A Day at the Carnival
- 4 years ago
- 27
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SOL-4/ Mars
Jena followed Kinkaid through the Holdfast at his side. Other occupants got out of their way. The corridor linking the control room with the cafeteria was lined with windows facing the rusty Elysium Plains expanding to the horizon in every direction.
“Even with this system-wide crisis our friends at TIL are utterly deaf when it comes to questions about their interactions with the Xenos, and they’re mute about anything they’ve learned,” Kinkaid groused as he shuffled along slowly with his hands clasped behind his back. “I’ve been pressing the TerraCom assembly to act but they’re so busy writing and writing our new Terran Charter that nobody wants to notice. The situation is inexcusable.”
“The solution is very simple, sir. We have to get some of our own people inside,” Jena said. “If TIL won’t consider the complications that this lack of intelligence sharing creates, we don’t have very many options.”
“I agree,” Kinkaid said but then heaved a disgusted sigh. “The problem is access. SOLCorp would no sooner let one of us into their Triton fueling station as we would one of them here at the Holdfast. At first we could monitor their transmissions to and from Earth but all parties involved are using couriers now.”
“So we use Home Fleet to put a cordon around Triton and we demand access. I’m sure someone in the TerraCom assembly can find time to put their signature on a command request.”
“Then the Outworld Alliance would object,” Kinkaid retorted. “Neptune and its moons were ceded to their control after Martian independence. Despite our presence here, any heavy-handedness now would only make things worse, and these corporations! If we anger them, they suddenly stop work on things we need, or manufacture them improperly. I’m not willing to risk a single ship when it comes to the people manufacturing our transit drives.”
“And refining our starship fuel,” Jena said as they rounded a curve and saw a cargo robot approaching with a load carried in its arms. It followed the wall so they altered course to move around it. “I’m surprised that SOLCorp has been as tolerant as we have. After all, it is their station.”
“Which tells me that TIL is sharing what they know, just not with us,” Kinkaid said and muttered. “Inexcusable. They have what we need and, just this once, they’re not selling it to us. Damn them and their two-faced shenanigans.”
They stopped when they came to the lift. Jena pressed the down arrow and said, “Then one of two things is happening, admiral, either what they have is so good they’re trying to find the right way to market it, or things are so bad they have to keep it under wraps.”
“If things are good, we’ve nothing to worry about,” Kinkaid said and stepped into the lift when it arrived and the doors opened. Except for her, the admiral had the lift to himself. “That is not our business, commander.”
“Yes, sir,” Jena said. “If the latter is true then why haven’t they attacked yet? We know they’re here. They know we’re here.”
“You’ve seen the analysis of their ships. Between Home Fleet and the ground defenses we’ve build into Earth and the colonies, they’d never get close to any of our worlds, not with their fleet. In the worse case scenario, they’re just stalling us for time until more of them arrive.”
“I’ll have my report on what reserves we can draw on your desk before the end of the shift,” Jena said. “I spent weeks crawling around the old hulls in our depots. I’d say one in three can be cleaned up and made serviceable again, that’s an extra twenty ships for Home Fleet at most, thirty if we can find crews willing to deploy with a marginal reactor. That’s a whole different complication. These ships have been in storage for seventy years. Who still knows how to run them? Someone in a museum, I suppose, or a retirement enclave.”
“That’s why we keep training archives, commander,” Kinkaid said as the lift doors parted and they stepped out onto the mess-deck. “That’s assuming that the TerraCom assembly will vote us the credits to have them refitted,” He shook his head with disgust. “Did your trip to the Free Callisto shipyard yield results?”
“Their work crews have been decimated by Serenity toxification,” Jena said. “At best we can expect Bellapheron to be finished anytime soon. I threatened them with removing our unfinished projects to the United Space Alliance works but they’re having the same troubles.”
Kinkaid shook his head. “Why did they decide to wake me up this year?”
Jena smiled. “I’m beginning to think I should’ve gone into business law.”
“And miss all the fun?” Kinkaid said wryly and altered their course toward the serving line. “I’d just like to know how they got here.”
