Hypnotism Can Be Fun
- 2 years ago
- 22
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Sunday evening found me in the bar at the Albion, drinking a pint of Yates and, basically, people watching. Ms White - or Alison as she'd now decided that I should call her - had taken the car she'd hired and was driving round the local area trying to find a mobile phone signal. Which was a blessed relief - since we'd met on Euston station that afternoon we'd had a series of clashes and misunderstandings ... her insistence on travelling first class (as one "could not work in standard", which was news to me) and then spending the entire journey on her mobile trying to arrange a hire car - I'd sort of assumed we'd use buses and taxis, silly me - followed by her utter disapproval of the hotel, which I thought was excellent - in a sort of eccentric, possibly chaotic type of way. Also the fact that apparently I'd failed to be nice about the clothes she was wearing - probably just as well, I thought, given that my initial reaction was to think that some people just shouldn't attempt to dress casually - and ... oh, well, we didn't get on. The fact that the hotel didn't have any sort of cell phone or wi-fi coverage - and of course neither of our laptops had any sort of dial up modem - was about the last straw. I simply phoned Seff and asked her to route any urgent messages through the hotel but Ms White - no, Alison, must try to be polite - had stomped off in a huff. And I don't think that she took too kindly to my suggestion that she might want to try climbing one of the local peaks, try for a signal there ... but then, it was raining ... and she didn't really look the type, anyway, to be honest.
So, for a while, I was on my own, which was basically fine by me. It wasn't busy in the bar - three or four locals in a group in the corner and another old guy I recognised from previous visits to the area, in the same seat as always, not so much a regular in the pub as a resident. One or two people came in and headed through to the restaurant - I still had hopes that the much vaunted food would go some way to mollifying my colleague - but otherwise it was just a nice evening in a quiet English pub. There was a log fire, the pub collie stretched out in front of it ... I began to wish I'd been able to bring Carla here - an American would go for this big time ... or maybe Debbie ... or maybe not. I didn't really want to go there, just at that moment ... some situations just need time to resolve.
To distract myself, I went up to the bar and bought a beer - quite an effective displacement activity, in my experience. One of the locals was ordering a round, but she turned and said hello, which I acknowledged with a nod - smallish woman, hair cut short, old fleece jacket over a National Trust T-shirt, I noticed - and prepared myself for the inevitable inquisition.
I didn't have long to wait, as she immediately asked, "Not drinking with your friend, then? I hope she's feeling all right? Long drive, was it?"
I gave my cynical side a quick pat on the back for predictive accuracy, smiled and replied that Alison was a colleague, not a friend, that she was off for a drive and that anyway we'd come up most of the way by train. Obviously, I wasn't going to get way with just that, and inevitably the next question was whether we were up on business, the follow up, what that business might be precisely, hanging in the air. My London self immediately suggested that the business in question was none of hers but I realised that this was a potential neighbour ... and, anyway, I knew how the grapevine hereabouts worked. Resistance was futile, so I told her that we were up looking at commercial properties, were intending to relocate a business somewhere in the vicinity. Quick as a flash, she came back with the suggestion that we must be the people interested in the old slate works - I could only nod - and asked whether we were into time shares, 4x4 driving experiences, guided hill walks?
"No, actually," I said, as she paid for the drinks for her friends, "We're not a tourist operation - more software and consultancy; IT basically."
"Oh ... right," she said, as I took my turn to order my pint - Coniston Bluebird, this time, "You'd be better off talking to my sister about that - she teaches ICT in the local college." She began to head back to her table, four pints impressively stable in her hands, and then turned briefly back to me. "One thing about the slate works, though ... it floods just about every winter. You might want to bear that in mind..."
I nodded gratitude - interestingly there had been no reference to any such problem in any of the details we'd seen - and sort of wondered why people always seemed to think that anyone vaguely involved with computers would automatically want to talk to anyone else in a similar line of work. Did the same thing happen to accountants? Vets?
