Vikings - Rollo's Honeymoon free porn video

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The Honeymoon



Set after Season 3's finale; alternate future events...

Rollo, elder brother to the Viking King Ragnar Lothbrok of Kattegat, and his small entourage hesitantly walks down the isle of the throne room toward the seated Emperor Charles of France; his lovely daughter Gisla by his side. A slight, if tall girl with piercing brown eyes, a picture of stern introspection runs across her face as she waits til her would-be future husband reaches the front of the assembled court, before finding the inner strength to bring herself to her feet. With barely a glance to her side, she addresses the assembly, and indirectly, Rollo himself.

"Whatever my father says, I am not marrying this animal. I am a Princess of the blood, not a cheap whore. I would rather be burned alive than suffer this… thing, to so much as lay a hand on me. He is a filthy pagan. Therefore he has no soul. He is worse than the beasts of the field. I would rather my virginity and my virtue to the vilest dog than to this piece of warm meat. He disgusts me. He makes me want to vomit."

Returning to her seat, Gisla still refuses to meet her father's furious gaze, as Rollo, who speaks only one word of French, smiles unaware of the insults she has just thrown at him. Taking a step forward, the towering Viking warrior smiles charmingly, and says, "Bonjour". Sinric, speaker of both Norse and French and acting as translator between the two warring factions, glances uneasily from the Emperor, to Rollo, confused whether to translate Gisla's tirade or not. The Emperor raises a single finger into the air, then draws it down sharply. Guards rush forward, causing the Vikings to huddle close to protect each other's backs, some producing concealed weapons ready to fight, but the guards do not attack them - instead rushing passed, they haul Gisla bodily to her feet, before then knocking her to her knees in front of her father's throne.

Finally indicating for Sinric to translate, Charles addresses Rollo. "I commit to you the lands of Normandy, 200 serfs to tend your needs, gold aplenty to reward your men, and if you will still take her, my daughter, Gisla. If not, she may well have her wish and be given to the dogs for disrespecting me." Rollo listens to Sinric's translation, reading the mood of the room as he takes a few steps closer to the Emperor and his restrained daughter. He leans down, quietly asking Sinric a question, listening intently to the answer, before walking to meet the Emperor at his throne.

Charles watches the progression with bated breath, having not long ago stood at the very same spot, with King Ragnar's blade at his throat. Whilst Ragnar was a manic, terrifying force of nature, Rollo was also a formidable force to behold, towering over even his impressive brother. If Charles' plan did not go well, he knew the day would come when the Vikings would return en force, and knew not if Paris could withstand another attack. Rollo smiles at the Emperor, turning to face the people before him. "Hundr?" he says, looking to Sinric. Sinric corrects him - "Dog". He points to himself, repeating the word with a smile, before letting out a blood curdling baying howl. He laughs, then kneels down next to his bride to be, causing the guards to shift unsteadily as they continue to hold their princess on her knees.

Rollo reaches down with his hand, bringing her head up to look at him. Gisla spits in his face, but this just makes Rollo laugh again, before he presses his lips to her ear. "Bonjour", he whispers, menacingly, before biting her earlobe just enough to make his point, without anyone else seeing. Standing back up, Rollo smiles at his soon to be father-in-law. "I accept your offer," he says, quickly translated by Sinric. Charles ushers his head priest over as fast as he can, eager to seal the deal. Gisla screams her discontent at every chance, but as soon as Rollo hears from Sinric that the ceremony is over, and Gisla is now his, he sweeps the fiesty French princess up, throwing her over his shoulder, and carries her out of the throne room like a ragdoll.

Sinric follows the married couple through the streets of Paris, presuming he may be needed to help translate for the newlyweds. He occasionally sees the furious, yet dejected look on Gisla's face as the people of her city watch her being carried on this giant man's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The city she fought so hard to defend from these barbarians, and now married to one of them by her own father's will. She would make him rue this day for the rest of his life, she vowed to herself.

