Silver Pt. 01 free porn video

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**************** If you are younger than 18 or you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately. This story contains graphic situations that are sexual in nature performed by consenting adults. This is my very first story. I now have a greater admiration for the writers here on Literotica because as I found out the hard way, it isn’t as easy as you would think! This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared with lovers throughout my life. You are welcome to comment with your thoughts, ideas and criticisms. Hopefully you will enjoy this story, the first in a series of more to come.

*** A very special thank you to WickedInside for all of her time, editing skills, and patience, in helping me make this story better ***


Misty and I found ourselves sitting outside on the red brick steps of our home on a typical July night in southern New Jersey. A warm breeze danced across the plush, green grass that lay before us. The sound of children playing ball in the streets and the music of an ice cream truck echoed in the distance and all was right in our small town.

I should tell you first that Misty is my dog, a beautiful black Lab and more importantly, my Guide dog. So, yes, I am blind. I lost my eyesight 25 years ago due to complications from Juvenile Diabetes.

Misty rolled onto her back and stuck her chest high into the air giving me the hint of what she wanted and liked best. I grabbed her brush and began running the soft side of it down her belly, soon finding her legs spread as wide as she could have possibly held them. ‘You are shameless,’ I said to her as I gave a bit of a laugh while running the brush across her smooth black hair. ‘You know, the neighbors are probably thinking that I am brushing the wrong side of you and don’t realize it,’ I whispered to her. Apparently, she didn’t give a rat’s rear end and just laid there letting me brush away. ‘You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you did this for me once in awhile girl,’ I stated. Her only response was to push off of my forearm with her back paw wanting more. ‘Pathetic,’ I sighed to myself as all was right in Misty’s world tonight.

The faint sound of heels clicking on the sidewalk grabbed my attention. Apparently, it grabbed Misty’s also and she rolled onto her side and held her head up high. As the sound came closer, she jumped up and sat at attention, perfectly still with the exception of the slight wag of her tail, which tapped me repeatedly on the side of my foot.

I absolutely love high heels. They are strikingly beautiful and sexy and make my mind wander. Misty’s tail began a steadier, more rapid pace as the person came closer to the front of my home.

‘Hi there!’ a female voice said in a cheerful, sweet tone.

‘Hi, how are you?’ I asked, raising my hand in a slight wave.

‘I’m fine,’ she replied. ‘Your dog is beautiful, is it a boy or a girl?’

‘she’s a girl,’ I answered.

The sound of her heels came closer and slower in stride as she asked, ‘Is she friendly?’

I was guessing that she was about 10 feet from me at the time and Misty’s tail was swinging wild with excitement!

‘yes, she is more than friendly,’ I said.

Misty stood and whipped me in the face with her tail. ‘Misty,’ I said, turning my head away from her onslaught, ‘enough girl, you are killing me here!’

The woman laughed and approached slowly with the sexy sound of her clicking heels ringing throughout my head. They must be 3 to 4 inches high, I guessed. Jesus, they sounded nice, I thought to myself.

‘May I pet her? she asked as I jumped at her question. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,’ she said apologetically.

‘that’s OK,’ I said with a bit of embarrasment in my voice. ‘Yes, sure, go ahead,’ I answered, trying to recover from my wandering mind.

‘Oh, you are a doll baby!’ she said in a higher pitched voice.

Misty was sucking it up and sure enough, fell to the cement walkway onto her back and raised her belly to be rubbed.

‘wow, you don’t waste any time do you girl?’ she laughed as she croutched down to give Misty a belly rub.

‘How I wish that was me,’ I thought to myself.

‘What is her name?’

‘This is Misty,’ I proudly answered.

The breeze blew the scent of her perfume into my nose, it will be etched in my memory for as long as I live. Her perfume was soft and sensual, a sweet, flowery, sexy smell. The kind that you just want to lick off of every inch of a woman’s body. Misty stood suddenly and shook. ‘Oh, wasn’t I doing a good enough job?’ she asked while laughing, ‘do you mind if I join you two?’

‘No, please pull up a piece of brick,’ I said, patting the step to the left of where I was seated.

Grabbing Misty’s brush, I tried to find the cordless phone that I had placed next to me. I reached to my right and no phone.

I reached to my left, between my legs and in back of me and still no phone.

