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I woke to the gentle stroking of a soft hand down the side of my face.  I opened my eyes and in the dim light saw the shadowy figure of a girl kneeling beside the bed.  Her head was bowed, eyes downcast and her long, dark hair fell forward, draping her face.  With one hand she stroked my face again, in the other she held a telephone.

?Billy is calling, Sir,? she said softly.

Groaning I glanced at the clock as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up. 

As I took the phone from her, the girl moved between my legs.  Eyes closed, she rubbed her face against my thigh like a cat, nuzzling and gently kissing the bare skin.  I smiled down at her tenderly; she was a good girl, quick to learn and eager to please.

?I?m on the East Coast, Billy,? I said into the phone.  ?It?s 3:00 AM here.?

?Whatever,? came from the phone.  I could hear the bustle of San Francisco streets in the background, the voices of hucksters calling passers-by to strip clubs and porn outlets ? Billy was in his element.  ?I?ve got one for you, if you want her.?

The girl between my legs began gently licking my testicles, slowly swirling her tongue along and around the sack.  I placed my free hand on her head and stroked her hair in approval.

?Is she clean?? I asked Billy.

?I know what you want, man.  No drugs, I haven?t fucked her yet and she?s timid as a fucking mouse.  I need to teach one of my other girls a lesson, so can you be here tomorrow night?  She'll jump into your fucking arms after she sees that.?

I had three open beds and the newest student had been here for four months, so it wouldn?t hurt to add another.  ?Yeah,? I told Billy. ?I'll catch a flight first thing.  You still in the same place?"

"Same place," Billy agreed. "Bring the money."

"I'll bring it," I told him and hung up.

I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes.  "Quickly," I ordered.

The girl's mouth engulfed my cock as she obeyed; a warm, slick wetness.  She began bobbing her head up and down, taking me deeper until I could feel the back of her throat with each stroke, her tongue swirling around the head on the upstroke.  One hand gripped my balls, massaging and pulling gently, while the other gripped the shaft, moving up and down in time with her mouth.

I gave in to the sensation and groaned.  At the sound of my pleasure, she redoubled her efforts, moving her head faster, sucking harder until I was right on the edge. 

I grabbed the back of her head roughly, twining my fingers in her hair so that it pulled her scalp tight, and shoved her down hard on my cock, thrusting at the same time so that I buried myself deeper in her throat than she had on her own.  She made a tiny sound of pain and distress that sent me over the edge, finishing and pumping down her throat.  She swallowed convulsively, over and over, wary of spilling so much as a drop and the feel of her throat muscles working around the head of my cock sent fresh waves of pleasure through me. 

"Good girl," I told her, releasing her hair and I could feel her mouth curve in pleasure at the praise.  She knew what was expected, keeping her mouth on me as her hands continued to stroke, gently milking my cock to ensure she got every last drop. 

"I'll be leaving for a day or two, tell the others in the morning."  She made a soft sound of agreement, mouth still suckling on me.  "You can all work on independent studies while I'm gone and make sure things are ready for a new arrival."

"I will tell them, Sir," she said, taking her mouth from my cock, apparently confident that she'd gotten all I had to provide right now.  "Would you like me to prepare you breakfast before you leave, Sir?"

I sat up and tenderly kissed the top of her head.  "No," I told her.  "You go back to the dorm and get some sleep."

"Thank you, Sir," she acknowledged, turning her head to give my inner thigh a last kiss before rising and backing out of the room with her head bowed.

* * *

"Bring the money?" Billy asked as I neared him.  I sighed.

Billy was a procurer, he prowled the streets and bus stations of the San Francisco area, searching for new arrivals.  Apparently charming enough, despite his greasy appearance, his role was to earn the trust of the runaways and homeless youths that were drawn to the city hoping for something better than they had at home.  Once he had that trust, he'd violate it in whatever way he thought would best crush their spirit, usually drugs or intimidation or both, before turning them over to the full-time pimps, broken and ready to do as they were told.  He ran a few girls of his own, but his main source of income was providing them to others.

