Midlife FalloutChapter 2 free porn video

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The following days were terrific. My mood was flying high. Blake’s hugs of greeting kept getting longer and stronger. It wasn’t long until the hugs included a kiss on the cheek.

Saturday that same week, Blake spent the day with me. We talked, we walked to the Chowder House, strolled the beach, sat on the sand and watched the water, and just enjoyed the day. As we returned to my condo, our conversation took an interesting turn.

“Steve, do you attend church?”

“I used to, but I haven’t looked hard enough for a church in this area where I think I’d feel comfortable. Do you attend?”

“I did in St. Louis, but I haven’t found one here either.”

“Why don’t we do a web search back at my condo and see if there’s one that looks interesting. If we find one, we can go together tomorrow.”

“I’d like that.”

We found one not too far away and agreed to attend in the morning. I’d pick her up at her place with coffee and scones ready to go.

I had never been to her place, so I drove her home that night for the first time. I met her roommates and Blake’s description was quickly confirmed. I barely got to learn their names before they offered a five-some, I assume to include Blake. They didn’t like my response when I told them to grow up. At least they stopped bothering Blake and me.

Blake was ashamed to show me her room, but she did. It was about 10 feet by 10 feet with a closet-sized bathroom. The only furniture was an air mattress. Her clothes were either hung on an open rack or arranged in her open suitcases on the floor.

I drove home and knew that I’d eventually ask her to move into my guest suite. But that was not something to push for yet.

In the morning we attended a church and really liked it. On the drive home, we decided we’d go together every week. It felt good to be back in the company of fellow believers where I had a shot at making friends with folks on my wavelength.

Blake had a highly appropriate question.

“I wonder why I stayed away from the church once I moved here. It would have been the most natural thing to do to get immersed in the community.”

“You read my mind. I was thinking the same thing. I get a sense that the events in my life made me uncomfortable in church when it should have been just the opposite. If I think about it, somehow I felt guilty as if I had done something wrong, and I didn’t want folks in the church to see me that way. Plus, to be completely honest, I was mad at God for what I’d been through.”

Blake’s face lit up. “Oh, my Lord! That’s it. That’s exactly it. I let that ass make me feel guilty about everything when it was his fault, and I blamed God for not pulling me out to safety.”

“When I think about it now, I can calmly understand and accept that we can’t have both free will and someone directing every move in our lives as if we’re puppets.”

We both recognized the breakthrough in our recovery.



“I’m ready. Can we talk about details after lunch?”

“Yeah. I’m ready too. Only one thing I request—no—make it two.”


“The first is obvious. We’re not going to fix each other’s past, so we should only listen and support.”

“Yeah. Unless there’s a question. But no suggested fixes. What’s the other?”

“That we hold each other the whole time. If I look into your eyes and see your agony, or if I’m sharing my past, I don’t think I’ll make it two minutes without losing control of my emotions. I want to share this with you, and maybe we both can start to move forward.”

We stopped at the Chowder House and ate lightly, both knowing the afternoon would be difficult. Our collective mood was subdued but we each had a deep sense of resolution that we would be finally dealing with the things that made us wounded ducks.

We finished lunch, drove to my condo, and entered hand-in-hand.

“Steve, do you have a set of sweats or something I can change into. I think I’ll need something more comfortable than this dress.”

“Sure. Let’s find something in my room, and you can change in my guest room while I find something comfortable for me too.”

As I changed clothes, I remembered how I reacted to women in my life telling me about people that hurt or upset them. My mind always wanted to fix it and inflict revenge on the perpetrator with force 100 times greater than the crime they committed would have justified. I learned, though, that the female who was unloading her problems only wanted me to listen. So I tried to clear my mind, put away the weapons in my head that I’d use on her ex, and mentally reattach protruding appendages I’ve already ripped off of him in my mind. I knew what she’d have to say would upset me greatly. I owed it to her and myself to stay calm and appropriate.

We each came out to the living room wearing identical outfits—a pair of my dark blue sweat pants and a dark gray tee shirt. I came out first and when she entered the room, we laughed at our matching attire.

“This looks more like a slumber party,” Blake mentioned with a giggle.

“You make that outfit look great compared to me.”

“Oh, Stevie, you don’t look bad yourself.” She never called me Stevie before. Nobody ever has. I liked it coming from Blake.

“I thought the couch in here would be better than out on the porch. Is that okay?”


We found a comfortable position to start. Blake snuggled up against me and I held her tight to my side.

“I like this. I feel secure,” she noted with a warm sigh.

“Me too. You fit against me perfectly. So, how do we start?”

“I guess I should go first,” she said with determination.


“Well, I met Buck at my home church. I always thought he was sort of cute, but he didn’t seem that interested in me. He was eleven years older than me but still acted very much like a teenager. He was known as a bit of a black sheep, and for some reason, I thought that was sexy. Out of the blue one day at church, he asked me on a date.”

“How old were you?”

“Twenty three. I never really dated much before then and had never been with a man, if you know what I mean. So on a Friday, he took me to Burger King, then to a movie. Really upscale, right?”

“Big spender. I get the picture,” I chuckled.

“We hardly talked and barely touched all night. After the movie, we got in his pickup truck. Before he started it he just pulled me over and started frenching me. I never did that before, but I liked it even though he was kind of rough. Then he sat up and said we were going out the next day—a Saturday—and he’d pick me up at six. I figured, okay, and agreed. So, he picked me up the next day and took me to his apartment.”

“Did you expect that?”

“No. It was a one-room dump. We walked in and before the door was closed, he went right to frenching me again. I was really scared and inexperienced, but I have to admit it was arousing. Before I knew what was happening, he was feeling me up and pulling off my clothes. I started to panic but instead resigned myself that it was time for me to experience this. I’d like to say we made love, but basically, he screwed me roughly and it hurt like hell, but at least he got off quickly. Then he just took me home. He wore a condom, but I was sure it broke since I had stuff dripping out that I knew wasn’t mine.”

“Oh, damn.”

