- 2 years ago
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It was 5:35 a.m. and I was sitting in a booth at the Village Inn. I was sipping coffee and waiting for Rachel to bring me my pancakes with a side of bacon. As I refreshed my cup from the pot on the table I was thinking on what had me there at that early hour. I was usually in there three or four times a week, but never that early. In fact it was the first time I had ever been there when the doors opened at 5:30. I suppose I should have just gone home to bed, but I hadn’t because I knew I wouldn’t have slept much and even if I had fallen asleep only God knows what my dreams might have been like.
It was a story that took place a hundred times a day somewhere on the third planet from the sun. Boy goes out of town on a four day trip, comes home two days early and finds out that girl isn’t his alone. I wondered how many times in those hundred stories that the ‘other man’ was a family member.
I’d called Audrey to let her know I’d be home that evening instead of Saturday, but she didn’t answer her phone. My flight got in at seven and by eight I was turning into the parking lot at our apartment. As I was straightening out from the turn I saw Audrey come down the steps and get into a car I recognized. I hit my brakes and stopped before I got close enough for her to notice me and watched as she slid across the seat and kissed the driver. Saying that I was surprised would be an understatement. Audrey had always led me to believe that she couldn’t stand my brother. According to her he was an arrogant asshole who thought his shit didn’t stink. So why was she getting into his car and kissing him?
Sam pulled away and I let him get a little bit of a head start and then I followed along behind him far enough back that he wouldn’t recognize me in his rear view mirror. They pulled into the parking lot at Duke’s Steak House, parked, kissed and then got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. I was familiar with Duke’s and I knew that there was no way that I could follow them in and not be noticed so I found a parking place where I could see Sam’s car and then I settled in to wait.
When they came out they got in the car and necked for about five minutes and then I followed them to the Barnyard witch was a country-western place with a live band. As with Duke’s I was familiar with the insides of the Barn and I knew there was no place I could sit and not be seen so once again I parked where I could keep an eye on Sam’s car and settled in to wait. They were in there for two and a half hours and when they came out I again followed them. This time it was to The Saddletree Motel. Sam checked in at the front desk and then Sam and Audrey entered room 107. I gave them fifteen minutes to get into what they were no doubt there for then I went to Sam’s car and let the air out of all four tires then went back and sat in my car and waited to see them come out. I wanted to see how Sam handled four flats at oh dark thirty.
While I waited I wondered why, since I wasn’t expected for another two days, they didn’t use the bed in the apartment then I realized that they couldn’t because of Eve. And Sam damned sure couldn’t take Aud home with him because mom and dad would know since he still lived at home. Kind of anyway. There was an apartment over the garage and that is where he lived and the apartment could be seen from the kitchen window and mom or dad would damned sure recognize Audrey. I also wondered how it had started and how long it had been going on. I usually made an out of town trip every four or five weeks or so and I wondered if this is what she did every time I was gone. After a couple of hours I accepted that they were there for the night and I gave up my vigil and headed for the apartment. When I saw the Village Inn sign I decided to stop for breakfast. I parked and was walking up to the door just as Rachel was unlocking the door.
I’d met Audrey in my senior year in college. She was a sophomore and normally we probably would have never met as we had no shared classes or friends. It was a Friday night fraternity/sorority mixer that brought us together. Besides the members of my fraternity there were members of other fraternities there. Halfway through the mixer I was headed for the bathroom and I had just reached the top of the stairs when I heard “LET GO OF ME!!!!”
I turned the corner at the top of the stairs and saw a guy pulling a girl toward one of the bedrooms. He wasn’t a member of my fraternity and I didn’t know him, but I did know it my responsibility to see that his actions didn’t bring disrepute on our house so I walked up to him and told him to let the girl go. He turned to me and said:
“Butt out shithead! This ain’t none of your fucking business!”