I looked pointedly around at the deserted, dilapidated street.  Billy stood at the foot of a dimly-lit stairwell leading up to a set of apartments.  "You want it out here?" I asked wryly, touching my jacket where the envelope of cash rested inside.

"Nah," Billy grinned.  "Upstairs."  He jerked his head upward and spun around, leading the way.  "You'll like this one," he called over his shoulder.  "She's all cute and innocent-looking."  He chuckled.

I followed Billy up the stairs and down a dank hallway to his door.  He paused, key in one hand, the other palm up.  ?Cash?? he reminded me.

I pulled the envelope from inside my jacket and handed it to him.  He pocketed it, grinning again as he opened the door and ushered me in.

Through the doorway was a squalid, single room, dirty and cluttered.  There was a woman sprawled across the single bed, unconscious and badly beaten.  I raised my eyebrows at Billy.

?Told you I had to teach one a lesson,? he said, shrugging.  ?Should make it easier for you that she saw me do it.?

I turned my attention from him to a figure crouched in the corner of the room.  I approached slowly and squatted, examining her closely.  Her thin frame was shaking and she kept stealing glances at the woman on the bed.  Long dark hair that would probably be brown once it was washed.  She wore a bulky sweater that hid most of her figure, but from the thinness of her wrists and legs, I expected her breasts would be small.  Time enough to find out later, I thought.  She?d been crying, but even with the tear streaks and red eyes, I could see that Billy had been right: cute and mousy rather than pretty.  Or, at least, she would be once she was cleaned up and fed.  One of Billy's tactics was to start keeping the kids hungry and dirty once he had control of them, then when he gave them food or let them wash they were grateful to him.

?What?s your name?? I asked gently, then glanced over my shoulder to Billy when she didn?t answer.

?Said it was Sarah,? Billy shrugged with indifference.

?Okay, Sarah,? I tried again.  ?You need to talk to me if I?m going to help you.  And if I don?t help you, you?re going to be staying here with him.?  I looked pointedly at the woman on the bed.  ?Do you want that??

After a short pause, I heard a whispered, ?No.?

?How old are you, Sarah??

Another pause then a whispered, ?Eighteen.?

I let my voice become sharper. ?Let me explain how this is going to work, Sarah,? I snapped.  ?When I ask you a question, you can decline to answer if that?s what you want, but if you do answer I expect the truth.  That was your one chance, so I?ll assume you don?t want to tell me your real age, but if you lie to me again we?re through and you can deal with Billy here.  Do you understand?"

She looked at me with scared eyes and nodded.

?Out loud, so I can hear you,? I instructed gently.

?Yes,? she said.

?Good.  Now here?s what?s going to happen.  I?m going to get up and walk out of here.  You can follow me or not, it?s up to you.  When we get to the street, you can run ? I won't chase you.  If you follow me, we're going to go down the street to the diner and get you some food while I tell you what your options are.  Understand?"

"Yes," she nodded.

I stood and turned without another word, striding toward the door.  After a moment, Sarah scrambled to her feet and followed, keeping a wary eye on Billy.  He gave her a mocking grin and salute with the envelope full of money and laughed when she hurried her pace to get closer to me. 

She followed me so closely down the stairs that I could feel her pressed against my back.  When we got to the street, she tensed, but I didn't slow my pace, merely turned and began walking toward the diner on the corner.  There was the barest pause where I thought she might bolt, but then she fell into step beside me, still close enough that she brushed against me as we walked.

I smiled to myself.  Sometimes they run, but once they make that first choice to follow me I usually have them.  I'd be giving her other opportunities to get away, but her reactions told me she wouldn't take them.

"Good choice," I told her quietly.  "Alone you'd be picked up by another Billy within a few days."

She shuddered and edged closer to me.

"I thought he was nice," she whispered, nearly inaudible, "then he beat that girl so bad."

And I bet you think I'm nice too, I thought wryly.  What on earth makes these kids so naive that they'll jump from one betrayal right to trusting a stranger again?  A few weeks on her own and she'd learn to be wary, but get them early enough after they run from home and they're vulnerable.