“After our so-called date, he ignored me again. A friend at church told me the truth. Buck had a bet with a guy that he could nail me. I was crushed that I lost my virginity on a bet to a slimeball. I confronted him and, his exact words were, ‘I did you a favor, you cow. No one else was going to do you.‘ I couldn’t...”

Blake started crying a little so I held her tightly until she was ready to continue.

“ ... I couldn’t believe how cold and calloused he was. A few weeks later, as you may have guessed, I learned I was pregnant.”

She paused and asked me for a bottle of water before she continued. When I returned, she changed position to where she sat across my lap and put her arms around my neck while resting her head on my shoulder. I liked this position a lot more.

“I told my parents what happened and my dad went ballistic and started calling me a fat slut and other names a father should never use. Dad went to see Buck, who was much smaller than my dad, and he knocked him around a bit. Then dad called my uncle, his brother, who owned the contacting firm Buck worked for. They went to see Buck again and dragged him into our house where Buck was made to propose.”

“Shotgun wedding?”

“Yeah, but my dad didn’t need a gun. There was no talk of adoption or, for sure, abortion. Buck was going to be a reluctant dad. The wedding was very small and quick, and I moved into Buck’s dump of a bachelor pad. Funny enough, he softened up quite a bit and seemed to be choosing to grow up. I still wouldn’t say we ever made love, but we had some sex that was okay. Then...”

Blake started crying with some force. I just held her tighter and kissed her forehead to let the wave pass.

“Then, I lost the baby after seven months and had lots of complications. The doctor said I would never be able to safely have children after that and he talked me into having my tubes tied.”

She was crying harder and I knew not to say anything, but I made it clear that I was there to support her. It took several minutes for her to calm herself enough to continue.

“Sorry. That news was the biggest blow I ever got.”

After a few more whimpers, she was able to go on.

“I figured Buck saw his chance to get out from under his commitment to me. Dad and my uncle wouldn’t allow it, so we stayed together. I tried to find a way to love him, and I thought at some points we may have had something. But there wasn’t going to be any romance stories written about us.

I need a bathroom break.”

She ran off for a minute. When she came back she sat on my lap again but facing the other direction.

“Sorry, that’s better. So, where was I? Oh, yeah. Buck and I stayed married, and for a few years, I thought it may work out. I got a job as a marketing assistant in a company nearby, and we moved to a slightly better small apartment. Buck actually seemed almost content, and he was nicer to me during that period than at any other time. But slowly, he started calling me degrading names, telling me I was ugly and fat, couldn’t even give him children ... awful, hurtful things. I saw evidence that he was fooling around. Eventually, he didn’t care that I knew and started bringing women to our apartment. Soon he went even further and had multiple girls or some of his friends with girls and they just held sex parties. He tried to force me to take part and I refused.”

“I guess your dad and uncle were still forcing you to stay together?”

“Forcing Buck more than me, but I didn’t think I had a choice. Plus, three years ago my dad died, so that point of pressure was resolved. But the sex parties were getting out of hand. Buck’s friends kept trying to get me to take part, but Buck told them things like, ‘she’s the most beautiful cow in the county,’ or ‘I ran out of bags to put over her beautiful pig face,’ and a long list of other...”

Her tears returned. I couldn’t help saying what was on my mind. “Now I know why my words upset you. He used the word ‘beautiful’ against you.”

“Yeah. Anyway, my uncle died last year, so Buck figured he could dump me now. He said he was tied down to me long enough, and he wanted to enjoy his ‘midlife crisis.’ I found out he had three kids with three different bimbos he’d been with. I pity those kids. Anyway, he destroyed any friendships I had. My mother really wanted nothing to do with me and I felt little for her. I was treated like the town whore at church. I was going to leave anyway when his divorce papers came. So, I signed and I left. And you know the rest.”

I hugged her more tightly so she could feel that I cared and understood. “Just let me hold you. You’re safe here.”

Blake softly cried, but I had a sense that she felt some comfort in having unloaded her past. Something she said kept resounding in my brain. Midlife crisis. Nancy kept saying something similar. Certainly, I’ve heard the term before. Buck just seemed to be a life-long shmuck. Until her announcement of departure, Nancy was, by all appearances, a respectable and devoted wife and mother. But midlife seemed to be the tipping point for both of them and their actions.

I felt Blake resting limply in my arms as she slept having exhausted herself. I carried her into the guest room and covered her so she could rest. I laughed to myself. If I could carry her, she was not heavy or overweight. I would guess she weighed less than 135 pounds. I watched her sleeping and couldn’t help but to think that Buck was a fool throwing away this amazing woman. She really was beautiful.

If I didn’t know it before, I knew it then—I was falling for Blake. Nancy was the old story, and Blake would take her place in my heart. I was angry as hell at Nancy, but if I was honest with myself, love doesn’t just stop. A few short weeks ago at the deepest point of my loneliness, I actually feared that it may have been possible to be tempted to return. Blake closed that door and locked it for good.

My thoughts were rushing to conclusions too fast. I knew I wanted Blake. I was fairly sure she felt the same, but I didn’t know for sure. Either way, even if Blake walked away from me right now, I knew Nancy would never get back in. It wasn’t just the anger driving me anymore. My heart deserved better than Nancy.

Blake healed me of the disease called Nancy.

Dinner time was drawing near. I planned ahead to make cedar plank salmon, roasted fingerling potatoes with onions and garlic, and grilled asparagus. I began preparations while Blake napped and I enjoyed the family-feel of the condo. A huge smile took over my face, because now, at this moment, it felt like home.

It wasn’t too long before Blake walked into the kitchen rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“How did I get into the bedroom?”

“I carried you.”

“You’ll bust a hernia that way.”

“Contrary to your belief, my friend, you don’t weigh that much. Do you feel better?”

“Yes. I feel refreshed. I feel ... I feel like a weight has been lifted. And, you make me feel safe, Steve.”

She hugged me from behind. “Thank you for hearing me. It made me feel exposed, and yet you kept me very secure.”

I turned to face her. “Your past is so different from mine. Your strength makes me look weak in comparison to what you’ve survived.”

