Ellowynthe free porn video

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Any resemblance to anyone alive or dead is simply a fluke. All characters are 18 years of age or older. Thanks to Selenakittyn for her edit, and Dampy for the idea.


Ellowynthe lit upon a budding cherry tree. She was a wood sprite, a magical creature of the forest. Ellowynthe had never been to this village before. It sat at the northernmost regions of the land.

Spring had arrived and the snow had retreated to the base of the surrounding mountains. Bits of budding plant life were visible in the countryside. The sun had regained its warmth and shone down upon the land and the people.

She looked at the villagers with interest. It looked like it was a festival day. The villagers were dressed in their best finery. The women all had bright ribbons tied in their hair—red and blue ribbons for betrothed women, yellow and violet for women that were promised to a man, and white and green ribbons for maidens that were available for courting. Men that were married and those men awaiting marriage wore feathers in their hats, single men wore nothing in their hats.

It was the festival of Neuvenschlatt, the new planting. Today the village would celebrate, and tomorrow the planting would begin. This festival was to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of a new year. A successful festival would ensure a good harvest.

Tables were lined up in the main square of the village. Women labored at their stoves and ovens preparing dishes that had been handed down from mother to daughter for generations. Breads and cakes of all sorts were heaped upon the tables. Smoked meats and cheeses were placed on platters. Dried fruits stewed in bowls laced with sugar and brandy.

Farmers from the surrounding area brought in casks and kegs of wines and ales. Some of the wines had been put down nearly a generation ago and were well-aged. Men spoke in hushed tones of vintages of years gone by. The ales and lagers had been brewed from the grains that had been harvested the previous autumn.

At the head of the main table sat two empty places, these were the places for Vadervynte, the winter spirit and, Vaderzummi, the spirit of spring and summer. The best of everything was placed on plates of silver as offerings to the whimsical spirits of the seasons. It was the farewell meal for Vadervynte, and the welcoming meal for Vaderzummi.

The villagers sat at the tables with the men at one side, and the women at the other. The eligible bachelors and maidens sat at their own table. Many a marriage had been the result of the pairing at this table. The seating arrangements at this table were supposed to be a random pairing, but it was common knowledge that arrangements were sometimes made to pair up certain young men with certain young women.

Ellowynthe assumed the form of a brown chickadee and flew close enough to hear the conversations of the villagers. A small group of the young eligible girls stood huddled near the tree that Ellowynthe sat in and were discussing who they hoped they would be paired up with. This year was uncommon in that there were exactly the same number of boys and girls. No one would forced to sit by themselves this year It was considered to be an ill omen to sit alone at a table with no one of the opposite sex across from them.

‘Oh, I don’t care who I get,’ remarked Jillith.

Leyna carefully straightened her top and gave the other girls a haughty look. ‘Well, I know who I will be across from. My mother paid three gold crowns to assure that Johann sits across from me.’ Leyna was beyond pretty. She was perfect and her long blonde hair shone like the sun. Her skin was smooth and creamy and she had eyes the color of the sky on a clear winter day. Some of the older women would comment that maybe her top was cinched in a bit too much and that her blouse showed just a little too much cleavage.

While Leyna may have been the most physically attractive of all the girls in the village, she was not well-liked. Her obsession with her beauty, and her obsession with getting what she wanted, no matter what the cost, had left her with few real friends.

Lisa lifted her soft brown eyes from the ground. ‘I’m with Jillith. I don’t care who I get, as long as he is nice.’

Leyna’s voice was almost a sneer. ‘If that’s the way you feel, then I hope you get Sven.’

Several of the other girls tittered and covered their mouths. Sven was considered by most of the girls to be the most unattractive of all of the possible prospects. If any of them were to explain why they found Sven unattractive, they would be hard pressed to find a concrete reason. The seeds of dislike for Sven had been planted by Leyna years ago in school for an incident that was long forgotten.

Rheanna made a sour face. ‘I think I would sooner sit with a pig than have to sit with Sven.’ She was about the only girl that liked Leyna. She was a lot like Leyna, pretty and shallow and she came from a well-to-do family.

