Cuckold In Panties free porn video

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Cuckold In Panties by Throne "But Ginger," Mason said tremulously, "I don't want to wear these panties." "What are you talking about?" his wife wanted to know. She looked attractive in a simple blouse-and-slacks combination. "I thought your problem was that you didn't like the cotton ones I put you in. So, I got you these satiny red ones that look like a bikini bottom." "No," Mason said. His cheeks were getting flushed and he was fighting back tears. "I don't want to wear ANY panties." "When did that start?" She stood there calmly. Her pretty face was inquisitive. Her trim figure maintained a casual stance. She brushed her honey blond hair back over one shoulder. "I never wanted them." "But you've always acted like such a wimp, that I had to make you wear them. And to make you get rid of that little bit of body hair you had. Now you look on the outside, like you are inside." He stamped his bare foot and pouted. "You can't keep doing this to me. It's not fair." She laughed. Ginger always got a chuckle out of it when he claimed she was unfair. "It's not about fairness, little man. It's about you acting like a wuss, which leads to you being dressed appropriately. At least those sexy panties hide your sad excuse for a penis." "Well..." His voice was high and close to breaking. "... at least give me something to cover up more of me." "There. Now you'll see how considerate I am. I got you a top to wear with that sweet lingerie." They were in the bedroom. She reached into the bag, pink and shiny, with attached handles, that had contained the panties. What she came out with was a dark pink top, with no sleeves and nothing to cover his midriff. She held it up so he could see that, written across the chest in curvy letters of a much lighter pink, was the word SWEET. "See? Your hairless chest and perky nipples will be hidden. Wasn't this thoughtful of me?" "But that's for a girl. Not a guy." "In your case, there's not much difference. Now stop being such a crybaby and put it on. Show me that you can cooperate without making a scene." His lips quivered. He sniffled. But after a moment of futile refusal, he accepted the shameful garment. Mason got it over his head and had to tug at it to get it down, it was so snug. "It's too tight," he complained. "Oh, boohoo." She shook her head. "You're never happy. At least I'm not making you face Luke with a bare chest." "He's... you're going to let him...?" She intentionally acted like she didn't understand. "What? You're not worried that he'll think the house is messy, are you? After how I had you cleaning all afternoon? No? And he certainly won't smell any of that sweat you worked up, not since I let you take a soothing bubble bath." She eyed him critically. "Your hair is nice. I like how it reaches your eyebrows in front, and covers your ears and the back of your neck. Those touches of make-up flatter you." She put her hands on her hips. "I can't imagine what you're getting upset about, Little Miss Snowflake." "I'm upset," he choked out, "because I don't want that big brute to see me this way." "Oh," she said, feigning sudden comprehension. "I get it. My big strong boyfriend hasn't seen my small weak husband looking all girly before now. Oops. Should I have consulted you before I invited him over? Hmmm? I mean, he has seen you in your boy clothes. So he knows what a shrimp you are." "This is... it's just..." She raised her eyebrows quizzically. "It's just what? You already said unfair, so please don't repeat that. What else is it?" "It's humiliating." "Whose fault is that? If you had acted like a man all along, it would never have come to this. Consider how long I put up with your tiny pecker after we got married. I didn't start cheating on you for nearly a month. And when you whined about me having a succession of dates, what did I do? I settled on just one. Now that it's only Luke taking me to bed, you're still not satisfied. You certainly don't make it easy on me, Mason. I hope you'll at least behave after Luke arrives." "Can I... please... have robe or something?" "Why? The house is warm." "It's not because I'm chilly," he insisted emotionally. "I just don't want him to see me this way." "But dear," she said reasonably, "it wouldn't be honest for you to dress up like a man. That's why I bought you that lovely outfit. And I got Luke some things that are right for the kind of person he is. Doesn't that make sense?" Beaten down by her flawed but inexorable stance, he lowered his eyes and nodded. Mason whispered, "If you say so." "That's better. Now go wash your hands, since you'll be serving us drinks and snacks." "I'll be...?" His voice quavered. "Naturally, silly. It's not like you could hold up your end of a conversation with him. I don't think you'd do very well at discussing sports or his workouts at the gym." "You don't know much about sports," he pointed out. "And you don't go to the gym." "No, dear. That's true. But he and I do have one topic we never get tired of. Which reminds me that I have to change into something more revealing." She sent a broad wink toward her husband and then shooed him out of the room. "And fix your hair again. Putting that top on got it all mussed." She thought for a moment and added, "There are some delightful slippers in the bottom of that bag. Take it with you and put those on, too, after you freshen up." He left disconsolately. In the bathroom he washed is hands. The scent of his bubble bath still hung in the air, though not as strongly as it clung to his skin. He tucked his below-average genitals back and down, the way his wife liked them. As he did it, he felt how smooth his crotch was. Mason was beginning to suspect that, after the laser hair removal treatments she had gotten him, his modest pubic bush would never grow back. He sighed as he dried his hands. Then he inspected his hair. Using his fingers, he fluffed it up. There was enough spray in it from earlier to keep it in place. The pink gloss that made his lips shiny was partly worn off, so he applied a fresh coat. His insides fluttered. Luke was such an alpha male, always asserting himself. He made a display of holding and kissing Ginger. And the few times he had come inside in the past, he always found some excuse to shove or jab Mason. The