Private Beach
- 2 years ago
- 24
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The white-foamed spray leapt up in a shower as the blunt bows of the dingy thumped into the swell. Robbie knew he had to put a couple of kilometres between himself and the point. Otherwise the in-rushing tide will trap him inside the reef.
He'd come to Blackner's beach now for three summers. The beach was a wee bit of an open secret in the area. Secluded, remote and only accessable by sea or farm track, it had all the qualities Robbie desired.
Old man Blackner would have closed the track anyway, Robbie knew. He didn't want visitors disturbing his ewes during lambing. The farmer can do that, of course. He can ask for a restriction of public access from the Regional Authorities for farm management purposes.
This meant that only boaties could possibly be visiting the beach. Locals doing a bit of fishing, perhaps. Only at high tide, though, it was waste of time otherwise.
"Bugger!" Robbie muttered upon rounding the point.
There on the beach, beyond the high tide mark were a couple of caravans, huge tandem-axled things.
"What the hell are they doing there!" he said aloud.
Clearly they couldn't have come by sea. Obviously they must have come via Blackner's old track, but how? It was barely wide enough for a farm tractor let alone those bloody great houses-on-wheels.
As the little 10 horse Yamaha outboard pushed the aluminium dingy towards the beach, Robbie saw a number of figures around the 'vans. An awning was spread and under it several deck chairs and a table. Cables ran from the 'vans to somewhere in the push.
"They've got a bloody generator too!" Robbie announced to himself, "what next, TV, hot and cold?" He could scarcely believe it.
The surf carried the little craft over the pebbles and the last few metres to the beach. Robbie leapt into the knee-deep water to pull the dingy onto the beach and unload his camping gear.
He figured he'd camp in his usual spot at the other end of the beach under the Pines. He was disappointed to find strangers on 'his' little beach, but he was here for a week and maybe they'd be leaving before that. He was determined to enjoy himself regardless.
Robbie saw a man approaching. He was dark, at first Robbie thought the guy was local Maori but, as he got closer, he saw he was far too dark for a Polynesian. 'Melanesian, perhaps, African?' thought Robbie as the guy strode near.
He was enormous, rather like a mahogany dining table stood on end. 'Fully 7 foot in bare feet, at least' Robbie thought. He wore dark 'wrap 'round' shades and trunks large enough to make a tent with, decorated Hawaian fashion.
"I'm sorry sir," man mountain spoke, "the beach is closed, you have to move on."
He spoke with an American accent, like one who's used to getting his own way. Robbie wasn't surprised, clearly not many people would care to argue with the guy. He was, though, impeccably polite.
"Excuse me?" said Robbie, not sure of what he heard.
"This is a private party, sir. You have to move on," he repeated.
"Eh? Where?" Robbie asked in surprise.
"Anywhere, sir. Not here!"
Outrage began to form slowly in Robbie's gut. 'How dare some Yank tell him he can't stay on a public beach!'
"You can't do that!" Robbie protested, "there's no such thing as 'private' beaches in this country. Only the Regional Council can close a beach, and that's only for health and..."
"I don't know anything about that," the stranger continued, "all I know is that you can't stay here, so would you move on... please!"
"The fuck I will!" Robbie told the huge man, "I'm within my rights. Have you permission from Iwi?"
"From who, sir?"
Robbie knew local Maori had no customary rights to the beach. He didn't figure the stranger would know that.
"The local tribe," Robbie told him, "the Ko-matua need to give permission for you to camp. The Tribal elders, you'll be in big trouble if you haven't got it."
The stranger looked uncertainly at Robbie. He'd finally pierced a chink in the guy's demeanour. Emboldened, Robbie continued.
"Yes sir. When they find out, there'll be a dozen canoes coming around the point full of warriors..."
"There will?" the Black man asked, clearly troubled.
"Yep, you can't just take over a beach..."
"Wait a minute!" the guy told him and padded back towards the 'vans up the beach.
Robbie chuckled to himself. 'Damn, what a sucker.' There hadn't been a war party for 150 years.