Finally the small band of Vikings, plus one French-Viking Princess, arrived at the Viking's camp. One by one the men of the camp walked passed the couple, thumping Rollo on the back at his prize, and physically groping and inspecting his "wife", laughing at her attempts to slap their hands away. It only took a few slaps back across her face to stop her spitting at them. To the Vikings of course, a Christian marriage meant nothing - Gisla was not Rollo's wife in their eyes - she was nothing more to him than a slave - a female slave - however he knew in order to maintain his new found position of power in these foreign lands, he would have to keep this slave alive to continue his relationship with Emperor Charles. But that didn't mean he couldn't have fun with her, especially given her insult toward him, made in front of all of those people. Rollo couldn't believe it when Sinric had translated the word "virgin" to him in the throne room - that this rosy cheeked maiden could have never had sex before? And that she would rather be given to the vilest of dogs, than to him? This was going to be fun...

Gisla had struggled to maintain her composure as she was jostled and punted from person to person, surrounded by groups all having their own turn groping Rollo's new slave. After first trying to stop them, and being met with fierce reactions, she elected instead not to show any reaction to the pagan filth as they abused her body, squeezing her breasts painfully, pinching the cheeks of her ass, pressing themselves against her so she had no illusions about what was in their pants. Even the female warriors joined in, a gleam in their eyes as they played the game of their male counterparts. One of the older men suddenly steps forward, his cock exposed, thrusting lewdly at the fine French lady's derrière. Finally Rollo appears out of no where and pushes the man away with a jovial rebut, saying casually to him, "Not now, not now," leaving her to stand alone in the middle of the camp, unsure what do to.

Rollo relishes the moment. His younger brother may be King Ragnar, but now he too has wealth, and lands, and slaves, and - power. Accepting Emperor Charles' offer may see him having to face his brother in combat once more on opposite sides, but given Ragnar's ragged, near death appearance as he sailed away for Kattegat - that did little to concern Rollo; his little brother looked far from the fierce warrior that everyone pictures him to be. And now, Rollo ponders, he has time to play with the other benefit of turning traitor against his brother - Princess Gisla - the fine featured virgin who would rather a vile dog be first inside her womanhood than him. His brow scowls at the insult, thinking of the many women he has mated in his life; with or without their consent; with or without his effort to impose pleasure on their bodies. Sometimes he cares only for his own enjoyment, but that hardly means he did not know how to pleasure his partner - even if against her will. Knowing the power he can hold by making a woman experience uncontrollable womanly pleasure against her own desires is all he has thought about since Sinric explained Gisla's slur against him. This Parisian Princess who thinks she is so much better than him, needs to learn her new station in life, and Rollo relishes tasking a slave with learning their place.

Gisla is now sitting on a log in the middle of the Viking's camp, not far enough from that pig, Rollo, for her liking. She had weathered the groping by Rollo's men, and rather than fall in a heap on the ground in despair, she dusted herself off, straightened her clothes, and sat down as if still sitting in the throne room of Paris. She doesn't even look at Rollo as he stands and walks over to her. He shakes his head briefly in disbelief at her stoic facade, wondering how long it will last. If this was any normal slave, he thought, he'd rip her clothes off right here in front of his fellow warriors, knowing that the shame these Christians felt about their bodies would do wonders to help break the girl's spirit. But he knows none of his people possess the skills to repair such an intricate garment, and if that fool Emperor sees her dress in tatters... He spies Gisla fiddling with the cuff of her sleeve where a seem has split, and smiles to himself.

Rollo extends his hand to the princess. Gisla ignores him. The giant warrior smiles ruefully, and instead grabs the princess by the arm, hauling her to her feet. Still smiling, Rollo moves his hands to start removing her clothing. Gisla knows in her heart that it is only a matter of time before this brute will violate her, defile her body with his no doubt monstrous despicable pagan manhood, but she will be damned if she won't make it has hard as possible for him to achieve - especially right here in front of everyone. When his hands start fumbling with the latches of her dress, she reacts in a manner she hopes this vile beast will understand, slapping him hard across the face, staring him down as she does. The warriors watch the events, cheering at her action, knowing Rollo will not let it go unpunished. Rollo was expecting her response, smiling all the more as his new "wife" reacts just as he foresaw. He holds his hands up in the air, as if in surrender, still smiling charmingly, before deftly wrangling both Gisla's hands into one of his. She pulls against his grip, but it is useless, the brute has her tight.