bigger man did it playfully, but the unspoken message of his physical superiority was always clear. The victimized husband tried to untense but had limited success. Why couldn't Ginger let him go to some other part of the house and hide, while her passionate paramour was present? Mason took the slippers, which were covered with sequins, out of the bag and donned them. He sat sullenly on the edge of the bathtub, feeling sorry for himself. It had been bad when his wife began denying him intercourse. Worse when she made him perform cunnilingus to make up for his penile inferiority. He hated having to use his mouth on her pubes. But then she went further, beginning her serial infidelities. Her promiscuity was astounding in its degree and variety. Even so, all those one-night stands and limited affairs had been preferable to her having a regular boyfriend. Now there was the threat of her dumping Mason altogether, if her affection for Luke grew into something stronger. As unhappy as the husband's marital situation was, he never gave up hoping that his fortunes would reverse themselves. Maybe she just needed more time to get these wild impulses out of her system. Of course, the way she rhapsodized about Luke's endowment, his stamina, and his varied techniques, that wasn't likely to occur anytime soon. "Honey," she called to Mason. "Come and see what I'm wearing. Tell me if you think Luke will like it." He returned to the bedroom, expecting to find her in a slinky dress, like he was used to seeing her put on when she went out with Luke. But tonight, they were staying in, and she had on a mesh bodysuit that barely hid anything, with cut-outs in strategic locations that left some areas fully exposed. All Mason could do was stand there and gawk. It ignited his libido but, at the same time, horrified him because she had put it on for her lover. She did a slow-motion 360 to let him feast his eyes. The sides of her breasts and all of both buttocks were exposed. He wanted to say something but by then was too psychologically beaten down. Being in his abbreviated top and brief panties didn't help. He said, in a small voice, "I'm sure he'll like it, dear." She smirked. "I just hope he doesn't rip it off me. Thanks for paying for it with your charge card, May-son." She separated the syllables of his name in a taunting way. Ginger liked to remind her husband whenever he was financing her wanton dates with Luke. At least in the past they had gone to the hunk's place and given Mason some time alone. It was difficult to stay home and imagine what the two of them were doing together. But it would be much worse to have it happening right there, under their roof. She threw him a kiss, turned her back, and wagged her hips. It was so difficult when she visually teased him, without the accompanying sexual relief that he so desperately wanted. Soon Luke would be seeing her in that stretchy one-piece. Mason pictured his bride doing a lazy striptease for her rapacious muscular bedmate. It made Mason shudder. She stepped close to him and traced the cursive writing on his top with her fingertip. As she followed the flowing script of the word SWEET, she made sure to brush over both of his nipples, which were very receptive. He gasped and then whimpered with need. His mental state was so fragile that he began to unconsciously make sad snuffling sounds. That was when, with the worst timing of which he could have conceived, the front door opened and in strode Luke. He was tall and had on a muscle shirt that showed off his impressive biceps. His tight jeans were molded to his powerful legs. There was a bulge at his crotch. A wide leather belt encircled his narrow waist. On his big feet were heavy work shoes. "Hey, handsome," Ginger said. She held her arms out to the sides. "Do I look okay?" "You look good enough to eat," he said gruffly, this voice thick with lust. "Well, Mason is the one who eats me. You get to ride me long and hard." He chortled. Going to Mason, he patted him on the side of his face. "You like that, don't you, lover boy? Eating that sweet pussy? Putting your mouth where my cock goes all the time?" Mason groaned. Keeping his voice soft, to match his shameful image, he whispered, "Yes, Sir." His breath flowed erratically through his nostrils. Hearing those sounds, Luke said, "Glad you're being honest about it, Sniffles. Now how about you fetch me a beer, and get my girl whatever she wants." Ginger said, "I'll have wine. Red." He left the room, taking delicate steps. Mason didn't want to break character and incur their displeasure. When he returned, they were sitting on the living room sofa, necking like a couple of horny teens. There was plenty of deep kissing. He waited silently for them to come up for air. When they did, he moved nearer, holding a serving tray. On it were Luke's bottle of beer and Ginger's glass of dark wine. The fragrance of the latter reached Mason, making him salivate. Naturally, he was not allowed a drink. He asked his wife if she would like him to go get the plate with cut cheese and other tidbits, along with the bowl full of crackers. Luke answered for her, saying, "Let us work up an appetite first." He twisted the cap off his beer and flicked it onto where the drinks had been. "Yeah," seconded Ginger. "Put your tray in the kitchen and then get right back here. You can stand in the middle of the room, so you'll have a good view of us." "And," Luke pointed out, "it'll be easy for us to see you. Damn but you look like a pansy. A sweet one, like your shirt says." "Yes, Sir," Mason responded meekly. He could still feel where the big man had lightly slapped his face. There hadn't been much force behind it, but the threat of more was implicit. This time, when the husband returned, Luke had his hand in one of the side openings of Ginger's single article of clothing, his thick fingers kneading her breast. She purred and leaned into his effort, at the same time stroking his solid upper arm. She nibbled his ear. He bit her neck and made her squeal with delight. Mason stood in the center of the room, wringing his hands, air hissing through his nose. "Hey, Sniffles," Luke called to him. "Sounds like you're going to break down and cry. You going to cry? Getting all stressed out because your hot wife won't settle for that miniature dick that she tells me you've