Summer At The Beach free porn video

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Summer at the Beach

It all started very simply, with me (Sandra, Sandy for short, how appropriate,laughing) and my friend Ruth drinking is a beach-side bar outside of Savannah,Georgia. Now I grew up at the beach, so such haunts were old stomping groundsfor me. Ruth on the other hand had grown up in Indiana. We were both studentsat the time, down to the beach for a good time.

I looked over at Ruth. She was indeed striking, moderately tall, thin, withalmost white blonde hair falling well below her shoulders, and a very palecomplexion to go with it. She would flip her hair as she spoke, and I knewfrom rooming with her it was naturally that color. We used to joke that herpussy hair was so fair no one could see it. Her features were fine, and herthin jaw looked like she should be a model. Her pale blue eyes had a mischievousglint, especially as she began to flirt. Tonight she had on a very thin silkblouse, open almost to the middle of her cleavage. All could see she wore nobra for her perky nipples stuck out prominently through the sheer silk. Hertits were not large, probably only a 34B or so, but they were very firm andstood out proudly from her slim body even without a bra. Her waist was quiteslim, with a hard midriff, sporting a little sparking belly button piercing.Tonight she was wearing a little black, short leatherette skirt, which barelycovered her tight ass. Underneath she wore a red thong which she flashed atmen as she crossed her legs. She was only 19 at the time, as was I, but shelooked like she was ready for action. Her long legs crossed again, the firmmuscles showing she was a runner, although she would not run far tonight inthe 3” heels she was wearing.

As for me, I am afraid I was never the athlete Ruth is. At 5’6” and120 lbs. I was not fat (Have put on 10 lbs or so since then, but I still thinkI look pretty good). Tonight I too was wearing heels, something I rarely did,and a short brown skirt over white bikini panties, nothing as flirty as Ruth.I had on a little plaid top which tied below my boobs leaving my midriff bare.It was carefully, unbuttoned to show my cleavage and a little of the blacklacy bra I was wearing. That was necessary because my 34D’s would neverstand out like Ruth’s. They were still youthfully firm, but sheer sizemeant gravity would win. My crowning glory has always been my hair. When Iwas young it was bright carrot red. Now it has darkened just a little, butit was still a striking color, especially contrasting with my pale white skin.Now my crotch was itching, for we had both shaved yesterday for our trip, meleaving a little triangle of bright orange fuzz to prove my natural color,Ruth completely, for as we said it was too pale to see anyway. I was alwaysamazed at how small her pussy was for a 19 year old. We joked that a pictureof her pussy would get someone arrested for kiddy porn. I was not much bigger,and in fact yesterday we had fooled around with the digital camera, photographingour newly shorn pussies and posting them on some message boards, just to seehow many pedophiles we could attract.

I was trying to figure out how to scratch that itch, when two Bubbas fromthe country sat down next too us. I looked at Ruth in disgust; I had no intentionof being laid by a Bubba shrimper tonight. They even smelled slightly of fish,yuck! They introduced themselves, but I didn’t even remember there names.I tried to ignore them completely, but Ruth was being snippy and making snidecomments, which we both assumed would go right over their stupid heads. Theypersisted for some time, chatting with the bar keeper who they obviously knewwell. Finally they gave up on us and wandered off.

Soon we were becoming very bored. We had thought there would be a lot of collegeguys down here to fuck, but few quality takers had appeared. We started talkingwith the bar guy, who was actually in college, but had come home to Savannahfor the summer. We were about to try another bar when he offered us one lastdrink, his specialty. We joked with him about not spiking our drinks, finishedthat drink and started to leave.

As we got outside approaching our car, I began to feel very lightheaded. Imanaged to unlock it, but was not feeling well at all. I asked Ruth if shecould drive, but she looked in worse shape than I was. Suddenly it struck me,what had he put in that drink? My stomach was turning, my head was spinning,my knees were about to give out. Ruth sort of slumped into the passenger seat,her long legs hanging out of the car. Suddenly, there was Bubba 1 and Bubba2. The last thing I remember is being picked up and thrown into the back ofa pickup truck that smelled of dead fish. A lifeless sack of flesh landed nextto me, Ruth, and a foul smelling net was thrown over the top. That was all.

Consciousness very slowly returned. My head was pounding. Opening one eyeI saw a full moon overhead and felt wet sand on my back. I tried to move myhand to my head, but it would not move. I tried to move my legs to no avail.I seemed paralyzed. Then I realized it was not paralysis, but ropes! Lookingdown, I saw my naked legs splayed out lewdly, and tied to two posts drivendeep into the sand. Looking up I saw my arms also splayed out and tied to twomore posts. My clothes were all gone. I was completely naked spread eagledon a beach somewhere.

What time was it, how long had it been? I looked up at the sky. The moon wasjust past overhead and full, therefore a little after midnight. I looked tomy left and there was Ruth. She still seemed to be unconscious and she toowas spread eagled, tied to four posts in the sand. The ropes were course andbit into her pale flesh. Her blond hair shown in the moonlight, framing herangelic, pale face. Those damn perky tits were standing at attention as usual,the tips pointing toward the sky.