Ellowynthe didn’t know much about people, but she decided she didn’t care much for the one called Leyna. She could feel why Leyna wanted Johann. It wasn’t so much that she liked him, it was more that Leyna saw there would be advantages with Johann due to the stature of his family in the land. There would be opportunities for Leyna to leave the village and be seen in the court of the King. Ellowynthe flitted off in her chickadee form and set about trying to find the boy called Sven. She wanted to see him for herself.

The boys were found gathered around a small cask of ale that one of them had spirited away from the square. Their faces were bright with mischief and glee. Laughter continually rang out as they talked.

Ellowynthe immediately sensed that the aversion the girls had for Sven was not shared by the boys.

Olaf wiped some of the foam from the ale from his lip. ‘Sven, which of the girls do you want to be across from?’

Sven blushed and shook his head. ‘It matters not a whit to me. None of them seem to care much for me anyway.’

Sven’s father’s farm was one of the poorest in the area. More than once, villagers had joked that his land always produced the best crop of rocks in the area. As a result Sven was poor and it reflected in his clothing. Sven’s shirt was clean, but the collar and cuffs were frayed in places. His vest was well-worn and had seen better days. Signs of fine mending were visible here and there on his trousers. His boots were clean and polished, but worn out.

Ellowynthe could feel Sven’s soul deep inside of her and there was a richness to it. He was a simple and honest boy, full of kindness. Ellowynthe smiled. She liked what she felt. There was a love of nature in him that she found attractive. He was tall and lean, his face tanned from being outdoors. There was great strength in his arms and shoulders from working the land on his father’s farm.

‘What about you, Johann, do you think that you will be paired up with, Leyna?’ Olaf grinned. It was correctly assumed by the boys that Leyna’s mother would have paid out money to ensure her daughter got what she wanted.

‘I hope not.’ Johann took another swig of the ale from his mug. ‘I was hoping for Jillith.’

Mikhail joked, ‘I pity the poor fellow that Leyna traps. I know not if there will be enough room in the wedding chamber for him, her, and her swelled head.’

A bell rang out announcing it was time for the celebration to start. The eligible boys sat in order of eldest to youngest. The girls lined up by age to draw a piece of paper with a number written on it from a silver bowl. Ellowynthe watched, when it came to Leyna’s turn, the woman slipped a piece of paper with a number on it into Leyna’s hand.

Leyna smiled as she looked at her slip of paper, and then took her place across the table from Johann. ‘I am so surprised that I got you.’

Olaf nudged Sven in the ribs and whispered. ‘Oh yes, big surprise there. I wonder how much her mother paid out?’

Sven didn’t say anything. He just chuckled under his breath and nodded his head. He wondered who he would get. Sven didn’t really care. He just wanted the celebration to be done with.

When Jillith sat down across from Sven, he felt slightly better. At least she had never been openly antagonistic towards him, although perhaps not exactly friendly towards him. Jillith nodded politely at Sven and tried to ignore the snickers of derision coming from Leyna and Rheanna.

Ellowynthe was too busy watching the young people at the table to see the small boys creeping up behind the tree where she was perched. All she felt was a blinding pain as a rock struck her in the back of the head. Stunned, she fell to the ground.

‘I got it! I got it!’ yelled the boy who through the rock.

His friend yelled excitedly, ‘You killed it! You got it with your first rock.’

Sven frowned at the two boys and got up from his chair and picked up the small bird in his large hand. ‘Why did you do this?’ He looked at the two boys standing before him.

”Tis only a chickadee, who cares?’ sneered the boy that had thrown the rock.

‘Was the chickadee threatening you?’ asked Sven. ‘Perhaps you were hungry and wanted to make a meal of the bird?’ With a gentle touch Sven stroked the feathers of the small bird. ‘It would seem that this bird would make a pretty meager meal for lads like you.’

The second boy was about to say something when Sven stood up and towered over both the young boys. ‘Just because you are bigger and strong, that is no reason to pick on a creature that is so much smaller and weaker.’