Presently the guy returned accompanied by a woman. She was bikini clad, 30's, well-tanned, eyes shaded with long black hair tied in a pony tail.
"Now what's the problem?" she asked, "what's this stuff about tribes and canoes?"
She had the bored tone of a professional damage-controller. Like, 'here's another problem that needs sorting out with a bit of negotiation.' She was controlled and wary.
"You can't close a beach," Robbie explained, "I come here every summer to camp. You can't do that!"
"I see," she replied, interested, "Ok, Charles," he addressed the Black man, "I'll resolve this. You'd better go back and keep... our client company."
"Sure Adelle," he replied.
The man gave Robbie a long stare before he turned to go. Robbie could sense the menace behind the dark glasses.
"My name is Adelle," she explained, unnecessariy, "that's Charles," she said, looking behind her, "and you are?"
"Robbie. Well, Robbie we have an understanding from the local farmer that we'll have complete privacy here. There's obviously been some kind of misunderstanding..."
Robbie grated at the woman's patronising tone. He took an instant dislike to her, and to her pal Charles.
"He has no right to guarantee that," Robbie explained, pointedly.
Like every country person, he knew the rights of property backwards and forwards. Who could and couldn't come onto your land. The 'Queens chain' guaranteeing access to foreshore and rivers.
He explained to her that old man Blackner could restrict who could come across his land, particularly at lambing time. But that no-one could legally stop him from landing on the beach in a boat.
"I see!" the woman nodded, irritatingly.
Robbie still felt he was being humoured. He hated it. The woman considered for a moment before making up her mind.
"Ok," she finally said, "I guess we can live with it. You'll be camping where?"
Robbie pointed down the beach, away from the 'vans.
"Ok," the woman brightened, "I guess that won't be a problem. You'll be here how long?"
Robbie explained that he'll be here a week. Adelle asked him if he had a cellphone, or camera, and when he assured her he hadn't, she smiled and left him to bring his things ashore. He noticed, though, Charles standing staring at him the whole time.
It didn't take him long to pitch his tent and set up his campsite under the Pines. He was of two minds about staying. He felt the Americans were invading his little patch of heaven. Some bloody-minded obstinacy told him, however, that it would be as good as backing down. In the end he decided to stay, just to piss them off if for no other reason.
The water was lapping near the high tide mark when Robbie put together his rod for a little surf-casting. A fresh Kahawai was way better eating than the tin food he'd brought with him.
He noticed the fresh sea-breeze had driven the Americans inside their caravans. All except Charles, who appeared to be keeping watch. Robbie had already snagged a nice 6 kilo wriggling fish when the black man approached.
"Any luck?" he asked.
"Yep!" Robbie said, indicating his plastic bucket.
He asked about the species and Robbie told him it was a variety of Sea Bass. Charles explained he used to go fishing off San Diego as a kid. The ice was breaking down a little, over fishing.
Robbie gave the American a turn at casting, offered some pointers, and soon they were getting along just fine. As the sun waned, together they had caught a half dozen good sized fish, unusual at this end of the season. Charles clapped Robbie around the shoulders, trapping him vice-like, and told him he hadn't had that much fun in years. Rubbing his shoulder, Robbie thanked him before dividing up the catch.
"You sure you don't want to gut and scale them for us?" the American asked, grinning.
"What, you Yanks want to fish them out of the sea wrapped and filleted?" Robbie teased.
"Sure," he replied, laughing," and on a plate with basil and a squeeze of lemon!"
They went their separate ways having become instant friends.
Charles visited Robbie's camp first thing in the morning. Robbie shared some of his breakfast, beans and coffee, brewed in a billy.
"Damn!" Charles said, spitting away from the fire, "you call that coffee? I call it shit!"
"Instant," Robbie explained, "and powdered milk. Keeps longer."
"I don't want to keep that shit at all," Charles laughed, "you come back to the trailer. I'll make you proper coffee."
Robbie agreed and followed Charles back to the 'van. He explained he had it all to himself, Adelle, apparently, 'roomed' with their 'client'.
"So who the hell is this mystery client?" Robbie asked.