‘Are you looking for this?’ she asked as a wisp of her hair slid across my left arm.

The smell of her perfume had me dizzy as she grabbed my left hand and placed the cordless phone into it. Her touch felt as if a silk robe had wrapped around my hand and I sat there paralized by it’s softness.

‘Thanks, I’m sorry, I kind of can’t see,’ I said with my voice drifting off.

‘There is nothing to be sorry about,’ she said, as her voice changed to a more serious tone. ‘I’ve seen you and Misty walking around town and down to the cafe. I saw you there one day, sitting at one of the tables drinking your coffee while Misty was snugly tucked away under your chair. You two are brilliant together and it seems that you both walk effortlessly! I always wondered where you two ended up at the end of your journeys from the cafe.’

Her heels clicked a few short times and I felt her arm brush against mine as she sat down next to me on the step. I thought that I was going to pass out.

‘I guess that our secret is out,’ I said with a smirk on my face.

‘I believe that you are correct,’ she replied.

‘Misty and I walk down to the cafe almost every day.’

‘Yes, I occasionally see you guys, mostly in the morning it seems.’

‘Well, their coffee is better than mine and besides, it gives us both a bit of exercise.’

Misty couldn’t get her nose close enough to the woman and her breath was enough to stop a train. ‘Misty, your breath is hellacious,’ I said as I tried to pull her away.

‘That’s alright,’ she laughed, ‘she’s fine.’

‘No, that is just offensive,’ I said.

I managed to get Misty to lay down on the sidewalk in front of us and got the chance to introduce myself. ‘I’m Mike,’ I said, looking at her as I spoke. I held my left hand out awkwardly to the side while my right hand held Misty’s leash. I felt her silk hand grasp ahold of mine.

‘I’m Marlene,’ she said, slightly leaning into me as she reached her left hand across her body. ‘I live two streets behind you but a block down.’

After a bit of small talk about how long we have both lived in town, children, neighbors, and other trivial things. I found out that she was 49, seperated from an alcoholic husband and was currently living with her mother. A breeze blew her hair across my arm. She grabbed the strands of hair and apoligized as she pulled them back behind her head.

‘What color is your hair?’ I asked.

As she began to answer, a cluster of fireworks went off in the distance. Misty jumped to her feet and began grumbling and shaking uncontrolably. ‘She is petrified of fireworks,’ I explained.

‘Oh you poor baby,’ Marlene said, trying to calm her down.

Misty was having none of this and split between the two of us, jumping up the steps and aiming for the front door. ‘I have to get her inside,’ I told Marlene as I stood up.

Marlene told me to get Misty inside and that s
he would grab the phone and brush. I opened the door for Misty and felt the coolness of the air conditioning rush against my body. I made a vain attempt to hold the door for Marlene, but Misty bolted into the house with me in tow, shutting the door onto Marlene’s arm.

‘I’m really sorry, are you alright?’ I asked as Marlene made her way into my house.

‘That’s OK, I’m fine. Wow, she really is bothered by those fireworks!’

‘Yeah, those and thunder storms,’ I said, taking Misty’s leash from her collar.

Misty took off for the bedroom and hid in her usual place, between my bed and the wall. I followed her into the bedroom and turned on the fan and radio in an attempt to smother the sounds from the outside world.

As I came back out, Marlene was standing there in the entryway and said, ‘here you go.’

She placed the phone and brush into my hand, grasping onto it, making sure that I didn’t drop them. Here we go again – her hands, her perfume, those heels. My hands were trembling as I took them from her and placed them in their usual spots.

‘Wow, your house is absolutely beautiful! Your floors are gorgeous,’ she said, speaking in reference to the glossy, oak, hardwood floors that covered most of my home.

‘Thank you, I designed most of it myself.’

She walked over to the fireplace and looked at the pictures that I had placed along the mantel. She picked up the center one and asked, ‘Is this your daughter?’

‘Yes, that is my baby.’

‘she is absolutely beautiful!’ Marlene said as she placed the picture back onto the mantel.

‘Thanks, that’s the best 90 seconds of work that I ever did in my life,’ I said with a big smile.

‘Oh, a real marathon huh?’ she laughed, ‘And is this your family?’

‘Yes, all of those girls are my sisters with the exception of my mom who is the one in the center.’

