Geeks Rule Ch. 01 free porn video

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Many thanks go to RF-Fast for his editing and suggestions that enhanced the story. Any bad grammar left is wholly on me and my artistic style… and a strong reliance on spell check!

LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18 years of age or older.

Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup


Geeks rule!

Class reunions… UUUGGGG!

I refused to go to our fifth, but Stephanie talked me into coming to our tenth. Not that my Greek goddess would really have to work that hard at convincing me of anything if she really wanted to. She would lift an eyebrow and remind me she’s Italian not Greek, but her black hair and year round bronze skin make me think of her that way. And as long as I add goddess to the end, it still makes her smile.

I did manage to put my pants on while watching her put her stockings on, her butt clenching and moving as she did. When she slipped her corset up her body and looked at me over her shoulder, ‘Care to help me lace up dear?’ I was ready to drop them and bend this beauty over the bed. She grinned knowing exactly what I was thinking. ‘Uh Uhhh, later big boy.’

I walked up behind her and nestled my hard cock in the crease of her ass making her sigh, then backed off to assume the chore of lacing my beautiful wife’s corset with the tip of my cock between her cheeks thinking about easing forward and burying it in her. I kissed her bare shoulder a few times as I did, looking at her in the mirror.

Now Stephanie didn’t really need a corset. True she had filled out a bit from high school, her tits were a bit bigger and had settled a bit, but not what I would call sagging. And of course her delicious chewy nipples still stood out there already calling my lips to them.

I finished my ‘chores’ and leaned in to nibble on her neck nudging a little deeper between her cheeks, ‘Hey gorgeous.’

‘Hey handsome.’ Stephanie reached up for the cups and folded the top of them in to let her nipples stand out, ‘I brought my bikini…’ I looked hopefully at her in the mirror. She smiled and nodded, ‘The little white one…’

I pulled her close to me slipping just a little deeper between her cheeks, reaching around to cup those firmly held tits, running my fingers over her hardening nipples as I closed my eyes and was instantly transported back to high school…


Picture a small southern Wisconsin town, the exact name and place unimportant, primarily rural with some industry and a small state college. Several little grade schools, three middle schools, and one high school and you get the picture. Although it did grow enough to expand to a second high school in my junior year when the catholic school closed.

Now picture a little town nearby that had one school, covering all grades. THATS WHERE I STARTED OUT.

I spent my first seven years of school in that small town going to that little school, living on the edge of town with next door literally being a corn field. Needless to say, most of us were pretty self sufficient and self entertaining. Had to be.

That all changed when Dad bought a junk yard and we moved closer to ‘The Big City.’

We were still out on the edge of town, but now there was a lot more to do, if I wanted to ride my bicycle five miles into town. Now going in wasn’t too bad, but since we lived at the top of a fairly big hill, coming home meant pedaling in low gear or walking the bike up the hill. It was a toss up what was faster on any given day. My imagination said it was faster pedaling with a tail wind, but sometimes I think my imagination was trying to get the better of me…

The other fun part was for as much of a motor head as Dad was, I wasn’t. I was a geek. Although we weren’t called that back then, just a lot of other interesting names.

Now being the only son, I was promptly enslaved to help out in the junk yard whenever I wasn’t doing something for Mom at home. And since I wasn’t into cleaning and painting the new house, I left that to Mom and my sister.

After a while Dad finally realized, when you need a stereo installed, call Bill. You need some new outlets or a phone line worked on, call Bill. You need an engine or rear end changed, Bill could do it in a pinch. You need to figure out why your engine was running rough, CALL SOMEONE ELSE, DON’T CALL BILL.

But that same talent made things both easier and more difficult at school.

It started out just fixing the projector a couple times when it broke down in class, instead of waiting on someone from the media department to come look at it. By mid way though my freshman year of high school, I was one of those media center people, and pretty much had free reign of the school if I wasn’t in class.

That also got me recruited into the theater department to help build sets and set up lighting. The painting again I left to others, I still had no patience for it.

For all of this, I wasn’t into sports or exercise. I did the minimum in Phys. Ed. The wrestling coach tried to get me to go out for the team, and I had the muscles from working in Dad’s junk yard, but I wasn’t into it. I spent my younger years looking after myself and didn’t feel the need to hang out with any particular crowd, or dress in the latest styles.

