Handling Things in Central Park
- 5 years ago
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The building was a stone, steel, and glass spire the likes of which New York had never seen. It simply appeared out of nothingness on the Winter Solstice between the Langham and the Dakota on Central Park West. Up close, it appeared to be like every other high-rise apartment complex in the neighborhood. The farther you backed away from it, however, the more it took on the appearance of a medieval fortress tower perched atop a craggy bluff. At its appearance, everyone from the neighborhood committee on up to the Offices of the Mayor and the Governor of New York got involved in investigating how it got there without anyone knowing about it, where the extra land to fit it came from, who authorized the permits, who built it (and with what labor!, the unions demanded to know), and who owned it. What baffled everyone who looked into the mysterious building was that there were people who already lived in the beautifully eerie edifice. People with personal histories and legal identities that were unimpeachable and, as far as they knew, the Storm Tower was always there.
The Storm Tower. That was what it came to be called because every storm that came through seemed to batter the seemingly invulnerable spire thrusting into the cloudy skies with dazzling displays of Mother Nature’s fury in the form of incandescent streamers of lightning that did not stop until the storm passed. Meteorologists began noticing that every storm to pass over New York City seemed to linger, as if attracted by some weird weather magnet, over the exact spot where the Tower was located on their maps. Lightning strikes to buildings like the Chrysler and the Empire State Building also fell drastically from the time New Yorkers noticed the Tower’s existence. Eventually, people found other things to worry about and New Yorkers did what New Yorkers do: ignore the oddity and get on with life.
Well, most New Yorkers.
The wind blew through the trees of the Park with a howling moan, as if the tortured soul of the body lying on the frozen ground was still in agony. The crime scene techs were still scraping bits of charred skull and brains out of the snow, fastidiously ignoring the group clustered around the headless corpse. The body had been clothed, but most of those clothes seemed to have been burnt up in whatever happened to his head with the exception of the remains of jeans around the groin. Enough to know the body was definitely male, probably Hispanic, and for some reason had been in the process of unbuttoning said jeans when ... whatever happened happened.
The uniformed officers were in a holding pattern around the body, eyes pointed outward, away from the scene around the body. Five plain-clothes detectives stood around the corpse, huddled in their coats, watching two techs probe and prod it like a gruesomely interesting lab specimen.
“Well! Is it the same?” the oldest of the detectives snapped, his craggy face scrunched into an irritated scowl. He was so obviously Polish he might as well have had the Polish flag tattooed to his forehead. He was also well into middle age and beginning to lean towards portliness, despite the imposing physique bundled up in a fur-lined black trench coat. “Lightning?”
“If you would give me a few minutes of peace, Lieutenant, I could tell you. This equipment does not run at light speeds, expensive as it was for the City Council to buy,” said the woman in the rather stunning red sequined ball gown under the long black wool coat that said “Medical Examiner” on the back of it. She was in her late thirties or early forties and her honey brown eyes were intent under amber eyebrows scrunched together in concentration as she scraped the samples into the hole at the center of the box of electronics she held in her left hand. Watching the digital screen on its side keenly, she grinned when it finally flashed its results under the powerful lights surrounding the scene. “Lightning. And given the state of his fly when said lightning hit, he was probably here in the park for something less than legal, like all of the others. Do you want me to call the feds, or shall you, Lieutenant?”
The elder detective growled down at her and stalked away. “Fucking feds! As if they knew what the hell was going on any more than we do!” he groused as he pulled out his cell phone. “Chief, Lieutenant Drombrowski here, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. No, sir. I have no idea and you know Dr. Kluvalla, but if I were to guess I would say we probably got an almost-rape victim out there somewhere who just got lucky enough for this idiot to have tried to take her into the Park. No, sir. But sir ... yes, sir. I understand, sir. What do you want us to do until they get here? Yes, sir.
“Fucking bureaucrats,” he grumbled under his breath as he put his phone away and turned back to the scene. The other four detectives were looking at him with hope. “The Chief of Detectives says we can investigate this ourselves until the feds get here in the morning. Apparently the entire unit went to DC to testify to Congress and report to their bosses. That means we probably have about four hours until Special Agent No Idea gets back in town and we hand it over to his people. So this is how we are going to do this. Johnson and Tortarelli, head over to the Tower. Knock on doors and see if any of them saw anything unusual about two hours ago besides a flash of lightning. I know that damned tower has something to do with all of these bodies. Oh, and see if any of them knows who owns the building. But don’t ask it like that. See if you can get them to give up the address of whoever gets their rent checks and answers their maintenance calls, as if you need that person to give them permission to view any security footage they might have gotten. They may just tell you it is the super, but it is worth a try. Noidalla and his goons refuse to give us any details on what they have found out about that side of their investigation, so we can use this opportunity to get our own answers. Aimes and Arvan, head back to the office and get with the tech boys. Get them to find you some video of Mr. Crispy coming into the Park. If he had a victim with him, get them to ID her. We need someone living to tell us what the hell happened here and hopefully she can and will.
“And remember, if you write anything down, make copies of it because as soon as Noidalla shows up, they will be taking our notes with them into that black hole they call an office,” Drombrowski told them urgently as they all walked out of Central Park and back to their vehicles. “Let’s get to it people. I want updates in three hours. If you need me, call my cell. I might be away from the office and car for a bit chasing down another angle.”