Both boys understood Sven’s implied meaning and scurried off to find their parents. Sven returned to his seat and looked at the small, brown bird in his hand. He smiled as he felt the rapid jackhammer beat of the small bird’s heart and saw the blink of its eye.

Leyna pursed her lips and her face had a look of disdain. ‘Oh, Sven, you big bully. Those boys were only having fun. It’s only some dumb little bird.’

Normally Sven would have just accepted her comment and would have made no reply. Not today. He leveled his grey-blue eyes at Leyna. ‘Perhaps you have forgotten what today is. It’s Nuevenschlatt, the day we celebrate the rebirth of the earth. Do you think in killing this little bird that we are in keeping with the meaning of this day?’ He extended his hand, the chickadee still cupped in his palm, towards Leyna. ‘What did this little bird do to deserve to be killed today? You may take delight in the suffering of others, but I do not.’

Leyna wasn’t used to someone standing up to her. She went to say something, her mouth opened and closed several times, some of the boys would joke later that she looked like a trout feeding at the lake.

The titters of derision towards Sven halted and some of the girls looked down at their laps. His words rang true in some of their ears. Satisfied that he had made his point Sven brought his hand back to his lap where he continued to stroke the chickadee’s small head.

Ellowynthe regained her senses and began to make chirping noises.

Sven looked down at the little bird. ‘It looks like you are going to be fine, my little feathered friend.’ He stood up and let the small bird hop from his hand to the branch.

The mood of the celebration had been dampened, however. The normally loud and boisterous table of young men and women was subdued. After the meal was finished and the tables cleared away, everyone gathered around the tall oak tree in the village square.

The youngest of the villagers formed a circle around the tree. The single villagers formed the second circle and the married folk formed the final ring. The local musicians began to play songs of spring and of rebirth. The people danced around the tree, never breaking their circles. The local priest said a blessing to the spirits and that was the end of the formal celebration.

They began the informal celebration with the musicians playing late into the night. The people danced and sung the night away. Sven was not part of the gaiety, as soon as the formal festivities concluded, Sven bade everyone a good evening and began his walk home.

It had touched Ellowynthe that Sven had come to her rescue. The compassion that he had shown to a small bird warmed her spirit. She thought he must be remarkable. As Sven walked, she flitted from tree to tree and watched him.

Sven looked up at the small bird and smiled. ‘Are you following me home, little winged one? You can ride on my shoulder if your wings should become tired.’ He laughed as the little bird seemed to twitter back at him. To Sven’s utter amazement, the tiny bird flew down from the tree and landed upon his shoulder.

He reached up and stroked the bird’s head and back with his forefinger. ‘I am glad for the company. What would you have us talk about, if you could talk?’

Ellowynthe chirped away. She felt a fondness growing for this man. He was so big, so strong, and yet, so very gentle.

As Sven began to walk, he replied to the bird on his shoulder, ‘Which of the girls did I like? None really, none of them care for me.’ He nodded as Ellowynthe sang back a delightful warble. ‘No, I don’t see a wife in my future.’ He glanced over at the bird. ‘No, it doesn’t bother me. I have never had a wife, so, how could I miss having what I have never had? I expect I will spend my life taking care of the ground that is mine. I will put the love I would have had for a wife into caring for the earth.’

She felt a great sadness for the man. She could feel the love that burned inside of him. There was a passion for things living inside of him that she thought that she only possessed.

The moon had risen, full and bright. A shimmering white glow that seemed magical covered the land in a silvery blanket of light.

‘Do you have any children, Mrs. Chickadee?’ Sven asked. ‘I suppose that is what I will miss. I was looking forward to having a son and a daughter. One for the wife to teach the ways of a woman, how to cook, and how to sew. And one for me, to teach the ways of the land and of the forest. Two for the both us to teach how to be loving and kind.’

A new feeling came over Ellowynthe, one that she had never experienced before. Love. She never wanted to be separated from this man. She flitted off of Sven’s shoulder and landed on the ground several paces ahead of him. Closing her eyes, she made the transformation from a bird into a young woman.

Sven gasped as he saw Ellowynthe change from a bird into a woman. ‘Ho there! What kind of trickery is this?’