So there I was. I didn’t fawn over the prima donna’s, but they didn’t want to piss off their lighting guy. I could care less about the jocks, but I was the one taping their games for them to review later. And I wasn’t the kid of a business manager or a big farmer, I was the junk yard owners kid that didn’t give a damn about cars as long as the one I was driving was running.

I was the most popular unpopular guy in school.

The nice part of it was there was a group of us students that helped run the media center with the supervision of a staff member, and among them was Stephanie. I didn’t really notice Stephanie at first, she was just there when I was most of the time. We’d talk and kid around, help each other out on projects or home work.

Sometimes she’d be standing behind me, leaning into me. Her nice sized tits pressing into my back or shoulder, the hint of her perfume tickling my nose. I would love those days, but not as much as days the role was reversed. Standing up behind her, leaning down to put my head beside her, allowing me to inhale the scent of her shampoo or get a nice look down her top at her cleavage and maybe a bit of bra every once in a while.

But for as much as I enjoyed being around Stephanie, for some reason seeing Debbie just got me all wound up.

Debbie’s Dad owned the Ford dealership in town, and the John Deere dealership on the edge of town. That made her the queen of the school in both the rural and town kids’ eyes. She was a pretty girl, but not gorgeous. She wasn’t extremely busty, but she was the head of the cheerleaders. And it wasn’t a party if Debbie wasn’t invited to it.

I was at the opposite end of the spectrum as far as she and her friends were concerned. Her dad had the dealership and mine the junk yard. Oh and of course she was dating the quarterback… of course!

That didn’t stop me from enjoying her from afar. If there was a party needing a DJ I would see if I had room between other things to squeeze it in. If Debbie was going to be there heaven help anything that was in conflict because it was getting dumped from the schedule.

And through it all was Stephanie, there are none so blind as those that won’t see.

When I had to tape a game, most of the time she was near by, or would take over for me when I ran to the bathroom and to grab something to eat. And without a second thought, I would bring her something back for her as well. But no mustard in anything for her.

When I was setting lights for a show, Stephanie
would be up in the booth on the other end of the headset turning things up and down for me as I set and adjusted. On show nights she would wander in sometime between the first few acts and keep me company. I even began put a few Dr. Pepper’s in my cooler for her, along with my Pepsi.

When the show was over, I’d start pack things up and she’d head for Denny’s ahead of me. She would have my late night breakfast waiting on me, scrambled eggs, sausage links, not patties, and an English muffin with peanut butter.

When there was a dance where I was the DJ, every once in a while she would get someone to mind the record players enough to drag me out on the floor for a slow dance because she knew I didn’t do any fast dances. I really didn’t mind her close to me, feeling her chest against mine, her back in my palm and maybe even feeling the catch on her bra. if I imagined it properly. I could catch the scent of her shampoo in my nose and I could even say I would even notice her perfume on my shirt later.

But let me see Debbie and the jock on the dance floor, and I was a hawk and played as few slow songs as I could get away with.

The thing that began to break the ties Debbie had on me began in of all places, a swim meet our senior year.

Our team was going to regionals for the first time since I had been there, and I was assigned to tape the events of for school.

I was set up on the scaffolding along with two other crews, why it took three guys to do one man’s job was beyond me… until the ladies came in. I then discovered we had the best position to enjoy the ladies strutting below us in their one piece swim suits!

Now these weren’t your Sports Illustrated cover models and suits, but they were girls we knew, covered in thinnnnn swimsuits. And those swim suits left very little to the imagination. High cut legs showing those thighs and hips clinging to what looked like bare mounds and my mind said there was plenty of camel toe there as well even if the view was from a distance.

And then those trim waists came up to… those tits! All shapes and sizes, but mostly small to medium, only two big chested girls and they moved soooo nicely when they walked. I had been panning back and forth across the girls, doing my best not to zoom in on all the good parts, knowing others would see the tapes later, when one of the girls waived to us.

The guy next to me was in heaven thinking she waived at him so I panned back and zoomed in… IT WAS STEPHANIE!

I looked up over the camera to be sure. She grinned and waved seeing the look on my face. ‘Stephanie…’

The other guys looked at me, ‘you know her?’

‘Um… yeah, I work with her in the Media Center. I didn’t know she was a swimmer.’ She had never mentioned it…

I was suddenly the king of the media guys, actually knowing one of the scantily covered babes below us. I had to grin, that did accurately describe the display of feminine specimens below us.