“I don’t know if I’d describe myself as strong. Until I met you I was settling on being invisible. Who knew that meeting an odd duck would be such a good thing?”

“Well, you walking Princess down my street resulted in me finding a cherished friend.”

“Oh, speaking of which—I better take Princess out.”

“I’ll have dinner on by the time you return.”

The veggies were done and the fish was a minute away from perfection. I plated everything just as my two guests came back in. Blake had brought some food for Princess, so all hungry mouths were attended to.

After dinner, we sat on the couch and cuddled some more.

“I’m so full,” Blake moaned. “That was fantastic. You can cook for me anytime.”

“I enjoy it, for sure. But I’m no Iron Chef.”

“Are you up to telling me your story?”

I knew Blake felt more than obligated to hear my saga, and she was anxious to help me recover. I was concerned it would be too much for one day. Plus, she didn’t know it, but Blake already helped me recover. I needed the anger to fade so I could exist. I felt ready to find my new purpose—something to make getting up every day worthwhile.

“You’ve had a long and emotional day. Why don’t I save my story for tomorrow night? Besides, sitting here with you makes me feel like nothing in the past matters.”


“Very much so. Blake, you’ve become very special to me and have helped me more than you realize.” I held her tighter.

“So, is this you hitting on me?”

“Maybe.” I smiled. “Are you surprised to hear that I find you irresistible?”

“You’re pretty transparent, Steve.”

“So I’ve been told. But can you really be interested in an old grouch like me?”

She looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. “How should I answer?”

She found the perfect way as her lips tenderly met mine and our hidden passions revealed themselves. After a few moments, she pulled back and flashed a huge grin. “Does that sufficiently answer your question?”

“I need a much longer answer.”

Our mouths met like two magnets coming together. I felt her affection flow through me as our lips parted and our tongues met with intensity. I was in a state of ecstasy. Nothing else mattered but this moment. The past was insignificant, and the future was uncertain. But that moment I craved exactly what Blake was giving me. She transmitted the strength of her feelings through her furiously probing tongue, while I returned my emotions with similar fervor.

When our mouths finally parted we both held each other’s cheeks as our noses and foreheads met. Simultaneously, we both exclaimed, “Wow.” Giggling, we simultaneously said, “Jinx.”

“So now, do you have your answer, sir?”

“I sense the beautiful woman likes me,” I replied.

“Beautiful?” She pretended to be upset.

“Yes,” I insisted. “Very beautiful.”

She moved back onto my lap and we made out like teenagers. Somehow, I doubted Buck taught her to kiss this well. She was a natural when her emotions supported her actions. Words were not necessary for this conversation. We were bonding, and it was hotter than anything I’d ever experienced. I was acutely aware that her passion was awakening my sleeping soldier, the presence of which didn’t escape her notice since she was sitting on my lap. She pulled back with the cutest smile I’ve ever seen.

“Oh, I think someone else likes me.”

“I hope you take it as a compliment. Every pleasant nerve in my body is screaming approval of you in my arms and demanding that you never leave them.”

“It’s always a compliment to be proudly saluted,” she smirked.

For the rest of the night, we barely spoke. It’s hard to talk when someone’s tongue is in your mouth. For hours we shared the lingering flavors of our excellent dinner and looked into each other’s eyes enabling our souls to silently speak. I felt the connection growing stronger, and I watched it growing in her as well.

Lips were sore and tongues were cramping as we settled into a warm embrace. Blake broke the blissful silence.

“Steve, does this mean you and I are now an ‘us?’ It feels that way.”

“I hope so. But there are things that scare me.”

“About me?” Blake seemed to start getting upset and defensive.

“No, no, no. I absolutely adore you and there’s no one else I’d rather be sitting with.”

“So, what scares you?”

“We both are victims of our recent pasts.” I moved us so we could look into each other’s eyes. “Blake, not more than a few hours after we started to talk during your walks, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. The hours until I next saw you were filled with hope, but also anxiety. As we started getting to know each other, I knew I loved you as a good friend.”

“Only a friend?” Blake looked a little frightened.

“At first. But since I know I’m transparent to you, I’m going to be honest about my feelings and emotions. I love you, Blake.”

She pulled our hungry mouths together to seal my declaration. “I love you too, Steve,” she revealed with passionate kisses and tears of joy. Our embrace had an urgency as if we were trying to combine ourselves into each other.

Our lips parted and after a few breaths, she asked, “Then what scares you?”

“I’m worried that the depth of the love I’m feeling, and maybe what you’re feeling too, is magnified because we both came into this so wounded. With where my mind is today, I’d put you over my shoulder, haul you to the church, and make you mine forever.”

“I’d let you!”

I laid a heavy kiss on her. “Damn, you’re amazing.” We kissed again before she sat up with a serious look in her eyes.

“You’re telling me that you’re concerned we’re moving too fast because of the pain we are both trying to overcome.”

“Exactly. It’s like ... it’s as if we were in a desert dying of thirst, and any water of any quality would seem like the best spring water ever imagined. Maybe it’s not that drastic, but here’s what I know for sure. I love you, Blake. It feels stronger than any romantic love I’ve ever experienced—including with Nancy. I think we should make sure our thirst is quenched and we’re out of danger before we really examine the quality of what we’re building. That’s why I think we should take it slow. I never want to hurt you, and the biggest fear I have is that a few weeks from now, we will wake up and realize our feelings had some substance, but they were mostly mirages. Does that make sense?”

“I know what you’re saying. It doesn’t change the way I feel now. You’re not suggesting we take a step back from where we are, are you?”

“No, not at all.” I pulled her lips to mine to express my love and give her assurance. “First of all, you really know how to kiss me. And second, now that I’ve tasted your lips and felt your touch, I’m completely addicted to you in every good way possible.”

“So, what do you suggest?”

“Well, some of this I’ve given thought to, and some is off the top of my head. But all of it is for you and me to decide together, okay?”

“Sure. Go on.”

“I want us to do this a lot. By this, I mean talk, cuddle, and make out like horny teenagers.”