‘You must have been spoiled.’

‘Not in the least,’ I said with a long groan, ‘In fact, that’s how I lost my sight,’ I continued with a boyish grin plastered across my face.

‘Oh pooh,’ she laughed, slapping me on my shoulder.

‘Ouch!’ I whined, rubbing my shoulder in mock pain.

‘Oh, I’ll have to kiss it and make it better,’ she cooed.

‘I have a lot of other things that you can kiss,’ I said under my breath.

‘How do you do all of this?’ she asked.

‘do all of what?’

‘the house, the furniture, the pictures on the walls?’

I told her that I had lost my sight when I was 28 years old, so I had sight for a long time. I continued that I may have lost my sight, but I had gained great vision and the vision of how things could look and how I pictured them to be.

‘do you do that with everything?’ she asked with great interest.

‘Pretty much so,’ I said, ‘My imagination, hands, and vision of how things should be are all that I have left,’ I explained.

Marlene continued to walk around the house looking at the pictures on the walls, the furniture, and then found the kitchen. ‘Michael, this is really nice, how do you keep it so clean?’

‘Well, it is just me and Misty here, so it really isn’t that bad, mostly hair from her and I guess a strand or two from me,’ I laughed.

‘but, your counters are really clean, how do you do that?’

‘I feel them with my hands, if they’re smooth, they’re clean, if I hit a sticky spot, I clean it,’ I explained, ‘I don’t like sticky stuff, it’s yucky.’

‘No sticky stuff at all?’ she asked in a flirtatious tone.

‘Well, it depends on what the sticky stuff is attached to,’ I quickly replied again with that bit of a smirk that I get on my face.

‘I saw that!’ she said with a slight giggle.

‘Saw what?’ I asked innocently.

‘That look on your face, that little grin that you get,’ she said accusingly.

I eventually asked her if she would like anything to drink and Marlene told me that a glass of water would be fine. As I walked towards the cabinet for a glass, she said, ‘here, let me get it.’

‘There is bottled water in the fridge if you would rather have that instead. There is also soda, beer and wine in there if you fancy.’

‘No thanks, I had a bit before I strolled out for my little walk tonight,’ she replied.

Marlene opened the refridgerater door and said, ‘Michael, your fridge is empty. There is no food in here!’ I couldn’t reply because she was right, I rarely kept a lot of food around. ‘Should I bother to open the freezer too?’ She asked accusingly. She reached for the freezer door and pulled it open. ‘Oh nice, ice cream and frozen pizza,’ she mused, ‘A typical batchelor.’

‘What makes you think that I am a bachelor?’ I asked in my defense.

‘Number one, your fridge is empty and number two, you have no pictures of women besides your daughter and family around the house. Would you like a water while I’m grabbing one?’

‘Please,’ I replied.

I made my way back into the living room and sat down on the sofa. The sound of Marlene’s heels followed close behind, clicking against the hardwood floors. As if in slow motion, they stepped closer and stopped directly in front of me, closing off the sound from the rest of the room. ‘Here you go, handsome,’ she said, taking my hand and putting the cold bottle of water into it making sure that I didn’t drop it.

‘got it?’ she asked.

‘Yes, thank you,’ I somehow managed to say.

The cushion next to me soon sank down and I felt the side of Marlene’s hip rub up against mine. ‘Brown,’ she said as she took a drink from her bottle of water.

‘What?’ I asked, not knowing what she was talking about.

‘My hair color, you asked me outside while we were sitting on the steps about the color of it before Misty pulled you inside.’

‘Brown huh?’ I asked.

‘well, brown with some blonde highlites,’ she explained.

‘That must look beautiful.’

‘Is that your imaginationn or your vision of how things are?’ she asked amusingly.

‘both I guess.’

‘Here, give me your bottle, Michael.’

I gave Marlene my bottle and she reached across me, putting it on the end table. ‘I have to tell you,’ I started to say.

‘Tell me what?’ she asked curiously.

‘You smell really, really nice,’ I told her in a low whispering tone.

‘Why thank you Michael, no one ever really, really told me that before,’ she giggled, giving me a little elbow in the side.

‘You call me Michael,’ I said in an inquisitive voice.

‘I love the sound of that name,’ Marlene said as she rested her hand against my shoulder, ‘It is so much sexier than just plain old Mike,’ she remarked in a low sensual voice.

