Sleep In For DaddyChapter 5
- 4 years ago
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Being An Erotic Tale of Majik In An Untolde and Unknown Number of Parts Composed By A Coward Preferring To Hide Behind the Pseudonym "Ocelot Phayze"
Chapter One: In Which The Story BeginsI've come to the realization that one of the necessities of extended trips over land or otherwise is the capacity to ignore your bladder. Someone, somewhere, sometime in my past must have warned me about coaches, but I either don't remember exactly what they said or, more likely, I never bothered to listen in the first place. They bounce. Rather, they don't bounce so much as they lurch; they don't bounce so much as they twist, jerking and slamming into every hole in the road they can find; the driver searches in his gleeful sadism for the largest, deepest holes and then guides the horses into them without so much as a single thought of the welfare of the party within and our poor, bursting bladders.
Then again, I really couldn't say anything for certain about my traveling companions. For all I knew, they had grown accustomed to riding in the accursed things from birth. They certainly seemed to assume that riding around in the beastly things was the preferred mode of travel. I'll be the first one to admit that horses are disgusting behemoths of bad-temper and cruelty, but to say that a coach is comfortable is preposterous. It would be like saying that losing an arm beneath the saw of a Ysil warrior is better than losing an arm beneath the hammer of a Dwarf -- it may be true that it's better, but that doesn't mean that it's necessarily good.
Judging by the expression on his face, Baron Torilis was perfectly comfortable. On the other hand, the expression on his face, to my experience, had never changed. His face was chiseled from stone. In fact, the artist must have slipped once or twice; the Baron's face a mismatched collection of pockmarks and degradations that paid full homage to the beautifying wonders of inbreeding. From the looks of things, the Baron had at least made some futile effort to cover his visage, a dark brown beard covering the majority of his lower face -- or perhaps he'd just decided that shaving wasn't worth all the effort. He was on the dumpy side, with far too many beers and good meals in his gullet during what he fondly would refer to as 'the better days, ' and he seemed to move as little as he could.
His wife, the Baroness Torilis, had supposedly been a commoner before he'd taken her as his wife, and I, for one, believed the rumors. I've run into Kings and Queens, Dukes and Duchesses, Earls, Regents, Princes, almost the entire cadre of nobility, and I've found that the majority of them are about as appealing to the eye as a Dwarven whorehouse. Not that I've ever been to one. Whatever the case, the Baroness possessed a physical beauty about her which was rather surprising in human nobility, something that made me suspect she had a bit of Elf or T'ildrian in her. Her skin was as fair as spider's silk in the same way that her husband's was as fair as a Goblin's. The Baroness' cheeks were slightly thin and gaunt, her nose a bit hooked and eagle-like. Her eyes, usually framed with wisps of her raven hair, were on the thinner side, free of bags or marring, with a very lovely shade of blue sparking within them. All in all, the Baroness seemed almost unreal, a figment of reality, or one of the magical folk. I swear she had T'ildrian in her.
Both the Baron and his wife rode on the opposite side of the coach from me since, I imagine, it's in their best interests to stay as far away from commoners as they can, even when one is of high enough esteem to ride along in their coach with them. Ironically, the Baron had no problems whatsoever with his daughter sitting next to me. Perhaps I was being a bit oversensitive, perhaps the Baron simply wanted to be seated next to his wife. Perhaps I was being a bit jealous or envious.
Not that his daughter wasn't an attractive girl. She was clearly illegitimate to everyone who laid eyes on her, and it surprised me that the Baron hadn't done something about the girl already. Most human nobles are a bit overprotective about their varying titles and refuse to let them have any chance of passing on to offspring not made of their own loins. Perhaps this was acceptable because the child was a woman, I'm not sure. She couldn't have been older than sixteen, however, unmarried and virginal, and quite demure. The poor thing was uncomfortable next to me the entire trip, keeping her crimson tresses turned towards the Baron, her eyes on the ground between her richly decorated feet.
Or perhaps she too was trying to control her bladder.
See, the problem is that you can't just stop a coach to hop out and find a tree and take care of things. Not with a Baron, a Baroness, and the daughter. (I resisted the urge to call her a Baronet. I'd made that little mistake once to the wrong man. There's an embarrassment. If you don't know what a Baronet is, find out before using it in conversation. Trust me on this.) Not with two or three knights outside the door and a mercenary or two for added protection. Oh, no, you don't lean your head out the window and call out, 'Hey! Pull it over! Had a little too much wine and it's done with me now!' Not a chance in any of the Hells. If you don't understand why, go find yourself a mercenary. Ask him how he feels about wasting time every half-hour so that the little merry-maker in the coach who isn't even paying your bill wants to hop out and take a slosh in the grass.
I noticed, perhaps a bit belatedly, that the Baroness was waving a slim, pale hand before my dazed eyes.
"Silvertongue?" She intoned in a smooth voice, one that sparkled and shone, and one that you should know never to trust implicitly. Realizing that I'd finally caught sight of her motions, she smiled a tight-lipped smirk, "You seem to be thinking rather hard, Silvertongue. Composing a new ballad, perhaps?"
A little explanation is in order, I think.
My name is Lucan. Lucan Matson. My father's name was Matt, and-- never mind. It's pretty self-explanatory. So why is this vision of perfection calling me Silvertongue?