The meet got started, and I was enjoying all the wet women below and in my monitor, trying not to linger too long on some of those cold hard nipples coming out of the pool. Stephanie was in the third race, standing up on the block, bending over to grab the front edge, wiggling her butt in the air to get it juuuust right. I wonder if anyone ever thought to film from BEHIND the starting blocks!

Stephanie came in second in her race, but that’s not what caught my attention. What caught my attention as when she got out of the water she wasn’t in a big rush to pull her suit out of the crack of her butt! Bending over to grab her ankles like she was stretching, then standing back up sideways to us and looking at me over her shoulder as she ran her fingers in the back of her suit to pull it out. And I would swear she held it out there a little longer than the other girls letting some cheek show before letting it snap back into place when it was ‘supposed’ to be. Butt that was probably just my imagination… get it… BUTT!

A couple of races later and there she was again, wiggling that butt in the air. But this time when she was done with the race, she turned to face us, putting her leg up on a chair to dry it off.

Oh those were definitely some nice C cups, and there was obviously some decent nipples trying to escape. But when Stephanie looked up and spread her legs to dry her thighs, she looked directly at me. She knew I was seeing her suit pulled up tight against her pussy. She stopped there for just a few seconds longer than necessary, then grinned and went back to wiping down while talking with one of her girlfriends on the team.

And that show was purely for me. The other guys were concentrating on girls from their schools, and I was definitely going to make a copy of this tape for myself.

I had almost gotten her out of my mind watching the smorgasbord of jiggling butts and bouncing chests by the time we broke for lunch. We were locking things down and shutting down the recorders when the scaffolding began shaking. One of the guys looked down the side and muttered, ‘Holy shit!’

Moments later Stephanie’s head popped up with a paper bag in her teeth. She hooked a leg over and then handed me the bag with a smile revealing the cleavage the bag had been hiding, ‘I figured you’d forget to bring lunch.’

All I could do was stare at her, she had just climbed the scaffolding in her swim suit with a towel clipped around her waist. Her chest was rising and falling sooo nicely in front of me… there definitely were some firm nipples under there!

‘Earth to Steve…’

‘Oh, sorry Stephanie, you caught me by surprise.’

She turned to the other guys, ‘You better get a move on guys. The line was already forming, if you hurry you might get back before the races start after the lunch break.’

I had to give it to the guys, it was a hard decision between food and standing next to a barely dressed woman. But her pulling our hot dogs out made up their mind. Plain with ketchup for me and loaded with chili and onions for Stephanie. They scrambled down the side, headed for the concession stands.

Stephanie sat down long enough to set her hot dog out, then went to my cooler, leaving her towel spread on the chair. She bent over at the waist in front of me, leaving that thinly covered butt just inches from my nose. Then she stood up with that suit up the crack of her butt still just inches from my nose.

But when she turned around… there was that barely covered pussy right in front of me, and yes there was a nice camel toe, and no there was no sign of hair under that suit. It was a good thing I was sitting down right now.

‘Expecting someone?’

‘Hmmm?’ I said looking up to her face, well I almost got there. She had one bottle of Pepsi, and a bottle of Dr. Pepper. But she was holding them just outside of those wonderful mounds, there was DEFINITELY some nipples trying to escape there! ‘I guess I just packed it out of habit.’ Reaching for my bottle and doing my best to act like I hadn’t been staring at her chest and wishing I was taking her nipples between my fingers instead of the bottle.

Stephanie sat back down and dug into her chili dog, and for a usually neat person, she was having a hell of a time with it, dribbles of chili in her cleavage, and later on her thighs. I was watching her fingers dive into her cleavage making her tits jiggle. I was so wishing it were my hands doing more than hunting for chili. When she dribbled on her thighs, I was so much thinking about kneeling down and licking them clean in spite of the onions. And I HATE onions!

We finished our hot dogs and were just chatting, Stephanie looking out over the pool with her arms back over the chairs beside her, me stealing glances at her lovely body in profile and her delicious mounds and nipples I particular. We felt the scaffold moving and Stephanie stood up and wrapped her towel around her waist before the guys got back up there.

I looked at the clock, ‘A
w hell, I have to run to the bathroom. Can one of you guys run my camera for the first race? I’m not going to make it back in time.’

