AftermathChapter 2 free porn video

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Okay last week we met Kevin and followed him through his trials with his first love. We left Kevin as he moved away from his home town after a heart-breaking betrayal. We pick up with Kevin starting a new life in Michigan.

For the first month, I lived in a highway motel. After I got my first paycheck I moved into an apartment. It was much better but it didn’t feel like a home.

The pace of life in Michigan was very different. My neighbors in the building came and went and rarely, if ever, spoke to each other. I was used to saying at least hello to everyone I ran into.

The strangest thing to me was that if I asked someone if they needed help with something they were doing, they automatically assumed that I either wanted to be paid or was trying to rob them or trick them.

Life at the hospital was just as bad. I was used to a situation where everyone helped everyone else. On my shift, there were six X-ray techs. And most of what they did was sat on their asses playing Candy Crush on their phones.

If a patient came in most of the time they didn’t move until they had finished the level they were on. Then they had to look around to figure out whose turn it was.

But I was there to work. So, I just started doing exams. If no one else got up when a patient came in. I did the exam. After a few days, the status quo had changed. There were days when I did almost every exam that came in.

I didn’t mind. I was there to work. I was learning a lot and working hard helped to take my mind off of Theresa. I have to admit that sometimes at night I walked around my neighborhood and found a phone at a restaurant or other place and called Theresa just to hear her voice.

At the end of the second month, I found out what living in the big city meant. Each month we were called into our supervisor’s office for a review of our performance over the last four weeks.

I was expecting a great review. I had clearly busted my ass and I was proud of the work I’d done.

“Kevin, I have some complaints,” he said. I was shocked.

“You have the highest production numbers of any tech on any shift in the hospital,” he said. “The patients love you. I have all kinds of compliments on your patient care skills and how kind you were,” he said.

“Those don’t sound like complaints,” I said.

“Kevin, the other techs in your department claim that you’re not taking turns and you’re just grabbing every exam that comes in. That means that they don’t get their fair share of exams and their production suffers. They’re saying that you’re not being a good team player,” he said.

“But when patients come in, they’re in pain and they just want their exams,” I said. “They shouldn’t have to wait until we figure out whose turn it is or when that person feels like getting up to do the exam.”

“Kevin, I agree with you,” he said. “But this is just the way things are done. Try to fit in, okay?”

So, I did. I became more like the big city people I worked with. I was never rude to patients or to anyone else. When my turn was coming up, I cleaned the room and disinfected all the equipment and I treated every patient as if they were the most important person on the planet.

But I no longer tried to start conversations with my co-workers. I no longer volunteered to help them out with difficult exams or patients. I didn’t volunteer to take their turns when they needed to go out to lunch early or got back late.

I also didn’t go out and bring in patients because the transporters were complaining about me doing their jobs. I played the game. And they noticed.

A few of them tried to bring it up. I quickly squashed the conversation and politely but firmly let them know that I had learned the rules and I’d already had experience being stabbed in the back.

There were a few nurses and a doctor or two that I had great and friendly relationships with. That paid off. There were times when fragile or cantankerous patients came in that they’d explain to our boss, that Mr. or Mrs. Such and such was special for thie reason or that and they thought that perhaps Kevin should be the person to do the exam.

I sometimes ate lunch with some of the nurses, and often brought them coffee or iced coffee when I came in. That didn’t go over well with some of the techs who had at best a detente with the nurses and at worst an outright adversarial relationship with them.

“Kevin, whose side are you on?” one of the older, lazier techs asked me.

“The patients’ side,” I told her.

Usually, when it wasn’t my turn, I was scouring real estate magazines and websites. I wanted to get out of my apartment and away from my unfriendly neighbors. I wanted to have a house of my own again.

But every house that I thought I liked, brought up thoughts of Theresa. Just the name Theresa was enough to bring on feelings of hurt and loss. There were so many times that I went and looked at a place only to blurt out, “Theresa is gonna love this place!”

The rest of my week usually sucked after that. I had no explanation why after three months I still couldn’t get over a small town, town slut, who couldn’t be bothered to tell the truth if her life depeneded on it.

I had found a lawyer and had divorce papers sent to Theresa. I’d been smart. When I left I’d left more than half of the balance in both our checking and savings accounts.

We didn’t have much in the way of property at our age. All we had was my car, my mom’s old car that Theresa drove, and the house.

I’d left Theresa more than half of our money, a car and the house. I estimated that Theresa got about eighty percent of our assets.

The lawyer assured me that there would be no problems. It was a no-fault divorce. Even if Theresa didn’t sign the papers, it would go through unless there was an unfair division of the property involved. He told me that I would only hear from him again if there were problems.

On the other hand, I was asked out a few times a week, but I had no interest in dating. When I took the time to explain my situation, it only led to more flirting and an it’s just a matter of time attitude from the women involved.

And the women ... that was a completly insane situation. The sheer variety of women in a big city is incredible.

There were short women, tall women, tiny women, fat women, pretty women and not-so pretty ones from a smorgasbord of ethnicities and cultures.

There were women with large breasts, some that gave Theresa a run for her money. The problem was that those women fell into two categories. The first category were huge fat women whose gigantic ta-tas were simply proportional to their gigantic bodies and usually came with a gigantic gut.

The second category was women with huge unnatural fake boobs. Those boobs or “foobs,” as we called them were obvious by the way they moved or didn’t move.

Most of the women with bigger boobs also had pretty much no booty. And most of them had no need for a personality. They were so assured of the fact that most men wanted to get their hands on those titties that they felt no need for manners or charm.

I began to appreciate Theresa even more then. And it wasn’t just her body. I’ve described the improbabllity of Theresa’s proportions several times. Her body is simply incredible, but what I missed most was her heart.

I missed that sense that she loved me so much that she would do anything to make me happy. I missed the feeling of being with someone who just wanted more than anything else to be with me.

No matter what she’d done or why, I loved Theresa.

