Incredible ChangesChapter 482: Park Amusements free porn video

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Once in my suite, Jessie locked the door, stripped, and started pulling up my shirt. I let her find out that I wasn’t a little boy anymore. She checked my dick and balls out for ten seconds before pulling me toward my bathroom.

“As much as I want to have that dick, well any dick, inside me, from a guy that I can tolerate touching my naked body, it isn’t happening in the shower,” Jessie said. “I blew off my homework and have been a total bitch to everyone for the last month. I don’t have a reason. I just did it. My dad took away all my video game systems, laptops, and tablets and did something that won’t let any game run on my phone. I’m going insane not being able to play anything. It is a damn good punishment, though. If you want my pussy, put a controller in my hand and do all you want in either hole between my legs.”

She didn’t get to rush out with a quick duck under the water. I washed her hair and body, dried her off, braided her hair, rubbed lotion on her from head to toe, and then made her take her birth control pill, even if I knew she had gotten an IUD.

Because Jessie had a short torso, she could sit in my lap, with her back against my chest, and not block my view of the TV. I had my controller above her lap while Jessie’s controller was out in front of her. She was one of those gamers that turned and twisted the controller to the sides when she played. We were both naked. My dick was resting on the top of my legs. Her butt and pussy pushed down against it from sitting most of the time. That is how Jannie found us.

“I should have known. Since you got your period, you’ve complained about needing to find a guy with a long dick that only partially made your skin crawl. You made all those pairs of panties and tights with a hole only big enough for a dick to get in your wet hole without touching you anywhere else. Here you sit naked with a long dick against your pussy, and you are playing video games,” Jannie said.

Jessie retorted, “I already told him he could fuck me in both holes as long as he lets me have a controller. He is kicking my ass, and my pussy is soaked. No matter how much I grind and rub it all over his dick, he won’t get hard. I’ve already cum ten times. Grab a controller and join us.”

Jannie wasn’t great at video games, but she held her own. When it was her turn to sit on my lap, she stroked me hard and quickly worked all nine inches up inside her. Subconsciously, Janie would glide her pussy up and down on my dick until cumming. I knew she wasn’t doing it consciously because she was laser-focused on chasing her sister down and hitting her with something to get in front.

Jessie was still horny and wet when the girls swapped places. I was rock hard, so Jessie worked her pussy down my dick to get most of me inside her. It didn’t turn out how she expected. Her pussy was hyper-sensitive, and how she squirmed around while playing games kept making her cum so hard she would drop the controller, lean back against me, and ride out the pleasure wave. My implant timed the length of each cum, and her shortest one was twenty-nine seconds. Her longest was two minutes, ten seconds. Jannie used those times to kick her sister’s ass enough to get above her on the leaderboard.

Jessie finally figured out that because my dick was longer than she could get inside her and still sit her butt flat on my legs, she couldn’t keep fucking while playing. Jannie didn’t have that problem, and it seemed to make her a better player the more she came.

Around two, Jessie started being a bitch about how she was getting her butt kicked by Jannie in the game. I picked Jessie up, moved her around behind the couch, slid my dick in her pussy, and fucked her until she fell asleep.

“Finally,” Jannie said when I took the dead-to-the-world Jessie and put her to bed. “I want you to cum in me, but not when she could watch it when it happened. You may be my first real dick, but I’ve used plenty of fake ones. I’ve never felt anything going inside me feel this good.”

She found a co-op game for us to play together as she fucked me. Jannie got three loads of cum inside her before saying her fingers and hands hurt from playing for so long. I showed her the difference between riding my joystick when playing video games and what I can do with the controller. We cleaned up and went to bed.

Around five in the morning, I logged into the school’s parent access and noted that Ellen would be out of school for the rest of the week. She didn’t have any tests. Crimilda would get Ellen’s homework for her. I got a ping from my implant to say that we packed bags for the four Js, Ellen, and me. Their bags were in the car already.