It's very difficult to survive in the world when you're fairly incompetent at the majority of trades available to the working class. I'm far too old to start up an apprenticeship with anyone for any reason, but I'm old enough -- or at least wise enough -- to know that it's pure idiocy to attempt anything like reckless 'adventuring, ' as they call it. Suicide is what it is, of course, since eventually you jump a little too slowly, duck a little too late, or just happen to miss that one parry. Having a total lack of competency in anything but the least noble of weapons helps discourage thoughts of adventure, of course.
I'm built with a rather slight frame. It's not my fault, it really isn't. My grandfather was a sinewy man, having made his trade as one of the more successful merchants on the Coast of Chirsin. In his case, being of a less than bulky build was a boon rather than a bane. After all, who really trusts a fat merchant? It's common knowledge that any fat merchant has gained his wealth via unpleasant means, either though misdirection, or pure, un-distilled lies designed to unbalance the recipient. My father was an assassin. He was a rather sinewy man as well, consistently preaching out to me the benefits of a smaller frame and a slimmer, more compact rack of muscles to support you. So, clearly, my size is just a matter of selective evolution. The gods had it out for me since I was born.
An unsatisfied client killed my grandfather. A satisfied one killed my father. Consequently, I'm a coward. It works very well for me so don't insult the profession. I really didn't have too many options left to explore.
Unfortunately, being a coward doesn't generally pay very well.
So, passing through Torilis after a rather exhilarating run from an angry troll in Xento, I happened upon a call for bards. Apparently, the Baron and Baroness were on their way to the High City of Falion and they wanted a little entertainment to show off when they'd gotten there.
Silvertongue was the first bard to show up at their doors and he was the only bard to be hired, almost immediately. I'm not sure if I picked up my ability to lie from my grandfather or if it's a trait inborn instantly into the most robust of cowards, but I rather excel at it.
The problem, of course, is that I really can't play an instrument very well.
"Ah... of course, Baroness." The smile I gave her was quite sincere, I'm certain, though the motivation behind it was weaker than Elvish beer.
"Good!" She smiled more, her lips filling out, the rouge in them returning. "I would certainly be pleased to hear whatever you are working on, good Sir."
I shook my head, forcing the coy grin on my lips not to reveal the queasiness in my gut. "Ah, dear Baroness, it does the beauty of the song an injustice to permit it to be heard in its raw, imperfect stages."
I wasn't sure how long I was going to be able to keep the lies up, however. On the bright side, the clenching of uncertainty and the panic inside me managed to give me much more control over my bladder.
The Baroness turned her pleased smile onto the young girl sitting next to me, "Do you hear, Sylphi? Our own ballad, sung by the great Silvertongue!"
In response, the beautiful shock of red hair next to me bobbed a little, her sparkling jade eyes lifting up just enough to look at her mother.
That was the complete problem. Silvertongue was a real bard-- A rather famous bard-- An incredibly famous bard. I'd taken just a touch more of the food than I was prepared to eat, this time, and was finding it forced down my throat rather unpleasantly. There was absolutely no way I was going to be able to play well enough to simulate the beauty and grace of the notes played by Silvertongue.
"Wouldn't you like to hear some of it, Sylphi?" The Baroness asked.
The young Lady nodded once again, her soft red lips never opening. I was beginning to suspect that the Baroness' daughter was mute.
The Baroness turned her eyes back onto me, riveting me to the spot. "Come, now, Silvertongue. Just a snippet? I am certain that you must have at least a portion complete by now."
Panic started to shiver through me. The Baroness knew! "Baroness Torilis, please, you must let an artist have a bit of time to form these things."
The Baron spoke up as well, and I knew I was getting into dangerous territory, "Yes, man. Play us something. The monotony of this trip is beginning to become aggravating." All I needed was an irate Baron.
Fortunately, the twin gods of Luck seemed to be fighting for me.
The coach lurched a bit forward and then stopped dead solid. This had the added effect of jumbling things around inside the coach, the most relevant of which, initially at first, being my bladder, the poor sack shaking much more than I'd have preferred. A secondary, and much more dangerous effect, was that of the Baroness falling up against me.
Another man might be more than pleased to have a beautiful woman careening towards him in close quarters. I, on the other hand, have found that it very often leads to results that I don't particularly want to encourage... especially considering the fact that her husband and daughter were together with me in those close quarters. (Of course, quite a few men would be perfectly content to invite them into the embrace as well.) I've learned that this is bad. Very bad. Husbands, I've realized, are husbands because they expect their wives to be their wives and to perform wifely duties on them and them alone. They get a little upset when they're not.
Baron Torilis, however, was already staring out through the coach windows to try determining the problem, something which was to my advantage. The Baroness detached herself from me, moving quickly to the window on the opposite side of the coach as her husband.
And I? I just slumped back against the coach. If there was a problem, I really didn't want to see it. I was just along for the money and the chance to get to a new location. I did, however, tense myself to run if there was any possibility of it. See what I mean? Coward. And alive. They tend to go together.
"Bandits!" The Baron hissed.
The Baroness shifted her lithe form next to her husband, trying to peer through the window as well. She said, quite evenly, "Our men will handle them."
I heard a soft whimper pass through the small cabin of the coach and was rather certain the sound was coming from my own lips. As it turned out, it was Sylphi, the Baroness' daughter. She'd pulled her arms towards her, wrapping them together and holding them tightly over her chest. Her head was buried down into the comforting shelter of her arms, and I felt instantly protective for the poor girl. It's strange the way idiot males work sometimes. I imagine it's the same drive that women get for people in distress, save that then it's labeled a mother's instinct. Strange that women are supposed to care about everyone and men aren't supposed to care about anyone. Strange. Tsk.