got?" "I... I'm not sure if..." "Not important," Luke told him dismissively. "Save your sissy tears for when us two are in bed, and I make her scream like a she-cat in heat." Ginger arched her back and licked the side of Luke's face, appearing rather feline. Mason's jaw trembled. Luke tweaked her nipple and she yelped in surprise, then laughed. Mason thought he might have some sort of nervous attack, right there in front of them. Luke removed his hand from Ginger's boob. She massaged his crotch. "I love the way those jeans and that muscle shirt I bought you show off your body," she declared. "Now let's go and get you out of them." In spite of himself, Mason let out a loud sob. He knew instantly that he had made a mistake. Luke stood and undid the big square buckle of his belt. He slid the broad length of leather out of the loops of his jeans and folded it double. He demanded of Mason, "Are you trying to ruin our mood, Sniffles?" "N... no, Sir." The husband's eyes were wide, staring at that threatening belt. "I say you were. So now I owe you half a dozen swats on your fag fanny. Do you want to tell me I'm wrong?" Mason swallowed with difficulty. "No. You were right, Sir. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I hope you can forgive me." "Sure. I'll forgive you..." "Thank you, Sir." "... after you take your six licks." Ginger smiled maliciously. Luke slapped the folded belt against his open palm. Barely able to speak, Mason managed to choke out, "Where would you like me?" "Oh, how about if you move that wooden chair away from the wall, and grab hold of the seat." Mason did as he'd been instructed. It left him bent over at the waist, his panty-clad bottom a perfect target. Ginger volunteered, "Okay if I get his pretty panties out of the way?" "Sure," Luke assented. "It's better on the bare. Pull them down and I'll give him his eight." Without thinking, Mason blurted out, "You said six." "Plus, two for disrespecting me, when you didn't add a 'Sir' after you asked where to put yourself." "And another pair," Ginger urged, "for backtalking just now." "Sounds fair," Luke decided. "Ten it is." Mason shivered but didn't abandon his pose. Ginger got behind him and hooked her index fingers under the waistband of his panties. She unhurriedly eased them down, baring his backside for Luke to see. Her spouse blushed from this new insult. As soon as Ginger stepped aside, Luke swung two hard, unexpected smacks across Mason's bottom, left-to- right and then right-to-left. The bent-over victim yowled and gripped the chair's seat harder. His body stiffened and then relaxed. Blazing pain suffused his bottom cheeks. He gritted his teeth and promised himself he would not cry. The next two blows made him break that promise. Hot tears rolled down his face. Ginger put herself opposite him and sank down until her face was level with his, so she could gaze into his eyes and read the suffering reflected there. She gathered moisture from under one of his eyes on her fingertip and extended her tongue. When she touched her finger to the tip of her tongue she sighed deeply with perverse pleasure. Mason's legs twitched. Luke landed the next four blows in rapid succession. The last of Mason's resolve crumbled and he blubbered shamefully. Luke paused to let the pain sink in and spread. He went to Ginger and embraced her. She clung to him with fierce ardor and rubbed her body against his, while Mason struggled to regain control of himself. "Hey," Luke told Ginger in a hushed bedroom voice. "I got to get back to work. There's two more swats waiting for Sniffles." "I know, baby. It's just that I hate for his punishment to end." "But the sooner it's over, the quicker we get down to the real business at hand." She ground her pelvis lewdly against his thigh. "Right," she said throatily. "But make the final two really count." "No problem," he assured her as she reluctantly released him and he retook his former position. With no warning, Luke swung hard, laying the leather across both butt- halves at once, and then did it again. Mason jerked each time and afterwards he gagged on pain. His bottom was bright red, the markings overlapping, with no untouched slivers of pale skin remaining. Ginger pressed her palm against the heated flesh and savored what she felt. She devilishly pinched and twisted the center of one buttock, then the other, causing Mason to produce close-mouthed groans that threatened to break out at full volume. At last his ordeal ended. "Okay," Luke announced, as if nothing extreme had just taken place. "Now let's try to break the bedframe." "Go on ahead of us," Ginger told her husband. "Turn the covers all the way down, and fluff up the pillows." As he hurried off, his slippers sparkling, the lovers took a moment to hug and run their hands all over each other. They kissed, this time softly. Ginger reached down to feel Luke's impressive cock, rock hard, through his pants. She held it possessively for a few seconds and then they continued toward their destination. Mason, meanwhile, was folding the covers down to the foot of the mattress. Next, he plumped up both pillows. There was a dimmer switch for the overhead light, which he turned down until the room was nearly dark, but not so much that the lovers wouldn't be able to see each other. And the space was still illuminated enough that he would be able to witness everything they did. He put himself close to the wall, facing the bed he had shared with his bride so many nights. In the very beginning there had been sex. Then she cut him off and switched him to performing with his mouth on her pussy, an act that sickened him. He stood there in his sissy outfit, the panties still down in back. Mason felt utterly unmanned. As Mason had anticipated, Ginger stripped sensuously. Next, she began to undress Luke. They angled themselves so that, when she lowered his roomy boxer shorts, Mason got his first look at the man's formidable organ. It was long and thick and had a dark and heavy head. At full erection, it thrust out from his fit body an enviable nine inches. Mason thought of his own four-and-a-half length and felt more inadequate than ever. He nervously licked his lips, tasting the gloss that coated them. Luke eased Ginger back onto the bed with surprising tenderness. She parted her legs wide. The powerful man knelt between them