“Ruth, Ruth,” I whispered, but there was no response. I triedpulling at the ropes but they were very tight, and the posts must have beenvery deep, for I could get no movement whatsoever. Slowly, something beganto gnaw at the back of my conscious mind. I had grown up on the beach, anda vague terror was starting to build. The surf, I could hear the surf and itwas very close. I was lying on wet sand! The moon was just past overhead andfull! Oh my God, the tide! We are tied below the high tied line or the sandwould not be wet! And the tide is coming in!

I craned my neck to see how high the tide had come before, but it was hardto make out at this angle. I knew that the tide following the moon would beeven bigger, and it would pass right over us for sure. Slowly drowning, Godwhat a horrible way to go. I was pulling frantically at the ropes now withall my strength, but it was no use they would not move at all. “Ruth,Ruth, wake up!” I tried and tried to wake her, but got no response. Finally,she gave a little moan. “Ruth, Ruth, come on, wake up!”

Finally she came to enough to realize she was tied and began to swear. I triedto calm her down and explain about the tide, but she did not seem to understandour predicament. Then I felt the first splash on my foot. I guess Ruth feltit too, because she suddenly exclaimed, “The water, the water is rising!”

No Duh, I thought, you stupid land lubber. I felt another wave splash my footand desperately tried to remember everything I knew about the Georgia coast.The tidal range was big, between 6 and 10 feet, and this was high tide so itwould be big. I looked up the beach as far as I could trying to pick up thelast high water mark. It was above us quite a ways but the slope of the beachwas low. In the moonlight it was hard to say but I was sure the waves wouldwash over our heads. I began to struggle as hard as I could against the ropesto no avail, nothing. Ruth was now becoming hysterical as the reality of oursituation finally dawned on her. “Ruth,” I cried, “Snap outof it. You’re an athlete, see if you can loosen the posts.”

Ruth tugged and tugged, but I could tell she was getting nowhere. The tidewas now lapping at my butt and the spray wetting my pussy. The salt spray stungas it struck my newly shaved pussy, heightening my terror.

Suddenly I heard a low laugh, and footsteps in the sand. I looked to my right,away from Ruth, and there in the moonlight stood two hulking figure; Bubba1 and Bubba 2!

“Help, help,” I naively yelled, “Untie us, the tide is comingin!”

Bubba 1 through back his head with a loud laugh. “Hey Billy Bob, wegot a smart one! I think she’s mine!”

Bubba 2 looked just a hair mad, but quickly laughed, “Ok Jim Bob, I’lltake the puny blond.” Both laughed again as they approached. I couldhear Ruth starting to plead, begging them to let her go.

“Now girls,” Bubba 1 began, “if we agree to let you littlepiggies go, what will you do for us?”

I could hear Ruth begging, saying she would do anything. I just looked atthe hulking form above me. He knelt in the sand unzipping his pants. As hepulled out his hardening cock, he grasped my right breast and began to squeezeit, like he was inspecting a prize cow. Then he laughed as he began to squeezethe nipple, hard, until I yelped.

“Now Miss Piggy,” he began, “if you want to be untied firstyou must service my little friend here.”

With that he slapped my face with his growing cock. It was big, I will givehim that, bigger than most I had ever seen. And now it was expanding even moreas he slapped my face and mauled my tit. I readily opened my mouth and tookthe tip between my lips, anything to get free.

I heard Ruth protesting, and I tried to shout to her around the swelling cockin my mouth to cooperate. Finally her cries were muffled, presumably by Bubba2’s cock. I sucked and sucked on his growing cock, anything to get free.I did not want to drown here spread eagled on this deserted beach.

Soon he had grabbed my head with both hands, one under my chin and the otheron top, and then he really began to face fuck me. My jaws were aching aroundthat huge cock, and the muscles were beginning to cramp. Ruth’s protestingmewing had stopped, and all I could hear was a slurping sound as that companioncock slammed into her face.

Bubba 1 continued to face fuck me for what seemed like an eternity. Everytime I thought he was going to come he slowed down, and sometimes mauled mytits just for the fun of it. I could feel the bruises beginning to rise inmy poor tits. The water was now under my shoulders and his knees were in thewater. Spray from waves began to wet my face. Desperately I tried to suck harder,faster, deeper, harder, anything to make him com and get loose.

Finally Bubba 1 through back his head and gave a moaning sort of laugh. Ifelt his cock tremble as he grabbed my head hard and rammed it deep down mythroat. It began to pulse and pulse as I felt waves of cum flowing down mythroat. I swallowed and swallowed, my throat muscles milking that member. Icould not breathe.

I guess I must have passed out briefly for the next thing I remember Bubba1 was standing over me; his feet in the surf laughing as he zipped up his fly.Looking over to my left I saw Ruth gasping for breath like a fish out of wateras Bubba 2 also zipped up his fly. I tasted the remains of cum in my mouthand felt it on my cheeks.

“Well, girls, we’ve got to go to work now. Shrimping is an earlymorning business.” They both laughed as they began to walk away.

“No, No,” I screamed, “Come back! Untie us! You promised!No, no, you can’t! We will drown! Nooooooooooo.” I heard Ruth screamingtoo, but it did no good. Laughing they disappeared around a slight bend inthe beach. Soon I heard a small motor of a launch which slowly died into theintertidal estuaries.

