the base of my cock as I came in her. It was electric - and I pounded her furiously until it passed. Time always stops when I come, but it held me that time, body rigid, unable to breathe, longer than I could ever remember. It could have been hours. If only it had been.
We had both collapsed and slept, but talked the next day. Had I given her what she needed? Was it enough? At least until her fantasy beckoned again?
"It was wonderful, David. I don't know why I was afraid to tell you. I won't hide my fantasies from you again - I promise."
"So, it was everything you wanted - everything you need?"
I remember the slight pause as if she was trying to find the right words.
"David, I loved what you did. I love that you're my husband and that you keep surprising me each time I worry what you might think of me."
She paused again, eyeing me cautiously.
"But in spite of what we'd like to believe, no one person can be everything to anyone. A husband can be loving and caring; he can protect his wife and provide for her, and be such a wonderful, reliable lover. But there are very attractive men who aren't at all like that, especially to someone with fantasies like mine. The very things that make you a perfect, loving husband set you part from them. You're safe and kind, and they're aloof and dangerous. Jordan was that kind of man after I got to know him. I knew he'd never love me, but I went back again and again for the unknown, the suspense, and the freedom to be with a dangerous stranger who wouldn't judge me for my obsessions. Men like Jordan aren't afraid to take what they want, even if it's someone's girlfriend, fiance, or wife."
"So it's the 'bad boy' thing then. The dangerous stranger who's good for your pussy, but bad for your life? I guess I get that. It's not the first time I've heard it, but it's a surprise coming from you. But I'm fine with it. I know I'm not that guy. In fact, I wouldn't want to be."
"So it doesn't scare you? That it amps up my fantasy? I'm not looking - I promise. But I said I'd be honest from now on."
"It doesn't scare me at all. It's kind of a hot fantasy, actually - my innocent little wife putting herself in the hands of some big, strong, scary guy with a huge cock."
"I'm serious, David. It doesn't have to be a scary guy with a huge cock, just not someone I know, or my husband - I mean, in my fantasy. You must recognize that when you come, you have all kinds of orgasms, right? Some are shorter, some are longer, some are deeply moving, and some are insanely intense and wild. All of those are good. Most are probably a little of each, all mixed together. What I'm saying is that sometimes it's the presence of an aggressive, forbidden stranger that makes the difference between 'insanely intense' and 'off the scale'."
"You mean the man and the fantasy together, right?"
"Exactly. I love what you did for me last night. It was insanely intense."
"But not off the scale," I conceded. "I'm not your bad boy fantasy. That's fine. I can live with that."
"I wish you wouldn't put it like that, David. You're the fantasy husband I never thought I'd have. You don't have to be anything more for me. I hope you believe that."
She had pulled the nightshirt up over her head and dropped it on the floor. It was a conversation stopper she had used time and time again. I stared as she walked slowly to my chair, wriggled her firm little ass into my lap, and nuzzled my ear.
"Come on, 'fantasy boy' - are you going to fuck me or not?"
~ Awakenings -
We fucked a lot in the weeks and months that followed our harrowing night with Stephan. Some nights were cautious, but still loving. Others were frantic, hours-long orgies of every act and position we could think of. We were competing to repair the painful wreckage of our marriage, the result of my infidelity, but also of her planned revenge. It was a new awakening for us, but one still tainted with betrayal.
At times, I wondered if I could be tempted again, whether a woman with her sights set on dragging me into that pit of deceit could eventually take me there again and pull me under. But Linda had become my life. Every second of every day, I was reminded of the pain I had caused her, and how fortunate I was to still be with her.
Linda's effort was just as concerted, if not more, even though she had much more to forgive. She wasn't only more passionately wanton in the bedroom; she became a mouthwatering siren for me everywhere we went. She orphaned her old jeans for stylish slacks made of the most supple materials that molded her legs and ass into a delicious, living sculpture. Her closet became a high-priced boutique of fitted tops and silky blouses, always with an option to show a little cleavage when she knew it would make me crazy. Even her work clothes were a bit less modest. When I teased her about who might notice at her office, she grinned and told me, "In your dreams, fantasy boy." If her plan was to keep me lusting after her twenty-four hours a day, she had succeeded. It wasn't lost on me that other men began to look as well. She never flirted, but there was something in her stride that told me she was always aware, and always a little giddy from the extra attention.