Detective Marcus Johnson was a solidly built black man in his early thirties with a shaved head and bright green eyes peeking out of a handsome and warmly friendly face. A football career killed in college by a blown knee shunted him into the police academy where he found, much to his surprise, that he was rather good at solving puzzles. The Tower was one of his hobbies. His succession of girlfriends all found his spare bedroom at first amusing, then creepy, and finally infuriating since, when he wasn’t at work or required for something social by said girlfriends, they inevitably found him staring at walls littered with pictures and scraps of paper and other bits he had managed to pick up over the years since the Tower’s appearance. He was one of a handful of detectives the NYPD had who were considered local experts on the edifice and so he was automatically included on their task force when the Mayor of New York got tired of getting no answers from the Federal Tower Task Force created to investigate the serial “crimes” committed in the Park using what all the experts agreed was lightning.
Detective Antony Tortarelli was a short, bulky Italian whose family came over from Italy when he was a child, giving him an authentic Italian accent that turned any straight female (or gay male) he came across into helpful goo. He was smart, seductive, charming, and courteous, and women tended to want to tell him just about anything he was willing to listen to. He was not a Tower expert. He was simply a very good natural interrogator whose talent was honed by the Army in Afghanistan and Iraq over the course of his ten-year career. When he got home, there were not very many opportunities outside of intelligence work and he had seen enough of that sort of thing for a lifetime. When his cousin suggested the NYPD, Tortarelli felt that was a good way to cleanse some of the bad karma he had built up. The Chief of Detectives insisted his inclusion on the revamped NYPD Task Force because he was one of the best interrogators they had and nobody was talking about the bloody Tower to them.
The two seemingly mismatched detectives pulled up to the gate of the Tower. The gate was a fully functional defensive structure that would probably turn away anything short of a tank. It was made of some kind of steel alloy the scientists couldn’t identify and was harder than anything they had ever seen. It pierced the three-foot thick, ten-foot high granite wall sheathed in black marble that surrounded the Tower. Said wall was topped with steel spikes as well and the bodies of three cat burglars hinted that they were probably electrified. The two liveried doormen approached the car stiffly, the one on the driver’s side pulling his scarf away from his mouth.
“May we help you gentlemen?” the bland-faced man inquired politely of Tortarelli in a deep monotone voice. All of the doormen of the Tower seemed to be the same. They looked the same. They sounded the same. They had the same mannerisms. They were about fifty years old, looked like they were former military, and looked very, very Nordic.
Tortarelli smiled and flashed his badge. “Detectives Tortarelli and Johnson, NYPD,” he replied, nodding towards his partner. “We have a few questions to ask and we had hoped we could talk with your chief of security here about an incident in the Park about two hours ago.”
The doorman sniffed disdainfully. “You mean another ruffian has gotten what he deserved and you want to know how,” he retorted with satisfaction. “Very well. I am sure Captain Odingaard will be most cooperative. Enter and park there if you would.”
The gates parted and just inside was a small parking lot with signs marked “VISITOR” at the head of each of the six slots. Tortarelli drove through the gate and coasted into the first space, turning off the engine but showing no sign of getting out. He was looking in the rearview mirror, watching the gate close and the two doormen take up their stations to either side of it. Neither one showed any indication they were aware of the subfreezing temperatures or the biting wind as they stood in their liveried uniforms without huddling in their woolen trench coats against the chill.
“What?” Johnson asked, shooting his partner a concerned look. “I know that look. It is the same look you had when we found that string of victims that turned out not to be the Tower’s boogeyman. It took you all of two days to figure out who it was based on talking to three guys. And you knew before the ME even got her results back what we had.”
Tortarelli nodded at his rearview mirror. “I’ve seen men like him before. Before I got on this task force, I mean,” he said quietly. “Their eyes are as cold as tonight’s weather and seem to know a lot more about the bodies on the ground than they should. They are the ones that go around behind someone else and make sure that someone never gets bothered by people like us. They protect the battlements against the barbarians meddling in matters that aren’t theirs to meddle in. And I don’t know if you have had the pleasure of Mr. Odingaard’s company yet, but he is another step up the scary ladder. He is the type who arranges for the bodies to be found in the first place. He may be security here at the Tower, but I would be willing to bet he was somebody very bad’s right hand in a past life.”
Johnson gave Tortarelli a long, searching look and shook his head. “Unless Captain Odingaard can shoot lightning out of his ass, he isn’t the suspect in this one. If this is something as mundane as a serial killer, then we are looking for someone smart enough to invent a type of weapon nobody we have talked to has ever heard of that lets him ‘control lighting or shoot electricity of sufficient strength to mimic lightning at specific targets, ‘“ the detective reminded his partner. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been looking into this long enough that mundane possibilities seem more and more unlikely with every crispy scumbag we wind up looking at. Nobody who lives at the Tower has ever come up dead in anyway other than old age or other natural causes. Meaning that Odingaard and his cast of look alike doormen are good enough at their current jobs that we can leave them be and not poke them while we are here for something completely different. Right?”
Tortarelli started when the gate clanked shut and swallowed. “Riiiight. We don’t want to poke the bears while we are locked in the cage with them,” he whispered before clearing his throat and opening his door. “Let’s do a little door-knocking and see how far the good Captain and his henchmen let us get.”