Ruth was crying and I tried to comfort her. The water was now under my head,my hair was floating, and the waves would throw spray over my face. I realizedthat we were on a low energy beach for the waves were small. A bigger one washedover my face and the instinct born of living by the ocean caused me to holdmy breath. Ruth had no such instinct, growing up in Indiana, and I could hereher sputter as she spit out the surf.

“Ruth, Ruth,” I called. “Hold your breath when the wavescome. Breath as they go out.”

We both lay there now gulping in air as the waves retreated, holding our breathas they washed over our faces. Higher and higher the tide came. Now we hadto arch our heads up as high as we could to breath. How much higher could itgo? Now ever breath required we lurch upward during a trough, grab a deep breathand then go back under the surf. We could barely get one gulp of air, and sometimesin a set we would have to go several cycles. If we missed we could choke todeath.

Finally I sensed that the water was retreating. I no longer had to lurch soviolently upward to grab a breath. Slowly, slowly the water retreated untilafter what seemed an eternity we could lay on our back and breath normally,as long as we watched for that stray larger wave. I looked at the sky; themoon was getting lower and going down over the islands. Far to the East I couldjust see the first hint of dawn.

“Ow!” I awoke with a start of something pinching my pussy lip,hard! I tried to open my eyes. Salt spray had evaporated on my eyelids, nearlysealing them. The sun was already fairly high in the sky. I looked down tosee what was pinching me when it did it again. “Ow, I cried again. Lookingdown between my splayed legs I saw a ghost crab in some sea weed which hadlodged between my legs. He must have thought my pussy was a dead fish. “Ow” hepinched me again. “Get away!” I screamed trying to shake my legsas best I could, squirming back and forth against my bonds. The ghost crablooked startled and skittered away. Stopped, and looked back as if wantingmore of this delicious treat it had found. Finally it skittered back to it’sborrow and disappeared.

I tried to luck around and see where we were. Ruth was still apparently stillunconscious. From the position of the sun we must be facing almost due south.The waves were coming in with little force over some sand bars, and the beachhad a very low slope. To my right the beach bent around the corner into anestuary of some kind from which the Bubbas had come. Across the estuary I couldjust make out in the distance the beginning of another island. We must be onthe southern end of one of the barrier islands, but which one? In this inletwe could not be seen from the open ocean so the chance of us being rescuedby a passing boat was almost nil. Our only hope was to be found by some beachgoers, but this beach looked totally barren.

I looked up at my wrists. They were rubbed raw against the ropes form ourstruggles. Looking down my ankles two were raw. Then it struck me. My pussyand lily white tits were already turning pink! We were staked out in the burningsummer sun with no protection, no sun screen, and we were the palest of pale!We would be burned to a crisp by that blazing sun.

“Ruth, Ruth.” I called, “Wake up!”

Slowly Ruth tried to open one eye. Her perky tits were also turning pink aswas her newly shaved pussy. It could not be 10 o’clock yet I thought.And already I could feel my pale skin burning.

I heard Ruth begin to cry softly as she awoke. Then she too realized our newpredicament and began to struggle anew.

It was no use. No matter what we did we could not move a single post. Thesun beat down, now getting higher and higher. We were both sweating profusely,the sweat stinging as it worked its way into the open wounds on our wristsand ankles. At least we were still sweating. It would not be long in theseconditions before we would run out of water, become dehydrated and die. Wehad both struggled until exhausted and now we lay quietly, feeling the sunburning our pale skins deeper and deeper. The sun was now just beyond maximum,and it must be getting near noon.

Suddenly in the distance I heard a small motor. My hopes leaped. Maybe someonewould find us. The motor stopped. I looked around and began to yell.

“Help, Help, Over here, Help!” Ruth joined in my screams as wecraned our necks hoping to see some picnickers or other beach goers comingaround the corner.

Suddenly our hopes fell. There striding up the beach were the same hulkingbubbas! They were laughing as they approached; obviously delighted we had survivedthe tide. Bubba 1 kneeled down next to me, carefully peeling the seaweed awayfrom my burning pussy. He smacked it lightly. The burning flesh sent shockwaves to my brain. He fondled my breasts which were also burning under histouch. Bright white patches appeared where his fingers were then, the brightcrimson would return.

“Please, please,” we both began pleasing, “let us go, wewill do anything, Please please.”

Bubba 1 laughed, “I bet you are thirsty aren’t you piggy?”

“Oh yes, please give us something to drink, please,” I began tobeg. He laughed and slowly unzipped his fly. Oh no I thought he wouldn’t.

Suddenly a yellow stream of piss began to fall on my face. It flashed intomy mind that if he had been drinking a lot of beer last night his piss wouldnot be too concentrated, and it would certainly be better for me than the saltwater we had already ingested last night. I opened my mouth and began to swallowhis pee. He was delighted and began to laugh and laugh. I tried to tell Ruthto do the same, but she would have none of it. I realized I was right. Hispiss was not very concentrated. My body could use it to survive at least alittle longer.

Like a fish out of water I gulped down all of the pale yellow piss I could.Finally when he was finished he was laughing so hard I thought it would fallover. He turned away and slowly began to undress. Over to my left I saw Bubba2 doing the same thing.

