Geeks and Freaks Part 1Chapter 1
- 4 years ago
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The madhouse in Fort Dodge was not repeated in Port Angeles. When Rob arrived, Wendy's parents were packed and ready to go. Rob was not willing to waste time, and neither was Wendy. As soon as he was out of the car he had an armful of voluptuous, slinky femininity, lip-locked and a-quiver. He let the kiss fade slowly, and the moment it did, he put Wendy down, an arms length away and dropped to a knee, ring box in hand and popped the lid up and held it forward.
"Wendy Fellowes, you are my strange attractor. You're the sun-hot heat at the core of my reactor. If love were an equation, it would factor out to you. I love you with everything I am and can't imagine living a single moment of the rest of my life without you. Will you marry me?"
"Abso-fucking-lutely!" Came the first answer, less than ladylike, but still all Wendy. Followed by a "yes, yes, yes you big doofus!"
After the ring was on and another incandescent kiss exchanged, they were applauded by their parents and the pilot.
"Geeky but effective." Ted said, slapping Rob on the back.
"Congratulations Son!" I heard from two Dads.
"And what about that potty mouth young lady?" Wendy's Mom said.
"Sorry Mom. Sorry everyone, but I won a 500 dollar bet I made in seventh grade with that word." Wendy answered with a blush.
"Hang on!" Wendy said, activating her tap. "Bren? Wen!" She gushed. "Guess what? You owe me 500 dollars." After a long pause she continued. "Yes!" and span around in circles like a schoolgirl as she said it, followed by giggling and jumping up and down. It must be said. The current Wendy Fellowes is far too feminine above the waist to make jumping up and down like a schoolgirl a 'proper' activity, but Rob was not about to complain!
'Bren' turned out to be Brenda Lassiter, the grade school friend who was now a teacher that Rob had met on their first visit to Port Angeles. Brenda was at the house ten minutes after Wendy's call. The pair of them had been 'Bren and Wen' since they were little.
"Sometimes we were "Dee and Duh." Wendy said. "Wen-Dee and Bren-Duh."
When she found out they were going off to Barbados, Brenda was excited, but bummed. The school year was about to start, and there was no way she could go with them, even if they invited her.
"We'll be sure to schedule the wedding for a more auspicious time then." Rob told her.
He laid out his plans. It was Saturday, the morning of August 22nd. They were going to spend three weeks in Barbados, just the seven of them. As they were climbing into Isaac, Wendy slugged him hard on the arm.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"Isaac Azimuth, that's what!"
They lost some time heading east, and once they were checked into the hotel everyone had to decide whether they were going to wait for dinner which was a few hours away, or have something now. They decided to have a few 'bar snacks on the beach and save their appetites for a late dinner.
They lay on the beach, they swam and snorkeled. Rob and Wendy made love, though they were a little reluctant to get too carried away, with both sets of parents downstairs. The reluctance faded a bit the night Rob heard his parents getting vocal in the middle of the night. That set off a chain reaction that none of the six of them were willing to discuss over breakfast the next morning, outside of the occasional blush or giggle.
They played tourist quite a bit, going on tours and excursions. There were quite a few underwater reef tours, one was even using the new gravitic shielding to offer an underwater walking tour of one of the nearer reefs. That one was a little creepy and cool at the same time. As long as you didn't have a light source brighter than what was coming down through the sea overhead, you couldn't even tell their was a shield there. Once you turned on a light, the field flared into glistening obviousness.
"It's possible to tune the fields so that the field stays invisible, but this way seems more reassuring to our guests." Clive, our guide told me when I asked about it. "We used to get people having panic attacks when we were first trying it out."
They had small little floor lights spaced every dozen feet or so, and near them the illusion was definitely less convincing.
They para-sailed, surfed, water-biked, hiked and explored. They visited Bridgetown, the capitol, and Holetown, Speightstown, Oistins and a handful of churches, plantations, forts and lighthouses. They even took in a bit of the nightlife, doing a little dancing and drinking at some of the bigger hot spots.
It wasn't all vacation time. Rob was on the Q quite a bit to Carnegie Mellon and his former physics department head, Professor Jack Eieyery. Pronounce that name! Its actually pronounced 'yaw-ruh'. Rob made sure he got his way smoothed for coming up and getting some time in with the simulator and the modeler that he had used when he was first working on his ideas for the sensor array.