So I, of course, had to stay in the coach.
The calls and cries from outside the coach doors and walls were reaching to us by then. I'm not sure how we hadn't heard them earlier... perhaps we had and I'd been too occupied with the Baroness and her daughter to notice them.
Cries of war are rather dull things. Not dull in the way that a politician's speech is dull, not dull in the way of a Madrilan wedding, but dull in the way that they're generally rather unintelligible and quite useless for anyone listening in. It lets the imagination fill in the blanks, something that I really didn't want to do at the time.
Abruptly, the door was thrown open and an ugly face was forced through it. It was an unshaven face, marred in more than one spot with white scars of battles long-since fought and, presumably, won. Upon seeing the Baroness and Sylphi, a wide grin split his face.
"A'wight, wench's. You two git out." He had the accent of someone from the north, possibly even so high up as Rialzi Piot. He was a long way from home.
The Baron, quite close to the man, was moving towards him. It's idiocities like that that make me more of a coward daily. The Baron Torilis was a large, lumbering, ungainly man, yet here he was, throwing himself towards an armed bandit with a very clear advantage. It was lunacy.
I'm a real romantic, aren't I?
It seemed that luck wasn't only on my side, fortunately for the Baron. Before he'd quite reached the bandit at the door, one of the hired mercenaries had come through.
Mercenaries are such annoying little buggers. They have a tendency to run if things start to get out of hand; granted, so do I, but I never make any quips otherwise about it. Mercenaries, on the other hand, are either greater cowards than I, not even willing to admit it, or such incredible buffoons that they believe they can single-handedly save the world. Or any other world for that matter. The only thing worse than a mercenary is a hero.
This merc was one of the bigger, dumber ones. He didn't look much different from the bandit who'd just grown in the coach doorway, but he was definitely on our side. As the bandit dropped out of sight, the disgusting look of an ugly man in pain on his face, the mercenary behind him grunted out, "Four or five of 'em. We got three, counting this one."
The Baron snapped out at him, "Three? What about the other two?"
The mercenary shrugged, "Our job is to keep you safe, not to chase down bandits."
With a thin frown on her lips, the Baroness spoke up, "And our wounded?"
"Two down," answered the lumbering man, "Two still alive, counting myself. Driver's down, too."
With a shake of his balding head, the Baron began to climb out of the coach, "I'll do the driving, then. At least I can see bandits before they cause trouble."
*Of course, * I thought. *You're a Baron. You're a trained professional, aren't you? If a mercenary can't pick them out, you certainly can.*
Then again, who was I to complain? The man leaving the coach was the one who'd just been harassing me into letting my little secret out. If he wanted to be outside of the coach, riding along with his bladder bouncing on that horrid wooden driver's post, all the more welcome to him. It still left me with his wife, who I was fairly certain wasn't going to ease up in the near future, but the Baron had hired me and the Baron would be the one to fire me. Assuming I was still around when he decided he wanted to.
As the noble took his leave of the remainder of us, he paused, turning around long enough to state, "We must stop at the next sizable town in order to hire new guards."
The Baroness smiled at her husband, suggesting, "Perhaps we might sleep in comfortable beds tonight as well, Torilis?" There's something else I've never understood. She's his wife, his eternal promised -- yet she refrains calling him by his first name on occasion, instead using his informal title. Never let the curse of nobility near yourself or yours.
Chapter Two: In Which The Amulet AppearsTaverns are the most wondrous places on the face of this -- or any other -- planet. Nowhere else can you find such an amazing reservoir of degradation and depravity so willing to part with their money in the fruitless hope of escaping from what is real into their own representation of ego. Some establishments are reputable spots, areas where men of virtue go to socialize and to escape the boring mundanity of their static lives. Others, such as the place the Baron had taken us, aren't quite so pleasant.
Which, of course, makes them that much more appealing for someone of my talents.
Alright, I've already made it quite clear that I am a patron of the school of cowardice and that, frankly, I prefer it that way -- it keeps me alive and it keeps me safe. Unfortunately, it also keeps me impoverished. Consequently, I have managed to acquire a small entourage of alternate trades out of opportunity and possibility more than intent. Thievery is one of them. Don't misconstrue that: I'm nothing glamorous, not one of the dashing rogues that dart along rooftops, slipping in and out with the ease of a shadow. If there is money there, I can steal it. If there is a pocket begging to be picked, I can pick it and if there is a purse screaming that it wants to be cut, I can cut it, both without anything remotely resembling moral regret; there are advantages to having an assassin as a father.
Another of my talents is gambling, though there are those who would argue that gambling is simply another version of theft where the thief isn't quite as stealthy and the victim not quite so surprised. Such it was, however, that I found myself in the back corner of the central room in our tavern for the night surrounded by the low-penny gamblers. I don't gamble with the heavy gamblers. Cheats who cheat for pennies are, at worst, sworn at. Cheats who cheat for estates are often killed.
"Four bits to you, bard."
I was still holding up my Silvertongue masque, something that I was hoping I would be able to shrug off as soon as possible; with the Baron and his wife still around and still paying for my services, however, that day was still out of visibility. I took a long look at the cards resting within my fingers. I had a decent hand, but already knew that the thin man with the red beard across from me had a better one.
"I'll see it," I said, "And call."
Four bits isn't much to lose; the confidence of the six men around me that I am a decent card player on the lower end of the scale was invaluable. As the cards fell to the table around me, we could all see quite clearly that the bald redhead was, indeed, the winner of the round. One more hand where I lost decently and give out a little more coin and I'd certainly have been in their graces as anything but a cheat. After all, it was penny-ante, right?