Finding my house was the respite I needed from obsessing over Theresa. All of the financial and logistical nightmares I had to wade through shifted my attention from my broken heart enough that it was no longer a sharp emotional pain.

I worked constantly, picking up extra shifts and overtime whenever it was offered. I really needed the money for the house.

I took classes at Home Depot and did most of the repairs myself. There were so many things I still had to buy. I had to buy a lawn mower and yard tools. I had to have a new garage door.

My house also had a small filthy pool in the back that was overrun with mildew and tree roots. If I ever intended to use it, I had to come up with eight hundred dollars to have the tile fixed and sealed amd then pay a plumber another five hundred to repair the drain.

The house simply sucked money out of me at an alarming rate. I slowly began to meet my neighbors. There was an elderly woman who lived directly across the street from me that I often waved at.

It was she who introduced me to my neighbors on either side. Together they told me how I had gotten the incredible bargain I’d gotten on my home.

The previous owner had died in the house was one reason.

The house was supposedly haunted by her ghost was another. And finally, it was a dying neighborhood. Not the type of neighborhood that was being killed off by crime, the type where all the houses were owned by older people.

It was too far from the inner city and the excitement of clubs, bars, restaurants and things that younger people enjoy.

The younger people preferred apartments closer to the action and to public transportation and entertainment.

When I moved in it was the end of the summer. As we moved into fall, I raked leaves, for my self and my neighbors.

Rose my neighbor across the street was always telling me that I should meet her daughter. But it seemed as if everyone knew someone that I should meet. I was always polite but somehow, I never really wanted to meet anyone.

Winter came very suddenly and without any fanfare. It seemed as if one day it was sunny and hot, the next it was cooler and we had amazing colors from the falling leaves and the third day I awoke to find eight inches of snow on the ground.

I had no idea how or what to do about it. In Grace Lake. We almost never got snow. Even then it was never more than an inch or two. I didn’t even own a heavy coat.

I had to go to the hardware store to buy a snow shovel. That was my first hint that I had problems I didn’t even begin to understand. My Mustang usually handled like an extension of my will. I love my car. But that morning she was like a completely different pony.

On the way to the Home Depot I passed a car lot. I understood suddenly why people who lived in a city with no hunting, fishing or off roading areas needed four-wheel drive vehicles.

I pulled into the lot and found out something important. I was planning on buying a small, older, used jeep. I made a deal on a brand-new Ford SUV with four-wheel drive.

It turned out that being young, having a good job and no debt gave me awesome credit. The dealer tried to sell me a new Mustang too.

I drove my Mustang home. The dealer even arranged to have the new car delivered.

I bought a snow shovel and some rock salt and got busy as soon as I got home. I shoveled my walk, and then my driveway all the way up to the garage. I pulled the Mustang into the garage for the winter and walked across the street to do Rose’s snow.

It was my weekend off so I had nothing else to do. I didn’t think my elderly neighbor could get out and lift the heavy snow that had fallen. I was lost in my thoughts and enjoying the physical activity ... Okay ... I was wondering what Theresa would say about the snow.

Theresa would have come out and played in the snow. Theresa always found joy in every new experience.

The sound of a woman’s voice snapped Theresa from my thoughts.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she screamed. “Nobody told you to do that! We’re not paying you shit, so you might as well just move on to the next sucker!”

The woman standing in the open doorway and screaming at me looked nothing like Rose. I caught a glimpse of beautiful green eyes peaking angrily out from a mass of dark red hair.

She was tall, she was thin and she was barely clothed. She pulled a threadbare robe around herself to protect her body from the cold. Her boobs, while not in Theresa’s range were beautiful and on the larger side for her thin frame.

I couldn’t see her butt, since she was facing me. But I was looking at one beautiful, pissed off woman. Her skin was pale and she had high, visible cheekbones. Those cheekbones made her look like a model.

Theresa had a pleasant or cute face, this woman was beautiful.

I had no idea what to say to her so I kept shoveling.

My ignoring her seemed to anger her even more. I looked at her beautiful eyes and smiled hoping to disarm her anger.

“Stop pretending to look at my eyes, you perverted freak,” she yelled. “My tits are down here. Get a good look before the police get here and throw you into jail where you’ll spend the rest of your life as some huge black guy’s bitch.” I laughed at that.

“Do you understand fucking English?” she yelled. In her attempt to make sure I heard her, when I was sure that people on the next block could hear her, she stepped out onto the porch.

She made one, two, almost three tentative steps onto the icy surface of the porch and then went down. I was torn, but the nice guy in me outweighed the bitch in her, so I went up onto the porch.

I scooped her up and opened the door. “What are you doing?” she screamed. “I don’t want you in my God damned house!”

She started beating my shoulders and back as I put her down on the ratty sofa in the living room.

“Whass gong on?” said Rose who appeared from the kitchen clutching a heavy frying pan.

She looked at me and smiled. “Oh, hi Kevin,” she said, putting the pan down.

“Hey Rose,” I said. “I was shoveling your snow and this crazy woman started cursing at me and then fell on her ass on your porch.”

“Kevin,” she smiled. “The crazy woman is my daughter, Aria.” She turned to the hissing and practically spitting woman I’d dropped on the sofa.

“Aria, this is Kevin,” she said.

The spitting, cursing, cat-like bundle of fury that I’d unceremoniously dumped on the sofa stopped squirming and trying to get up, then she looked at me as if seeing me for the first time.

She wasn’t the only one who was surprised. It was hard for me to equate the tall, thin, busty woman with the incredibly long legs on the sofa as even being vaguely related to my short, fat, Hispanic neighbor.

Rose had a beautiful tan complexion and her body, except for the lack of boobs reminded of what Theresa might have someday looked like.

Aria had milky, very pale skin and you could almost make out freckles on her cheeks.

“I thought he’d be taller,” she spat. “And if this guy can walk on water, like you seem to think, his feet ought to be bigger.” Those comments were directed towards her mother.

