Carnal Carnival free porn video

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Carnal Carnival

Her slender legs were now accelerating beyond her regular pace. If anyone saw her they would have thought that she was running away from something more so than she was jogging. The weather and her own memories had teamed up to batter her darkened silky hair with its humidity augmented perfume and pheromones releasing skin. If she was running away from her own thoughts, her body on the other hand yearned to be chased and it was saying so loudly, like the echoes generated by loud shrieks sent in the middle of a valley of curves, perfected by eons of female evolution and ripped by a lifetime of deistic sculpting.

Bonnie could remember a time when her life was mostly filled with joy. Before her twins got old enough to be in college; before her life had taken a sharp turn for the worse about a decade ago, when, on a morning not unlike this one, she came back home due to some emergency she no longer remembered only to find her husband, in their own nuptial bed, probing alternatively and methodically each holes of one of her dearest friends with his well-endowed member that she had since grown to hate.

Her jogging pace quickened, along with her now frantic breathing as she thought of what ensued. For the following decade her marriage had become a charade, a make-believe tableau of happily dysfunctional family where mum and dad had agreed to stay together for the good of the kids; at least until they were old enough to go to college. And that time had now come…

What she was truly running away from was the decision she knew she had to make now that the agreed upon ultimatum had been reached: the kids were going to college this fall. She mentally avoided the excruciating exercise to reminisce some more of her not-so-far-away youth. She smiled as she remembered a time when her body was the stuff of legends. She was far from a less beautiful now, but she no longer had the same confidence in her charms. In more ways than one she was more of a woman now than she was then. Back then she was petite and cute. Now she was the image of femininity and she was beautiful. She also delighted herself in remembering what a bad naughty girl she was. She recalled the time, before settling for her husband, when her promiscuity was only challenged by the amount of hard cocks willing to defile, in any way imaginable, this once nymphomaniac goddess now tamed by societal pressures of kids, friends, work and only-to-be-admired-“salope” etiquette.

For so long she had resorted to distractions in order to tunnel through her ring induced ordeal. The trips to her parents, the endless home renovation and decoration projects, the kids’ cloths shopping spree had all long lost their usual distractive functions. Even the frequent jogs had no more effects. If anything they were only adding to her list of problems. She noticed how more and more in-shape she was becoming and how men couldn’t keep their eyes off of her. Worse of all, for the past two years that she’s been running in the vicinity of a marathon a week, her libido had once again gone into overdrive, forcing her to have long bathing sessions where fingers and any object that resembled a phallus became the bringer of deliverance and flooding doom.

She pitied her current self. She decried her condition. But for once, in the last decade, one thing was different: now she could do something about it because the self-imposed moral barrier was now lifted. She stopped abruptly when she finally realized that she had gone too far, too fast overshooting the entrance of her house by half a kilometer. She turned back and remembered that there was something positive to look forward to the following day: the Carnival. She decided to postpone her decision to leave her make-believe husband until then. At least that’s what she told herself.


By that time now, Bonnie had been walking down the overly decorated, overly crowded sidewalks of the festive street where myriads of younger souls roamed and danced, shouted and drank. Already the music had reached decibel levels that were surely medically unadvised but healing for the soul. Exotic smells of foreign foods being grilled blocks away were mixing with not so faint scents of sweet elixirs that had the cunning properties of turning the prude into the frivolous.

The sun had giving up on illuminating away the follies of the many gathered to party. The last rays of that hot beautiful summer days were drawing a chameleon like sky that was quickly turning to the somber, the dark. Side by side lovers passed by, their eyes and mind lost in the innocence of youth; their raised hands, subjected to invisible forces, moving at the same cadence set by the intoxicating music, a growing public wave of welcomed carelessness.

The whole thing reminded Bonnie of what she had since lost. She thirsted for something he could no long provide. Something forbidden, something verboten, a sin of irreparable moral damage which would surely bring about the end of this boring, too long and too perfect cliché inspired slow drift into maturedome.

Bonnie felt eerily funny. She was somehow over the years become the odd one in the crowd. She was now the hottie whose age one couldn’t be sure was more than 36, alone, yet with an unchallenged beauty and a complexion evocative of the sky’s tint laid by recently retreated summer sun.

She had walked through the crowd with the idea of tiring herself out before deciding for a nice restaurant. After a few hundred meters of swimming through the flesh, she noticed them… A young couple kissing passionately without an inkling of care for the envious eyes watching them. Their hands were sensually contouring their lightly clothed bodies and their eyes only opened briefly, occasionally to get lost in the other’s growing lust.

Bonnie was transfixed by the sight of the kissing couple… the dare, the romanticism. The girls must have been so wet, Bonnie thought to herself, trying to justify her own growing wetness from just being witness to the near-erotic public display of affection.

The girl was the first to break kiss. Maybe she was starting to feel the growing number of curious eyes. Or maybe she was afraid to lose control in the middle of this carnival crowd. She rebuttoned a few knots from her partially opened top and disappeared into the crowd, dragging her lover by the hand.

Bonnie followed suite. She dove in the pile of dancing bodies where the couple had recently passed and tried to catch up with them. The music was getting louder and faster as she approached the center of the dancing circle. Bodies were rubbing against each other as they jumped up and down in unison. As she tried to find a path through, in the general direction that she had seen the kissing couple take, Bonnie got repeatedly groped on her generous bosom and ass. Surprisingly, even to herself, she liked it and it was turning her on in more ways than one.

She was reaching the fringe of the dancing mob when she caught a glimpse of the couple just in time before the disappeared again in a small alley in a quieter section of the street. She quickened her pace to follow them. As she distanced herself from the trembling subwoofers, she could finally hear herself think. “What are you doing Bonnie? Why are you following them?” There was not answer to the self-directed mental question because some ungodly process had shut down the logical part of her being. May be it was the fact that unconsciously she had already made her decision and her moral restrains along with the heavy coat of logic usually applied to it were now lifted. Or maybe she had been contaminated by the overall feeling of folly that had settled among the carnival attendees. Whatever it was, she liked the feeling of it and she didn’t want to let go.