Now he was lying next to me. His flabby belly against my waist, his handssmelling of fish mauling my burning tits. He ran one hand down over my burningpussy and began to play with my clit. Despite myself I could feel my self gettingturned one. Slowly he invaded my pussy with a fishy finger. He massaged mylips pinching them, and then placed a full kiss on my lips.

“If you want to live, piggy, you better treat me good!” he warned.I opened my mouth and cooperating, entwining my tongue with his. His breathwas not too bad, but a day beard growth rubbed against my sun sensitized skin.He lowered his head to my tit and began to suck on the nipple. The burningsun had caused to enlarge so already they were ultra sensitive. Out of thecorner of my eye I saw Ruth getting the same treatment.

I felt his huge cock growing hard against my thigh. He humped against me,pressing his expanding organ into my hip as he sucked on my tit. Tiring ofthis he started slapping my super sensitive tits. I began to scream as thepain of my burned tits was just too much. In the background I could hear Ruth’sscreams blending with mine.

His cock was now rock hard. Fiendishly he picked up a handful of sand andbegan to sprinkle it on my burning flesh. Now he slowly placed himself aboveme and lowered his flabby body onto mine. The grains of stand bit into my burningflesh like a thousand needles. I screamed and screamed and he rubbed his flabbybody back and forth grinding the bits of rock deep into my burning flesh. Thepain was so bad. I screamed uncontrollable.

Finally I felt his large organ begin to push against my small pussy. He couldsee it was going to be a very tight fit, for he reached down and pride my lipsopen as far as they would go. He spit on his fingers and worked the spittleinto my pussy. They laughing in an evil cackle he sprinkled some sand intomy pussy!

Now as his oversized organ began to push into my tiny pussy the sand grainsripped at the lining, rubbing it raw. It must have hurt him to, but he gaveno sign, and his member just seemed to grow bigger and bigger. Despite thepain, or maybe because of it, I could feel my pussy begin to respond with aflood of its own.

Slowly my screams of pain were becoming mixed with moans of lust. I couldhear Ruth also begin to quiet after her outraged screams as her tiny pussywas violated. Both of us normally loved to fuck, but this was far different.

Faster and faster he ground away at my pussy. His huge member worked its waydeeper and deeper, finally bottoming against my cervix and still pushing forward.I screamed anew in pain as I felt him spread my cervix with the tip of hiscock, banging against that deeper portal. He propped himself up on his armsand then slammed back into me faster and faster, under his breath he was swearingin my ear.

Louder and louder he called me names, piggy, slut, whore, and the more heinsulted me the more it turned me on. My pussy was ablaze now, and not justfrom the sun. My linings gushed liquid, lubricating the massive shaft poundingdeep into my tiny cunt.

Now my moans turned to moans of pleasure, my body began to shack uncontrollably,my mouth gapped open and I began to vibrate like a rubber band, incoherentanimal sounds came from my mouth, as I arched up to get even more of him despitemyself, now totally out of my mind.

I finally felt his member swell and suddenly it felt like a fire hose wentoff inside me. Streams of cum shot deep into my pussy past my cervix. So muchjism, so much cum filling me, now slurping out around his huge cock.

I must have swooned again, for as I came to I felt the heavy weight of hisflabby body lifting off of me. To my left I could make out Bubba 2 still proneon tome of Ruth. Bubba 1 kissed me once more, and I kissed back with some passion.He got up laughing.

Soon both Bubbas had dressed and were looking down at us. “So you wantus to untie you?” Bubba 1 asked laughing.

“Yes, yes, please, we won’t tell anyone about this, please please,” weboth pleaded in unison.

Bubba 1 reached down and began to untie my feet. Bubba 2 came over and helpedwith the second leg. Then they started on my hands. I tried to close my legsbut the muscles were so stiff I could hardly move them.

When my hands were free the held me firmly by the arms and helped me to stand.They walked me around for a minute to get the circulation back in my legs.Then suddenly the forced me to my knees right in the middle of the four posts,grabbed my wrists, and forcing me face down in the sand began to retie my wrists.

“No, No,” I screamed, “Please don’t please!” Itwas no use. The two of them were so much stronger than I was there was absolutelynothing I could do. The sand bit into my burned flesh like a thousand needles.My poor breasts took the majority of my weight, grinding the sand deep intotheir burned flesh. Before I knew it I was spread eagled again on the sand,now on my stomach.

They repeated the process with Ruth, even though she tried to kick and punchthem. They stood laughed at our helpless forms and began to leave, ignoringour pleadings. The sun was a little past its peak now, and not too far awayI could hear the waves.

The hot afternoon sun beamed down burning our pale butts and the inside ofour thighs. The ghost crab returned and tried to feed from the cum and streaksof blood dripping from our pussies. We tried to shake them away, but they smelledfood. Finally the waves lapped over our pussies again, stinging, washing awaythe evidence of our recent violent wave, and discouraging the ghost crabs.

Now the water rose inexorably. Soon the highest swells were washing aroundour chins. A little later, with the sun now getting about half way down itsdescending path, the water washed around our mouths and splashed up our noses.I tried to encourage Ruth to breath with the retreat. It rose higher and higheruntil we had to bob our heads high to breathe at all.

