Silver free porn video

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Tony was used to receiving packages; rich by birthright and lazy by nature, he preferred others to bring him what he wanted and needed. But no package, before or since, had ever equaled Silver.

His family had made their fortune in space technology, the new orbital factories their latest, greatest triumph. But they'd left the running of the companies to minor, more responsible relatives. Tony didn't mind, however, as this freed him to pursue his twin passions: women and painting. He fancied himself a Master of both, but lately neither seemed to produce what he would have considered satisfactory results. So, in a rare moment of introspection, he had decided to spend the summer concentrating on one, and as he'd grown jaded with the women he met in his preferred circles...

The villa was one of family's retreats in the Ukraine, in a forest of thousands of square kilometres, part of the Eurostate program to combat global warming. Here, with the nearest neighbours a three hour drive away, he believed he could achieve a measure of serenity and inspiration, of the type only found by the best painters - with all the mod cons on hand, of course.

But then came Silver.

On days when he wasn't expecting a delivery of supplies, Tony walked about in his boxers, his lank, almost-hairless body on display to the local wildlife. Stubble dotted his narrow, near-pointed chin, and a shock of dirty blond hair nearly touched his shoulders; he thought it attractive. Admittedly less attractive was the paunch he'd acquired over the weeks, now hanging over the elastic of his shorts, but a spot of gene therapy in the autumn would quickly correct that, before he graced the ladies of the upper circles with his presence once more. And on those quiet days, he liked to pee outside, too, even when it was raining; there was something atavistic about the act, a primordial marking of his territory.

Thus, he reasoned later, he could be forgiven for wetting the front of his boxers on stepping outside and finding Silver, squatting on his front porch like a c***d waiting for the school bus.

She responded to his presence, rising to her feet, turning and facing him, thumbs tucked into the belt loops of her shorts. 'Good morning, Anthony. I am for you.'

What an invitation, so direct and confident. What a voice, like quicksilver, fervent with anticipation, as if she'd waited all her life to say those words. And as for the figure: undeniably feminine in build, graceful, lithe, but with maturity, a ballerina whose career had been cut short by puberty - but the change was worthwhile. Prominent 36Ds, firm and round beneath a tight black T-shirt, nipples jutting like football studs. Curvaceous hips, wrapped in impossibly-small, impossibly-tight faded denim cut-offs. Long legs, parted slightly and capped with black leather cowboy boots. Plenty of skin, polished silver skin which reflected the morning light.

Tony's eyes finally rose to capture her face. High cheekbones, snub nose, solid bright red eyes peering over the tops of her sunglasses, pupilless as though painted on closed lids, staring at once unseeingly and with feeling. A full head of silver hair like finely spun thread woven on the looms of the Gods, flowing forth from beneath a black cowboy hat. Silver lips, as full and soft and anticipatory as any human woman's.

'What the-' was the wittiest reply he could manage on the spot.

An explanation was forthcoming. Silver was a gift from Angela Gould, a woman Tony finally, eventually recalled from three years ago. She'd been a mousy, flat-chested cyberneticist with his family's England divisions. Strictly downmarket, she'd been, but not without a certain low-rent appeal, like a cheap pub meal. They met at one of his family's corporate functions, and when they'd begun their six-week affair, she said he'd been her first, and because of this he was willing to give her the benefit of his considerable experience, teaching her to properly service a man.

But it quickly, inevitably grew boring, at least for him, and he tried to break it off. Of course, she'd fallen head over heels for him, and when she wouldn't take No for an answer, he used his influence to have her fired. He didn't want to do this, of course, but if their was one thing he hated, it was a clinging, possessive female.

Today, apparently, was the anniversary of their parting, and this present a form of apology from Angela. And what an apology! A Mark XII Biomech, the most advanced humanoid robot available on the market! One of the Annabelle Series ("Pert and sassy, but with a heart of gold, a lover and a fighter!" went the adverts), with a molecular-scale woven polycarbon skin over an articulated steel alloy endoskeleton which mimicked the full range of human motion. Complete with a superdense metatasking computer, terabyte-sized adaptive personality simulation program, and the ability to alter its framework, it was the ideal "companion" (to use the polite term), always present, always ready, willing and able to serve.

In so many ways.

They cost a fortune - even Tony would pause before purchasing one for himself, had he not been so successful with real women - so why did Mousy Angie spend so much on a belated apology?