“Either they’ve been traveling for a very long time or they have a system like ours,” Jena said and reached for a try. She pointed at a pan full of something labeled, “vegetable lasagna,” and a plateful of it was immediately delivered by a line cook. “If they’ve been taking the slow route we would’ve seen them coming. My vote is that have a tunneling drive or something similar.”
“Then why didn’t we detect any jump flares when they arrived?” Kinkaid said and lifted a bowl of orange gelatin to his tray. “A fleet that size would’ve made quite a scene. All the logs we reviewed reveal nothing but merchant traffic previously accounted for.”
“Maybe we weren’t looking with the right sensors,” Jena said and picked a Martian fruit/puffed rice bar from the dessert table. “Of course, having our sensor nets taken down by solar-storms couldn’t have happened at a worse possible moment. It was like being blind in one eye.”
“Thank goodness the damage wasn’t permanent,” Kinkaid agreed as he carried his tray to the dispensary past the serving line. “Tracking the shipping in this system is difficult enough when the sensors are operating. It’s worse after two Mega class storms.”
“What on Earth did we do to piss off the Sun God?” Jena wondered and took a plastic cup from a dispenser full of them. She filled it with water and said, “If there is one. Not that I’m saying there is.”
“Quite all right, commander,” Kinkaid said and filled his cup with the same. The other option was coffee. Ares Prime Lager was only available off-duty. “Sometimes I ask myself that same question. The only true answer that ever comes to me is I-don’t-know.”
“I’ve always thought that it was a good enough place to start.”
“Your mother taught you that, didn’t she?”
“Yes,” Jena admitted. “How did you know?”
Kinkaid smiled. “Who do you think told that one to your father?”
“Victor Borges?” Jena guessed. She laughed as Kinkaid muttered to himself and moved for the nearest table.
61 Virginis
The silence that greeted USS Ranger’s arrival set of instant alarms throughout the ship. Pax settlement was off the air. Pax orbital garrison was still transmitting, infrequently, and in a code Ranger had no cipher to. No merchantmen were sounding off. A system well known for its vibrancy was as empty as the first day it was discovered. Ranger and her group rigged for silent running and had not gone down for 76 hours straight.
“Maybe you can tell me what the hell is going on here, amigo.” A quiet voice came through Hurricane’s helmet speaker. He took his eyes off the passive sensor display and pressed his helmet to the canopy so he could look rearward. There was another F/A-28 off his starboard side.
“I haven’t heard anything you haven’t heard,” Hurricane said. He could see Pancho in his cockpit, who waved back at him. “Ask Captain Groove if you want to know anything else. The S-3 gave them
a brief before everyone was out of the freezers.”
“The got us out here with anti-shipping packages for a reason, Hog. I think so serious smleck is going out here that they aren’t telling us about. I think they got us out here as bait. Just so something might come after us, so they find out what it is. Were you up for the S-3 brief?”
Both fighters were configured with a long accelerator tube that jutted out from SCRAM intake in a line following the body of the fighter out to 3 meters past the nose.
“Negit. I came out of the icebox forty-eight hours ago,” Hurricane said. “I’ve barely had time to piss as it is. The good news is that my first ration pack was Enchiladas with Rice.”
“I never get that. I was waiting in the chow line after I came out of the box and what do I get? Egg omlet. How the fek am I supposed to choke down Egg omlet. Man, that smleck glows under black light.”
“You make friends with the one masochist around who likes it and trade as often as you can,” Hurricane said and Pancho laughed. “It could’ve been worse. You could’ve gotten smleck.”
“Prepared properly it’s good stuff.” Pancho came back.
“For about thirty seconds.”
Pancho chuckled. “That’s why you have to eat it quick.”
The sensor display lit up with new contacts, a cluster of objects, ID’s by the computer as Nickel-Iron. When Hurricane looked out of the canopy, the holo-HUD pinpointed them in space with red arrows hanging in his vision. “The pre-flight brief didn’t mention how crowded this system is. Watch yourself. I’m picking up some asteroids around.”
