hayleys booty call true story
- 4 years ago
- 49
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So, I have to tell you about Kat.
She’s one of those people that needs to come with a warning sticker.
You can’t just drop Kat into a story.
Normally she is the story.
I met her three years ago; One of those really smart guys I’d know at university ended up a damn fine lawyer and Kat? Well she needed a damn fine lawyer.
Kat always got what she wanted.
I’ve heard that said about other people before, but they were amateurs. The entire focus of Kats life was getting what she wanted.
If that makes you picture some entitled, spoilt brat ... well, she could be that if she wanted.
Honestly, I have no idea who she actually was. She could change her manner, her looks, her accent and most importantly her story at the drop of a hat.
There were four things I knew about Kat – and I’m pretty sure her real name wasn’t one of them.
Kat was a thief. I’m not talking about a bank robbing, jewellery heisting, balaclava wearing comic book villain. Let’s just say she always ended up with what she wanted and never paid a damn thing for it.
Kat was good. Even if you knew she was a scam artist. Even is you thought you knew the game. You were wrong. While you were playing nought’s and crosses, she was beating your ass at chess.
Kat was in it for the ride. She wasn’t looking for a big pay-day or fortune and glory – if she was, she’d have had it – Kat was all about the game, rather than the prize. She always made sure that when she finished the game, you knew you’d been beaten.
And Kat always won the game.
I learned all this the hard way, but, honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing.
My Lawyer friend introduced us.
We hit it off and I had the best three weeks of my life.
She was funny, sharp, pretty and a total deviant in bed, but all of that was blown away by the thrill of being around her. She had an energy and focus that made you feel like you were alive.
She’d always have this bright smile, and a glint in her eye that made you feel like a kid on a roller coaster when she was around.
And then she was gone.
And so was my car.
I’m not a petrol head and I don’t like to brag about money or possessions. But I’ve always loved Aston Martins. Limited edition, it had cost as much as a nice house and I had it a total of six weeks.
The Lojack I’d had fitted had been strapped to a bus – I nearly went crazy trying to work that one out.
The police said the car wasn’t even registered in my name. It had been transferred three weeks ago; All the paperwork properly sent away, and confirmation sent to my address, done and dusted.
I’m still a little embarrassed that it took me a couple of days to realise what had happened.
When it finally hit though I panicked. I had a lot of money tied up in online accounts, stock markets, bonds ... you name it. If someone got close enough to get hold of my documents and divert my post it could be game over.
In the end though it was just the car. I figured out later, it was always just the car.
Kat wanted the car.
Kay always got what she wanted.
Sure, I pushed through the reluctance from the police and eventually got them to take me seriously and report it as a crime, but I didn’t hold out any hope that they’d find her, let alone be able to make charges stick.
My lawyer friend was no help – he hadn’t seen her in weeks. Besides he was too busy at work. Someone had hacked into their system and a whole bunch of legal documents were missing (even the backups). They were frantically trying to work out who’d done it and what was gone.
The strange thing is, after a few months I wasn’t even mad.
I’d bought a new car. Had a little time and learnt to take it as a life lesson that could have been a lot worse.
It helped that I kept being reminded of her. I’d hear a song we’d listened to together or eat at a restaurant we visited and find myself smiling.
I missed her way more than I missed the car, and I fucking loved that car.
I thought I’d moved on.
And then I saw her.
She’d been a fiery red-head with me, always dressed to kill and bubbling with life.
Now she was a brunette. Curly dark hair cropped to her neck and hipster glasses.
Her hair fell in front of her face as she gazed at the man who’s arm she held.
A pretty but shy girl, holding onto him like he was a life-line. Clearly nervous is a crowd, clearly infatuated with him.
She was nothing like my Kat, but I knew her the moment I saw her.
It was a big party and after a few moments of reflection I had a plan.
A surge of confidence and adrenalin at seeing her drove me on. This was it, this was a chance to shake her up a little, let her know she wasn’t the only one who could play games.
I drifted around, making small talk with anyone at the party I’d met before. Approaching each, I’d chat with them for a while and then introduce myself to everyone around them, making sure to memorise a few bits of info about each person as I slowly built my social spiderweb.
Eventually my chance came.
Kat and her latest mark were in a small group chatting in a corner. Paul, a stockbroker I’d met about an hour ago was talking to a tall blonde at the edge of the group.
Making my excuses I strolled over, plucking a drink off the buffet table as I passed and slowing to take a sip so I could time my arrival with a lull in the conversation.
‘Paul, we should talk about me moving some of my business to your firm before I go’ I dropped in with a line I knew he wouldn’t be able to ignore. ‘I’m not too happy with my guy at the moment... ‘
I endured a couple of minutes of awkward small talk. Paul was subtly trying to work out if I was a big enough fish to bother reeling in.
I was waiting for my opportunity though.
He steered the conversation to holiday homes and boats. I evaded and drew it out waiting for a chance...
Cars though! When he brought the topic round to what I drove...
‘Well I’ve just bought a Ford GT, but the truth is I really miss my Aston Martin... ‘ My voice rose. It was a crude trick that I normally hated. People raising their voice to draw attention to a boast or fact they though would impress those around them (Paul had done it at least twice when we talked earlier).
It happened all the time at these parties, and I was just loud enough to make sure the whole group heard.
I did my best impression of someone forgetting something for a half second and then sprung my trap. ‘How rude of me though, I’ve pulled you away from these fine people and haven’t even introduced myself’
Looking back, it seems a little hammy, but I felt like James Bond while I said it. My master plan coming to its endgame, I stretched out my hand to someone else in the little group and started to introduce myself.