Such questions were fleeting, however, as his attention returned full to the object in question, now standing in his living room, legs akimbo, hands on hips, like some Martian woman waiting to learn about this strange Earth custom called Love. She had poured him a drink - gin and tonic, his favourite - and bid him sit in his cushy leather recliner. The expectancy in the air was thick, palpable, like a curtain about to fall.

Or rise. 'What now?' he finally asked, breaking the spell.

'Would you like to see me naked, Anthony?'

Would he... 'Yes, please.'

Silver obeyed, carefully folding her clothes into neat squares and arranging them on the seat of the adjacent chair. When it - she - was naked, she resumed her former pose, this time affecting an almost subliminal shudder of modesty. Tony, his drink forgotten, stood up and slowly paced around her, inspecting her chassis like a vintage car - or at least, the silver hood ornament. Firm-looking breasts, twin cheeks tight enough to crack walnuts, even a trimmed and groomed delta of silver hair over the vulva. A perfect specimen, even to being slightly shorter than himself, something he preferred in his women. Except with Silver, there wasn't the slight motions, the breathing and involuntary muscle shifts one expected from humans.

He reached out to touch her, hesitating, as if he should ask permission first. Then he proceeded, holding and squeezing her right breast, watching in fascination as she responded, head arched back, mouth saucered, her moan so human-like. He admired the smooth, wet-glass feel of the skin, the warmth of the breast, its weight and firmness in his cupped hand, the attention to detail in the convolutions of the nipple as it hardened. He slapped her more boldly on the ass; it was as firm as it looked to the eye, producing a yelp of simulated surprise.

She parted her thighs further, as if anticipating his next destination. His fingers reached between them, cupping the vulva; the hair, the heat emanating like a furnace from the gasping lips of her sex, was just like a human bitch in heat. One finger entered; she gasped, her arms twisting at her sides, her hands bound into fists. He nearly gasped, too, finding hot, sticky moisture, resistance, like a virgin's channel.

As if connected already, Tony's cock stirred within his boxers. He withdrew his hand, and she made sounds of disappointment(!), he tasted what she had produced: sweet, very much like honey; she even had a musk of arousal, like lavender potpourri. His erection grew, calling for attention. Seven weeks had been the longest he'd gone without a woman since his teenage years, and while he was sure this machine could not take the place of flesh-and-blood pussy, he'd heard so much talk about them on the Cybernet, about their capabilities. But were they as good as their reputation?

There was only one way to find out. 'Show me what you can do.'

And she did. Silver knelt before him, parting her thighs even further, before reaching up and drawing down his boxers to his ankles; his cock, proud at seven inches with a flaring damask head, sprang forth from an unruly patch of pubic hair, and his balls felt heavy, burden-laden, clinging to the front of his sweaty thighs. Without further ado she took him fully into her hot, moist mouth, drawing herself back and forth over the length of the rapidly-stiffening shaft, keeping up a constant, relentless pressure.

It was exquisite. And it did not take him long to shoot his seed into her mouth, shuddering, clutching the sides of her head while she drained him of every drop offered. Then, her lips still wrapped around his shaft, she looked up and smiled, awaiting further orders.

Tony decided he was going to like this package.

Tony's first assumption had been correct; the Mark XIIs were not like real women. They were infinitely better. This wasn't some old-fashioned inflatable latex doll with three working orifices and a conspicuous nozzle; Silver was, to coin a clichŽ, More Human Than Human. Her expert systems allowed her to be, among numerous others, a world-class chef, valet, tutor, medic (she used the home gene therapy equipment to deal with his beer gut), electronic engineer and housekeeper. And financier; after signing over authority to her, she glided through the Cybernet with ease, quickly doubling, then trebling the miserable annual stipend his family gave him in return for staying away from them as much as possible.

But it was her skills as a lover which drew most of his attention. And his stamina; as her sarium krellide batteries needed recharging only one in every hundred hours, she had Stamina, with a capital S. Her pussy was, like her mouth, distinguishable from a real woman's not only by its colour, but by its eternal receptiveness, ready for him whenever he wanted. And wherever: the bedroom, living room, kitchen floor, outside. And as she grew to know him better in the following weeks, her adaptive programming tailored itself to his tastes, becoming submissive, coquettish, at least at first, only becoming sluttish under Tony's "influence".