~ Revelations ~
"David, I'm not fucking him. I'm not lying to you. I'm really not."
We were sitting outside in our screened lanai on a hot, summer, Sunday afternoon. Linda lay in the lounge chair beside me nursing her second iced tea. I pretended to be immersed in a new paperback, but couldn't take my eyes off her. Her pale skin didn't tan well, but on weekends around the house she poured herself into these tiny little shorts, I was sure just to keep me horny.
Sex on Sunday afternoons had become a ritual for us - for her, really. I'd watch while she pranced around in front of me for half the day, then wait for her to slither next to me and slide her hand up the leg of my shorts. It hadn't come to that yet, but it was only a little after noon.
A small tuft of hair escaped the inner leg of her shorts along with a portion of plump labia. She rarely shaved down there, and I wondered how many others were blessed with the same view before summer's end.
I had made her a few crop tops from some of her worn-out T-shirts. The colors had been bleached to pale grays and whites from years of wear, and many of the seams had opened into ragged holes, so she refused wear them any longer in public. Now they were cool and comfortable around the house in July and August, and she knew I loved seeing her in them. The bottom edges where I had cut a foot of material away continued to fray, making them shorter and shorter over time. I loved the way they exposed the bottom curves of her breasts, and then much more when she reached for a cup or dish from one of the kitchen cabinets.
I took a chance and asked again. "So, what about Stephan? How did you meet him, or find him, or whatever?"
It was one of her secrets I hadn't felt comfortable asking more about, but half a year had passed since that night, and seeing her there half-naked beside me had me wondering just how much of her he saw in that infamous hotel room. Had they fucked or not? She still hadn't committed to an answer that wasn't vague or misleading.
"I don't think you're fucking him. I'd just like some straight answers to a few honest questions. Finally. After all this time. I don't need to know - I want to know. It's old baggage - I can take it."
She turned her head and studied me for a while, sighed, then told me, "OK - I guess it's time."
"Stephan isn't Stephan - he's Michael, an old friend from college. And I mean 'friend'. We met at a campus campfire when I started in the fall. He was an upperclassman when I was a freshman, and he kind of took me under his wing. He was a big deal on campus - class president, wealthy family, and the ultimate catch for all the prissy sorority 'bunnies'. I'm not sure what he saw in me - we just kind of clicked. I think he majored in both English and business, but he wanted to be an actor. I heard he moved to New York and almost made it off-Broadway, for a while. Later, he moved back and opened his own publishing house here in the city. Our company does art layouts for his books and publications. I met him again two years ago at a job fair. I was working our booth when he happened by and he took me to lunch. We see each other now and then through work."
"So how does Stephan, or Michael, or whoever, go from just an old friend to fingering you in front of me in a public bar?"
"David, he and I fucked a few times in college, but mostly we were just friends. Nothing's happened since. He's still a close friend. When I found the pictures of Joanna I was devastated. I needed a friend, and Michael was there for me. One day at lunch, I told him that I was so angry it would serve you right if I did the same to you. When he asked if I was serious, I was shocked. He's still a gorgeous, sexy man, and it was tempting, but I just couldn't fuck him out of anger. He said he'd done some acting, and that he could make you believe I had fucked him out of spite if I thought it would help. I turned him down - I was afraid of what you might do. But later, when I found the pain wasn't going away, I asked him to help."
"And, how did he help? I can imagine a few ways..."
"And you'd imagine wrong, David. He wrote a script. That was his doing. We rehearsed. I wanted him to fondle me in front of you. I wanted it to be so real you'd choke on it. So we did all that together, just a few times until I remembered most of the lines. He was much better at it than I was, and he promised he'd prompt me when the time came to do it.
"I won't lie to you, David. There were times when he put his hands on me that I wished he would tear my clothes off and fuck me. I'm pretty sure he felt the same way. The second time we rehearsed I could see he was hard every minute. I tried to remember what his cock was like back then, back when I had it in my hands, and, well everything else we did with it. He was so close, unbuttoning my blouse, stroking my leg - I'd look down at his lap and think there was only a belt and zipper between me and his hard cock, and that it would be so easy to just take it out, suck it again, and have it in me one more time. But neither of us had that last bit of will to go through with it. And, I was still hurting so much.