Unfortunately, things didn't always fall that way. We went around the table and, again, my hand was decent without being spectacular. The redhead was in the lead again -- I could tell. I could see. Don't ask me how, it's a skill I've inherited from my father. Either that or I was more delusional then than I am now and I just won't admit it to you, myself, or anyone else who asks.
"At a full half-crown, bard. Raise or call."
Shrugging faintly, I put down the few more bits needed to raise my coin equal to that of the other betters. "Call. Let's see how well your luck's holding up, friend."
The redhead rolled his eyes in an exhaustive manner, his motion indicating that my words had hit on something of a sore note. I certainly couldn't see what, nor had I intended it as an affront... just a simple jibe for the sake of competition. Whatever the case, he laid his cards down at the same time the rest of us did, as the game is played. Neither he nor I bothered to look at each other's cards; clearly, he already knew that he'd won and I already knew that I'd lost, so there was no need to bother with such a trite gesture. The third man in the draw cursed softly beneath his breath.
As the supposed winner reached out for his take, however, the third that had stayed for our gambit called out, "Hold, there. The bard's won it, red."
The bald redhead stared at the cards as I did, confusion resounding as we'd both been so sure the outcome had been otherwise. Nonetheless, the cards showed true. I'd won by accident.
Reaching out for my take, I was inwardly cursing myself. I had no intention of winning that hand, yet here I was, pulling the take in. Gamblers are a suspicious type. Winning a hand is acceptable. Winning two is aggravating but forgivable. Winning three after only losing one was something to be investigated. So I resigned that I'd have to lose the third and fourth hands in an effort to cover up my mistake with the last.
"Ah... I'll take it up to a half-crown," I said, tossing some of the money I'd just won back onto the table. It was the redhead and I again, the two of us clearly the only serious gamblers at the small table.
The slim man softly stroked at his beard. He nodded with sincerity before scooping a hand inside to his tunic in a motion that panicked me somewhat. If he was pulling a knife, he wasn't being very discrete about it. If he was pulling for his purse, it meant that he was desperately trying to win his money back... of course, I was more than content to let him have it. When he pulled out a golden amulet and placed it onto the table, I was shocked. Certainly he had at least some coin to spare. I could see his pouch from where I sat, bulging with something or another.
"This should cover it. I see you and call, bard." He said.
This was rather unexpected. No one calls before taking cards; unless, of course, their hand is very good. Which was, of course, what I wanted -- to lose. Nodding at the man, forcing my eyes to stay on his beard in order to keep myself from revealing my ruse, I placed my cards down on the table before me. It was a horrible hand, I'd made sure of that myself, intentionally throwing the good hand I could have had at the redhead.
And yet, I won again. The revelation was a baffling one, since I'd gone far from my path to ensure my loss. Now I'd taken two pots in a row, this newest one involving an amulet that appeared to be nothing less than an heirloom or relic. While I may be a liar, a coward, and a cheat, I'm not a desecrator and I don't really want to go about taking meaningful things from people. I'll take their money. I won't take their loves, hopes, or desires.
Standing, I started to push the pot of the coin and amulet back towards the redhead, "Honestly, I have enough, m'lord. 'Twas just a way to pass time, the pot is yours to keep."
"Oh, no," he said, standing up quickly as if the amulet and coin were fire. "It's yours now, friend."
My eyes widened a little at the man's words, wondering if he'd decided that I was a cheat and ready to be slaughtered but, with a laugh, he lifted himself up and turned his back to me, happily walking away from the table. It was the most unusual thing I think I'd ever seen; no one is happy to have lost money. Ever, no matter how enthralling the game might have been.
I debated trying to stay at the table and work things through, to try getting my ruse back, but it wasn't likely to happen in the immediate future. Thanks to my poor luck at having good luck, I decided it would have been much more advantageous to simply wait things out and return later in the night when either my good fortune would be forgotten or the adversaries would have been rotated. So off to my room I went.
With the money, of course. There's no reason to leave it where it had been, particularly if the original owner wasn't even gracious enough to take it back.
Chapter Three: In Which The First Encounter OccursI'd seen worse. Don't get me wrong, I'd seen better as well, but I'd seen worse. Most of those miniscule little taverns don't even have a sleeping area and, when they do, they're usually one huge room where everyone sleeps together. If you've never had the exhilarating pleasure of trying to sleep while in a room full of snoring, babbling, shifting idiots, count yourself truly blessed. I'm a light sleeper -- common rooms ensure unsolicited insomnia. Fortunately, whoever had arranged our quarters had done at least a decent job of it. I was uncertain where the Baron Torilis and his family were resting, but I had no doubt that it was a great deal more pleasant than the quarters I'd been given. Nonetheless, it's a very well known fact that bards are slim, fair-skinned individuals. I was, at least.
The entire apartment that I'd been given consisted of two rooms. That in itself was a bit of a miracle. Presumably the Baron and his family had obtained the best room in the tavern that meant that at least two of the apartments in the place consisted of multiple rooms. One of us was almost certainly sleeping in the tavern-keeper's rooms. Whatever the case, the first room was fairly plain, the drab grey stone emphasizing the mundanity of the place. An open window peered out over the tavern and down onto the cobbled stones far below, eagerly permitting the sounds of horse hooves and drunken louts to reach my already tortured ears. Fortunately, the second room -- the bedroom -- was nearly soundproof. To this day I'm not quite sure how they managed it, but I assume the blame can be put on careful placement of tapestries and a stifling lack of airflow within the chamber. A large wardrobe stood ominously propped up against one of the cold stone walls and a four-post bed that appeared to be made of oak respectfully watched my entry.