She reached down and took both of my hands into hers and raised them onto the top of her head.

‘Here, take a feel and let me know what you think.’

Marlene released my hands and they rested at the top of her head. It was a bit stiff to the touch, I was guessing from some hair spray or whatever women put on their hair these days.

‘Sticky?’ she mused as she strung out the word.

‘A little,’ I said.

‘Good sticky or yucky sticky?’ she asked yet again with that hint of mischief in her voice.

‘Sexy sticky,’ I said as my hands began their shaky descent down both sides of her head, angling towards the back around her ears, following it’s length until it finished around her shoulder blades.

‘And the verdict is?’ she asked as if I were a contestant in a quiz show.

‘Very, very nice,’ I quietly said.

‘Cat got your tongue?’

‘the cat’s got a lot of things,’ I silently whispered.

‘You’re so cute when you don’t know what to say,’ she said with a smile to her voice.

I wasn’t aware of my forearms that were now resting on her shoulders as my fingers mindlessly stroked her hair. Marlene sat in a trance, faintly whispering how nice it felt and I could smell the light scent of alcohol on her breath. We mu
st had been closer than I realized. As the words left her mouth, I imagined her sitting there with her eyes closed and the picture of utter content on her face. ‘Here,’ she whispered softly, again lifting my forearms and taking ahold of my hands. ‘They’re very strong,’ she purred as she lightly rubbed them with her own. She lifted them to her face and said, ‘read my face.’

‘Huh?’ I asked with a somewhat puzzled look on my face.

‘don’t blind people read faces to see what a person looks like?’ she asked, sounding somewhat embarrassed.

‘Yeah, I guess they do, but I don’t really consider myself to be blind. I mean I am blind, but I had my sight for such a long time that I still live in a sighted world, if that makes any sense to you. I do most everything that I had always done while I had sight. I cook, do laundry, clean the house, put lights on the roof for Christmas, do carpentry work and no, I don’t read braille.’

‘Michael, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… Wait, did you say that you put lights on the house and do carpentry work?’ she squealed in a high pitched voice.

‘UMM, yeah, I go up on the roof and do the lights for Christmas and I have a workshop downstairs in the basement.’

‘How do you get onto the roof and put up the lights?’ she asked with concern in her voice.

‘I use a ladder,’ I simply replied, trying not to make a big deal about it.

‘But, you can’t…’, she started.

‘Oh, but I can,’ I interrupted with a grin.

‘And you mean just a work bench with a couple of tools right?’ she asked in the same concerned tone.

‘yes, a work bench, tools, chop saws, table saws, nail guns and whatever other power tool you could imagine,’ I explained as if it was just an everyday normal thing.

‘I have to see this for myself,’ she said, ‘But, for right now, lets try this.’

Marlene took my hands up to her face. I cupped her cheeks in my hands as if I were holding a baby bird. I told her to close her eyes and gently lifted my thumbs up to her eyebrows and starting from the center,above her nose, began to slowly run them across the fine hair. My hands were shaking as I began my journey. If I were to have been carrying a cup of water at the time, it would had been two thirds of the way empty. Marlene let out an inaudible breath and I felt her body completely relax. Not even one third of the way across on her left side, I felt a slight indent.

‘What’s this?’ I asked.

‘Just a little mark’ she barely whispered.

Reaching the end of her brows, I moved back to her ears with my thumb and pointer fingers, slowly rubbing my way around and down until I reached the lobes where I gently rubbed their softness. Marlene let out an appreciative moan.

‘don’t be startled, I’m just going to put my thumbs on your cheeks,’ I whispered.

Marlene sat motionless as I lightly placed my thumbs onto her cheeks, trying not to go too close to her eyes. Her cheek bones were high and I traced lightly down, while simultaniously dragging the remaining fingers along both sides of her face, meeting at her chin.

‘Very nice,’ I whispered and felt her smile slowly grow.