and positioned himself for penetration. As the tip of his massive member touched the vestibule of her sex, she released a shuddering breath. He eased into her, triggering a series of short cries of satisfaction. Once he was fully inserted and had paused to let her relish the sensations, he began slowly pumping. Ginger mewled happily and wrapped her legs around him. Mason hugged himself and dropped his chin, but he could not look away. Ginger sounded possessed as she begged, "Don't stop, Luke. Go faster. Please, baby." He picked up the pace slightly and asked, "How's that?" She exhaled through pursed lips. "So much better than anything I ever got from my loser husband and his puny pecker." "Yeah? Maybe you should give him another try." "That pathetic prick of his will never feel the inside of my puss again. Ever." "Let's have a look at it." Luke ordered him to ease his panties down to mid-thigh. He snorted derisively at the sight of Mason's penis. Ginger said, "Like I told you, it's barely there." "Unbelievable," Luke said. "I guess it never got its growth spurt." "Yeah," she agreed. "He got shortchanged at the prick bank." The confident man gave Ginger a few hard strokes and her words were replaced by rising and falling vocalizations. The series of noises ended in staccato yips. Her lover chuckled. "You like all kinds of stuff." He varied the angle of this thrust. Slowed back down. Added a rolling motion to his hip action. Everything he did pleased her. "You know what else?" she said, her voice thick with arousal. "Mason -- or Sniffles -- was only able to go once a night. And he always finished too soon. Not that more would have been better, with such a tiny tool. He was bad in bed every way a guy could be. It's no wonder I had to turn him into a sissy. He brought it on himself." As those words sank into Mason's mind, Luke silenced Ginger's speech by accelerating his tempo. She writhed under him and cried out his name. When she found her voice, it was to praise him and criticize her spouse. Luke maintained his control and took her through a trio of animated climaxes. Not until the third one did he allow himself to finish, grunting and blasting his plentiful spunk into her depths. She cried out several times before sinking into a pleasant afterglow. "Okay," Luke said a few minutes later. "Time for something new. You've got Sniffles over there trained to eat pussy real good. Now he's going to learn a new skill. How to clean you up with his mouth after I've unloaded inside there." "You mean..." she said disbelievingly, "... make him eat your cream out of my twat?" "That's the deal," he assured her. "Eating cream pie. Sucking the filling from your cannoli. It's the best way to make sure he never again thinks, even for a minute, that he's any kind of a man. All right?" She brightened. "Perfect. I'm getting charged up all over again, just thinking about it. And the idea of you, my big strong stud, making him do it, for some reason that excites me even more." She took several deep breaths. "Let's go. I want Sniffles to lap up all that rich thick white-sauce you pumped me full of." Luke chortled. "You heard the lady, Sniffles. Get into your usual spot and fasten that sissy mouth where it belongs. I don't want you to miss a single slimy drop. Get busy, wimp." Mason was nauseated. It was like his throat was closing up. But he moved on autopilot and got his mouth an inch from Ginger's overflowing slit. The musky scent turned his stomach. The thought of what he was about to do made him dizzy. Even so, his tongue came out and he got his first taste of Luke's semen. Mason scooped up a generous portion, to take it into his revulsed mouth. He made himself swallow and it slid down his gullet. As he continued to gather up and consume that messy deposit, the lovers held onto each other and kissed furiously. Ginger became noticeably overheated and, as he was reaching the end of his revolting task, she had another, smaller orgasm. It produced fresh fluids, which the cuckold had to slurp up and gag down as well. When it was all done, Ginger told him, "I got you something to celebrate Luke's first sleepover with us. It's on the floor of the closet, in another of those pink bags, with the handles. Go get it, Sniffles." He did as he was told, taking the bag and setting it on the dresser. What came out of it was a filmy baby-doll nightie. Ginger had him wriggle out of the embarrassing top and remove those satiny panties. He got the sleepwear over his head and let it slide down, caressing his hairless torso as it went, teasing his sensitive nipples. He glanced down and saw his below-average penis was stiff. It poked out, like a half-size imitation of what Luke sported. "Looks like somebody liked everything that just happened," Luke observed. "No," Mason said unconvincingly. "It's not true." "Your dick doesn't lie," his wife told him. "So now, every time we have one of these scenes, Luke and I will know that you're enjoying it too." "It's not possible," he said without conviction. The pair on the bed laughed. Luke reached down and dragged the covers up to cover them both. He told Mason, "Start pulling on that minnow, Sniffles. Keep it up while we take a nap. But don't finish yourself." "If you hold back until we wake up," Ginger said, getting into the mood Luke had set, "we might let you squirt then." "Into the palm of your hand." "After which you can lick it all up, nice and slowly, and show us how it coats your tongue." "Then you can gulp it down." "And smile." "Before you thank us." They snuggled up against each other. The snack food was forgotten. Mason stood there in only his transparent nightie and those unwanted slippers. He hated that he had to dress so girly. It was traumatizing to see his wife in bed with her capable lover. Yet why had he had that physical response? Was his erection truly a reaction to what he had experienced? If so, and with them continuing to treat him that way, how much further could he be taken? What if the unthinkable happened, and he became a willing submissive sissy, desiring to be dressed in feminine ways, and craving to be a body slave to his wife and her manly stallion? And what if those changes were irreversible? ********* (Such is the fate of a congenital beta male. Please leave comments on this story and any of the earlier ones you enjoyed.)

