Rey of Jakku s No Good Really Bad Awful Week
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual so please feel free to leave me a comment in the comment box at the end of the story! You see those big empty stars down there as well? Did you want to maybe fill them up? We don’t want them empty and all alone like that. You’re not a monster are you?
Also, please don’t post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I’ve had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don’t want to bring it down again. Don’t forget to add me on one of the messengers too! Don’t be afraid! I love chatting about celebs, story ideas or chatting in general and I like making new friends! Just as a word of warning, YIM is messing me around. So, if you add me and I don’t respond it may be that it just registers you as offline. Sorry. Not sure why it does that any more. The best thing to do is initiate conversations with me and I’ll be able, and happy to, respond to you.
Author’s Note: Okay, so this story references events in Episode 7. If you haven’t seen it yet, please don’t read this story as I don’t want to be the guy who spoils it. Go ahead I’ll wait.
Watched it again? Wasn’t that fantastic!? Now, on with the story!
Celebrity: Daisy Ridley
Codes: MF, Cons, Oral
Nothing ever happens in my slice of the world.
Well, except for the day Hollywood rolled into town. Having lived on the coastline of Ireland for nearly all of my life, save for the occasional couple of years I spent in Belfast for University, I was used to picturesque settings, late nights and a community with a very, very lax drinking age. However, that had very quickly become the norm and I had grown into my Irish blood rather well. As I lived in the countryside, I was used to the outdoors and could very rarely not be found without some sort of hiking equipment or a very large backpack attached to me. Now though, I was sat on one of the aforementioned picturesque hills, overlooking one of the smaller parts of Ireland.
I couldn’t make out all of the sets but there was definitely something large, grey and constructed near to the end with a lighting rig. After seeing The Force Awakens several times in the cinema, I could make an educated guess that it was the Millennium Falcon dropping Rey off to find Luke Skywalker. Knowing that Skellig Michael Island was a very restricted area, it made sense that Star Wars and Disney would come to my part of the world. The greenery and the older parts of the the castle’s were from a similar period of in time as to when Skellig Michael Island would have been heavily populated and would definitely look like it could be the same place in the galaxy far, far away and a long time ago.
Pulling myself to my feet, I grabbed my phone and snapped a couple of photos, curious to see just what they would look like on my computer and whether I could clear any of them up with some photo editing software. Turning and making my way down towards the main road where I had parked my bike, I could see a selection of cars already covering the road and making it seem as if we were in a big city rather than the littlest part of nowhere. Watching all the cars zip past, I just knew they were part of the new set for Star Wars Episode 8. The blacked out windows and selection of cars travelling down the road with the occasional white van filled with equipment or perhaps a police car working as escort.
Despite how hard I squinted, my green eyes didn’t pierce through the windows and I was left to simply assume who were in the cars. I could safely assume that at least Mark Hamil, Rian Johnson and Daisy Ridley were there. Sighing at the mere thought of that last name, I wondered if I’d even see the faintest of outlines of her. Daisy had had a strong showing in her cinematic debut in Star Wars and as a result, it had become very apparent that she was joining the hallowed halls of Comic-Con babes such as: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Lawrence and Megan Fox. Not bad company for her to be in certainly. The convoy of cars disappeared around the bend in the road and would no doubt descend upon the small town close to the Dingle Peninsula. Hopping onto my pedal bike, I casually followed them, not expecting to see anything more of it but having a fun story for the internet.
As I began the second part of my journey, I usually bike from my home with my parents to my job as a National Trust hiking guide, my mind was not on the road ahead of me. Rather than being interested in the wildlife around me, the sounds of the ocean crashing against the rocks beneath me, nor the sounds of the usual birds flying high above me. Instead, I was focusing purely on the thoughts of what the new film set must look like. It made me think that our little part of the world must be a similar sort of planet, if not the same planet, that we saw at the end of Episode 7 where Luke Skywalker was staying. Of course, there had been naysayers, a lot of people thought that the film crew would destroy the natural beauty of our slice of Ireland but having seen how Lucasfilm and Disney treated Skellig Michael Island and some of the first person testimonies had managed to quell some of the concern and antsy anticipation of the Hollywood film crews coming here. Me, and my collection of friends, had never really had any concerns over it, we had all joked that we would get extra or supporting roles.