Then she looked at me. “Don’t you have snow to shovel?” she sneered. “And don’t bother pretending to look at my eyes, my boobs are down here. Sneak as many peeks as you can because that’s as close as you’re ever gonna get.”

“Don’t put yourself out,” I smirked. “I’ve seen bigger and better.”

“Maybe on a fat chick,” she spat.

“Nope ... And she had a better butt too,” I said.

“Bullshit,” she hissed. She stared at me as if she was trying to see if I was lying.

“Nope,” I repeated. “I watched her grow up. She was my dream girl.”

“You said WAS,” she said. “What wrecked the fantasy?”

“I married her,” I said. I headed for the door as her mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

“Hey, Kevin,” she said as I reached the door. “Keep it down. Some of us work at night ... And that SCCRRRUUUUUUUUUNNCH sound the shivel makes drives me crazy while I’m trying to sleep, okay?” I nodded.

Over the next couple of weeks, the temperatures dropped even more and occasionally we got the odd inch or more of snow adding to the total. I saw Rose often, as we sort of semi-regularly had coffee or just visited one another to chat.

I fixed a couple of issues around her house. And we exchanged gifts at Christmas. I ran into Aria a time or two, but the meetings were nothing special. There was absolutely no chemistry between us. I didn’t really care, but it was mostly because I was still stinging from the breakup with Theresa.

But life is nothing if not unpredicatable and Aria and I were thrown together over something we both cared about. It was a Wednesday night in early March when an ambulance brought in an elderly female who’d fallen in her home.

After checking her out the ER docs had sent her for X-rays. I was beyond shocked to find Rose on my table.

We were almost done with the exam when Aria came storming into the exam room. She was angry and in tears and barely dressed. She had on a trench coat and the rumors from the CNA’s and transporters was that she was naked under it.

“Mama, are you okay?” she cried. “What happened?”

“She’s gonna be fine,” I said. “Come over here, I want to show you something.”

“It fucking figures you’d be here!” she screamed. “You’re always hanging around her. Why are you so interested in my mom? Did you have anything to do her falling? Don’t you have a job?”

“Aria, shut up!” I said. I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the exam room. Once I got her out of earshot, I gave it to her.”

“Why the hell are you dragging me around?” she began. “I should call security and...”

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” I yelled right back at her. “You go ahead ... I’ll call security for you. And I’ll have them throw YOU out of here. Things are too serious now for your bullshit!”

“She’s MY mother,” she whined. “So...”

“She’s my patient,” I said. “The job you were wondering about ... This is it. This is what I do. I wasn’t at home when this happened. They brought her in a little while ago. I was going to show you her X-rays and explain the situation to you ... Now, can we do that or is the stick up your ass pressing on your brain?”

She closed her eyes and lowered her head. Both of her hands came up to rub her temples. She took several deep breaths and then looked up at me, a different person.

“I’m sorry Kevin,” she said. And I could tell she meant it. “Maybe someday I can explain it to you, but I have trust isses and anger issues. I know redheads are supposed to have hot tempers but in my case, it’s multiplied. And it’s not just you ... So, can we just do what you said?”

I walked back inside of the exam room with Aria trailing behind me. I flagged down one of the registered nurses that I often ate lunch with. I whispered in her ear and she nodded at me.

“Thanks Claire, I owe you one,” I said.

“Lunch tomorrow ... On you,” she smiled. “And not here in the cafeteria!” she threw over her shoulder.

“So, what’s that all about?” asked Aria. “You fuckin’ her?”

I turned around and glared at her. “Aria, I have two questions for you,” I said. “Number one can you pull pain meds out of your ass? And number two ... Do you have any friends?”

“What’s that got to do with you fucking some prissy assed nurse?” she hissed.

“First off nobody is worried about who’s fucking Claire,” I said. “That’s her business. Claire is my friend. Friend’s do things for each other. Claire as a nurse, can get a doctor’s order for very strong IV pain meds and she can give them. That’s a hell of a lot better than you or me trying to give Rose a pill.

Now in Claire’s case it’s even easier because she does have a relationship with one of the ER docs. So, I ask her for a favor ... she asks for something in return. A favor for a favor. I buy Claire lunch ... She’s always short on cash just before payday because she spends money like it’s water. In exchange for that lunch, Rose gets her pain meds started a lot earlier ... Which means less pain for her.

Now look at this screen.”

I show her, her mom’s X-ray.

“Okay ... I see bones,” she said.

“See this long bone? It should be connected to your mom’s pelvis. This part is called the femoral neck. See how the rounded part on the end is missing. It’s still lodged in her pelvis. Fixing this is going to require surgery. That’s what I was doing when you came in.

As soon as I submit these X-rays they’re going to suggest taking Rose to surgery. That’s why I’m stalling.”

“What!” she screamed. I slammed my hand over her mouth.

“Aria ... Shut up!” I hissed.

“Why are you... ?” I put my hand up and she stopped talking immediately.

“I thought you liked my mom,” she said.

“Aria ... I love your mother,” I said. “So, I’m going to put up with all of your bullshit. You see that guy over there? He’s the on-call orthopedic surgeon. He’s okay ... But only okay. I just don’t trust him enough for him to do the surgery on Rose. As soon as I saw that your mom’s hip was broken I called in a favor.

Doctor Temperance Brennan is the best orthopedic surgeon in the state. She owes me a favor. She’s on her way in. I’m stalling because I want Rose to have the very best.”

She nodded. “Does it make that much difference?” she asked quietly, for a change.

“Yes ... The right surgeon can make the difference between just reconnecting her hip and Rose being able to walk again. I want Rose to go back to being herself ... Not some wheelchair bound old lady.”

“Kevin ... Who is this lady?” asked Claire from behind us. “Bones came in and wants to see her X-rays.”

“I’m sending them right now,” I said. “AP and Lateral views of the left hip. I did a 3 view Pelvis with obliques so they could see the acetabulum and help figure out which device to use.”

