Anthea s baby 1
- 2 years ago
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I was on the leg press when I saw her come in. Tall woman, I would guess 5'8'' or 5'9" and maybe 125 pounds. Blond hair put up in a pony-tail and from the looks of her I figured that she was there more to stay in shape than to get into shape. She was the kind of woman I liked to see in the circuit machine area — someone easy on the eyes, someone you could watch and appreciate while you worked out.
I finished my three sets on the leg press and was moving to the chest press to work on the anterior deltoids, and triceps when I noticed that she looked a little confused as she stood there looking at the leg extension machine. I walked over to her.
"First time here?"
"You ever use any of these machines before?"
"No. I have a treadmill and a Stairmaster in my basement, but I've never used anything like this before."
"You looking to work on a specific area or just a general workout?"
"Just a general workout. The Stairmaster and the treadmill don't do anything for my arms and upper body."
"If you would like I can give you a quick tour and some information on how to use the equipment."
"Do you work here? A personal trainer?"
"No to both. I'm just here for my workout, but I remember my first time here and if someone hadn't taken the time to explain the equipment to me I could very well have ended up hurting myself. My name is Rob" I said as I extended my hand. She took it and said:
"Minerva, but I prefer to be called Minnie. And yes. I would like it if you showed me around."
I walked her through the circuit training area and explained all the machines to her. I showed her how to adjust the seat, select the weights and gave her a short explanation of what muscle group the machine was designed to work. I pointed out that the machines were numbered and explained that it was best if she used the machines in numerical order.
"They are laid out so you don't keep working the same area over and over. One is for hamstrings, two is for triceps, outer delts and pecs, and three is for quadriceps and so on. Any questions?"
"I'm sure that I'll have dozens once I get started."
She moved to machine number one — the leg press- and started working out and I moved on to finish my workout. I kept looking back at her to see that she was okay (I think I already mentioned that she was easy on the eyes) and she seemed to be getting along okay. I finished my workout, did my stretches and was getting ready to head for the showers when she stopped me.
"Do you work out here often?"
"Every day, Monday through Friday. I'm here when the doors open at five in the morning."
She looked at the wall clock that said three-fifteen and said, "You have been here ten hours?"
I chuckled and said, "No. I was out of town yesterday and I flew in at eleven this morning so today is a late day for me. Nice meeting you Minnie. You take care and hopefully I'll see you around" and then I headed for the shower room.
As he headed for the shower I decided that he would indeed see me around. I hadn't expected to find what I wanted so quickly, but he would do. Fairly good looking, obviously in good shape, no wedding ring — not that that meant anything, after all, hadn't I taken off mine? Yes he would do nicely. As I watched his tight butt disappear through the door of the men's locker room I thought back on the series of events that brought me — a married woman — to this gym with the prime purpose of picking up a man (and maybe losing that extra ten pounds I didn't want) but make no mistake, the man is what I was after.
I met Brad when he came to work at Chambers Brothers where I was the office manager. He was charming, witty and extremely good looking and when he asked me to have dinner with him I said yes. It was a fun evening and I said yes to a second date and that one led to a third and then a fourth, fifth and sixth. I'm not a prude, but I'm not a slut either and I do like sex — a lot — but I really have to like a guy before I give it up and I really liked Brad so on our seventh date he got lucky. In addition to Brad's other good qualities he turned out to be an excellent lover.
We became a couple and for the next four months we kept steady company. Then disaster struck. I got pregnant. It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. I couldn't use birth control pills because of some bad side effects so I depended on diaphragms, spermicides and douching, but it seemed that those methods failed me. My fault, not Brad's since I had told him I was protected. I did what I thought was the right thing and broke up with Brad.
After three weeks of hounding me for the reason for the breakup I finally told him that I was pregnant and he got points for not saying, "Is it mine" or "Are you sure that I'm the father?" Instead he said that we needed to hurry up and get married so the timing would look right when the baby was born. I told him that we would not be getting married; that I was not going to have a husband who married me out of a sense of obligation. I told him that I had been the one to screw up and I would shoulder the responsibility. He stared at me for several seconds and then walked back to his desk and took something out of his briefcase and then walked back to me. He handed me a little box covered in black velvet and told me to open it. Inside was an engagement ring.
"I was just getting ready to ask you to marry me when you broke it off between us. We can have the license and blood tests out of the way by Thursday, see a justice of the peace on Friday and have the weekend for a honeymoon. What do you say?"