“Confirm that,” Pancho said. “The main belt is a way back. I wonder how these ones escaped?”
“A comet is my guess,” Hurricane said. “It must’ve taken a big one with some gravity of it’s own to drag them out of position like that.”
“I think I’ve got freezer lag,” Pancho said and Hurricane could hear him shifting in the cockpit of his fighter. “I’m so stiff and sore. Next time I’m going to find a better position to sleep in.”
“How’d the big nap treat you?”
“I had a picture of Pax settlement pasted onto my icebox cover,” Pancho replied. “I had nothing but pretty Pax girls keeping me company for almost the whole transit. It was ten times better then what I got from Sol to Lalande.”
“Don’t remind me, amigo,” Hurricane said and dropped his eyes to the picture of Jena. “I hope you find her when we get there.”
“If we get there.” Pancho added.
Someone transmitting on the Guard channel overrode their intercom banter. The signal was weak but discernable.
“RN Achilles to any monitoring station. Sos. Our engines are out. We are adrift and under attack. Any monitoring stations please reply. Sos. This is Achilles.”
“Did you get that, Hog?”
“I got it,” Hurricane said. The HUD bracketed the section of space where the signal had come from in yellow. He found the fuel level display. “I think we can reach it. It’s gonna take us a while though.”
“Trailboss, this is Rodeo two,” Quickdraw called in. He and Wild Bill worked a similar box of space 200,000 kilometers away. “We’re picking up a mayday. Request permission to haul ass over there.”
“Affirm that, Rodeo two. We’ll meet you there,” Hurricane said and reactivated the wireless link between the two fighters in his flight. “You’re free to maneuver, amigo. In thrust we trust.”
“Let’s go get our dicks in it.” Pancho trawled as he accelerated past.
“Don’t let ‘em get cut off.” Hurricane said to himself and pushed the engine throttle control forward. Gravity arrived.
SOL-4/ Mars
Tali wouldn’t take negit for an answer. Every day there was a new message in Jena’s v-mail about the upcoming Founder’s Day. Despite her attempts to maintain distance, Jena took a silent accounting of her friends on-planet and found a short list. Her friend Tali was near the top and communicated once a day. The message was usually the same. A face with pretty eyes and short cropped, dark hair framing her puckish grin.
Jena closed the door to her Holdfast hab-unit and squeezed past the shower module into the unit itself. “Play V-mail.”
“Hi, Jena. It’s Tali. You said to remind you about Viking Carnival on fifth-day, so I am, again. If you can’t get off let me know. Gabrielle says hello. She might meet us there. Call me back. Bye.”
Jena sat on her bed-slab and pulled off her padded boots. Next off was the service jacket, then her garrison trousers. Fleet issued “female utilities,” were kept folded to regulation standards inside garment lockers, non-regulation articles were worn instead. Her collection was filled with dainties and she fell back onto the bed-slab in a pair, simple, thin cotton patterned with daisies that rode low on her hips.
“Call Tali.” She said into the air. The multi-purpose video board on the wall came on and filled with a string of digits.
“Hello?” Tali said and put the call through clad only in a short, green robe that flapped open as she settled into the viewer. “Jena? Hi. I wasn’t expecting you to call so early.”
“It’s late, I’m sorry,” Jena said. Tali smiled and rubbed both hands through her spiky hair. “I guess I should’ve thought for a minute about what time it is there.”
“It’s alright. What’s up?”
“I got your messages about the exhibition. I’m taking a few vacation days in a row. This fifth-day is one of them. The Holdfast is shutting down for the first week of the festival so I thought ‘why not?’ I’m just going to throw so things into a bag once my shift ends and catch the air ferry. What do I need to bring?”
“Just your moon boots and some pay-cards.”
“Tali, what are you getting me into? What kind of exhibition has a name like Viking Carnival?” Jena said and took down her hair. “I asked some people about it. One guy described it as a ‘breathtaking experience. What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The settlement puts the Viking one lander on display and it just sort of becomes the focal point of the party. I won’t lie to you, Jena, it’s not a cocktail party,” Tali hesitated to reconsider. “Maybe in some ways it is. Think of it this way, it’s a celebration of life. That’s the best way I can describe it.”