"That night, up in the room after we left you, he offered. But only if I wanted him. He asked me if he could watch while I put my bra and panties back on, so I let him. I wanted him to see me, David. I wanted to be naked there with him, to show him all the signs that, although I couldn't fuck him while you suffered down in the bar, I was wet for him - soaking, dripping, crazy fucking wet for him.
"I told him he could touch me. I couldn't say it, but I wanted his hand between my legs. I thought cumming would make it better, that it would let me be myself again after, and I could tell you later that I didn't cheat, that he didn't fuck me. I was shaking when he put his hands on my breasts. After that, he stopped and moved back to look at me. I didn't want him to stop, David. But he just smiled and said he liked me that way, the way he remembered me right before he fucked me with those last final strokes, the ones that made me moan like the 'best little freshman piece of ass' he'd ever had. I wondered if I'd have liked hearing it as much back in school as I did there, standing in front of him. No one ever calls me 'the best piece of ass they've ever had' - not even you. But if a piece of ass is what I had to be for him, I was willing to be just that.
"We hugged before I left him. I pressed my hand against his pants and curled my fingers around the girth of his cock. I just stood there, clinging to the front of his pants, holding it, holding him, a second away from getting on my knees like I used to do with him. He could have had me if he insisted. But instead, he reached out to me, lifted my face gently, and asked me if I'd regret it the next day. When I couldn't bring myself to answer, he smiled and told me he thought I would.
"I rode the elevator down, wondering if you'd still be there. When I couldn't find you, I panicked - at first because I thought you might have left me for good, but then, a second later I feared I'd give up looking too willingly, ride the elevator to his room again, take him inside me, and drain every drop of cum from his body. I'm not sure how many times I walked to the elevator and back before I found you. You took my arm, we left together snuggled against each other, and I was relieved that the elevator would soon be many city blocks behind us."
I'm not sure what words to use to describe what her story did to me. I had hoped what I witnessed that night was fiction, feared that it wasn't, but wasn't prepared for a twisted mix of both. My heart was pounding. She got up, moved to where I sat, and lowered herself into my lap, straddling me.
"Are you OK?"
"I - I'm not sure. I didn't expect that - I mean, the parts where you wanted him to touch you, and you wanting to be naked with him, and how you wanted his cock. All that was real? And how desperate you were for him to fuck you?"
"I promised you the truth someday, David. That's what I gave you. Do you know where you are? You look a little stunned. Maybe I should have waited..."
I put my hands under her top and explored her breasts with my fingertips. Her nipples hardened immediately, and she put her hands over mine, guiding them. Her eyes widened with understanding and she let out a sigh of relief. I knew she could feel my erection growing under her.
"If it happened today, would you take the elevator back up?" I asked.
"Would you like that, David? As a fantasy, or the real thing?"
She unbuttoned my shirt and ran her hands lovingly over my bare chest. Her voice was sultry and deep, almost a growl.
"Becaaause...I'm sure if I asked...he'd be more than happy to do me. Orrr, I could come home someday...and tell you all about how I sucked his cock...and how he fucked your wife for hours and hours. And you'd never, ever, know if it was real or not. Remember, I'm the best - little - piece of freshman ass, he's ever had."
"So, I'd never know for sure? I'd never know if your story really happened or not? But you might at least pretend you did it, right? Like one of our fantasies."
She grinned, worked her crotch slowly forward and back along my cock, and told me, "Yes, David, I believe I would. Now let's go to bed. Let me show you what a bad girl I could be."
"Oh - Michael's number is in my cell. All I'd have to do is sliide my finger along the surface, touch his name, and when he answers, ask him to fuck me."
Sequel 2 to "Best Served Cold" A year had passed since the night I had paid for my infidelity. It was winter again, and the season resurrected ghosts from the time I sat across from Linda and Stephan in the Excelsior hotel bar. Linda and I had walked home through the city streets together in the snow. At the time, I feared it was the end of us, but we had found a new beginning by summer. Early snow flurries teased me with returning memories of that night, along with all...
Wife LoversSequel 4 to "Best Served Cold" The holidays arrived and departed as they always have, with last minute shopping, wrapping presents, and the obligatory visits with family and friends. We didn't talk at all about Michael, but he was still on my mind nearly every day. We planned a small New Year’s Eve party at our place with fifteen or twenty guests. "Are you going to invite him?" I had asked. "I'd like to meet him if you want me to, but with our friends here, I'm not sure how it would go.""I...