What is there not to like when one’s pussy is soaking… When she turned into the street where she saw them go, she slowed down, by instinct. She slowly proceeded deeper into the dark alley. Faint repetitive sounds were coming from not too far away. She took a few more steps forward. In the dim light she thought she recognized some of their cloths on the floor, but she couldn’t be sure. She took a couple more steps forward…

She saw them, skin to skin, the tender flesh of the female body being pinned against the wall of the alley as if her lover was trying to fuse her to it with great effort. If Bonnie’s crouch was soaked before, now drips of her essence that could no longer be withheld by her carefully selected panty, were slowly making their way down her long thighs.


Bonnie’s leg of their own volition approached the couple in full coatus. She could now clearly make out the loud moans previously drowned by the incessant music and large nearby crowd. More exciting, she could clearly hear the distinctive auditive sequence of skin impacting against skin, fighting for increased friction.

Unlike in the mob-packed street a few minutes before, the couple had dispensed of us much clothes as the situation allowed. The belted jeans of the young stud was rattling repeatedly on the floor, still enlacing the ankles of its owners, serving more of a restraining function than that of a vestmental duty. The girlfriend was not to be undone with her hand size breast leading a skin perfect torso that was pushing her rolled back T-Shirt ever closer to her neck. Her soft naked thighs and calves were rubbing tenderly against her lover’s naked waste. Their tongues were swimming in their make-shift lake of warmth and saliva.

Bonnie’s legs, of their own will, took a few more steps forward. She was now so close she could feel their warmth. More tormenting she could inhale that sweet odor of the spring of life: Young lubricant scent emanating from the V shaped pit of their skin rapped cum flavored ice cream cone… Only deities know how long it had been. Only deities know how intoxicating that perfume was to her…

Slowly, the girlfriend broke the kiss as her head slowly tilted upwards to gaps for some air, to gather some much needed energy for the tsunami of feeling that was now eminent. Then it happened, Bonnie saw her face cringed in the most primal of expressions. Then the tension dissipated, leaving a stoic visage not unlike that of a drug addict that thanks the heavens, in a blissful moment of ecstasy, for creating a feeling that should not exist.

Experiencing the girlfriend climax had fueled Bonnie with whatever courage she needed. Her lips spoke before she had the time to think about it.
“I have been watching you…” said Bonnie in a soft unexpectedly sexually charge tone.


They both turned sharply, startled by the realization that someone was there watching them, an arm length away. After the initial fright, the couple was more relieved that their stalker was not a cop or some self-proclaimed moral police. Surely it was neither of the above because the woman in question had her cleavage out and a restless hand on a visible and now panty less crouch.

Bonnie was scared too, she had heard herself say those words, but she had no idea how they were going to react. For all she knew she had turned them off, or worst the stud was going to take out his frustration on her because she had interrupted him. They did neither. On the contrary Bonnie noticed that they were both staring at her voluptuous breasts and in the case of the boy, his transfixed gaze was accompanied by an increase in the cadence at which he was penetrating his breathless partner.

Bonnie took advantage of the newly discovered effects of her naked assets and unbuttoned the rest of her blouse, revealing the full splendor of her femininity, contoured by a functionally useless bra. She noticed that their eyes widened in awe and respect of her forms. Bonnie could have sworn she heard the girl moan as she was revealing more of herself.

“You can touch them if you want…” continued Bonnie as she got closer.

The girl fixed Bonnie in the eyes for a few seconds, unsure and still waiting an approval that had already been granted. Caringly, she then turned to her lover to seek the other half of the approval that never came because he was too busy himself. Too busy resisting the temptation of an offer that wasn’t directed to him, while at the same time being tortured by the soft tight and musky palettes of girlfriend’s womb. The girl waited no longer. The feeling of caressing those imposing soft breasts from a complete stranger, and a female stranger at that was well worth the potential jealousy of her hypnotized gesticulating lover. But above all the girl wanted to touch them at least before they got caught and this time by a less contributing party.

Bonnie noticed that boy was now panting even more rapidly as his generously girthed member was entering and exiting the sacred alley of the naturally tanned girlfriend, like a devout religious nut job bobbling his head in front of a wall whose responses only he could feel.

Even in the relative darkness, Bonnie could make out the outlines of his superb lower torso. The light creases gave way to a picturesque site of valleys and abs. Not to be undone, his half taut pecs and biceps only added to the torment of any onlooker, male or female, screaming without saying a word: “ Don’t fuck with me or I’ll rough you up or fuck you silly .” In Bonnie’s case, she wanted both.

Gradually, the sensual high pitch moans of the repeatedly perforated girlfriend were once again rising in volume and intensity. The girl’s hand was still groping and caressing Bonnie’s twin cleavage, undecided on which she liked better. Bonnie instantly recognized the lamenting song of the girl. She had heard it before. It was the tribal song of a woman lost in the place where one is closest to climaxing but is waiting for a trigger event that will show the path to salvation and free her from the hands of the torturous devilish daemons of pre-orgasm.

Bonnie didn’t miss a bit. She used her free right hand and returned the favor to her still unnamed breast massager. She started by touching the young tit that was the farthest away from her; caressing and contouring the wood like erect nipples, providing them with the attention that only someone of the same sex would have the expertise to.

The young stud quickened his pace.

That’s when she noticed it. The girth on the young lad’s penis certainly had to be the largest she had ever seen. Mentally she pulled out her portfolio of conquests from her earlier years and confirmed that it was either the largest or she had been out of business for so long that anything wider than three large fingers would look like a personal record to her. Never the less, she could no longer wait to see it in full and the mere thought of it, the impossible anticipation was now flooding her pussy buried fingers with uncalled for torrents of musky elixir.