They didn’t have a chance to respond, ‘You go ahead, I’ll handle it. I don’t have another race until the last relay.’ Stephanie responded, then leaned over to start the recorder giving me a look straight down her swim suit, seeing her tits and nipples hanging there barely contained in her suit and that wonderful cleavage I had been thinking about getting my hands into.

She stood back up to the camera and turned to the other guys. ‘You guys don’t mind me hanging out here for a while do you?’

There were all sorts of agreements as they began turning on their equipment while trying to watch Stephanie.

As I expected, I didn’t make it back before the start of the race, so I sat below and watched her while I could, then climbed up the scaffold as soon as the race was over.

‘Hey handsome, it’s all yours. I have to get back down and get ready for the relay race.’ Stephanie went past me, and in spite of having plenty of room, I felt her tits and nipples drag across my back as she went behind me. She stopped with one leg over the rail to crawl down, her suit stretched tight across her pussy with the gap in the towel. ‘Denny’s after the meet?’


‘Okay, I’ll meet you here after the meet. I rode the bus over. I’ll tell coach you need a hand disassembling things, and can give me a ride back.’

‘Works for me.’

Stephanie grinned and dropped over the side and climbed down. I stared straight down into that jiggling cleavage as she descended. If I was king of the media guys before, I was GOD of the media guys now. I had her up here helping me, she was going to help tear down, AND go for a date afterward.

I didn’t call it a date, but evidentially these guys were a bit hard up, anything more than a shared bottle of pop was a date in their book.

The girls didn’t do to bad, missing first place by three points, but since they hadn’t even made the regionals the last two years, they took it for the victory it was.

The other guys were out of there in a heart beat relaying things down and scurrying out after the girls telling themselves they were going to get lucky this afternoon. I chuckled and had the equipment back in the cases and was lowering the recorder down when Stephanie reappeared at the base of the scaffold. Still in her suit but added a pair of shorts. Still a nice view into her cleavage from up here!

By the time we had everything on the cart and rolled it out to my car, and loaded, most of the crowd had vanished so we didn’t have a long slow drive out of the lot. Something we’d learned from the football games. Take your time packing and loading. It was less stressful than inching forward in traffic trying to get out of the stadium.

We had no more gotten out on the street and Stephanie pulled her jacket off and then grabbed a halter top from her bag and slips it over her head. Then she shrugs her suit straps off her shoulders and pulls the suit down around her waist leaving her tits barely covered by the halter just hanging from her neck.

The next part almost made me wreck my car. She put her hands under her halter and gave her tits a good massage and squeeze, pulling and tugging them all over the place. I was getting quite the side view of bare tits, and I thought I even saw a bit of nipple.

‘MAN I’m glad to be out of that thing. I really should have gotten a new one this year. I forgot how much of a weggie they give you when they get too small!’

Of course this was being said as she leaned forward to tie the halter behind her, and I KNOW I got a nice nipple flash when she did that. And again when she leaned forward to slip her shorts down, and again when she slid her skirt over her feet and then braced between the back of the seat and floorboard, arching herself up to pull it up. Then her thinly covered mound was on display again and her pussy was trying to eat the crotch out of her suit!

I don’t know if it was a blessing or a curse that I had to deal with traffic pulling into Denny’s when she pulled her suit out from under her skirt and slid her thong on… Man oh MANNN! I was so hard I couldn’t even blink.

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Rashidha Chap5 New rule

More time passed and I became better at fucking. I was juggling between school, tuition, homework and sex. My parents and I tried a different approach every time. We felt like a newly wed couple. Everything was new but still we couldn`t get enough of it. New rules were being made from time to time. They were more like temporary ones- they expired after 2 days or so. Because, of course, we would forget about it and come up with a new one. The rules were basically to spice things up. But we...

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The Paramount Rule

This story is a work of erotic fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author's imagination or are used here fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.This is a story which goes right to the centre of the concept of ?no one wants anything more than that which they cannot have.? The subject matter is focused around the ultimate human need – the adolescent male and his urge for sexual...

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The future has changed since women rule

The year is 2232 and males have lost all rights. As the world is at peace, woman now ruled it and men are property now and they can not own anything; my father is a slave to his mistress, my mother, and I was born a boy. Now I am 16yr old guy due for selection, meaning I will become a girl or stay as a male slave; until then, my father must call us Miss. Boys must call all females Mistress (except our mothers as we just call them Mother), but girls can call their mother, mom or...