Wife LoversSequel 3 to "Best Served Cold" I suppose I should have been more anxious about Linda's party, but by then I had been inoculated against much worse horrors than her admitted attraction to Michael. I did find her relationship with him laced with eroticism, and their long friendship and Linda's evidence of his honorable character were a calming influence on the stories I wove about them in my head.I made a pizza, drank some beer, and watched TV to pass the time. I wasn't tempted to 'jerk off',...
Wife LoversMark reached across me to grab his watch off the nightstand. "Sorry, babe," he said. "I got a ten o'clock tee time." This was not going to be a day for cuddling, the only one of my subtle and not-so-subtle suggestions that he ever seemed to remember. He pulled his spent cock out of me and gave me a slap on the rear. "You're still a damn good piece of ass, Kath." I could feel the mattress, freed of his weight, regain its shape underneath me. "Don't let anyone tell you you ain't...
JUSTICE IS SERVED By Trixie Delabarte [email protected] Ray and Carl were always up to no good. They were always shoplifting and started breaking the law at a young age. Recently they robbed a gas station attendant at gunpoint, and got away with it. They eventually decided to take their criminal ways a step further. It was a slow summer night for a taxi driver named Phil. Phil was in his late 20's, and engaged to a wonderful lady. He was currently driving taxi to get through...
The digital readout of the alarm clock showed 2:38 AM on a Friday morning as I groggily reached for the phone. "Please help me, Jimmy," the soft voice sobbed. "They hurt me. They hurt me real bad." A cold fist clinched over my heart as I recognized the voice of my baby sister. "Where are you, Angie," I asked as I instantly became fully awake. "I don't know," she wept. "I think there are still two of them here. They're going to rape me some more." "Leave your phone on but...
Jo stroked her hands down the back of her thighs to release some of the sand that had stuck to her moist skin. The perspiration of the morning's play glued her loose t-shirt to her back, and it hung low over her bikini briefs. Yvette had already moved off down the beach and, after shifting her feet into her sandals, and retrieving their bags, Jo followed.Yvette was a little shorter and curvier than most of the volleyball players in the tournament, and not as good. She would not have been...
ExhibitionismAuthor's Note: Hello again! If you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon! I've also still got my poll for the next story ongoing at be sure to let me know what you want to see! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out and . Thank you so much for reading! Warning: This...
As Gemma Sloper came out of the BBC Television Centre building in White City I opened the car door and waved. She saw me, and the car, and surprise and pleasure spread across her face. I had got from my seat and had opened the passenger door for her by the time she reached the car. "Wow ... a Porsche!" she said, running a gloved finger along the sleek wing before getting in. There was a flash of thigh as she swung herself into the leather upholstered seat. I got in beside her and turned on...
I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And now that the time had finally come to decide what to do with the...
As I pulled into the driveway I could barely get the truck in park before I opened the door. After the conversation that I had on the phone with my girlfriend a little earlier, I knew I was in for a treat for dinner. When she offered to make me whatever I wanted for dinner tonight I decided to spice things up a bit with a request that I had been wanting to make for quite some time. This seemed to be the right time, as I could tell that she was in a particularly amorous mood and would be more...
BDSMBeyond Dreamscape Part 3: Best Served Cold By Diana Kimberly Heche Janet took him to be a little less than twice her age, thirty-five, perhaps. Simply saying he was handsome and obviously in great shape. Looking him over, his clothes, especially his shoes, screamed "money". He watched Janet, as all men do, however he did it with a calm confidence which neither spoke of cockiness or lechery. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to approach her, perhaps he was married or thought he...
Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...
"David, I'm not fucking him. I'm not lying to you. I'm really not."We were sitting outside in our screened lanai on a hot, summer, Sunday afternoon. Linda lay in the lounge chair beside me nursing her second iced tea. I pretended to be immersed in a new paperback, but couldn't take my eyes off her. Her pale skin didn't tan well, but on weekends she poured herself into these tiny little shorts, I was sure just to keep me horny.Sex on Sunday afternoons had become a ritual for us - for her,...
Wife LoversAs relaxed as our relationship became with Michael, I hadn't watched them in our bed. Fantasies of them fucking was one thing, but I wasn't sure I could see another man "have" Linda. I could manipulate my own fantasies as I pictured them, editing the moments of intimacy between them to suit my comfort level, but I was in a place where I feared watching them together might churn up those jagged shards of possessiveness and jealousy that assaulted me that first night at the Excelsior. What would...
