AftermathChapter 2 free porn video

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Okay last week we met Kevin and followed him through his trials with his first love. We left Kevin as he moved away from his home town after a heart-breaking betrayal. We pick up with Kevin starting a new life in Michigan.

For the first month, I lived in a highway motel. After I got my first paycheck I moved into an apartment. It was much better but it didn’t feel like a home.

The pace of life in Michigan was very different. My neighbors in the building came and went and rarely, if ever, spoke to each other. I was used to saying at least hello to everyone I ran into.

The strangest thing to me was that if I asked someone if they needed help with something they were doing, they automatically assumed that I either wanted to be paid or was trying to rob them or trick them.

Life at the hospital was just as bad. I was used to a situation where everyone helped everyone else. On my shift, there were six X-ray techs. And most of what they did was sat on their asses playing Candy Crush on their phones.

If a patient came in most of the time they didn’t move until they had finished the level they were on. Then they had to look around to figure out whose turn it was.

But I was there to work. So, I just started doing exams. If no one else got up when a patient came in. I did the exam. After a few days, the status quo had changed. There were days when I did almost every exam that came in.

I didn’t mind. I was there to work. I was learning a lot and working hard helped to take my mind off of Theresa. I have to admit that sometimes at night I walked around my neighborhood and found a phone at a restaurant or other place and called Theresa just to hear her voice.

At the end of the second month, I found out what living in the big city meant. Each month we were called into our supervisor’s office for a review of our performance over the last four weeks.

I was expecting a great review. I had clearly busted my ass and I was proud of the work I’d done.

“Kevin, I have some complaints,” he said. I was shocked.

“You have the highest production numbers of any tech on any shift in the hospital,” he said. “The patients love you. I have all kinds of compliments on your patient care skills and how kind you were,” he said.

“Those don’t sound like complaints,” I said.

“Kevin, the other techs in your department claim that you’re not taking turns and you’re just grabbing every exam that comes in. That means that they don’t get their fair share of exams and their production suffers. They’re saying that you’re not being a good team player,” he said.

“But when patients come in, they’re in pain and they just want their exams,” I said. “They shouldn’t have to wait until we figure out whose turn it is or when that person feels like getting up to do the exam.”

“Kevin, I agree with you,” he said. “But this is just the way things are done. Try to fit in, okay?”

So, I did. I became more like the big city people I worked with. I was never rude to patients or to anyone else. When my turn was coming up, I cleaned the room and disinfected all the equipment and I treated every patient as if they were the most important person on the planet.

But I no longer tried to start conversations with my co-workers. I no longer volunteered to help them out with difficult exams or patients. I didn’t volunteer to take their turns when they needed to go out to lunch early or got back late.

I also didn’t go out and bring in patients because the transporters were complaining about me doing their jobs. I played the game. And they noticed.

A few of them tried to bring it up. I quickly squashed the conversation and politely but firmly let them know that I had learned the rules and I’d already had experience being stabbed in the back.

There were a few nurses and a doctor or two that I had great and friendly relationships with. That paid off. There were times when fragile or cantankerous patients came in that they’d explain to our boss, that Mr. or Mrs. Such and such was special for thie reason or that and they thought that perhaps Kevin should be the person to do the exam.

I sometimes ate lunch with some of the nurses, and often brought them coffee or iced coffee when I came in. That didn’t go over well with some of the techs who had at best a detente with the nurses and at worst an outright adversarial relationship with them.

“Kevin, whose side are you on?” one of the older, lazier techs asked me.

“The patients’ side,” I told her.

Usually, when it wasn’t my turn, I was scouring real estate magazines and websites. I wanted to get out of my apartment and away from my unfriendly neighbors. I wanted to have a house of my own again.

But every house that I thought I liked, brought up thoughts of Theresa. Just the name Theresa was enough to bring on feelings of hurt and loss. There were so many times that I went and looked at a place only to blurt out, “Theresa is gonna love this place!”

The rest of my week usually sucked after that. I had no explanation why after three months I still couldn’t get over a small town, town slut, who couldn’t be bothered to tell the truth if her life depeneded on it.

I had found a lawyer and had divorce papers sent to Theresa. I’d been smart. When I left I’d left more than half of the balance in both our checking and savings accounts.

We didn’t have much in the way of property at our age. All we had was my car, my mom’s old car that Theresa drove, and the house.

I’d left Theresa more than half of our money, a car and the house. I estimated that Theresa got about eighty percent of our assets.

The lawyer assured me that there would be no problems. It was a no-fault divorce. Even if Theresa didn’t sign the papers, it would go through unless there was an unfair division of the property involved. He told me that I would only hear from him again if there were problems.

On the other hand, I was asked out a few times a week, but I had no interest in dating. When I took the time to explain my situation, it only led to more flirting and an it’s just a matter of time attitude from the women involved.

And the women ... that was a completly insane situation. The sheer variety of women in a big city is incredible.

There were short women, tall women, tiny women, fat women, pretty women and not-so pretty ones from a smorgasbord of ethnicities and cultures.

There were women with large breasts, some that gave Theresa a run for her money. The problem was that those women fell into two categories. The first category were huge fat women whose gigantic ta-tas were simply proportional to their gigantic bodies and usually came with a gigantic gut.

The second category was women with huge unnatural fake boobs. Those boobs or “foobs,” as we called them were obvious by the way they moved or didn’t move.

Most of the women with bigger boobs also had pretty much no booty. And most of them had no need for a personality. They were so assured of the fact that most men wanted to get their hands on those titties that they felt no need for manners or charm.

I began to appreciate Theresa even more then. And it wasn’t just her body. I’ve described the improbabllity of Theresa’s proportions several times. Her body is simply incredible, but what I missed most was her heart.

I missed that sense that she loved me so much that she would do anything to make me happy. I missed the feeling of being with someone who just wanted more than anything else to be with me.

No matter what she’d done or why, I loved Theresa.

Finding my house was the respite I needed from obsessing over Theresa. All of the financial and logistical nightmares I had to wade through shifted my attention from my broken heart enough that it was no longer a sharp emotional pain.