“When can I wake them all up, daddy,” Ellen asked. “Are you going to let Jannie drive some? She’s almost seventeen. I love the twins. They are so much fun and love to snuggle. I was the meat in a Jenny and Jerry sandwich. I can’t believe I got so big now that I didn’t even notice when he got all hard in our sleep. Tee used to wake me up when he got hard right after you adopted me. When is my birthday anyway, daddy? No one seems to know. My father never had a birth certificate because I was born at home.”

Her phone dinged.

“Someone sent me a message that says I will turn twelve on the third day of the annual two-week truce. My parents planned for me to be born then since that was the only time it would be safe,” Ellen said. “What does that mean?”

I explained the Spring Break to Ellen’s elite families before having her wake the kids.

I quickly checked to find out it wasn’t at one of my or Elena’s father’s resorts this year. Ellen, April, and I must attend. It wasn’t because of my money, Skylar, Mary, or Corwin. They wanted me there because they loved April. Ellen needed to be there for entirely other reasons, which I didn’t mind. I’m also bringing Camden, Bambi, Tee, Dee, Becky, and my kids from Camden and Becky.

The four Js got as dressed as Ellen could get the sleeping zombies.

The staff helped her get them strapped into the gray minivan. Jerry and Jenny were in booster seats in the middle of the two back rows. Ellen had her booster seat on the middle row passenger side, but she was sitting in the custom-made seat that locked into where a console would sit between the driver and passenger seats. With the four guests sleeping the sleep of the dead, Ellen and I got to talk while I drove.

Ellen told me how Jerry compared Ellen’s pussy to Jenny’s. While Ellen had hair like his older sisters, her pussy had only developed as much as Jenny’s. During Jerry’s exploration, he had put a finger inside Ellen, but Ellen said it didn’t do anything for her, like when she did it herself or when Dee did it. I had to explain that Jerry, Jenny, and Ellen weren’t thinking about sex. They were exploring their anatomy.

She told me how Jenny didn’t have a cherry either. Jerry had put his finger in all three of his sisters to compare them. He was happy about being allowed to put his finger inside Ellen. It didn’t make her wet because that would make him hard and make him want to put his dick in her to see how that felt. He couldn’t do that with his sisters. They had all tried with him out of curiosity, but it wouldn’t work.

“Ellen, sweetheart.” I told her, “They told you that in confidence, so you shouldn’t have told me any of that. It is ok to talk about what you did with Jerry, but what they did with each other is private. Girls at your school hurt each other’s feelings by telling other people what they should have kept secret. Real friends keep secrets.”

“Oh. But we talk about everything. I know you won’t tell anyone. Brothers and sisters aren’t supposed to touch or see each other naked, but we both know it happens. I can’t seem to keep it to myself and have to tell someone. You’re the only one I trust not to blab. Dee and I talk about some stuff, but not private stuff about others,” Ellen told me.

I told her it was okay to talk to me about things if she couldn’t keep it secret and had to tell someone.

Before the first of the Js woke up, needing to pee badly, I found out about Ellen’s friends, the boys she liked, the boys she really liked, and how she was quickly catching up to grade level.

The biggest thing bothering her was that she always felt so much anger inside her. It wasn’t toward anyone, and she wasn’t mad at anyone or anything. It was just there. Going to the obstacle course early in the morning, during recess, after school, and before bed helped some, but she had to shower each time because she reeked. Sometimes she went to Tee and Dee’s house to beat on the dummies in the gym. Swimming helped some, but not a whole lot. I found that April showed Ellen how to find the tunnels, so Ellen was getting in them to run back and forth as hard as possible to make the anger disappear for a while. Even playing with herself didn’t help for very long anymore.

“Ellen,” I said softly. “There are some problems with the girls in your family when they start puberty until they get their first period. It is when you will be walking the fine line between being a fantastic person, like your father, or a psychotic bitch that gets off on killing, like your aunt. That is why I, of all the people in the world, was the only one who could adopt you as my daughter. No one told me how it would feel to you, what it would be like, or anything. When you told me how you were so angry at the animals, I suspected it was part of what the girls in your family go through. I am doing all I can to be at home so that I am near you to keep a close watch and help you find ways to work through this. I can only guess that your father also went through something and came out the man you knew who gave it all up to raise a family. He was a good man, which isn’t what his family wanted. They didn’t want someone with a conscience that took issue with whatever things his family was doing.”