Wife LoversCostume Gun: A Dish Served Cold By Heather St. Claire I pulled myself to my feet, held on to the chair in front of me for support, swallowed hard and looked around the room. I uttered nine life- changing words: "Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I'm an alcoholic." If you had told me a year ago I would be standing up at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I would have said you were crazy. If you had said I would be doing it as a woman, I would have said you were stark raving mad. You see,...
December 20, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Just let him leave, Alex,” I said, taking the envelope from the process server. “Get out of here kid,” Alex spat. “And if I ever see you in here again, I’ll call the cops!” The young man, rightfully in my mind, rolled his eyes, turned and left. He was doing a job that, at best, was terrible, and often, probably downright shitty. I opened the envelope and quickly scanned the documents, seeing what I more or less had expected to see. “What’s wrong?”...
After a hard day of meetings, I stepped on the train at York with a two and half hour journey back to London ahead of me. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself, the day had been long and productive but they’d be no more work today. No checking emails, no planning, just unwind on the train with the crossword and a couple of cans. My day had been going well but it was about to get a lot better. I made my way to my reserved seat, at the very end of the carriage, where to my delight, I...
Just back from our honeymoon, my husband was off to Aberdeen and offshore, working as a rigger on the rigs. Everything for me was a huge mixture of emotions, I was someones wife and I wanted this to work and immediately felt his loss the night he had left on the train North.This was life now, in one way it would be exciting, as each separation meant another reunion at the end of it, there would be no stagnation or boredom, all I wanted now was to find the job I was interested in and soon we...
After a hard day of meetings, I stepped on the train at York with a two and half hour journey back to London ahead of me. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself; the day had been long and productive but they'd be no more work today. No checking emails, no planning, just unwind on the train with the crossword and a couple of cans. My day had been going well but it was about to get a lot better. I made my way to my reserved seat, at the very end of the carriage; where to my delight, I...
MasturbationIt was far too hot to be sitting outside to wait. Early August is not the best time of year to be visiting Grand Cayman, but needs must when you’re visiting on business rather than pleasure. Actually, that wasn’t quite true either… it was going to be a pure pleasure indeed when this long outstanding business matter was completed for good… hopefully soon. David found himself a table indoors right against the street side window where he could wait, watch what was happening outside, and...
It was Linda's idea that the three of us go out together now and then. We'd travel a few hours to nearby cities on some weekends where there were new restaurants to discover, art galleries to visit, and outdoor festivals where she could show complete strangers how much she loved the company of her two men. I'm sure there were times when some might have tried to guess which of us was her lover after she put her hands on us, alternating her attention between us. I often wondered what they thought...
Wife LoversJames opened his closet door. Hanging there was a black mesh dress or what probably could be better described as a negligee one would wear to seduce someone. It had garter straps attached to the hem and the mesh was see-thru. The only thing slightly modest about it was the leather patch that covered the center of one’s stomach and crotch. “What will I wear over that?” Amy asked hesitantly as she examined the sheer fabric. James looked at her sharply, “Excuse me?” “What will I wear over that,...
BDSMMy parents were to attend a close relative marriage in a city. If they left, they might return after 3 or 4 days. I am working in a corporate office. Usually I go early to office and return around 9’clock. My mom is concerned about me for my food in the morning and night. Lunch I used to take at office canteen. My distant sister is married newly and she is residing in the same area where my family resides with her husband. Her husband is a tele-caller and attends night duty also. My mom asked...
IncestIn the twenty-five years that Ashlee and Greg had been married, never did Ashlee think their love could grow more. Ashlee was eighteen when she married Greg, and now that she was forty-two, going on forty-three, the love she felt for her husband had never changed. She loved him just as much as the day they got married. Greg was forty-five, still in the same physical shape as when Ashlee married him. His tall physique, his muscular arms and flawless long body still appealed to her, if not more....
Love StoriesDish Served Cold 2 Don Abdul ©Mrs. Robinson avoided Roman for the next one week. Not trusting herself to act the part of the prim and proper matron, and fearing that others might notice, she thought it best to stay away from him for the time being. Although she had been thinking of him, after almost twenty years of sex exclusively with a man her own age, she had almost forgotten the amazing sexual stamina of youth. In the course of the past week her mind had been filled with a craving for that...