“Good, I gave her the pain meds you wanted,” she said. “I’m still trying to decide if I want lobster or steak for lunch tomorrow.”

“I’m still trying to decide whether or not to kick her ass,” whispered Aria.

They had moved Rose to a room. She was groggy, but she smiled as we came into the room.

“It’s good to see you two getting along,” she said. “Where were you? Were you guys out on a date? I fell and my leg is killing me. They gave me something for the pain and I feel like I don’t need to walk any more. I can just fly wherever I have to go.”

“It’s the pain meds,” I said.

“It would have to be,” said Aria.

The rest of the evening was ... A fucking nightmare. It was awful or ... AWEFUL ... Meaning awesome in how full of shit it was.

They took Rose in for surgery. Dr. Brennan came out and told Aria it would be at least five to six hours so she might as well go get something to eat and spend a few hours relaxing before she settled in to wait.

“Kevin do you want to do the surgery with me?” she asked. “I’m gonna need a good tech on the C-arm.”

“Dr. Brennan ordinarily I’d jump at the chance to do it,” I said nervously. “But Rose is almost like my mother and ortho work is brutal.”

I took a seat in the waiting room and Aria sat near me. Not next to me just near me.

She rubbed her temples and my heart went out to her. “Aria ... Look we’re waiting together,” I said. “And it’s going to be a while. I ... Well I am kind of hungry ... Are you?”

“Okay we’ll eat,” she said. “But this ain’t a date or anything like it!”

“This is a really nice place,” she said a short time later.

I’d taken her to my favorite Italian restaurant. I hoped it would give us a chance to relax and get rid of some of the anger in her and the tension between us.

“So, what’s going on between you and my mother?” she asked.

“We’re friends,” I said.

“There’s more to it than that,” she said. “Nobody treats anybody like you treat her unless they either want something from them or they’re already getting it.”

The tone of disgust in her voice made it obvious what she was thinking. I almost spat out a mouthful of pasta as she said it.

“Aria, get your mind out of the gutter,” I said. “It’s not like that.”

“Kevin don’t be an idiot,” she hissed. “There are only two things that motivate people ... Money and sex ... And my mother doesn’t have any money. I’ve seen kinks that would turn your hair green, so you having an old lady fetish ain’t that weird.”

I looked up at her wondering how the hell someone so young could be so jaded. Then I remembered all the shit I’d been through in Grace Lake.

“And don’t think that you’re getting any from me,” she hissed. “I’m not the type of woman who fucks a guy because he bought her dinner at a nice place. I’m not one of your “friendly nurses.”

“Aria, I didn’t bring you here because I wanted to sleep with you,” I said. “I brought you here because it’s my favorite restaurant and I wanted to relax and not think about what’s going on with Rose for a little while. When we get back I the hospital we’re going to have hours of waiting and wondering and hoping.”

She twisted her pasta around her fork but didn’t eat it. She looked as if she didn’t believe me.

“So is this some type of sympathy play or just a nice guy thing,” she said. “You know ... You help me through my mom’s problems and in gratitude I’m supposed to give you some pussy?”

“Aria, for the last time it’s not any kind of play,” I said. “I’m here because your mom is really important to me. No other reason. I don’t want to have sex with you. You’re not my type. It will never happen.”

Her entire face turned red and the anger came back, but just as quickly it went away.

“Are you gay?” she asked. “No wonder you aren’t trying to fuck me.”

“Aria, I’m not gay,” I laughed. “I just don’t want you.”

“Bullshit,” she spat. “Everybody wants me. I remember the first time I saw you in the snow. You were looking at my boobs even then.”

“Aria, I’ve seen way bigger boobs than yours,” I laughed. “I’m sorry I looked that first day but I’m a guy ... We do that. But you have nothing to worry about with me. I’m just not interested in you.”

She stewed as we finished eating. And on the drive back to the hospital she sat next to me and fidgeted.

When we got back to thr hospital’s waiting room, she asked,”So if you’re not gay, why aren’t you interested in me?”

I looked at my watch and estimated the amount of time we had. Then I told her my story. I told her about growing up in Grace Lake and how much I’d loved it there. I told her about my dad dying and my mother passing, later on. I told her about seeing and falling for Theresa at a very young age. I told her about how I’d loved Theresa from afar until we finally met.

I told her about the early stages of our relationship and the two things that had almost broken us up before we got started. I told her about us getting married, and how blissful our life together was until Theresa disappeared.

Then I told her about how the town I loved had turned its back on me when I needed its support. I told her about what had happened to me while I was in jail.

Finally, I told her about what Theresa had been doing behind my back and how I couldn’t stay there anymore. I told her about my move to Michigan and how I just wanted to start my life over and get Theresa out of my heart and my soul so I could have some kind of happiness.

“Aria, I try to be as nice as I can to every person I meet,” I said. “I treat every person I run into as if they’re my friend until they do something to prove otherwise. Rose is a really special person to me. I’m sorry if this offends you but knowing Rose has been like having a second chance at having a mom. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her. So, you don’t have to worry, this has nothing to do with you or trying to sleep with you.”

“Only because you still love HER, don’t you?” she said. “You still love that Theresa girl. I could feel all the pain in your voice when you talked about her. Jeezus Kevin you’re almost as bad as I am. You’ve only slept with one woman your entire life? For a guy that’s unheard of. That’s why you see her as being so damned special. You need to get out and get some, Kevin.

Not me of course, but I’m sure any one of these hospital whores will haul your ashes for you, no strings attached. That more than anything will help you to get over Theresa. Then you’ll see that every chick walking may not have boobs that big or the butt that you seem to worship even now, but we’ve all got the same thing between our legs and hers was nothing special.”

“Aria, thanks for the advice,” I told her. “But sex isn’t the answer. Even though you seem to think that every guy who sees you wants to have sex with you, it isn’t the only thing that matters. When the only tool you have in your tool box is a hammer, you look at everything as if it’s a nail. I fell for Tneresa long before we ever had sex.”