Ellen pulled an old, well-worn book from her backpack and started reading it, maybe for the first time, instead of just looking at the pictures.

“Daddy? My dad made this book for me when I was small. He told me I would need it one day, and then what was in here would make sense. It talks a lot about the angry times. Do you think how I’m feeling now are the angry times he meant?” Ellen asked. “I can’t read most of it because it is in a language I don’t know.”

A glance showed me that it was in a language few could read. It wasn’t something ancient or anything. It was the only one that is rarely used now. Ellen’s birth father and mother knew it from the few lines I read. They planned to teach it to Ellen, but if they died before then, only those in either of their families with pure hearts could read it.

Not sure that I am of pure heart, but that is a different matter.

The four Js woke up while Ellen and I talked, so we stopped for breakfast and a bathroom break.

There were only two interstate lanes in each direction, so I asked if Jannie wanted to drive. I got a big hug and kiss on the cheek when I handed over the keys at the gas station. Jannie went around the van to check the tire pressure, oil, other fluids, clean the windshield, and even found the spare tire. That got the air pressure checked too. We were off as soon as she was happy with the adjustment of her seat and the mirrors.

Jenny took Ellen’s seat in the front middle, and Jessie moved to the front passenger seat. Jerry was still tired, so he got in the car seat in the middle row. Ellen and I got in the back row.

While they did have the radio on, the four Js had no trouble hearing me as I read the book aloud in the language written by Ellen’s father. Ellen said that the last time anyone had spoken this language was back around when she was seven. She understood it but didn’t know how to read or write it. She couldn’t speak much of it. The book had many things about working through the angry years, avoiding certain foods, and a long list of things that help calm it while not causing a lack of focus.

One paragraph required someone who knew the ancient martial art to do it properly. It also needed somebody to whom the girl wouldn’t react sexually or violently because of the areas that needed touching. If done incorrectly, it can sever the nipples and destroy all nerves in the clit. With one hand, a finger goes below the base of each areole. The fingernail pushes against the line where the areole transitions to skin. Using the other hand’s middle finger, that finger goes at the top of the split of the girl’s pussy. The fingernail pushes down against the top of the hood over the clit. Once positioned, which must happen quickly, the person doing this technique uses only the fingernails to push in and pull up.

When correctly done, the girl won’t feel it. If someone does it wrong, it will cut the skin and is more likely than not to cause permanent, irreparable damage. The girl’s subconscious registers the sensations and releases chemicals into the brain that help counteract what causes some of the conditions related to the angry times. It doesn’t last more than a week, but it usually will work for at least three days.

“Jenny!” Jerry yelled excitedly. “David knows how to do what helps calm us when we get so overwhelmed it makes us get violent and can’t calm down. He did it for Ellen. She has that relaxed look you get when grampa does it for you. David didn’t hurt her or make any marks.”

“Ellen. Jannie and Jessie know how to do that because sometimes Jenny or I need it to calm us down. It took them a long time to learn to do it right. Your daddy did it fast, like my grandpa. He said that sometimes we eat the wrong things or take the wrong medicines together. It makes us get super cranky,” Jerry said. “Jenny and I can’t do it to each other because it makes me get hard and her slippery. Getting all excited like that makes us crankier.”

Jessie said, “That isn’t exactly true, Jerry. It makes you get horny and angry instead of just angry. You try to screw everything, except girls, fortunately, and won’t stop until whatever causes you to get that way works through your system. Jenny does the same thing, but she puts things in where you poke in things. Grandpa said you two should be happy you will go soft if you try to stick in a girl. Jenny gets all locked up done there, and it hurts.”