She smiled. ‘The trickery of a wood sprite. My name is Ellowynthe and I mean you no harm. You saved me in the village, and for that, my life should be forfeit to you.’

He looked at the woman that stood before him. He had never seen anything like her before. She was tall, almost as tall as he was. Her arms and legs were long and slender, her features soft and delicate. Sven could find no words to describe her beauty—she was like the summer sunset, the winter dawn, and like the flowers that bloomed on the mountains. The way her golden tresses cascaded over her shoulders reminded Sven of a waterfall in a mountain stream. Her eyes were the green of an emerald, they sparkled and danced in the moonlight. The garment that she wore was unlike anything Sven had seen before. It was like finely spun gossamer and was so sheer he could almost see through it.

Sven shook his head and looked down at the ground. ‘No milady, you owe me nothing. I did naught what any good man should do.’

Ellowynthe took a couple of paces forward and raised her hand to his cheek. ‘Then I offer myself unto you of my own free will.’ She leaned up and kissed him on the lips and held them there. She felt his arms like the branches of the mighty oak wrap around her.

When her lips touched his, something happened to Sven, it was like the flashes of lightning of a summer sto
rm in his mind. He felt his manhood rise and stiffen and press against her. Sven felt no embarrassment, for reasons unknown to him—he wanted her to feel his readiness.

A fire built within Ellowynthe like nothing before. She felt his hardness against her body and she wanted to touch it, to feel it inside her. She wanted him to join with her and to make the two them as one.

She reached down and with her slender fingers, she undid the lace that kept his trousers closed. Ellowynthe reached inside and grasped his swollen heat with her cool hand.

His hands roamed over her silky-smooth garment, and he found the tie that held it all together. He pulled it and watched as she stood back and let her clothing drop to the ground. His eyes feasted upon her body. Sven undid his vest, and then his shirt. He slipped off his boots, and then his trousers. He faced her nakedness with his own. His manhood jutting proudly out and up towards the moon.

Ellowynthe took Sven by the hand and she lay on the soft, green spring grass and opened herself to him. She guided his thick manhood between her legs and felt him drive deep within her. The momentary pain of his entry was replace with an overwhelming feeling of joy. Their bodies moved as one under the silvery moonlight.

Sven had never imagined that something could feel as amazing as this. The way her body felt wrapped around him was nothing like the whispering he had heard from the other boys. He felt so whole and so complete with Ellowynthe. Her green eyes almost glowed as her passion reached its pinnacle.

They cried out together as they felt the heavens and earth collide and his seed was loosed deep within her.

Sven lay beside her, spent. His hand brushed the hair from her eyes. He felt so full and alive. Nothing in his young life had prepared him for the feelings he had just experienced.

He touched her face with his fingers, so soft and delicate. ‘I don’t want this night to ever end.’

Ellowynthe smiled. ‘I am yours now. I cannot go back to what I was. I will live the rest of my life as your wife.’ She paused for a moment and looked into his face. ‘That is, if you will have me.’

His voice was as soft as the breezes of a summer evening. ‘Yes, I will have you, if you will have me. How can I have you, though, if you are a creature of magic?’

A smile formed on her face, her voice full of joy. ‘Because, when you entered me, you have given me a child. I cannot return now to what I once was.’

Sven and Ellowynthe were wed a few weeks later. Whispers flew around the village like crows to the corn fields at harvest time. Where had she come from? Did anyone know her? Some of the young women, especially Leyna, were resentful of Ellowynthe’s beauty.

The years flew by. They were blessed with three children, two girls and a boy. The twin girls, Ash and Aspen, looked like their mother, and the son, Alder, looked much like his father. Sven and Ellowynthe were rich. It wasn’t a richness of gold or money. It was a richness of happiness and of health. The richness of hard work rewarded. The richness of kindness to friends and strangers alike. The richness of true love. Like a sapling growing into a tree, their love for each other grew year after year.

Sven’s farm was the envy of the area. Where once it seemed that only rocks would grow, Sven’s crops flourished. In dry times, it always seemed a passing cloud would open up and let loose with some rain as it passed their farm. When the hail came, it always seemed to other farmers that it would just miss Sven’s crops.