My first matter of business was to investigate the amulet, of course. I may not be a genius of the old-world, but I'm not a complete troll. Someone had been suspiciously eager to be rid of the thing and now I was wondering not only why, but also whether or not that paranoia should be shared in part. I tossed myself onto the large, inviting comforter of the bed (thankfully clean) and spread my winnings out before me. I generally make it a practice to avoid counting winnings while still housed in the place in which those winnings had been tactfully obtained, but the amulet was too much of an intriguing mystery.
It was an amulet. There wasn't very much more that could be said about it. There were no stones, valuable or otherwise, embedded into the thing, just a small disk of aged bronze nearly a quarter of an inch thick. Affixed directly into the amulet was a chain, also of bronze, that served the purpose of the necklace, looping neatly around itself to form a full circle. There was an image inscribed into the amulet that I didn't recognize, an embossment of two figures, one male and one female, standing back to back with each facing an opposing side of the disk. The male figure was wearing a jester's cap, tri-pronged with bell-tangled tips and what appeared to be a matching outfit of the jester's patchwork rags. The female figure appeared to be wearing a familiar street-performer's clothing, her face clearly dirtied in the embossment, her clothes equally soiled and tattered leather. The joker was carrying in his hand a thin, short wand with a tri-pronged tip to match his hat and the woman was holding a small, simple sphere in her hand.
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By: Raj This is boy from Guwahati. Sabse pahle main ko thanks thanks aur thanks bolna chahunga jiski wajah se aaj main aapko apni real story likhne ja raha hoon. Ab chalte hain asli kahani par. Ek din mere mail id par ek mail aaya kisi lady erwin ka ki use ek raat ke liye ek aadmi chahiye jo use satisfy kar sake. Maine turant hi use reply kiya ki I am ready and I am experinced one and bla bla bla bla. Phir ek din bit gaye aur uska koi reply nahi aaya. Next to next day uska mail aaya...
On his way home Tim Crowell mulled over the events of the past week. He needed to talk with someone and he didn't know who to talk to. He had professed his love to Janie but he was sure she didn't love him as much as he loved her. He knew that Janie and her brother Joel were sleeping together ever since Janie had walked out on her husband Hank. Tim wasn't sure how all the pieces of this puzzle fit together. He wondered how Joel felt about Janie. He wondered whether or not Joel wanted...
Just then she turned around for me to see a beautiful face with green cats’ eyes, full lips, high cheek bones, and a perfect nose to top it off. She looked to be in her early to mid twenties. Then my eyes fell to her chest and my cock went hard. She had a perfect D-cup chest but was wearing a bikini top that was way too small, she had tit hanging out on every side of the top. She looked over and saw me setting in my truck and made a bee line for my cab. I thought to myself if she is a lot...
MondayI was woken up briefly around seven in the morning on Monday by the sound of the back door banging. Realizing that it was just Sue and Jake heading over to their own place on the other side of the street, to get ready for work, I turned over and went back to sleep. Melanie and I had taken the day off work to spend it with our guests; it was going to be their last full day with us. They were flying back to Calgary on Tuesday morning. After that, no one stirred until gone one in the...
Group SexPen name: Gatomon Note : This story is completely fictional! Yesterday, Susan asked me to visit her because her company had a vacancy. I was jobless now and so I agreed immediately. This morning, I left my house and headed straight for her house which was just near the corner. When I finally reached her house, she greeted me with arms opened wide. We entered the house and sat on the sofa. She passed a cup of coffee to me but she juiced an orange for her breakfast. I nestled down on the big sofa...
Erotic FictionShe is not with me now. I have only held her once, a short hug in a park in fact, and that was some time ago. I remember it as if it were happening right now, but it isn’t. It is only a memory. I am alone. Everyone else has gone to sleep. In the quiet of the night, I have been exchanging messages with her, but she is not with me now. But I feel her. In my mind’s eye, in my mind, I still feel her and I can re-create every touch. But that was then. It was innocent, a moment of comfort between...
Fulfilling Her Dreams by Fornicatio ([email protected])Chapter One The first time we’d actually met in person, it was in a quiet, empty, coney island on a cool fall evening. We’d been chatting for quite a while, almost 6 months I guess. I knew so much about the girl, everything about her really; what she thought, her every fantasy, I knew things about her that she herself didn’t know, at least not yet. She’d sent me a message online, she’d been 18 at the time, a good girl, a...
So since moving to Manchester i needed to find new places to be naughty.I spoke to a few locals on here and they recommended a few parks near the city. I love to dress up and be naughty with strangers.A few weeks ago i put a status 'who wants some naughty fun in Manchester?' a few guys replied. I gave them a time and location and began to get ready.I dressed in black leggings and tight crop top but the as the weather turned, i put a jacket over it.With the weather typically 'Manchester' i was...
Part 1 - Beginning We had owned the property in Beaumetz les Aires for about six months when the episode that turned my life upside-down actually occurred. Who are we? My name is Colin, Colin deVilliers BSc. (Hons) to be specific, married to Tessa deVilliers (neë Wyatt) for some 20ish years and normally residing in the English cathedral city of Winchester. Tessa could not be called particularly maternal so children were always way down on the ‘I want’ list, coupled with the fact that she was s...