I worked constantly, picking up extra shifts and overtime whenever it was offered. I really needed the money for the house.

I took classes at Home Depot and did most of the repairs myself. There were so many things I still had to buy. I had to buy a lawn mower and yard tools. I had to have a new garage door.

My house also had a small filthy pool in the back that was overrun with mildew and tree roots. If I ever intended to use it, I had to come up with eight hundred dollars to have the tile fixed and sealed amd then pay a plumber another five hundred to repair the drain.

The house simply sucked money out of me at an alarming rate. I slowly began to meet my neighbors. There was an elderly woman who lived directly across the street from me that I often waved at.

It was she who introduced me to my neighbors on either side. Together they told me how I had gotten the incredible bargain I’d gotten on my home.

The previous owner had died in the house was one reason.

The house was supposedly haunted by her ghost was another. And finally, it was a dying neighborhood. Not the type of neighborhood that was being killed off by crime, the type where all the houses were owned by older people.

It was too far from the inner city and the excitement of clubs, bars, restaurants and things that younger people enjoy.

The younger people preferred apartments closer to the action and to public transportation and entertainment.

When I moved in it was the end of the summer. As we moved into fall, I raked leaves, for my self and my neighbors.

Rose my neighbor across the street was always telling me that I should meet her daughter. But it seemed as if everyone knew someone that I should meet. I was always polite but somehow, I never really wanted to meet anyone.

Winter came very suddenly and without any fanfare. It seemed as if one day it was sunny and hot, the next it was cooler and we had amazing colors from the falling leaves and the third day I awoke to find eight inches of snow on the ground.

I had no idea how or what to do about it. In Grace Lake. We almost never got snow. Even then it was never more than an inch or two. I didn’t even own a heavy coat.

I had to go to the hardware store to buy a snow shovel. That was my first hint that I had problems I didn’t even begin to understand. My Mustang usually handled like an extension of my will. I love my car. But that morning she was like a completely different pony.

On the way to the Home Depot I passed a car lot. I understood suddenly why people who lived in a city with no hunting, fishing or off roading areas needed four-wheel drive vehicles.

I pulled into the lot and found out something important. I was planning on buying a small, older, used jeep. I made a deal on a brand-new Ford SUV with four-wheel drive.

It turned out that being young, having a good job and no debt gave me awesome credit. The dealer tried to sell me a new Mustang too.

I drove my Mustang home. The dealer even arranged to have the new car delivered.

I bought a snow shovel and some rock salt and got busy as soon as I got home. I shoveled my walk, and then my driveway all the way up to the garage. I pulled the Mustang into the garage for the winter and walked across the street to do Rose’s snow.

It was my weekend off so I had nothing else to do. I didn’t think my elderly neighbor could get out and lift the heavy snow that had fallen. I was lost in my thoughts and enjoying the physical activity ... Okay ... I was wondering what Theresa would say about the snow.

Theresa would have come out and played in the snow. Theresa always found joy in every new experience.

The sound of a woman’s voice snapped Theresa from my thoughts.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she screamed. “Nobody told you to do that! We’re not paying you shit, so you might as well just move on to the next sucker!”

The woman standing in the open doorway and screaming at me looked nothing like Rose. I caught a glimpse of beautiful green eyes peaking angrily out from a mass of dark red hair.

She was tall, she was thin and she was barely clothed. She pulled a threadbare robe around herself to protect her body from the cold. Her boobs, while not in Theresa’s range were beautiful and on the larger side for her thin frame.

I couldn’t see her butt, since she was facing me. But I was looking at one beautiful, pissed off woman. Her skin was pale and she had high, visible cheekbones. Those cheekbones made her look like a model.

Theresa had a pleasant or cute face, this woman was beautiful.

I had no idea what to say to her so I kept shoveling.

My ignoring her seemed to anger her even more. I looked at her beautiful eyes and smiled hoping to disarm her anger.

“Stop pretending to look at my eyes, you perverted freak,” she yelled. “My tits are down here. Get a good look before the police get here and throw you into jail where you’ll spend the rest of your life as some huge black guy’s bitch.” I laughed at that.

“Do you understand fucking English?” she yelled. In her attempt to make sure I heard her, when I was sure that people on the next block could hear her, she stepped out onto the porch.

She made one, two, almost three tentative steps onto the icy surface of the porch and then went down. I was torn, but the nice guy in me outweighed the bitch in her, so I went up onto the porch.

I scooped her up and opened the door. “What are you doing?” she screamed. “I don’t want you in my God damned house!”

She started beating my shoulders and back as I put her down on the ratty sofa in the living room.

“Whass gong on?” said Rose who appeared from the kitchen clutching a heavy frying pan.

She looked at me and smiled. “Oh, hi Kevin,” she said, putting the pan down.

“Hey Rose,” I said. “I was shoveling your snow and this crazy woman started cursing at me and then fell on her ass on your porch.”

“Kevin,” she smiled. “The crazy woman is my daughter, Aria.” She turned to the hissing and practically spitting woman I’d dropped on the sofa.

“Aria, this is Kevin,” she said.

The spitting, cursing, cat-like bundle of fury that I’d unceremoniously dumped on the sofa stopped squirming and trying to get up, then she looked at me as if seeing me for the first time.

She wasn’t the only one who was surprised. It was hard for me to equate the tall, thin, busty woman with the incredibly long legs on the sofa as even being vaguely related to my short, fat, Hispanic neighbor.

Rose had a beautiful tan complexion and her body, except for the lack of boobs reminded of what Theresa might have someday looked like.

Aria had milky, very pale skin and you could almost make out freckles on her cheeks.

“I thought he’d be taller,” she spat. “And if this guy can walk on water, like you seem to think, his feet ought to be bigger.” Those comments were directed towards her mother.

Then she looked at me. “Don’t you have snow to shovel?” she sneered. “And don’t bother pretending to look at my eyes, my boobs are down here. Sneak as many peeks as you can because that’s as close as you’re ever gonna get.”