What could I say but yes and it went off as planned. Five months into the pregnancy I miscarried and there were some complications with the end result that I could never have children. Brad was a little disappointed because he wanted kids, but he told me that it was no biggie, that we could always adopt.
For the next six years I thought that I had a great marriage and a loving husband. And then I found out that I was probably wrong about that. Brad had left Chambers Brothers for a higher paying position at McFee and Sons. It might have been for more money, but as far as I was concerned it wasn't a better job. It involved a lot of late hours and some traveling which left me home alone with not much else to do but watch idiotic TV shows or read books. I didn't take up any outside hobbies or activities because I wanted to be sure that my time was free so I could spend it with Brad when he was home.
Brad had just returned from a trip and we were attending a promotion party for one of the men he worked with. It was being held at the Marriott and it was my first exposure to the people he worked with. About an hour into the affair I had to use the ladies room. While there I refreshed my makeup, but when I looked in my clutch for my comb it wasn't there. Then I remembered that I had used it in the car and had put it in my coat pocket. I went to the coatroom and found my coat hanging on the rack in the back. I was fishing in the pocket for my comb when I heard a woman's voice just outside the coatroom say:
"Did you get a look at Brad's wife?"
"I'll say. After seeing her I have to wonder what he sees in Alice."
"Do you think she suspects that he is taking Alice to the motel for long lunches?"
"I doubt it. She doesn't look like the type to put up with that kind of crap."
"You sorry you said no when Brad hit on you? Alice says he is a tiger in the sack."
"No, I'm not sorry. I did consider it for a bit because he is such a hunk, but I decided against it. There is no percentage in playing around with a married man. How about you? Were you tempted?"
"No. I've got a good man at home and even though Brad is like you say — a hunk — I'm not willing to risk what I have for some one who plays around like Brad."
"Knowing Alice I'm surprised that she hasn't done something tacky like getting buddy-buddy with Brad's wife. You know what I mean?"
"Oh yeah. The old "See how nice I am? I'll bet you don't know I'm screwing your husband" act. I'm pretty sure that Brad has warned her and he probably is watching her pretty close."
"I wonder if her fiancée knows what she is doing?"
"Probably not. He seems to 'gah-gah' over her to see anything but what she wants him to see."
"We had better get back. Don't want to miss the fun if Alice slips by Brad and gets to his wife."
I stood there stunned over what I'd just heard. My Brad cheating on me? No way! It couldn't be my Brad. There had to be another Brad working there. I got my comb out of my coat pocket and went back to the ladies room. I was washing my hands in the sink when a rather brassy looking blonde walked in. She came over next to me and took her lipstick out of her clutch purse. She glanced over at me, smiled and said:
"You're Brad's wife, right? Minnie is it?"
"That's right."
"I'm Alice. I work with Brad. We have done a lot together since he came to work with us."
"I believe I've heard your name mentioned."
"Well it is nice meeting you finally. Brad does talk a lot about you when we are together."
"Spend a lot of time together I take it?"
"Oh yes. We are assigned to the same cost center so we end up working a lot of projects together."
"Nice meeting you Alice, but I need to get back to the party."
As I walked out of that restroom I was no longer saying, "Oh no, not my Brad" but "I wonder if there is anything to what those two women were saying." But it wasn't until I got back to the table and told Brad that I'd met Alice in the bathroom that things took a turn for the worse.
"She told me that she spends a lot of time with you and that you two have done a lot together since you came to work here."
The quick flash of concern (or was it fear) that went across his face pretty much told me that where there was smoke there was likely to be fire. I noticed that for the rest of the night Brad kept glancing nervously at the table where Alice was sitting. I also noticed several people watching our table with bemused grins and smiles on their faces. Did every one know? Were they thinking "That poor woman. If only she knew" or were they thinking "Way to go Brad. Wife and lover in the same room and the wife is clueless."
Brad was quiet on the way home and after several minutes I asked him if something was the matter and he said no; that he was thinking that if he had made the move sooner that would have been his promotion party. I smiled and told him not to worry that he'd get the next promotion.
I kept my suspicions to myself and tried to act normal the rest of the weekend, but it wasn't easy. Brad had been gone four days and he wanted to make love. I was hesitant. I didn't want to make love to him if he was cheating on me, but I really didn't know that he was. I had my suspicions, but that was all. That plus the fact that my refusal would not be normal let me give him what he wanted, but my heart wasn't in it and for the first time in our marriage Brad didn't bring me to orgasm.