“How much was my pass?” Jena said. Tali squinted at something out of sight and reached out of frame for it. She reappeared with a pink ticket in hand and pressed it against the viewer. A caricature of Norse Goddess Freya beckoned in ink above the silver-embossed name of the event.
“You can make it up to me if you want to,” Tali said and took the ticket away, replacing it into storage. “You’re our guest.”
A hand with long fingers appeared from behind Tali and waved at the vid-com, then dragged themselves down Tali’s neck and back. Tali twitched at a ticklish spot and switched vid-com off.
61 Virginis
“Keep sending that SOS until we get a reply,” The Captain-1st of RN Achilles had 20 years in service and knew when he was in trouble, big trouble. Achilles still had weapons, which had been effectively keeping the closing zapper rocks at a distance, but without engines it was only time before more zappers arrived for an attack en masse. “Sensor, conn. Is there any sign of the ship that ejected the damned jump flare we’re out here looking for?”
“Nothing yet, sir. We’re scanning a maximum range. All we’re picking up are zapper clusters. They either destroyed what was out there or it went into hiding.”
“To hell with them for sending us on this wild goose hunt.” Captain 1st said. The Pax orbital garrison was a protective shelter that he longed to steer his ship for.
Conn, sensor. I read eight more zappers moving toward us from the cluster.”
“Send the bearing to fire control,” Captain-1st said quickly. “I think their reinforcements just showed up.”
“Conn, weapons control. I have new target solutions.”
“Accept new solutions. Weapons free.” Said Captain-1st and climbed into his battle chair. The holo-dome he lowered over his face let him follow the shots from his weapons in. My hepacs were taking too long to recycle, too long, he thought and swallowed his panic. “Divert all power to weapons recycle.”
“Turrets are over the rail. Commencing main battery fire.”
“Give me time.” Captain-1st said.
“Eighty seconds to until main batteries are ready to fire.”
The full barrage from Achilles knocked the lead zapper out of formation but they continued to close. The Captain-1st watched the power meter on the hepacs climb and thought, too long, too long.
Even from 100,000 kilometers, the disabled cruiser was localized by the flash of the cruisers turret-mounted guns unloading. Pips of angry red battered targets that Thunderbird’s computers ID’d as asteroids. Were they on a collision course? Hurricane wondered.
“Rodeo four to Trailboss. We’re getting a good look at the ship. The engine compartment has a big hole is the side where something burned through. It doesn’t look like any laser damage I’ve ever seen, over.”
Trailboss to Rodeo four. Give us ten minutes to get into position and then commence attacking whatever it is that Achilles is targeting. Take as many runs as you can. Get back to the ship when you’re bingo fuel.”
Roger, Trailboss. Wild Bill and me will wait for your signal to start the fireworks, out.”
“Heat it up, Pancho. Set HUD for ship-to-ship and transfer reactor power to your accelerator,” Hurricane said. “It’ll take four minutes to charge. Remember that for later.”
“Power transferred, accelerator charging,” Pancho radioed back. “I don’t like the looks of this Cisco. I see way too many asteroids doing things asteroids don’t do.”
“Just follow my lead, amigo,” Hurricane said and visually swept the target area. Achilles was hammering away at the closest object moving toward it. “We’re gonna hit the cluster inbound to the ship. We’ll reassess the situation after the first pass.”
“I’m telling you, Pancho. This ain’t right.”
“Stand by for course-correction burn,” Hurricane said and entered a vector into his navigation system, a heading for the flank of the asteroid cluster and a 12 second engine burn. “Get wired tight, amigo. Don’t worry about right or wrong now. It’s time to go open up a can.”
“I’m with you, Cisco.”
Captain 1st of Achilles considered his options. He wouldn’t order the ship abandoned until the zappers started burning it through or he received a reply to his SOS. The air in the life-pods would not last long. The ship’s executive officer handed him a printout listing all his damaged systems. Achilles would need an overhaul if they survived this.