Whatever I thought I’d achieved, I hadn’t.
She didn’t bat an eye as I got around to ‘Phoebe’ as she shyly introduced herself, before going back to doting on her partner.
No wide eyes. No stammering. No hint that she knew who I was. Just the nervous politeness of someone uncomfortable in a crowd.
I didn’t pay attention to any other names or introductions; my mind was reeling as I went through the motions with a smile on my face and names going straight over my head.
I was still stunned as they drifted past, quiet excuses made while I was trying to come up with a plan.
She brushed past.
Then she was gone.
I looked around a few minutes later, but they’d left.
Paul’s chat had just become noise to me, so I made some agreeable, non-committal noises and offered to give him my card.
I was busy wondering what I’d been hoping to achieve as I took Paul’s card.
Did I expect her to bolt ... break character ... did she even recognise me?
She didn’t even bat an eyelid.
Paul didn’t help – I managed my own investments – and the best his business card could hope for was being roach material in some future joint I rolled.
But you have to treat these things like they’re sacred, so I dutifully reached to tuck it in my wallet and get out my own business card.
My wallet!
I drew a couple of surprised glances as I laughed out loud.
Composing myself while I checked I still had my keys and phone I made my excuses and left, tucking Paul’s card into a top pocket.
It was only after I’d cancelled my cards and put a hold on my accounts that I found the other business card.
Just a plain white card with an email address.
It took me a couple of days to figure out what to write.
It was an essay.
I wasn’t mad.
I didn’t care about the car.
Hell, I even told her I knew she’d never be mine. I just needed to talk
Not a creepy ‘get you in a conversation and try to pressure you into something’ talk, I assured.
But a chat between friends.
No grudges. No tricks.
It was desperate.
Looking back, writing the email was what I needed most, putting all my feelings down and sending them off to the person who’d done this.
Deep down, I didn’t have any hope that it would work. But over the next few days, I felt like I’d moved past any lingering sense of loss.
One week after I’d sent my email, I got a visit.
I heard a car roll up and looked out the window to see a gorgeous Aston Martin parking outside my house.
My heart racing, I rushed to the door.
It wasn’t Kat.
Oh sure, it was her, but it wasn’t the girl I’d known.
I got to meet Phoebe.
She was shy and demure, hesitant and yet someone totally alluring.
I tried to connect with the girl I’d known, draw her out of this disguise so we could talk, maybe connect again.
Instead I met another girl.
The sad part is, if I’d never know Kat, I’d have fallen totally in love with Phoebe.
Despite the coyness, she was still razor sharp. She was funny and caring. Once you got to know her, she opened up just enough to draw you in deeper.
The way she looked at me.
It was like I was the only person in the world.
She hung on every word I said.
The most unassuming person I’d ever met and yet somehow I’d have dropped everything to give her anything she wanted.
She acted like she’d met her soulmate and was terrified I’d float away. As we talked thorough the night, she took a hold of my arm and slowly drew me in.
Later as we started to kiss, I felt it again.
That rush that Kat made me feel.
Like I was a kid.
But this wasn’t Kat’s rush.
There were no rollercoasters.
This time I was a kid kissing the girl next door for the first time.
All nerves and a racing heart as I brushed my lips against hers.
I forgot about Kat.
I forgot about my car and my wallet, about the guy from the party she’d clung to and about the way she’d never broken character.
The only thing in the world was Phoebe, quietly moaning beneath me.
It wasn’t Phoebe though. She didn’t exist the same way Kat didn’t exist.
The only thing about her that existed was the game.
I realised that when I woke up the next morning, my wallet lying next to me where she’d been.
She didn’t care about the car, or the wallet, or me.
She cared about the game.
And Kat always won the game.
Kat became my muse.
She was the voice in the back of my head, the person I spoke to when it was quiet, and I was alone.
Her email address became my diary.
I know it sounds a little sad, but she was my best friend. The first person I’d turn to if I needed advice and the only one I’d share my inner thoughts and feeling with.
Sometimes I felt like a twenty-eight-year-old with a fucking imaginary friend.
Don’t get me wrong though, she was a friend.
She wrote back.
Not as much as I wrote her, and she never shared her thoughts or actions. Hell, she never talked about herself, but somehow, she always knew just what to say.
She was insightful, with smart advice when I needed it.
She was encouraging and complimentary when things were hard.
She was tough and stood up to me when I needed shaking up.
For the third time this girl had gotten into my head, but this time it wasn’t as an infatuation.
She was a companion. We didn’t flirt, I didn’t pine after her.
I had a good friend, who made me forget all about Kat and Phoebe.
The fact that she mostly wrote back when I had something interesting to say didn’t detract from the friendship and somehow, she was always there when I needed her the most.
So, I guess there is a fifth thing I know about Kat after all.
I told her everything.
I visited Hayley every day.
Every day she was a little brighter, a little more confident.
She started to relax.
Oh, and her smile!
I’d seen her smile before, a little grin here and there or a shy smile at something that amused her. But one day, after about a week of our arrangement I leant over to plant an affectionate kiss on her forehead.
As I leaned back, she beamed.
Something about seeing this girl truly happy just made my heart ache.
With that smile, this wasn’t an arrangement for convenience anymore.
She was mine.
I think I’d been hers for a while if we’re being truthful.
But you know how life is.
When things are going well a shit-storm is just around the corner.
This particular shit-storm took the form of a teacher and social worker, a parting gift from Hayley’s mother: Grace.
Letters home had been ignored. Friendly at first: school outings, parents evening, report cards.
She might have got away with being lazy on those.