She’d moved closer to me by then.

“What I miss most is the way her eyes lit up every time she saw me,” I said. “I miss the way she always just had to be touching me. Whether we were alone or not. I miss her laugh and her voice and her touch and her smell. Going out and screwing some stranger is only going to make me miss her more.”

There was no one else in the waiting room so we sort of took it over. We sat in silence for a while and finally drifted off to sleep. In sleep Aria’s head and shoulders gradually leaned my way until she was resting on me. I woke up and noticed it, but I didn’t move her. I wrapped my jacket over her to keep her wam and drifted off to sleep myself.

Same as Aftermath
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My Real Sex Life 8211 Part VII

Hi , my dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name). Let me briefly tell you about myself I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few...

2 years ago
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4 Mrs Wild Denise The First Affair

Dan had the body of an athlete, so tight and ripped; Denise couldn’t get enough of her latest PA.Denise lay on her back, admiring his six-pack and grabbing onto his tort bum, as Dan used all his stamina to ride Denise.He was much smoother than her other PAs, well, in terms of his hair. He was hairless, apart from some hairs on his legs.Forty-five minutes, this extra session had already gone for and Denise still wanted more.With a sly nod and smile, Denise indicated, that she wanted to go on top...

2 years ago
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My first time having intercourse with my lesbian sister

I was in awe watching my sister climbing up on the bed naked and motioning for me to come closer.Her hand was outstretched waiting to take my cock and do what she has never done before with a male .I took my time moving removing telling her how beautiful she looked and I was honored to experiment with her all alone. All my thoughts of Donna had faded seeing Janet's small breasts ,firm belly and her blonde bush waiting for me. I would have loved to drop to my knees and place my face...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 14

Diana cracked the door a little and peeked in. Jeff looked up and motioned for her to enter. A moment later after plopping down in her husband's lap, "Still out I see," she said nodding to Jill. "Yeah. I've talked to Little One a couple of times. She says everything is going fine, or at least that's my interpretation of what she sent me. I don't understand telepaths. One time you ask what seems to be a simple question and you get back reams of ... something that you have to try to...

3 years ago
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Virgin Indian Girl Fucked In Canada

Hi readers, first of all, I am Krishan and I am going to narrate an incident that took place 2 weeks back. Getting to the sizes, I am 5″9 and have a 6-inch long dick. I have been born and brought up in UAE. I had an idea of how Indian women from different parts of India looked like. Getting to the story, I am doing my MS in Canada and having joined for the May intake, the number of rooms at the university accommodation were very few. I was given a room which had to be shared with another...

4 years ago
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The Slaves of Paine Ch 1

Introduction: This is a revision of Trixie – Chapter 1: Waiting with corrections made and a better title. In case you didnt guess from my username, this is a furry based story. There will be humans and half furries in it as well but mainly furries. Half furries are like catgirls and such. Chapter 2 will be here soon. Waiting Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it. I thought to myself and giggled somewhat...

4 years ago
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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 21

"It's OK, Jack, they're dead. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Appleby were here to help. They drilled these cahoots good. They are both dead and none of us got nary a scratch." The Deputy cautiously entered, gun at the ready. He holstered his weapon when he was assured all was good, sliding the retaining strap over the hammer once more. He confidently stepped forward. The man was as tall as me, and weighed about the same. Jesse knew him and they greeted each other. He looked down at the bodies. He...

4 years ago
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Trafficked Love Ch 22

Angel didn’t realize she had fallen asleep until she jolted upright at the sound of the door clicking open. The suited man slipped back into the room, followed by Dante. Angel’s body tensed as she tried to stifle her happiness at seeing Dante. Even if he couldn’t help her out of this mess, a familiar face was something she could settle for. The suited man sat back down at the table, and Dante pulled another chair out and sat next to him. Angel looked back and forth between the...

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How my Femdom wife uses me

This is NOT my story but I read it online and found it very sexy. I wish one day I can post a similar one telling you how a woman dominated me.My girlfriend and I were sitting side by side on the sofa in Her parents home watching TV, they were away at the time, and we had the house all to ourselves. At the advert break She got up saying She was going to the kitchen to get Herself a drink, and did I want one, I replied no thanks not at the moment. When She returned, She was surprised, and not a...

2 years ago
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The Second Encounter With My Girlfriend

Hello everyone. It’s me Pankaj Arora from Bhopal again with another incident between me and my gf. In previous story I told you how I deflored my virgin gf in Gwalior during school trip. Now I’m back with narration of the second incident of both of us in her house. This story is narrated by Vandana herself in her manner. So guys and girls enjoy yourselves. Guys shake your penis while fantasying Vandana and girls and ladies finger yourself imagining my thick and 7” lauda in you pyaaari si...

3 years ago
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The Education of Marnie Part 4

I stared , dumbfounded, at Marnie as she dismounted, cum drooling from her just violated pussy, and walked over to my Grand-daughter, offering her a taste of my cum. I was even more shocked when Morgan dropped to her knees and started lapping up the drips of cum and cunt on Marnie's inner thighs, moaning as she did so..  Marnie turned her head and said to me, "I'm willing to honor the fact that you won't directly violate Morgan, but I can't pass up an opportunity to educate her either." Morgan...

3 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 1

Kathleen Lehrer awoke in a cold sweat after the most disturbing dream she had ever had. The new Secretary of Education had only been sworn into office two weeks previously and was just starting to get a handle on the complexities of her new position, while trying to formulate the ideas and policies that would begin to reverse the long decline in education in the United States. As if she didn't have enough on her mind, she found herself wide awake at 3:00 in the morning from a terrifying...