Eventually making it around the corner, I made it down towards the small hamlet close to the docks and what was normally a quiet town already seemed to be bustling with life even with me being so far away. The road was long and winding but it was all downhill now so my legs stopped working so much and I simply rode the road down with my feet following the way my feet travelled as I head down towards the town. Towards the end of the town, near to where the water meets the land, there was a small, wooden quay that typically never saw more than two or three boats there at once. Now though, you could tell Hollywood was in town as there was nearly double the amount there. As I made my way down the hill, I could see some of the paparazzi snapping photos while a boat disappeared towards a part of the countryside only approachable by water. As the boat cut through the water, the paparazzi moved from the quay and headed towards the town. Would poor Mrs. O’Brien at the café be able to cope with all those sandwiches? I wondered to myself as I lifted my head up and started to pedal towards the pub which my parents owned.
Cycling into town, moving past the set of well-maintained houses on the outside, smiling and waving to some of the population of the hamlet that were out and about, snooping as to what was happening in their sleepy little town. Smiling, I continued to cycle towards the pub. Travelling over the gravel and landing into the front of the pub, I grabbed the small bike lock that was now a permanent feature at the side of the popular nightspot in the town and quickly bolted my bike to the side, keeping it secure. Locking it up, I pocket the key in my raincoat and step inside. Crossing the threshold and stepping inside the pub, I spotted up a couple of the regulars before spotting my parents. My mum, an older looking lady though no one would dare say that out loud, who was picking apart a jacket potato and tutting very loudly at one of her trashy gossip magazines. Sitting in one of the smaller alcoves in the side of the pub, she lifted her head up, peering at me over her half moon glasses. Smiling, she raised a hand up and waved at me before I returned it.
Unzipping my raincoat, I hung the extra piece of protective fabric on one of the chrome hooks and saw my dad, the typical image of a lumberjack, ascending from the basement behind the bar with an empty metal barrel on his shoulders. Anyone who saw me standing next to my father knew who I got my looks from. While I wasn’t as stocky
as my father, I was an athletically large sort of frame while my father was strictly larger. Our hair was a similar shade of mahogany and my facial hair wasn’t as bushy as his but it was definitely as thick as his. He raised a hand back to me, waving with a smile as wide as his face at the sight of me.
‘Will my boy! Back from work already?’ He bellowed to me, half way from across the pub as I kicked off my boots. Checking my phone, I realised I was back almost on the dot which was unusual for me. Normally, I liked to stay behind and make sure everything was set up for the next shift. Today though, today I too wanted to see what all the gossip was about. Taking a seat at the bar, I leant over and shook my dad’s beefy hand as he excitedly pulled a pint of diet soda for me.
‘Yeah dad, I figured you may need some help with all the extra hands in the town.’ I answered, taking the glass in my hands and peering over my shoulder as the convoy of cars and trucks made their way from the quay and over to the main road I had just came down from. Looking around, I could see Wink, the pub’s cat, and some of the regulars, the ones who would regularly talk to my mother and help her with the crosswords in the newspapers we had delivered to the pub. I was actually somewhat disappointed. I was expecting something… More. Maybe later on we would see some more people come back to the pub and pump some tourist money into the business. That was mostly the more important thing we were interested in. While we didn’t struggle for money, it was always nice to have some more in the tills.
My father chuckled and nodded his head, collecting some of the empties on the bar top and dunked them into the sink behind the bar. Grabbing a yellow cloth, he sprayed a jet of cleaning fluid against the oak bar and started to scrub at it before scrubbing at some of the more stubborn of stains. My father was very house-proud, or in this case, pub-proud, and some stains on the oak bar just weren’t going to go away, no matter how many times he scrubbed at them. He looked down at it, scowled before throwing the rag back over his shoulder. Coming back to me, he took a stand, leaning against the bar as he looked over at me.
‘Aye but it’s still early doors yet. I’m sure later on we’ll see some more footfall.’ My dad offered, reaching over and playfully shaking me by the shoulders as I tried to polish off my pint. ‘Who knows? Maybe the young lady starring in the movie will come see you?’ He laughed just as loudly as he had done the first time he had ever done it and while I normally would have been laughing just as hard as he was, now it wasn’t so funny. Had I really bought into the fact that I would have seen Daisy Ridley in the pub that much? Shooting him a smirk, I polished off the drink and passed him the empty before standing up and looking at my parents who simply laughed it off as well. Rubbing at the back of my neck, I wondered just what the team of Episode 8 were up to now. Would they actually come around tonight or would they just go back to their no doubt fancier hotels in the inland of Ireland. I might get to see Luke Skywalker though, Mark Hamil was noted as very good with fans and the public so he may poke his head in. That would be pretty cool. I thought to myself as I stepped past the bar and moved into the small corridor that led up to the back of the pub.