“Don’t put yourself out,” I smirked. “I’ve seen bigger and better.”

“Maybe on a fat chick,” she spat.

“Nope ... And she had a better butt too,” I said.

“Bullshit,” she hissed. She stared at me as if she was trying to see if I was lying.

“Nope,” I repeated. “I watched her grow up. She was my dream girl.”

“You said WAS,” she said. “What wrecked the fantasy?”

“I married her,” I said. I headed for the door as her mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

“Hey, Kevin,” she said as I reached the door. “Keep it down. Some of us work at night ... And that SCCRRRUUUUUUUUUNNCH sound the shivel makes drives me crazy while I’m trying to sleep, okay?” I nodded.

Over the next couple of weeks, the temperatures dropped even more and occasionally we got the odd inch or more of snow adding to the total. I saw Rose often, as we sort of semi-regularly had coffee or just visited one another to chat.

I fixed a couple of issues around her house. And we exchanged gifts at Christmas. I ran into Aria a time or two, but the meetings were nothing special. There was absolutely no chemistry between us. I didn’t really care, but it was mostly because I was still stinging from the breakup with Theresa.

But life is nothing if not unpredicatable and Aria and I were thrown together over something we both cared about. It was a Wednesday night in early March when an ambulance brought in an elderly female who’d fallen in her home.

After checking her out the ER docs had sent her for X-rays. I was beyond shocked to find Rose on my table.

We were almost done with the exam when Aria came storming into the exam room. She was angry and in tears and barely dressed. She had on a trench coat and the rumors from the CNA’s and transporters was that she was naked under it.

“Mama, are you okay?” she cried. “What happened?”

“She’s gonna be fine,” I said. “Come over here, I want to show you something.”

“It fucking figures you’d be here!” she screamed. “You’re always hanging around her. Why are you so interested in my mom? Did you have anything to do her falling? Don’t you have a job?”

“Aria, shut up!” I said. I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the exam room. Once I got her out of earshot, I gave it to her.”

“Why the hell are you dragging me around?” she began. “I should call security and...”

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” I yelled right back at her. “You go ahead ... I’ll call security for you. And I’ll have them throw YOU out of here. Things are too serious now for your bullshit!”

“She’s MY mother,” she whined. “So...”

“She’s my patient,” I said. “The job you were wondering about ... This is it. This is what I do. I wasn’t at home when this happened. They brought her in a little while ago. I was going to show you her X-rays and explain the situation to you ... Now, can we do that or is the stick up your ass pressing on your brain?”

She closed her eyes and lowered her head. Both of her hands came up to rub her temples. She took several deep breaths and then looked up at me, a different person.

“I’m sorry Kevin,” she said. And I could tell she meant it. “Maybe someday I can explain it to you, but I have trust isses and anger issues. I know redheads are supposed to have hot tempers but in my case, it’s multiplied. And it’s not just you ... So, can we just do what you said?”

I walked back inside of the exam room with Aria trailing behind me. I flagged down one of the registered nurses that I often ate lunch with. I whispered in her ear and she nodded at me.

“Thanks Claire, I owe you one,” I said.

“Lunch tomorrow ... On you,” she smiled. “And not here in the cafeteria!” she threw over her shoulder.

“So, what’s that all about?” asked Aria. “You fuckin’ her?”

I turned around and glared at her. “Aria, I have two questions for you,” I said. “Number one can you pull pain meds out of your ass? And number two ... Do you have any friends?”

“What’s that got to do with you fucking some prissy assed nurse?” she hissed.

“First off nobody is worried about who’s fucking Claire,” I said. “That’s her business. Claire is my friend. Friend’s do things for each other. Claire as a nurse, can get a doctor’s order for very strong IV pain meds and she can give them. That’s a hell of a lot better than you or me trying to give Rose a pill.

Now in Claire’s case it’s even easier because she does have a relationship with one of the ER docs. So, I ask her for a favor ... she asks for something in return. A favor for a favor. I buy Claire lunch ... She’s always short on cash just before payday because she spends money like it’s water. In exchange for that lunch, Rose gets her pain meds started a lot earlier ... Which means less pain for her.

Now look at this screen.”

I show her, her mom’s X-ray.

“Okay ... I see bones,” she said.

“See this long bone? It should be connected to your mom’s pelvis. This part is called the femoral neck. See how the rounded part on the end is missing. It’s still lodged in her pelvis. Fixing this is going to require surgery. That’s what I was doing when you came in.

As soon as I submit these X-rays they’re going to suggest taking Rose to surgery. That’s why I’m stalling.”

“What!” she screamed. I slammed my hand over her mouth.

“Aria ... Shut up!” I hissed.

“Why are you... ?” I put my hand up and she stopped talking immediately.

“I thought you liked my mom,” she said.

“Aria ... I love your mother,” I said. “So, I’m going to put up with all of your bullshit. You see that guy over there? He’s the on-call orthopedic surgeon. He’s okay ... But only okay. I just don’t trust him enough for him to do the surgery on Rose. As soon as I saw that your mom’s hip was broken I called in a favor.

Doctor Temperance Brennan is the best orthopedic surgeon in the state. She owes me a favor. She’s on her way in. I’m stalling because I want Rose to have the very best.”

She nodded. “Does it make that much difference?” she asked quietly, for a change.

“Yes ... The right surgeon can make the difference between just reconnecting her hip and Rose being able to walk again. I want Rose to go back to being herself ... Not some wheelchair bound old lady.”

“Kevin ... Who is this lady?” asked Claire from behind us. “Bones came in and wants to see her X-rays.”

“I’m sending them right now,” I said. “AP and Lateral views of the left hip. I did a 3 view Pelvis with obliques so they could see the acetabulum and help figure out which device to use.”

“Good, I gave her the pain meds you wanted,” she said. “I’m still trying to decide if I want lobster or steak for lunch tomorrow.”

“I’m still trying to decide whether or not to kick her ass,” whispered Aria.

They had moved Rose to a room. She was groggy, but she smiled as we came into the room.