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Cuckold couple Discover 102

Chapter 1 Part 2First Steps ... Sandy s side.Even if Sandy wasn’t the most sexually open girl, like everyone she still had a few kinks in her. For 4 years she had been into a long relationship with another Chinese men. They were high school lovers so it was a pretty soft loving and sexual life.After a really bad break up she was really to get over him, and it took her almost a year before she started looking at other guys.When she started collage at 20 yr old, few guys were trying to get closer...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Striptease Game

I'd forgotten my damn key again. And my wife was taking forever to answer the door. What was she doing in there? I was mildly irritated by the time she finally opened up, but before my lips could even form the words to some smart-assed remark about how long I'd been standing there, my senses were overloaded with the sight before me. I gave her a once over -- I swear, my wife could make a pimple look sexy. If she farted while we were having dinner with the president, my first reaction would...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Sessions

CuckoldSessions! All these COVID-19 lockdowns have been a real drag, huh? Some of you are bummed you can’t take your wife out to dinner, which means you ain’t getting laid. Others are pissed because the local fat girls on Tinder ain’t even an option at this point. Still, others are disappointed that strange black studs are no longer coming over on weekends to service the wife with much bigger, much blacker cocks. Well, in that case, Cuckold Sessions might be right up your alley.I’m sure you...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Cuckold couple Discovers

Hi just wanna let you know that this is my first ever story I write and upload and english isn t my native language so please bear with me. :)Cuckold couple DiscoverChapter 1 First Steps, Marc’s SideMarc was an attractive men,5’10’ mix blood, black and white. He wasn’t so popular with girls while he was in high school thought, probably because of the social environment he was living in, and like most teenagers, he was an heavy user of porn. Nothing to freaky, but let s say he was pretty happy...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Club Rules

“So tell me, why do you want your wife to fuck other men?”Julie and Juan looked at me expectantly. My wife Sheila were sitting in their living room, all four of us relaxing with drinks in hand, while their k**s slumbered upstairs. It was a suburban evening like any other, apart from the topic of conversation. I swallowed hard and said,“I have a small cock. I love my wife, and I realized that I can’t satisfy her by fucking her. I also realized that watching her have incredibly hot sex with...

4 years ago
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Cuckold 3

Three years later ...John was well within his rights to ask, as it goes in the song, "Well, how did I get here?" Here was, in this sense, handcuffed stark naked to a chair in their spare room whilst his gorgeous wife was being fucked hard by her young black lover in the bedroom - their marital bedroom - next door. He looked down sadly at his fully erect willy and sighed. He simply could not control it anymore. Each creak from the bed, each groan from her lover and each lusty scream or pant from...

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Cuckold Success Strategy A Story

"So," my ther****t asked, looking up and giving me that same friendly and observant smile I'd come to associate with my complete trust in her as my cuckold ther****t, "how have you been since we last chatted?" I paused for a second to gather my thoughts and replied: "Good. I think your advice the last time I was here has really helped." (The advice she had given me had been to spend even more time than I had ready been doing watching interracial cuckold porn, and masturbating to it as I felt...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Savours The Smelly Cumload

This is a story about a man that who feels the need to be cuckolded and convinces his wife to fulfill this need. She agrees happily with her husband’s proposal, but asks him a special favour. The husband agrees and discovers the pleasure of eating another man’s sperm. It happened while I was working away from home. I was in a hotel room masturbating and watching a porno movie when I started fantasizing about my wife. I suddenly felt the need to be cuckolded. It’s difficult to...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Story Humilicucktrix Eating The Slops

Cuckold Story: Humilicucktrix - Eating The SlopsStory No.5WARNING: This story incorporates strong cuckold themes, including licking another man's semen from my ex-girlfriend's pussy. Please don't read if squeamish.In the past, I used to crave a bit of humiliation and would do some quite degrading things for kicks. I thought I'd compile a list of the 10 most depraved/pervy things I've done and write a short story about them each and post them on xhamster.The list:10. Drank a girl-racer's...

1 year ago
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Cuckold couple Discovers

Hello First of all I would like to say that english isn t my first language so please bear with my grammar :)And this is my first time ever to publish a story. Hope you enjoyChapter 1 First Steps, Marc’s SideMarc was an attractive men,5’10’ mix blood, black and white. He wasn’t so popular with girls while he was in high school thought, probably because of the social environment he was living in, and like most teenagers, he was an heavy user of porn. Nothing to freaky, but let s say he was...