EroticThe Campaign Manager Part 4 By Sissie Maid Cuckold As the sissies training progressed, Ms. Beverly's lover Tyrell showed up. She was quite happy to see him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply. Tyrell was very happy to see her as well, placed his hands on her ass, and pulled her tight. Bobbie was present to see this and as always, he felt very embarrassed by their actions. He shifted from foot to foot and hung his head only raising it enough occasionally to sneak...
There was no hiding the fact that I was deeply and passionately attracted to Caroline. Of course she was so beautiful and the sex was amazing. Actually, more than amazing. I had never been so infatuated with a girl before, I might even be in love. I couldn’t wait to see her again!”I missed you!” she said as she threw her arms around my neck. I could smell her perfume, man she smelt so good and looked even better, so beautiful! So sexy! She was wearing a mini skirt and a small, tight shirt, tied...
Hi,first time writing so bear with me, we both like groping in public places, and I get a great thrill if I know someone is watching, my wife has no problem with this and is pleased to show off her stockings and knickers, I have fingered her in many different places, parks, gardens, cars, and cinemas.My favorite place is the cinema, this probably goes back to our early days when most couples did the same, it wasn't unusual to see groping couples, and I would occasionally get a flash of stocking...
My wife jane and I have been together for 30 years and we have had 3 k**s had a great life and now the k**s have moved out and got their own life's Jane said we need something new in ours but what?we have travelled we have done tennis other sports but she wasn't satisfied with that she needed something exciting!I suggested we try sky diving and other things like that, so we did that and she still wasn't fulfilled she said something was night I was downstairs I was on my computer and...
Audrey Hempburne and Hazel Moore are sultry stepsisters who share everything. Whenever something exciting happens, they cannot wait to tell each other about it! So when Audrey loses her virginity to some lucky guy, she gives Hazel all the deets. Hazel is jealous, but Audrey knows just how to make her feel better. She calls the lucky guy and the two stepsisters pop their inexperienced pussies for him! The threesome heats up as he shoves his boner deep inside the girls cooches. The, the...
xmoviesforyouThis is my first story, comments welcome I met Red online and, after a while, we started to exchange numerous emails. As the months progressed we started getting to know each other better. We would tell each other things over the internet that we wouldn’t say or admit in person. She told me she was a frustrated woman whose husband had ignored her for years but, at the same time, very jealous and controlling. Repeatedly she told me that her love tunnel needed attention and how much she missed...
Straight SexMy wife invited her friend for school over. I got home from work and tried to shower real quick before she arrived well i missed it by 5 minutes. Fresh out of the shower i put on a g string and basketball shorts like i always do after work. I cam out of the bathroom and they were talking on the couch. When i walked out i sat in the other chair and we made small talk for a while, then i reached for my soda and Ally (my wife friend) saw my pink panties and asked if i was wearing panties? My...
Driving home from work on Monday evening, Jordan’s mind drifted back to his sex-filled weekend. He was still mystified by his wife’s behavior. A sweet woman that rarely used profanity suddenly became the potty-mouth of all time. He grinned as he recalled the words she’d shouted the first time he took her ass. Claiming she wanted to be his whore to reduce his stress levels, she swallowed his cum for the first time, enjoyed anal sex and demanded to be spanked. It all started around noon on...
MILFIt seemed to me that my birthday party had just as much of an effect on the other people attending the party as it did on me. Three weeks later, when Ed Nulty had his fourteenth birthday party, his mother rented out my mom's dance studio for it. There were about twenty of us invited to the party, with Ed inviting the guys he wanted to have attend, and my mother and Mrs. Nulty inviting the girls. It was a sock hop themed party, where dancing was expected and encouraged. I had made sure that...
Tricked into total slavery It started when I found an ad from a Dominant Female on the Internet. She was seeking full-time live in slaves. The prospective slave would have to sign an agreement becoming her total property. If accepted, the slave would not have to work but would live in her home 24/7 under her total control. This was exactly what I was seeking. Or, at least it sounded like it. I immediately responded to the email address given and expressed my willingness. I begged the Mistress...
LeeAnn’s pussy was on fire, she yearned to feel a hard cock sliding into it, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of what she was watching. She must touch felt so good, inflamed by her lust from what she saw. It was her lover, Ray, sucking the cock of the man they just picked up at the local pub. Oh fuck, was the man hard!It was Friday night, around 7:00 p.m., when Ray and LeeAnn decided they were bored and wanted to go out to the local pub. While sitting there a man around twenty...
First TimeWhen the top man at our little firm asked me to be his PA for a few weeks, I was overjoyed. The regular one had gone on maternity leave and I was chosen ahead of two other older and more experienced women. I think being the new girl, I had wanted to make a good impression when I started last autumn. I reckon Jim liked the idea of someone fresh and excited by fine art as his right hand girl. I enjoyed my regular job taking photos of paintings for the website and I would have to still do that...
When Nicky finally settled down a little, I reminded both of them that we still had a few important items to discuss, and it would soon be time for lunch. "I also have some things to discuss with you, but why don't you go first," Catherine told us as the three of us relaxed on the front porch of the last cabin. They now occupied the porch swing while I sat on the top step. Catherine sounded normal again, her eyes were shining and she had a healthy glow about her. "Okay. I'm afraid I...
somewhere in the year of 2011, when I was pursuing my engineering. Our college was located in the outskirt of Chennai, and the final year students had to do an engineering project, and to prepare the project for every little thing we had to visit Chennai around 100 Kms from our college location. So normally we used to go early morning and come back late in the night. All the final year students used to wait for holidays to go to Chennai to finish our projects, which would mean at least 20 -25...
