Catharsis free porn video

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“Is that you Caroline?”   Susan’s voice cut through the cold air like the Grim Reaper’s scythe.   “Caroline!   I repeat, is that you?”

Susan is Jerry’s mother, woman from Hell, who has a complete mental block which prevents her from using the correct name of Carolyn, or even Caro (as the rest of the world called her).

She clenched her teeth.   “Susan!   I hadn’t expected to see you here.”

“Clearly!   Whatever are you wearing?”

Caro had very carefully chosen this halter-neck summer frock, even though it was the end of November, because it was the frock she had worn the day Jerry had left.   Despite the weather, she had decided to wear the same things from that special day;   the same frock, the same sling-backs – and absolutely nothing else, just like she had done.   It still gave her a very pleasant frisson to remember how they had gone for a picnic in the country, and how he had lifted her dress back to find she was totally naked beneath.   That day their love-making had been urgent and fervent, and now she wanted him to recall that day once again on his return.

Susan’s surprise was not without merit.   It was bloody cold dressed in this light summer fashion.   Her nipples hurt with standing up in the cold.   But the end result would be worth it.

Jerry had now been away since August.   War Correspondent sounded glamorous until you realised just how dangerous a job it could be.   This assignment had grown ugly.   Jerry had been caught up in an investigation into sexual slavery following severe ethnic cleansing.   He needed a break, and Caro needed him to be with her, safe and secure once again.   Her thoughts were broken once more by Susan’s voice.

“There he is!   Jeremy!   Over here!   Jeremy!   Jeremy!”

Caro’s eyes met Jerry’s as he heard his mother’s strident calls.   Caro shrugged helplessly, knowing Jerry knew exactly what a pain his mother could be.

“Jeremy, just look how gaunt you are.   You’ve not been looking after yourself at all, have you?”   It was, of course, a rhetorical question.   Jeremy had no intention of gracing it with an answer.   His arm now encircled Caro’s waist, his fingers gliding across her bum and immediately recognising that she wore nothing beneath her flimsy dress.   A brief look of complicit understanding stole across his face as he looked in to her eyes and remembered their picnic the day he had left.

Did Caro also see a fleeting worried look in Jerry’s eyes as he touched her?   It seemed so.   The look passed as quickly as it had appeared.   Jerry was brought back to the moment by his mother’s voice in his ear.

“Jeremy, are you listening?   I must dash now that I’ve seen you home safely.   It costs such a lot to park here.   Go home and change.   Be sure to put on some nice clothes and come round for dinner.   The Aitchisons are so keen to meet you.   You won’t be coming too, will you, Caroline?   Eight-o-clock sharp, Jeremy, do you hear?”   With that she was gone.

“I’m so, so sorry Caro.   Whatever made you bring her along?”

“Like I’d rather have a frontal lobotomy without anaesthetic than bring her along with me, especially dressed like this!”

“I know what you mean,” said Jerry with feeling.   “You look gorgeous, just as I remembered you.   Please, let’s go home.”

“I’m so glad, my sweet, you still remember me like this.   That was a very special day.   In one of your e-mails you said I made the calendar shrink for you.   I want the days we’ve been apart to disappear.

Caro drove them back to their townhouse in fashionable Chelsea.   She was glad she had moved in with him, and was very much aware of the material benefits of Jerry’s job.   But they came at such a price.   Once inside the car, he had lapsed into silence.   His eyes constantly scanned the road from side to side as if looking for imminent danger.   He tightly gripped the arm rest, the other hand clutching his seat belt.    The knuckles of both hands showed white as his fingers clenched.   “You poor, poor man,” she thought to herself.   “Let me take you in my arms and hold myself against your body.   Let me rebuild you.”

At the house, Jerry took himself to the bathroom and ran a warm and very-much-looked-forward-to shower.   Caro gave him ten minutes on his own, then went into the bathroom.   She slipped off her frock and drew back the glass door into the shower.   Their eyes met as she stepped into the stream of water.   Her arms reached up and folded themselves around his neck.   She pressed her body against him, sighing at the touch of his strong limbs.   They said nothing, simply standing in a close embrace, each lost in their own thoughts.

She started as she felt his body convulse once, twice, three times.   She held her head back to look at his face and saw he was crying.   She moved closer, drawing him nearer and holding him tightly.   His body shook as he sobbed uncontrollably.   Her mind went back to the letter he had written where he had told her he “wept in the dark” from loneliness.   These weren’t the tears of loneliness.   These were the tears of a man who had seen and heard too much.