I took my fingers and touched the top of her lips trailing them down to the corners. I lightly touched the underside of her bottom lip and repeaded the trail, lightly moving to the respective corners. My right index finger then ran across her bottom lip feeling it’s full softness give in to my touch. She had full, pouty lips. I was stunned to say the least. She was beautiful in my eyes. Marlene exaggerated her pout with her bottom lip. I grabbed the sides of her mouth with my hand, giving her fish lips as I laughed and kissed them. I quickly dropped my hands and said, ‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean, I just…’

Marlene must have opened her eyes and saw the embarrassment on my face and I certainly know that she heard it in my voice. ‘Michael, stop,’ she said in a calming voice, taking my hands and placing them back onto the sides of her face. She leaned closer and I felt her lips lightly touch mine. It was the lightest of kisses, yet the most electric. She pulled back slightly, and pressed her lips onto mine once again, this time a little harder. The feeling was soft and sensual. We ever so gently continued our kiss and, as our lips parted, the unmistakeable juicy sound of seperating lips filled the silent room. I thought that if heaven had ever sent me a kiss, this was it.

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"OK Mel, you can take off the blindfold now." I removed the blindfold and looked at my wife. "Oh sweetheart, I told you this is your birthday present! Don't look so stressed out. I promise you are going to love what I've arranged for you to experience today." I was still confused but accepted my wife's assurances. We'd had our ups and downs but we were still together and about to celebrate our tenth anniversary. I turned my attention to my surroundings. My wife had taken me...

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A Second ChanceChapter 26

"I want to go out," Grace said. "Dress-up?" "No ... Out ... out there ... on the lake ... for the weekend." "Yes ma'am. How are we fixed for galley supplies." "What ever we need ... call the chandler ... I can afford it," Grace was absolutely wound up over the money she got for the 'imitation' diamonds. So ... I looked over the larder ... made a list ... asked Grace to look at it. She did ... I got the list back ... it was full of 'redacted' lines. "Grace ... it's two...

1 year ago
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RookiesChapter 4

Waiting around for the interpreter, I realized I hadn't offered Shiggie anything for breakfast, and it was now almost 2 p.m. During the few days he had been along on our West Coast swing, he'd seemed to be pretty familiar with American-style cuisine, and hadn't made any waves when we'd visited various kinds of restaurants. I could have scrambled the poor bastard a couple of eggs while we were in the apartment, but in all the confusion, I had forgotten. Two o'clock sharp, Amy Parkison...

2 years ago
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A Resentful Mother

01.01 Jamie Introduction: 01.02 Jamie, meets Ethan: 01.03 Ethan, Jamie, Deep Throat: 01.04 Jamie, Ethan, The need to Suck: 01.05 Ethan, The Mating: 01.01 Jamie Introduction: Jamie was an unwanted child from the moment Karen found out she was pregnant. Her husband abandoned them and she had to raise Jamie as a single parent. Karen always resented Jamie for forcing her to change her lifestyle and when Jamie turned three, the resentment turned into bitterness. She made a decision that would...

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Our rules were outer sex only, licking and sucking and variations of oral sex – no intercourse. When we first started having a second man the deal was my partner could watch me with another man and nothing else – watching only. However, after a while he became very good at flirting with the other man and flaunting himself for them. And I found it really exciting watching another much younger well-hung naked man blowing my man and learning from their technique. Especially if I was to have...

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Stroke of LuckChapter 9

"I don't know if I have that much gold," I joked. We all worked and loved and talked the time away for a couple of weeks. Luke came up and asked if I was ready to go catch the horse for his bride price. I told him I was, so we got our things together and I asked my wives if any of them wanted to go to catch horses. Sherry and Betsy both wanted to go, so we got some food and loaded up Jenny, and away we went. Needless to say Jack came with us also. We went back to the same place and the...

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Becoming Her Chapter 2 into the gang of gay lust

Chapter 2 … into the gang of gay lust …. So we myself and my (NOR) spend the next day in sex, it was like I discovering a new sensations and emotion's But at the end of our trip, I can feel I become someone else, a new person The way he (NOR), treated me, care for me, even looks at me….. Everything happen last couple day's was like a living dream Next Sunday I am back to school.At the rest time I joined him with his pack or gang I was accepted in, but many of them were interesting in why me?We...

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Christys Comeuppance

Christy and I started the day just like any other normal day. I woke up and took My shower and got dressed to go to work. Christy went into the smaller bathroom, which I had told her was her bathroom, and put on her makeup like she always did. Then, while I got things organized and put into My briefcase for work, she went downstairs to cook breakfast. When I was finished, I went into the dining room to eat breakfast. I had trained Christy to wait for Me to seat her at the table, so when I came...