Ellowynthe’s beauty and grace only seemed to increase with age. It hardly seemed possible, but Sven seemed to get taller and stronger with time.

After their children were grown and married, their son took over the farm. It was announced that Ellowynthe and Sven were going on a journey to visit Ellowynthe’s family in a faraway land. They traveled far over the sea to a land of magical creatures. Ellowynthe and Sven were welcomed there with open arms. They lived out the remainder of their years in this mystical land.

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There was no music in the middle of the forest except for the steady beat of naked feet on the bed of leaves already fallen from the tall trees. Thirteen female bodies twisting in the light of the Harvest Moon with nipples bouncing and pretty bushes all a twitter with a frenzy of the rhythm. Nikki was feeling the spirit of the master driving her into a frantic gyration that lathered up her flanks and her pretty pussy. The other females were just as carried away by the rays of Mother Moon...

1 year ago
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But those leggings

I had ordered my second drink when she got up and walked past me at the bar, heading to the restrooms or something. I gave her a good solid stare and she locked eyes with me. One second is a glance, two seconds gets a little twitchy but four full seconds of eye contact with a pretty stranger gets my blood pumping. I swiveled my head as she passed and got a good shot of those yoga pants. Now it seems that lately yoga pants, especially those worn by teenage girls out in public, have gotten...

2 years ago
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Meeting Stanley the saga continues

This is part two of Meeting Stanley for those who have read part one i really hoped you found it erotic. Stanley was everything i was looking for in a man his hard cock more than made up for his lack of physical size. It seemed as if we were destined to be together. I would model various outfits for Stanley and Stanley seemed to prefer me dressing as a female. Stanley went so far to say that i should just dump all my male clothes and be the total female i always wanted to be. Yes i preferred...

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Fixing It

SluttyBi: I need a ride. MissyJ: *devilish grin* I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe. SluttyBi: *lol* not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today. MissyJ: OK, where is this place? SluttyBi: do u remember Kev? MissyJ: Kev who? SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with him. ...

1 year ago
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A Walk In The Park Part 2

“Do you like what you see boys?” I asked huskily. They both nodded eagerly. I glanced at our surroundings, to make sure we were safe. This was perfect. We were at the edge of the park. The main pathway and seating area was about fifteen yards in front of me, hidden by the thick shrubbery and to the left I could make out houses that formed the border of the park. To the right I could see flashes of colour as strollers past by less than ten yards away, oblivious to our intentions.  “Okay, boys,...

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History 8211 Chapter 4 8211 The Party

Chapter 4 continued. “Baby you seemed bit strange, are you alright!” He stopped with his lucky adventure of deflowering her pussy lips, when she replied that she is bit tired and lied by his side. She got deeply engrossed in something else. “You are very lucky lady that you got a husband who loves you so much and in addition to it he has a very lovely cock. So long and having such a thickness in its girth! I was hypnotized by it when I saw it for the first time and I should also mention that he...

4 years ago
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Outdoor group nudism and getting wild in forest

Dear readers, I am writing after a long break. About me, 6 ft, 32 waist, fair to wheatish color and around 36 years of age. I am staying in Bangalore. I am a bisexual and curious guy. I enjoy getting fingered and rimmed. BDSM and kink stuff kind of turns me on but not hardcore types. Off late, I have been exploring outdoor group nudism on the net when I came across a guy with similar interests (Ajay). Ajay was a business guy from Pune who visited Bangalore sometimes. We briefly chatted about...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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True story II My first kiss

Hii Girls/Guys,It's a crime to have, just a cconversation with a girl when you're coming to the age, out of the high school, Your world is just about your guy friends simple days without any female.complications, " My male friends wouldUnderstand what I am talking about here", simply seen with a female alone would bring ridicule and end up with youBeing the center of jokes and tease for awhile also maybe a little amount of jealousy and admire from your Fellow c***dhood friends.Well here I was...

