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                    By Abe

     Aeffe was intently hoeing the little field, preparing for

planting.  Too late, she heard the hooves of a galloping horse,

turned, and saw the Dane almost upon her.  She raised the hoe

before her, but the huge, mail‑clad warrior snatched it from her

grasp, wheeled his mount, and, with the strength of one mighty

arm, lifted her off her feet.  For an instant, she hung by her

braided, blonde hair, and then she found herself thrown face down

over the horse's shoulders, in front of the rider, who rode

bareback.  As the horse galloped away, taking her away from home

and family, she could not even cry out, for she could hardly

breathe.  Her ribs and belly were compressed with every stride.

     The horse was reined in, and she managed a long scream,

hoping someone would hear and rescue her.  After all, there was

only one viking raider, but the villagers, if any heard, dared

not show themselves.  She felt strong hands around her waist,

lifting her in the air, and then she was thrown forward, against

the horse's neck.  She felt her skirt lifted, and she was set

down, astride the beast, the horse's sweaty hair pressed against

her bottom and her inner thighs, its mane tickling her belly,

while her captor's muscular legs pressed the backs of her thighs.

He pulled her arms behind her and bound her hands with a soft

leather strap.  She felt his legs move against her, as he

signaled the horse to walk, and, as the rippling muscles of the

horse's shoulders, and her captor's limbs, too, stimulated her

uncovered skin, she felt a strong arm around her waist, and then

higher, across her breasts.

     Aeffe had little knowledge of the world beyond her village.

She didn't know that many of the tribes and nations of Britain

had paid Danegeld for protection from random raids, but Devon had

never come under the Danelaw.  While the coastline was not easy

to land on, the people prayed every week for protection from the

dangerous Danes, who could appear suddenly from the sea, to rape

and pillage and disappear as quickly as they came.  Aeffe did not

know where they went.  She had never heard of Byzantium or

Antioch or Tripoli, where blonde Saxons and blue‑eyed Celts

fetched good prices in the slave markets.

     The horse picked it's way down a stony path, down toward a

beach.  Though she lived but a short walk from the sea, Aeffe had

only seen it once.  Young maidens seldom stray far from the

village fields.  Aeffe was fascinated by what she saw.  A long,

double‑ended ship was drawn up on the stony beach.  A dragon's

head topped the stem post.  A great tent of hides, ship shaped,

was erected on the beach.  The huge man behind her lifted her

from his mount and put her on her feet.  The stones of the beach

were uncomfortable under her feet, but a lifetime of going

barefoot made her disregard that.  She was thankful that her

skirt fell once again around her legs.

     The strong man gripped her bound wrists and lifted, until

Aeffe was forced to bend at the waist.  He forced her to walk to

the tent.  Inside, a few men lay relaxing, being fed by female

slaves.  Most of the pirates must have been out scouring the

countryside.  Thirty or more young women, all naked, those who

were not serving, lay on beds of furs.  Most were bound, hand and

foot, but lay in repose, as if simply waiting for something to

happen.  One, Aeffe noted, was bound tightly, curled up in a

ball.  Her ankles were bound to her upper thighs, so that her

weight was on her knees and toes, on bare stones, not a fur.  A

rope around her neck pulled her head down, between her knees.  It

passed backward, between her legs and buttocks, to her tightly

bound arms, behind her.  The woman looked very uncomfortable, and

seemed to be sobbing.

     Aeffe felt her hands being released from their bondage.

"Take off your clothes, slave," the warrior commanded.  While he

spoke with a strange accent, Aeffe could understand him.

     "No," she said, "I am a free woman, not a slave."

     Before she knew what was happening, she found herself face

down, her breasts mashed against the stony floor, her skirt

bunched around her waist, and her captor's knee upon her back,

pressing her down.  She felt his rough hand upon the tender, pale

skin of her rump, and then a moment of respite.

     "Slave," the warrior said, "I am now your master.  You will

do as I say, or suffer punishment."