Where I was raised no one had taken the time to teach us the Marquis of Queensbury Rules. Our rules were “Hit first, hit hard, get them down and don’t let them get up.” The word “business” was still hanging in the air when I kneed him in the stones and when he bent at the waist I gave him a hard elbow to the side of his head (you can hurt your hand if you hit without padded gloves) and he went down for the count. I turned to ask the girl if she was okay, but all I saw was the back side of her as she hurried down the stairs. I shrugged and went to the bathroom.
When I came out the guy was sitting there shaking his head to try and clear it I suppose. I went downstairs, got a couple of brothers, told them what had happened and we went up to escort the guy out of the house. Ben recognized him and went and got a couple of his frat brothers to take care of him. I looked around for the girl, but didn’t find her and after a couple of days I forgot the episode.
Three weeks later I was sitting in a booth at Annie’s Café having lunch when a girl walked up and asked me if she could join me. She looked vaguely familiar so I told her to take a seat. She saw me struggling to place her and said:
“You don’t remember me do you?”
“You seem familiar to me, but I can’t seem to place you.”
“The Kappa house mixer? You saved me from that Neanderthal?”
“I didn’t get a really good look at you and when I looked for you after it was over you were gone.”
“I should have thanked you, but I was scared so I ran.”
Then I got the story. She hadn’t really wanted to come to the mixer because she had heard scary stories about what happened at frat parties. Things like date rape drugs being used on unsuspecting girls and gangbangs, but the girls in her sorority had convinced her that nothing like that had ever happen at Kappa. So she went and things were fine until she had to go to the bathroom. The guy caught her coming out of the bathroom, called her a prick tease, and told her he was going to teach her a lesson.
“Then you showed up and saved me.”
“So what did you do that made him think you were a prick tease?”
“Nothing. I just tried to be friendly with everyone who was there. Earlier in the evening the guy hit on me and I let him know I wasn’t interested, but I can’t think of anything I might have done that could be construed as teasing. I should have thanked you for coming to my rescue, but at the time all I could think about was getting the hell out of there and putting as much distance between me and that place as I could. This is the first time I’ve seen you since then so I came over to give you my belated thanks. Oh, and by the way my name is Audrey.”
“Well then Miss Audrey I accept your belated thanks, but if you are really thankful I think you should go out with me. At least once.”
“I’d like that. When?”
“Are you free tonight?”
“I am.”
“Will six work for you?”
“It will indeed.”
That date led to many more and by the time I graduated three months later we were a steady couple.
We had stated making love after our tenth date. Neither of us was a virgin so there wasn’t any awkwardness. We seemed to be very good together. I found out that Audrey had a kinky side to her. She liked to make love in places where there was some risk of being seen. It excited her and her being excited excited me. We were never caught, but a couple of times we almost were.
She met my family for the first time at the graduation party that my parents held for me. Mom and dad took to her right away and my brother Sam couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her. I thought nothing of it at the time. Audrey was a beautiful woman and I was used to males watching her and wishing that she was theirs. Before I left to take Audrey home my sister took me aside and said:
“You lucked out here Bro. Don’t let this one get away.”
That night when I took Aud back to the sorority house I proposed and she said yes, “But not until I graduate lover. Once I have my degree I’ll walk down the aisle to you.” I thought that was reasonable even if I didn’t want to wait that long. I hadn’t found a job yet so I went with Aud when she went home for the summer and spent a week with her family. I liked her parents and her younger sister and they seemed to like me. At the end of the visit I went home to begin my job search. Aud would be staying with her folks until the end of summer vacation so I would pretty much be able to devote my full concentration on my job search.
Luck was with me and I landed a good job a week after starting my job search. Along with the new job I made a change in my life style. It was time for me to cut the apron strings so to speak. I’d been living at home and now that I was out of school and had a job it was time for me to find my own place. My graduation gift from my parents was a check for ten thousand dollars and I used some of it to put down the first and last month’s rent and the security deposit. I used some of the rest to furnish the place. I talked with Audrey almost every night and while I told her about the new job I kept mum on the apartment intending to surprise her with it when she came back to school.