“Oh, I’m good with that,” she proclaimed as she pulled our mouths together so our tongues could dance some more.

“What else?”

“I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I hope you’re agreeable. I’d like you to move in with me.”

She jumped back a bit with a surprised smile. “I thought you wanted to go slow?”

“I do. I’m suggesting you move into my spare bedroom suite.”


“I miss having a dog around, so Princess could keep me company.”

She hit me. Over and over again, she hit me. Thankfully, she was laughing.

“Don’t tease me, Steven. Tell me why?”

“I’ll give you a list in no particular order.”


“I certainly have the room. Where you’re living now doesn’t suit where the beautiful woman I love should live. Your roommates are ... well, your slutty roommates. I guess I did save the biggest reason for last.”

“Hit me with it.”

“I can’t stand being apart from you. I know you work and you’ll be gone during the days, and I’d never stop you from working if you choose. But I want to wake up in the morning knowing you’re here. I want to greet you every day with a kiss, a cup of coffee, and tell you I love you. I also think that will give our relationship a chance to mature. And if we stay totally crazy about each other, I think we’ll know when it’s right, and I’m going to want you with me forever. So will you move in?”

“I’ll need to think a long time about this.” Less than a second later, she shouted, “Yes, absolutely yes!”

I smiled so hard that my face hurt.

“You didn’t seem to have much to move. I know it’s late, but should we go get your things now?”

“Let’s go.” She stood and started pulling me to the door.

We drove to her old place and packed what she had quickly. Her roommates were a little upset by the suddenness of her decision, but I could clearly see it was a financial concern, not an emotional tie being severed. Her former roommate, Vicky, seemed to be the leader. So I focused on her.

“Vicky, how much did Blake contribute each month to the rent and utilities?”

“Six hundred and fifty dollars.”

I took out my checkbook and started writing. “I don’t want you to be in a bind financially due to Blake leaving so quickly. Here’s a check for four thousand, a little over six months’ rent, to help you until you find another roomie.”

Vicky hugged me, and the girls were suddenly helpful moving the stogy spinster’s things into my car.

As we drove away, Blake was a little upset. “You didn’t have to give them money. I would have paid the months’ rent as was agreed if I moved out.”

“I know. Please don’t be mad at me. I just wanted to help cut those ties completely with no hard feelings on their part.”

“Okay, but don’t start this arrangement thinking I want to be a kept woman. Please talk to me before you do stuff like that.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right. And please call me on stupid stuff I do, okay?”

“You can count on it, buddy,” she said with a smile. “Will you have the courage to call me on stupid stuff too?”

“I hope so.”

“Steve, we hadn’t talked about it, but I should pay you rent.”

“I knew you’d want to, but I don’t need it and I really hoped you’d agree not to pay anything.”

“It doesn’t feel right if I don’t.”

“How about this. I’ll let you pay for normal groceries, and any other help you give me around the condo covers the rest?”

“Are you sure?”

“Blake, I’d pay big money to have you under the same roof with me just so I could be near you. That wouldn’t necessarily send a good message, but I want you to understand that I love you, and I want you near me as long as you can put up with me.”

“Alright. I just want to be sure you don’t think I’m a gold digger or something.”

We pulled into my drive and as I shut down the car, Blake pulled me into a kiss before sharing what else was on her mind.

“Steve, I can’t help thinking about moving in with you without wondering about us eventually making love. I know I want to, but where’s your head at?”

“Let’s go in and have a nightcap, and talk about that a bit.”

We carried Blake’s few possessions into the spare suite and sat with glasses of wine to talk dirty. Well, not really, but about a subject that will be important as weeks and months go by.

“You asked where my head is at. You have to remember that guys have two brains. The little one is already mad at me that I haven’t ravaged you.” She giggled at that. “My other brain usually maintains enough control to act rationally.”

“So what does the big brain say?”

“The various sides of my brain are arguing.”

“You really are an odd duck!”

“You’re right, I guess. Anyway, the one side says that we are both mature adults who were married in the past, so what’s the big deal? Why not express our love physically as soon as we’re both ready?”

Blake looked at me with a devilish smile. “To be honest, I think that’s the part of my brain that’s winning—especially after feeling Mr. Happy poking my bottom when we kissed.”

I smiled at that since I was tempted to act that same moment. “The other side of my brain argues for restraint. Since we were both comfortable in the church we attended, I think we both feel sex is for marriage. Am I right?”

“Yeah,” she said with a frown.

“In my mind, there’s a lot of rationalization going on. I think, for me, is that I sense our intimacy will naturally grow. Where the line is, I’m not sure. Whatever happens, if spontaneously we find ourselves completely intimate, I won’t follow through to the grand finale unless I’m fully committed to making you my wife. I know pregnancy isn’t a concern. Morality is, but as I said I don’t fully know where the line is.”

“I agree, Steve. But I’m scared about something else.”

“What, honey?”

“That’s the first time you called me Honey. I like it!”

Our lips met confirming the affection that was growing rapidly.

“I’m scared because Buck is the only one I’ve ever been intimate with and, from others tell me, he’s not an expert in that department. He told his friends that I was lousy in bed, so I’m afraid I won’t be good enough.” She whimpered just a little letting me know this was a big thing to her.

“Honey, your kisses tell me that you’ll be an exceptional lover because you already are. I feel your passion. You can’t fake that. As far as what we’ll like or dislike, or what’s okay and not okay, we’ll be fine. We’ll discover each other and my quest will be to give you exceptional pleasure and let you feel my love. As long as I’m with you, whatever methods and skills we use will thrill my heart.”

“Steve, I’ve never known anyone like you.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“Very good. So we’ll let things happen when they are right to happen. I trust your instincts, but I especially trust your heart.”

We spent a little more time making out before retiring for the night. Knowing that Blake was only a room away made the condo feel comfortable, and I felt more normal than I had in months. I couldn’t wait for when there were no walls between our sleeping arrangements.

The next morning I planned to be up early to make breakfast, but Blake beat me to it.