Once seated at the diner, I said nothing more to her until after we'd ordered and the food came, letting the silence build.  As she took her first, ravenous bite of the cheeseburger, I asked, "So is your name really Sarah?"

She chewed and swallowed quickly, "Yes."

"I'm going to ask you some questions, Sarah, and I'll remind you again that I expect truthful answers.  If you're not comfortable answering, that's fine, just tell me, but if you answer it needs to be the truth.  If I ever find out you've lied to me, my help ends.  Understand?"


"How old are you?"

She looked down at her plate.  "Fifteen," she said softly.

"Things must have been bad at home," I said, putting gentle understanding into my voice.  I didn't bother to ask why she'd run away or where she'd run from, it was too early for that and not pressing the issue would help gain her trust.

"You have a decision to make, Sarah," I continued.  "From here, you can try it on your own again."  She looked down at her plate and swallowed hard when I said that and I smiled to myself, they never wanted to risk Billy and his ilk again. 

"You can try a teen shelter, if you want.  I'll drop you there."  I saw no reaction to that.

"Or if you want to go home, I'll get you there, too."  She tensed at these words, so I pressed it.  "We can get on a plane and take you home first thing tomorrow.  I'll even talk to your parents for you and try to smooth over whatever happened."

She'd been getting tenser and tenser as I spoke and finally blurted, "No!"

"Easy," I told her gently, a look of calm concern on my face, but inside I was smiling.  I knew I had this one. 

"There's one more option," I told her.  "I run a school.  A special school for kids like you, who've had to leave home and can't go back, but don't want to live on the streets."  She glanced up at me and I smiled at her.  "Go ahead and eat while I tell you about it."

"It's a small school.  Never more than twelve students and there's only nine now, so you'd be number ten.  That means that you'd get a lot of individual attention."  It was always hard to keep from laughing as I said this part.

"I expect a lot out of the students because of that," I told her.  "Excellent grades, as well as working hard around the school to keep it going.  I am very strict, though, and we have a corporal punishment policy, do you you know what that means?"

I'd timed the question again for just as she'd taken a bite of food and she had to quickly chew and swallow.  "I think so," she said, hesitantly.

"It means spankings," I told her in a matter-of-fact tone.  "Or paddling.  You may think you're too old for that, but I've found it to be very effective.  You should think hard about that before you make a decision.  Not everyone can handle that kind of discipline."  Making it sound as though there'd be something wrong with her if she couldn't.

"There's no drugs or alcohol allowed," I went on, as thought what I'd just told her wasn't the least bit out of the ordinary.  "If you're caught with drugs or alcohol, you're out.  You don't do drugs, do you, Sarah?"

She was staring at me now, eyes wide, and she shook her head quickly.  "No."

"Good."  I gave her a reassuring smile.  "Then you shouldn't have any problem."

I reached across the table and touched her hand gently, reassuringly.  "Don't worry.  You don't have to make a commitment to join the school without seeing it first.  You can come back with me and see what it's like.  You'll have a room to yourself and be able to sit in on the lessons and the field trips for a couple weeks before you make a decision. 

"If you don't like it, you'll still have all those options."  Time to lay those options out for her again.  "If you want to go it alone again, you can.  Or you can try a teen shelter.  Or I'll still take you home if that's what you want.  What do you think?"

"What about the ... the ..."

"The spanking?" I prompted and she nodded.  I squeezed her hand again and gave her another smile.  "Don't worry, while you're deciding, you're a guest -- that's only if you decide to stay.  And even then, if you're a good girl and follow the rules, you don't have anything to worry about, right?" 

"Right," she agreed.

"So is that what you want to do?  See what the school's like?"

"I guess so."  She hesitated.

I put an edge in my voice.  "It's a choice, Sarah, not a guess.  Which one?"

"I'd like to see the school," she said softly.

I gave her a big smile of approval.  "Good girl," I said and she smiled back shyly.  "Why don't you go wash up while I make the travel arrangements?"

She hesitated, glancing down at her half-eaten meal.  "But ..."

"The food will be there when you get back, Sarah."  An edge of disapproval in my voice again.  "You should have washed before the food came.  Look at your hands."