Audrey came back to school three days before school started. I picked her up at the airport and headed for the apartment. When I parked in the parking lot she asked:
“Why are you stopping here?”
“I thought that since we haven’t made love in over a month you might want to try out my new bed.”
“Your new bed?”
“Yep. I live here now.”
Once inside I walked her through the place leaving the bedroom for last. Once in the bedroom I casually mentioned that there was enough room in the closet for her stuff and that the dresser still had three empty drawers.
“Of course if you would rather live in the sorority house than here with me I’m sure I can fill them up with something.”
“When can I move in?”
“Well I guess we could leave now and go get your stuff instead of making love now and then going to get your stuff.”
“Oh damn! Decisions, decisions, decisions. What the hell. I guess since we are already here we might as well get the love making out of the way first.”
She must have been as horny as I was because she damned near fucked me to death. After several times we snuggled up to each other and went to sleep.
The next day Audrey drove me to work and kept my car to move her things from the sorority house to the apartment. We stopped and had dinner after she picked me up from work and then we went back to the apartment and she did her best to reduce me to ruin.
The next year rolled by as we adjusted to each other’s almost fulltime presence. As in all new fulltime partnerships there were glitches along the way. Audrey was still a fulltime student and class schedules, projects and study groups had to be worked around and she still belonged to her sorority and had to attend their events. On my side I had to occasionally work late, work on Saturdays and take the occasional business trip out of town. But we managed and it gave us a very good idea of how life was going to be when we got married.
Audrey still insisted that marriage wasn’t going to happen until she graduated. I didn’t care because as far as I was concerned we were already married and just hadn’t gotten around to doing the paperwork.
I had some vacation time earned so when the summer break came I was able to go home with Aud for a week and then I needed to get back to work. I spent a pretty miserable five weeks alone. We did talk on the phone two or three times a week and a hell of a lot of “I love you” and “I miss you” were exchanged. When Aud did get back two weeks before classes were due to start the majority of our time was spent in the bed room trying to play catch up.
On one of those nights as I laid next to her damned near ruined by what she had just put me through and as her hand worked at trying to get me up for one more time she said, “I need a favor; I need a really big favor.”
“After what you just did to me I don’t think I can refuse you anything. What is it?”
“Eve will be flying in on Saturday. She will be starting her freshman year. Would you mind if she stayed here with us until she can get her feet on the ground?”
I liked Eve and since the spare bedroom wasn’t being used I so no reason not to let Eve use it.
“No problem sweetie, but you might have to stick a rag in your mouth when we make love. You can be a bit noisy you know and we wouldn’t want to disturb Eve’s sleep.”
“I’m not that noisy.”
“Oh yes you are and since your ministrations have had the desired results I will now proceed to prove it.” And I did.
We picked Eve up at the airport and got her settled in. There were some changes made to the way Aud and I had been living. Adjustments necessary to accommodate Eve’s being with us, but we soon had things on an even keel. Eve was a very good looking young lady and it wasn’t long before she started dating and her being out on dates gave Aud and me plenty of alone time. Enough to insure that our sex life didn’t suffer.
“I’m a bitch!” Audrey often said, “But I’m a caring, loving bitch! Ha ha ha ha!” I thought of her as a crazy bitch, but a lovable one. I met her at a party. She wasn’t my type so I didn’t pay much attention to her. I probably had my eye on someone else. Because Audrey and I were the only smokers in the crowd, I ran into her a few times outside the back door. We exchanged the sort of chit-chat that people who aren’t really interested in one another do just to be polite: What do you do?...
Straight SexAudrey checked her look in the mirror for the fourth time. She was so nervous. She had starred in spanking videos before, but this was her first big budget film with a real director. Her hair and makeup were perfect. She loved her wardrobe. Her riding boots fit perfectly. She turned her back to the full length mirror and admired the smooth, tight fit of the tan jodhpurs across her behind. She knew her lines; she was ready. She didn't want to be late for her first day on location.The sky was a...