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Beckys after school surprise

"Oh god!" I yelped fearfully as Dr. Roberts pulled my white cotton panties down to my knees.He had me bent over his desk with my little plaid skirt hiked up, so that my bare white ass was now fully visable. I tried to stand up, but he put a hand on my back, holding me down against the desk."No!" I cried, "Please!" as his other hand reached up, and started rubbing my virginal little pussy."What are you doing to me?" I wept, tears streaming down my face.He suddenly let go of me, and opened his...

4 years ago
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Martin reclined in the Freudian couch, staring wistfully at the ceiling. He sighed, "I just don't know any more. I have no energy, I feel unmotivated, apathetic. I keep setting aside time to work but I just stare at it until I get distracted. I don't go out, I haven't been cooking at all. I just eat cereal and microwave dinners and watch reruns of 90s sitcoms and listen to the same albums over and over and play video games. I haven't seen my friends in a while. I just don't know what I have in...

2 years ago
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The Sacred Society 8211 Part 1 Story Of A Middle Class Boy

Aryan grew up as a child who struggled to get what he wanted in life. Even in his highs and lows he persevered and always had a smile on his face. But he fought for whatever he wanted in his life and boy did he get some. He wasn’t good looking but he had an aura about himself. He was smart, witty and knew how to hold up a conversation with the pretty girls during his school days. Aryan wasn’t a shy person but had a personality of larger than life. His friends called him the life of the party....

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Catholic High School Retreat

It was my junior year in high school. It was the last night of my junior retreat. I was having trouble sleeping and wished I was at home because it had been a few days before I jerked off. I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I got up and turned the light on, pulled my pants down and started to stroke my cock. I was thinking heavily of some of the girls I had been with and was about to cum when the door handle turned and the priest came walking in. He was wondering why the light was on at 2...

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Gang bang whore

A few nights ago I was going to my friends costume party. I was going to go as Scarlett Witch from the X men and The Avengers! As the costume is already sexy to make it a little more whoreish I put on a red thong and a red see through corset. I had a nice long red cape and had my friend make me a long red coat tight enough to show off my assets. The final piece was my red leather knee high heel boots! As I stood looking at myself I realized I’m probably going to get groped and guys are going to...

4 years ago
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Surprise Graduation Fuck

Surprise Graduation Fuck “Slap my ass Jake! NOW! HARDER!” ordered Lucy, as Jake spanked her curved ass cheeks, leaving a red mark where his hand had made contact with her flesh. The couple had found themselves seated at a 5* restaurant in Manchester quays. They were back for Jake’s University Graduation that morning, both dressed in black tie from the big day. As they waited for the ‘Amuse bouche’, Lucy ran her foot up Jake’s trouser leg, thinking there was nothing funny at all about Jake’s...

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Toby and Hannah takes it to the next level

Hannah woke up the day after. The two other guests had already left Hannah noticed. It didn`t quite dawn on Hannah what exactly had happened only after 5 minutes of slumbering. At first she got scared, or shocked rather. She lie completely still, thinking about whatever had happened the night before. Upon some pondering of consequences she started thinking about what actually had happened, how Julie had gone down on her, how Toby had fucked her from behind and how she had sucked the balls and...

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forward intro and chapter one

These chapters are an honest depiction of my life and the things that I have experienced. I am writing them as a way to share and bond with others that may have had similar episodes in their own lives. These stories narrate my life in great detail, and whereas all of them contain sexuality in one sense or another, many of them attempt to give an accurate depiction of place and time and thus, may be a bit wordy. XNXX has created these forums for those like myself to post...

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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 25

Monday found Rob back at his desk, putting the final touches on the case against the Wilson bookkeeper. He'd also found signs that someone in their HR department had a hand in it, but it would be up to the prosecutor to investigate that. Except for court appearances, his part was done. As he was sealing up the documents for transfer to the district attorney, Bob knocked on the door and walked in. "Those the Wilson paper's?" he asked, pointing to the envelope in Rob's hands. Rob looked...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend on Loan Part Three The Main Course

Written as a gift for an xHamster memberGirlfriend on LoanPart ThreeThe Main CourseTruth be told I’ve always been like this, I’ve always loved to tease and it’s not like I didn’t warn her. I’m like a cat, a Cheshire Cat, I like to play with my food before I devour it, if I choose to devour it. Sometimes I like to tease my prey just for the fun of it. I can't help it, I was born that way, it’s instinct. It is very cruel but afterwards I am always forgiven for how can you stay mad at me with my...

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Broken Strings 8211 Part 9 The Marriage 1

Following is a creative work of fiction. It involves intimate moments of both physical and psychological nature between mother and son, intended for fun. All the names, characters, and incidents are works of pure imagination. They do not resemble any real-life names, characters, or incidents. After that day, when we agreed to the marriage, everything changed. Sometimes I wonder how things have turned out in the past few months. About a year ago, I was fiddling around, finding ways to touch my...

4 years ago
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The Sister That I Love

The Sister That I Love I was lying on my bed listening to my sister talking to her best friend, the girl next door. When we were younger Dad split one big room into two smaller bedrooms for my sister and I. He put in a heating duct that feed hot air to both of our bedrooms. Years ago I learned that I could listen to her conversations if I wanted too. I could also cover it up to prevent her from listening to my conversations. As I listened, my sister Chloe said, “We need to get...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 34 Meanwhile Back In Cali

Susan Castle’s antique four-poster bed found its owner sleeping along for more than 20 years. But she discovered that her old bed could easily hold three squirming, active females. Her firm, tight dancer’s body had to squeeze out from between her niece and their new roommate/lover, Missy Arnovsky. Missy and Maria were more-or-less entwined with both the sheets and each other, and Susan felt a little twinge of pride at these beautiful young women who were as in love with her as each...

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Storm Shelter Sex

In April of 2011 several areas of my state were devastated by tornados which seem to have become more prevalent here in the past few years. I began to think about my own safety if one of those twisters hit the area I live in, so I went on the internet and searched for information about storm shelters. After a great deal of searching (you know how that goes) I found a contractor in my area who specializes in installing underground storm shelters. I contacted him and he came to my home and...