She pressed herself ever more tightly against him, her pussy pressing against his thigh, gently rubbing herself against him.   She sensed the parting of her lips as she pressed against him, her shaven pussy thrilling to his touch.   It cut her deeply when he pulled away saying “No, don’t, you’ve no idea!”

She caught his hands between her fingers.   “Shhh,” she soothed.   “It’s all right.   I understand.”

“How can you?” he exploded.   “You weren’t there.   You’ve no idea at all!”   The violence behind his words brought tears to her eyes and she recoiled at his anger and rejection.   As she stepped back the floodgates broke and she wept openly.   She turned to flee but Jerry caught her by the wrist.

“I’m so, so sorry.   I shouldn’t have said that.   Please, stay, please Caro?”

She allowed him to draw her towards him, but held herself back from the former close contact between their bodies.   “What was all that about, Jerry?   Why?”

“The feel of your body next to me just reminded me of some of the things I’d seen.   I don’t know what came over me, I just lost it.   I’m sorry.”

Caro knew he had been through the mill with the sexual slavery assignment.   But she couldn’t understand why the feel of her, yes, her body against him should awaken the demons deep in his mind.   “Why’s that?” she asked gently.

Jerry remained silent, anguish on his face as he struggled to find the words she needed to hear.   By the hand Caro drew him out of the shower and then threw a bath towel around him.   She started to dry herself.   Then she dried Jerry as he stood there looking at her, lost for words.   She took him into their bedroom.   “I really need a cuddle.   Please Jerry?”

She lay on the bed and pulled him towards her.   They always slept facing each other, her on her left side.   This was how they now lay, her face pressed against his chest, her right hand resting on his belly, and her right leg sandwiched between his knees.

He looked down into her eyes.   “Caro?   Are we good?”

“Of course we’re good.   I love you.   I love you so much that nothing, I mean absolutely nothing could stop us being good.”

They lay there without speaking.   It felt so right laid there together.   Their bodies fitted so comfortably together like two pieces in a jigsaw.   Although Jerry lay motionless, she basked in the touch of his bare skin against her.   Her breasts were full as they pressed against his stomach, her nipples standing proud, now not through cold but through arousal.   She allowed the fingers of her right hand to stroke his side.

She sensed Jerry was ready to talk.   “You know, they say a trouble shared is a trouble halved.   Please talk to me and help me to understand?”

Jerry sighed.   He had no wish to burden her with his dark thoughts.   At the same time, however, he knew she deserved some explanation.   “I will.   Please, just let me come to terms with it all myself.”   He was playing for time, just as he had done ever since this whole wretched business had started.   He had written her an e-mailed letter whenever he could.   He had spoken of “empty days” implying they were empty without her.   So often he had desperately wished those days to have been empty of nightmares.

“I hope you’re not angry because I wore that frock?” she ventured.   “I wanted to remind you of the last time we were together.   Do you remember?”

He remembered.   They had gone for a walk and a picnic in some woods in the country.   They had spread a blanket on the grass and she had lain back with her hands clasped behind her head.   He recalled in detail how he had slipped her shoes off, shoes that were so unsuited to the countryside, but shoes that were so typical of Caro.     He remembered how he had then run his hand up her shin, over her thighs.   The fabric of her summer frock had been taken up with his hand, exposing her creamy thighs.   His hand had continued to slide up her thighs and her dress had been pushed back to reveal her breasts.   His gaze had been held by the magic of discovering her beautiful body, naked beneath the frock.

They had been occasional lovers for some time before this, and very recently she had moved in with him.   On this occasion, however, she had taken his breath away.   As he had lifted her summer dress right back he was taken with the beauty of her pussy, completely shaved for the very first time.   Her lips were full, pouting towards him, and he had found it impossible to hold himself back.   He had opened her legs to accommodate his face and pressed his mouth against her, tasting her readiness.   The sweet smell and taste of her pussy was irresistible.   He had lifted her thighs with his arms, and then slid his cock between those inviting lips to its full extremity in a single fluid movement.   Their love-making beneath the leafy canopy had been abandoned and reckless.   His climax into her had made her cry out with its heat and its intensity.   Not for one second had they paused to consider whether they might be discovered.   That was how their love was – committed, consensual, and fulfilling.

She remembered too.   She often imagined she could still feel him removing her shoes and stroking her legs, his fingers walking their way up towards her pussy.   Her legs were very sensitive and she had squirmed as his fingers tinkled her shins.   “Lie still,” he had told her.   How she loved the authoritative way he spoke.   She had found a certain inexplicable pleasure there beneath the tress trying to do as he had asked and lie still.