It was the school uniform in the end that blew it. Tattered and repaired, obviously too small and staring to fade.
The first letters were nice. With a sense of concern, they offered assistance and asked to meet.
Next came the friendly warnings; gentle reminders about standards and obligations ... the offers of assistance were still there, but the requests for a meeting were sterner.
The last two were stark and officious.
Concerns that could no longer be ignored.
Demands for a meeting and worries regarding Hayley’s welfare.
I started at the end though. I only discovered the others, crumpled down the side of the couch, when the last letter arrived.
I’d love to rage at Hayley’s teacher and call her a busy-body. But she did what she though was best for a child.
I can’t be mad at that.
What she though was best, was reporting the situation to Child Protection.
I had a case number, an assigned social worker, and an appointment.
I’d considered the risk of all this at the start.
I’m not going to say I weighed up the risks carefully, I think we both know I didn’t, but I knew this was a possibility, and on day 1 my plan was to let Hayley know there was nothing we could do.
Let her down easy.
She’d probably be better off in the long run.
And then that fucking smile.
No way was anyone taking her away from me.
Hayley’s approach was simple.
Move somewhere else and don’t look back.
As we cuddled up together to sleep that night, Hayley’s plan was my plan.
We clung to each other desperately. Quietly talking, reassuring each other that everything would be ok.
We talked confidently, but held each other tighter and tighter, both of us putting on a brave face, but neither convinced.
The girl who’d been growing in confidence in front of my eyes each day was slipping away and no matter how I tried to reassure her that smile was gone.
I lay awake long after she’d drifted off, working out how to move my assets abroad. What I’d have to cut loose and what I’d be able to safely keep.
I’d have to become someone ... else...
God I was fucking stupid sometimes!
I slipped out of bed and hurried downstairs to grab my laptop and write an email.
It came out garbled and rushed.
I was tired, panicked and desperate.
I sent it anyway.
Then I paced. I mean I literally paced up and down, trying to come up with plans. Arguments and counter arguments playing out in my head. Mentally preparing.
I had one chance and I had to get it right.
I paced for three hours.
I answered the phone on the 2nd ring. A number I didn’t recognise.
‘Hello?’ My voice went from croaky to high pitched in one word.
A statement, not a question, in a soft Irish accent. It was a voice I’d never heard, but somehow still recognised.
It was daylight outside by the time I hung up.
I’d explained the situation for hours.
I’d already told her about Hayley – and Grace before her – through our emails.
A risk, I know, but I was an open book to her.
She asked questions for hours. I can’t even begin to imagine why she wanted some of the answers.
I’d jumped at every request she made, even the ones that made no sense: Pictures of Hayley, pictures of Grace and the house. Pictures of every letter and finally twenty thousand pounds wired over.
I did it all without hesitation.
Then I explained my plan.
There was a long pause and I started to think we’d been disconnected when she sighed slowly.
I was stunned.
I’d built my hopes around her.
This was my only way out.
I started to backtrack. To fill in what I’d missed and negotiate a better plan.
Just as my hope slipped away, she offered it back.
‘I’ll fix it. Give me what I want, and I’ll get you what you want.’
And I believed her.
It was a fact! Not an offer or an agreement to make an attempt.
‘It’s done’ I smiled, my voice raising as I happily agreed. ‘I’ve already transferred the money.’
She laughed.
It was going well!
‘Oh John... ‘ Another long pause.
It was not going well!
‘The money was for expenses.’
She’d kept the soft Irish lilt every moment we spoke. She hadn’t offered a name this time around and that quiet, confident voice had just become a part of her to me. A new facet to an old friend.
‘I don’t want your money John.’ She purred.
She was right, she’d have taken half of it the first time we met if that was what she wanted.
‘What do you want?’ I was nervous but deep down I already knew I’d pay whatever she wanted.
I was wrong again.
It turns out her price wasn’t something I could agree to.
It wasn’t up to me.
It was my turn to be silent after she’d finished talking.
‘Call it a test?’ damn, but she never lost her confidence. ‘If she cares about you as much as you care about her, we’ll have a deal.’
The line went dead.
Still in silence I walked slowly back to bed.
It took me a while to wake Hayley.
She looked so peaceful sleeping and a part of me didn’t want to know the answer.
I couldn’t even make up my own mind what I wanted her to say.
Eventually I woke her gently.
She was a little groggy and confused. It wasn’t fair dropping all this on her while she was still waking, but I had to know.
Keeping my voice carefully flat I told her about my conversation, about the person behind it and finally about the price.
She didn’t share my hesitation. Her answer was quick. She was wide eyed and her mouth hung open as I told her, but she calmly stated her answer the moment I stopped talking.
Without saying a word, I slipped back downstairs and wrote the shortest email I’d ever sent to Kat.
I had six days to the meeting, and now that I had hope to hold onto, I threw myself into the task.
It was a home appointment, so the task was pretty clear.
Hayley had kept the place spotless, and the houses I rented out were always in good condition – well repaired and nicely decorated.
It wasn’t a shit-hole, but it wasn’t a home.
The lounge contained just a couch and TV on a small table. Hayley’s bedroom was much the same, just a bed and a neat stack of her washing.
The essentials were there, but not much else.
The first day I got rid of almost everything.
The tatty couch I’d fucked Grace on, the tiny TV set, beds, everything in the kitchen dragged off.
There were a couple of guys with a van I used whenever there was clearing out or repairs on my houses that I couldn’t do myself. As usual they made quick work of it, while I sat on the floor on my laptop planning out a new home.
Next day delivery is a wonderful thing.
