FapHouse Teen
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Growing-up around dirtbikes and racing it wasn’t a surprise to anyone when Jimmy began building a dirtbike for racing. But he wasn’t interested in racing at big stadiums or doing goofy tricks while flying off of jumps. Rather his goal was to race in The Mojave Challenge. An elite series that raced in the western Mojave Desert over long-distances. A desert race from Reno, Nevada to Las Vegas, Nevada was one of their more famous races.
It took years of saving and working as hard as he could but finally Jimmy built a motorcycle capable of racing in the series and most people who knew him thought he had a good chance of winning it. Jimmy was in his mid-twenties and had raced in smaller race formats since he was a teenager. His bike too had been out-fitted with all the best gear he could find. Oh sure that meant he’d worked two jobs, lived in a studio apartment and drove a twenty year old Toyota truck since just about every spare cent he had went to building his bike and spending time out in the desert practicing but he didn’t mind, in the end he knew it would be worth it since most of the racers who raced in the Mojave Challenge series had big-name sponsors and winners regularly walked-away with prizes over $100,000. He just needed to get his foot in the door, he was confident that his ability would be enough to get him into the winners circle in no time.
His first race was a 200-mile qualifier for an up-coming longer race. Jimmy expected to face some hostility among his fellow riders, this being one of the more competitive forms of motorsports however what he experienced went well beyond that. First he was told by the race organizers that he’d need to pay basically double the entry fee since this was his first race and the extra was a ‘fee’. His bike passed tech. inspection but only after the inspectors insisted he shave a quarter inch off of each of the knobbies on his tires, and while he was dealing with that someone ‘accidently’ backed into his pick-up, pushing one of the fenders in.
Through it all though Jimmy didn’t let it bother him, he was here to compete with some of the best racers in the desert and soon they would see that all their hassles and hazing wouldn’t stop him once the racing started.
By all accounts for his first race he did quite well, finishing in the top ten out of a field of almost 100 and he got to embarrass some of the corporate sponsored riders in the process. He felt that if his bike had just a little more power he could have finished in a better position.
His success was not lost on his rivals nor the organizers of this race series and sure enough a couple of weeks later a series of new rules was passed that essentially made Jimmy’s motorcycle obsolete, making it compliant with the new rules would basically mean he would have to start from scratch building a new motorcycle. Which was no big deal for his corporate-sponsored competitors, however for a guy who built his motorcycle in the living room of his apartment it was more than just a small setback.
Jimmy made an appeal to the board of directors for the race series and was quickly re-buffed. Storming-out of the meeting room Jimmy was made his way across the parking lot to his old truck when someone called-out to him. It was an older man, he seemed to be in his mid to late 60’s. Jimmy had seen him at the races for years though he’d never talked to him, to be honest he wasn’t even sure how the man knew his name. The man introduced himself as Wilson and commiserated with Jimmy about the rule changes. Jimmy appreciated Wilson’s concern however he was still trying to find-out what his angle was. Wilson was well known around the races, though no one knew much about him, everyone just remembered Wilson always being there. There were rumors that he had been a team owner back in the day, or one of the original promoters but no one really seemed to know. He was just there, helping-out if he saw something that needed to be done, offering advice when needed but never revealing much about himself.
Wilson told Jimmy that he thought he had a lot of natural ability and that the rule changes obviously had been aimed directly at him. Jimmy agreed but said he didn’t know what he could do about it. He had next to no money, even racing would tax his finances to the max, there was no money left to make a bunch of senseless modifications to his motorcycle. He reasoned that maybe he would just try a different form of motocross racing. ‘With your abilities that would be a waste’ Wilson said flatly. ‘I’d like to take a look at your bike. There might be another way.’ He said.
A couple of days later Jimmy was nervous. Other than his girlfriend no one ever came to his apartment. Especially since much of the time his living room was a makeshift workshop for his motorcycle. He tided it up the best he could just as he heard a knock on his door.