Their third day there Rob spotted some beefy, clean cut guys lounging around the Royal Pavilion that rung a bell in the back of his brain. They reminded him of the service crew people they'd had on the Pai Lung, and to a lesser degree on the Hawking. Security types, trying to look like something else. Rob tapped Sheila and asked her to check into it.
Dave McKesson himself called him back! Yes, the McKesson Group was concerned about his safety, and a McKesson security team had been assigned to provide security, with discretion, but there nonetheless.
"Rob, the Earth is a better place in general than it was a generation ago, but you still have to watch your back. There are evil people out there who see the rich and successful as targets."
"I can appreciate the truth of that, it just seems like someone could have been more up front with me about it is all." Rob answered, trying not to sound too much like he was whining.
"Its been an ongoing problem for the McKesson's since my great-grandfather's time, and we've gotten pretty good at it." Dave said. "We train our own security, and have for many, many years. We forget sometimes that everyone else we associate with isn't necessarily aware of these realities. My apologies for that."
"I understand really, and I'm not completely surprised. That's what I figured all those beefy, iron-postured cooks and laundry people were doing on the Pai Lung, and I had no problem with it." He answered.
"You'd better let your pilot know too. Our team believes he has already noticed them, and our background check on him suggests he has had the kind of training that means he should be aware of them. We'd rather not have to see who has received the better training, our security team or Ted Henley."
Rob asked for a copy of the background report on Ted, and read it with interest. The drill instructor attitude he wore so naturally was pretty close to the truth. He had been involved in some seriously heavy military stuff, and had spent a dozen years training people to do nasty things to bad guys with extreme efficiency.
While he wondered at the kind of connections that McKesson must have to get some of the military background information, which had to be classified, Rob wasn't adverse to using it to his advantage.
He contrived to find himself alone with Ted on the beach the next day and sat down in the beach chair beside him.
"So Ted, what do you think of the security detail McKesson has had watching over us?" He offered as an opening.
"They're good. I trust them to keep us as safe as possible." He said. After a sip of his rum barrel punch, he asked.
"So they spotted me spotting them then?"
"Nope, they just assumed you had based on what they knew of you." Rob took a long sip of his own drink.
"So they show you their background check?"
"Yup. Some interesting stuff in there. Some I was surprised that McKesson had access to. Nothing operation specific, but a lot of detail on the type of work you did in the military."
"Lots of that is supposed to be secret. You still okay with me working for you after seeing that?"
"Yeah, but I think you should give up this rent-a-pilot gig."
"I don't think so. Its the cleanest work I can get with the skill set I've got."
"No its not. You'll become my personal pilot, bodyguard and maybe even teacher. No renting yourself out, you'd be a full-time employee, retirement, health plan, the works."
"Teacher?" Ted asked.
"Well, Wendy and I were learning Tae kwan do from one of the cooks on board the Hawking. He reminds me very much of the guys we were just discussing, and I assume he was filling the same position there as these guys are here."
"Does it mean I have to strap myself into the rocket when its time for you to go heading off into the great wide empty?"
"Well other than that we don't use rockets anymore, which you knew, yes, I'd hope you'd really take it as that kind of full time commitment."
"Deal." Ted held out his hand and they shook. Rob tapped Sheila back in Boston immediately.
"Sheila, I need you to get some paperwork started for me. Ted Henley, rent-a-pilot, is now a full time QuanTangle employee. Get him signed up for the benefits package. Most of the information you need should be in the bonding information we got, but I'll throw this link over to Ted's tap and let the two of you get things squared away."
Rob got the two of them together and then headed off down the beach to find Wendy. The parents were off to Bridgetown to do a little shopping. He was hoping for a little mid-morning delight.
The space trials were brief, and pretty uneventful. The lessons learned on Nauru meant that most of the problems they had experienced in the past didn't happen. There are always small items to correct or adjust though, its a given with this level of complexity. Complexity was considerably less than it had been in the old NASA Space Shuttle days though. Their systems were much more robust.
Rob told Arne and Morrie to run the follow-ups without him, but to keep him posted. Once the space-worthiness was certified, he would have to do his own testing of the sensor and diagnostic systems. That was a one man show though.