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Family Conspiracy Chapter 3 Marci learns the First Rule

Marci was almost in tears as she retold the story of her first experience with a glory hole. To her credit, her voice didn’t crack once during the whole story. She had just shared her first sexual experience with her own father. I took another sip of my brandy. It was time she started learning the new rules of the household. “Marci”, I started in a commanding voice, “take off your clothes”. It was not opened to discussion. I had made plans for my daughter’s life from now on, and her...

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Genies Twice As Much Rule

Note from the author: This is what I was thinking of when I thought of this story. A man finds a genie. The genie tells him he has three wishes, but what ever he wishes for his mother-in-law will get twice as much. So the man makes his first wish, he wishes for a million dollars. Genie grants the wish and then tells him he has a million dollars and his mother-in-law has two million dollars. The man wishes for a great big mansion, genie grants the wish and reminds him that...

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Old Guys Rule

Part 1 The End of the Affair It was a rainy Thursday night; I pulled up to the Holiday Inn Express and parked in front of the room number that Stan had sent in a text message a few moments before. I wouldn't call Stan my boyfriend; he is certainly not a boy. He is the married father of two and a man in his mid forties. And it would be a stretch to call him a friend, we have had a sexual relationship for the past three years but that is as far as it goes. We meet secretly once or twice...

2 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 12 Mysogenists Dont Rule

For Friends and Family Part 12 - Misogynists Don't Rule Thank you very much for your reviews on the last chapter, I was very worried about posting it but I felt it would add to the story. As we'd decided on a girly night in, we checked on our stock of pamper items we had left at home and decided that we could really have a good time. Amy then shocked me by saying, "I wonder if mum fancies a night of pampering - it could do her good." "Amy," I spluttered, "she's your mum, and...

3 years ago
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Break Every Rule

You break every rule you have by letting them both in the apartment at once, but you don't care. You have more important things on your mind. They stand one behind and one in front. They kiss you. Caress you. Their hands are all over you, and you love it. You wriggle in their embrace, tickled by their fingertips and the tingle between your legs. The shorter man behind you is stocky and strong. He smells of the ocean, of oil and sweat. He's dressed in jeans and a nice shirt. You really only...

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The Society of the Rules

The Society of the RulesAdmission into the SocietyThe large gates opened electrically and the large limousine entered the estate. From the spacious area at the back of the vehicle, Aurelia was amazed by the wide expenses of land, as well as by the high stone wall that was circumscribing it. Everything around her was breathing out wealth. Everything belonged to the Society of the Rules. And soon, if the leaflet she had read was right, all of this would belong to her as well. She could not...

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Delivering Dominance Book 1 Establishing Groundrules

I can’t believe I’m here right now…how did it happen? Three months ago, when I learned my job was eliminated, I was devastated. Then, at dinner, I found out we were expecting, AGAIN! Even though I would have my severance package, and my wife could pay our bills with her job, I was terrified to lose the fun things we did as a family. The trips, the sports events, the concerts…all potentially gone! I found a delivery service looking to expand…it was designed for those who didn’t have the time...

3 years ago
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A Werewolf A Heir A Rulebreaker

This is a concept that I toyed around with, and as such I’m not sure how serious I am about it. All characters that will be in erotic situations will follow the guidelines (I.E. Main character is nineteen years of age). Should story progress to need more characters, story will be edited to accomodate, ___________________________________________[Line Break]_______________________________________ Your name is John Doe, and your a werewolf. No, not some mangy mutt who hides out in a secret pack in...

1 year ago
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The Rulebook

You spot the notebook sitting abandoned on the table in the coffee shop. It looks like someone must have left it behind. Picking it up, you open the book to the first page, hoping to find some contact information for the person who lost it. Instead, you see a note on the inside: "The world runs on rules. Schools and companies have their handbooks. Neighborhoods have their homeowners associations. Even countries have their laws. You spend all day following rules. Wouldn't it be nice if you could...

Mind Control
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The Rulebook

The Rulebook By Tvstar I lost the coin toss, I knew what that meant and I wasn't in the least happy about it. I was the one who would attend school as a girl. Confusing, yes I know so let me explain. My brother and I are the heirs of a long dynasty of miner and oil conglomerate that is older than dirt, my family's money was forged in Europe hundreds of years ago. My lineage can be traced for more than 500 hundred years and has been on top for all modern family since the age...