His hand had lifted her frock right back until it hung loose around her neck.   Her body in its entirety was exposed to the daylight and to anybody who might be passing by.   With satisfaction she had noted the in-take of breath as he caught sight of her handiwork.   She had shaved herself that morning, knowing they would be laid together on the picnic blanket.   What she had not expected was for things to unfold quite like this.   Awareness that they might be seen had increased the value in the gift of herself to him.   The way he had made her lie still, properly, before lowering his face onto her loveliness had increased this feeling of tension.   Lifting her legs as his hands slipped beneath the cheeks of her bum to raise her as he sank his cock deep into her was a feeling she had frequently enjoyed in her dreams while they had been apart.

Each replayed these moments through their memories as they lay there until Jerry felt he simply had to explain.   With her leg held between his legs, her thighs were slightly parted.   He could feel her smooth and tender sex against his thigh.   He just had to explain.

“Those camps, we discovered,” he began, and then stopped.

“Those camps......” she echoed quietly.

“Can you imagine what we found in them?”


“There were young women whose husbands had been butchered in front of their eyes.”   He felt her tense against him, but she said nothing.   “There were also young girls, as young as eight years old.   Can you imagine that?”

Caro lay silently, trying and failing to picture this.   “But how did did the feel of me against you remind you of all this?”

“I felt the softness and the smoothness of your pussy.   It was exactly the same softness and smoothness I felt in the woods with you on that last day.   I made you lie how I wanted you to lie.   I forced your thighs apart and sank myself deep inside you.....” His voice trailed off.   She drew a breath as if to speak but he put his finger on her lips to silence her.   “Don’t you see?   Those little girls, those children in the camps, they would have been smooth and soft like that.   And they would have been forced to lie exactly how men wanted them to lie.   Their thighs would have been held open.   Those men would have.....”

It was now her turn to silence him with a finger on his lips.   “No, it wasn’t the same.   Not the same at all.   I did that out of love, not from compulsion.   My pussy was soft and smooth because I’m a grown woman who had chosen to reveal it to you in this fashion.   My thighs opened because I wanted them to open to you and welcome you inside me.   It’s not the same thing at all.”

As she spoke he knew what she said was indeed the way it had been.   Why, then, had he felt this guilt within himself?   Why had he, Jeremy Carter, suddenly felt that he should not be in such intimate closeness to the woman he loved?

He was not permitted the time to explore this thought further.   The ringing of the phone beside the bed broke the stillness within the bedroom.   Caro’s hand reached up to stay his arm and prevent him from lifting the receiver.   The answering machine cut in – I can’t get to the phone right now.   Please leave a message.

“Jeremy, are you there?”   It was his mother.   Jeremy and Caro swore in unison.   There was a pause.   “I hope you’ve set off Jeremy.   The Aitchisons are coming early.”   There was a click as she terminated the call.

With absolute clarity Caro realised why Jerry had reacted in the way he had done.   “There’s your reason, if you’re looking for one.   It’s your bloody mother.   She’s the reason you feel guilty being close to me.   She hates my guts.   She’s also so bloody ‘establishment’ that you feel you have to react the way she dictates you react.   And you know what?   I’m glad she hates me.   It just confirms I’m the exact opposite of her.”

Caro’s outburst took him by surprise.   Nobody could accuse Caro of being the brightest button in the box, but every now and then she had an insight which cut straight to the heart of the matter.   It was true, he reacted to his mother like a marionette whose strings were being pulled.   “I love you, Caro.   I love every bone in your body.   I love every hair on your head, and every hair you’ve shaven from your pussy.”

Caro snuggled closer to him.   “Shut up,” she giggled, “I’ve not finished.”   She withdrew her leg and placed it over his legs.   She knelt up, astride him, lent forward and placed her hands on his shoulders.   “I’ve waited   all these weeks for you.   And now that I’ve got you I’m not going to let you go.   The bloody Aitchisons can go to hell.   You’re mother too!”

She slid herself backwards, still astride him, and bent down so that her breasts brushed down his chest, over his belly and came to rest either side of his cock.   She was rewarded with the feel of him stirring between her boobs.   She slid back a little further and let her tongue alight on the tip of his manhood, tantalisingly licking him with a tongue that was both rigid and soft.   His response was immediate.   Now she drew him in, taking care to keep her teeth away from him, holding him between her moistened lips.   She let them travel up and down his shaft, mouthing a voiceless “ooh ay ooh ay” like an actor doing mouth and voice warm-ups.

She held his cock in her hand firmly at its base.   This action stimulated him further.   The combined work of her lips, her tongue which was now circling his tip, and her clasping hand eased back the skin to expose its head.   Her tongue played on that sensitive area where the foreskin is joined to the shaft.   Jerry wanted to explode, but at the same time he wanted this to continue.   Caro knew exactly what she was doing, and took him to the point where she could still control him with the hand clasping him.   She then removed her lips and, without releasing her grip, she stroked his cock against her swollen pussy.