Rob met Professor Eierey at Wean Hall the next day. He was a thin, bearded man in his forties, and he had a tendency to seem slightly nervous, almost twitchy, but that was just a physical trait. He was really one of those calm, focused types who never seemed to get excited. He was also a bit of an elitist, and he had rubbed Rob the wrong way several times with his attitude, but his labs and research staff were operated as a strict meritocracy, so he had prospered under him.
"Well Mr. Young. Welcome back. You seem to have done rather well for yourself since leaving."
"Thank you. In some ways I credit you professor." He said, meaning every word. "Our personalities may have clashed frequently, but I certainly thrived under your system, and most of what I've done was possible only because you were never one to place yourself between a student and recognition."
"You deserve the recognition you're getting, and you're right, I've never been one to get all bollixed up over someone else's recognition. And call me Jack, please?."
Rob held out his hand and they shook, and at that point Jack Eierey stopped seeing Rob as a student and began seeing him as an equal. They certainly never again had the kind of clashes they had during Rob's years as a student.
"You seem to be happy with my work, but are you guys using it here?" I asked.
"Not much call for sensor arrays around here, but the quantum tunneling work is still getting a lot of follow through from most of the people in the field here." Jack answered.
"I assumed that, but what about the Q-net and the Q-tap? Do you know if the computer department has begun picking up on the differences in computing power available with this new system?"
Of course he didn't know, so he was going to have to ask outside of the department. Fortunately, the current situation made that relatively easy.
The modelers and simulators were really the province of the computer science department, and they were housed in the basement in an area shared jointly by physics and computer science. They took the elevator down to the 'dead zone', as it was called, The small network of rooms where all the hardware lived, and took a look around.
It had only been a couple of years, but Rob didn't recognize anyone at all.
"Lets check with Aaron." Jack said, waving at a short, bearded student with a stack of old fashioned greenbar printouts. "Aaron Shelldrake is one of the grad students whose been working on the remodel going on down here in the last six months. They've only had to take us offline once in all that time, so I can offer a small measure of presumption of competence on their part."
Just then the sound of concrete drills fill the air, and a spoken conversation was no longer possible. Aaron pulled a set of ear muffs up off his neck, but Jack and Rob were not so fortunate. Between the two of them they managed to communicate via hand gesture their need to talk, and signaled a desire to head upstairs. He nodded and followed us to the elevator.
"Aaron, if you're going to be doing that kind of thing down there you need to restrict access or put up a sign of some kind. That was dangerously loud." Jack said, wasting no time in dressing the younger man down.
"I agree! I wondered why the construction supervisor handed me a pair of earmuffs when I got down there. I don't think they realized we hadn't closed off the level. Someone obviously missed an item on a checklist somewhere." He said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Aaron, this is Rob Young. He's going to be using the modeler and simulator gear for a couple of days and has a few questions. Can we invite you up for a cup of coffee?"
Being a department head at Carnegie Mellon had its advantages, and an office assistant who brews wickedly good coffee from freshly ground beans on a moments notice has to be considered near the top of the list as far as advantages go.
Candice, the office assistant was a cute, bubbly blond who wore jeans and a t-shirt in a way that made Rob ask the question.
"Jack, I know you operate the labs and the grad students as a meritocracy. Do you do the same for your office assistants?"
"Rob, I'm offended. After tasting that woman's coffee, you still feel the need to ask that question?"
That got Aaron and him laughing, and Jack joined in. Rob had never seen him acting so pleasant and personable.
"Rob, as much as I'd like to drag this out, due to the coffee and the scenery, what can I help you with?" Aaron asked.
"I was wondering if the computer science department was beginning to take advantage of the new amorphous nano-substrate computers, the ones that we developed for use aboard the Pai Lung and the Hawking?"
"Ah! I wondered why you seemed familiar. It makes sense now. Yes, we are beginning to. In fact the remodeling thats going on downstairs is so we can add an entire ANS computer system in alongside the existing stuff. We hope to slowly switch over to that system once we're sure of our programing. This new stuff is pretty different, and our guys are still getting used to coding in it."
"I know just the guy you need. I can't say how busy he is though. Let me find out." Rob offered.
Rob tapped a link to Howard Dexter. He had been one of the systems guys aboard the Pai Lung, and had been one of the leads on adapting code from their old systems to Ike's new one. Rob had no clue if he had become engaged in this process, but he was one of the few existing experts in it.