2 years ago
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The Operative FIle 02

The Operative: File 02 by SizeQueenSupreme © Sgt. Ranier Braddock was a hard man. Too short for my tastes, appealingly layered with thick muscles though, and he would have been an interesting specimen. But he was also an asshole. He passed his first day of interrogation simply giving me his name, rank and serial number, no matter how I enticed him. At the same time, I was having trouble with Agent William Pierce, a matchless face who brilliantly turned aside my every inquiry with a...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 22 Persuading Hagrid

Chapter Twenty-Two – Persuading Hagrid Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mF, Mf, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, oral, spank, unif, voy It was the middle of January and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be enjoying the cold windy Saturday in the beautiful town of Hogsmeade. They had all dressed accordingly; wearing their heavy winter cloaks to keep warm while they...

3 years ago
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Improbable History

*This story uses characters created for and owned by Jay Ward Productions and is unauthorized.* "Peabody here (dog genius), and this is my boy Sherman. Say hello, Sherman." "Hello," said Sherman. "Where and when are we going today, Mr. Peabody?" "Set the Wayback Machine for Cairo, Egypt and the year 1916, Sherman. We're off to visit Lt. T. E. Lawrence of the British Royal Army." Sherman adjusted the controls and we stepped into the Wayback Machine (my own invention, by the way)...

2 years ago
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InsubordinationChapter 8

I drove across the Walt Whitman Bridge to South Jersey and headed down Route 42 toward the shore. It was after midnight and as I made more turns farther away from Route 42 the traffic got pretty thin. I turned off onto a country road and took it around a mile before making a left turn onto a one-lane road. The motel was a few hundred feet down, on the right. If someone was following me, they were doing it without lights. That seemed unlikely since the road was not entirely straight. I would...

4 years ago
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Youth masturbation with neighbours

I am Fred and some years ago, at the time of these events, I was 16 years old and my sister Ruth was a year older. Next door was a family which had a swimming pool. The family included a son and daughter that were the same age as Ruth and me. Sometimes we were invited to swim in the pool. On this occasion we swam in the pool without our parents, who were out at work in their various offices. The brother and sister were Tom and Sue and we were all sitting at the side of the pool after our swim....

2 years ago
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A Tough Choice

Weeks after Jaden return to Duel Academy he and Alexis started dating and week later Jaden decided Alexis deserved to know his secret. "Lex I have a secret to tell you." "Ok Jay." "My surname isn't Yuki." "A fake surname is the secret?" "Well one part of it." "Part 2 is your real surname." "Yeah but Lex until I decided to tell the others it stays between us." "No problem." "Ok my real surname is" but before Jaden could say Syrus and Hassleberry interrupted them. "Hey Jay what's up?" "Guys me...

1 year ago
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My cheating wife story

It was a Wednesday afternoon that I came home early from work. My best friend and water skiing buddy, Merv was laying tiles in our bathroom at that time so I was not concerned when his car was parked in the driveway. I parked on the road and walked up the driveway to the house. I could hear no noise in the house which was unusual as my wife usually listened to music during the afternoon. I knew that she was home because I could see her car was in the garage. Because it seemed so unusually...

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Niece on a BoatChapter 13 June

“I can only pray your animal instincts aren’t going to leave me tied helplessly to the rail and subjected to the same pirate predations as my poor daughter,” said June. “‘Fraid so,” grinned Sean. He stroked a hand over her back, slowly up to the big ribbon that was almost hidden under the ends of her blonde hair, then a bit further up, to her neck. He pulled an end free from each bow and passed one to Mark, who was looking dazed on her other side. Sean took hold of the ribbon on the front...

1 year ago
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Maxines Divorce episode 15

"Dot, take off that pretty blouse while I wash your hair." Maxine turned to the cabinet to fetch a clean towel. When she turned back to the wash basin, Dot was sitting on the stool bare breasted. "I don't like to wear a bra," Dot said to a mildly astonished Maxine. "Or panties," she added. "Oh! That's okay, she replied. Maxine was immediately turned on. Dot's breasts were smallish but beautifully formed. Maxine stepped up to Dot and nervously draped the towel around her...