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Lucy and Lilly

Lucy And Lilly by rbbral It was the long weekend and Bob was very excited about that, for it meant fun and frolics with Lucy, his girlfriend of 6 months. She was a beautiful broad-minded girl who had taken to his passion for bondage and rubber fetishism, at first a little nervously but then with interest and now with almost his fervour. She was imaginative, enthusiastic and lots of fun and nothing was too outrageous for her. She was more than he could dream for, cute boyish blonde hair, medium...

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Stepping over the lineChapter 2

This is chapter 2 of a nice little fantasy thing I have going. I hope you enjoy.“Are you coming to bed, silly?” Laura said. That’s all I heard. At least that’s all I remember hearing, as I dried myself off from the soothing shower I had just enjoyed.“On my way babe,” I slid on my boxers and headed for the bed. “Would you get me a glass of water, I’m thirsty?” Laura asked.“Sure Babe,” as I changed direction and headed down the hall to the kitchen. I returned to bedroom with a glass of Ice water...

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Luke Takes a Wife Ch 04

Sorry this chapter took so long and is so short. Real life interfered….as always. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think. * A stricken look on her face, Hannah turns and runs up the stairs as Luke struggles to adjust the huge bulge now throbbing behind his zipper. He takes a couple of deep breaths before turning to face his son. ‘You’re not supposed to run in the house, Cash!’ Luke says a little more harshly than is necessary, Feeling bad almost instantly as his...

1 year ago
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My Shaved Cock ndash 2

My Shaved Cock – 2This is a made up story about coming of age in a household with my brother and yes it is a gay story. None of this ever happened except in my twisted old mind.I woke up to the sound of the vacuum cleaner in the hallway. My hand went to my shaved cock, it was still smooth and soft and I looked over at Jim’s bed. His bed was empty which was not unusual for a Saturday. He usually spent most of Saturday at his friend Tim’s house.My fingers wrapped around my hard cock and I ran it...

4 years ago
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Dagger Of KijaChapter 3

At that moment one fat old man in a blindingly garish robe was doing his best to entertain a crowd of locals who were getting very upset, not with him, the 'mind reading' trick was going flawlessly, with Greyshadow's whispered help. What had the townspeople upset was a sudden blanket of fog that had mysteriously rolled in from the north. Gareth hadn't spent the last thirty years with a Mage who thought she had never met a spell she couldn't improve without recognizing the surge of power...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 67

Among the boxes were four specially marked ones that had been carried in the most secure section of the plane on the main deck aft of the passenger compartment. The four boxes contained Susie and her young offspring. On the way home to Prague, they had stopped over in Norfolk for a weekend. While still in Las Vegas, Donald had flown with the instructors at Nellis Air Force Base in an F-51. In no time, his flying skills had come back to him and he gave the Americans lessons in how to handle...

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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 35

I would like to say that life gets easier, and I get to spend a lot more time with my girlfriends. The truth is something entirely different. After I restructure my companies, I release my girls from most of their responsibilities. Having less help, and nobody hired to run my three consolidated companies, the lion’s share of the work falls on me. It is now Tuesday, Jan. 9th, after school. I’m in my office, and I have one phone call to make before conducting my first job interview for one of...

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All in the family 0

After school, they were alone and Mike got in the shower to clean up. Michele thought seriously about stepping in the shower with him but thought better about it put on her bikini and went swimming in the back yard pool. Not long after that Mike got in there with her. Mike desperately wanted to see his sister naked and the bikini she was wearing came close to that. He put on his swimming trunks and stepped in with her. Coming back from that lap she came up next to him. Michele was 4...

4 years ago
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Angels TaleChapter 2

Angel wondered what he'd have to do to get grounded. He really wished he could get grounded. A nice, quiet day scrubbing floors, dusting corners, or even hand washing the laundry and dishes sounded nice, and an afternoon restricted to his room with nothing but some books for company sounded wonderful. But no ... his aunt and uncle were too clever for that. Too diabolical. Not only did they do what they could to get him out in public as much as possible, but they seemed to make it as...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 25

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 25 Friday. The last day of term and as a result, just a half day at that. Paula knew that she would have some spare time on her hands today and she was wondering whether or not she could get some unplanned extra time with Kelly. But first there was still a first period to recover from. In fact, she felt worse. She got up and slowly made her way to the bathroom and took the tampon out. It was soaked in blood and this only made her feel worse still....