     Aeffe shrieked in surprise and pain, as the flat of her

master's dagger blade fell upon her rump with a loud smack.  "Be

quiet, slave, and take your punishment bravely," she heard, and

she gritted her teeth, pressed her lips together, to stifle the

involuntayr groans which escaped her, each time the heavy

instrument fell upon her tender flesh.  At last, the punishement

ended.  "Now, take off your clothes," she heard again.

     Aeffe struggled to her hands and knees, then to her feet.

She turned to look at her tormentor.  She noted other pirates,

and their slaves, looking at her.  One of them had evidently

enjoyed what he saw.  He pulled up his kilt, as he sat on the

ground, revealing a huge male member.  Aeffe had never seen such

a thing, so unlike her little brother's.  The seated Viking

reached out for the nearest slave girl and pulled her down on

him, impaling her with his pole.

     The feel of a knife point at her throat distracted Aeffe

from the spectacle.  She looked at her captor, saw a sunburned,

bearded blond giant, a face she would never forget.  She began to

unlace her bodice.

     It was with some embarrassment that Aeffe let her dress fall

from her shoulders and stood, naked, before the viking.  She

tried to cover her crotch and breasts, but he swiftly turned her

and bound her hands behind her back again.  She looked over her

shoulder at him, and at the others, but no one seemed to be

watching.  They evidently were used to naked slave girls, and to

seeing one fucked roughly on a warrior's lap.  It was only the

punishment which had interested them.

     Her master's voice was close: "Tell, me slave, are you a

maid, a virgin?"


     "You will address me as Master."  Aeffe held her tongue.

"Is your maidenhead intact?  No man has touched you, between your


     Aeffe declined to answer, until she felt a hard slap on her

buttock, which was especially sensitive, after her beating of

only a moment ago.

     "No man has touched me."  Slap!  "Master."

     "Have you ever put your fingers in there?  Or anything


     "No, Master."

     "Stand there, slave.  Do not move."  Aeffe stood, her knees

together, her hands bound behind her.  She tried to hold them

away from her flaming backside, which still ached from the

beating.  "Stand with your feet apart," she was told, and she

moved her feet a cubit apart, standing, proudly, without reply.

     She felt a leather strap being passed around her waist, and

it was buckled in back, beneath her bound hands.  She looked

down, between her breasts, and saw to her horror an iron

grillwork, a kind of basket, which her master forced between her

thighs and fastened with straps around each thigh, tight straps,

right up against the crease of her buttocks.  "You will not

remove this, unless I tell you to."  The tight straps, and the

iron, wider than the natural space between her thighs, pressed

uncomfortably on her tender skin, but Aeffe bore the discomfort. 

Moving her legs a bit farther apart relieved the pressure on her

tender inner thighs, but increased the tightness of the leg

straps.  "You will fetch a much better price, if you remain


     He pushed her roughly toward a some furs, beside the wall of

the tent.  Aeffe had to walk awkwardly, with her feet apart,

because of the iron in her crotch.  Another slave lay there,

bound hand and foot, but she hunched herself a little to one

side, to make room for Aeffe.

     Aeffe's master began to bind her ankles together, side by

side, but Aeffe cried out, "Master, if you do that, the iron will

scar my flesh and make me less valuable."  The bearded giant

scowled at her, grunted something, and retied her with her ankles

crossed, her knees flexed and spread.  Aeffe wondered if that was

an improvement, for she could sit, but it would be very difficult

to lie down to sleep, whether on her back, her stomach, or her


     Each viking had a personal slave, one thoroughly broken and

trustworthy, to take care of his personal needs.  When Aeffe's

master, for instance, did not care to bother going outside to

make water, his slave would hold a bowl for him to piss in.  And

she would lick the end of his pisser clean.  The master's slave

served him at the evening meal, then ate, herself, and brought

his leavings for his other slaves to eat.  Each slave was

permitted the use of her hands, to eat, and was alowed to crawl,

as best she could, outside the tent to relieve herself.  Then

each was again bound and left on the floor.