Wilson was there. He and Jimmy exchanged pleasantries before Wilson began looking at Jimmy’s motorcycle. Poking things, taking a quick measurement or two, not saying anything just nodding, scratching his head a little and making some quick notes on a scrap piece of paper. Finally he said, ‘We can make this bike work. But first you’re going to need to get a place with a garage’ he said as he handed Jimmy an envelope with some cash in it. Jimmy looked at him in disbelief, he asked what all this was about. Wilson just smiled and said he saw potential in him. With that Wilson bid his new friend goodbye and told him he’d be in touch.
Jimmy did what Wilson asked. He found a new place which while still dingy had a garage and thanks to Wilson’s contribution he was able to (barely) afford. It seemed like the day Jimmy called Wilson to let him know of his new address, packages for his motorcycle began arriving. Swingarms, handlebars, wheels, tires all the stuff he needed in order to be able to race under the new rules. Jimmy began making the needed modifications immediately, the next race was in less than a month.
Jimmy arrived at the race, in the same beat-up old truck with his newly modified bike. Wilson was there too, he gave Jimmy a nod from across the pits as he stood off to the side watching a practice session. Jimmy wowed the inspectors at Tech. inspection, they could find nothing wrong with his bike, they had to let him race, but they didn’t have to like him and they made that clear to him. As soon as the green flag dropped a fellow rider gave the side of Jimmy’s bike a swift kick, almost knocking him over. It was obvious that Jimmy he was still considered the outsider. He had to prove himself.
And prove himself he did. He finished seventh in that race and showed everyone he was a force to be reckoned with. After that race things started to get easier. Jimmy picked-up a couple of small sponsorships, which helped with expenses and with every race he was finishing closer and closer to the top. Wilson still helped Jimmy as much as always, even co-signing for a truck and trailer so Jimmy could attend races farther away. Wilson also began giving Jimmy advice about his racing style, which sometimes went contrary to popular opinion. At one race with a particular curvy section Wilson casually told him to stay on the outside in the corners. Jimmy questioned him knowing that the inside-line would be faster. Wilson just said to trust him. Jimmy did as he was told and the first couple of corners were disastrous. Jimmy had fallen from the front to mid-pack. Just as he was about to change his strategy he saw what Wilson had been talking about, once the corners got sharper, and the hills steeper pile-up’s began happening in the corners, pile-up’s he was able to ride around because he was on the outside line. That was the first race Jimmy won.
From that point on the world began to change for Jimmy. Corporations were practically lining-up to sponsor him, he moved into an actual house with real furnishings, which was the first he’d owned in his adult life but through it all Jimmy stayed close with Wilson, regularly consultin
g him for advice on everything from which sponsors he should accept to which strategies would work best for which tracks. Wilson quickly became Jimmy’s main confidant.
That’s why Jimmy was confused when a couple of months later Wilson came-up to him an hour before the biggest race of the season, pulled him aside and told him to forfeit the race. Jimmy thought his friend was joking at first, after all this was it, the largest, longest and last race of the season, the one for all the marbles as it were. However Jimmy quickly realized that Wilson wasn’t joking. Wilson explained, ‘You’ve done what you came here to do. There is more to life than racing. You have a devoted girl who loves you. Enough money to live on for however long it takes you to decide what it is you want to do with the rest of your life. Take a good look at the guys racing here, they’ve given everything-up for this sport, they don’t know when to stop and all they have to show for it is a string of broken homes, broken bones and old stories. You’ve shown that you’re better than them on the track, now show that you can be better than them off the track as well.’ As Wilson turned to walk away he stopped, looked Jimmy in the eye and said ‘Remember, these desert nights are for weathered men, the ones who have already given in.’ With that Wilson walked away, leaving a stunned Jimmy standing there trying to take-in what his friend had just told him.
Jimmy went back to the pits where his bike was sitting on its stand ready to go. Jimmy flopped-down into a chair and stared-off at the vast open desert in front of him. A few puffy clouds lazily blew by slowly overhead. The weather was perfect, the bike was perfect, the course was perfect so why was Wilson trying to talk Jimmy out of racing? Again Jimmy found himself wondering what his friend’s angle could be.