She did, taking in the grime under her nails, the result of Billy's tactics.  She bowed her head and stood, clearly embarrassed. 

"Good girl," I told her again.  Time for some sympathy, as well.  "I know things have been hard for you lately."

That got me another shy smile as she made her way to the restroom.

As soon as the door was closed, I pulled out my cell phone and called home.  Caller-ID would let them know they should answer.

"Hello, Sir."  It was Richard, sixteen-years old and good looking, he'd been with me for two years. 

"Make sure the guest room off the dormitory is made ready, Richard.  I'm bringing a new student home."

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Alternative Reality chapter 2

In our last story Becky and her new friend Sherry where hanging out while wasting time so they didn’t have to go home. Becky had just told Sherry how her dad raped her at the age of ten. Then as she had finished sherry started to talk about her dad doing the same thing. Disclaimer: The author does not indorse or condone the use of any illegal drugs nor is the author responsible for any dumbasses who tries said illegal drugs because of this story. This story is a work of fiction. Disclaimer 2:...

1 year ago
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Alternative Reality chapter 1

Disclaimer: The author does not indorse or condone the use of any illegal drugs nor is the author responsible for any dumbasses who tries said illegal drugs because of this story. This story is a work of fiction. Personal note: I hope I don’t offend anyone with my story and hope that you will see it as not more than a sad story. Also I know I not the world best writer and I ask that you not comment on that as it well know to...

2 years ago
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Alternative pleasures

Being a widower at the age of 67, Wilhelm Geiger, a wealthy retired stock broker, had only recently wedded a blonde Greek goddess, a trophy wife, Karen, aged 23. Wilhelm (or “Willy,” as Karen affectionately called him) had discovered her as a dancer in a topless and sometimes bottomless bar. Their brief, but whirlwind courtship had seemingly returned a great deal of life to Willy’s aging cock and shriveling balls, all of which responded regularly to Karen’s almost...

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Alternative Payment

I am going to try something a little different for this story. I find it awkward for myself as a writer to smoothly include character descriptions in the actual story, so here’s a short bio of the characters in this story. Let me know if you like this idea as a reader or not. Ashley – Main character, age 28 and is 5’4′. At 150lbs, Ashley has curves in all the right places with a modest 34C bust that matches her rounded ass nicely. She is also married and has a three year old son. Steve –...

3 years ago
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Alternative Therapy

I knew that my failure with women would continue through my life and Kathy (my therapist) knew it too, though it was some time before she told me. She kept getting me to go over the same stuff time and again. ‘Alex, I want you to go back to the time when you first started going to prostitutes. Tell me about the first time.’ I sat back in my chair and folded my arms. ‘Unfold your arms Alex’, said Kathy, ‘don’t be defensive with me.’ I unfolded my arms and looked at her plump round breasts, the...

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Alternative Discipline

In my life I have always been close to education. One of the fantasies I have had ever since I taught a few classes a couple of years back concerns young couples. An upper sixth form class say, that would be kids of 18 plus years old. Imagine a class of hormone-ridden kids, I am their teacher and whilst I do nothing to really provoke them I know that they call me Ms Horny and things like that. In school I normally wear fairly tight knee-length skirts and blouses or sweaters, nothing that...

2 years ago
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Alternative Discipline

In my life I have always been close to education. One of the fantasies I have had ever since I taught a few classes a couple of years back concerns young couples. An upper sixth form class say, that would be kids of 18 plus years old. Imagine a class of hormone-ridden kids, I am their teacher and whilst I do nothing to really provoke them I know that they call me Ms Horny and things like that. In school I normally wear fairly tight knee-length skirts and blouses or sweaters, nothing that would...

3 years ago
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Alternative Sex Race play Interracial Kink

KINK - Racial fetishism: Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism/BDSMRaceplay & Racial Humiliation - Taboo - Interracial domination/submission - Physical/Psychological DegradationThe Turn On: Race play is considered on the edge of edgy sex. There are about as many ways to engage in BDSM as there are theories for why it arouses. It’s consensual and erotic. People find it erotic to act like they have complete control over another person (or pretending that they give up control). It also has its ...