Once everybody leaves, I gave Admiral Cub a call. He is at his morning briefing, but his secretary promised she will get him to call as soon as he gets in. Next is a call to Sorrel. “Good Morning, Sorrel speaking.” “Morning, it’s Trent.” “Oh, good. I was about to phone you.” “Any progress on the rental?” “They are willing to do it without a lease, but they want a considerable amount more.” “It isn’t what I want but close the deal. I need a place as soon as possible.” “Will do. I put...
Joe froze as his father announced he was home. Frank wiped a blob of spunk from his face and realised the futility of trying to clean himself up as he awaited their inevitable discovery. Their gym teacher, Dave, appeared to be the calmest of all, standing proudly in the middle of the room as though he belonged there. Not a word was spoken, although many suggestions raced through their minds, they realised that the scene spoke for itself and no amount of explanation would hide the truth of...
There were some slight butterflies in our stomachs as Lisa and I stepped out of our taxi, passed the liveried doorman, into the foyer of the five star hotel. We were both elegantly dressed for the occasion, Lisa in a black cocktail dress with matching high heels and appropriate makeup and jewellery, myself in a dark lounge suit. We moved through the foyer into the beautifully appointed bar. At a table a tall slim gray haired man stood up and signaled acknowledgement to us. We knew John from...
Hi! My dear friends and fans. It was really a long time I wrote on this site. But surprisingly I am still getting Emails from my readers that they wanted to hear more from me. For this I am really sorry. As I was very busy with my academics I could not make time to write. But now I have decided to write all my real incest sexual experiences for my readers. For the new readers here I am pinky having a hot affair with my own brother. To make it clear please do read my previous stories as this...
IncestFRIDAY - TWO DAYS BEFORE HYPNOTISM "Can you stop touching my breast? It is getting annoying now" Tina told her boyfriend Jose off. Jose automatically let his hand go off her right breast, as his hand was around her shoulder. "Don't be like that. You're supposed to be my girlfriend!" Jose protested to Tina. The couple were walking around university campus. They were both foreign students studying in a Bristol College, in West of England. "We're in a public place!" Tina reminded...
The last thing Debby saw as the man pulled his face out of the hole was his fat, dripping, tongue. She could almost feel it wiggling inside her pussy. She watched through the hole as the man buttoned up his pants and left the toilet stall, and then she stood there, naked, terrified, and not knowing what to do. She wondered if this was how Roxanne met men here--through a hole in the wall between the men's and women's toilets. She heard the man clear his throat. He was standing outside the...
Harry Chapin was a folk-rock troubadour of the baby boom generation. He was particularly known for his ‘story-songs’, his signature hit ‘Taxi’ (1972) was the story of a disillusioned cabbie meeting an old lover, and ‘Cat’s In the Cradle’ (1974) the cautionary tale of an absentee father. Chapin toured restlessly and recorded the albums Heads and Tales (1972), Short Stories (1973), Verities and Balderdash (1974) and Danceband on the Titanic (1977) among several others. He died at age 38 in a...
So ... I guess I should tell you a bit about me. I'm 22, single, virgin, overqualified for dumb jobs and under-qualified for smart ones. Michigan is not a great state for paleoarchaeology so I went to Montana to study. Both Universities have good programs but Missoula is buried in smog 9 months of the year. I have allergies. Nerd slash geek in high school, I was too busy getting grades and ducking bullies to even think about getting laid. By the time college ran me down, I was too...
“Dad? Hello?” I found myself being pulled out of my daydream by the voice of my daughter. “Huh? I'm sorry sweetie, what were you saying?” “God dad why do you always zone out when I'm talking to you? You shouldn’t be thinking about the waitress and her huge tits, that's what mom is for.” “Watch your mouth Elise, I'm your father! You're not supposed to talk to me like that.” I retorted to the girl sitting in the booth with me. As you can obviously tell, this is my daughter Elise. She just turned...
IncestAnn knew Pearl had been working very hard in school. It was Pearl’s second year in college and she was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything. Too much to do and not enough time to do it, she heard Pearl say more than once. Ann hoped she could take her mind off of school this weekend. Ann was a few years older than Pearl and already out in the “real world” as Pearl called it. She was a teacher so she was off on the same days as her lover was. They were able to spend most of their...
Ed drove back to the Bynum house. It was 7 o'clock when he pulled up in front of the house. It would not be dark for about another hour and a half. Ed parked the car and walked to the front door. He rang the bell and waited for an answer. Ed saw someone looking through the peephole in the door and the door opened. "Well, the private detective," Mrs. Bynum said, "Can I help you?" Ed stayed on the front step, "Mrs. Bynum, I haven't been totally honest with you. I need your help. Can we...
Agh,’ he gasped. ‘oh, ugh, ugh.’ He was naked and she fully dressed, her hand a blur as she knelt in front of him and pumped his hard cock. ‘Oh, God,’ he reached out to hold on to something. But he just too far away from the dining table to steady himself against the explosion that was building within him. He looked down, but dared not grab her head. So he just lifted his eyes to heaven and let out a long low moan. She kept on pumping his cock, her eyes fixed on the task at hand, regardless of...