Jannie wasn’t comfortable driving through traffic in the big city we were approaching at rush hour. We swapped out, and I took over driving. Jenny sat up in the seat installed in the middle. Jannie and Jessie moved to the back to talk with Ellen. Jerry moved to the back row.

We made good time since we left early in the morning. Just before lunch, we pulled into the hotel parking lot. We saw Yuki with three eleven-year-old girls, a fourteen-year-old girl, and a sixteen-year-old boy waiting for us in the lobby. They took the kids up to our suite while I did the paperwork. I shot the General the details, securely, of where we were staying. He was ecstatic that we were somewhere pretty much entirely off the radar for anyone who might try to kidnap his kids.

I inadvertently walked in on Jessie getting her pussy pounded by the boy. Jannie and the other teenage girl were in a sixty-nine on the additional bed in the room.

I closed the door and went to check on the other kids.

Not surprisingly, all of them were naked. The five girls were checking themselves out against each other. One of the companions always had Jerry’s tiny dick in their hand, jacking him off slowly. All three of the companions talked in a different language while checking to see if they could get a finger inside their pussy. They could.

“Jerry and Jenny,” I said as I made myself known. “If all you two wanted to do were get Jerry to put his dick in some girls and Jenny to get fingered, we would have done that near your home. You wanted to come to an amusement park. They close at six tonight.”

That got them interested in something different.

I went to tell the older girls to finish up or they would have an audience.

We soon headed to the amusement park. It was a blast. I found a restaurant nearby for dinner, and then we returned to the hotel. I ended up washing all six of the eleven-year-olds and putting them to bed. The teenagers reached around eleven before crawling into the nearest bed to sleep. One happened to be mine.

I woke in the middle of the night to the fourteen-year-old companion deep-throating my dick.

“Yuki said if I wanted to practice, you had a long one that wasn’t so fat that it would choke me. Would you put a finger in me and rub my clit with your thumb if I move around? I want to slip you in my pussy, but then it would get weird to me,” she told me.

The companion practiced through her having five monstrously powerful cums before her jaw started to hurt. She cuddled back up to me after she put on panties. That is where I found her when I woke up to my dick pushing through the cherry of the naked woman or girl who just mounted me.

When fully seated, the girl or woman leaned forward on my chest.

“No names, ok,” this mystery woman said, given that she wasn’t fertile this month. “I stood in line behind you four times today, and you reached back to hold my hand when I freaked out about being stuck on that ride. You made me cum each time you touched my bare skin. I had to change into that skirt and t-shirt because I came so much that I soaked all my clean panties and pants. I’ve never been able to cum, not even rubbing myself. It feels good but never gets me over the top. I always wear leggings with a skirt, long sleeves and gloves. I was in jeans, a long-sleeve shirt, and heavy gloves when I bumped into you. It looked like I peed in my pants from all the juices that rushed out of me right then. Mom and dad said I needed to find and have sex with you. I might not get another chance to be naked with somebody like this again, or not for a long time.”

Her pussy had relaxed enough to start riding me. As she did, I took a quick peek inside her head. Two seconds later, I had the problem with her clit not letting her cum fixed. It looks like the link to her cum trigger connected before birth, but the signals jumped to a brain cell touching that link. The paths to her cum switch for her pussy and g-spot happened at puberty, so they were good to go.

The woman fucked me until I pumped up a load of dead swimmers inside her. She slid off my dick to stuff tissues between her legs. I got another kiss after she washed my dick off. I watched her pull on a robe and then rush out of the bedroom.

I took a shower and then woke the kids. I found out that we now had an eleven-year-old boy and two different eleven-year-old girls. The boys were checking out each other’s little dicks and balls in one room. Next door, all four girls were checking out each other’s tits and pussies. Ellen and Jenny hadn’t gotten to do that because Jerry was in the room with them at my house. It was a girl’s only thing, it seems.

I let the boys play for a while longer while the four girls showered. They were over it and dressed before the girls came out of the bedrooms.