“Conn, sensor. I’m picking up new signals, sir. We’ve got little friends around.”
“Explain yourself.” Captain 1st demanded.
“Fighters, sir. Ours,” The sensor-tech said when the Captain 1st moved to look over his shoulder. “I don’t know where they came from but I show four fighters attacking the nearest zapper cluster.”
“We don’t have any fighter carriers in this system,” Captain 1st said as confusion started a slow perfusion through his mental process. “Commo, conn. Try to make contact with those fighters out there.”
“Conn, commo. Aye-aye, connecting now. We have a link on the Guard channel.”
“This is RN Achilles. Friendly forces please identify yourself.”
After several tense moments a reply came back. “Achilles, this is Trailboss. We thought you could use some help with your situation. VF-two-two-one at your service, over.”
“Achilles to Trailboss. What ship are you from, over?”
The reply was broken by static as a zapper plasma weapon fired. “USS Ranger, over.”
“Conn, fire control. Hepacs have recycled.”
“Fire control, conn. Lock on nearest target and open fire.”
“Fire control, aye.”
“Achilles to Trailboss. Are you with Second Fleet, over?”
“Affirmative, Achilles,” Came the reply. “Second Fleet.”
The bridge crew erupted into cheers that overwhelmed the addition of “On detached duty” to the pilot’s statement. His XO embraced him and pounded his back.
“We’re very, very glad to see you, Trailboss,” Captain 1st of RN Achilles sent out. Relief flooded his system making his knees wobble. “We’ve been waiting for you for a very long time.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Pancho said as they overflew the crippled cruiser. As they passed, the Achilles opened up on the drifting asteroid cluster again, asteroids that emitted powerful streams of plasma that reached out to scorch the side of the NorCom warship.
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Fantasy“Mark! I’m over here!” I waved my hands wildly, trying to get my husband’s attention. It was useless though; he couldn’t hear me over the noise of the crowd and he hadn’t noticed our booth when he walked past. “Hey, lady. Can we get some pies here or not?” A sweaty, overweight man stood beside three sweaty, underweight kids. Each child clutched a dollar bill in their dirty little fists. I took a last look at Mark’s back,...
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I visited my new Indonesian girlfriend one Friday afternoon when I had the day off work. She had just had a shower. We had not progressed beyond kissing and touching but today was going to be different. She told me that her brother, whom she lived with, was out at university and won’t be back for another hour. I took the opportunity to do something nice for her. I began by kissing her sweet mouth, touching her, putting my hand down her top and cupping her warm little breasts. Her nipples...
Umeed hai sab thek hongay ….. Mai yahan new ho lakin is website ka old reader hu … Mera naam Ahmad h .. Or mai pakistan(kpk) ka rehny wala hu … Tora mai apny ap ko discribe kr lu k mai aik student hu or height 5. 7 h or lun size 8 inches h….. Meri atheltic body h because i am interested in games too.. Ab mai story ki taraf barta hu Baath un dino k hai jb mai college mai tha … Mai bohot he hot tha har waqt porn movies dhekta tha or hp(hand practice) bohot he zyda krta tha q k mujy sex krny ka...
The crash site was easy to find. They had located a dirt track, hardly a road at all as much as a path through the forest that previous vehicles had torn, and they followed it until they spotted the first shattered tree tops. The forest was thick and heavy, the canopy almost completely blocked out the sunlight, but where the flier had torn through the tree tops, the sunlight flooded in, bleaching the color out of the forest floor. A blind man could have followed the trail from there and the...
As you know drivers Ed started on Monday, I got up a 5am to be ready when the instructor arrives at 6am. The instructor is Coach Jenkins the basketball coach so things will not as bad as I thought. I had to dress up because at 11:30am we will be at Dans office for his introduction and promotion press conference. They also will be serving lunch so the coach gest a freebee today. The Coach picks me up and we drive over to a driving range they use to see just what I know. I get to drive around the...
