I Fall For My Brother’s Best Friend free porn video

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I was probably about ten when I first fell in love with Matt. At the time, I figured it was just puppy love – infatuation. But now I know it’s real love. No one stays infatuated with someone for nine years. Yes, I’ve had a few boyfriends before, but I’ve never loved anyone as much as Matt. Matt has been best friends with my brother Sam for as long as I can remember. Both of them are a year older than me. He’s always been gorgeous. I think of him like stage lighting. If you want a play to seem really bright for the entire play, you begin with something like seventy-five percent light to start and slowly increase it so that the audience never gets used to the brightness. The same goes for Matt. When I was ten he seemed beautiful to me. I made a collage of all of the pictures of him that I could find and hid it away. I could spend hours just staring at that piece of paper.

He has dark brown hair, softer than any I’ve ever felt. It’s long for a guy, probably just past his ears. He has beautiful black eyes that I could just lose myself in. His lips look so soft and silky. I’ve never felt them, but I fantasize about it. He has broad shoulders and a wide back that I love. He started working out a few years ago so he has a nice six-pack and well-defined muscles, but not body-builder status. He has his own cologne that no one else uses. It’s not just the Axe or Tag that everyone uses but a musky, masculine scent with spicy touches that makes me just lose my mind.

I used to have trouble making myself take a shower or shave or follow any hygiene at all, but a few years ago I started to pretend I was getting ready for a date with Matt and ever since it’s been no problem. It’s easy to shower every day, thinking I need to get my hair smelling nice for Matt. I keep my mound clean-shaven for Matt as well.


I wake up on Saturday morning, just a week after my nineteenth birthday, with a beam of sunlight piercing the darkness and shining directly in my eye. I squint and roll over, stretching to wake up. I yawn and cuddle into my covers for a few minutes before sitting up and stepping out of bed. I rub my eyes as I open the doors to my walk-in closet. I enter and laugh as I see my reflection in the mirror. I am the poster-girl for bed head. I go to my lingerie drawer and pick out a pink silk thong with a little bow at the top and a push-up bra that shows off my B cups flawlessly. I tousle my hair as I scan my clothes. I pick out a cute new pair of jeans that show off my well-rounded ass perfectly. I slip them on my toned legs and examine my reflection in the mirror. Satisfied, I pick out a shirt. I find a slinky silk top with thin straps that skims my curves and flaunts them to their best advantage. I take my brush to my hair, combing out the tangles that linger in my waist-length, midnight-black hair. I spread some de-frizzer through it, and swish it behind my back. I locate my eyeliner and draw a harsh black line under each of my pale blue eyes. I line the top lids and spread some dark grey shadow on. I apply a light coat of powder and some lip gloss before smiling into the mirror and going downstairs. I see a note on the kitchen table.

‘Went to Sam’s soccer tournament. Will be back around 9:00 p.m. – Mom, Dad, and Sam’

I smiled. I loved having the day to myself. I made some toast, ate it, and went to brush my teeth. I popped a mint into my mouth. I was just coming out of the bathroom when I heard a knock on the door. I peeked into the driveway and saw Matt’s car. An excited feeling weighed in my stomach. I dashed back to the bathroom to check my reflection. I gave my hair a toss, took a deep breath, and opened the door. I pretended to look surprised.

‘Oh, hi Matt!’ I said.

‘Hey Steph,’ he said, his eyes looking me up and down, then lingering on my ass. He blushed when he saw I noticed, and hastily said, ‘Is Sam there?’

‘No, he’s got some soccer tournament all day.’

‘Oh. Okay. I guess I forgot.’ He said.

‘Yeah, me too.’ I said with a smile.

‘Beautiful day, huh?’ He said.

‘Yeah, it really is.’

‘How’d you like to go on a walk with me?’ Matt asked. My heart jumped.

‘Sure,’ I said, hoping I didn’t sound too enthusiastic. I slipped on my flip flops and exited, walking next to Matt. He smiled as I walked out the door, and we walked slowly along the sidewalk. We didn’t talk for the first few minutes. Finally, Matt brought up an easy subject. Work. He was working at the local bike shop. I smiled. His family was really rich so he didn’t need to work. He got $100 allowance a week. However, he did love bikes. He was probably working there because he actually liked what he was doing. Unlike me. I was cashier at the supermarket because I desperately needed the pocket money. I hated my job. Anyway, we talked about that for about ten minutes, not caring when we branched into other subjects. I made a point of inching nearer to him when I walked. Finally he stopped and turned to face me.

‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ He asked.

‘No,’ I said, my excitement growing. We finally stopped walking when we reached the park. We sat down on a bench, nice and close. After talking for another ten minutes or so, he slowly turned to me. He leaned in, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I kissed back. He took this as encouragement, so we started kissing more. Soft at first, then getting faster. We realized that people were watching us, so we walked back to my house, holding hands. As soon as we walked in the door, he had me up against a wall, pressing into me while his velvety lips and moist tongue massaged my lips. He kissed me little kisses on my cheek, eyelid, and ears before going back to my lips. He nibbled on my lower lip and I couldn’t help but let out a little moan. He smiled as he pushed into me harder. I could see the little bulge in his pants. He realized that I noticed and blushed deeply, pulling away.

‘Oh … uh … I’m sorry …’ he said, looking down.

‘No, no, it’s okay,’ I said breathlessly. I pulled him back to me and kissed him.

‘I love you,’ he said.

‘I love you too.’ I said, looking into his dark eyes.

‘I want to spend the night with you,’ he blurted, then blushed at his boldness.

‘Me too,’ I whispered. ‘But my parents are coming home.’ Suddenly a brilliant idea popped into my head. I told Matt my plan and he agreed. Soon a note was left on the table for my parents informing them that I was at my best friend Jessie’s house. I called her and told her all about my situation. After much excited screaming, she agreed to play along if my overprotective parents called. I then grabbed a few toiletries and a change of clothes and walked to Matt’s car.

‘Where are we going?’ I asked.

‘You’ll see,’ he said with a wink. He took a shirt of his and wrapped it around my eyes, blindfolding me. I took in the scent of his cologne. I laughed as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

After a twenty minute drive, we pulled in somewhere. I heard him open the window and some mechanical whirring before he closed the window again and parked. He left me in the car while he did something, carefully locking the doors to keep me safe.

‘Promise you won’t take off the blindfold?’ he asked.

‘I promise,’ I said, although my curiosity was overwhelming. After some ten or fifteen minutes he returned and opened the door.

‘Matt?’ I asked shyly.

‘I’m here,’ he said, leading me out of the car. We walked, him guiding me with hands on my shoulders. I heard my shoes on marble, then we stopped. I heard a click, and suddenly we rose in the air. We were in an elevator. He gently unwrapped the blindfold and kissed me on the lips. I looked around in wonder. I saw one wall of the elevator was a mirror, the other three were cushiony brocade fabric. The buttons had gold engravings. I saw the floor counter entering the twenties. I saw the top floor button was lit up.
‘Wh-where are we?’ I asked.

‘The Presstin,’ he said. I gasped. The Presstin was a famous five-star hotel frequented by celebrities and the like. We arrived at the top floor and exited the elevator into a beautiful suite. There was a king size bed in one room with mints resting on the pillows. The walls were beautiful wood and there were picture windows all along the wall of the living room. The fireplace was intricately detailed and the chairs were plush. There was a bottle of champagne and two glasses resting on a table near the bed. He offered me a glass, but I refused. I wanted a clear head all night. We sat on the bed, kissing. I kicked off my flip flops and he followed suit. We were making out. My arms were wrapped around his back and his hands were gently resting on my head, stroking my hair. He reached over and popped an ice cube in his mouth, and we passed this back and forth. By now, I was wetter than ever and his penis was rock hard and straining at the fabric of his shorts. I lay a hand on his thigh and watched his penis twitch at the feel.

I thought he would want to screw me right away, but he was really romantic about the whole thing. We kissed for much of the day, then went out for a break. He bought me lunch in a terrific Italian sandwich shop and we walked down the street much of the afternoon. He bought me a beautiful ceramic ring and slipped it on my right ring finger.

‘Here’s something to keep with you even when I’m not there.’ I kissed him right then, and my stomach fluttered at the romantic offering. I thanked him.