Alison returned at that point, various e-mails, texts and voice mails successfully retrieved, and gracefully accepted a glass of white wine. And then we went and ate - the food was excellent, although apparently the "plates didn't match" - and, by the time I got back into the bar for a further Bluebird, it was quite a lot busier and my previous informant nowhere to be seen.
Next morning, I was up pretty much with the dawn and took an early walk round from the hotel to Church Gate - only a couple of kilometres up the valley and the site of the slate works we'd primarily come to see. It was a beautiful building - all slate of course, but in serious need of work ... and, yes, I'd spent enough time in the area to see that it probably would be vulnerable when the river rose in a storm. Which was something to discuss when we met with the vendor later on, I thought, my mind more on the chaffinches flitting around the trees...
When I got back to the Albion, I found Alison complaining to a waitress about some aspect of her breakfast - I think as much from force of habit as any genuine grievance - but I managed to drag her away before she could escalate the situation and instead guided us both into the lounge to talk business. Which we did - no one offered us coffee or anything, which I didn't find a complete surprise. She was pleased to tell me that she'd managed to get hold of a complete set of plans for the building the previous evening, less pleased when I pointed out that Debbie had given me the same file about a fortnight before. Nonetheless, we kept things together enough to have a fairly sensible discussion about tactics and priorities for the day's meetings and soon enough found it was time to set off. Bizarrely, she seemed to think I should drive - gender stereotyping or what? - and I felt my stock reach an all time low when I pointed out that this probably wouldn't be a good idea, given that I'd never learnt how to. And the hire car was on her credit card.
We drove to the site in silence.
In fact, the first meeting was brief, but went very well. I hadn't realised - and, OK, had never thought to ask - that Ms White was, inter alia, a qualified surveyor and she and the sales agent made a brisk tour of the building. No surprises: It did need work - a new roof for instance - and the internal decor and fittings were shoddy and, well, crap ... even for former holiday flats. That said, the layout was workable, with a large central space that would make a fine office, a variety of rooms upstairs and in a couple of outbuildings that would make very pleasant accommodation for any of the staff willing to "live in" - such as me. And, a part of my mind put in, hopefully also Debbie...
Distraction required again, I thought, so I took the opportunity to ask the agent bloke about flooding. He looked a bit uncomfortable, admitted that it could sometimes be a problem and then, on further sharp questioning from Alison - who didn't look at all pleased not to have raised the subject herself - that actually, yes, it flooded most years. Which might have been a real sticking point, except that the guy from the local district council - I'd almost forgotten he was there - piped up with the news that a flood management plan had been developed and costed some time ago ... and he could get it to us by the time we met with the council's people that afternoon. The ball park figure he suggested was not excessive, however ... and could probably be at least partially met by reducing the overall price we were offering for the property. Not that the agent looked happy about this, but - hell, nobody else was going to be that interested in buying an intermittent pond, either, so...
We finished up with my informing everyone that we - I meant my lot, not Ms White and I (I'd lost interest in anything but her technical opinions by this stage) - were very interested in pursuing the purchase (the agent looked a bit happier at this) and that we would meet again that afternoon to go into some more details, sort out our IT requirements (that fibre optic upgrade) and talk about the grants being offered by the Regional Development people - and the planning stipulations being imposed by the National Park. A good meeting, then, and a good morning's work.
Ms White buggered off down the valley immediately we were done - that connectivity obsession, again - reluctantly promising to come back to pick me up and give me a lift into Kendal for the next round. Which left me with a free couple of hours, so I went back to the hotel, enquired, politely, if there were any messages - there weren't - and then took myself back to Church Gate for lunch in the cafe there.
Which was deserted, it being well past the season, but at least it was actually open. I was perusing the (limited) menu when the waitress? Catering assistant? Proprietor? came through ... and turned out to be the woman I'd briefly talked to in the bar the previous evening. And so, we did a good Cumbrian exchange ... she gave me a quiche and a cup of coffee, I gave her my life story - or at least as much of it as related to that morning, together with the necessary background to explain why a bedraggled hippy looking bloke was in a position to buy a fair chunk of the local landscape for cash.