The architecture of the public house was tudor, there was a lot of white walls with black beams and that pattern ran throughout the whole of our home. As I was left to my own thoughts, my hands came out and absentmindedly stroked against the bumpy surface of the walls, occasionally running my fingers over the black beams. The doors in the home were thick, complimenting of the way the house was built, radiators didn’t exist back when the house was built so the doors were thicker to keep the cold out. Grabbing a hold of the door to my bedroom, I twisted the handle and pushed it open, adding my shoulder to it to manage to get the door open and past the shag carpet I had laid down once I got home from Uni. Walking over to the window facing the sea, I laid my hands down on the table I had with my desktop computer on and squinted, looking to see if I could see anything. The peninsula was close to where we lived and on a good day, it was visible but now, not so much.
Looking out of the window, I shook my head and smiled to myself. It was a nice idea at the thought of being a part of Star Wars history and the concept of actually being in the movie was even better. Shaking my head and laughing to myself, I turned around and bent down and turned on my computer. Plugging my phone into my desktop as it booted up, I walked away from the desk and stripped off my work regulation olive green polo neck shirt. Tossing it onto the duvet, the same one that still hadn’t been made since I woke up this morning, I looked over at the mirror that hung off of the back of my door. Inspecting my reflection, I smiled and licked my lips before changing out of my work gear and into something a bit more usual for the evening. Grabbing a pair of nicer jeans and a button up flannel shirt, I sprayed a jet of deodorant over my broad chest and then under my arms before grabbing my button up and slipping it on onto my body. Buttoning them up, the sound of my desktop reaching the desktop filled my small room.
Bringing up the internet browser, I quickly logged onto one of the gossip sites I used to read up on Star Wars rumours and as the page loaded, my heart jumped up and caught itself in my throat. Daisy Ridley was in Ireland and was moving to the Dingle Peninsula for some shoots on Episode 8. She actually must have been in one of those cars! Chuckling to myself, I quickly tugged on my denim bottoms and took a seat at my desk. Signing into the message board on the website, I started to type up my own report of seeing the tinted windows of the cars coming past. My phone had already loaded up the photos and while I uploaded them onto a popular image hosting site, I added them to the post as well. Rubbing my fingers over my grizzled jaw, I checked the post over and checked it for typos before hitting the submit button. Now, it had been a while since I had gotten laid… Maybe that was why I was painting such a picture of Daisy sweeping into our little pub and me seducing her. Frankly, looking at her, I doubt she’d take the role of being swept off of her feet, it was more likely that she would be doing the sweeping.
What followed was mostly an afternoon of browsing the web and gaming and nothing real of note. However, as soon as the sun started to set, that was when the real crux of the story began.
The sounds from downstairs started to float up the steps and slipped through the cracks in the door and I was actually roused from reading the internet. Looking over my shoulder at the sounds, I pushed my chair back and went away to inspect it. It was only Wednesday, we had karaoke or live music every other Friday and that wasn’t today. So why was it so loud? Stepping down through the small corridor towards the pub, the inside was filled from wall to wall with a series of photos being snapped at a seemingly constant interval. Walking down, I was grabbed to the side by one of the barmaids we had working with us on a part time basis.
‘Will! They came in!’ Sophie exclaimed, tugging me to the side near to where we kept out fire extinguishers.
‘Who came in?’
‘Mark Hamil, Rian Johnson and Daisy Ridley!’
There, the penny fell and I realized that my earlier fantasies now had a chance of coming true. Rubbing my hand over my chin, I peered out from the shadows, and looked over at the corner of the pub where quite obviously three of the more important members of the new Star Wars movie. Looking over at them, my eyes drifted from the heads of the crew until I stopped on the head of Daisy Ridley. My green orbs focused on her very pretty face until she actually looked over at me. We made eye contact and instantly, I felt my cheeks flush with red, and instantl
y, I moved away. I was ready to creep into a corner of the pub and simply leer but there was no chance of that happening. A hand landed on the top of my spine and my dad very quickly dragged me out of the shadows and behind the bar.