The boy from last night got replaced with a sixteen-year-old girl. It had nothing to do with him nailing Jessie and Jannie late into the night. A family where he had been a companion to their son in the past specifically requested him. It appears he and the daughter were intimate for years. She was now married to a man who couldn’t keep up with her sexual needs and wasn’t around enough to get her pregnant. He wanted children but was smart enough to realize that meant he had to make himself be home for five to eight straight days each month. He told her dad to find the boy she used to learn how to fuck and suck to be her boy toy.

Same as Incredible Changes
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Creating a Presence at the Park

One typical chilly fall Saturday, I was rather bored. Sitting inside in my living room watching daytime television, same problem for everyone, just a bunch of re-runs. Anyway, I finally snap and head upstairs to my room take a look out of my window and I see the brilliant fall colored orange and yellow leaves on the trees at the park near by my house. I live in a town right next to a college town and being in high school, I feel like my sexual appetite is at an all-time high. I glance over at...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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God of Central Park West

The building was a stone, steel, and glass spire the likes of which New York had never seen. It simply appeared out of nothingness on the Winter Solstice between the Langham and the Dakota on Central Park West. Up close, it appeared to be like every other high-rise apartment complex in the neighborhood. The farther you backed away from it, however, the more it took on the appearance of a medieval fortress tower perched atop a craggy bluff. At its appearance, everyone from the neighborhood...

3 years ago
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Play Time in the Park

Playtime in the Park She had caught him several times watching her from somewhere across the room when she has been at the parties. However, he had yet to approach her for any type of interaction. She tried to give the impression that she was more then interested in him, but she didn’t think it had yet dawned on him. She was sure it wasn’t the fact that she had a boyfriend because they were both open with their swinging lifestyle. She was sure also, that it wasn’t because he was black as...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 33 A Morning at the Park

The next two weeks blurred together. Every morning was spent out at the park. Jason, Jessica and I always tried to get some exercises in first before we joined the others in a series of sports related activities. Soccer and kickball were the most common but we tried ultimate Frisbee and touch football as well. Sergeant O'Malley showed up occasionally and would drill us in unarmed combat techniques before having everyone run laps. At first the laps were small, but each time the Sergeant...

2 years ago
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Watching April April In The Park

Well, in case you don’t know my wife is 52, a little on the plump side with a big round ass and a pair of fat DD tits, the red nipples of which ride nice and high and they’re like a couple of Ticonderoga My First Pencil erasers. She has cool gray eyes and corn-silk blonde hair that’s soft and luscious and still is showing no signs of going gray. Her legs are nice, chunky at the thighs, with strong calves that are good for… Well, you know. Anyway… Her skin is the softest, and...

1 year ago
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Watching April April In The Park

My name is Barry Snow, and as you probably already know my wife April is a total nymphomaniac. She just can’t get enough different cocks, and she is always on the look out for a new one. I have no problem with her little hobby, and in fact I have been her number one source of encouragement for 33 years.Well, in case you don’t know my wife is 52, a little on the plump side with a big round ass and a pair of fat DD tits, the red nipples of which ride nice and high and they’re like a couple of...

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The Dog Park

They had walked their respective pups together at the local dog park at least five days a week at the same time for almost a month. The pups all got along well and pleasant company made the time fly. There weren’t many people who frequented the park with whom he socialized. Some had dogs that his canines didn’t get along with. Others were overly controlling owners who seemed bound and determined to make the visit to the park unpleasant for their own dogs and the other humans. Some were just...

2 years ago
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Predators in the Park Chapter 1

Early in our relationship, Barb and I made the admission to each other that we were both sex addicts that didn’t want any kind of intervention to cure ourselves. Our only genuine limit was anything that might get us arrested but occasionally we still took the chance. One of the major reasons that I moved to the Old Irving Park neighborhood was Independence Park, a seven-acre jewel that offered us both a place to hunt for new adventures and ‘fresh prey’, particularly during the summer.It was...