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A Good ServantChapter 19

He wasn’t in shock. There was pain radiating from the point where the metal ends were hanging, and he could hear his heartbeat resonating in his ears. “Marcus, what the fuck, man?” Ayn was the first to react. Ayn pushed Marcus away, and grabbed the man’s hand, forcing him to lower the weapon. As expected, Marcus pushed back, trying to hold Xavier at gunpoint. “He’s a fucking freak, Ayn! Let me put a hole through that metal head!” “No fucking way!” “Stop it!” Xavier intervened. The two...

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From rock bottom to promising highs The story of Pamela Richardson Part 1

Hi I'm Pamela Richardson, I'm 23 from Lakeview Avenue in Buffalo, New York City, and I used to be a proper rebel until I was sent to Afghanistan for 12 months as punishment, you know going through strict training and exercising, and also helping around the camping, that sort of thing, which has really changed my life and had put me on the right path in life When I arrived home from the airport I was happily greeted by my 2 older sisters - Kelly, who's the oldest at 24, and Britney, who's 24,...

Erotic Fiction
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Angel S1 E3 Pilot Part III

Angel S:1E:3 "Pilot Part III" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pilot Part III "Icarus" ---Deliverance Exterior--- They weren't replying. Are they not hearing me? I kept my head against the hull so that the vibrations could reverberate into my ear. After repeating my message for about 5 minutes, I finally saw a body...

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MomPOV Meegan Big natural tits blonde beauty

– 39 years old divorcee – Her friend with benefits recommended she do MomPov – Likes fucking men of all ages but mostly attracts younger – Recently she fucked a 21 year old and he fell in love – She loves to suck cock and swallow cum – She loves to please and gets off on making guys cum – Always lets the guy cum wherever he wants – One day she hopes to get fucked by two cocks – I got to fuck her tight asshole in this video – Epic big natural tits on this hot blonde cougar – Enjoyed fucking her...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 34 Birthday Surprises

Tuesday morning June finished her usual chores and decided to clean hers and Autumn’s bedroom and bath. When she finished, she looked at the clock which read 12:30. June couldn’t believe it was that late. She took her shower, dressed, brushed her hair, and put on her make-up and went downstairs into the kitchen. As June sat at the table wondering what to do next, she decided to grab some 25 cent burgers at MacDonald’s. She grabbed her keys and left. June got her order of two burgers, French...

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Violett 5 I Star in a Sex Show

At the age of twenty-two I started getting my kicks through exhibitionism. It started after I landed my first job and moved in with a biker chick who picked me up at a rock concert. She was a tall, muscular blonde, a Nordic war-goddess who worked out twice a day, loved leather and had the strongest tongue I have ever known. She enjoyed showing me off and she bought me these very revealing costumes of satin and suede and then cruised around town with me on the back of her bike. We would go on...

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Coachs Duties

Introduction: Ever wanted to be a Coach? Sometimes you do things just because youre supposed to, sometimes you do them because you enjoy them. I separated Sachis soft folds with my fingers, exposing her pink, glistening, and young vagina. Her teammates, Jenny and Alice, held her legs open, while Sarah, and Mirabella held her arms. Sachi had a vague idea about the ritual, but whined about going through with it, but these girls were not having it. They had pulled her out of the shower, and as...

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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 12

There was one unit in the North building that Sal made a conscious effort to stay away from. It was apartment 405 on the fourth floor looking up to Moshelu Parkway. He didn't avoid it because he had done anything wrong or anything like that. It was just a feeling he had that things were not completely kosher with the occupants and it would be best for him to stay detached from getting too familiar with either Mr. or Mrs. Moskovitz except in a real emergency. His Aunt even slipped their rent...

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Beyond The Badge Chapter 2

We stopped about halfway through the shift and decided it was a good time for dinner. On our way back down to the security office, we stopped and I got us a couple of sodas, candy bars, and chips to go along with what I had brought. When we got in the office, we sat down to eat our makeshift dinner. I had made a couple of cold ham and cheese sandwiches, four hard-boiled eggs and a big thermos of coffee. We split up the food evenly, although Becky wasn't much for the coffee and we ate our...