     Aeffe could not get comfortable, could not sleep.  The other

slave, no virgin, slept soundly.  Finally, in desperation, Aeffe

used her bound hands to release the buckle of the belt around her

waist.  She tried to position herself so that the iron cage would

fall away from her crotch, but it would not, for the leg straps

held it tight.  The ends of the belt, however, did fall in front

of her, and there was no way she could bring them together to

rebuckle them.

     Of course, in the morning, her disobedience was discovered.

Her master said nothing.  He refastened the belt, as tightly as

he could, so Aeffe felt she could hardly breathe.  He untied her

hands and feet, and he, with his personal slave, led Aeffe some

distance from the tent, to a place where the shore was very

rocky.  The master forced Aeffe to lie, face‑down on the stones,

and his slave handed him two spears.  He bound Aeffe's wrists,

far apart, to the shaft of one spear.  He bound her feet, as far

apart as they would go, to the shaft of the other spear.  By now,

there were spectators, twenty or so vikings, and at least as many

young slaves.  To prevent Aeffe from lifting her body from the

punishing stones, her master used two more spears to spread the

first two apart, stretching Aeffe on a rectangular frame of

spears, as if she had been a curing bear hide.

     This time, her master used a leather ox whip, and he applied

it all up and down her body, from her neck to her feet.  He even

lashed the soles of her feet, until she doubted she would be able

to walk again.  In several places, the lash left livid welts ‑‑

the tender skin over her ribs, under her arms, and between her

legs, and on both buttocks, where the whipping was most severe.

At last, she lost the strength to scream, and they left her

there, conscious only of her pain.

     She was dimly aware that the vikings were packing their

tent, loading their ship, preparing to leave.  The tide came in;

the cold, salty water splashed over Aeffe's feet.  Soon the

breaking waves rushed up the vee of her parted legs and splashed

through the iron grill which protected her chastity.  Her

numerous lacerations stung fiercely as the salf water reached

them, and, as the tide came higher still, Aeffe found herself

straining to lift her head, holding her breath with each breaking

wave, lest she drown in the sea water.  She almost wished she

would, just to spite her cruel master.

     At last, the vikings refloated their ship, and Aeffe was

released and carried aboard the ship.  At sea, as there was

obviously no chance to escape, the slaves were seldom bound,

though they were often bound, even tied to trees, when the

vikings made camp on shore.

     The vikings had no rowing slaves, as such.  When going into

battle, the vikings rowed their own ship, their shields displayed

along the sides, then leapt from their benches to fight.  But, on

a liesurely trading run, with a ship full of women, it was easier

to let them row, whenever the wind was adverse, which was most of

the time.  With her bruised and scabbed backside, it was

difficult for Aeffe to sit and row.  She had to pull her oar half

standing, and the muscles of her back and legs and belly became,

first, sore, and then stronger.  Her master joked with his

companions that she would have to be fattened up, before he sold


     While rowing, Aeffe was at least warm.  When resting, and

there was never enough room to lie down, Aeffe was almost always

cold and wet, naked in the British springtime weather.  When,

however, the ship worked its way along the coast of Iberia, and

past the Pillars of Hercules, Aeffe was allowed to wear a cloak,

so as to preserve her precious fair skin from the sun.  The

fairer the skin, the better the price, in the Levantine markets.

     There was a time when Aeffe was almost jealous, to see her

master fucking the other slaves.  There is no privacy on a ship.

His personal slave seemed to enjoy it, crying out how good he was

to her.  That seemed to put him off, and he would fuck another

slave three or four times, before going back to his regular bed‑


     There came a time, however, when her master had drunk too

much mead, and was in a surly mood.  He bent Aeffe across a

rowing bench and tried to enter her after hole, which was not

covered with iron.  She squeezed her muscles, resisting his

entry, until he took a tent peg and drove it into her.  She

screamed, thinking she must surely be bleeding, and she begged

her master to stop.  He pulled the tent peg out and replaced it

with his meat.

     Aeffe mewled in pain and disgrace, as her master plumbed the

depths of her backside.  It hurt, and she was sure her tender

tissues were torn and bleeding.  When, at last, the giant

withdrew, he forced Aeffe to use her mouth to remove the blood,

semen, and shit which befouled the viking's meat.