Before he could give it much more thought though he was called to the starting line. He geared-up, kissed his girlfriend Shelley good-bye and rode-off to the starting line. As he sat there watching his competitors ride-up he scanned the growing crowd for any sign of Wilson but he was nowhere to be found. Then he scanned his fellow riders waiting with him at the line. They looked mean and tough with their fancy helmets and bright jersey’s but once he looked under the surface he now saw what Wilson had been talking about, all of them had scars and had lived through their share of broken bones. Of the five hard-core guys he was competing against he was the only one whose girlfriend was standing off to the side excitedly clapping and cheering her man on. The bikes too, they were all loud but now that he was really listening he realized it was all just noise. Just then the flash of a yellow light caught his attention, the race was seconds from starting. Engine’s revved, all the bikes lunged forward against a barrier, which would fall as soon as the green light came-on. A moment later it did and the whole pack charged-out into the desert. As the dust settled the only one still sitting at the line was Jimmy, his bike in-gear and ready to go but just sitting there. A stunned silence fell over the crowd as they looked at him. After a moment he rode off but rather then following the pack he hooked a sharp turn and rode back to his trailer. Wilson’s advice had never failed him before so why should he stop following it now he reasoned.
People were gathering around his trailer wanting to know what happened. Had the bike broken? was he alright? Questions were flying from every direction but Jimmy ignored them all and quickly loaded his bike and gear into his trailer and drove-off. Shelly sat next to him and finally broke the silence by saying ‘I know you have your reasons. When you’re ready to tell me them, I’ll be right here.’ Jimmy gave her a smile and kissed her hand and continued to drive.
The pair stopped for the night at the first town they came to, just a little desert town with a ten-room motel. Jimmy got them a room for the night then they ate dinner in silence at a coffee shop across the street. Jimmy went to bed and tried to put everything that had happened out of his mind. He especially tried not to think about how the one thing he’d wanted since before he could remember he’d just thrown away on the advice of some old guy whose last name he didn’t even know. What would he do now?
Jimmy woke-up the next morning to Shelley shaking him. He rubbed his eyes and annoyingly asked ‘what!?’ Shelley dragged him out of bed and over to an open window, there he saw everything outside covered in a several inches of snow. From the window he could see the wind was rocking his truck and trailer roughly side-to-side. Shelley turned-on the TV, there a local reporter in a cheap suit and a comb-over was giving a report about some freak storm which had blown-in unexpectedly the previous night. The reporter said something about a cut-off low over Canada which had taken an unexpected southerly turn and given the desert a rare late-season snow storm, actually it was more of a blizzard with temperatures an unexpected 30 degrees below normal and winds with gusts up to 70 miles per hour screaming across the barren terrain. Now Jimmy’s thoughts turned to the racers, none of them carried survival supplies or warm clothes. It was then that Jimmy realized that if not for Wilson he would have been one of the people trapped out there. Wilson had saved his life.
Jimmy never raced again. He still enjoyed trail riding but now concentrated on working (one of his former sponsors hired him to scout for new talent) and building his life with Shelley. Jimmy never saw Wilson again, although he thought he caught a glimpse of him in the crowd the day Jimmy and Shelly got married but when he took a second look whoever it was, was gone. Whoever he was, wherever he is Jimmy knew he owed Wilson more than he could ever re-pay him. He had given Jimmy his dream, than shown him something more fulfilling and for that Jimmy was eternally grateful.
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A total fictioal encounter that had a wonderfull ending.I always had the support of my parents until mum past away given birth to my brothers when I was 10, dad was everything mum,dad,cook,cleaner,school master as well as chuaffer when I went to after school clubs, I was 14 when my grandparents died as well and dad was there for us all, if I needed advise he gave it, right or wrong he taught us the rules of life that we all stood by.When we had the grandparents house sold we decided to move...