3 years ago
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National Park Winter and Group Sex

The churning and merging is so vigorous that surrounding objects tremble with the movements, and so wet that a continuous sloshing sound is noticeable above the din of heavy breathing, rhythmic throbbing intonations and voices that betray heightened excitement and arousal. With pressure rapidly building and heat rising, the white frothy liquid reaches a point where it must burst from its dark enclosure. The bright juice sparkles in the sunlight as it is spewed, in copious amounts, into the air...

Group Sex
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Tina The Day I Got Horny In The Park

I am Tina I'm 23 years old I am 5ft 6 inches tall I have shoulder length blue hair which I tie back when I'm at work I am a size 18 uk dress size I have a very nice breast size 40HH so plenty to touch I've always shaved my pussy hate hair down there. I normally dress in very tight clothes that shows off my curvy figure which I am very proud of I often wear low cut tops which gives guys a nice view of my cleavage I go out clubbing with my friends in the sluttiest dresses I can lay my hands on...

3 years ago
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Walk in the Park

We met by accident. Well, that’s mostly true. She was walking her dog on a morning that I jogged in the park. Maybe she walked the dog every day on that path, however, I only ran on the weekends when I ran a two-mile loop in the park. The woman was pretty, and I'd guess she was in her mid to late twenties. So, I decided to run on a Monday to see if she was there since it was a holiday, Memorial Day.That choice was eventful. Yes, she was there with her dog having difficulty keeping it on the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Just another Walk in the Park

By SaraOzAs far as dogging goes, well, I have been doing that since before I knew what it was called. What I enjoy about it so much is just being free to have sex outdoors with others who want the same, plus no hang up about what we are all in the park for, etc. I have done it a lot over the years now, and most of the time it has been just great. But, like all things, sometimes things don't go as planned, but well, that is just how life is sometimes hey, but on the whole, it has always been...

2 years ago
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Breastfeeding in the Park

NOTICE: Unlike most of my stories, there is no sex at all in this one. It is my entry in the 2012 Earth Day Contest, so please read it and, if you like it, vote accordingly. I also appreciate any comments readers care to make. * Jessica Graf, a 27 year old mother of a baby son, loves going to the park in her neighborhood and pushing Frederick, her four month old son in his shiny new stroller. Ever since she and her husband arrived in the United States from their native Germany, seven months...

2 years ago
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Desperacy Led Me To Public Park

Hi, I know its some time since I posted my new update. For the people who don’t know me, I am rajesh 35 male Bangalore and I am a bi-sexual. I love having sex with both men and women. This incident happen to me just a day back on 20th march 2015. It’s a quick gay sex. I was kind of horny from couple of days and my wife was in periods and our maid was on leave due to some reasons. I was deprived of sex for last 4 days and I was more than Horny. I was driving back home just when I thought why...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The new park

Warning: this story will contain (public sex, sexy clothing, nudity, diapers, mind control, brainwashing, sex slavery and ABDL thems) (The park info) On May 22, 1971, Ontario place opened. It had expanded over time, adding family attractions and new restaurants for kids. In the summer of 2012 the park closed do to low attendance. The Government of Ontario issued a Request for information calling for ideas from private bidders to completely redevelop the park. Ontario Place general manager Tim...

4 years ago
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Sex park 1 and 2

Once upon a time there was a park. Not any old park no. This was sex park founded by Thomas James Williams.  This park is outside like most parks. Except there are a few exceptions that you can tell between a sex park and a children's park.  The slides are raised higher and there are a few lined up next to each other. Under the slides are chairs.  The swings are also higher.  And for bondage reasons there is a play pirate ship but it holds secrets.  This is the story of noah...

1 year ago
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OHGIRL Day in the Park

Shawn was gone for a full week and I hadn't been able to get together with Mikey for nearly two weeks, because of his schedule. Luckily my work kept me fairly busy, but I had more spare time than usual and that meant trouble sometimes. I had never gotten high on my own before and only did it with Shawn and when I was in LA the summer before last, so it was awkward to light up a bong in my condo and smoke some of the mixture that Shawn had left in a bag hidden in one of my cabinets. I'm not sure...

