Anal Lovers Invite Anal Studs Over
- 4 years ago
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Moses Carver stepped out of the shower and felt the tingle that removed the water from his body. It felt good. It was like he could breathe easier through his skin.
New fatigues appeared and he paused to look at the name and rank on the soft material. Though written in Tandran, he was proud to see his new Corporal First Class patch. Promotions had come quickly. He was ahead of most of the recruits and his studies and dedication to duty ensured that he would stay that way. He dressed quickly, walked briskly to the matter transmitter closest to his quarters, and a split second later he was in one of the smaller boat bays on Terra's Pride.
He found his boys clustered around a scrap engine from a single seat fighter. The boys sensed him as he walked up. They raised their heads or turned around to greet him. Jonathan had a big smile on his face.
Jonathan had changed much since joining the academy. He was four centimetres taller and had gained at least seven kilos of muscle. His brother Jerome stood nearby and had grown just as much. The haunted looks the boys once carried were gone. Their black faces showed only determination and joy at doing what was asked of them.
"Hello Moses. Tell us what you learned about this engine," Jonathan asked.
Moses looked the engine over for a few moments, then began to explain how it was tweaked and cajoled to put out more thrust when the craft exceeded light speed. His explanation was detailed and he brought up displays to illustrate his talk. He started with the crystalline structure of the material and progressed to how it converted energy to thrust. Moses picked up the engine and moved the ninety kilogram mass about easily in the ship's gravity. At the moment it was at set to ten percent more than Earth gravity, to acclimatise the students and recruits to function in different weight environments.
"This depression transubstantiates to give the greatest alignment with the course desired. These crystals actually bend in the upper dimensions to accomplish this."
A tall boy from Pakistan asked, "How come the larger engines do it differently?"
"At one time the larger ships had multiples of this engine, which worked fine, but the arrangement was not as efficient as the larger engines when they were finally developed. The crystals cannot move and develop the same efficiency."
The class progressed to other topics related to ships, weapons and sensors. They moved to a smaller room with tutors strapped to their heads to learn more eccentricities of multi-dimensional mathematics. Later in the study period Mike Tuck arrived and took half the class. He had been doing his own studying and now helped others who needed mentoring.
He recalled many years ago he studied mathematics and didn't like it much. Fifty years later he realized that math was needed to stay alive. With this understanding, he pushed himself to learn as much as he could. Like Moses, he quickly got his corporal's glyph through long hours devoted to absorbing everything he could. Now the boys in this room were far above earth standards for genius level. A rough comparison would show that the least of them had an IQ of about 400. Granted, their education was geared to staying alive in a high-tech society engaged in a deadly war.
The next class was considered fun. Moses and Mike did not lead this class, but observed. Officers were drawn from the boys themselves, in rotation. They donned environment suits and took up whatever weapons their officers assigned. They boarded a small ship and flew to the moon's terminator where they disembarked and scattered, taking up positions to defend a predetermined site.
Mike sent out probes to cover a hundred kilometre area, while Moses rechecked every boy's suit and weapons. The cadet officer was doing the same. When all were deployed where their officer wanted them, they masked their minds from the enemy. Cadets had enhanced minds. They could multi-task their mental processing. One mind compartment worked to locate an enemy sent to take their position; another area processed school assignments.
After two hours Corporal Tuck detected a stray thought and knew that fighting would start soon. He warned Moses but not the cadets. It was up to them to learn from experience.
Fifteen seconds later the cadet officer directed some cadets to shift their positions, and he alerted the rest. A nearby outcropping exploded soundlessly and rock fragments rattled against their shielding. Their suit AIs kicked in to detect and compute the enemy positions.
The boys remained still, not returning fire even when an enemy exposed himself while sprinting to a large rock. He was invisible to the eye but could be seen with the suit's sensors. Seconds later another outcropping erupted into dust and fragments, with no retribution.
When the enemy finally charged in force, the defenders popped up and raked them with a deadly accuracy beyond normal Human abilities. Some attackers were hit repeatedly and were tagged 'dead'.
The young officer barked a command and twenty-three boys moved out, covering each other while they took down two enemies who contested their advance.
Jonathan flew within a few centimetres of the lunar surface, his suit AI searching for targets. Four buddies were down. Slowing near a large rock, he slid around it for cover. Halfway around, the rock was blasted and splintered fragments rattled off his shield. His suit weapons fired in return, hitting the enemy position an instant after his attacker pulled back. He slipped forward a few metres, then another, and his suit was hammered by weapon fire. The shot was so accurate that the suit computer tagged him as "killed" and went dormant.
"Shit, shit! Why did it have to happen just as we were ready to sweep the enemy up?" he thought. As his suit closed down he glimpsed his opponent, buried in the lunar dust with just the tip of his weapon visible.
The dust had not begun to settle when two of his buddies slipped around the rock and hammered the area where the sniper lay hidden. They fired repeatedly at the far location where he had taken incoming fire, to pin the enemy down. He was about to thank his teammates but the rules demanded that he remain quiet until the exercise was over. He had to be content to lay back and focus on physics theories that explained how a communicator signal could pass through a shield screen and be attenuated by only half.
A moment later the "dead" sniper moved a hand. Jonathan remained still until the enemy found an unused communicator channel and said aloud, "Hi. I guess the plan did not work as well as it should have. You were supposed to die and my team would hit your teammates when they came to flush me out."