I'll say this, she was an easy person to talk to ... and a very astute questioner. She also appeared to know everyone in the neighbourhood - well, not a massive surprise, given the nature of the valley - and was soon suggesting local tradesmen (not all of them actually related to her) who'd be ideal for this and that part of the renovation job. Which was a bit premature, I thought ... but a bloody good effort on her part. Also, it was a very nice quiche, so I left the cafe a lot happier than when I'd gone in ... and, in passing, enquired whether she'd be in the bar that evening. I don't know why, exactly ... but it might have had something to do with Alison ... or more precisely trying to avoid getting stuck with her for an entire evening...
The good mood survived for a surprisingly long time. In fact, all the way through the afternoon session with the Council and similar types - there was even a bloke from BT there, so we got the fibre to premises access sorted on the spot, basically leasing two thirds of an expanded cable from them - three year deal, no capital outlay. I provided outline drawings for what we thought the finished building might look like (Debbie had got our architect neighbours to prepare them, not that she'd told me at the time) and, basically, we got everything we could reasonably expect ... including at least verbal agreement that detailed planning permission would not be a problem. So it was all systems go, I gave a "final" offer price to the current owner, taking into account the flood remediation costs. He, of course, was more than happy to do a deal that could get substantial amounts of cash in the bank within weeks and, with a final set of handshakes all round, we - that is, Ms White and I - were out on the street, me feeling pretty pleased with life, her complaining about the rain.
We almost drove back to the hotel in silence, too - until she managed to scrape the side of the car down the side of a sheep trailer, after which we shouted at each other quite a lot. Christ, even I could have driven better on a single track road...
I was not completely mortified by the fact that Ms White withdrew to her room as soon as we arrived back at the Hotel - impressively, not even pausing to pick an argument with any of the staff on the way - and I found myself back in the bar ... or actually, on a seat outside, admiring the view of the river, the smell of wood smoke from the houses around, the tranquillity of a late afternoon village green. I'd taken the opportunity to pick up my own messages and mail when I was in town, also to phone May (Debbie and Phil had moved on up to Yorkshire, seemed to be having a good time) and Seff (nothing vital, but a big cheer from Naz when she passed on the news about the building... ). So I was feeling pretty relaxed. It would be nice to share this place with the crew, I felt, nice to get settled into a final form of the operation. It was just a shame that the work on the building would take about three months, minimum, to get finished ... and that was if we adopted a money no object approach to contracting. Well, I thought ... it wasn't my money ... and people did want us up and running as soon as possible, so...
This pleasant reverie was interrupted by the emergence of a group of people from the bar, all of whom settled at the table next to mine, despite the fact that there was more than enough space available elsewhere. Which would have been fine, except that the Conversation Leader - a woman in her forties, at a guess, tweed coat, cropped hair - had an incredibly loud and screechy voice, dominating the conversation - and, despite my best efforts, my attention - with a series of profoundly inane generalities, all of which seemed to be lapped up by her audience. Initially horrified, I became fascinated - rarely had a I seen someone with so few social skills ... or at least not out and about in public. I wondered if I should introduce Tweed Woman to Ms White...
Actually, I was saved from doing anything of the sort by the arrival of an ancient Landrover, which pulled up directly beside me - what was this, I thought? Have I suddenly developed a magnetic personality? - after which a large and very muddy Labrador leapt out the back door and immediately shoved its nose into my crotch. Worse, it spilled my beer. Which tragedy distracted me somewhat from the emergence of its owner, a woman in standard issue outdoor gear - green gore-tex and a fleece hat - who proceeded to attempt to drag a by now extremely friendly dog off my leg while simultaneously greeting me ... by name.
I have to confess that I might well have let some surprise show on my normally impassive physiognomy. Or, to be honest, I gave her a sort of gobsmacked goggle, descending jaw very nearly landing in the pool of spilled beer ... which the dog, I noted, was now hoovering up. Whatever, she noticed my double take and laughed heartily in a sort of hearty Cumbrian manner.