Bonnie removed the hook shaped fingers of her left hand, locked in her pussy and placed those same viscous fingers on the girl’s clitoral area, rubbing the whole region in a tender slippery concentric motion.

The young early twenties boyfriend quickened his pace further on his early twenties girlfriend, obviously increasingly excited by the depraved audacity that Bonnie was showing. This time Bonnie couldn’t tell if it was because of the watering of his girlfriend’s slit, brought on by a mixture of her own juices and the girl’s fresh addition, or if it was because she had caressed the young man’s edible abs with the back of her hand on her way down to his girlfriend’s vagina. Maybe it was the fact that his crouch, every half a second, came crushing down the soft back side of this stranger’s hand. One thing Bonnie could tell with certainty was that the girl was now irreversibly closer to lifting off. She precipitated her ascent to near-public disgrace by licking and sucking the tip of her free breast, the one not being pinched groped and caressed by her right hand, the one that was being erratically jiggled in the air.

“Vincent!!! Oh!... Oh!... Vincent!!!” uttered the young girl unintelligibly. ” She is… She is lick… Oh!... I am CUMMING…”

Her screech was so loud that Bonnie and Vincent feared that they might be heard by some of the people shouting and dancing just around the corner, a stone throw away.


When Vincent finally pulled out, the girlfriend dropped exhausted and out of breath to the ground. She was still struggling to breath. With her hair in partial disarray and in a pose indicative of the fact that all limbs had been drained of any hint of vigor, she would have looked like she had been mauled by the two somber figures standing over her.

Vincent too was still panting heavily. Bonnie’s gaze, locked on his affable upper features, then it drifted downwards past the chest and torso that she had already memorized. Where her gaze froze, was on the erect manhood of the young stud. A statue awkwardly pointing skyward with an object that belonged in a museum more so than it did in the wild.

The same object had just been defiled by an ignorant young girl who didn’t know how to use it and now evidence of her crime was glistening and shimmering all over it for all to see. This was unacceptable! It had to be cleaned. It had to be cleaned before it could be used again…

Vincent was about to start stroking his member with his eyes fixed on Bonnie’s chimeric forms when Bonnie quickly dropped to her knees, quicker than he ever through possible. She then murmured loud enough for him to hear with a tone of a she-daemon: “Let me help you.”

What ensued was more graphic than it was intended to aid the situation. Bonnie wasn’t really helping and she knew that very well. In fact if anything she added to the problem.

When she finally stopped sucking, right before Vincent started to lose control, his cock was now coated with layers of lewd mixtures of his girlfriend’s cum and the viscous saliva coming from the depths of Bonnie’s throat. How she was even able to shove down his rigid, girth gifted, heavy dick down her throat is beyond her. Somehow she still had some skills. Also, she was back in control and she had him right where she wanted him in that place where he would be willing to do anything, anything just to get that impending orgasmic pressure off. Or at least she was convinced that he would.

Bonnie didn’t waste another second. She stood up and in a continuous motion, leaned forward against the nearby wooden fence, spread her legs, retracted her short skirt upwards setting it firmly on her wide hips revealing her “from-behind” look and she crowned the whole thing with a face looking back at her prey, inviting him in ways he shouldn’t refuse. There was a moment. Even the not-so-distant loud music seemed to have disappeared from their reality as they eyes locked in pure unaltered lust.

But then the bastard hesitated. Although he seemed to snap out of the hypnotic trance bestowed on him by Bonnie, he was still fapping frantically. He looked at his knocked out girlfriend still half lying down half sitting on some unsuspecting owner’s doorstep. His look towards his girlfriend was that of someone seeking approval or trying to determine if what he was about to engage in was good or worst condoned…

Bonnie realized that she had clearly underestimated the strength of their attachment, something she had experienced once herself when, Sund, her husband was courting her. She had felt the same devotion and surrender to the point of being illogical. That was so long ago, when he loved her, before he repeatedly broke her trust and self-confidence with one of her best friends and multitude of younger conquests.

Bonnie knew that if she didn’t strike now the whole thing was doomed to end as is… and she wasn’t ready for that. As cunning as only a mature bitch can be she regained control.

“What are you? 16?” She spat at him in a semi provoking semi degrading voice. ” Do you need her permission to take your pants off too?”

Vincent’s impossibly cute face changed suddenly. Bonnie knew what she had done. What she wasn’t sure of what the magnitude of the retaliation that was now eminent. She saw the change is his look. She was so scared. She had also never been that turned on. She was ready…

There was a faint ruffle as the belted jean scrapped the dirty asphalt for the last time. With his pants off and a look of resolve, domination, slight disdain overpowered by irresistible desire, Vincent took a few steps forward towards her with his woman taming cock leading the way.

“I’ll show you who needs to get permission!” he said in a clear tone, articulating each syllable well enough to make sure his intent got across.

Bonnie wasn’t sure where all the extra juice that was dipping down her thighs come from. She also wasn’t sure where the faint penetration less moans, emanating from her own mouth came from. Somehow she was losing control again. Somehow she was getting exactly what she wanted.

When his penis finally touched her clit her vision went all blurry. She felt his long member rubbing the entire interminable length of its upper skin along her damp clit. She let out a gasp of submission which only aggravated his testosterone heightened state.

Vincent had just missed the initial penetration by a few inches and as a result ended up rubbing her clit instead in a long unintended sensual stroke. Frustrated, he quickly grabbed his cock, held it firm and made sure it went where then abundant liquid told him to go. He plunged deep into Bonnie, dispensing of the usual slow introduction and accustomization period. He deeply penetrated her and spread apart her long hiatus, assuring she got his full length from the start by spreading her ass cheeks with his muscular vein riddled hands.