Jonathan answered aloud through his communicator, "It worked pretty well. Instead of looking for your weapon, I was worried about being hit by your team."
"My name is Jeremy. What is yours?"
"Jonathan, from 56,20."
"I am from 56,23. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too. Who are your mentors?"
"Moya and Konstantin." Jonathan found the voice young but mature. "Are you a rejuvee or young?"
"I am eleven now. How about you?"
"I am 13 for the first time."
Jeremy sensed something in the boy and wanted to know more. "No wonder you got so far. Your Argentinean and Russian teammates are pretty good."
Jeremy asked, "Who are your mentors?"
"Moses Carver and Mike Tuck."
"They are one of the top teams. My brother is leading our group and he is getting sneaky. He took the usual fight tactics and put in another level. He has a two-man team moving up on the right flank to take out your command."
Jonathan was only a little worried. Moses had warned them this might happen and the possibility had to be taken seriously. They could feel the ground shaking under them as more and more rocks were pounded to dust and fragments. An hour later the contest was over; the "all clear" signal went out to all contestants and their AIs. The "killed" suits would now work so both boys got up, smiled at each other and shook hands. They had started a friendship that each hoped would grow.
Two days later in one of the cafeteria, Jeremy came up to Jonathan. "Hi Jonathan. How are you doing?"
"Great, except I lost some points for not targeting as well as I should. How are you?"
"Fine, come sit with us and we can talk?"
Jonathan tapped his brother Jerome in front of him and said, "Sure, and my brother Jerome will come with us. He's older than me but I have to look after him." He jumped back as a backhand slap narrowly missed him.
The boys got their meals and sat down. Jerome seemed to be the odd man because of his size but he didn't let that bother him. They discussed the exercise of two days before and how it might have gone differently. It had been thrashed through earlier among the participants, and Marcus had shown them some of their more glaring mistakes.
Jonathan judged that Matthew was well suited to be an officer even at his young age. He seemed to have an excellent grasp of strategy and the tactical properties of all the weapons at hand.
Jeremy, a bit older, seemed to easily master those weapons that were difficult for Jonathan. Jonathan's strength was in tuning the engines to work their best. Jerome could fix just about anything, and could cobble together ingenious devices that confounded his mentors.
Jeremy suggested, "I can help you with targeting, if you can help me with propulsion."
Jonathan thought it a worthwhile idea. "Sure. When can we work together?" A chart appeared to both boys at Jeremy's bidding, showing their scheduled free time. Most entries were coloured red, meaning compulsory classes, but some were blue, indicating elective, optional courses. The green "free" area for both boys was small. Jeremy moved some of his discretionary activities till their green areas overlapped. Jonathan did a bit of shuffling to make a larger green area.
"Where are you doing your community service?" Jonathan asked. "Our friends and teammates like the nursery. We usually go to 12F."
"I was teaching the older kids a few of our old games, but more people are helping now. Maybe we can do our time together in nursery, and talk?"
"I like it."
Corporal Moses Carver approached the table and the boys sat to attention. Jonathan smiled broadly as Carver stood beside him. Jeremy saw there was nothing sexual there, just great love and respect for the large man. He sensed that Jonathan's real father might not measure up to Moses Carver.
"There you are." Moses smiled down at the four boys and saw friendships forming. The white boys were two of the Emperor's many children. He knew about their meeting up with the boss, but he did not know the details. It was best to let it rest. "I came to tell Jerome and Jonathan that there is a new competition starting in a few hours."
"What about?" Jonathan asked.
"The older cadets are invited to build and crew a small ship. Their mission is to fly to the Oort Cloud to repair 144 sensor orbs, and to install 144 new ones. There is some small print but basically the competition is open to everybody. All of the participating crews will go to Earth to meet with high-ranking leaders. And they will tour schools to encourage Earth children to try harder."
Jerome said, "I remember reading they did that during the wars to get the people behind the effort."
Moses chuckled, "It is called a 'dog and pony show'. You are right about its purpose. Recruitment is no problem but many of the people on Earth do not see us as fully Human. This is a way to show them that you are only boys, even if you are unusually smart and strong boys."
The group broke up soon afterward and each went to their respective marshalling areas. Jeremy walked up behind his teammates, Conda and Toosm, the female and male Tandra members. He put his arms around the pair and pulled them gently to him. "I missed you guys at lunch. What happened?"
"We had some time together. You Humans are too rowdy to be around all the time," Conda teased. They actually spent most of their free time together. Sometimes it was for sex but mostly it was like they were family and needed to be close. None had yet entered puberty but they enjoyed expressing their feelings through sex.
Matthew was much more of a diplomat. He greeted Mui, the Softay female and Trixie the female T'aut. "Trixie" was the closest a Human tongue could pronounce her name. The language was difficult but her name was especially frustrating. The two females had more or less banded together and were adjusting to the Tandra. The Humans were more difficult, more aggressive by nature, but not threatening. It was reassuring that the Humans wanted only the best for the team members.
Matthew liked and admired these girls. They were smart and dedicated. They, too, thought of the team as a family. If a member needed extra help, they would give it. The Softay did not have the mental communication abilities of the others, but made up for it in her ability to diagnose problems in the machinery. Mui was quite reserved and spoke slowly, even in mind-speak, but she knew much about the ship's systems.