As soon as Brad left for work on Monday I called into work and arranged to take three days off. I was parked where I could see Brad's car when he came out of the building at lunch time. He had Alice with him. They were laughing and talking as they went over and got in his car. As they pulled out of the parking lot my heart sank as I began to accept that my husband was a cheating bastard. I pulled out and followed them as they turned on Wilcox and headed south toward motel row. I was debating on whether to wait for them to head for a room or confront him when he got out of the car when his turn signal came on and he pulled into the parking lot at Denny's. I parked across the street and watched as Brad and Alice walked into the restaurant. I started to castigate myself for being a stupid, jealous woman. I should have known that my Brad wasn't going to cheat on me. I followed them back to work and then I did what I always did to relive stress — I went shopping.
I hit Victoria's Secret, Lane Bryant and a half dozen other places and bought myself some sexy clothes to wear for my hubby when I made it up to him for all the bad thoughts I'd been having.
Before he left for work that morning Brad told me that he would be working late and while I was a little surer now that he wasn't cheating on me I still had taken the time off to investigate and I would see it through. More to punish myself for doubting him than for any other reason. At five-thirty Alice came out, got in her car and drove away. I forced myself to sit in my car and watch the building as I told myself:
"You stupid bitch! You should have known better. Sit here, be bored, waste a night because of your stupid idea that Brad was a cheater."
At eight-thirty Brad came out of the building with two other men and while they were walking to their cars I took off so I could beat Brad home. When he walked in the door he found me waiting for him in what he called my "fuck suit" - a pair of black pumps with five inch heels and nothing else. I did my absolute best to fuck his brains out.
The next day I was again parked outside where I could see Brad's car. At lunch time he came out of the building with the same two men I'd seen him with the previous night. I followed them until they turned into the parking lot at The Red Robin and then I went home. I fixed Brad's favorite dinner; put on one of the outfits I'd bought at Victoria's Secret and was waiting just inside the front door when Brad walked into the house at six. I handed him the martini that I had prepared for him (shaken — not stirred) and when he took it from me I went to my knees, unzipped him and gave him head while he sipped his martini.
Over dinner he asked me what was the occasion and I told him no special occasion, I just thought things were getting a little stale in the bedroom and needed some spicing up. The night was just as exhausting as the previous one.
Before he left the next morning he told me that it would be another late night for him and not to hold dinner. I smiled at him and told him I would be waiting. Again, more to punish myself for my mistrust than for any other reason I was outside watching when he and Alice left the building for lunch. I followed along and wondered what restaurant it would be that day. Brad's right turn signal came on and I looked over to the right and saw that it wasn't a restaurant parking lot. He was turning into the parking lot for the Days Inn. I watched as Brad went into the office and got a key and I watched as he and Alice went into room 116 and I was still watching when the two of the came out of the room two hours later.
There were tears in my eyes as I drove home. Anger, hurt, humiliation and rage — I suffered a little of each as my mind tried to cope with the betrayal. I was outside again at five when he and Alice came out together and drove back to the Days Inn and went into room 116. They hadn't even given up the room.
I'd had all day to think about it and as I drove home I made up my mind. My revenge would to be to let Brad support me while I cut back on the amount of sex I gave him as I looked for lovers of my own. I would never refuse Brad sex, but I would never again be the one to initiate it. As I sat at my kitchen table and sipped a glass of white wine I thought about what I was going to do. I was going to take on a lover (or lovers) and as long as I was going to do it I wanted one who could fuck my brains out as often as we could get together. He would need to be in good shape and have plenty of stamina. What better place to look than at a gym and while I shopped for my lover maybe I could get rid of the extra ten pounds that I thought I was carrying.
I was waiting at the door to the gym at five with Bonnie and Debbie, two of the other regulars, when she walked up and said "Good morning."
"Good morning to you. Decide to do it early?"
"Need to get it done before I go to work. Can't do it during the day and I have too much going on in the evenings so here I am. Besides, if I come in when you do you can keep an eye on me and make sure I don't do something dumb and maybe hurt myself."
Oh I would most definitely keep an eye on her I thought to myself. I saw Bonnie and Debbie look at each other and smile when Minnie said that. I had tried to hit on both of them at one time or another and with no luck. Debbie had almost been tempted, but she was engaged and Bonnie was happily married. I had already noticed the absence of rings on Minnie's ring finger, but that might not mean anything. She might have taken them off to exercise. I'd just have to play it by ear.