"Can't say," he replied, "someone big... in the entertainment world. She don't get up until noon, so I'll make you a real breakfast, with real coffee. Instant... shit!" he added, in mock disgust.
The coffee was certainly better than Robbie's. They sat under the awning of Charle's 'trailer' watching the bluer than blue ocean heave gently in the morning swell.
"It's sure a picture out there, ain't it?" Charles commented.
"Best spot on the coast," Robbie agreed, "say, how did you guys find this place?" he asked, "it's hardly on the tourist map!"
"Ah," said Charles, "we were staying at this lodge back over there," he pointed, "and they said there was this beach. Goddamn farmer had to bulldoze us a road, can you believe that? Hehe, she paid," he said nodding at the other 'trailer'. "Bulldoze us a road, just so we can camp on the beach for a few days. Sure wouldn't happen in the States."
"Old man Blackner's been talking about doing that for years," Robbie explained, "he wanted the County to pay and they refused. I guess he found a solution."
"That so?" Charles said, rubbing his chin, "hehe, I guess we've been screwed."
"Sure have," Robbie confirmed.
They both chuckled.
After a while Adelle appeared out of her 'trailer.' Blinking, she looked around her before spotting Charles and Robbie.
"Sure is bright," she said, "is that fresh coffee?"
She crossed the short distance to the table and poured herself a cup from the jug. She wore a sort of robe that she hugged around her. Her eyes appeared tired beneath her permanently fixed dark glasses.
"So what time did you get to bed?" Charles asked her grinning.
Sighing she replied it was early in the morning.
"'She' wanted to 'talk'," she explained.
Charles nodded, all-knowingly.
"Don't blame her, really," Adelle continued, "how can anyone remain normal with all that crazy circus. And so young too," she added.
"Sure Adelle," replied Charles, "but hey, she's been trained for this since Elementary School. She ought to know all about fame and stardom and all that shit."
"Maybe," replied Adelle, "but how can anyone prepare for what she's been through?"
"Ain't no-one around her now," Charles shrugged, "'cept, you, me and Robbie here. And he won't say nothin', will ya Robbie?"
"I don't fucking know what you're talking about," Robbie replied, genuinely.
"See, he don't know nothin'," confirmed Charles, giving Robbie a slap on the back.
Wincing in pain, Robbie asked him to stop hitting.
"It's like being belted with a cricket bat," he added.
"Damn, you play cricket?" he asked laughing, "it sure don't make sense to me, that game..."
Robbie's curiosity had been sharpened, however.
Around mid-morning, Robbie and Charles took a walk along the beach while Adelle stumbled around their trailer. They talked about themselves, Charles explained he'd been in the army, Special Forces, before becoming a professional bodyguard. Adelle, had been an 'intern' lawyer before becoming a personal assistant. Together, Charles insisted, they were the best in the business.
Robbie explained that he was 19 and his parents were 'sharemilkers.'
"We rent the herd and the land from the landowner," he explained to Charles' puzzled expression, "for a fixed price per year. When prices for milk's good, you can make a lot of money."
"And when it's low?"
"You don't make any money at all," he explained, "it's a risk."
Later on, Charles explained that he was in the 'confidence' business.
"If a client doesn't have any confidence in either Adelle or me, then 'we' don't make any money either."
Robbie told him he wanted to go on to University and get an agricultural degree. He hoped to have his own farm one day, but prices were ridiculous in this part of the country.
"Too many foreigners buying land and pushing up the price," he explained, "cutting the locals out. Except for the big companies, of course."
"I guess it's the way everything's going everywhere," Charles shrugged, "crushing the little guy. Destroying the 'country' way of life."
Robbie agreed.
"I mean, an 18 year old girl appears on a TV show, right? Suddenly she's making a fortune and everyone recognises her everywhere. Just for working six months in a fucking studio. My daddy worked his guts out for 30 years at the San Diego Navy Yard, and what for? Peanuts! They keep cutting his overtime till he retired. Then he dies six months later, worn out and his health broken. It ain't right! Welder, he was, best in the business."
"Is that who you're protecting?" Robbie asked, "some TV star?"
He nodded.