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The Family Party

1 The family get together was well planned with invitations sent for the immediate Family and just one couple that were close friends. Jerry, at 50 years old, being the patriarch of the family, had wanted to get all of his Children, their Spouses and a few friends together, without their kid’s, so everyone could relax, drink and enjoy the evening with stay over’s a possibility. Barbara, at 48 years old, was the backbone of the family and had been married to Jerry for almost 30 years. Jerry...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 686

Dessie and Phillip at The Waterfall Campsite ...”I’ll keep plenty of wood the right size near to hand,” he promised her. “Good. For now, come stand with me while I wash off in the lake. No way am I going to get under the cold water of the falls this early in the day.” “Can I bathe with you?” he asked with just that tone of voice. “You want more after last night and this morning?” she asked incredulously. “With that body and beautiful face, I will always want more,” he said with...

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“Well, well, well” he smirked as he wandered in, his eyes roving all over them. “Don’t mind me mate, I just fancied getting my rocks off watching you fuck my woman.” “Great arse” he commented, giving her a stinging slap in passing that left his livid palm print on her right cheek . “You’ve done well mate opening her arsehole up like that. I hope to see you fucking it later.” “Stop it” she said. “You can see the poor bastard doesn’t know whether to shit or piss himself in fear.” ...

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Notes on Oneida

“History is more or less bunk.” Henry Ford “Well this history isn’t.” Holly Rennick “Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana “Might we give this one another try?” Cindi Barton HOLLY’S COMMENTS: The upcoming NEA Iowa Conference for Teachers of Language Arts is soliciting papers dealing with “Language for Leadership.” If I get something accepted, District will foot the bill and it will count as a professional activity in my annual review. Otherwise, I...

3 years ago
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Hot Babysitter part1

I was in desperate need of a night out so I asked my husband if we could get a babysitter for the boys and go to dinner. He happily agreed and called the neighbors to see if their daughter, Susie, was available. Thankfully she was so we set it up for Saturday night. Saturday came around and I was more than ready to go out and look sexy for my hubby. I chose a short black fitted dress that hugged my hips and was low in the front to show off my C cup tits. I threw on some 4in black heels and let...

4 years ago
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Special Delivery of Big Black Cock Blacken

My husband Neil is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Neil loves to watch me...

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The Fantasy Game

What started as a Fantasy becomes a Reality.Walter (Walt) Simpson and Victoria (Vickie) Taylor met their junior year at college. They were a handsome, athletic couple who took good care of their slender bodies. Walt was 6' tall with chestnut brown hair, and Vickie was 5' 9" with sandy blond hair. They both loved the excitement and living on the edge. Vickie was probably the more daring of the two. Their favorite past-time was watching other people and fantasizing about what they would look like...

2 years ago
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More Than Hanging OutChapter 3

"Yes, I want to, so much," I told her. "Let's do it doggie-style, I just love it that way," she said and she had me get off and she turned over on her hands and knees and asked me to get between her legs and do it that way, from behind. I knelt between her legs, her beautiful round butt so soft and warm in my hands as I looked at her pussy's lips, wet and eager, a little of my white cum showing between her pussy lips, as I pushed into her snug, warm insides and began fucking her once...

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Eden RescueChapter 20

The native escorted them in silence to the house she'd expected, the Edenites' original building that she knew sheltered the entrance to their primary subterranean nest. He was joined there by three of his fellows, all of whom clearly meant to accompany them belowground. Parity of numbers, always, she thought. It had been one of the hallmarks of their previous visits. But there would not be parity on another level, she recognized wryly. While the humans were indeed unarmed, the metal...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 14

2078 a.d. Preparation Elaine and Béla were on Béla's big four-poster bed. It had been a year since Béla had announced her intention to return to Earth when the great ship high above them departed. 'I already miss you, ' Elaine thought sadly to her sister. 'You will leave a big hole in my life until you return.' She knew, deep inside, that there was disaster ahead for all of them, but somehow she understood that her sister would find a way to return from her doomed home world....