On the logic that those who live at ground level would not have seen anything through the wall that blocked their view, Johnson suggested starting at the top floor. They got exactly three doors into their door-knocking before a large, imposingly muscular man in a black pin-striped suit got out of the elevator and walked down the opulently carpeted hallway lit with gold and crystal light fixtures and decorated with priceless paintings the Metropolitan Museum of Art called “the finest collection of lost masterpieces of the great masters in the world.” He was well over six feet tall and probably easily weighed in at over three hundred pounds, very little of it fat. His craggy face straddled that line between intimidating and handsome, depending entirely on his facial expression. He had snow white hair that was probably the same color now as when he was born and ice blue eyes that seemed to see everything.
He smiled blandly when he saw the two detectives leaving their third interview of the penthouse occupants. “Gentlemen, welcome to the Tower. Detective Tortarelli knows me already, of course, but I am Captain Odingaard, Chief of Security,” the giant said, holding out his hand to Johnson.
Since he was a football player in college, Johnson was not at quite the disadvantage the shorter Italian man was. He could look Odingaard in the eye and was probably only giving up an inch or two and maybe fifty pounds to the Nordic man. He grasped the hand, tensed for a game of knuckle-crusher and was pleasantly surprised the larger man simply shook his hand firmly.
“Detective Johnson, sir. We are looking into the disturbance in the park and were hoping some of your residents might have noticed something,” he replied amiably, since his partner was all but glaring at the security head.
“Then it is fortunate that I came to greet you, no? Our cameras caught video of a woman going into the park shortly before the ... ah, disturbance,” he informed them blandly. “If you would follow me back to the security office, my men have the video cued and waiting for your perusal.”
There was an amazingly complicated knot circle in the frosted window that, if you had the time and inclination, you would find was made entirely of one piece of bleached hemp rope without a beginning or an end. In orbit around it were ankhs and pentagrams and moons and various other mystic symbols in silver or wood all below a red neon sign that said simply “The Magik Shoppe.” It was an ancient (for the Americas) edifice, having been originally constructed in 1612 and rebuilt after a fire that had more than a little help in 1652. Until the New Age wave of the ‘60s and ‘70s, The Magik Shoppe was better known as Adair’s, the oldest used and rare bookseller in the United States. The occult, for obvious reasons, was kept out of sight in the basement behind secret doors.
Lieutenant Stosh Drombrowski was a God-fearing, highly devout Catholic who was about as conservative as life in New York as a NYPD detective will let you be. He hated going into Greenwich Village and he really hated The Magik Shoppe. Ironically, he actually liked the owner of the Shoppe, Aisling Adair. Aisling was a willowy red head with shining emerald eyes, peaches and cream skin dusted liberally with freckles, and an open, infectious smile that welcomed all into her domain. She was also the local high priestess for those in New York City who followed the Celtic-flavored paganism, hence the knot work in the window. Aside from that, she served as Drombrowski’s paganism and occult expert. She always playfully hinted that she knew things that would blow the Pole’s Catholic mind. Stosh was beginning to think it might be time to let her try.
The silver bell over the door announced him with a sweet, musical ring. The Magik Shoppe looked like a tornado hit it if you did not know to look for the order in the chaos. It was mainly to draw newcomers and those inexperienced yet dangerous beginners to the flashy stuff on top of the mess while the old customers and more experienced practitioners knew where to wade through the mess to find what they wanted.
At the back of the store, behind a long wooden display case filled with silver daggers and various noxious and poisonous substances, sat an altar with a silver bowl and an incense-holder burning some kind of flowery herbal scent. Between the altar and the case, was Aisling. Her eyes were smiling as Stosh lumbered through the aisles of purposeful disorder, her red hair pulled back from her oval face and braided into two ropes of scarlet fire resting on her breasts. Her shapeless white robe with silver knot work at the sleeves, hood, and hem disguised the thin yet somehow still curvy body beneath.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite skeptic and defender of the faith!” she exclaimed, grinning impishly. “I had a feeling I would be seeing you today, so I kept the doors open well after closing time.”
Stosh smiled back, shaking his head. “Any other day that would get you a trip downtown, Aisling,” he warned her direly with a mock growl. He placed his big hands on the glass case and sighed. “The day has come, Ms. Adair.”
A shapely red brow arched over a green, green eye. “Oh? And what day is that?” she asked, suddenly serious.
“The day I let you try to ‘blow my Catholic mind.’ The day I let you talk about some of the stuff we both know you avoid talking to me about unless I specifically ask. The day you level with me about what the hell is going on over on Central Park West,” he told her wearily.
The druidess gave him a long look before nodding slowly. “In that case, you should probably go lock the door, flip the sign to ‘Closed, ‘ and follow me to the basement,” she told him, her tone ominous. “We won’t want some newbie walking in on this discussion.”
Drombrowski gave her a long look before nodding and trudging to the front door. He found her already in the basement when he returned, scurrying around a small desk, lighting candles surrounding a large tome bound in leather and covered in dust. He sneezed, his eyes watering, as he approached the desk.
“Grab the chair and bring it around here. You are going to want to read some of this for yourself,” she told him as she settled into the large cherry wood chair behind the desk. The gloom of the basement was almost palpable and he wondered why she didn’t just turn on the electric lights. “We can’t use the lights because some of the stuff down here doesn’t react well to artificial light. This book being one of them. It is hard enough to read some of the print without the lights burning the rest of it away. Not to mention the way it reacts to electricity.”