Straight SexI really was tired of sitting at home, so on Wednesday I went back to school. My dad dropped me off early, and made sure I got in the door without incident. I was still bandaged up, but I was feeling pretty good. I got a lot of greetings from kids streaming into school, good friends and kids I barely knew. My first stop was to the school office. I knew I would have to talk to Dr. Osgood, so I thought I should get it done with early. I was hoping that I could talk him into counting the two...
A year had passed since the night I had paid for my infidelity. It was winter again, and the season resurrected ghosts from the time I sat across from Linda and Stephan in the Excelsior hotel bar. Linda and I had walked home through the city streets together in the snow. At the time, I feared it was the end of us, but we had found a new beginning by summer. Early snow flurries teased me with returning memories of that night, along with all the emotions that accompanied them. The first snow...
Wife LoversThe head housekeeper called all the slave girls together into the kitchen. ‘The Master has just received word that a member of the Senate will be spending the night with us. He had planned to travel through the night, but a wheel has broken on one of his wagons, so he will be stopping here.’ She looked sternly at us all. ‘This is a big opportunity for the Master to make a good impression, so we have a lot of work ahead of us.’ With that she began handing out tasks, and as each girl received...
World of Warcraft Azeroth Azeroth is the name of the world in which the majority of the Warcraft series is set. At its core dwells a slumbering world-soul, the nascent spirit of a titan. Where he can land into the Trolls, Elves, Wild god heritage, Dragons, Tauren or a other Native Inhabitants. Or into the Horde Orcs. Alliance, Horde or Neutral Danny x Harem Horde Danny x Aggralan x Greatmother Geyah x Harem ( If Thrall is NTR or 63 or Cucked can you self choise( if cucked give him a micropenis...
FantasyThe head housekeeper called all the slave girls together into the kitchen. "The Master has just received word that a member of the Senate will be spending the night with us. He had planned to travel through the night, but a wheel has broken on one of his wagons, so he will be stopping here." She looked sternly at us all. "This is a big opportunity for the Master to make a good impression, so we have a lot of work ahead of us." With that she began handing out tasks, and as each girl received her...
Straight SexIk was +/- 20 jaar en seksueel nog niet actief met andere.Het kon met mij zeg maar nog alle kanten op.Het was winter, ik had nog niet zo lang mijn auto en wilde genieten van het mooie winterse landschap.Ik zelf woonde nog in het Westland, maar besloot om naar de Betuwe te gaan.Daar heerlijk door de besneeuwde bossen gelopen, vind ik heerlijk om lekker alleen te zijn, gewoon lekker je eigen gang te kunnen gaan.Na de wandeling weer terug naar de auto om maar weer richting huis te gaan, maar eerst...
I was trapped and happy. Happy wasn't the right world. Comfortable was. A wall only a few inches high had thwarted me, and the floor felt like a thousand ice cubes at room temperature. If I wasn't so sleepy all the time, I don't know how I could deal with the boredom between the time he wakes up and the time he gets home. I smiled, thinking of my master's touch... oh, how I wish I wouldn't. I really should hate him for making me into a mere decoration within his home, a past time, but......
Besties A man is struck by his girlfriend's best friend's appearance one day. He becomes obsessed with that vision, and it takes him to unexpected places. As I sat down, I caught a glimpse of her dress in the mirror. It was lilac with a subtle flower pattern on it. The dress was sleeveless, but with a boat neck so it did not show cleavage. It was soft and flowy, landing just above the knee on her (a woman three inches shorter than me). Between the hips and the knee, the...
The lounge was crowded. It was Saturday night and the barflies were out in swarms. We took the booth at the end of the room, hidden slightly from the crowd in a corner recess that hinted at false privacy. Exactly two drinks later he settled in next to her, drooling at my wife as he would a juicy steak."My God, you look delicious tonight, Linda."My wife stared at him with wide, hungry eyes. She had finished her second drink in the time it took me to finish one. Drinking was something she did...
Wife Lovers"Now, about that little fantasy of yours. Let me tell you what a bad girl I've been."She stripped off her nightshirt, moved her leg over me, and straddled me seconds after that. It surprised me - how she seemed to know she could get me hard so soon after our talk about our time with her 'lover', Stephan. She wiggled her hips a little, letting my erection grow under her, centering it between the lips of her drenched sex. Then she was still, looking down at me expectantly as if she was waiting...