"I better get you another beer, I guess," she said, and disappeared into the bar without bothering to introduce herself or explain how on earth she knew me. I found myself holding on to a fractious dog and being glared at by Tweed Woman whose monologue the previous events seemed to have disrupted. Well, sod you, I thought ... I don't see how on earth I could be held responsible for any of that and ... anyway ... I'm now armed with a muddy dog, so...
None of which was vocalised, of course, but I was still maintaining eye contact when the next surprise turned up - specifically, another female voice from behind me.
"See you've met Kath, then ... or at least Harry the harebrained hound. Bet she's at the bar, the bastard ... better go catch her before she's finished ordering..." and with that swept past me the woman from the cafe ... and the bar the previous evening. Still leaving me with the dog ... and a somewhat shell shocked mental state ... but, at least distracting Tweed Woman's attention. She was now staring (with some hostility) at my - umm - acquaintance's retreating back. I decided to pet the dog and await further developments. See what happened next. A team of parachutists arriving? Sudden volcanic eruption in the hills? It really wouldn't have surprised me.
What actually happened next was that a pint of beer arrived. Or three pints of beer, actually, but I only got to drink one of them. The other two were retained by the person I now knew to be Kath - now sans waterproofs and revealed to be an intelligent looking woman in a fleece sweatshirt, dark blonde hair roughly tied into a short pony tail - and my inquisitor (her sister, it appeared) who finally introduced herself as Rosie. And took charge of the dog, for which I was extremely grateful.
And they were fun ... I never really got the chance to ask what they were doing in the pub - I assumed my earlier half invitation was excuse enough for a bit of gossip gathering (or maybe, to be charitable, just to meet someone new in a very small valley) - but we started to talk immediately and by the time I went off to buy a second round we could have been mistaken for lifelong friends. And when we agreed to decamp to the pub at the head of the valley to eat (I did invite Ms White to join us but, thankfully, she decided to sulk instead) the conversation was flowing fast ... and loose.
As it were.
I learnt that Tweed Woman was in fact the local vicar - now, that was a surprise -, that Kath was indeed an IT teacher, that Rosie was only just hanging on to her job at the cafe and associated shop (I think they only really keep me on for charity, she said at one point) and that both were married. Except that Rosie's husband was away at sea nine months of the year and Kath's had departed long ago. ("We were both teachers. I got head of department, he didn't. Poor sod couldn't handle it," she said, simply enough.) They learnt pretty much everything there was to know about CastList, about Bronstein Associates (Europe) ... even about me. And we all got fairly seriously drunk - so much so that we ended up leaving the Landrover at the pub ... and walking the eight kilometres down the valley back to Church Gate. It was a fun night, trust me...
Next morning, I woke slightly late - well, too late for the hotel breakfast, although the receptionist kindly offered to get something together for me, which I declined. Instead, I collected three messages ... all left behind the desk earlier on ... one from Kath, one from Rosie and one from Alison.
I read them in that order. Kath's was succinct. Hope you're still OK about talking about OpenSource software to my A level students - see you at the college about 3pm? I read that a couple of times, didn't mean anything to me. Bloody hell, I thought, it really was a good night. Rosie's on the other hand, was simpler: 'Just a thought, but while you're waiting for building work to be done, you could always take over some of the holiday homes in the valley - most of them are available over winter.' And her phone number, should I wish to follow up on the idea. Good thinking, I thought - and opened message number three. Alison, I learnt, had decided not to remain in a "substandard" hotel and had checked out to one in Bowmere, taking the (now slightly mangled) hire car with her. I, she informed me, could 'presumably get a bus' into today's meeting? Well, yeah, of course, I thought ... and probably be a lot safer than with her driving.