One finger on Rollo's spare hand slowly dances across Gisla's dress, up her side, across her belly just below her breasts, up to her throat, and then her chin. With one hand, and one finger, Gisla finds herself helpless to his whim. She knows she could kick or spit again, but to what end now? His finger moves higher, past her face, and hooks inside her sleeve, held just above her head. With a flick of his finger, the seam splits further. The princess again tries to pull her arm from Rollos' grasp, almost horrified at his deliberate act of vandalism.

"You insolent beast!" Gisla finds her voice, and roars. "Do you have any idea of the hours and hours of work that went into crafting this beautiful dress? The craftmanship involved? No, just look at you, I doubt you capable of more than barking like the dog you are - and shedding blood of innocent Frenchmen!" She again tries to pull her arm away, this time Rollo letting it slip from his grasp, but not without first tugging on the flapping fabric of her sleeve. Ripped fabric would be hard to repair - a damaged seam however - not so difficult.

Having remained nearby, Sinric steps forward and starts to translate Gisla's words, but Rollo stops him with a shake of his head. "Translate this," he says. "Remove your clothes, my beautiful wife." He reaches out his finger again and plays with the tattered sleeve of Gisla's dress as Sinric gives her the ultimatum. Trying hard to control her breathing, Gisla fights with all her strength to keep her chin from trembling. Seeing a nearby tent, in one last hope for some kind of privacy Gisla takes several steps toward it, but Rollo deftly moves to block her.

"In there, hairy beast," Gisla tries hard to take some control of the situation. "And I will do your bidding, but not here in front of your gawking rabble of pagan scum!" she gestures at the gathered spectators. Again Sinric starts to translate, but again Rollo stops him, whilst staring at Gisla.

"I don't need to hear the words of a slave," Rollo speaks not for Gisla, but his warriors both male and female sitting round the camp, enjoying the entertainment after such a prolonged campaign, after losing so many of their friends and family to the earlier failed attack on Paris. "You want a vile dog to ruin you, so I am your dog!" Again Rollo howls, as do his eager pagan scum. This time several of the wolf hounds they brought with them from Kattegat join in the baying. "Undress for me now, dear wife, and present yourself to your new Lord of Normandy."

As Sinric translates the words, Gisla makes a second vow to herself, promising not to shed a tear, not to let these barbarians see her cry. Standing up straight, she again works to calm her breathing, before awkwardly reaching behind to begin unclasping her dress. She had not had to perform such a task herself for many years, normally tended by her maidens when dressing and undressing; never before doing so in front of strangers; murderous men, and women that fight as if men. But she is the Princess of France, and she will not let them see her cry, will not take her pride, even if this Rollo takes her modesty.

Rollo watches on, smiling happily as the woman undoes the last hitch on her dress and suddenly allows it to fall from her shoulders, crumpling to the muddy ground beneath her feet. Her corset takes longer to undo as she struggles to blindly unfasten it from the hooks either side, but as it releases, she feels slightly better, drawing in deeper breaths. Her petticoat is not as glamorous, nor as well secured, and she realizes she is now just moments from being fully exposed.

The crowd enjoy this latest turn, as the young French princess obeys Rollo's orders, removing her various layers of clothing. They join in the baying and barking, delighting in the push to break this royal bitch. They watch as the layers fall away, until finally they are rewarded with the pale, skinny woman's flesh. Gisla feels their lecherous eyes raping her as she stands on the pile of her discarded clothing. All that remains covering her body is her lustrous brown hair part way down her back, the full curly tufts of pubic hair covering her nethers, and a tight mesh cloth bound around her chest. Without being asked, knowing it now made no difference, she undoes the mesh, round and round her body until it too falls to the ground, revealing her quite flat little breasts, and unfortunately for her, stiffening in the cool breeze, her cone shaped nipples. Her pert ass too feels exposed in the cool air, as she struggles to keep her hands by her sides, resisting the urge to hide her most intimate parts from the godless creatures surrounding her.