As dusk was coming, he returned to the luxurious hotel. The doorman opened the door for us as we walked in and entered the elevator. We reached the suite and immediately began to kiss again. His erection was back in no time and I was wet immediately. We stumbled to the bed and he laid me gently down. He was on top of my in no time, kissing me so much I could barely breath. He removed a hand from behind my head and laid it gently on my breast. The feeling made me shudder with pleasure. I pulled him closer. His hand slid up my top and unclasped my bra, pulling it free. His hand massaged my erect nipples. I sat up and pulled off his shirt, tracing a line with my finger along the curly hair pointing from his navel into his shorts like an arrow. I kissed around his nipples and back to his mouth, then lifted my arms to allow him to slide my shirt off over my head. He looked at my perky breasts and kissed each one, then wrapped his mouth around one, licking the nipple and planting kisses all over, then sucking on it. I leaned my head back in pleasure, moaning. I put my hand on his head, feeling the soft hair I adored so much. I allowed him to remove my jeans. I was left in only my silk thong. His eyes grew wide with the sight. I smiled as I pulled his shorts down. His penis was pressing into his boxers, leaving a large tent. It was straining hard at the seams so I decided to relieve the pressure. I slowly pulled down the boxers and freed his large penis. I laid him down on the bed and knelt between his legs. I blew a stream of warm air over his cock that made him shudder. I put a light kiss on the tip, then began to lightly flick my tongue over the tip. He closed his eyes and let out a slow, sexy moan. I wrapped my lips around his shaft and began to slowly, steadily pump up and down. I turned my head, raising and lowering it, allowing my tongue to slide down the edge over it. I used my fingers to lightly fondle his sac while blowing him. His moans became louder and louder. I increased my speed accordingly. I sucked and licked him until I heard him utter a weak warning and felt his balls tense up. He began to thrust wildly into my mouth as he let forth a great flow of his seed into my mouth. I swallowed it, savoring the taste in my mouth. It was the sweetest cum I’d ever tasted. Of course, I’d only tasted two, but this was the better of them. He groaned and closed his eyes as the last drops fell into my mouth. I licked him clean, then came forward to meet him. I kissed him and he whispered to me.

‘That was the best blow job ever.’

To thank me, he in turn laid me down and knelt between my knees, his cock barely losing any hardness. He lay below me and I spread my legs for him.

‘You have the sexiest pussy ever.’ he said. He kissed all up my legs and around my vagina, but never actually touching it. I groaned in anticipation. Slowly he came nearer until he spread my lips with his fingers and licked up the juice that had seeped out. He gave me a few licks there before starting to trace circles around my clit. I moaned more, then let out a loud groan as his tongue began to lightly flick my pleasure spot. I thrust lightly into his mouth as his tongue pressed harder. He gently inserted first one, then two, then three fingers into my pussy. I felt myself release more liquid in preparation for orgasm. I moaned louder as I came nearer. I began thrusting more, until finally he pushed me over the edge. I began bucking against him, my legs wrapped around him. He lovingly licked up all the nectar that spilled out. I gave one last moan, exhausted. He was again rock hard. We began kissing some more. We took a break for showers before going back to bed. He nestled up behind me, laying light feather kisses all over my neck. We spooned for nearly an hour, the sky becoming dark. He maintained his erection this whole time, never even for a second softening.

He let out a moan. My eyes were closed in bliss and this surprised me.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘My penis is so sore. It’s waiting too long and you’re making me so horny.’ he said. I smiled and laid down on my back on the bed. I spread my legs to him. He was surprised that I wanted to go all the way. I nodded encouragement and he placed the head of his cock at my opening, then slid it in a few inches.

‘Oooh, you’re so tight!’ he said. He slid in more, slowly, until his balls were pressed against my pussy lips. I moaned at the full feeling he gave me. I felt more complete than I ever had. He slowly began to thrust lightly in and out of me. I was on the bottom, my legs lifted to his hips. He knelt on his hands and knees, thrusting down into me. I moaned and arched my head back into the pillows.

‘Faster,’ I moaned. He was eager to oblige. His thrusting sped up until he was working up a sweat. I moaned in pleasure and slid a finger down to rub my clit. I began to thrust my hips up to receive him. I removed my hand as he began to grind his hips up against my pubic bone. I kept urging him to go faster, but it was difficult for him in this position. I pushed him off and flipped over onto my hands and knees, spreading my knees slightly. He penetrated me doggy style, one hand wrapped around to grasp my bobbing breast. He then put his hands on my back and began to thrust as fast as he could. He moaned in pleasure, thrusting deep and fast. The sound of his balls slapping against me was an immense turn-on for me. I moaned and felt myself begin to come.