It was only then, while being fully penetrated and engulfed, that Bonnie truly realized how big and large Vincent was. Under the effect of his powerful dick, she started to have some misplaced sympathies for his girlfriend because her own legs were already starting to shutter under the delicious pressure his sizeable little friend was applying on all the areas of her vulva including areas that had never been cock stroked before. To make matters worse, she had provoked the damn fucker and he was pumping her at an ungodly rate, pinning her face down on the fence and treating her of vile names she would never admit to liking.

15 seconds into the leg shattering rough romp and Bonnie knew she wasn’t going to make it. She could feel her body was skipping through all the usual stages of incremental sexual pleasure to rush to an unavoidable collision with a well-deserved mushroom cloud worthy climax. She wanted him… She wanted him everywhere… She wanted to devour now him with every hole she had because she knew she wasn’t going to make it. She wasn’t going to last.

Under the domination imposed on her by the aggravated horse hung stud, she mustered the little strength and control that she could. She turned towards Vincent, faked a smile as best she could under the circumstances. In between moans and soft cries of joy, she told him in the simulated calmest of voices:

“Is that all you got or do you need permission to fuck me harder you worthless young piece of shit.” Her tone was both tranquil and piercing.

“You…” He attempted to reply. But he never finished.

Vincent now looked like rage and lust had completely engulfed him. He grabbed Bonnie’s Head by a handful of her dark gently curled hair he could find, turned her head sideways so that one side was now rubbing hard against the wooden fence and the other was exposed facing him. He gathered, then he spat on the open side of her face, slapped hard her on her ass cheeks and tits with his free hand. And yet, to his growing surprise, all oncoming this roughness was met with even louder moans of bliss.

Undignified and powerless he uttered a couple more insults to the sex beast he was trying to tame. He told her things he only half believed just to get a bit of an upper hand in this seemingly one-sided affair. He pulled his dick out her now flooded slit. For a few seconds in the darkness he swore he saw her pussy dripping a lot of its precious content on the florr, but he would worry about that later. For now he had a battle to win.

Determined, Vincent was not ready to be undone. With a tight pull he removed Bonnie’s now dirty fingers that had been logged in her own ass for the last minute or so.

“What are you doing? What are you doing?” she meowed innocently at him.

“I am going to show you that I not a worthless young stud and I am going to punish you in the ass.” He roared.

“Oh please, oh please…” she replied almost breathless,” it is too big for my ass.” She laughed with a mocking tone.

Vincent took a deep breath as if to calm himself down. But it didn’t help in anyway, not when she had such a radiant smile on her, somewhere in his mind he was wondering who was fucking who. He saw her tight hole wink at her in anticipation of the degrading act that was to come, as if even the it was making fun of him. On the other end of the deprave scene, Bonnie couldn’t wait anymore she could feel the mounting symptoms of her climax. She wanted it now.

“Okay, Okay…”she forced herself to giggle through the pain and the extreme pleasure of being pinned down and fucked so hard.” Maybe you are not 16, I think you have grown some balls. 17?”

Vincent could not understand how this woman was still taunting him, let alone how she was still standing after all this. Bonnie did not understand it too. He was so big, he was so rough and yet she yearned for more, for a lot more. He through to himself “She is asking for it, she is going to get it.”

He slapped her a few more times, this time harder and on the face and tits alternatively, and accompanied the whole tirade by a volley of spit that landed right on her beautiful upper lip, right cheek and chin. Without missing a bit, her tongue rose to clean up the drool on her upper lip, her whole body undulating like a charmed mamba from the effect of the strong slap previously received, asking for more, dancing for far more.

Vincent shook his head, he couldn’t take it anymore. He studied his dick which was now well lubricated to the ball by this most daring of stranger. He steadied his stiffer-than-dildo cock with his right hand, pinned her down once more on the fence and buried himself in her perfectly age ripped asshole. The pitch of her voice changed drastically as moans became incessant cries of pure bliss, augmented by her own hand rubbing her Mississippi-like vulva.

“Ohhhhh…..” Bonnie cried submissively, illogically. ”Your big cock is stretching my ass so good. You are going to make me cum… You fucking bastard…” She continued in desperate unconvincing yelp.

From the corner of his eye, Vincent who was now in a total delirium saw her. It was his girlfriend. She had recovered and worse she was standing next to him, her face a mirror of perfect frozen pleasure contrasting with her hand frantically mistreating her own clit. She couldn’t take her eyes of them, and her lips had decided that they were going to part ways until she had cummed again, leaving her breathing to emit faint audible sounds of sin.

Vincent seized the moment. Not so much so consciously but under trance, lust and rage still directed at Bonnie. He grabbed his girlfriend by the throat, pulled her down so that she was kneeling down with her face pointing up next to Bonnie’s slit, next to her lush valley formed by her spread legs separated by the sweetest of pussy river and shamelessly cock perforated ass.

“Lick her pussy!” Vincent ordered her.

Bonnie had one last smile as the soft musky mouth of the soon to be fiancé kissed and licked her engorged pussy lips and clit in a motion of total submission. She gasped in ecstasy as Vincent’s huge cock reentered with forced permission past her sphincter. All these emotions and stimulations were too much for one woman to take; even a once experienced slut like herself. There was a veil of darkness. She must have fainted for a fraction of a second. When she came back to her senses she let it all go.

All those years of frustration and retention; all those marital lies; All the uncalled for neglect she received from her once loving husband; all those time when he profaned and defile their marriage in their own house, on her own bed; all those mocking looks from neighbors and friends too easy to interpret ; all the sacrifices she made for the future of her kids; all those constrains of being a perfect not-to-be-touched trophy wife. She let it all go.