‘Come on Will, no point in hiding! Get your handsome mug in the papers!’ My father bellowed in his usual manner, my dad beaming as the photos snapped at the trio of the new Star Wars movie. He brought me a little closer and whispered in my ear. ‘Besides, we don’t want you missing out on that cute little girl do we?’ He teased, shaking me from side to side eagerly. As if on cue, the crowds parted and someone who must have been the PR director or something was pointing at the bar and walking through the crowd as if he were Moses and the population of the pub were the red sea. The director was an older man, smaller in stature with a set of horn rimmed glasses on his nose in an entirely unironic manner. He flipped up the oak bar and patted me on the shoulder as Mark Hamil, THE Mark Hamil followed, locked eyes on me and eagerly shook my hands. I was shaking hands with the Luke Skywalker! Then, the director, Rian Johnson smiled at me and shook my hand while following Mark over to the beer taps. Then, the flowery fragrance of Daisy Ridley assaulted my senses and I was almost starstruck at the sight of her. Unlike the other two, Daisy actually spoke to me.
‘Hi! I’m Daisy!’
‘Hi… Hi, I’m Will!’
‘Nice to meet you Will! Is this your parents pub? It looks just like the The Admiral back home!’
‘You have a pub?’ I asked, rather stupidly as Daisy grinned that million pound smile she had dazzled various magazine covers with only this time it was at me.
‘Oh sure! I haven’t been in multi million dollar franchises all my life!’ Daisy grinned, playfully slapping a hand against my tricep. She made a surprised noise before stroking it. ‘Wow… That is… Really impressive. Do you work here?’
‘No, no I work for the National Trust, I lead hikes and try to find missing hikers if they get lost.’ I answered, smiling back to her as she continued to rub at my muscles.
‘Do you do a lot of lifting for the National Trust then?’ She asked, taking a step back to inspect me. As she did so, I took the same opportunity. Daisy was wearing a large, floppy sweater that did look very comfy and was no doubt hiding a shirt under it. She had on a pair of figure fitting skinny jeans that were complemented with a set of dark brown knee high boots, all in all, she looked very country chic and certainly looked like she fitted in locally. Her hair wasn’t in the three buns, the classic look Rey was famous for, instead she was wearing her hair loosely around her shoulders, yet the brunette looked just as gorgeous as Rey did. Before I had a chance to answer, she was beckoned away. Daisy shot me an apologetic look before offering me a sly wink and heading over to where the pit of cameras had set up. Both my mum and dad were behind the taps of the pub and both Mark and Rian and now Daisy were settled there.
‘Pull a pint!’ One of the camera crew shouted, much to the smiles and laughter of the people. My dad, ever the showman, nodded his head and showed Rian how to pull a pint while my mother was responsible for Mark.
‘Oh well that’s great! I don’t have anyone to show me!’ Daisy teased, pouting over at the crew, playing them all perfectly.
‘What about Will? Son, get over here!’ My dad shouted, beckoning me over with a large burly arm.
‘Yeah Will! Come on over!’ Mark encouraged. How could I deny Luke Skywalker? Walking up behind Daisy, I grabbed her a pint glass and moved to step in front of her before Daisy stopped me.
‘Well that’s no good! I need to see, help me do it please?’ She said, stepping in front of me and pushing herself in between my arm and chest. Her hands came up and gripped at the glass and then as I lifted my other arm to grab at the beer tap, Daisy did the same. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the condensed space between us and the bar but I could have sworn that I could feel Daisy pressing against me. ‘Okay, now go nice and slow?’ Daisy asked, watching as I angled the glass and then tugged at the tap. The honeyed liquid started to fill the glass and Daisy squealed adorably as she pulled her very first pint expertly. Daisy’s bum was pressing against my groin and as she started to stand up, it felt a lot like she was rubbing it against me on purpose. As she stood up straight, Daisy lifted the glass up and inspected it before grinning and putting it down on the bar.
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“Did he have an erection for you in he showers? Did you have an erection for him? Did he proposition you? I want to know.” “Yes, to all your questions Sarah, he wants to have both of us,” I reply. “He had his hand on my erection when he told me he and I had the most impressive cocks in the gym.” “Are you happy to share him with me?,” Sarah asked that night as we pleasured each other with our tongues. “Yes, he expects some of his friends to share us also,” I tell Sarah. “Let’s set a target...