"Rob! What's up man?" Howard said as soon as we connected.
"Howard, how hard at work are you?"
"I'm living off the fat of my back pay at the moment. Why? What's up?"
"Have you ever considered the fact that you are one of the world's foremost experts on programming and program conversion for the new ANS computers?"
"I hadn't thought about that. I guess its true, huh? Tony and I did a lot of the groundwork for that new system."
"You guys should get your heads together. You could probably get rich contracting out to various organizations that are wanting to switch to the new system. I've got a potential first client for you too, if you decide to do it. Carnegie Mellon is implementing some of the new systems now, and could probably afford to hire someone to help with all the conversion."
"Rob, are you a Tartan?" Howard asked. That was the CMU team nickname.
"Yeah." Rob answered.
"University of Chicago here, man. I'm a Maroon!" Ahh! Conference rivals!
Rob let Aaron and Howard talk. Aaron wasn't high enough up the food chain at CMU to get this done on his own, but with a little support from Jack, it should get pushed through pretty quickly. In the meantime, getting the many months of collected data out of his Q-tap and into the instrument's data storage was easier than he thought it would be. They may still be in the middle of moving over to the new Amorphous Nano Substrate computing platform, but they had immediately installed interfaces capable of handling the FHS data stream that the Q-tap used.
Rob spend three nights sequestered in the dead zone with the modeler and simulator. He let the construction crews do their thing during the day and had the place to himself at night. Aaron Hayes dropped by the first night to see how he was doing, but took one look at his outputs, smiled, and wished him luck.
He called Wendy every night on his way in, and she called him to give him a wake up call every afternoon. He spent his afternoons showing Ted around Pittsburgh and visiting with some of his former professor's and classmates. Jack got him together with his entire crew of graduate assistants on the second afternoon and they just brainstormed what they knew and what they thought, and Rob described for them the kinds of data he was getting from isolating the sensor array inputs and tuning for the various energetic outputs and 'transparent bands' from the reactor and gravity engines. They couldn't even all agree about what it was he was detecting. But it was a big struggle in their area of research to even explain some of the underlying principles. Jack summed it up for us, echoing something I think all of us remember hearing him tell us as undergraduate students.
"There's an old story of a committee of blind men asked to study and describe an elephant. Each man was lead to the elephant, one man felt the trunk, another the leg and a third an ear. When they were asked to explain the true nature of an elephant, one said, 'it is like a snake, round and long, coiling and writhing'. The second man said 'it is like the trunk of a great tree, solid and unmovable.' the third man said 'it is like a leather coat, thin, wide and flexible'." Jack smiled at the recognition of his story in our eyes. "As all of you can attest, students of Quantum physics are like that committee. Each of us sees the nature of the piece we study and we examine that part at length and in detail, but we cannot give in to the temptation that what we describe is the whole of it, or that in describing what we observe we are gaining understanding about the true nature of the beast."
Julianne was totally pissed. It was 6:15 on a Friday night. Everybody else had left at five, but she was stuck in the office waiting for the financial reports to FTP down to her PC from the mainframe so that she could paste them into an Excel spreadsheet and email it to all the department managers. The stupid geeks were having a problem getting the mainframe job to run, something about a misplaced "DD" statement, whatever that meant. She nibbled on her salad and sipped on her coffee while...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Geeks In SpaceChapter 8Copyright© 2007 by Sea-Life
The Hawking's return to Earth was very low key, as was the activity of most of the people who left the ship. Rob called another meeting in the Captain's mess, with the same group as before. Ted Henley got included this time. "We're back in a hurry because we need to get some teeth, both for the ship and for the crew. That means guns, and when it comes to this area, I will concede a lack of expertise, and cede it to those among us with military backgrounds." Rob said as an opening...
Rob spent the entire afternoon in meetings, listening to people talk about money, personnel, public relations and surprisingly, religious intolerance. There were several groups of very fanatical evangelical fundamentalists out there who saw the planned trip to Mars as a refutation of 'God's word', because of course, whoever wrote the bible two thousand years ago was not a scientist, and failed to mention Mars or spaceships. 'The bible doesn't mention bullhorns either, but that didn't...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Many thanks go to RF-Fast for his editing and suggestions that enhanced the story. Any bad grammar left is wholly on me and my artistic style… and a strong reliance on spell check! LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18 years of age or older. Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup ***** Geeks rule! Class reunions…...