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It was not even 6 o'clock yet, and both her parents and her brother were still asleep one floor below her, she knew. None of them had a reason to be up this early on a weekend. Dad wasn't due at the office until Monday, Mom had today off from the diner, and Billy wouldn't even start stirring until 10, at the earliest. Ari was awake for a very good reason, though. She had a date today, the very first one of her life. Even though she had celebrated her eighteenth birthday last week, both her...

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Rule Porn specializes in amateur porn. Just like priorities change, as we get older, our porn tastes become more sophisticated and reality induced. Don’t even try and argue with me about it because if you were keen enough to study porn statistics like I have, you would have noted this by now. At a younger age, we are just more inclined to popping shit like professional porn with perfectly plasticized porn stars bodies to the extent that they ostracize sex logic from our minds with fake moans...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Hentai Rules! What a nice name, don’t you think? It basically gets straight down to the point, and you already know what to expect. Now, as a fellow hentai lover, I can truly appreciate this shit. But how good is HentaiRules? Is it really worth the visit? Well, I surely think so, and we all know that if I think that it must be the truth.Well, to all my hentai lovers, I am sure that you will be happy to know that has some great suggestions. But, another thing that is probably...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Rule 34 Hentai is a porn picture paradise where content is provided by its legion of loyal users. Whether it’s Fate, Frozen, or the Simpsons, you’ll find all your favorite 2D babes fucking and sucking in its huge gallery.The main feature of Rule34 Hentai is the search engine, which is one of the best engines I’ve ever used once I got used to it. Rule34Hentai uses a variety of tags on all its content that makes it easy to find that specific nasty shit you want to see your characters doing.When...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Ruler Tube! How does being able to watch juicy porn scenes that are a result of a mash-up between videos from top porn sites sound to you? Or should I say how does HD quality porn from top sites for free appeal to you? Either way, it’s more than you could possibly bargain for and it is precisely what Ruler Tube is offering you. There are lots of different categories featured, navigation is a walk in the park, and there is no sign-up bullshit required. To find out more about what the site has in...

Porn Aggregators
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Rule 34 Video! Of all the unimpeachable truths of the Internet, perhaps the most profound is Rule 34: no matter what it is, there’s porn of it. is a warehouse of documentation that attempts to prove exactly that. I know your mom told you she’d cut off your wifi if she caught you looking at more of that kinky shit, but sometimes mom just doesn’t understand a man’s attraction to Mortal Kombat bitches, Minecraft whores, and futanari sluts who fuck horses.Long story short, Rule 34...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Reddit Rule34_Comics, aka r/Rule34_Comics! Rule34… the most beautiful creation, don’t you think? Well, there is a subreddit dedicated to comics surrounding rule 34, which is hella lit. It is called r/rule34_comics/, obviously, and since it is free, you are welcome to browse through as much as you want. I mean, Reddit is an overall free website, so you are welcome to stay and browse anyway.In addition, Reddit is filled with thousands of other subreddits, so there is a high chance that you will...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit Rule34LoL, aka r/Rule34LoL! Are you a big League of Legends fan? If so, you might be interested in a subreddit called r/Rule34LoL/. This subreddit is just what you would expect it to be, filled with lots of porn featuring all kinds of naughty scenes with LoL champions. Now I am sure that some of you might be confused as to what the fuck I mean, but do not worry, I shall explain it all.First of all, is a free website filled with all kinds of naughty crap, and there are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Rule 34 Porn! If you have spent any kind of time around porn communities like Reddit, 4Chan, and so on, you have no doubt heard about ‘Rule 34.’ For those that are either too old or too goddamn stupid to know what I’m talking about, let me fill you in like I filled up your mother last weekend behind the bowling alley. Rule 34 at its core means that if you even imagine something being pornographic, no matter how ridiculous it may seem, assume that the porn already exists.If you can imagine it,...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Obey The Rules

--- The Rules --- "Don't think about it, you know the rules!" A sentence Noah heard often in the last years, this time from his secretary. After his graduation in Business Economics and Administration, his father thought, it is a good idea to give him a job in the family business. And force him to move back to their mansion in Percsworth. He hates it. His job, 'Supervisor at large', is useless. It's that kind of employment, that the people of the village don't talk, and for...