‘Oh, I’m coming!’ I moaned. ‘Oohh! Oh God! Ohhhhh!’ I moaned as I thrust back and began to shudder in my incredible orgasm. My honey dripped down my leg. Right after my orgasm finished, his began. His balls tightened and his penis spasmed as he shot his warm, white liquid inside of me. We both lay back on the bed, arms wrapped around one another. We were exhausted as we crawled under the covers, but we were in love. We fell asleep spooning. The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee. Matt sat naked in the chair next to the bed, gazing at me lovingly. I looked at him with his semi-hard penis and I called him into bed. We made love again that morning, more loving and slow sex than the harder, faster sex we’d had the night before. I’ve been dating him for four years now and we’re engaged now. Every year on our anniversary he takes me to The Presstin into the penthouse suite. We are still as much in love as we were that first amazing day.

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Twin Brothers together

As twins Kale and Jeremy grew up doing everything together, from baseball, school, and sex. The boys had spent their whole lives in a small town with nothing to do, so they spent their time together. And like any twins they were inseparable. Both the boys, being identical twins, were 14, 54 and skinny, semi long blond hair, gorgeous blueish grey eyes, and they were beautiful. They were the must haves of any girl in school. But as summer came around they spent their time messing around the...

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One Slave for Three Brothers

This is a fictional story of three country brother's kidnapping and training a beautiful raven haired Latina girl to serve them domestically and sexually. Juanita is tortured and fucked repeatedly by three brothers and is gang banged by six dogs. Three brothers , Jim, Jack, and John, inherited the large cattle and horse ranch they grew up on when their Father died two years ago. A few months after the Pa died Ma passed away they are left alone to work the stock and fend for themselves...

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Seven Brothers

At first, I just asked the mailing list for advice. But the stunning response I got (all one of them!) convinced me to keep it as-is. So here, without further ado, is: SEVEN BROTHERS by Roy Del Frink The seven Frie brothers of Newark were considered despicable. Everyone seemed to hate them. By some quirk of fate, each acted like the very personification of one of the seven deadly sins. Alex was the "wrathful" one. He got upset at the smallest little thing, screaming...

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Fallers Forest

After the divorce, I was unsure of what to do. I had my high-paying job, but without my family, and specifically without my daughter, I found no pleasure in the job. I had made my money already, and still had plenty left even after the divorce (thank goodness for prenuptial agreements), so I did not need to worry about having enough money to survive. Ever since I was a young child, I had loved auto racing. I would watch avidly, and I had spent plenty of time in the arcades of the 1980s and...

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A Sissy and Four Brothers

A sissy and four brothers -What is it like? Mother is very strict about separating me from 'the boys' but they've never experienced a 'sister' in the house before so there seems to be a lot of snooping around. A few of my readers have asked me for some additional information about farm life and living as a sissy with four brothers, and I'll respond to the question about seeing Jack again. Jack's mother called me and told me that I'd done wonders about boosting his self-esteem and she...

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Three Wicked Brothers

Chandra was so excited to finally be able to go to the prom that year. She was 16 and just a junior but, got asked to go to the prom by senior Daniel Kentwood, who was not only popular but a major babe. Chandra lived with her elderly father and her three brothers, Mark, Andrew, and Jared. Her mother had passed away when she was just twelve in a car accident. She grown up alone not knowing many things that woman should know. This was going to be her first date ever. She was nervous and tense....

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Katie Becomes A Whore For Her Brothers Chapter 2

"What's wrong, Katie", her father asked, noticing how quiet his normally talkative daughter was. "Nothing, I'm fine", she answered shortly, glaring at Tyler, although he refused to meet her gaze. On the other hand, her other brother, Jason, couldn't seem to stop staring at her. Jason was four years older than her and was going to graduate high school this year. Katie knew that several of her friends, including Linda, found him attractive. And, she had to admit, he did have certain...

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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 9

Conchita carried the marks of an overenthusiastic trooper proudly on her rump. He had used his little riding whip on her round white flanks. Sheila had watched the expression of sheer excitement on her face as she took the punishment with grateful shudders. It almost made her jealous of the sexy woman with her juicy slit and a mouth that had the skills of a born cocksucker. Fortunately, a pair of troopers had distracted her with their dual entry front and back and she lost all interest in...