Spanking“I’m a bitch!” Audrey often said, “But I’m a caring, loving bitch! Ha ha ha ha!” I thought of her as a crazy bitch, but a lovable one. I met her at a party. She wasn’t my type so I didn’t pay much attention to her. I probably had my eye on someone else. Because Audrey and I were the only smokers in the crowd, I ran into her a few times outside the back door. We exchanged the sort of chit-chat that people who aren’t really interested in one another do just to be polite: What do you do?...
Audrey checked her look in the mirror for the fourth time. She was so nervous. She had starred in spanking videos before, but this was her first big budget film with a real director. Her hair and makeup were perfect. She loved her wardrobe. Her riding boots fit perfectly. She turned her back to the full length mirror and admired the smooth, tight fit of the tan jodhpurs across her behind. She knew her lines, she was ready. She didn’t want to be late for her first day on location. The sky was a...
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Historic. Humour. It were a dark November night in Yorkshire. Nineteen Thirty something. It weren’t raining for once. Nor freezing neither. Nor fog. Lights of Guisebeck Junction Signal box on London and North Eastern Railway could be seen for miles. Passenger train come past, headed for Grimsby, engine were off beat a bit, The “Lady Henderson” built be Pollitt in 1900, over thirty years old, losing time but nowt they couldn’t mek up wi a bit o’speeding a bit over Muncaster viaduct and...
This chapter was edited by MistySerenade and I would like to take the opportunity to thank her for the fine editing. Again, if there were any mistakes it would be my own doing and has nothing to do with the editor. Thank you Misty. * ‘Hey Bob! There’s a lady from the Social Services here to see you,’ one of Robert’s staff called to him through the recording studio door. Robert Duncan cut a trim figure. Even though he was in his early forties, he only had slightly thinning blonde hair. At...
Hi, this is Kumar. After being a long time reader of sex stories on various sites, I got an urge to share my story with you all. I am a teacher by profession, working in a private institute in Pondicherry as a principal with a nice salary.Pondicherry is a beautiful place for living and drinking. It was a summer vacation when this incident took place. My coworker name’s Sonam. She is a perfect babe with a perfect figure and having a physical status of 34- 28- 34 which I came to know later. She...
Ah, how to begin? Let me fill you in on a little background of my troubled youth:) I started younger than a lot of my peers. You see, due to a lot of emotional problems with my bitch mother growing up, I was ‘forced’ into early puberty at the tender age of eight. Now, that might not seem like too bad a deal, but we had a neighborhood gang [Some neighborhood, in a town of 250 people. What few kids there were numbered about six living in town and another 10 or so living on farms. My first...
I am on the bed with you. You are kneeling there with a look of bewilderment on your face. I have never let you take me before and you cannot believe I am going to permit it now. “Undress me without using your hands or I may change my mind.” I command. In a rush you hurry to remove my heels as quickly as you are able with your mouth. They slip off easily and you push them onto the floor. Next, you pull down the zipper of my leather skirt with your teeth, gently tugging it down over my hips...
FetishHello friends.This story is about how i fucked my classmate within a span of one month.I assure u this story is completely true.My name is Rohan(fake name).19 years of age,fy.bcom student in one of the reputed college of Pune with 5’11” height cute looks and near about 7inch tool.If any Pune girls or milfs would like to contact me,feel free to mail me at So lets come to the story.On my first day of college,everyone were new to me.There were many beautiful girls in my class,but this girl...
By [email protected] Notice: This story contains adult ideas and language. If you are not at least eighteen years old,..... LEAVE NOW! Susan was a short chubby girl who had built her window treatment business from the ground floor up. She was a tough business woman and had not had time for romance in her busy life of contractors and blind companies and mad customers, in a hurry. "So why had his voice almost flipped my sexual switch when he called," she kept asking herself as...
We grinded, fondled, stroked, and generally. explored one another's bodies. Until, the joint was almost spent and we were ready to explode! She went down to her kness and licked the head of my dick experimentally. She did it again, then again. Finally, she looked up into my eyes and in one motion. Sucked the entire head of dick into her mouth!I almost shot my load right then, but luckily...I held on! She began giving me some of the nicest head I'd had in long time.She cradled my balls in her...