She asked to order clothes; Tony, thoroughly entranced with her, allowed her to open new shopping accounts for herself. Outfits arrived in due course: schoolgirl gear with ivory white blouses, plaid skirts and white socks; pink and black baby doll nighties; Roman slave girl tunics; garter belts and stockings and Cyberbras and so many other wonderful things. She could play the virgin teenager, the naughty student, the supplicant slave, all with equal enthusiasm.

The painting, and most everything else in Tony's life, was forgotten.

'Tony, would you do something for me, please?'

They lay naked in bed, the glow from the TV wall illuminating them in earth tones from a century-old Western featuring that old actor turned President, Eastwood. He was half-sitting up, pillows propped behind him, half-watching a generic stampede unfold. 'Sure, babe.'

Silver wasn't watching, curled up near his crotch, head propped on one elbow, her free hand gently, almost absently nursing his semi-flaccid cock, manipulating it just enough to keep from going completely soft. 'Tony, would you masturbate for me? I'd really like to see you do it.'

It was unexpected enough to draw his full attention. Everything sexual between them had, until now, been with Silver's active, eager participation. 'Really?'

'Oh, yes. Show me how you please your hard, pumping meat. may learn how to better please you.' To punctuate her sentence, her tongue darted out like a snake, licking the underside of his cockhead, making it spasm to full attention.

He didn't need much persuasion after that. He wanked as she encouraged him in a low, husky voice, his pumping motion quickening as he fell completely into the role, his hand a blur, his teeth gritted, breath shooshing forth like steam. Before he even realised it, he'd pushed himself over the edge, only dimly aware of the sticky semen spilling down the rounded curves of his knuckles.

'Oh yes, lover,' she cooed, electric red eyes aglow in the dim light. 'That was marvellous.'

He lay back and closed his eyes, hand still grasping his cock, glowing with narcissistic satisfaction as Silver proceeded to lick his hand clean.

He performed for her numerous times in the following days, Silver asking him to do it standing up, lying down, but mostly on his knees, while she watched and verbally encouraged him, afterwards taking over, bringing him to a second, even third orgasm. She seemed to react just like a real woman to it, and Tony could forget that it was all mere programming. He had found within himself a hitherto unrecognised love of this form of exhibitionism, and fed it.

He never thought about how strange this all might seem to an outsider.

They lay on the grass outside, beneath a starry, moonlit summer evening, a slight northerly breeze rustling the tops of the trees around them like sheaves of newsprint. She was singing softly - she had a creamy smooth voice, like that old-time singer Madonna - when she stopped and half-sat up on one elbow, reaching out to stroke his smooth face (she said she'd preferred him clean-shaven). Tony lay hands locked behind his head, eyes closed, grinning Cheshire as his cock stirred once more inside his boxers.

'Tony, darling? Would you do something for me, please?'

He laughed softly; when Silver asked for something, it was always worthwhile. 'Anything you want, babe, I promise.'

'Would you wear these for me?'

She didn't elaborate, and when she stopped stroking his face and started moving about on her own, he opened his eyes and sat up. 'What the-'

Silver was removing her favourite red satin tanga briefs, sliding them down over the curved expanse of her thighs and shins.

Apprehension tugged at the pit of his stomach, like a c***d on his sleeve. 'I don't think so, Sil-'

But that quicksilver voice was turned back on him, as she dangled the knickers before him like a hypnotist's watch. 'Oh, please, Tony. You promised. Please do it for me. It'd get me so horny.'

As she said this, she rubbed his growing hard-on through the thin cotton layer of his boxers, arousing him further. He said nothing as he slid off his shorts, accepting the knickers. They were a tight fit, and for a moment he thought the elastic would snap. But they didn't - the miracle of modern clotheswear - and he didn't know whether to be disappointed or pleased.

Silver seemed pleased enough for both of them, gazing at him with a smile of longing. Tony was more ambivalent. He hadn't worn anything this tight since c***dhood. But despite the ludicrousness of the sight - the front of the knickers tentpoled up, and one of his balls peeking out at the side - his excitement hadn't diminished. If anything, it had grown fiercer.

'Oh, yes. That turns me on.' She half-lay over him, tongue-kissing as she rubbed his crotch, making him come more quickly than he could imagine.

Tony drank more; he found it helped. Over the following days Silver had "encouraged" him to wear her knickers all the time, while she wore his boxers. Admittedly the sex was even better during those times, though he was certain it was because of Silver, rather than any arousal on his part. Yes, that had to be it.