“It’s good to see you two getting along,” she said. “Where were you? Were you guys out on a date? I fell and my leg is killing me. They gave me something for the pain and I feel like I don’t need to walk any more. I can just fly wherever I have to go.”

“It’s the pain meds,” I said.

“It would have to be,” said Aria.

The rest of the evening was ... A fucking nightmare. It was awful or ... AWEFUL ... Meaning awesome in how full of shit it was.

They took Rose in for surgery. Dr. Brennan came out and told Aria it would be at least five to six hours so she might as well go get something to eat and spend a few hours relaxing before she settled in to wait.

“Kevin do you want to do the surgery with me?” she asked. “I’m gonna need a good tech on the C-arm.”

“Dr. Brennan ordinarily I’d jump at the chance to do it,” I said nervously. “But Rose is almost like my mother and ortho work is brutal.”

I took a seat in the waiting room and Aria sat near me. Not next to me just near me.

She rubbed her temples and my heart went out to her. “Aria ... Look we’re waiting together,” I said. “And it’s going to be a while. I ... Well I am kind of hungry ... Are you?”

“Okay we’ll eat,” she said. “But this ain’t a date or anything like it!”

“This is a really nice place,” she said a short time later.

I’d taken her to my favorite Italian restaurant. I hoped it would give us a chance to relax and get rid of some of the anger in her and the tension between us.

“So, what’s going on between you and my mother?” she asked.

“We’re friends,” I said.

“There’s more to it than that,” she said. “Nobody treats anybody like you treat her unless they either want something from them or they’re already getting it.”

The tone of disgust in her voice made it obvious what she was thinking. I almost spat out a mouthful of pasta as she said it.

“Aria, get your mind out of the gutter,” I said. “It’s not like that.”

“Kevin don’t be an idiot,” she hissed. “There are only two things that motivate people ... Money and sex ... And my mother doesn’t have any money. I’ve seen kinks that would turn your hair green, so you having an old lady fetish ain’t that weird.”

I looked up at her wondering how the hell someone so young could be so jaded. Then I remembered all the shit I’d been through in Grace Lake.

“And don’t think that you’re getting any from me,” she hissed. “I’m not the type of woman who fucks a guy because he bought her dinner at a nice place. I’m not one of your “friendly nurses.”

“Aria, I didn’t bring you here because I wanted to sleep with you,” I said. “I brought you here because it’s my favorite restaurant and I wanted to relax and not think about what’s going on with Rose for a little while. When we get back I the hospital we’re going to have hours of waiting and wondering and hoping.”

She twisted her pasta around her fork but didn’t eat it. She looked as if she didn’t believe me.

“So is this some type of sympathy play or just a nice guy thing,” she said. “You know ... You help me through my mom’s problems and in gratitude I’m supposed to give you some pussy?”

“Aria, for the last time it’s not any kind of play,” I said. “I’m here because your mom is really important to me. No other reason. I don’t want to have sex with you. You’re not my type. It will never happen.”

Her entire face turned red and the anger came back, but just as quickly it went away.

“Are you gay?” she asked. “No wonder you aren’t trying to fuck me.”

“Aria, I’m not gay,” I laughed. “I just don’t want you.”

“Bullshit,” she spat. “Everybody wants me. I remember the first time I saw you in the snow. You were looking at my boobs even then.”

“Aria, I’ve seen way bigger boobs than yours,” I laughed. “I’m sorry I looked that first day but I’m a guy ... We do that. But you have nothing to worry about with me. I’m just not interested in you.”

She stewed as we finished eating. And on the drive back to the hospital she sat next to me and fidgeted.

When we got back to thr hospital’s waiting room, she asked,”So if you’re not gay, why aren’t you interested in me?”

I looked at my watch and estimated the amount of time we had. Then I told her my story. I told her about growing up in Grace Lake and how much I’d loved it there. I told her about my dad dying and my mother passing, later on. I told her about seeing and falling for Theresa at a very young age. I told her about how I’d loved Theresa from afar until we finally met.

I told her about the early stages of our relationship and the two things that had almost broken us up before we got started. I told her about us getting married, and how blissful our life together was until Theresa disappeared.

Then I told her about how the town I loved had turned its back on me when I needed its support. I told her about what had happened to me while I was in jail.

Finally, I told her about what Theresa had been doing behind my back and how I couldn’t stay there anymore. I told her about my move to Michigan and how I just wanted to start my life over and get Theresa out of my heart and my soul so I could have some kind of happiness.

“Aria, I try to be as nice as I can to every person I meet,” I said. “I treat every person I run into as if they’re my friend until they do something to prove otherwise. Rose is a really special person to me. I’m sorry if this offends you but knowing Rose has been like having a second chance at having a mom. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her. So, you don’t have to worry, this has nothing to do with you or trying to sleep with you.”

“Only because you still love HER, don’t you?” she said. “You still love that Theresa girl. I could feel all the pain in your voice when you talked about her. Jeezus Kevin you’re almost as bad as I am. You’ve only slept with one woman your entire life? For a guy that’s unheard of. That’s why you see her as being so damned special. You need to get out and get some, Kevin.

Not me of course, but I’m sure any one of these hospital whores will haul your ashes for you, no strings attached. That more than anything will help you to get over Theresa. Then you’ll see that every chick walking may not have boobs that big or the butt that you seem to worship even now, but we’ve all got the same thing between our legs and hers was nothing special.”

“Aria, thanks for the advice,” I told her. “But sex isn’t the answer. Even though you seem to think that every guy who sees you wants to have sex with you, it isn’t the only thing that matters. When the only tool you have in your tool box is a hammer, you look at everything as if it’s a nail. I fell for Tneresa long before we ever had sex.”

She’d moved closer to me by then.

“What I miss most is the way her eyes lit up every time she saw me,” I said. “I miss the way she always just had to be touching me. Whether we were alone or not. I miss her laugh and her voice and her touch and her smell. Going out and screwing some stranger is only going to make me miss her more.”