I have my own tastes. I like a lack of clutter and a sleek, stylish look. But I didn’t decorate the house for me.
Simple, comfortable furniture started to arrive, and I spent the next couple of days putting together the beds, book shelves, side tables and all the other things that people fill up their homes with.
Second hand books arrived soon after. I’d picked out a wide handful of popular authors and ordered everything they’d written to fill the shelf space – carefully sorted so each author had their own section.
Neat stacks of magazines were filed under the coffee table, with a couple scattered on top of it.
I hate cushions.
I bought 10. Hideous floral things that I scattered on the couch and beds.
I’d already bought Hayley a new school uniform before the letter arrived (ok, I’ll admit, I couldn’t wait for school to start and I got to see her in it ... but that would have to wait for now).
We cleared out the rest of her clothes and in the end the only things we kept were the new things I’d bought her. The rest was either too worn, too small or too hideous to keep. So, I logged into Amazon, sat her down on my account and told her add anything she liked the look of to the basket.
I knew she’d try to save money and be frugal, so I told her to add everything that fitted her style and she could sit down later and decide which bits she wanted to get.
It took a long time, and I had to keep convincing her to keep looking and add more things so we had a lot to choose from.
Finally, I sat down beside her, and we did some shopping together. I added the things she’d liked but thought were too expensive, and tripled up on the socks, shirts and underwear she’d put in the basket.
When we both got a little bored, we started going through costumes; maid outfits, catsuits, lingerie, you name it. As well as an ungodly amount of knee socks and stockings (she picked up my interest and said she’d consider a pair when we made the final cut).
Playfully I added everything from Halloween costumes, to thongs, to rubber skirts to the basket, reassuring her that we’d go through it later and be more sensible – just the essentials, with maybe a couple of nice things for her and a few bits just for fun.
There’s an old saying; It’s easier to ask forgiveness that permission.
I hate that saying! It’s usually used to excuse shitty behaviour, but in this case, I knew we’d never fill the brand-new wardrobe and drawers in Hayley’s room if I let her filter through the hundreds of things we’d added to the basket. Besides, it was for her ... well some was just things I wanted to see her in, but most of it was for her.
When she went to the bathroom I rushed through the checkout, clicking the fastest delivery options they offered.
I honestly thought she’d see it coming.
I underestimated how much she was used to being overlooked or an afterthought. Luckily, she was too shocked to be cross or disappointed in me and any regrets I might have had were washed away when she asked why she’d need six pairs of shoes, or four jackets!
She didn’t get why I found that funny, and playfully attacked me when I laughed at her shock at having two bags being delivered tomorrow.
I had doubts gnawing at me. There was a price to pay, and there wasn’t a guarantee the plan would work ... hell I didn’t even know what the plan was. But right then, as the tickling turned into kissing, I had my Hayley back and everything else in the world was forgotten.
The next few days were a rush. I had to get my guys to come back with their van.
Two trips full of empty boxes, packets and Styrofoam I didn’t have time to deal with.
I’d underestimated how long it would take to find a place for everything and put all the finishing touches in place. Each evening I ordered a few more bits and pieces and by the final evening we cuddled up together on the new couch in our perfect home.
It was neat, but lived in. Clean and tidy, but with a hundred little touches and character.
Hayley loved it.
I loved it.
A nagging concern had always tugged at me when I was over there before, that the situation wasn’t right. That I was taking advantage, and Hayley deserved a proper family, a proper home.
A home like this.
I’ve always picked out things I wanted, things that suited me. I took a lot of care and effort in my own house and it suited me, or so I thought.
But I’d never been this comfortable or cosy.
It was only that realisation that made me try to remember when the last time I’d actually been at home was.
Not this week, I’d been too busy for that.
I’d started out coming over to visit Hayley every day.
Then I’d stayed over a couple of times.
At some point without even realising I’d stopped going home.
We drifted off to sleep together, spooning on the couch, too exhausted and too comfy to go to bed.
I woke late.
Hayley had left me to sleep, while she showered and dressed. A neat, preppy little outfit with a tartan skirt that reached the middle of her thighs, white tights and a tight red sweater.
I tried to ignore the reaction that caused, we didn’t have time for that ... well maybe we had a little.
She danced away as I reached out for her though.
She was too damn sensible.
But she was right. I needed to shower, and we didn’t have time for me to mess up her hard work.
It was only in the shower that I started to get nervous.
Four hours.
I hadn’t heard from Kat.
I didn’t know what the plan was.
I knew she was good, but...
No. I had to trust her.
Ok, I had to trust that she had nothing to gain by screwing me over.
I heard the door while I was brushing my teeth.
I dressed in a hurry and rushed downstairs.
Bundled up on the couch with Hayley was a blonde woman. She had an arm around her, and they were laughing at some shared joke.
Kat gave me an affectionate smile as she stood. Not a passioned greeting for a friend you hadn’t seen in years, just a warm acknowledgement of a loved one you hadn’t seen since the night before.
‘Good morning John’ she stepped forward and hugged me.
Of course, it wasn’t my Kat. It wasn’t timid little Phoebe either, or the soft, composed Irish girl I’d spoken to a week before.
Phoebe and Kat had worn slender stylish heels.
This woman was shorter – how the hell did girls do that?
Subtle, natural make-up and hair that was a perfect match for Hayley.
She was still young enough to be Hayley’s older sister, but she held herself with the quiet composure and no-nonsense, not-to-be-argued-with authority of a single mother.
‘Kat ... I’ I started, but she nipped that right in the bud.