There was a deluge of cum from both parties, then the unmistakable floppy sounds of a cock trying to push cum out of a tight flooded orifice. The next thing Bonnie was aware of, she was on her knees where a considerably ass juice darkened leaking massive cock was being gently stroked by a sex drunk girlfriend.

Bonnie proceeded to kiss it, lick it, clean it with the help of the eager girlfriend. Somehow they had silently agreed that they such a monument of pleasure could not be defiled by so much cum, pussy and ass juice. It had to be thoroughly cleaned and purified until it regained its natural color. It also didn’t hurt that they kissed passionately in the process under the stupefied gazed of a spent Vincent.

Bonnie also noticed how wet the girlfriend face was. She realized that in the final stages of her orgasm she must have squirted any remainder of her womanly juices all over the poor soul’s face. That was no way to reward someone who was helping by licking her juicy clit. Not to be undone the contour of her mouth was now distinctively darkened by the same material that had previously covered her boyfriend’s cock. Never the less she had not complained or winced once. “What a whore in the making,” Bonnie thought to herself.


Freedom is a funny thing. Sometimes when you get it you are not sure what to do with it, even if you had longed for it for so long.

“Well why think about the future now?” Bonnie thought to herself, “The night is still young.”

Strange noises of fanfare and loud cries of half-drunk crowd rose from a close distance. Somewhere in there was the next unsuspecting victim of Bonnie’s new found freedom…

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SOL-4/ Mars Jena followed Kinkaid through the Holdfast at his side. Other occupants got out of their way. The corridor linking the control room with the cafeteria was lined with windows facing the rusty Elysium Plains expanding to the horizon in every direction. “Even with this system-wide crisis our friends at TIL are utterly deaf when it comes to questions about their interactions with the Xenos, and they’re mute about anything they’ve learned,” Kinkaid groused as he shuffled along slowly...

2 years ago
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Sex Carnival

It all started when I was 16, I think it was year 10. We were at our annual school Swimming Carnival, like all Aussie schools have. We got off the bus, into the venue and sat in our respected house areas. (House is the same as team). Swimming Carnival was one of my favourite time of year. Seeing girls I see everyday, in their bikinis, walking around all day and swimming. It always made me hard. I usually cover myself up with a towel, but this year, I was in a lot of events, so I couldn’t really...

2 years ago
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Today I audition for a new job with a traveling carnival. I’m excited but also a little nervous about what all the job might require. The employment agency that set everything up would only tell me that this wasn’t a typical carnival in that only those 18 and older were allowed inside. Also, I needed to be comfortable with nudity. Since I really need a job, I’ve decided that I have no issue showing off my body and spent the morning getting everywhere nice and smooth. I arrive and introduce...

3 years ago
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Sex Carnival

It all started when I was 16, I think it was year 10. We were at our annual school Swimming Carnival, like all Aussie schools have. We got off the bus, into the venue and sat in our respected house areas. (House is the same as team). Swimming Carnival was one of my favourite time of year. Seeing girls I see everyday, in their bikinis, walking around all day and swimming. It always made me hard. I usually cover myself up with a towel, but this year, I was in a lot of events, so I couldn't really...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Caressing Cock at Carnival

I went to Rio for carnival the year before last, it was amazing, thousands of beautiful people partying in the streets, wearing next to nothing and all hooking up. On our first day out, I was dressed in tiny gold hot pants and a matching boob tube. Every five minutes some topless stud was coming up to me and asking if he could kiss me!That afternoon the heavens opened and absolute torrential rain began to pour down on us. Me and my girl friends ducked in to a doorway for shelter, but we weren't...

2 years ago
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Firemens Carnival

"Mark! I'm over here!" I waved my hands wildly, trying to get my husband's attention. It was useless though; he couldn't hear me over the noise of the crowd and he hadn't noticed our booth when he walked past. "Hey, lady. Can we get some pies here or not?" A sweaty, overweight man stood beside three sweaty, underweight kids. Each child clutched a dollar bill in their dirty little fists. I took a last look at Mark's back, disappearing behind the Ferris Wheel. Oh, well, he'd keep...

2 years ago
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The Carnival

We went to the late movie and were headed off to your place,(so you thought).  ‘Where are you going?’ you asked as I turned off to a side road.  ‘It’s a surprise,’ I replied. After a few minutes I pulled into a dirt parking lot, next to a large, darkened Carnival.  ‘They’re closed, Steve. It’s too late at night.’  ‘You just wait here. I’ll be right back.’ You watched me from the car conversing with two large men in security uniforms. I returned to the car and took your hand. ‘Come on,’ I...

1 year ago
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Carnal Veil

The intro music finished followed by a ladies sultry voice filling the radios, i-phones, and other devices tuned into her popular podcast.“Greetings and salutations to all my veiled listeners and dreamers. Tonight's show is like my others. The letters I’ll read I’ve changed all names, just in case real ones were used. I’ve changed the location and if needed spiced it up a little. I’ll remind you that sex should always be a safe, pleasurable, and with practice, a memorable experience. The first...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Carnal Encounter

It is simply magic with Pete. We have that perfect liaison, a relationship to die for and he serves me like a Prince with his showgirl although I am of the same genre, it is nice to think of it that way, I guess because he brings out all the feminine hormones in me, those few all males have and vice versa, but some more than others. But certainly Pete brings them out with me so wonderfully and beautifully that it is simply heaven to share our most deepest desires and wants. Like yesterday when...

1 year ago
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Carnal lust continues

Hello dear readers, narrated below are a small imagination from your JJ with the back drop of one of the private beaches on the ECR Chennai. Kaviyam a 48 year old stinking rich widow who own a huge private beach left behind by her husband. This narration below explains how she falls pyre to her carnal lust to Narain who works at the beach as a care taker and he’s half her age. At 24 Narain was muscular and a raring to go beast who would make an Egyptian mummy to experience orgasm. The sun beat...