There was no one else in the waiting room so we sort of took it over. We sat in silence for a while and finally drifted off to sleep. In sleep Aria’s head and shoulders gradually leaned my way until she was resting on me. I woke up and noticed it, but I didn’t move her. I wrapped my jacket over her to keep her wam and drifted off to sleep myself.

Same as Aftermath
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Kennedy snapped her locker shut and turned to head off to American Lit and the start of a new school day. Juan Baptiste was leaning against the corridor wall, behind her locker door. "Chica, you have a second?" She inclined her head and walked over to him, ignoring the others in the bustling hallway. "That cop, Harrison, came to me a coupla days ago, tol' me about what you did. That it was you that got Dwight sent away, that I should thank my lucky stars because if I kept on, Dwight...

2 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 16 Friendship or more

She gave my nipple a soft quick kiss and then made eye contact with me again before smiling and then lowering her mouth again to my nipple. This time her tongue swirled round and around my nipple making it harden. After wetting it with her tongue she blew softly cold air onto the nipple making it harden that much more. Then again she pulled it between her lips and sucked my nipple warming it well inside her mouth. Ohhh myyy it felt so good and I had to close my eyes and moan. When she...

3 years ago
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Letting it all hang out 2

A new turn in my life.One of the things I love about younger guys, is even aftershooting their loads, their cocks still stay somewhathard. Jack's cock in my ass, stayed nice and hard so he startedto slowly move his hips forcing his cock to push his cum outof my ass.Bob said, don't waste it. Jack stopped, reached over,grabbed a towel and as his cock slipped out of my ass he replacedit with the towel.I climbed out of the jacuzzi, Bob stood up and followed meinto my bedroom. I climbed onto my bed...

4 years ago
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Skinny dip turns into a circle jerk

We were at a friend's cottage, all sitting around the campfire one night. There were 3 couples total, and we had all been drinking quite a bit that day. One of the couples walked out on the pier to look up at the stars. That is why one of our other friends got the idea to go push them into the lake in all their clothes as a joke. We knew we should stop him, but figured what the hell, it would be funny to see. As he tried to walk slowly down the pier so they didn't hear him, they caught on. The...

3 years ago
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The Fall of the Lapine

A empty, quiet house is one of the most boring things someone can endure for long periods at a time without a good hobby. Unfortunately, Hollie was not one of those people to have many hobbies. A bit of an airhead, the rabbit was always one to get suckered into things she shouldn’t, or make a quick, snap of the moment decision that she should probably just ask somebody else about before hand. When left alone at home, her boyfriend off at a party with her brother for the night and nothing good...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Tana Lea In Your Big Tit MILF Private Fantasies

Tana Lea seduces her boyfriend, Manuel, with sexy lingerie! Tana Lea has been getting bored with her normal sex life, she used to be more adventurous but since she and her boyfriend starting working 9am – 5pm things have become a bit stale. Tana decides that she’s going to get fucked tonight, so she puts on Manuel’s favorite outfit, a sexy black lace bodystocking, and starts to tease him. she slowly removes her clothes as she shows off her amazing body to Manuel from the second floor of...

3 years ago
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Madhuri Aunty Ne Callboy Banaya

Hi doston mein charan (name changed) pune city se hazeer hoon mere dusre story ke sath,meri pehli story mein mene apko radhika ko kaise choda ye bataya tha ab iss story mein madhuri aunty(name changed) ke sath kaise majje kiye aur usne mujhe call boy banaya, mere pehle story ko bahot sare responses aur mail karne wale doston ko dilse shukriya…mera mail id hai jaha mujhe aap contact kar sakte ho … Ab jyada bore na karte hue story pe ata hoon,baat 10 mahine pehle ki hai jab mein mera event...

2 years ago
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Finally Alone

Patrick and I continued to email and then text after our threesome. In fact, the next day when he realized I’d spent the night alone after the threesome he was pretty bummed he didn’t know because he said he would have loved to spend time with me alone. Within eight hours we both began hatching plans to see each other again. We were in contact a lot the next few days and arranged to meet in under a week of our first meeting. I like a lot about Patrick. Besides the fact that he kisses like a...

3 years ago
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Husbands Stepson 2

OK, I promised to continue telling our experiences with showing off.  This is part 2 where my husband and I went out for dinner again but this time took my husbands Stepson with us.  The restaurant isn’t that fancy but they have very good waiters and good food.  I wore a skirt that isn’t considered too sexy for my age and we enjoyed the great food and wine.  Afterwards we went to a local tavern where we know people that hubby works with and had a great time.  My husband told me that many men...

1 year ago
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The Cyber SeriesCyber 002

Slowly stepping up behind your chair, I lean down and softly brush my lips across your hair as my face lowers towards your neck. Nostrils flaring as I inhale deeply the scent of your shampoo, the touch of cologne that still lingers on your robe from when you wore it before showering the other day. My arms move forward and the tips of my fingers come to rest on the tops of your shoulders and slowly begin to slide back and forth across the tops of them. My lips pass across the hair that covers...

4 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 11 Joan

On the Monday two weeks after she had entered the hospital, Cassie woke up in the hosts' room to a feeling of sadness. She knew her mistress would leave her soon. Goodbye, Cassie. Your tasks here are complete. It is my time to leave you. Go to visit Lucille. She will set you aright. You will be fine without me. The worm slid around her neck, like a warm, moist, stole, and held Cassie close, as if in a comforting embrace. Then it stiffened, and Cassie felt its flesh ripple, and a rushing...

2 years ago
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A Special World

A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong. - Sheelagh Lennon 'Its Saturday. Thank god for Saturday.'...

4 years ago
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Divorcee ladys sex with GrandpaDadSon

I am a 34-year-old divorcee living with my son with whom I started having sex early Summer 2009. My sex life with my Dad is older than my son – we started our incestuous relationship soon after Dad’s divorce – he was about 40 and I was 16 then. He never re-married. I was divorced in 2008 and am scared still of getting into any commitment for another marriage. And I work for my Dad as his secretary and we have sex in the office, after other staff leave. On Friday evenings we have ‘proper sex’...