‘Grace! Hayley’s mother is Grace John’ There could be no argument, even if she’d left time for one ‘You’ve done a fair enough job here, but you’ve missed some details.’ She continued, reaching into a well-used, bulky handbag to pull out a phone.’
Offering it to Hayley she gently instructed her ‘it will ping every few minutes. Whenever it does, take it out, type something and then put it away again.’
Turning back to me she added ‘What fourteen-year-old girl doesn’t have a phone?’
Her tone was gentle and reminding but offered no room for excuses or arguments ‘and for god’s sake move that car. A ford GT John? Really? It doesn’t exactly fit around here.’
I tried this time; I opened my mouth to offer an excuse for overlooking it but didn’t get the words out. ‘It’s an eyesore John ... I thought you had better taste’
I swear there was a hint of a sly smile as I picked up my keys.
Grace was sitting next to Hayley on the couch again when I came back, talking quickly in a voice too quiet for me to hear. Her hand rested easily on Hayley’s knee and they giggled occasionally at some private joke.
I stood back and watched for a moment.
My angel and the perfect, respectable, middle-class mother.
She hadn’t just done it. She’d been here five minutes and she’d effortlessly become a part of the place.
There was a ping and Grace patted Hayley on the knee as the teenager pulled out her phone.
Standing smoothly, she approached me.
This story is my own starring Paramore singer Hayley Williams. Warning: hardcore, M/F, M/M/F to follow Hayley let out a soft sigh. It was late, barely a half hour after Paramore's latest performance, but she was still on a high. The crowd. The music. It always made her feel more alive. It also made her extremely horny. The men (and women) in the audience eye fucking her with every move she made. The way she'd tease them by shaking her ass on stage, returning their stares. It was a game. A game...
Follow me at- www.instagram.com/mrraqm/Genre- Fiction, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, BDSM, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Fisting, Group Sex, Hardcore, i****t, Males / Female, Males / Females, Spanking, Toysntroduction:Hayley and her sister Chloe go back to the brunette's apartment, with a few extra firendsThe walk back to the girl's apartment was short, but not uneventful. The tiny brunette, Donna, had 'recruited' along the way. Three more guys had joined her brother John and his...
"Geez, why does it seem that when I am all ready depressed as all hell, the world decides to pour down rain?"This question muttered into the phone only received a laugh in return. Hayley, of course, felt no joy, though Sarah's funny little giggle always brought an answering one from her."I am being honest, sara. Jimmy treated me awful and I feel like utter shit. Then to add insult to injury, it decides to up and rain. I swear, the only thing that would make this worse is if I happened to see...
LesbianSo me and Hayley have been together for a good couple year now. Still happy and still her taking plenty of cock. One day she come back in from work with a big smile on her face. She comes out that she has finally found a place where a dogging spot is and that we are going this Saturday. I ask how she found that out and her reply is just from the delivery guy at work. My next question is why and how were you talking to the delivery guy about dogging? She looks at me with her slutty smile and...
Hayley sat by the breakfast bar, totally naked as usual and was watching a lesbian clip on Xhamster as she nibbled her way through the cereals. Only half watching and half eating she drifted into another world. A few weeks had passed since the divorce papers had been signed, and Haley had experienced such pleasures in the forest that she longed to return for a repeat performance. Time passed slowly and Hayley returned to the real world to find her fingers hard at work massaging her pussy and...
We live in Ireland, in a big town by Irish standards, and have been together for just 2 months. I'm just gone 18, tall, and will soon look muscular, what with all the sex I'm having these days (as well as my newfound love of not being a lazy shit with no gym membership), and my dick is a respectable 7 inches, with a slight curve to the left on account of me being right handed. Hayley is 16, a year and a half younger than me, and gorgeous, in a sort of a way that all of her close friends...
This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...
by inkubi© "Come, baby, suck on Mommy's breasts," my mother cooed, holding my head and guiding me to her tits. They were supple, soft, but firm, with her little buttons on her small aureoles perked up. I took a nipple into my mouth, and touched another lightly with my fingers. Mom moaned with such desire that almost had my dick bursting out. "Yeah, feels good, doesn't it, Auntie? Your son sucking your tits?" Dan teased Mom. She giggled, but said nothing. I began to add my saliva to Dan's on my...
byinkubi© Dan has a surprise for John, and Hayley gets closer to Dan at night. All characters are over the age of eighteen. Slight waterplay, so beware. One Day from Release The next morning seemed like any other summer morning. We had waffles for breakfast, and Dan and I went out for a drive in Dad's car. We picked two of my friends and then smoked a blunt and shot the air. The we dropped them off and took the road home. While returning we saw Megan. "I'm not talking to you," she said, as I...
by inkubi© It's bathtime! All characters are over the age of eighteen. Bit of watersports in the end, so 'Caution! Wet Floor.' The Day of Release When I woke up on my bed the next morning, Dan wasn't there. I got up, dressed myself, brushed, and came downstairs to find the mouth-watering aroma of bacon and eggs wafting through the air. I was greeted with the sight of Mom and Dan kissing in the kitchen, Dan's arms wrapped around her waist, his hands groping her ass. Mom was wearing a green...
My twelve-year-old daughter, Hayley, had come to live with me for the summer because her mother and step-father both had to work and didn't like leaving her alone at home all day long. I am a free-lance writer. Although I don't make as much money as her mother, I work at home. A couple of days ago, I had asked Hayley if her mother had had a talk with her yet about her developing body. She said, "No," so I proceeded to explain things like hormones and the development of sexuality in a woman....
by inkubi© She hesitated. "Alright. But do it under my camisole. Don't remove it." That's better than nothing. I took soap in my hands and slipped them under her camisole. As my fingers slid over her mounds of tit-flesh, I heard her moan in Dan's mouth. I did the underboob, weighing her breasts, squeezing them from the bottom, then her sides, her cleavage, moving my hands in a circular motion to the top of her bosom, and let my fingers revolve around her nipples, spiralling closer and closer...