"We just heard that there is an open competition," Matthew said. "A ship is to be fabricated from scratch. The crew will fly it to the Oort Cloud, complete a repair mission, and fly back. All the contestants will go to Earth to meet the people, tour some schools, and meet children who are the way we once were."
"Why would we want to go there?" Mui asked. "It is dirty and dangerous. The natives are insane and aggressive, and none of my race or Trixie's has ever met with the Human public."
"That might be the reason to open the competition. It doesn't take a genius to know that it will be televised. My family missed the hysteria when our... the Emperor came and rescued us. This is just a way of bringing the level of mania down to a manageable amount."
"Building a ship takes a lot of time and help. What are the rules?"
They asked Marcus for the particulars. Basically it would require twelve cadets for each team. They could get advice and mentoring, but no physical assistance would be allowed.
"A new friend is coming over tonight to share our community service. We can discuss it then and see if this idea will work for all of us."
Jeremy waited that night outside 12F nursery. He had begun to wonder if Jonathan would show up, but then he felt Jonathan's thoughts as he approached. They greeted each other with a hug, which was the Tandra custom. Going inside, they were each handed a year old Tandra child by a matronly Human woman. A Tandra child this age was newborn size among Human babies. The boys joined the rest of Jeremy's team and sat on soft blankets in the weak lunar gravity.
After introducing Jonathan to the others, the cadets talked while they tended the babies. Their minds, now able to maintain several activities at once, were able to focus a full share of nurturing thoughts to the infants.
Jonathan explained, "My brother and I put our name in for the competition. This is too good to pass up. We are looking for some help. I need to go back to my old neighbourhood; I want show the people there that I am making good."
"We have not discussed the competition yet. Marcus gave us the basics and it sounds possible. We need at least twelve and no more than fifteen team members. We will use lunar regolith for raw material to make a frame and hull. Part of our group will fabricate small crystals for a processor unit. We will be given the rest of the computer. The only other assembly we must make ourselves is the inertial compensator."
"I heard that we may have to make the sensors too. I do not know if I can work on such a fine detail."
"Mui or I could make the sensors." Jeremy thought. He continued, "Less than half of each crew is to be Human." Turning to Mui and Trixie he said, "Would the two of you consider joining us?"
Trixie concentrated on the T'aut child in her arms and said, "The competition will be good for us. We will learn our school lessons faster and we can be useful. I will work with you until we see the feasibility of this endeavour. Then I will decide."
Mui was much more hesitant but she knew Jeremy wanted this. Matthew had remained silent the entire time, weighing the commitment each team member would make. "I think it is necessary that we enter this competition," he said. "Marcus has given us a summary of what has happened on Earth, and I have done my own investigation. There is a distinct possibility that something bad could happen down there. The majority of Earth's people are xenophobic and that trend will only worsen unless something is done to reverse it."
"We must go among the people and let them see that we are not much different than they are. The alternative is to eventually withdraw and let the people of Earth carry on, isolated as before."
Jonathan was impressed with the mature analysis that 10-year-old Matthew applied to the problem. He was both diplomatic and assertive in persuading the group to see his view of the matter.
By the time the babies were changed and fed, the team had solidified behind Matthew. He had adapted to Tandra education quite easily and his mind had developed impressively because of it. Without pushing his views he could coalesce the group's thinking. Now the group carefully handed back their babies to the matron and even Jonathan felt compelled to give the child a soft kiss on the cheek as they parted.
When news of the competition spread, more cadets wanted to join. Few interested groups were large enough to make a team on their own, so Matthew in his spare moments scouted the uncommitted people. He found three Tandra females seeking to join a compatible team. He sent his group as it now stood to meet them. He suspected the three, like Conda earlier, might suffer psychological isolation from the destruction of their home world, damage which could impede their full and open teamwork. He hoped Conda could help them overcome the problem and pull the team together.
Another long-term goal was to find suitable mates for Trixie and Mui. They did not complain but Matthew had studied their cultures and he knew that mates would be far more than comforting to the Softay and T'aut females. Apparently it was the custom for one's family to choose a life mate and one was usually content with the choice.
Matthew used his free moments to consider the competition's probable benefits to his group, and its aim to improve relations between the Alliance and the Earth population. The other races had recently begun to refer to the lunar Humans as "Terrans," a term now widely accepted and most Humans did not seem to mind. As for Matthew, the Emperor had saved him so being called "Terran" was a small adjustment to make in this new existence.
He worked closely with Marcus, more so than others of his age or experience. He searched the public records to evaluate the more promising cadets looking for a place on a team. Some could make great contributions but he rejected most as possibly disruptive to their team. He decided the three Tandra girls would be the best choice, even if they might be a little unsettling to the others.
Small single-seat fighters had been refitted with new crystals provided by the Emperor. These ships were much more intelligent than most and were perfect for combat training. Their powerful weapons were locked down to a harmless power setting, safe for student missions.
Matthew flew with the blue team, led by Jeremy. Their flight of twelve fighters was assigned a mission to one of Jupiter's moons. They expected to be attacked during the mission by an equal number of fighters piloted by the green team.
Trixie's fighter was suffering engine problems. Jeremy ordered four teammates to lock their tractors on to her ship to keep her with them, an unusual flight solution that required intense teamwork. The problem had probably been generated as a practical test.