2 years ago
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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 5

love__bug i came out of the bathroom devastated. i walked down the long hallway to lloyds room. i opened the door and found lloyd on his bed watching tv. "hey" i said while closing the door. "hey you" lloyd said smiling. i was suprised he didn't hear my moaning while Phil was fucking me in the bathroom. anyway, i took off my towel which exposed my naked body. "don't tempt me Erica." he said jokingly. a sexy smile crept up onto my face. I slid on my underwear. lloyd got up...

3 years ago
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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 5

Introduction: Happy reading! Thank you so much for reading my stories! Feel free to comment rate and message me. I look foward to hearing from you guys! xoxo love__bug i came out of the bathroom devastated. i walked down the long hallway to lloyds room. i opened the door and found lloyd on his bed watching tv. hey i said while closing the door. hey you lloyd said smiling. i was suprised he didnt hear my moaning while Phil was fucking me in the bathroom. anyway, i took off my towel which...

1 year ago
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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 5

The wedding ceremony went well. The parson was a bit drunk from over-indulging on the McGregor blend of fine home-brewed whiskey but the second groom had sobered up enough to answer "yes" at the right moment. The parson bedded down in the barn because it was too late to make the long trip back into town. The two newly married couples went upstairs to their bridal beds and the others all sat sipping the whiskey doing their best to pretend they didn't hear the squeaking of the mattress...

1 year ago
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Brothers slave 2The training

For the rest of the night my brothers kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn’t try to take care of the orgasmic pressure that has built up inside of my pussy. Even when I went into the bathroom either mark or tony was close by listening to what I was doing. Sometimes when our mother wasn’t watching they would give my ass a slap or give my pussy a pat putting pressure on the dildo that has been stuffed in my aching pussy. Every time they would do it I couldn’t help but let out a...

3 years ago
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Daddy And My Brothers Gangbanged Me For My Birthday

Melody sat cross-legged, watching television as she folded clothes. There was always a mountain’s worth of clothes. Not surprising, considering that it’s a house with one girl, her two brothers, and her father.She could hear the constant thud of a ball outside the drive. Her brothers were playing basketball outside in the driveway. She glanced at the clock, then put down the T-shirt she had been folding- it was time to get them in for dinner. Daddy would be home soon and she wanted everything...

2 years ago
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My brothers best friend

All my life I've been second place to my older brother. My brother was always considered perfect, which is annoying! I am attractive and I have a nice body but that has never been my issue. I excel in looks while my brother exels academically. Im not dumb or anything I just couldn't care less about school. my brother has a more attractive personality though... I never understood how he treats everyone like shit. I don't talk much, so I guess that's why my friends are very limited while his...

4 years ago
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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 3

Just a short week later, Sheila was humming a silly ditty out behind the main house hanging the wash from all seven brothers on the multiple clotheslines erected by a thoughtful Shawn who was trying to show his appreciation for her "tending" to his needs with the permission of his understanding brother Angus. In fact, Sheila had managed to go the rounds with all of the brothers taking care to only allow use of her willing hands and her busy mouth. She laughed thinking that she had more...

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Fun With My Sister Husband With His Brothers And His Father

Hi All, I am Bhavya and got name as Sult and Bitch Ramya. Let me describe myself. I am about 5.7ft, fair, average built, curvy body, and my vital status is 32 28 32. I maintained my curvy structure so well that many guys approached directly for dating. It was more when I wear body fit sexy t-shirt and skin tight jeans. In that dress my body structure was revealed and guys use to get disturb in my place and collage. I am BBM graduate and now pursuing MBA. Let me tell you hint when I got fucked...

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Satisfying my Brothers

When we reached grandma’s house it was nightfall and grandma welcomed us with some superb pancakes. I walked into the bedroom upstairs and started to unpack. I slipped on my favourite pink lingerie and headed to the drawing room. I loved my grandma very much as she was not strict as my mom. After a light meal I decided to go to bed. I went upstairs took of clothes, masturbated with a dildo for a while and then plunged into deep sleep. Next morning Suddenly I felt somebody pulling of my...