Gretchen frowned at the paper panties that Lula, the waxing technician,had given her. She quickly decided that Sue’s recommendation to just skip wearing panties and go bare during her waxing was the best option. Thankfully, Lula had also given her that option without Gretchen having to ask. Following Lula’s instructions, Gretchen removed her shoes, jeans, and panties and left on her top. She sat down on the end of what looked like a massage table and draped the sheet that Lula had provided over...
Group SexMom started soaping my dick. For some reason today, my devoted Catholic mother, who thought sex was sin, did not shy away from letting her fingers trail over her son's rigid cock. She moved her soapy fingers smoothly over my length. She said, "you guys always enjoyed my baths. Little devils you were, always splashing around. Not one day would I come out of the bath dry." "Yeah, I remember," I said. "Why should today be any different?" Dan said, as he pointed the handheld shower towards Mom,...
I didn’t really even like her all that much. We only knew each other through a few mutual friends, and it’s not that I disliked her, but something about Hayley bugged me. She was always nice enough to me whenever we talked. But she carried herself with a certain demeanor that was just a little too haughty for me. She always seemed to act as though she had a better pot to piss in, which was kind of ironic considering the crappy part of town she grew up and lived in. So when a few of my friends...
Quickie SexI never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn't be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can't seem to meet anybody. I'm starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can't find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking.Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me, but I'm...
Little Jimmie!"Twenty year old James Middleton ignored his stepmother's call. He had one more kill to make on his X-box game and he could advance to the next level."James Middleton! I know you can hear me!"James groaned loudly, put down his controller and stood. He knew when his stepmother called him by his first and last name she meant business. He left his room and walked slowly toward the kitchen."Yes, Mai?"Her voice softened. "It's been ten years since your father and I married. And you...
"Dan?" she whispered, "are you awake?" My cousin turned and looked up, straining his eyes. "Wha- Aunt Hayley!" he croaked, having being just awoken, "yes I'm awake. What's up?" Mom was silent. Dan propped himself up with his arms and said, "sit, Auntie. What happened?" Mom sat on the side of the bed. "Dan," she began, "I'm really sorry-" Dan stopped her. "Auntie, you are like my mother, you can slap me if you feel I have overstepped my boundaries. I didn't mind at all. No need to apologize." "I...
All credit goes to incubi the Author . Three Days from Release. I am John, an eighteen year old college freshman in the Midwest, and this is my story. An incredible story of how my life changed completely thanks to my cousin Dan. It is so insane I still reel when I think about it, and to get this out of my system I have to write it down. It happened in the last week of summer before I would head off to my first year of college. I had been accepted to the same university my cousin Dan had been,...
My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...
TabooHer name was Maureen and she was the most beautiful woman that I’d ever known. She was my stepmother. We were a blended family. My step-mom had three children and my father had five children. I was the oldest of all the siblings. My father was an alcoholic and worked late hours with his job. He'd always stop off at a bar, when he finished his shift for the evening, and then pass out in the spare bedroom. So my stepmother was always alone when she slept. My father was also very abusive to her. ...
TabooMy boyfriend and I were out at a party and I was a little drunk when he drove me home. My father was away on a business trip and my stepmother was asleep. I snuck my boyfriend into the house and we fooled around on our living room couch. We really didn’t have the money to get a hotel room. We had to be quiet, so my stepmother didn't hear us. We kissed deep and passionately. Eric stood up and removed his shoes and his pants. He pulled my skirt up around my waist and pulled my panties down to my...
TabooWhen I was still young my mother died in a car accident, and for the next few years it was just me and my father Ted.My father did his best for me, but he could never fill my mothers shoes, but then as I reached my late teens he met another woman called Mary.Mary was a tall redheaded woman in her mid thirties, she had an amazing figure that she looked after with regular trips to the gym, and the few times I saw her in a bathing suit I could see why my father liked her so much.It wasn't long...
I'm a sixteen (nearly seventeen) year old son of farmer parents on an island of the west coast of Scotland. I'm homeschooled and as long as I keep up my studies, I am excused farm work.It's quiet here and most of my friends attend boarding school on the mainland so I don't see much of them. When they come back for holidays, we like to get together and hang out. Some of them steal porn mags or porn novels from their parents and we all take it in turns reading sections out loud to the group. It's...
First TimeThe Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...
Sissy Stepmother A Pantyboy Profile INTRODUCTION Cheryl here. You remember me. The 20-year-old pantyboy extraordinaire. Every man's naughty, secret, wet dream. Raconteur without equal. In "Service" and "Test Driven," I told you about Amy and Judy, two of my lovely roommates, fellow pantyboys and like me, covergirls for "Panty Boy," the only publication worth buying, besides some of those Spermco comic books about us "special boygirls" and the "Sunday New York Times." And Panty...
It's was my last summer before I was supposed to start college. I had the house to myself most the time and had been wasting my summer playing video games. My dad was always gone on business trips, and my stepmother was usually out shopping, or at the gym where my dad met her.On the Saturday afternoon in question, my stepmother had just gotten home from whatever or 'whoever' she was doing, and my dad was out of town on 'business' again. I didn't really care how screwed up my dad and...