In the event, I got a lift: I asked the receptionist if there was a bus timetable about and she told me that someone from the hotel would be driving in later to pick up some venison, so ... So I was early enough for the meeting to do a courtesy visit to the local National Trust offices - a surprisingly well informed local office, of course (that grapevine, again) - and then on to our seller's solicitors to finalise the arrangements. Well, not finalise, exactly - PCW would have to OK the contracts before actually releasing the money - but I made a formal offer, proved that we did in fact have the money and signed a statement of intent. All very avuncular, surprisingly so for a small town solicitor's but also very quick. And even quicker was the conversation in which I suggested to Alison that she could probably head back to London - we clearly wouldn't need to visit the reserve list properties while I could sort out what few other bits and pieces I needed done without her expert assistance. Needless to say, she wasn't pleased to be effectively dismissed, but she didn't pretend to be sorry to go - I don't suppose that she'd been enjoying the experience any more than I had.
All of which gave me time to wander down to the eponymous lake and enjoy the view over a coffee before finally getting on a bus for the short hop out to Kath's college. I checked phone and e-mail, of course - nothing out of the routine. Seffi seemed to be coping well, Carla to be keen to know everything about the deal. Well, that could wait until I was back in London on Thursday.
For the moment, though, I was into Education ... or perhaps killing a dead afternoon by talking to a bunch of kids. Whatever. The college itself was a pretty flash affair, lots of plate glass and the inevitable slate, probably no more than ten years old and, for a change, blessed with clear signage, so that I soon found myself in reception ... and finally in the company of Kath ... who had the good grace to look slightly surprised at the fact that I'd actually turned up.
She also looked slightly hungover, I thought, and the ribbed wool dress she was wearing was just slightly too small for her - must have been her sister's, I guess - and was quite clingy enough to be very popular with her more hormonal students. Strapping lass, was our Kath. And, it turned out, a good teacher. Which is to say, her "kids" - all seventeen or eighteen and (from the work they showed me) promising programmers and analysts among them - gave me a pretty hard time. Actually, I hadn't realised that Unix was on the syllabus, so I didn't have to go into the technical side of GNU - everything's a file, live with it - ... but they couldn't get their heads round the idea of giving away code for free. Until I explained what brought me to the Lakes in the first place ... and then they were perhaps prepared to give the concept grudging acceptance, mini-capitalist bastards as most of them were ... Oh, and quite a few of them asked about possible jobs ... which was interesting ... must get Naz to keep up the link, I thought ... maybe offer some student placements in holidays and things.
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First Time“Brook, listen. I know what your going through. Believe me when I saw that you can’t blame Will.” Maggie said to her softly, rubbing her back and hugging her. “Its just that I-I-I thought he loved me?” “He does, Brook. Trust me, I know he does. What Anna did wasn’t something that he could control. Anna manipulated Will, she used his weakness against him. Just forgive him, trust me, right now he needs you, he needs all of us and we have to be united to save him.” “I want to forgive...
The coldness lasted for months. Their sex life, which had been improving, plummeted to almost nothing. Kyle had to get used to having sex only once every two or three weeks. To compensate, he frequented the bathroom late at night and masturbated when the pressure became too great. He put all his excess energy into making sure his children saw none of the strife he and Peggy were going through. Sometimes he was less successful than others. Already distant, he and Peggy acted like they were...
Hi, my name is Katie, I am 5′ 8′ tall and weigh 155 pounds. I have size 36C breasts and tight, firm ass. I have natural blonde hair and blue eyes. This is my story! It was Friday night and I was waiting for my husband Mark to get home from his nightly meeting. We were going to go out dancing at our favorite spot. I was getting dressed in my comfortable blue denim shirt and jeans, when the phone rang. It was Mark, ‘He told me that he didn’t know when he would be home, probably not until late.’...
Monday finally came. I'd been looking forward to this day for months. My alarm went off at 7 am but I didn't need it to get up. I was wide awake with anticipation and excitement. I took off my silky smooth nighty and got into the shower. Usually, I take a long shower but today I had a plane to catch so I didn't waste any time. I washed up and shaved my entire body. I wanted to be smooth and clean on this special day. Next, it was time for make up. I was going for a professional, classy...