2 years ago
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Park of Pleasure

Nobody really knew when the park had appeared in the outskirts of the capital. Some say it just had been there one day, a fully operational amusement park, others said that it had been founded many years ago and slowly grown to its modern size, without anybody noticing it of course. Maybe the secret was somewhere in the middle. Regardless, it seemed to be a magical place, accessible only to adults and on a limited basis. You had to get tickets beforehand and nobody really knew how many tickets...

Mind Control
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A Walk in The Park Part 2

The park has many benefits not least the toilet block, I am an avid lover of glory holes, have been since my teenage years, there is something about getting sucked by an anonymous person that is so hot.The toilet at the park is very hit and miss, not very well known and tucked out of sight which is a benefit if it was your lucky day.I am pretty sure Doris has sucked a few cocks over the years, mine included as I often see her ‘Back in 5 Mins’ sign at the tea van.The feeling that you get when...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter In A Park

Hi guys, I’m Varun(name changed) from Bangalore. I’m a bisexual strongly attracted to men who are older than me. Possibilities do exist. So if you wanna know more about me and my experiences, get in touch with me. So this story is about an unexpected encounter that happened to me last year. I was 19 years old then. I was always fascinated to see new dicks and gave a fetish for underwears. Also, I like exploring sex in public places. This story outsets when I wanted to inquisitively experience...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Encounter In The Park

It was near the end of my junior year in high school and my parents ere in the midst of their big divorce drama so I was spending most of my time at my best friend Kelly's. It was just Kelly and her Mother because her dad left the picture several years earlier. Kelly’s mom was a great surrogate mother because she knew what I was all about and accepted me with no reservations. Kelly was well on her way to becoming a hardcore lesbian so her mom really enjoyed doing girlie things with me. We...

3 years ago
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A run in the park

Penny has been happily married to Josh for two years. They met in college and married shortly after graduation. Josh played baseball, and Penny played soccer in college. They are both very athletic in nature, so they get up every morning at the crack of dawn and jog in the large state park one mile from their home. They do this to keep their weight in check. Josh is 6' 2" with a slender, muscular build. His abs are the envy of all his friends. Penny is 5' 7", with a slender frame but 36 C...

3 years ago
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Sex In The Public Park

I was sixteen or so when I first became the horny girl who I am now. I started out masturbating at least once a day after I discovered how amazing it felt, and it wasn't long before once turned into twice or more times a day. But even this wasn't enough for me. I wanted more. I desperately wanted to have sex, but I was so shy when I was young that I had trouble meeting guys until I left for college. This shyness combined with insatiability resulted in me doing very naughty things to fill the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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LaDonna and Sparky

(Thank you, Bill, Des and Katie for editing) Genesis: I was listening to an NPR piece describing high tech future farming using GPS, satellite images, soil analysis and micro weather prediction. But, back in the old days, how did they do it, down on the farm? "Poppa, Old Red got on Sparky today." I shoveled another gob of mashed potatoes onto my plate, careful not to get any on the peas and carrots I'd piled up. Sparky, my rat faced, black and white, part terrier, part...

4 years ago
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A walk in the park

Being a repairman for the town water department, I spend much of my day driving around in my company truck. When there aren't any customer trouble calls, I take advantage of my down time, to stay in shape by walking around a nearby park.Last month, my day was unusually light. So, I headed to the park for a walk. As I drove down the street to the parking lot, I was startled by a car that pulled out of a side street in front of me, cutting me off. I shook my head in disbelief, as the car entered...

4 years ago
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A Day at the Amusement Park

My name’s Matt and I’m your typical teenage boy. I’m 17 years old and a junior in high school. I’m 5’11” and about 200 lbs. Brown eyes and brown hair. I play sports like most guys but I play video games a lot too. Mostly shooting and sports games though. Today is April 21 and I’m going to the huge amusement park that’s an hour away from where I live. Since it was Spring, there wasn’t going to be that many people there but that was fine by me; less people meant less lines and less...