Julie the secretaryA fantasy inspired by amateur_julie containing office related frolics...My job sees me travelling around the country on a freelance basis going to various companies fixing IT problems as and when they arise. I'm never in any one place longer than a week. It's not the sort of working life that everyone would take to - hardly ever seeing the same faces, but it suits me as I can choose to work when and where I need to.A few months ago my agency sent me to a company not far...
“Washing your breasts feels so nice, Bell. I can see why boys obsess about them,” said Ariel. She gazed at Bell’s hard pink nipples as her hands slipped over the brunette’s soapy breasts. “So much more fun than washing my own.”“You’re such a slut, Ariel,” said Bell. She nodded over Ariel’s shoulder. “Why don’t you get Jasmine clean while I wash your back.”Ariel pushed her thumbs across Bell’s nipples a little harder than she needed to, causing Bell to suck in air and shudder at the sensation....
HardcoreThe end-of-day buzzer had sounded yet there were those who had decided to stop behind for some naughty fun. For one, however, her plans for a long satisfying piss over the attic floor had been put on hold, for as Gabriella had rounded the stairwell doorway she had discovered a semi-naked Zara, squatting over the top step, and with a flowing torrent of hot pee flowing from the base of her curly-haired muff.‘Sorry,’ Zara shouted down over the hiss and patter her flowing toilet was making as her...
WatersportsMen go to strip clubs to see tits and ass. Nothing else. Yeah occasionally a beer wont hurt. But Melvin Thomas goes for the happy hour whereby he gets nachos and a bowl of pretzels at no charge to go along with his 7up. Melvin married early when he was 18, right after highschool. Now at 38 years, his marriage had become as interesting as a senior citzen golf tournament. Thats why he went regularily to strip clubs to see two things he never saw back home; beautiful women and food. Today he...
I borrowed our tapes of the Tulpehoken Raiders and watched them again on Saturday afternoon. The Raiders had three losing seasons previous to starting out 0-1 this year. Their passing game looked very simplistic. I couldn't be sure after Friday night, but they didn't look like they should challenge us. Zack Hayes called me on Sunday afternoon. As soon as I answered Zack asked, "What the hell happened? How could you guys lose to LS?" "A lot of little things – too many penalties,...
“A bi guys dream come true” My friend Tom’s wife wasn’t the only one cheating, Tom was too. They both suspected it, but I don’t think either one really cared, they were both now finding what they needed and wanted. Somehow, driven by lust, I found myself in the middle of an unhappy couple, that was in a sexless marriage. Young and horny, I was sleeping with both of them.Tom was Gay and he and I had been getting together on the side for a while now. I was curious and he was amazing. I had never...
I arrive as planned at your house early in the morning as planned just after your boyfriend left for work. You're wearing a sexy red satin teddy that doesn't leave much to the imagination. The top is very low cut and just covers your nipples and your pussy lips are slightly protruding from the the g-string. i wrap my arms around you pulling you close, and slide my hands around your shoulders as I kiss you gently and make my way to your neck. Your ass feels so smooth to my touch and the teddy...
This story originally began as a story written for a lover a long, long time ago. The first part of it is missing for some reason or another, but in it, he takes my pussy and then my ass until we’re both extremely satisfied and my holes are filled with cum. This is a continuation of that afternoon… Back in the hotel room, later that evening, I press closer to you, desperate to taste your mouth over and over again. I half-close my eyes, delighting in the feeling of my nipples pebbling with...
If you enjoyed them then you will enjoy this part and look out for more to come. None of my stories are intended to offend in any way but are very descriptive and cover many areas of fantasy. Please do feel free to leave comments, both positive and negative which are all welcome or email me on [email protected] with your comments or thoughts. School Dayz – Part 3 Robert Taylor, a portly 46 year old man with graying temples entered the classroom where his 18 year old...
Government file 00007: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...