Jerry could see the purple of his straining head against the deep pink of her opening sex.   He could see the sheen of her wetness, and also detected the beads of love juices escaping from his tip.   Still she stroked him up and down, pleasuring herself with his tip against her clitoris.   Her head was forward, her hair hung down over her face, and she pushed the fingers of her free hand through her hair allowing her to look him in the eye.   As their eyes met the phone rang again.

  I can’t get to the phone right now.   Please leave a message.

“Jeremy, where are you?   Are you there?   I hope you’re not wasting your time laid in bed with that awful Caroline!   We need you here, now!   Do you hear me?”

Caro recollected some words from an e-mail Jerry had sent about his dreams of her and how he longed to never wake up, these dreams always interrupted by the ringing of his alarm.   She knew then what she had to do.   Caro reached over and picked up the receiver.   “Susan, he’s not coming.   Got that?   Or rather he’s not coming to you.   Instead he’s coming to me, for me, and into me.   Now get the fuck off the phone and go and play at being the perfect hostess with the bloody Aitchisons!”   Meaningfully she replaced the receiver.

“That was brilliant.   I would never have dared say something like that, even though I’ve wanted to.”

Caro rolled off Jerry to lie beside him, this time on her back.   “If I’m so brilliant, don’t turn me into a liar.   I meant what I said, both earlier and a moment ago.   So, please come to me, for me, and into me.”

Jerry’s fingers parted the lips of her pussy.   She was wet with anticipation.   He loved the lapping sound as he ran his fingers up and down her.   He loved the way her clitoris was now exposed to his touch, and knew that the feel of his hair against it would drive her into a frenzy of desire when he entered into her.

His cock was swollen and an insistent tattoo beat within his loins, summoning his strength to return home for the night.   The tip of his cock instinctively knew where that home lay.   It sought entry into her, plunging into her warmth to seek sanctuary deep within her.   It withdrew a little to plunge again, further inside her.   This time her legs were being lifted right up so that her knees were beside her ears.   His hand pulled the pillows down and beneath her, raising her bum up onto them so that he could penetrate her yet further.   Her clitoris met his hair and she squirmed, moaning with delight beneath and around him.

Caro felt as though she had just fought an epic battle.   There was neither victory nor defeat.   Instead she had given herself to him, whole-heartedly.   She had opened herself to him.   Now, like an invading, yet benevolent, general he possessed her, seeking her deepest regions and asserting his presence.   His intentions were clear.   He was to be accommodated.   He was to be welcomed.   He was to be accepted.   And his actions were law.

Caro gave everything of herself to him.   She felt his orgasm force its way up his shaft and burst out into her in a scalding torrent.   She felt the spasms of his cock as it emptied itself into her.   And afterwards she loved him for the strength that she felt receding from his body as he relaxed following his climax.

She lay beneath him, small and secure under the weight of his relaxed body.   Her pussy glowed, and although numbed to a degree by the intensity of the passion they had enjoyed, she was by no means without feeling there.   Quite distinctly she felt his cock diminish.   She had enough strength and enough feeling in her lips not to allow him to slip completely from her.   Now she tensed her pelvic floor rhythmically and was rewarded by a response from his loins that told her he was winning the battle against his demons.   Almost imperceptibly his strength started to return, firstly to his cock, then to his loins, and lastly to his legs.

This time it was not the might of an army, more the faith of a prophet.   He was assured in what he was doing, and having embarked on his mission he knew he would find the strength to complete it.   With long and steady thrusts he reached into her and withdrew to enter her again.   With each thrust he pronounced his message, a clear statement of love and trust and respect.   With each withdrawal he tested the acceptance of that message and was rewarded with her following him to avoid losing him.   Now that the message was understood and accepted, his thrusts became ever more fervent.   They urged her to join him in his zeal.   They strengthened her to give beyond what she thought she was capable of giving.   And they bathed her in the glory of his love as, once again, his hot sperm flowed into her.

Jerry lay with his cock deep within her.   This orgasm had emptied him and the force had gone from him.   He released her legs and she lay with them closed beneath him, his cock firmly clasped within her.   He welcomed her grip on him, hardening as if willing his power not to depart.   Now her squeezing on his shaft felt not like an encouragement for more action but rather a pleading not to leave her.   She was begging him to stay within her, to comfort her and to be there for her.   To his joy, for a third time he found a response.