     Aeffe never again resented the attention her master gave the

other slaves.  They professed to love him.  They praised his

manliness, said how blissful it was to have him sheath his manly

weapon in their bodies, filling them, giving them indescribable

pleasure.  She hated him. 

     One slave even proclaimed she was jealous, when their

master, apparently out of boredom, spent a whole afternoon

torturing Aeffe.  They had gone ashore, for water and plunder,

and the master had found some stinging nettles.  The nettles were

covered with countless tiny hairs, venomous hairs which would

penetrate soft skin, causing a stinging, burning, itch.  Master

used his long sword to harvest a bagful.

     The master summoned Aeffe and loosened her iron cage enough

to stuff it with nettles.  His caloused hands seemed not to mind

them, but Aeffe's virginal female parts flared into soul‑searing,

flaming, pain.  The Vikings all laughed, to see Aeffe rolling on

the ground, clutching herself, screaming in frustration, clawing

at her iron‑shod crotch, unable to even to scratch herself.

     Later, when she was assigned to row, her master made her sit

on nettles, which again caused her agonies such that she wished

herself dead.  She discerned, however, that the cruel men liked

to see her suffer, and she used every bit of her will to keep

quiet, to pretend the nettles simply cushioned a hard rowing


     Near Cyprus, Aeffe was sold to a Syrian slave dealer, who

waited until she had her monthly period, to prove to a buyer

that, at very least, she was not pregnant.  He sold her to an

Egyptian, and, when she was visibly with child, the man freed

her, as required by Islamic law, and took her as his third wife.

She bore him a son, his first.

     When Aeffe had recovered from her lying in, and was ritually

purified, Mustafa decided to celebrate by buying his wives

presents.  A good Muslim must treat his wives equally well.

Aysha demanded and got a magnificent, gold embroidered gown.

Saifa selected a heavy gold chain.  Aeffe could not make up her

mind, until...

     "Mustafa," she said, "would you buy me a slave of my own?"

     "Of course, my love, if that's what you want.  Perhaps I

could find you a nice girl from Gaza, or Arabia."

     "No, honored husband," Aeffe replied, "I want that one."

       She pointed to a filthy hulk of a man, chained to others

no cleaner.

     "My lovely," cooed Mustafa, "they are captured pirates, fit

only to row the galleys."

     "I want that one."  She pointed to her former master, who,

even had he bothered to look, would not have recognized her

behind her veil, with her blonde hair covered.  "Mustafa. there

is no one here who speaks my native language.  That barbarian

does.  And he could hoe the garden, and carry water from the

well, allowing me more time to nurse your son.  Please, Mustafa?"

     "Very well.  Insha'Allah, if I can, I will buy him for you.

Of course, he will have to be..."

     "Oh, thank you, dear husband," Aeffe gushed.  "Think of it,

a eunuch of my own."


If you think this ending is just too cute ‑‑ "...a eunuch of my

own." ‑‑ I have appended an alternate ending.

     ... hair covered.  "My husband, you know that one of my jobs

is driving the horse who turns the mill.   So often, I feel it

offends Allah to be cruel to the animal, my whipping him to keep

him working.  Would it not be better to save your horse and use

the infidel instead?  Allah would not count it against me, if I

whipped a kaffir."

     Mustafa smiled and said, "I am so pleased that you display

such piety, such charity.  Of course, you are right.  It is

harram to mistreat an animal.  Insha'Allah, I shall buy that

kaffir today, and the angels shall record it to your credit."  

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ZebraGirls Kenzie Reeves Jayden Starr Victoria Cakes 04062019

“Sunday Funday” takes on a whole new meaning whenever you’re visiting Victoria Cakes’ house on a Sunday. She’s got her friends Jayden Starr and Kenzie Reeves over for a girls’ day, and it just so happens to be Sunday…so why not make an inc cream sundae?! As you’re about to witness, today’s ice cream party gets out of hand really, really fast. Kenzie kicks it off, peeling a banana and then showing off her deep throating skills. Jayden and...