Linda unlocked the door at five on the dot and Minnie and I headed for the circuit room while Bonnie and Debbie headed for the lap pool. I helped Minnie get started on machine number one — the leg press — and then I went to the free weight room and got a twenty-five pound weight, went to the rack and did fifty crunches. By the time I was done Minnie was on the second machine in the circuit — the chest press. I watched her for a minute or so and then moved to the leg press.
As I worked out I watched Minnie and the more I watched the more certain I was that I was going to take a shot at her and I started thinking of how to make my move. First I figured that I'd better give it a couple of days to develop some sort of rapport, but then I thought that she might not come back. She wouldn't be the first one to start an exercise program, go once or twice, and then decide that staying in bed for that extra hour of sleep was more inviting. If I was going to go for it it had better be now. Doing the crunches had put me behind and it would be necessary for me to finish up when Minnie did so I skipped the seated leg curl and only did one set of thirty reps on the shoulder press and then I grabbed a quick shower.
I was leaning on the front counter leafing through some brochures when Minnie came out of the women's locker room. As she came toward me I turned and faced her.
"Got time for a cup of coffee?"
She looked at her watch and then said, "Since I showered here and only need to dress for work when I get home I guess I have time. The juice bar here?"
"No. Too many people will stop to say hi. How about the IHOP on the corner?"
"That will work."
When she settled on the seat across from me I said, "So how do you feel after your first full work out?"
"Not bad. My legs are okay, but my arms feel like they are made out of lead."
"Your arms just aren't used to it. Back off to a lighter weight for the next couple of workouts and then gradually increase it when you get used to exercising."
"And that will take what, about five or six years?"
"Oh come on now, it won't be that bad. Didn't you say that you had a treadmill and a Stairmaster at home?"
"Yeah, but I don't think I mentioned that they also make me ache."
As she sipped her coffee I made a point of looking at my watch and then I said:
"I know you will need to leave soon to get ready for work and I know that I don't have much time so I'll just have to jump in with both feet. I would like to get to know you better. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
"I would like that, but I don't know if I can make it tonight. Why don't you give me a number where I can reach you and as soon as I get to work and check my calendar I'll give you a call."
We finished our coffee and she got up to leave. I admired her tight looking ass as she walked toward the front door. If I had any kind of luck at all I would find out just how tight it was.
I could feel his eyes on my ass as I headed for the door. I wasn't sure, but I thought that Brad would be "working late" that night and I would call him as soon as I got to work and find out. If he was going to be working late I would have dinner with Rob. Dinner and just maybe something else. It would depend on Rob. If he was a fast worker he could get lucky. I didn't really want to behave like a slut so I wouldn't be making any moves, but I had decided on Rob as my revenge lover and the sooner we got to it the better I would like it.
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Kirsty was 25 and pretty, there was no doubt about it. Her best friend Stacy described her hair as dirty blonde and it came down over her shoulders. At 5’5” her body was slim and toned from working out and her breasts were firm. As she was moving up through school she had been flat chested and it had really bothered her but when she hit 15 her breasts started to grow and by the time she was 18 she was a firm, pert C cup. She was single and had been for a while. Her last boyfriend, David, had...
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Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
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Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThe gym was in a run down slot in a ramshackle strip-mall that had seen its better days in the 60’s. It was nestled between the dollar general store and the goodwill outlet. Despite its run down condition, it was always packed, largely due to the $49 a year dues. It certainly wasn’t the beat u p old equipment inside, or the moldy, rusty showers lined with soap scum. When she drove by, Angie always admired the muscular men, mostly black men, that were going in and out of the gym. She...
Phone rang early on Saturday morning; I was still asleep, it was my weekend off work and wanted a lay in. I wasn’t going to answer it but when I looked at who was calling; it was my brother’s home number. I answered the phone, “Hello,” in a groggy morning voice. It was my brother’s wife Tracey. Tracey was twenty-two and an athlete, a four hundred meter runner. So having said that, you can visualize her physique, she’s hot, so fucking hot. I still don’t know to this day why she got married to...
Wife LoversHello to all readers. This is Happychap (pseudo name) from Bangalore and I am 30 years old. I am writing one of my recent experiences here. I live in a large scale apartment building which is common in Bangalore these days. Now moving on to the story. The main character of this story is Preethi (name changed). I saw her for the first time in the gym in our apartment building. She had got her kid along who was hardly two years old. She must be definitely under the ’30s. I was thinking that she...