Oh so very gently, held tightly between her legs, his shaft started to slide in and out of her in the smallest and most tender of movements.   He felt himself brushing against her clitoris, and thrilled to the ripples of pleasure beneath him as she experienced one, two, three clitoral orgasms.   The sound of those orgasms re-kindled the fires within his loins, and again he found himself opening her legs and discovering her innermost depths.   This time, however, their lovemaking was gentle, but nonetheless intense.   They climaxed together as a wave of joy swept over them both.   Still inside her he rolled her onto her side, and without drawing away from her they both sank into a deep and contented sleep.

Caro had no idea how long they had slept.   She awoke with a damp sticky patch on the sheet beneath her.   To her horror she realised she had been dribbling on his chest as they slept.   Her movement disturbed Jerry.   He opened his eyes, and taking stock of the situation, smiled at the fact she had been slavering on his chest in her sleep.   “We are good, aren’t we?”

“We are.   Welcome back, Jerry!”


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Just a bus rideHonest 3

I couldn’t believe it, I felt as if she had betrayed me completely, even though we had only known each other for a day and a bit, it felt like a dagger in the heart, why was she so flirty today, she must have known what she was doing, but she still did it even though she had a boyfriend. Not wanting to think about this for a moment longer I closed down the page and the world began to spin again. “RALPH ARE YOU LISTENING? Yelled the teacher from the front of the class as they do. “Yeah” I...

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Brians house

My mom and daddy were fighting about her enjoying all the big black dicks she's been doing, so I grabbed some stuff and went to Brian's house to hang out. I told Scotty that I was leaving til shit calmed down. He laughed and said he was headed to work.Once I got to Brian's house, his mom let me in and told me that I could go up to Brian's room if I wanted. I put my stuff down on the counter and went in the refrig to get a glass of iced tea. I had put ice in my glass from the freezer door...

2 years ago
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Broadway Hollywood Ch 3

Chapter 3: Sex with the Rich and Famous I was exhausted! While reading my father’s journal, I had taken out my penis and ejaculated onto my new carpet. No wonder dad seemed so happy and content with his employment. Mom and I never understood how he worked without complaint when faced with the long hours and low pay of the Broadway Hollywood Department Store. Now that mom and dad were both gone, I was finally beginning to understand what fed that sly grin he always wore. Dad hadn’t simply...

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Kindred Spirit

Kindred Spirit --------------- It would be a critical year in Charlie's life. At times like these a true friend can mean all the difference in the world. Donald was just such a friend... --------------- Charlie was just lying there. He had just received one hell of a beating by Eddy Dwyer, most affectionately known as the class bully. Charlie thought... no, hoped, that things would be different. He was starting middle school in a fresh new school district and was hoping...

1 year ago
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If you’re trying to Find Her Name and haven’t had any luck, I may be able to help you out today. Well, technically, I’ll just be pointing you in the right direction, but this next website is absolutely full of naked Internet celebrities, social media attention whores, and the next generation of self-made amateur porn sluts. Maybe that name you’re looking for is among them, but if not, at least you’ll have plenty of material to shake your dick is new as hell, and that’s...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Italy With Tori

I am a happy man. Yesterday my love, Tori, and I returned home from Italy. We have been together for one year so far and we celebrated our first anniversary together in Spello, Italy, which is located in the beautiful Umbria area. She and I spent three days in Spello after we saved up for it. What we did was worth it and our memories of it will never fade. We stayed at the Delfina Palace Hotel and the experience was absolutely wonderful. It has a restaurant, Gli Orti Di Epicuro, which has such...

2 years ago
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It Isnt FairChapter 4

While we were satisfied and relaxed, we were still the same horny people we’d always been. I woke daddy up in the middle of the night for a session of slow, gentle love making. I came, then daddy drenched my pussy with a heavy load. We cuddled on the giant wet spot and went back to sleep. We woke up, brushed our teeth, I used the bidet attachment on the toilet to clean daddy’s cum out of my pussy, and then we showered together. We got dressed. I made breakfast for us, and daddy headed off to...

3 years ago
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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 5

For the next few days, Kim couldn't seem to think about anything except the fucking and sucking she'd seen her dad and Adrian Cobb doing. Every time she thought about it, the pretty, blonde's cunt get all hot and slippery. The following Saturday afternoon, she decided to go over to the Cobb's pool for a swim. Because the two families were such good friends, no invitation was necessary. The pool was deserted when she got there and after a refreshing swim, she spread herself out on a...

3 years ago
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Late Night at the Library A Bondage Tale

It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library. I use the place at least once a week as I’m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It’s the best time to go as it’s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed.Anyway, back to my fantasy…..One evening, I’d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part with it’s vaulted ceilings,...