3 years ago
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On the RunChapter 3

"Listen up," Emma said as she passed a bottle of beer to Jamie, who gave a dramatic sound of appreciation and then looked at the small table in her flat. "This guy is Jaroslav Doszak, not a very nice Ukrainian living up in a big house in Warrington." Jamie looked at a photo of a man and another of a house, cut out from a newspaper article and raised an eyebrow at her. "Now he went on trial for sex trafficking and got off; those are from his trial last year. Word is, is that he runs the...

3 years ago
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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 3

Alex sighed "your mother, Natalie and Bitsy are upstairs snickering again, why don't you get the dragons together, we'll go show them the lair then the new area, I think it might be safer out of the house. God only knows what they're up too." Connor nodded "I'll go see if they're ready, Falk scared the one small dragon so badly earlier I don't know if we can get her out of the back room." It took some work but they finally convinced Ailysh it was safe to come out, Raimi told them...

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Chick N Stu

Chick ‘n Stu By Sascha IllyvichTanja had enough of his shit.  Ian had been belligerent, obstinate and in general, an ass.  It was simple really, get up, come to work, make pizzas, fold boxes and keep your mouth shut.  Marty had already talked to Tanja about Ian twice.  Tanja secretly hoped he’d continue to act the way he had.  Ian was handsome, built and had hinted at being an Adonis in bed.  She could only imagine, and it led her to be distracted from her work after a week.  Thoughts of...

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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 7

I got my break after all. At about 8:30 pm Friday night, all hell broke loose in the form of snow, ice and wind. I got calls from the Five, all disappointed except me. I passed the hours away curled around my stories and relaxing away my troubles, trying to forget about the storm and its consequences come Monday. I dreamed about Connor. The settings would change, but he was always moving away from me and I couldn't catch him. I would wake from these dreams breathing hard, my pulse pounding...

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ISS Se Mili Nayi Chut

Hello friends! Toh kaise hai aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) aapke samne fir se hazir hu. I hope aaplog apne apne gharo mein safe honge. Please use this time and read . Pichle story mein maine bataya tha ki Mehak se dur hoke main Laxminagar shift ho gaya. Eska main reason thi, Shivangi, jo mujhe ISS ke karan hi mili thi. Last year maine apne college ke sex experiences ko share kiya tha ISS pe. Waise to kafi girls aur ladies ke message aye the. Lekin main kuch khas ki hi stories...

4 years ago
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Fatal Attraction Part 2

Hello Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation from the previous story. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next instalment of this sex story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in writing your story through me, that is also welcome. Of course, due credit will be...

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Top of the world Chapter 6

“You’re turning into a sex maniac.” Mom looked at me incredulously. “Aren’t two of us enough for you?” Mom had just come out of the shower and was rubbing her hair with a towel. Her beautiful body was wrapped in a bathrobe. I was already in the bed… naked, covers drawn around my waist; a massive tent formed just below my navel. Mom was getting ready for bed. The night appeared hot and humid therefore, she decided to take a nice shower before retiring to bed. Mom was still scrubbing her hair...

2 years ago
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Salamander 2Chapter 10

Thursday, 29th of November, 2035 Gwen I saw Mandy off in the morning. She almost didn't want to go back to school, and to be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted her back in that place myself. I was extremely worried by what she had told me about what was happening at her school. She had been there for only two days and it sounded like she had been attacked twice. She had also a good deal of animosity from various camps because of her disguising herself. I could understand her concern about...

3 years ago
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I had arrived at my office early and since nobody was around, I decided to take advantage of the situation as I was certain I would not be disturbed. The only people in at this time were security, and they never came into my office, so I could totally relax. I walked past security, feeling so good in what I was wearing. Dressed in a black skirt suit, black stockings and heels, I walked past the security guard and could sense he was watching me walk towards the lift. I turned and caught his...

4 years ago
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The pool party

It was almost the end of school. Just ten minutes left until I would be done with school for the rest of my life. It felt good to have finally finished. I was talking to one of my friends when I got a text from my friend John. He asked me if I wanted to come over later for a pool party. I said sure! I drove home and went inside. I grabbed my bathing suit and some sun screen. I went out to my car and started to drive to his house. As I was pulling into his house I got another text. He told me to...