Hi, I am Sunil, although I like to call myself suzine. I am 29 and a full-time cross-dresser. I look as beautiful as a girl when I wear wigs and makeup. To see my pic, you can connect with me on facebook by searching suzine siisy. Now coming to the story, which happened a few years back. I broke up with my bf. He left me for another crossdresser, who was more feminine. So I had decided to join a gym and get my body more toned up and have a good ass. I joined a gym in my neighborhood. The...
Gay MaleIt was my birthday, I think, and it was a cold grey day outside, Kelley was going to the gym, to do some exercises as therapy for his back. I didn't want to stay at home because our neighbor was a pervert and I didn't want to be there, alone when he was there. So I thought it might be fun to go with him as I have never been to a gym before. It was pretty cool, all the mirrors and workout machines, and I might even get to see a few hot guys, all sweaty and, well you know, lol. Kelley stripped...
Group SexChris Johnson looked over the newest branch of his gym with pride. It was the morning of opening day and he was surveying the scene from the front counter, a few elderly women were on the treadmills, a couple of bulky men were lifting in the free weights section and he listened to the instructor in the side room running the very first Yoga class. The facility was state of the art, and was a dazzling display of open space and natural lighting. “Well, we did it!” Lisa said. “Fucking oath we did!”...
Introduction: My name is Jesinta Jovanoski. I am a 16 year old school girl, who is thinly built at (32-25-34), my breasts havent developed like most girls my age and was a B-cup. I am a brunette, with past my shoulder straight hair. Currently I have a live in arrangement with the school Vice-Principle aka Mr. Anderson aka VP. Also I have started experiencing a new relationship with my boxing trainer, Jim Broadbent aka Jimmy. Going to the Gym I woke up some time after 1:00pm, naked and with a...
Changing for Gym By Xoop Hill Street High School was built in the early 1990's in response to the town's recent growth. Too, the old school was a remnant of the 1920's, and looked it. The town had eventually given in to the inevitable and voted in a new school. The new building had everything. As befitted area weather, it was totally enclosed (except for the athletic's fields, of course). Yet its public areas never felt claustrophobic, for it relied a great deal on glass. The...
Gyn-Gym By Jennifer White I moved in with my girlfriend Brooke. We were very happy together. We did everything together. But there was only one problem: she was such a great cook, that we both were gaining weight. She liked to cook us big meals. And dessert. And before you knew it, I was getting a little hefty. And her too. So she enrolled us at a local gym, so we could work out together, and lose weight. The gym was once only for women, but had recently opened up to men...
Hi all, this is Rick. I am into hardcore gymming and my tool measures 6 inches. I am 5’8″ and am into hardcore gymming. As I used to play bodybuilding, I was always fond of the gym and never missed it. I won medals and was satisfied. The sorry begins when I changed my gym and entered a lavish unisex gym with hot bomb booties all over! Okay so, after a month of my gymming, I saw my ladylove. She got down from a Honda Civic with a proper gym bag and gym tights struggling to hold her jiggling big...
I am a transman. I will not bore you with all the details of this condition nor give you a detailed anatomical life history. If you are unfamiliar with my situation, then google it.My formative years got spent in a small town where I was initially considered a tomboy. Later, during my high school years, the possibility that I could become a lesbian got considered. When parents came to understand my situation and took me to see the appropriate experts, no one knew about my hormone treatments to...
TransThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
I was naked. Kneeling down with a hard cock in my hand. Not my cock. A hard, wet cock. Wet because I had just taken it deep into my drooling mouth. Hard because I had been stroking it for a minute before I took it into my mouth.I had one hand on the six-pack abs and another at the base of a shiny wet cock. Determined to put that cock into my mouth a second time. The second time I would take that cock into my mouth. The second time I would take any cock into my mouth. How did I get here? A...
First TimeI woke up some time after 1:00pm, naked and with a messy ass. It was sloppy from the session I had with Mr. Anderson this morning. Cum had leaked out, while i slept. I went to the toilet and did my business, and then showered. Once I had showered, I dressed in my gym clothes and gathered my gym bag. My gym training gear usually consisted of; a loose hoodie, tracksuit pants and runners, along with shorts and a sports bra. I caught the bus to the venue and walked through the doors...