It was winter break of my sophomore year of college and I wasn’t exactly eager to be spending the next few weeks at home. Sure, I missed my family and my neighborhood friends but college had changed me. I had filled out both physically and mentally and wasn’t ready to suddenly fall back in line with my parent’s rules. Long hours at the gym and long nights under Kayla, a horny sorority girl who lived in the same dorm, made sure of that. Going home would be fun at first but I knew all too well...
Incest‘Kaitlyn?’ Recognizing a familiar voice behind me, I turned around. ‘Susanne! What are you doing here?’ She was a friend of my parents’, and I had gone to school with her kids. But what she was doing here, in the hallway outside my dorm room, I had no idea. ‘I’m here to help Geoffrey move in – right down the hall from you, it looks like!’ It was a challenge, but I managed to contain my honest reaction (which I’ll share with you in a moment) and simply replied, ‘Oh, great. Well, I have to...
I told everyone in a previous story about my encounter with Corey, and how I ended up begging him to let me be his . After being with Corey, all I could ever think about was having his big dick inside me, and tasting his amazing cum as he shot it all over my face and in my mouth. I love the taste of his cum! This particular incident happened about a week ago: I was staying the week at Corey's house (he has his own place), and whenever I am at Corey's house, I am not allowed to wear any...
GayCorey’s coming, no more sad stories coming My midnight-moonlight-morning-glory’s coming aren’t you girl? And like I told you, when she holds you She enfolds you in her world. By Harry Chapin (December 7, 1942 — July 16, 1981) He is missed. * Old John Joseph was a man with two first names. The railroad left him in the station when they took away the trains. John found me practicing a little vandalism on some of his abandoned freight cars. Instead of turning me over to the authorities, he...
I've already told all of you about my relationship with Corey, and how I begged him to let me be his sex slave. Now, to tell you about some of our adventures ... We were at school, in 2nd period, and Corey sent me a text message telling me to meet him in the bathroom. Since I'm his bitch, I did as I was told. When I walked in, it was empty except for Corey, who was waiting in one of the big stalls. I walked up to him and asked "What if someone walks in?" He told me not to worry, that I was his...
GaySat back in a poolside chair, Freya let her long wavy, brown hair fall around shoulders. She reached for the SPF and squeezed a dollop onto her finely manicured hand. She started slowly over her toned arms, rubbing the lotion into her sun-kissed skin. She wore a light peach and turquoise blended bikini that only just seemed to cover her perfectly round boobs. The colour made her aquamarine eyes pop.At nineteen-years-old she was quite a beautiful young woman. She was also an athletic swimmer...
MasturbationAs with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...
As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...
Any time, she was around, the conversation always turned to my motorcycle. She knew I had a Harley and she had been wanting me to take her for a ride. She claimed the only black men she knew with motorcycles, she wouldn't trust to ride with them; but that she would ride with me. I wasn't sure if she knew what she was suggesting or not. It's extraordinarily exciting to be on a motorcycle with an attractive woman sitting behind you, leaning against you and pressing her tits against...
It’s a beautiful sunny day, and we’re off for an adventure ride. We head out along any road into the country, and randomly choose turning left, right, or just keep going straight. The countryside is lush and green; the warm rush of air against our bodies is invigorating. I was most impressed when you showed up in your leathers. Sitting astride your bike your pants hugged that tight ass, formed to your muscular thighs. I keep coming up alongside, then falling back to cop a perv; I love...
Its New Years Eve. We’re dressed to kill. The boys are waiting for us in the lobby of the hotel. Tanya and I made our last check in the mirror. One last swipe of lipstick. Adjust boobs. Hotel card key in purse. And were out the door. He drives my ass deep. I feel a twinge of pain at the end of each stroke as if he’s trying to get deeper and deeper with each thrust. My pussy is soaking. I can feel it dripping onto Tanya’s tongue below me as her boyfriend fucks my ass. Oh god, her tongue on my...
Savannah dropped the bags of shopping on the table and called out to Mason. “Baby, I'm home.” She expected a reply but the house was silent. His car was still in the garage so he hadn't gone out and she wondered where he was. Walking down the hall, she thought she'd find him in their bedroom, but nope, no sexy man to be found there. She went back down the hall and into the lounge, thinking perhaps he was asleep on the couch, but once again, no Mason. The french doors leading out to the...
Oral SexIn the recent sunshire I driving home feeling really hot. I needed a pee and when I saw a laybye with a grass field behind it with a wood on the far side. I got out of the car an walked through the very long grass in the feild to the woods. By the time I got their I was desparate. and as I was getting my cock out some wee went all over the brand new lacy thong I was wearing. After I had finished I looked around and not seeing anyone pulled my shorts downand took off the thong.The area looked...