It is night. The darkness is almost impenetrable. Only my body cast gleams out white. As though, it is trying to illuminate the room. I turn my head toward the window. The sky is starless. I see a strip of light under the door. It can't chase the darkness away. I am tense. Something has awakened me in this ungodly hour. I am trying to figure out what. Was it the dream that awakened me? No, it wasn't the dream. Something else. The darkness is frightening. I have never been so afraid of the...
So for anyone who follows my page knows of my extreme attraction to my hot milf mother (which most of you have seen and can go see in my galleries). Well the this past Sunday I moved away to college, and Saturday was my going away party. The party was cancelled due to me having too much packing for the trip and family obligations. Of those obligations was to go see my mom who me and her have not been getting a long too well. About 2 months ago she went on my facebook and found that I had sent a...
Let’s start over. I’m 18 years old and my sister is 21. I’ve wanted to fuck her since I was 13, when I accidentally walked in on her fingering herself. I remember everything about that moment: she was naked on her bed with her eyes closed, in shorts and a tight little shirt with her fingers deep inside her pussy. She yelled and I left quickly, but I never forgot about the way she was lying in bed with her legs open and her cunt filled. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister. We’re the best...
Not surprisingly, Jane slept late the next morning and when she awoke she found herself feeling much better. Her appointment was at eleven, and it was more than an hour’s drive to the city, so she hurried to get showered and dressed. When she came downstairs she saw that her mother had put out fruit and muffins for her. Her mother was already dressed and ready to go, so Jane quickly sat down to eat. Next to her place-mat was an envelope with her name on it in her father’s handwriting,...
Just as Shannon came rather loudly ... and very messily on my cock, I unloaded my seed inside her sweet slit, filling her young, tight pussy with my cum. She staggered to her feet and planted a very deep and steamy French kiss on my mouth, her tongue joining itself to mine with an ardor that was undeniably real. The youngest Bottom girl, all of eighteen years of age, made sure that it was evident to all that she was every bit as fond of me as Sally, her sister and my fiancee. This was not...
Geeta had always exercised the utmost caution in hiding her activities as a prostitute (for that is what she thought of herself - she didn't believe in using euphemisms to hide the truth, not even from herself). The massage parlor in which she gave men handjobs (and much more, if they had the money - and sometimes even if they didn't) was located on the fourth floor of an office building. The other floors were all occupied by respectable businesses - law offices, a real estate brokerage,...
I am not the most attractive man, I am balding, in my fifties, and weigh about 300 pounds. My dick is only about five inches long and I have only slept with three women, one of which is my current wife. My job requires overnight travel and many times I go with a coworker and we share a room. I travel with Bill often, he is a younger guy and likes to go out drinking and comes back to the room drunk and a couple of times he brought back a woman. I would pretend to be asleep and watch them have...
Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. It is Amanda, my sister in law. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We...
On Sunday morning I was again woken by the telephone. I got essentially the same message as the day before. Only a different female voice this time. Once again the dildo was displayed in bright sunlight. I had deliberately not closed the curtains before going to bed. I wanted to see the dildo when I woke up. The star of the show. Waiting for me to perform. I put on some lipstick and my new high heels and went over to the dildo. I tried to emulate what I had experienced the evening...
This Sexy Asian Nude hardcore fantasy gives new meaning to the phrase ‘have your cake and eat it too’. On this occasion, we meet beautiful Jada Kai as the sultry delivery girl. When her boyfriend asked her to bring over dinner, his hunger was not simply for food. Turns out, he wanted pussy on a plate and ass on the glass. Needless to say, Jada brought all the trimming and had plenty left over for dessert. Similarly, she had her eye on a few menu items of her own, specifically hard cock. Put...
xmoviesforyouHere is another of Raymond’s stories:“I don’t know what woke me up at 2:00AM, but I got out of bed and looked out my window to investigate. The window was open and I could hear faint noises coming from the barn. Clad only in my underwear, I tiptoed down the hall so as not to wake my folks. I had a hunch I knew what was going on, because I had heard similar noises one time last summer.Behind the barn, a dim light came through a window from a kerosene lamp that was turned on low. There, I saw...