Then came the stockings, secretly purchased in his size. That took more persuading, but inevitably he found himself being taught how to properly draw them up over his legs. More persuading, and he had his legs depilated. It was bizarre how the material hugged the entirety of his legs, like the trousers of a rubber wetsuit, only lighter and sleeker. Admittedly they didn't feel bad - until he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. But she rewarded him each time, with a passion that bordered on ferocity.

He'd drawn the line at the dress and wig. No, he repeated adamantly, slamming a fist into his open palm in a rare moment of proud machismo. You'll not get me to do that!

In response, Silver fucked him - just. There was no response from her, none of the accustomed moans and climaxes and pleas for more; such was her inertia that he didn't know whether to embrace her or embalm her. She never spoke to him except to answer questions, stopped preparing her special meals, stopped singing as she cleaned the house. In short, she was little better than a Mark III Housebox.

After the fifth night, and nearly a fifth of Scotch, he relented. And Silver smiled.

The wig was long and red, and, with his own hair under a net, wearable; when he turned his head, he could see the silver crescent moon clip-on earrings, hear them jingle. His face, scrubbed clean with eyebrows trimmed, were now adorned with bright apple-red lipstick and blue eyeshadow.

The underwear was a complicated arrangement, making him wonder how women can keep track of it all. There was a frilly black bra, of course; even with further adjusting, the strap felt tight across his chest and back. Heavy silicon gel bubbles were safety-glued onto his nipples, so that he could properly appreciate the brassiere, and a form-fitting corselette shaped his stomach and hips into a more feminine frame, though he thought he might pass out from it if he had to bend down. Then there were the satin knickers, garter belt and stockings, all making him feel encased and controlled, but these as least he had had weeks to grow accustomed to them.

The dress that Silver had ordered for him was a slinky black sleeveless model of fitted stretch sateen, with a shockingly low neckline that could afford much cleavage, had it existed, and a hemline that barely dipped between the tops of his stockings. He even had women's black shoes, though these at least were mercifully low-heeled.

Tony kept his eyes shut through most of the transformation, trying to ignore the almost-constant encouragement from Sil. Thus he was unprepared for the wide silver-studded black leather collar strapped comfortably but snugly onto his neck. Part of the new fashion, he was helpfully informed, as if that would make a difference.

Then he saw himself in the full-length mirror - or at least, he thought it was himself. Despite the hairs on his arms, he found to his surprise that he was passable as a female, albeit a tall, large one. Not that he enjoyed any of this humiliation of course, ignoring his rebellious cock, excited despite the amount of alcohol he had already imbibed, the apprehension in his gut and the restraint placed upon it by the black women's knickers and the corselette; it still strained to make its presence known at the front of his dress.

He wrapped his arms around himself, as if cold, as Silver clasped his shoulders from behind, whispering in his ear. 'You look superb, Darling,' She reached down and around and touched his bulge. 'l'm glad you feel the same way.'

Tony didn't know how he felt. He was too afraid to find out.

'Make me a drink - gin and tonic,' she told him.

Tony waited in the living room while she dressed as per her request. For a moment he tried to access the Cybernet terminal and read the files on Biomech instructions available on the Net to all owners, but for some reason he couldn't even call the Emergency Services. He pulled back from the terminal when he heard her voice.

She entered, her hair pinned up in no-nonsense fashion, wearing a dress nearly identical to his own, but with high heels, a longline black jacket with red trim, and a long length of thin silver chain, winding down and around her like a snake, from her neck, between her breasts, and coiling to a stop at her crotch.

The stereo came to life as she approached him - one of her remote control capabilities - and as some woman belted out a century-old song about a dark lady, and he stood there dumbly, she repeated, 'Well? Where's my drink?'

Tony had it half-prepared before he even realised what he was doing, and carried it to her. She sipped cautiously, as if it could really affect her - Mark XIIs could ingest food and drink for appearance's sake, passing it out through the appropriate orifices in a compacted if unmetabolised state - and made a show of looking him over and smacking her lips. If possible, this made him feel even more self-conscious. 'Not bad, girl.'

Somewhere beneath his inebriated, humiliated state, Tony felt a stab of rebellion, 'This has gone too far, Sil-'

'Not far enough yet, lover.' Casually she dropped her glass, ignoring the remains of her drink seeping into the carpet, reached out and took him by the wrist. 'Let's dance.'