My older brother Liam was currently scowling at the many cars in front of us. It was 8:30 in the evening, and we'd been sitting in London traffic for nearly an hour. The storm was still raging on outside, and car horns were blaring left, right and centre. I'd called Liam after my shift at work. Public transport was all but down, and I didn't want to walk the streets of London at night. Liam had been less than enthused about coming to get me. “I'm sorry, I didn't know there'd be congestion.” ...
IncestThe morning sun rose, casting a deep orange glow upon the older district. Already, early rising beings had taken off on skiffs or boats if they were too poor to afford the latter. Nets were made ready, and soon, the wharf would become bustling, filled with traders, salesmen, fishermen, and the goings about of daily life. Suresh left his simple home, stepping out onto the docks, smelling the fresh air that had come in with the tides. Up in the sky hung the familiar immense gas giant, looming...
Clara My mind wandered as I looked into the eyes of the attractive, exotic young man above me. It was a strange time to be thinking about other things. His tanned skin and exotic eyes alone should have been enough to keep my interest, but it somehow wasn't the case. As his sweat dripped down onto me and my body finally began to respond, I was imagining another face. I stifled a laugh and Stephen thought that it had something to do with what we were doing. Alone in my own little world, I...
Mike’s Apartment, Tuscaloosa, AL Early Morning, Saturday, January 11, 2003 With an unexpected elbow landing on my nose, I was unceremoniously awoken at about 4:30am. Startled, I sat up in bed wondering what just happened. As I came to my senses, I could see Kaleigh waving her arms up above her head and down in front of her chest. She was mumbling something I couldn’t make out, and then I heard her clearly shout, “Stop! No don’t! Stop!” Her arms and her legs were now moving in jerky,...
Thursday evening THE PRESIDENT HUNG UP THE phone and turned to his wife. "It never ends." She had no idea what the call was about, but given the current poisonous political climate it wasn't hard to guess. She smiled and pulled him to her and kissed him. It wasn't a quick kiss, and she pressed herself against him. When they separated she smiled up at him. "Better, honey?" "All better. Where are the girls?" "In their rooms doing homework. And our high school girl is working on...
//14 year old Audrey experiences new feelings when home alone with her dog Benji// //This is my first story please leave me feedback on how it was and what I could do better. Also let me know what kind of stories you would like to hear. I’m into about everything so leave a suggestion// Audrey was a lovely young teen. She had been 14 for nearly 3 months already. Her hair was long and flowing naturally straight. Her eyes were crystal blue and she wore black square frame glasses making her...
The people involved in tonight’s tale are, Anne, her god-parent Audrey, and myself. A few weeks ago, Anne told me about her god-parent Audrey getting ripped off by the guy that was living with her. Apparently he’s been seeing someone else after moving in with Audrey for a year or so. During that time he’s persuaded her to buy a bigger house and get a mortgage to do so. Then things started going wrong and he’s claiming half of the house and other bits and pieces. It’s usually the woman that...
The people involved in tonight’s tale are, Anne, her god-parent Audrey, and myself. A few weeks ago, Anne told me about her god-parent Audrey getting ripped off by the guy that was living with her. Apparently he’s been seeing someone else after moving in with Audrey for a year or so. During that time he’s persuaded her to buy a bigger house and get a mortgage to do so. Then things started going wrong and he’s claiming half of the house and other bits and pieces. It’s usually the woman that...
CrossdressingACT 2(Behind the scenes, on location at Lake Tahoe)"Keep those cameras rolling," the director shouted, "Audrey stay in position. Number Three zoom in on Audrey's backside. Madeline you're up."Audrey's girlfriend Madeline worked quickly to rub down Audrey's backside with alcohol which cooled it at first and then caused it to blossom into a glowing pink. "Spread your legs baby," she whispered, "I'm going to insert a suppository," an old trick designed to simulate a dripping pussy, not that Audrey...
SpankingIt was 5:35 a.m. and I was sitting in a booth at the Village Inn. I was sipping coffee and waiting for Rachel to bring me my pancakes with a side of bacon. As I refreshed my cup from the pot on the table I was thinking on what had me there at that early hour. I was usually in there three or four times a week, but never that early. In fact it was the first time I had ever been there when the doors opened at 5:30. I suppose I should have just gone home to bed, but I hadn’t because I knew I...