Slut with a mission: My Husband has always taken delight in having me show off my very curvaceous figure at every given opportunity. I openly admit that this has delighted me also, often with me actively playing my role, wearing extremely tight clothing in a variety of sexual materials. I am the proud owner of a multitude of skin-tight mini-dresses in an assortment of materials. Black vinyl mini-dresses, Skin-tight Lycra dresses in various colours, Wet look dresses and leggings. These are...
This is a true story that someone told me recently. I haven't changed or edited anything.this is what happened the only time ive cheated but i want to do it again, tell me what you would do to me and i may send you some photo's i was out in a pub with my bf he was chatting with hi mates i sat off with a friend and waited for the band to start, a guy got chatting to me and although he was almost 50 he was polite and friendly although not much to look at, my bf kept bringing me drinks and i got...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, myself neelip from Mumbai doing my third year in college. I am 21 years old. This is a real story which happened before my exam. Main mere bhai ke sadi mein gaya tha. Waisi meri mausi bahut sexy hai karib 28 ki hongi but dikhne me wo bahut teen 18 ki lagti hai. Main apni mausi ko to bahut pahele se hi like karta tha jab se sex ko samjha hai. Tab se wo meri crush thi. Or mausi bhi mujhe bahut manti thi q ki unke bete ke sath meri bahut jamti thi ya manlo...
I am with My Angel at her place. We chit chat for a while but we areboth naked as we chat. My hands start to wander and gently caress hervery soft skin; I caress her gently from head to toe. I lay herdown gently on the bed; I sit beside her, kissing her deeply and passionatelyas I caress her soft sexy body. My fingers make gentle, tender circlesaround her erect nipples; I gently turn them between my fingers and pull onthem lightly. She caresses my body gently and tenderly, it gives me...
So without farther wait. Fellow Gothics, Punks, and Rejects. Crazy Ass Life Ch.1 I love the peacefulness of a cemetery. Especially at night, I was reading all the names on the headstones as me and my friends walked. Jimmy Scribbner, Zach Stepnezki, Allen Lucarrio. "Earth to Cody, you want this or what?" Ally asked me. "huh..oh...ya." I said taking the pipe. I took a drag of my cigg then took a hit from the pipe. I tapped the pipe out and handed it back to her "you guys want to go...
after the thunderstorm and hurricane wreaked havoc on our town, and we had a lot of damage, my house was repaired but my pool was full of crap from the hurricane, no one could come out and help, everything was pretty much shut down, food was being dropped in by helicopter. well finally, everything began to fall in place, but my pool still needed work, so my neighbor lisa(the shemale) came over and and said her friend was staying with her due to the death of his father, and knew a lot about...
First let me tell you about my wife Jennifer. She is a gorgeous blonde with a hard, sexy body. She has nice firm tits and an ass that turns heads wherever she goes. Jennifer also has an extreme passion for showing herself off whenever the mood strikes her. Being an exhibitionist, she likes to wear short skirts and low cut tops without anything on underneath; that way she can flash herself to anyone she wants to wherever she wants to. Ever since she started flashing herself to strange men she...
It was a steaming hot Sunday morning in the little village of Great Tyteslove, home to the famous (or at least notorious) Cock & Ass Tavern. The sun was shining down on the playing fields, where some of the local lads were just finishing up a friendly game of rugby: farmers vs postmen. They had played a hotly-contested match, and by the time the whistle blew and the farmers were declared the winner with a narrow victory. Sweaty and exhausted, the men all shook hands and congratulated one...
Warm night in the Solipaz hills was less solid than Ransome Farrell expected. Stars spackled the velvet above far as eyes saw. From north relentless perimeter lights demarcated the maquiladoras and silhouetted the Mexican city’s downtown. Distant brightness aside, Farrell had been correct about area illumination. Those few working streetlamps half-heartedly chased darkness in crapshoot patterns. Random TV glow, weak houselights squeezed through hovel wall cracks or past puckered curtains,...