Hello, everybody this is nicky from mumbai. I am m 25 years old, ^ feet tall, good physique working in a mnc as a sales executive. Let me explain you all about my rocking sex story with my neighbour aunty. What a dashing lady she is. Her name is jalpa of 29 years old, housewife and having a 3 year old cute kid. I stay in mumbai as a paying guest where in the same society jalpa stays. She uses to visit our lanlord house frequently for asking help as her hubby goes to office daily. They are new...
I downloaded my camera pictures to my bedroom computer. I had a lot of good shots. I loved the cheerleaders shots the best. However after watching my sister fuck, I didn't have my earlier excitement. The pictures were nice but they were not enough. I wanted more. I perused the photos. Who did I want the most? Brianna kept drawing my eyes. She was a short busty blonde cheerleader. The 16-year old had quite the figure in a small package. I'd find out a few things about her and see if I...
Cute Flabby Nurse Aid As an outside contractor I am used to not being trusted and working in a nursing home was not so much different. I had a job to do and needed to be everywhere…literally. So the administrator gave me a bodyguard. She was just there to see to it that I didn’t steal anything too big or expensive and that I didn’t molest any of the sexy senior citizens…as if that would happen. Kimberly was a cute but flabby Certified Nurse Aid. She had a round face, a bit of a...
Hello guys, how are you all doing? I am sorry it has been quite some wait for us to move on with the remainder of the story, and without wasting time in trash talk, I will get on with the fifth part of my story. As I said, a stranger does not know your home as well as you do. You can roam around in the dark freely (unless you are scared of ghosts and all). Yes, we all have that thought always in our minds when we land up in new places without light. Well, I was not thinking of any ghosts or...
My wife and I have been together for 5 years now and have been married for a year. We met in a small Midwestern town in Wisconsin where I was living at the time and she has followed me around ever since. Thinking back when we first me, I didn't think we would ever end up being married, but everything was so good it was hard to let go. I wouldn't say that we were a perfect coupleÉ no body is, but we handled each other well. We fit with each other well in ever aspect of life, personality wise,...
It had been a few days since they had last had a chance to have sex and it had only been a quicky and as much as she loved any sex with him she was really feeling the need to climax. He would be at work for another few hours yet so she went to the bedroom and got a few toys out of her top draw and settled down on the sofa with just a silk dressing gown on, her laptop opened on her favorite porn website and her toys next to her on the sofa. She didn’t often use her toys much but sometimes when...
Square Enix has some good sets of franchises and works to follow and play with. With unique and interesting characters to know, love and enjoy. But now let's take them some unexpected situations of the unfortunately fun and bare. Well fun for us and others. Pick a franchise and then character/s and have fun.
When the alarm went off, Beth, Jeff, and I shifted around on the bed. It was the first morning since our enlightening trip to our family’s camp. While at our camp, I went from an eighteen-year-old virgin to having sex with all of my family members. I realized I was indifferent to whether I fucked my sister or mom or had oral sex with all of them, including my dad and brother.Dad came into the bedroom and said, “We have to get going. It’s time to get up and ready for work.”“We’re awake, Dad....
IncestIt's Hallowe'en, 1999. The music is loud and fast. The big warehouse space is dark, hot and crowded, and the hard young bodies of a few hundred half-naked sweaty teenagers are lit by pulsing strobelights, swinging searchlights, and plastic glow sticks. I'm John. I'm 23, I've got a cool, creative job, a car, and a small apartment with a big bed. I'm a popular guy in the local rave scene. My friends know me as a party animal who loves drugs, dancing and young girls (although not necessarily in...
Group SexNote : This story is completely fictional! I shivered as the cold air touched my skin. I was in bed trying to sleep, when I awoke to the sound of a crash. I was scared, alone and in the dark. I opened the door that I shared with my eighteen year old brother. I swung the door open and climbed in bed with her older sibling. Our parents had left for a second honeymoon to Europe. They were to be gone for two weeks and left Mike in charge of the house with one of their credit cards to pay for food...