4 years ago
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Watching mother

Hi This is Sexy Ricky once more for u all incest lovers…This is my best friend’s real story hope u will like it.. My dad was 46 and my mother was 38. She was very fair was large breasts, 36c. Her legs were very light in color and so smooth. But their shape was amazing, they were not fat but just large enough to be so shapely. The story began when my dad was out on business. It was my cousin’s engagement party. But I had exams on so I was working. It was my mother’s sister’s daughter who was...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Night Part 2

With all the pieces now in place, it was just down to execution. If this went right, I could fulfill the sexual fantasies of two people in a single stroke. Maybe three, I wasn’t sure yet. But if it went wrong, I could ruin lives. The stakes were high, but the risks were low; I was confident of my players in this production, they just needed to play their part. (Spoiler: they did.) Saturday night was the night. It was usually pretty quiet on Saturday; all of the day-boarders go home for the...

Group Sex
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MommysGirl Jessica Ryan Percy Sires Don8217t Lift A Finger

Jessica Ryan is resting in bed when she is greeted by her loving stepdaughter, Percy Sires. It is Jessica’s birthday and Percy wants it to be special! In fact, she’s going to do everything for Jessica that Jessica does for her, including all the cooking and cleaning. She doesn’t want her dear stepmom to lift a finger! Jessica is touched and open to it. Percy excuses herself to get changed to do the chores and when she returns wearing a skimpy maid’s uniform,...

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Junkyard FamilyChapter 8

Jim hadn't missed Joey's furtive exit from the bathroom, especially after the long time he'd been in there. He was in his room, sitting on his bed, leafing through some papers. The door was only open an inch, but it gave him a view of the bathroom door. He had watched curiously as Joey had come out, looked quickly around, then closed the door behind him. Stupid kid, he'd thought, since the bathroom door had to be left open after a shower to let the steam dissipate. Then the door had...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 4

"This place is pretty nice, and that man was so polite to me," my mother said, looking around Gabriel's restaurant as we settled into opposite sides of our booth. "Yes, he's a great guy. Connor and I have been coming here for a while now and he's always treated us really nicely." I looked across at her, a warm smile turning up the corners of my mouth as I took in the relaxed look of contented happiness on her face. I knew my father had rarely taken my mother out to dinner and I wanted...

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Life Next Ch 01

Author’s note: This is a story of love, not sex – an erotic coupling of hearts, not bodies (necessarily). A romance in the end, I suppose, though not a typical offering. My goal was to tell the story of two people almost entirely through their conversation. Virtually nothing is revealed except through the voices of the characters – so be forewarned. ***** We were seated on the restaurant’s patio under a trellis of leafy grape vines and a strand of white lights. I wasn’t used to the humidity...

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Trip To The Drug Store P 2

Now I was driving the car over to Jill’s house for our date. I had planned to stop by my house before my date, but having Cindy shave me followed by her spanking me, took more time than I expected. With my pubic hair being freshly shaved off, I felt more vulnerable and exposed. At the same time, I also had this strange warm feeling in the lower part of my body, and it actually felt good. I had never been spanked by a woman before, and to feel the warm of her body next to me, to smell her...

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Mum exposes herself in her tights

So after quite a few weeks of planning the travel and accommodation arrangements, Mum and I set off on the train journey to our hotel for a 4 night stay to attend a family wedding and see relatives we had not seen in a while. This planning had also included me persuading Mum what she was and wasn't going to wear on the day of the wedding, which nylons she would be taking and the fact that she wouldn't be needing any panties. Basically Mum was now resigned to the fact she would was in for four...

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Jacks New Daddy

Jack was hanging out at the local park when he saw an older man walk into the bathrooms. Since he was cruising, he thought he would go and check it out after all he still had “daddy” issues to work through and he preferred to work through them with their cock in his mouth.Jack walked in and there stood a five foot seven, chubby white elderly male who was holding what Jack would describe as the sweetest piece of meat he had seen in years it wasn’t huge but what it lacked in length it made up for...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 50

Sam and Brock were standing in the wings waiting for the signal to come to the altar when Brock saw five women sneak into the back pew of the church. It took him a second but he finally put together where he'd met them – the night before at the Adult Video Expo. "Oh, shit," he muttered. "What?" Sam asked nervously. It was the second time he'd been married but the first time in almost 30 years. "Nothing, Sam," Brock said. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Chris and Zack. A...

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ReplayChapter 5

As Jerry switched the engine off Emma and Judy came out of the front door. "You're late," Emma said with a smile. "Two minutes." "I'm sorry if I caused you any anxiety," Jerry smiled back. "I did have to have a sniff at my smelling salts." Emma held out her hands and Jerry took them. "Anyway, you made it," she smiled up at him. He could not resist it and gave her a quick light kiss. She positively beamed. "And you're forgiven," she said softly. "Come on. Let your girls...

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MySistersHotFriend Skylar Snow 23095

When Tyler spots his sister’s friend Skylar Snow naked in the bedroom, he plots his plan to get laid! Skylar has been visiting Tyler’s sister, and he’s always had the biggest crush on her. After seeing her naked, he pops a big boner, then phones her sister and makes up some story to keep her away from the house so she doesn’t take Skylar to the airport. Instead, Tyler offers to take her back, but also takes the opportunity to show her how he feels by feeling her up! Skylar’s down, and puts her...

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Delivering Dominance Book 3 Coordinating Deliveries

The day after bringing Kelly and Lori together, and withholding a precious orgasm from Lori, Teamwork app notifications showed that Kelly and Lori were both following directions. Lori uploaded her first fantasy journal and picture. I’ve always had the fantasy of having sex in the backseat of a moving vehicle. You know, like my husband driving the car while I’m 69 in the backseat with another woman…or, riding some guys cock, sometimes I want it to be reverse cowgirl, so I can see my husband...