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Christmas at the Joness

Christmas at the Jones's. By Tanya H. For Lina, Becca and all the women who were strong and brave enough. Christmas Morning. A good family Christmas centres on tradition and hosting hers in her brand new (dream) house made Mum understandably nervous. I didn't help when I'd messaged, a few days earlier, to say I'd be bringing my boyfriend having decided the time was right to disprove the suggestion I'd invented him to try and reassure Mum. She met me on the driveway, as I...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 60

The now awake Sylvia replied, "I needed a cuddle from John, Annetta. You don't mind, do you?" Angelina interposed, "Sylvia? I thought you were grieving?" Sylvia admitted, "I am, but I need to be cuddled by a man, and John seemed to fit the bill." "Oh? That's a good sign, Sylvie. Did you fuck him too?" "NO! No, I didn't. I just wanted a man to hold me, as I was so much missing Herbert's holding me. I remembered how good John was at doing that, so I just brought myself through....

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Ordinary Joe A Beginning

Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...

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Skeletons in my Closet

Part one The Beginning My name is Kate however that is not my real name as we must protect the innocent lol so names are just names in this story. I am here to tell everyone about the skeletons I keep in my closet. I have many and some that you may not believe, however, believe me, they are real as night and day as I have lived and survived them. I am married and have one daughter. My hubby’s name is Keith and my daughter’s name is Megan. Keith is really her stepfather but to her, he will...

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Wild ChildChapter 17

“Oh Wow, your dad is a very good looking man, Bill. With your beautiful mom and your handsome dad, I see why you’re so handsome. “Doctor Shirley, he’s looking right at you and smiling.” “No, Hon. He’s looking at you and grinning. He has no need for me. I was a bitch to him and I lost him.” “Mom, just settle down and let me handle this, will you?” Juli asked and slipped two fingers in Doctor Shirley’s slippery pussy as she stood behind her. “Juli, I’m going to spank my new daughter’s ass...

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And Ali Makes ThreeChapter 2

We returned to the ranch house about an hour later to find Sharon preparing lunch, Ali and Mary having taken the Subaru into town to do some personal shopping. "It's going to be good having you and Mary living up here permanently now, Jack. I think Ali gets a little lonely with just us old folks around," she commented. "It'll do Mary good also, getting away from the city and forgetting our family problems for awhile," I agreed. After another cup of coffee, while the Gilmer's ate a...

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Star of David

‘I don’t believe in God.’ Dawn heard his words, but she didn’t believe them. He was the most spiritually connected person she had ever met. ‘I see God when you fuck me,’ she whispered, dancing her fingers over his belly, clammy now with sweat from their lovemaking, her own belly showing a fine, matching sheen. ‘What does he look like?’ She could hear the smile in his voice, teasing her. ‘Old white guy with a beard and staff standing at the gates of heaven?’ ‘No, nothing like that… Do you...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 3 Introducing a New Act Boy to MAN

It was mid-Fall in the neighborhood ... I was still hitting the park for football after school with the guys, but now I wasn't going down the hill until after dinner, leaving only about an hour of daylight to play each evening ... I told my Mom that my new strategy was to go play late, to help work off the calories I had just taken in at the table. Not sure she bought it, but it sounded good. Truth? It was more important to get the full two hours of freedom and independence each afternoon,...

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The Very First Time

Probably of Hispanic origin she was light skinned. She stood 5’5”, cute face, and long black hair that went past her shoulders. She had a flat stomach which going up turned into a pair of beautiful breasts. Her thighs were thick and formed into two ass cheeks that seemed to flaunt themselves at any person who happened to stare. “Hello, earth to Mike,” Abby was shaking me. “This is my friend Dana.” “What’s up,” she shyly introduced herself. I could see that she was blushing slightly...

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My wifes revenge Part one

    I had a very successful business owning a trucking company. I had a trophy wife who was a stunning beauty almost three inches taller than me .At 27 I had just about everything. My wife worked along side of me at our terminal complex and in fact she was the only woman in the building. We were a consolidator of freight the largest in the North East used to get kidded by the hundreds of truckers who came in and out every day that how did such a scrawny guy (I was only 5` 5" tall and weighed...


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