I knew that this high tide should be somewhat less than the last, since themoon was on the far side of Earth, but we were on our bellies. With each wavewe had to hold our breath, and arch our heads as high as we could during theretreat to breath. During the big waves we were totally under water and thesand, moving in and out with the wave, scoured our soar, burned bodies. Itwas torture, and several times I was tempted to just put my face in the waterand quit. Something kept me hanging on, and I tried to encourage Ruth everytime we got an exceptionally low set.

Sometime in that period I felt something nibbling at my pussy, but I was toofar gone to care until it nipped hard. I shook trying to drive it away, butthen I had to concentrate on my breathing.

Finally, the waves began to recede, and breathing required less arching. Ifwe could just stay conscious a little longer we might live, at least throughthis cycle. Finally we lay almost unconscious on the wet sand. I tried to raiseRuth who turned a haggard, burned face in my direction. The sun had been verybad on her pale face, and I almost cried looking at her.

We talked a little and I tried to explain to her about drinking diluted pissfor water, and explained how dehydrated we were getting. She still did notsee how I could have done that, but we were both to exhausted and dehydratedto say more. The sun was getting lower now and some shade was extending fromthe trees on the island. I knew my bum was bright pink and my back must beburned badly. I could feel that my breasts were beginning to blister alongwith my pussy, but I was so dehydrated there was not much fluid to accumulate.

I passed out for awhile, and I am sure Ruth did to. When I awoke it was dark.The moon was just coming up giving an eerie light to the beach. Down the beachI heard the faint noise of a small motor. As I suspected, soon I saw Bubba1 and Bubba 2 striding toward us.

I was too far gone to hardly speak. A weak please was about all I could muster.

“Piggy want a little drinky?” Bubba 1 chided as he unzipped hispants. He sounded drunk and I hoped he had been drinking a lot of beer forI was totally dehydrated, my mouth dry, salt crusting my body.

I opened my mouth and gulped down all of the pale yellow stream I could. Behindme Ruth was receiving the same treatment and this time it sounded like shewas swallowing all she could. They must have been drinking a lot, for the pisswent on and on, but fortunately it seemed very dilute.

Finally Bubba shook off the last drops and began to take down his pants. “Nowfor dessert, Miss Piggy!” He shoved his still flaccid cock in my face.My mouth opened automatically and let it slide down my throat. I was too weakto suck much, but it did not seem to matter. He grabbed my head and moved itback and forth as his large cock swelled to full size in my mouth.

When it was fully erect he pulled out and picked us something he had beencarried. It was hard to see in the moonlight, but I realized it was some formof grease gun! I felt the cold metal tip on my little puckered anus. Oh NoI thought, not that, not there, but I could hardly mumble my protests.

I felt the metal tube push pass my tight sphincter and felt the greasy substanceflow out and into me. As he pulled it out I felt the oil dripping down my assonto my pussy. Bubba 1 rubbed it around with two stinking fingers, laughingabout a good grease job. When he had finished he handed the grease gun to Bubba2. A sharp gasp from Ruth told me she too was being greased.

I felt Bubba 1’s weight on my back, snuggling my neck. The pained searedthrough my brain from my burned front and back. His pubic hair against my burnedbum sent hundreds of pain messages to my overwhelmed brain.

“Now just relax now Miss Piggy,” he ordered as I first felt hiscock at my pussy. It worked it back and forth greasing it on the left overoil which has run down my crack. Then the inevitable. I felt the huge cockhead move to my tiny anus!

There was no way it would ever fit. It was so big and I was so small. Butslowly, slowly I felt my sphincter pushed apart. I tried to relax my ass asmuch as I could, resisting was futile. The pain began to spread through mybrain and mix together, my tits in the sand, my pussy ground into it, my flamingbutt, and now the searing pain as my ass was ripped open. He was being surprisinglygentle though.

Through my pain I felt his hand going under me and feeling for my clit. Whenhe hit it something new coursed through my brain. The pain signals began tomix with other feelings. I do not know organic chemistry, but something beganto flood through my system and the pleasure began to build from the pain. Ibegan to gasp as he massaged my clit, and slipped one finger into my pussy,finding my G-spot.

Now he was massaging that sensitive area form both sides, as his huge cockcontinued to plow its way deep into my bowels. Finally his large balls wereslapping my pussy as he was all the way in.

Back and forth he began to fuck my ass. First slowly, then faster. Meanwhilehe continued massaging my slit and pussy. I began to moan in ecstasy despitemyself. To my right I thought I heard Ruth as well. Soon my moans were gettinglouder and louder as my pussy began to flow despite my dehydrated state.

Faster and faster I was reaching a precipice. Then suddenly I went over, andwas plunging down, down, down falling screaming, screaming louder, louder,fallllllinggggg.

A sharp pain brought me back to the world. My pussy, that damn crab. Againhe pinched me hard. I tried to shake him away. Suddenly I realized, my legmoved. I tried to move my hand, it was free. Incredibly slowly I tried to pullmyself together. My legs and arms would barely move. I made it to a fetal positionand just laid there.