IncestI woke up at 5:30am to get ready for work, jumped into the shower & washed my 25 year old body clean to prepare for the upcoming day of working & being in an office building full of people. I decide to indulge in some self-gratifying pleasure before work today. Now at 25 I’ve had my fair share of flings with the opposite sex but none have lasted long or been all that emotional for me. Now I am by far no ladies’ man but with average looks & a likeable personality I had my share of experience...
This story is made up of three posts I had posted on another site. I will post them as one on here…. Ok, so my lady’s mom is a single, horny, chubby lady. She probably has her fair share of dick, but not by a young in shape guy, like myself. When she is around I always wear really thin running shorts that make the outline of my dick very easy to see. If we are sitting around where I can lay on the couch I will wear loose gym short with no underwear and give her a clear shot up my shorts. I...
Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 2 - The First Day of the Rest of My Life... As I walked out of my room, I could see my parent's bedroom door open and caught a glimpse of one of my Dad's flannel wool shirts strewn across the bed. Feeling a little self-conscious about my blouse, I stepped into the room to grab it so that I could cover myself a little more. As I was about to step out of the room though, a framed photo on my Mom's nightstand caught my eye. It was a...
As the door swung shut behind her, Ivy paused for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the inky shadows and flashing lights of the club’s dance floor. She pushed the strap of her purse further up on her shoulder and reached down to straighten the very short skirt of her dark blue dress. There was a random splash of black sequins all over the dress, making it shimmer on her slender, but well-formed body. Her auburn hair was up in a mass of curls on the top of her head, with little tendrils...
It was a Friday evening and I was in for the night. I was up in my room just flicking through the tv channels when my dad had said that his friend barry was over tonight for dinner. Barry was a friend to both parents but had worked with my father in the past. Still in my room I heard the door bell go, i could tell it was barry as you normally hear his voice before anything. His a nice guy in his early 50's, confident and quite well spoken. Barry is about 6FT 2 Slimish, with grey short hair. I...
It was after dinner while we were out of town at a ski resort. After several bottles of wine and plenty of sex themed chit chat, Tommy confessed to me that he had always wanted to experiment with tasting and eating his own cum. Initially I was speechless, I always considered myself a very open minded person but the thought of my strong manly husband tasting his own seed seemed somehow gay or weird to me.Tom sensed my shock and immediately blushed with embarrassment. He became very awkward and...
As I layed down on my beach blanket watching the sun go down on the most beautiful beach I've ever been on. I thought to myself " This must be what Heaven is like". If not just being on the world most perfect beach is not enough that's not what makes this place Heaven it's everything. The hotel, the food,the service which by way is run by beautiful black goddess called Hannah. Anyway back to the story. The thing that makes this place heaven is the women!! I've never seen so many of the most...
The family Easter brunch is always a fun time! Especially when your sister has two INSANELY hot friends like Lana Rhoades and Kylie Page who are invited over for it! The two hotties are getting playfully naughty in the kitchen with their friend’s brother Alex after his family embarrasses the hell out of him, but they then decide to go fuck each other with in the bedroom with a double-ended dildo! Alex accidentally walks in on them with their big natural tits out and pussies wet, licking and...
xmoviesforyouThe rain slanted down in a fine mist and made vision almost impossible. I had taken my glasses off because within seconds my vision was reduced to a fractured vista of small magnified and distorted images, the raindrops coated the lens’. My companion was about a foot away but almost totally invisible in the cloud we had walked into. We had set out in the dry hours earlier… The English Lake District is notorious for its sudden shifts in weather, but even so it was early July and we had hoped...
I am Krishna (original name) from Vijayawada. I am 25 years old, 5’10’’, fair, medium built, from a respectable high profile family. Although I don’t want to boast, I have an 8 inch dick. U can contact me at I have been reading iss for about 4-5 years cursing myself for not able to feel the pleasure of sex and it so happened that one day I lost my virginity. I am here to pen down my blissful experience. We have a family living opposite to our house and among them was a girl of age 18. She was...