I watched his truck pull into the drive and I wondered at how I should greet him. I moved the cursor and changed the image I have been enjoying to another. I liked the idea of him walking in on me. Slowly I moved my other hand up my thigh, savoring the smoothness of my skin. I spread my legs and pushed my thong aside, gently stroking my wet lips. I watched him get out of his truck and start towards the door. It was hot outside, I could see the sweat shining on his bare chest and...
Rough Video Booth Sex – Part 1 I was horny as hell, and I wasn’t sure why. I should have been exhausted. It was almost 2:00AM, and I was driving home after delivering furniture 100 miles away. It was a part time job I got for the summer, between college semesters. Meandering down a country road, I was surprised to see a sign lit up, advertising Adult Books, Video Booths, Toys, Movies, and More. I pulled in, figuring I’d check out a couple videos. The place was empty, except for the worker...
This is vatsal from gujarat back again with another experience. You can share your feedback or talk with me on Everyone is welcome. I and my friends were going on a tour to goa. We booked our seat and were very much excited. We were total a group of 10 boys. We boarded our train on saturday night. We were just us in our berth. As the train reached mumbai our berth door opened. All our eyes were struck on the door to see who was there. We all became dumbstruck to see 3 beauties entering...
In free timings, I thought that I had to learn driving car. I joined an institute, and next morning the instructor came with his car. His name was Ronit, and he is around 25 years old. I attracted towards him as I did normally. After three day he allowed me to sit on driving seat. The field was very fast. I failed every time to drive. So next time I told him, “you sit on driving seat too, that make me more comfortable to learn.” Then I sat on his lap and started drive, he also hold the steering...
A knock at the door and I let Howard in. It had been 3 weeks since he had come round to take up where he left off all those years ago. An old flame that had never got beyond foreplay until just recently when Jan and I had agreed he would be the perfect candidate to see if we could indulge in a threesome, with her the centre of attention. Again Jan had set the rules of engagement and as he entered the front room I asked him to sit and relax as Jan was still getting ready for us and that she...
Wife Lovers"I met the most gorgeous bird last night," Peter said to me as we were walking along the road towards the coffee bar where we usually had our mid-morning coffee on a Saturday when we weren't working. "Oh yes," I said, in a fairly cynical tone, "Did you actually talk to this beauty, or does seeing this one across a room or on the other side of the street count as meeting as it has before?" My cynicism was well founded, as for pretty well as long as I'd known him, which was over 7 years...
Donna's Mum asks me for a favour......Donna's MumThere were only 2 more weeks of the school holiday left and then Donna's shopping trips would need to fit around school hours, but in the meantime there would be a number of occasional when we would be able to meet at the shop. I was going to have to be strong if I was to keep my promise to myself. I thought about avoiding her completely but was worried that she would miss understand that, think that she had done something wrong and suffer...
My Nephew Synopsis: When Tom hesitantly becomes the guardian of his younger brother's teenage son he has no premonition of the relationship that will develop between the two of them, and the changes in his lifestyle that it will bring. One piece of advice - never have a discussion with your live-in girlfriend about getting married when each of you has just consumed a bottle of wine. But I'm getting ahead of myself, so let me back up and start at the beginning of my story. Back...
Lucy Hardman, the forty-three-year-old TV presenter, felt the urge once more to find a naughty chummy 'son' to discipline as she got so turned-on by spanking and caning younger men and always came as she finished off the caning. She never cared about the young men, though, promising them an orgasm they never usually got.Today, Lucy was at the local outdoor swimming pool where she very occasionally picked up suitable young men. She was in a trim thong bikini set with a triangle cup top with...
SpankingI was home and in bed by 8 AM. I rested peacefully until 4 PM. Nature called for a pee break so I got up, did the honors, went to the kitchen and made a pot of strong coffee. While it was brewing I went back to the bedroom dressed in sweats and tennis shoes, and made the bed. I had just made it to the kitchen when Jenny came in. She said," Let me change and I'll work out with you, while we warm I'll fill you in on the plans for tonight." While we did the warm-up routine she said, "Here...
Standing at the airport watching people coming out of the customs area Scott couldn’t help but feel excited. It was close to three weeks since he had last seen Sandi. He still was amazed that she had offered to come here and live with him. To say he had an itch that Sandi could help scratch was a nice way of saying he was anxious to make love with her. They had exchanged phone calls, text messages and some emails but they only served to increase the feelings he had of missing her. He saw her...
After two weeks Jayne, my wife’s sister, finally left. It seems her husband, Richard. Had seen the error of his ways. The fact that Jayne controlled all the money in that relationship had nothing to do with it. The guy was a waster. He would try some hair-brained every so often, and the outcome would be the same, down the toilet went more money.Life was back to normal in our household. My wife was as busy as ever with work, flying all over the country on one deal or another. In fact, I was...
The afternoon of the wedding was a very hot day, but mist sprayers placed strategically on the property helped cool the air where people would gather. The invitations had specified casual dress appropriate for hot weather. Those individuals that chose to wear more formal clothes, were told that a coat rack for suit coats was available, and that simple t-shirts could be picked up to replace long sleeved shirts. Ed stood at the entrance greeting everyone who came to the wedding. John stood...
The title of my story about sums me up, everything it says, is true and the men I accost can't believe I'm real, even when I am on my knees in front of them, milking their balls.That's another trait I have, is a potty mouth, I like to say it as it is. If I was a man I would be inside serving time for physically touching people, I love to feel a mans crotch, especially if he looks like he has an erection and I'm the cause of it, which is usually the case as I am also a flirt, a tease, and like I...