Wife LoversIt was days later, and she hadn't given up trying to persuade me to go with her. I watched as she undressed for bed, and she paused as she slid her panties off, knowing I might give in if she gave me her 'come fuck me' look."I'm not sure it's a good idea, Linda. Wouldn't it be awkward?"Her office party was in two weeks, and spouses were invited. I knew some of the people she worked with, but not that well. All their best clients were invited as appreciation for their continuing allegiance. The...
Wife LoversThe holidays arrived and departed as they always have, with last minute shopping, wrapping presents, and the obligatory visits with family and friends. We planned a small New Year's Eve party at our place with fifteen or twenty guests. "Did you invite him?" I had asked, hoping I still had a say in the decision. "I suppose it would be awkward to uninvite him, but with our friends here, I really don't think it's the right time or place. I would like to meet him though, eventually, if for no other...
Wife LoversLinda motioned to Johnny to follow us as we left the bar. He walked between us, nervous but hopeful, unable to escape the unending, seductive lure of Linda's big brown eyes on him. We arrived at the elevator and waited for the doors to open. Once the three of us were inside, Linda touched the glowing button, the doors closed, and the elevator began its ascent...As I reached for the button above it, she stopped me and shook her head just once, flashing me a quick, private smile. When the doors...
Wife LoversIt was far too hot to be sitting outside to wait. Early August is not the best time of year to be visiting Grand Cayman, but needs must when you're visiting on business rather than pleasure. Actually, that wasn't quite true either ... it was going to be a pure pleasure indeed when this long outstanding business matter was completed for good ... hopefully soon. David found himself a table indoors right against the street side window where he could wait, watch what was happening outside, and...
They were young, restless, and bored beyond depression. The two nursing students had been in Gwen’s cramped, single-person, dorm room since coming back from supper, smoking and joking, talking about school, men, and life while playing Beatles LP’s, keeping the incense burner going, and steadily draining the bottle of bourbon Mark had left, "for safe keeping," before flying home for a friend’s wedding.“It serves him right,” announced Gwen, in a defiant, only slightly slurred, voice."Say what?"...
LesbianThe following has been approved for adult reading. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and my penis size embellished to protect my reputation. My testicles requested no anonymity. These are their stories. It had been nearly a year since my last case; an extended vacation not because I desired one, but rather because the dust just had to settle. I'd wrapped up the case of the double-dealing dentist, named Dante, desiring desperately to discover who'd dared disturb...
HumorDish Served Cold Don Abdul Mrs. Rebeca Robinson was 45 years old when the proverbial fickle finger of fate beckoned, and led her into the exciting world of cougars. She was the head teacher at a ‘special high school’. She was still very fit and shapely, probably more so than most women her age. Her ample breasts were just about starting show signs of sagging. Her thick thighs and heart shaped ass were still at the dawn of a losing battle with age and cellulite. Her regular jogging helped her...
Reality is a Dish Best Served Warmed Over Slightly By Bill Hart John Burroughs cautiously knocked on the front door of the house. After the long and exhausting month of running himself ragged researching and seeking an explanation for the odd reality fluxes that had inexplicably begun plaguing the world five weeks earlier, he was glad to finally be home again - provided, of course, this house was actually his home. But he'd been kept so busy over the last month, he had neither seen...
Dish Served Cold Don Abdul Mrs. Rebeca Robinson was 45 years old when the proverbial fickle finger of fate beckoned, and led her into the exciting world of cougars. She was the head teacher at a "special high school". She was still very fit and shapely, probably more so than most women her age. Her ample breasts were just about starting show signs of sagging. Her thick thighs and heart shaped ass were still at the dawn of a losing battle with age and cellulite. Her regular jogging helped her...
Straight SexKimi and I had our 4-lady sleeping quarters to ourselves as the other two ladies were sleeping with guests. Neither of us said anything about it but both of us got into Kimi’s twin bed, kissed each other good night, and promptly fell asleep comfortably pressed against each other. The alarm went off at 06:15. We had arranged an early breakfast. The kitchen crew offered us cold cereal or microwave breakfast goodies. We had microwave hot waffles with microwave hot sausage and the staff of life,...