Michael Iveson was a forty-four-year-old bachelor and he was currently on a two-week touring holiday in Scotland. He was travelling alone and staying in Guest Houses and B&B's.He was visiting a town in The Highlands and he had two nights booked in a Guest House. He had arrived the previous evening and was exploring the town the next morning. In the square was a museum that contained a mixture of things, mostly relating to the region.Part of the building had artefacts from the 1745 uprising in...
SpankingHyandai and Harlen followed the marching army for some miles before the army had veered off the paved road. Obviously they had slowed their pace, as well. Harlen saw them ahead, a drawn out and ragged line of troops now. Marching four abreast through woods was not easy and they had quickly given it up, moving instead in small clumps of men generally heading eastward. The couple attracted a little attention from one of the smaller groups, but were quickly questioned then ignored. The sergeant...
I didn't even bother knocking on my sisters door anymore. Considering the recent developments between us, I doubt modesty was still an issue. "Stephanie?" I called out as I walked around the queen sized bed that she used to punish me and bring me to the greatest squirting orgasm of my life just two days ago. She had me and Sara, my best friend and part-time Bi-sexual lover, right where she wanted us. Cuffed and naked. Our bare asses at her devious mercy. She spanked me with her thick, hard...
Group SexIt almost seemed odd that Holly and Jenna were best friends, because to look at them you couldn't find two more incongruous looking !!! While Jenna was tall and blonde with an incredibly voluptuous body, Holly was barely five feet tall and skinny as the proverbial rail, but ever since seventh grade they had been nearly inseparatable and like girl pals are wont to do, they told each other everything!!! "So tell me," Holly asked while her friend continued modeling her lingerie, "is Jeff as good...
LesbianHi everyone this is Akash from Hospet. 23years old 5.5ft and this is a wonderful site. This is my first story so please forgive me for mistakes. And I am going to tell a real sex incident that happened in my life with my neighbour aunt. If any aunties and girls wanted to have fun with me in Hospet can mail me Please don’t be sad as this story is bit long but interesting. I promise you’ll enjoy a lot. Coming to the story, the heroine of the story is Meena. Who live on the ground floor. Her...
IncestI sat and stared across the room at my son who sat with his head in his hands, his whole demeanour was one of defeat. He looked up at me with tears threatening to flow in his eyes, and then put his head back in his hands. "Tell me again what he said." I said softly with disbelief tingeing my voice. In a dull voice my 15-year-old son repeated what he'd told me no more than twenty minutes past. "Don said the only way to stop him bullying me was for you to beat his girlfriend in a...
It was the summer between Amber’s freshman and sophomore year of college and her family decided that this year they would go on a summer cruise to the Bahamas instead of a winter cruise. Amber was very much looking forward to this vacation. It was a chance to get away from her hectic college life and to learn more about her. Never did she imagine that she would meet the love of my life. On the second day of the cruise she was playing Need for Speed: Underground in the arcade, when he walked...
Max glanced at his watch again, then over at his mother, who casually lifted another stupid tea cup off the shelf and examined it from all angles. "Mom, are you seriously going to look at every single set of dishes in the store?" They'd already been in the same housewares section of the same department store for almost half an hour now. On a Saturday afternoon. And all 16 year-old Max could think about was how much fun he was NOT having at the skate park with his friends. "If that's what...
Team Spirit Don Abdul© Prelude: Their popularity didn't stem from their parents bank balances but fromtheir athletic prowess, as they were all members of their high school's football team. They were fondly referred to as the "Gang of Four". After their last football match as the walked back to the locker-room,they made a pact "All for One and one fall all". Ricky, Jim, Paul and Miguel, they promised to look after each others interests and keep the Team Spirit alive. *********** Although...
MatureA few more days passed and the same thing continued to happen, Amy and her husband were constantly tore up about the bills and money situation and every time I was around Bri was attached to my side doing anything she could for me. I thought I would like to see exactly where this was heading but wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it. As fate would have it the next Friday would provide me a perfect opportunity. Amy called me about noon asking for a favor, her and her husband had been called...