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. As always comments, kudos and criticisms welcome. Beach Taking a break from the nasty porn, the twisted chat rooms, and the obsessive masturbating, I decided to do something...
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When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
Dear Friends / Readers Here I am back with new, fresh and another special sex game played at the open beach but away from stranger’s eyes. But before anything else, I would like to thanks Rishma for her support and co-operation in posting of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I am really thankful to my group “indiansexstories” for making me so popular among the readers. Secondly, I am also thankful to all of my readers and fans for their thousands of mail of appreciation. I tried my best to reply...
"Do we go to the hotel and check in or straight to the beach?" Stephen asked the beautiful passenger sitting beside him. "The beach," Sarah replied. "We have plenty of time to check in and this beautiful sunshine shouldn't be wasted." "The beach it is," he said as he put on the indicator and turned down the road to the beach. Stephen smiled as he thought about what was happening. He had been chatting with Sarah online for the past couple of months now and finding out that they had heaps in...
ExhibitionismPREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
God, it had been ages since I'd been to the beach. I'd driven along the coast a couple times a year over the last decade but had always been too busy to spend a day at the beach. Now I had all the time in the world and I intended to spend much more time out here. In my early twenties this was my usual weekend haunt. That's a story in itself and one worth telling. I guess I should tell that one first so I'll come back to the beach after I tell you how I got to the beach. Never mind, just keep...
They drove down the open two-lane freeway in the most beautiful place on Earth. The rental car they were in didn't move fast, and that was okay because the couple was on Hawaii Time. That meant no watches and no making plans, just going with the flow. It was their first vacation in ages. They had looked forward to getting away from the daily grind and decided the best way to do this was to travel to a tropical location where technology couldn't distract them. Their choice was the island of Maui...
VoyeurMy Favorite MILFs Day At The Beach I live in Orange County, California near one of the very large shopping malls located in this area. In fact, my apartment is only two blocks from this particular mall, which houses several of the large, high end, department stores. The type stores that have departments selling expensive women's shoes and apparel. It will soon become clear, why I mention these stores.This past Friday, my favorite MILF, girlfriend Sarah, and her on / off friend...
This is the sequel to my earlier story, 'Carried Away'. It is a bit more fanciful. But I hope that you enjoy it.At the BeachCheryl called Sharon about mid-week and told her that they were planning on coming back for the upcoming weekend and asked if we wanted to get together with them again. Sharon immediately said yes. Cheryl suggested that they pick us up and we all drive out to the end of the peninsula to visit a special beach there. Upon hearing this, my wife agreed without hesitation...
tThe weather and life-style in South Florida is envied by many people, especially those living in the colder climates. I was fortunate to be born and raised in the greater Miami area, and then even more blessed when I was able to find gainful employment back here after going away to college. My wife Laura is from the Orlando area, and we met in college in our senior year. Now we live in a suburb of Miami that is close to the beaches where I spent time as a teenager.My name is Jimmy, and we are...
BisexualThey drove down the open two-lane freeway in the most beautiful place on Earth. The rental car they were in didn’t move fast, and that was okay because the couple was on Hawaii Time. That meant no watches and no making plans, just going with the flow. It was their first vacation in ages. They had looked forward to getting away from the daily grind and decided the best way to do this was to travel to a tropical location where technology couldn’t distract them. Their choice was the island of Maui...
Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic! Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island...
"Why don't we go away this weekend?" I asked Trish as I muted the advertisement on the television. "You could take Friday off, maybe Monday, we could drive up the coast or something!" My wife looked up from her laptop and grimaced. "It's a bit short notice. It's going to be hot this weekend isn't it? You know I don't like the heat.""Well yeah, that's the idea of going to the beach." I encouraged. "Come on, we haven't gone anywhere in ages. You could do with a break."Again she looked not overly...
The beach was deserted and lonely, the sand cold and damp. Even the waves looked frigid as they broke across the dark, hard packed sand. The skies were slate grey with low clouds scudding across the horizon and my footprints were the only ones in the sand; solitary dents trailing behind me as I trudged along. The winter wind was brisk, tearing at my clothing, seeking for any gaps between my coat and my body so it could whisk away what little warmth was trapped inside. I leaned forward a bit,...