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Cuckold II

Cuckold II By PJD Judy looked at the sissy going about his housework with a sense of satisfaction; he was now a complete sissy maid. The long grey maid's dress, the white maid's cap, the white pinafore tied at the waist with the large bow, the pink bra clearly visible through his dress as it strained to contain his huge tits. Her amusement increased, at the thought that under his plain grey maid's dress, he was wearing pink nylon panties, pink suspender belt, a pink nylon...

1 year ago
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Reddit Cuckold, aka r/Cuckold! Other than being the second most popular insult on online image boards, cuck is also the official word for a member of one of the weirdest fetishes I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Now, I review porn for a living, so I see a lot of wacky stuff. And since the third world porn industry is constantly trying to produce weirder, filthier smut, I’ve got my work cut out for me. But I don’t think any genre of porn is going to outdo my surprise when I first discovered the...

Reddit NSFW List
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CUCKOLD BIRTHDAYBy stitcherblue & cuckhold4pantyhoseWell if I'm going to dress you up I should do it real good. We'll start with a pair of white thigh highs with black lace appliques up the leg and a blue silk bra panty and garter set, topped with a pastel lavender silk blouse and a royal navy blue silk skirt. Well see you put the garter on then the thigh highs and then the panties over the garter that way you can take the panties off and keep the thigh highs and garters on. Silk feels...

2 years ago
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Cuckold 2

John liked to wank. No, he really liked to wank. He wasn't so keen on wanking off, if you understand the distinction, because cumming left him feeling spent and deflated. He liked the journey far more than the arrival, so quite often he would stop and deny himself the final release. After some internet 'research' he'd discovered this was called edging and, as much as he liked doing it himself, it was far far better when Jayne did it for him. Either way, he simply could not stop himself having...

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Cuckolds are meant to serve couples.Knowing a woman should be pleased by a real man is the sexiest truth you've faced and accepted. The funniest part is that you are grateful for being used by us. By me. While I get serviced and pleased by a real man. You'll never get to fuck me. Instead you will get to fund dates, purchase used condoms, and be of domestic service to us both. How pathetically grateful you will be to receive photos of us having a great time or to smell and taste the vile latex...

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Cuckold Email

Chapter one: The barI am driving my pickup on the way home from downtown Albuquerque. My beautiful wife of over fifteen years sits beside me with her arms crossed, her body stiff, jaw set like granite. The way she is dressed, so hot and sexy, would get the attention of anyone who looked in her direction. Well, actually, she has already received plenty of attention tonight. The reason she is pissed is because I stopped it.Let us back up a moment.My wife (Anna) and I (Roy) have agreed to having a...

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Cuckold Couple ISO Uncut Man Part 1

It all started with an email. “Hi – I saw your ad. It caught my attention quite a bit, actually. I’m just wondering, are you two still looking for someone?” I replied. The next day I received a brief reply, “Hey, yes. My wife would love to play, she’s never had an uncut man, and she’s dying to know what she’s missing. Are you uncut? Do you have pics?” I had replied to their ad: Cuckold couple, ISO of uncut man for her. They had been looking for years; but most men in America are circumcised,...

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Cuckold Never Gets Old

Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. The story is a fiction written for couples and cuckold sex lovers. Relax and hands inside underwear now! I’m a 25 year old Software professional leading a healthy (I mean boring) life. I’m quite a fan of cuckold sex, but not being a cuckold husband, rather the idea of fucking a wife in front of her husband. While it sounds weird for some couples, some of them do enjoy this. I’m not a married guy. I had this thing in my mind as a fantasy...

3 years ago
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Cuckold yes or NO

I got married to a beautiful mature Lebanese woman, love was divine and making love was great! Cuckolding never entered my mind. She seldom initiated sex but she truly enjoyed it. I know she did because, after her second orgasms, she transformed into a wild woman. She wanted more. And more. It’s like after she came twice, she was eager for sex and pleasure, wherever it comes from! And that’s when I started to get suspicions that she could, under certain circumstances, become a slut,...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Yes Or No

She seldom initiated sex but she truly enjoyed it. I know she did because, after her second orgasms, she transformed into a wild woman. She wanted more. And more. It's like after she came twice, she was eager for sex and pleasure, wherever it came from! And that's when I started to get indications that she could, under certain circumstances become a slut, needing to be fucked, she didn't care how! That was my first clue.She assumed my cock was long. Her ex-boyfriends must have been short...

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Cuckold Fianceacute

Hello there. This is Paul's wife Susan. You may or may not have read the two other stories my husband wrote that involve me. One was myearly experience with a bachelorette stripper. The other was when I seduced a very young student who was my lab partner. This story I am writing alone as my husband wasn't particularly involved. i.e. I was working in Toledo and he was living at our home in Cleveland. Paul and I met in Cleveland and shortly after I was transferred to Toledo. We always thought...