TabooYoung Stepmother Chapter 1 By Mark Dayette Looking back on it now I had an easy life when my parents were still alive, I was their only son, their special boy Nathan, they called me Nate. I had a childhood like any normal boy, I wasn't exactly one of the cool kids, I wished, but I never felt like I was a loser. My family lived in Philadelphia, PA. For many years Dad took me to the Flyers games. As a teenager I had a few dates but I wasn't too successful with the ladies. I hate to...
by inkubi© "Oh yeah, you like that?" Dan whispered, "you like it when I fuck you with my tip?" "Mm-hmm," Mom said with my cock in her mouth. "Maybe you need a few inches more," he said, and plunged two of his nine inches into her pussy. Mom let out a long, sexy whimper as she pumped and licked my shaft. "Oh God! I'm married!" she cried. "Then you should be able to take some more!" Dan said, as he pushed in two more inches. He rocked his hip faster against her. "No! No! Please stop!" Mom...
There I was, eighteen years old and laid out at home after an accident while racing motorcycles, one arm broken, the other fractured above the wrist, cuts and bruises all over. My stepmother was a nurse at the hospital that I was admitted to right after the accident. She checked up on me until I was staying awake more and then began keeping the other nurses out and tending to me herself.It was just as well. I hadn't been able to jack off in a week, and I was getting hard if the fan blew across...
TabooChapter 1 The big German shepherd sat back on his haunches with ears erect and eyes aglow, watching the shapely blonde girl move busily about the kitchen. Her visible, soft white flesh, even that hidden beneath her skimpy bikini, like the tossing of her shoulder-length golden hair, pleased him with its quivering apples to her every graceful motion. Her aromatic feminine scent filled his keen nostrils, stirring his interest more than the smell of the foods she prepared, and...
I threw caution to the wind and jumped head first into my new role as housewife and stepmother with open arms. The only problem was that not everyone else's arms were open.My first official morning as a member of the Norton household began at the breakfast table. I woke at daybreak to make a huge feast for my new husband and my growing boys: eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, pancakes, real maple syrup, waffles, fresh strawberries, whipped cream and fresh-squeezed orange juice. I didn't even...
TabooI had secretly lusted after Alice, my sexy red-headed stepmother, for a long, long time. She had a habit of walking around the house late at night in a silky, nearly see-through, light blue nighty. It was obvious that she was completely naked underneath because I could clearly make out her dark nipples and the little tuft of hair that was just above her pussy. I was convinced that she knew I could see everything and that she wore the skimpy nighty to intentionally drive me crazy. Many a night I...
IncestMy name is Eric and I was thirty-five years old when my father died. To say his death hurt would be an understatement. It was truly devastating. Although it was a difficult time, I was fortunate in that I had my stepmother Janice to help me through this period. As I'll say more than once in this story. My real mother had died when I was young. Even though Janice married my father many years after my mother died, I thought of her as my mother not a stepmother. That's important to this story. I...
I loved this story and wanted to share it, the writer is "horrorotica" here is a link to the main story: http://www.literotica.com/s/the-stepmotherAs eighteen-year-old Dale Barrett travelled home by train, he felt excited about seeing his stepmom for the first time since spring break. Nervous energy made his heartbeat fast, his stomach feel funny, and his fingers tingle. The reason he felt so nervous about coming home is that his stepmother had told him that she knew about his little secret.She...
The following is a true story however certain details have been omitted for secrecy and protection:I'm a 21 year old man living in Cambridge, 3 years ago i went travelling around australia with my best friend, (let's call him T)anyways we were travelling up the east coast doing the usual tourist spots as well as a few ssmall surfing locals we were recommended.Eventually my friend ran out of money and had to return to England.By this point i was nearing cairns and decided to visit my godmother...
My girlfriend Lilly and I have been living together for almost a year and in my opinion things are great. Due to this pandemic I have been laid off from work while Lilly has only gotten busier at work. If i'm honest I may have taken advantage of the situation and taken a little vaction from all types of work including all the house work. Normally Lilly would take care of all the cooking and cleaning, and I guess I still expected this. So one day just like any other I was home alone just playing...
FetishMy name is Kimberly. I tell our family’s story not out of a sense of depravity but instead as an opportunity to share our family’s unique solution in accepting the realities of a challenging situation which required living with unconventional sexual relationships. Some other families may find themselves in the same predicament someday. To be candid and upfront, I have to say that my fiancé, Randy, agreed to become a surrogate to his father’s new wife, Margarita, in order for her to accept his...
IncestMy Shemale Stepmother by Richard-to-Rachel My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my...
My 18yo Stepmother I have a really strange family. I was fourteen years old at the time, my mother was thirty-five, and my father was thirty-eight. A couple of years before that, my mother and father decided to have an open relationship where they could date other people. Then of course they fell in love with those other people. After the divorce they even had a double marriage where they stood up for one another. The funny thing was that Mom married a guy that was twenty years older...
My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the summer. He had bounced back quickly...
My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the summer. He had bounced back quickly...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the...
IncestPerhaps it was Katlin's seeming frailty that initially attracted the eye of Teresa Robinson, the housemother at Willow House, where the new co-ed had just moved in for the semester. Teresa had been in that position for several years, and the large black woman truly enjoyed her work taking care of the house and preparing meals for the girls who lived there. Secretly, she had something of an eye for the young women, but had never gotten up the nerve to act on her feelings. It was late on a...
Althea Amberhearth sat at her usual spot in the Black Crab tavern. Few windows and a scarcity of candles meant the establishment rarely rose above dim light. Probably so that the customer base would fail to notice the numerous stains littering the wood floor. A shame the lighting did little to stymie the stench, as the sickly sweet scent of old ale trickled into the young woman's nose. She idly flipped her loose, blonde braid from one shoulder to the other and glanced back toward the wooden...