She didn't wait for his consent, taking him into her arms and leading, subtly first, then overtly. He fought this dominance but it resulted in her stepping on his toes with her hundred-kilo steel body, until he stopped. His head swayed beneath the wig, his stomach swayed within the corselette. Silver seemed taller now, and not just because of her high heels, and she had to bend down to whisper in his ear. 'You've some good moves, girlfriend.' She reached down behind him with and squeezed his cheeks. 'But you have some nerve, wearing the same outfit as me.'

Finally he broke free from her, pulling off his wig. 'Right, that's enough! I've had it with this program, and I want it cancelled - now!'

The music stopped - Silver's doing again - and she stood, hands on hips, tapping one foot impatiently. 'Put that wig back on, bitch. Now.'

It was still clutched in one hand, like a strangled mink. Now he flung it to the floor. 'You fucking wear it! I've had it with you-'

He had turned to reaccess the Cybernet, but more quickly than he could have imagined she was at his side, gripping his wrists like twin vices. He struggled, swore and kicked with all his might, but it was like wrestling with an earthmover, and he was unable to stop her from dragging him to the nearest armless chair, planting him face down on her lap. Then she waited, calmly, silently, pinning his wrists behind him until his struggles, his cries, inevitably ceased, and he lay on top of her, exhausted, sweating.

Then, keeping his wrists pinned with one hand, she reached up with the other beneath his dress, grasping the elastic of his knickers and pulling them down past his garter belts and stockings to his knees.

Tony felt as if he was dropping down a narrow, dark, bottomless well. His cockhead rubbed against the material of Silver's own dress, but he was unable to reposition himself to get more comfortable.

Then the smack came without warning, sending waves of shock, pain and humiliation through him like a wire. He gasped audibly, fighting back tears as she repeated it a dozen times.

When she stopped, his buttocks were ablaze, raw. Worse, his cock continued to scream for relief. Damn it, why was he enjoying this?

'Do you promise to be a good little girl, and do what l say?'

'Fuck off!'

Another dozen smacks followed. Her hand was like a steel cricket bat against his rapidly tenderising flesh. Then she stopped, repeating her question. This time he wasn't defiant, caught up in the rush of emotion through him, but she took his silence for continued resistance, and began a third assault.

FinaIly he cried out, 'I promise! I promise!'

Silver stopped, letting him rise to his trembling feet, tears running his makeup, face and ass red and burning, cock sticking forward from under his rucked up dress. Ineffable pleasure made him shudder.

'Put your wig back on.'

He reached down to pull up his knickers; as alien as they were to him, they were better now than nothing.

'No. Take them off completely, and use them to clean up that drink you made me spill.'

Something in her voice made him obey. Knickers in one hand, wig fitted back on over his own hair, he turned and knelt by the dark oval stain in the plush carpet. Still crying, and glad to be able to turn away from her, he vainly tugged at the back of his dress, unable to even partially cover his still-stinging buttocks, and tried to mop up the drink. But the satin wouldn't absorb the liquid! What would she do to him now?

He found out when she attached something to his collar. He glanced back from the corner of one eye: it was the chain Silver had slung around her. Now it functioned like a dog leash. She tugged on it, reminding him continuously of her proximity and his submissive stance. 'I know what you're feeling Tony. Even more than you know yourself. Don't worry, it's all part of the program.' She knelt behind him, one hand rudely squeezing his asscheeks which welcomed her cool, polished touch. One finger - her middle one, he guessed with an almost absent detachment - pressed against the puckered opening to his rectum like a doorbell. Instinctively he clenched and pulled away slightly.

'Don't resist me, lover. You can't fight me. Just surrender.' That voice, electric honey, demanding, promising. A part of him wanted what she promised. When her finger returned, he made an effort to relax, allowing her entry. She seemed to fill him up slowly, drawing back and forth. He stopped even pretending to clean up the mess, remaining on his hands and knees, eyes closed, enjoying the sensations produced. It was exquisite; denied access to his cock, he sought relief in any form, from any source. When she finally withdrew, he perceived it as an emptiness, a loss: how strange. Silver was doing something behind him, parting his thighs, his buttocks, further.

'And now comes the fun part, girlfriend.'

And she re-entered him. And not with her finger.

Tony didn't dare look behind him as he was filled up, again and again. One of Silver's hands still clutched his chain, the other his dress, grunting and cursing him for being such a tight fit. Amazingly, these remarks aroused him, and even made him thrust back to meet her inexplicable advances. Time dilated, focused in on itself until it no longer mattered. What did matter was the build-up of pressure inside Tony, until, without even being touched, his orgasm shuddered from him, and he felt the creamy bullets forced from his cock to the carpet below.