I notice Steven on my first day when I come in the gym. A big muscular man in his early forties. Every time I see him, I greet him kindly. After two weeks I shyly make my first talk. Steven is by far the most handsome man in the gym. But now that I'm talking to him, he also turns out to be intelligent and witty. More and more often when I go to the gym, I hope he is there also. We talk to each other longer and longer. About work, politics, social issues, films, the weather, art, family. Steven...
Roni B's Sexy Time at the GymI was about fifty years old at the time and the man I’m going to talk about was ten years older.After I finished exercising at the gym, I’d be either taking off my workout clothes or finishing a shower, when each day I’d see this man walk into the locker room from the pool. He’d strip off his trunks and go to a locker. The guy was in good shape, had an all over tan, and I assumed he was a nudist or just liked to lay in the sun nude. And he liked to walk around...
I punched in my security access code at the door to the new company gym and pulled the handle as the buzzer signaled the OK to enter.The new gym had been open for a year now, and I joined about six months ago to try and reduce the stress levels induced by a fast paced Information Systems career. I had made it a priority to get down there three days a week, summer included, and I was really feeling the benefits of a good hard workout at the end of a long (and usually hectic) day.It was about...
Amanda from Gold's Gym Hi all, My name is Chris. I am 25 years old, and I in Information Technology for a manufacturing company, and never really had time for a long term relationship. However, I met Amanda while working out at my local Gold'sGym, and she changed my thoughts on women who work out alot. This story is about the relationship I had with her while I worked that job. I worked down the street from this Gold's Gym in the midwest that was pretty plain and drab...It seemed pretty...
Judy from Gold's Gym (Part 1) Hi all, My name is Jake. I am 25 years old, and have never had any interest in women that are "Grannies". They just never turned me on. I actually engrossed myself in my work in materials management for a manufacturing company, and never really had time for a long term relationship. However, I met Judy while working out at my local Gold'sGym, and she changed my thoughts on older women. This story is about the relationship I had with her while I worked that...
Hi friends..i am a regular reader of this page..i was really scared to come out and write my true story but finally made up my mind..i am basically from Bangalore…i am 22m staying in the heart of Bangalore city…usually all Bangalore guys are hot at least we carry ourselves well…about me i am 6ft nice strong and decent looking..and my name is maverick…this happened to me when i was 20 when i joined my engineering..Evenings i used to hit the gym after my tuition daily so at around 9pm i will be...
IncestWe had just met at the party of a mutual friend. She was introduced as Margot. She was very attractive and sexy but she started things off by saying, "you look kind of wimpy." I'm not a big muscular guy, but I'm relatively fit and I get occasional compliments on how I look. I'm pretty confident in my physical abilities. I was on the wrestling team in high school and won nearly all of my matches. Sure, that was fifteen years ago but I'm still in pretty good shape. "You don't work out much, do...
FetishTHEGYM.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation I don't usually get into arguments with strangers, and especially not with female strangers. Unfortunately I got into one recently, and I picked the wrong woman to do so, because she turned out to be a professional dominant. It was about 10 pm, and I went to the gym for a little exercise. There were only a few people there at that hour, and the staff person said they would be closing at 11, and would we mind if he left early - the last person...
Another chapter from my book The Hotwife and the Professor. It is available on Amazon and Kindle in Ereader and paperback formats under my pen name Raul Montana.Quinn woke up, stretched, and looked over at the spot Oliver would occupy in the bed. It was currently occupied by their two cats. It was Wednesday morning, and Oliver wouldn't be home until late Friday. She gets out of bed slips on her favorite tee shirt and a pair of exercise pants. Before going downstairs to drink coffee and check...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesKate, my wife of 20 years has put on a few pounds and decides to join a large gym that was recommended by a friend of hers. Kate has some nice large 38DD boobs on her; I’m hoping these boobs will not be gym-ed off.Kate arrives at the gym and does all the paperwork and they show her to the change rooms and allocate her a locker. These are the showers, which are open showers and no cubicles. We are going to be closing them in soon, the assistant assures me. Not what I expected, Kate comments.Kate...
My name is Rahul, in the final year of engineering. This is my real sex story. Since it was my final year, I had no works, I joined a gym in Chennai. As I was already in a good physical shape, within a month, with some help from my trainer I got a good athletic body and was in a great shape. Coming to the sex story, as the summer had already started, I started changing my schedule to evening sessions at the gym. That is when I saw her. Ragini. The gym was surprisingly empty, except for 3 or 4...