They arrived at an orbiting debris field, a likely place for an ambush. The blue team spread into a defensive array that protected their crippled ship to the centre rear. Four green team ships materialised, feinted with a full-out diversionary missile spread that hit and "killed" three blue ships and veered the other blue team fighters into a minefield where another two blue fighters "exploded" and were tagged dead in space. The green attackers immediately broke away and plunged moonward, sliding off into a backside blind where the other green team ships waited.
Regrouped, the green team ships flipped around, doubled back and accelerated to flank speed, hoping to surprise the surviving blue team fighters they assumed were following in angry pursuit. Instead, they ran headlong into a blue team minefield. Jeremy had sensed the trap and ordered his surviving blue team pilots to spread out, lay a mined ambush of their own, and to fall well away with six ships waiting in a flanking spread. Trixie, in her crippled fighter, sat centred downrange as bait, noisily attempting to restart her engine. When eight surviving green ships emerged from the minefield and started toward Trixie, they were swarmed from all sides by flights of missiles streaking in as shields for the attacking blue fighters. Both teams furiously wheeled around like wounded gladiators and lashed out at each other with laser weapons. The final dogfight lasted thirty-six seconds and ended with three blue team and four green team ships surviving the final engagement. Damage to the surviving green team fighters was greater so the outcome was called a draw.
When both teams arrived back at the moon they had already debriefed themselves, agreeing on those things that worked and other things they could have done better. There was even enough time to run through another mathematics lesson relating to the structural integrity of a combat-hardened spacecraft.
The two boys were hungry and waiting to eat when they were called out of line. Their stepmother Justine and her companion Monique were waiting to visit. Jeremy and Matthew ran to the women for hugs and kisses.
Justine held Jeremy's shoulders and smiled. "You have grown so much! It's hard to recognize you. How are your classes going?"
"We're doing well. My baby brother may be one of the brightest in our group, but it was all my doing," Jeremy teased.
Matthew gave him an elbow jab and said, "He keeps getting us killed just so he can look good. Have you eaten? We're hungry."
They sat around a small table in a quiet area and talked of many things. Sofia was with the Emperor's family and having lots of fun. The ships were linked with audio/video communications and Monique and Justine could talk anytime to Sofia and the two brothers. This was one of the happiest times of the women's lives. The brothers felt the same. They all missed Sofia but it was good to see that she was being raised well. Masis was such a nice planet and much safer now that many more Alliance personnel were hunting down the Samutz.
Monique had requested temporary lunar quarters to be with her family and was assigned a suite. Jeremy and Matthew usually slept with their team but sometimes stayed with their family or the Emperor. Matthew asked for family time and it was easily granted.
The Emperor had dramatically expanded the lunar base and brought many Earth vices with him. Entertainment simulators were installed that featured theme park rides. A roller coaster ride with artificial gravity made the simulator experience identical to reality. A motor speedway featured Formula One cars hitting speeds of three hundred fifty kilometres per hour.
The food synthesizers featured Earth meals and did a steady business. It helped that everything was free; nothing had to be paid for. An authentic British pub dispensed drinks but no patrons got drunk or unruly. Dart boards and a cozy fire drew people to relax and talk in a comfortable environment. Sports events from Earth were widely broadcast. Favourite teams were still followed, even though the lunar fans could easily outperform Earth's professional players.
Lunar sports were widely broadcast too, but not to Earth. Their enhanced strength, stamina, and mental prowess made the lunar athletes far superior to any Terran team; this could cause a wider rift in relations if it were widely publicized.
The boys brought the girls to an Earth-type theatre featuring Terran movies. Marcus had taken each tape or DVD and restructured them into virtual reality projections. The audience could believe they were living in the scenes and feeling the same environment whether warm, hot, wet, or thirsty. This film featured Bogie in "The African Queen". Tactile sensations were completely appropriate. Even their chairs were as hard as the wooden benches in the boat.
Jeremy held Justine and Matthew held Monique. They could feel the tropical heat and the wet spray when it rained or when they were shipwrecked. The audience gasped for breath during the storm when waves washed over them. Marcus' films let the Humans remember what life was like on Earth.
After the film, the couples grabbed a meal from an automated pizza parlour and a few minutes later they were settled down in their temporary quarters.
They sat around, eating and talking. This was more like a circle of adults, although two were quite young. The boys avoided talking about their earlier, painful life with their father. They called Masis but were told that Sofia was asleep so they waited to call later when she was awake.
The girls talked about their training. Justine and Monique were trying for communications tech positions. They had not graduated, but most of their training would be learned on the job using tutors on whatever ship they would be assigned. The women regarded themselves as a couple now and the military would treat them as a family unit and not split them apart.
Jeremy discussed his courses and his team members. The public archives were called up with pictures of the other members. "Are you having fun with the two Tandra?" Justine asked.
"Yes. Conda and Toosm are a lot of fun. Conda wanted always to be on her knees, but now she has changed. She likes all of us but I think she likes Matthew better. Toosm is from the moon population and works hard to keep up with us. He's bright but not as driven as the rest of us. Matthew and I made a deal with him; he works hard and one of us makes him feel good afterward.
"The Tandra seem to make us horny. It is fun now but when we enter puberty it should be a lot better," Matthew added.
"What job are you trying for?" Monique asked.
"The best. I want to be captain. Perhaps I will not have a battleship or a carrier but I hope someday to get a cruiser or destroyer. If Jeremy stays with me, it will have to be a troop carrier though," Matthew answered.