4 years ago
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Alternative Version of The Short Straw

Rita Soto came into the living room in her little black dress ready for her night out with her man, Elmer Rice. They were going on a double date with Elmer's friend, Nathan, and his friend with benefits. The dress' hemline was high and showed her her wonderful legs, it was tight to bring attention to her curves and the neckline plunged to highlight her cleavage. She asked her beau, "How do I look in this dress dear?" Elmer would had said she looked great in anything she wore. The man...

1 year ago
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Alternative Therapy

I knew that my failure with women would continue through my life and Kathy (my therapist) knew it too, though it was some time before she told me. She kept getting me to go over the same stuff time and again."Alex, I want you to go back to the time when you first started going to prostitutes. Tell me about the first time."I sat back in my chair and folded my arms."Unfold your arms Alex", said Kathy, "don't be defensive with me."I unfolded my arms and looked at her plump round breasts, the...

1 year ago
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Alternative Stimulus

Ronald was a moderately successful sales rep with a six digit income, a house in the country, and a wife and daughter to help fill that house. Not everyone on the planet can have drop dead gorgeous looks, or possess an I.Q. above 150, or make suitors swoon by sheer sexiness. You make do with what you have. Ron was proof that it takes something else to be successful - he had none of the above. His wife Eva had a little bit of shape, but her looks were bland, at best. Their daughter Ruth was...

2 years ago
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Cooling metal pinged as consciousness slowly returned. Struggling to sit up, Latimer felt his body bump against something in the blackness. Spinning, he struck a bulkhead. Weightless? Groggily, his mind fought with the idea. Why was he weightless? What happened to ship's gravity? Lifeboat? He reached out to steady himself, wincing from the sudden pain in his left shoulder. Instrument lights from the control panel in the distance glowed blue-green-red, as he realized that he could only see...

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Alternative Family Life

I sat in my favourite seat and my youngest granddaughter Carol knelt at my feet with my cock in her hot mouth. I looked down at her pretty face when my daughter Clare walked by. "She's not bothering you too much dad, is she?" she asked. "No, no," I crocked. "If she does just shoo her away," she advised and walked on. I wasn't in any hurry, happy for her to suck my cock all day. "Come on granddad," she said now holding my cock in her hand, "my jaw is aching." "Use your tits on...

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[ For Robert & Tara. Who are not afraid of exploring new, and different ways of sexual intimacy that does not lead to procreation! ]"I'm going to use my dildo," Tara said to Robert as they closed the door to her bedroom; "and you," she went on to add, smiling into his face, "are going to watch---and, if you want, you can jack off as I do." She leaned in close to Robert and kissed him full on the mouth, and Robert's pulse rate went way up as she did!Robert was so happy to have met Tara. She...

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Alternate Incarceration

Alternate IncarcerationbyThe Technician = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Mardina finally gets justice for what happened to her.This is more of a SciFi story than an erotic story even though much of it deals with highly non- consensual sex.A series of college girls are attacked by a rapist who uses a special drug to overwhelm them. The drug not only incapacitates them, it also fogs their memory and prevents them from identifying him... until the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of...

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Alternate Incarceration

A series of college girls are attacked by a rapist who uses a special drug to overwhelm them. The drug not only incapacitates them, it also fogs their memory and prevents them from identifying him... until the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of the legendary W creates a suit that records people’s thoughts and dreams, including things they don’t consciously remember. Like many of my stories, this takes place in an alternate society. In this case that alternate reality is in the...

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Alternate Time

I am the warden of a special prison complex in central South America, and my prisoners are of a unique category owing to the nature of their crimes. The prisoners here are all attractive females...and have been given the option of serving three months here doing filthy porn videos...or serving ten years in the government unpleasant alternative at best.  The government prisons are overcrowded...and mismanaged, and corrupt...and women who serve time there are unavoidably...