4 years ago
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Silicon Valley Party Whore

"It's not like I am being paid to fuck"Lisa's Uber arrived for her before I had chance to respond.It's exactly like being paid to fuck, I had wanted to scream, What else do you call it?It was the same old argument. We had shared our two bed Mountain View rental for three years during which Lisa's career had taken off while I was barely managing to keep my head above water. Lisa spent her vacations in Barbados and Hawaii. I spent mine moonlighting as a network admin to make my college loan...

3 years ago
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Malan MothersChapter 9

"Very well. You have a visitor visa for one month, renewable with a sponsor. Settler status merits permanent residence and a land grant." "Thank you." "You are welcome, ma'am." The man now turned to Tom with a smile of recognition. "Hi, Tom. Are you her escort?" "I am, Fred, for my sins. These two girls are her daughters: Anita is this one, and the baby is Carina." "Duly noted. Please escort them off the beach, Tom." "Come along, Margo. Hopefully someone is here to meet...

2 years ago
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A teenage surprise

"Sorry I have to make your car so muddy and crap" he said. "It's fine. It's leather so I can just wipe it off" I responded. "My seat is dirtier than yours anyway" we both just laughed. I gave him my ipod, "Here. You're in charge of music" He took it and started looking through the music. "How about this one?" he said. Here in Your Arms by Hellogoodbye started playing. The Irony of the lyrics was kind of funny. He started singing to me in a 'gay' way. We're the...

2 years ago
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Badle ki bhawnae

Yes people, your evaluation sar ankhon pe.You can contact me at mai apne ghar me sabse chota hn 18 ka,aur mere pariwar me mom n dad ke alawa badi bahan divya 21 sal ki gori 5ft 5 ki aur 32 30 34 ke figure ki hai, aur ek bhai hai jo ki shadi ke bad alag rahta hai.Mai serious nature ka tha.Bachpan se hi mujhe khoob pareshan kiya jata tha.Mere dono bhai bahan mujhe daant khilate aur mera majak udate the.Ab college me ane ke bad bhi mujhe bhondu kaha jata aur meri bahan mujhe ghar me bahut...

3 years ago
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her husbands horny boss

Jim Bryan sat in his boss's office and sipped coffee and listened to his boss as he expounded the idea of expansion."So, you see, it’s going to work," his boss said. "We’ll start it next week. And that’s what I wanted to let you know about. The expansion will require an officer to be in charge. He’ll be promoted to a vice-presidency, and that of course will involve quite a promotion in both position and salary. So, I want to tell you that the officer will come from this department; it’ll be one...

4 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 27 Katiersquos Torment

“Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!” the hot wife panted, “Fuck me!” Katie moaned, “Harder!” Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large diamond on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a steady pace inside her moist slit. The hot wife regretted what...

4 years ago
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Alba Damned

So let me tell you a story I’m not even sure I believe happened… …About a week ago I was working on a lounge suite (I’m an upholsterer by trade) listening to the radio when the DJ asked what his listeners thought would be good New Years resolutions could be for celebrities. I’ll tell you he sparked some interest (among his listeners) and the calls came pouring in. Britney Spears should release another album, Lindsey Lohan should re-think her whole alternate life-style, and Angelina Jolie...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Samantha Part 4 Caught

I realized that there is some discontinuity regarding Sam and her now-roommate Carly. I realize they weren’t roommates in the first couple chapters of the story, but they are now. Please just disregard this; it makes the story more interesting. You may also notice some other small differences; I try to reduce these but keep in mind that I’m making these stories up as I go along. I hadn’t thought it through at the time I wrote Part 1. These small differences will make the story more...

2 years ago
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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 6

"That sure was a fancy ride you left in the other day," Bryce teased. "You didn't tell us it was prom night!""Oh, you're funny, Bryce! Write that joke yourself?""That one might have been Harp's. We were laughing our ASSES off!""Looks like it grew back, to me," I suggested. "Making you," I said, flipping him off, "just a bigger asshole." I heard the double doors of the showroom open. "Time to go to work. Tell Harp HIS joke was a hit. Prom night!" I yelled, walking away.What am I working with? I...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kira Perez Mom Can8217t Find Out

JMac has a dinner date planned with his wife tonight, so he wants to rub one out quickly before dinner. While he’s masturbating, his stepdaughter, Kira, walks in on him. At first he freaks out and covers up, but she tells him that she actually wants to help! She wraps her hand around his huge cock and starts to softly stroke it. He freaks out because her mom is in the other room right there! She’s in the shower so they only have 15 minutes to fuck. She starts to give him an amazing...

1 year ago
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The Delicious Diabolical Shona Roberts

1. SEDUCTION: Something out of the ordinary happened at work the other day, I got summoned to see the big boss. Didn’t know what it was about. Was I in trouble for some reason? “Shona, hi,” said Mr Rose, as I entered his penthouse office on the top floor. His office, his secretary out in the anteroom, that’s all there was on this floor. The air felt different up here. Rarified. “Hi,” I replied, controlling my anxiety. “Should I close the door?” “Yes please,” he said. “And take a seat.” I closed...

Erotic Fiction
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 8211 Part 1 Ek Nayi Subah

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kamnaye. Sabke messages mail mein mile mujhe, kayi logo ko reply bhi kiya aur kayi ko kar nahi paya. Jinko reply nahi de paya un sabse mafi mangta hoon. Aur sabki besabri ko itne din rakhne ke liye bhi mafi chahunga. Aur ye aap loga ka messeges mein bheja pyar hi hai jo aap sabki khushi ke liye Kumar Apartments ka Season 2 shuru karne aaya hoon. Umeed karta hoon aap sabhi ko kaafi khushi hogi session 2 ke aane se. Aap sabhi ka mere se itna lagav hi mujhe...