"Why?" Justine asked.
Jeremy hung his head and Matthew said, "He wants to be in the infantry and fight face to face. He doesn't think the ship is a hands-on way to kill Samutz."
"Jeremy, you can be a marine assigned to any large ship. They do most of the fighting when the time comes." Justine looked at her stepson.
"Yes, but I would have to wait too long. I want to go out and kill Samutz now. We have videos of the mercs who went with the Emperor, and other mercs came here to the academy to tell us about close-quarters combat."
Justine was troubled. The boy sounded a bit like his father Yuri, but this lust for violence was not necessarily from his troubled past. She loved Jeremy. The alternative was to remember the abusive man they had lived with. He was sadistic. He beat every member of the family. He used each for sex.
It was getting late so Jeremy rose and held out his hand to his stepmother. She happily got up. His arms went around this woman who had protected him so many times. He wished only to repay some of the debt he owed her.
Matthew enjoyed Monique's company also. She was not much older than he, but she had taken an adult's responsibility to protect the younger ones.
Matthew removed his clothes. Monique was not far behind. Each could read how eager the other was. She guided him to the antigravity bed and lay on her back. Monique enjoyed Justine's tongue, but when Matthew began to lick her, she stopped him. "Matt, climb up and give me what I've been missing!"
Matthew looked at her and saw that she had changed. Her baby fat was gone, replaced by strong muscles. Her mind was clear and he could see exactly what she wanted and needed. He pulled her legs up, placed them on his shoulders, and slid snugly into her.
He was larger than before. The AIs wanted Human males to be welcomed by the Tandra females so they added some generous sexual organ enhancement. Although adolescent, his penis was nearly adult size and could perform as one. The boy also learned that all women loved kindness and consideration in bed.
His body seemed to be made for this joyful task; he tried his best to please her. One part of his mind pictured them making love and how they both enjoyed their coupling. Another part saw how his thoughts affected her. Monique was a visual person and the erotic images of his young body using hers stimulated her erogenous responses.
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I was on the leg press when I saw her come in. Tall woman, I would guess 5'8'' or 5'9" and maybe 125 pounds. Blond hair put up in a pony-tail and from the looks of her I figured that she was there more to stay in shape than to get into shape. She was the kind of woman I liked to see in the circuit machine area — someone easy on the eyes, someone you could watch and appreciate while you worked out. I finished my three sets on the leg press and was moving to the chest press to work on the...
A Kind Mistress’ Revenge and an Ignorance Slave’s RedemptionI woke up, shockingly, see myself being hogtied naked in a mirror room. I was wearing nothing but a red soft rubber ball gag and a matching color dog collar.?Where am i?? I wondered.I saw Gurley, my ex friend, walked in. She is wearing transparent white blouse, short schoolgirl skirts, tie, and black boots. She is wearing black panties and bra. ?We met again? Gurley says, ?You remember the last time you hurt my feeling??She untied my...
Joe's Maiden Voyage By Jennifer White Joey was 18 years old, and just out of high school. He was too poor to attend college, but not good enough of a student to get scholarships. He hadn't played any sports, so he didn't have a chance for an athletic scholarship either. As with most areas of the country these days, there were jobs to be found, but they were low paying, doing things that he would rather not do. He was depressed about the whole scene. His girlfriend had dumped him...
It was a long trip and Tyler was feeling tired, run down and a bit anxious. Road trips were never quite his thing, but he always seemed to get dragged out on them by his wife, Sherri. Sherri’s family lived what would be considered far away, but they still made the regular trek over ten hours by car every few months to go visit, and every time Tyler felt as if he would explode due to the sheer boredom of crossing the desolate prairie of the Midwest while suffering through the local radio...
Continued... "Admit it, you want more. I already know. Tell me. Tell me you want more." "I..I..I want more!" "Ha-ha-ha-ha." the second voice laughed a devious yet seductive laugh. "The little virgin wants to be drowned from her innocence already? That was awfully, quick." "You know what they say, Samantha. Nothing ever goes as planned." said Juliet. Samantha, Samantha was the other woman's name. Maddison figured it out. Juliet and Maddison both very much so burned with jealousy...
LesbianStrolling through the mall, Simon kept his attention shifting from shop to shop, wondering just where he could find what he was looking for. Even though he wasn't quite sure exactly what he was looking for just yet, Simon knew that he didn't have much more time to find it. The wedding was tomorrow and he still hadn't found a present. Frowning in impatience, Simon kept walking through the mall, still looking. He just had to find a wedding gift in time, and wished that he hadn't...
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Sitka sat on the chaise-lounge stroking his lover's fine blond hair, "You don't have to." "But you said everyone shares." Jahke smiled up at him, hands tracing distracted patterns over his own abdomen, "And it's Shindae's birthday." "I just want you to be happy Jahke." "I am happy." The boy reached out for the big horned demon and stole a kiss, "Really." It had been months since Jahke had arrived at the house and it hadn't taken long...
Hello everyone I am Rahul (name changed) I am 18 years old from Ahmednagar,Maharashtra . I am doing my diploma here. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories forgive me for my mistakes. You can give me your valuable feedback on .Any girls or aunties can contact me for fun privacy guaranteed. without wasting more time Ill start my story. this story happened recently about an month ago I want to share it with you all. This story is 100% true The heroin of the story is Pooja . She has a boom...