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cuckold lifestyle 16

This story is about the day to day life of a happy cuckold husband ( ME ). My wife has had free run for the whole time we have been married. She isn't a slut by any means but she does love to fuck. All of the guys she has sex with are guys we know, most are friends of mine. Right now if I'm counting correctly she has eighteen guys on the side , only one of them know I know what she is doing. My wife and I have a ten year old son. And he plays ball , baseball in the summer and football in the...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Husband Chapter 1

“You want what? You want me to get fucked by other men?” Kim's eyes flashed with anger. “You fucking pervert.”Paul winced as the lounge door slammed behind her as she stormed out.“That went well, then,” he muttered, sitting down on the settee and opening a can of beer.He had no idea why he'd decided that particular evening was the time to tell Kim of his fantasy of watching her get fucked by another guy. As the saying goes, it seemed a good idea at the time.It had been his fantasy for years. He...

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Cuckold and Sexwife in the beach

The story is completely real. We are a Cuckold / Sexwife couple. In the summer we love to relax on a nudist beach. One day we came to the beach in a chastity belt, dressed in my really smal penisl (6 cm in hanging and 14 cm in case of rising). And if the surrounding people are usually just looking at and quietly jerking off at my sexwife, then this time a couple of resting guys showed a clear interest in us. One of them, let's call him Dima, when my wife was in the water, approached me, asked...

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Cuckold and Sexwife at the beach

The story is completely real. We are a Cuckold / Sexwife couple. In the summer we love to relax on a nudist beach. One day we came to the beach in a chastity belt, dressed in my really smal penisl (6 cm in hanging and 14 cm in case of rising). And if the surrounding people are usually just looking at and quietly jerking off at my sexwife, then this time a couple of resting guys showed a clear interest in us. One of them, let's call him Dima, when my wife was in the water, approached me, asked...

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Cuckold First Strapon Anal Sex Bi 3some

Let me start by saying I’m a white Jewish man in a cuckold marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and I’ve been sexless for the last six years, while my wife has had many sexual partners and boyfriends over the last 16 years, most of them hung black men. Even though this is not how I expected my life to turn out, I’m content being a sexless cuckold and get turned on by the humiliation of my wife fucking other men, but it’s definitely something I’m not proud to admit to people I know! My first story...

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Cuckold Training Them Both to Take BBC

He knelt between Janet's spread legs as she laid face down on the bed. She could feel the burning hot stare of her husband as Tyrone eased the tip of his cock past the slick elastic lips of her needy pussy. She had never been unfaithful to her husband and she never would have done so if he hadn't confessed his desire to see her with another man. Janet felt the girth of Tyrone's long cock. It was easily the biggest that she had ever seen. She had always assumed that the stereotype of well hung...

4 years ago
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Cuckold asks wife to cheat again

Me and my wife are fairly recently married but we have been in a cuckold relationship way before marriage.For those of you who have read my stories, as you know we entered this life style when I caught my wife cheating on me... The story is one of the earlier stories on my page so feel free to read it.Anyway this story happened a couple of weeks ago. I was pretty horny and my wife Sue was out on a date so I decided to read some of my older stories and remember all the hot experiences me and Sue...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Turnon Moments2

This is a follow to our earlier posting of cuckold turnon moments. Most of the earlier version were contributed by me. These are mostly thought of by my wife.Home Invasion - There are times when my wife entertains in our home when I'm not there. These mostly occur during the day while I am at work. One of her favourites is to ask me to pick which rooms need to be cleaned that day. I'll tell her and she says, "OK, but I have a gentleman caller so I'll have to clean them when he leave, unless he...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Sissys First Meet Fantasy

This fantasy summary was sent to my wife and her prospective boyfriend to let her boyfriend know our fantasies and for me to know which bits got my wife and bf really wet? And feeling very horny? Which bits she really liked? And what they would you like to add to also?The text was sent to the prospective boyfriend's iphone with a picture of me on all fours showing my girlie soft pathetic knickered and caged boi-clit after he sent me a picky of his gorgeous cock which I had previously been lucky...

2 years ago
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Cuckold in the Making Part 2

Jason Last night my wife slept with another man for the first time since we were married. It wasn’t really infidelity; I had, over a period of time, encouraged her to do this. On her return, Emma had told me all about it – initially shyly and with guilt in her voice, but then with growing confidence and excitement as she described her experiences to me in detail.Afterwards, a spring in her step, she had left for ‘a nice hot bath’, leaving me locked in my cage in an uncomfortable state of...

3 years ago
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Cuckold 1

One of the things John enjoyed most was when Jayne, his wife for twenty years, gently held his willy in her left hand and slowly stroked it's underside with her right. If she was topless and in stockings then even better and if she could be persuaded to tease him and discuss his cuckolding fantasy at the same time then he was in dreamland. It didn't happen often. Not all of it anyway. Jayne was happy to do the stroking and to a lesser extent the stockings, but she wasn't keen on the fantasy....

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Cuckold yes or NO

I don't know if my story will be a turn on. It is not meant to be. Maybe if I write this down, it will help me sort out my feelings of excitement, anxiety; my fantasies and my fears. Got married to a beautiful mature lebanese woman, love was divine and making love was great ! Cuckolding never entered my mind. She seldom initiated sex but she truly enjoyed it. I know she did because after her second orgasms, she transformed into a wild woman. She wanted more. And more. It's like after she came...