2 years ago
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My Hot Brinda Aunty

Hi, I am Bala, I would like to go straight to the incident that happened in my life 1 year back, now, am working in a reputed IT company. I am 23yrs old. Let me tell u about my experience with my neighboring aunty which transformed my life. I live in an apartment, and new neighbors came next to my home in the same floor. The family’s head (name changed) Mr. Kiruba (44yrs) whom I used to call uncle and his wife Mrs. Brinda (38yrs) whom I called as aunty. They had 2 sons one was in college first...

2 years ago
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Virtual Reality Dragon Quest 4Chapter 2

I woke up the next day, still sticky and weak. Nara's spells proved quite potent, and I was able to get a rise twice more. I didn't even remember pulling from her the final time, before I collapsed into an exhausted slumber. Nara awoke a short time later, rolling over and kissing me. "Good Morning." "Probably closer to afternoon," I chuckled. Nara's eyes opened wide. "Oh — oh dear. I have two important people scheduled for readings today. I must go, before I miss them." "I'll...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 7

Yelena dipped her pen into a bottle of ink as she took notes. “So, each spell feels different in your mind, but you don’t necessarily know what it does when you first learn it?” “Right,” Corec said. “Sometimes, I don’t even know that I’m casting it. About three weeks ago, we were ambushed by ... bandits. I felt strange during the fight, like everything was easier. At first, I thought it was just because the last time we were ambushed, they caught me without my armor, and this time, I was...

2 years ago
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She loves girls

When I met my wife she was pretty wild. I met her at a Goth club in New York’s lower east side. The first time I saw her she was on the dance floor covered in sweat and dancing hard. She had thick and luxurious jet black hair that flowed over her back, moving with the motion of her body and the heavy beat of the music. She was wearing ripped up blue jeans and a black tank top with a pink bra showing through. Her hour glass figure moved with the beat of the music in an erotic rhythm,...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family chapter 10 reformatted

Hello Pussycat Hermione clutched the small handbag tightly as she entered the hotel. She had to walk slowly, and on her toes, because she had never developed the skill of walking in ridiculously tall heels like these; being a little drunk didn’t help either. Fortunately her belly dancing classes had taught her how to undulate as she walked, which helped her keep balance as long as she kept her hips and shoulders moving in opposite directions at the right time. Somewhere behind her...

4 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 59 Taking a Warrant to the Extreme

We could hear people in armor moving down the corridor. I started to prepare the teleport system for a second teleport. Janice turned towards the doorway. She had a smile on her face. Before she said anything, there was a loud roar that echoed through the tunnels. For a moment, the speakers for our communication system gave off static, and then I could hear the hollow hiss of a flechette rifle being fired. "James!" Reggie's voice ran out. "Someone just used some kind of shaped charge on...

1 year ago
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the naughty mom part 6

Introduction: part 6 and hope you enjoy Naughty Mom Chapter Six: Alicia paced the floor of her bedroom, listening to the muffled sound of the piano music coming from downstairs. Her nervous excitement was so great that she had trouble thinking. She knew she ought to take a shower, then dress and make up the bed. Shed have to change the sheets. A puddle of Rickys cum had formed under her crotch as shed lain under him while hed slept. Burn the old sheet and pad, then put on new ones, she...

3 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 6 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

2 years ago
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The night started innocently enough. My wife had invited a friend from work over to spend the weekend. Our youngest daughter was over at a friends house for the weekend, and the oldest was expected home from college on Saturday morning. Suffice it to say, we decided to let loose.Ray arrived home from work with her friend Sara at about 4pm. I had just made a batch of margaritas when they walked in the door. Ray, my wife and best friend is the sexiest woman I know. At 5'4" and about 140lbs, she...

1 year ago
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How I lost my virginity to an older man continued

I was so young and naive and thought it was really great that this busy guy was taking such an interest in me. I wonder how many teenagers have felt the same way about an older, sophisticated man...I kept on cutting his lawn every week and afterwards we'd have talk and he would spend a lot of time showing me things about computers. One day when I knocked on the door he called out and told me to come in. He was sitting in the living room watching porn. I was just staring at it and he asked if I...

3 years ago
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Happy birthday David

m/f, Mm/f, oral, 1st, prost. We had just gotten home from my son's 16th birthday party. David wanted a pizza party so I took him and his friends to the neighborhood pizza joint. It was a fun party for him but I could tell that he was not sure if it was his last kids party or his first adult party. It was the first time he had invited girls to one of his parties. There was David and four of his best friends that he had hung out with all his life and two girls. David...

3 years ago
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One for the BooksShare Holders Meeting part 1

One for the books....Share holders meeting...part 1It was just your average day at the bookstore, the girls were all buzzing about the latest Twilight movie, I was sorting books in the back because truthfully ..I wasnt in the mood, I had been kinda bummed every since Joey had quit, he got a chance at a better job, great news,right? except he had to move to his grandparents , hours away.I was into my fourth box of novels when Nick walked in,“ There you are! I was wanting to see if you were up...

2 years ago
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Anal Fun in the Back of the Bar

She stood up from her seat at the bar and stared at me. “Follow me and you won't regret it,” her eyes said. I stared back at her and then dropped my eyes to her ass as she turned and walked towards the back of the bar. She had to be twice my age, but damn was she sexy.“I'll be right back, guys,” I said, leaving behind my friends to follow her. She looked over her shoulder as she walked towards the back of the building, and our eyes met again as I followed her around the corner to the...

3 years ago
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LeefsticChapter 11

When we got into his study he closed the door and I sat on a chair but not facing the computer. Tom sat too facing me. "Leif, I like you but I have to know what you are planning with my daughters?" "There are still a great many things you do not know about me. You will learn those in the next few weeks. Some things take time to settle in before something new is added." This he readily understood even if he didn't like it. I said, "The family I grew up in was very strong and cohesive....

2 years ago
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Jerome takes me to a ride

My loving husband Victor still needed to be away from home for at least three more days and I was horny as hell... I really needed to fuck a man…I needed to do something to satisfy me. That night I called Camilla and asked her if she was willing to go out again and go hunting for some action. She replied she was not available; because her husband was now at home and he wanted to fuck her wildly every night…Lucky her, I thought to myself. The bitch was going to get what I needed.I decided to...