Dear Sister Marissa, Right now I have to shake my head at the mysteries of the universe. Erica and I have a very dangerous occupation. We operate a tank that takes the fight directly to the Sa'arm on the surface of a planet. One thing I'm learning from talking to others, is that the Sa'arm are far better than humanity in one on one close combat battles on planets. We won on Wadi mostly because we were able to avoid allowing it to become a close combat fight thanks to the terrain. When we...
I was handing a bottle of water to Amelia who looked at my caged cock hovering just in front of her face. “Hey, guys,” she said to no one in particular. “Aaron here has done a great job of tending to our needs tonight. Anyone think he’s earned some relief?” Everyone just looked at each other without saying anything. Finally, it was Brent who spoke up. “Sure, I think so,” he said. “Just as long as I don’t have to help him with it!” he added hastily. Jess laughed. “No, I think we can handle...
er life and saga continues, Matt grows with his family and she gets a clearer picture of the future. This is fiction that follows Matt & I, and Liz Part 1.I looked around to make sure no one was watching as I retrieved my panties and blue jeans. I had cum, it felt great, but I also felt regret at having done it, perhaps now I could complete the drive without my mind drifting off. But I was still asking myself 'why?' why did I have to cum? I looked at my note where I had written down her...
How’d that happen 5 These stories are meant to be read serially. The first ones can be found on my profile We got up the next morning pretty late as the sun was already above the hills on the horizon. We were determined to make good time so for the next days we really hustled with only a few invigorating interludes. What with hard driving from almost dawn to dark, we were pretty exhausted at the end of the day. I was becoming especially burned out as the girls could alternate when it came to...
The next day rushed by and Sharleen and Heather were thrown together to keep Sharleen in check and cooperate with various what she would think 'silly things'. Kathleen was finding it harder to find right time and spot to ensure her father was not starved of sex and her body. Sharleen was feeling frustrated as another day slipped by with out any chance of having sex with her father. Benjamin and Sharleen looked at each other longingly but the opportunities were hard to come by. Sharleen...
It had been a long day, a VERY long day. I had called home around 6:30 to let my wife Miranda know not to hold dinner for me. There had been too many "held" dinners as it was, with Tupperware dishes filling the refrigerator from late evening phone calls of delay. I had begun to wonder if the high-paying job was even worth it. How long had it been since Miranda and I had even made love? Weeks at least. Though I did smile the last time I remembered we'd had a particularly erotic and wild...
Just at the sweaty peak of David's morning workout, his mother came out through the back of the house wearing the kind of bikini he'd only seen in pictures. It fit her like a bikini that didn't fit her. The network of neon blue cords and bowknots rode the dance of her tanned, heavily curvaceous body in a way that made him feel d**gged. He forgot himself and stopped, paralyzed by the way she moved through the backyard, casually inspecting and primping her flowerbeds.Miranda was almost double his...
Argus finished telling about Sloan and Kyla and sat down again, The hall remained quiet, as the guests understood now why Braedon came to see Arabella again. ‘Argus, noo that was a nice telling ye ga’e.’ Peter MacLeod spoke out finally. ‘Aye, I was’ne expecting ye tae telling such a nice tale of love.’ Mary MacLeod agreed. Argus stood and smiled and took a short bow and passed the floor to Stuart again, before sitting down. ‘Noo that ye’s know why Braedon was coming tae Tioram, I think we...
When Cheryl and Joe got home to their Upper Westside townhouse, he knew where he needed to go immediately. Top floor. The floor for their offices. To Moe. Who stewed in her anger. Probably had been for a while. “He’s fucking here, Joe,” she said. He opened his arms. She filled them. “What’s he doing here?” she asked. “I don’t know. I’ll find out.” “He wants another chance to fuck all your women.” “I hope not. But I don’t think so.” “Then why?” “Maybe he needs a friend.” “But he hates...
I blinked, leaned forward to peer at the message on my computer screen, and then settled back into my chair. I shook my head and muttered, “Well I never.” I’d been quite stunned when I saw the name in my inbox, didn’t really believe it was true. Then I clicked on it and the familiar "Facebook" panel came up. Gaynor sent you a message, was the heading over the sender’s thumbnail picture. It read: Hi Richard, spotted you here on Facebook and was shocked to see you looking so thin and unwell. Are...
Love StoriesMy college days. College days are supposed to be the most memorable years of our life. I had eventful college days which I spent largely with one person named Reena. And yes she was my girlfriend. The following writing is about my first kinky experience with Reena. I studied in a prestigious college in Delhi. The decorum required us to wear a proper college uniform. We were over 18 by then. Boys were expected to wear a blue blazer and pants while for girls it was a shirt and skirt. Reena and I...
I had been a widower for two years and very much missed the sex my wife and I had had. I didn`t want to try to get a ‘girl friend’ which other men had done. Instead, I masturbated pretty regularly. Always standing up and in the nude in my lounge with newspapers on the floor to catch my cum when I ejaculated. I had been jerking off and had a good erection when the doorbell rang. I put on my dressing gown and opened the front door. My next door neighbour, Margaret, was there. She had come to...