Gisla tastes blood in her mouth as she bites hard on the inside of her lip, anything to avoid shedding a tear in front of these people; in front of her husband. Rollo was grinning from ear to ear at her submission, but even more at her stoic stance, completely naked and exposed to him, and all of the men and women who had just groped her and would soon do so much more; yet still she held her head high, still she shed no tears. Could this slave actually have the heart of a warrior? He had seen her on the walls of the castle during the siege, but thought little of it at the time. But for the here and now - drinking in the untouched beauty and surrender of his bride - time to test just how strong this slave truly is, Rollo decides with a chuckle.


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Sororal Twins 10 Honeymoon

Please read the other parts of this story first! Sororal Twins part 10: Honeymoon Instead of heading back toward campus, it appeared that Jenny was heading into the heart of the city. Jenny turned at the exit for the airport, and I finally realized that she actually intended to take me on a real honeymoon - to a place far away. "Um, Jenny? Where are we going?" "To the airport, of course." "I mean after the airport." "I can?t tell you. It?s a surprise. I guarantee...

3 years ago
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Shared Honeymoon

Hi friends..handshake to guys, boobs shake to girls..Your comments and appreciations has forced me to write another story..Do not forget to comment on this story mail and I work in an MNC where my senior manager Prakash and my manager Sahana are husband and wife..They both had been very nice to all their subordinates..I was quite close to both of them since I was always very good at work..They were good friends of mine rather than my seniors.. The story begins when they were about to...

2 years ago
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Well, it is my life story of five years back and how it changed my life. I am Smriti, presently 30 years with a son, who is just 3 years old. I was married to Sanjeev five years back. At that time I was very slim. I am 5'4" and when I was married I had my figure 34-28-34. My complexion is fair, had hairs up to my shoulder and sparkling eyes.From the facial point of view I was never considered to be beautiful. But people said that I had a charming appearance. My body growth had been good since...

3 years ago
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The Cuckold Honeymoon

My boyfriend and I had been on a holiday cruise. The cruise ended in a town called Broome, which is in a remote part of Australia which to many, is a favourite holiday destination. The town now is famous for pearl farming and tourism. It also has a warmer climate which made it perfect for beachside living. It has many high-class resorts, the most famous located along a wonderful long sandy beach called Cable Beach.The sandy beach stretches for approximately twenty kilometres and only about four...

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Doomed Honeymoon

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Jerry was cautiously speeding toward Las Vegas to marry Robin, a woman he fell in love with in the last two months. Jerry was sure this woman was the woman he had been searching for, a search taking ten years. As they entered the town that ‘never sleeps’, he spotted a wedding chapel. He pointed and asked, “Honey, does that chapel look...

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The NerdChapter 2The Honeymoon

The wedding finally came. Kathy organized the whole thing including who my best man was, the quarterback, and my ushers, four guys from the football team. Her long silky blond hair swirled around her as she chatted with the guests. She was so beautiful with her flashing green eyes and perky smile and now she was all mine. She wore a red mini wedding dress that showed off her legs, and had a deep V, which showed a lot of her breasts. I had to wear a white tuxedo with a pink corsage to show I...

1 year ago
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Isabels Honeymoon

Note : This story is completely fictional! Isabel had finally decided to quit the force, retiring after 18 years on it. She was 36 now, and she wanted to get married and have children, with the man who had proven his worthiness- Ted. Isabel would have had kids out of wedlock if it had happened, but it had not, primarily because they were both on the force, and could not afford to let evidence of their "inappropriate fraternization" reach their superiors. They had therefore chosen to reduce the...

Group Sex
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Banged by Strangers Boys on my Honeymoon

Well My name is Bina and this incident happened 3 years back when I was newly wed to my husband Arun. I was 22 years old then and my husband was 24 years. We were slightly mismatched as couple both in our age and sometimes in our understanding. But both had few similarities in our fetish towards hard core sex. He was a very good fucker. His cock was 12" inches. But he would get tired soon. He is a very crazy man and would force me to his fetish. He would force me to drink his pee, suck his cock...