1 year ago
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Double Your Pleasure

It had been a long time since we had done this, a couple of years anyway, but we had never lost the desire to do it and so today, when the opportunity presented itself, we went for it. "God baby, that's good. Fuck me baby, fuck me. Don't stop baby, fuck me," and I did my absolute best. I was trying to make it last, but her cunt felt so marvelous I knew I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. I whispered that I was close and she told me she was too: "Stay with me baby, stay with me,...

2 years ago
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The hot maid pt2 The best night of my life

Hello readers I am sidhorny with my second and last story in the series, 'The Hot Maid'. This part of the story took place 3 years after the first part. In the 3 years that had passed a lot had changed, I started my own business and bought a new bungalow for myself I had hired Mansi as a full time maid(for cleaning and other reasons)and my business was flourishing. I had also started doing some exercises and taking some pills  to increase my penis size with great success and I had gained three...

2 years ago
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Best Sinterklaas Ever

Best Sinterklaas ever or St. Nicolas’s Rod As told by Kate van de Casteele to Ron Dudderie. This is a short story about the lives of Martin and Kate, the main characters of the ‘Carstairs Trilogy’ which consists of: 1. Best Sister Ever 2. An Audience With Carstairs 3. And The Winner Is This story is set six years before the events in Best Sister Ever. ***** I moved to the UK when I was ten, with my parents. That’s never easy. I had to leave my class mates in Leiden (a university town in...

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Straight Bride by Fianceacutes Lesbian Sister PT2

THE WEDDING DAYJennifer was a nervous wreck.Sure, part of it was the typical pre-wedding jitters. In a few hours she would no longer be single, she would only have sex with one man for the rest of her life, etc....But, what had been consuming her thoughts of late was much more devious... fantasies of a lesbian romp with her fiancé's sister. She couldn't explain it, but what had started out as playful flirtation had become an obsession... which had taken hold not while Lara was aggressively...

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Milti Hai Zaroor Milti Hai

By: W. A. Chohan Aaj aapko aisi story suna raha houn jo is baat ko hamesha ke liye sabat kerde gi keh Gaandu bachay ya matured; dunya ke har mulk, har city, har locale, har gali mein hote hein aur ounko dhound nikalna agar thorha mushkil bhi hai toe phir bhi yeh aisa impossible nahi keh Londebaaz discourage ho jaaein aur himmat haar dein. Jo Londebaaz himmat haar jai aur Gaandu nah milne ka hamesha koi excuse de, mein ouski soch ka gaandu samajhta houn. Hoslay ke saath passion ke saath Gaandu...

Gay Male
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30 Days to Jenny Days 2125

30 Days to Jenny By Monika Ikon Day 21 After their date the night before, Alison asked Kurt back to her place and they fucked each other to a sound sleep. Kurt had woken up just before dawn and slipped out of bed, figuring he needed to clear out before Alison's boyfriend Jeff, still plugged and sleeping in the other room, woke up and found him in the apartment. Alison pulled Kurt back to bed and told him there was no need to leave. According to what she'd read on the 30-Day to...

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Kellys Poker Party

So I was sitting there, the way I always am, but at least I had some company. My brother Mark was there, and he'd brought a couple of his friends. A black guy named Tony and a guy who looked Irish, all red hair and freckles, named Cal. That was short for Callahan, I found out, since his first name was Toby and he hated it. I'd never met either of them before, but it was cool. They were all about 20 and going to the junior college. I'd just turned 18 and I was still in high school, which...

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shagging my mates mum

This is something I never would have even dreamed about happening. It was not something you think about happening it just happens but when it does you feel like the luckiest man alive. So it starts off by the time I had to visit a house to price up a job for me and my dads building company. I remember reading the name on the address and it sounded familiar to me.So I went to the house late one afternoon, I will call her Mrs D because i cant give the name away. Anyway I knocked on the door...