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Cyndy Rules

Cyndy Rules! by suki its like I'm looking through these stories the other day and its like hey these are all pretty good these writers. They like all have great imaginations you know. It must be great to know all those words and be able to put them all together and everything. Yeah sure but like you know I'm thinking something is missing. Something is very seriously wrong and it takes me a while and then its hit me and like its so totally obvious that i snort pepsi through...

4 years ago
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Laurens Ruler

Lauren's Ruler By: The Dom In The Hat This is my first attempt at publishing a story so constructive comments are desired, please send them through my profile on this site or to TheDomInTheHat at? Gmail dot com.? Also any adult women who are interested in exploring mutual interests can contact me as well. If you just want to tell me I am a sick twisted freak or you hate this story, you can send your comments to SomeoneWhoCares at Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved Permission...

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Damsels in Distress Rules

All rights reserved © 2012 by Ernest Bywater Cover Art The image of Cove Mountain Trail tn4 by Brian Stansberry is used with his permission under Creative Commons Attribution. The manipulation and adding of text is done by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 6 June 2019 version The titles in use are a Chapter, a Sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Background The Worlds The Plan The People The Rules and...

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Three DaughtersThree Rules

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 Chapter 1 Who am I? Well, I’m a Dad with three beautiful daughters. They are: Jane-22, Jill-20, and my baby Jesse (18 as of yesterday). I have been doing my best trying to raise them, provide them a safe home, and instruct them as best I can. My wife of 23 years passed away a couple of years ago. She was beautiful. A free-spirit who, in my opinion, was way out of my league. I never understood what she saw in a blue-collar guy like me. Janice was my dream...

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Rules Is Rules

Note to the reader: This story deals with a fictitious football game that never actually took place. So, please don’t bitch that the scoring drives depicted never actually happened between the Cowboys and Giants. If you don’t want to read about a husband watching his wife have sex with another man, then don’t read this story. You have been warned. The start of the NFL season was coming up. I decided to have a little party to celebrate and watch the first Sunday games with my buddies. I...

2 years ago
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My name is John Marples,  I am single and 31st old.  It all really began 9 years earlier when I was a high flier at quite a big company, I had a secretary then called Janice. She was only 18 and during that time I must admit treated quite badly. However, I didn't care because I was doing very well in my role as a Sales Account Manager, and, I new I would be promoted to our head office which was in another city. Sure enough it was not long before I got my promotion and I left the regional...

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Togetherness MChapter 2 Unwritten rules

In the middle of reading about how the Hopi behaved for his Anthro course, Andy had an insight. The Hopi all followed a set of rules, and there was a book mentioned in the text that laid out those rules, a book for anthropologists; Hopi apparently weren’t given the rules all neatly set down any more than Andy had been. Maybe Anthropologists had written down the rules for American culture, too. That would be a great help. He was always running afoul of some rule that hadn’t been laid...

4 years ago
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Michelle Part 1b The Rules

Rights of the Master: 1. The Master owns all rights to the use of the body of the “Slave” for whatever purposes he chooses. 2. The Master will always be addressed as “Master” or “Sir” except when specific permission is given otherwise. 3. The Master may, at his exclusive discretion, share the body of the Slave with whomsoever he chooses. 4. The Master retains the exclusive right to discipline the Slave for violations of the rules. 5. The Master shall set the Rules for Discipline and...

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Lolly Got Popped The Yoga Pants Rules

“If you’re putting on your yoga pants, remember our rules.” That’s the last thing I said to Lolly before she kissed me under the sheets and fled to go grocery shopping this morning. Speaking of my tall blonde California cliché of a wife, she just this moment maneuvered her naughty body under my typing desk.She’s currently pulling my sweatpants off. Hold on a sec… okay, while she works slowly on my growing erection, let me tell you what happened this morning.Lolly broke the rules—big time! Did...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 68 The Rules

June 29, 1995, Chicago, Illinois On Thursday, I finally had lunch with Melissa again, something I hadn’t been looking forward to. Much like with Cèlia, Melissa and I had passed an inflection point and I was left with sub-optimal paths forward. I’d been struggling with the possible solutions, and all of them had pitfalls. When I walked into Takumi, I had something of a plan. Whether it was good or not would only be known once everything played out. “I spoke to my wives,” I said after we’d...

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