The moon was now overhead and in its bright light I could see Ruth still layingspread eagled and unconscious. I tried to crawl to her but every inch was anightmare. I shook her but could not wake her. My mouth was dry, my flesh onfire. I knew I needed water fast or I would die and be eaten by the crabs andthe birds.

Slowly I tried to crawl up the beach. Something I had learned years ago inan Earth Science class came back to me. Slowly, slowly with each inch a worldof pain, I worked my way up to above the high tide mark, and there I beganto dig.

I remembered that fresh water from the land flows out into the sand and sitsabove the salt water. If I could just get to the top of that water, but nottoo deep to hit salt, I could get water which I could drink. I dug and dug,getting a little more frantic. Finally in the bottom, a little sandy water.I scooped up a little with my parched hands and tasted it. It was salty butnot very salty. I could drink it.

I tried to scoop it up but it was hard, and there was a lot of sand in it.My salt encrusted hair kept falling in front of my face. Suddenly a thoughthit me. I took my hair and soaked my long tresses in the water. Then I squeezedit out. I did this several times until I had cleaned it of the salt. Then Isqueezed the next batch into my mouth. It worked. Only a little sand, and therest water. I repeated the process over and over.

Now that I had drunk a little brackish water, I thought of Ruth. I soakedmy hair thoroughly and painfully crawled back to her. I squeezed a little ofthe water on her parched lips she seemed to stir. A little more water and sheswallowed. Again, again, and one bloodshot eye opened breaking away the saltencrustation. Gently I rolled her on her side, as slowly the realization hither that she was free.

We held each other there, me squeezing more water from my hair into her parchedmouth. Then slowly I helped her crawl to the shallow pit. We must have laidthere for two hours, dipping our hair and wringing the precious drops of brackishwater into our mouths. Finally we began to feel a little stronger.

I knew that pools of dark brown, fresh water often ponded just behind thedunes. It was acidic form the rotting vegetation, but it was drinkable. I triedto help Ruth up and finally we were both standing. With great pain and effortwe worked our way up the beach to the dunes.

Beyond the second row we found our local heaven, a small pond of dark brown,but fresh water. We lay down beside it and began to sip. It was really fresh,not brackish, and tasted a little like weak tea from the organic tannins.

We spent the rest of the night by that pool, sipping, and sleeping a little.As the sun began to rise I knew we had to get to cover. Our poor burned bodiescould take to more. With great effort we struggled toward the trees. Therewere little sand spurs and more than once they pricked our burned feet, butfinally we reached the shelter of the live oaks.

I found a spot on the back side of some large live oaks with dense shade.In low areas around the roots there were some little puddles of water leftfrom recent rains. I found some palmetto leaves which would further shelterus from the sun, and there we huddled together holding each other. We sleptoff and one, and drank as we could.

As the sun rose further I head voices down on the beach. Hope sprang in myheart, but then I recognized the voices, the Bubbas were back. We huddled camouflagedin the deep shade, hiding as best we could. They were calling to us. They continuedfor some time, moving up the beach and examining the pit I had dug, then followingour tracks into the dunes. There they apparently lost the tracks where we wadedthrough the pond.

Listening to them they sounded strangely worried, not mad or violent, butworried. They called and called, but we did not budge. Finally they left, stillsounding very concerned for us. How could they be after what they did to us?

We stayed in shelter until nearly nightfall. I had to pee at least once whichwas a good sign, and so did Ruth. It was dark yellow, but at least there wassomething to come out. We looked terrible. Our faces and bodies were bloatedfrom dehydration. My fingers looked like little sausages. Our writs and ankleswere raw from the ropes, and our entire bodies were burned a deep red. Areaswhich had no tan were blistered badly, as were our stomachs. Our tits and pussiesespecially were covered with huge water blisters, and they were extremely sensitiveto even the slightest touch.

I tried to remember what was edible on these islands. Fiddle heads of fernscould be used. We munched on some. The fruits of yucca were also edible, butI had never eaten them raw. We tried a few of them. After dark as we decidedwe needed to try and find help. Barefoot it was too difficult to go acrossthe island so we returned to the beach, stopping to drink deeply at the pond.We circled south in the direction the Bubbas had come. We were indeed at thesouth end of the island and the slough led back into the estuaries, but therewere no lights of dwellings in site.

We reached the muddy edge of the salt marsh on the back side of the islandand tried to move along the high part of it. Finally we stopped for awhileto wait for the moon. After it rose we continued, trudging as best we couldalong the upper edge of the marsh.

The moon was just beyond overhead when we finally came to a section of theback side of the island where the marsh fell away and the tidal river cameright up to the back side of the island. We stopped under some live oaks torest. I found a few ferns and some brown water pools. Suddenly, looking acrossthe river up ahead we saw the faint lights of a dwelling.

We struggled on along the edge of the tidal river until we were opposite ofthe lights. The river was pretty wide, but we could clearly make out the shapeof a dock and a house set back a little from the river with a grassy slopecoming down to the bank. We rested trying to figure out what to do. The nightwas nearly gone and we could not risk staying out in the sun much more. Someof our blisters had popped and pieces of skin were already peeling away revealingthe sensitive layers underneath.