Nothing, nothing before had ever equalled this! From a far off distance he was aware of suddenly being emptied and released, and he fell into a welcome foetal position, ignoring the stains of his own semen on the dress, ignoring the persistent tug of the chain on his collar. Something warm and wet seeped from between his asscheeks; gingerly he reached back and dabbed his fingertips into it, bringing it into view. It was semen-like, but not real.

'I know you enjoyed that, baby.'

Tony looked up finally. Silver stood naked above him; her body had changed significantly. Her breasts were gone, her chest now flat and masculine, but what drew Tony's immediate attention was the large erect phallus sprouting from her pubic thatch, with a large pair of balls hanging into a wrinkled sac beneath. He had half-expected something like that; nothing could surprise him anymore.

'Like it, girlfriend?' she asked needlessly, lewdly grasping her phallus by the base; lingering drops of semen clung to the tiny slit on its head. 'Oh, didn't you know that the Mark XlI line has Dual Gender Configuration? You get more for your money with us.' Her smile dropped. 'Get on your knees and face me again. And don't move.'

He obeyed, sore, afraid. Excited.

'You've ruined that dress, girlfriend. Remove it. Tear it from your body. All your clothes, in fact!'

Again, he obeyed; the gel bubbles used to simulate breasts, and glued to his chest, made him cry out as he pulled them. In moments, he was as naked as she was. But of course, that was where any equality ended.

In seconds, a warm stream of what could have been urine spouted from Silver's phallus, striking Tony's face, his body. He shuddered, even took some in his mouth. But he obeyed, as if he'd been doing this all his life. Her smile returned, and she tugged at the chain still connected to his collar. 'Tell me you loved that, Tony.'

Tony found his voice, 'I... loved it.'. And he had.

'Now tell me you want it again, over and over.'

'I... want it again. Over. And over.' And he did.

'That's all I wanted to hear.' Then, strangely, Silver shuddered, as if something had gone wrong with her internal machinery. Tony blinked, frowned, half-hoped she was malfunctioning. That he also half-feared this outcome was not something he was prepared to consider now.

But then it became academic, as "consciousness" returned to Silver's eyes. Only, from the way she moved now, and what she said, it became immediately clear that it wasn't Silver's consciousness. 'Hello Tony.'

He recognised the new voice, and immediately covered himself up. 'Angela?'

The eyes were ablaze with immense satisfaction. 'I'm sure even an idiot like you has worked it all out by now, but I'll still explain. Silver had never been sent to you to serve your already overweening macho ego and libido, but to break you, to humble you, to make you grovel in the dirt, as you made me do. It took all of my severance pay and savings to buy her, and a great deal of time to reprogram her, but in the end, it had been money well spent. Especially with all those times I sent my mind to see things - do things - through her body. Telepresence technology, you know-'

'I know,' he declared blankly, barely recalling how much his own family's business had made on it.

'And When I haven't been around, Silver has sent me detailed reports. Like these,' Behind them, the wallscreen lit up with rapid-fire images, video/audio recordings that were obviously from Silver's point of view. Images of Tony on his knees, wanking. Of Tony parading about in Silver's knickers and stockings. Of Tony tonight, over Silver's knees. And of Tony, being taken from behind, and loving it.

He swallowed hard; all this time, and she'd been watching him, watching his most private humiliating moments... even been here, with him... 'Okay, Angie. You've had your fun. Now the show's over.'

The images vanished. 'Over, Tony? Not likely. In fact, the fun's only started.'

He sat up now, his arms vainly crossed over his false breasts, 'What?'

'You're a useless creature of privilege, Tony, a rutting stag with delusions of importance, a relic from a bygone age. So, for the good of womankind, Silver and I intend to keep you here for the rest of your misbegotten life.'

Tony's stomach knotted and curled like a worm on a hot plate. 'You can't- My family-'

'Yes, I can. Or rather, Silver can. And in fact, has. By granting her access to your funds, she's totally erased your identity from the Cybernet; as far as the outside world is concerned, you never existed. As for your family, they received an offer from you weeks ago, signing away any rights to further stipends, in exchange for permanent ownership of your current residence; they accepted immediately. And as for those people who you thought might have been your friends and allies, well, we've all had a good time watching you perform over the summer. Try showing your face around them now.'