I Went to a party a while back in a private house in one of the suburbs. City called Cutler Ridge, in south Miami, not too far from the top of The Keys. Lot of expensive homes there. I'm dressed nicely. Conservatively, as always. Cute little mini skirt, short enough to be a little sexy, especially when I'm sitting and the skirt is riding up my thighs but not so short as to look slutty. I picked out a fashionable, yet low cut top to compliment the skirt. My hair is pulled back in my usual...
Two weeks removed from summer vacation at the local University, Jill was still feeling the effects from all the studying from her finals. Now after coming home all she wanted to do was enjoy the time off and blow off some steam, but before she could she needed to find a way to get some money.Not long after arriving home Jill headed out toward the beach, and while walking along the boardwalk she saw a help wanted sign at the local boardwalk surf shop. Jill applied and by the following day she...
A few hours later I woke up in the dark. Mom was sleeping on her side, her body leaning against mine. Instinctively I placed a hand on her hip and started caressing her tender skin. It was enough to get me another hard-on. I inserted a leg between hers and pushed my rod against her pussy. A quick thrust was enough to insert the whole knob into her crevice. At that moment Mom woke and immediately understood what was going on. With a wiggle of her crotch she worked my dick all the way inside...
Jim lay nervously on the very far edge of the bed, trying to keep himself as far away from that damn bathroom as he possibly could. When he heard the shower finally turned off, he braced himself for the worst. Donna was still sitting on the edge of the bed, staring intently at the bathroom door. She hadn't uttered a single word in the ten minutes she'd been in the room. Another five minutes crawled agonizingly by before the bathroom door finally opened and Sandy stepped into the room. With...
"Sorry I'm late," Joey panted as he came into my apartment that evening around seven. "Took us longer to finish the calculus homework." "No problem," I said. "I think I got most of the symbols used in primary motor functions entered in, but I can't get the thing to combine them into streams." "Did you try resorting them first?" Joey asked, peering over my left shoulder. "Several times," I said, smiling as he took a deeper breath from smelling the bathing powder I had put on...
She worked at a munitions factory. The men were at war, and she and most of the town's women worked at the factory to support their families and the war effort. Times were tough, but the girls loved their guys, so they worked hard to make sure every rocket, bullet, grenade and pistol was perfect. Months went by and this woman was promoted several times because her rockets were the best. But every night she went home lonely and increasingly horny, her husband was not there to give her release. ...
LesbianA deep breath. Her last? A thought struck her. Who would find her, laid out here like this? What would they think? It would be a shame to have gotten dressed up only to be found in some awkward position. Would she twitch, or would it be like falling asleep? Another breath. The room was getting dim. Her heart was pounding in her ears. She felt a small trickle of liquid run down the inside of her thigh. Reflexively she squeezed her legs together. No, please God, nothing messy. This was her...
ANOTHER VIEW ( The cheerleader series #1 ) CHAPTER ONE Dan was attending an American high school in the late 1970's. Also, he was an orchestra member, early computer - software hobbyist. In this year in high school, he was able to pursue two tracks: Art (as orchestra- music) or science (as chemistry, computer math, and geometry). Since this was 70's, it was common for high school students to carry their books and notebooks in backpacks. Dan did this because he did not want...
So, i went back to the local glory hole in the next town over and parked in the back of the secluded parking lot overlooking the entrance. There were quite a few cars but as you all may know from previous posts I do not like to just go in and not know who I am dealing with. After waiting a while and scoping out all the cars I noticed an older guy, maybe mid 60's sitting in his car nearer the entrance. He was watching people go in and out too.After a few more min I got out of my car and casually...
Jack was in a really foul mood as he finally turned down the beaten and puddle covered track that he hoped would lead to the beach house. Since he'd left the library five and a half hours ago the trip had been nothing but trouble. Now having made several wrong turns and starving, Jack hoped to do nothing more than get out of the storm and crash with Denise. As he'd left the library at 12:30, Jack had noticed the ominous clouds to the west. Hoping that the storm would be blowing quickly...