"You're sure that that's what will happen Mr. Barnet?" "Please, call me Frank. And yes, if I know Vikki, and I think I do, that's exactly what I think she'll do." "And you're sure I can't talk you into telling me what song she'll be doing Frank?" "Sorry Justin, that's one part of her surprise it would be more than my life's worth to divulge. And unfortunately we don't have a copy of the song you mentioned, we are however big on Cliff Richard so we will have the song of his...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
"There is no football game this Saturday. How about we go out to Lake Travis?" Tommy suggested to Blake."Can't, my folks are going to be here - all day.""Well then, I guess it'll just be Charlene and me. Not that that's all bad..." Tommy looked at Charlene, "...but it'd sure be fun if you could come too." Tommy continued looking in Charlene's direction, inviting her agreement."Of course it'd be great if Blake could go - but he can't," Charlene lamented, "so maybe we could...
ExhibitionismTURNABOUT AT THE BEACHChapter 1Dotty and Carol had been best friends for years. They both worked in the accounting department of a small insurance firm and their families had gotten together often for picnics and such over the years, until Carol’s husband, Roger, had died five years earlier. Although the two remained close, the family get-togethers had ceased. Dotty and her husband, Mike had a son in high school, Greg, who was the same age as Carol’s only child, Beth. Spring had arrived and...
Caryl’s Day at the BeachI’ve been going topless at the beach for years and years, but always at the far end as far as possible away from other beach goers. One thing I found out early in my trips was that the closer to the main gate and the private property had the least amount of people around. As this is a provincial park nudity was highly frowned upon. When I was younger and found this spot, the only people that seemed to come anywhere near where we parked our blankets and towels were...
Chapter One: On the beachThe weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out.Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand, kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel."Better put some sun cream on Billy or you'll burn"He turned his head to look at his mom who was spreading a towel beside him."I guess""Here I'll do it"With that Mary Price knelt beside her teenage son, squirting sun cream onto his...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
The white-foamed spray leapt up in a shower as the blunt bows of the dingy thumped into the swell. Robbie knew he had to put a couple of kilometres between himself and the point. Otherwise the in-rushing tide will trap him inside the reef. He'd come to Blackner's beach now for three summers. The beach was a wee bit of an open secret in the area. Secluded, remote and only accessable by sea or farm track, it had all the qualities Robbie desired. Old man Blackner would have closed the track...
Nude beach experienceWe took a visit to California and my husband wanted me to go to Black's Beach, a nude beach near San Diego. Although we had been to the French Caribbean and I had been topless and nude on a more secluded beach I had never been to one in the United States. I told him okay but I had a condition, he would have to be nude and do something for me while we were there. He eagerly agreed to my request whatever it was. My plan was to embarass and show him off at the beach. We left...
Introduction Oh what a difference two months can make! A little over six weeks ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When...
Cuckold"This is a sex vacation," Tommy said."You know what that means."I was quiet and did not reply feeling both excitement and trepidation atthe prospect of another beach vacation."I know you know what that means," injected Tommy into the silence."Yes," I said."So be prepared."Tommy had purposely given me 10 days notice of his intentions. 10 days towonder. 10 days to speculate. 10 days to be anxious. 10 days to thinkabout our past two beach vacations. One thing I knew for sure: I would be naked...
Down in the Virgin Islands there is a beach, it is a small, somewhat remote beach and is accessible by four-wheel drive, and then only when the path isn’t washed out from a recent rain. It is near the famous Megans Beach, and is shown on maps only as Neltjeberg Bay. I know it as Eleanor’s Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, or at least of the beaches I have seen; and yet few people know of it. Or, perhaps, they are simply afraid to speak of it. I had been working...
First TimeMotherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesSummer at the Beach It all started very simply, with me (Sandra, Sandy for short, how appropriate,laughing) and my friend Ruth drinking is a beach-side bar outside of Savannah,Georgia. Now I grew up at the beach, so such haunts were old stomping groundsfor me. Ruth on the other hand had grown up in Indiana. We were both studentsat the time, down to the beach for a good time. I looked over at Ruth. She was indeed striking, moderately tall, thin, withalmost white blonde hair falling well below...