"She got real big all of a sudden. Her previous management should have guarded her better. The press started to feed on her, big mistake. They should have called us in sooner, but there you go..."
Charles explained that both he and Adelle worked for one of the top Talent Management Companies in the States. They recommended that their client be taken out of circulation for a while, away from the press and public.
"You got to have a plan," he told Robbie, "always got to have a plan. Her old management didn't, they were only after the money."
"Sounds like a fuckup!" Robbie suggested.
"Oh it sure was," Charles agreed.
As they rounded the rocks at the end of the beach on their return, they saw a figure walking towards them.
"Shit, she's up early."
"Is that her?" Robbie asked.
"Yeah," said Charles, "you watch your mouth now, you hear!"
"Always," he replied, grinning, "always!"
Charles eyed him suspiciously.
As they drew near, Charles asked Robbie in a low voice,
"Say, all that stuff about warriors and canoes. That was a load of bull, right?"
"Damn you fucker!" he laughed, punching him in the arm.
"Ow, shit, that hurts!"
The hooded figure looked up as they approached. Crouched down, Charles and Adelle's client was looking at something in the sand.
"What are these little holes?" she asked, "is it an animal or something?"
"Paua probably," Robbie explained, "what do you call them... um, Abalone, perhaps?"
"Abalone?" she replied, "right, like shellfish."
"Yeah, we call them Paua."
"Paua," she repeated, "hey, thanks for the fish last night. The best I've ever tasted."
"No worries," Robbie told her, "my name's Robbie."
"Robbie," she replied, looking up, "Sheree, hi."
Like the other Americans, she wore sunglasses. She was bare-footed and wore khaki 'long' short pants and a hooded sweatshirt. She smiled weakly and held up her hand. Taking it, Robbie stood while she pulled herself up.
"You live around here," she said, looking around.
"Down the coast and inland about 12 kilometres," Robbie told her.
"12 kilometres?" she asked.
"About 8 miles, I think," Robbie converted the distance for her.
"Ah! Did you come by boat?"
"Yeah, 2 metre... um... 6 foot dingy. It's down the beach."
"Right. Can you take me for a ride?"
"Sure, why not!"
"Great, it's so boring here, nothing to do."
However when the plans were presented to Adelle, she hit the roof.
"No way, Sheree, are you going anywere in a boat that small. That's a god damn big ocean out there..." she told them.
"Charles can come with us," Sheree insisted.
"Hey, no way," said Charles, horrified, "that's smaller than my bath!"
"I bet!" grinned Robbie.
"Hey, are you dissin' me man?"
However Sheree insisted and, after Robbie assured her they had, life jackets, flares and emergency oars, she reluctantly gave her permission.
Charles and Adelle were on hand to help Robbie push the boat out. He and Sheree climbed in and Robbie started the outboard. The protectors followed them along the beach until Robbie powered the dingy around the point and out of sight.
Sheree looked around uncertainly, sitting stiffly on the middle bench of the boat. She winced as the salt spray swiped her over the face. Gradually she began to relax.
"It's not as hot here as I thought it would be," she declared.
"I guess everyone thinks Pacific island, tropical. If you look at the map, we're a lot further South than people think, more sub-tropical than tropical, I think."
"Right... it's ok. More beautiful than I thought," she considered, "like, we stayed at this lodge..."
"Yeah, that's it, Dodson's Lodge. Well it was surrounded by this bush and there were birds in the trees. The night smelled so sweet..."
"The bird call at night," he mimicked, "the hooting, that's the native Owl, the Morepork."
"Morepork, right, funny names..."
"... And the bird you see in the trees with the yellow flowers?" he told her, "always in pairs... that's the Parson bird, the Tui is it's local name."
"Tui, right, with the white bib on it's throat," she cried excitedly.
As they made their way South beyond the headland, Sheree suddenly halted in mid sentence.
"Holy shit! It's a mountain! Out of the sea!"
"Not quite," he grinned, "that's Mount Taranaki. The land is low-lying and it's a long way off. Therefore it appears to be coming out of the sea. It's a perfect cone, like Mount Fuji in Japan."