The rank smells of unwashed body and rotten meat made Zach recoil out of unconsciousness. That abrupt motion intensified the nausea and throbbing pain in his head, forcing him to empty his stomach on the concrete next to the dead pirate's body. Holding himself up with his hands he stared at the body, struggling to recall what had happened. The skin was sloughing off in a wrinkled, wet mass, exposing rotting muscle and bone as the flesh settled and spread out on the wharf. A putrid liquid...
Kenny continued to fuck my wife at work, she enjoying taking his rancid cock in her mouth and letting him fuck her arse as she lay on her desk. Indeed, the day did come when he invited her to his flat so she could meet with a couple of his friends that he said would like to fuck her. She of course dressed accordingly, like a prissy white woman who you would think wouldn’t give any black man the time of day, let alone one like Kenny!The evening came while I was working away from home. I advised...
Uh-Oh. She Caught Me Solo Back in the days when there just didn't seem to be enough sex to satisfy me, even when I had a steady girlfriend I couldn't get enough sex. So I did what most guys do when they're horny but alone, I jerked off. I jerked off every chance I got. Which I found, when living with your girlfriend, isn't nearly enough. I'd always find some excuse to stay home when she went on errands, just so I could scratch that itch, but I couldn't do that too much or she'd get the wrong...
She could remember the first time she’d walked through campus to her Controller’s house, although that would change soon. Her Controller had promised her that. Soon, the last nagging worry that disturbed her perfect slavery would be gone, the very memory of the existence of a life outside of slavery, and she would belong, body and soul, to the Controller. She came hard at the notion, but no passer-by would see even a twitch of her body out of place as she walked. Her Controller had trained her...
Hello guys and girls, I am Kabir and today I am gonna share with you a story about an Indian milf I met and had fun with. This is the story of her life and I am gonna write it in parts. This is the first part of the story and I will soon update the next part. I am writing this story from her point of view as she told me. So, let’s begin. My name is Shivani and today I am sharing with you an incident that happened with me which changed my life. Let’s start with my introduction, I am 29 years...
High School CD Part 2 By Vicki Anne Stevens I struggled mightily for awhile, hoping against hope that I might find a way out of the ropes that held me, imprisoned as a girl. But I had been tied very well, and the ropes were not getting looser, if anything they held me tighter. It had happened so quickly, and at first I was furious with them, but with nothing to do but reflect on my situation, I was soon back to the way i had been feeling only minutes ago, when I was being...
Thomas Stone and Verona Sky have been hired to do the catering for a DDF Network shooting. The two get inspired as fuck by the sexy environment and the Hungarian stud can’t wait to grab that super hot Russian bombshell by the ass. The brunette glamour hottie with brown eyes and endless legs gets so horny, she can’t stop thinking of sucking his massive veiny cock. Soon, the two end up fucking by the buffet when boss Kai Taylor enters the room and catches them in the act. Instead of...
xmoviesforyouI was looking for the bathroom at a party at some guy's place in my senior year. The main one had a lineup and I figured there was probably a half-bath off of one of the bedrooms. When I opened one of the bedroom doors I found Christa Clements lying on the bed, seemingly unconscious. The cheerleader had been partying hard and had disappeared from the party a little earlier. I guessed the slut had found a partner, as her shirt was open, skirt hiked up, and her bra and panties on the floor. Her...
My name is Tony and I'm an average 19 year old boy. I'm 5 foot 7 inches tall, have shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. I often get mistaken as a girl from behind because of the length of my hair and because I look after it really well. I've been told I'm as good-looking as most girls my age. My ass isn't half-bad either.I'm an open-minded person when it comes to sex. I'm also adventurous. I'll try almost anything at least once, and if I like it, I'll do it again.I'm currently dating a...
It had been a long day at my new job as a receptionist for Angelino Cosmetics. A long day in a week of long days after my husband had been laid off from his high paying job at General Motors. Word had it that the lay-off was only temporary, and would last no longer than it took to retool the plant for the new models. But with us living from paycheck to paycheck of late after building our new home, we both agreed –he grudgingly-- that I should go to work while he did the finishing work on our...