“I’m a bitch!” Audrey often said, “But I’m a caring, loving bitch! Ha ha ha ha!” I thought of her as a crazy bitch, but a lovable one. I met her at a party. She wasn’t my type so I didn’t pay much attention to her. I probably had my eye on someone else. Because Audrey and I were the only smokers in the crowd, I ran into her a few times outside the back door. We exchanged the sort of chit-chat that people who aren’t really interested in one another do just to be polite: What do you do?...
Straight SexMy name is Mohsin..I lived in Lahore. Mein iss waqt 18 saal ka tha… I have a whitish complexion height: 5’2″… Weight: 112 lbs…. I always keep my body free of all unwanted hairs specially the hairs on my leg. My legs look like that of a girl. And have very sexy and smooth but masculine looks.One of my cousins …named Naveed….who was 8 years elder to me …ie about 26-27 years old…used to live in my house. Naveed family lived in a village and he had come to Lahore for studies. It was a summer night...
Audrey blinked her huge, brown doe-eyes and smiled. The gown she was wearing was the one from Sabrina; a tight corset and a big flowing skirt, all in white with matching lace gloves. Her hair was short and chestnut brown, the style she had made famous all around the world. The music faded, and Audrey put her hands on my chest, tickling. She was expecting a kiss, which I gave her. It was a nice one, no tongue, just lips touching. Adorable. Her slim body was pressed tightly against me, and she...
Audrey checked her look in the mirror for the fourth time. She was so nervous. She had starred in spanking videos before, but this was her first big budget film with a real director. Her hair and makeup were perfect. She loved her wardrobe. Her riding boots fit perfectly. She turned her back to the full length mirror and admired the smooth, tight fit of the tan jodhpurs across her behind. She knew her lines; she was ready. She didn't want to be late for her first day on location.The sky was a...
SpankingIllustrated Fetish Stories for ADULTS ONLY! Not for republication ILLUSTRATED FEMDOM/fm Toilet stories 'Audrey's Last Resort' TJ Ryder Audrey, beautiful teacher and toilet slave to Delta House,the dom/sub lesbian sorority she was owned by, was still wondering what her supervisor Mai Ling meant when she said that on days when she was hungry and couldn't find enough toilet clients, she could always line up at the plumbing pipe. She thought that...
Hi guys, this is Shreya raj from Bengaluru writing my first sexual encounter with a masseur. As it is my first story here please forgive me for my mistake suggestion for changing my narrative style are most welcomed. I am 24 years old 54 height with stat 34b 32 36 fairer side and my friends always compliment me that I look like actress shreya sharan that makes me expose my beauty to the world. I am here to narrate my sexual adventures to all you guys. This is my first story here which happened...
Aubrey's a Brave Little Girl This story was written after reading My Brave Little Girl by Stepdaddy. I liked the story and as usual when I really like a story, I steal from it. As T.S. Eliot said when accused of imitating another author, "Mediocrity imitates; Genius steals!" You don't need to read his story before this one as this story is complete. But after reading mine, go ahead and enjoy his story. Let him know if you like it. It's little enough reward we authors get. Don't be...
It was quiet morning almost a month since they moved into the new apartment. Audrey just woke up but Paul was already gone for work so she was a little upset, she wanted to spent one last morning with him before starting work.Recently they had almost no time to spent together because Paul was doing extra hours so that they can pay their rent. Audrey was edgy these days because she could not remember the last time they had sex and she needed to pleasure herself so she thought of masturbating but...
Her name was Audrey. I know, her name was out of sync with the era. She was born in the 1970's so you would expect her name to be something like Marcy or Jennifer. Audrey is a name associated with the 1940's and 1950's; like Grace or Helen or something. But Audrey reminded me of the type of woman from that pinup era that you would see in older movies and magazines. In fact she had a real pin-up girl type body. Large full, firm, perky breasts, full hips and a woman's butt. Not the tiny athletes...
Jeffrey and JayneJayne lay there awake again. She had Just looked at the clock and it was 2am, she had to be up for work in 4 hours! However much she tried to nod off she just couldn’t, she was far too frustrated.It started when Jeffrey got home from work, as it always did.She called “Hello sexy, I’ve run you a bath!” As he walked through the door, then “Tea will be 20 Minutes!” All she got in reply was “I’m hungry and tired!” He had a bath and then ate his tea in silence. After he had eaten...