4 years ago
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Her One True Prince and Master

Her One True Prince and MasterbyDorothy StrangeloveIntroduction: After the Bullets and Broken GlassWhere does it all begin?  I ask myself this question with my back against the wall as I look around for a clock but there's no clock in this room.  Blood is drying on my white shirt,  I see it on my sleeve, on the back of my hand,  I can feel it drying on my cheek as well. I don't want to wash it off.  I don't want to leave this room,  or do anything until I know... I look down at my black mini...

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Dream MasterChapter 17 Get Over It

Jimmy The next time one of these girls tells me someone is 'special', I'm leaving town. Don't get me wrong, I like Christine; I think she's wonderful. She's fun, smart, self-assured, easy to talk to, and she's certainly a lot of fun to roll around naked with. Heck, she doesn't even hog the covers, but this... How do I keep getting mixed up with stuff like this? It seemed like every woman I meet has some kind of crisis. They're either in trouble and need my help, like Samantha and...

3 years ago
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Sissy at gym

English is not my primary-language, so be gentle with me. But wanted to share the story of my fantasy. It began like a ordinary day and how I ended up sucking and fucking a BBC I dont know. It must be my sissy nature. But I went to the gym as I often do in the mornings when its few people there, mostly just a bunch of old people that sit there and talk for ever and a handful using the machines so you are free to use them when you want. After a sweaty and hard workout I went down to shower, but...

2 years ago
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A Garden Party

A Garden PartyLiz hated her mother's garden parties. It was a beautiful spring day and rather than wandering the hills wearing jeans and a tee shirt, Liz was wearing a frilly white dress with little blue flowers on it. The skirt came down to her knees and she was wearing white socks and a matching pair of white shoes. Liz hated the dress. The shoes were uncomfortable and the socks looked silly as far as she was concerned."You look beautiful" Nanny told Liz, stepping back after tying a ribbon in...

3 years ago
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Virginity Taken By A Friend

Hi this is my first story, I am sham ,this is basically a story of me with my friend who I know from long time but had sex after many years when we get in touch again I know this girl from six years whose stats must be 36/32/38 short in height but beauty I know from first day when I meet her online that I cant marry her so we were good online friends for three years sharing each and everything then there was no contact for next three years as we got busy in our life Then one day we got in...

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My First Gay Bar

I recently visited a gay bar in my area for the first time. I was a little nervous as its location wasn't exactly in the best part of town and that I wasn't sure if it was actually a gay bar or just a place being advertised as such but may be a place where one could be set up. After circling the club a few times I finally got up the nerve to park my car and go inside.Once inside it seemed just like any other typical night spot with the exception of men talking, holding each other dancing...

5 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 22 The Game is Afoot

The interrogations were getting steadily worse. The large prisoner still refused to talk, and Colonel Kevin Price was losing patience quickly. Not only because he had never met a man who could withstand so much pain, but also because they could not understand how he could heal so quickly from the numerous rounds of interrogation. “Yes, sir, I still have no timetable for information from our guest,” Col. Price said to one of his many higher ups wishing bi-weekly progress reports. These men...

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HypnoSubmission Pt 05

Part 5: BrendaThe title of the video piqued Brenda’s curiosity. “Hypno-slave Induction for Women.” Her last boyfriend was an asshole. She stayed in that relationship far too long, despite almost every friend telling her to leave him. They couldn’t understand why she put up with him telling her what to do like he owned her. He’d get angry and jealous when whenever another guy even looked at her, let alone talked to her. And her friends would find the occasional bruise. Why had she stayed for so...

Mind Control
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Big Beach Bulges Butts and Boobs Part 5

With Richard’s rock-hard cock in my mouth, Adam deep inside of me from behind, and his large, heavy balls in my hand, I was in heaven! I soon came once more, moaning around Richie’s cock and tightening my grip on Adam’s swollen scrotum. Richie had to pull away again, too close to losing control, but Adam swore and drove into me, and I felt his cock begin to strain and pulse as he finally climaxed and filled me with cum.It felt incredible, and with the reassurance of my husband’s intense and...

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Hayleys LandlordHayleys Mother

So, I have to tell you about Kat. She’s one of those people that needs to come with a warning sticker. You can’t just drop Kat into a story. Normally she is the story. I met her three years ago; One of those really smart guys I’d know at university ended up a damn fine lawyer and Kat? Well she needed a damn fine lawyer. Kat always got what she wanted. I’ve heard that said about other people before, but they were amateurs. The entire focus of Kats life was getting what she wanted. If...

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The Tease

I would call you several times through out the day knowing that your phone is set to vibrate and you can’t answer your phone while at work. The constant vibration from your phone is building up in your body sexually stirring the juices. I called so many times you have lost count and with each call you begin to roll your eyes with a slight pleasure from all the vibrations from your phone. When you finally get your break for lunch you noticed how many missed calls you had. You saw that I had...

3 years ago
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Virgin Pundaiyai Kizhithen

Vanakam enathu peyar Ram vayathu 27 naan oru MNC yil velai paarthu varugiren angu niaraiya pengal irupaargal. Annaivarum avargalin mulaigalai azhagga kaamithukondu irupaargal, naan niraiya pengaludan pazhaguven appadi pazhagum pozhuthu naan niraiya pengalai oothu irukiren, ennathu official vellai paarkum niraiya pengaludan sex seithu ullen. Appadi oru naan oru puthithaaga oru pen vanthu vellai paathu kondu irunthaal avalin mulai konjam perithaaga irunthathu aanal avalin suuthu ootikondu...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Hooker

Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. - Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It's summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 6

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling pretty weird. I had a nightmare that Jenny and I were on the couch and she was giving me one of her World Class blowjobs when her mom walked in. What was weird about it was that when I looked down at Jenny to see what her reaction was, it wasn’t Jenny but instead it was her mom between my legs and it was Jenny who walked in on us. I felt ill because now they were both mad at me for using them. Each one was mad that I had been seeing the other one too. They...

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