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Incest100% fiction! Im 21 now but this story takes place four years ago. I had always been into fitness. I love the way a good work out felt. My aunt has an amazing house with a pool and gym. So every day I go around for a work out. I usually go for a swim and lift a bit and then go shower and relax on her couch. One day right after one of my work outs I was getting out of the shower when I realized there weren't any towels. I could hear my cousin in the next room watching tv. I called to her but she...
Incest6. The next morning Jena came from her room wearing a tiny half shirt that just did cover her 36-inch breasts and a small pair of powder blue bikini panties "Hi Mom." Jena leaned to kiss her mother and went to get a drink of water. "Sounds like you and Daddy had a good one last night!" She smiled pushing back her long, thin brown hair as she sat across from Lena seeing that her sexy Mom was only wearing a pair of panties. "Mmm, me and Daddy always have fun at night!" She smiled to see...
Chapter Six: The Porn business Marilyn had taken Ella to her favourite London wine bar, tucked away in a courtyard accessible only via a secluded alley at the foot of Pentonville Road. For anyone other than the regulars, it would have been all too easy to miss the entrance altogether. But then its privacy just added to the feel of exclusivity that oozed out of the rustic bar. The Andalucían-themed Bar Pepito, with its candelabra and bare-brick walls, had room for only four or five tables, but...
The man and the young woman were holding hands as they were leisurely walking to the baggage claim area. Many eyes followed them, which was understandable. The man was tall and wide shouldered with just a hint of a distant black relative in his face. Most people would assume him to be about 45 years old, and they would be just one year off. His name was George. The lady at his side could almost, but not quite, be called petite. She was slim and had the proud bearing of a beauty who is used to...
A story explaining why Angel LOVED to be gangbanged---------------------------------------------------------------------------When Angel & I first got together she had NEVER had an orgasm from her ex-husband or any of her previous lovers. As far as she knew sex was just anenjoyable thing to do & a way to keep a man happy. I got her off by using vibrators on her clit while we were fucking. The firsttime she had a climax it took me about an hour of stimulating her pussy with 2different...
I know most writers of these stories claim them to be true stories and more often then not they are fake, but my story actually happened, this is how I lost my virginity. During the summer of 2008 right after graduation I took a job at a hotel as a cashier/concierge. I was a good athlete in high school, kind of tall and thin, I always got a lot of attention from the high school girls but they never would have sex. At the hotel there was 3 Russian workers here in the U.S on a work exchange...
Usual disclaimers apply: Characters property of DC Comics Inc, don't read this unless you're a consenting adult, etc., etc. If you read on you're accepting you know the drill. Acquired Asylum Syndrome By S18 PART 1 Their names were Raynor and Potkin, but that was barely relevant. The pertinent details - both over six foot, each weighing in at between two-twenty and two-forty pounds and sharing an IQ that didn't have pretensions to three digits - told Batgirl that she...
Zax pondered on the possibility of trading the Solar Basil Leaf for Yurnal’s Black Core. Regardless of the chain’s Second Leader’s thoughts on the bizarre Earth’s Core and wanting to keep it for his son, without the remaining three, it will only limit his cultivation path. In contrast, the Solar Basil Leaf will reconstruct his physique and improve his affinity, make it tremendously a lot easier to understand the fiery attribute. “You- You- already used the Diluted Element?” The shock on Gid...
Hi, my self ketan . I am new reader of iss.. dosto maine bahut see story read ki hai ise ssite se. par ye sab mujhe clear nahi lagti. Lekin mai jo aaj story sunane jar aha hoo. Wo ekdam fact and true hai. Meri story start hoti hai school ke dinoo se. main surat me padta tha. Mere school me el ladki thi uska naam tha yogita singh. Jab maein 8th std. mein tha tabhi amine use first time dekha. Use dekthe hi mujhe pyaar aa gya. Lekin pur saal hamari baat nahi hui. Me ladkiyoon se baat karne me...