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cuckold lifestyle 13

If life gives you lemons , make lemonaid...well that is just what happened. In my neighborhood there are five foreclosed homes. That is so sad that a family would loose their home. One of the houses is next door to my house. A new family moved in and while the movers where unloading the big moving van my wife walked next door to meet our new neighbors. The wife's name is Ann and my wife said she is a hot mom. Ann and my wife where watching the young black men carring the belongings into the...

2 years ago
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Cuckold yes or NO

She assumed my cock was long. Her ex-boyfriends must have been short because I didn't consider myself well endowed. Very turned on with a full erection I got just over 7 inches (18 cm) medium width. We sometimes had sex twice before going to sleep and when we had privacy, and enough time for me to get hard again, we went for a long third time! If her moans, screams, and orgasms were any indications, she was sexually satisfied. Eventually, I bought a vibrator. I chose a white model about the...

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Cuckold a real life lesson

Plain and simply put my wife fucks outside our marriage. I’m not complaining and in fact it’s my fault. I introduced her to the idea after years of watching guys check her out when we where out. At first she thought it was a set up or a test but once I had convinced her that I actually wanted for her to have sex with a guy outside the marriage she gave in. Now years and many lovers later we have settled in to a true cuckold lifestyle. She has grown as a hot wife and now she has a stable of...

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Cuckold Fantasies

Hello Readers, Just wanted to say that this 'introduction' chapter will be used as a guideline for random cuckold stories. You, as the reader, can always give me suggestions for ideas, new paths, and I'll try to implement them. My wild hotwife: Claire catches John masturbating cuckold porn, what happens next remains to be seen, or rather, to be read. Short story. Main theme: Cuckolding, interracial, vasectomy, impregnation. (Completed story) I watch as my wife gets seeded: The story is about...

2 years ago
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Cuckold a real life lesson

Plain and simply put my wife fucks outside our marriage. I'm not complaining and in fact it's my fault. I introduced her to the idea after years of watching guys check her out when we where out. At first she thought it was a set up or a test but once I had convinced her that I actually wanted for her to have sex with a guy outside the marriage she gave in.Now years and many lovers later we have settled in to a true cuckold lifestyle. She has grown as a hot wife and now she has a stable of studs...

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Cuckold Interview

This is an interview I conducted with a popular local bull in our town. This was part of my thesis paper on the benefits of cuckolding. It seems swingers in the lifestyle had a significantly lower divorce rate. Couples in cuckold relationships had an even lower divorce rate and had a much higher marital satisfaction rate.Me: thank you for taking the time to do this. You come highly recommended.Bull: glad to do it. I remember how hard it was for me when I went to Grad school.Me: What field did...

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Cuckold Humiliation

Cuckold HumiliationMy wife was in a dancing mood so she suggested we meet up with a girlfriend of hers and go to one of the clubs downtown. My wife is a gorgeous dominant 26 year old brunette with a firm toned ass, tanned stomach and beautiful rack. She put on a black leather miniskirt, tall black cougar boots and a tight white tank top with bold black lettering across the chest that read: AVAILABLE. She grabbed me and told me we had to get going to Christina's place and we headed out the...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Experience

The Cuckold ExperienceA true cuckold doesn’t know about it ahead of time, she doesn’t tell him, and he certainly isn’t involved in setting it up, or invited to watch.Instead, the way it usually happens is that he comes home early one day from work, unexpectedly, and walks in on them. Like so many cuckolds before him, he catches his wife naked in bed with another man, as they’re fucking. That’s how he finds out. His heart stops, he can’t breathe, and he feels like he’s going to pass out....

4 months ago
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Cuckold Chastity Fantasies

In this story, I find myself immersed in a tumultuous world, shrouded under the shadow of a green hat. This sparks profound reflections on love, betrayal, and personal growth. Embarking on a journey to uncover genuine desires, I am compelled to reevaluate my values and confront pivotal twists of fate. At the intersection of morality and desire, I confront the challenge of seeking happiness. This narrative delves deep into my inner self, revealing how I bravely face the power of hidden truths...

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Cuckold Club Pt2

** I don't claim authorship of this story. It was originally posted on Dark wanderer by Cuck Hubby. Thought it was good.Linda, meanwhile, was not thinking about her husband. At the moment she was standing in the center of the room while her soon-to-be lover, James, sat in an easy chair gazing at the sexy wife who was about to become his. His cock was uncomfortably hard and he couldn’t wait to free it. Or rather, for her to free it. He always enjoyed it when he was a white wife’s first black...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Husband Chapter 3

An hour, and two drinks later, the cuckold adventure entered its third, and final stage. Unbeknown to Kim, Paul's arrangement with the two brothers was choreographed into two parts. The first had been to introduce Kim to the world of the slut. The second was to show her the world of the group lover.This time the round of drinks included Paul who, with Kim's blessing had removed his cock cage and butt plug. But started again with him sitting and watching.Putting down their glasses the two...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Husband Chapter 2

All day in the office, Paul was reminded of the cock cage he was wearing by a feeling of permanent sexual arousal. The fact that his normal erection was not possible, only heightened both the tension and frustration. His tension was also heightened by the fact he was waiting for a text from the two brothers he wanted to employ to make his cuckold fantasy come true by fucking Kim.The ping from the incoming message caught him by surprise but was followed by relief when he read the text.Tonight 7...


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