2 years ago
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Day at the Amusement Park

“Are you ready to go yet?” Olivia hustled to put on her white sneakers as she heard her boyfriend give the signal that he was waiting on her. She checked to make sure that her heather gray camisole was smooth on her figure and that her flared turquoise skirt came down to her mid thigh. She turned off the light and went into the kitchen. The 25-year-old with wavy light brown hair hugged her boyfriend and kissed him with excitement. Olivia had met her boyfriend, Charlie, at a bar about a year...

2 years ago
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Park Me Bhabhi Ke Sath

Hallo frd me aaj aap ke sam ne apni nayi kahani lekar aaya hu, asha rakh ta hu jai se aapne meri sari kahani o ko saraha sie bhi pasand karange. Aap padh kar mail jaroor kare aapko yah kai si lagi mail id is : Jai se ki aap sab log jan te ho me ne meri cousin bhabhi ki help se unki 3 4 frd ki khooob chudai ki hai.. Aaj me aapko meri block me rehne wali ek mast bhabhi ke chudai ke bare me bata ta hu, meri block me karib 2 mahine pehle ek family rehne aaya, us me husband bhabhi (priyanka) or...

2 years ago
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a walk in the park pt 1

A Walk in the ParkMy name is Hannah Jensen and I'm a happily married woman. Very happilymarried. I'm thirty-one years old, have a 13 month old daughter named Sarah,and a wonderful husband, Jim, who's a CPA. We've been married for sixyears and it's been wonderful. Jim is the classic `tall, dark and handsome'man that every girl dreams about.Don't get me wrong, we've had our problems, but for the most part it'sbeen wonderfulThe only rough stretch came during the first six months after...

1 year ago
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The Allure of VirginityChapter 6 Dendy Park

Ella and I walked to the lockers from our chemistry class. The locker rooms were so crowded during lunch that it took about a whole minute for me to move ten metres from one end of the room to the opposite end. Someone's body odor forced me to hold my breath while I plowed through the crowd. Ella followed me to my locker. She had news for me. "Keith, could you do me a favour? If any of my friends ask you where I'll be this lunch, tell 'em I sneaked out with the guys." "Where are you...

3 years ago
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Chance Meeting on a Park Bench

It was a warm sunny summer morning in late August when Peter started his neighborhood walk at 7 AM. Old Town Park was a beautifully well manicured large public park where graceful spreading majestic maple trees near the town’s center were evenly spaced along the concrete sidewalk throughout the one-mile square city block. It was a popular gathering place for nature lovers and athletes alike. The wooden park bench where he relaxed was one of his favorite resting places along the pathway where he...

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Skate Park

Skate Park..written by Bill with input from KwenWendy was having a good day, her husband was away and she had the freedom to do what ever she pleased for at least a week. Which of course is a strange thing to say because Wendy really missed her husband when he went away on business. Of course the flip side of that meant that Wendy had complete freedom in doing anything and indulge in any behavior that she secretly enjoyed.Because Wendy had some very private secrets. As we all have secrets that...

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The cuck fuck in the park

The cuck fuck in the parkSo I was out to party with my GF, Kate and some friends. We had a car load. A couple of the guys in the car were friends of friends that I didn't know. Anyhow, we were all heading to a park where we would hang out and some local bands would play at a shelter in the park. "Mind if I pay your girlfriend a compliment?" I heard from the back seat. Kate was on my lap in the front seat and 4 other guys were in the back. I only knew the driver and one of the guys in the back....

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At The Park

In this fictional story, I take a walk to the local park not far from my house one pleasant afternoon. I bring along a snack bag in case I get hungry and a book all about birds from the state I live in. When I get to the park, I sit down on one of the park benches and just enjoy the scenery. There's a small pond with some fish, ducks, geese, and a few large swans. Some people are here enjoying the day. I glance to my right to see a small bird perched on the bench only inches away from me. I...

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