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Gina Valentina Santa Came Early

Logan Long wakes up Christmas morning in bed with sexy girlfriend Gina Valentina. She suspects that Santa came early this year, and Logan follows her into the living room to inspect. Something is waiting in there. It’s an air mattress, and Gia wants to use it to give him a full contact NURU Gel massage! It’s clear that Logan’s excited, judging by the footlong sprouting from his torso. The tiny tattooed brunette pulls off her pajama bra and panties, while Logan lies down on the...

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In answer to a question

I was asked the other day what I was doing online at 3:30 a.m. Well, if you must know, MsOerBiIowaIt is 3:07 in the morning. I get out of bed quietly. Even if I set off a bomb, the only thing that would change would be my wife would wake up and be pissed. If I woke her up and told her I wanted to fuck, she would be pissed too. So I get out bed quietly and head out to the family room and turn on my computer.I don’t bother with any lights. The computer screen is enough, especially for what I plan...

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Living Together

Living Together I met her on a flight from Florida to the west coast. She wasahead of me in line as we left the departure lounge. A bright orange dressand black fishnet stockings. It would have looked garish on a white womanbut on her it merely celebrated her café au lait complexion. Crabwalking down the plane's aisle I saw with pleasure that the seat next toher was still empty. I put my carry on and my alpaca overcoat in the overheadrack and sat down. The flight lecture was given. Drinks...

2 years ago
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ISB Ginger My Ugly Little Si ster

Ah,the Memories!*Ginger was a fat, mean spirited, ugly little four eyed bitch! She's just like Mom, even looks like her. What more can I say? Oh,yeah, She's also one Hell of a Fuck! At least, Now She Is!* It was a Saturday morning, Ginger and I were at the kitchen table eating our breakfast. Mom was leaning against the counter smoking a cigarette, and waiting for the potatoes to fry, that's when Ginger said "Guess what, Mommy?" Her mouth full of partially chewed scrambled eggs "I went to go pee...

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The Making of a CocksmanChapter 2

So there we were. My sister and I had just agreed to masturbate in front of each other. Now that's weird, any way that you look at it. It was weird because she was my sister. But it was also weird because, as she stood up, pushed down her shorts and pulled her shirt over her head, I was with a naked teenaged girl for the first time ever. I had done a lot of fooling around with girls - don't get me wrong - but none of them had ever been naked. And I had never been naked in front of a girl...

3 years ago
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Life Isnt So Simple

I grab at the sheets in ecstasy, my body creaking with the waves of pleasure coursing through me, my mind can't focus, all I do is smell the sweat, feel the tongue hitting all the right points, and see that face between my legs. The face I've yearned for. The face of- "Scarlet! I've told you three times now! Wake up or you'll be late for school!" Reality is a cruel mistress. As you've probably figured out from my Mother's exclamations, my name is Scarlet, but my friends call me Scar, which is...

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Going to Mr Johnsons

It has been a couple of days, and mom had to go to work. She kissed me goodbye. I went to school and she headed to her job. When school ended I went straight to Mr. Johnson. He answered the door and asked me what I needed, thinking he forgot about what he said I asked if he could help me with my math since mom was at work. He said sure come on in. He guided me to the dining table and I took out the math book and notebook. We worked on it for about thirty minutes and he asked if I needed a...

3 years ago
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A 100 TRUE story of how I had sexPt3

I was talking to my friends in the cafeteria at school. I smiled. “Yep.” “And who is the lovely lady?” My other friend Naomi asked. I shook my head. “I can’t tell. It’s a secret.” My friends glared at me. “Come on, dude,” Even urged, “What’s problem?” “I don’t think she’d want anyone to know…plus she’s a virgin.” “Whoa, you really scored big time,” Evan laughed. “Is she pretty?” I smiled. “Hell yes, she’s pretty. She’s really nice, too.” Naomi punched me in the arm...

2 years ago
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Hi. I am Rama Raju working in Pune and am using my friend’s mail, after I saw his real life story on your site. I too wish to narrate what I have experienced and how much pleasure it has given me. Where I live, there is a milk vendor named Patil, living in a small house with his wife Latha and his daughter Shanthi. Every morning, on my way from my hour long walk I used to pass by his place collect milk and go my way. Like this, we became friendly, and I would frequently drop in for a chat. My...

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