The King's Temporary Slave Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF Rom Spank If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2004
(Thank you for all the reviews. Positive and negative I appreciate them. These stories are purely a release but I am trying to improve my writing and I cannot think of a more fun way to practice. I am editing the entire piece regularly and if anyone is interested in talking, my email is [email protected]) Dry Dock Part III I did not know what Max did for a living. Was not too concerned. I assumed he was in the Navy like me. I could not even guess his age or begin to tell you...
This is the third installment in this story. To everybody that read the first two parts, sorry for the delay. I want to extend my thanks to WickedFabulous for editing and providing suggestions. I really appreciate you help! There will be more to this story, so please bear with me!!!! * After Erin left, I crashed into a semi-comatose sleep. I was in such a deep sleep, that I didn’t hear the phone ring when ‘Drea called from airport. I was still sleeping when she got home. She woke me up in...
Louise preened before the mirror. The new mini looked terrific, or at least her exposed, shapely legs looked terrific. She would not normally have dared wear such a mini-skirt if her father were at home. The skirt hugged her hips tightly. It was 9 inches above her knees. Her lacy panties would not remain hidden if bent over, or if she sat down. Thankfully her parents had just left half an hour ago for a weekend in the Eastern Highlands and Louise could indulge her erotic daydreams. Louise...
I sat back, sipped coffee, and listened to Dad tell his fiancée everything. I don't believe he left out even the smallest detail. I'd believed he was a taciturn man. What a joke! He also surprised me on another level. He was very well-spoken. And Maureen, what a woman! That she would become my fourth mother pleased me no end. She was tough and strong, like a lioness protecting her cubs, and Dad and I were her cubs. She was cheerful with a good sense of humor with a laugh that was...
"Oh, oh! Fuck your mother, Walter! Fuck Mummy's horny pussy! Harder, Mummy's going to cum now! Fuck Mummy's cunt as hard as you can!" Patty was on her back, her legs up in the air, whimpering and moaning as her son labored on top of her. Walter had been ready to go to school when he'd decided he wanted another fuck in his mother's pussy. She'd protested at first, as she always did, but he'd had little trouble persuading her to lie on her back and spread her legs. His pants...
Louisa and I were of the same age, lived with our mothers only a few streets from each other, and attended the same Secondary school. Yet, we had never met. In the 1950s, the belief that boys and girls should be kept apart and raised separately still held sway and was strictly enforced. Incredible as it may seem today, a boy or girl observed so much as talking to each other would certainly be punished for wanton behaviour. Believe me, there were plenty of busybodies and miseries around only too...
CrossdressingWe first meet at the main reception of the gym and notice each other. Short, quick glances and blush slightly as I flirt with you asking you how long have you been a member? You say not long and head off to the changing room. I enter the men's changing room and we both think about whether or not we will see each other in the gym.You get changed and interestingly the room is empty. You strip off your Jeans and t shirt to reveal a sheer white bra and skimpy panties. You take out your revealing...
Sam left and I put my shorts on and laid down on the sofa reflecting on my day, my knee really was sore as I had been kneeling on the cut which didn’t help. I was comfortable with my knee bent up and resting on the back of the sofa and the other leg flat, I was resting my eyes when I heard Lisa come in with a friend from the sound of it, I pretended to be asleep as her friend walked in the lounge and I heard a ‘gasp’ and she immediately ran to the kitchen with Lisa, “OMG!” she said softly...
The door creaked open, and I did my best to hide behind the door of the last cubicle in the bathroom. "Hello?" Came a voice that was soft and distinctly feminine. The voice of someone I knew. Someone from my SAC class. Nicki Lore. Nicki Whore. Oh, how I wanted to fuck her. "Jack, are you in here?" She called. "Miss Beckins wants to see you." I stepped out from inside the cubicle and looked at the thin fuckable body of the girl before me. "I bet she does," I said. "But you know...
Hope aapko meri pehle wali story pasnad aai hogi Dirty Sex Lovers, ye ek aur last story usi ladki k saath. Reshma ne company se resign de dia tha usko kahin india se bahar job mil gai hai, vo notice period pet hi. Us sex k baad hum log aur zyada open ho gye ek dusre k saath usne kaha ki sex k waqt gaaliya dete hai to kaisa lagta hai mene kaha try karenge, usne ye sub ek indian porn movie mei dekha tha. But vo hamari company ki dusri branch mei shift ho gai 2 mahine k liye to wahan pg mei rehne...
We walk arm in arm to the motel. Click click of my heels drowned out for a moment by the roar of another lorry going past.Excitement fills my veins, anticipation and anxiety follow in its wake. We've never done this before so I'm a little worried how it's going to be. Only a little though, I'm mainly excited. I've been watched before of course, just not by strangers and perhaps a lot of strangers. I can feel my nipples standing erect, pushing into the thin lacy material of the bra. That soft...
The next morning they both slept late. Mioki's carnal education had lasted until close to sunrise. After calling Cathy and receiving the usual trepidation and warnings, Mioki had retuned to bed and her lover. Darius, even though in human form, possessed the intimate and even secret knowledge from the beginnings of time of how to pleasure a woman, secrets which would make the Kama Sutra look like Dr. Seuss. He had introduced his pupil to an astounding array of positions, techniques and...