He gave her the look he always shot her when she seemed to be reading his mind. “What is this?” he asked, nodding to the book that had a very faded sword embossed in gold on the cover.
“What do you know of the Norse religion?” she asked, opening the heavy volume and carefully flipping through the pages. “Pre-Christianity Norse religion.”
“Not much more than I picked up from my comic books as a kid,” he admitted with a shrug.
She grinned impishly. “Hmm, this might be a little easier than I hoped,” she said thoughtfully. “While Marvel was not very deep and they used artistic license a little freely, the Thor comics did give their readers some basic education into the mythos of the Norse religion. Don’t get me wrong, they are way off on some things, but you will at least be able to follow me without us having to stop and go through a primer lesson on the Norse religion.
“Having said that, let me start nearer the beginning than you probably want me to,” she began, her tone more serious than he could ever remember hearing from her. Hers was an impish, teasing personality, at least when she dealt with Drombrowski. Even when he came to her asking about very dark stuff, she always had a light about her. “The Lord of the Norse Gods, Odin, took for himself the supreme power of the universe. With it, he endowed all of the Aesir with power over mortals and Midgard, and gave them the ability to match their strength with the other immortals of the Nine Realms. Now this did not sit well with some of the other races, the Giants and Dwarves and Dark Elves. The Dwarves eventually got over it since they were a more insular people anyway. But the Dark Elves conspired in secret against the Aesir and their allies the Vanir, usually to no end.
“The Giants, the Frost Giants and Fire Giants and Mountain Giants, were forever battling the Gods over this or that bit of power, usually to the Gods’ benefit. The Giants had no real worshippers to give them strength, and so they would often lose such battles,” Aisling explained, her careful page-turning finally ceasing. The book lay open to a picture of a bearded, helmed warrior with a fierce expression on his face. He wielded a sword but also had a short-handled war hammer on his belt. “Loki, the Trickster God of the pantheon often helped out this or that opponent of the Gods, just to see what chaos a little nudge from him would bring.
“Now that we have the background laid, we come to more modern times. Your Christianity has all but won their followers from them. The few scattered adherents to the Aesir and Vanir give them little power and so they are on more equal footing with the Giants who, though they are little known individually, have managed to stay in the consciousness of human poets and writers and moviemakers. The few, like Thor, who are also so known, are little to add to the collective ... worship is too strong a word but it will have to serve. Suffice it to say that the Giants seized the upper hand about a decade ago and won a substantial victory against a very powerful Aesir,” the druidess informed him grimly, laying her hand on the picture of the warrior. “As a prize for this victory, they demanded the banishment from Asgard of one of the most powerful of the Aesir. Who, mortals do not know. Not even those few who still worship them can find out, but they were able to learn that part of the banishment precluded this God from dwelling in the lands of the Norse and wherever he went he had to stay until the banishment was lifted.”
“So this banished god can’t live in Scandinavia any more? What does this have to do with why I am here in this creepy basement?” Stosh demanded, getting a little irritated that he came to open his mind and Aisling was filling it with lunacy from Norse mythology and the imaginings of Marvel.
She shook her head. “You should know better than that, even if you did sleep through history class, Stosh,” she chided him. “It means that he can’t live in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltics, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Sicily, Ireland, Britain, Iceland, Greenland, and the northeastern Canadian provinces. No place the Norse settled while the Gods were still worshipped by most Norse. Fast-forward to modern times. What happened about a decade ago that got everybody’s panties in a twist?”
“The damned Tower appeared,” he replied flatly, his eyes glaring at her to no effect. “Are you trying to tell me there is a Norse God living in the Tower?”
She shook her head with a sad smile. “You are still thinking like a good Catholic boy, Stosh,” she said, patting his cheek. “I am saying that a Norse God created a large tract of land out of nothingness, moved two very large, occupied buildings without anyone noticing they were being moved, willed the Storm Tower into being so that he could take up residence as close to old Norse lands as he was permitted, and then summoned as many people as he could to dwell within that Tower as his worshippers, priests, and warriors. And since I read the papers and have heard you talking about it in the past, I will go out on a limb and guess that this is your ‘Lightning Vigilante.’”
She moved her hand and Stosh could see the words under the picture in the book. Thor, God of Thunder and son of the All-Father, Odin.
Stosh in turns berated himself for even going to Adair’s shop and pondered the possibility that she was right as he drove back to One Police Plaza. What she had to say was so impossible that she had to be crazy. Right? On the other hand, there was the maxim that said once all other possibilities have been discarded as unlikely, whatever was left, however improbable, was the answer. And nobody else had an answer, however improbable, that stood up to the smallest effort to prove it wrong. It was the modern, educated, Catholic side of him that kept saying the crazy pagan had to be wrong. The words “I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.“ kept coming back to him every time his brain kept swinging back to the idea that maybe Aisling was right.
He screeched into the parking garage and slid into his parking space. Stosh took a minute to get himself together. They had about three hours now before the feds swept everything into their bureaucratic black hole again. A hundred and twenty-three bodies crisped in the Park in the last ten years and nobody knew how, why, or who. Certainly not the fucking feds! he thought to himself angrily. He never wanted this damned assignment. He was perfectly happy in Homicide with occasional loan-outs to the Joint Terrorism Task Force. But after four other guys burned out on the irritating, never-ending, solution-less puzzle that was the Tower Investigation, Stosh had been shanghaied, promoted, and instructed to find answers; even if it meant going around, under, or through the FBI.