4 years ago
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Carnal Devotion

You look ravishing tonight, I only have eyes for you. Even though we do not know each other, there is an understanding, a silent message conveyed by our eyes across the room. As I leave my place beside my colleagues to approach you at the bar, your smile widens as I answer your silent request.I offer you a drink, to drench your desire for me while we get acquainted. You accept it, although I know you would like to leave right away, but I want to see who I’m going to please tonight. We chat...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Carnal Crimes Part One Back Road Cop by Millie Dynamite a cuckold story

A Cuckold Story Millie Dynamite © Copyright 2021 by Millie Dynamite This is a work of fiction and not intended to promote any lifestyle. This is merely a representation of the fantasy of the cuckold lifestyle. The names, characters, places, and incidents are drawn from the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, is merely coincidental and unintentional. This story contains some sex and violence, and racial stereotypes. If you have an issue...

3 years ago
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Fireman8217s Sexcarnival

“Mark! I’m over here!” I waved my hands wildly, trying to get my husband’s attention. It was useless though; he couldn’t hear me over the noise of the crowd and he hadn’t noticed our booth when he walked past. “Hey, lady. Can we get some pies here or not?” A sweaty, overweight man stood beside three sweaty, underweight kids. Each child clutched a dollar bill in their dirty little fists. I took a last look at Mark’s back,...

3 years ago
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Carnal Adventure

Terri 33 year old divorced mother of one child and small business owner. She has long blonde hair, is 5' 5" tall with a curvy body. Today promised a warmth later in the day. As she stood peering out the kitchen window, she could see that, although it was still slightly overcast, the sun already shone cautiously through the light blanket of mist over the trees. Terri went to the bedroom to get ready for work. Terri looked in the mirror as she finished getting ready. Today, she dressed...

1 year ago
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Carnal Avalanche Part 2

Never in a million years could I have imagined being where I was, inches from the face of a petty younger woman, coaching her on deep-throating a cock, her second cock in a row. The first had been my lover Peter's, now her husband Jon's. Never in a million years.After Peter made a mess of her, I kissed her again, the third passionate kiss of the first woman I had ever really kissed. Amazing. Never in two million years. To think that I had been crying over the prospect of having dinner with...

3 years ago
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Carnal Avalanche Part 1

In the encroaching darkness, Bald Mountain loomed ominously, appearing impossibly close. The steep ski trails, each one an intimidating challenge to my intermediate skills, spilled down the sides of Baldy's peak as if white sauce had been ladled over a giant mound of chocolate soft serve. It foreshadowed our walk as Peter and I crossed the condominium complex to join two swinger couples for dinner, and perhaps more, at their rented condo. Surely new and different tests of my limits awaited.I...

1 year ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 05

Joe returned from the store to see that Shane’s truck was gone, but Kerri’s car was still in the drive and several light where on in the house. Joe parked in the drive and walked up to the front door. He saw Kerri in the living room dancing. He could hear the soft vibration of his abused sound system out on the front porch. Kerri was moving about lost in her music, her tan nubile body clad only in a button-down baseball jersey. This time Joe politely rang the door bell. The music switched off...

1 year ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 03

Joe awoke from his dream-filled sleep, irritated at the wetness left on the sheets between his legs. He quickly showered, checked-out, ate breakfast and got on the road. He made excellent time once he crossed the Pennsylvania border. His mood had improved when he past the state capital and got on the junction of the highway that would soon take him home. The campus should still be relatively quiet, since the students were still on break. Maybe he could just relax and forget about his problems...

4 years ago
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Carnal Connection Pt 01

A tale set in modern rural Midwest about sex and other passions as a young divorcee, after working on her back (and in other positions) for a year to boost her income significantly, casts aside that activity and leaves the city seeking a new life with the apparent belief her destiny would find her. Chapter 1 Jilli didn’t know why she did it – she meant having random sex with men. Perhaps it was her fondness for variety, or the hope of some athletically flexible guy stimulating her to an...

4 years ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 04

Mia Bawden rose from the couch a walked over to the desk as she thought more about this new wrinkle in her plans. She wanted to be the co-chair of the department–now that Joe Murphy had returned there would be real competition for the spot. To make matters worse, a great deal of her time and effort would be diverted by a grievance filed by a female student in her class last semester. Monica Seles was complaining about her grade. She wouldn’t be able to use sex to get her way this time. Since...

1 year ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 06

Joe checked on dinner while Kerri relaxed her spasming thigh muscles in the hot tub. She had never experienced the type of orgasm Joe had brought her to with any of her previous boyfriends. She couldn’t wait to see what she was in store for later that night. She was so glad that she had went to see the doctor and get the diaphragm. It was very liberating not to worry about protection. It allowed Kerri to completely unwind and experience the best sex possible. She didn’t understand her...

4 years ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 01

Joe Murphy tossed and turned on the bumpy hotel bed as sleep eluded him. He groaned as he glanced across the room at the other bed where his wife, Carol, slept peacefully. She always had a knack for falling into a deep sleep wherever they stayed the instant her head hit the pillow. The rumpled mattress and lumpy pillow only augmented his restlessness. The real reason he was sleepless was a nagging bout of sexual frustration. He and Carol had been married for seven years. While they still made...

2 years ago
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Carnal Connection Pt 03

SO FAR: Divorcee and short-term prostitute Jilli Drummond has endeavored to escape from her sordid past and on the coast meets a young man Joe Wright who has taken a month off to recover from the aftermath of his divorce. Joe takes the former hotel restaurant manager home. ‘Home’ is a 26,000 cattle ranch in South Dakota. Thus begins a cultural shock including some exciting times and now it’s time to introduce Jilli to local society. Chapter 5 Hostess Mae Zimmerman met Joe and Jilli at the...