“Good morning, Steve. Everything’s on the table.”

“Wow! You didn’t need to go to this trouble.”

We kissed, ate, kissed some more, said ‘I love you’ countless times, and I took Blake to work. I asked if she had a license and wanted to take my car. She did have a license, but she didn’t want to leave me without the means to go somewhere if I wanted. From my place, it was a long walk for her to work and her coworker that usually picked her up didn’t pass near the condo, so I’d drive her for now. That night I’d talk her into letting me get her a car.

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Midlife Miracle

Jessica Ascot - 20 Ben Ascot - 42 As the Dreamliner dipped its wing while encircling Sydney at dawn, the plane’s cabin filled with an excited buzz; the iconic view of the glittering harbour beneath it’s passengers, suddenly becoming visible. “Oh Dad! It’s just so beautiful!” exclaimed twenty year-old Jessica; her face glued to the window by which she sat; her hand squeezing her father’s thigh behind her in excitement. “It sure is Jessie; it sure is.” replied Ben, referring not just to the...

3 years ago
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Midlife Crisis

A dark and stormy night... Or a dark stall in a dingy bar... Or ... nah it is a dark stall in a dingy bar that I NEVER would have entered except for this new lady in my life. At least she might be 'in' my life. She almost wasn't a few days ago ... that all changed with a blowjob in my car after a night of drinking. Not her house, not my house, just in my car parked outside another bar ... Men are so so stupid! Well, shouldn't denigrate all of the males - just me - they need to deal in...

1 year ago
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Midlife Crisis

Just four days until Saturday. I'll concede there is some possibility I'm having a mid-life crisis. I don't think that's the case, but it is possible. Saturday morning my wife is taking the kids to see her parents for spring break. Saturday afternoon I'm finally getting together with Krystal. We've been building up to this for months and I've been building up to this for years. Jenna was terrific when we met and married but we've been drifting apart for quite some time now. What used...

3 years ago
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When The Magic Almost Died

This particular story came about from a memory of a childhood experience. A lot of what takes place in both part 1 & 2 are actually the way I saw the events happen then. – D Part 1: 1957 was a great year for cars, each makes and model seemed to have their own personality. Of course it took two years of tinkering around with the buying public’s money before the carmakers in America could get it right. Strangely enough, for me at least, it also took Santa two years to get my request right as...

3 years ago
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Stepping Out On Him From The Closet She Craves His Attention but

I waited in anticipation for my doorbell to ring. Nuny (Nunnapat) had found my information on Craigslist before they discontinued the personal ads. That was months ago but she had added me into her secret contact list just in case she ever decided to act on it.First, a very brief background on me and how I became a pleasure giver. I admit it, I became addicted to receiving erotic massages. I’ve experienced every imaginable type of touch and hand or oral orgasm over the course of my many...

First Time
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first time and second with her mum

my first time was when i was 16 abit later then normal round here cos most have k**s but thats not the ppoint it was january 19th and my family had gone away for the week i though it be great time to get my gf over her name stacey god she was hot skinny cuvrey and brown hair everything on her was the right size well was for me. i know who is ever reading this so far is thinking what alot of shit well i can tell u this may not be very horny it was very speaical to me and to tell the story is...

1 year ago
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A True TaleChapter 7

The old man was shown to his room and offered a bedmate but kindly refused. The next morning he was awake when the servant girl came to wake him. Everyone was again seated around the table eating breakfast. When the old man finished all were ready to hear his tale continue. He smiled and began... Deke and Keal's group along with five of the Aspendale folk headed out. Wren and Thal Zhun, Gruu Zhah a Soldier, Stal Zhee a wizard and Coni Zhiu a rogue were the five. They rode out toward the...

1 year ago
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Eternal Darkness Chapter Four

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey everyone! Rate and comment! This is a bit longer of a chapter for all of you so I hope you enjoy! Chapter Four: Rumble in the Jungle and the Bell of the Ball 'What did you just say?' Richard demanded and tightened his grip on Dark Star. May shifted slightly in the large saddle on the red dragons back and regarded him thoughtfully before answering. 'I said that people didn't...

3 years ago
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We are pretty busy for the next couple of weeks but the three of us do manage to get in a threesome once in a while. One night though, I awaken and find Les and Travis 69ing. For some reason, jealousy perhaps, my eyes start to tear and I have to bury my face in the pillow because I am bawling like a babe. When I stop, I feign sleep so they are none the wiser. I think about that often in the classroom that day, suddenly I realize, jeez get over it, get a grip, grow up for chrissakes.At supper...

1 year ago
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A paradise for Jaune

I've decided to change it so that you guys can post your own chapter and create your own branches if you want to. There are some rules that you have to follow through if you want to add a chapter: Extreme blood or gore are not allowed. Beastiality, underage sex (younger than 18 years old) and extreme violence are not allowed. Power plays, non-consent fantasies and a reasonable amount of violence are fine. Scat or similar things are not allowed. Watersports are...

4 years ago
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Maid8217s Daughter 8211 Part 2

Hey, do read the Maid’s Daughter – Part 1 before reading this part. I and Gayatri left house and I took her to diamond city mall. Till now Gayatri had no idea of my intentions, she thought that it were the circumstances that made her stand half naked infront of me. She was looking a sex goddess but the problem was though she was moving around with me I had to maintain a distance. Touching or holding hands or any such action could have ruined my plans. I asked her what she would like to do, she...

3 years ago
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Interview with Tina

“I understand you are interested in the position I am offering. Are you available to meet with me over lunch?” read the text on my phone. The number belonged to Tina Yu, with whom I had enjoyed an intimate relationship for a couple years. I was not sure yet what little role-play she was cooking up, but I knew it would be a good one. “I am quite interested. Where would you like to meet?” I responded. “1800 West College Lane. Buzz unit 1103 when you arrive. I am quite eager to review your...