After munching on a yucca fruit or two we decided to try swimming. We wereboth strong swimmers and the tide had just about turned full so the currentwas low in the tidal river. We waded gingerly into the water sinking into themuddy bank. The salt water sent shots of pain up our legs as it touched ourraw ankles and sunburned legs. As we eased into the salty water the pain madeus even more aware. We started slowly swimming, making sure we stayed nextto one another.

It was a long way and we were very weak. We alternated floating and paddlingon our backs with regular crawl. It seemed like it was taking forever. Finallyas the sun was beginning to lighten the eastern sky we approached the shore.With a final effort we covered the last hundred yards and pulled our spentbodies up onto the grass. There we collapsed. In the distance I heard dogsbarking.

I came to with a cold nose on my cheek and another at my crotch. I raisedmy burned and puffy face to see people, actually two teenage girls, staringat us. Four or five dogs were running around sniffing of us in a strangelyknowing way. The girls ran to the house calling for their mother.

From the house came a large middle aged woman. She hurried down to us, andbegan to try and revive us. I tried to mumble what had happened to us, butI was too weak. She instructed the girls to pick us up and take us to the house.First they took Ruth while there mother stayed with me then returned. Liftingme gently under the arms they helped me up to the house and into a bedroomwhere Ruth was already lying on one bed and placed me on the other.

We were both too weak to even speak, but the woman must have been a nursefor she quickly began rehydrating us and treating our burns. She seemed genuinelyworried about us, and kept fussing at the girls to do this or that to feedus or make us comfortable. Finally we both fell into an exhausted sleep.

The next two days were just a fog. When not sleeping the woman, who we nowknew was called Mary Catherine, or Kat for short, treated our bloated burnedbodies, and the twin girls, Becky and Bobbie, kept and fed and refilled ourwater bottles. Slowly our bloated, dehydrated bodies began to look more normal.There were still huge patches with deep burns which would take days to heal.Some of the worst were our poor tits, pussies and asses.

Finally, buy day three, we were able to get out of bed and begin to move aboutthe house. Kat found us some overly large, loose dresses which did not touchtoo much of our burned skin. Ruth and I began to discuss how to get back totown. At this discussion Kat seemed to get nervous.

On Sunday morning after breakfast Kat came to see us.

“There are a couple of people here to see you,” she began. “Theyhave been quite worried about you.”

Who did we know on this island? Nobody. Who could want to see us?

You could have knocked us over with a stick when through the door, sheepishlyin their Sunday clothes, came Bubba 1 and Bubba2!

I would like to introduce my sons,” Kat began, “this is Jamesand William.”

Neither of us could say a word. We were dumbfounded. The two hulking figuresjust shifted from foot to foot looking like Momma had caught them stealingthe neighbor’s chickens.

“We want to apologize,” James began, “we are so sorry. Thingsjust got way out of hand, and, well we really screwed up.”

“We went back to try and find you,” William continued, “butyou had gone. We came back again with the dogs, but they could only track youas far as the swamp.”

“You really know how to survive off the land,” James said, withfrank admiration beginning to seep into his voice. “That pit you dugfor water, and eating the ferns and yuccas, well that was just plain DanielBoone quality.”

“Now the boys really know they screwed up,” Mama Kat began, “andwe are not going to keep you here any longer than you want. Your car is justover at the little store here on the island. All your things are there, nothingis missing. You can go anytime you want; the boys will show you the way. Ifyou prefer, we can call the Sheriff to come here.”

“We really are so sorry,” James continued. “I know you can’tforgive us, but if there is anything we can do to make up for how we treatedyou.”

I looked at Ruth and she looked back at me. A fiendish idea was hatching. “Giveus a moment alone,” I said, “and then we will tell you what wewant to do.”

About five minutes later we called the boys and Momma Kat back in.

“Alright,” I began. “We will agree to not go to the authoritiesand report what you did, but you have to meet a number of conditions.”

“Anything,” James began, “anything at all.”

“I can guarantee they will never do anything like this again,” Mommapronounced.

“Oh,” said Ruth, “I hope that is not true.”

“First,” I began, “the two of you have to promise to takeus out on at least three real dates and show us a real good time.”

James jaw dropped open, and William began to scratch his head.

“Second,” Ruth continued, “Kat needs to rent us this roomat a reasonable rate for the summer and provide two meals a day at the localgoing rate.”

Kat looked surprised, but there was a hint of a knowing smile filtering acrossthe corners of her mouth.

“And third,” I continued, “you must ask one of your cousinsto give us jobs at a local restaurant or bar for the summer.”

“We will work for tips only if necessary,” Ruth added, “butwe need an excuse to stay here the rest of the summer.”

“And when that is over,” I concluded “we will all see wherewe go from there.”

That was 10 years ago. Now there is a little Joey and Jackie playing aroundoutside waiting for Daddy Jim to come home. Next door Kat is getting olderand the twins have both married and live in town. Next to her Ruth and Billyhave three kids, Bobby, Billy Jr., and Kate. And on summer nights when themoon is right, well you know that animal instinct just comes out in us all.