And he had. Found answers, that is. Not many and not nearly enough to satisfy himself, never mind his bosses. There were days he wanted to claim to be burnt out, too. Days like this. Days where another body drops and you know there are answers to be had but it seems they are in a language not your own. And they are there only for a limited time before they disappear. Or rather, they are disappeared. The FBI was unreasonably territorial about the Tower and nobody could figure out why. Noidalla was not just a regular Fed, just as Drombrowski and his people were not regular cops. They were all at the top of their craft, but those at the top of their craft in the FBI often did things other than solve crimes. Profiler. Sniper. Undercover. Cyber. And some things that just get whispered about. Things Tortarelli would only hint at every time they wound up trying to go around Noidalla and his people.
Stosh took a deep breath and got out of the car. He walked to the elevator and rode it down to the basement where the NYPD Tower Task Force dwelled. Their offices were located right next to the evidence room and used to be storage space and clerks’ offices before the amount of evidence and files began overwhelming their suite of offices closer to the Chief’s office. The longer the Tower went unsolved and the more clutter built up by the investigators, the more the old Chief looked upon his task force with disfavor. When a new administration came in and a new Chief saw the mess, he immediately reassigned everyone on the Task Force and relocated the new officers assigned to it to the basement.
Most people would have seen the move as a bad sign for the future of both the Task Force and those officers assigned to it, but (to the grudging credit of Chief Killian, in Stosh’s opinion) good officers were assigned and given raises for having to put up with the FBI and their crap. The TTF was actually Killian’s secret baby, one the Chief of Detectives wished had been still-born. Any time a body dropped near the Tower and the Chief heard about it, Killian rode the Chief of Ds until the leads ran cold.
Stosh walked into the office and was pleased to see Aimes and Arvan crowded around a flatscreen TV watching something with avid expressions. They were an odd pairing Stosh never thought would work out. Alice Aimes was a barely thirty-year-old, five-foot-nothing, hundred pound red head with electric blue eyes and a chip on her should bigger than the Freedom Tower. She held four black belts in some seriously esoteric martial arts like Chi Gong and Krav Maga and was probably the most dangerous person Stosh had ever met despite looking like his little sister when she was twelve. She always dressed in black combat boots, skin tight black or white pants, and frilly, almost archaically blousy shirts that laced up the front.
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LesbianThe first time I heard about Girls Out West, I kind of assumed it was going to be yet another porn site devoted to the horny, photogenic babes of Los Angeles County. One of the most beloved schizophrenic songwriters of the 20th century famously said he wished they all could be California girls, but maybe Brian Wilson just hadn’t seen how freaky and how sexy they grow ‘em if you just keep heading west, across the ocean and a bit to the south.Yes, ladies and gentlemen and perverts of all stripes,...
Premium Porn For Women SitesChapter 1 Our wagons moved across the plains slowly carrying all our possessions as we moved West. Riding my pony as an outrider, to guard the flank. The War between the States has claimed so many men including my father and his brothers. Each of us outriders were riding along with Navy Revolvers, a Henry Rifle and Greener Coach Guns that made our wagon train safe. Our group could not afford a Wagon Master, Scout or crew but we moved Westward using a semi-military organization and methods....
Introduction: Im a huge comic book fan, so heres a story about The Flash and his love-interest (later wife) Iris West. You dont need to be a fan to enjoy this story ,) If you dont think superheroes are sexy, you are out of your damn mind. I mean, come on, the skin-tight suits? The perfect bodies? The sexy smiles? Its incredible how damn hot these guys are, not to mention the fact that they save our skins on a daily basis. Its a huge turn-on&hellip, for me at least. If you hadnt guessed by...
We leave and head west.This is just one story in a series about my life with my ex-wife, Sue. The story so far.Sue and I had married young. We were hardly out of nappies at nineteen years of age. We had married because Sue was pregnant and my strict family upbringing had taught me to always live up to my responsibilities. My girlfriend was pregnant so that meant she required me to marry her to make sure that the child had a father. At the time I had some doubts about being the father but had no...
CheatingYou wake up in your hotel room, still a little unsure of your surroundings. Your friends had brought you out into the middle of nowhere to a place called "Fetish Central" and by all means you were fine with fetishes, but you were sure you could do without a night of gallivanting around in a sex crazed environment. You sigh as you get out of bed and look at the sky and realize that it's still night time, confused you look at the clock, it reads 7:34 am, but it's pitch black and the moon is...
FetishI mean, come on; the skin-tight suits? The perfect bodies? The sexy smiles? It’s incredible how damn hot these guys are, not to mention the fact that they save our skins on a daily basis. It’s a huge turn-on… for me at least. If you hadn’t guessed by now, I’m a little repressed on the sexual side. No, I’m not a virgin or some crazed sex freak. As a journalist for Picture News, I’m busy constantly and finding the time to maintain a romantic (or at least sexual) relationship is nearly...
Introduction: Young love, Oversexed hormones and outdoor Going parking at the local Park Mild bondage and submission My husband likes to plan things out, and when those plans happen he really loves it, when a plan comes together. He has asked me on a number of occasions what do I want?, and where do I want him to take me?. I always say, go make your plans and then come and get me, Surprise me. I do not want to know what you are going to do or where you are going to take me. This in itself...