3 years ago
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Old Love Never Dies

By: AWC Phil and Bella knew each other since they met in 9th grade; freshmen at the high school. They went steady and at 18 tied the knot and got married. 4 years before marriage and another 5 years after marriage and then all of a sudden Bella decided that she should leave Phil for another man, who she knew before knowing Phil and she had been in touch with him ever since. What a fucking joke!! A couple of months of doldrums after the divorce and then Phil decided to fuck off the fucking...

1 year ago
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Graduation Party

It was my high school graduation party. All of my family and friends were there and we were really enjoying ourselves. It was also one of the first times I had been allowed to drink, and I was really taking advantage of that. I mingled and socialized with my family friends, men and women who had watched me grow up from a young girl. There were a couple of my father's friends who kept inviting me back to chat more and give me more elongated hugs and congratulatory kisses on the cheek. I didn't...

3 years ago
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Rom Bomb Fucking Three Women Same Day 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Sam again..having been reading ISS for many years and finally came around writing few of my own experiences. Thanks to ISS for publishing my sex stories – all are real and not fantasies. You can always get in touch with me on delhiguy22 for any reason – exchange of ideas, friendship or hook up – girls/women only to hook with no strings attached. I am open to all ideas – I travel quite a bit and you never know – it’s a small world! In case you interested in me sending you my previous...

1 year ago
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Such a slut

Liza, you are such a slut.  There you are sitting across from me on the sofa, being so prim and proper as we sip our tea and talk about our lives.  You must be getting bored with the discussion because I see  you fidgeting with the hem of your skirt above your knees.  I am telling you about that annoying bitch at the bank and you could care less - all you want is sex, sex, sex.  You have been doing nothing but complain for the past hour about how you aren't getting any.  On and on as if you...

1 year ago
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ANGEL’S SHOWI shouldn’t have had so much to drink last night. Last night? I mean this morning. Got in late, very late. Pretty classy group though. The women were pretty drunk and kept grabbing my ass. The men just watched. Probably mounted their lady friend soon after we left. Didn’t know the other girl well, just by sight. Roslyn I think. Roz anyway. Nice body. Hard little tits. Could get one of those in my mouth easily. Somebody spilled champagne over her, inadvertently on purpose, then one...

2 years ago
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Lunch In A Bradford Strip Pub

[iMy husband to be's mum lived near Bradford with her new husband. We used to visit them regularly usualy from Friday to Sunday evening. It was on my second visit in,May 1981, that Simon took me to a city centre pub that he and his step-dad used to frequent when he visited.When we entered the dimly lit, old fashioned pub, 'The King *****'. I was surprised to see just how full it was at 12.50pm in the afternoon, around fifteen or sixteen tables were already occupied, whilst the bar area was...

4 years ago
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Noelles Tentacle Gains Part 3

"You don’t waste any time, do you?" The woman said, a sly smirk on her face. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, wearing a long brown jacket, a yellow cardigan and a grey pencil skirt that ended before her knees. Her hair was a silvery blond pixie cut with a pair of thin stencilled glasses resting on top. She was sitting cross legged, her legs bare save for a pair of white Cuban-heel boots. Noelle blinked. "Uhh..." "Not two hours after your first encounter," the woman continued,...

3 years ago
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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 8

The young Joshua Cross had always been a noteworthy figure in Cedar Grove. His father Amos being pastor of Bethel Baptist Church gave standing to both him and his twin Jericho. Their rebellious nature and the attention it brought them from school principals, local leaders and law enforcement always made them “persons of interest” whenever somebody was looking to assess responsibility for troublesome incidents in the community. Josh was the apparent leader whose coattails his brother Jerry,...

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Classmate Ki Chudayi

Hi friends, ye meri pahli kahani hai.. Mera naam Raj hai. Baat aj se 4 saal pahle ki hai jab mai college me tha. Meri class me ek ladki padhti thi uska naam shruti tha. Suru me to mai shruti me jyada dhyan nahi diya karta tha. Par ek din ghar jate samay mai shruti ke paas hi baitha tha. Usne mujhse normal baat ki padhayi kaisi chal rahi hai.Fir usne mujhse kaha ki chal apan friends ban jate hai close friends, maine bola theek hai. Fir us din ke baad hamari kai ghanto tak baat hone lagi. Kuchh...

3 years ago
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The Bruised Cervix that paid off Part 1

Shane and Jamie had been good friends of mine since we I entered the military. We were in the same unit in basic training and were stationed together. Since they were married with c***dren they got a nice house on post, while I was stuck in the barracks. They would invite me over for dinners and bbq’s and we would all drink and play games into the night. Most nights if I was drinking I would stay on the couch and they made me feel at home in their f****y. Shane and I trained and deployed...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 12

Mitch gave me a kiss. "She loves, you, you know. Mae Mae, I mean. I can see it by the way she looks at you." That made me smile. "I hope so. I certainly feel very close to her already." He began kissing my neck. "You are going to be a great mom." God, I hoped he was right. For me, Sunday began with a nice, warm shower and some badly needed maintenance - mostly body hair maintenance. I still had some places that insisted that I was still a male. I spent a little more time on my...

3 years ago
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Alpha And Beta 2 PART ONE

"So I bet you think there is going to be instrumental music and such tonight?" she asked and giggled. "You would be completely wrong." she said and laughed. "It’s the modern age baby and we dance to what ever is hot these days" she giggled once more. Kristopher eyes had widened as he heard his mate whisper towards him that it was going to be like a modern dance. "Dance with me?" she asked Kristopher as a hip hop song came on. He looked towards his mate and smirked when she asked him...

1 year ago
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A Stone for DannyChapter 5

With each passing day Danny was improving. He had been home for over a week and he was increasingly looking more like his old self. It was a huge relief to me. Although we had slept in separate beds for years he had always been a good husband. The fear I felt at the prospect of losing him shocked me. As for Melissa it seemed to be a non-event that her father had come close to death. As a teenage girl she was self-centred and lust was on her mind. And she was confident that her night of...

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