1 year ago
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Watch Wifes Reactions In Cinema

We'd been in the cinema foyer for about ten minutes or so when I first saw middle aged pudgy man. It wasn't his build that drew my attention. He was just a small, squat man with a substantial beer belly wearing an understated green and brown check three piece suit that had clearly seen better days. Nothing unusual about that. It wasn't his appearance either. He was nearly bald apart from a circle of wispy grey hair at the back of his head that ran from one ear to the other. And he obviously had...

2 years ago
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“I want to pleasure both of you, we should have done this before now, I have been so horny ever since I watched you with two hung men, very horny. And the way they both kissed your ass was really something, I loved that,” she confided over coffee during the week. “Have you been using your vibrator?” “Yes, I have been Sarah. Would you like to watch me?” Mary asks sheepishly. “You took the words out of my mouth, I was going to ask if you would like me to watch you use it?” “It’s a cliche,...

3 years ago
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Help From Star CityChapter 9 Both Sides Plan for the Future

The Fire Department had left after extinguishing the fire. Since there had been an explosion the Arson Investigator left with them as the Police tow truck showed up, hooked up, and took the car off to Police Plaza where Max knew nothing would be found to implicate the Chief. He had video of Police Chief Tony Romano placing the bomb, but the bomb squad would never make the connection. When Chet Nomouri arrived with Anita Jackson, Lydia, as Bordello Madame, had ordered her seized and stripped....

4 years ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 1

"So do you think uncle Harry hid money or valuables around his house?" I ask my mom as we're driving down the interstate."What makes you think that?" She asks, surprised at my question."Well, he was pretty eccentric, you have to admit. He seemed like one of those guys who would stash things around the house and then forget where they are. We are going to search for hidden stuff, right?" My mom's brother died in a car accident a couple of months ago and my mom is executor of his estate. Uncle...

1 year ago
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If I Found a Reason to Stop DrinkingChapter 2

She called me one day, excitement pouring through the phone. “Ohmigod, Mark! Bobbie just came over! He has the best, the very best, news! He found your ex, and just emailed both her attorney and yours with her address, car license plate number, and her new employer! I’m so, so, so proud of my brother, and so happy for you! If this works out, you may see your kids again!” I did not know what to say. Ashley noticed. “Are you there? I would have expected you to be jumping up and down with...

2 years ago
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Me my friend we are going to school that days my age 10 year I see my friend sister in bathroom I wNt see what she do I open door shock she seat & piss I see 1 st time clear pussy hair pussy she smile & closed door after same day she find me at round & said what u see that day I don't know she smile & said come tomorrow I show u again next day Sunday I see she wear salwar me & my friend watching TV program she call my friend to bye same sugar from shop then she closed the...

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Rose 4

Rose and I are at a fast track and Sanne is about tro loose close contact, especially after our Olympic games.I offer them the decathlon, but in a flully nude variation with lots of tasty kinky competitions between them two.Rose and I are couple in bondage boing, like I like to quopte a little line from Frank Zappa the singer songwriter.I offer her the possibility of a complete victory over Sanne to make sure she shall stay the only one to me...

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Ava Koxxx 250 392000

One day my TSR (Tesla Sex Robot) will arrive from overseas in the mail. From that point on, I will never be spotted leaving the house again. I work from home, Uber Eats exists, and my friends can go fuck themselves. The TSR is the only companion I need in my life. H2O comes out of my pipes, my house is already full of oxygen, I'm subscribed to a lube delivery service, and I have no other passions or hobbies.My Life Post TSRAnyone brave enough to visit my home will find me a sweaty mess, barely...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Home alone 3

The morning after being discovered and fucked by Archie, (my mother's handyman) I woke up early and full of energy. I was sure he'd come again since it was Wednesday if not just to fuck again, and wanted to prepare a nice surprise for him. I took a bath, cleaned my asshole, then did my makeup. I put on some girly and sexy underwear, a pair of matching violet bra and thong. I went to my sister's closet to look for a skirt and a tank top. Instead I found her schoolgirl outfit from high school and...

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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 12 Succor

I wouldn’t say my Gibraltar presentation rehearsals were a disaster. Until I saw the video that Cora had shot. Then I would say it — my Gibraltar presentation rehearsals were a disaster. Ms. Sloane seemed non nonplussed. But then she usually did. “Some room for an upgrade, Birdie. But, plenty of time. It’s not until Tuesday.” “The Sisters?” “Agree there’s an opportunity for refinement.” Gulp. “Now, what are you to focus on?” “Naked people.” “What!” “It’s The McGovern elixir for the...

1 year ago
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Coming to an Understanding

Coming to an Understanding Author's Note: Keep looking for new stories to tell, or at least a new spin on one. Htrae doesn't seem like it went over that well (I judge by number of comments) so I've returned to a husband/wife story for this one. Hope you enjoy. Bill wandered into the kitchen still stretching after waking up on a Saturday morning. He could smell the bacon cooking and could now hear the sizzle as Carol slid the strips around on the griddle. He smiled as he...

2 years ago
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Grace Loves Her Daddy Part 4

Daddy: A few days after our pool party we were experiencing a thunderstorm in the area.  I decided to crash for the evening and wandered round the house turning off lights and locking the doors.  I wandered into the kitchen and took a crystal glass from the shelf where we keep our plates and glasses and poured myself a couple of fingers of bourbon.Grace had gone to bed earlier after spending the day with some friends of hers.  She had the usual bounce to her step that only comes with youth and...

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BarbaraChapter 37

Marty and Kelly were at their desks working when Susan Carlson and Mike Morris came into their office followed by King. Since the seven tigers had appeared at the firm offices, they often spent a lot of their time during the days with the very young children or in the school while their mistresses were working. They were always in the school during nap time where they took the place of the no-longer-used sleeping bags. Now Ken and Andy always slept in each other's arms while being held by...

4 years ago
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Customer Service

Customer Service A drabble by Radioactive Loner . Copyright 2001 I irately call customer service. A chirpy voice answers. "Welcome to LifeBank! How can I help you?" "My new credit card is wrong." "How so?" "It has the wrong name." "Sir?" "I'm A-A-R-O-N Fitzpatrick. You have it as E-R-I-N." "I'm terribly sorry, sir. We'll correct that situation right away." A dial tone. Nausea hits. Psychedelic colors obscure my vision. My consciousness...