1 year ago
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Alternate Time

The government prisons are overcrowded...and mismanaged, and corrupt...and women who serve time there are unavoidably damaged physically and mentally for life...if they are fortunate enough to survive the ordeal at all. The women who come here have committed less serious crimes, but crimes that are particularly distasteful against innocent members of the population...the weak and the elderly, and the vulnerable. They are offered a full pardon after three months if they agree to sign...

1 year ago
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Alternate Realities Selena Gomez at sixteen

An accompaniment to the story "Happy Birthday Selena!". This is meant to be set in a world where alternate realities spring up from the pocketbooks of the financially astute, and renegade technicians that just want to set things right in their world. Bryan, named Joshua Loorman in this reality, is being pursued by these renegades and takes full advantage of being a few steps ahead of the competition.This chapter is yet another alternate Earth where Selena Gomez never really came into her own...

2 years ago
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Alternate Mom

Based on the short story Alternatives, by Union Street (?) Hiya. I’m Matt, your narrator. This story about 34 year old Becca and her son Michael is based on a short story I read years ago. I recently stumbled across it again in Old Joe’s Collection on ASSTR. It wasn’t as good as I remembered, but thank God I found it, because I had always wanted to do an updated version. I advanced the scenario to 2019, and retooled the characters of mom and Joe to my liking. I also truncated the storyline so...

3 years ago
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Alternate Realities Selena Gomez at sixteen

An accompaniment to the story ‘Happy Birthday Selena!’. This is meant to be set in a world where alternate realities spring up from the pocketbooks of the financially astute, and renegade technicians that just want to set things right in their world. Bryan, named Joshua Loorman in this reality, is being pursued by these renegades and takes full advantage of being a few steps ahead of the competition. This chapter is yet another alternate Earth where Selena Gomez never really came into her own...

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Alternate universe

A parallel universe, also known as a parallel dimension, alternate universe or alternate reality, is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a “multiverse". Uni Please Use the Variables (will be put up soon)

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Alternate Sex Culture

In our world, the primary act around which the majority of sexual interaction revolves is vaginal intercourse. There are outliers and fetishes and foreplay, of course, but in terms of broad cultural understanding, men and women want - to put it as crudely as possible - penis in vagina. Now, what if you changed this primary sex act to something else? This might have a great number of knock-on effects besides just changing men and/or women's preferences. It might affect how the culture views...

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Alternate Therapy

My name is Natalie Smart. I am currently studying for my Phd in Classical Literature at a large university in Eastern England. I find my studies absorbing and I guess most will call me bookish if not actually a prude. It's not that I don't get on with people, I can be very sociable whenever I want to, it's just that I quickly tire of them, finding most of them shallow and in the case of the men, interested in one thing and one thing only. Unfortunately I am frequently pestered as I am judged to...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 105

Not knowing where Veronique was taking her, peaked her curiosity. At first, Sandra had tried to figure out where she was taken, but rather quickly, she had given up on it. Veronique was driving away from the city, into a neighborhood Sandra had almost never been. So, she was sure they were going to a place she didn't know, which made it extra exciting for her. Abandoning her attempts to figure out where they were going, she just looked out of the window and watched the people going about...

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Alternate Reality at Last

Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girl This is the story of where that wish is granted. It’s an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It’s not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it) Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing, a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...

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Alternate world

Chapter 1 - kushina and the alternate world NOTE:Sorry nothing hot Just story details in this chapter and masturbation in the end. "naruto....wake up.......naruto.."said a gentle motherly voice trying to wake up the young man sleeping in the bed.naruto slowly opens his eyes and sees a beautiful woman with long red hair and amazing figure smiling in front of him.after a few seconds of being mesmerized by her beauty naruto slowly realizes who she is,it was his mother Kushina.Naruto was shocked at...

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Alternate Fantasy XXX Revised Version

Author's Note: This is a revised version of the first "Alternate Fantasy". I decided to redo it because I wasn't satisfied with how the first version turned out. Hopefully it will turn out better this time. She could hear them laughing. They were laughing at her struggles made pitiful by the ropes that held her. Her hands were restrained, as were her legs. For her, it definitely wasn't a good night. After quarelling with her boyfriend in a luxury restaurant, she walked out and down an nearly...

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