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The pleasure between brothers

As brothers we fought a lot. Sometimes it was the heavy all out war kinda fights but others were more like light wrestling matches. The heat wasn't doing much to dull our tempers and we began to roll around. Being in our underwear you'd think its be awkward but besides various crushes on girls I never really had much time to think about sex or lewdness before so the thought never crossed my mind before then that being nearly naked and covered in sweat while wrestling with another boy could...

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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 4

The morning after the addition of Scarlett, the pretty eighteen year old from the assay office in town, the brothers were in the kitchen questioning Jamie about his wedding night upstairs. The poor youngster was overwhelmed with shyness not wanting to disclose some of the more intimate games that the experienced Scarlett had played with him. His brother Stewart was silently sympathetic because he had already taken the pretty Scarlett shortly after she arrived as she bent over the butter churn...

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Wife Swapping Between Twin Brothers

Hey, guys, I’m back with another story. The story is about two brothers who swap their wives and have an open family between the four of them. The story is about two brothers who were identical twins. Their parents died when they were 19. The elder brother’s name was Jake and his younger brother was Jerry. Both of them have well-built bodies as they go to the gym daily. Both of them had jobs when their parents died. So they could manage themselves and live without the help of their uncles and...

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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Femboy Funtime 2 The Bang Brothers

Bobby Martingale had a hard job. See, frat life is fun, until you decide you want to try and build your resume and take a leadership role. Then all of a sudden you're not one of the guys getting up to wild antics anymore, rather, you're the one who has to protect the brotherhood's reputation and keep up relationships with university administration. Bobby was the president of Rho Sig, and there was a reason he was the only candidate. No one in their right mind wanted that job. Maybe...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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The Three Brothers

Author's Notes: Story is inspired by The Gold Dress by Paula Girl. The Three Brothers Frederick, Sam, and Michael were three very tight brothers growing up. Fred was the natural leader of the boys, was generally well-liked, and appeared ready to accomplish great things as he was about to graduate college. If he had any faults it was that he could be hot-tempered with his two younger brothers. Sam was very much an introvert, soft-spoken, and kept to himself. Michael was the family...

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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 1

"You smell so good" I said feeling his embrace. "Thanks" Lloyd grabbed my hand and we began walking to his house. He started explaining to me how my brother could never know about us. "Of course. He would kill both of us!" I said in agreement. Lloyd also admitted to me that he'd been attracted to me for years but never knew how to approach me. i was flattered yet surprised.. we finally arrived to his empty house and went to his clubhouse in his backyard where no one could hear....

4 years ago
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A Sisters Need A Brothers Desire Part 3

Introduction: Unlimited time alone together in a storm shelter – Strange men in and out of the house above them – A sexy little girl, and her horny older brother – Just what can they do to stay busy??? Helpful Hints: Read intro to Part 1. Read Parts 1 and Part 2 I have become a vessel through whom this story is shared. This story lives a life of its own through my fingers. I neither create nor control where it has decided to go. I hope you continue to enjoy it as I continue to enjoy being...

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Me and My Brothers Chapter XI

Before Bruce and Marty returned I got in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I dried off and wrapped a bath towel around me and went to the kitchen. There was Marty preparing dinner and with her was a strange man. I started to leave and Marty said, “Oh Carly, come here. I want you to meet Skip.” “But I’m not dressed.” “No problem. Skip this is Carly. Carly, he’s a friend of mine…a kind of close friend. He took me to my senior prom.” So she gave her cherry to this guy. He was...

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Brutal Brothers 8211 Part 7

After we came back from the horny holiday mom was supposed to be but she didn’t and decided she would stay there for another month and that was a feast for my brothers, that month I had worst and best time of my life I had finally started to enjoy all the fucking my brothers and their friends gives us during that month I was used like anything always naked but ,in the middle of the month the worst thing happened my brother used me to clear his debt of 50000 Rs form a goon where I was fucked to...

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Daughters Slut Training 6 Daughter Takes on Her Brothers

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Daughter Takes on Her Brothers By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My eyes flicked from my daughter lying on her back, her first customer's cum leaking out of her well-fucked and bald snatch, to President Carver pulling out his wallet from his discarded slacks, his dick soaked in my daughter's juices. A hot tremble raced through me. I pulled my fingers out of my own snatch, my orgasm...

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