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"There is no football game this Saturday. How about we go out to Lake Travis?" Tommy suggested to Blake."Can't, my folks are going to be here - all day.""Well then, I guess it'll just be Charlene and me. Not that that's all bad..." Tommy looked at Charlene, "...but it'd sure be fun if you could come too." Tommy continued looking in Charlene's direction, inviting her agreement."Of course it'd be great if Blake could go - but he can't," Charlene lamented, "so maybe we could...
ExhibitionismCaryl’s Day at the BeachI’ve been going topless at the beach for years and years, but always at the far end as far as possible away from other beach goers. One thing I found out early in my trips was that the closer to the main gate and the private property had the least amount of people around. As this is a provincial park nudity was highly frowned upon. When I was younger and found this spot, the only people that seemed to come anywhere near where we parked our blankets and towels were...
TURNABOUT AT THE BEACHChapter 1Dotty and Carol had been best friends for years. They both worked in the accounting department of a small insurance firm and their families had gotten together often for picnics and such over the years, until Carol’s husband, Roger, had died five years earlier. Although the two remained close, the family get-togethers had ceased. Dotty and her husband, Mike had a son in high school, Greg, who was the same age as Carol’s only child, Beth. Spring had arrived and...
When Babs and I got married, she was pretty straight laced. She made me wait until our wedding night to have sex with her. She was so beautiful and her athletic build made me want her all the time, but I honored her request to wait. Our friends had rented us a hotel room for the first night before we flew off on our honeymoon. All I’ll say about that first night is that it was very much worth waiting for. Both of our parents had got together and sent us on a two week honeymoon to Australia and...
The temperature was perfect! My hand leisurely slid over my not-so-flat stomach as I began to coat my body with sunscreen. The breeze lightly blew warm tendrils all over my body, increasing the electric pulse that I could feel building deep within me. For the third time that morning I stole a glance at him. He lay on a lounge chair, face up, with a straw hat covering his face. His body was gorgeous! I could only hope that his face was equally so. I couldn't help that my eyes kept wandering to...
Love StoriesAs always, this story may only be posted at sites, which charge no fees to read the stories, and must notify me prior to posting. This story is copyrighted to the author known as Caleb Jones and all rights are reserved, save for the concepts owned by Elrod and Bill Hart, and the owners of the Gidget licenses. I make no claims on them; I just borrowed them for this story. (Elrod asked me to remind all that this tale is set before Anya grows up and goes to work at Bikini Beach. My...
Summer at the Beach It all started very simply, with me (Sandra, Sandy for short, how appropriate,laughing) and my friend Ruth drinking is a beach-side bar outside of Savannah,Georgia. Now I grew up at the beach, so such haunts were old stomping groundsfor me. Ruth on the other hand had grown up in Indiana. We were both studentsat the time, down to the beach for a good time. I looked over at Ruth. She was indeed striking, moderately tall, thin, withalmost white blonde hair falling well below...
I felt a new sense of dread as the plane door closed and I buckled my belt. I actually thought I was going to be sick for an instant, but it was all in my imagination. There was no longer any escape, I was really on my way to spend New Year’s with my family. It’s not that I hate them, I actually have a lot of good memories growing up with them, along with some very bad ones. It’s just that they don’t understand me, they never had, and by now I don’t expect them to but that doesn’t remove the...
Alena couldn’t believe she’d drawn guard duty on Harvest Day. She’d turned seventeen a few weeks ago, so she was finally old enough to find a partner to celebrate with. Well, she got off shift at sundown. Maybe she’d be able to find a nice guy during the night bonfire. Alena smiled. Emily, a blooded warrior of twenty-one summers, had promised to introduce her to several good-looking men that night. Alena could hear the roar of the crowd in the town square as she looked out over the...
On the 30th of December 2014, James and I went to an unofficial nude beach. As those that have read our other stories would know, whenever we go on our "adventures" I usually wear as little as possible. This was no different. My outfit consisted of a tiny pink skirt that did not cover my ass fully, no panties (obviously), a brand new buttoned crop top and no bra (even more obvious). The new crop top was a great find. The top had five buttons and with each one I undid, I showed off more and more...