FantasyYou are browsing through the internet when a website catches your attention. 'MotherBoard' Change anything you wish and create the rest. Intrigued you click on the site. You see 3 options. Body-Change the body Mind-Give a command Reality- Change reality
Mind ControlWorld of Warcraft Azeroth Azeroth is the name of the world in which the majority of the Warcraft series is set. At its core dwells a slumbering world-soul, the nascent spirit of a titan. Where he can land into the Trolls, Elves, Wild god heritage, Dragons, Tauren or a other Native Inhabitants. Or into the Horde Orcs. Alliance, Horde or Neutral Danny x Harem Horde Danny x Aggralan x Greatmother Geyah x Harem ( If Thrall is NTR or 63 or Cucked can you self choise( if cucked give him a micropenis...
FantasySeveral years ago during the holidays my in-laws were spending some time at our home. That particular evening before coming home from work, my wife called me and told me that she, the k**s and my in-laws were going to the mall shopping, having dinner and visiting Santa and that I would be on my own. After a particularly frustrating work day and an even more nasty commute from work, I decided to jump in the shower before finding myself some supper. Our master bedroom suite had a large shower...
I have always dreamed of fucking my mom and her mom ,my nephews mother I want to fuck her two. For years they have filled my spank bank and made me shoot gallons of cum, unfortunately not inside eather one.My best friend from c***dhood, well his mother is no different as far as my cock is concerned. And to fuck her is not as good as sex with my own mother, but it is the next best thing. Especially the way I fucked her. I mean the way we fucked her. Well I guess I mean the way me and my best...
Angel S:1 E:11 "Motherland" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Episode 11 "Motherland" ---Kolyma Gulag Hard Labor Camp, Siberia--- The prisoners were led by chains out into the still harsh wintery landscape of Siberia. All were rather dangerous looking men, imprisoned for murder, kidnapping, theft, insubordination within the military. Most had been in the camps for years and were serving sentences ranging from a couple of years to life. ...
Maa choker jol muchlen.Akhon er firabar upay ney.Buro purohit maa er samne darie. Maa er sorire kebol blouse abong pettycoat.Purohit maa ke jorie dhorlo.Maa fupie uthlen ghrina er lojjay.Janen aj tar sob harate hobe prothagoto achar sorbossotar kace,bastobotar kace.Purohit maa er thote chumu dite suru korlo.Abare maa take sorie dilo.Dhakka kheye bridho purohit(about 65) floor e pore gelo.Ete buro gelo khepe. Purohit: tui amake opoman korsis.Janis ami ki korte pari?Ami chaile tor meyer kokhono...
The delights of Stepmotherhood Due to a deep-seated and enduring character flaw I had for a long time secretly been fantasizing about feminizing and dominating weak, susceptible boys. So, when after the passing of my late husband, I had noticed that my up to that point almost tediously boring 15 year old stepson Josh had developed an unnatural interest in my lingerie drawer and assorted frillies, I saw my chance to have some fun and indulge in my dark hidden fantasies. Initially I...
Smythe sat Thunder’s saddle just inside the first real line of oak and elm and pine trees that separated the Sorral Plain from the Emerin Forest. His view to the north, over the rolling grasslands, was unobstructed from here; a dense cluster of old trees atop a small rise from which his eye was thrown for miles over the flat plain. The morning sun sat low in the east, unobstructed but for a low band of thin cloud that it had already almost surmounted on its journey upward. A gentle gust...
Sunday, July 16th, 2006, Boston Massachusetts I slowly awoke as bright sunlight shone down upon my face. My room was a furnace, and even though I was lying naked above my sheets, I was boiling. Having the warm naked body of my sister draped across me certainly didn’t help any. The memory from my crazy ass day yesterday came flooding in. I’d made love with Sheila, my brand new girlfriend, and then took my baby sister’s virginity. After that, I seduced my other sister, fucking the shit out of...
THE STORK LANDS Anatoly and Sveta are asleep in one another's arms. Sveta is dreaming of Alana as a little girl and a family holiday to the Crimea. Alana is playing with a little bell. Sveta realises in a moment of rational thought that she is asleep and wants to stay that way. "If only Alana would stop ringing the bell", she thinks as she drifts deeper into sleep once more ... With a start Sveta realises the noise is the bedside telephone. The 'phone is on Sveta's side of the bed. She...
We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a bright and classy business park – 2 and 3 level buildings with red and white facias, large black windows, small car parks... The car parks are mostly empty as we pan from one building to the next, and we realize that the sun is dropping in the background – it’s an evening shoot, and all of the workers have gone home for the day... We end our pan looking at the one building with cars/vans in the carpark. And then our host steps into...
Wednesday October 2nd, 2013 – Sam Soun As our early morning flight on British Air took off from Heathrow Airport in London to Toulouse in Southern France, the entire plane was abuzz about the woman found badly assaulted in the restroom in the terminal. She was found around midnight local time, and since then I kept Candy and I where there were people around. Safety in the herd. I took no chances and made sure my bronze dagger – enchanted to harm spiritual beings – was easily...
Sorry Mother, I can’t visit today, as I’ve fallen deep down a rabbit hole full of naked women. I’m sure you can understand, as you were once a naked woman yourself. As hard as I may try to resist the temptations of the flesh, I’m still just a warm-blooded man and a pervert at heart. I can barely stay away from a typical free tube, and it’s another story when the free sites are leaking rare premium content that would usually cost you at least a few bucks.Yes, mom, the tube I’m reviewing today is...
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