1 year ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 11 The Birthday

Codes for this story:[mF, drunk, mother, son, gang, BBr] It was Lori Smith’s thirty-seventh birthday and she was in the kitchen with her son and two of his best friends making a veggie tray. The plan was for all of them to spend the night playing board games. Lori’s husband, Bob, was in London this year. Last year it was Paris. Her husband’s job took him all over the globe. At least she had her son to keep her company. “That’s perfect, Tim. Good job.” Tim was arranging cheese slices on a...

1 year ago
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ive answred the BLACK DICK QUESTIONNAIRE1. WHEN U 1ST ADDRESS 'INITIAL TOUCH' THE DICK, DO U... A.KISS/TONGUE THE HEAD B.KISS/TONGUE THE SHAFT EXPLAINi suck on the bottom of yor balls if u want me 2 kiss yor dick u can tell me or make me 2. AS U WORSHIP THE DICK, DO U... A. TAKEOVER THE DICK AND HANDLE IT THE WAY U KNOW HOW B. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS EXPLAINi want instructions or u can make me ill wait 4 u 2 grab my hair and pull my head up and push yor cock in my mouth but i wont do it until u...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Britney Amber Jane Wilde How to Fuck Like a Lady Anal Housewife Trains Son8217s Bratty Girlfriend

Britney Amber is the epitome of Anal MILF: huge gorgeous tits, tight body, beautiful smile, and a constant craving for cock in her suburban ass. She’s gone off to visit her darling step-son Seth Gamble at college to check his new living situation, secretly hoping to get some dick while away from her husband. She is dismayed to find a messy dorm room, and even more dismayed to find Seth’s bratty little bitch girlfriend who clearly doesn’t know how to take care of a home, let...

4 years ago
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Justice Served

The digital readout of the alarm clock showed 2:38 AM on a Friday morning as I groggily reached for the phone. "Please help me, Jimmy," the soft voice sobbed. "They hurt me. They hurt me real bad." A cold fist clinched over my heart as I recognized the voice of my baby sister. "Where are you, Angie," I asked as I instantly became fully awake. "I don't know," she wept. "I think there are still two of them here. They're going to rape me some more." "Leave your phone on but...

2 years ago
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Selective Breeding

‘So then, you’re husband hasn’t even the slightest suspicion?’ Louis asked through the steam of his Dunkin Donuts coffee. ‘It was just one kiss, Lou!’ answered Martha, while absently rowing a spoon through her light and sweet, ‘Considering my lip stick and perfume, your girlfriend has more cause for suspicion than my husband.’ ‘Just washed it all away before she ever got the chance.’ Martha half expected a devilish smile to fill Louis’s face after his having made the remark. But, it...

1 year ago
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The Milf Chronicles Janice

The doorbell rang, and as Janice Reeves got up to answer it she heard her eighteen year old son, Nick, call to her from upstairs. “Mom, that’s gonna be Thomas, will you let him in and tell him to come up to my room, please?” “Sure thing, Nick,” she replied. She opened the door and there on the other side of the screen door stood Thomas, her son’s best friend. “Hi, Mrs. Reeves!” he said, “Is Nick here?” “Hi, Thomas, yeah, he’s upstairs in his room and says for you to go on up,” she replied,...

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A King and His QueenChapter 5 Ambers First Time

Looking like an American tourist in Paris, Amber wandered through the house unable to believe that she was living there. She'd been given a quick tour the previous evening, but hadn't really had a chance to scope out the place. Her tour that morning had started from her bedroom. It was twice as big as her parent's bedroom in her old house and she had it all to herself. She even had a private bathroom. There would be no waiting in line first thing in the morning. The furniture was nicer...

3 years ago
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Sasur Ne Mujhe Bathroom Mein Choda

Hello ISS readers, main Chandni hun aur Kolkata se hun. Meri umar 20 saal hai aur meri nayi-nayi shadi hui hai. Meri size hai 38-23-37. Mere chuche aur gaand bohut bade hai. Main aaj aapko batane vaali hun ki kaise mere sasur ji ne mujhe choda. Us din dopeher ka 2 baje the aur main market jaake 2 badi-badi bag bharke sabji layi thi. Jab main gar pahunchi mere sasur ji ne meri taklif dekhkar meri madad karne ke liye aaye the. Aur mere hath se ek bag unhone le li. Aur bag lene samay unhone galti...

1 year ago
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My Pregnant Neighbor Part 3

About a ½ hour later I heard Mike leaving and I expected Shelly at any moment, but my morning coffee was affecting me and I figured I’d better go pee before she arrived. I hurried to the bathroom but in my erect state it took longer than normal for me to drain myself. I had expected to see her when I went back outside but there wasn’t any sign of her. I sat down to wait when I noticed a small pinkish pile of what looked like clothing lying on the patio. Having a pretty good idea of what I...