ExhibitionismMy favorite beach is less than an hour from where I live on the Mid-Atlantic coast. It is actually more on the bay than the ocean with the upper portion of it being an unofficial nude beach. Due to its limited access and lengthy walk, the upper beach has become a haven for gay and bisexual activity. At its peak season, it is still sparsely occupied with fewer than two or three people per hundred yards. The beach is only twenty or so feet wide, at high tide, with heavy vegetation behind it...
CrossdressingAbout ten years ago my wife and I were on holidays on the beautiful island of Menorca in the Med. It was our first time there but not our last. It had been recomended to us by friends who said it was nice and quite. Not to many discos and lager louts, just a relaxing place. We had also been told to book a car with our holiday, because if we wanted to find the best beaches we would need to drive to them. We had been to all the other so called hot spots with the night life and all that goes with...
This one particular time when I was lucky enough to go with them to spend time at the beach, I ran into a young lady while there. The afternoon when this all happened, we were all lounging under some umbrellas down by the ocean having a good time with some great conversation and going swimming whenever we got to hot. There were a few other families set up, enjoying their time at the beach, but suddenly a mother and two of her children drove up and set up just down the beach a little bit. I...
The two have gone to the nude beach a few times in the past. At first Alexa only took off her top, but by the second time she felt comfortable enough to go fully nude. Alexa is 5'6" weighs about 120 has brunette hair and perfect 32 DD breasts. In Chris' opinion she is always the sexiest girl on the beach. Alexa likes to go the nude beach because she likes to check out other nude people and it makes her so horny. Every time she and Chris go to the beach they are entertained by the other...
--- Come check out my blog that is inspired by the story: --- Email: [email protected] was welcoming two new slave-girls into his mansion. He had lost count of how many he had now, but humiliating young girls for profit had been very lucrative for him and he needed to keep up with demand. So he made space in the basement for Alex, a small slim brunette with a stunning face and cute petite tits and Rebecca, with long, curly blonde hair, a sporty figure...
I keep getting these questions asked: When was it that I was aware of my penchant for exhibitionism and how old was I the first time that I let a stranger see me naked? I realized that I liked it when men looked at me when I was still pretty young, probably 13 or so, maybe a little younger. However, I was 16 years old the first time I actually let a group of strange men see me naked. It happened at Black's Beach in San Diego. My best friend Rachel and were both 16 and were both cheerleaders...
Ellie was your quintessential teenage girl, sixteen, with hazel eyes, slightly-wavy golden-brown hair and light dusting of faint freckles across her nose. She was generally soft-spoken but had a kind smile and infectiously girlish laugh that would slowly emerge. During the summer between her sophomore and junior years of high school, she visited the local beaches near her house almost every day, enjoying the couple of months she had away from the stresses of school. She was excited to sport new...
Exhibitionism“How’re you feeling?” Sam asked. “Sore. Disoriented.” Tegan picked up her phone to check the time: it was early afternoon, presumably the same day. “Did you want to sleep more? I was going to get some lunch together.” “Food sounds amaaazing.” Tegan sighed, reflecting that she had only had snacks and wine the night before. “Ok, leave you to it while I get lunch started.” Sam said, standing up and exiting her room. Tegan reluctantly slid out of bed and wandered across the hall to the...
Fortunately, our daughter’s friends were all good kids, and none of them unpleasant to be around. It certainly made the prospect of an extra teenager tagging along much less daunting. So, when we surprised our daughter with the news that she could invite along a friend on our upcoming spring break trip to Costa Rica, she was completely thrilled. She asked one of her longest and best friends, Scarlet, to accompany her and enjoy the beach vacation. It was a full day of travel to get to our...