Sex had never been a problem for us in our past. At first it was usually vanilla, sometimes with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Linda had never been shy about what she needed, but was more comfortable showing me than telling me. I wasn't much different - until that night years ago when we had returned from our anniversary dinner at a new upscale restaurant. We went to bed early after just a little too much wine, and for the very first time, I had asked for her fantasies."Um, I really don't...
Wife LoversThe following night, Linda was stretched out on the sofa, tapping away at her phone. In my head, I imagined her and Michael making out in one of the vacant offices at work, his hand under the red dress, fingers deep in her pussy as they kissed. Then it was Linda on her knees sucking him, greedily taking his semen in her mouth and down her throat as she had with her past lover, Jordan.I sat across the room and stared. She wore another of my presents, a silky pajama set with roomy shorts and a...
Wife LoversLinda and I made dinner together on Friday. My specialty was a spicy seafood cioppino over a bed of fettuccine. Linda had taken the afternoon off to make her 'Death by Chocolate' cake with her special touch, a drizzle of Courvoisier over the top and sides while it was iced. Four bottles of my favorite claret stood waiting on the kitchen counter, a silent rank of soldiers as reinforcements for the night to come.Michael arrived early, surprisingly nervous and animated - not the 'Stephan' I...
Wife LoversWe talked the next morning, about our future, and about sex. It seemed more comfortable somehow after our night of fantasy.It had been three years since Michael moved on. Ever since the time Michael left us it was understood that Linda might take advantage of an opportunity to seduce a man she couldn't resist - that rare man who "gets" her and she considers "worthy" of her body. There had been only two of them, nearly a year apart - a very, very young artist she described as "wiser than his...
Wife LoversFor years I have carried around the memories of my junior prom like a pocketful of glass shards. Even the scars are largely invisible to others, but the glass is always there, always available to enhance the petty pains of life's everyday miseries. To take just one example, a few years back Roger Bedford decided that we needed "more space." I had no problem with that. To be honest, I had more space than Roger was capable of filling anyway, the tiny-dicked little rat bastard. But beyond...
It had been mere hours since the appearance of the first symptoms and already the family doctor had given orders restricting me to my bed. Under normal circumstances, I would have been thrilled at the thought of missing a few days of school, but, given my extreme fatigue, enjoying my time off was impossible. No matter what I did, be it watch TV or read a book, I kept nodding off. And it was still quite early. In a final attempt at resisting sleep’s inviting embrace, I did something I knew...
Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...
Hello, friends. This is my new sex story narrated in a dramatic way. Scene 1 Feeling the cool breeze, with a satisfied and accomplished feeling, I was gazing at the sky. As I was enjoying the moment, I suddenly heard faint footsteps getting close to me. A smile crept up my face. I know who it is. As the footsteps got near, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up, bringing the owner of the hand into my lap. I gently kissed on her neck while she shyly blushed. Leaning on my chair, I held...
Spells R Us created by Bill Hart. This story may be posted to Fictionmania and other free sites. SRU: Just Is Served by Scott K. Jamison The bell above the door of Spells R Us jingled merrily as a stout woman entered. Sadly, the woman herself was by no means merry. She slammed a potted plant down on the counter in front of Dannie. "I demand a refund!" The Old Man grinned, and moved towards the far end of the store. There were times when having an assistant in the shop was...
As he finished dressing, he caught sight of his refelction in the mirror and thought,looking good, some bitch is going to have a good time tonight. He headed to one of his favorite pick up spots. He liked this place because it was frequented by women who were out looking for a bit of extra marital fun while husbands were away on business trips. When the cats away and all that. She entered and he locked on to her stright away. Long light summer dress, large tote bag slung over her shoulder. As...
THE MAN WHO SERVED DRINKS AT HIS WAKE Arthur Nichols doted on his wife, Una, she was the only woman he had seriously dated, not that she was any more experienced, and it was her that asked him to marry, at their tender ages of nineteen. The only fly in the ointment was her sister, Merle, some eight years older. She was a lesbian and proud and Arthur would have joined her in that sentiment at least, he believed that everyone should be able to live the life that made them happy, as...
Dinner is Served "Sir? Your dinner is ready." The delicious smell of baking bread has filled the apartment for hours, it seems, and my appetite is quite whetted by it as I turn from my computer to look at you. Smiling, I see you've dressed up for me. And you're perfect in your pretty little dress, your high heels - making you look even sexier and more irresistible than usual. A pretty smile on your beautiful face as you demurely call me to my meal making the picture perfect. My...