3 years ago
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Asking my brother to take my ass slowly

This is based on something that happened to me but I've added a lot so you can't tell what's true and what's not. Everyone was over 18 at the time this took place.When I entered college, my roommates were Cindy and Carol. They talked about sex a lot. Each had a boyfriend, and they'd go on and on about letting the boys feel up their titties in the library stacks and about stroking dicks behind the soccer fields. They especially would get into details about the boy's spurting, how much, how far,...

4 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 34

I couldn’t believe it. The woman was deliberately figuring out ways to hurt me. If not her words then her influence with the children. I was being cut out of their lives. I knew the children, the twins for sure, wouldn’t actually realize it, or believe me if I pointed such out; but it was a dead-mortal-lead-pipe cinch that that was exactly what Abigail Cord was doing. Well fuck her and the wild ass of Borneo that she rode in on. My hate for her would never die. Oh no, it would indeed not ever...

3 years ago
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Say The Magic Word

SAY THE MAGIC WORD by Jenny North Like a lot of teenagers, Cody McKenna liked to sleep in, but he'd worked out a system to wake up on time. Some of his friends had ultra- loud alarm clocks or weird clocks that gradually made it brighter in the room to simulate the rising sun. One buddy of his even programmed his phone to make the sound of a crowing rooster. But Cody didn't need any of that. If ever he needed to make sure he woke up on time, he just waited to hear the sound of his...

2 years ago
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A Voice from the Past Part 5

Storage Room One sultry day, Brad asked Betty to help Tony in the store room locating some lost inventory. Diana chuckled to herself thinking this is going to make Tony’s day; Debby is in heat and wearing painted on jeans and going braless under a company polo shirt and her huge boobs are in full swing. “Diana, is Betty done with the assignment in the shop, yet?” “I haven’t seen her, so I suppose she’s still out on the floor.” “Wow, would you do a me a favor and...

1 year ago
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Young studs for Carol Ch2

The woman was breathing deeply, still passed out from the long wild fucking. Her swollen breasts were ondulating on her chest; her left arm was stretched out over her head, showing the delicious curve of one ivory-white armpit. The boy tore off his shorts and briefs and stood naked in front of her sleepy mom: his shaft was jutting up, in all its hardness, from his hairy crotch. He was still aroused from the vision of the torrid sex-session between his mother and the two big black guys....

1 year ago
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Widow Social Science Teacher

Hello everybody, I am Rudradutt Sisodiya with a original tale with my social science teacher. So first a brief intro of mine, I live in Vadodara a city in Gujarat. The best thing here is there are many hot and young girls are seen here, especially in schools and universities. I was in 12th std. when this incident happens with me and my teacher. At that time I was a tall a guy among all other students and was a little cute and I had sharp hairstyles and looks. Actually I was not good in Social...

2 years ago
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Taking Her Chapter 5

You stop and look at the road ahead, it looks like an old country road that is only used once in awhile. Your hesitation earns you a whip strike to your left ass cheek. You jump and start moving again without thinking. Angel uses the reigns to lead you left down the road, she gets you going into a trot using the reigns. After 45 mins you begin to relax enjoying the freedom of being outside with no cloths and being used as a beast of burden by a naked woman you have never met before. Before...

3 years ago
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Junior prom

It was junior prom night, a night every father fears, the first night he allows his daughter out, with a guy. Ok she maybe have been on a few dates, but for me this was her first real date, and the potential of what he might try on with her had me scared. I tried to be mature, to trust her, my little girl is sensible enough, she wouldn’t do anything wrong, how far would this go, would he even try to kiss her, would she reciprocate, most definitely not, she’s not old enough, she’d probably...

3 years ago
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Ferris Wheel

Residing between an abandoned amusement park and a seedy strip club, the Parkside Motor Lodge and Cocktail Lounge did its best to distance itself socially from its neighbors. Turquoise script displayed its name in flickering neon while letters that glowed in icy blue and blushing pink promised that every guest would enjoy refrigerated air and the convenience of in-room adult movies. Time and an abiding disappointment in its surroundings wore heavily on the Parkside. The lounge was no more,...

4 years ago
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Steam room encounter

Going to the gym always had its perks. I loved working out. My body was a temple and all that jazz... truth is, I just wanted to look hot in that little black dress. Today I ran three miles on the treadmill and did some free weights. Nothing too heavy, I definitely don't like the look of a bulked up woman. After swimming twenty laps in the pool, I decided a trip to the steam room was in order. I didn't have work today and the steam room always relaxed me. Stopping at my locker, I removed my...