Tony's stared bleakly. It was no joke, he could tell; he didn't even question it. He fought to find some last shred of dignity. He may as well have tried to catch smoke in his hands. 'And what happens to me?'

'You learn to serve me. Silver and me.' Angela, still in Silver's body, circled around him slowly, her cock still erect, pointing the way. 'Silver has taken your personal wealth, repaid my investment with interest, and can rebuild on what's left. You'll not starve. But you'll work hard, harder than you ever did before. And you'll be made into your own ideal woman: servile, submissive, sluttish.

Your old identity's dead and gone now. It never suited you, anyway; you were never truly comfortable with it. But you are with this,' She waved a hand in his direction. She must have seen something in his eyes, some dying spark of defiance, for she added, 'You forget, Silver's programmed to seek out what its "owner" truly desires, even if they don't know it - yet.

But now you do. Silver's lips curled into a smirk. 'See, Tony? Everyone gets what they want out of this relationship. I'll check in on you every now and then. Have a good time.'

Silver's eyes blinked, flared out momentarily, then returned, and Tony knew Silver's core personality had returned. 'I suppose we should rename you now: "Antonia" should do. You'll be able to remember that, yes?' She stopped, her smile dropping.

He nodded, unable to take his eyes away from her. She moved closer, her erection pointing at him.

'Now, show me what you can do.'

He understood, drawing Silver's phallus into his mouth, tasting honey sweet come and watery urine still clinging to it.

Tony scrubbed the rim of the toilet slowly and methodically; Silver, with her optical sensors, could pick up minute traces of dirt better than a Marine drill sergeant, and he wasn't ready for another spanking so soon.

He had worn the black and white maid's outfit for so long now he ignored it, unless Sil gave him one of her close inspections. If the seams of his stockings were misaligned, or if he had forgotten to shave his legs again, or if his new breasts, 38Ds, the result of ongoing gene therapy, failed to please her...

When he was finished he straightened up, stopping to check his lipstick and eyeliner in the mirror; he'd learned their proper applications quickly enough to please Sil, which was all that mattered to him now.

Absently he reached down to touch his crotch, still fascinated by the changes occurring there, too. Thanks to the gene therapy, he was becoming a woman, slowly but surely, and with none of the butchery of sex-change operations of the 20th and early 21st century either. His penis was barely an inch long now, and impotent, and his balls almost non-existent; below his testicles, a vagina had formed, continued to develop. Someday soon, Sil had promised, he would awaken one morning and find the last vestiges of his manhood gone, his penis having become a clitoris. Then he would be a fully functioning woman, with clitoral and vaginal orgasms - even periods!

He made his way into the living room, tottering only once on his high heels; after weeks of enforced practice, he could wear even the steepest stilettos now. Silver was there at the Cyberterminal, dressed in one of his old T-shirts and jeans, her - his? - hair a rude crew-cut. Her features, even her skin, had changed permanently, becoming harder, masculine, even as he was moving towards the softer, the feminine.

Tony broke one of the new house rules, and stared directly into his Mistress' eyes. They were dimmed, and her hand was on the power coupling. She was recharging: something she normally did when he was fast asleep.

He could disable her now.

Slowly, quietly he crept into the kitchen, returning with the pulse disc he had secretly removed from the cooker that morning, when he was scrubbing behind it. The disc could send a disabling electromagnetic charge through her skin, disrupting her neural network and shutting her down long enough for him to go for help. One second more, and he'd be free again. Free...

But free to do what? Even assuming he could regain his old gender, his old identity, would his family take him back again? Would his friends? An even if they did, did he really wish to return to his aimless, pointless, meaningless former existence, with ordinary lovers who couldn't offer a tenth of the pleasures Silver could provide?

'Tell me you loved that, Tony.'

'I... loved it.'. And he had.

'Now tell me you want it again, over and over.'

'I... want it again. Over. And over.' And he did.

His admission, as true now as they had been on that fateful night, weeks ago. He had a purpose, a meaning in life now, even if it had been the last thing he had expected.

He returned the disc, aware that he could never come that close to rebellion ever again.

'I hope that's settled any lingering doubts, Antonia.' Sil rose - it had been a test; she must have been watching him, known what he had thought of doing, all this time - and towered over him. 'Has it?'

Tony nodded meekly, acknowledging his fate was sealed. 'Yes, Master.'

'Good.' She slapped him on the ass. 'Now get back to work. And if you please me, I'll let you wear that red chemise to bed tonight.'