I really can't say I know when it started exactly, and I suppose one could present a number of reasonable theories as to the 'whys', but I've always had a thing for panties. Perhaps it's best summed up in the old adage: It's the closest thing to pussy. My freshman year at college was exactly what it should have been exciting, liberating, experimental, and educational. I'd had a few semi-serious relationships, punctuated by the occasional, fortunate spontaneous encounter, and that, in summary,...
It’s paycheck Friday. An envelope in my hand and a smile spread over my face, I step out of my dusty pickup and walk across the lot to the streak free glass doors of the bank building. Approaching the podium to fill out my deposit, I slit the envelope open with an ink pen from my shirt pocket and unfold my reward for the last two weeks of toil and tolerance, both physical and mental. Eyes moving over the script to search for that magic sum that’s going to solve all of the world’s problems for...
The government, after much discussion and deliberation, have finally agreed on a system to prevent more minor crimes, though such a system needs testing on select groups of people, these people will be visited by officers who will then confiscate their clothing, then have them brought in for marking and identification, this will include being given new IDs in the form of bodily tattoos on the chest, back and on both outer thighs, as well as having a remote tracker installed as to keep track of...
Jakob woke as the sunfiltered through his curtains. As he tried to move he realised that his sister was asleep on his arm, he smiled as he watched her start to stir in the morning light. Alex woke with a yawn and her brother’s eyes hungrily soaking in the view of her body. Alex pulled her brothers lips towards her own and kissed him deeply. Jakob’s tongue snaked its way into her mouth through her lips and she wrapped her tongue around his as his arms wrapped around her. His hands were sliding...
IncestInterviewing… Jessica and MeganAuthor: Bonercreator69The success of my other shows about interviewing famous female celebrities, had made me incredibly excited for the final show in the set. The opening show of Female Film Stars Secrets promised to be as good as all the other ones had been. On the show were two of the hottest actresses around, Transformers star Megan Fox and Fantastic Four babe Jessica Alba. I had lusted after these two women for an age, and my producers had certainly hit the...
Bella Blu is giving Seth Gamble, a prospective client, the tour of the facilities and grounds. He’s thinking of joining the spa that Bella works at, but so far, he’s not really that impressed. Heated pools, state-of-the-art workout equipment, massages… he can get all of that at home or at his regular gym! What’s so special about this place? Funny he should ask since Bella has JUST the unique offering that’s sure to tickle Seth’s fancy: a NURU massage! Seth...
xmoviesforyouMondays, Jane didn't open the pub until eight p.m. so once the delivery men had replenished the stock, I decided to tidy up the garden at home whilst Jane went over the books, Cassie had the time of her life bombing around the lawns on a ride on mower, not the most ideal form of transport for a pretty sixteen year old in a mini skirt and without panties, but both me and Jane enjoyed it immensely! The twins were cleaning the boat along with Shamus, quite a long job after the previous day's...
Scott was drunk. He'd had a terrible day, and he just wanted to lose himself in a haze of alcohol. He was sick at heart, and felt he just couldn't take any more. He knew he was one of the most successful businessmen in the world, but sometimes feelings of pessimism seemed to overwhelm him and he just had to go away and steep himself in alcohol for a day or two. It never made him feel better, but he had to do it. He supposed it was his most serious character flaw. Meanwhile, Nikki had been...
It’s finally the weekend. After a productive day around the house I’m ready to get down and naughty. Most importantly I’m ready to get off, once, maybe twice. Hi my name is Elizabeth. I work hard and I play harder. I have all kind of fun things in my tool box to ensure my pleasure. I could have fun with my husband, but he’s away on business. I’m 28 and all curves. Tonight I chose a pink dolphin vibrator with a special extension that vibrates and twirls around my clit, when used correctly. As I...
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to another edition of 'Letters To Santa', the show where yours truly reads letters from viewers like you on the air. Now before we get to this weeks' letters, Santa wants all of you to know that this past year has been one for the ages, and not in a good way. As I'm certain many of you already know, Santa has had a few legal problems I had to deal with. You may recall on last years' Christmas show, I threatened to burn down the house of a man named Jay, from New York. Well...