Hi mera naam dheeraj hai mein aapko aapni life ka pehla anubhav bhatane ja raha hu aasa karta hu aap sab ko pasand aayega. pehle mein aapna introduce karta hu meri age 20 hai mein bhopal ka rehne wala hu bsc 2 year mein hu or meri body slim hai or mera lund 7 inch ka hai. Aab mein aapko apni kahani sunata hu. Thand ke mausam ki baat hai mere pados me ak ladki rehti thi vese to uske char behen aur ak chota bhai tha us ladki ka naam heena tha. Uski age 21 thi vo kya kamal ki dikti thi bilkul pari...
Closing her lips tight around his shaft, Lara slowly slid Jonathan into her mouth as her tongue felt every ridge and valley of his flesh. She pressed him deeper into her mouth, teasing his cockhead with the entrance to her throat. By the sounds that were being made by him, Lara figured that he had never gotten this intimate with anyone before. She gently caressed his balls as she began moving slowly back and forth on his shaft, looking up as he was watching her slide her mouth on and off...
Historical+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBSERVATION NOTE: Experimented today by spraying one male mouse with the substance, then removing the mouse, and replacing with a different male without the substance. Females were not interested in the new male, but seemed to be in a frenzy of excitement. The females ended up attacking the new male, until first male was put back in the cage. It appears...
Brindy's turn: Months. Months have passed since that horrible day when I lost my Pat. I can't replace her. We all – me, Dave, Carlita – lost a lot with Pat's passing. I am family, though. I don't know if there's a way we can make it any more than what we have in our hearts, but I have a marriage with Dave and Carlita. They have the piece of paper from Texas for theirs. I'm the add-on, and they both tell me that the paper would add nothing. I have money. Pat's house sold fast and for...
"Mel, are you texting again? Who is it this time?"Mel looked up from her phone and out the windshield."Oh, just a friend," she replied, grateful that her driving step mom couldn't actually read what was on her screen."Not another boyfriend, I hope."Mel rolled her eyes. "Come on...""Honestly, you had how many boyfriends this year?"Mel looked out the window on her right. Always the same conversation with Sally."Only two, really.""Hmm...Well, I hope you've been safe."Now that was a loaded...
Hi guys, I am Carl, Carl Donna. I am from gods own country, Kerala. Nah. Nah. Nah. The moment I said Kerala I think you guys came to a conclusion the typical black pot bellied Keralite but that is not what you’ll here. I am simple guy, very fair, spot stubble most of the time. I am actually from Goa, I live here as most of my business is from here, I also travel abroad once a month. Life was pretty good, love, money everything. I actually own a property in Goa and so visit there on leisure...
Jane had been tied to the bed for four days, and was beginning to develop sores on her body. Her wrists were rubbed raw from fighting against the bindings. Being naked was humiliating enough, but wearing an adult diaper only compounded it. The hours spent lying in bed and staring at the ceiling gave her lots of time to consider her situation. She knew she was at the mercy of a serial killer. At any moment he could decide the future would be better off without her there to influence it. She...
Hi friends me sex king again with my new story friends yeh hal hi main honay wali barish ka zikar hay Karahi main kafi thand thi aur phir sardi main barish suro hogai main apnay tarrice par khara hokar barish ka maza layraha tha kay achanak mairi nazar barabar main khari Naureen par pari jo kay jaldi jaldi apni chat par say kapray utar rahi thi uskay poray kapray barish main bheeg kar uskay jisam say chipak gay thay aur uskay mamoon kay gulabi gulabi nipple saf nazar arahay thay yeh dekh kar...
As promised, Derrick took me home. Well, I had him stop a few blocks away to keep anyone that I knew from seeing me riding a motorcycle. I kissed him and jogged off toward my house as the roar of his bike faded in the distance. Sunday afternoon was no different than most, but I knew I was different. I tried to process what had happened to me, but more importantly how much I wanted it again. Twice I went into my bathroom and masturbated while I thought of everything and everyone I had had sex...
Introduction: Some days it is just more fun to stay home from work. It was just one of those days. The kind of days where you call in sick to work and stay in bed all day long. Thankfully she had an over stocked bank of sick days and nothing important to do all day long. It was also helpful that her boyfriend was sleeping next to her, and it only influenced her judgment slightly that he had the day off. She had thought she did a great job convincing her boss that she was sick, she had even...
AngieMature and Younger, Up Skirt, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Cream PieAngie was still in a daze from the past 24 hours as she walked through the empty house, with Keith. It had started when he unexpectedly came to her room at the boarding house. She was in a depressed mood, accessing her life on her 50th birthday wondering if she actually mattered to anyone when Keith came. He had left more than 8 months ago, she had thought he would be like many before and never return. He was 20 years...
.based on a true story.i am Clair female30 5’4.. aunt traci and I have always been close. So, I was happy when she came to visit me. We have always been close. But, something felt different. She looked at me with a wicked stare. I saw her throabbing, her breast growing rock hard. As I showered (*she watched me from the crack in the door)* as I rubbed myself, breasts wet and firm .she throabbed,glaring.. at me. I rubbed myself slower, sliding water between my legs. Purring... hearing her moan I...
A/N I was inspired to write this work by reading Zurai’s ‘Path of the Chosen’. This book takes place in an entirely different setting and features some different stuff than that, but I got the idea for this from that book. ——— I opened the box to the new VR game that released in two days. I’d gotten my hands on a 48 hour early copy, and I was so excited to play it. The new game, Mystic Kingdoms, had already made a killing in reviews, with every big game reviewer giving it a 10/10. Mystic...