4 years ago
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Tales of Lotus island The Honeymoon

The wedding was beautiful and as tradition demands the bride radiant, the wedding night however was less of a success. The reality was that the wedding couple hadn’t a clue. Alex was geeky and very pleased to have finally got a girlfriend at all let alone one who was very pretty. Lisa was by most people standards pretty but also very innocent. Lisa came from a highly conventional family and despite social pressures was very determined to stay a virgin until her wedding night. Alex was not so...

3 years ago
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The Anonymous Honeymoon

There he was again, watching me. I’d seen him a few times now, by the pool, on the deck, in several of the bars and, one time, just in the coffee lounge as I walked through to breakfast. I never saw him with anyone, which struck me as odd. But then, I was on this cruise on my own too. It was supposed to be my honeymoon, only I got ditched at the altar, three weeks ago now. For the first few days I’d been a wreck, but now I felt practically fine. Free even. What did that mean? My family had...

3 years ago
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Lyn and Rons honeymoon

The story until now. Lyn and Ron had just got married. Julie and I had attended the wedding. Sue, my wife was supposed to be in Sydney at a skating competition. Just prior to the wedding, I had spoken to Marg who should have been minding our teenaged children but she told me that Sue had picked the kids up the previous afternoon. Sue had provided no information to Marg as to why she had come home from Sydney earlier than expected. I had tried calling Sue but her mobile was switched off and our...

Wife Lovers
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Helping a Fertile Indian Wife on Honeymoon

This happened about 5 years ago, in 2015 August, for confidentiality purposes and to protect the people involved I will use fictitious names, I very clearly remember the details of this trip because it was an exciting trip and it is where a lot began.We are from the tropical Island of Sri Lanka, I occasionally went out with friends to spend some time away, we go to the mountains, jungle or the beach. It was a Friday and my friend Siri called me and said, how about we get off work early and go...

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PreHoneymoon Honeymoon

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You've been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. Pre-Honeymoon Honeymoon By Erica Wright April 7th-April 16th, 2000 He was my best friend from childhood; she was my best friend from college. I introduced them, they liked each other, they loved each other, and they got married. Less than three months later they were...

4 years ago
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TGS The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon Timber Grove: Story #2 By Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Roger Powers sat at the bar of the Coho Resort and sipped on his scotch. He wore a tuxedo with his bow tie untied, looking like a telethon host in the final hours of the night. His eyes never raised above his glass, and people in the crowded bar generally gave him a wide birth. "Get you another, buddy?" The bartender was trying to be jovial, having dealt with many men in his long career in a very similar slump....

1 year ago
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The Anonymous Honeymoon

There he was again, watching me. I’d seen him a few times now; by the pool, on the deck, in several of the bars and, one time, just in the coffee lounge as I walked through to breakfast. I never saw him with anyone, which struck me as odd. But then, I was on this cruise on my own too. It was supposed to be my honeymoon, only I got ditched at the altar; three weeks ago now. For the first few days I’d been a wreck, but now I felt practically fine. Free even. What did that mean? My family had...

Straight Sex
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My Honeymoon

My thanks to Femur for the inspiration that led to this story. It was inspired by his coverAf015.jpg. This story contains NO plot lines that use Magic, Spells R Us, or Altered Fates. This story is my own, but based on Femurs work, and in no way implies a change in Femurs pages or his fine efforts at providing us with examples of the (im)possible. My Honeymoon Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As we walked out of the church, ducking the rice and waving at family and...

2 years ago
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My Honeymoon

My Honeymoon Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As we walked out of the church, ducking the rice and waving at family and friends, I held my husbands hand tightly, then we were in the limo, headed for our honeymoon. Excited, we both giggled as we drove home to change clothes, taking the time as we changed, to enjoy what married life has to offer. As we lay there exhausted and happy, I thought back to when I was growing up, then, how my road to being a wife all...