Bare Pussy Beach My thirteen-year-old daughter came barging into the house all excited about a beach that she had just been too. She called it Bare Pussy Beach. She said that there were lots of other girls there and some men. There was all the beer that she could drink too. She looked like she had had a few. Well since Kimberly was only thirteen I was quite concerned. Then I wondered where her sister was. She told me that Laurie was out on the porch where the men had left her. I sat...
by yonekhadvash©It's been two years since my divorce. Life as a single man has taught me the importance of being good looking. I work in the gym three times a week, ride my bikes as often as I can and I pay close attention to the food I consume. After fifty years one's body is less forgiving for being abused. The change in my lifestyle has been good to me. My love handles shrunk and I've become full of energy all day long. My new lifestyle has also influenced my mind and I became more relaxed...
Some readers may recall sick Beth mentioned a couple times in "A Bikini Beach Summer". Unfortunately, Grandmother's solution to everything wiped out Ruth's attempt to get information about Beth's sickness to her parents. This is a side-story to the sequel, which is still being written. It occurs a few weeks later, and Beth's condition has consequently worsened. As usual, thoughts and statements about Bikini Beach are potentially wrong, being made by persons with imperfect knowledge....
For several years Jill and I have spent our spare time at the beach. We have a neat, gray wooden house overlooking the sea, set a little back from the top of the dunes so that our front porch is sheltered from the sea breeze by the beach grass and the rise of the dune. We bought the place because of the deck. We can lie naked in the sun all day, observing through the mesh that surrounds the railing those who, clothed, sun and play and swim below us. The deck is on the upper floor...
Like with many couples, our sex drives did not match, and they changed constantly. When we married I had, on average, a stronger more frequent drive. The difference is gradually shrinking, we figured it will flip before we hit 40. The fluctuations within an given month? That will be with us always. Our two brightest sexual memories were some we consider semi-public. One was in our late 20’s, we made love at 2 AM on the side of the road, parked in a SUV, because we were both feeling horny...
I was on vacation in California for the first time, staying in a small motel right of the beach. Well, I guess I should come clean about it. I’m in the Army and my vacation is actually just medical leave as I recover from injuries sustained overseas but anyhow I had been kicking around for the first few days visiting the sights and all the other natural tourist stuff. That was getting boring quick. I had three weeks of recovery time to kill.Being right there on the beach, I spent part of...
OutdoorSteph and I had been at our favorite Florida Keys nude beach all day. We were enjoying a couple of days off work. This is our favorite beach because it is a tropical paradise and because it is an uninhibited nude beach where anything is allowed. Public nudity is enjoyed by everyone at this beach and we would often see couples having public sex. It was a late summer afternoon and most people had already left. There had only been about ten couples and a few singles there because it was mid-week...
ExhibitionismFriends had told us about a nudist beach they'd discovered the previous summer. It sounded like fun but we were a little hesitant. Neither Tim nor I had ever gone naked in public. Our friends reassured us that the beach was clothing optional. We could leave our swimsuits on if we liked. Lots of people did.Like most students we were short of money. We reserved bunks in a youth hostel and took the overnight train to the coast. We didn't get much sleep and arrived bleary-eyed and aching in every...
This was one of the truly great experiences my Husband and I had several years ago. I have had some similar experiences since then but none yet have lived up to that day. It was a day of firsts for both Jon and I.I guess I should describe Jon and myself at the time. We were celebrating our 5th anniversary and were taking our first cruise. I was 26 and Jon was 35. I didn't look much different then I do know except now I have some streaks in my hair and I've gained about 10 pounds over the years....
Her name was Audrey. I know, her name was out of sync with the era. She was born in the 1970's so you would expect her name to be something like Marcy or Jennifer. Audrey is a name associated with the 1940's and 1950's; like Grace or Helen or something. But Audrey reminded me of the type of woman from that pinup era that you would see in older movies and magazines. In fact she had a real pin-up girl type body. Large full, firm, perky breasts, full hips and a woman's butt. Not the tiny athletes...
Eventually they got to their destination after a one hour drive, a twenty-minute walk and down a long, long set of stairs set into the cliff side. They had finally reached the secluded bay and the beach that John had found on the map.John and Sarah were brother and sister, he 21, she 18. Sarah had recently split from her long-term boyfriend and John was ‘free and single’. John therefore suggested that they have this sunny break on the island of Ibiza to “get away from it all” and Sarah had...