3 years ago
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Shhhhive been fucking the exwife

(Shhhhh&hellip,.ive been fucking the ex-wife) I Have Something to Tell You. &hellip,.When ever you hear those words, you get tense. It could be anything. Good, bad or nothing important. When they come from your ex-wife is really can get tense. The fact was, we still had strong feelings for each other and had tried our best not to let them interfere with our present lives. &hellip,. We had failed in the sex department. If we found ourselves alone, our arms went around us and our hands went...

4 years ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 9

Marigold's parents did not ask about her weekend. They never asked anything that would require a discussion of Aunt Vera. They were torn between their desire to pretend the woman didn't exist and their equally strong desire that Marigold know her father's family. She felt bad about using that conflict to deceive them, but she didn't feel like she had much of a choice. They never would have let her go to New York with Thule if she'd just asked. Thule would never had let her say...

3 years ago
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Not So Geeky

A shadow was visible against the wall, broad and tall. It was not too late at night but I had gone to bed early as I wasn't expecting company. My flat mates had a small gathering downstairs and I avoided them at all costs. I loved being the only girl in a house full of geeky guys. Not only because I had constant help with my work, but because there was no risk of booty calls or uncomfortable sexual tension. I always left my door open so that I knew when it was safe to go down and get some food...

Straight Sex
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Young Sissy SonBrother Part 4

June would often give her kids a quick kiss before she left for work. One day, as June went to kiss Bree on her cheek, Bree turned and kissed her mother right on her lips. June was surprised, to say the least. Bree whispered, "Nice." The next several days, the kissing on the lips was repeated! On Friday, Bree was sitting at the kitchen table when June was leaving for work. "Mother, aren't you forgetting something?" "If you want your kiss, you will have to come over here...

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the text message

When out of the blue I get a text from a young lady by the name of Julietta, asking me how my day was and after I explained what’s been happening and all that, she texted that she knew how to cheer me up. The text stated very bluntly “she would drop to her knees and suck me dry” and what fool wouldn’t take up an offer like that! So, I texted her back a few things and the following text from me is the results of our conversation. Now keep in mind the one thing I didn’t tell you was that she...

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Fucking Girl From Training Batch Part 8211 2

Hi, all sexy girls and aunties.This is Vicky from Delhi and works in an mnc, I am 5,10 tall and has an athletic body.I am a regular reader of ISS and today I thought of sharing an experience with you. This is the second part of my previous story “Fucking-girl-training-batch-part-1) In my last story I shared How Pooja and I came closer . How we moved from a kiss to phone sex. After the day we had phone sex we came even closer after two days we had a week off . On Friday before we left office She...

2 years ago
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Gangbanging My Aunt Made Me Whore

Hey, guys, this is Varun.This is sex story is about how my friend Atharv’s mother was banged by me and my 4 friends and her own son.This sex story is very recent, about a month ago.My aunt Hema is my friend Atharv’s mother.She is extremely beautiful with a petite and fair body.My friend Atharv and me are 19 yrs old and her mother is 41. One day I and my 4 friends Raghav, Abhinav, Gautam, and Nitbhay went to his house for a night party.Her mother started making snacks for us.Atharv’s father died...

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MyPervyFamily Rachael Cavalli MILF Helps Me Unload Before My Exam

Johnny is preparing for his big exam but he is so stressed from all the studying, his Step-Mom finds him with his head laying down in his book. Johnny is beyond exhausted, his Step-Mom feels bad for him and will do anything to help him. Rachael has the perfect idea to get him to relax and retain all the information better. She thinks he has too much cum built up in him and he needs to release it, she pulls out his cock and her big tits and starts to jack him off. Rachael knows that just a...

4 years ago
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CounselingChapter 4

Los Angeles, California. November 30, 2008. "How's it going, Nadine?" Baxter Page asked. The Goth hippie walked up to the frumpy reporter dressed like MTV character Daria when she disengaged herself from a group of costumed celebrities. They were near the bar in the main gathering room of Marilyn Manson's home and hundreds of party guests were moving around. "It's going okay," Nadine replied. "I was just watching Brangelina say hello to Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer." "Did...

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Sun Sea and Sex

Introduction: Half based on a dream..half on pure fantasy Id always lived by the beach, the sound of the waves therapeutic after a long day at work, the sun sinking into the sea a relaxing sight when I needed to unwind. Living in a small village there were few houses, only a couple were owned by young people, me being one of them, Alex, a very attractive journalist the other. Wed both lived in the village a few years, both barely 20 and both female. Id never had lesbian tendencies until I saw...

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The Patrol

Second Lieutenant Ace Diwa scanned his surrounding environment on top of his open commander’s cupola of the Leopard 2A5EX Main Battle Tank, behind his tank is a Puma CFV, and two Boxer APCs. His patrol consists of twenty-four men all together task with finding and eradicating any insurgent groups found within his patrol area, a grueling 30 square miles. It has been a week since the regiment arrived and made a name as an effective counter-insurgency and mobile force. Rumors has is that even the...

3 years ago
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Cockhold hubby made to watch

I received a call from a married lady saying she would like to make her hubby watch while she gets a good fucking in front of him.I was asked to turn up at 2pm in the afternoon which i did. She opened the door wearing only a long black T-shirt which just went passed her bottom. She was an attractive lady in her late 40's i'd say.She lead me upstairs without saying a word until we reached the bedroom, then she asked me to wait until she called me in.Once back in the bedroom i heard some kissing...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Stepmom When Dad is Out Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was feeling horny today but that doesn’t mean I should think of fucking my stepmom. Cassie my usual was out of town and in this sweltering heat, my chances of finding a new girl to bang were almost zero. Anyway, I was still hoping that some girl would walk in through the door as I waited in the ice cream parlour. It was hot outside. Then the door opened and in came my stepmother. She was dressed in hardly anything. She walked around like that in the house and I wasn’t sure if my father...