1 year ago
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unique honeymoon

hello dear readers, i am Huma at your service with a new story of a friend of mine named Veena. i am going to narate her story in my words. i was 19 when i got married to Riki who was 23 then. i was just out of college and was well shaped with my figure 37-26-38, fair complexion, rounded butt and i stood at 5 feet 6 inches. I have one sister and a single mom at home. My mom Rama is 43 and sister sonia is 18. i wa excited an horny at the thought of having my honeymoon. i had heard many stories...

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Caroles Story 12 Our Sons Wedding and Honeymoon

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. ...

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Jennys World The Honeymoon

Skylar and I take time off for our honeymoon a couple months after our wedding. It’s still hard to believe that I’m married, and even more so that he makes me so happy. Skylar plans the entire trip himself, which is fine with me. I use the time to update my documents to reflect my new name, which I want everyone to know. I’m his wife, Mrs. Mclean.Even as we board our flight, the only thing I know about the trip is that our destination is France. The flight is long, and after a while, the only...

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William And Kimberlys Honeymoon

William was in love with his wife, Kimberly.  They were newlyweds on their honeymoon and spent most of their time in the bedroom.  William was obsessed with Kimberly’s breasts.   Every morning William spooned his wife.  He loved to gently fuck his wife’s pussy.  Her pussy was always quite juicy because they made love a lot.  William loved to hold Kimberly and kiss her neck while making love.William loved her big breasts.  Her breast size was forty-double d.  Her breasts were more than a handful...

Straight Sex
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Sneaky Fuck With Best Friend8217s Wife During Honeymoon

My name is Rahul. I am running a car rental showroom in Coimbatore, and one of my friends Akash, who got married recently, contacted me regarding a honeymoon trip to Ooty. I had a guest house there and he also needed a car. Akash was not comfortable with driving, so he wanted me to drive both of them to Ooty. Even though I hesitated, my best friend Akash compelled me to join, and due to the pressure, I agreed. I reached their house by 7 pm and they both were waiting for me. Although I had seen...

4 years ago
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Horror on Honeymoon

My brand new husband and I met on the Internet about six months ago. My name is Linda and I am a Chinese- Canadian, and until yesterday, lived in London, Ont. His name is Richard and is from the southern part of the USA. I am 32, 5″ 1,” and only weigh a hundred pounds. It is a firmly packed, well put together hundred pounds, though. I have short black hair, and big brown eyes. I have been told many times that I am very beautiful. This is my first marriage, but I did have a Chinese...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Honeymoon

1 SARAH WAS NUDE WHEN I first saw her, but she didn’t see me because she was heading away up the beach. Tall, maybe as tall as me. Red hair, now wet and plastered against fair creamy skin with the faintest touch of color. Not a single tan line to break the curve of her bottom as it issued Nature’s invitation with each step she took. I came to my senses in time to move into the water before she saw me staring. This particular beach is secluded enough that no one cares whether you...

2 years ago
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My Nasty Honeymoon

Bill and I where married five days ago. It was a big wedding with all of our family and friends being there. All went well and they now found themselves on a houseboat alone in a slow moving river enjoying the privacy of our first days of marriage together. Our honeymoon had been wonderful so far. It was worth the wait (the sex part.) We were cooking for each other, eating and drinking, playing and making love this was the third day and we made love hour after hour the last three days in the...

1 year ago
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My Honeymoon

The small prop plane began it's decent from the crystal blue sky towards the water below. The plane vibrated with the spinning propeller as we began the all too slow decent towards our fantasy vacation. I glanced over at my young wife, her short dark hair pushed back behind her ears, covered by her large floppy white sunhat and her dark sun glasses searching the small island below, scanning it from shore to shore, excitement evident as she glanced back at me, a beautiful innocent smile...

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HannahChapter 25 A test and a honeymoon

The next night I almost made another mistake. It was Thursday, a couple days away from Lisbeth's sleepover, and she came into my room as I was getting ready for bed. Mom was in the bathroom I think, and Lisbeth was dressed for bed. Most parents grudgingly accept their children's sexuality blooming and becoming visible. They worry about them becoming sexually active, pregnant and so on. Their mode of dress is a concern as well. Are they modest without being prudish, or do they dress...

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