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AssParade Kelsi Monroe Kelsi Twerks On A Cock

Kelsie Monroe has the fattest ass I’ve ever seen! We have a special one for you today folks. We have Kelsi Monroe stopping by with her crew to start having fun and twerk for us. Her posse hypes her up as she shakes, bounce, and twerks her fat ass. We have a good time watching them outside before Kelsi wanted to move to inside her studio. Once there we couldn’t help but to keep our mouths open watching Kelsi shake her badonkadonk. Our boy Peter stops by to clean as he got a new job...

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HandsOnHardcore Billy Star Jennifer Mendez Lonely Guy Ambushes His Friends with Orgy at Dinner Party

Steve Q. has been single for a while, but he recently got an idea when he tried a swingers’ party: invite his good friends over for dinner and then entice them into fucking each other! After he gets the dirty-minded Billie Star and innocent Jennifer Mendez and their boyfriends over, after initial hesitation he seduces Jennifer into an impromptu fuck session in the kitchen while Billie and her boyfriend go at in another room. Now that everyone’s in the mood, the evening becomes an...

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Their Dark Needs

Serena attached the leash back onto Emmy’s collar and paraded her through the group of platinum members. Emmy was groped and pinched by both men and women as she was walked to John’s private office.It was humiliating, but worth the price, she reminded herself. If she wanted to continue her relationship with Alexander, she needed to satisfy his wife’s dark needs occasionally as well. The fact that Serena wanted to take her to John’s office was somewhat of a surprise to Emmy. After the experience...

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My Strange LifeChapter 4 Boyfriends in the Closet

One day I came home from school, like I always did, and went straight for the refrigerator. I like to eat Yoplait when I get home, especially the peach flavor. With a banana when we have them. I sit down in front of the TV in the den, which is where my Daddy's home office is too, and turn on MTV and have my snack. My Daddy is an aerospace engineer, whatever that is, and he's almost always working. Mostly at his office, but sometimes he travels, and sometimes he can stay home and do whatever...

2 years ago
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My Diary how and why I started to keep one for all

Hi AllAs I mention in most of my post titled "Dear Diary" I indicate I kept a daily diary of what my day was like. Remembering what was said, how it felt, what we were thinking how the air smelt, the sounds, everything like it was in slow motion. Have them going back to when I was eight being able to dress as a girl full time with moms permission. Those entries are precious to me I still can feel how excited I was to come home from school slip into a dress, skirt, petticoats, (always wore...

4 years ago
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A Night on the TownChapter 7

Shelia came through the curtains, picked up the camera and Tonya’s dress and bra and walked out again. I helped Tonya to her feet and began to clean her with the wipes from the table. Shelia brought two young men in who immediately stripped and offered their cocks to us to suck. The boy that I was sucking had a rather small cock and it went down my throat very easily. Tonya was having a harder time with the large cock from the 21 year old boy who was enjoying hearing her gag and spit with...

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Wife meets Stranger At Local Bar

I received a call from my wife while she was sitting at a bar in Sarasota. She told me that this older guy was hitting on her. She is 38 and he was 50-60. She said he wouldn't leave her alone. He told her he needed to get off and all it would take is for her to suck him with her great full lips. He kept whispering to her to go to the parking lot and suck his cock. My wife is very submissive and loves to be told what to do. She called me again and said this guy wouldn't leave her alone. I asked...

2 years ago
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My first trip to Le Cap

My name’s Angela. I’m a slut and a swinger and I make no apologies for it. I’ve read many stories on the ‘net about Cap d’Agde Naturiste Village and have enjoyed them. Not because they were funny or outrageous but because they were so very similar to my first trip. A strong feeling of deja vu! As I said at the top – I’m a slut and a swinger. It’s a situation that suits both my husband and myself. Not that he’s a swinger, as far as I know....

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Caitlins Choice Ch 03

Caitlin sat stunned on the couch and tried to process what Logan had said to her. She had been invited to her friend’s wedding and was now stuck on the god-forsaken island until the boat was fixed. Of course the only reason it was god- forsaken was because her ex boyfriend, only ex boyfriend to be precise, was on the same island and as luck would have it, had been assigned to share the same cottage. ‘You did what?’ ‘I got Stacey pregnant.’ Logan was sitting on the coffee table facing her as...