When we go on vacation, Melly and I like to have fun. We let our hair down and don’t care what anyone else thinks. This is the story of our vacation and all the fun we had in wonderful Key West. A Genny Story… Key West I am Genny. Getting from Lansing, Michigan to Key West, Florida is no easy task. We had to fly from Lansing to Detroit. Then from there to Atlanta, and then on to Miami and then down to Key West. Not an easy day, but if you have ever spent a long...
Introduction: wife and i had fun in key west ***********************************************Key West ***************** On our recent vacation to St. Thomas, we did a 2 day trip to key west for my Birthday. My wife asked what I wanted for my B-day, and I told her I wanted to wear pantyhose with shorts and sandals and walk around town with her. This is a first for me( and her) wearing hose in public. But I figured in Key west it would be OK. I was very nervous as I dressed. I wore suntan...
This is a work of erotic fiction, which is written for adult readers only. It contains explicit descriptions of illegal drug use, sexual intercourse, and violence, which some readers may find disturbing. Portions of the narrative are inspired by current events in Thai society and an ongoing scientific debate concerning the safety of an over-the-counter microbicide, nonoxynol-9 (N-9). However, with the exception of the identity of the Thai Prime Minister and the protagonist's SRS...
Mild bondage and submission My husband likes to plan things out, and when those plans happen he really loves it, when a plan comes together. He has asked me on a number of occasions what do I want?, and where do I want him to take me?. I always say, go make your plans and then come and get me, Surprise me. I do not want to know what you are going to do or where you are going to take me. This in itself always allows my imagination, coupled with my fantasy's to start going crazy with...
Summer of 82 passed quickly into fall, and we talked numerous times about when was I going to come out west and visit her. I kept mention that November would be good, as the national holiday of deer hunting started here on the 15th, and the follow week is Thanksgiving. That probably would be the best time for me to journey out west. I worked hard to get things wrapped up by the 12th of November. On Saturday, I packed my bags and had sister Brenda take me to the airport. Brenda and I...
The temperature had finally dropped into the 80’s and I had plopped down into one of the chairs. My dog Trix was playing with a stick and I sat idly watching. Her voice was behind me. “Mind if I join you?” she asked as she slid into the other chair. She was parallel to me and about two feet away. “Sure Mrs. West” She was rubbing some kind of moisturizer on her legs. I had a hard time looking away. “Call me Julie.” She said with a smile. “Mrs. West makes me feel old.” “Err…OK.” I almost...
His butt was getting numb. Squirming around for relief had become an impossible endeavor. It had been hours since he left Miami in the bed of that rickety, vibrating pick-up truck. Brad’s legs ached and he desperately needed to stretch and walk around. Twisting around to look forward through the cab windows only frustrated him more. “Shit! I can’t even see the next island.” In despair, Brad drooped his shoulders and tugged on the edges of the white sailor’s cap, pulling it tighter on his head....
Love StoriesSue and I had moved to the west for me to take up an executive position in a large company. We had invited Marg to visit us in our new home. Although Sue didn’t know it I was aware that Marg intended staying. Her good friend, Cherie was coming with her.My vasectomy had been reversed before I had moved west and the operation had been successful. Sue and I planned to have our third child following the Thursday before the weekend that Marg arrived. Sue was of the belief that my sperm had taken....
Wife LoversSettling in to the westWe had moved to WA from the eastern states. My motivation for the move was to try to get my wife, Sue away from the men that she had formed her cheating relationships with. I had told her she had a choice to make. She could either stay in the east and our marriage would be dissolved or come with me but only on the condition that her cheating behavior ends. Sue had chosen to come with me. I had little faith that she would reform and the first sign to me was that she agreed...
Wife LoversWhen the cowboy rode into town everyone knew it had to be Jericho. The silver studded, hand tooled saddle glinted the bright southwest sun into the eyes of the townsfolk as they stood watching him. High in the saddle, he rode down the main street of Dawson oblivious to the eyes of those who stopped and stared. Whispers from pious matronly women went from mouth to ear to mouth and back to the ear of the next person standing on the slatted wood sidewalk. Their hushed whispers kept pace with...
The two weeks before Dave and John went west to Calgary for the hockey playoffs were very busy. Both spent most of their time studying when they weren't practicing. They had missed almost a whole week of school when they were in the Atlantic Tournament and would miss another week for the National Championships. Dave was pleased when Katherine eventually started to talk normally to him in the hallway at school - she seemed to accept their new level of friendship. Roger and Carol took their...
Thursday Week 21 Jill prepared a substantial breakfast to help them through the long day's driving ahead. Dave had told her that their destination was Kununurra some 512 kilometres south west, which would probably take almost seven hours of driving time plus stops. As soon as he had finished his ham omelette, Dave got the RV ready for departure, while Jill washed up and put everything away. She dressed and helped Dave with cleaning the windscreen. Dave pulled out of the caravan park at...
RAIN: “Rain!” She said, talking to Sparky. It had indeed begun to rain. It was one of those ‘out of nowhere’ kind of showers that came and dumped a ton of rain and then left the area. But right then, Allura, Allura Cain, was out walking her ‘Sparky’, her ‘pal’. Allura, who was 24 at the time, had always lived with her Mom, until her brother, the only other family member, moved back to the area, after a hitch in the armed forces. He settled in and got himself a job, living with Allura and...