1 year ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 08

Monica Selles finished her shower and toweled off. She was still fuming from her encounter with that bitch, Mia Bawden, her English professor. She should have taken the advice of her friends and taken the section taught by Professor Murphy. They said he was just dreamy! All she wanted was to protect her perfect grade average. She left the witch’s office and headed right for a phone to call Dr. Lavery’s apartment. She shouted obscenities when the answering machine explained that he wasn’t home...

3 years ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 10

Monica kicked woke the boys from their fuck-induced slumber and rousted them out of her one room apartment. She then picked up the phone and dialed David’s number, leaving a suggestive message on his recorder. She fixed the bed and lit some incense to cover the gamy smell of sex that lingered in the loft, then headed to the bathroom. She turned on the water, and admired her lean body in the large mirror. She pushed her perky breasts together and the teats stuck out in hard pride. She admired...

2 years ago
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Carnal Connection Pt 02

SO FAR: Divorcee and short-term prostitute Jilli Drummond has endeavored to escape from her sordid past and on the coast meets a young man Joe Wright who has taken a month off to recover from the aftermath of his divorce. Joe takes the former hotel restaurant manager into his mini RV on the homeward leg of his circuit. ‘Home’ is a 26,000 cattle ranch in South Dakota. Thus begins a cultural shock including some exciting times for the refugee from the city. On her first morning on the Wright’s...

4 years ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 07

Joe awoke the next morning surprised to see that he had slept until well past 9:00 A.M. He grinned thinking about how that little vixen had worn him out last night. Next to the bed was a small table with a covered dish and a note. Kerri had left him breakfast before leaving for work in the morning. She worked at one of those posh bookstores at the mall that made more profit from their excellent cappuccino bar than the books people always browsed, but never purchased. Along with the breakfast of...

2 years ago
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The young girl awoke to dank aroma of mold and sweat, the smell drenching her senses. She felt her stomach in knots, and although it coiled madly she dared to open her eyes and gaze at her surroundings. She grimaced as she sat up on what appeared to be an engorged slab of stone and looked down at herself. Bewildered, as she realized that she was only clad in a sheer black gown, that clung feverishly to her shapely frame in the coolness of dingy room. She did not recall how she got into such...

2 years ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 02

Murphy intended to drive straight through, but at Pennsylvania’s maximum speed limit of 55 mph, he soon realized it would be impossible. His stomach churned as he traveled at a snail’s pace on the narrow highway that was bordered by continuous four-foot mounds of road-grime stained snow. The ugly plow dung reminded him of the truck-stop food he had ate earlier, but still couldn’t digest. The landscape was dull and lifeless, even the sunset was gray. God–he hated this miserable state and...

4 years ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 09

Joe went in to his office after finishing the yard, showering, and eating some lunch. During the whole drive to the campus his mind reeled with mixed thoughts. He couldn’t believe what he had been through in the last forty-eight hours. He didn’t feel like a man who had, in a very short period of time, cheated on his wife, slept with his best friend’s wife, co-worker’s daughter, or secretly lusted after a go-go dancer (not to mention the luscious blond from the hotel). In fact, he felt pretty...

2 years ago
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Carnal Needs

Once you were a member of an elite crew of time traveling pioneers, sent into the distant future to discover obstacles in the path of progress and report back to base.. that was the plan. But it turned out there was no going back, and after going one million years into the future it looks like this post-apocalyptic world is your home from here on out. With your advanced knowledge of the fields of time you hypothesize that since you are not able to go back to your present time, you may be...

3 years ago
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Carnal Curiousities Part 2

I took my time dressing, wanting to maximize my "assests" as much as possible. When I hunted, I made sure my trap was set with the perfect bait. I wanted to catch the best specimen of prey possible and to do so, you need good bait. Checking my reflection, I decided I definitely had good bait. I was dressed in an exquisitely tight black halter dress that hugged my ample rear and large chest. My tits were practically spilling out of the dress. The length was perfect as well. It was...

1 year ago
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Carnal Curiousities

I sat at my desk drinking the same old boring cup of coffee, wearing the same old boring clothes, doing the same old work, when I realized I was living the same old boring life. I had been single for over 6 months and hadn’t been on a date. I hadn’t had sex in over 9. I was long overdue. The problem wasn’t me, I was attractive enough I suppose. I have long black hair, hazel almost golden eyes, large firm breasts, and a round ass. The problem was, the men that asked me out didn’t seem to strick...

3 years ago
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Carnal Urges of a Lady Boss

Hey there a dear reader your JJ back with a bang, late is late nothing to feel sorry the new assignment is taking my time away. No fuss here is what I have scribbled for you. ‘Yes’ you are right mature passion again, my god why do these women older to me drive me crazy? To understand this concept you need to go through this heavenly journey. A day at the office as a new joiner nothing much to do and it was driving me nuts to just sit there and do nothing. Like always I started to scribble these...

1 year ago
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Carnal Desires

Phil looked at his watch. It was nearly half past eight. Where was she? Stacy was never late. He ordered another beer and checked his phone then nearly jumped out of his skin as he noticed the stunning beauty that had emerged next to him. Where the hell had she appeared from? She was unbelievable. Long sleak clack hair, deep green eyes, full red lips and an amazing, slender, athletic frame. She was dressed in a simple tight fitting back lace dress, black stockings and heels. The barman placed a...

4 years ago
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Escape From Thinopolis

Jain sat on the floor in front of the telset, sheathed completely in shiny purple nylor, bending her head over one spread leg and then the other in imitation of the instructor on the screen. "Doing aerobex again?" her husband, Kroll, asked. "My class was canceled tonight, I can't only do aerobex twice in one day," Jain said. "I've made so much progress this year." Yeah, progress in turning yourself into a human greyhound, Kroll thought to himself. His wife, like every woman in...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 271 a New Glock

The families, of the kids involved, just wanted to hang their heads in shame. They had been given a second chance in America and their kids had almost blown it for them. It would take years for the community to change its opinion of the immigrants. Even I wasn't happy with the immigrants at that moment. It had been too hard to get the information. They had chosen to hang together, instead of becoming part of the community at large. It might be understandable, but that didn't mean I forgave...