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Throat Training

So this happened a while ago.I was at a friend's house and spent the night. We did normal girl stuff, which I guess you guys think is tickle fights and comparing underwear... or something. I dunno. But, we just complain about school and whoever isn't there. So, too bad. Haha.Anyway, my friend's dad, let's call him Mr D. He's a good looking guy, I guess. I dunno. And he's always really nice to me. So, I went to the kitchen to get a snack and he was in there drinking some water. I jumped cause I...

1 year ago
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BFFs Liv Wild Paris White Chloe Temple New Years Cumdown

Chloe Temple, Paris White, and Liv Wild are ready to ring in the New Year with a glamorous party at some rich guys penthouse. They show up and are amazed by how nice the place is. They take a look out at the view from the balcony, and want to show this loaded dude how thankful they are for his New Years generosity. They take him to his room and throw him down on the bed, pulling his cock out of his pants. They blow him and then strip down, taking turns riding his rich dick. Then they bend over...

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Altered Fates Tempest

ALTERED FATES: TEMPEST by BobH (c) 2004 Authors note: This story was inspired in part by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af011.jpg. These can be seen at 1.Janice: "'Loose' for 'lose'," said Gina Carter, dark eyes flashing, "'breath' when it should be 'breathe', and not knowing the difference between 'affect' and 'effect. Not to mention 'adverse' and 'averse'. I swear they've given up teaching basic English in American...

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The Taking of Carol 123 Chapter 2

Chapter 2 ~~ Train kept rollin The sissy baby birthday party went swimmingly, Miss Boyl loved showing off baby Carol. Tiara was almost immediately escorted to one of the couches, where a non-descript Male, held her on his lap, rubbed her breast and manipulated his diaper until he wet and creamed his own diapers. "Are you having fun, Carol?" asked Miss Boyl. "Yes, actually...." Carol lisped. "Everyone is very nice to me and have said how pretty I look." "I knew you would make...

2 years ago
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Mom Ko Mila Boyfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. Yeh meri pehli story hai. Main story pe aata hu. Meri mom ka name Meena hai aur kafi sundar hai. Age 47 aur figure bhi thik thak hai. Moti bhi nahi aur patli bhi nahin. Skin white hai aur baal kaafi lambe hai aur bohut hi gharelu sidhi sadhi type ki hai. Sirf saree pahanti thi aur kabhi kabhi ghar mein simple nighty pahanti ti. Jab se maine hosh sambhala hai maine mom and dad ko sirf jhagda hi karte dekha hai. Mom ek bank mein assistant ki job karti thi. Bank humare ghar se 20-22...

1 year ago
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BangBus Lana Mars 20 yo Fucks on The Bus

The bus is constantly lurking the streets of Miami searching for some hot babes to fuck. A lot of chicks nowadays love to fuck and they aren’t shy about it, this makes our job easier sometimes. This week we pulled up on a 20 year old hottie on her way shopping with money that she had stolen from her mom. Noticing how desperate for money she was, we started offering up money for several different things. This chick was money hungry and was not afraid to show us everything she had to offer. Once...

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Keerthiga 8211 The Best Employee

Finally, I was moving to a new city to become the best employee. “The bubbly girl of small-town had secured a job in one of the reputed firms after completing her master’s degree in management.” My family was happy. My mom was a little worried, thinking about how I would manage alone in such a big city. I had packed my bags. The cab was waiting outside to drive me to the airport. I gave mom a tight hug, took blessings from dad, grandmother, and waved goodbye. I never knew this job would change...

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Christmas With the Devil

-The Satanic Bible *** Jolly old Saint Nicholas had one last job to do that evening. A job he dreaded. He stood at an iron door in the side of a mountain at the top of the world, lifting an old, rusted key from around his neck and wondering if he really had to go through with it. Maybe this year, just for once, he could skip this particular chore… But no. He shook his head, spilling snow from his crown of ivy. He was obligated to be charitable to everyone in need. And what...

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