I had just started blogging, which is a great way of getting your thoughts out there if no one wants to pay you for it. I had set myself up as a down-to-earth cookery guy, keeping things simple and cheap, and I attracted a number of “fans” who liked the way I went about it.One of them was Lindy, a Scottish woman, happily married and with a grown-up daughter. It soon became apparent that she had a bit of a thing for me. She wrote nice things as comments and sent me gushing compliments when we...
AnalMr Foster, the biology teacher at Central High, had heard about the "field day' held at the school where an old collage pal taught biology. He was intrigued with the events in the resulting biology lesson and wondered if they could achieve a similar success here. He rapidly worked to convince the principle about the idea to have a 'Central High Sprit Day' to build some support for the school sports teams, it was easy to get the Phys Ed coaches to support the idea but he'd kept quiet about...
Tuesday Matt was rousted from his sleep at 3:22 this morning. “Six helos inbound with prisoners,” the security office warned. “On the way; call CC,” he replied. CC and her two newest recruits, Leon and Fred, met Matt and Jodi as they all grabbed a quick bite to eat. The two new recruits were fully decked out in combat gear but didn’t have weapons yet. They still had to finish safety training and then qualify with each weapon. “Vishay and Jerri can work tonight after we finish, following...
HOT, EVEN IN the shade in our backyard, where Sam and I were lying side-by-side on our backs under the big tree. I felt my t-shirt sticking in back, even in the shade. Left the clouds on their own for a moment, opened my eyes, and turned to look at Sam. I wanted to lick those little drops of sweat off of her upper lip. I closed my eyes again, but I could hear the smile in Sam’s voice. “Go ahead, Buddy.” I turned on my side. Salty, warm sweat, and my tongue liked every little drop. Then my...
Ich druckte die Daten aus, die ich brauchte, um meiner Schwester zu beweisen, was ich gegen sie in der Hand hatte, und las mir alles zufrieden noch einmal durch. Diabolisch lächelte ich. Das war es. Das musste reichen für meine geplante Erpressung. Meine Schwester Sara war sechs Jahre älter als ich, und wir hatten uns nie gut verstanden. Als ich noch klein war, hatte sie sich immer wie meine Zweitmutter aufgespielt und mich immer nur gequält und unterdrückt. Heute war es fast noch schlimmer,...
Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Continued) I won't describe this small dinner party in detail. It went well, and for the most part was very predictable (e.g., Katie predictably apologized for the dinner not being up to yesterday's standard. We predictably insisted her dinner was wonderful, etc.). I'll mention some of the good parts of the evening. Early on Carson and I were chatting in the living room. To make conversation, he asked me, "How's that business idea of yours coming along?" I...
On our recent vacation to St. Thomas, we did a 2 day trip to key west for my Birthday. My wife asked what I wanted for my B-day, and I told her I wanted to wear pantyhose with shorts and sandals and walk around town with her. This is a first for me( and her) wearing hose in public. But I figured in Key west it would be OK. I was very nervous as I dressed. I wore suntan pantyhose,sandals, nylon shorts and a t-shirt. My wife wore a short denin skirt and a top with heels, no bra or...
Author's Introduction: For anyone looking for quick gratification from a cut-to-the-sex story, this is probably the wrong one- I'm hoping to create an engrossing, long term storytelling experience. I will update it as often as possible but often real life gets in the way (EDIT: Currently updates every friday, stay tuned!)(ANOTHER EDIT: Have been delayed by real life but will update in a few days!) As you will soon tell, I enjoy telling a good yarn as much as I enjoy writing the more NSFW...
As I previously detailed on my trip to the Keys experience I briefly met a very attractive black man. He gave me his number & promptly planted a very wet & passionate kiss, not to mention placed my hand on what felt like a massive appendage!.After the trip as I was cleaning out my purse I found the napkin with his name & number. His name was Derek. I vaguely remembered him other than he was very tall, had a nice smile & probably a very large cock. I wasn't accustomed to calling...
As all the stories I share are 100% true this one is no different. Now I have to confess some of the details were provided by one of my then fuckbuddies due to a few too many drinks. It was Memorial Day Weekend & we decided to fly to Florida, rent a convertible & drive down to Key West for the weekend. Once we checked in. around noon, we decided to waste no time & hit the bars. BTW yes. I gave him road head on the way over, LOL! He changes into long shorts & a tank top (loved...
Josh had been to any number of Nancy Walters’ parties. They were one of the few things that he looked forward to after having lived here now for the past five years. The people that attended her parties were always interesting and rarely were the same people invited a second time. After attending the fifth consecutive party Josh had pulled his hostess aside for a chat. “Nancy,” he said, “I want you to know that I love being invited to your parties. They are always fun and I always meet...
InterracialI Dominus: Japan – East meets West It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time....
BDSMI am NOT the author.am simply sharing Lauren takes a solo vacation and meets the sexy VP she hates from workI was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I'd spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation.“ I don't care if Mark can't make it- I'm just going to take off,” I said.“ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go...
I was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I'd spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation.“ I don't care if Mark can't make it- I'm just going to take off,” I said.“ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go for it. Where to?”“ I've got a great spa picked out. Actually, it's down your way. Santa Barbara. Eden West,...