1 year ago
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Well What Would You Have Said If You Were Me

Let me introduce myself, my name’s Rick. It was a whirlwind courtship. I was chatting her mate up in the bar, she stood there looking quite plain, not saying a word. Her friend had a lot to say for herself, and I being me, was egging her on. Then she blurted it out, “My mate has fancied you for six months.” I looked at her friend as she blushed. “Who? Her?” I said dismissively. The quiet girl fixed my dismissive look with her blue eyes and said, “It’s not HER! It’s Chrissie, OK!” “Oh you can...

2 years ago
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Squashed out Short Story

Jodie Marie, 22, freshly engaged with a car mechanic, is a simple woman. She likes to cook, to cuddle, and she certainly likes to make love. And because she has a boyfriend and seems to be well maintained by him, her fantasies are sometimes reflecting the realm of the unknown, the appetite for something new - and include sometimes even a woman: I'm loosing the damned game! I hit the rubber ball harder, but with every mistake I make her grin grows broader. She is a friend of my mother, about her...

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Tampa Gloryholes Thank you so much

I need to write down this experience before it slips into the back of the recesses of my brain... I love glory holes. I love sucking anonymous cock and taking a load down my throat. And as much as I hated moving back to florida, I knew about the crazy gloryhole scene in Tampa and wanted to check it out.First stop was Fantasyland Adult Center, great booths but no action. literally. I'm the only guy there. But I do meet a guy in the 'playroom' and he tells me to hit Adultworld up the street. I...

1 year ago
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They Are Huge! If you are a giant titty lover like I am, then you probably find yourself hitting the ‘big tits’ categories and relevant tags every time you visit a tube site. You have an unquenching appetite too, and it’s probably not enough for you! You want to see videos that only feature big boobies!They Are Huge has heard your cries. That is why they provide only videos featuring big tittied women getting as nasty as you want them to be for your stroking sessions. Oh, you seriously think...

Big Tits Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 46

..."That is one good-looking woman," Dave said, laughter in his voice. "She looks familiar somehow, though..." "Oh shit!" Diana cried out, standing. "That's my MOTHER!" "Oh, shiiit," Jeff dragged out with a sigh. "So what's the big deal?" Frank said. "You darn sure have plenty of room for a guest." Diana turned to glare at him. "Her title should be, 'My Mother, The Bitch, '" she hissed out at him. "I don't know how in the heck my dad ever got her pregnant. One would...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Six

____________________________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a “pretty tight schedule,” and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis’ apartment – actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests’ quarters – promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe, but I could see the man was still suffering somewhat...

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Swashbucklers Slave

Swashbuckler?s Slave Swashbuckler?s SlaveBy Tyjord  She stood on the small deck protruding out over the bow of her ship, watching as flames engulfed the second vessel. Screams could be heard despite the distance between the two large sailing ships.? A smile of contentment appeared on her face as she saw the flames engulf the mass of the other ship, and the charred remains of their Jolly Roger float away on a gust of wind. The remainder of her crew, those unlucky enough to stay behind...

1 year ago
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Enema Hotel

I hold the tiny note in my hand that simply tells me to go to room 12 at the oak lodge so thats where i am headed in my car not knowing why i was headed there just that i didnt know who or where the note came from as i pull up to the lodge i start to get nervous i dont know who is going to be behind that door or what is in store for me i head up to the room and turn the door handle i take a deep breath before i open it. There in the middle of the room is a man standing at about 6 foot tall and...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 11 Blue World Estate

‘Is that it?’ Zax raised his brow. ... Listening for quite a while to the figure that emerged from the fog, the first thing Zax got to learn was its identity. Nocron Yorak Gogenta Jin Buvel, Gogenta in short. He is the previous owner of the Black Core. The humanoid form he presented himself in was his secondary form. His first, the colossal that gave the impression of being larger than a planet, too big to observe, was his innate form as a type of being called “Larzar”, which he in...

2 years ago
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A long time ago

My heart was thumping as I left the hotel. I walked up the road, turned left into the high street, headed for the newsagent’s at the far end of town. I was 18, and on holiday with my parents. How uncool can you get? It was as though my entire life had been leading up to this point. I was alone, and I was going to buy my first porno mag. I had feigned illness that morning to avoid going on the bus tour, and my parents had left the hotel for the day. You see, I had had a very strict upbringing....

2 years ago
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Kitchen Playground

With intent of surprising you I quietly open front door and slip inside. The house is very quiet making it difficult to sneak up on you. Making my way through the house coming to the kitchen door finding you standing in front of the window staring out. Sunlight coming through the window makes your light blue sun dress transparent. Unaware of my presence, I enjoy the pleasure of viewing your voluptuous body exposed by the bright light of the sun. While watching desire and passion begin to rise....

2 years ago
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My fantasy

had arranged a lift with my sister in law the previous day as I was going to go on a walk and was going to walk back from where she dropped me off.when she picked me up I couldn’t help but notice the top of her cleavage as she leant over to open the passenger door as it sticks sometimes...gettting in I continue to look down her top and get rewarded with a fine view of her black lacy bra and lovely cleavage.....as the weather starts clouding over I look over to her and ask her if I can come out...

2 years ago
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My early sex life with men

Playing Doctors and Nurses with family members evokes those first moments when sexual feelings creep into you loins, by the time my brothers fingers touch me, my panties were soaked with what could only be describes as 'Lust Juice'.Realizing my vagina could respond in the same manner as my brothers cock did when I kissed it, was a revelation to both of us, we learned about sex ourselves by simply following our instincts and enjoying our bodies.I remember lying on my belly in bed with him on top...

2 years ago
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Losing at Strip Poker with Three Women

Well, last night was quite a night to say the least. Three girl/friends came by with wine coolers and tequila to do a little partying. The four of us have been very tight for over fifteen years. We are very special friends that can talk about anything to each other. I should have known they were up to something when they said the tequila was all mine and the coolers theirs. They know I love tequila a lot, and I can get really silly and easily manipulated, if you know what I mean. After a few...


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