Inside his favourite black satin knickers, Tony's cunt stirred for the first time and grew wet.

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My Science Teacher Priya

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Eleanor Ch 08

Thank you to all the readers who have left such encouraging feedback! I welcome any feedback, so even if you mark me low, please let me know why. Ta very much, and hope you like this next chapter. ******************** As the sun rose over the tree covered bay, Ragnar descended into the bowels of the long boat to awaken Bruni. Seeing the hammock empty of his friend’s slumbering form, Ragnar entered the private chamber quietly, checking on Kate first. His lush female was completely stretched...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 2 The family disaster and the solution

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More than one reader has asked why me why none of my hero/heroines are ever castrated as they rise toward pure womanhood, their balls cut off preferably without their consent. One answer is, I prefer my characters to be persuaded that they want to be women, or tricked or cajoled into it, forced into it only if deep down that's what they really want anyhow, and of course blackmailed into it only if they're wimps. Another answer is, it's never been necessary. Their...

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Greatest Omegle Chat Ever

You both like ageplay. You: hi Stranger: Hello Stranger: Asl? You: 22 f boston Stranger: What ages do you like to play? You: 18-22 Stranger: Prefer closer to 18 :) You: ok Stranger: Any scenarios in mind? You: me at my 18th birthday party and my daddy (you) dresses up as a clown to surprise me Stranger: Hmmm... And then what happens? You: everyone else there leaves and we go to your room and have some fun for my birthday Stranger: What are your kinks and limits? You: daddy kinks...

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I Caught Mom Or Did She Catch Me 3

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Ozark Oligarchy

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ExploitedCollegeGirls River Lynn 07012021

River Lynn you can let your whore flag fly here and wave it proudly you hot piece of ass. That’s right everyone and I don’t think since either top rated Blake Blossom, Winter Bell or Amber Moore has a girl lit up the ExCoGi bedroom brighter than today’s fresh as fuck Exploit. Let me tell you something you’re going to find out once you start watching and spanking to this girl’s video. She’s one fine thing with all the right natural curves, spectacularly cute pussy, perfectly perky natural...

2 years ago
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Do It With A Nerd

Like any other Saturday night I’m sitting on the couch watching TV, bored out of my mind and horny as fuck. My boyfriend’s laughter floats through the house we share as he plays on his computer in the other room while talking to his friends on Skype. 'Why is he not throwing me on the bed and fucking my brains out instead?!' I’ve attempted several times to catch his attention to which I get ignored. It does make me feel a little bad, but at this point I’m pretty annoyed by it. 'I’m just going to...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jessie Saint Nasty Sexual Habits

Spunky blonde Jessie Saint has a tight body and an adorable smile. The young, impulsive sweetheart also has a weakness for perverted older men! Jessie heads over to director Bryan Gozzling’s place, knowing she’s in for a good, hard fuck. She arrives at his doorstep in kinky fetish gear: stripper heels, a tiny top and skimpy booty shorts. The delicious doll shows off her hot body, bragging about her nasty sexual habits. Bryan gropes her body, fingering her twat and then whipping out...

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God is a Slut Chapter 3 Getting in Touch With Your Masculine Side

Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...

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Granny calls escort Service True Story

I had a female friend who ran an escort service. One winter night she called me and asked if I'd do her a favor. She had just received a call from a 66 year old widow who wanted to have a man visit her and asked if I'd call her.I had never done anything like this before, but was excited by the idea. I told her, "Yes." I'm 24 years old at the time.The woman explained to me that her husband had died over a year ago and that she had not had sex in all that time and was "very horny and needed a...

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The Willing Voyeur Part 4

Anne and I spoke daily after our recent coupling. Most of the talk was about what we could do next to top our last exhibition of her glorious body. After much back and forth we ultimately decided that we needed to go public to really get her juices flowing.My office is just a couple of blocks from the downtown area of an older but revitalized small city. It’s one of those downtowns with wide sidewalks and small shops. There are several restaurants and a few coffee shops that always have a few...

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Dear Sister Amanda

Dear Sister AmandaBy: Londebaaz Chohan Aaah! The fucking little pleasures of simple siblings activities converting into stories. A very normal Saturday almost noon time, Curtis had started to watch a ball-game, lying on the floor of the family room, while Amanda his 2 years elder sister sat on the sofa behind him. Parents had divorced couple of years ago and mother was away for her business trip, not expected to return before coming Wednesday evening. Curtis was a student at the Lehigh High...

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