CheatingSalma Hayek - Enslaved and Tortured in the Old WestIt was a hot day in the Chihuahua desert...and its pride and joy Salma Hayek was travelling via stagecoach through the rugged terrain. She had been sweeping the west with her beauty in burlesque shows all across Mexico and the US...teasing and enticing her way to fame among the sex-starved hordes of men. She was the perfect Latina beauty, with curves like a racetrack and a seductive personality. But while she was travelling, her stagecoach...
Okay, as I said, this takes place in the Old West. Instead of hanging, the obscure New England techniqe of "pressing" is the execution of choice. As you will find out, it has been modified somewhat from it's original form. Enjoy: I was lying in my cell, miserable...hopeless, waiting for the sun to sink below the horizon and plunge my cell into gradual darkness. This was to be the last light of day I would see before the day of my death. OUR death, actually. Emmie and I were both...
If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. It has been said that women need a reason to have sex, while men just need a place. Like most generalities, that is generally wrong. I think that most people actually need to have a reason to have sex and if they care for each other, if they love each other, then the sex will be even better. All the participants are at...
I needed some time, and space, to get past this latest turn of events. Lori was a special woman and I had abused her. She would have done anything I asked, to please me, and I mishandled it. I opened the cuffs with my hide-away key, grabbed my gear, and left. I thought she and Steve looked happy together as I walked out the door. My last true love was waiting for me in the garage, and the road was calling to me. My only plan consisted of "Get the fuck out of here." I strapped down my gear...
I didn't see Bernie that weekend. We had been pretty much getting together on a casual basis. One of us would phone the other and we would decide to do something. Bernie didn't call on Saturday or Sunday and that was okay with me. I wasn't in a dating mood. I did go to the local wheelchair basketball tournament games, but sat up in the bleachers, well out of sight of her. The attendance was sparse and I thought I knew why. Many of us were still reeling from the shock of the attacks on the...
I was going west ahead of the group to lay out and get built a park for the motor homes and trailers. Besides the head doctor and his wife I took along the two male nurses to do the driving and two of the females. I thought this was as good a time as any to test these guy's resolve about what we were doing, so I told the doctors wife to get naked and meet me on the bed. "The rest of you just watch and you pay attention to the road," I told the one driving. One of the nurses had on a gray...
Group SexSaturday night finally came, and since I'd already "warned" Tad that he was in for a voyeuristic treat at the Parker Residence, we were both looking forward to our evening. Louise answered the doorbell and immediately wrapped both arms around me with a huge hug. As soon as I was released, Tad got the same treatment. Louise had only met Tad once before -- an afternoon when we'd met for a drink after work -- but the way she behaved, you would have thought they were long-lost...
It wasn't a lot of money Parker Fullbright embezzled from the company. It wasn't like he was a crook or something. And after all, his uncle was the CEO. Well, that was the problem actually. You see his uncle was not only CEO, but also gay, and his uncle had wanted Parker's young ass ever since the boy was twelve. He had been fascinated by the kid for years, and if Parker's Uncle Jake had one quality it was persistence. If he had a dream, he stuck to it! Which is was he gave Parker a job in the...
Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...
(Another re-posting of a old British Classic).Kingston Park***A young boy accidentally discovers the delights of a glory hole in his local park. Over the years as he develops sexually he uses it as his base for some unusual encounters with strangers, people he knows and even his own Uncle. (Mm-teen, inc, voy, 1st-gay-expr, g-hole, anal)***Martin sat quietly in his own little space. He could hear the sounds of people passing by outside and c***dren laughing in the nearby playground. He knew this...
First Time in the ParKBy SaraOzThis is a story of one of my first times in a park. I had heard around school about some of the things that happened in the park. I was not sure I would like being in the park, and maybe even doing some of the things I had heard other say went on, but I knew I had liked what I had been doing with boys so far, so this may be just as much fun.One part of me was scared of what may happen, but another part of me wanted to know what it was like to be in the park with...
First Time in the ParKBy SaraOzThis is a story of one of my first times in a park. I had heard around school about some of the things that happened in the park. I was not sure I would like being in the park, and maybe even doing some of the things I had heard other say went on, but I knew I had liked what I had been doing with boys so far, so this may be just as much fun.One part of me was scared of what may happen, but another part of me wanted to know what it was like to be in the park with...
Hi everyone. This is Krishna from Bangalore, the garden city. This city is full of parks and the parks are full of love. Park or Garden is a beautiful man made concept to feel the nature. With trees, various kinds of plants, colorful flowers with soothing fragrance, green grass, everything is fantastic to spend time with. And especially now in fast, mechanical world, they are like oasis between the deserts. Of course, they had a big role in love right from ancient times. Even today, If you have...
THE PARK By JANICE My parents would be out until after two in the morning. This meant I could spend some time in the park. The park, after dark, is a place for people like me. I am a 15 year old cross dresser and Bi, with a preference toward males. There is a good looking guy there that is such a doll, I drool when I see him. I know that some one like me hasn't a chance with him. He was at least bi, if not gay, or he would not be at the park. I knew I had no chance because most of...
Rayner worried for his friend. Axel talked tough, but Rayner knew there was a deep well of kindness in him, no matter how much Axel teased him on his social justice values. “We need to talk about what happened,” Rayner said. “What we need is to find a place to stay for the night. Do you know how to start a fire?” Axel said. “I didn’t know I was capable of such violence; I know we had to do it but—” “I’m guessing this world does not have electricity. The forest will be pitch black. We will...