1 year ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 20

Between the heavy fall of snow, the thick layers of snow on the roads, and the scratching sounds of the tree on the roof of the car, it took me more than twice the time to get home as it did to get to the nursery. When I pulled in and parked behind Mom’s SUV, I finally let myself breathe a sigh of relief. It wasn’t really the drive that had made me nervous, but the combination of running into Lisa Hartwell at the nursery, and then Nigel Sparks who wanted to run his fist into me. I thought for...

2 years ago
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A hard dicks night part 2

Part one is in my blog and tells you the beginning of the i****tuous relationship between my sister and I. I hope that you enjoy and positive comments will get more stories. After having a bit of a rest after the great sex we had just had I suggested to my sister that we should get showers and something to eat. My little sister...

2 years ago
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Harry Pt 01

* Set in New Zealand * Gradually friends and family left the house following the post-funeral function until only Harry’s youngest daughter Anita remained. ‘Dad I’ll stay the night. You can’t be in this house alone, not tonight of all nights. ‘Off you go love. I won’t shoot myself. I’ll have a few quiet drinks and think about some of the times I had with your mother.’ ‘Dad you scare me when you say you won’t shoot yourself. Give me the gun, I’m taking it with me.’ ‘Nah you’ll only end up...

3 years ago
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A Just RewardChapter 14

When Nick had left, both Becca and Steven having seen him off at the front door, Becca clung to Steven, her head pressed against his chest, and let go. It seemed as if ten years of misery and unhappiness flowed out of her. Her body was wracked with sobs interspersed with agonised howls. She held him in a vicelike grip. Steven picked her up and carried her back to the sofa where he sat with her on his knee and held her. "That's it, little one," he whispered. "Let it go. Don't hold back....

1 year ago
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Stuck4K Mia Trejsi Dont play pool or youll get stuck

Mia Trejsi was really passionate about playing pool. She played a lot of games this day and was really tired, which is why her body was relaxed and didn’t listen to her. Finally, it was the last hit, and the ball went straight into the hole. Mia, however, didn’t like how it turned out, and she decided to do it again. She shoved her hand into pocket to get the ball and… Oh my God! What happened?! She can’t move her hand because it was stuck really bad in there! Mia was trying to unclench the...

3 years ago
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The Girl Next Door

The Girl Next Door I was 15 and she was 19. Her name was Monica and I was Bobby. I was a freshman in high school and she was in her first year of beauty school recently moved here from the west coast due to her father's transfer. I was instantly attracted to her because she was beautiful and I was very interested in the fact she was in beauty school. That was a career that I wished I could pursue but that was taboo within my family. That was something men did not do. That was a career...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Alexa Kiss My Stepsister Cums Clean

Chilling by the pool in her itty bitty bikini, Alexa Kiss is joined by her new stepbrother Peter Green. They comment about how great it is, but things turn awkward as they both contemplate how much they have the hots for each other. Peter eventually realizes he can’t stand sitting with Alexa looking so stunning, so he takes off to his bedroom. With a little encouragement from her friend, Alexa goes after Peter. Once Alexa has admitted that she has a crush on Peter, he tells her that he...

3 years ago
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From Man To Mannequin 3

"Well," she yawned, "I have to get showered and ready to open the shoppe. Before I go, though, do you think you'd like something else to wear?" Her teasing voice suddenly sounded like my Salvation. I moaned happily and nodded as best I could. "It would be Maid's Clothes," she warned playfully. "Are you sure you'd still want it?" "UmmmpppHmmm!" I tried to show my approval -- no easy task in this fix! "Very well!" she sparkled. "Wait right here!" A short time later, I was...

2 years ago
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Fucked black granny with Alzheimers

I worked at this retirement/nursing/Old folks home. These Old Ladies are nicely built, Tits & Ass Everywhere you look. Showing me there cleavage from those big long titties.. One night 2months ago I went to go check on Mrs. Linda to make sure she was doing ok. Linda is 75yrs old weighs 200lbs & has 44DD titties! Dark skin stands about 5'7" & you could tell she use to be a great piece of ass back in her day. As I was looking in on her she told me she couldn't sleep & has a...

4 years ago
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My Rival Wins My Wife and I LoseChapter 5

When we got to work Ray was just unlocking the door. He looked at us as we climbed the stairs to the loading dock and he said, "That's not right Erin. Here, let me show you." He turned her around and untied the strap behind her neck that held the front of her dress in place. He looked around her body as he loosely retied the strap with a great deal more slack in the front. Erin rolled her eyes as she realized what he was doing. I thought it looked awful, not sexy at all. The front of her...

1 year ago
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Your Words

She dumps her bag on the ground as she walks in the door from a long day at work. With a sigh, she pours herself a big glass of white wine from the stock in the fridge, and takes a gulp. Walking through to the bedroom, she rests the glass carefully on her dresser. Looking in the mirror, she starts to slowly undress herself, feeling the weight of the day peel off her as her clothes do. She can see that her breasts sit high in her balconette bra, her nipples almost visible under the soft lace...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Horny and Busted pt 3

On my hands and knees begging like a dog for them to give me their cocks as they walked me around on a leash. "Come on, please I need to be fucked" as I fully spread my lips and showed them the soft wet pink inner lips. "Please, I'm begging for your cocks to penetrate me anywhere you want" Somebody reached around and placed a rubber gag ball into my mouth and secured it tightly. A soft "mmm" was all I could hear escaping from my stuffed mouth as I was yanked upright onto my feet and led into...

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