1 year ago
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More tarts for Lesser Plumpton

It was the first time that Karen had worked from her bosses’ home. Late Friday night the urgent contract was still unfinished so at nine o’clock they called it a day and she agreed to do overtime the next day. However, since the office was in town and they all lived in the same village for the two of them to go to the office didn’t make sense.Whilst they were working Liz wandered in to offer them coffee dressed only in a dressing gown. Liz was Ron’s wife and professional partner. Karen knew...

1 year ago
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The Coin

Jason didn't stand out in school, he wasn't popular, but he wasn't a loser, he wasn't part of any cliques, but he wasn't a loner, he was just a guy in the background, not making an impact, but that was all about to change. When Jason returned home from school, he found a note from his parents on the kitchen table. Jason, your mother and I went out to do some grocery shopping, we'll be back soon. -Dad P.S. Your package arrived today, your mother left it on your bed. Jason suddenly got...

Mind Control
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Richard and Mrs Worhington

Richard arrived in a taxi at his friend Aaron’s family home, a huge mansion like house for the mid-winter party at the same time as an elegant looking lady with silver grey streaks in a stylish expensive coiffeur cut to just below her ears. She was very fashionably dressed wearing white tailored cut satin slacks that shows her ass nicely. She was also dressed in a designer black faux-fur vest, black soft leather gloves with a small designer leather bandolier strap i-phone wallet hanging from...

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My beautiful mother

If I make a list of the most courageous women I know, my mom will be right at the top of the list. Being a single mom who raised her son alone was enough for her to earn her place at the top. She was pregnant with me at the very young age of 18. By that time she had only graduated from the high school. So, I never knew my dad and I don't want to, because of the sufferings my mom had gone through. Her parents had suggested her for an abortion as mom was their only c***d. But mom needed some hope...

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TGIF Not Hardly

I suppose it didn’t help that I was small for my age, had long honey-colored hair that my mother refused to cut, was blue-eyed with full lips and was more often mistaken for a girl than a boy. I didn’t know that my feminine physic and girlish looks entitled boys and men to use me for sex but that is what was happening. After these events my week was uneventful, though several of my classmates were giving me strange looks and seemed to be discussing me behind my back. Maybe someone knew...

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Hot Midwest Summer Part 1 Breaching Into Unknown Territory

Trista finished her shower, barely dried herself, threw a towel around her body and wrapped her head in the other towel her sister used to dry off. She inhaled her sister’s aroma as she tied up her hair. Killian and Terrana had embraced their new lifestyle of wife sharing. Terrana never imagined she’d be a loving wife, but here she is as her husband puts it, killing it. In all their adventures, it has always led them back to their deep passion and full understanding of trust. Terrana was...

1 year ago
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

4 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 15

Derrick was fighting to open his eyes ugh! He felt like he'd been kicked a few times and possibly run over. For some strange reason he felt he needed to be mad at Mary when he woke up but for the life of him he couldn't seem to remember why. It was at that moment he noticed that he was far more tired than he usually was.Mary and Shelby went over his readings again, the nanomites were working at 100% to boost his energy levels. Mary was starting to worry a bit that she and Shelby had...

4 years ago
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The Branson KidChapter 4

We sorted out the valuable stuff from the bandits an' divided the money four ways. Each one of us got $143 in gold and silver. I got the two guns, the holsters, and six extra cylinders. I could hardly wait ta visit a gunsmith an' find out the story on those guns. They looked brand new an' were obviously .44 caliber. There was not anythin' else I really wanted, an' the the other three split what was left. We found the bandits' hosses, an' Archy got ta choose which one he wanted ta...

2 years ago
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Service not included

She looked back over her shoulder and checked herself in the full-length mirror. She smiled, not bad for late thirties, not bad at all. Adjusting the stockings making sure the seam ran straight up her shapely legs, she turned back, slipping the yellow cotton dress on over her head. She smoothed the cool material over her body, her small firm breasts, unencumbered by a bra, stood proud. The length of the summery dress just covering the stocking tops she slipped on the not too high healed shoes...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Next door neighbor

One summer afternoon I decided to climb the back tree and enjoy the summer breeze. I settle in to my favorite branch cradle and just listen to the wind blow. Within a few minutes I heard I splash below, so I turned my gaze towards my neighbors backyard. There I saw Danny swimming in his pool. Danny is a year older than me and a little bit of a flaming fag, so not my friend. As I watched him swim about he kicked off his speedo and swam totally nude. I was mesmerised. As I watched he would swim...

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