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Lifes a Beach

Chapter One: On the beachThe weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out.Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand, kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel."Better put some sun cream on Billy or you'll burn"He turned his head to look at his mom who was spreading a towel beside him."I guess""Here I'll do it"With that Mary Price knelt beside her teenage son, squirting sun cream onto his...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Private Beach

The white-foamed spray leapt up in a shower as the blunt bows of the dingy thumped into the swell. Robbie knew he had to put a couple of kilometres between himself and the point. Otherwise the in-rushing tide will trap him inside the reef. He'd come to Blackner's beach now for three summers. The beach was a wee bit of an open secret in the area. Secluded, remote and only accessable by sea or farm track, it had all the qualities Robbie desired. Old man Blackner would have closed the track...

2 years ago
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Wife takes me to Nude Beach

Nude beach experienceWe took a visit to California and my husband wanted me to go to Black's Beach, a nude beach near San Diego. Although we had been to the French Caribbean and I had been topless and nude on a more secluded beach I had never been to one in the United States. I told him okay but I had a condition, he would have to be nude and do something for me while we were there. He eagerly agreed to my request whatever it was. My plan was to embarass and show him off at the beach. We left...

2 years ago
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Irenes story Chapter 8 adventure at La Mar Bella nude beach

Introduction Oh what a difference two months can make! A little over six weeks ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When...

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"This is a sex vacation," Tommy said."You know what that means."I was quiet and did not reply feeling both excitement and trepidation atthe prospect of another beach vacation."I know you know what that means," injected Tommy into the silence."Yes," I said."So be prepared."Tommy had purposely given me 10 days notice of his intentions. 10 days towonder. 10 days to speculate. 10 days to be anxious. 10 days to thinkabout our past two beach vacations. One thing I knew for sure: I would be naked...

3 years ago
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Eleanors Beach

Down in the Virgin Islands there is a beach, it is a small, somewhat remote beach and is accessible by four-wheel drive, and then only when the path isn’t washed out from a recent rain. It is near the famous Megans Beach, and is shown on maps only as Neltjeberg Bay. I know it as Eleanor’s Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, or at least of the beaches I have seen; and yet few people know of it. Or, perhaps, they are simply afraid to speak of it. I had been working...

First Time
1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Kitty on the Beach

I felt a new sense of dread as the plane door closed and I buckled my belt. I actually thought I was going to be sick for an instant, but it was all in my imagination. There was no longer any escape, I was really on my way to spend New Year’s with my family. It’s not that I hate them, I actually have a lot of good memories growing up with them, along with some very bad ones. It’s just that they don’t understand me, they never had, and by now I don’t expect them to but that doesn’t remove the...

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Bikini Beach

******************************************************* This one came like all the others - in that strange world between dream and fantasy. What would happen if two macho guys went to a private beach where the price of admission was a change? I've got at least four story ideas in this same setting to follow - someday. In the meantime, if anyone else finds this stirs a story idea, I'll post the rules to the list. ******************************************************* Bikini...

2 years ago
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Cobblers Beach

September is a lovely time of the year in Sydney. The winter chills have given way to a blissful warm sun, but the full blaze of the summer heat has not yet arrived. It is about this time each year that my body clock decides it needs some rays to shake off the winter blues. Luckily, I have a wonderful little beach within decent walking distance of my home. It was a lovely September Saturday that I set out for Cobblers Beach, a little nudist beach nestled away from the crowds in Sydney Harbour....

3 years ago
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I Love This Beach

Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain't chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it's close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...

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I Love This Beach

Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain't chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it's close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...

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Mauis Little Beach

My name is Genevieve, but you can call me Ginny. I'm a sixty years old, divorced, and live in a small town in western Ohio. However, today I'm sitting a warm sandy beach in Hawaii, soaking up the rays of the sun, and watching the white sails that dot the blue waters. I came here to renew my spirit and maybe find a man to make me feel like a woman again. My story starts in early February, when I glanced out the window I noticed there was more snow on the ground. I shivered, "Burr, I'm...

4 years ago
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Bk 1 Ch 4 The Beach

Alena couldn’t believe she’d drawn guard duty on Harvest Day. She’d turned seventeen a few weeks ago, so she was finally old enough to find a partner to celebrate with. Well, she got off shift at sundown. Maybe she’d be able to find a nice guy during the night bonfire. Alena smiled. Emily, a blooded warrior of twenty-one summers, had promised to introduce her to several good-looking men that night. Alena could hear the roar of the crowd in the town square as she looked out over the...

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Fun at the beach

On the 30th of December 2014, James and I went to an unofficial nude beach. As those that have read our other stories would know, whenever we go on our "adventures" I usually wear as little as possible. This was no different. My outfit consisted of a tiny pink skirt that did not cover my ass fully, no panties (obviously), a brand new buttoned crop top and no bra (even more obvious). The new crop top was a great find. The top had five buttons and with each one I undid, I showed off more and more...

2 years ago
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Double header on the beach

My favorite beach is less than an hour from where I live on the Mid-Atlantic coast.  It is actually more on the bay than the ocean with the upper portion of it being an unofficial nude beach.  Due to its limited access and lengthy walk, the upper beach has become a haven for gay and bisexual activity.  At its peak season, it is still sparsely occupied with fewer than two or three people per hundred yards.  The beach is only twenty or so feet wide, at high tide, with heavy vegetation behind it...


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